THE WEEK IN CHESS 90 07/07/96 Mark Crowther --------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- E-Mail www Tel: 01274 882143 --------------------------------------------------- 1) Introduction 2) FIDE World Chess Championships 3) Dortmund 4) Batsford vigorously challenge Fischer's statements in Argentina. 5) Copenhagen Chess Festival 1996. 6) "Chess Classics", Frankfurt-West GER, 28.-30.06.96 by Christoph Pfrommer 7) News from Italy by Adolivio Capece 8) IMPERIAL COLLEGE IM TOURNAMENT by Adam Raoof 9) Sigeman Wernbro Grandmaster Tournament Malmo Sweden 11-19 June 1996 10) Andres Rodriguez mades his 2nd. GM norm 11) 103rd Scottish Championships. Corran Halls Oban 12) Vierlanderkampf Baden wins by Gerald Schendel 13) Fischerandom chess game between Bronstein and Douven 14) OLIMPIADA MUNDIAL PARA DEFIC. VISUAIS Florianopolis by Gerald Schendel 15) Robecchetto con Induno by Graziano Ottolini 16) Top 100 of the ICCF rating list 17) Fifth AKN open weekend tournament Haarlem, 1996 by Eric van der Schilden 18) Komputer Korner # 139 Virtual Chess and Bookup 1.5.2 19) Upcoming events FOXTROT INTERNATIONAL 19-23 AUG 1996 Lord Novgorord The Great 96 July 19-31 23rd International ECI Chess Tournament 1996 Jerusalem International Chess Tournament World champion Anatoly Karpov on Internet 20) Danny Mozes (ChessTreasure analyses Karpov-Kasparov (9) w-ch 1984) 21) BOOKS, BOOKS and more of then (10) Bertrand Weegenaar GAMES SECTION ------------- GAMES SECTIONS -------------- TWIC90.PGN TWIC 90 Main Games Section ------------------------------------- Kamsky vs Karpov Match 4 games Dortmund 10 games Frankfurt-West Chess Classics Rapid Tournament. 12 games Frankfurt-West Chess Classics Rapid Tournament. 3-4 playoff 1 game Frankfurt-West Chess Classics Rapid Tournament. Final 2 games Sigeman Wernbro Grandmaster Tournament 15 games Ischia International Chess Tournament 35 games TWIC90EX.PGN TWIC90 EXTRA GAMES SECTION --------------------------------------- Rosario International tournament 45 games IMPERIAL COLLEGE IM TOURNAMENT 45 games Chess Olympiad for the Blind Brazil 1 game Vierlanderkampf 5 games 103rd Scottish National Championships 7 games Open Oban 3 games Robecchetto con Induno 129 games TWIC90PC.PGN CORRECTIONS TO THE TWIC89PO.PGN FILE --------------------------------------------------- POLITKEN CUP CORRECTIONS 31 games I changed the spellings to four players names in the TWIC89PO.PGN file. (this file now has the changed spellings) If you uploaded the file last week then this is the file you need to be compatable with this week's file. If you have archived TWIC89PO.PGN please change it for the new file which is on my www page. You don't need this file. GAMES SECTION TWIC90PO.PGN -------------------------- Politiken Cup Rounds 7-11 about 450 games (continuation of TWIC89PO.PGN) These sections are available at: Pittsburgh ftp site. (, group/chess/NEWS) (probably Monday) and straight away at my www site - (note this is tilda mdcrowth, some terminals display this as a percent sign which won't work) 1) Introduction --------------- My thanks to Graham Burgess, Christophe Bouton, Lars Zwisler (and the very organised team in Denmark), Bjarke Kristensen, Sinisa Joksic, Christoph Pfrommer, Adolivio Capece, Adam Raoof, Piotr Nestorow, Roberto Alvarez, Gerald Schendel, John Henderson, Tom Furstenberg, Graziano Ottolini, Alan Rawlings, Eric van der Schilden (TASC), Komputer Korner, Danny Mozes, Rod McShane, Dr. Ulrich Potthoff and the City of Dormund web server (, Bertrand Weegenaar. I hope that is a complete list as these big TWIC's tend to leave me a little dizzy. A very busy week. I had forgotten that in the Summer there were so many events. Hopefully I've included everything that I intended to do and that the rough edges aren't too bad. Please take note of the Batsford statement in response to Fischer's Press conference. Karpov - Kamsky never ceases to amaze in its twists and turns. The match has almost run its course and the fighting spirit has been excellent. If Kamsky had managed to win the adjourned game 13 then things could have got really tense, but who knows what the final week will bring, Kamsky clearly hasn't given up just yet even on the edge of defeat. The Dortmund tournament should warm up just nicely by this time next week. The first round games looked a little tense to me and after finishing this issue I am looking forward to seeing the second round games. If Madrid and Dos Hermanas are anything to go by the top players are only just getting into gear. Hope you enjoy this issue. Mark 2) FIDE World Chess Championships --------------------------------- 13) 30/6/96 - Karpov, Anatoly - Kamsky, Gata 1/2 90 Queen's Indian 14) 02/7/96 - Kamsky, Gata - Karpov, Anatoly 0-1 61 Nimzo-Indian Defence. 15) 04/7/96 - Karpov, Anatoly - Kamsky, Gata 1/2 42 Modern Benoni 16) 06/7/96 - Kamsky, Gata - Karpov, Anatoly 1-0 49 Queen's Indian Elista RUS (RUS), VI-VII 1996. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Karpov, Anatoly g RUS 2770 1 0 = 1 = 1 1 = 1 0 = = = 1 = 0 . . . . 9.5 2800 Kamsky, Gata g USA 2735 0 1 = 0 = 0 0 = 0 1 = = = 0 = 1 . . . . 6.5 2705 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kamsky battles against near certain defeat ------------------------------------------ I started last week's article with "Kamsky has a good week .... so far" and this was probably a good idea! Game 13 was continuing and although it looked like it might end in a draw there were other results still possible. Game 13 in fact was a major game in deciding the title. The week ended with Karpov requiring just one from the last four games. It is hard to believe that Kamsky can come back from here against Karpov. After Sunday's game the whole match was in the balance. Karpov had an edge which he seemed to be increasing move by move. Just after the first time-control he made a positional sacrifice of a pawn in order to break up Kamsky's position. He had however missed something (probably Kamsky's g5 idea) and the game was adjourned on move 57 with Karpov just about to go two pawns down. Surely an easy win and being only two down with seven to play he was back in the match. The adjournment session on Monday was key. For a long time it looked like Kamsky was making some progress in the adjournment session, but first the g pawns were exchanged off and then Kamsky simply started re-arranging his pieces without moving forward, gradually it became clear that although he was two pawns up it was a draw. At first sight this result looked like bad adjournment analysis, but I have yet to find a win, and it may yet prove that the win isn't there (or it is very studylike). Karpov's 35 minutes sealing on Sunday night weren't wasted. Whatever happened it certainly had an effect on Kamsky. He played an absolutely dreadful game on Tuesday. He took on Karpov's Nimzo-Indian, which few dare to do and lost. It was Kamsky's first loss on the White side of a Nimzo-Indian and it made a very poor impression. Game 15 was interesting as Kamsky came out fighting and played the Modern Benoni. Karpov avoided the ultra-critical Bb5+ line and drew comfortably. Game 16 Kamsky and Karpov discussed a line Karpov has played with white. Its