Chessable First Opening Repertoire

18th European Teams 2011 (3)

Azerbaijan and Spain share lead as Russia held in Round 3 of European Teams

England held Armenia 2-2 in Round 3. Photo ©

England held Armenia 2-2 in Round 3. Photo © |

Azerbaijan head the standings of the 18th European Team Chess Championships after beating Greece 3-1 in Round 3. Spain are the only other side on 6 points after beating Romania with an interesting win from Alexei Shirov. Russia had slightly the better of their match against the Netherlands but just couldn't break through. England put in a fine performance to hold Armenia 2-2. Adams-Aronian and Movsesian-Short were drawn. Gawain Jones won on board 3 and Sargissian levelled on board 4. Leading Round 4 draw: AZE-ESP, BUL-RUS, UKR-GER, FRA-MDA, NED-SRB, GRE-GEO, LIT-ROU, ARM-CRO, CZE-HUN, ISR-ENG.

Azerbaijan against Greece

Azerbaijan against Greece. Photo © ChessDom

Azerbaijan took the lead with a 3-1 win over Greece. Hristos Banikas held Teimour Radjabov to a draw on the white side of a King's Indian. Vugar Gashimov couldn't convert a small advantage against Dimitrios Mastrovasilis who eventually drew in a Rook and Knight vs Rook ending. Ioannis Papaioannou went wrong with 16.h4 on the white side of a Torre Attack against Shakhriyar Mamedyarov who quickly reached a decisive advantage. Eltaj Safarli ground down Ioannis Nikolaidis on the white side of a Caro-Kann.

Shakhriyar Mamedyarov


Ioannis Papaioannou

Position after 16.h4

16... gxh4 17. Nh5 Bh8 18. g3 c5 19. Nf3 cxd4 20. cxd4 Rc8+ 21. Kb1 Rg4 22. e5 dxe5 23. d5 Bxd5 24. Nxh4 Be4+ 25. Ka1 Bxh1 26. Qxg4 Qg5 27. Qxg5 hxg5 28. Rxh1 gxh4 29. gxh4 Ke7 30. Kb1 e4 31. Re1 Nc5 32. Bc2 f5 33. Nf4 Bd4 34. Rf1 e5 35. Ne2 Rh8 36. f3 Rxh4 37. Ng3 Kf6 38. fxe4 f4 39. Nf5 Rg4 40. a3 Kg5 41. Nd6 Rg2 42. Nf5 Na4 43. Nxd4 exd4 44. e5 Nc5 45. b4 d3 46. bxc5 Rxc2 47. Re1 Rxc5 0-1

Alexei Shirov was key to Spains win over Romania

Alexei Shirov was key to Spains win over Romania. Photo © ChessDom

Spain joined Azerbaijan as the only teams left on 100% after defeating Romania 3-1. Constantin Lupulescu vs Francisco Vallejo Pons and Levente Vajda vs Ivan Salgado Lopez were drawn. Alexei Shirov played aggressively against Mircea-Emilian Parligras on the white side of a Caro-Kann where he gave up a pawn for attacking prospects and eventually broke through in the ending. Julen Luis Arizmendi Martinez beat Gergely-Andras-Gyula Szabo but the game is currently unavailable.

Mircea-Emilian Mircea


Alexei Shirov

Position after 28.Rh1. Here black played Rxh1 after which white is better. 28...e3+ followed by 29.g6 seems better.


