THE WEEK IN CHESS 921 2nd July 2012 by Mark Crowther

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1) Introduction
2) Russia vs China Match 2012
3) ch-RUS Higher League 2012
4) 40th Greek Team Championship
5) Greek Cup 2012
6) 5th Svein Memorial 2012
7) Stockholm Chess Festival 2012
8) Wroclaw Chess Festival 2012
9) 9th Annual Philadelphia International
10) 7th Edmonton International 2012
11) Mukachevo Summer 2012
12) 14th Torredembarra Open 2012
13) 15th Vins du Medoc Open
14) 4th Carlos I Open 2012
15) HSC/De Legibus Open 2012
16) e2e4 Buxton Chess Congress 2012
17) Championnat de Corse 2012
18) 4th Eforie Nord Festival 2012
19) Russian Team vs Russian Fans Correspondence Match
20) TCh-SUI 2012
21) Chinese League 2012
22) Active Team Events
23) 12th IPCA Championships 2012
24) Russian Online Blitz Grand Prix Open 2012
25) Astana World Rapid and Blitz 2012
26) 40th Annual World Open
27) FIDE Rating List July 2012
28) Forthcoming Events and Links

Games Section
Russia vs China Match 201210 games
ch-RUS Higher League 201289 games
40th Greek Team Championship480 games
Greek Cup 201220 games
5th Svein Memorial 201297 games
Stockholm Chess Festival 201288 games
Wroclaw Chess Festival 2012172 games
9th Annual Philadelphia International118 games
7th Edmonton International 201245 games
Mukachevo Summer 201254 games
14th Torredembarra Open 201215 games
15th Vins du Medoc Open122 games
4th Carlos I Open 201288 games
HSC/De Legibus Open 201236 games
e2e4 Buxton Chess Congress 201289 games
Championnat de Corse 201228 games
TCh-SUI 201240 games
Chinese League 201260 games
1651 games

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1) Introduction

My thanks to Roland Wimmer, Alexander Prokhorov, Luiz Roberto Da Costa Jr, Gujuan Tzu, Adolivio Capece, Sergey Abramov, Alex Battey and everyone else who helped with the issue.

The Russia vs China Match leads thing off this week with Dmitry Jakovenko being Russia's top player. However both he and Ian Nepomniachtchi had failed in the Higher League competition earlier in the week. The best Russians will all be in Astana later in the week to play in the World Rapid and Blitz starring Magnus Carlsen who extended his lead in the July FIDE rating list released this week. The Higher League saw Dmitry Andreikin, long time leader 16 year old Daniil Dubov (lost to Alekseev in the final round) and Nikita Vitiugov all finished on 7.5 points. The 40th Greek Team Championship sees the in form Fabiano Caruana, Gata Kamsky, Judit Polgar and David Navara star. There is however plenty of other chess to look at too.

Hope you enjoy this issue.


2) Russia vs China Match 2012

The Russia vs China Match in Saint Petersburg takes place 2nd-6th July for Classical games and 7th-8th for Rapid. A number of Russian players who might otherwise have played will go to Astana later in the week for the World Rapid and Blitz.

Official live coverage at: 12pm BST start each day. Day 1 Men RUS 3.5-1.5 CHN. Women CHN 3-2 RUS.

Men's Teams
Women's Teams
RUS-CHN Classic Men St Petersburg RUS Sun 1st Jul 2012 - Mon 9th Jul 2012
Leading Round 1 (of 5) Standings:
2 players
RUS-CHN Classic Wom St Petersburg RUS Sun 1st Jul 2012 - Mon 9th Jul 2012
Leading Round 1 (of 5) Standings:
2 players

3) ch-RUS Higher League 2012

Five players qualified for the 65th Russian Chess Championship Super-Final from the qualifier that took place in Tyumen 16th-27th June 2012. Dmitry Andreikin, long time leader 16 year old Daniil Dubov (lost to Alekseev in the final round) and Nikita Vitiugov all finished on 7.5 points. These along with Sanan Sjugirov and Vladimir Potkin from the group on 7 points go forward to the superfinal in August (I'm now assuming that it is the Russian calendar entry 2nd-13th August 2012 in Moscow). Favourites Ian Nepomniachtchi (16th 6pts) and Dmitry Jakovenko (23rd 5.5 pts) were way off the pace. Baira Kovanova dominated the women's event with 9pts from 11 a point clear of Natalija Pogonina.

ch-RUS Higher League Tyumen RUS Sat 16th Jun 2012 - Wed 27th Jun 2012
Leading Final Round 11 Standings:
1Andreikin, DmitrygRUS2700½1½½11½½1½½7.570462743
2Dubov, DaniilgRUS2569111½½1½½1½07.569522731
3Vitiugov, NikitagRUS270310½1½11½1½½7.568.544.52713
4Sjugirov, SanangRUS262511½½½½1½0½1770.5452689
5Potkin, VladimirgRUS2642110½½011½½1768412667
6Alekseev, EvgenygRUS26771001½1½0111765372645
7Demchenko, AntonmRUS25751½0½½1½11½½76240.52664
8Bocharov, DmitrygRUS2600110½½10101½6.569.5412691
9Prizant, JaroslavmRUS25240111½½½½½½½6.567412700
10Panarin, MikhailgRUS2538½½11½½½½½½½6.566.541.52663
11Grachev, BorisgRUS2680½1½½½½½½½1½6.565.5392681
12Timofeev, ArtyomgRUS26411½½½0½1½½1½6.56438.52631
13Ovetchkin, RomangRUS2501½01½0½101116.563.532.52621
14Khairullin, IldargRUS2631½½½½1½½½½½16.562.5372632
15Matlakov, MaximgRUS2668½1½01½½01½16.561.537.52615
16Nepomniachtchi, IangRUS2716½11½0½1½0½½666.5402632
17Kurnosov, IgorgRUS26631010½1011½0666.537.52590
18Zvjaginsev, VadimgRUS2683½1½½½½½½½0166637.52605
19Shimanov, AleksandrgRUS2600011½½½1½010665.538.52608
20Khalifman, AlexandergRUS2651½½½½1½½½½01661362575
21Lintchevski, DaniilgRUS2563½01½½½1½01½660.534.52618
22Popov, IvangRUS260911½½½0½½½½05.568.5402642
23Jakovenko, DmitrygRUS2736½½1½½½½½½½05.567.5372593
24Maletin, PavelgRUS25961½½½½0½1½0½5.561.536.52575
25Artemiev, VladislavfRUS2459½½01½½0½½1½5.561.5312505
26Stukopin, AndreymRUS2502½0011½½½01½5.559.55.32505
27Yuzhakov, OlegfRUS228610½0½½0½½115.556.55.282482
28Frolyanov, DmitrygRUS25641011100½½0056738.52547
29Khismatullin, DenisgRUS26641½½01½½0100565.5362542
30Yevseev, DenisgRUS2529½½00½11½010559292486
31Inarkiev, ErnestogRUS2707½1½½½00½0½1558.55.312489
32Kabanov, NikolaigRUS249601½½00½110½558.55.282444
33Bezgodov, AlexeigRUS2508½0½1½00½½½1558272426
34Petrov, ArturfRUS2414½0½10½1½001557.5292457
35Ulanov, AlexandrmRUS23920011010½½01556.55.272433
36Matinian, NikitaRUS242600101½1010½5555.272412
37Yuffa, DaniilfRUS234500101011001550262391
38Makhmutov, RailfRUS2363½0010101½½04.555.5262392
39Mokshanov, AlexeyfRUS242901½0½10½0½½4.554.55.272443
40Sergeev, VeniaminRUS23970011½000½½14.547.5242313
46 players
ch-RUS HL w 2012 Tyumen RUS Sat 16th Jun 2012 - Wed 27th Jun 2012
Leading Final Round 11 Standings:
1Kovanova, BairawgRUS239111111½1½011973582590
2Pogonina, NatalijawgRUS2447½½111½½11½½873.548.52514
3Ubiennykh, EkaterinawmRUS23361½1101½1½017.571.5482469
4Ovod, EvgenijamRUS24101½0011111½½7.570.542.52449
5Girya, OlgawgRUS241411½011100½1772.545.52453
6Timofeeva, EkaterinawmRUS2273½1101½0½11½771422460
7Bodnaruk, AnastasiamRUS2394½011101½1½½770.5412435
8Vasilevich, IrinamRUS2375110½1½01½016.56841.52371
9Severiukhina, ZojawgRUS23371010110½½½16.563.538.52375
10Shadrina, TatianawgRUS2359½1011010½10670392371
11Schepetkova, MargaritaRUS2181½½½1001110½665.535.52350
12Sukhareva, EvgeniyaRUS223601010110110658342289
13Drozdova, DinaRUS225610½010101105.56732.52316
14Kovalevskaya, EkaterinamRUS24171½½½0½1100½5.565.5372302
15Pustovoitova, DariafRUS230701101½010105.563352260
16Zaiatz, ElenamRUS2446010101101½05.562.5332264
17Ivakhinova, InnawmRUS23061½½10½001015.561.535.52256
18Romanko, MarinamRUS24201011000½0115.561.5332273
19Cheremnova, TamarawfRUS2245010100110½15.558.5292236
20Gubernatorova, LyudmilaRUS2243011000101½15.552.5292221
21Kabanova, EkaterinawfRUS216401001100110556282186
22Sazonova, Elena N.wmRUS2159001½01010½1550252133
23Iljushina, OlgawgRUS235411½001001004.563.534.52241
24Butuc, MariawmRUS2201010½1½0½0104.557.5282217
25Sazonova, AnastasiaRUS1963100010½10½0455.55.252097
26Korchenkova, IrinawfRUS2088-0½10½110004525.242080
27Manina, KseniaRUS198700½01000½1+447.5161968
28Adamova, TuyaraRUS191400010010+01446171978
29Korchagina, ViktoriawfRUS209800½001½10+0445.5191964
30Dotdaeva, AminatwfRUS2139½00½1½000013.5515.21985
31Likhovid, EkaterinaRUS2030-0½½000+½002.543.5141836
32Rassokhina, EkaterinawfRUS20800010010----248.5151958
32 players

