46th Biel Chess Festival 2013 (8)
Ding grabs Biel lead after beating Rapport in Round 8
Mark Crowther - Tuesday 30th July 2013
Liren Ding defeated Richard Rapport on the black side of a very sharp King's Indina. Ding grabbed an exchange when already standing better and with Ne5 as a very decent alternative. After this he came under a fierce attack but calculated well and Rapport gave up lots of material to win black's queen and once black co-ordinated he went on to the win.
Ian Nepomniachtchi won a Bb5 Sicilian against Alexander Moiseenko. A positional game turned tactical and eventually Nepomniachtchi won pawns to take into a winning rook and pawn ending.
Etienne Bacrot and Maxime Vachier-Lagrave drew a Gruenfeld that quickly converted to a symmetrical Double Rook ending.
Round 8 Standings: Ding Liren 13pts, Bacrot 12pts, Vachier 11pts, Moiseenko 10pts, Nepomniachtchi 8pts, Rapport 4pts.
Round 9 31st July 2013 1pm BST Pairings: Rapport-Bacrot, Ding Liren-Nepomniachtchi, Moiseenko-Vachier-Lagrave.
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