THE WEEK IN CHESS 98                    16/09/96        Mark Crowther

Tel:    01274 882143 [Bradford England]
Produced for Thoth Communications Corporation part
of Grandmaster Technologies Incorporated.

1) Introduction
2) Olympiad 1996.
3) Etienne Bacrot demolishes Vassily Smyslov
4) Ricardi controls Argentinian chess
5) FIDE Elections 1996
6) Strumica 1995
7) Credit Suisse reports on the last two days by Luc Enderli
8) Anand-Kramnik TV Match
9) Active Chess Tournament in Malgrat de Mar.


Smyslov-Bacrot Match, Albert FRA 1996         6
Anand - Kramnik TV Match, Koeln GER 1996      1
EuCl Cup Prelim 1996                         58
SKA, Biel SUI 1996                            1
ch-ARG, Saenz Pena City 1996                120
It, Strumica FRM 1995                        36

1) Introduction

My thanks to Vincent Branger, Christophe Bouton, Roberto Alvarez
Steven Rix and Luc Enderli.

Quite a brief issue this week. International Chess has gradually shut
down in preparation for the Olympiad. I will be providing as much
coverage as I can of each round of the Olympiad. Hope you enjoy this


2) 32nd Olympiad 1996. Armenia.

The 32nd Olympiad has its opening ceremony in Yerevan Armenia on Sunday
15th of September. The event will last nearly three weeks. 126 Men's
teams and 83 women's will compete over 14 rounds for the Olympiad
Gold Medal.

The defending Champions are Russia. Indeed since the first post-war
Olympiad in Dubrovnik 1950 won by Yugoslavia only USSR, Russia (post
breakup of the Soviet Union) and Hungary have won the team Gold Medal.
This year there is the best chance yet that there will be a surprise.

The Russian team is strong, but not unbeatable this time. The team
members are reported to be :

Gary Kasparov g RUS 2785
Vladimir Kramnik g RUS 2765
Evgeny Bareev g RUS 2655
Sergei Rublevsky g RUS 2645
Alexey Dreev g RUS 2645
Sergei Tiviakov g RUS 2615

(although Svidler is mentioned in some reports)

The Olympiad is a vast sprawling event with hundreds of games per round
and potentially 180 nations competing. These pages will try and present
the highlights of each days play, the stories and the best games.

The Olympiad has attracted almost all the best players, only Karpov,
Kamsky and Anand are likely to be missing from the top ten players in
the World. Kramnik's high score in the Manila Olympiad in 1992 brought
him to the notice of the ordinary chessplayer. Topalov, the most
successful player so far this year defeated Kasparov in Moscow 1994 to
establish his name. We await the new stars who emerge from this

Spain (Shirov, Salov, Illescas), England (Short, Adams, Speelman),
Hungary (Judit Polgar, Leko, Almasi), Ukraine (Ivanchuk and some very
strong middle ranking GMs) US (Benjamin, Gulko, Christiansen, Kaidanov,
DeFirmian and Yermolinsky), the list of contenders for the Gold is quite

The scoring for the Olympiad is simple. 14 rounds. 4 Boards. The winning
team will be the one with the most board points out of the total of 56
(14x4) points available. Results against individual teams do not matter.
The trick will be to draw or lose narrowly to the strongest rivals and
then score heavily against the weaker teams. The stronger eams can make
up for bad starts because of the pairing system they will probably meet
teams they can beat quite easily. Their rivals with more points will
find it harder to come by points as they play each other. Thus we will
see a yo-yo effect with teams losing badly then winning well in
alternate rounds. The medals are often won by good performances on the
last day.

A well prepared team, with good team spirit that scraps for every point
can do much better than their ratings suggest.

There will be reports on Inside Chess's pages at

I will be preparing the fullest coverage possible.

The Official www site is

there is another site

that promises coverage also.

3) Etienne Bacrot demolishes Vassily Smyslov

My thanks to Vincent Branger and Christophe Bouton for the games
from the match.

Etienne Bacrot demolished ex-World Champion Vassily Smylsov. The
result was a surprise, even though everyone appreciates that
Etienne is a fine young prospect. Vassily Smyslov has played some
fine chess over the Summer, especially in the Foxtrot event only
a month ago.