4) 40th Greek Team Championship

The 40th Greek Team Championship takes place 30th June to 5th July 2012. Fabiano Caruana, Gata Kamsky, Judit Polgar and David Navara are the strongest of the players in the field.

40th Greek Teams Achaea GRE Sat 30th Jun 2012 - Thu 5th Jul 2012
Leading Round 4 (of 7) Standings:
11CP PERISTERI44008126.030.0
42CN Kavala4310691.028.5
56THESSALONIKI HS4310685.023.5
610CN HERAKLION4310684.025.5
812PEIRAIKOS PG4310671.022.5
99PG TRIANDRIAS4310657.022.5
105ADA CHANIA4211585.022.5
1111OP FLORINA4211564.021.0
1215SPRING CHESS4220478.523.0
1314ECA KORYDALLOS4220466.523.0
1413PANIONIOS GSS4220463.519.5
157AO KYDON CHANIA4220460.021.0
1616Von Heraklion - CONTACT4220455.519.0
1729DAA HERAKLION4220452.021.5
1823AO Zenon GLYFADAS4220446.018.0
1919CN PATRON4220443.519.5
2026STM ELEFSINAS4220441.019.0
2124CN POLICHNI4220439.020.5
2418NO KALAMATA Poseidon4121334.015.0
2625CN IKARIA I.TZELEPIS4130247.017.5
2822PAN GA4130241.014.5
2921YOUR KOROPIOU4130240.018.0
3230Chess Union AMFISSA4040020.07.5
32 players

5) Greek Cup 2012

The Greek Cup preceded the Greek Team Championship. There were results but I then couldn't find them. Game including those by Gata Kamsky are available.

6) 5th Svein Memorial 2012

The 5th Svein Memorial took place in Oslo 22nd-26th June 2012. Emanuel Berg won with 7.5/9.

5th Svein Memorial Oslo NOR Fri 22nd Jun 2012 - Tue 26th Jun 2012
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1 Berg, EmanuelGM25877.5 2656
2 Hebden, Mark LGM25127 2620
3 Urkedal, Frode Olav OlsenIM24397 2558
4 Smith, AxelIM24836.5 2499
5 Persson, Tiger HillarpGM25786.5 2472
6 Ogaard, LeifGM24086.5 2345
7 Hoi, CarstenGM23576 2456
8 Ziska, Helgi DamIM24506 2452
9 Christiansen, Johan-Sebastian19956 2264
10 Tari, Aryan22166 2281
11 Hammer, Jon LudvigGM26305.5 2434
12 Hagen, Andreas SkytteIM24455.5 2334
13 Hauge, Lars Oskar20715.5 2277
14 Frisk, EllinorWFM21815.5 2294
15 Salomon, Johan20525.5 2184
16 Westerinen, Heikki M.J.GM23355.5 2175
17 Bech Hansen, Lars-Henrik19925.5 2124
18 Adnoy, Hallvard VFM22865.5 2133
19 Seps, MonikaWIM21935 2206
20 Meurs, Tom22465 2197
21 Moseng, Geir21245 2156
22 Langmyhr, Tore19055 1998
23 Omtvedt, Per21175 2014
24 Heublum, Harry A19034.5 2044
25 Johansen, Stian19974.5 2041
26 Kjoita, Henning19704.5 2049
27 Kjolberg, Jens Hjorth19824.5 1988
28 Haubro, Sigfred21354.5 2015
29 Seroux, Camille DeWFM21284.5 2017
30 Ostby, Martin Bergsjo17344.5 1946
31 Mihajlov, Sebastian20644.5 1987
32 Lund, Terje20534.5 1981
33 Poulsen, Iver20844.5 1951
34 Kjoita, Torgeir18804.5 1824
35 Gonzalez, Francisco Silva19914 2022
36 Haug, Johannes18864 2016
37 Mihajlov, Svetoslav20924 2002
38 Hansen, Erle Andrea Marki18534 1912
39 Machlik, Jon17014 1864
40 Diaz, Linda20074 1854
64 players

7) Stockholm Chess Festival 2012

The Stockholm Master Open takes place 28th June to 4th July 2012. Ralf Akesson, Dan Cramling and Erik Blomqvist lead on 5.5/7.