very sharp and Karpov played a very poor TN with Qf5. Kamsky won a pawn and ground Karpov down, although at one point Karpov seemed to have come back into the game he blundered and was gone in just two more moves. I will round up the match next week but some of the comments about Kamsky have been very ill-judged. This has been a very hard match for both players. It has turned on just a few games. Kamsky very definitely has an interesting personal chess style, I think of it as a modern Sammy Reshevsky type style. To me he is a definite class act. At 22 he has plenty of time to improve should he continue to play after this match. His losses have shown up his weaknesses. These are in my opinion a lack of judgement sometimes in his choice of opening lines and that sometimes he simply loses the thread of a game altogether. This last fault has been responsible for most of his losses in this match and why they have looked so bad. Both these faults seem to me to be one's of experience rather than fundimental. His willingness to battle on in games 15 and 16 say much for his willpower, I'm sure he still believes he can catch Karpov by game 20, which is an important part of a match players makeup. I don't, but that really isn't important. 3) Dortmund ------------ Dortmund International Tournament 5th-14th July 1996 Having been spoilt be a series of brilliant tournament there has been a few weeks off. I've really missed them and now we enter another series of strong events in a row which will probably continue throughout the Summer. The event is being covered on the City of Dortmund www server: Results and games on the www In English HREF= or in German HREF= The games appear about 2pm the following day (gosh haven't we been spoilt recently, this seems like a slow service!) which is actually just great. There are links from my site to this site. One of the disappointments from the British point of view is that Tony Miles missed the tournament having been delayed somewhere. Eric Lobron is going to have big problems with no preparation for this event. Round 1 (1996.07.05) Anand, Viswanathan - Lobron, Eric 1-0 36 Huebner, Robert - Polgar, Judit 1-0 67 Kramnik, Vladimir - Gelfand, Boris 1/2 24 Shirov, Alexei - Topalov, Veselin 1/2 30 Leko, Peter - Adams, Michael 0-1 57 Round 2 (1996.07.06) Anand, Viswanathan - Leko, Peter 1-0 39 Adams, Michael - Huebner, Robert 1/2 52 Gelfand, Boris - Shirov, Alexei 1-0 29 Lobron, Eric - Topalov, Veselin 0-1 47 Polgar, Judit - Kramnik, Vladimir 0-1 66 Dortmund GER (GER), VII 1996. cat. XVIII (2676) ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Anand, Viswanathan g IND 2735 * . . . . . . 1 1 . 2.0 2 Adams, Michael g ENG 2685 . * . = . . . 1 . . 1.5 2805 3 Gelfand, Boris g BLR 2665 . . * . = . 1 . . . 1.5 2918 4 Huebner, Robert g GER 2595 . = . * . . . . . 1 1.5 2868 5 Kramnik, Vladimir g RUS 2765 . . = . * . . . . 1 1.5 2858 6 Topalov, Veselin g BUL 2750 . . . . . * = . 1 . 1.5 2828 7 Shirov, Alexei g ESP 2685 . . 0 . . = * . . . 0.5 2514 8 Leko, Peter g HUN 2630 0 0 . . . . . * . . 0.0 9 Lobron, Eric g GER 2585 0 . . . . 0 . . * . 0.0 10 Polgar, Judit g HUN 2665 . . . 0 0 . . . . * 0.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 4) Batsford vigorously challenge Fischer's statements in Argentina. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Below is a statement from B.T. Batsford Ltd. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Statement by B.T. Batsford Ltd. Re: Bobby Fischer's Press Conference in Argentina We at Batsford were appalled by the remarks reported to have been made by Bobby Fischer about our new edition of his book My 60 Memorable Games. Batsford purchased the right to publish this book from Faber and Faber. These rights included the power to make alterations to make the book suitable for the British market. Accordingly, we converted the notation to algebraic, which is standard in all British chess publications. Our intention was to produce an edition that was accurate and faithful to the original. There was no addition or subtraction of intellectual material. Bobby Fischer is fully aware of the situation regarding royalty payments. Before the publication of the Batsford edition of My 60 Memorable Games, Graham Burgess, the chess editor at Batsford, wrote to Bobby Fischer asking where the royalty payments should be sent - obviously it is impossible to make any payments without this information. The letter also enquired whether Bobby would like to be involved in the new edition in any way. We know that he received the letter, but the only reply took the form of a letter from Bobby Fischer's lawyers, querying our right to publish the book. We can only presume that the response satisfied them, since they have not come back to us in the year and a half since then. Thus we really don't see any grounds for complaint, and continue to wait for Bobby Fischer to provide an address to which royalties should be sent. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Background ---------- In Argentina Bobby Fischer gave a press conference on Wednesday 19th June 1996. There was a subsequent press release both E-Mailed and then faxed throughout the World. The fax version of the official press release from Argentina said: "Fischer spoke out on several topics. He apologized for bringing up subjects unrelated to Fischerandom Chess, and he then began a counterattack on several companies that he claimed had been defrauding him of huge amounts of money as well as trying to destroy his image. He targeted the British publisher Batsford for releasing a forged and unauthorized new edition of his renowned chess classic "My 60 Memorable Games", for deliberately making erroneous and malicious changes in the text itself and for never having paid him royalties for the book." 5) Copenhagen Chess Festival 1996. ------------------------------- My thanks to Lars Zwisler and to Bjarke Kristensen for their help. The Copenhagen www site: has been truely astonishing. All the games have been posted there and that mounts up to nearly 980 games. Copenhagen is Europe's 1996 Cultural City and has organised a wide range of events. The Chess Festival will span from June 22nd to July 16th. A large number of open's, rapidplays etc are taking place. However the most important international event is the Politiken Cup. Politiken Cup 1996. ------------------- This 11 round event is part of the Nordic Grand Prix (sponsored by VISA). The Politken Cup is a very strong event. Victor Korchnoi won a close event with 8.5/11 ahead of seven others on 8 points. I have made some alterations to the PGN file distributed last week. This is because in four cases players who I thought were rated were in fact unrated. Also Jason Luchan pointed out a gamescore error. I have changed the PGN file for Copenhagen on my www site from last week but have included all changed games this week also. TWIC89PO.PGN and TWIC90PO.PGN are now simply my final file for the event split into rounds 1-6 and rounds 7-11. The Danish team which produced the bulletin did a sterling job in typing in the games. I'd like to thank Lars Zwisler and Bjarke Kristensen for their help but there was a team of four typing in the games and I would like to thank them too. Copenhagen (DEN), VI-VII 1996. