THE WEEK IN CHESS 91 14/07/96 Mark Crowther --------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- E-Mail www Tel: 01274 882143 --------------------------------------------------- 1) Introduction 2) Karpov retains the FIDE World Chess Championship Title 3) Dortmund "Stadtsparkasse Dortmund" Bank International Chess Tournament 4) Jaime Sunye-Neto to be nominated for FIDE President. 5) Agreement for re-unification match between Karpov and Kasparov? 6) CREDIS GMT Nussloch by Gerald Schendel 7) Fascinating chess 1997 by Gerald Schendel 8) Fischerrandom Match between Torre and Ricardi. 9) 'Lost Boys Interactive' Chess Tournament 10) LIBEL CASE: CAMPOMANES WINS 1ST ROUND VS BORJAL 11) News from Italy by Adolivio Capece. 12) GM Predrag Ostojic RIP by Sinisa Joksic 13) Scottish Chess Championships 1996 by John Henderson 14) Asian Cities Championship for the Dubai Cup by Arvind Aaron 15) Analysis by Danny Mozes and ChessTreasure GAMES SECTION -------------- FIDE World Chess Championships 45 games Dortmund 45 games National Championships of Scotland. 55 games 1) Introduction ----------------- My thanks to Nasser Abbasi, Gerald Schendel, Otto Borik, City of Dortmund www server, Eric van der Schilden, Bobby Ang, Adolivio Capece, Sinisa Joksic, John Henderson, Arvind Aaron, Ian Rogers, Danny Mozes and ChessTreasure. But a special vote of thanks must go to Christophe Bouton who has been in Kalmykia for the entire Kamsky-Karpov match and who has been responsible for the moves reaching the internet so quickly and also for the stories he has sent (including the material in the Agreement for re-unification match between Karpov and Kasparov? section) This is a week where, in spite of a World Championship match finishing and a Category 18 Tournament finshes it is chess politics that dominate. First Die Schachwoche revealed that Jaime Sunye-Neto would be supported in his quest to be the next FIDE President and then we had the fall-out at the end of the Karpov-Kamsky match. It seems that there are moves afoot to fund a reunification match in 1997 between Kasparov and Karpov. Whilst at first site it seems good news, the announcement in detail is not such good news. The re-unification match will be outside FIDE and the PCA, a carve up that looks set to exclude all other players rights many of whom are already looking like legitimate challengers. The FIDE President want to run his knockout Championships at the end of the year, there seems no plan to reinstate the World Championships Cycle. It looks like Kirsan Ilyumzhinov plans to stand again, are we looking at the end of the World Championships as even pretending to be a method of establishing the best player? Andrei Makarov seems to be placing himself in a position where he can't lose. It seems at the moment he both supports Kirsan Ilyumzhinov and is going to be on Jaime Sunye-Neto's ticket aswell. Not good news for those who have expressed the view that Makarov's presence on a ticket is a serious reason not to vote for that ticket. A reminder to us all about the nature of International organisations comes from The Sunday Times. Under the bye-line "Time to topple the Dictator" it looks in detail at the record of Dr. Primo Nebiolo. Much of the politics looked quite similar to that of FIDE. The difference? When Nebiolo took power there was $100,000 in the Bank now the organisation deals in billions. It seems that whilst he has been virtually caught red-handed fixing the vote for sportman of the year and was heavily implicated in the fixing of a World Championships event he can survive anything whilst the money is coming in. The question may be in the next FIDE elections "Money or Chess?" it will be interesting to see what the answer will be. I hope you enjoy this issue. Mark 2) Karpov retains the FIDE World Chess Championship Title ----------------------------------------------------------- Karpov retained the title he won against Timman in 1993 by beating Kamsky 10.5-7.5 in Elista Kalmykia. My thanks to Christophe Bouton for keeping the World informed about the match. He sends the following post-match comments which appeared in Izvestia Kalmykia July 13th 1996. Karpov: "This match was difficult for me the fight was hard; all the games were hard-fought up to the end, 6-8 hours and more. I had some problems and I had to make great efforts to win the match. " "When the situation became hopeless for Kamsky, he began to play without any pressure. I had an unpleasant feeling to finish this match quicker; That's why I began to play not very well. " Q: Atmosphere of the match? "Very good conditions, just nice, here they gave us some of the best conditions I have ever had in World championship matches. I'd like to thank Kirsan Nikolaievich and the organisers. " "I did not sleep last night (i.e before resumption of game 18/ChB); we had a very difficult analysis of the 18th game; the position was very difficult and I think Gata's team did not sleep either. Playing and not sleeping was hard indeed." Q: Was your victory as fair result? A: I played better, what should I say? Q: What would you wish to your young challenger? A: He showed amazing fighting qualities; he could bear difficult situations without cracking; he proved that he deserved to be a challenger END. P.S Karpov and Kamsky gave a press conference at 15:00 on July 13th; it lasted one hour or so. Nothing special was said; Kamsky refused to answer any questions, did not smile as usual but he took part nevertheless to the closing ceremony that followed (concerts, dancings etc.) A party in the steppe was scheduled; it lasted late in the night (up to 3 am). Karpov came with the delegation along with Kirsan Ilyumzhinov and Makarov; nobody of the Kamsky delegation took part. This party in the middle of nowhere at one hour's bus of downtown Elista was completly unreal. But it was nice and Karpov, organisers, journalists, arbiters, translators