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2nd UNAM Chess Festival 2012 (Games and Results)

2nd UNAM Chess Festival 2012

Carlsen on stage with two boards one game was played against the World via the internet and one against the 2000 strong audience.

Carlsen on stage with two boards one game was played against the World via the internet and one against the 2000 strong audience. |

The 2nd UNAM Chess Festival took place in Mexico City 16th to 25th November 2012. There were a large number of tournaments and exhibition events. Magnus Carlsen beat Judit Polgar in the final of a quadrangular rapid and blindfold tournament in a blitz tie-break. Bartlomiej Macieja dominated the open tournament winning with 8.5/9. Olga Alexandrova won the women's rapid event (prelim and final games available but couldn't find the semi-final games). Carlsen won the exhibition event against the World. He won a second game against the 2000 strong audience (I haven't managed to find that yet). Games from this event and various others below.

2nd UNAM Chess Festival 2012 (Mexico City MEX)
Fri 16th Nov 2012 - Sun 25th Nov 2012 - Official Site - Results - Live

2nd UNAM Open 2012 (147 players 9 Rds Swiss Indiv ) - Games in PGN: Open Games

Carlsen vs World (2 players 1 Rds Match Indiv ) - Games in PGN: Carlsen vs World

UNAM Fem Final (4 players 2 Rds KO Indiv ) - Games in PGN: Women Final

UNAM Blindfold Rapid (4 players 2 Rds Indiv ) - Games in PGN: Games

UNAM Fem GpA (6 players 20 Rds QRR Indiv TC:15m+5spm) - Games in PGN: UNAM Fem GpA

UNAM Fem GpB (6 players 20 Rds QRR Indiv TC:15m+5spm) - Games in PGN: UNAM Fem GpB

UNAM Fem GpC (6 players 20 Rds QRR Indiv TC:15m+5spm) - Games in PGN: UNAM Fem GpC