What was even more surprising was the way that Etienne outplayed Smyslov
in precisely the kinds of position he usually excells at. Smyslov's
opening repertoire is quite simply constructed these days. He relies
upon quiet improving of his position and small combinations. In game
one Bacrot simplified and a small combination brought about a drawn
position. In game two Smyslov played a very risky variation of the
Nimzo-Indian. Smyslov never solved the problems of weakened King side
and lack in development. Bacrot played very precisely.

Against a player unprepared to go into the sharpest theory the
Dragon defence is a very good choice. (its selection by Kasparov
against Anand in his PCA match with him suggests that perhaps it is
sound even at all levels) Smyslov's premature exchanges got him into
all sorts of trouble. In the end he wandered into a mating net.

Bacrot was happy to leave himself two up with two to play in the fouth
game. Game 5 saw Smyslov play another passive opening. He got himself
in a tangle, and had to sacrifice a piece for three pawns. Although
it looked like he might have enough he lost the endgame easily enough.

The final game saw Smyslov play an old favourite of his in the Slav
Defence. He got a reasonable position, but yet again his anxiety to
simplify caused him problems in co-ordination and Bacrot rapped the
game up very nicely.

This was a nice run out for the fast improving Bacrot, he looked a
class above the still quite formidable Smyslov. Who knows in 50 years
time ex-World Champion Bacrot might play some young talent in a match ...

1 Smyslov, Vassily - Bacrot, Etienne   1/2   33  B51  Sicilian
2 Bacrot, Etienne  - Smyslov, Vassily  1-0   40  E35  Nimzo indian
3 Smyslov, Vassily - Bacrot, Etienne   0-1   42  B72  Sicilian; Dragon
4 Bacrot, Etienne  - Smyslov, Vassily  1/2   18  E00  Nimzo indian
5 Smyslov, Vassily - Bacrot, Etienne   0-1   62  B23  Sicilian; Closed
6 Bacrot, Etienne  - Smyslov, Vassily  1-0   44  D16  Slav defence

Albert FRA (FRA), IX 1996.
			       1   2   3   4   5   6
Bacrot, Etienne   m FRA 2470   =   1   1   =   1   1   5.0  2783
Smyslov, Vassily  g RUS 2510   =   0   0   =   0   0   1.0  2197

4) Ricardi controls Argentinian chess
by Roberto Alvarez (ARG)

International Master Pablo Ricardi won his third successive Argentinian
Championship equalling the record of his legendary predecessor Roberto
Grau who won in the years 1926, 1927 and 1928.

His heavy scoring 11.5/15 which is 76% also earned him his final GM Norm
exceeding the requirement by an entire point. Young Grandmaster Hugo
Spangenberg took second place with 10.5 points. Ricardi and Spangenberg
are great hopes for Argentinian chess and were both undefeated in this

Third place was taken by GM Pablo Zarnicki who played solid chess but
he never challenged for first place.

Last place was taken by Guillermo Llanos who played well below his normal
playing strength. Just above him were veterans GM Panno and IM Raimundo

The tournament was played in Pcia.Roque Saenz Pena city and was
sponsored by the Goverment of the State of Chaco as was the case
last year also. It was arbitered by IA Adrian Roldan. The organisation
published round-by-round bulletins, excepting the last 2 rounds, where no
bulletins were published. Thus the games section includes games from all but
the last two rounds which I will attempt to obtain later.

The followings players reached FIDE norms, some of then are based on
only part of the tournament, but they all seem to accomplish new FIDE
IGM title for Pablo Ricardi
IM  title for Diego Pereyra Arcija
IM norms for Jorge Rosito and Mauricio Dorin
IGM norms for Sergio Slipak & Maximiliano Ginzburg.

Olympiad News

Argentina's participation in the Olympiad is in doubt. It has already been
decided that there will be no women's team sent, the decision as to whether
the men's team can be sent has not been made. [By the time you read this
we should know.]

If a team is sent it could be:

Ricardi,Spangenber,Zarnicki,Soppe,Fiorito and Sorin.

