40th Chess Olympiad Istanbul 2012 (6)
40th Chess Olympiad Istanbul Round 6 2012
Mark Crowther - Monday 3rd September 2012
Levon Aronian and Vladimir Kramnik at the start of their Round 6 game. Photo © | http://chesstv.com
The 40th Chess Olympiad Istanbul Round 6 took place on Monday 3rd September. The leading teams Russia (10pts) and Armenia (10pts) in the men's competition and Russia (10pt) and China (9pts) both drew their matches 2-2.
Live Video - Pairings - Live Games Official.
Leading Men's Round 6 Results: RUS 2-2 ARM (Kramnik beat Aronian in an exchange Slav where black had an uncomfortable position but 21... Rc7? was a losing error allowing a decisive knight sacrifice maybe Aronian missed 26.Qb6! Movsesian 1-0 Grischuk time trouble put the Russian in trouble and he eventually resigned on move 51, Karjakin 1/2 Akopian, Sargissian 1/2 Jakovenko), AZE 3-1 CRO (Radjabov 1-0 Saric), GER 2-2 USA (Naiditsch 1/2 Nakamura, Kamsky 1/2 Khenkin), CZE 1.5-2.5 ESP (Laznicka 0-1 Vallejo), PHI 2.5-0.5 BUL (So 1/2 Topalov), BIH 0.5-3.5 CHN (Kurajica 1/2 Wang Hao), HUN 3-1 POL (Leko 1/2 Wojtaszek), ENG 2-2 ITA (Adams 1/2 Caruana, Godena 1-0 Jones (who lost the exchange and couldn't save the position), Short-Brunello (Short somehow got a win late on but finding 25.d5 would have saved him a lot of work)), MNE 1-3 UKR (Djukic 1/2 Ivanchuk), IND 2-2 ISR (Sasikiran 1/2 Gelfand), MDA 3.5-0.5 SLO (Bologan 1/2 Beliavsky), VIE 2-2 EGY (Le 1/2 Amin), COL 0.5-3.5 GEO (Cuartas 1/2 Gagunashvili), FRA 2.5-1.5 FIN (Fressinet 1-0 Karttunen), NED 3-1 BEL (Giri 1-0 Dgebuadze)
Leading Women's Round 6 Pairings: CHN 2-2 RUS (Hou Yifan 1-0 Tatiana Kosintseva), POL 3.5-0.5 SRB (Socko 1-0 Bojkovic), SVK 1.5-2.5 GEO (Borosova 1/2 Dzagnidze), HUN 2-2 ESP (Hoang 1-0 Matnadze).
Games from the top 22 men's matches for viewing and download available.
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