2nd UNAM Open 2012 (147 players 9 Rds Swiss Indiv ) - Games in PGN: Open Games


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2nd UNAM Open 2012 Mexico City MEX Fri 16th Nov 2012 - Sun 25th Nov 2012
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Macieja BartlomiejGMPOL26098.553.049.5041.5
2Dobrov VladimirGMRUS24967.551.541.5038.0
3Hambleton AmanFMCAN24047.055.040.0038.0
4Gonzalez Garcia JoseGMMEX24977.050.537.5036.5
5Alvarez Pedraza AramisGMCUB25257.049.035.2536.5
6Hansen EricIMCAN25397.046.035.7533.0
7Hernandez Carmenate HoldenGMCUB25626.554.536.2538.0
8Martinez Duany Lelys StanleyGMCUB24636.552.536.0035.5
9Gonzalez Zamora Juan CarlosGMMEX25426.552.534.0036.0
10De La Paz Perdomo FrankGMCUB24366.550.533.7535.5
11Della Morte PabloFMARG23086.549.533.7533.0
12Ibarra Chami Luis FernandoIMMEX24736.549.034.7534.0
13Perez Garcia Rodney OscarIMCUB23996.548.033.7532.0
14Perez Rodriguez Luis ManuelGMCUB24466.546.533.0032.0
15Ruiz C Joshua DIMCOL23326.545.531.5030.5
16Van Weersel ArletteWIMNED21686.539.526.2529.5
17Cordova EmilioGMPER25686.053.534.0035.5
18Otero Acosta DiasmanyIMCUB24436.051.532.2534.5
19Quesada Perez YunieskyGMCUB26046.051.032.5032.5
20Ortiz Suarez Isan ReynaldoGMCUB25956.050.029.0034.0
21Nakhbayeva GuliskhanWGMKAZ23346.048.028.0032.0
22Maisuradze NinoWGMFRA23156.046.527.5031.0
23Dominguez Aguilar GuillermoFMMEX23636.045.528.0029.0
24Mendoza Ubieta HerminioMEX20106.043.527.0027.0
25Umudova NargizWIMAZE22206.041.024.0028.0
26Videnova IvaWGMBUL23185.549.025.7532.0
27Estrada Nieto JulianIMMEX22955.549.024.2529.0
28Muminova NafisaWIMUZB23495.548.528.0030.0
29Forgas Moreno YanielaWFMCUB21735.548.526.7528.5
30Guerra Mojena LeandroFMCUB23825.547.526.2534.0
31Vera Siguenas DeivyFMPER23965.547.525.5032.0
32Ayala Pena Eduardo AzaelCMMEX21125.547.024.7531.0
33Andrenko IrinaWIMUKR22335.546.027.5028.5
34Perez Avendano Paul OmarFMMEX22325.546.024.7530.5
35Tapie Amione Pablo AdibCMMEX22215.545.525.7530.5
36Pacheco MarcoFMPER23775.544.524.2531.5
37Fernandez FernandoPER23115.543.523.0029.0
38Torres Rosas Luis CarlosCMMEX22435.543.024.5029.0
39Gongora Montes BenjaminIMMEX22535.543.022.5027.0
40Vega Garcia Jorge ArturoFMMEX22435.542.522.5026.0
41Guevara Perez Jorge AlejandroMEX20785.542.024.0025.5
42Diaz Rosas Julio CesarCMMEX21275.541.522.2527.0
43Blanco Fernandez AlvaroIMMEX23005.048.524.0027.5
44Fernandez DanielIMUSA23955.047.522.7529.0
45Garmendez Gonzalez FlorentinoIMMEX22935.047.022.0029.0
46Prieto ErnestoCOL20915.046.022.5024.0
47Benitez Lozano JavierMEX22385.046.022.0027.0
48Tello Urquiza GuillermoMEX20925.045.523.0024.5
49Bustamante Orta JorgeMEX19005.044.522.0025.0
50Contreras Medina Ruben DarioMEX21675.044.021.5026.5
51Pena Morales HugoPER21135.044.020.5027.0
52Avila Uriostegui NorbertMEX18935.042.521.0025.5
53Garduno Vidal OmarMEX20985.042.020.5024.0
54Vigoa Apecheche YaniraWGMCUB23525.042.020.0028.5
55Arellano Ramirez Luis RodMEX20325.042.020.0025.5
56Rose FelixMEX21155.042.019.7525.0
57Villalba Velazquez Ander IvanMEX21825.041.520.0027.0
58Verduga Zavala DenisIMMEX23455.041.020.0026.5
59Garcia Gutierrez Francisco JaMEX21215.040.518.5024.0
60Aguirre Manzo Leopoldo AntoniMEX21935.040.018.2526.5
61Madrigal Perez RodrigoMEX19245.039.021.0021.0
62Navarrete Garcia AlanCMMEX20715.038.018.5023.5
63Nunez Hirales Juan AlejandroMEX20855.038.016.5021.0
64Juarez Velazquez HectorMEX19915.037.517.5018.0
65Dominguez Rincon MillerCOL20375.037.515.5021.0
66Vega Castaneda Ulises AntonioMEX21205.036.519.2521.0
67Bringas Osuna Ivan JarekMEX21705.036.017.5023.5
68Carlos Arriaga Jesus RobertoMEX20345.035.015.2521.5
69Capo Vidal UrielIMMEX23194.551.523.5029.0
70Gara TiciaWGMHUN23774.547.522.2529.5
71Gonzalez Arroyo LeninFMMEX22544.545.519.7528.0
72Lino Lopez IsraelMEX20944.543.519.7524.5
73Real Pereyra Diana CarimeWFMMEX20774.543.519.5024.0
74Belmont Hernandez AndresMEX21174.541.517.7523.5
75Fonseca Manrique EnriqueMEX19734.541.018.7522.5
76Garcia Garcia OctavioMEX20134.538.514.7521.5
77San Pedro Morales Marco AMEX18874.538.513.7516.5
78Miranda Talavera Irving AMEX20964.538.016.7520.5