Pcia.Roque Saenz Pena City ARG (ARG), VIII-X1 1996. cat. IX (2457)
 1 Ricardi, Pablo         m ARG 2535 *====1=111=11=11  11.5  2662
 2 Spangenberg, Hugo      g ARG 2555 =*==111=====11=1  10.5  2599
 3 Zarnicki, Pablo        g ARG 2540 ==*==0==111==011   9.0  2523
 4 Slipak, Sergio         m ARG 2515 ===*====10=1=1=1   9.0  2524
 5 Soppe, Guillermo       m ARG 2485 =0==*1=0===11011   8.5  2504
 6 Ginzburg, Maximiliano  m ARG 2425 001=0*==0=1=1111   8.5  2508
 7 Rosito, Jorge          f ARG 2420 =0====*==1==11=0   8.0  2480
 8 Fiorito, Fabian        m ARG 2470 0===1==*100==1=1   8.0  2476
 9 Pereyra Arcija, Diego  f ARG 2420 0=00=1=0*1===111   8.0  2480
10 Dorin, Mauricio        f ARG 2290 0=01==010*11====   7.5  2467
11 Tempone, Marcelo       m ARG 2455 ==0==0=1=0*====1   7.0  2435
12 Sorin, Ariel           g ARG 2485 0==00====0=*==1=   6.0  2382
13 Valerga, Diego         m ARG 2445 00==000=====*1==   5.5  2362
14 Garcia, Raimundo       m ARG 2380 =01010000===0*==   5.0  2336
15 Panno, Oscar           g ARG 2485 0=0=00==0==0==*1   5.0  2329
16 Llanos, Guillermo      m ARG 2400 000000100=0===0*   3.0  2220
Average elo: 2456 <=> Category: 9
gm = 10.50 m = 7.50

5) FIDE Elections 1996

Soccer star Pele has released a letter in support of Jaime Sunye Neto's
candidacy for FIDE. Pele is the absolute hero to any football supporter
Worldwide. His record in supporting teams in football is somewhat more
patchy. Most of the teams he predicted would do well in the last World
Cup failed to live up to expectations (eg Colombia) so perhaps his
support is a double edged sword.

To the Presidents of all
National Chess Federations affiliated to the Federation
Internationale des Echecs - FIDE

		Mr. President,

		I Would like to express my strong support to the candidacy
of Mr. Jaime Sunye Neto, Great International Master, to the Presidency of
the Federation Internationale des Echecs (F.I.D.E.).

		As you are aware, Mr. Sunye Neto is responsible for on of
the major chess teaching projects in the American Continent - the
implementation of chess in public schools in the State of Parana, Its
ambititious goal is to benefit more than 180 thousand children per year.

		I would like to take advantage of the opportunity to propose
the organization, in Brazil, of the 34th Chess Olympiad, to be
held in the year 2000.

		I thank you in advance for all the attention you may give to
this matter.

		    Minister of Sports of Brazil "

6) Strumica 1995

It is strange to be covering an event played in June 1995. The tournament was
a very odd one from the start. As you can see the event was 18 rounds with
each player playing the others 6 times. In addition Azmaiparashvili scored
a gigantic result along with Kutirov, the other two players losing almost
all their games against the winners. Even more strange is that the games
only became available one year after the event took place. This has lead
to accusations that the event was a fix, organised to help the top two

Zurab Azmaiparashivili was silent during the controversy until recently. In
New in Chess (3) 1996 he attempted an explanation of the events. First of
all he said that there were 25-30 spectators a day and that the event had
a prizefund of 4000 DM for the winner. It was sponsored by Komental and

Why the delay in making the games available? He says that he played several
important theoretical ideas developed along with Kasparov when he was his
second. He requested that the games not be made available until after the
start of the Kasparov-Anand match. He claims that the organisers forgot
to send the games altogether. To my mind once you have played a game you
cannot make such limitations and the event should not have been rated until
they came up with the games. This is down to FIDE. Especially as the
results are on the face of it very suspicious. However I do feel sorry
for Zurab if his story is true. Anyhow there should be lots of novelties and
interesting games in this event now we have the games.

It Strumica FRM June 1995
1. Azmaiparashvili, Zurab g GEO 2610   ****** =111=1 101111 111111 16.0 +221
2. Kutirov, Rolando       m FRM 2425   =0==0= ****** =111=1 11111= 11.5 +267
3. Kurajica, Bojan        g BIH 2585   010000 =000=0 ****** ===0==  4.5 -257
4. Rashkovsky, Nukhim     g RUS 2550   000000 00000= ===1== ******  4.0 -232
Average elo 2542 <=> Category 12
gm=10.80 m =7.20

6) Credit Suisse reports on the last two days by Luc Enderli

Due to some technical difficulties I didn't get the complete reports to
the last two days play of the Credit Suisse rapidplay from Luc Enderli.
Here are the reports in full this week.

