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27th Carlos Torre Memorial 2015 (Games and Results)

27th Carlos Torre Memorial 2015

The 27th Carlos Torre Memorial took place in Merida, Mexico, 17th to 21st December 2015. Leading players: Lazaro Bruzon Batista, Aleksey Dreev, Erwin L'ami, Yuniesky Quesada Perez, Emilio Cordova, Sergei Tiviakov etc. Lazaro Bruzon Batista edged out Jorge Cori, Yusnel Bacallao Alonso and Yuniesky Quesada Perez after all scored 7/9.

27th Carlos Torre Memorial 2015 (Merida MEX)
Thu 17th Dec 2015 - Mon 21st Dec 2015 - Official Site - Results - Live

27th Carlos Torre Mem (9 Rds Swiss Indiv TC:90m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games

27th Carlos Torre Mem (9 Rds Swiss Indiv TC: 90m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games


ChessTempo viewer

27th Carlos Torre Mem Merida MEX Thu 17th Dec 2015 - Mon 21st Dec 2015
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
11Bruzon Batista LazaroCUB26667.
28Cori JorgePER25967.
311Bacallao Alonso YusnelCUB25257.00.050.539.5
44Quesada Perez YunieskyCUB26277.
52Dreev AlekseyRUS26446.50.051.540.0
66Tiviakov SergeiNED26106.50.051.540.0
715Ortega Amarelle MarianoCUB24666.
85Cordova EmilioPER26116.
910Baryshpolets AndreyUKR25386.50.049.538.0
1014Martinez Duany Lelys StanleyCUB25046.50.047.537.0
117Ortiz Suarez Isan ReynaldoCUB26016.
123L'ami ErwinNED26286.
1312Pichot AlanARG25176.
1431Cuellar DiegoPER23746.00.050.540.0
159Gonzalez Vidal YuriCUB25536.
1619Abreu Delgado AryamCUB24506.
1720Romero Holmes AlfonsoESP24436.
1845Fernandez Hernandez Arturo A.CUB22915.50.046.537.0
1934Hernandez Marques NoelCUB23495.
2018Aguero Jimenez Luis LazaroCUB24535.50.045.535.5
2129Leiva GiuseppePER23895.50.045.535.5
2241Dominguez Aguilar GuillermoMEX23015.50.043.535.0
2336Flores Guerrero Jesus AldMEX23225.50.043.534.0
2427Leon Oquendo JorgeCUB23985.50.043.533.5
2517Zapata AlonsoCOL24645.
2630Torres Rosas Luis CarlosMEX23805.
2732Larrua Gonzalez Fernando OscaCUB23695.50.042.533.0
2840Morales Garcia Sergio JoshafaMEX23065.50.042.532.0
2947Diaz Rosas Julio CesarMEX22805.
3039Lopez Gonzalez Abel FabianCUB23065.50.038.529.0
3148Olivares Canelles FranciscoCUB22765.
3254Martinez AyelenARG22175.
3324Gongora Reyes Maikel LiberCUB24275.00.049.539.0
3421Vera Gonzalez-Quevedo ReynaldCUB24375.00.048.537.5
3522Ibarra Chami Luis FernandoMEX24355.00.047.537.0
3628Diaz Perez Michel AlejandroCUB23975.00.046.536.5
3735Perez Garcia Rodney OscarCUB23325.
3846Benitez Lozano JavierMEX22875.
3949Duarte Barahona Raul AlejandrMEX22615.00.043.535.0
4059Heredia Serrano CarlaECU21795.00.042.532.0
4168Garduno Vidal OmarMEX21235.
4258Huertas Soris Ramon AntonioMEX21845.
4374Varguez Baquedano AlfredoMEX20385.
4413Gonzalez Zamora Juan CarlosMEX25134.
4543Della Morte PabloARG22994.50.047.537.5
4666Zayas Gonzalez Laura AmaliaCUB21344.
4725Alarcon Casellas RolandoCUB24094.50.044.535.0
4826Medina Paz MiguelECU24014.
4970Rodriguez Barragan Luis EMEX20624.
5023Ruiz Sanchez OrlenCUB24314.50.043.534.5
113 players


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