79Capistran Ocampo Francisco JavierMEX22384.534.510.5011.0
80Araica Pereira ErvingMEX20604.533.515.7516.5
81Martin Del Campo C. RobertoIMMEX24214.046.518.5028.0
82Botez AlexandraWCMCAN20154.043.514.5023.0
83Baltazar Pineda RafaelIMMEX21064.043.013.5022.0
84Partac ElenaWGMMDA20864.042.016.0024.0
85Beltran Medina JorgeMEX20574.041.513.7518.5
86Araiza Munoz Jose JoaquinMEX20434.041.513.5021.0
87Floresvillar Gonzalez Luis MiguelCMMEX21564.041.017.0022.5
88Garcia Morales Ivette AleMEX20614.041.011.5014.0
89German Montoya GabrielMEX21554.039.016.2522.0
90Magana Cazares Jesus CuauMEX21294.039.014.2520.5
91Fuentes Godoy Arturo IverMEX20264.039.013.0022.0
92Reyes Estevane RogelioMEX18954.038.515.2521.0
93Altamirano Gonzalez YehudiMEX21464.038.515.0019.5
94Chavez Medina Juan AlbertoMEX20664.038.514.0020.0
95Ramirez Osio Julio AdrianMEX20684.038.513.2518.5
96Rivera Rodriguez Jesus CamiloMEX20824.037.515.7519.0
97Martinez Rodriguez MiguelMEX20104.037.013.5019.0
98Del Castillo Mussot MarceloMEX21404.036.515.2518.5
99Vazquez Espinoza JonathanMEX20154.036.514.2518.0
100Lopez Raygoza Luis AlbertMEX20004.036.512.2517.5
101Parker Velasco PercivalMEX21794.036.014.0019.0
102Soto Gonzalez FidelFMMEX20524.036.012.0017.5
103Mendoza Salazar RamonMEX21064.035.514.2518.5
104Alvarez Navarro RafaelMEX19944.034.013.7517.0
105Lopez Gil AlfredoMEX20094.032.510.5016.5
106Esquivel De Leon AuroraWIMMEX19654.031.511.7515.0
107Dayan Sutton IsaacMEX20004.031.09.5014.0
108Chavez Lomeli Efrain RafaeMEX10713.542.514.5020.5
109Martin Del Campo C. JorgeFMMEX21873.540.513.2521.0
110Martha Palafox Jaime LionelMEX20623.539.513.0019.0
111Navarro Segura RobertoIMMEX21983.539.512.2520.5
112Navarrete Perea JoseMEX19643.539.011.0018.0
113Martinez Sasso Alvaro AntonioMEX20863.538.512.2518.5
114Casillas Pellat Jose De JesusMEX20473.538.511.7518.0
115Corona Monraz RamiroMEX19713.538.511.2517.5
116Orlova YelizavetaWCMCAN19613.538.014.7516.5
117Torres Rosas Rita RosaliaMEX18073.537.513.0016.5
118Lopez Rueda Juan PabloMEX20023.536.511.7517.5
119Rosas Reyes RaulMEX20243.536.59.5016.5
120Ros Corona MauricioMEX18613.536.012.7515.5
121Jung Kohl Cristof FriedriMEX10683.535.013.2515.0
122Waldo Zalapa AlejandroMEX20043.535.011.5017.0
123Ibarra Cantu Raul AlbertoFMMEX20723.533.58.5017.0
124Schaffenburg Ruiz FedericoFMMEX21163.045.014.5022.5
125Culbeaux Santos OscarMEX17023.039.011.2517.5
126Cadena Maytorena EliseoMEX17003.035.58.5013.0
127Romo Herrera Ibarrola Maria FMEX16333.034.58.5013.0
128Jimenez Espinoza CesarMEX19343.033.59.0016.0
129Bravo Alfaro Javier CarlosMEX15393.032.58.5012.0
130Morales Gomez RaulMEX19153.032.58.0013.5
131Villanueva Garciacano ManuelMEX19623.030.08.5012.0
132Toro Pradenas Maria JoseWFMCHI20092.537.58.2515.0
133Avila Fraire AmeyalliMEX16582.535.08.5011.0
134Moreno Palacios Atl TenochMEX11192.534.07.7512.5
135Sanchez Suarez MiguelCUB19712.534.06.7512.0
136Reyes Ayala MarioMEX19632.534.06.7510.5
137Segura Gomez Victor HugoMEX02.533.07.7511.5
138Flores Romero IntiMEX12462.533.05.7510.5
139Gonzalez Carrillo Javier OmarMEX17622.531.05.2510.5
140Garcia Herrera Enrique RicCMMEX15172.530.55.258.5
141Culbeaux Tello Josue OctaMEX18822.530.05.509.5
142Gareev TimurGMUSA26632.039.59.0015.0
143Sandoval Rodriguez AlfredoMEX20132.035.07.5015.0
144Rios Lopez Raul AlfredoMEX12312.034.58.5011.0
145Alfaro Mendoza AlbertoMEX11612.
146Mercado Garcia FranciscoMEX20432.032.56.2512.5
147Arriaga Mendoza Allan EstMEX9842.025.52.505.0
148Mendoza Reyes FernandoMEX01.034.03.509.0
149Cabrera Amador Omar DanielMEX01.
150Vallejo Garamendi FernelyMEX21081.030.02.507.0
151Islas Perez Juan IgnacioMEX9881.
152Castro Castro Marco AntonioMEX10201.
153Duran Ortiz Juan JoseMEX9801.027.01.504.0
154Sandoval Ballesteros NetzMEX19000.530.52.254.5
155Pozo Vera SandroGMCUB24930.
Borges Matos JuanGMCUB24530.
Alvarez Navarro MartinCMMEX20540.
Baez Saldivar RubenMEX16530.
De La Parra Saldana GustavoMEX12770.
Velez Lopez Raul DavidMEX12480.
Ortiz Lizarraga Juan ManuelMEX00.
162Zarate Rodriguez Jose CristhianMEX00.
163Lopez Perez IvanMEX00.
163 players