Quarter-finals: Speelman eliminates number one Kramnik! - Other favorites qualify.

What a day for England! The French and English commentators couldn't
stop talking of Jonathan  Speelman's incredible games and fighting
spirit. He just showed us that we haven't explored the 64 square  game
to its limits, and that Fischer's shuffle chess is not yet the only
solution to maintain the excitement.

After almost winning game one with the black pieces against number 1
seed Vladimir Kramnik, he  found some very imaginative moves and totally
shocked his opponent in game two. Just take the time to find  white's
16th move, "a good one, I think" said Speelman. However, out of the
opening, Kramnik seemed to  have equalised. However he then didn't
settle upon a plan and maybe showed his current limits in the  middle
game. Speelman was asked what he would do to prepare for his match
against Anand, he replied "just drink a  couple of beers", and answering
to what strategy he would use, "I'll tell you after the beers". He
became  the public's favorite player with his kindness and his play,
also because he was the underdog and liked  that role.

In the afternoon, Bareev stood better against Polgar in game one, but
lost his nerve when pressured by  the clock. One could see in his body
language: he started to shake, first his legs and feet then his head,
and he started to hesitate.  Then he made to play a move, retreated his
hand when about to touch the pieces, and finally blundered by  losing
the exchange. His play seemed sounder in this game and he would
certainly not have her escape if he had had more time. In game two,
Judit played for the draw with the white pieces until move 9. Bd3
against the French  defence by exchanging as many pieces as possible.
But suddenly she took a lot of risks with 10. dxc and  Bareev correctly
judged that he could take a queen's side pawn with his queen and still
defend his  king. Judith needs to be able to change or master her style
if she wants to go further more often in these  tournaments was the
general comment of the experts. Sometimes the  position on the board and
sound match/  tournament strategy don't call for an attack on the king.
She seemed to have learned that for the blitz and drawn to  qualify, but
definitely a game too late.

"Both games were full of mistakes" said Kasparov in the press
conference. He convincingly defeated  Topalov with a side line in the
Sicilian Najdorf, but could have won even quicker with 17. .. Bf6, as he
 pointed out later. He thought that the rook ending could have be saved
many times, but that it required some analysis to  discover the final
assessment. Topalov showed his potential strength in game two,
particularly in the middle game.  This contrasted with Kramnik's play
earlier in the day the other potential heir to the World Crown.  OK, he
was helped by Kasparov's passivity, but put a lot of pressure on Garry
and made him doubt and suffer.  The players in the press room observed
that Kasparov seems to have more difficulties handling the pressure
these days as age catches up with him.

Anand easily qualified against Bologan. He refuted Bologan's dubious
idea in the Najdorf (once again in  this tournament!) of Nc6, h6 and g5
by rapidly exchanging into a better ending, and then winning it. Bologan
 demonstrated a talent for maintaining the position with nice tactical
ideas, but Vishi never blundered. In  the second game, Bologan got a
somewhat better position but it wasn't enough to beat Anand nutshell.

"I will not play in the Olympiads" said the winner, "they are not very
interesting. The true question is to know  who will win the elections
for the FIDE president's office. If I was delegate, I would go there".


There was a smaller audience than the day before for the semi-finals
Kasparov - Polgar and Anand  - Speelman. The two clear favorites
qualified, Kasparov quite easily and Anand after being lost.

Kasparov - Polgar

"Judit is one of the organisers favourites on the rapid chess circuit"
commented GM Flear.  "of course because she's young, because she's a
lady, because she's pretty, but most importantly,  because she plays
attacking, risky, double-edged games that the public loves."  The public
in Geneva fully agreed and applauded for a long time her entry to the

Once again Garry won the toss and chose the black pieces for the first
game. As he quickly commented (on the stage  after the game) Judit was
able to produce a position where "he could feel some pressure." In a
theoretical  Najdorf Sicilian, Kasparov took some time to defend against
13. Qh3. He exchanged a knight against the e3 bishop,  to have the queen
h3 move again and equalise.