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Korchnoi, Viktor g SUI 2645 +127 + 40 - 9 + 59 + 39 = 25 + 36 - 3 + 48 + 32 + 17 8.5 2652 2 Gulko, Boris F g USA 2615 + 65 = 21 + 73 + 46 = 54 + 29 = 5 + 4 = 25 = 3 = 8 8.0 2641 3 Rozentalis, Eduardas g LTU 2605 +142 + 30 = 46 + 68 = 9 + 54 = 22 + 1 = 5 = 2 = 7 8.0 2668 4 Speelman, Jonathan S g ENG 2625 + 69 = 8 + 55 = 9 + 43 = 19 + 23 - 2 = 24 + 27 + 29 8.0 2628 5 Liss, Eran g ISR 2480 +160 + 77 = 26 + 34 + 20 + 23 = 2 = 6 = 3 - 8 + 22 8.0 2661 6 Hansen, Curt g DEN 2615 +108 +111 + 36 = 54 + 18 = 22 = 25 = 5 = 17 = 29 + 23 8.0 2637 7 Hodgson, Julian M g ENG 2615 + 98 + 66 = 24 - 22 + 59 + 58 = 19 = 48 + 36 + 25 = 3 8.0 2631 8 Hillarp Persson, Tiger SWE 2410 +150 = 4 = 33 - 56 =108 + 95 + 99 + 54 + 12 + 5 = 2 8.0 2562 9 Baburin, Aleksandar m IRL 2505 +158 +113 + 1 = 4 = 3 = 12 + 53 = 13 = 22 = 15 = 16 7.5 2641 10 Tukmakov, Vladimir B g UKR 2595 +116 + 49 = 68 + 45 - 22 + 30 = 15 = 11 = 31 + 51 = 14 7.5 2581 11 Nielsen, Peter Heine g DEN 2495 +126 + 75 = 39 - 53 + 78 + 62 = 16 = 10 + 19 = 33 = 15 7.5 2558 12 De Firmian, Nick E g USA 2595 +109 = 53 + 41 = 27 + 60 = 9 = 28 = 24 - 8 + 58 + 33 7.5 2545 13 Gausel, Einar g NOR 2515 + 84 = 87 +101 = 61 + 55 = 16 + 18 = 9 = 29 - 17 + 47 7.5 2522 14 Hansen, Lars Bo g DEN 2565 + 81 = 41 - 59 + 65 + 89 + 72 = 24 = 36 + 30 = 22 = 10 7.5 2520 15 Krasenkow, Michal g POL 2610 + 83 + 58 = 27 - 24 + 90 + 66 = 10 = 30 + 43 = 9 = 11 7.5 2565 16 Glek, Igor V g RUS 2635 + 99 + 51 - 54 +124 + 17 = 13 = 11 - 29 +108 + 38 = 9 7.5 2539 17 Kogan, Artur m ISR 2485 - 94 +100 +108 + 92 - 16 + 75 + 46 + 28 = 6 + 13 - 1 7.5 2550 18 Mortensen, Erling m DEN 2430 +163 + 93 + 19 = 20 - 6 + 27 - 13 = 37 = 83 + 89 + 48 7.5 2548 19 Hjartarson, Johann g ISL 2570 +123 + 76 - 18 +113 +111 = 4 = 7 = 26 - 11 + 57 + 36 7.5 2573 20 Hector, Jonny g SWE 2520 + 79 +132 +145 = 18 - 5 - 53 + 42 + 21 - 33 + 62 + 37 7.5 2466 21 Rowson, Jonathan m SCO 2415 +144 = 2 + 91 - 25 = 77 = 44 + 92 - 20 +109 + 65 + 49 7.5 2464 22 Emms, John M g ENG 2500 = 82 +138 + 32 + 7 + 10 = 6 = 3 = 25 = 9 = 14 - 5 7.0 2562 23 Maksimenko, Andrei g UKR 2545 + 42 + 52 = 45 + 35 + 24 - 5 - 4 = 33 + 74 + 31 - 6 7.0 2519 24 Wells, Peter K g ENG 2495 + 96 + 38 = 7 + 15 - 23 +146 = 14 = 12 = 4 = 26 = 28 7.0 2582 25 Akesson, Ralf g SWE 2505 +149 +124 = 35 + 21 + 53 = 1 = 6 = 22 = 2 - 7 = 32 7.0 2557 26 Petursson, Margeir g ISL 2585 +136 + 72 = 5 = 39 + 40 - 36 + 55 = 19 = 27 = 24 = 30 7.0 2519 27 Schandorff, Lars m DEN 2485 +106 + 64 = 15 = 12 = 28 - 18 + 57 + 49 = 26 - 4 + 70 7.0 2537 28 Sher, Miron N g RUS 2500 + 88 = 92 = 87 + 75 = 27 + 69 = 12 - 17 = 40 + 53 = 24 7.0 2473 29 Djurhuus, Rune m NOR 2505 - 55 +169 +110 + 47 + 61 - 2 + 63 + 16 = 13 = 6 - 4 7.0 2510 30 Pedersen, Steffen m DEN 2405 +121 - 3 +109 + 93 + 38 - 10 + 47 = 15 - 14 + 67 = 26 7.0 2482 31 Macieja, Bartlomiej m POL 2430 +128 - 45 + 79 = 64 = 56 = 50 +104 + 53 = 10 - 23 + 75 7.0 2431 32 Furhoff, Johan f SWE 2305 + 74 = 48 - 22 +172 + 71 = 39 = 49 + 58 + 34 - 1 = 25 7.0 2496 33 Kulaots, Kaido m EST 2400 =139 +172 = 8 - 55 + 83 + 88 + 56 = 23 + 20 = 11 - 12 7.0 2419 34 Tseshkovsky, Vitaly g RUS 2540 +107 =101 + 89 - 5 - 62 + 78 + 72 = 40 - 32 + 55 + 61 7.0 2422 35 Lejlic, Samir m SWE 2420 +137 + 94 = 25 - 23 - 66 =109 - 83 +143 +116 + 92 + 56 7.0 2377 36 Hansen, Sune Berg m DEN 2495 +125 + 62 - 6 + 87 + 88 + 26 - 1 = 14 - 7 + 41 - 19 6.5 2504 37 Hutters, Tomas m DEN 2435 - 86 + 99 = 42 = 84 + 98 = 38 + 87 = 18 = 55 + 91 - 20 6.5 2344 38 Aagaard, Jacob DEN 2290 +151 - 24 + 67 + 48 - 30 = 37 = 51 + 68 + 88 - 16 = 39 6.5 2445 39 Hellsten, Johan m SWE 2475 +143 +134 = 11 = 26 - 1 = 32 = 64 + 50 - 51 +108 = 38 6.5 2410 40 Antonsen, Mikkel m DEN 2410 +118 - 1 +149 + 95 - 26 = 99 + 62 = 34 = 28 = 44 = 51 6.5 2428 41 Koch, Wolfgang Max f GER 2325 +141 = 14 - 12 = 42 = 82 =108 = 96 + 69 +104 - 36 + 84 6.5 2354 42 Lobejko, Rafal POL 2215 - 23 +173 = 37 = 41 +101 + 61 - 20 = 47 + 87 = 43 = 44 6.5 2420 43 Brynell, Stellan m SWE 2445 -134 +137 +142 + 57 - 4 +113 = 54 + 44 - 15 = 42 = 50 6.5 2386 44 Hansen, Lars DEN 2250 =156 =152 +165 = 58 = 49 = 21 + 66 - 43 + 59 = 40 = 42 6.5 2418 45 Lyrberg, Patrik m SWE 2425 +140 + 31 = 23 - 10 - 58 =112 +146 = 56 - 65 +103 + 89 6.5 2371 46 Taimanov, Mark E g RUS 2480 +175 + 78 = 3 - 2 +107 = 56 - 17 + 75 = 89 - 47 + 91 6.5 2408 47 Wolski, Thomas f GER 2310 -145 +118 +143 - 29 + 96 +122 - 30 = 42 + 98 + 46 - 13 6.5 2386 48 Tisdall, Jonathan D g NOR 2510 +159 = 32 = 57 - 38 +131 +124 +111 = 7 - 1 + 64 - 18 6.5 2412 49 Christensen, Tobias m DEN 2405 +161 - 10 + 81 =107 = 44 + 93 = 32 - 27 +136 + 83 - 21 6.5 2360 50 Fernandez Siles, Luis ESP 2270 =167 +154 - 61 =148 + 74 = 31 = 60 - 39 +115 + 88 = 43 6.5 2349 51 Fries-Nielsen, Jens Ove m DEN 2420 +180 - 16 + 98 = 62 = 63 = 92 = 38 + 93 + 39 - 10 = 40 6.5 2417 52 Wallace, John Paul AUS 2370 +157 - 23 = 84 +110 - 69 =107 =102 -109 + 96 +135 + 83 6.5 2246 53 Bogdanovich, Grigory m RUS 2375 +119 = 12 +104 + 11 - 25 + 20 - 9 - 31 + 95 - 28 = 73 6.0 2445 54 Ward, Christopher m ENG 2505 +102 +105 + 16 = 6 = 2 - 3 = 43 - 8 = 56 - 75 +109 6.0 2450 55 Borbjerggaard, Lars DEN 2185 + 29 + 86 - 4 + 33 - 13 + 73 - 26 +111 = 37 - 34 = 65 6.0 2472 56 Matthiesen, Arne DEN 2255 =114 +103 = 92 + 8 = 31 = 46 - 33 = 45 = 54 +111 - 35 6.0 2433 57 Pedersen, Nicolai Vesterbaek DEN 2290 = 80 + 97 = 48 - 43 + 86 = 60 - 27 +107 + 71 - 19 = 63 6.0 2364 58 Jakobsen, Ole m DEN 2390 +153 - 15 + 96 = 44 + 45 - 7 + 69 - 32 + 86 - 12 = 64 6.0 2375 59 Olsen, Heini FAI 2325 = 71 +115 + 14 - 1 - 7 = 82 =134 + 96 - 44 = 95 +107 6.0 2348 60 Hoi, Carsten m DEN 2435 +129 -145 +116 + 85 - 12 = 57 = 50 = 64 - 62 + 74 = 67 6.0 2335 61 Steingrimsson, Hedinn m ISL 2405 =115 + 71 + 50 = 13 - 29 - 42 - 82 +117 +140 +113 - 34 6.0 2278 62 Nouro, Mikael FIN 2275 +162 - 36 +150 = 51 + 34 - 11 - 40 + 94 + 60 - 20 = 66 6.0 2395 63 Jelling, Erik m DEN 2415 =138 + 82 = 85 = 77 = 51 +133 - 29 = 98 - 64 + 99 = 57 6.0 2311 64 Nilssen, John Arni FAI 2275 +148 - 27 +151 = 31 -146 + 97 = 39 = 60 + 63 - 48 = 58 6.0 2398 65 Varberg, Kenneth DEN 2230 - 2 =140 +141 - 14 +152 - 68 +119 + 73 + 45 - 21 = 55 6.0 2324 66 Ksieski, Zbigniew m POL 2400 +117 - 7 =158 +145 + 35 - 15 - 44 - 74 +134 + 98 = 62 6.0 2354 67 Skytte, Rasmus DEN ---- = 90 = 70 - 38 =142 +136 = 85 = 77 +130 +121 - 30 = 60 6.0 2282 68 Borge, Nikolaj m DEN 2455 +155 +112 = 10 - 3 - 72 + 65 = 90 - 38 - 93 +160 +116 6.0 2347 69 Koskinen, Henri FIN 2230 - 4 +117 +171 = 72 + 52 - 28 - 58 - 41 =110 +115 +122 6.0 2267 70 Salo, Tapio f FIN 2310 = 97 = 67 - 88 =173 +156 = 71 + 84 =121 = 92 + 93 - 27 6.0 2215 71 El Kher, Henrik DEN ---- = 59 - 61 +176 + 91 - 32 = 70 =133 + 77 - 57 =107 +132 6.0 2308 72 Hartman, Christer m SWE 2370 +166 - 26 + 94 = 69 + 68 - 14 - 34 - 99 +150 = 82 +108 6.0 2336 73 Johansen, Terje NOR 2375 =110 +139 - 2 = 86 + 81 - 55 =109 - 65 +146 +136 = 53 6.0 2237 74 Schafer, Heiko GER ---- - 32 -149 +137 +116 - 50 +158 +112 + 66 - 23 - 60 +114 6.0 2292 75 Hoiberg, Nina wm DEN 2290 +120 - 11 +134 - 28 +145 - 17 +118 - 46 +138 + 54 - 31 6.0 2316 76 Brinck-Claussen, Bjorn m DEN 2380 +173 - 19 -107 +161 =109 = 84 + 81 - 83 =102 =112 +123 6.0 2257 77 