had fun. ChB Karpov versus Kamsky -------------------- Here are my impressions of the Karpov-Kamsky match. I will leave the detailed impressions to professional writers but here I try to plot the course of the match and give some indication as to where I hope more detailed analysis will be useful. General Impressions ------------------- The match was extremely competitive with Kamsky spoiling his chances by losing games four and six with the white pieces and a dreadful choice of opening in game 7. There were few important novelties in the match, possibly Karpov's 8. ...Qh4 was the most important. In general the match was more about both players general form and the ability to play without error in a series of very long games. In essence this is the style of both players although the style they actually conduct their games is different. There were already worrying signs for Kamsky in Dos Hermanas before this event that he was capable of losing the thread of positions, this was the single greatest problem he encountered in this match. I'm aware that the comments below say little about Karpov so I will make some comments here. The Karpov of the 1990's gains his successes through a fine understanding of positional play and the exploitation of tiny edges. He has, especially with black a small but extremely precise opening repertoire. The Caro-Kann with Black against 1. e4 and the Nimzo-Indian/Queen's Indian against 1. d4. On the one hand this makes him quite easy to prepare for as you know that this is what he is going to play, on the other hand his understanding of these positions is very good. The theory before the match was that Kamsky would only have to break one of these defences (the Caro-Kann was looking the most likely) and he would be successful. These weapons are in fact very difficult to crack and there is an element of provocation in them that means that Karpov can use them to win against players, especially those who become over-ambitious. In the 1990's there has been the rise of a new and exceptionally talented generation of chess players. They are ambitious and this has to some extent helped Karpov. He knows that they are going to play to win, whereas before many of his opponents were trying only to draw against him. This has helped him to maintain his World number 2 ELO ranking. Having cleared this match out of the way then hopefully we can see Karpov play in events with Kasparov and the next seven or eight players in the World. According to Reuter's Karpov will take on Kasparov next year (see elsewhere in this issue). Gata Kamsky will I think look back with disappointment to this match. He played very well in patches but he really did give points away. There is a balance between seeking the full point and not risking the loss. Games four and six were definite own goals and the opening in game seven looked an especially lousy choice. Although known for an extremely wide opening repertoire my impression is that it is not sufficiently deep in the variations he does play and lacks the power of penetration against a well prepared opponent like Karpov. His specific understanding of the middlegames that come out of his opening choices was not as good as Karpov's. His general understanding of the game seems very strong and his ability to keep fighting to the very end was enhanced by this match. In general my feeling is that both players have been somewhat disadvantaged over the last year and a half by not playing in the same events as Kasparov, Topalov, Anand, Ivanchuk and Kramnik. There have been a number of events that these players have all competed in and these have lead to a great improvement in the play the competitors as a whole. Its time to see all the best players compete together again. Elista RUS (RUS), VI-VII 1996. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Karpov, Anatoly g RUS 2770 1 0 = 1 = 1 1 = 1 0 = = = 1 = 0 = = . . 10.5 2792 Kamsky, Gata g USA 2735 0 1 = 0 = 0 0 = 0 1 = = = 0 = 1 = = . . 7.5 2713 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) 6/6/96 - Karpov, Anatoly - Kamsky, Gata 1-0 56 Gruenfeld Russian Var. Karpov springs an early surprise. Kamsky is known for playing the Gruenfeld Defence but Karpov's choice of the Russian variation wouldn't have been expected. 12 ... b5 is a fairly obscure choice and 16. Qd3 is new. The battleground is typical for the match as a whole. Kamsky played dynamic positions where he had to prove positional weaknesses were made up for by his activity. Karpov is regarded at his strongest in attacking fixed weaknesses, here after defusing Kamsky's play he gradually took advantage of his poor pawn structure. Question for post match analysis. Was Kamsky's opening choice bad or did the real inaccuracy come later? 2) 8/6/96 - Kamsky, Gata - Karpov, Anatoly 1-0 65 Caro Kann Exchange Var. The start of the Caro-Kann wars in this match. Suddenly extremely popular at the top level again forming the mainstay of many players repertoires. Although this game contained a good example of Kamsky's grinding technique it was a very early Karpov blunder that set up the win. 17. ...Qa5 either overlooked or misassessed the power of d5 combined with an attack on the King. Questions for post match analysis. Karpov improved with 12. ...Qb6 in game 4 and won. Was 12. ...Bd7 poor in this game? Could Karpov have saved the inferior ending? 3) 10/6/96 - Karpov, Anatoly - Kamsky, Gata 1/2 49 Queen's Indian Kamsky plays the Queen's Indian for the first time in the match. His method of playing this system with b5 was a major plank in defending against 1. d4 Karpov deferred battle against this variation until later getting a small edge which was never enough to win. Question for post match analysis. Was this a safe draw for Kamsky or did Karpov have better? 