THE WEEK IN CHESS 93			28/07/96	Mark Crowther

Tel:	01274 882143

1)  Introduction
2)  Lord Novgorod the Great Tournament
3)  International Chess Tournament in Biel-Bienne, Switzerland
4)  Interplay United States Chess Championships
5)  Park-Hotel Bad Homburg International Tournament.
7)  First Saturday Tournaments July 1996.
9)  Australian Masters Tournament
10) International Opens in Europe by Martin Pribyl.
11) 6th Smith & Williamson Young Masters
12) 1996 Canadian Open
13) GLORNEY & FABER CUP by John Henderson
14) Corrections
15) Universities World Championship Leon Spain.


Novgorod International Chess Tournament			15 games
SKA Tournament Biel					30 games
Credis Tournament Biel					18 games
Interplay US Championships				40 games
USA Women's Championships				45 games
Bad Homberg International Tournament			35 games
6th Smith & Williamson Young Masters			 3 games


Australian Masters					66 games
Benasque Open Spain					50+ games
Frydek Mistek open					50+ games
Frydek Mistek Women's tournament			45 games


Infinity CZECH OPEN					100+ games


First Saturday July GM Tournament			55 games
First Saturday July IM Tournament			55 games


Glorney Cup 						100 games
Faber Cup 						 60 games


Universities World Championships.			100+ games

These sections are available at:

Pittsburgh ftp site. (, group/chess/NEWS)
(probably Monday)

and straight away at my www site -

(note this is tilda mdcrowth, some terminals display this
as a percent sign which won't work)

1) Introduction

My thanks to Christophe Bouton, Ian Rogers, Luc Enderli, USCF www site,
Wolfram Schneider and Otto Borik (editor Schach Magazin 64), Patrick Rasenburg
and Soeren-Bech Hansen, Joerg Harm, Jurgen Daniel, Adrien Hervais and Philip Boulet,
Ian Murray. Martin Pribyl, John Henderson, David Ottosen, Jason Luchan and Rune Djurhuus.
(I hope this is everyone as this issue has been a logistics nightmare
with so much chess going on in the Summer.)

A Massive issue. I don't have time even to tot up how many games there
are in this issue. Lots of tournaments, lots of news I need a rest!

The University of Bradford E-Mail system will not be working next weekend.
Not sure about the www. If you need to send a message on Saturday or Sunday
try my alternate E-Mail address.

Hope you enjoy this issue


2) Lord Novgorod the Great Tournament

The second category 19 tournament of the year. After
starting well Ivanchuk looks well on the way to
totally imploding after a careless loss against Judit
Polgar. This win gave Judit second wind and she moved
up the leader table. Gelfand also is starting to struggle.

Meanwhile at the top Veselin Topalov is starting to pick
up the lost rating points from last week. I have greatly
enjoyed the chess from this event.

is the official site for the event.

Round 1 (1996.07.20)

Short, Nigel D    - Ivanchuk, Vassily  1/2   26
Kramnik, Vladimir - Topalov, Veselin   1/2   45
Gelfand, Boris    - Polgar, Judit      1/2   28

Round 2 (1996.07.21)

Ivanchuk, Vassily - Kramnik, Vladimir  1-0   40
Polgar, Judit     - Topalov, Veselin   0-1   35
Gelfand, Boris    - Short, Nigel D     1/2   36

Round 3 (1996.07.22)

Topalov, Veselin  - Ivanchuk, Vassily  1/2   33
Short, Nigel D    - Polgar, Judit      1/2   50
Kramnik, Vladimir - Gelfand, Boris     1/2   51

Round 4 (1996.07.23)

Topalov, Veselin  - Short, Nigel D     1/2   51
Kramnik, Vladimir - Polgar, Judit      1-0   55
Ivanchuk, Vassily - Gelfand, Boris     1/2   80

Round 5 (1996.07.25)

Short, Nigel D    - Kramnik, Vladimir  1/2   23
Polgar, Judit     - Ivanchuk, Vassily  1-0   43
Gelfand, Boris    - Topalov, Veselin   1/2   61

Round 6 (1996.07.26)

Topalov, Veselin  - Kramnik, Vladimir  1-0   34
Ivanchuk, Vassily - Short, Nigel D     1/2   13
Polgar, Judit     - Gelfand, Boris     1-0   42

Round 7 (1996.07.27)

Topalov, Veselin  - Polgar, Judit      1-0   60
Short, Nigel D    - Gelfand, Boris     1-0   61
Kramnik, Vladimir - Ivanchuk, Vassily  1-0   25

Novgorod (RUS), VII 1996.                    cat. XIX (2712)
                                 1  2  3  4  5  6
1 Topalov, Veselin   g BUL 2750 ** =. =1 =. 11 =.  5.0  2865
2 Short, Nigel D     g ENG 2695 =. ** =. == =. =1  4.0  2760
3 Kramnik, Vladimir  g RUS 2765 =0 =. ** 01 1. =.  3.5  2712
4 Ivanchuk, Vassily  g UKR 2730 =. == 10 ** 0. =.  3.0  2664
5 Polgar, Judit      g HUN 2665 00 =. 0. 1. ** =1  3.0  2667
6 Gelfand, Boris     g BLR 2665 =. =0 =. =. =0 **  2.5  2607

3) International Chess Tournament in Biel-Bienne, Switzerland

A massive chess Festival is taking place in Biel-Bienne, Switzerland.
(by the way I hope Biel is correct, I've always thought so, Bienne
is correct I know, I have to say I'm a little confused.)

I will round up many of the events next week. There is daily coverage
of the results from the events at:

but my site is attempting to systematically get the games
so also check that out.

There are two major tournaments taking place, the SKA tournament which
has FIDE World Champion Anatoly Karpov as its star and is a category
16 event. The early rounds have seen the best showing from Lajos
Portisch since the Moscow Olympiad.

I must express my gratitude to Ian Rogers for the games from rounds
one and two and to Luc Enderli for his hard work in obtaining the
games from the later rounds by fax. (a slight technical hitch meant
that the fax for round 4 was not complete so the games will come later)

I will update my www page as and when possible.

SKA Tournament

Round 1 (1996.07.22)

Almasi, Zoltan       - Ehlvest, Jaan         1/2   17
Andersson, Ulf       - Tukmakov, Vladimir B  0-1   75
Lautier, Joel        - Karpov, Anatoly       1/2   20
Glek, Igor V         - Onischuk, Alexander   1-0   74
Romanishin, Oleg M   - Milov, Vadim          0-1   36
Miles, Anthony J     - Portisch, Lajos       1/2   60

Round 2 (1996.07.23)

Ehlvest, Jaan        - Andersson, Ulf        1/2   10
Karpov, Anatoly      - Almasi, Zoltan        1-0   50
Milov, Vadim         - Lautier, Joel         1-0   34
Portisch, Lajos      - Onischuk, Alexander   1-0   40
Tukmakov, Vladimir B - Glek, Igor V          1/2   43
Miles, Anthony J     - Romanishin, Oleg M    1/2   34

Round 3 (1996.07.24)

Almasi, Zoltan       - Milov, Vadim          1/2   73
Andersson, Ulf       - Karpov, Anatoly       1/2   14
Lautier, Joel        - Miles, Anthony J      1-0   53
Glek, Igor V         - Ehlvest, Jaan         0-1   61
Romanishin, Oleg M   - Portisch, Lajos       1/2   36
Onischuk, Alexander  - Tukmakov, Vladimir B  1/2   41

Round 4 (1996.07.26)

Ehlvest, Jaan        - Onischuk, Alexander   1/2   45
Karpov, Anatoly      - Glek, Igor V          1/2   22
Milov, Vadim         - Andersson, Ulf        0-1   81
Portisch, Lajos      - Tukmakov, Vladimir B  1-0   29
Romanishin, Oleg M   - Lautier, Joel         1/2   21
Miles, Anthony J     - Almasi, Zoltan        0-1   55

Round 5 (1996.07.27)

Almasi, Zoltan       - Romanishin, Oleg M    1/2    1
Andersson, Ulf       - Miles, Anthony J      1/2    1
Lautier, Joel        - Portisch, Lajos       1/2    1
Glek, Igor V         - Milov, Vadim          0-1    1
Tukmakov, Vladimir B - Ehlvest, Jaan         0-1    1
Onischuk, Alexander  - Karpov, Anatoly       0-1    1

Biel SUI (SUI), VII-VIII 1996.                          cat. XVI (2630)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
 1 Ehlvest, Jaan         g EST 2660  * . . . = = . 1 . 1 . =  3.5  2779
 2 Karpov, Anatoly       g RUS 2775  . * . . 1 = = = . . . 1  3.5  2787
 3 Milov, Vadim          g SUI 2565  . . * . = 0 1 1 1 . . .  3.5  2777
 4 Portisch, Lajos       g HUN 2600  . . . * . . = . = 1 = 1  3.5  2747
 5 Almasi, Zoltan        g HUN 2655  = 0 = . * . . . = . 1 .  2.5  2637
 6 Andersson, Ulf        g SWE 2640  = = 1 . . * . . . 0 = .  2.5  2642
 7 Lautier, Joel         g FRA 2620  . = 0 = . . * . = . 1 .  2.5  2625
 8 Glek, Igor V          g RUS 2670  0 = 0 . . . . * . = . 1  2.0  2565
 9 Romanishin, Oleg M    g UKR 2555  . . 0 = = . = . * . = .  2.0  2542
10 Tukmakov, Vladimir B  g UKR 2580  0 . . 0 . 1 . = . * . =  2.0  2563
11 Miles, Anthony J      g ENG 2630  . . . = 0 = 0 . = . * .  1.5  2465
12 Onischuk, Alexander   g UKR 2605  = 0 . 0 . . . 0 . = . *  1.0  2417

Credis Tournament

Round 1 (1996.07.22)

