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11th BCC Thailand Open 2011 (Games and Results)

11th BCC Thailand Open 2011

Favourites Nigel Short and Francisco Vallejo Pons took a quick draw in Round 5.

Favourites Nigel Short and Francisco Vallejo Pons took a quick draw in Round 5. |

The 11th BCC Thailand Open 2011 sees a record entry of 200 players at the Dusit Thani Resort in Pattaya. Leading players Francisco Vallejo Pons and Nigel Short.

Gustafsson wins Thailand Open on tie-break from Short and Vallejo (9)

Jan Gustafsson took first place from Nigel Short and Francisco Vallejo Pons due to the tie-break of tougher opposition (it does seem that they finished in reverse order of rating which suggests the inability to play oneself was a factor here). All three won in the final round and they shared the 220,000 Baht (£4500) first prize. Below is the official press release and the top four games from the final round.

11th BCC Thailand Open 2011 (9)

Jan Gustafsson best Kjetil Stokke in the final Round.

Jan Gustafsson best Kjetil Stokke in the final Round. |

11th BCC Thailand Open 2011 (Pattaya THA)
Mon 11th Apr 2011 - Sun 17th Apr 2011 - Official Site - Results

Open (9 Rds Swiss Indiv TC:90m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games

Open (9 Rds Swiss Indiv TC: 90m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games


