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15th European Senior Championships 2015 (Games and Results)

15th European Senior Championships 2015

The 15th European Senior Championships took place in Eretria, Greece. Leading players: John Nunn, Zurab Sturua, Keith Arkell, Evgenij Kalegin etc. Zurab Sturua took the title a point clear of John Nunn.

15th European Senior Championships 2015 (Eretria GRE)
Wed 29th Apr 2015 - Thu 7th May 2015 - Official Site - Results - Live

15th ch-Euro Seniors 2015 (9 Rds Swiss Indiv TC:90m:30m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games +50

15th ch-Euro Seniors +65 (9 Rds Swiss Indiv TC:90m:30m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games +65

15th ch-Euro Seniors 2015 (9 Rds Swiss Indiv TC: 90m:30m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games +50


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15th ch-Euro Seniors 2015 Eretria GRE Wed 29th Apr 2015 - Thu 7th May 2015
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
12Sturua ZurabGEO25367.5239547.051.0
21Nunn John D MENG26016.5240648.554.0
33Arkell Keith CENG24936.0240747.552.5
45Bellia FabrizioITA24336.0235345.550.0
59Berkovich Mark AISR23626.0231743.047.0
68Fernandes AntonioPOR23696.0229340.543.0
723Ilandzis SpyridonGRE21516.0227439.543.0
814Furman BorisRUS22176.0222139.542.5
910Petran PeterSVK23625.5236345.546.0
1016Nikolaidis KonstantinosGRE21875.5231240.543.5
117Bruno FabioITA24185.5230543.547.0
126Raetsky AlexanderRUS24195.5221240.044.0
1312Smolin SergeyUKR22725.5221140.043.5
1420Mednikova SvetlanaRUS21705.5220740.040.5
1515Christensen JanDEN21995.5212039.042.0
1611Barle JanezSLO23475.0223943.045.5
1725Saunina LudmilaRUS21385.0219735.538.5
184Kalegin EvgenijRUS24575.0219138.041.0
1917Delithanasis DimitriosGRE21825.0211835.038.0
2018Kasoshvili TsialaGEO21794.5224841.545.0
2127Yasin HurTUR20964.5221541.044.0
2222Molchanov NikolayUKR21534.5215138.041.0
2328Papadimitriou LoukasGRE20754.5211837.040.0
2421Laine PanuFIN21634.5207036.039.0
2526Hewson Brian WrENG20994.5205133.036.0
2624Gamback BjornSWE21414.0226641.544.0
2719Jicman Ligia-LetitiaROU21724.0223238.541.5
2813Chapman Terry P DENG22584.0221241.544.5
2939Staunsbjerg Valdemar ANOR18944.0216137.541.0
3042Ozmen Halil NejatTUR18444.0213738.541.5
3133Adams MarkWLS19974.0211933.035.5
3231Sideris NikiforosGRE20104.0203135.038.0
3337Canonne AntoineFRA19443.5214834.537.5
3435Sideris TheodorosGRE19523.5213434.036.5
3544Kontarinis AndreasGRE16583.5209635.038.0
3641Rotelli PietroITA18853.5209632.032.5
3734Shaw MeyrickENG19803.5208031.532.0
3840Baliuniene MargaritaDEN18903.5206630.531.0
3932Melderis UldisLAT20003.5204134.537.5
4036Borras Julian TeodoroESP19453.5203829.530.0
4129Eckhardt LarsNOR20693.5202331.034.0
4238Kaldis GeorgiosGRE19153.5199931.532.0
4330Fletcher JohnWLS20643.0210432.535.0
4443Kiriazis DimitriosGRE16592.5205931.532.0
4545Seferlis GeorgiosGRE14661.0202131.534.5
45 players

15th ch-Euro Seniors +65 (9 Rds Swiss Indiv TC: 90m:30m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games +65


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15th ch-Euro Seniors +65 Eretria GRE Thu 30th Apr 2015 - Thu 7th May 2015
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
15Rooze JanBEL22817.5224546.049.0
22Kupreichik Viktor DBLR23737.5223445.049.5
31Vasiukov EvgeniRUS24166.5221245.048.5
433Muratoglu SalihTUR19606.0222744.549.0
54Gaprindashvili NonaGEO23025.5221247.551.0
67Gruzmann BorisGER22005.5217845.550.0
724Valenti GiuseppeITA20525.5217539.043.5
83Pushkov NikolaiRUS23135.5214244.048.5
911Stokes MichaelENG21355.5212938.040.5
106Pedersen Jan RodeDEN22085.0216442.046.0
1118Batakovs OlegsLAT20955.0213538.040.5
1215Zhelesny StanislavRUS21185.0211238.040.5
1310Hohler PeterSUI21505.0206740.043.5
1417Kaminik AleksandarISR21065.0206735.539.0
1516Archangelsky MikhailRUS21085.0204139.042.5
1619Morriss PeteIRL20925.0200235.537.5
1723White Alastair FSCO20584.5215540.043.5
1829Strand KjetilNOR20134.5215538.040.0
198Schouten NicoNED21974.5214245.048.5
2014Grabow Pouelsten HolmDEN21284.5212039.543.0
219Gundersen HelgeNOR21534.5211941.545.0
2221Mayer Schwartz ReneESP20814.5211836.039.5
2327Danielsson RobertSWE20444.5211436.038.5
2431Johnsen OysteinNOR19724.5211236.540.0
2513Ashby Anthony CENG21294.5208737.040.0
2612Neumann JoachimGER21334.5202937.040.5
2728Khmiadashvili TamarGEO20434.5198934.536.5
2820Gregg Alan MENG20834.0206036.038.0
2930Basas Gamazo JosepESP19874.0205933.535.5
3035Sevenyuk AlexeyBLR19154.0204533.535.5
3137Degtiarev ViktorRUS18674.0203331.033.0
3225Mas Recorda PereESP20523.5215238.542.5
3322Anguera Maestro JaimeESP20803.5208838.041.5
3434Waisberg ArnoldISR19333.5203132.034.0
3542Webster Jim JSCO03.5201234.536.5
3632Mckerracher DouglasSCO19683.5198434.036.5
3738Abolina Arija-SolveigaLAT18493.5191129.531.5
3826Gromark Per-OlofSWE20513.0198833.535.5
3939Birkestrand OddNOR17902.5199731.033.0
4036Santos JulioPOR18912.5195830.532.5
4141Hoose HanneloreGER17092.5193027.529.5
4240Zurel MaximISR17252.0193230.032.0
42 players


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