(28... e3+ 29. Kg2 g6 30. Qe4+ Kf8 31. Qxe3 Re6 32. Bh6+)

29. Qxe4+ Kf8 30. Rxh1 Rf6+ 31. Bxf6 Qxf6+ 32. Ke2 g6 33. Nc7 Kg8 34. Qe8+ Nf8 35. Rf1 Qe7+ 36. Qxe7 Bxe7 37. Nd5 Bd8 38. Nf6+ Bxf6 39. Rxf6 Ne6 40. Kd3 Kf8 41. Kc4 Ke7 42. Rf1 f5 43. d5 Ng5 44. Kb5 Ne4 45. Kxa5 Kd6 46. Kb6 Kxd5 47. b4 Kc4 48. b5 Nc3 49. Rf4+ Kb3 50. a5 1-0

Russia's chances against the Netherlands were mostly with Karjakin and Morozevich but two draws resulted

Russia's chances against the Netherlands were mostly with Karjakin and Morozevich but two draws resulted. Photo © ChessDom

Russia were held 2-2 by Netherlands after four draws. Peter Svidler vs Anish Giri and Loek van Wely vs Alexander Grischuk were quick draws. Sergey Karjakin had an edge in a Rook, Knight and Pawn ending but couldn't find a way through against Jan Smeets. Daniel Stellwagen held Alexander Morozevich on the white side of a Closed Ruy Lopez where Morozevich ended up with the two bishops but no real winning chances.

Alexander Morozevich


Daniel Stellwagen

Position after 31.Nf4

31.... Be7 32. g3 Bb7 33. h5 Kf7 34. Bc3 Bf6 35. Bb4 Be5 36. Kf1 Ba6+ 37. Ke1 Bc4 38. Ng6 Bd4 39. Nf4 Ke7 40. Ne2 Ba7 41. Nc3 e3 42. fxe3 Bxe3 43. Nxa4 Bxd5 44. Nc3 Bf3 45. Nb5 Bc5 46. Bc3 Kf7 47. Bb4 Ke7 48. Bc3 Bxh5 49. Bxg7 Be8 50. Nxd6 Bxd6 51. Bxh6 Bxg3+ 1/2-1/2

Croatia vs Ukraine

Croatia vs Ukraine. Photo © ChessDom

Ukraine went 3rd after a 3-1 win over Croatia with lengthy grinding wins for Ruslan Ponomariov and Zahar Efimenko. Germany beat Hungary after Jan Gustafsson scored the only decisive result of the match against Csaba Balogh. Christian Bauer's aggression eventually paid off against Ilia Smirin for the decisive game in France's 2.5-1.5 win against Israel.

Ilia Smirin


Christian Bauer

Position after 16.Bg6

16... fxg6 17. Nxe6 Bxe6 18. Qxe6+ Kf8 19. Ne5 Qe8 20. Qb3 Nfd5 21. f4 Bxe5 22. fxe5+ Kg7 23. Rf2 Qe7 24. Raf1 Rh8 25. Qg3 Rh5 26. Rf6 Qe8 27. R6f3 Qe7 28. Rf6 Qe8 29. R6f3 Qe7 30. Qf2 Qh4 31. g3 Qe4 32. g4 1-0

No lack of effort from Veselin Topalov

No lack of effort from Veselin Topalov. Photo © ChessDom

Veselin Topalov is still struggling with his form, he almost got past Radoslaw Wojtaszek but had to be satisfied with a draw. Instead it was Aleksander Delchev who carved open Kamil Miton's king for a fine win who took Bulgaria to a 2.5-1.5 win over Poland.

Kamil Miton


Aleksandar Delchev

Position after 12...Qc8

13. Nxg6! fxg6 14. Qxg6+ Kf8 15. Rxe7 Kxe7 16. Qxg7+ Kd6 17. Bxd5 cxd5 18. Qxf6+ Qe6 19. Bf4+ Kc6 20. Qxe6+ Bxe6 21. Re1 Rae8 22. Re3 Kd7 23. Ra3 a6 24. Rb3 b5 25. Be5 Rh7 26. a4 Kc6 27. a5 Kd7 28. Rf3 Rc8 29. c3 Rf7 30. Re3 Rh7 31. b4 Rg8 32. Ne2 Rh6 33. Nf4 Bf7 34. Nd3 Kd8 35. Nc5 Rhg6 36. g3 Re8 37. Rf3 Bg8 38. Rf5 Rh6 39. f3 Be6 40. Rg5 Bc8 41. Bf4 1-0