4) 12/6/96 - Kamsky, Gata - Karpov, Anatoly 0-1 45 Caro Kann Exchange Var. Karpov's improvement over his disaster in game one. Kamsky switched to the main line Caro-Kann after this. The first of three losses with the white pieces that cost Kamsky his chances in this match. The isolated pawn is a double edged weapon, dynamics verses a potential fixed weakness. Kamsky failed to play sharply enough in the opening and continued to play for an advantage when there was none. Larry Christiensen's suggestion of 14. Ne5 is one suggestion for mixing the game up early. Otherwise Kamsky should have been concentrating in drawing after getting no opening advantage. 15. Nxf6 is also quite poor. Karpov played a fine game and when he took over Kamsky had no chance, he did miss 40. ...Qd5 which would have terminated Kamsky more quickly however. Questions for post match analysis. The assessment of 14. Ne5 and the point where Kamsky was finally lost. 5) 14/6/96 - Karpov, Anatoly - Kamsky, Gata 1/2 23 Gruenfeld Russian Var. A repeat of the Russian variation but Kamsky tries an extremely risky idea of David Bronstein's. Karpov at first tries to refute Kamsky, but in the face of a dangerous counter-attack he offers Kamsky the opportunity to repeat the position which he takes. Questions for post match analysis. Was Kamsky's opening sound? Should Kamsky have played on in the final position? 6) 16/6/96 - Kamsky, Gata - Karpov, Anatoly 0-1 29 Petroff Defence. Reaching into quite an old kit-bag of tricks Karpov plays the Petroff Defence. The result is a fine win for him. Karpov played 8. ...Qh4 which seems to be a novelty. As with game 4 Karpov equalised fairly early and Kamsky didn't seem to know what he was trying to achieve. A series of aimless moves allowed Karpov a very simple win. Questions for post match analysis. Verdict on 8. ...Qh4, and improvements on Kamsky's lacklustre middlegame play. Kamsky had to decide to draw this game and head for that, what were the best methods? 7) 18/6/96 - Karpov, Anatoly - Kamsky, Gata 1-0 71 Kings Indian Classical Var. According to John Federowicz it was Rustam Kamsky's choice that Gata should play the King's Indian Defence. Whoever made the choice it was a lousy call, you have to be an absolute specialist to play the KID against Karpov and even Kasparov is struggling to make this opening breath at the moment. Kamsky was always struggling in this game but 51. ... Rg8xg7 has been suggested in a few quarters as being a saving try. Karpov played this game in his own inimitable style but you should not play into his hands like this, he enjoys these positions. Questions for post match analysis. Theoretical status of this variation of the King's Indian and the turning points of the game. 8) 20/6/96 - Kamsky, Gata - Karpov, Anatoly 1/2 61 Caro Kann Main line. Kamsky switches to the Caro-Kann main line. This time he gets a small advantage in a major pieces ending. Karpov has an isolated d-pawn but Kamsky doesn't managed to find a second weakness in Karpov's position. The position looked unpleasant without actually getting really bad. Questions for post match analysis. Could Kamsky have made more of his minute advantage or was this just fine equalising play from Karpov? 9) 22/6/96 - Karpov, Anatoly - Kamsky, Gata 1-0 41 Gruenfeld Russian Var. Kamsky got away with a very risky variation in game 5 and here is Mr Karpov back again. Karpov is the first player to vary playing the old fashioned 10. Be3. Kamsky was obviously ready for this playing 10. ...c5 very quickly but this was very probably a near decisive error. Perhaps Kamsky was heading for the Rook and Bishop versus Queen ending but Karpov's handling of the entire position was very fine. Questions for post match analysis. Once again the assessment of the opening and the point at which Karpov was definitely winning are the questions here. 10 24/6/96 - Kamsky, Gata - Karpov, Anatoly 1-0 59 Queens Indian Petrosian Prior to the match many people felt that the way to win was to take on Karpov's Caro-Kann. Yet again it actually proved to be a winning weapon in Karpov's hands. Kamsky switches to 1. d4 for the first time and decides to take on another Karpov mainstay the Queen's Indian. Karpov in taking a four point lead after nine must have believed that he had broken Kamsky but this game was his finest of the match. Probably Karpov had missed 27. Nh7 in his calculations but this was a very fine attacking performance from Kamsky. Question for post match analysis. Point at which Karpov got into trouble. 11) 26/6/96 - Karpov, Anatoly - Kamsky, Gata 1/2 66 Semi-Slav Karpov played a quite simple system against the Semi-Slav but got a nagging initiative. At one stage it looked like he might win as his careful probing exposed weaknesses. Kamsky sealed a well calculated move and the draw was inevitable. Questions for post match analysis. Did Karpov miss a win? Did Kamsky have better ways of playing the middlegame? 12) 28/6/96 - Kamsky, Gata - Karpov, Anatoly 1/2 54 Caro Kann Main line. One last hoorah for the Caro Kann. Kamsky tries 14. Rhe1. Once again after achieving nothing appreciable Kamsky started to drift and Karpov took the initiative to the point that it looked like he might win. Kamsky has clearly read some good Rook and Pawn ending books however and he held the draw relatively comfortably. Karpov played what seemed to be a provocative opening but its a position he seems to understand very well. Its a position where the theory is quite long and certainly Kamsky's flank attack 15. g4 was part of both sides preparation. Karpov showed quite convincingly that he understood the position better. Kamsky might have a very wide opening repertoire but his understanding of specific variations needs improving. Questions for post match analysis. The theoretical status of the opening variation after this game and any possible improvements for Karpov that might have allowed him to win a very promising position. 