Stockholm Master Op Stockholm SWE Thu 28th Jun 2012 - Wed 4th Jul 2012
Leading Round 7 (of 9) Standings:
1Akesson RalfGMSWE24335.524.50.05
2Cramling DanIMSWE23565.524.50.04
3Blomqvist ErikIMSWE24545.522.50.04
4Sagit RauanFMSWE23674.526.50.04
5Karlsson LarsGMSWE24314.525.50.02
6Adler BoSWE21384.524.50.03
7Johansson LinusSWE22914.523.00.03
8Bryntze StefanSWE21554.026.50.03
9Ornstein AxelIMSWE23924.025.51.03
10Lindgren PhilipSWE22304.025.50.04
11Cederstam Barsk CarlSWE21684.024.00.01
12Bergström RolfFMSWE22774.022.50.03
13Evertsson LennartSWE21144.020.50.03
14Ölund JoarSWE21783.523.50.01
15Hedin GunnarSWE21133.522.00.01
16Nygren KimSWE22163.521.50.02
17Fors TomasSWE20593.518.00.02
18Furhoff JohanIMSWE23583.515.50.02
19Lokander MartinSWE22853.026.00.02
Lögdahl HaraldFMSWE22593.026.00.02
21Johansson GunnarSWE22253.024.50.02
22Eriksson JörgenSWE22203.024.50.02
23Lundin JanFMSWE22853.023.50.02
24Jakenberg JussiSWE20613.020.00.01
25Wenzel BirgerGER20383.019.00.02
26Alarik MartinSWE19713.019.00.02
27Wiander MichaelSWE21582.523.00.01
28Olofsson Dolk MattisSWE20022.519.50.01
29Svensson HåkanSWE20792.517.00.01
30Arovén MikaelSWE21382.022.00.02
31Bannoura JeriesSWE21632.018.00.01
32Engström StefanSWE21160.518.50.00
32 players

8) Wroclaw Chess Festival 2012

The Wroclaw Chess Festival takes place 22nd June to 10th July 2012. The main 21st Adolf Anderssen Memorial took place 30th June to 1st July 2012 and I believe this was won by David Arutinian who beat Sergey Kasparov at the end of the knockout section. Wroclaw was formerly known as Breslau and in addition to being the birth place of Adolf Anderssen it was also the site of some early appearances by Emanuel Lasker.

Anderssen Prelim Wroclaw POL Fri 22nd Jun 2012 - Tue 10th Jul 2012
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1MALISAUSKAS, VidmantasGMLTU245722.0114.00147.00113.0
2JARACZ, PawelGMPOL251421.0116.00149.00121.0
3VYSOCHIN, SpartakGMUKR255021.0103.00132.0093.0
4KRASENKOW, MichalGMPOL260420.0120.00152.00102.0
5KASPAROV, SergeyGMBLR251720.0118.00152.00102.0
6ARUTINIAN, DavidGMGEO255319.0116.00148.00107.0
7STACHOWIAK, KamilIMPOL242719.0116.00148.00103.0
8HNYDIUK, AleksanderIMPOL242719.0111.00145.00100.0
9PIORUN, KacperIMPOL248819.0110.00141.00101.0
10SZCZEPKOWSKA-HOROWSKA, KarinaWGMPOL238719.0100.00130.0089.0
11GRABARCZYK, MiroslawGMPOL244518.0117.00151.00104.0
12GOLUBKA, PetrIMUKR240218.0114.00148.00105.0
13SADZIKOWSKI, DanielIMPOL239218.0113.00144.0095.0
14DJURIC, StefanGMSRB244718.0112.00146.0096.0
15CAJBEL, MaciejPOL222218.0109.00139.0087.0
16JAGODZINSKI, PiotrPOL218618.0101.00128.0087.0
17DOBROWOLSKI, PiotrIMPOL242618.0100.00132.0093.0
18SIECIECHOWICZ, MarcinIMPOL244618.099.00131.0093.0
19GOLUCH, PiotrPOL224616.0127.00160.0097.0
20CYBOROWSKI, LukaszGMPOL256016.0113.00145.00100.0
21SWICARZ, MaciejPOL225916.0104.00135.0087.0
22JARACZ, BarbaraWGMPOL231916.0103.00131.0088.0
23WALENTUKIEWICZ, MichalCMPOL210116.0103.00129.0092.0
24WIECZOREK, OskarPOL228916.0102.00136.0080.0
25CUKROWSKI, FilipPOL213816.099.00125.0076.0
26TOMA, KatarzynaWGMPOL230516.098.00128.0080.0
27STEPIEN, MarcinPOL213216.093.00119.0077.0
28KHAMIDOV, KomilPOL209016.092.00114.0080.0
29PIENIAZEK, ArturIMPOL236616.081.00104.0064.0
30KISLOV, MikhailIMRUS233015.0122.00151.0094.0
31MATUSZEWSKI, MichalPOL236615.0110.00139.0087.0
32ULMS, SandraGER213915.0104.00133.0078.0
33ULANOWSKI, KarolPOL196015.0104.00131.0078.0
34OSZCZANOWSKI, WitoldPOL190915.097.00123.0066.0
35MOCNY, TomaszPOL200615.095.00122.0075.0
36SZROMBA, KrzysztofPOL218215.094.00123.0076.0
37KASPAROVA, TatianaWIMBLR211915.091.00113.0072.0
38ZMINDA, BogdanPOL208715.088.00109.0072.0
39SPICAK, KrzysztofPOL200915.086.00114.0063.0
40SABUK, PiotrPOL217114.0109.00137.0081.0
102 players

9) 9th Annual Philadelphia International

The 9th Annual Philadelphia International takes place 29th June to 3rd July 2012. Many of the players will go on to compete in the World Open that follows directly on from the event.

9th Philadelphia Int Philadelphia USA Fri 29th Jun 2012 - Tue 3rd Jul 2012
Leading Round 6 (of 9) Standings:
1Abhijeet GuptaGM5.0
2Alexander EvdokimovGM5.0
3Marani VenkateshIM5.0
4Alojzije JankovicGM4.5
5Marin BosiocicGM4.5
6S P SethuramanGM4.5
7Dean IppolitoIM4.5
8Vidit GujrathiIM4.0
9Shyam NikhilIM4.0
10Alonso ZapataGM4.0
11Deepan ChakkravarthyGM4.0
12Bryan G SmithIM4.0
13Tania SachdevIM4.0
14Raja PanjwaniIM4.0
15Gabriel BattagliniIM4.0
16Michael KleinmanFM4.0
17Kevin Wang4.0
18Evgeny RomanovGM3.5
19Daniel J LudwigIM3.5
20Justin SarkarIM3.5
21Lawrence KaufmanGM3.5
22Thomas BartellFM3.5
23Eesha KaravadeWGM3.5
24Padmini RoutWGM3.5
25Mauricio Arias SantanaIM3.5
26Raul VazquezFM3.5
27Adarsh Jayakumar3.5
28Kevin Mo3.5
29Chandrashekar GokhaleIM3.5
30Bodda Pratyusha3.5
31Thomas M Ulrich3.5
32Ronald BurnettIM3.0
33Michael H Bodek3.0
34Aleksandr OstrovskiyFM3.0
35Alec GetzFM3.0
36Nisha MohotaIM3.0
37Robert Perez3.0
38Nelson CastanedaFM3.0
39Dereque D Kelley3.0
40Viktorija NiWIM3.0
77 players

10) 7th Edmonton International 2012

Nigel Short took clear first in the 7th Edmonton International. There was three points for a win. Short started with a loss to Victor Mikhalevski but 6 wins and only 2 draws was enough to win the event alone.