Judit didn't seem very happy with the position then, particularly when
Kasparov castled long. Garry took no risks. Over the next few moves he
tried to exchange as many pieces as possible. Very often the usual
Sicilian pawn structures prove to be very good for Black in the ending.
Especially if there is a bishop pair.

In this first game, he calculated everything from move 40 Rd8 check on.
He saw that in the game continuation Judit could not capture his pawns
without having her bishop trapped. Judit didn't see it and the game
ended quickly. Kasparov commented that she should probably have held the
draw. In the meantime, Speelman was  commenting on the English channel
just minutes before his semi-final!

In the second game, Garry elected the same Sicilian with c3 as against
Topalov, but this time played more actively.  He secured the draw in 26
moves to qualify to the final. "It was tough and I will sleep a bit
before the final. I woke up this morning at 7:00 am, because there was
an important triathlon starting in front of my  hotel, with a big crowd
and screaming loud-speakers!".

Anand - Speelman

Speelman, the public favorite, entered smiling, it seems also a bit less
concentrated and determined than the day  before. Anand won the toss and
selected the black pieces, of course.

What a demonstration of chess from Speelman then! Anand didn't answer
very accurately to Speelman's unusual 6. Bf1, and quickly got a cramped
position. Objectively it was much too risky to capture the white
queen-side pawns but that is  precisely what Anand did. The puishment
wasn't long in coming with 21. f6 and 23. e6  Anand shook his head in
disbelief in what he had done.

Flear commented: "Black should resign." But no-one ever won by
resigning. The spectators had certainly learned this throughout the

Jonathan messed up in a complicated ending with the exchange up and
Anand found a way to get the draw.  The pattern for Speelman in the
event was that he got a better position with the white pieces but was
frequently in serious time trouble.

The masters and grand-masters present were not certain of the final
result after some of the weak moves from Speelman.

When asked why he did not play on longer to win on time (he had 5
minutes against 1 for Speelman), Anand replied  "I was so happy to get
the draw, that I did not even thought about it and just wanted to shake
hands and pack up!".

In the second game, Speelman seemed to blunder and lose his central e
pawn. After trying to bring some  complications to the game Anand
allowed Speelman back into the game. He only won when his opponent
blundered  once again.  Jonathan was anyway very happy with his overall
result, which was a big improvement in comparison to previous  PCA
rapidplay tournaments.


For once, the auditorium was full at the beginning of the final. The
final got broad coverage of the local press. The  Credit Suisse Masters
also covered by the Swiss television dometimes during prime time and
live in the  evening news.

Kasparov came on the stage with that half-smile that shows his eagerness
to crush his opponent, while Anand  seemed very relaxed, His wife
however seemed very anxious. Kasparov once again won the toss  and took
black for the first game.

What a lesson from the world champion! He finally played an attacking
game and this brought great approval from the audience who had been
previously very disappointed with his dry technical play so far.

They played the same Najdorf variation as  Topalov and Kasparov chose
the day before. They played very quickly until move 15. Anand decided to
stop  Kasparov's king side pawns with f3, but GMs and IMs present
assessed that it was an equal position.  Anand tried to get some attack
on black's King which was stuck in the center, but Kasparov closed it
with e5.  Anand then tried to open the queen side with c4, but opened
the a8-h1 diagonal.

"The longest [diagonal] I have ever seen!" said GM Flear.

It soon back-fired on Anand, and after missing the sacrifice of two
pieces for a rook and pawn after bxa3,  Anand was lost. Kasparov ended
in a sparkling way with another sacrifice (Rh2). He obviously could see
all complications until the end of the game: there is no perpetual check
after .. Qe6, Qxd1, Qg6+.  Vishi eventually lost on time. The general
impression was that Anand still had an inferiority complex against
Kasparov, and that he would never beat the World Champion.

Anand put this right straight away, he won with Black in game two!

Kasparov was surprised by the choice of the Kings-Indian, but was very
well prepared.  He even selected a variation Karpov had played against
him in a World championship match! The  position was clearly draw when
Kasparov started to play on the razors edge with Nb5.  At that time
everything was still under control, but he suddenly blundered with h5.
One could tell from the World Champion's body language that Anand got
some chances.  Vishi very quickly (2 seconds!) decided to play Bxd7 and
head for a rook ending which eventually allowed him to win the game.