13) 30/6/96 - Karpov, Anatoly - Kamsky, Gata 1/2 90 Queen's Indian The players repeat game 3 where Kamsky drew quite comfortably. Karpov comes armed with a new idea and plays 13. Bb2. The game again was a clash of chess ideologies. Karpov playing for fixed long term weaknesses and Kamsky playing more dynamically. Just after the first time control it looked very promising for Karpov. Karpov's could have quietly strenthened his position with 43. h4 but decided it was time for decisive action with 43. e6. It was probably based on a miscalculation. 47. ...g5! draws for Black but Karpov wasn't thinking clearly and his 49. Kg3? is actually nearly losing. This was the last crisis point in the match. If Kamsky had succeeded in winning this game the pressure would have been right back on Karpov. White has two bishops but he is a pawn down and it looks like there is at least one to follow. If a win can be established here than Kamsky missed a big chance. The adjourned position looked lost but Karpov's defence was both tough and well researched. Questions for post match analysis. This game was a hard, but not faultless game with three or four turning points, it needs a lot of analysis. 14) 02/7/96 - Kamsky, Gata - Karpov, Anatoly 0-1 61 Nimzo-Indian Defence. Having come so close to getting back into the match Kamsky then played his worst game of the match. His fault of losing the thread of the game when he has no advantage with white was at its worst in this game. He may have had a reasonable position but it ran downhill very quickly. One can't help feeling that if he had won game 13, or even drawn it without getting his later chances he would not have played as badly as this. Questions for post match analysis. Where did Gata go wrong! 15) 04/7/96 - Karpov, Anatoly - Kamsky, Gata 1/2 42 Modern Benoni The Modern Benoni is experiencing a minor revival at the top level at the moment. Clearly the Bb5+ line which Nunn described as putting the Benoni out of business more than 10 years ago isn't quite as convincing as all that. In addition with a large lead and no need to take risks Karpov played it quietly. My impression was a well conducted game. Question for post match analysis. Anything special occur in this game? 16) 06/7/96 - Kamsky, Gata - Karpov, Anatoly 1-0 49 Queen's Indian With the title nearly in his hands Karpov plays a total stinker. Karpov had almost refuted this opening when he played the white pieces but in his preparation he "discovered" 23. ... Qf5 amd played it in a number of games with his seconds. Not one of them saw 25. Rdxf7. Karpov pulled himself together and looked to have good drawing chances, especially after the inaccurate 41. f4. Kamsky continued his pressure and Karpov simply played a couple of rank bad moves and lost. Question for post match analysis. Was this game really that bad? 17) 08/7/96 - Karpov, Anatoly - Kamsky, Gata 1/2 60 Reti Karpov is now only interested in finishing the match as risklessly as possible. He hacks all the pieces off to give a symetrical position. His play is inaccurate and Kamsky almost does his impression of Karpov in getting something out of nothing. A determined performance from Kamsky in the face of imminent defeat. Karpov grovels to a draw. Question for post match analysis. Suggestions for better alternatives for White. 18) 10/7/96 - Kamsky, Gata - Karpov, Anatoly 1/2 80 Queen's Indian Kamsky at least showed in the final games of the match that his spirit was not broken by Karpov. The players followed an old Kasparov-Karpov game from 1984 which is just a tiny bit better for White. Kamsky goes all the way to move 80 without making the advantage any larger. Question for post match analysis. This was always a draw wasn't it? 3) Dortmund "Stadtsparkasse Dortmund" Bank International Chess Tournament -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The 400.000 DM "Stadtsparkasse Dortmund" Bank Tournament has turned out to be a fight between Viswanathan Anand and Vladimir Kramnik. It ended with them sharing first place. Although the tournament was highly competitive I have been somewhat disappointed with the chess. Only a couple of games in the first seven rounds really caught the eye, some players I think a suffering from a surfeit of chess. Kramnik, Anand and Gelfand all played very strong chess and the recovery of Judit Polgar yet again shows her mental toughness. Peter Leko's last place will have been disappointing to him but is ironically likely to lead to further invitations. After becoming a GM he played some of the most boring chess possible. He needed to shake up his style and he played much more agressively here. He was unlucky in a number of games and once he settles a little I'm sure this will lead to a new level of achievement. My thanks to Otto Borik for the last two rounds games and to the City of Dortmund www server for excellent coverage. Round 3 (1996.07.07) Kramnik, Vladimir - Adams, Michael 1-0 87 Shirov, Alexei - Polgar, Judit 1/2 56 Topalov, Veselin - Gelfand, Boris 1/2 58 Huebner, Robert - Anand, Viswanathan 0-1 36 Leko, Peter - Lobron, Eric 1/2 26 Round 4 (1996.07.08) Anand, Viswanathan - Kramnik, Vladimir 1/2 16 Adams, Michael - Shirov, Alexei 1/2 26 Polgar, Judit - Topalov, Veselin 1-0 36 Lobron, Eric - Gelfand, Boris 0-1 33 Leko, Peter - Huebner, Robert 1/2 47 Round 5 (1996.07.10) Kramnik, Vladimir - Leko, Peter 1/2 23 Gelfand, Boris - Polgar, Judit 1/2 26 Shirov, Alexei - Anand, Viswanathan 1/2 31 Topalov, Veselin - Adams, Michael 0-1 59 Huebner, Robert - Lobron, Eric 1/2 44 Round 6 (1996.07.11) Anand, Viswanathan - Topalov, Veselin 1-0 38 Adams, Michael - Gelfand, Boris 1/2 20 Huebner, Robert - Kramnik, Vladimir 0-1 27 Lobron, Eric - Polgar, Judit 0-1 53 Leko, Peter - Shirov, Alexei 0-1 60 Round 7 (1996.07.12) Kramnik, Vladimir - Lobron, Eric 1-0 35 Gelfand, Boris - Anand, Viswanathan 1/2 23 Polgar, Judit - Adams, Michael 1-0 41 Shirov, Alexei - Huebner, Robert 1-0 42 Topalov, Veselin - Leko, Peter 1-0 60 Round 8 (1996.07.13) Anand, Viswanathan - Polgar, Judit 1-0 36 B84 Sicilian Kramnik, Vladimir - Shirov, Alexei 1-0 49 D17 Slav defence Huebner, Robert - Topalov, Veselin 1/2 59 E61 Kings indian Lobron, Eric - Adams, Michael 1/2 36 D05 Queen's pawn Leko, Peter - Gelfand, Boris 0-1 81 B81 Sicilian Round 9 (1996.07.14) Gelfand, Boris - Huebner, Robert 1/2 19 D11 Slav defence Adams, Michael - Anand, Viswanathan 1/2 46 B50 Sicilian Polgar, Judit - Leko, Peter 1/2 51 B48 Sicilian Shirov, Alexei - Lobron, Eric 0-1 40 B66 Sicilian Topalov, Veselin - Kramnik, Vladimir 1/2 29 D44 QGD; Botwinnik Dortmund GER (GER), VII 1996. cat. XVIII (2676) ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Anand, Viswanathan g IND 2735 * = = = 1 = 1 1 1 1 7.0 2889 2 Kramnik, Vladimir g RUS 2765 = * = 1 1 1 = 1 1 = 7.0 2886 3 Gelfand, Boris g BLR 2665 = = * = = 1 = = 1 1 6.0 2802 4 Adams, Michael g ENG 2685 = 0 = * 0 = 1 = = 1 4.5 2675 5 Polgar, Judit g HUN 2665 0 0 = 1 * = 1 0 1 = 4.5 2677 6 Shirov, Alexei g ESP 2685 = 0 0 = = * = 1 0 1 4.0 2632 7 Topalov, Veselin g BUL 2750 0 = = 0 0 = * = 1 1 4.0 2624 8 Huebner, Robert g GER 2595 0 0 = = 1 0 = * = = 3.5 2605 9 Lobron, Eric g GER 2585 0 0 0 = 0 1 0 = * = 2.5 2520 10 Leko, Peter g HUN 2630 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 = = * 2.0 2461 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Covered on the internet by the City of Dortmund webserver at: In English HREF= or in German HREF= 4) Jaime Sunye-Neto to be nominated for FIDE President. ------------------------------------------------------- The agreement between the US Chess Federation (Steve Doyle), the Russian Chess Federation (Andrei Makarov) and the German Chess Federation (Egon Ditt) on the 23rd of June was presumed by me to be in part about having agreed a Candidate to stand as FIDE President. I tried to find out over the following week's but it was still secret. The magazine "Die Schachwoche" published the story that this alliance wants Brazilian Jaime Sunye-Neto as new FIDE President. The ticket will be presented at a press conference on 21 July in the Netherlands according to the report. The ticket as a whole is not known but it is obviously possible that Steve Doyle, Andrei Makarov and Egon Ditt might be part of the ticket. We will have to see who gets on the ticket also. Having discussed with friends about possible candidates for the FIDE Presidency over the years it seemed to me that Jaime Sunye-Neto sounded like one of the few well qualified candidates around. He was on the Players' Council for a number of years and made a good impression as being both level headed and trustworthy. 18 months ago he became the chairman of CACDEC (the route used by Campomanes many years ago). It is in his organisational ability that he really impresses with a large number of successful events behind him. He was the driving force behind the American Grand Prix which was a series of open tournament around the continent with good prizes and conditions. A good player he has been described as suffering from "too much common sense and not enough flair or gambling spirit." but whilst this is bad in chess it isn't necessarily so in organisation. When I discussed him as a possible President the only real problem seemed to be that some regard him as not being quite hard enough to cope with the politics of the elections and wondered whether he wanted to get involved in such a process. Well if Die Schachwoche is correct then he has decided to do so. (my thanks to my friends in helping me to compile this piece on Jaime Sunye-Neto) 5) Agreement for re-unification match between Karpov and Kasparov? ------------------------------------------------------------------ Andrei Makarov and Kirsan Ilyumzhinov announced they intend to organize a Karpov-Kasparov match; this should be held in 1997 for a prize fund of no less than $2 million - outside FIDE. The match being sponsored not by FIDE or the PCA but by Makarov and Ilyumzhinov. (which begs the question "What is the point?" [MC] To me there is only one point in reunification and that is to establish a World Champion and so a unified new title race can be undertaken and that players with legitimate pretensions for the title can get their chance.) This match sould be considered a match "between 13th and 14th FIDE World champions" the winner should be the "Absolute World champion " They both think it should be in Russia but the better conditions should prevail. "The match between Karpov and Kasparov is essential. Chess cannot do without it" Makarov is quoted as saying. Andrei Makarov and Kirsan Ilyumzhinov intend to have a meeting with the K`s before the end of the year. During this meeting, all the technical conditions should be settled. Kirsan and Makarov should provide the playing venue and the prize fund. "We have got agreement in principle to meet for a prize fund of not less than $2 million, the match will take place in 1997." Ilyumzhinov said he obtained Karpov's agreement to the match on Saturday after the 45-year-old Russian retained his FIDE world title. Kasparov was approached by Andrei Makarov. Ilyumzhinov is quoted as saying however that he intends to have his FIDE Knock out championship at the end of the year. (Karpov and Kasparov were to be seeded to the semi-final stage) Makarov has said that Kasparov does not intend to play. "It's not in Karpov's schedule " according to Karpov's second American GM Ron Henley. FIDE Elections --------------- Makarov was asked why he supported Kirsan on the one hand and why he was on the ticket of Sunye Neto on the other hand. "Well, there is a place for Russian Chess Federation - the largest in the world - on Sunye Neto's ticket but I insisted on this: 'I am Makarov and I support Kirsan' " said Andrei Makarov Kirsan Ilyumzhinov explained how he met the members of the Executive Council at the start of the K-K match. How all of them supported him and how some of them were also on Sunye Neto's list. He said he wanted intrigues and manoeuvres to be stopped. "FIDE has been living too long of such intrigues and that brought this body to the verge of collapse. As a President of Kalmykian Republic, I cannot take the risk of being involved in such manoeuvres." That's the reason why Kirsan said he wanted to be elected without mentioning who whould be on his list. " I do not want 16 federations to fight to death for one month during the Olympiad ". The prizes for press during the match. ----------------------------------------- Erdnie Charmakov (Izvestia Kalmykia) won the car, a Honda for his reports on the match. Yuri Vasiliev (Sport Express), Alexander Rochal (64), Albert Minulin (Komsomolskaya Pravda) all won souvenirs for their " good " stories in their newspapers. 