7th Edmonton Int Edmonton CAN Wed 27th Jun 2012 - Mon 2nd Jul 2012
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Short, Nigel DGMENG2705#0==1111112072586
2Mikhalevski, VictorGMISR25191#=01=11101762512
3Kovalyov, AntonGMARG2619==#=0=11111662501
4Krush, IrinaIMUSA2457=1=#=10==1145.52474
5Gardner, RobertCAN2202001=#=1==11352465
6Porper, EdwardIMCAN24140==0=#11=11352441
7Wang, RichardCAN2307000100#=1=832285
8Pechenkin, VladimirFMCAN2312000==0=#=1732285
9Piasetski, LeonIMCAN2304000===0=#=52.52245
10Haessel, Dale R.FMCAN2161010000=0=#522207
10 players

11) Mukachevo Summer 2012

The Mukachevo Summer tournament took place 26th June to 1st July 2012. Stanislav Bogdanovich edged out Alexander Nosenko after both scored 20/27 in the 9 round event with 3 points for a win 1 for a draw.

Mukachevo Summer Mukachevo UKR Tue 26th Jun 2012 - Sun 1st Jul 2012
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Bogdanovich, StanislavIMUKR25151111½10½1201513232635
2Nosenko, AlexanderIMUKR251711½½1111020146.5326.52618
3Kozakov, MikhailGMUKR2481111010½1119136.5261.52497
4Bernadskiy, VitaliyIMUKR24731111½1½0½181512852558
5Kovalev, DenisIMUKR248411101½½½1181422722517
6Ovsejevitsch, SergeiGMUKR25721½101½1½118126.5234.52510
7Koziak, VitaliIMUKR25151½101½½11181242462437
8Grinev, ValeriyFMUKR23950111101½½171382332402
9Tarlev, KonstantinIMUKR2526½1½10111017130.5226.52453
10Nechaev, AndreiUKR242311011½½01171302072463
11Ustianovich, NazarFMUKR21630101½11½017124.5173.252343
12Melnichuk, MikhailUKR2343½1½½11½½1171192232369
13Tregubov, VadimUKR2374110½1½01117112.5186.52388
14Oros, RobertFMUKR225810100½11116107.5183.52201
15Okhotnik, VladimirGMFRA24630101½101116103.5185.52234
16Sivuk, VitalyIMUKR245411½110½½015142.5211.52469
17Melnyk, IgorUKR2088101100110151342012380
18Ianov, ViktorIMUKR232711010101015124.5160.52311
19Plaksin, ValeriyUKR2197100101110151141472255
20Terekhov, AndreyFMRUS23051½½01½101151111692231
21Popovkin, PetroUKR219510101010115108136.52259
22Starozhilov, LeonidUKR2256½½1½1001115981432204
23Vorontsov, PavloUKR2150011101½½014128.5156.52385
24Vusatiuk, VladimirFMUKR23011½110½01014126.5162.52397
25Yarmysty, MikhailUKR2365110011½½-14116.5158.252344
26Omelja, ArtemUKR2304100½111½014106.5119.52226
27Rytenko, VsevolodUKR0½01½½½½11141031582210
28Burdalev, KirillFMUKR2316½01½½½1½114941462193
29Skliarov, ViktorUKR2257100111½0013121.5125.52225
30Nester, IhorIMUKR2315½11½0½01½131191462249
31Tarleva, ViraWFMUKR21490½11½½10½131151442235
32Nayhebaver, MartinSVK21410½01½½½1113105.5131.52052
33Podolsky, AntonUKR2285½1½½½001013103.5114.752150
34Kulesh, VladyslavUKR1895½010011011399126.52191
35Zingaylo, AnastasiyaUKR204700½1½½1½11395.5111.52158
36Rizsonkov, VlagyimirUKR216601110001012128139.52223
37Pugachov, IliaUKR21041½0½01½10121211552198
38Grabar, VasiliyUKR2165½½01½1100121171182224
39Lukiyanchuk, VladislavUKR1929010½½1½0112106.5127.52160
40Guk, IljaFMUKR2242101½½½001121051062154
72 players

12) 14th Torredembarra Open 2012

The 14th Torredembarra Open takes place 30th June to 8th July 2012.

14th Torredembarra Torredembarra ESP Sat 30th Jun 2012 - Sun 8th Jul 2012
Leading Round 2 (of 9) Standings:
1Obregon Rivero Juan CarlosCUB24792.
Gonzalez Rodriguez Jorge ACOL23982.
Diaz Velandia Jose ManuelVEN22502.
Uran Bermudez Oliver KevinVEN21602.
Regue Farran EnricESP20652.
Pujol Codinach EduardESP20262.
Aranzana Areste AlbertoESP20232.
8Martinez Duany Lelys StanleyCUB24682.
Esplugas Esteve VicencESP21902.
Moreno Carretero CarlesESP21702.
Plasencia Martinez VictorESP21672.
Mila Tejera JordiESP20572.
Duran Vallverdu JuanESP20102.
Prats Cabaces LluisESP19142.
15Pogorelov RuslanUKR24082.
Galimany Rovira XavierESP19982.
Bulto Gonzalvo RamonESP19582.
Beltran Reverter Josep MESP18622.
19Ruiz Font ElisabetESP20411.
20Camarasa Rodriguez MiguelESP18591.
21Farran Martos Francesc XESP23211.
Sirera Bargallo TomasESP17231.
23Pena Riasco AlexanderCOL22331.
Ordobas Martinez VicensESP20921.
Luke Brezmes CristoferESP20741.
Terreu Serra FrancescESP19861.
Guasch Murtra Josep MariaESP19701.
Matons Calafi Eva MESP18351.
29Lluverol Torrents SalvadorESP20281.
Sarto Ramos AngelESP19721.
Jimenez Munoz HugoESP17001.
32Margalef Guell JordiESP19831.
Tutusaus Marrugat CarlesESP19691.
Eguia Cambero IgnacioESP19561.
Turuguet Lopez Josep LluisESP19351.
Blasco Cusido FrancescESP19301.
Cabanillas Roca FannyESP19281.
Salom Arroyo NicolauESP19121.
Aubanell Ber SergiESP18831.
Girona Masdeu JoanESP18441.
87 players

13) 15th Vins du Medoc Open

The 15th Vins du Medoc Open took place 24th June to 1st July 2012. Adrien Demuth took clear first with 7/9.