Gallagher, Joseph G  - Zueger, Beat          1/2   29
Rogers, Ian          - Lutz, Christopher     1/2   36
Casagrande, Harald   - Campora, Daniel H     0-1   32
Landenbergue, Claude - Sutovskij, Emil       1/2   38
Kelecevic, Nedeljko  - Peptan, Corina        0-1   47
Gerber, Richard      - Pelletier, Yannick    0-1   41

Round 2 (1996.07.23)

Lutz, Christopher    - Landenbergue, Claude  1/2   31
Campora, Daniel H    - Rogers, Ian           1/2   49
Peptan, Corina       - Casagrande, Harald    1/2   56
Zueger, Beat         - Kelecevic, Nedeljko   1/2   66
Pelletier, Yannick   - Sutovskij, Emil       0-1   48
Gerber, Richard      - Gallagher, Joseph G   1/2   59

Round 3 (1996.07.24)

Gallagher, Joseph G  - Pelletier, Yannick    1-0    1
Rogers, Ian          - Peptan, Corina        1-0   27
Casagrande, Harald   - Zueger, Beat          1-0    1
Landenbergue, Claude - Campora, Daniel H     1-0    1
Kelecevic, Nedeljko  - Gerber, Richard       1/2    1
Sutovskij, Emil      - Lutz, Christopher     0-1    1

Round 4 (1996.07.26)

Gallagher, Joseph G  - Kelecevic, Nedeljko   1/2    1
Campora, Daniel H    - Sutovskij, Emil       1-0   30
Peptan, Corina       - Landenbergue, Claude  1-0   54
Zueger, Beat         - Rogers, Ian           1/2   15
Pelletier, Yannick   - Lutz, Christopher     0-1   48
Gerber, Richard      - Casagrande, Harald    0-1    1

Round 5 (1996.07.27)

Lutz, Christopher    - Campora, Daniel H     1/2    1
Rogers, Ian          - Gerber, Richard       1-0    1
Casagrande, Harald   - Gallagher, Joseph G   0-1    1
Landenbergue, Claude - Zueger, Beat          1/2    1
Kelecevic, Nedeljko  - Pelletier, Yannick    1/2    1
Sutovskij, Emil      - Peptan, Corina        1/2    1

Biel SUI (SUI), VII-VIII 1996.                            cat. X (2477)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
 1 Gallagher, Joseph G   g SUI 2530  * . . . . 1 . = . = 1 =  3.5  2576
 2 Lutz, Christopher     g GER 2565  . * = = . . = . 1 . 1 .  3.5  2656
 3 Rogers, Ian           g AUS 2575  . = * = 1 . . . . = . 1  3.5  2621
 4 Campora, Daniel H     g ARG 2545  . = = * . 1 0 . 1 . . .  3.0  2568
 5 Peptan, Corina       wg ROM 2395  . . 0 . * = 1 1 = . . .  3.0  2550
 6 Casagrande, Harald    m AUT 2365  0 . . 0 = * . . . 1 . 1  2.5  2465
 7 Landenbergue, Claude  m SUI 2410  . = . 1 0 . * . = = . .  2.5  2506
 8 Kelecevic, Nedeljko   m BIH 2475  = . . . 0 . . * . = = =  2.0  2372
 9 Sutovskij, Emil       m ISR 2565  . 0 . 0 = . = . * . 1 .  2.0  2399
10 Zueger, Beat          m SUI 2460  = . = . . 0 = = . * . .  2.0  2399
11 Pelletier, Yannick    m SUI 2440  0 0 . . . . . = 0 . * 1  1.5  2357
12 Gerber, Richard       f SUI 2395  = . 0 . . 0 . = . . 0 *  1.0  2237

4)  Interplay United States Chess Championships

Alex Yermolinsky won the 1996 US Chess Championships by a point
from Boris Gulko and Grigory Kaidanov. Last week's leader Tal
Shaked had a very tough run in to the Championships playing
most of the stronger players in the last few rounds. He did at
least perform above his rating, but this was a bad week for him.

Anjelina Belakovskaia won the women's event, again by a point from
her nearest rival Anna Gulko (Akhsharumova).

Coverage on the internet was on

Round 8 (1996.07.22)

Yermolinsky, Alex       - Gulko, Boris F           1-0   42
Benjamin, Joel          - Alburt, Lev O            1/2   49
Christiansen, Larry M   - Shaked, Tal              1/2   97
De Firmian, Nick E      - Ivanov, Alexander        1/2   44
Dzindzichashvili, Roman - Gurevich, Dmitry         1/2   61
Shabalov, Alexander     - Khmelnitsky, Igor N      0-1   37
Ivanov, Igor V          - Kaidanov, Grigory S      0-1   38

Round 9 (1996.07.23)

Gulko, Boris F          - Ivanov, Igor V           1-0   53
Kaidanov, Grigory S     - Dzindzichashvili, Roman  1-0   42
Gurevich, Dmitry        - De Firmian, Nick E       1/2   45
Ivanov, Alexander       - Benjamin, Joel           1-0   36
Alburt, Lev O           - Shabalov, Alexander      0-1   43
Shaked, Tal             - Yermolinsky, Alex        0-1   43
Khmelnitsky, Igor N     - Christiansen, Larry M    1/2   54

Round 10 (1996.07.24)

Yermolinsky, Alex       - Khmelnitsky, Igor N      1-0   73
Kaidanov, Grigory S     - Gulko, Boris F           1/2   32
Benjamin, Joel          - Gurevich, Dmitry         1/2    1
Christiansen, Larry M   - Alburt, Lev O            1/2   49
Dzindzichashvili, Roman - De Firmian, Nick E       1/2    9
Shabalov, Alexander     - Ivanov, Alexander        0-1   41
Ivanov, Igor V          - Shaked, Tal              1-0   41

Round 11 (1996.07.25)

Gulko, Boris F          - Dzindzichashvili, Roman  1/2   15
Gurevich, Dmitry        - Shabalov, Alexander      1-0   21
Ivanov, Alexander       - Christiansen, Larry M    1-0   48
Alburt, Lev O           - Yermolinsky, Alex        1/2   46
De Firmian, Nick E      - Benjamin, Joel           1/2   41
Shaked, Tal             - Kaidanov, Grigory S      0-1   29
Khmelnitsky, Igor N     - Ivanov, Igor V           1/2   61

Round 12 (1996.07.26)

Yermolinsky, Alex       - Ivanov, Alexander        1/2   38
Gulko, Boris F          - Shaked, Tal              1-0   50
Kaidanov, Grigory S     - Khmelnitsky, Igor N      1-0   31
Christiansen, Larry M   - Gurevich, Dmitry         0-1   51
Dzindzichashvili, Roman - Benjamin, Joel           1/2    9
Shabalov, Alexander     - De Firmian, Nick E       1/2   27
Ivanov, Igor V          - Alburt, Lev O            0-1   52

Round 13 (1996.07.27)

Gurevich, Dmitry        - Yermolinsky, Alex        0-1   57
Ivanov, Alexander       - Ivanov, Igor V           1/2   41
Alburt, Lev O           - Kaidanov, Grigory S      1-0   48
Benjamin, Joel          - Shabalov, Alexander      1/2   10
De Firmian, Nick E      - Christiansen, Larry M    1/2   15
Shaked, Tal             - Dzindzichashvili, Roman  1/2   10
Khmelnitsky, Igor N     - Gulko, Boris F           0-1   53

Parsippany (USA), VII 1996.                                   cat. XIII (2550)
                                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4
 1 Yermolinsky, Alex        g USA 2610  * 1 0 1 = = 1 = 1 = = 1 = 1  9.0  2686
 2 Gulko, Boris F           g USA 2615  0 * = 0 = 1 = = 1 = = 1 1 1  8.0  2632
 3 Kaidanov, Grigory S      g USA 2580  1 = * = = 0 0 0 = 1 1 1 1 1  8.0  2634
 4 Gurevich, Dmitry         g USA 2570  0 1 = * 1 = = 1 = = 1 0 = =  7.5  2605
 5 Ivanov, Alexander        g USA 2560  = = = 0 * 0 1 1 = = 1 0 = 1  7.0  2578
 6 Alburt, Lev O            g USA 2560  = 0 1 = 1 * = = = 0 0 = 1 0  6.0  2520
 7 Benjamin, Joel           g USA 2565  0 = 1 = 0 = * = = = = = = =  6.0  2519
 8 Christiansen, Larry M    g USA 2555  = = 1 0 0 = = * = 1 0 = = =  6.0  2520
 9 De Firmian, Nick E       g USA 2575  0 0 = = = = = = * = = = 1 =  6.0  2519
10 Dzindzichashvili, Roman  g USA 2545  = = 0 = = 1 = 0 = * = = = =  6.0  2521
11 Shabalov, Alexander      g USA 2565  = = 0 0 0 1 = 1 = = * 1 = 0  6.0  2519
12 Shaked, Tal              m USA 2440  0 0 0 1 1 = = = = = 0 * 0 1  5.5  2501
13 Ivanov, Igor V           m USA 2475  = 0 0 = = 0 = = 0 = = 1 * =  5.0  2468
14 Khmelnitsky, Igor N      m USA 2485  0 0 0 = 0 1 = = = = 1 0 = *  5.0  2468

Round 1 (1996.07.17)

Akhsharumova, Anna M   - Burtman, Sharon         1-0   61
Khan, Anna             - Levitina, Irina S       0-1   41
Levitan, Yuliya        - Belakovskaia, Anjelina  0-1   52
Tverskaya, Julia       - Epstein, Esther         0-1   47
Zitserman,Tatyana      - Tsodikova, Natalia      1/2   17

Round 2 (1996.07.18)

