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15th Rouen Open 2023 (Games and Results)

15th Rouen Open 2023

The 15th Rouen Open took place Tue 26th to Fri 29th Dec 2023. It's an event I've never covered in TWIC before. Alireza Firouzja played in this 7 round Swiss in a final, final attempt to qualify for the Candidates. Rouen is different to Chartres and will in my view be rated, this is a regular scheduled Swiss, Firouzja withdrew from the World Rapid and Blitz knew going in he would have to score 7/7. In round 6 he defeated his main obstacle, Gata Kamsky. He then beat fellow Iranian expat IM Kamran Shirazi in the final round. Shirazi has lived in France for many years and is a frequent competitor in the Paris Championship. Now Firouzja has won this event with 7/7 and gained enough points to overtake Wesley So on the rating list. This event has already been rated on the FIDE website. The controversial Chartres matches do not seem to have been rated, they don't appear but a final fourth match not involving Firouzja has been rated. My suspicion is that this will be the last time straight rating will be a route to the Candidates but in the end Firouzja did it over the board in a regular tournament and that's surely fine.

Just in 31st Dec. Firouzja rated for the Sinquefield Cup and Rouen only and beats Wesley So by a couple of rating points to the final Candidates place. The whole three matches in Chartres thing proved a massive waste of everyone's time.

15th Rouen Open 2023 (Rouen FRA)
Tue 26th Dec 2023 - Fri 29th Dec 2023 - Official Site - Results

15th Rouen Open 2023 (7 Rds Swiss Indiv TC:90m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games

15th Rouen Open 2023 (7 Rds Swiss Indiv TC: 90m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games


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15th Rouen Open 2023 Rouen FRA Tue 26th Dec 2023 - Fri 29th Dec 2023
Leading Final Round 7 Standings:
1FIROUZJA Alirezag2763730½283114
2PENG Li Ming256232242510
3KAMSKY Gatag263430242545
4TIRARD Hugom24133023½2387
5BAT Bilguunf230228½24½2410
6DECOSSE Jean-Fabien 212423½21½2150
7SHIRAZI Kamranm2275527232262
8RINGUET Noe 2226525202124
9MARIE Maxime 2219523½192103
10THEREZE Ludovic 1858520½181866
11BAT Anu 171127211962
12CORNILEAU Raphael 184126½171866
13LEFRANCOIS Jean 173826201868
14GRATTON Alexandre 196425½201925
15JOSLIN Jerome 201125181917
16LEPROUX Tristan 152324161844
17ARJOL-CONDE David 170222181809
18KONIDAKIS Alex 1858429191990
19YOUSSOUPOV Moisseif2127425½191995
20LEJEUNE Gael 1958425½191966
21MBOTTA ELIMBI William 1963423161721
22CHELHOD Victor 1638423141827
23LELONG Eric 1818422½151769
24OURADOU Frederic 1614421½131727
25GULIYEV Tofig 1738421141724
26DELILLE Victor 1447421111668
27ZANIN Clement 17972416½1758
28MENOLASCINA Francesco 181224161771
29TAVARES-RIBEIRO Victor 160024121664
30ANDRIEU Philippe 168622131652
31LEHERICEY Fabrice 180421161713
32DAMAMME Maxime 127820½131581
33JOLLY Arthur 150917½10½1586
34BAT Sodcetsen 1836328161862
35LEVESQUE Thomas 1817326151757
36LELEU Andre 1744324½161706
37QUET Jean-Francois 1643323½111615
38JAVOR Besim 1743322½141548
39DIDAOUI Romain 1570321½111530
40VIGNERON Frederic 1577321111499
41PACE Jules 1331320½121607
42M'BONZO Quentin 1551320½101558
43PLE Laurent 1424317½91495
44RIMBERT Bradley 1311315½81488
45BOULET Philippe 197523½151675
46DETIVAUD Esteban 11992312½1603
47CANON Adrien 1199211388
48SERANO Vincent 152017½81469
49KONIDAKIS Nicolas 1379171424
50TRONC Patrick 1454223111556
61 players


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