Hartung-Nielsen, Jens DEN 2260 +164 - 5 +177 = 63 = 21 -111 = 67 - 71 +144 = 90 +110 6.0 2314 78 Coleman, David f ENG 2255 +174 - 46 =147 +104 - 11 - 34 +131 - 95 +141 =102 +121 6.0 2248 79 Ligaard, Morten DEN 2210 - 20 +157 - 31 -130 -116 + 80 -129 +151 +148 +145 +113 6.0 2150 80 Christensen, Jan N. DEN ---- = 57 - 85 =129 - 96 -137 - 79 +179 +168 +124 +125 +112 6.0 2199 81 Schultz-Pedersen, Jesper SWE 2215 - 14 +178 - 49 +120 - 73 +145 - 76 +148 -113 +119 +111 6.0 2197 82 Molvig, Henrik DEN 2180 = 22 - 63 + 97 =101 = 41 = 59 + 61 - 89 = 90 = 72 = 87 5.5 2322 83 Christensen, Bo Garner DEN 2225 - 15 +119 -111 +127 - 33 +117 + 35 + 76 = 18 - 49 - 52 5.5 2345 84 Holst, Conny SWE 2205 - 13 +120 = 52 = 37 =132 = 76 - 70 +131 = 85 + 97 - 41 5.5 2225 85 Kania, Andreas GER 2275 =177 + 80 = 63 - 60 =121 = 67 =110 =102 = 84 = 86 = 88 5.5 2173 86 Dahl Pedersen, Hans DEN 2185 + 37 - 55 =105 = 73 - 57 =114 +149 +133 - 58 = 85 =104 5.5 2297 87 Ostergaard, Jens DEN 2300 +135 = 13 = 28 - 36 =118 +141 - 37 +134 - 42 =104 = 82 5.5 2252 88 Gabrielsen, Stig NOR 2175 - 28 +162 + 70 +132 - 36 - 33 +124 +113 - 38 - 50 = 85 5.5 2310 89 Pyda, Zbigniew f POL 2305 =146 +122 - 34 +115 - 14 =118 +148 + 82 = 46 - 18 - 45 5.5 2262 90 Sobjerg, Erik DEN 2320 = 67 -110 +159 +158 - 15 +143 = 68 -108 = 82 = 77 =102 5.5 2251 91 Holmsgaard, Henrik DEN 2290 =122 +146 - 21 - 71 =134 +116 = 94 +141 + 99 - 37 - 46 5.5 2265 92 Pedersen, Daniel Vesterbaek DEN 2250 +179 = 28 = 56 - 17 +147 = 51 - 21 +114 = 70 - 35 =106 5.5 2230 93 Strange, Mikkel DEN 2245 +171 - 18 +152 - 30 +114 - 49 +122 - 51 + 68 - 70 = 95 5.5 2152 94 Thorfinnsson, Bragi ISL 2155 + 17 - 35 - 72 +174 -113 +154 = 91 - 62 =142 =131 +135 5.5 2179 95 Clausen, Steen DEN 2255 =152 =165 +156 - 40 =130 - 8 +155 + 78 - 53 = 59 = 93 5.5 2260 96 Lynge, Michael DEN 2170 - 24 +130 - 58 + 80 - 47 +151 = 41 - 59 - 52 +166 +131 5.5 2094 97 Kristensen, Leif DEN ---- = 70 - 57 - 82 +159 +149 - 64 =143 +128 =103 - 84 +136 5.5 2217 98 Nilsson, Nils S DEN 2225 - 7 +153 - 51 +119 - 37 +115 +162 = 63 - 47 - 66 +144 5.5 2254 99 Bank, Pelle DEN 2230 - 16 - 37 +153 +168 +154 = 40 - 8 + 72 - 91 - 63 +129 5.5 2290 100 Rasmussen, Peter DEN 2285 -172 - 17 +106 -131 =153 =140 =154 =120 =147 +141 +134 5.5 2295 101 Hvenekilde, Jorgen DEN 2315 +178 = 34 - 13 = 82 - 42 =131 =150 =145 =118 =114 +143 5.5 2203 102 Berg, Emanuel SWE 2180 - 54 +179 -132 +164 -124 +174 = 52 = 85 = 76 = 78 = 90 5.5 2200 103 Hellstrom, Ake SWE 2245 =169 - 56 +160 -133 =115 =150 +153 =146 = 97 - 45 +137 5.5 2180 104 Sylvan, Jacob DEN 2265 =154 +167 - 53 - 78 +173 +130 - 31 +110 - 41 = 87 = 86 5.5 2162 105 Fulgsang, Flemming DEN 2285 +147 - 54 = 86 -146 +138 =148 -108 -135 +172 =143 +140 5.5 2212 106 Lilja, Richard DEN 2170 - 27 -151 -100 -117 +159 +179 +139 =118 =133 +146 = 92 5.5 2173 107 Bekker-Jensen, Simon DEN 2215 - 34 +135 + 76 = 49 - 46 = 52 =132 - 57 +130 = 71 - 59 5.0 2248 108 Schneider, Stefan SWE 2225 - 6 +144 - 17 +157 = 8 = 41 +105 + 90 - 16 - 39 - 72 5.0 2334 109 Kosebay, Osman TUR 2220 - 12 +166 - 30 +135 = 76 = 35 = 73 + 52 - 21 =121 - 54 5.0 2288 110 Thorfinnsson, Bjorn ISL 2060 = 73 + 90 - 29 - 52 =142 +137 = 85 -104 = 69 +133 - 77 5.0 2255 111 Arduman, Can f TUR 2410 +168 - 6 + 83 +112 - 19 + 77 - 48 - 55 +123 - 56 - 81 5.0 2272 112 Sorensen, Henrik f DEN 2245 +131 - 68 +114 -111 =148 = 45 - 74 +122 =135 = 76 - 80 5.0 2224 113 Hansen, Gunnar West DEN 2295 +130 - 9 +161 - 19 + 94 - 43 +144 - 88 + 81 - 61 - 79 5.0 2213 114 Astrup, Kim NOR ---- = 56 =156 -112 +163 - 93 = 86 +125 - 92 +149 =101 - 74 5.0 2222 115 Henriksen, Bo DEN 2080 = 61 - 59 +169 - 89 =103 - 98 +126 +129 - 50 - 69 +161 5.0 2170 116 Tonning, Erik NOR 2220 - 10 +121 - 60 - 74 + 79 - 91 +174 +147 - 35 +138 - 68 5.0 2236 117 Hyldkrog, Lars DEN 2075 - 66 - 69 -130 +106 +161 - 83 +158 - 61 =165 +142 =127 5.0 2240 118 Eriksson, Ingela S SWE 2095 - 40 - 47 +170 +171 = 87 = 89 - 75 =106 =101 -123 +146 5.0 2097 119 Guindy, Esmat DEN 2060 - 53 - 83 +123 - 98 +126 =127 - 65 =173 +159 - 81 +149 5.0 2182 120 Bae, Torstein NOR ---- - 75 - 84 +144 - 81 +163 =123 -136 =100 -129 +156 +160 5.0 2125 121 Rossen, Claus DEN 2080 - 30 -116 +162 +150 = 85 =132 +172 = 70 - 67 =109 - 78 5.0 2174 122 Frederiksen, Henrik DEN ---- = 91 - 89 +136 +167 =133 - 47 - 93 -112 +173 +126 - 69 5.0 2166 123 Bekker-Jensen, David DEN 2220 - 19 -161 -119 +166 +135 =120 =147 +172 -111 +118 - 76 5.0 2077 124 Hartvig, Ove Weiss f DEN 2300 +170 - 25 +155 - 16 +102 - 48 - 88 -138 - 80 +165 +150 5.0 2204 125 Petersen, Steen DEN 2165 - 36 =174 -167 +139 =172 =147 -114 +152 =132 - 80 +145 5.0 2296 126 Guglielmi, Riccardo ITA 2200 - 11 -147 -135 +178 -119 +163 -115 +139 +128 -122 +153 5.0 2197 127 Haapasalo, Jukka-Pekka FIN 2240 - 1 -150 +178 - 83 +165 =119 -141 +167 =145 =140 =117 5.0 1946 128 Szylar, Eric FRA 2115 - 31 -155 -157 -153 +178 +169 +151 - 97 -126 +174 +152 5.0 129 Persson, Richard SWE 2140 - 60 =163 = 80 -156 +157 -162 + 79 -115 +120 =132 - 99 4.5 2160 130 Ostner, Magnus DEN ---- -113 - 96 +117 + 79 = 95 -104 +142 - 67 -107 -137 +166 4.5 2151 131 Klartansson, David ISL ---- -112 =175 +140 +100 - 48 =101 - 78 - 84 +155 = 94 - 96 4.5 2167 132 Madsen, Dag NOR 2325 +176 - 20 +102 - 88 = 84 =121 =107 -136 =125 =129 - 71 4.5 2154 133 Brondum, Eric DEN 2270 =165 =177 =172 +103 =122 - 63 = 71 - 86 =106 -110 =138 4.5 2070 134 Harestad, Hans Krogh NOR 2145 + 43 - 39 - 75 =165 = 91 +177 = 59 - 87 - 66 +157 -100 4.5 2192 135 Sanchez, Gina USA ---- - 87 -107 +126 -109 -123 +168 +157 +105 =112 - 52 - 94 4.5 2148 136 Bromman, Thorbjorn DEN 2220 - 26 =141 -122 +140 - 67 +152 +120 +132 - 49 - 73 - 97 4.5 2249 137 Hansen, Henrik Michael DEN 2110 - 35 - 43 - 74 +170 + 80 -110 =165 -149 +171 +130 -103 4.5 138 Nedberg, Benjamin S NOR 2100 = 63 - 22 -148 +176 -105 =165 +156 +124 - 75 -116 =133 4.5 2198 139 Costello, Colin ENG 2070 = 33 - 73 -146 -125 =169 +171 -106 -126 =151 +167 +162 4.5 1896 140 Andersen, Ole Bo DEN 2110 - 45 = 65 -131 -136 +176 =100 +177 +162 - 61 =127 -105 4.5 2120 141 Andersson, Christine SWE 2040 - 41 =136 - 65 +175 +155 - 87 +127 - 91 - 78 -100 +165 4.5 2135 142 Olsen, Peter Eric DEN 2225 - 3 +168 - 43 = 67 =110 -144 -130 +177 = 94 -117 +170 4.5 2060 143 Nielsen, Jacob Woge DEN 2150 - 39 +164 - 47 =177 +167 - 90 = 97 - 35 +174 =105 -101 4.5 1953 144 Preuss, Flemming DEN 2100 - 21 -108 -120 +179 +164 +142 -113 =150 - 77 +147 - 98 4.5 2016 145 Ros, Aksel DEN ---- + 47 + 60 - 20 - 66 - 75 - 81 +160 =101 =127 - 79 -125 4.0 2193 146 Carstensen, Jacob DEN ---- = 89 - 91 +139 +105 + 64 - 24 - 45 =103 - 73 -106 -118 4.0 2173 147 Jorgensen, Soren Berg DEN ---- -105 +126 = 78 =154 - 92 =125 =123 -116 =100 -144 =155 4.0 2103 148 Larsen, Peter M. DEN ---- - 64 =160 +138 = 50 =112 =105 - 89 - 81 - 79 =155 =158 4.0 2116 149 Nilsson, Lars Kjoller DEN 2200 - 25 + 74 - 40 =151 - 97 +156 - 86 +137 -114 =153 -119 4.0 2030 150 Nielsen, Carsten Juul DEN 2080 - 8 +127 - 62 -121 +171 =103 =101 =144 - 72 =162 -124 4.0 2093 151 Rasmussen, Per Arnt DEN ---- - 38 +106 - 64 =149 =158 - 96 -128 - 79 =139 +168 =159 4.0 2078 152 Lindholt, Malik DEN ---- = 95 = 44 - 93 =155 - 65 -136 +163 -125 =168 +173 -128 4.0 2073 153 Andersen, Preben DEN 2070 - 58 - 98 - 99 +128 =100 +173 -103 =165 =162 =149 -126 4.0 2092 