Belakovskaia, Anjelina - Levitina, Irina S       1/2   13
Tsodikova, Natalia     - Khan, Anna              1/2   42
Levitan, Yuliya        - Tverskaya, Julia        0-1   59
Epstein, Esther        - Akhsharumova, Anna M    1/2   45
Burtman, Sharon        - Zitserman,Tatyana       1/2   38

Round 3 (1996.07.19)

Akhsharumova, Anna M   - Levitan, Yuliya         1/2   32
Levitina, Irina S      - Tsodikova, Natalia      0-1   46
Khan, Anna             - Burtman, Sharon         1-0   54
Tverskaya, Julia       - Belakovskaia, Anjelina  0-1   38
Zitserman,Tatyana      - Epstein, Esther         1-0   67

Round 4 (1996.07.22)

Belakovskaia, Anjelina - Tsodikova, Natalia      1-0   32
Levitan, Yuliya        - Zitserman,Tatyana       1-0   43
Epstein, Esther        - Khan, Anna              0-1   36
Tverskaya, Julia       - Akhsharumova, Anna M    0-1   45
Burtman, Sharon        - Levitina, Irina S       0-1   78

Round 5 (1996.07.23)

Akhsharumova, Anna M   - Belakovskaia, Anjelina  1/2   70
Levitina, Irina S      - Epstein, Esther         1/2   12
Khan, Anna             - Levitan, Yuliya         1/2   23
Tsodikova, Natalia     - Burtman, Sharon         1/2   23
Zitserman,Tatyana      - Tverskaya, Julia        0-1   61

Round 6 (1996.07.24)

Belakovskaia, Anjelina - Burtman, Sharon         1-0   53
Akhsharumova, Anna M   - Zitserman,Tatyana       1-0   49
Levitan, Yuliya        - Levitina, Irina S       1/2   18
Epstein, Esther        - Tsodikova, Natalia      0-1   71
Tverskaya, Julia       - Khan, Anna              0-1   30

Round 7 (1996.07.25)

Levitina, Irina S      - Tverskaya, Julia        1/2   10
Khan, Anna             - Akhsharumova, Anna M    1/2  100
Tsodikova, Natalia     - Levitan, Yuliya         1/2    6
Zitserman,Tatyana      - Belakovskaia, Anjelina  0-1   57
Burtman, Sharon        - Epstein, Esther         0-1   59

Round 8 (1996.07.26)

Belakovskaia, Anjelina - Epstein, Esther         1/2   54
Akhsharumova, Anna M   - Levitina, Irina S       1/2   36
Levitan, Yuliya        - Burtman, Sharon         1-0   45
Tverskaya, Julia       - Tsodikova, Natalia      1/2   14
Zitserman,Tatyana      - Khan, Anna              1-0   43

Round 9 (1996.07.27)

Levitina, Irina S      - Zitserman,Tatyana       1-0   44
Khan, Anna             - Belakovskaia, Anjelina  1/2   19
Tsodikova, Natalia     - Akhsharumova, Anna M    1/2    9
Epstein, Esther        - Levitan, Yuliya         1/2   22
Burtman, Sharon        - Tverskaya, Julia        0-1   37

Parsippany (USA), VII 1996.
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
 1 Belakovskaia, Anjelina wg USA 2350  * = = = 1 1 = 1 1 1  7.0  2423
 2 Akhsharumova, Anna M   wg USA 2340  = * = = = = = 1 1 1  6.0  2326 *
 3 Levitina, Irina S      wg USA 2420  = = * 1 0 = = = 1 1  5.5  2264
 4 Khan, Anna                USA 2165  = = 0 * = = 1 1 0 1  5.0  2348
 5 Tsodikova, Natalia        USA 2145  0 = 1 = * = 1 = = =  5.0  2298
 6 Levitan, Yuliya        wm USA 2220  0 = = = = * = 0 1 1  4.5  2203
 7 Epstein, Esther        wm USA 2245  = = = 0 0 = * 1 0 1  4.0  2243
 8 Tverskaya, Julia       wm USA 2195  0 0 = 0 = 1 0 * 1 1  4.0  2162
 9 Zitserman,Tatyana             ----  0 0 0 1 = 0 1 0 * =  3.0  2118
10 Burtman, Sharon        wm USA 2110  0 0 0 0 = 0 0 0 = *  1.0  1816

* Also known as Anna Gulko. She appears as Akhsharumova in the FIDE
rating list.

5) Park-Hotel Bad Homburg International Tournament.

My thanks to Wolfram Schneider and Otto Borik (editor Schach Magazin 64)
for the games from this event. The sponsor of the Tournament is the hotelier
of Park-Hotel in Bad Homburg. It is hoped that this event will run again
next year.

The event has been an exciting one with the lead being held with just one
round to go by Boris Alterman and Christian Gabriel from rising star
Sergei Movsesian. Sofia Polgar was in contention to win the event until
near the end also.

Round 1 (1996.07.20)

Gabriel, Christian - Slobodjan, Roman    1/2   41  D47  Queen's gambit
Movsesian, Sergei  - Alterman, Boris     0-1   53  C16  French; Winawer
Polgar, Sofia      - Stangl, Markus      1-0   49  B93  Sicilian; Najdorf
Boensch, Uwe       - Unzicker, Wolfgang  1/2   22  D55  Queen's gambit
Hug, Werner        - Bezold, Michael     1/2   40  A07  Reti (1.Pf3)

Round 2 (1996.07.21)

Alterman, Boris    - Gabriel, Christian  1/2   21  D36  Queen's gambit
Bezold, Michael    - Polgar, Sofia       1/2   41  A10  English; 1.c4
Boensch, Uwe       - Movsesian, Sergei   1/2   43  E73  Kings indian
Slobodjan, Roman   - Hug, Werner         1-0   70  C04  French; Tarrasch
Unzicker, Wolfgang - Stangl, Markus      0-1   28  B92  Sicilian; Najdorf

Round 3 (1996.07.22)

Gabriel, Christian - Boensch, Uwe        1/2   59  D55  Queen's gambit
Movsesian, Sergei  - Unzicker, Wolfgang  1/2   43  C77  Ruy Lopez
Polgar, Sofia      - Slobodjan, Roman    1-0   48  C91  Ruy Lopez
Hug, Werner        - Alterman, Boris     1/2   15  A47  Queen's pawn
Stangl, Markus     - Bezold, Michael     1-0   41  A41  Queen's pawn

Round 4 (1996.07.23)

Alterman, Boris    - Polgar, Sofia       1/2   45  D43  Queen's gambit
Movsesian, Sergei  - Gabriel, Christian  1/2   32  B07  Pirc
Boensch, Uwe       - Hug, Werner         1/2   42  E73  Kings indian
Slobodjan, Roman   - Stangl, Markus      1/2   68  B80  Sicilian
Unzicker, Wolfgang - Bezold, Michael     1/2   26  B42  Sicilian

Round 5 (1996.07.24)

Gabriel, Christian - Unzicker, Wolfgang  1-0   57  C49  Four knights
Polgar, Sofia      - Boensch, Uwe        1/2   66  B83  Sicilian
Bezold, Michael    - Slobodjan, Roman    1-0   52  A21  English; 1.c4 e5
Hug, Werner        - Movsesian, Sergei   1/2   38  A48  Queen's pawn
Stangl, Markus     - Alterman, Boris     0-1   23  A29  English; 1.c4 e5

Round 6 (1996.07.25)

Alterman, Boris    - Bezold, Michael     1-0   40  A44  Queen's pawn
Gabriel, Christian - Hug, Werner         1-0   40  E71  Kings indian
Movsesian, Sergei  - Polgar, Sofia       1-0   55  C54  Italian game
Boensch, Uwe       - Stangl, Markus      1/2   15  C41  Philidor defence
Unzicker, Wolfgang - Slobodjan, Roman    1/2   48  B07  Pirc

Round 7 (1996.07.26)

Polgar, Sofia      - Gabriel, Christian  1/2   31
Bezold, Michael    - Boensch, Uwe        1-0   30
Hug, Werner        - Unzicker, Wolfgang  1/2   16
Slobodjan, Roman   - Alterman, Boris     1/2   20
Stangl, Markus     - Movsesian, Sergei   1/2   40

Round 8 (1996.07.27)

Gabriel, Christian - Stangl, Markus      1-0   41
Movsesian, Sergei  - Bezold, Michael     1-0   83
Boensch, Uwe       - Slobodjan, Roman    1/2   76
Hug, Werner        - Polgar, Sofia       1-0   21
Unzicker, Wolfgang - Alterman, Boris     1/2   20

Bad Homburg (GER), VII 1996.                      cat. XII (2528)
                                   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
 1 Alterman, Boris     g ISR 2590  * = 1 = 1 . = = 1 =  5.5  2661
 2 Gabriel, Christian  m GER 2565  = * = = . = 1 = 1 1  5.5  2668
 3 Movsesian, Sergei   m ARM 2635  0 = * 1 1 = = . = =  4.5  2558
 4 Polgar, Sofia       m HUN 2480  = = 0 * = = 0 1 1 .  4.0  2542
 5 Bezold, Michael     m GER 2495  0 . 0 = * 1 = 1 0 =  3.5  2484
 6 Boensch, Uwe        g GER 2525  . = = = 0 * = = = =  3.5  2477
 7 Hug, Werner         m SUI 2445  = 0 = 1 = = * 0 . =  3.5  2490
 8 Slobodjan, Roman    m GER 2520  = = . 0 0 = 1 * = =  3.5  2472
 9 Stangl, Markus      g GER 2565  0 0 = 0 1 = . = * 1  3.5  2490
10 Unzicker, Wolfgang  g GER 2460  = 0 = . = = = = 0 *  3.0  2455


More details on my homepage and next week. I hope to
have the projected policies of the Kouatly ticket
by then. (see my homepage for the platform of Jaime Sunye Neto.

Elections a two horse race?