Team spirit still high in the Armenian side

Team spirit still high in the Armenian side but they would have been disappointed not to beat England. Photo © ChessDom

After England's shock loss to Greece they couldn't have been too happy drawing Armenia who would themselves have been looking to bounce back quickly after their loss to Azerbaijan. However the match was drawn 2-2. Michael Adams drew quickly against Levon Aronian, Nigel Short played actively as black to hold Sergei Movsesian reaonably comfortably. Vladimir Akopian played way too aggressively against Gawain Jones with black with 14...Rxa5 being dubious and 29...d3 being an outright mistake. Jones played calmly to bring home the full point. Gabriel Sargissian hugely out-rated Nick Pert and played on and on until he got the mistake he was looking for.

Vladimir Akopian


Gawain Jones

Position after 29...d3?

30. cxd3 Bc7 31. g3 Qh6 32. Ra2 Ne5 33. d4 Neg4 34. h3 Nxf2 35. Nxf2 Bxg3 36. O-O Qe3 37. Kg2 Bb8 38. Qd3 Qe6 39. Rc2 Nh5 40. Ng4 Nf4+ 41. Rxf4 Bxf4 42. Qf3 Bb8 43. Bd5 Qe7 44. Re2 1-0

Normunds Miezis beat David Navara

Normunds Miezis beat David Navara. Photo © ChessDom

White won all the games including Normunds Miezis against David Navara as Latvia and the Czech Republic drew 2-2.

