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14th Unive Tournament 2010 (6)

14th Unive Tournament 2010

Winner Maxime Vachier-Lagrave. Photo © Fred Lucas.

Winner Maxime Vachier-Lagrave. Photo © Fred Lucas. |

The 14th Unive Tournament took place in Hoogeveen, Netherlands 22nd-30th October 2010.

The 4 player double round robin sawAlexei Shirov, Maxime Vachier-Lagrave, Anish Giri and Sergei Tiviakov compete.

Maxime Vachier-Lagrave took clear first place with 4.5/6 undefeated a point clear of Alexei Shirov.

14th Unive Tournament (Hoogeveen NED)
Fri 22nd Oct 2010 - Sat 30th Oct 2010 - Official Site

4 Player (4 players 6 Rds DRR Indiv TC:90m:30m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Crown Games

Open (9 Rds Swiss Indiv TC:90m:30m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Open

4 Player (4 players 6 Rds DRR Indiv TC: 90m:30m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Crown Games


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Unive Crown Group Hoogeveen (NED), 25-30 x 2010 cat. XVIII (2696)
1 2 3 4
1. Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime g FRA 2721 * * ½ 1 ½ ½ 1 1 2880
2. Shirov, Alexei g ESP 2749 ½ 0 * * ½ 1 1 ½ 2735
3. Giri, Anish g NED 2677 ½ ½ ½ 0 * * ½ 1 3 2702
4. Tiviakov, Sergei g NED 2637 0 0 0 ½ ½ 0 * * 1 2442

Round 1 (October 25, 2010)
Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime - Shirov, Alexei ½-½ 25 D16 Slav Lasker/Smyslov
Tiviakov, Sergei - Giri, Anish ½-½ 15 C43 Petroff's Defence
Round 2 (October 26, 2010)
Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime - Giri, Anish ½-½ 45 D44 Anti-Meran Gambit
Shirov, Alexei - Tiviakov, Sergei 1-0 26 B01 Centre Counter
Round 3 (October 27, 2010)
Giri, Anish - Shirov, Alexei ½-½ 73 D45 Anti-Meran Variations
Tiviakov, Sergei - Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime 0-1 40 B90 Sicilian Najdorf Variation
Round 4 (October 28, 2010)
Shirov, Alexei - Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime 0-1 29 D86 Gruenfeld Simagin
Giri, Anish - Tiviakov, Sergei 1-0 42 B36 Sicilian Maroczy Bind
Round 5 (October 29, 2010)
Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime - Tiviakov, Sergei 1-0 74 B01 Centre Counter
Shirov, Alexei - Giri, Anish 1-0 25 E52 Nimzo Indian
Round 6 (October 30, 2010)
Giri, Anish - Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime ½-½ 31 E60 King's Indian without Nc3
Tiviakov, Sergei - Shirov, Alexei ½-½ 23 C77 Ruy Lopez Anderssen

Open (9 Rds Swiss Indiv TC: 90m:30m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Open


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Unive Open NED Fri 22nd Oct 2010 - Sat 30th Oct 2010
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Ikonnikov, VyacheslavGM25716.549.034.752612
2L'Ami, ErwinGM26246.548.034.252638
3Ernst, SipkeGM25876.547.533.752618
4Vocaturo, DanieleGM25816.544.531.52564
5Bonafede, AlessandroFM22806.543.530.252595
6Kempinski, RobertGM26156.051.532.52638
7Negi, ParimarjanGM25966.047.029.52525
8Nijboer, FrisoGM25826.046.529.752604
9Perez Candelario, ManuelIM25266.046.528.252539
10Dvirnyy, DaniyylIM24816.044.530.252544
11Ulibin, MikhailGM25446.042.026.02488
12Haslinger, Stewart GGM25435.549.529.52462
13Nyzhnyk, IllyaIM25385.548.527.52484
14Sengupta, DeepGM25585.545.025.252444
15Rombaldoni, AxelIM24535.544.023.252517
16Saravanan, VenkatachalamIM24085.543.023.752382
17Naroditsky, DanielFM24255.540.022.752357
18Caspi, IsraelIM24575.536.521.02281
19Pavlovic, MilosGM25315.046.525.02494
20Moskalenko, ViktorGM25805.044.522.52433
21Stella, AndreaFM23345.044.522.02456
22Okkes, MennoFM23785.044.022.02401
23Matsenko, SergeiIM24615.043.021.252402
24Raznikov, DannyFM23545.043.021.252426
25L'Ami, AlinaWGM23395.042.022.02302
26Hendriks, WillyIM24245.040.018.52356
27Tondivar, BabakFM23025.038.519.752367
28Ris, RobertIM24165.037.517.02332
29Warmelink, Evie19775.037.016.752260
30Slingerland, FredIM24114.546.021.252381
31Ducarmon, Quinten22434.545.020.252434
32Vedder, Henk23724.544.520.252376
33Archangelsky, MikhailIM22124.542.017.752356
34Goudriaan, Etienne22534.541.517.52281
35Hovenga, Alje21764.538.015.252239
36Afek, YochananIM22694.537.515.52231
37Timmermans, Ivo22094.536.014.02212
38Bezemer, ArnoFM23184.535.015.52174
39Stavast, Dick20484.532.012.752212
40Mellema, Andries21534.045.518.752314
41Bijlsma, Nick21384.044.018.252337
42Slingerland, CarolineWFM20814.044.018.02294
43Van Foreest, Jorden19544.033.512.252168
44Van der Veen, Jan21314.033.511.02111
45Kollen, Zyon20463.541.514.52229
46Pijpers, Arthur22483.541.514.252207
47De Jong, MigchielFM23973.540.514.02202
48Hoffman, Ron21233.537.09.752118
49Hendriks, Richard21103.535.010.02215
50Zuiderweg, Edwin20443.529.010.252103
51Hendriks, Peter20823.039.510.52150
52De Graaf, Dick22253.037.512.752083
53Dolgova, OlgaWIM22623.036.59.252115
54Van Geffen, Ben21713.035.59.752080
55Overeem, MarcFM22243.032.59.02002
56Klapwijk, Bram20223.030.56.752054
57Vroombout, Enrico21473.030.56.252085
58Bellaiche, AnthonyIM24452.539.517.02226
59Sekandar, Kambiz18772.534.55.751935
60Lommers, Frank21912.533.57.752028
61Battaglini, GabrielIM24292.043.014.02258
62Van Apeldoorn, JantonCM21642.033.57.01880
63Poelstra, Ben21481.529.01.751778
63 players


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