The deadline for the announcement of tickets for the FIDE elections in Yerevan
Armenia (in September during the Olympiad) passed on July 23rd.

There were two tickets:

Presidential Ticket of Jaime Sunye Neto

   *  Jaime Sunye Neto (Brasil) President
   *  Einar S. Einarsson (Iceland) Deputy President
   *  Noureddine Tabbane (Tunisia) Deputy President
   *  Ego Ditt (Germany) Vice-President
   *  Steven Doyle (U.S.A.) Vice-President
   *  Andrei Makarov (Russia) Vice-President
   *  Emmanuel Omuku (Nigeria) General Secretary
   *  Guenther Loewenthal (Netherlands) Treasurer

Presidential Ticket of Barchar Kouatly

   * Bachar Kouatly (France) President
   * Anatoly Karpov (Russia) Deputy President
   * Roman Toran (Spain) Deputy President
   * Pedro Barrera (El Salvador) Vice President
   * David Hamoonga (Zambia( Vice President
   * Sun Lianzhi (China) Vice President
   * Morten Sand (Norway) General Secretary
   * Mohamed Mourad Succar (Lebanon) Treasurer

Does this mean that Kirsan Ilyumzhinov will not be standing for the Presidency?
Not necessarily.

In a recent communique from 15th of July to all Chess Federations (which was
not published on the FIDE Web Page) Iljumzhinov wrote:

3. "The Executive Council, held in Elista last month, recommended that the
Yerevan Elections for the Presidential Ticket shall comprise the existing eight
offices. Unfortunately, some members of the Executive Council acted beehind my
back and decided to form a separate ticket. If I am to offer my ticket, then 16
federations shall be locked in further intrigue and be hostile to one another.
The situation has plagued FIDE in recent years. In Paris, I agreed to become
FIDE President because I love chess and wanted to save FIDE of its financial
crisis. I am not interested and shall not take part in the intrigue among FIDE
officials. In order to help restore unity in FIDE, I decided not to present my
ticket for the coming elections.

4. The last two Congresses of Moscow 1994 and Paris 1995 established the fact
that the General Assembly is the highest governing body of FIDE. These
Congresses discussed and confirmed that the 1998 FIDE Elections shall be only
for the offices of President and Deputy President. This decision was wise and I
propose that the Yerevan Elections be held for only the offices of President
and Deputy President."

With the one hand (3) he says he is not presenting a ticket, and with the other
hand (4) he's saying elections with tickets are a stupid idea.

It seems that although the meeting in the Netherlands earlier this year came to
an agreement that there would be tickets there is a very strong possibility
that there may be a battle to see what kind of election takes place.

As one person commented "There is horrible tradition for changing the FIDE
statutes at the General Assembly without having the proposed changes on the
agenda." (Is it Larry Parr who goes on about FIDE traditions!)

However it is possible that if it is inevitable that Kirsan will lose that this
will not happen.

An interesting question is who will chair the General Assembly? I fear the
answer will be Florencio Campomanes.

I have been receiving a steady amount of information on the platform of Sunye
Neto and more information will be added to the above file along with hopefully
some indication about what Kouatly stands for in the next couple of days.

The internet was probably in part responsable for the overthrow of Campomanes.
It seems at least one side in the election will be campaigning there in order
perhaps to put pressure on the delegates to make clear their position.

7) First Saturday Tournaments July 1996.

My thanks to Joerg Harm for the games and results and his confirmation
of the first table as being the results he was sent.

              SERIES AT BUDAPEST, IN 1996 JULY
              AVERAGE RATING=2416 FIDE VII CAT.
     GM NORM =8.0p. IM NORM=6.0p. FIDE ARBITER=Otto Dobos

Budapest HUN (HUN), VII 1996.                                cat. VII (2416)
                                            1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
 1 Malakhov, Volodia            m RUS 2515  * = 1 = = 1 1 1 = 1 1  8.0  2646 GM Norm
 2 Cao, Sang                    m VIE 2445  = * = = 1 = = = 1 1 =  6.5  2523
 3 Petronijevic, Zoran          f YUG 2400  0 = * = = = 1 = 1 = 1  6.0  2489 IM Norm
 4 Lukacs, Peter                g HUN 2475  = = = * = = = = = = 1  5.5  2446
 5 Zifroni, Dov                 m ISR 2490  = 0 = = * = = 1 0 1 1  5.5  2444
 6 Csom, Istvan                 g HUN 2460  0 = = = = * = = 1 = =  5.0  2411
 7 Hoang Thang Trang            m VIE 2360  0 = 0 = = = * = = 1 =  4.5  2385
 8 Varga, Zoltan                g HUN 2450  0 = = = 0 = = * 0 1 =  4.0  2340
 9 Pedersen, Daniel Vesterbaek    DEN 2330  = 0 0 = 1 0 = 1 * 0 0  3.5  2314
10 Ribshtein, Nati                ISR 2270  0 0 = = 0 = 0 0 1 * 1  3.5  2320
11 Kahn, Evarth                 m HUN 2380  0 = 0 0 0 = = = 1 0 *  3.0  2270

Lukacs,P-Zifroni,D (8) was given as a draw in the crosstable but as a
win in the games file. I've taken the official table as the correct
result and altered it in the games file, but it looks like just a win for
Zifroni and certainly no place to agree a draw.

              SERIES AT BUDAPEST, IN 1996 JULY
              AVERAGE RATING=2296 FIDE II CAT.
            IM NORM=7.5p. FIDE ARBITER=Otto Dobos

Budapest HUN (HUN), VII 1996.                          cat. II (2296)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
 1 Borbjerggaard, Lars     DEN 2220  * 0 = 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1  7.5  2496 IM Norm
 2 Eperjesi, Laszlo      m HUN 2395  1 * 0 = = 1 = 1 1 = 1  7.0  2435
 3 Knezevic, Bojan       f YUG 2380  = 1 * = = 1 = = = 1 1  7.0  2436
 4 Czebe, Attila         m HUN 2345  1 = = * = = 1 1 = = =  6.5  2401
 5 Stevanovic, Vladan S  f YUG 2300  0 = = = * = = 1 = = =  5.0  2295
 6 Szeberenyi, Adam        HUN 2130  0 0 0 = = * 1 = 0 1 1  4.5  2276
 7 Todorovic, Jovan        YUG 2365  0 = = 0 = 0 * 1 1 0 1  4.5  2253
 8 Belotelov, Dmitri       RUS 2230  0 0 = 0 0 = 0 * = 1 1  3.5  2192
 9 Kerek, Csaba            HUN 2190  0 0 = = = 1 0 = * 0 =  3.5  2196
10 Pirisi, Gabor         m HUN 2395  0 = 0 = = 0 1 0 1 * 0  3.5  2176
11 Kerek, Krisztian        HUN 2305  0 0 0 = = 0 0 0 = 1 *  2.5  2102


My thanks to Adrien Hervais and Philip Boulet for the news and
games from this strong international open.

The 16th Benasque's tournament in the spanish Pyrenees has just finished in
the 14th of july with the victory of the russian grandmaster Oleg KORNEEV,
fifth elo of the tournament.

This big tournament (321 players) is the strongest in europe in this period
of the year: 28 I.G.M, 25 I.M, and 138 FIDE.

A particular mention for the very good game conditions assembled by the

Oleg KORNEEV is winner with 7,5 points on 9 possibles before Daniel CAMPORA
also 7,5 points.

Ruslan POGORELLOV (3rd) Mihail MARIN (4th) and Giorgi
GIORGADZE (5th) came after in a group of 16 players at 7 points.

Informations if you wish to enter this tournament next year:

Casa de la Cultura BENASQUE (Huesca) SPAIN
Phone/FAX (974) 55 12 89
For players over 2350 contact J.Miguel Royo  Zaragoza
Phone/FAX 34-(9)-76 22 35 12