18th European Team Porto Carras GRE Thu 3rd Nov 2011 - Fri 11th Nov 2011
Leading Round 3 (of 9) Standings:
RkSNoTeamGames + = - TB1 TB2 TB3
2412Czech Rep.311136.017.5
18th European Team Porto Carras GRE Thu 3rd Nov 2011 - Fri 11th Nov 2011
Leading Round 3 (of 9) Results:
Round 3 on 2011/11/05 at 15:00
Bo.19GreeceRtg-3AzerbaijanRtg1 : 3
1.1GMBanikas Hristos2620-GMRadjabov Teimour2781½ - ½
1.2GMMastrovasilis Dimitrios2621-GMGashimov Vugar2757½ - ½
1.3GMPapaioannou Ioannis2600-GMMamedyarov Shakhriyar27330 - 1
1.4GMNikolaidis Ioannis2554-GMSafarli Eltaj26300 - 1
Bo.17RomaniaRtg-13SpainRtg1 : 3
2.1GMLupulescu Constantin2657-GMVallejo Pons Francisco2705½ - ½
2.2GMParligras Mircea-Emilian2650-GMShirov Alexei27050 - 1
2.3GMVajda Levente2584-GMSalgado Lopez Ivan2621½ - ½
2.4GMSzabo Gergely-Andras-Gyula2553-GMArizmendi Martinez Julen Luis25680 - 1
Bo.1RussiaRtg-9NetherlandsRtg2 : 2
3.1GMSvidler Peter2755-GMGiri Anish2714½ - ½
3.2GMGrischuk Alexander2752-GMVan Wely Loek2686½ - ½
3.3GMKarjakin Sergey2763-GMSmeets Jan2615½ - ½
3.4GMMorozevich Alexander2762-GMStellwagen Daniel2627½ - ½
Bo.16CroatiaRtg-2UkraineRtg1 : 3
4.1GMStevic Hrvoje2612-GMIvanchuk Vassily2775½ - ½
4.2GMSaric Ivan2648-GMPonomariov Ruslan27230 - 1
4.3GMPalac Mladen2580-GMEljanov Pavel2691½ - ½
4.4GMJovanovic Zoran2581-GMEfimenko Zahar27020 - 1
5.1GMLeko Peter2720-GMNaiditsch Arkadij2712½ - ½
5.2GMAlmasi Zoltan2707-GMMeier Georg2659½ - ½
5.3GMBerkes Ferenc2705-GMFridman Daniel2661½ - ½
5.4GMBalogh Csaba2662-GMGustafsson Jan26330 - 1
6.1GMRodshtein Maxim2645-GMBacrot Etienne2714½ - ½
6.2GMSutovsky Emil2696-GMVachier-Lagrave Maxime2710½ - ½
6.3GMRoiz Michael2651-GMFressinet Laurent2700½ - ½
6.4GMSmirin Ilia2670-GMBauer Christian26410 - 1
7.1GMTopalov Veselin2768-GMWojtaszek Radoslaw2705½ - ½
7.2GMCheparinov Ivan2650-GMBartel Mateusz2653½ - ½
7.3GMDelchev Aleksander2629-GMMiton Kamil26221 - 0
7.4GMGeorgiev Kiril2666-GMMacieja Bartlomiej2616½ - ½
Bo.8EnglandRtg-4ArmeniaRtg2 : 2
8.1GMAdams Michael2734-GMAronian Levon2802½ - ½
8.2GMShort Nigel D2698-GMMovsesian Sergei2710½ - ½
8.3GMJones Gawain C B2635-GMAkopian Vladimir26811 - 0
8.4GMPert Nicholas2563-GMSargissian Gabriel26710 - 1
Bo.27LatviaRtg-12Czech Rep.Rtg2 : 2
9.1GMMiezis Normunds2547-GMNavara David27241 - 0
9.2GMSveshnikov Evgeny2514-GMLaznicka Viktor27030 - 1
9.3IMNeiksans Arturs2502-GMHracek Zbynek26281 - 0
9.4GMStarostits Ilmars2456-GMStocek Jiri26000 - 1
Bo.34TurkeyRtg-18SerbiaRtg0 : 4
10.1IMYilmaz Mustafa2515-GMIvanisevic Ivan26360 - 1
10.2GMCan Emre2465-GMDamljanovic Branko25970 - 1
10.3IMFirat Burak2393-GMKovacevic Aleksandar25630 - 1
10.4FMAli Marandi Cemil Can2275-GMPerunovic Milos25760 - 1
Bo.29MontenegroRtg-20MoldovaRtg1 : 3
11.1GMDjukic Nikola2493-GMBologan Viktor26650 - 1
11.2GMBlagojevic Dragisa2514-GMIordachescu Viorel2648½ - ½
11.3GMDrasko Milan2478-GMSvetushkin Dmitry26210 - 1
