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25th Cannes Open 2011 (Games and Results)

25th Cannes Open 2011

Anatoly Vaisser against Viktor Korchnoi

Anatoly Vaisser against Viktor Korchnoi |*

The 25th Cannes Open took place Mon 21st Feb 2011 - Sun 27th Feb 2011. Joseph Sanchez took clear first place with 7/9. in the main section (called Pierre & Vacances). It seemed very odd that the conclusion to this event overlapped with the start of the Cappelle-la-Grande open, usually things are much more coordinated than that. Only a very tiny number of games from the open are available. Anatoly Vaisser took on Viktor Korchnoi in a legends match with two standard time-rate games and then a day with two rapid and 4 blitz games. All three phases were drawn with the players drawing both standard games, swapping victories in the rapid and then exchanging wins at the start of the blitz before two draws.


25th Cannes Open (Korchnoi Interview)

Viktor Korchnoi at 80

Europe-Echecs made a series of videos interviews with Viktor Korchnoi during the Games Festival in Cannes where he played a Match against Anatoly Legends Vaisser. This three minute video has some short quotes from the full 40 minute interview. He talks about his start, dissatisfaction with early training and more. Korchnoi is 80 today (Born March 23rd, 1931) and is a true legend of the game. Now with added part two video.

Part 1

Part 2

25th Cannes Open (Cannes FRA)
Mon 21st Feb 2011 - Sun 27th Feb 2011 - Official Site

Open A (54 players 9 Rds Swiss Indiv TC:90m:30m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Open Games

Legends Match (2 players 8 Rds Match Indiv ) - Games in PGN: Legends Games

Open A (54 players 9 Rds Swiss Indiv TC: 90m:30m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Open Games


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Open A Cannes FRA Mon 21st Feb 2011 - Sun 27th Feb 2011
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1SANCHEZ Josephg2516739½472741
2ROIZ Michaelg264940492687
3VILA GAZQUEZ Xavierm248840½492674
4BAUER Christiang263338½47½2653
5ROMANOV Evgenyg260641502628
6SUMETS Andreyg26193745½2626
7DAVID Albertog258063846½2576
8JIANU Vlad-Cristiang2539635½43½2518
9MALAKHATKO Vadimg25464048½2581
10HAMDOUCHI Hichamg25924250½2569
11MIRON Lucian-Costinm25094047½2557
12BELLAICHE Anthonym24583945½2550
13DELORME Axelm249239472532
14ANTON GUIJARRO Davidf242537452509
15BRUNELLO Sabinog254036½452500
16MOUSSARD Julesm23853643½2493
17SVESHNIKOV Evgenyg252136½43½2490
18RECUERO GUERRA Davidm24623441½2449
19SOCHACKI Christophef236632372387
20FEDORCHUK Sergey A.g265054251½2566
21ALONSO ROSELL Alvarm2477540½482535
22FELGAER Rubeng2585541½50½2525
23QUILLAN Gary238353844½2520
24DE LA VILLA GARCIA Jesus Mariag2491536½45½2458
25LAGARDE Maximef2435534412362
26DAURELLE Herve2243531½36½2349
27GIROYAN Gary224537462447
28AVRUKH Borisg262637½45½2402
29BRIH Said23743540½2383
30GUILLEUX Fabienm238135412368
31ZOZULIA Annam23473642½2361
32GOVCIYAN Pavelm24293540½2354
33KARPATCHEV Aleksandrg247433½392338
34MARTINEZ MARTIN Davidm239836422336
35ZEPEDA Lorenamf220233382328
36GUIDEZ Yann-Michael225333392321
37WILEY Tom Ef22953639½2320
38MULLON Jean-Baptistem242029½362270
39GUICHARD Paulinemf229243642½2357
40VILLEGAS Pierre2271433½40½2343
41BENMESBAH Natachaff2213433½402322
42QENDRO Llambim2348436½422310
43SOCHACKI Wojtek228943439½2308
44DUBESSAY Bastienf232743339½2292
45LEMEAUX David2270434½38½2288
46CERRATO TORRIJOS Maria2100432½392287
47BUJISHO Benjaminm238743133½2267
48SONG Julienf2363428332211
49PESCE Gabriele2181426302161
50LEMIERE Frederic21063237½2225
51ROUZAUD Philippe226730352195
52BRUNELLO Marinamf215528½322177
53ARANAZ MURILLO Amaliaff213724½282123
54KIRK Ezra215032934½2169
55WUNDERMAN Xavier223433236½2158
56NORDSTROM Felix2180327312121
57NERI Jean-Baptiste2050331½342094
58TERNAULT Mathieu20852932½2069
59LAMARD Guillaume21542731½2053
60MIRCESCU Ovidiu212326½30½2034
61NICOLAS ZAPATA Irene208928½30½1972
62ASTENGO Corrado214624261931
63MOAL Alain2224226262137
64BOUCHAUD Vincent217126311923
64 players

Legends Match (2 players 8 Rds Match Indiv ) - Games in PGN: Legends Games


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Legends Match Cannes FRA Wed 23rd Feb 2011 - Fri 25th Feb 2011
Leading Round (of 8) Standings:
0 players


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