 #          Name                            Tit ELO   Pts
   1.-    5 KORNEEV              Oleg       GM  2565  7.5
   2.-    8 CAMPORA SIVORI       Daniel H.  GM  2545  7.5
   3.-   33 POGORELOV            Ruslan     MI  2450  7.0
   4.-   15 MARIN                Mihail     GM  2530  7.0
   5.-    4 GIORGADZE            Giorgi     GM  2580  7.0
   6.-   21 CIFUENTES PARADA     Roberto    GM  2500  7.0
   7.-   24 KURAJICA             Bojan      GM  2490  7.0
   8.-   19 BRODSKY              Michail    GM  2510  7.0
   9.-    3 NOVIKOV              Igor A.    GM  2585  7.0
  10.-   30 GEORGIEV             Vladimir   MI  2465  7.0
  11.-   12 ANTUNES              Antonio    GM  2540  7.0
  12.-   20 DELCHEV              Aleksander MI  2510  7.0
  13.-    1 KOMAROV              Dimitri    GM  2595  7.0
  14.-   62 LODHI                Mahmood    MI  2355  7.0
  15.-   27 KUIJF                Marinus    MI  2475  7.0
  16.-   31 GONZALEZ GARCIA      Jose       MI  2460  7.0
  17.-   44 FERNANDES            Antonio    MI  2410  7.0
  18.-   39 ROEDER               Mathias    MI  2435  7.0
  19.-   22 DE LA VILLA GARCIA   Jesus M.   GM  2495  6.5
  20.-   14 ULIBIN               Mihail     GM  2535  6.5
  21.-   50 DOBROVOLSKY          Ladislav   MI  2395  6.5
  22.-   28 MITKOV               Nicola     GM  2470  6.5
  23.-   32 KOMLJENOVIC          Davor      GM  2455  6.5
  24.-   10 BECERRA RIVERO       Julio      MI  2545  6.5
  25.-   40 WESTERINEN           Heikki M.J GM  2430  6.5
  26.-   67 COOPER               Lawrence   MF  2335  6.5
  27.-   64 TORRECILLAS MARTINEZ Antonio        2355  6.5
  28.-   16 TIMOSHCHENKO         Gennady A. GM  2530  6.5
  29.-   47 FORINTOS             Gyizi V.   GM  2405  6.5
  30.-   13 NOGUEIRAS            Jesus      GM  2535  6.5
  31.-   41 MOLLOV               Elin       MI  2430  6.5
  32.-    2 PSAKHIS              Lev        GM  2590  6.0
  33.-   11 KISELEV              Sergei     MI  2545  6.0
  34.-   56 IVANOV               Jordan     MI  2375  6.0
  35.-   25 CHATALBASHEV         Boris      MI  2490  6.0
  36.-   37 MARTIN GONZALEZ      Angel      MI  2440  6.0
  37.-   29 NARCISO DUBLAN       Marc       MF  2470  6.0
  38.-    6 LALIC                Bogdan     GM  2565  6.0
  39.-   55 ESLON                Jaan       MI  2375  6.0
  40.-   71 GARCIA TROBAT        Francisco      2305  6.0
  41.-   17 IZETA CHAVARRI       Felix      GM  2525  6.0
  42.-   26 IONOV                Sergey     MI  2490  6.0
  43.-   46 BOJKOVIC             Natasa     GM  2405  6.0
  44.-    7 SUTOVSKIJ            Emil       MI  2565  6.0
  45.-   34 GONZALEZ             Renier     MF  2450  6.0
  46.-   59 LALIC                Susan      GM  2365  6.0
  47.-   49 GALLEGO JIMENEZ      Victoriano MI  2395  6.0
  48.-   54 FERGUSON             Mark           2385  6.0
  49.-   69 LEZCANO JAEN         Pedro      MF  2320  6.0
  50.-   81 PITAM                Ela        MF  2255  6.0
  51.-   80 GERSHON              Alik       MF  2255  6.0
  52.-   60 STEFANOVA            Antonaeta  GM  2365  6.0
  53.-    9 ARKELL               Keith C.   GM  2545  6.0
  54.-  146 MARTINEZ GONZALEZ    Crescencio        0  6.0
  55.-   68 FERNANDEZ LOPEZ      Felix          2335  6.0
  56.-  148 BURRIELL ROSELLO     Carlos            0  6.0
  57.-   38 GALEGO               Luis       MI  2435  5.5
  58.-   43 RODRIGUEZ VARGAS     Orestes    GM  2415  5.5
  59.-   23 JANSA                Vlastimil  GM  2490  5.5
  60.-   89 FONTANA SOTOMAYOR    L. Javier      2230  5.5
  61.-   61 MORENO RUIZ          Javier     MF  2365  5.5
  62.-   48 BEREBORA             Ferenc     MI  2400  5.5
  63.-   51 OMS PALLISE          Josep      MF  2395  5.5
  64.-   82 BACHES GARCIA        Guillermo      2255  5.5
  65.-   53 McSHANE              Luke J.    MF  2385  5.5
  66.-   95 CLARI MASCARELL      Jose J.        2215  5.5
  67.-  147 LILLO FERRER         Jose M¦           0  5.5
  68.-   73 CRUZ-LOPEZ CLARET    Carlos     MF  2295  5.5
  69.-  102 PES MATEO            Angel          2200  5.5
  70.-   94 PIZARRO SEGURA       Eduardo        2215  5.5
  71.-  100 FIERRO BOQUERO       Martha L.  MI  2200  5.5
  72.-  137 SANCHEZ              Nicolas        2085  5.5
  73.-   57 LANGEWEG             Kick       MI  2375  5.5
  74.-  206 OLIAS MU¥OZ          Francisco         0  5.5
  75.-  113 LAURITZEN            Jesper M.      2175  5.5
  76.-  157 COTS PALTOR          Jordi             0  5.5
  77.-   93 ANGLADA LOBARTE      Jose Andre     2215  5.5
  78.-  111 MAYER SCHWARTZ       Rene           2175  5.5
  79.-   58 BUCKLEY              Graeme     MI  2370  5.5
  80.-   78 AYAS FERNANDEZ       Antonio        2270  5.5
  81.-  145 BAUTISTA SANCHEZ     Juan              0  5.5
  82.-  127 SALAMERO PELAY       Fernando       2140  5.5
  83.-  125 GONZALEZ AGUIRRE     Luis           2145  5.5
  84.-  140 PORTELA GARCIA-MIGUE Javier            0  5.5
  85.-   87 MARIN-IONESCU        Luiza      MI  2240  5.5
  86.-  101 HERREROS FERNANDEZ   Miguel         2200  5.5
  87.-  269 MU¥OZ ARANA          Miguel            0  5.5
  88.-  116 ALKAERSIG            Oleg           2170  5.5
  89.-  142 PALACIOS LATASA      Elias             0  5.5
  90.-  138 HUERTA MARTINEZ      Alberto        2080  5.5
  91.-  115 MELENDEZ FIERRO      Juan B.        2170  5.5
  92.-  154 BASAS GAMAZO         Jose              0  5.5
  93.-  326 LANA PRIETO          Jose Ramon        0  5.5
321 players...

9) Australian Masters Tournament

Ian Murray sends the standings and games from the
Australian Masters AUS, VII 1996 cat. II Melbourne 30.6.96 - 12.7.96

Melbourne (AUS), VI-VII 1996.                               cat. II (2283)
                                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
 1 Nguyen Anh Dung          m VIE 2480  * = 1 1 = 1 1 = 1 1 1 1  9.5  2574
 2 Johansen, Darryl K       g AUS 2510  = * = = 1 = 1 1 1 1 1 1  9.0  2524
 3 Solomon, Stephen J       m AUS 2395  0 = * 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1  7.5  2405
 4 Leskiewicz, Maksymilian    AUS 2175  0 = 0 * 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 =  7.0  2394
 5 Rutherford, Simon          AUS 2300  = 0 1 0 * = 1 = = = 1 1  6.5  2346
 6 Snape, Ian                 ENG 2230  0 = 0 0 = * 1 1 1 = = =  5.5  2287
 7 Levi, Eddy               f AUS 2260  0 0 0 1 0 0 * 1 0 1 1 1  5.0  2249
 8 Chapman, Mark              AUS 2360  = 0 0 0 = 0 0 * 1 0 1 1  4.0  2173
 9 Smith, Robert W            NZL 2275  0 0 0 0 = 0 1 0 * 1 = 1  4.0  2181
10 Khoze, Eduard              RUS 2160  0 0 0 0 = = 0 1 0 * = 1  3.5  2161
11 Curtis, Ry                 AUS 2045  0 0 1 0 0 = 0 0 = = * =  3.0  2129
12 Freeman, Michael           NZL 2205  0 0 0 = 0 = 0 0 0 0 = *  1.5  1981

10) International Opens in Europe by Martin Pribyl.

With the arrival of the summer we see the proliferation of large
International opens. Martin Pribyl from the Czech Republic sends
news of a number of tournaments and Festivals.

Czech Open '96 in Pardubice

This year come to Pardubice 944 players from 30 countries, 4 tournaments were
organized. The top Czech Open played 286 players: 14 GMs, 68 IMs. Many from the
former Soviet Union.

Some new norms from the Czech Open (not official):
GM norms - Evgeny Nayer (RUS), Zoltan Gyimesi (HUN) and Korotylev (RUS)
WGM and IM norm - Khurtsilava (GEO)
IM norms: Zurek (CZE), Pcola (SVK), Manik (SVK), Kostin, Mirumian,
Romanovich, Valenta, J. Hladik,
WIM - Olga Sikorova-Cerna

