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33rd Zalakaros Open 2014 (Games and Results)

33rd Zalakaros Open 2014

The 33rd Zalakaros Open (Hungarian Open) took place 23rd to 31st May 2014. Interest will centre around Richard Rapport now one of the most enterprising players in the world, Ferenc Berkes, Viktor Erdos, Gawain Jones, Alexander Beliavsky etc. Games and Results. Igor Kovalenko won with 7/9.

33rd Zalakaros Open 2014 (Zalakaros HUN)
Fri 23rd May 2014 - Sat 31st May 2014 - Official Site - Results

33rd Zalakaros Open 2014 (69 players 9 Rds Swiss Indiv ) - Games in PGN: Games

33rd Zalakaros Open 2014 (69 players 9 Rds Swiss Indiv ) - Games in PGN: Games


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33rd Zalakaros Open 2014 Zalakaros HUN Fri 23rd May 2014 - Sat 31st May 2014
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
16Kovalenko IgorLAT26117.045.033.52725
210Bachmann AxelPAR25896.553.535.02730
314Kovchan AlexanderUKR25586.551.036.52715
44Jones Gawain C BENG26456.549.535.02699
55Beliavsky Alexander GSLO26206.545.033.02690
626Baumegger SiegfriedAUT24696.544.531.02636
72Berkes FerencHUN26656.054.035.02666
83Erdos ViktorHUN26476.048.529.52618
99Onischuk VladimirUKR25946.047.533.52651
101Rapport RichardHUN26986.047.529.52603
1129Bokros AlbertHUN24616.040.527.02561
1235Czebe AttilaHUN24096.038.529.02565
1315Horvath AdamHUN25315.549.030.52567
1412Gonda LaszloHUN25635.545.029.52543
1521Donchenko AlexanderGER24985.543.027.02508
1642Csonka BalazsHUN23615.537.022.02441
1719Chernyshov KonstantinRUS25085.047.028.52510
1828Fodor Tamas Jr.HUN24625.046.527.02533
1924Romanishin Oleg MUKR24825.046.526.02504
207Banusz TamasHUN26075.046.026.02485
2122Nemeth MiklosHUN24925.046.025.52543
2216Antal GergelyHUN25295.045.528.52485
2320Horvath JozsefHUN25075.045.029.02528
2434Korpa BenceHUN24155.043.028.02551
258Grigoriants SergeyRUS25955.041.526.52475
2632Nagy GaborHUN24385.041.026.02477
2738Gledura BenjaminHUN23955.041.024.52531
2854Havasi GergoHUN23025.040.021.52494
2930Petenyi TamasSVK24485.039.025.02488
3023Berczes DavidHUN24825.039.024.02438
3117Medvegy ZoltanHUN25154.543.526.02419
3227Portisch LajosHUN24644.542.525.52489
3333Seres LajosHUN24354.541.024.52388
3439Sean Winshand CuhendiINA23854.540.522.52429
3525Tolnai TiborHUN24694.540.522.52387
3641Bagi MateHUN23784.540.520.02337
3747Ekdyshman MikhailRUS23514.540.021.02458
3852Madl IldikoHUN23284.540.020.52407
3936Almasi IstvanHUN24034.539.522.52423
4018Hoang Thanh TrangHUN25094.537.521.02345
4131Meszaros TamasHUN24384.536.517.52302
4248Gara TiciaHUN23384.530.516.52266
4311Papp GaborHUN25804.045.527.02398
4449To Nhat MinhHUN23294.043.021.52405
4513Horvath CsabaHUN25604.041.523.52345
4637Balazs GaborHUN23974.041.520.52384
4751Tesik CsabaHUN23294.041.022.02365
4850Radnai AdamHUN23294.039.021.02345
4961Boguszlavszkij JevgenyijHUN22174.037.516.52308
5053Gara AnitaHUN23264.034.019.02280
70 players


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