154 Hejberg, Carsten DEN ---- =104 - 50 +175 =147 - 99 - 94 =100 =155 -160 =159 =157 4.0 2082 155 Jensen, Henrik W DEN 2150 - 68 +128 -124 =152 -141 +167 - 95 =154 -131 =148 =147 4.0 1993 156 Hilmarsson, Atli NOR ---- = 44 =114 - 95 +129 - 70 -149 -138 -159 +175 -120 +176 4.0 2100 157 Stuart, E. Leslie ENG 2050 - 52 - 79 +128 -108 -129 +166 -135 =158 +167 -134 =154 4.0 2040 158 Hammes, Frank GER 2190 - 9 +170 = 66 - 90 =151 - 74 -117 =157 -166 +177 =148 4.0 1961 159 Bonnez, Finn DEN 2205 - 48 =176 - 90 - 97 -106 +175 =161 +156 -119 =154 =151 4.0 2027 160 Dongart, Dennis DEN 2155 - 5 =148 -103 +169 =177 -172 -145 +170 +154 - 68 -120 4.0 161 Henrichsen, Jens DEN 2075 - 49 +123 -113 - 76 -117 =164 =159 -174 +178 +172 -115 4.0 2007 162 Simola, Tuomas FIN ---- - 62 - 88 -121 +180 +168 +129 - 98 -140 =153 =150 -139 4.0 1982 163 Christensen, John DEN 2145 - 18 =129 =174 -114 -120 -126 -152 =179 =164 +178 +173 4.0 2121 164 Marder, Simon SWE ---- - 77 -143 +180 -102 -144 =161 -173 -171 =163 +179 +172 4.0 1830 165 Nicolaisen, Erik DEN ---- =133 = 95 - 44 =134 -127 =138 =137 =153 =117 -124 -141 3.5 2035 166 Dahl Pedersen, Henrik DEN 2055 - 72 -109 -173 -123 +170 -157 =171 +176 +158 - 96 -130 3.5 1968 167 Nielsen, Frode Benedict DEN ---- = 50 -104 +125 -122 -143 -155 +176 -127 -157 -139 +180 3.5 1985 168 Fant, Goran SWE 2090 -111 -142 +179 - 99 -162 -135 +169 - 80 =152 -151 +174 3.5 169 Nicolaisen, Jeppe DEN ---- =103 - 29 -115 -160 =139 -128 -168 -178 +180 =175 +177 3.5 1925 170 Deketelare, Francky BEL ---- -124 -158 -118 -137 -166 +180 +175 -160 =177 +171 -142 3.5 1838 171 Oksanen, Timo FIN ---- - 93 +180 - 69 -118 -150 -139 =166 +164 -137 -170 +178 3.5 1704 172 Karlsen, Arne DEN ---- +100 - 33 =133 - 32 =125 +160 -121 -123 -105 -161 -164 3.0 2075 173 Jorgensen, Stig E DEN 2065 - 76 - 42 +166 = 70 -104 -153 +164 =119 -122 -152 -163 3.0 1994 174 Tolstrup, Brian DEN ---- - 78 =125 =163 - 94 +175 -102 -116 +161 -143 -128 -168 3.0 1980 175 Petersen, Nils DEN 2155 - 46 =131 -154 -141 -174 -159 -170 +180 -156 =169 +179 3.0 176 Zakariasen, Peter SWE 2005 -132 =159 - 71 -138 -140 +178 -167 -166 =179 +180 -156 3.0 1793 177 Hansen, Morten Moller DEN ---- = 85 =133 - 77 =143 =160 -134 -140 -142 =170 -158 -169 2.5 1977 178 Kleopas, Georgius CYP ---- -101 - 81 -127 -126 -128 -176 +180 +169 -161 -163 -171 2.0 179 Neesgaard, Helge DEN ---- - 92 -102 -168 -144 +180 -106 - 80 =163 =176 -164 -175 2.0 1814 180 BYE ---- - 51 -171 -164 -162 -179 -170 -178 -175 -169 -176 -167 0.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) "Chess Classics", Frankfurt-West GER, 28.-30.06.96 by Christoph Pfrommer ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This weekend chess festival was formed of three interesting events. [Please note that although I've had a quick flick through the games and they look reasonable some may not be complete and some may have errors in them. Any corrections appreciated. The games were probably played at either 25 mins or maybe 25 mins and 5 seconds. Mark Crowther] First of all, there were four world class players (Shirov, Kramnik, Huebner, Leko) meeting in a double-round rapid tournament ("Chess Classics Masters) on Friday evening. Second, there was a large 11-rounds rapid tournament ("Chess Classics Open") with 271 participants (incl. 27 grandmasters) on Saturday and Sunday. Third, Vladimir Kramnik gave a simul on Saturday night (+24,=14, -2) playing with the black (!) pieces in all of the games. The Chess Classics Masters was announced as an category-18 event. Shirov won the event convincingly: He not only started with 5 points from his first five games, but he also won the final with 1.5 : 0.5 over Kramnik. "Chess Classics"-Masters, Frankfurt-West (GER), 28.06.96, rapid. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Shirov, A ** 10 11 11 5.0 2 Kramnik, V 01 ** 11 == 4.0 3 Huebner, R 00 00 ** 1= 1.5 4 Leko, P 00 == 0= ** 1.5 ---------------------------------------------------------------- "Chess Classics"-Masters Frankfurt-West (GER), rapid final. ----------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 ----------------------------------------------------------- Shirov, A 1 = 1.5 Kramnik, V 0 = 0.5 ----------------------------------------------------------- "Chess Classics"-Masters Frankfurt-West (GER), rapid 3rd place. --------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 --------------------------------------------------------------- Huebner, R 0 1 1.0 Leko, P 1 0 1.0 --------------------------------------------------------------- On the following two days 271 participants were playing the Chess Classics Open with the winner qualifying for next year's masters. The competions was quite strong with 27 grandmasters including e.g. Alexey Shirov, Peter Leko and Alexey Dreev. However, the top stars didn't score well, their masters might have been quite strenuous the day before... Finally, Eric Lobron turned out to be the clear winner with excellent 10 points out of 11 games. In a short speech at the end of the tournament Lobron said that he was "lucky in at least two games, but Kasparov also was lucky when he won over Gelfand in the last round of the Dos Hermanas tournament being a piece down for nothing." "Chess Classics"-Open ,Frankfurt-West (GER), 29./30.06.96, rapid 25', 11 rounds. -------------------------------------------------------- 1. Lobron, Eric g 10.0/ 11rounds 2. Lutz,Christopher g 9.0 3. Djuric, Stefan g 9.0 4. Schlosser, Philipp g 8.5 5. Appel, Ralf f 8.5 6. Spilker, Boris 8.5 7. Chernin, Alexander g 8.5 8. Beim, Valery g 8.5 9. Hickl, Joerg g 8.0 10. Arbakov, Valentin g 8.0 11. Shirov, Alexey g 8.0 12. Bezold, Michael i 8.0 13. Ikonnikov, Viatcheslav i 8.0 14. Bischoff, Klaus g 8.0 15. Vaganian, Rafael g 8.0 16. King, Daniel g 8.0 17. Leko, Peter g 8.0 18. Luther, Thomas g 8.0 19. Horvath, Peter f 8.0 20. Kindermann, Stefan g 8.0 21. Ginsburg, Gennadi i 8.0 (..., 271 players.) ------------------------------------------------------- Christoph Pfrommer @ Technical University of Darmstadt. 7) News from Italy by Adolivio Capece ---------------------------------- There was the election for a new president of the Italian Federation. GM Sergio Mariotti was not re-elected. The new President now is IM Alvise Zichichi. Italy's best player, Michele Godena, is rated 2550 in the new Fide list: the Federation asked for the title of GM. Igor Efimov is now "Italian": he got the ok by Fide. In a couple of weeks we will have the names for our Olimpiad team (probably Godena, Efimov, Arlandi, Belotti, Sarno will be in). Adolivio sends most of the games from Ischia reported on two weeks ago. Ischia (ITA), VI 1996. cat. XIV (2580) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Ftacnik, Lubomir g SVK 2585 * = = 1 1 = 1 = = = 6.0 2704 2 Sadler, Matthew g ENG 2600 = * = 1 = = 1 = = 1 6.0 2702 3 Khalifman, Alexander g RUS 2650 = = * = = 1 = 1 1 = 6.0 2697 4 Gofshtein, Leonid D g ISR 2540 0 0 = * = = = = 1 1 4.5 2584 5 Khenkin, Igor g ISR 2575 0 = = = * = 0 1 = = 4.0 2537 6 Romanishin, Oleg M g UKR 2590 = = 0 = = * 0 = 1 = 4.0 2535 7 Tseitlin, Mark D m ISR 2545 0 0 = = 1 1 * = 0 = 4.0 2540 8 Godena, Michele m ITA 2485 = = 0 = 0 = = * = = 3.5 2510 9 Hodgson, Julian M g ENG 2615 = = 0 0 = 0 1 = * = 3.5 2496 10 Smirin, Ilia g ISR 2615 = 0 = 0 = = = = = * 3.5 2496 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 8) IMPERIAL COLLEGE IM TOURNAMENT by Adam Raoof --------------------------------------------- E-mail: Tel/Fax: (0)181 202 0982 PRESS RELEASE 1st CHESS EVENTS INTERNATIONAL 24 June-July 4th 1996 Category 3 (2309.5) 6.5/9 IM NORM Arbiters: Bob Wade and Adam Raoof Organiser: Adam Raoof (0181) 202 0982 Held at Imperial College Financial help from the Chess Events and the BCF is gratefully acknowledged. London (ENG), VI-VII 1996. cat. III (2302) ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Richardson, John R ENG 2295 * = = 1 1 1 1 1 = = 7.0 2524 2 Grooten, Herman m NED 2370 = * 0 0 1 = 1 1 1 1 6.0 2419 3 Martin, Benjamin f NZL 2375 = 1 * 1 0 1 0 = 1 1 6.0 2418 4 Sowray, Peter J f ENG 2345 0 1 0 * 1 0 1 = 1 1 5.5 2377 5 Wall, Tim ENG 2250 0 0 1 0 * 1 0 1 = 1 4.5 2307 6 Welling, Gerard m NED 2395 0 = 0 1 0 * 0 1 1 1 4.5 2291 7 Whiteley, Andrew J m ENG 2295 0 0 1 0 1 1 * 0 0 1 4.0 2259 8 Tejas, Bakre IND 2230 0 0 = = 0 0 1 * = 1 3.5 2236 9 Franklin, Michael J f ENG 2265 = 0 0 0 = 0 1 = * = 3.0 2179 10 McMahon, Daire IRL 2260 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = * 1.0 1955 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 33 year old John Richardson scored his second IM norm - his first was in 1982! Until the eleventh hour it looked as if Ben Martin would also get an IM norm, which would confirm beyond doubt his title before he returns to New Zealand later in the year (via the Olympiad in Armenia). He had to beat the lowest rated player, Bakre, but the Indian held the draw in an 81 move bishop ending. Peter Sowray needed to score 2/2 in the final two rounds against Richardson and Whiteley - but even after Richardson had beaten him in their critical norm hunting encounter he did not lose heart and demolished the IM in round 9. Bakre proved to be a revelation after the worst start - 0/3. He went on to beat Whiteley and blocked Martin's IM norm chances. Tim Wall had a poor first week, arriving 45 minutes late for the first round knowing that he was already on 0/1 having played his round five game early so that he could disappear to Scotland at the weekend to play in the Scottish Borders weekend congress, where he won 175 pounds and beat a couple of IMs in the process. His success over the border obviously gave him a fillip, since his play in the second half of the tournament included a win against Martin. The two Dutchmen started by arriving 45 minutes late for their first game. Both lost. Grooten recovered to second place, but Welling's start of 0/2 obviously upset his rhythm and he went on to lose about 10 rating points. Whiteleys rating is dropping... The games will be available from TWIC on the internet Anyone interested in playing in future similar events should contact Adam Raoof, PO Box 1962, London NW4 4NF, 0181 202 0982 or 9) Sigeman Wernbro Grandmaster Tournament Malmo Sweden 11-19 June 1996 ------------------------------------------------------------------- FINAL RESULTS. My thanks to Piotr Nestorow for his great efforts in obtaining the final games from this event. Malmo (SWE), VI 1996. cat. XII (2528) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Korchnoi, Viktor g SUI 2645 * = 1 1 = = 1 1 1 1 7.5 2787 2 Miles, Anthony J g ENG 2635 = * = 0 1 1 1 1 = 1 6.5 2681 3 Hansen, Curt g DEN 2615 0 = * 1 1 1 = 1 = = 6.0 2642 4 Cramling, Pia g SWE 2520 0 1 0 * = 1 1 0 = = 4.5 2528 5 Bellon Lopez, Juan Manuel g ESP 2505 = 0 0 = * 0 1 1 1 0 4.0 2487 6 Agrest, Evgenij m RUS 2485 = 0 0 0 1 * 1 0 = = 3.5 2452 7 Hector, Jonny g SWE 2520 0 0 = 0 0 0 * 1 1 1 3.5 2448 8 Hellsten, Johan m SWE 2475 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 * 1 = 3.5 2453 9 Bator, Robert m SWE 2435 0 = = = 0 = 0 0 * 1 3.0 2412 10 Ziegler, Ari f SWE 2440 0 0 = = 1 = 0 = 0 * 3.0 2412 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10) Andres Rodriguez mades his 2nd. GM norm ======================================= by Roberto Alvarez IM Andres Rodriguez, from Uruguay, mades his second GM norm at the Rosario International tournament, a 9 rounds closed, FIDE categ. 7. Since the beginning, Andres Rodriguez tooks the first place, and end the tournament with 2 draws in a row, without fight, for securing the GM result, and an obvious 1st prize 1,5 points ahead his seconds: IM Roberto Servat (ARG), IGM Henry Urday (PER), IM Sanchez Almeyra (ARG) and IM Miguel Andres (CUB). A false tournament for IGM Hugo Spangenberg, who finished with only 50 % of points, and giving shorts draws at the second half of the event. There are some missing games from the last round, because the bulletin was not published (as usually in South American tournaments.. :( ). Rosario ARG (ARG), VI 1996. cat. VII (2408) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Rodriguez, Andres m URU 2575 * 1 1 1 = = = = 1 1 7.0 2608 2 Andres, Miguel m CUB 2330 0 * = = = = 1 1 1 = 5.5 2496 21.50 3 Sanchez Almeyra, Jorge m ARG 2445 0 = * = 1 = = 1 = 1 5.5 2483 21.25 4 Urday, Henry g PER 2470 0 = = * 1 = = 1 = 1 5.5 2480 21.25 5 Servat, Roberto m ARG 2440 = = 0 0 * = 1 1 1 1 5.5 2483 20.00 6 Spangenberg, Hugo m ARG 2505 = = = = = * = = 0 1 4.5 2396 7 Garcia Palermo, Carlos g ITA 2490 = 0 = = 0 = * 0 1 1 4.0 2355 8 Aguerreberry, Claudio ARG 2265 = 0 0 0 0 = 1 * = 1 3.5 2343 9 Serafino, Dario ARG 2325 0 0 = = 0 1 0 = * = 3.0 2291 10 Perez Cascella, Julio ARG 2230 0 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 = * 1.0 2076 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 11) 103rd Scottish Championships. Corran Halls Oban ----------------------------------------------- John Henderson reports: Round 1 (1996.07.09) Beveridge,A - Brown, P 1/2 56 Shaw, John - Dearing, Eddie 1/2 65 Stevenson, James - Grant, Jonathan 1/2 68 Upton, Timothy J - Buchanan, Walter F 1/2 51 Weston, Richard - Pritchett, Craig W 1/2 21 McEwan, Ken B - Bryson, Douglas M 0-1 31 Oban SCO (SCO), VII 1996. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Bryson, Douglas M m SCO 2405 +13 . . . . . . . . 1.0 2 McNab, Colin A g SCO 2465 +14 . . . . . . . . 1.0 3 Beveridge,A ---- = 4 . . . . . . . . 0.5 2205 4 Brown, P FIJ 2205 = 3 . . . . . . . . 0.5 *** 5 Buchanan, Walter F SCO 2150 =11 . . . . . . . . 0.5 2285 6 Dearing, Eddie SCO 2150 = 9 . . . . . . . . 0.5 2355 7 Grant, Jonathan SCO 2265 =10 . . . . . . . . 0.5 2110 8 Pritchett, Craig W m SCO 2350 =12 . . . . . . . . 0.5 2180 9 Shaw, John f SCO 2355 = 6 . . . . . . . . 0.5 2150 10 Stevenson, James ENG 2110 = 7 . . . . . . . . 0.5 2265 *** 11 Upton, Timothy J f SCO 2285 = 5 . . . . . . . . 0.5 2150 12 Weston, Richard SCO 2180 = 8 . . . . . . . . 0.5 2350 13 McEwan, Ken B SCO 2195 - 1 . . . . . . . . 0.0 14 Robertson, Ian C SCO 2200 - 2 . . . . . . . . 0.