Carlsen vs World (2 players 1 Rds Match Indiv ) - Games in PGN: Carlsen vs World


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UNAM Carlsen vs World Mexico City MEX Fri 16th Nov 2012 - Sun 25th Nov 2012
Leading Final Round 1 Standings:
1Carlsen, MagnusGMNOR284811
2The World00
2 players

UNAM Blindfold Rapid (4 players 2 Rds Indiv ) - Games in PGN: Games


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UNAM Blindfold Rapid Mexico City MEX Fri 16th Nov 2012 - Sun 25th Nov 2012
Leading Final Round 2 Standings:
1Carlsen, MagnusGMNOR2848
2Polgar, JuditGMHUN2705
3Leon Hoyos, ManuelGMMEX2599
4Bruzon, LazaroGMCUB2706
4 players

UNAM Fem Final (4 players 2 Rds KO Indiv ) - Games in PGN: Women Final


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UNAM Fem GpA (6 players 20 Rds QRR Indiv TC: 15m+5spm) - Games in PGN: UNAM Fem GpA


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UNAM Fem GpA Mexico City MEX Fri 16th Nov 2012 - Sun 25th Nov 2012
Leading Round 5 (of 20) Standings:
1Alexandrova, OlgaIMESP2409 * 4816.00
2Pina Vega, SulennisWGMCUB2332½ * 4813.00
3Nakhbayeva, GuliskhanWGMKAZ2334 * 342713.00
4Van Weersel, ArletteWIMNED2168½1 * 34410.00
5Orlova, YelizavetaWCMCAN19610001 * 23.50
6Rizzo, MarinaWFMARG2054½½20 * 14.50
6 players

UNAM Fem GpB (6 players 20 Rds QRR Indiv TC: 15m+5spm) - Games in PGN: UNAM Fem GpB


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UNAM Fem GpB Mexico City MEX Fri 16th Nov 2012 - Sun 25th Nov 2012
Leading Final Round 5 Standings:
1Guramishvili, SopikoIMGEO2403 * 323248140
2Muminova, NafisaWIMUZB23491 * 247130
3Umudova, NargizWIMAZE222022 * 04610.50
4Videnova, IvaWGMBUL231814 * 24512.50
5Partac, ElenaWGMMDA20862½2 * 44100
6Esquivel De Leon, AuroraWIMMEX196500000 * 000
6 players

UNAM Fem GpC (6 players 20 Rds QRR Indiv TC: 15m+5spm) - Games in PGN: UNAM Fem GpC


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UNAM Fem GpC Mexico City MEX Fri 16th Nov 2012 - Sun 25th Nov 2012
Leading Final Round 5 Standings:
1Ordaz Valdes, Lisandra TeresaWGM2350 * 2449150
2Gara, TiciaWGMHUN2377 * 3224612.50
3Maisuradze, NinoWGMFRA23151 * 346120
4Andrenko, IrinaWIMUKR223322 * 23510.50
5Botez, AlexandraWCMCAN20150212 * 2370
6Toro Pradenas, Maria JoseWFMCHI200900012 * 130
6 players


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