6) CREDIS GMT Nussloch by Gerald Schendel ----------------------------------------- Organizers and sponsors of the Credis-GM-tournament for the International German Championship 1996 in the Racket Center Nussloch met on 4. July in Nussloch (near Heidelberg). The final meeting went "positive" - said Horst Metzing, managing director of the German chess federation: In 1997 a Grand Master tournament shall be held in the Racket Center again. Gerald Schendel press officer Badischer Schachverband 7) Fascinating chess 1997 by Gerald Schendel ----------------------------------------- Anatoly Karpov, the old and new World Champion (congratulations!), has selected twelve of his games for an in Germany unique project: a chess calendar - for the year 1997. The games date from the time period 1970-1990. They are classics of modern chess history. Some facets of the personality of the World Champion are almost unknown. He is - like Garri Kasparov - honorary member of the international organization "Chess Collectors International " (CCI) and known as an expert to the artistic aspects of chess. He has an extensive collection of chess pieces. The most valuable and important sets of chess pieces can be found in the Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York) and in the Hermitage ( St. Peterburg). But every page of this calendar for the twelve months of the year demonstrates, what also a private collection - as this one of Rainer Grund/Baden/Germany (CCI) - can offer. Chess and art join together into fantastic photos of remarkable positions of important chess games with artistic and historical chess pieces from many countries. With this calendar, for the first time presented during the Credis GM-Tournament in the Racket Center Nussloch, a renowned German publishing house (Stadler, Constance/Germany; Fax +49-(0) 7531-898101 ) starts a program for chess. The calendar is an esthetic pleasure for chess friends and a new idea to promote chess. Gerald Schendel, press officer Badischer Schachverband 8) Fischerrandom Match between Torre and Ricardi. ---------------------------------------------- Eric van der Schilden is there for the match and will cover it on the TASC www page. It has been postponed for a few days due to the continuing illness of Ricardi see: 9) 'Lost Boys Interactive' Chess Tournament --------------------------------------- The company 'Lost Boys Interactive' has decided to maintain an interesting chess site, with the help of a.o. the dutch Chess Master Li Riemersma. This event starts 2nd August. There is already a www page. 10) LIBEL CASE: CAMPOMANES WINS 1ST ROUND VS BORJAL ----------------------------------------------- Bobby Ang reports on an article in the Philippine Daily Inquirer" today, July 9, 1996. LIBEL CASE: CAMPOMANES WINS 1ST ROUND VS BORJAL World Chess Federation (FIDE) Chair Florencio Campomanes has won the first round of his legal battle with newspaper columnist Arturo Borjal when Quezon City prosecutor Bienvenido Tomboc recommended the filing of a criminal libel case against Borjal with Judge Salvador Cequera of RTC [Regional Trial Court] Branch 82. Tomboc recommended a bail of P10,000 [around US $385] for Borjal's temporary liberty. Campomanes sued borjal for P50,000,000 [around US $1.9 million] early this year for writing a series of defamatory articles over a period covering June 13 until December 8, 1995. In his complaint, the four-time Fide president claimed that Borjal, who writes a daily column for the Star, used his column 22 times "in launching a vengeful campaign to assassinate his character, cause his dishonor, discredit and contempt, destroy his reputation and subject him to trial by publicity." Borjal tried to link Campomanes to the so-called "Chess Scam" in connection with the holding of the successful World Chess Olympiad in Manila in 1992, but he was not able to produce any evidence. In his decision, Tomboc said there was "reasonable ground to believe that respondent (Borjal) was motivated by ill-will and malice when he published the defamatory statements." Tomboc said Borjal did not report that Campomanes was cleared by the Ombudsman as early as September 1995 and in republishing the articles even while the case is pending in the prosecution's office, Borjal "showed bad faith." Tomboc also noted that Borjal devoted one article to write about Campomanes' alleged fall from grace after the Fide Central Committee meeting in Paris, which was actually far from the truth because after Campomanes resigned as Fide president, he was nominated and unanimously elected Fide chair. Regarding the articles which Borjal reproduced from Chess Life which he picked up int he Internet, Tomboc said, "these articles are by themselves defamatory and therefore made Borjal himself liable for them if he were the originator." No date has yet been set for Borjal's arraignment. END OF ARTICLE Quoted verbatim except for the bracketed clarifications. 