15th Vins du Medoc Naujac sur Mer FRA Sun 24th Jun 2012 - Sun 1st Jul 2012
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Demuth, Adrienm2460743½502480
2Fantinel, Thibaultf228543½53½2377
3Loiseau, Quentin 231442½522434
4Marholev, Dimitarm235641½512401
5Favarel, Antoine 226741½50½2375
6Kirk, Ezra 221636½442235
7Collas, Didierm242664453½2370
8Velten, Paulf2390641½512293
9Collas, Silviam227463946½2183
10Castro, John 2183637½452212
11Thalwitzer, David 2174636½452196
12Colin, Vincentm239141502274
13Van Delft, Merijnm240840½502234
14Kaimer, Thomas 220239½482158
15Kramer, Julian 20483944½2149
16Bouvet, Laurent 216336½44½2096
17Sanchez, Nicolas 21683643½2103
18Capitaine, Adrien 210934½39¾2074
19Dierkes, Tobias 210754148½2142
20Devecchi, Jorge 1959540½47½2091
21Resnjanskij, Denis 2134539472090
22Louis, Thibault 2151536½422047
23Faugerolle, Nicolas 1827535½41½1882
24Zickelbein, Eva Mariaff2071535½40¾2104
25Cazeaux, Didier 1824534½40½1942
26Martin, Eric 1873534½40½1929
27Dubertrand, Bernard 165053133¾1860
28Maruejols, Claude 19423845½2041
29L'hospital, Philippe 189938451962
30Ferrandi, Bernard 181435½411907
31Larand, Manuel 204435411922
32Le Meur, Jean-Pierre 193034½401901
33Labbe, Georges 177333391773
34Pokee, Anne 1901435½421885
35Keravec, Julien 1765434371786
36Banana, Adnane 1797433391819
37Prioux, Michel 1782432½391815
38Zickelbein, Benjamin 1743432381678
39Labarthe, Francois 162943035½1656
40Goulesque, Camille 1708430351737
64 players

14) 4th Carlos I Open 2012

The 4th Carlos I Open took place in Sanxenxo 23rd June to 1st July 2012. Ibragim Khamrakulov won with 7.5/9.

4th Carlos I Open Sanxenxo ESP Sat 23rd Jun 2012 - Sun 1st Jul 2012
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Khamrakulov Ibragim S.GMESP25177.5336.02220
2Fernandez Garcia Jose LuisGMESP24197.0138.52350
3Arribas Lopez AngelIMESP24637.0136.02265
4Barlov DraganGMSRB24507.0135.52216
5Espineira Gonzalez DiegoIMESP23717.0135.02156
6Larino Nieto DavidIMESP24696.5136.52307
7De La Villa Garcia Jesus MariaGMESP24786.5135.02273
8Paunovic DraganGMSRB25216.5134.52317
9Garcia Castro PabloIMESP24056.5131.02128
10Recuero Guerra DavidIMESP24676.0133.02213
11Pinho PauloPOR21456.0133.02195
12Espineira Gonzalez Pablo DanieESP22136.0133.02176
13Patino Romaris Juan RobertoESP21856.0132.52276
14Meneses Gonzalez Kevin MoisesESP22646.0132.02199
15Gomez Dieguez DavidESP20526.0131.02139
16Cardenas Serrano SergioESP21246.0131.02135
17Vaarala EricSWE22496.0130.52111
18Medarde Santiago Luis MarcosESP20096.0129.02160
19Adams PhilipENG20976.0125.51915
20Sanchez Aller FernandoFMESP22985.5133.52306
21Santos Latasa JaimeFMESP23965.5133.52246
22Pazos Porta AntonioFMESP23195.5131.52115
23Cubero Ferreiro RodrigoESP21825.5129.52123
24Recuero Guerra JavierFMESP22435.5129.02079
25Abella Vazquez CesarESP20905.5228.52082
26Castellanos Bogalo AntonioESP21005.5226.51953
27Pinho FernandoPOR18885.5224.51957
28Garcia Brion EduardoESP21915.5430.01988
29Nedobora GregoriESP21035.5428.51952
30Carril Garcia LuisESP20945.0129.02153
31Pena Torres Jose CarlosESP21055.0128.02093
32Salido Polo VeronicaESP19825.0126.51987
33Prata JosePOR20685.0125.52018
34Varela Fernandez AndresESP17425.0125.02074
35Loehr Dols LluisESP20735.0125.02000
36Fernandez Vazquez JorgeESP19705.0125.01945
37Bello Filgueira Joaquin AntoniESP18695.0124.51958
38Bouza-Brey Teijeiro GonzaloESP18695.0124.01923
39Blazquez Criado SergioESP18605.0124.01909
40Carreira Casais AnxoESP18335.0123.52045
109 players

15) HSC/De Legibus Open 2012

The HSC/De Legibus Open took place 30th June to 1st July 2012. Georgui Castenada took clear first with 7.5/9 in this event with 45 minutes on the clock. Jan Timman and Maxim Turov were half a point further back.

HSC/De Legibus Open Helsingor DEN Sat 30th Jun 2012 - Sun 1st Jul 2012
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Castenada, GeorguiGMPER2522111½1½11½7.553.043.02679
2Timman, JanGMNED25821111½½0117.051.038.752583
3Turov, MaximGMRUS26531½101111½7.049.537.02607
4Sprenger, JanIMGER249811100111½6.551.534.02510
5Epishin, VladimirGMRUS2541111½½½01½6.053.533.252535
6Swinkels, RobinGMNED24931101110016.050.030.02505
7Jonkman, HarmenGMJPN24111101101016.047.527.52358
8Van Oosterom, ChielIMNED236811011½1005.547.524.52385
9Sutmuller, JosNED21151½01½1½015.544.525.02150
10Smits, SebastiaanNED21661100½11015.544.522.752133
11Simons, RudyNED195910110+½½05.048.520.752047
12Majhi, AnkitNED20551011001½½5.046.523.02038
13Faber, HugoNED206910110½01½5.046.522.252138
14Bosch, RuudNED18690101101½½5.043.520.251966
15Cabula, JerzyNED199010110½01½5.042.019.02052
16Broekhuis, JanNED189100110+0115.039.016.251870
17Wuijts, JohanNED179901011-1½½5.038.521.51939
18Mollema, ThomasNED20681001101½04.543.517.52012
19Blijlevens, PimNED18820110½01104.543.016.751895
20Robinson, RolandNED17630101110½04.541.017.01889
21Smit, MaartenNED195010100011½4.537.516.01828
22Daamen, RolandNED1920011001½014.536.513.751906
23Ousmane, TijanyNED1519000½011114.531.014.251578
24Heijnemans, NolNED16720100110104.037.514.51730
25Bakels, RobNED17140101½½0014.036.012.251737
26Van Boxtel, DannielNED18880½01½01014.034.510.51752
27Verkooijen, LoekNED17070½½0110014.034.011.251758
28Jonkers, WillyNED19671010½½½003.542.514.51859
29De Groot, ivoNED15000010½00+13.532.06.751401
30Hinzen, JackNED14700010010013.034.511.01496
31Peeters, JoepNED18070100100103.034.06.01627
32De Haas, JessicaNED154500½½1000+
33Simons, VictorNED1495001000+
34Van der Aa, ChrisNED14290000111003.031.58.01469
35Martens, HuubNED12540+00001103.030.54.751312
36Labriaire, MilloNED1352--01½10002.530.010.51379
37Heijmans, StanNED193710100----2.038.514.51787
38Van der Vall, MaartenNED1200+000000001.028.50.25756
38 players

16) e2e4 Buxton Chess Congress 2012

The e2e4 Buxton Chess Congress took place 29th June to 1st July 2012. Keith Arkell took clear first with 4.5/5.

