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28th Pula Open 2014 (Games and Results)

28th Pula Open 2014

The 28th Pula Open took place 7th to 17th June 2014. The winner was GM Zoran Jovanovic took clear first with 7.5/9.

"The 28th International Chess Tournament "Pula Open 2014" was held from 7th till 14th June 2014 in Hotel Park Plaza Histria, Pula, Croatia. Tournament was played by Swiss system in 9 rounds, FIDE variant, 90 minutes + 30 seconds increment for every move (from the beginning of the game.) Prize fund was 8.750 EUR in total. "Pula Open 2014" brought together 193 players from 17 different countries. There were 34 FIDE titled players of which were 8 GM-s, 9 IM-s, 2 WIM-s, 13 FM, 2 WFM . The winner was GM Zoran Jovanovic (CRO) with 7.5/9, second place takes GM Nenad Fercec (CRO) and third place GM Marin Bosiocic (CRO) both in a group on 7 points." reports Denis Vretenar

Pula Open 2014 (Pula CRO)
Sat 7th Jun 2014 - Sat 14th Jun 2014 - Official Site - Results - Live

Pula Open 2014 (9 Rds Swiss Indiv TC:90m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games

Pula Open 2014 (9 Rds Swiss Indiv TC: 90m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games


ChessTempo viewer

Pula Open 2014 Pula CRO Sat 7th Jun 2014 - Sat 14th Jun 2014
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
11Jovanovic ZoranCRO25567.548.543.552.5
23Fercec NenadCRO24957.050.545.054.5
32Bosiocic MarinCRO25437.050.045.554.0
48Fodor Tamas Jr.HUN24627.049.544.553.5
57Zufic MiroslavCRO24707.048.043.552.5
65Tratar MarkoSLO24847.047.041.552.0
731Reichmann EgonAUT22497.042.037.546.0
815Schnider GertAUT23546.550.545.555.0
94Jovanic OgnjenCRO24896.548.043.052.0
1026Beletic DanielSLO22706.547.042.551.5
1110Rukavina JosipCRO24106.547.042.051.0
1216Dauth BenjaminGER23456.546.542.050.5
1314Bontempi PieroITA23616.546.041.550.0
1411Lizak PeterHUN24016.546.041.050.0
1552Mestek IgorSLO21306.545.041.548.0
166Kovacevic BlazimirCRO24746.544.540.049.0
1719Franciskovic BorkaCRO23106.543.539.047.5
1844Jeran BostjanSLO21796.540.036.043.5
1949Kersic MatejSLO21596.539.036.040.5
2020Doric NenadCRO23036.050.545.555.0
219Drazic SinisaSRB24336.050.545.555.0
2232Muskardin MarioCRO22486.049.044.553.5
2330Zierke OliverGER22536.048.543.551.5
2462Vrhovnik DamirCRO20956.
2512Maier ChristianGER23696.044.540.048.5
2641Brinovec DusanSLO22016.043.539.546.5
2721Doncevic DarioCRO22946.043.038.547.0
2813Yrjola JouniFIN23666.042.538.545.5
2939Nordenbaek JanDEN22266.042.038.545.5
3018Kastelic MarianSLO23116.042.037.546.0
3150Blagojevic MarijanCRO21436.040.537.542.5
3258Krsnik Cohar Ivan VihorCRO21066.040.036.543.0
3346Kolesar MilanSVK21766.
3435Cherin DiegoITA22396.
3538Dudas EszterHUN22276.
36112Samuelli DanieleITA19366.038.034.541.0
3740Plenca JadrankoCRO22086.
3837Veszpremi AndrasHUN22365.546.041.550.5
3927Sevo IgorCRO22595.546.041.049.5
4025Zvan ZigaSLO22745.544.540.049.0
4133Mihalinec DamirCRO22475.544.040.547.5
4242Bostl FrantisekCZE21985.544.040.047.5
4322Jusic ZdenkoCRO22895.544.039.548.5
4436Skreno VladimirSVK22375.543.539.547.0
4553Vasic BoskoCRO21265.543.539.546.5
4628Fucak Emilio MilkoCRO22585.542.538.046.5
4756Viviani AlessioITA21145.542.038.044.5
4834Sobolevsky LeonidUKR22455.541.537.545.5
4980Schaffert WalterGER20275.541.537.044.0
5059Konic ZlatkoCRO21035.540.537.043.5
193 players


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