11) News from Italy by Adolivio Capece. ----------------------------------- September (6-8) here in Italy there will be the famous Living Game of Marostica. Another nice Living Game will be held in the evening of July 20 (9 p.m.) in Castelnuovo Bolmida, near Alessandria. A beautiful group of one hundred people in ancient clothes will represent a famous game. Entrance is free to everybody (the only problem is where to park the car...). I was in Megeve (France) where there was a week of the Kasparov University (July 1-7); about 200 people to follow the stages. At the end a nice rapid tournament (108 players, 7 gm and 10 im): 1-2. gm Lupu and gm Vaisser 8 out of 11; 3-9. O.Foisor, JM Degraeve, C.Bauer, A. Kosten, E.Prie, M.Apicella, L. Fressinet 8; etc (I finished with only 6). Degraeve is qualified for the PCA Rapid in Paris, November 2-3. In the next issue of my magazine (L'Italia Scacchistica) I will present some games from Elista directly annotated by Karpov. For a free sample readers are invited to email. Adolivio Capece12) GM Predrag Ostojic RIP by Sinisa Joksic ---------------------------------------- Predrag Ostojic (22 March 1938 - 5 July 1996), GM, passed away in Mainz (Germany), where he has lived for the last 14 years. He became a GM in 1975. Twice Yugoslav champion, 1970 in Vrnjacka Banja and 1971 in Portoroz. In the Olympiad in Luzern 1982 he was Yugoslav captain. He played all around the world with pretty good success. A high level professional, he had lot of friends. All of them were very surprised by his suicide. 13) Scottish Chess Championships 1996 by John Henderson --------------------------------------------------- John Henderson has been sending the games from the Scottish Chess Championships round by round, I thank him for that. After leading the tournament clearly since the start Douglas Bryson lost his round 8 game. In addition John Shaw is struggling in an adjourned game against Jonathan Grant. All this benifits Colin McNab and should lead to an exciting final round. Oban SCO, VII 1996. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Bryson, Douglas M m SCO 2380 + 6 + 3 = 2 + 4 + 8 + 7 =10 - 5 . 6.0 /8 2459 2 Shaw, John f SCO 2335 =11 +10 = 1 + 7 + 3 = 4 + 6 A . 5.5 /7 2513 3 McNab, Colin A g SCO 2465 +14 - 1 = 6 + 9 - 2 +10 + 4 + 7 . 5.5 /8 2372 4 Upton, Timothy J f SCO 2285 =10 + 9 +11 - 1 + 6 = 2 - 3 +13 . 5.0 /8 2330 5 Stevenson, James ENG 2110 = 8 - 7 =14 -10 =12 +13 +11 + 1 . 4.5 /8 2284 6 McEwan, Ken B SCO 2195 - 1 +14 = 3 +13 - 4 + 8 - 2 = 9 . 4.0 /8 2314 7 Pritchett, Craig W m SCO 2325 =12 + 5 = 8 - 2 +11 - 1 + 9 - 3 . 4.0 /8 2220 8 Grant, Jonathan SCO 2265 = 5 +12 = 7 =11 - 1 - 6 +14 A . 3.5 /7 2224 9 Brown,PG ---- =13 - 4 +12 - 3 =10 =14 - 7 = 6 . 3.0 /8 2168 10 Buchanan, Walter F SCO 2150 = 4 - 2 =13 + 5 = 9 - 3 = 1 -12 . 3.0 /8 2180 11 Dearing, Eddie SCO 2185 = 2 +13 - 4 = 8 - 7 =12 - 5 =14 . 3.0 /8 2156 12 Weston, Richard SCO 2155 = 7 - 8 - 9 -14 = 5 =11 =13 +10 . 3.0 /8 2165 13 Beveridge, Allan SCO 2250 = 9 -11 =10 - 6 +14 - 5 =12 - 4 . 2.5 /8 2027 14 Robertson, Ian C SCO 2220 - 3 - 6 = 5 +12 -13 = 9 - 8 =11 . 2.5 /8 2074 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14) Asian Cities Championship for the Dubai Cup by Arvind Aaron ----------------------------------------------------------- June 17-25, 1996 Two teams from the strongest chess country in Asia, Uzbekistan, dominated the Asian Cities championship this June in Dubai. Top seed Tashkent, with an average Elo rating of 2530 won the prestigious Dubai Cup for the Asian Cities Championship at the World Trade Centre, Dubai. They scored 25.5 points, the same as sixth seed Samarkand but were champions on tie-break. Held at a budget of $1.8 million dollars, it is the biggest ever budget for an event in Asia. The entries of 41 was also a record. The pattern was a nine round Swiss with 4 players and two reserves. There was no event for women. It was organised by the Dubai Chess Club and not the UAE Chess Association. Noticeably, the Chinese did not participate. Tashkent with a powerful line up consisting GMs Alexander Nenashev (2595), M.Saltaev (2530), S.Zagrebelny (2500) and IMs S.Tuldachev (2495), D.Kaiumov (2435), FM Kasimdzhanov (2425) swept to a massive score but the departure of Nenashev (5.5/6) home cost them very heavily as Hochiminh (Vietman) badly beat them 3-1 to throw the event open. But a spirited 3.5-0.5 last round effort against Singapore held them tie Samarkand. Samarhand (IM Safin Shukhrat 2510, IM Tahir Vakhidov 2410, IM Alexei Barsov 2465, M.Dzhumaev 2365, Hasan Shodiev 2000, Firuz Nishanova 2000) also from Uzbekistan managed only 3-1 in the last round against Pavlodar which let Tashkent catch them up. The break up of the former Soviet Union has strengthened Asian chess and it showed in this event. The last time Dubai hosted this event was in 1992 when a laser show in the opening ceremony was arranged at a cost of about 80,000 dollars! The Asian Soviets also make business and Dubai is one of their nerve-centres for trade. Today, many men on the street of Dubai speak Russian, not only Malayalam & Tamil (south Indian languages), Hindi, Urudu. IM Manuel Aaron who was a chess trainer in Sharjah for three years returns to find Russian markings on many products. Final placings: 1. Tashkent (Uzb) 25.5 2. Samarkand (Uzb) 25.5 3. Ashkabad (Tkm) 22.5 4. Hochiminh (Vie) 22.5 5. Jakarta (INA) 21.5 6. Pavlodar (Kaz) 21 7. Dhaka (Ban) 21 8. Bandung (INA) 20.5 9. Rasht 20.5 10. Bishkek (Kgz) 20 11. Neyveli (Ind) 20 12. Tehran (Irn) 20 13. Yangon (Mya) 20 14. Dushanbe (Tjk) 19.5 15. Damascus (Syr) 19.5 16. Singapore (Sip) 19.5 17. Karachi (Pak) 19.5 18. Bangkok (Tha) 19.5 19. Allepo (Syr) 18.5 20. Dubai A (UAE) 18.5 21. Qana (Lib) 18 22. Doha (Qat) 18 23. Aden (Yem) 17.5 24. Colombo (Sri) 17.5 25. Sanaa (Yem) 17 26. Johor Baru (Mal) 17 27. Manama (Brn) 17 28. Sharjah (UAE) 16.5 29. Amman (Jor) 16.5 30. Hong Kong (Hkg) 16.5 31. Abu Dhabi (UAE) 16.5 32. Beirut (Lib) 16.5 33. Kuwait (Kuw) 16.5 34. Lahore (Pak) 15.5 35. Dubai