e2e4 Buxton Open Buxton ENG Fri 29th Jun 2012 - Sun 1st Jul 2012
Leading Final Round 5 Standings:
1Arkell, Keith CGMENG24351111½4.52630
2Hebden, Mark LGMENG25121½11½4.02471
3Fernandez, Daniel HowardIMSIN2349111014.02451
4Merry, Alan BENG2138101114.02348
5Spence, David JENG2235110½13.52289
6Shaw, RobertFMENG22201101½3.52216
7Maciol, RyszardPOL21991101½3.52200
8Brown, MartinENG21831½1103.52341
9Walton, Alan JCMENG2179½10113.52118
10Richmond, JaneWFMWLS2074=11013.52321
11Adair, James RENG2247111003.02241
12McPhillips, JosephENG213610½½13.02180
13Surtees, Mike JENG2113101013.02029
14Olbison, PhilipENG1982 *010113.02118
15Webster, Richard JENG1972=0½113.02099
16Padilla Cabero, PabloESP2179=10102.52168
17Burrows, Martin PENG21341010½2.51845
18Day, Thomas WENG208700½112.52084
19White, Kevin DENG2079011½02.52084
20Burns, Martin JENG2006=01102.52109
21Wood, Peter RENG19210011½2.52012
22Doci, StefanSVK2103011002.01886
23Toole, DavidENG2062 *010½½2.01968
24Burke, Steven JENG2046000112.01868
25Cawley, Paul FENG2046 *01½0½2.01905
26Doran, ChrisENG2017=0½102.01823
27Edwards-Wright, Miles DENG1995=01½02.01982
28Day, JonathanENG1862 *0+0012.01922
29Lewicki, PawelPOL1822 *100012.01984
30Tasker, Michael WENG20980½10-1.51981
31Bourne, Johnathan DENG2081=10001.51994
32Waters, Andy CENG1870 *001½01.51220
33Kender, RobertUSA19460½0½01.01849
34Livesey, R NigelENG189300½½01.01931
35Paul, NathanaelENG1878 *010001.01763
36Fernandez, MichaelSIN1823100001.01349
37Szymanski, MarkENG1738----11.00
38Jones, Steven AENG1923½000-0.51772
39Ahmadi, KamranENG0 *--0--0.00
40Chua, Jing-Yuan,CyrilSIN0 *---0-0.01311
40 players

17) Championnat de Corse 2012

The Championnat de Corse took place 23rd to 29th June 2012. Michael Massoni won with 6.5/7.

Championnat de Corse Bastia FRA Sat 23rd Jun 2012 - Fri 29th Jun 2012
Leading Final Round 7 Standings:
1MASSONI Michael f2360 1½1111121½
2BRETHES Francois22440 11111½22½
3HUMEAU Cyril2279½0 111½1523
4BATTESTI Saveriu2000000 1½1124½
5LUCIANI Thibault19980000 111325
6BATTESTI Marc-Andria1988000½0 1125½
7UTRERA Ludovic195300½000 126½
8GUILLEMART Serge17800½00000 ½27½
8 players

18) 4th Eforie Nord Festival 2012

The 4th Eforie Nord Festival saw an 11 round all-play-all as the top group. A resurgent Sergei Tiviakov won with 9/10. Couldn't find any games.

4th Eforie Nord Open Eforie Nord ROU Sat 23rd Jun 2012 - Sun 1st Jul 2012
Leading Final Round 11 Standings:
1Tiviakov SergeiGMNED26569.037.546.040.00
2Iordachescu ViorelGMMDA26148.537.546.534.50
3Nikolova AdrianaWGMBUL23457.538.547.530.25
4Badea BelaGMROU24917.538.547.526.75
5Mintas Florin-AlexandruROU12015.544.553.515.00
6Zaim MarianNMROU21745.
7Kutnik Alexandru-FranciscNMROU21714.
8Mindrigan DumitruMDA20103.544.553.57.75
9Somoff AbdoFMLIB21553.542.551.510.50
10Cimpean AndraIROU16791.044.553.51.50
11Dina Mihai-FabianIROU12750.040.549.50.00
11 players

19) Russian Team vs Russian Fans Correspondence Match

To Celebrate the 175th Anniversary of a match between Alexander Petrov and three St. Petersburg chess players in consultation there is a match between the Russian Chess team and their fans who can sign up online. Peter Svidler, Alexander Grischuk, Sergey Karjakin and Evgeny Tomashevsky make up the Russian side.

20) TCh-SUI 2012

The Swiss Team Championship takes place 18th March - 21st October 2012. Round 5 was on 24th June 2012. Games and results now available. Round 6 22nd September 2012.

TCh-SUI National A Zuerich SUI Sun 18th Mar 2012 - Sun 21st Oct 2012
Leading Round 5 (of 9) Standings:
1Riehen 1926½
2Zuerich 1723
3Geneve 1722½
4Luzern 1621½
5Reichenstein 1620
6Reti 1520½
7Winterthur 1419½
8Wollishofen 1418
9Mendrisio 1214½
10Neuchatel 1014
10 teams

21) Chinese League 2012

The Chinese league is a marathon event over 22 rounds. Rounds: Beijing 28th Apr - May 1st, Taizhou 27th-29th June, Shanghai 11th-13th July, Shenzhen 14th-17th Sept, Hangzhou 6th-9th October and finally Tianjin 19th-22nd Dec 2012. (info ).

TCh-CHN 2012 Beijing CHN Sat 28th Apr 2012 - Tue 9th Oct 2012
Leading Round 7 (of 22) Standings:
16Shanghai Jianqiao Academy Team75111121.5
24Beijing AIGO Team74121020.5
38Jiangsu Taizhou Team7313920.5
42Chongqing Team7421920.0
53Tianjin Qin Huangdao Team7421919.0
69Shandong Gree Team7214819.0
712Wuxi Huafang Construction Team7223718.0
81Zhejiang Yinzhou Team7331718.0
95Chengdu Bank Team7142414.0
1010Qingdao School Team7142413.5
117Guangdong Huateng Club Team7151314.0
1211Hebei Sports Lottery Team7043312.0
12 teams

22) Active Team Events

A list of ongoing team events without an update this week.

TCh-POL Ekstraliga 2012

The Polish Ekstraliga takes place 4th May - 30th September 2012 over three long weekends. David Navara and Radoslaw Wojtaszek are the highest rated players. There is a long break until rounds 4-6 (14-16 Sept) and then rounds 7-9 (28-30 Sept).

TCh-POL Ekstraliga Warsaw POL Fri 4th May 2012 - Sun 30th Sep 2012
Leading Round 3 (of 9) Standings:
11KSz WASKO HetMaN Szopienice Katowice2500622
28GK BASZTA MOS Znin245061.52.5
410KSz POLONIA Warszawa2483412
54KSz STILON Gorzow Wlkp.2417421.5
65IMPACT TEAM Ostroda236721.51.5
79ROTMISTRZ TWOJA SZKOLA Grudziadz240020.50.5
82KSz POLONIA VOTUM Wroclaw241722.51
93MLKS NADNARWIANKA Pultusk2350011.5
106LKS WRZOS Miedzyborow2317010
10 teams

23) 12th IPCA Championships 2012

The 12th IPCA Championships took place in Split Croatia. Top seed Andrei Obodchuk won with 8.5/9. I couldn't see any games.