11.4GMKosic Dragan2502-IMVedmediuc Serghei2465½ - ½
Bo.21SloveniaRtg-22ItalyRtg2 : 2
12.1GMBeliavsky Alexander G2617-GMCaruana Fabiano2727½ - ½
12.2GMLenic Luka2634-GMGodena Michele2548½ - ½
12.3IMSebenik Matej2518-IMDvirnyy Daniyyl2475½ - ½
12.4GMSkoberne Jure2533-GMBrunello Sabino2575½ - ½
Bo.15GeorgiaRtg-35ScotlandRtg3½: ½
13.1GMJobava Baadur2678-FMTate Alan23341 - 0
13.2GMPantsulaia Levan2588-FMMorrison Graham23391 - 0
13.3GMMchedlishvili Mikheil2636-CMRoberts Paul22221 - 0
13.4GMGagunashvili Merab2577-Mitchell Martin2215½ - ½
Bo.31NorwayRtg-24DenmarkRtg½ :3½
14.1GMLie Kjetil A2560-GMHansen Sune Berg25660 - 1
14.2IMElsness Frode2506-GMRasmussen Allan Stig25410 - 1
14.3GMJohannessen Leif Erlend2515-GMAagaard Jacob2522½ - ½
14.4IMGetz Nicolai2369-IMGlud Jakob Vang24970 - 1
15.1GMNyback Tomi2631-GMTikkanen Hans25861 - 0
15.2IMSammalvuo Tapani2492-GMGrandelius Nils25430 - 1
15.3IMAgopov Mikael2450-GMCarlsson Pontus2502½ - ½
15.4IMKarttunen Mika2434-IMSemcesen Daniel24900 - 1
Bo.33LithuaniaRtg-26SwitzerlandRtg3 : 1
16.1GMSulskis Sarunas2577-GMPelletier Yannick2581½ - ½
16.2IMZagorskis Darius2497-GMKorchnoi Viktor25671 - 0
16.3IMSakalauskas Vaidas2411-IMKurmann Oliver2451½ - ½
16.4IMLabeckas Kestutis2410-IMForster Richard24581 - 0
Bo.36WalesRtg-23AustriaRtg0 : 4
17.1CMJones Iolo C2282-GMRagger Markus26620 - 1
17.2Kett Tim2184-GMKindermann Stefan25190 - 1
17.3Pleasants Allan J2089-GMShengelia David25510 - 1
17.4Young Alan2042-IMKreisl Robert24150 - 1
Bo.38CyprusRtg-30FYROMRtg0 : 4
18.1Bryan-Vissi Mark1808-GMNedev Trajko24930 - 1
18.2Aristotelous Vassilis1921-IMColovic Aleksandar24510 - 1
18.3Boulos Vrachimis0-IMPancevski Filip24420 - 1
18.4Constantinou Pavlos2068-GMStanojoski Zvonko24700 - 1
Bo.37LuxembourgRtg-32IcelandRtg1 : 3
19.1IMBerend Fred2381-FMGretarsson Hjorvar Steinn24520 - 1
19.2Jeitz Christian2171-IMThorfinnsson Bragi24210 - 1
19.3FMMossong Hubert2119-IMThorfinnsson Bjorn24021 - 0
19.4WIMSteil-Antoni Fiona2104-GMOlafsson Helgi25310 - 1
18th European Team w Porto Carras GRE Thu 3rd Nov 2011 - Fri 11th Nov 2011
Leading Round 3 (of 9) Standings:
RkSNoTeamGames + = - TB1 TB2 TB3
1118Czech Rep.312046.521.5
18th European Team w Porto Carras GRE Thu 3rd Nov 2011 - Fri 11th Nov 2011
Leading Round 3 (of 9) Results:
Round 3 on 2011/11/05 at 15:00
1.1GMKosintseva Nadezhda2546-WGML'ami Alina23641 - 0
1.2GMKosintseva Tatiana2526-WGMCosma Elena-Luminita23351 - 0
1.3IMGunina Valentina2514-WIMBulmaga Irina23341 - 0
1.4GMKosteniuk Alexandra2439-WGMVoicu Jagodzinsky Carmen23001 - 0
2.1IMBojkovic Natasa2396-GMDzagnidze Nana25160 - 1
2.2WGMChelushkina Irina2276-IMJavakhishvili Lela2475½ - ½
2.3WGMStojanovic Andjelija2280-IMKhurtsidze Nino2440½ - ½
2.4WIMDrljevic Ljilja2273-IMMelia Salome2392½ - ½
Bo.2UkraineRtg-13NetherlandsRtg3½: ½
3.1GMLahno Kateryna2549-GMPeng Zhaoqin23791 - 0
3.2IMUshenina Anna2463-WIMSchut Lisa2284½ - ½
