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20th Barcelona GM International 2015 (Games and Results)

20th Barcelona GM International 2015

The 20th Barcelona GM International took place 4th to 8th of November 2015. Players: Hipolito Asis Gargatagli, Marc Narciso Dublan, Axel Bachmann Csaba Balogh, Karen Grigoryan and Alexander Morozevich. Alexander Morozevich won on tie-break from Axel Bachmann in spite of losing his final round game to him. Both finished on 3/5. The first tie-break was most games played with the black pieces and Morozevich played 3 to Bachmann's 2.

Barcelona GM 2015 (Barcelona ESP)
Wed 4th Nov 2015 - Sun 8th Nov 2015 - Official Site - Live

Barcelona GM 2015 (6 players 5 Rds SRR Indiv TC:90m:30m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games

Barcelona GM 2015 (6 players 5 Rds SRR Indiv TC: 90m:30m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games

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Barcelona GM 2015 Barcelona ESP (ESP), 4-8 xi 2015 cat. XIV (2595)
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Morozevich, Alexander g RUS 2695 * 0 ½ 1 ½ 1 3 2646
2. Bachmann, Axel g PAR 2601 1 * ½ ½ ½ ½ 3 2665
3. Balogh, Csaba g HUN 2645 ½ ½ * ½ ½ ½ 2584
4. Asis Gargatagli, Hipolito m ESP 2483 0 ½ ½ * 1 ½ 2617
5. Grigoryan, Karen H. g ARM 2616 ½ ½ ½ 0 * ½ 2 2518
6. Narciso Dublan, Marc g ESP 2529 0 ½ ½ ½ ½ * 2 2536
Round 1 (November 4, 2015)
Bachmann, Axel - Balogh, Csaba ½-½ 22 A29 English Four Knights
Asis Gargatagli, Hipolito - Morozevich, Alexander 0-1 46 B90 Sicilian Najdorf Variation
Narciso Dublan, Marc - Grigoryan, Karen H. ½-½ 59 D94 Gruenfeld Closed
Round 2 (November 5, 2015)
Morozevich, Alexander - Balogh, Csaba ½-½ 48 A01 Larsen Opening
Asis Gargatagli, Hipolito - Narciso Dublan, Marc ½-½ 47 B07 Pirc Defence
Grigoryan, Karen H. - Bachmann, Axel ½-½ 51 A07 Barcza System
Round 3 (November 6, 2015)
Bachmann, Axel - Asis Gargatagli, Hipolito ½-½ 44 B23 Sicilian Closed
Balogh, Csaba - Grigoryan, Karen H. ½-½ 42 C78 Ruy Lopez Moeller Defence
Narciso Dublan, Marc - Morozevich, Alexander 0-1 55 B23 Sicilian Closed
Round 4 (November 7, 2015)
Morozevich, Alexander - Grigoryan, Karen H. ½-½ 48 C47 Four Knights
Asis Gargatagli, Hipolito - Balogh, Csaba ½-½ 40 C53 Giuoco Piano
Narciso Dublan, Marc - Bachmann, Axel ½-½ 64 E91 King's Indian Classical
Round 5 (November 8, 2015)
Bachmann, Axel - Morozevich, Alexander 1-0 34 A07 Barcza System
Balogh, Csaba - Narciso Dublan, Marc ½-½ 32 B09 Pirc Defence
Grigoryan, Karen H. - Asis Gargatagli, Hipolito 0-1 68 E60 King's Indian without Nc3


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