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Open Pattaya THA Mon 11th Apr 2011 - Sun 17th Apr 2011
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Gustafsson JanGMGER26477.555.045.006
2Short Nigel DGMENG26767.554.042.757
3Vallejo Pons FranciscoGMESP27077.553.543.006
4Voigt MartinFMGER23257.047.535.255
5Yang KaiqiIMCHN23997.047.534.507
6Sriram JhaGMIND24426.552.535.505
7Hansen Sune BergGMDEN26036.549.034.255
8Illingworth MaxFMAUS23456.548.533.005
9Saptarshi RoyIMIND23956.546.031.256
10Palit SomakIMIND23786.543.030.506
11Murshed NiazGMBAN24556.053.533.754
12Kunte AbhijitGMIND25266.053.533.254
13Mariano Nelson IIIPHI21976.052.534.255
14Zaw Win LayGMMYA23826.050.531.504
15Stokke KjetilFMNOR24076.050.031.505
16Illner AchimFMGER23536.050.029.755
17L'Ami AlinaWGMROU22976.048.530.505
18Sklyarov Dmitry V.FMRUS24156.048.530.505
19Bakre TejasGMIND25306.048.031.503
20Lahiri AtanuIMIND23506.047.529.505
21Willemze ThomasIMNED23906.047.529.006
22Aung AungIMMYA23246.046.028.754
23Myo NaingIMMYA23176.045.527.505
24Sauravh KhherdekarFMIND23256.044.025.755
25Sanjay N.IND23356.043.025.505
26Contin DanielIMITA23166.041.025.505
27Schebler GerhardGMGER24605.552.530.503
28Swathi GhateWGMIND23075.551.528.505
29Hopman PieterNED23655.550.027.505
30Neubronner JarredSIN22625.549.027.504
31Kojima ShinyaFMJPN23295.548.527.254
32Singh Gurpreet PalIND05.548.027.504
33Morris JamesIMAUS22275.547.526.753
34Tuomala TimoFIN22315.546.526.504
35Mohota NishaIMIND23245.546.524.504
36Romanov AlexeiIMRUS24015.545.026.503
37Prince BajajIND21855.545.024.254
38Teerapabpaisit WisuwatFMTHA23105.543.026.004
39Lim Hoon ChengFMSIN22095.540.022.254
40Nath RupankarIND21255.540.020.755
41Saeheng BoonsuebFMTHA22535.539.020.505
42Topi-Hulmi TeemuFMFIN22855.536.020.504
43Hou QiangCHN05.049.024.505
44Eng Andre JeromeSIN21505.048.523.754
45Arvind ShastryIND22975.046.519.505
46Pitirojirathon JirapakFMTHA22785.045.522.754
47Shetty RahulIMIND22795.044.522.004
48Reilly TimFMAUS22715.044.521.004
49West GuyIMAUS23605.044.022.254
50Mohammad Nubairshah ShaikhIND21995.044.021.504
51Berezovics AlexanderFMRUS22065.043.521.753
52Abdumalik ZhansayaWFMKAZ19415.043.521.505
53Karma PandyaIND21335.042.019.504
54Kulpruthanon ThanadonTHA19335.040.521.252
55Steinbrecht RalfGER22225.039.520.004
56Filippov AlexanderRUS22645.037.018.754
57Sorensen TorbenIMMLT24035.037.018.503
58Drummond MatthewAUS22405.036.517.504
59Andersson ChristinWIMSWE21635.034.516.003
60Kananub WarotTHA19894.549.524.752
61Limono HandjojoINA18694.544.021.253
62Chong Chor YuenHKG20514.544.019.003
63Lee T H BryanHKG19644.543.519.253
64Tuorila KaiFIN21254.543.518.253
65Lee Kah Meng ElginMAS19044.543.020.752
66Michalet GuyFRA21834.542.516.754
67Nohr FinnDEN21024.542.017.004
68Norris Damian CFIJ20724.541.516.254
69Osmolny Vladimir I.FMRUS22004.541.017.254
70Brunner KarlSUI20634.540.516.254
71Takahashi ReijiJPN20994.539.515.504
72Laurain DominiqueFRA20324.538.518.003
73Dotsenko ViacheslavRUS20694.538.015.504
74Wee Chu En KelvinSIN20374.538.015.254
75Nihal ManjunathIND20164.537.514.753
76Hoffman RonNED21104.535.516.504
77Dale AriAUS19024.534.514.754
78Yutithamnon SurapoleTHA19834.534.014.253
79Santoshkashyap HGIND20034.533.512.253
80Attwood JamesAUS20194.046.518.753
81Wismeijer JeroenNED20834.044.516.253
82Watharow SeanAUS19644.041.015.504
83Sivara PoompatTHA19724.040.514.003
84Rinquest TedUSA21384.040.513.503
85Tuamsang SawapopTHA19674.039.013.004
86Vospernik AndrejSLO22054.038.515.004
87Frederiksen ErikDEN19964.038.514.003
88Ilmoni TommyFIN21214.038.013.503
Hirt MarkusSUI20564.038.013.503
90Savolainen Lev P.FMRUS21764.038.012.503
91Wiwatanadate PoompongTHA19944.037.513.004
92Svendsen PeterDEN19744.037.513.003
93Wee Chun Jie EugeneSIN20154.036.014.002
94Thanarotrung RatchaphonTHA18534.036.012.253
95Thebault BernardFRA21084.036.011.504
96Eriksson JonFIN22014.035.514.253
97Messam-Sparks LateefahENG19094.035.013.002
98Ruston Mark RENG21104.034.013.253
99Tachaplalert SuvichTHA17924.033.511.503
100Lee Kah Howe WilliamMAS17874.031.012.003
101Sriphutkiat YannapolTHA18484.031.011.253
102Frost PeterAUS19554.029.59.504
103Erlandsen CarstenDEN20833.541.011.753
104Sollid SteinNOR20163.540.012.253
105Wiesebach WolfgangGER19143.538.014.001
106Doostkam P.IRI21943.536.513.753
107Wattanarat PasawonTHA17813.536.513.751
108Shinoda TaroJPN18613.535.011.251
109Atthaworadej WoradejTHA16383.533.511.003
110Nakvanich SahapolTHA18843.533.58.753
111Pashkov Vladimir M.RUS03.532.012.001
112Au Hubert DavidHKG18913.530.510.502
113Ng JimmySIN21083.529.59.002
114Png Ren ChiMAS19603.044.013.003
115Bianchetti RaoulITA19003.039.010.252
116Jayaram R.IND20703.038.010.251
117Haveland BjornNOR19523.038.09.252
118Akharaboollasez AkharinTHA19113.036.513.003
119Lee ShaneIRL18343.036.510.751
120Savant RiyaIND16813.035.511.752
121Arpijuntarangkoon JaradpongTHA19773.035.012.001
122Koivumaki MarkoFIN18363.033.59.752
123Darby PeterENG19603.033.09.252
124Klausen TorbjornNOR16013.033.08.252
125Campi WiIlliamUSA18243.032.06.503
126Tan FischerSIN15353.030.57.503
127Srivatanakul PrichaTHA17693.030.08.503
128Winkler StefanGER18712.536.57.002
129Lee Say Siong JohnSIN18012.535.58.752
130Karasmaki SeppoFIN18662.532.56.752
131Tan Tze Lin TommySIN17042.532.56.251
132Lie TerjeNOR16322.527.54.252
133Chen Pei XianMAS14442.525.54.502
134Tominski NorbertGER19662.039.09.001
135Low Zhen Yu CyrusSIN14612.037.57.002
136Kuenitz KlausGER17342.029.53.502
137Abramowski JoergGER02.025.56.002
138Leong Gee YUSA19222.018.04.502
139Czarnach AntonGER15721.532.55.001
140Brunet PatrickFRA00.527.01.500
141Chutubtim PrayudhTHA19560.022.50.000
141 players


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