3.3IMGaponenko Inna2435-IMLanchava Tea23201 - 0
3.4IMMuzychuk Mariya2460-WIMHaast Anne22681 - 0
4.1IMPaehtz Elisabeth2457-GMDanielian Elina2507½ - ½
4.2WGMMichna Marta2382-IMMkrtchian Lilit2469½ - ½
4.3WIMOhme Melanie2361-WGMKursova Maria2315½ - ½
4.4WIMHoolt Sarah2286-WGMAginian Nelly22630 - 1
Bo.18Czech Rep.Rtg-27TurkeyRtg2 : 2
5.1WGMKulovana Eva2297-WIMYildiz Betul Cemre2301½ - ½
5.2WGMNemcova Katerina2276-WIMOzturk Kubra2239½ - ½
5.3WIMHavlikova Kristyna2285-WCMKaya Emel20051 - 0
5.4WIMOlsarova Tereza2232-Cemhan Kardelen18810 - 1
Bo.25SwitzerlandRtg-5PolandRtg½ :3½
6.1WIMSeps Monika2198-GMSocko Monika24790 - 1
6.2WIMHeinatz Dr Gundula2205-WGMMajdan Gajewska Joanna2386½ - ½
6.3De Seroux Camille2056-WGMSzczepkowska-H. Karina23790 - 1
6.4Stoeri Laura1939-WIMToma Katarzyna22970 - 1
Bo.16GreeceRtg-6HungaryRtg2 : 2
7.1IMDembo Yelena2468-GMHoang Thanh Trang2446½ - ½
7.2WGMBotsari Anna-Maria2313-IMMadl Ildiko2399½ - ½
7.3WIMFakhiridou Ekaterini2180-WGMRudolf Anna23471 - 0
7.4WIMPavlidou Ekaterini2176-WGMGara Ticia23750 - 1
Bo.15IsraelRtg-8BulgariaRtg1 : 3
8.1IMKlinova Masha2316-GMStefanova Antoaneta2531½ - ½
8.2WIMPorat Maya2299-WGMVidenova Iva22970 - 1
8.3WIMEfroimski Marsel2230-WGMVoiska Margarita2328½ - ½
8.4WIMVasiliev Olga2305-WGMDjingarova Emilia23090 - 1
9.1IMMilliet Sophie2386-WGMVojinovic Jovana23460 - 1
9.2WGMMaisuradze Nino2315-WFMMilovic Aleksandra2171½ - ½
9.3WGMGuichard Pauline2305-WFMStojanovic Marija R20951 - 0
9.4IMCollas Silvia2287-Blagojevic Tijana19251 - 0
Bo.17AzerbaijanRtg-10SpainRtg0 : 4
10.1WGMMamedjarova Zeinab2314-IMAlexandrova Olga24230 - 1
10.2WIMKazimova Narmin2241-WGMVega Gutierrez Sabrina23270 - 1
10.3WGMMamedjarova Turkan2277-WGMCalzetta Ruiz Monica23010 - 1
10.4WIMUmudova Nargiz2210-WIMHernandez Estevez Yudania22840 - 1
Bo.11SloveniaRtg-26LithuaniaRtg3 : 1
11.1IMMuzychuk Anna2557-WGMDaulyte Deimante22381 - 0
11.2WGMKrivec Jana2291-WIMZaksaite Salomeja22000 - 1
11.3WGMSrebrnic Ana2219-Batkovskyte Dominyka21021 - 0
11.4WIMRozic Vesna2263-Vanagaite Giedre19581 - 0
Bo.19CroatiaRtg-21AustriaRtg3 : 1
12.1WGMGolubenko Valentina2293-IMMoser Eva24481 - 0
12.2WIMFranciskovic Borka2280-WIMKopinits Anna-Christina2276½ - ½
12.3WGMMedic Mirjana2236-WFMNewrkla Katharina2131½ - ½
12.4WIMSaric Kristina2255-WFMNovkovic Julia20891 - 0
Bo.20LatviaRtg-28NorwayRtg3½: ½
13.1WGMReizniece-Ozola Dana2281-WFMJohnsen Sylvia20281 - 0
13.2WGMBerzina Ilze2320-Reppen Ellisiv19491 - 0
13.3WGMErneste Inguna2218-Carlsen Ellen Oen1931½ - ½
13.4WFMUngure Liga2066-Hansen Erle Andrea Marki17621 - 0
Bo.23ItalyRtg-22EnglandRtg1 : 3
14.1IMZimina Olga2338-IMHouska Jovanka24150 - 1
14.2WIMBrunello Marina2221-IMCiuksyte Dagne23270 - 1
14.3Messina Roberta1964-WFMYurenok Maria S2106½ - ½
14.4Panella Fiammetta2014-WFMBhatia Kanwal K2087½ - ½

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