Pardubice CZE (CZE), VII 1996.
                      Infinity CZECH OPEN '96 20.07.1996   21:55   str.1.5
Vypis poradi po 9. kole   KB.5
por.  Los Prijmeni        Jmeno          Stat VT   EloF EloN  body Progres Bucholz Elo str
  1.   24 NAJER           YEVGENY         RUS IM   2480    0  7.5    41.5    54.5   2449.5
  2.   36 MILOV           LEONID          UKR IM   2455    0  7      38.5    49.5   2402.5
  3.   49 FISH            GENNADIY        UKR IM   2440    0  7      38      48.5   2398.5
  4.   25 GYIMESI         ZOLTAN          HUN IM   2480    0  7      37.5    49     2431.5
  5.   54 KOROTYLEV       ALEXEI          RUS IM   2435    0  7      37      52.5   2437.5
  6.   51 KHOLMOV         RATMIR          RUS GM   2435    0  7      36.5    52     2425.5
  7.    8 KAMINSKI        MARCIN          POL GM   2525    0  7      35.5    49     2397.5
  8.   70 PROKOPCHUK      EVGENY          RUS IM   2410    0  7      34.5    48.5   2397.5
  9.   14 SULSKIS         SARUNAS         LTU IM   2515    0  7      31      45.5   2356.5
 10.    1 STOHL           IGOR            SVK GM   2560    0  6.5    37.5    53.5   2433.5
 11.    2 SHERBAKOV       RUSLAN          RUS GM   2555    0  6.5    35.5    54.5   2422.5
 12.   18 MOROZ           ALEXANDER       UKR IM   2500    0  6.5    34.5    51.5   2402.5
 13.   19 BLATNY          PAVEL           CZE GM   2490    0  6.5    34.5    50.5   2403.5
 14.   26 HACHIAN         MELIKSET        ARM IM   2480    0  6.5    34.5    49.5   2375.5
 15.   46 ZUREK           MILAN           CZE FM   2445    0  6.5    33.5    47.5   2396.5
 16.   41 ROGOVSKI        VLADIMIR        UKR IM   2450    0  6.5    33      45.5   2324.5
 17.   42 PCOLA           PAVOL           SVK M    2450    0  6.5    33      43     2343.5
 18.   20 TOTSKY          LEONID          RUS IM   2490    0  6.5    32      47.5   2369.5
 19.   52 GALDUNTS        SERGEY          ARM IM   2465    0  6.5    32      45.5   2308.5
 20.   39 STERN           RENE            GER IM   2450    0  6.5    31.5    43     2320.5
 21.   21 BEZGODOV        ALEXEY          RUS IM   2490    0  6.5    31      42.5   2363.5
 22.    7 SAX             GYULA           HUN GM   2525    0  6.5    30      45.5   2363.5
 23.   77 MANIK           MIKULAS         SVK M    2395    0  6.5    30      45.5   2362.5
 24.   47 STRIPUNSKY      ALEXANDR        UKR IM   2440    0  6      35.5    48.5   2411.5
 25.    9 MALISAUSKAS     VIDMANTAS       LTU GM   2525    0  6      35      56     2419.5
 26.   40 SHTYRENKOV      VENIAMEN        RUS IM   2450    0  6      34.5    48     2368.5
 27.   59 FILIPENKO       ALEXANDER       RUS IM   2430    0  6      34      48.5   2366.5
 28.   53 SERGEEV         VLADIMIR        UKR IM   2435    0  6      34      48     2374.5
 29.   43 JIROVSKY M.     MILOS           CZE IM   2445    0  6      33.5    50     2390.5
 30.   10 KAZHGALEYEV     MURTAS          KAZ IM   2525    0  6      31.5    49.5   2354.5
 31.   35 STOCEK          JIRI            CZE IM   2460    0  6      31.5    48.5   2346.5
 32.   44 BUTURIN         VLADIMIR        UKR IM   2445    0  6      31.5    46.5   2357.5
 33.   30 CHERNYSHOV      KONSTANTIN      RUS IM   2470    0  6      31.5    45     2357.5
 34.   64 MINASIAN        ARA             ARM IM   2425    0  6      31.5    44     2300.5
 35.   67 LECHTYNSKY      JIRI            CZE GM   2415    0  6      31      42.5   2351.5
 36.   50 VESELOVSKY      SERGEY          RUS IM   2440    0  6      30.5    44     2358.5
 37.    4 VOTAVA          JAN             CZE IM   2545    0  6      30.5    43.5   2373.5
 38.   15 KEITLINGHAUS    LUDGER          GER IM   2515    0  6      30      45.5   2363.5
 39.   96 GISBRECHT       EWGENI          GER M    2370    0  6      30      43     2334.5
 40.    5 BABULA          VLASTIMIL       CZE IM   2545    0  6      29.5    46     2362.5
 41.   81 ARONIAN         LEVON           ARM FM   2390    0  6      28.5    42.5   2247.5
 42.   55 OBODCHUK        ANDREI          RUS IM   2430    0  6      28.5    40.5   2298.5
 43.   31 SHARIYAZDANOV   ANDREY          RUS M    2470    0  6      28      41.5   2314.5
 44.    3 DYDYSHKO        VIACHESLAV      BLR GM   2545    0  6      27.5    42.5   2307.5
 45.  102 FREISLER        PAVEL           CZE IM   2350    0  6      27      42     2301.5
286 players.

Results derived from the games.

Pardubice (CZE), VII 1996.
                      1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9
  1 Najer, Evgeniy            m RUS 2480  +170 +159 + 64 + 40 +  5 = 30 +  9 =  4 =  3  7.5 /9  2722
  2 Gyimesi, Zoltan           m HUN 2480  +147 +172 +169 + 68 -  9 + 82 = 23 =  8 + 29  7.0 /9  2651
  3 Kaminski, Marcin          g POL 2525  +137 =102 + 77 = 94 + 47 = 26 + 40 + 11 =  1  7.0 /9  2616
  4 Milov, Leonid             m UKR 2455  +142 +173 + 92 = 66 + 43 = 22 + 83 =  1 = 24  7.0 /9  2621
  5 Blatny, Pavel             g CZE 2490  +139 + 98 + 58 + 28 -  1 - 83 = 82 +163 + 72  6.5 /9  2569
  6 Hachian, Melik            m ARM 2480  +162 + 81 - 40 +173 + 99 + 64 = 28 - 32 + 47  6.5 /9  2541
  7 Moroz, Alexander          m UKR 2500  +151 +131 = 41 + 60 = 23 - 28 + 71 + 40 = 37  6.5 /9  2567
  8 Sherbakov, Ruslan         g RUS 2555  +146 +119 = 23 = 43 +169 + 24 = 11 =  2 = 33  6.5 /9  2587
  9 Stohl, Igor               g SVK 2560  +127 +164 +158 = 21 +  2 + 41 -  1 = 22 = 14  6.5 /9  2598
 10 Keitlinghaus, Ludger      m GER 2515  +149 = 65 = 50 = 78 = 74 +121 =119 +133 = 53  6.0 /9  2488
 11 Shtyrenkov, Veniamen      m RUS 2450  +167 +165 =122 = 56 + 75 + 80 =  8 -  3 = 54  6.0 /9  2492
 12 Sulskis, Sarunas          m LTU 2515  +130 = 60 - 56   .    .  +176 + 90 + 64 + 28  5.5 /7  2609
 13 Buturin, Vladimir         m UKR 2445    .  = 46 +168 +120 + 68 = 63 - 24 = 57 + 75  5.5 /8  2513
 14 Pcola, Pavol                SVK 2450    .  = 95 +171 = 75 = 56 = 62 +175 + 43 =  9  5.5 /8  2497
 15 Sax, Gyula                g HUN 2525  +156 = 76 = 57 =116 =123 = 74   .  +164 + 48  5.5 /8  2511
 16 Totsky, Leonid            m RUS 2490  +154 - 43   .  +176 + 94 - 23 +125 = 72 + 76  5.5 /8  2521
 17 Zurek, Milan              f CZE 2445    .  +120 = 47 +122 - 30 + 39 - 36 + 56 + 20  5.5 /8  2557
 18 Gipslis, Aivars           g LAT 2470  +175 = 69 +123 = 32 = 65 = 57 = 77 =113 =125  5.5 /9  2441
 19 Pribyl, Josef             m CZE 2460  +152 = 75 + 95 = 71 = 57 = 56 = 46 = 49 = 77  5.5 /9  2427
 20 Shulman, Yuri             g BLR 2520  +143 +113 = 72 - 24 + 78 = 52 =118 + 82 - 17  5.5 /9  2476
 21 Vokac, Marek              m CZE 2470  +138 +136 + 99 =  9 - 41 = 81 = 57 = 77 = 49  5.5 /9  2470
 22 Fish, Gannadij            m UKR 2440    .    .  =117 + 96 + 66 =  4 + 30 =  9 = 32  5.0 /7  2598
 23 Kholmov, Ratmir D         g RUS 2435    .    .  =  8 +117 =  7 + 16 =  2 = 30 + 35  5.0 /7  2642
 24 Korotylev, Alexey         m RUS 2435    .    .  = 30 + 20 + 27 -  8 + 13 + 36 =  4  5.0 /7  2645
 25 Chernyshov, Konstantin    m RUS 2470  +153 - 92   .  +165 + 71 - 40 + 81 = 70 = 58  5.0 /8  2466
 26 Jirovsky, Milos           m CZE 2445    .  =111 +121 + 49 = 82 =  3 = 55 = 54 = 39  5.0 /8  2505
 27 Stocek, Jiri              m CZE 2460  + 80 + 74 = 49 +155 - 24 - 47   .  = 69 + 98  5.0 /8  2445
 28 Stripunsky, Alexander     m UKR 2440    .  +129 + 78 -  5 + 46 +  7 =  6 = 35 - 12  5.0 /8  2528
 29 Votava, Jan               m CZE 2545  +150 = 94 - 71   .  = 95 +172 + 50 + 55 -  2  5.0 /8  2479
 30 Malisauskas, Vidmantas    g LTU 2525  - 88 +163 = 24 + 72 + 17 =  1 - 22 = 23 = 41  5.0 /9  2461
286 players.

Klatovy (Czech Republic) - 4th Festival
Date: 29.06.96 - 07.07.96

A. Komercni banka Cup
1.	Jurek, Josef 		m CZE 2345  18.08.54		7,5 of 9
2.	Lechtynsky, Jiri 	g CZE 2425  25.11.47		7,0
3.	Bazant, Petr  		  CZE 2295  17.03.57		6,5
4.	Vodicka, Vladimir 	f CZE 2340  25.01.62		6,5
5.	Dolezal, Radoslav  	  CZE 2275  06.06.77		6,5
6.	Shurygin, Sergey  	  RUS 2395    .  .		6,5
7.	Gross, Georg  		  GER 2345  09.12.60		6,5
8.	Kucera, Petr 		f CZE 2325  23.12.64		6,0
9.	Doering, Robert  	  CZE 2205  16.08.70		6,0
10.	Havranek, Miroslav  	  CZE 2280  22.12.53		6,0
11.	Turner, Jan  		  CZE 2240  18.06.73		6,0
12.	Stluka, Petr  		  CZE 2295  25.11.71		5,5
13.	Kacirek, Petr  		  CZE 2275  05.02.76		5,5
14.	Svoboda, Milos  	  CZE 2235  06.12.67		5,5
15.	Musil, Vitezslav  	  CZE 2260  15.04.52		5,5
etc. 78 players

B. O pohar mesta Klatovy
1. Kracik, D 7,5, 2.-4. V. Danek, Parak, Sima 7, 5.-6. T. Vanek, Kovar 6,5 etc. 84 players

Nachod (Czech Republic) - 2nd Open
Date: 29.06.96 - 07.07.96

1.	Jiruse, Josef		  CZE 2069n 26.02.72		7,5
2.	Novotny, Jaroslav  	  CZE 2280  26.01.65		7,0
3.	Ringel, Zbynek		  CZE 2030n 19.03.79		6,5
4.	Bugnar			  POL				6,5
5.	Skorpik, Martin		  CZE 2041n 12.10.78		6,5
6.	Novotny, Josef  	  CZE 2220  03.01.51		6,5
etc. 66 players

Nove Mesto pod Smrkem (Czech Republic) - Summer Chess School
Date: 04.07.96 - 11.07.96
Organizer: Chess Academy Prague

Tournament A1.
1.	Navara, David		  CZE 2143n 27.03.85	4,0 of 5
2.	Adamek, Petr  		  CZE 2120  26.03.79	4,0
3.	Herskovic, Radek	  CZE 1827  02.11.79	4,0
4.	Ticha, Zuzana		  CZE 1928  17.09.72	3,5
5.	Peltan, Zdenek		  CZE 2005  17.10.62	3,0
6.	Lips, Frantisek		  CZE 1866  04.06.69	3,0
etc. 16 players

Various chess lectures were presented by international masters Josef Pribyl
(2460) and Ivan Hausner (2410).

