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NH Rising Stars vs Experience 2010 (10)

NH Chess Tournament 2010

The leading scorers for each team Boris Gelfand and Anish Giri drew an interesting game in round 7. Photo ©

The leading scorers for each team Boris Gelfand and Anish Giri drew an interesting game in round 7. Photo © |

The 5th NH Chess Rising Stars vs Experience Tournament took place in Amsterdam 12th-22nd August 2010. The experienced Gelfand, Svidler, PH Nielsen, Van Wely and Ljubojevic took on the Rising Stars of Nakamura, Caruana, Wesley So, Giri and Howell.

The tournament finished with the Youth side defeating the Experience 26-24. Boris Gelfand scored 7/10 for the Experience team. Anish Giri lost his final game to allow Hikaru Nakamura to catch him on 6/10. The two had a play-off for a place in next year's Amber tournament. The blitz playoff with a time rate of 3m+2spm saw Nakamura win with a 2-0 score. It wouldn't really surprise me if Giri gets an invitation anyway.

At the closing ceremony it was confirmed that this will be the last edition of the tournament.

The 5th NH Chess Tournament, organized by NH Hoteles in close cooperation with the Association Max Euwe of Dutch chess maecenas Joop van Oosterom in Monaco, took place August 12th-22nd 2010 at the NH Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky in Amsterdam.

The NH Chess Tournament was a 'Scheveningen' team tournament between an 'Experience' team and a 'Rising Stars' team. All members of each team play all members of the other team twice, once with the white pieces and once with the black pieces. There was a special prize for the best Rising Star (provided he has a positive score): an invitation to the prestigious 2011 Amber Blindfold and Rapid tournament.

The 'Experience' team consisted of Boris Gelfand (Israel, 2739), Peter Svidler (Russia, 2734), Peter Heine Nielsen (Denmark, 2700), Loek van Wely (The Netherlands, 2677) and Ljubomir Ljubojevic (Serbia, 2572). The 'Rising Stars' are Hikaru Nakamura (United States, 2729), Fabiano Caruana (Italy, 2697), Wesley So (The Philippines, 2674), Anish Giri (The Netherlands, 2672) and David Howell (England, 2616).

Official site:

NH Chess Tournament 2010 (Amsterdam NED)
Thu 12th Aug 2010 - Sun 22nd Aug 2010 - Official Site - Results - Live

NH Tournament (10 players 10 Rds Schev Team TC:120m:30m+30spm(41)) - Games in PGN: Games

Blitz Playoff (2 players 3 Rds Match Indiv TC:3m+2spm) - Games in PGN: Playoff

NH Tournament (10 players 10 Rds Schev Team TC: 120m:30m+30spm(41)) - Games in PGN: Games

Start positionPrevious MoveNext MoveEnd positionPlay movesStop playing


ChessTempo viewer

5th NH Chess Tournament Amsterdam (NED), 2010.08.12 - 2010.08.22
Score: Youth 26 Experience 24
Team Name Ti FED Elo + = - Pts Gms
Experience Gelfand, Boris GM ISR 2739 4 6 0 7 10
Experience Svidler, Peter GM RUS 2734 2 7 1 5.5 10
Experience Van Wely, Loek GM NED 2677 1 6 3 4 10
Experience Nielsen, Peter Heine GM DEN 2700 2 4 4 4 10
Experience Ljubojevic, Ljubomir GM SRB 2572 1 5 4 3.5 10
Youth Nakamura, Hikaru GM USA 2729 4 4 2 6 10
Youth Giri, Anish GM NED 2672 3 6 1 6 10
Youth Caruana, Fabiano GM ITA 2672 2 6 2 5 10
Youth Howell, David W L GM ENG 2616 3 3 4 4.5 10
Youth So, Wesley GM PHI 2674 0 9 1 4.5 10

Blitz Playoff (2 players 3 Rds Match Indiv TC: 3m+2spm) - Games in PGN: Playoff

Start positionPrevious MoveNext MoveEnd positionPlay movesStop playing


ChessTempo viewer

5th NH Chess Tournament Playoff Amsterdam
Nakamura, Hikaru - Giri, Anish 1-0 40 D00 Queen's Pawn Game
Giri, Anish - Nakamura, Hikaru 0-1 26 E00 Catalan
5th NH Chess Tournament Playoff Amsterdam (NED), 22 viii 2010
Name Ti NAT Rtng 1 2 Total Perf
Nakamura, Hikaru g USA 2729 1 1 2
Giri, Anish g NED 2672 0 0 0


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