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10th American Continental 2015 (Games and Results)

10th American Continental 2015

The 10th American Continental took place 15th to 24th May 2015. Julio Granda Zuniga, Yuniesky Quesada Perez, Axel Bachmann, Aleksandr Lenderman etc. Sandro Mareco and Yuniesky Quesada Perez tied for first on 8.5/11. There was a rapid tie-break to see who took the Continents remaining three places in the FIDE World Cup. Eduardo Iturrizaga Federico Perez Ponsa and Anton Kovalyov (Canada) took those. GM Julio Granda Zuniga, Jorge Cori and Sandro Mareco had previously qualified for the World Cup from previous Continental events.

10th American Continental 2015 (Montevideo URU)
Fri 15th May 2015 - Sun 24th May 2015 - Official Site - Results - Live

10th American Continental (11 Rds Swiss Indiv TC:90m:30m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games

10th American Cont T/B (6 players 5 Rds SRR Indiv TC:15m+10spm) - Games in PGN: Games TB

10th American Continental (11 Rds Swiss Indiv TC: 90m:30m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games


ChessTempo viewer

10th American Continental Montevideo URU Fri 15th May 2015 - Sun 24th May 2015
Leading Final Round 11 Standings:
110Mareco SandroARG25818.50.075.558.50
22Quesada Perez YunieskyCUB26458.50.073.556.25
38Cori JorgePER26098.
413Flores DiegoARG25678.00.076.553.00
517Perez Ponsa FedericoARG25338.
61Granda Zuniga Julio EPER26508.
77Kovalyov AntonCAN26138.
86Iturrizaga Bonelli EduardoVEN26138.
915Gonzalez Vidal YuriCUB25508.
1024Alonso SalvadorARG24888.00.069.548.75
1120Matamoros Franco Carlos S.ECU25257.
1211Hansen EricCAN25807.
139Felgaer RubenARG25827.50.073.549.00
1414Kaidanov Gregory SUSA25667.50.069.546.75
1526Henriquez Villagra CristobalCHI24787.50.068.544.25
1634Martinez Romero MartinCOL24047.
1736Paveto KevinARG24007.50.065.542.75
1821Shabalov AlexanderUSA25237.00.078.547.50
194Lenderman AleksandrUSA26367.00.077.547.50
203Bachmann AxelPAR26367.00.076.545.75
2122Pichot AlanARG25047.
2216Hevia Alejano Carlos AntonioCUB25357.00.074.545.25
2323Di Berardino Diego RafaelBRA24897.
2427Vera Siguenas DeivyPER24697.
2518Yermolinsky AlexUSA25317.
2628Terry RenatoPER24647.
2712Mekhitarian Krikor SevagBRA25727.
2830Barbosa Evandro AmorimBRA24387.
2931Cori T. DeysiPER24317.
3040Lujan CarolinaARG23537.00.069.538.00
3125Rodriguez Vila AndresURU24857.
3246Pereira Silvio CunhaBRA22847.00.065.537.75
3329Molina Roberto Junio BritoBRA24556.
3437Pierrot FacundoARG23776.
3541Van Riemsdijk Herman C.BRA23526.
3650Aranha Filho Alvaro Z.BRA22706.
3748Muniz RafaelURU22816.
3849Menna Barreto Felipe KubiakiBRA22716.
3958Fernandez Maria FlorenciaARG22006.50.059.531.50
4072Lopez Falcon JorgeURU21386.50.056.530.25
4119El Debs Felipe De CresceBRA25276.
4232Supi Luis PauloBRA24166.
4333Quintiliano Pinto Renato R.BRA24116.00.074.538.25
4438Escalante Ramirez Brian SebasPER23736.00.074.534.75
4545Acosta Pablo IsmaelARG23206.00.071.535.00
4643Barros Rivadeneira CristhianECU23356.
4776Starke Bruno OrlandoBRA21336.00.069.531.75
4860Sanhueza CristianARG21956.
4939Choma Ernani FranciscoBRA23616.00.068.534.75
5044Larrea ManuelURU23276.00.066.534.25
153 players

10th American Cont T/B (6 players 5 Rds SRR Indiv TC: 15m+10spm) - Games in PGN: Games TB


ChessTempo viewer

10th American Continental T/B Montevideo URU Fri 15th May 2015 - Sun 24th May 2015
Leading Final Round 5 Standings:
12Iturrizaga Bonelli EduardoVEN26133.5
3Perez Ponsa FedericoARG25333.5
31Kovalyov AntonCAN26133.0
46Flores DiegoARG25672.0
54Gonzalez Vidal YuriCUB25502.0
65Alonso SalvadorARG24881.0
6 players


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