Prague - 13th Open
Date: 29.06.96 - 07.07.96

1.	Belaska, Premysl  	  CZE 2230  21.02.74	7,0 of 9
2.	Vul, Arkadi Eremeevich 	m RUS 2410    .  .	7,0
3.	Jirovsky, Milos 	m CZE 2420  17.03.74	7,0
4.	Rodin, Mihail  		  RUS 2400    .  .	7,0
5.	Meduna, Eduard 		g CZE 2435  11.09.50	6,5
6.	Chloupek, Stanislav  	  CZE 2305  13.05.73	6,5
7.	Malivanek, Jiri  	  CZE 2180  16.04.69	6,5
8.	Suran, Jan  		  CZE 2300  20.03.77	6,5
9.	Duchov, A.  		  RUS 2295    .  .	6,5
10.	Iljushin, Alexei  	  RUS 2415    .  .	6,5
11.	Lorenc, Oldrich  	  CZE 2230  19.11.55	6,5
12.	Hosticka, Frantisek  	  CZE 2240  27.11.52	6,5
13.	Lobach, Pavel V.  	  RUS 2270    .  .	6,0
14.	Bauma, Jiri		  CZE 2155n 02.12.66	6,0
15.	Kolin, Julius  		  CZE 2230  16.09.45	6,0
16.	Khromov, Vladimir V.  	  RUS 2235  15.08.77	6,0
17.	Vorisek, Jaroslav  	  CZE 2210  21.10.77	6,0
18.	Kuznetsov, Sergei  	  RUS 2365    .  .	6,0
19.	Spanhel, Petr  		  CZE 2215  25.03.62	6,0
20.	Svoboda, Zdenek  	  CZE 2170  01.08.56	6,0
21.	Melich, Jindrich  	  CZE 2170  02.09.50	6,0
22.	Sergeev, Vladimir 	m UKR 2410    .  .	6,0
23.	Hybl, Jaroslav  	  CZE 2235  11.03.28	6,0
24.	Petras, Milan  		  CZE 2210  02.06.59	5,5
25.	Johnsen, Sverre  	  NOR 2175  16.07.64	5,5
etc. 136 players

Frydek - Mistek (Czech Republic) - 12th International Festival
Date: 21.06.96 - 29.06.96

A. Women Grandmaster Tournament

Frydek Mistek (CZE), VI 1996.
                                    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
 1 Ciuksyte, Dagne     wm LTU 2245  * 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 = 1  6.5  2404
 2 Stjazhkina, Olga    wg RUS 2200  1 * = = 1 1 = = = 1  6.5  2409
 3 Kiseleva, Natalia   wm UKR 2270  0 = * = = = 1 1 1 1  6.0  2361
 4 Zayac, Elena        wg BLR 2310  1 = = * = = = = 1 1  6.0  2356
 5 Bobrowska, Monika   wg POL 2305  0 0 = = * 1 = 1 1 1  5.5  2312
 6 Jackova, Jana          CZE 2210  0 0 = = 0 * 1 = = 1  4.0  2199
 7 Krupkova, Petra     wm CZE 2300  0 = 0 = = 0 * = 1 1  4.0  2189
 8 Dubinka, Inna       wm UKR 2235  0 = 0 = 0 = = * = 1  3.5  2160
 9 Svobodova, Michaela    CZE 2150  = = 0 0 0 = 0 = * 1  3.0  2124
10 Stotskaja, Elena       BLR 2170  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *  0.0

B. International Open Tournament
1.	Buturin, Vladimir 	m UKR 2445  19.11.43		6,5 of 9
2.	Pinkas, Karol 		m POL 2375  13.02.50		6,0
3.	Berezjuk, Sergej 	m BLR 2425    .  .		5,5
4.	Matlak, Marek 		m POL 2450  21.03.66		5,5
5.	Kalinin, Oleg 		m UKR 2420    .  .		5,5
6.	Ulak, Slawomir  	  POL 2255  24.11.65		5,5
7.	Kopjonkin, Gennady 	m RUS 2345  19.06.65		5,5
8.	Chernyshov, Konstantin 	m RUS 2470  11.06.67		5,5
9.	Kislov, Mikhail  	  RUS 2415    .  .		5,5
10.	Veselovsky, Sergey 	m RUS 2455  26.01.52		5,5
etc. 30 players

Crosstable of the results from the games.

Frydek Mistek (CZE), VI 1996.
                                            1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9
 1 Buturin, Vladimir           m UKR 2445  + 2 +13 = 7 + 9 = 5 +15 =12 = 3 = 4  6.5 /9  2571
 2 Pinkas, Karol               m POL 2375  - 1 +24 =25 = 8 +10 - 3 +19 +16 +12  6.0 /9  2518
 3 Kalinin, Oleg               m UKR 2420  = 4 +18 =12 = 7 =11 + 2 = 5 = 1 = 6  5.5 /9  2480
 4 Ulak, Slawomir                POL 2255  = 3 = 8 =14 +13 =15 + 9 = 7 = 5 = 1  5.5 /9  2516
 5 Matlak, Marek               m POL 2450  =19 +23 =10 + 6 = 1 =12 = 3 = 4 = 7  5.5 /9  2470
 6 Kopjonkin, Gennady          m RUS 2345  =11 =14 +20 - 5 = 9 +13 +18 = 7 = 3  5.5 /9  2516
 7 Berezjuk, Sergej            m BLR 2425  +21 +29 = 1 = 3 =12 =11 = 4 = 6 = 5  5.5 /9  2437
 8 Veselovsky, Sergey          m RUS 2455  =16 = 4 =21 = 2 =20 =22 =25 +17 +15  5.5 /9  2447
 9 Chernyshov, Konstantin      m RUS 2470  +22 =12 =15 - 1 = 6 - 4 +29 +21 +14  5.5 /9  2431
10 Kislov, Mikhail               RUS 2415  +28 =15 = 5 -11 - 2 +30 =20 +25 +23  5.5 /9  2453
11 Blehm, Pawel                  POL 2435  = 6 =19 =16 +10 = 3 = 7 =14 =12 =13  5.0 /9  2441
12 Ianov, Viktor               m UKR 2415  +30 = 9 = 3 +22 = 7 = 5 = 1 =11 - 2  5.0 /9  2448
13 Kaunas, Kestutis            m LTU 2415  +24 - 1 =17 - 4 +26 - 6 +30 +22 =11  5.0 /9  2363
14 Ivanov, Oleg                m RUS 2430  =17 = 6 = 4 =16 =19 +23 =11 =15 - 9  4.5 /9  2373
15 Voloshin, Leonid            m RUS 2420  +26 =10 = 9 +19 = 4 - 1 =16 =14 - 8  4.5 /9  2381
16 Vologin, Viktor             m RUS 2325  = 8 =25 =11 =14 =18 +28 =15 - 2 =20  4.5 /9  2403
17 Valenta, Vit                  CZE 2320  =14 =20 =13 -18 +24 =21 =22 - 8 +29  4.5 /9  2361
18 Ivanov, Vladimir Ivanovich  m RUS 2460  =23 - 3 =27 +17 =16 =25 - 6 =19 +28  4.5 /9  2325
19 Shurygin, Sergey              RUS 2395  = 5 =11 +29 -15 =14 =20 - 2 =18 +30  4.5 /9  2371
20 Lybin, Dmitry               m BLR 2425   .  =17 - 6 +26 = 8 =19 =10 =23 =16  4.0 /8  2361
21 Szymczak, Zbigniew          m POL 2330  - 7 +27 = 8 =25 =23 =17 =28 - 9 =26  4.0 /9  2293
22 Czerwonski, Aleksander        POL 2400  - 9 +30 +26 -12 =25 = 8 =17 -13 =27  4.0 /9  2300
23 Dovzik, Juri                m UKR 2400  =18 - 5 =28 +29 =21 -14 +27 =20 -10  4.0 /9  2278
24 Bolacky, Jiri                 CZE 2215  -13 - 2 =30 =27 -17 =29 +26 +28 =25  4.0 /9  2225
25 Gladischev, Oleg            m UKR 2460   .  =16 = 2 =21 =22 =18 = 8 -10 =24  3.5 /8  2328
26 Pastor, Karel jr              CZE 2240  -15 +28 -22 -20 -13 +27 -24 +29 =21  3.5 /9  2207
27 Ivannikov, Oleg               BLR 2090  -29 -21 =18 =24 -28 -26 -23 +30 =22  2.5 /9  2119
28 Jacko, Tomas                  CZE 2170  -10 -26 =23 =30 +27 -16 =21 -24 -18  2.5 /9  2134
29 Virostko, Petr                CZE 2120  +27 - 7 -19 -23 =30 =24 - 9 -26 -17  2.0 /9  2089
30 Novosak, Jiri                 CZE 2230  -12 -22 =24 =28 =29 -10 -13 -27 -19  1.5 /9  2019