ch-IPCA 2012 Split CRO Sun 17th Jun 2012 - Tue 26th Jun 2012
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Obodchuk AndreiIMRUS24048.543.547.042.0
2Yarmonov IhorIMUKR23247.545.550.040.0
3Valenta VitCZE21746.047.552.031.0
4Matijasevic IlijaCRO21045.546.549.030.5
5Mikheev StanislavIMRUS22615.544.548.529.5
6Glazar DomagojCRO20945.544.047.529.5
7Melnik GalinaWFMRUS19855.540.544.028.0
8Zavarsky JurajSVK20165.043.044.526.0
9Kovacevic KrstoCRO20575.038.542.024.5
10Strekalovski ViktorRUS21425.038.542.024.0
11Tsapalin SergeyRUS19765.037.538.022.0
12Marievsky MaximRUS19955.035.037.525.0
13Doronkin GrigoryRUS19314.546.550.026.0
14Tersinsev AndreyRUS18374.540.542.023.5
15Linqvist GrelsFIN20054.540.043.525.0
16Kaydanovich MarinaRUS17454.539.543.021.5
17Tocklin TomiFIN18544.535.037.520.5
18Koszela StanislawPOL18874.535.035.520.0
19Jakesevic BrankoCRO20634.040.040.520.5
20Kurochkina ElenaRUS18184.036.540.019.5
21Kestlane HarryEST04.036.037.520.5
22Konkolova NikolaSVK04.031.031.518.0
23Pisarova NatalijaUKR04.031.031.517.0
24Aristov PavelRUS04.030.531.017.0
25Sergeeva AnnaRUS03.031.031.515.0
26Asfandiiarov ArtyrRUS02.
27Alekseeva KseniaRUS01.
27 players

24) Russian Online Blitz Grand Prix Open 2012

The ChessOK Playing Zone is currently hosting the Russian Online Blitz Grand Prix Open, a competition with a prize fund of $38,000. So far, two qualifying tournaments have already ended:

The 1st qualifying tournament of the Online Grand Prix took place July 3, 2012. 529 chess players participated in the competition, including 64 international grandmasters and 75 international masters.

The 2nd qualifying tournament of the Online Grand Prix took place July 24, 2012. 441 chess players participated in the competition, including 61 international grandmasters and 58 international masters.

The 3rd qualifying tournament of the Online Grand Prix took place July 1, 2012. 414 chess players participated in the competition, including 57 international grandmasters and 59 international masters. 1-2. Kononenko Dmitrij , Guseinov Gadir 11 from 13. 3-5. Rahmanov Aleksandr, Vlad Artemiev, Liascovich Lucas 10.5.

The 4th qualifying tournament will take place July 29, 2012. 16-00 UTC.

Read more details at

25) Astana World Rapid and Blitz 2012

The World Rapid and Blitz Championships take place in Astana. Magnus Carlsen, Sergey Karjakin, Alexander Grischuk, Alexander Morozevich, Peter Svidler, Vassily Ivanchuk, Teimour Radjabov, Veselin Topalov, Shakhriyar Mamedyarov, Boris Gelfand, Viktor Bologan etc 2nd-4th July sees qualifying competitions for those not yet invited. Rapid event 6th-8th July. Blitz 9th-10th July.

26) 40th Annual World Open

The 40th Annual World Open takes placed 2nd-8th July 2012. Wesley So and Robert Hess were the biggest names I saw had entered. It's highly likely there will be better players entering at the last minute.

27) FIDE Rating List July 2012

Magnus Carlsen has increased his lead over second placed Levon Aronian to 21 points in the July FIDE Rating list following their contrasting results in the Tal Memorial. Teimour Radjabov moves up to fourth in the world above World Champion Viswanathan Anand who lost 11 points in defending his title against Gelfand who is up to 16.This swap is the only change in the ranking of the top 14 players. Viktor Bologan rated 2687 in March gains 16 more points to reach 2732 and the top 20. England has three players in the top 40. Adams 26th, Luke McShane after the Tal Memorial 32nd and Nigel Short 40th. David Navara lost 27 points, many in team events. Sergei Tiviakov gained 18 points.

FIDE Rating List July 2012. Top 100
1Carlsen, MagnusgNOR283791990
2Aronian, LevongARM2816151982
3Kramnik, VladimirgRUS2799151975
4Radjabov, TeimourgAZE278891987
5Anand, ViswanathangIND2780121969
6Karjakin, SergeygRUS277901990
7Nakamura, HikarugUSA2778231987
8Caruana, FabianogITA2775221992
9Morozevich, AlexandergRUS277091977
10Ivanchuk, VassilygUKR2769151969
11Grischuk, AlexandergRUS276391983
12Topalov, VeselingBUL275201975
13Svidler, PetergRUS274941976
14Kamsky, GatagUSA2744111974
15Wang, HaogCHN2739101989
16Gelfand, BorisgISR2738121968
17Gashimov, VugargAZE273701986
18Jakovenko, DmitrygRUS273601983
19Tomashevsky, EvgenygRUS273391987
20Bologan, ViktorgMDA273291971
21Jobava, BaadurgGEO2730101983
22Leko, PetergHUN273071979
23Mamedyarov, ShakhriyargAZE272601985
24Ponomariov, RuslangUKR272601983
25Dominguez Perez, LeiniergCUB2725101983
26Adams, MichaelgENG2723141971
27Riazantsev, AlexandergRUS2720131985
28Nepomniachtchi, IangRUS2718101990
29Wojtaszek, RadoslawgPOL271701987
30Fressinet, LaurentgFRA271491981
31Bacrot, EtiennegFRA2713141983
32McShane, Luke JgENG2713101984
33Almasi, ZoltangHUN271301976
34Malakhov, VladimirgRUS271201980
35Bruzon Batista, LazarogCUB271101982
36Polgar, JuditgHUN270901976
37Sasikiran, KrishnangIND270781981
38Inarkiev, ErnestogRUS270701985
39Shirov, AlexeigLAT2706101972
40Moiseenko, AlexandergUKR270651980
41Short, Nigel DgENG270451965
42Volokitin, AndreigUKR270401986
43Vitiugov, NikitagRUS270301987
44Naiditsch, ArkadijgGER2700151985
45Andreikin, DmitrygRUS270001990
46Movsesian, SergeigARM269801978
47Wang, YuegCHN269781987
48Vallejo Pons, FranciscogESP269701982
49Giri, AnishgNED2696141994
50Efimenko, ZahargUKR2694151985
51Le, Quang LiemgVIE2693311991
52Eljanov, PavelgUKR269301983
53Rublevsky, SergeigRUS269301974
54Van Wely, LoekgNED2691121972
55Areshchenko, AlexandergUKR269101986
56Kasimdzhanov, RustamgUZB269001979
57Akopian, VladimirgARM2688181971
58Li, Chao bgCHN2687171989
59Sutovsky, EmilgISR268741977
60Vachier-Lagrave, MaximegFRA2686111990
61Berkes, FerencgHUN2685201985
62Sargissian, GabrielgARM268591983
63Harikrishna, P.gIND268481986
64Korobov, AntongUKR2683141985
65Laznicka, ViktorgCZE2683101988
66Zvjaginsev, VadimgRUS268301976
67Bauer, ChristiangFRA2681291977
68Ding, LirengCHN2680221992
69Georgiev, KirilgBUL2680131965
70Navara, DavidgCZE2679261985
71Cheparinov, IvangBUL2677291986
72Dreev, AlekseygRUS2677101969
73Alekseev, EvgenygRUS267701985
74Kobalia, MikhailgRUS267701978
75Sokolov, IvangNED267671968
76Tiviakov, SergeigNED2675231973
77Gyimesi, ZoltangHUN2674141977
78Grachev, BorisgRUS267491986
79Bartel, MateuszgPOL267481985
80Kryvoruchko, YuriygUKR267281986
81Ragger, MarkusgAUT267181988
82Khenkin, IgorgGER266991968
83Balogh, CsabagHUN266871987
84Matlakov, MaximgRUS266801991
85Motylev, AlexandergRUS266741979
86Onischuk, AlexandergUSA2666111975
87Zhigalko, SergeigBLR2666101989
88Nielsen, Peter HeinegDEN266501973
89Khismatullin, DenisgRUS266401984
90Najer, EvgeniygRUS266401977
91Gharamian, TigrangFRA2663101984
92Kurnosov, IgorgRUS266301985
93Petrosian, Tigran L.gARM2661181984
94Negi, ParimarjangIND2661171993
95Ni, HuagCHN2660131983
96Gareev, TimurgUZB265861988
97Bu, XiangzhigCHN265841985
98Azarov, SergeigBLR265801983
99Granda Zuniga, Julio EgPER265701967
100Yu, YangyigCHN2656181994
101Mchedlishvili, MikheilgGEO265601979