Cruelly, the spectators gave an huge ovation to Anand, and Kasparov left
the stage very upset.

We had then a fantastic slice of chess life: the organiser sent then a
camera in the backstage. All young champions,  Kramnik, Dreev, Polgar,
Bologan, Topalov and some more were sitting around a television  screen
(of course Kramnik made the victory sign when the camera approached!),
while the world champion was in  the background going back and forth
with his jacket on the shoulder, muttering and  grumbling. Suddenly he
saw the camera and came in a rush near the young people and started to
explain to them that  he blundered. Most of them were just smiling.

In the first blitz, Kasparov and Anand played an English game that
appeared many times in the Sevilla world  championship. Garry deviated
with dxe4, got some pressure on the king side, but that was balanced  by
two central knights for Anand.

He won the exchange, gave it back some moves later and the game ended
draw in  a position that seemed slightly better for Anand. The public
and the mass media were very happy with the result,  the tension was at
its peak.

The players resumed their discussion on the Najdorf variation. Anad
improving white's line but missing the right  plan in the beginning of
the middle game. Kasparov equalised, maneuvered better and probably  got
a winning position. He suddenly blundered badly with Qxe3, and Anand
punished him the next second with  Qxg4. What a grimace! The rest of the
game Garry was half complaining and gesticulating,  half playing very
well and almost turning the tables. Anand finally won, the world
champion left the stage in a rush,  desperately upset. He did not come
to receive the cup for second.

When asked what he would do next, Anand replied "I will retire! I'm so
ecstatic, it feels so well to finally have  some result in rapid chess."
The overall impression was that his play is somewhat weaker than
Garry's, but that the world champion is getting older (maybe used?) and
is starting to frequently miss tactical points.  Vishi now leads the PCA
Grand prix with 9 points, vs 8 for Kaspavov and Kramnik.

8) Anand-Kramnik TV match.

German TV filmed a TV game between Anand and Kramnik. The game was 30 minutes
per side. Kramnik by drawing with Black is invited to play again next year.
Anand needed to win. The game was quite a bit better for Kramnik when the
game was drawn.

I think (3rd time lucky) that the Portisch-Tukmakov game from the Biel SKA
event is now correct.

9) Active Chess Tournament in Malgrat de Mar.
Carlos Falcon  sends news of this active chess event
in Spain.

Venue "SORRA DAURADA" Hotel Address: Passeig Maritim, 6-8.
Dates 14-18 October 1996.
11 rounds.
Timerate 30 minutes for all the moves.
Pairings and tie-breaks settled using the PROTOS Program.


The Tournament will award the title of Spanish Rapid Chess
Champion to the Spanish first classified. Also will be awarded
both the titles of Spanish Women Rapid Chess Champion and
Spanish Junior (under 18) Rapid Chess Champion.

The players who do not are present in the first round will be
withdrawn as well as the players who fail to two rounds
consecutively or alternately.


Entries are open until October 11th, 1996 at 02:00 p.m.
Entries will be accepted after sending of registration
form and if it is previously paid into the Club d'Escacs
Malgrat: Caixa d'Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona - "La Caixa"
Account No.: 2100-0071-19-0200361874 before October 11th, 1996,
at 02:00 p.m.
The inscription rights are: 5.000, - pesetas  and  3.000, - for
under 16 years.

The organization also will provide a full board lodging in a
three stars hotel. The lodging cost will be (for the Tournament
days and for the players and theirs family only) 3.000, -pesetas
for day for reservations made before 15.09.96 and 3.500, -
pesetas for day those made from 15.09.96 to 11.10.96 at 02:00
p.m. Lodging reservation must be done directly to the "SORRA
DAURADA" Hotel. Passeig Marítim, 6-8 08380 Malgrat de Mar.
Phone: +34.3.765 4500   -   Fax +34.3.765 4066.

First Prize:        200.000  (two hundred thousand) pesetas.
From 2nd to 15t     80% of the amount of the inscription rights.
		    The distribution of these prizes will be made to the
		    public before the Tournament be started.

For further information contact

Mr. David Solé i Rota,
Phone:   +/34.3.7654126   (from 09:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.)
Fax:     +/34.3.7653779