C. Open Moravian Championship
1.	Rotshtein, Efim  	  UKR 2310    .  .		7,0 of 9
2.	Kalod, Radek  		  CZE 2340  08.08.78		7,0	Qual*
3.	Kislov, Sergey  	  RUS 2335  21.06.49		6,5
4.	Korneevets, Alexander  	  BLR 2325  13.12.63		6,5
5.	Krivolapov, Konstantin    UKR 2320  15.05.62		6,5
6.	Velicka, Petr 		m CZE 2420  26.02.67		6,0	Qual*
7.	Cvek, Robert  		  CZE 2265  06.01.79		6,0	Qual*
8.	Michalski, Olaf  	  POL 2305  31.03.77		6,0
9.	Biolek, Richard 	m CZE 2395  29.09.70		6,0
10.	Klima, Lukas  		  CZE 2215  04.10.77		6,0
etc. 86 players

Qual* = qualified for the closed Czech Republic Championship 1997

D. Open Moravian Women Championship
1.	Sikorova-Cerna, Olga  	  CZE 2150  04.03.75		7,0 of 9
2.	Kozlova, Olga  		  RUS 2055  05.04.76		6,5
3.	Dambravaite, Rita  	  LTU 2145  09.05.73		6,0
4.	Slepankova, Radka	  CZE 1953n	22.02.77	6,0
5.	Dambravaite, Asta  	  LTU 2135    .  .		5,5
6.	Grechanovskaya,Elena  	  UKR 2135  02.03.74		5,5
7.	Bogatkova, Tana  	  BLR 2210  15.02.64		5,5
8.	Minakova, O.		  RUS ----			5,5
9.	Morkunaite, Egle	  LTU ----			5,0
10.	Decka, Eliska		  CZE 1748n	06.07.82	5,0
etc. 24 players

E. National Open Tournament - winner Josef Lys (ELO 2270, CZE) 9,0 of 9, 36 players
F. National Open Tournament - winner Lukas Weissman (ELO 1960, CZE), 24 players

11) 6th Smith & Williamson Young Masters

IM Matthew Turner and Jacob Stisis from Israel have the joint lead
after six rounds of the Smith & Williamson Young Masters held at
Aldro School, Witley, Surrey.  Luke McShane, 12, is on a 50%
score and needs a good winning run to achieve an IM norm.

12) 1996 Canadian Open

Results from
(David Ottosen's page)

#    Name              Rating      1     2    3    4    5    6    7   8    9    10    Total

1    Spraggett(GM)     2600       +86   +49  +32  +18  +22  +2   +7   =3   +5   =4     9.0
2    Smirin(GM)        2615       +73   +47  +31  +6   +13  -1   +17  +11  =3   =5     8.0
3    Yudasin(GM)       2615       +74   +35  -14  +26  +63  +33  +13  =1   =2   =8     7.5
4    Hergott(IM)       2511       +87   +48  +63  =19  -14  +43  +32  +7   =11  =1     7.5
5    Day(IM)           2431       +75   -26  +82  +61  +42  +31  +8   +14  -1   =2     7.5
6    Gentes(FM)        2372       +77   +37  +45  -2   =43  +50  -14  +46  +32  +21    7.5
7    Frialde           2312       +79   +39  +53  =0   +27  +14  -1   -4   +22  +23    7.5
8    Ferguson          2276       +93   =29  +30  +16  +19  =11  -5   +35  +12  =3     7.5
9    Taylor(FM)        2456       +88   +51  +33  -13  -15  +59  =27  =44  +35  +37    7.0
10   Yoos              2445       +89   +50  -22  +52  -33  +40  =25  +27  +15  =16    7.0
11   O'Donnell(IM)     2426       +76   +52  +24  =14  +21  =8   +15  -2   =4   =13    7.0
12   Huber             2381       +78   +36  +43  -22  +44  -15  +64  +48  -8   +33    7.0
13   Gardner           2303       +120  +40  +56  +9   -2   +48  -3   =16  +28  =11    7.0
14   Ferrar            2301       +103  +65  +3   =11  +4   -7   +6   -5   =38  +41    7.0
15   Haessel           2187       +105  -56  +86  +55  +9   +12  -11  +19  -10  +38    7.0
16   Fielding          2059       +147  =0   +72  -8   +74  +21  =19  =13  +20  =10    7.0
... 147 players.

13) GLORNEY & FABER CUP by John Henderson

The U-18 annual team competition for boys and girls, the Glorney & Faber Cup,
held in Glenalmond College in Perthshire, resulted in a double victory for
the strong England team, their first double victory since 1983.

With no Belgium Faber Cup team taking place, there was a Scotland II team
which had three boys playing in it.

Round 1

Glorney Cup (Boys)

Group 1:  Netherlands 5.0-0.0 Ireland; Wales 1.5-3.5 Scotland
Group 2:  Germany 1.0-4.0 England; Belgium 0.5-4.5 France

Faber Cup (Girls)

Group 1:  Netherlands 0.0-3.0 England; Scotland 1.5-1.5 Ireland
Group 2:  France 1.5-1.5 Wales; Scotland II 1.5-Germany 1.5

Round 2

Glorney Cup

Group 1:  Scotland 3.0-2.0 Ireland; Wales 2.0-3.0 Netherlands
Group 2:  France 2.0-3.0 England; Belguim 1.0-4.0 Germany

Faber Cup

Group 1:  Ireland 0.0-3.0 England; Scotland 0.5-2.5 Netherlands
Group 2:  Germany 2.0-1.0 Wales; Scotland II 1.5-1.5 France

Round 3

Glorney Cup

Group 1:  Wales 3.5-1.5 Ireland; Scotland 1.5-3.5 Netherlands
Group 2:  Belguim 2.0-3.0 England; France 3.5-1.5 Germany

Faber Cup

Group 1:  Netherlands  0.0-3.0 England; Scotland 1.5-1.5 Ireland
Group 2:  Germany 2.0-1.0 France; Scotland II 1.5-1.5 Wales

Final pools (with  carried forward scores)

Glorney A: Netherlands 3.5; England 3.0; France 2.0; Scotland 1.5
Glorney B:  Germany 4.0; Wales 3.5; Ireland 1.5; Belgium 1.0

Faber A:  England 3.0; Germany 2.0; Wales 1.0; Netherlands 0.0
Faber B:  France 1.5; Ireland 1.5; Scotland 1.5; Scotland II 1.5

Round 4

Glorney Cup

Group A:  England 4.0-1.0 Scotland; France 2.5-2.5 Netherlands
Group B:  Wales 4.0-1.0 Belgium; Ireland 1.0-4.0 Germany

Faber Cup

Group A:  Wales 2.0-1.0 England; Germany 1.0-2.0 Netherlands
Group B:  France 2.5-0.5 Scotland; Scotland II 2.5-0.5 Ireland

Round 5

Glorney Cup

Group A:  England 3.5-1.5 Netherlands; France 5.0-0.0 Scotland
Group B:  Wales 2.0-3.0 Germany;  Belgium 4.0-1.0 Ireland

Faber Cup

Group A:  Wales 2.5-0.5 Netherlands; Germany 0.0-3.0 England
Group B:  France 2.0-1.0 Ireland; Scotland II  1.5-1.5 Scotland



England 22.5/25; France 17.5; Netherlands 15.5; Germany 13.5; Wales 13; Scotland
9; Belgium 8.5; Ireland 5.


England 13/15; France 8.5; Wales 8.5; Scotland II* 8.5; Germany 6.5; Scotland
5.5; Netherlands 5; Ireland 4.5.

* Scotland II is a composite team to make up the numbers as there was no Belgium
Girls team.  Their score does not count for placings as two of three of the team

14) Corrections

Jason Luchan saw that in TWIC 92.  In the game Meyer-Nielsen from
Gistrup (8), the 4th move looks like it should be Bd3, not Bd2 (which
would be a normal beginning for an Exchange French).

The names of the players in the game between Djurhuus and Gausel of
round 9 of Politiken Cup were interchanged in the bulletin (and on
the net site). This has been changed in my version on the web site
now. Djurhuus was White and Gausel was Black. (Rune himself reports)

Rune also reports the Norwegian Olympic team:

1. GM Simen Agdestein, 2600
2. GM Jonathan Tisdall, 2515
3. GM Einar Gausel, 2520
4. GM Rune Djurhuus, 2505
5. FM Espen Agdestein, 2375
6. FM Sverre Heim, 2405


1. Nina Hagesaether, 2090
2. WFM Sheila B. Berntsen, 2115
3. WIM Ingrid Dahl, 2120
4. Ellen Hagesaether, 2045

15) Universities World Championship Leon Spain by Juergen Daniel

53 players from 13 countries competed in the 4th edition of the Chess University
Worldchampionship in Leon/Spain. Next to the individual titles there was a
team-classification. (A team consisting of two men and one women). This title
was finally won by Georgia, who had male bronce-medal winner Sichinava and
second placed Nino Khurtsidze in their rows. Half a point behind finshed Spain,
whose players GM Segundo and FM Cacho dominated the male competition for the
whole event. Finally Cacho was first on tie-break, top seed San Segundo second
(both 7/9). Third was, as already mentioned Roman Sichinava from Geotgia.
While San Segundo was the only male GM playing, the ladies section saw six Women
Grandmaster fighting for the title. Winner was the Chinese Wang Lei with the
very good result of 7,5/9 followed by the well known Nino Khurtsidze/Georgia and
Ilana Kadimova/Azerbaiyan.
The general opinion was, that Leon hosted the best ever organised University

1. Georgia	19 points
2. Spain	18,5 points
3. Azerbaiyan	18 points
4. Germany	15 points
5. Switzerland	14 points
6. Yugoslavia	13 points
7. Peru		11 points