28) Forthcoming Events and Links

2nd Polugaevsky Memorial 2012

6th Leiden Chess Tournament 2012

6th Leiden Chess Tournament 2012

This year the sixth Leiden Chess Tournament (July 6th thru 15th), will start with an opening match on Thursday July 5th. The match will be between IGM Zhaoqin Peng and WGM Bianca Muhren (see message on the tournament website). Besides this exciting match the tournament has an additional five 2600+ players.

With the number one on rating (2670) and German Champion 2011, Igor Khenkin, the tournament proudly presents the number 84 of the world. Together with former winner Predrag Nikolic (Bosnia), Bartosz Socko (Poland) and the youthful talents Parimarjan Negi (India) and David Howell( England), these are the 5 players with a rating above 2600. Furthermore there wil be seven Grandmasters and a large group of strong international masters who will keep the top players very busy.

Dutch Players

Due to the fact that KNSB (the Dutch Chess Federation) allowed a very full agenda this summer (a weekend tournament in nearby Haarlem, the SpaChesstournament and the closed National Championship in Amsterdam, all in the same period), there will be at least a few national topplayers missing in Leiden. The Dutch flag will have to be defended this year by IM Benjamin Bok (HMC Calder), IGM John van der Wiel (DD), IM Edwin van Haastert (LSG) and IM Jan-Willem de Jong (LSG). We expect surprising results, not in the least because of a large group of young talented players participating. Amongst them the National Youth U20 champion of 2012: Julian van Overdam. In the A-group there are around 30 international players (with titles) which makes it attractive to gain norms.

This year there will be 8 (!) live boards to be watched on the internet, but a visit to the Leiden Mindsportcentre is definitely worthwhile. In the bar there will be a beamer showing the matches live, and enjoying a drink and the matches (analysing!) with fellow chessplayers should be a real pleasure.

US Junior Closed 2012

11th ROC Nova College 2012

11th La Fere Open 2012

34th Oberwart Open 2012

35th Ikaros Open 2012

87th ch-Paris IdF 2012

ch-NOR 2012

119th Scottish Championships and Open 2012

4th Rethymno Open 2012

Chess House Kandidat Sommer 2012

First Saturday July 2012

49th Canadian Open Championship 2012

22nd Heart of Finland Open 2012

4th Artemis Cup 2012

6th Varna Open 2012

Sparkassen Chess-Meeting 2012

Sparkassen Open A Dortmund GER Thu 12th Jul 2012 - Sun 22nd Jul 2012
Player List
Rk Name Ti FED Elo FIDE Id
1 Kramnik, Vladimir GM RUS 2801 4101588
2 Caruana, Fabiano GM ITA 2767 2020009
3 Karjakin, Sergey GM RUS 2766 14109603
4 Ponomariov, Ruslan GM UKR 2727 14103320
5 Leko, Peter GM HUN 2720 703303
6 Naiditsch, Arkadij GM GER 2702 4650891
7 Bartel, Mateusz GM POL 2665 1112635
8 Fridman, Daniel GM GER 2653 11600454
9 Meier, Georg GM GER 2647 4675789
10 Gustafsson, Jan GM GER 2642 4625498

23rd Czech Open 2012

Dutch Chess Championships 2012

2nd Science Park Amsterdam Chess Tournament 2012

35th Taminco Open

45th Biel International Chess Festival 2012

45th Biel GM Biel SUI Sat 21st Jul 2012 - Fri 3rd Aug 2012
Player List
Rk Name Ti FED Elo FIDE Id
1 Nakamura, Hikaru GM USA 2775 2016192
2 Morozevich, Alexander GM RUS 2769 4116992
3 Wang, Hao GM CHN 2738 8602883
4 Dominguez Perez, Leinier GM CUB 2725 3503240
5 Bacrot, Etienne GM FRA 2695 605506
6 Giri, Anish GM NED 2693 24116068

30th Andorra Open

Quebec Open 2012

99th British Championships 2012

20th Montcada Open 2012

Ukrainian Championships 2012

45th Biel GM Biel SUI Sat 21st Jul 2012 - Fri 3rd Aug 2012
Player List
Rk Name Ti FED Elo FIDE Id
1 Ponomariov, Ruslan GM UKR 2726 14103320
2 Moiseenko, Alexander GM UKR 2711 14102560
3 Volokitin, Andrei GM UKR 2704 14107090
4 Eljanov, Pavel GM UKR 2693 14102951
5 Areshchenko, Alexander GM UKR 2691 14109530
6 Efimenko, Zahar GM UKR 2689 14107201
7 Korobov, Anton GM UKR 2678 14105730
8 Fedorchuk, Sergey A. GM UKR 2634 14102536
9 Kuzubov, Yuriy GM UKR 2623 14112906
10 Miroshnichenko, Evgenij GM UKR 2621 14102595
11 Zubov, Alexander GM UKR 2617 14109409
12 Vovk, Yuri GM UKR 2562 14113171

Politiken Cup 2012

15th Olomouc Chess Summer 2011

World Juniors U20 2012

16th Hogeschool Zeeland Tournament 2012

35th Barbera del Valles Open

10th Davos Open 2012

2nd Riga Tech Uni Open 2012

Euro Chess Tournament 2012

Irish Chess Championships 2012

XIII Miquel Mas Figueres International Open 2012

2nd Split Open 2012

French Championships 2012

2nd Metropolitan International

ZMDI Open 2012

World Chess Olympiad 2012

11th Kesarovski-Stanchev Memorial 2012

FIDE Grand Prix Chelyabinsk 2012

Chess Train 2012

16th Unive Tournament 2012

16th Unive Crown Hoogeveen NED Fri 19th Oct 2012 - Sat 27th Oct 2012
Player List
Rk Name Ti FED Elo FIDE Id
1 Nakamura, Hikaru GM USA 2775 2016192
2 Giri, Anish GM NED 2693 24116068
3 Tiviakov, Sergei GM NED 2656 1008013
4 Hou, Yifan GM CHN 2623 8602980

World Youth Chess Championships 2012

FIDE Grand Prix Tashkent 2012

4th London Chess Classic

FIDE Grand Prix Lisbon 2013

FIDE Grand Prix Madrid 2013

FIDE Grand Prix Berlin 2013

FIDE Grand Prix Paris 2013

All material © Mark Crowther 2012