B (UAE) 15 36. Jerusalem (Pal) 14.5 37. Macau (Mac) 14 38. Ajman (UAE) 13.5 39. Bandar Seri (Bru) 13 40. Al Khoor (Qat) 12 41. Ahmadi (Kuw) 4.5. The Rapid Tournament -------------------- Asian Cities Team Rapid Championship, Dubai 1996 June 1996 Final placings after nine rounds: 1. Bandung (Indonesia) 27/36 2. Samarkand (Uzbekistan) 24 3. Pavlodar (Kazakhstan) 23.5 4. Hochiminh (Vietnam) 23.5 5. Ashkabad (Turkmenistan) 23 6. Bishkek (KGZ) 22.5 7. Tashkent (Uzb) 22 8. Dushanbe (Tjk) 21.5 9. Jakarta (INA) 21 10. Sanaa (Yemen) 20.5 11. Tangon (Mya) 20.5 12. Karachi (Pak) 20 13. Damascus (Syr) 19.5 14. Tehran (Irn) 19.5 15. Dhaka (Ban) 19.5 16. Rasht (Irn) 19 17. Doha (Qat) 19 18. Neyveli (Ind) 18.5 19. Allepo (Syr) 18 20. Dubai `A' (UAE) 18 21. Dubai `B' (UAE) 18 22. Aden (Yemen) 18 23. Beirut (Lib) 17.5 24. Amman (Jor) 17 25. Lahore (Pak) 16.5 26. Qana (Lib) 16.5 27. Abu Dhabi (UAE) 16.5 28. Colombo (Sri) 16.5 29. Sharjah (UAE) 16 30. Hong Kong (Hkg) 16 31. Al Khoor (Qat) 16 32. Manama (Brn) 15.5 33. Macau (Mac) 15.5 34. Jerusalem (Palestine) 15 35. Ajman (UAE) 14.5 36. Bandar Seri (Bru) 8 37. Kuwait (Kuw) 7 38. Ahmadi (Kuw) 4. Singapore withdrew to catch an early flight after playing the main event. 15) Analysis by Danny Mozes and ChessTreasure ----------------------------------------- [Event "Chess Days"] [Site "Dortmund"] [Date "1996.07.11"] [Round "6"] [White "Anand,V"] [Black "Topalov,V"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "B85"] [Opening "Sicilian Defence/Taimanov Var."] [WhiteElo "2735"] [BlackElo "2750"] [Annotator "ChessTreasure"] { Deeply Analyzed by Danny Mozes and his Computers Band. Hope you'll be thrilled by the Novotny theme, too. Concerning, Anand, after all Smyslov and Spassky didn't succeed becoming world champions in their first attempt, too. } 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. Nc3 a6 4. d4 cxd4 5. Nxd4 Nc6 6. Be2 d6 7. 0-0 Nf6 8. Be3 Be7 9. f4 0-0 10. a4 Qc7 11. Kh1 Re8 12. Bf3 Na5 13. g4 Nd7 (13... Nc4 14. Bc1 Rf8 15. g5 Ne8 16. Qe1 (16. Bg2 Bd7 17. Qh5 Qc5 18. Nb3 Qa7 19. Rf3 g6 20. Qh6 ( 20. Qh4 Rc8 21. Rh3 h5 22. f5 exf5 23. Nd5 Bd8 24. exf5 Bxf5 25. Rc3 Ne5 26. Rxc8 Bxc8 27. Be3 Qb8 28. Rf1 {with an equal chances}) 20... Ng7 21. Rh3 Nh5 22. f5 (22. Bf3 {??} 22... Rfc8 {with 23...Bf8 as a sting}) 22... Qf2 23. Bd2 Rfc8 24. Rf1 Qxf1+ 25. Bxf1 Bf8 {=}) 16... Qc5 17. Nb3 Qc6 18. Qh4 Bd7 19. Qh5 Qb6 20. Bg2 Rc8 21. Rf3 g6 22. Qh6 f6 23. f5 {=}) (13... e5 14. Nf5 Bxf5 15. exf5 e4 16. g5 {?} (16. Bg2 Nc4 17. Bc1 e3 18. g5 Nd7 19. Nd5 { 1.06W}) 16... exf3 17. gxf6 Bxf6 18. Nd5 Qc6 19. Nxf6+ gxf6 20. Rxf3 Nc4 { 0-1 Sampson,M-Nicholson,J/Swansea GBR ch(6) 1987 (37)}) 14. Bg2 Bf8 15. Qe1 b6 16. Rd1 Bb7 17. Qh4 Nc6 18. Nde2 Nb4 19. Rd2 Qd8 20. g5 f6 21. Nd4 fxg5 {?} ( 21... Nc5 {! with a pressure on e4, and removing any thought on Bh3, and if 22. f5 then 22...e5 with about an equal position}) 22. fxg5 Nc6 23. Rdf2 Rc8 24. Nce2 Nc5 25. Nxc6 Bxc6 26. Nd4 Bd7 27. e5 dxe5 28. Nf3 Bc6 (28... Bd6 29. Rd2 Qc7 30. Rfd1 Nb7 31. g6 h6 32. Nxe5 {+-}) 29. Nxe5 Bxg2+ 30. Rxg2 Rc7 31. Ng4 Kh8 32. Qh3 {!!} 32... Qd5 (32... g6 33. Bf4 {!} 33... Bd6 34. Qc3+ Rg7 (34... e5 35. Nxe5 {+-}) 35. Rd1 Bxf4 36. Rxd8 Rxd8 37. a5 {+-}) 33. g6 {!} 33... h6 34. Bxh6 {!} 34... gxh6 35. g7+ {!! Novotny Theme, a sacrifice on the crossroads of 2 pieces, thus after capturing, one blocks the other.} 35... Bxg7 36. Nxh6 Qxg2+ (36... Bxh6 { ? mate in 3 moves: 37.Qxh6+ followed by 38.Qf6+ and 39.Qxg7#}) 37. Qxg2 Bxh6 38. Qg6 (38. Qg6 Rg8 39. Qxh6+ Rh7 40. Qf6+ Rhg7 (40... Rgg7 41. Rd1 {+-}) 41. Rf4 {and mate in 7}) 1-0 [Event "PCA wc final"] [Site "New York"] [Date "1995.09.??"] [Round "10"] [White "Kasparov,G"] [Black "Anand,V"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "C80"] [Opening "Ruy Lopez: Open - Bernstein Var, Karpov Gambit"] [WhiteElo "2795"] [BlackElo "2725"] [Annotator "ChessTreasure"] 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. 0-0 Nxe4 6. d4 b5 7. Bb3 d5 8. dxe5 Be6 9. Nbd2 Nc5 10. c3 d4 11. Ng5 dxc3 12. Nxe6 fxe6 13. bxc3 Qd3 14. Bc2 Qxc3 15. Nb3 Nxb3 (15... Rd8 16. Bd2 Qxe5 (16... Rxd2 {?} 17. Nxd2 Nxe5 18. Nb3 { 1-0 Khalifman, A-Hracek, Z/Keres mem A Parnu EST (5) 1996 (30)}) 17. Re1 Qd5 18. Nxc5 (18. Bf4 Qxd1 19. Bxd1 Nb4 20. Bxc7 Rc8 21. Bb6 Nbd3 22. Re3 Bd6 23. Bxc5 Nxc5 24. Nxc5 Rxc5 25. Rxe6+ Kd7 {=}) 18... Bxc5 19. Bb3 Qd4 20. Rxe6+ Ne7 21. Kh1 Qxf2 22. Rxa6 h5 23. Bg5 Rxd1+ 24. Rxd1 Ba7 25. Re6 Qc5 26. Bxe7 Qxe7 27. Bd5 Qxe6 28. Bxe6 Ke7 29. Bf5 Rf8 30. Rd7+ Ke8 31. Rd5 c6 32. Bg6+ Ke7 33. Re5+ Kd6 34. Rf5 Rxf5 35. Bxf5 c5 36. Kg1 {0-1 Berg-Nevesteit/cr Nat Ch tt 1990}) 16. Bxb3 Nd4 (16... Qxa1 17. Qh5+ g6 18. Qf3 Nd8 19. Qf6 Rg8 20.Bxe6 Be7 21. Bd7+ Kxd7 22. e6+ Nxe6 23. Qxa1 Bd6 24. Be3 {here Kasparov's analysis stops, claiming +/- . My claim is that Blck has an equal position and in the following lines I'll try to prove it.} 24... Rgf8 25. Qc3 c5 26. Rd1 Rac8 27. f3 Rc6 28. Bf2 Kc7 29. Re1 Nd4 30. Qa5+ (30. a4 b4 31. Qc4 Nf5 32. a5 ( 32. h3 Kb7 33. Re6 (33. g4 Nd4 34. Bxd4 cxd4 35. Qd5 Kc7 36. Rd1 (36. Qa5+ Kb7 ( 36... Kb8 37. Qd5 Kc7 {=}) 37. Qd5 Kc7 {=}) 36... Rd8 (36... Rf4 {0.24W}) (36... Rc2 37. Qa5+ Kb7 38. Rxd4 Re8 39. Qd5+ Ka7 40. Rd1 Bc5+ {0.33W}) (36... Rc3 37. Qa5+ Kb7 38. Rxd4 Rc1+ 39. Kg2 Rc2+ 40. Kh1 Rc1+ {=}) 37. Kf1 (37. Kh1 Bc5 38. Qe4 (38. Qe5+) 38... Rd7 39. a5 Re7 40. Qd5 Re3 (40... Rd7 41. Qe4 Re7 42. Qd5 Rd7 43. Qe4 Re7 {=}) 41. Qf7+ Re7 {=}) 37... Bc5 38. Qe4 Rd7 39. a5 Ba7 40. Rb1 Bc5 {=}) 33... Rfc8 34. Qd5 Kc7 35. Re4 Rf8 36. a5 Ne7 37. Qg5 Rf5 {=} 38. Rxe7+ {?} 38... Kd8 {!}) 32... Kb7 33. h3 Rc7 34. Qe6 Rc6 {=}) 30... Kc8 31. Qd2 Kb7 32. Re4 Nf5 33. Qd5 Ne7 {=}) 17. Qg4 Qxa1 18. Bxe6 Rd8 19. Bh6 Qc3 20. Bxg7 Qd3 21. Bxh8 Qg6 22. Bf6 Be7 23. Bxe7 Qxg4 24. Bxg4 Kxe7 25. Rc1 c6 26. f4 a5 27. Kf2 a4 28. Ke3 b4 29. Bd1 a3 30. g4 Rd5 31. Rc4 c5 32. Ke4 Rd8 33. Rxc5 Ne6 34. Rd5 Rc8 35. f5 Rc4+ 36. Ke3 Nc5 37. g5 Rc1 38. Rd6 1-0