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** I will check this, it may be an unrated Stevenson and Brown. (MC) The ratings are still June's hopefully I will be able to correct this for next week. The 103rd Scottish Chess Championships was offically opened by councillor David Webster of the Argyll and Bute Council and Dr Ken Stewart, Tournament Director for the Championships. Play will take place daily from 1.30pm at the Corran Halls in Oban. Top seed for the tournament, Grandmaster Dr Colin McNab from Dundee, outplayed his opponent, Ian Robertson from Dunfermline, in 45 moves with his favourite English Opening. International Master Douglas Bryson from Glasgow, second seed, also had an easy victory in 31 moves with a Scandinavian Defence. With all the other games being drawn this means that the two top seeds have to meet in the second round as they are the only players on one point. The shock result of the day was in the Open tournament when hot favourite for the tournament, Women Grandmaster and Women's World Championship contender, Keti Arakhamia-Grant lost to Kevin Feigham from Grangemouth, who is nearly 1000 grading points lower than his opponent. Arakhamia-Grant, now lives in Edinburgh after marring the Scottish Olympiad squad manager, Jonathan Grant, recently in the City. 12) Vierlanderkampf Baden wins by Gerald Schendel --------------------------------------------- Vierlanderkampf 21.-23.06.1996 in Gladenbach (Hessen/Germany) R1: Niedersachsen - Baden 2,5:7,7 Hessen - Nordrhein-Westfalen 8:2 R2: Baden - Nordrhein-Westfalen 6:4 Niedersachsen - Hessen 6,5:3,5 R3: Hessen - Baden 3,5:6,5 Nordrhein-Westfalen - Niedersachsen 4,5:5,5 1. Baden 20,0 6:0 2. Niedersachsen 14,5 4:2 3. Hessen 15,0 2:4 4. Nordrhein-Westfalen 10,5 0:6 The teams: Baden: Niedersachsen: IM Schmaltz 2,0/3 Joachim 1,5/3 IM Schlindwein 3,0/3 Eilers 1,0/3 Schwalfenberg 2,5/3 FM Boehnisch 1,5/3 Grund 2,0/3 Bode 1,5/3 FM Gerstner 2,0/3 FM Schwekendiek 2,0/3 FM Cl.Werner 1,5/3 FM Naumann 0,5/3 FM Mandel 2,0/3 Brettschneider 0,5/3 FM Metz 2,0/3 Sawatzki 1,0/3 Doettling 1,5/3 Reim 2,0/3 FM B.Schneider 1,5/3 Stabolewski 3,0/3 Hessen: Nordrhein-Westfalen: IM Zude 1,5/3 FM Libeau 1,0/3 FM Schnitzspan 1,0/3 IM Pieper-Emden 1,0/3 FM Euler 1,0/3 FM Siebrecht 1,0/3 FM Zude 1,5/3 Straeter 1,0/3 FM Balzar 1,5/3 FM Illner 0,5/3 FM Alber 3,0/3 Michalzcak 1,0/3 FM Schaak 2,0/3 FM Oswald 1,5/3 Derichs 1,0/3 Balster 2,0/3 Zimmermann 1,5/3 Krallmann 1,0/3 Legde 1,0/1 Doering 0,5/3 WFM Weng 0,0/2 Gerald Schendel, press officer Badischer Schachverband 13) Fischerandom chess game between Bronstein and Douven ---------------------------------------------------- Tom Furstenberg reports: IGM David Bronstein - IM Rudi Douven This game was played on the 1st board during a friendly match on 30 boards between Chess Club Anderlecht of Belgium vs. Eindhovense Schaakclub of The Netherlands on 30.06.96 The time limit used was 1 hour 45 minutes for the first 40 moves, thereafter 15 minutes for the rest of the game. The initial position for this game of Fischerandom Chess was White: Kd1,Qa1,Rb1,Rg1,Be1,Bh1,Nc1,Nf1. Black: Kd8,Qa8,Rb8,Rg8,Be8,Bh8,Nc8,Nf8 1.d4 d5 2.Nd3 Nd6 3.g3 e6 4.Bb4 a5 5.Bxd6 cxd6 6.a4 Qa6 7.Nd2 Nd7 8.b3 Nf6 9.c4 Bd7 10.e3 0-0 (The black King goes to g8 and the black Rook to f8)11.Ke2 g6 12.Rgc1 Rfe8 13.Qa3 e5 14.dxe5 dxe5 15.b4 e4 16.Nc5 Bg4+ 17.Ke1 Qd6 18.cxd5 Qxd5 19.bxa5 Qh5 20.h4 Bf5 21.Nxb7 Qg4 22.Bg2 Nh5 23.Nf1 Be6 24.a6 Be5 25.Nh2 Qf5 26.Nd6 Bxd6 27.Qxd6 Qa5+ 28.Kf1 Rxb1 29.Rxb1 Rd8 30.Rb8 Bc8 31.Rxc8 Rxc8 32.Bxe4 Qxa4 33.Bb7 Rc2 34.Qb8+ Kg7 35.a7 Nxg3+ 36.Kg2 Nf5 37.a8Q Nxe3+ 38.Kf3 Rxf2+ 39.Kxf2 Nd1+ 40.Kg3 Qb3+ 41.Bf3 Black Resigns. Game in PGN ----------- [Note from MC] My experience with FEN notation with PGN is nill. Any advice on how to do it properly would be appreciated. The format below works with CB Demo, it also works with xboard if in the second part of the game you change the numbering of the moves from 11, 12 and 13 to 1, 2 and 3 (you don't need to change any more of the moves as xboard is then fooled into taking all the rest of the moves). In the case of cbdemo and xboard the moves start at move one again which is very odd. Of course I've had to split the game in two because of the castling. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Event "Fischerandom"] [Site "Anderlecht BEL"] [Date "1996.06.30"] [Round "1"] [White "Bronstein,D"] [Black "Douven,R"] [Result "*"] [FEN "qrnkbnrb/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/QRNKBNRB w KQkq - 0 1"] 1.d4 d5 2.Nd3 Nd6 3.g3 e6 4.Bb4 a5 5.Bxd6 cxd6 6.a4 Qa6 7.Nd2 Nd7 8.b3 Nf6 9.c4 Bd7 10.e3 {0-0 The black King goes to g8 and the black Rook to f8} * [Event "Fischerandom"] [Site "Anderlecht BEL"] [Date "1996.06.30"] [Round "1"] [White "Bronstein,D"] [Black "Douven,R"] [Result "1-0"] [FEN "1r3rkb/1p1b1ppp/q2ppn2/p2p4/P1PP4/1P1NP1P1/3N1P1P/QR1K2RB w KQkq - 11 0"] 11.Ke2 g6 12.Rgc1 Rfe8 13.Qa3 e5 14.dxe5 dxe5 15.b4 e4 16.Nc5 Bg4+ 17.Ke1 Qd6 18.cxd5 Qxd5 19.bxa5 Qh5 20.h4 Bf5 21.Nxb7 Qg4 22.Bg2 Nh5 23.Nf1 Be6 24.a6 Be5 25.Nh2 Qf5 26.Nd6 Bxd6 27.Qxd6 Qa5+ 28.Kf1 Rxb1 29.Rxb1 Rd8 30.Rb8 Bc8 31.Rxc8 Rxc8 32.Bxe4 Qxa4 33.Bb7 Rc2 34.Qb8+ Kg7 35.a7 Nxg3+ 36.Kg2 Nf5 37.a8=Q Nxe3+ 38.Kf3 Rxf2+ 39.Kxf2 Nd1+ 40.Kg3 Qb3+ 41.Bf3 1-0 14) OLIMPIADA MUNDIAL PARA DEFIC. VISUAIS Florianopolis by Gerald Schendel ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Otto Borik's "Schach Magazin 64 " (13/96) includes an interesting article of Detlef Neukirch (Halle/Germany) on the X. Blind Olympics in Laguna nearby Florianopolis (Brazil). For the first time in the history of the international braille chess a top event took place outside Europe. 30 teams fought for medals: 9 rounds swiss, 2h/40 + 1h rest. The results: 1. Russia 28,0 2. Ukraine 24,5 3. Belarus 22,5 4. Poland 22,5 5. Yugoslavia 21,0 6. Spain 20,5 7. Germany 20,0 8. Hungary 19,5 9. England 19,5 10.Estonia 19,5 11.Republic of Macedonia 19,5 12.Bulgaria 19,5 19,0: Austria, Croatia; 18,0: Sweden, Czech Republic; 17,5: Finland, Colombia, Portugal, Argentina; 17,0: Lithuania, Slovakia, Denmark; 16,5: Israel, Slovenia, Chile; 16,0: Greece; 14,0: Brazil A; 5,0: South Africa; 4,0: Brazil B. The winning team: S.Krylov (8,0/9), V.Berlinski (6,5/8), A.Strokov (3,5/5), A.Alpert (5,5/7) and A.Michalev (4,5/7). The best players: board 1 - S.Krylov (Russia) 8,0/9 board 2 - V.Berlinski (Russia) 6,5/8 board 3 - J.Kaap (Estonia) 7,5/9 board 4 - J.Tatarczak (Poland) 7,5/9 reserve - J.Jatschyschin (Ukraine) 5,5/8 Arbiters: Frantisek Blatny (Czech Republic) + Alexandru Segal/Palas Veloso (Brazil). The International Braille Chess Association (IBCA) wants to send a team to the chess olympics in Jerevan: with S.Krylov, V, Berlinski (Russia), S. Wassin (Ukraine), P. Dukaczevski (Poland), Dieter Bischoff (Germany) and a player from Spain. 15) Robecchetto con Induno by Graziano Ottolini ------------------------------------------- 100 chess players took part to the 8th International Chess Festival in Robecchetto con Induno, little village 40 km north-west of Milan. The event was organized from June 24th to 30th by the local Paul Keres chess club and directed by the national arbiter Giuseppe Marra. In the main open two former italian champions FM Lanzani and IM Belotti and other 5 IMs Mrdja, Loncar, Nurkic, Mantovani and Vujovic. Full results available on the web site Robecchetto con Induno (ITA), VI 1996. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Mrdja, Milan m CRO 2450 +15 +26 + 4 = 3 = 2 + 5 +14 6.0 2610 2 Loncar, Robert m CRO 2455 +29 =16 =10 +11 = 1 + 6 + 4 5.5 2475 3 Belotti, Bruno m ITA 2390 +20 +22 = 5 = 1 =16 + 8 = 7 5.0 2413 4 Nurkic, Sahbaz m BIH 2365 +12 + 7 - 1 +10 +22 +16 - 2 5.0 2372 5 Mantovani, Renzo m ITA 2365 +19 + 9 = 3 = 8 +24 - 1 +16 5.0 2381 6 Ranieri, Fabrizio ITA ---- +18 =24 =11 = 9 +26 - 2 +20 4.5 2343 7 Delanoy, Arnaud FRA 2150 +33 - 4 =23 +34 = 8 +24 = 3 4.5 2233 8 Lanzani, Mario f ITA 2320 +27 +14 =16 = 5 = 7 - 3 =11 4.0 2297 9 Scavo, Fernando ITA 2150 +21 - 5 =12 = 6 =11 +17 =10 4.0 10 Pernisco, Ermanno ITA ---- +28 =11 = 2 - 4 =19 +30 = 9 4.0 2198 11 Zaiser, Michael ITA ---- +32 =10 = 6 - 2 = 9 +25 = 8 4.0 2183 12 Griffa, Roberto ITA ---- - 4 +28 = 9 +21 =23 =20 =18 4.0 2120 13 Montaruli, Roberto ITA ---- =30 -18 =17 -19 +27 +26 +23 4.0 2195 14 Vujovic, Milorad m YUG 2345 +17 - 8 +30 -24 +29 +23 - 1 4.0 15 Schreiber, Edwin USA 2020 - 1 -23 -28 +33 +36 +32 +24 4.0 16 Tortarolo, Massimiliano ITA 2235 +23 = 2 = 8 +29 = 3 - 4 - 5 3.5 2230 17 Marino, Danilo ITA ---- -14 =21 =13 +18 =30 - 9 +29 3.5 2113 18 Giretti, Kanev J ITA 2220 - 6 +13 -29 -17 +34 +28 =12 3.5 19 Sgnaolin, Davide ITA ---- - 5 +36 -22 +13 =10 =29 =25 3.5 20 Gandolfo, Marco ITA ---- - 3 +33 +26 -22 +28 =12 - 6 3.5 2131 21 Quagliarella, Sabino Remo ITA ---- - 9 =17 +35 -12 -25 +36 +30 3.5 22 Valenti, Giuseppe ITA 2210 +31 - 3 +19 +20 - 4 . . 3.0 * 23 Amarilli, Francesco ITA ---- -16 +15 = 7 +25 =12 -14 -13 3.0 2100 24 Tomasini, Giovanni ITA ---- =34 = 6 +27 +14 - 5 - 7 -15 3.0 2027 25 Attorre, Michele ITA ---- =35 =30 =34 -23 +21 -11 =19 3.0 26 Barlocco, Carlo ITA 2170 +36 - 1 -20 +31 - 6 -13 +32 3.0 27 La Torre, Giovanni ITA ---- - 8 +32 -24 -28 -13 +33 +34 3.0 28 Larghi, Riccardo ITA ---- -10 -12 +15 +27 -20 -18 =31 2.5 2120 29 Giordani, Marco ITA ---- - 2 +31 +18 -16 -14 =19 -17 2.5 2120 30 Larsen, Bo ITA ---- =13 =25 -14 +36 =17 -10 -21 2.5 31 Aglietti, Graziano ITA ---- -22 -29 +33 -26 -32 +34 =28 2.5 32 Carbone, Lorenzo ITA ---- -11 -27 -36 +35 +31 -15 -26 2.0 33 Guglielmi, Nicolo ITA ---- - 7 -20 -31 -15 +35 -27 +36 2.0 34 Loda, Domenico ITA ---- =24 =35 =25 - 7 -18 -31 -27 1.5 35 Ruzza, Claudio ITA ---- =25 =34 -21 -32 -33 . . 1.0 * 36 Cillo, Angelo ITA ---- -26 -19 +32 -30 -15 -21 -33 1.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Did not play the last two rounds. 16) Top 100 of the ICCF rating list ------------------------------- Correspondence Chess by Alan Rawlings BPCF International Secretary Here's the top 100 of the ICCF rating. The top ten is actually much the same as a year ago, though the German player Elwert has improved from 2620; as far as I can tell the highest newcomer is the Qatari player Al-Thani at 2635. Timmerman, Gert Jan NLD GM 2725 Penrose, Dr. Jonathan ENG GM 2710 Umansky, Mikhail Markovich RUS GM 2700 Neumann, Joachim GER IM 2700 Santos, Luis M. C. POR GM 2680 Bang, Erik DEN GM 2675 Popov, Dr. Georgi Alexandrov BLG GM 2670 Yarkov, Vladimir Valentinovich RUS 2665 Elwert, Hans-Marcus GER IM 2655 Oosterom, Joop J. van NLD GM 2655 Webb, Simon ENG GM 2655 Haessler, Wolfgang GER IM 2650 Kujala, Auvo FIN GM 2650 Geet, Dr. Dick Daniel van NLD GM 2645 Joffe, Manne SVE IM 2645 Barash, Dmitry Feliksovich RUS GM 2645 Khlusevich, Sergei Olegovich RUS 2640 Huerter, Helmut GER IM 2640 Al-Thani, Mohammed Bin Khalid QTR 2635 Chasin, Abram Yosifovich RUS GM 2635 Tseitlin, Mikhail Semionovich RUS GM 2635 Kraft, Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz GER IM 2630 Matlak, Marek POL 2630 Johnson, Maurice W. ENG IM 2630 Muir, Andrew Joseph SCO GM 2630 Anton, Volker-Michael GER GM 2630 Bachmann, Andreas GER 2630 Kofidis, Spyros GRC IM 2630 Gottardi, Gottardo SWZ IM 2625 Kokkila, Tero FIN IM 2625 Hertel, Peter GER IM 2625 Binham, Timothy FIN IM 2625 Koroliev, Sergei Ivanovich RUS GM 2625 Meleghegyi, Csaba HUN GM 2625 Normantas, Valentinas P. LIT IM 2620 Lindgren, Mats SVE IM 2620 Fries-Nielsen, Jens Ove DEN 2620 Varga, Laszlo HUN 2620 Fries-Nielsen, Niels Jorgen DEN IM 2620 Vinje, Arne NOR 2620 Hector, Jonny SVE IM 2615 Mikhailov, Aleksei Ivanovich RUS GM 2615 Zelinskis, Jurij ISL 2615 Kreuzer, Dr. Martin GER GM 2615 Sloth, Jorn DEN GM 2615 Tarnowiecki, Dr. Harald OST IM 2615 Volchok, Alexandr UKR GM 2610 Zilberberg, Alik Samulovitj USA GM 2610 Metz, Werner Richard GER IM 2610 Deuel, Alfred Yefimovich RUS IM 2610 Airas, Olavi FIN IM 2605 Ekebjorg, Ove DEN GM 2605 Stern, Dieter GER GM 2605 Kempen, Heinz-Erich van GER IM 2605 Lanka, Zigurds LAT IM 2605 Markauss, Juris LAT IM 2600 Nesis, Gennady Yefimovich RUS GM 2600 Pioch, Zygmunt POL GM 2600 Nimtz, Dr. Manfred GER IM 2600 Hovde, Frank NOR GM 2600 Burger, Heinrich GER IM 2600 Kauranen, Risto FIN GM 2595 Voyna, Alexandr UKR IM 2595 Raupp, Thomas GER IM 2595 Vitomskis, Janis LAT IM 2595 Veinger, Itzhak ISL IM 2595 Rittner, Horst Robert GER GM 2595 Gruenberg, Hans-Ulrich GER GM 2595 Omelchenko, Lev Yevgenievich RUS GM 2595 Osterman, Georg FIN GM 2595 Zanetti, Ing. Vittorio ITA IM 2595 Blokh, Maksim Vladimirovich RUS IM 2595 Poulsen, Allan DEN IM 2590 Korelov, Aleksandr Pavlovich RUS GM 2590 Muravjev, Sergey UKR 2590 Tomasevic, Ing. M. Radovan YUG GM 2590 Franzen, Dr. Jozef SLK GM 2590 Morgado, Juan Sebastian ARG GM 2590 Voormans, Jan NLD IM 2590 Krzyszton, Jerzy POL GM 2590 Merilo, Jaan EST IM 2590 Svenson, Ulf SVE IM 2585 Rause, Mrs. Olita LAT IM 2585 Zitkus, Ricardas LIT IM 2585 Djurhuus, Rune NOR IM 2585 Boll, Peter Albertus I. M. NLD GM 2580 Naivelt, Mikhail R. RUS 2580 Kilgour, David A. SCO IM 2580 Kindl, Peter GER IM 2580 Maliangkay, Rudolf NLD GM 2580 Ufimtsev, Anatoly Gavrilovich KAZ 2580 Keller, Johann R. (Hanno) GER IM 2580 Sek, Zbigniew POL IM 2575 Maeder, Karl-Heinz GER GM 2575 Lanc, Ing. Alois SLK GM 2575 Hamarat, Tunc OST IM 2575 Millican, Peter J. R. ENG IM 2575 Zrzavi, Jan CZE 2575 Gefenas, Vladas LIT IM 2575 Lekander, Rolf Ake SVE GM 2575 Sorensen, Arne DEN IM 2575 17) Fifth AKN open weekend tournament Haarlem, 1996 by Eric van der Schilden ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The fifth AKN weekend tournament has ended in a victory for FM Karel van der Weide. He shares first place (and Hfl 4000,-) with Ivan Farago, but gets the title of AKN-winner based on his higher TPR. The AKN tournament is probably Holland's highest-profile weekend tournament. This is due to the organizers' policy of inviting attractive and strong players. This year 9 GM' and 2 WGM's gave attendance, amongst who Jaan Ehlvest. Club "Vereeniging" served as a perfect venue for a tournament conducted in good and friendly atmosphere by over 140 participants. A selection of games in PGN-format can be found at: An (almost) complete version is expected there later. Final ranking after 6 rounds. No. PNo. Name Score WP SB PS rat. TPR W-We ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 15 Weide,Karel van der 5.5 23.0 20.50 20.5 2373 2653 +1.54 4 Farago,Ivan 5.5 23.0 21.25 19.5 2525 2615 +0.34 3. 1 Ehlvest,Jaan 5.0 25.0 19.75 19.5 2668 2579 -0.40 2 Lalic,Bogdan 5.0 25.0 20.00 19.5 2575 2592 +0.14 6 Rausis,Igors 5.0 23.5 18.75 18.5 2490 2503 +0.08 7 Ye,Rong Guang 5.0 22.5 17.00 18.0 2475 2453 -0.10 9 Szekely,Peter 5.0 22.0 18.50 17.5 2435 2417 -0.10 8. 5 Bagirov,Vladimir 4.5 22.5 16.00 17.0 2515 2396 -0.66 10 Riemersma,Liafbern 4.5 23.5 16.75 15.0 2423 2346 -0.35 11 Blees,Albert 4.5 23.5 16.25 16.5 2419 2323 -0.54 13 Horvath,Tamas 4.5 21.0 14.75 16.5 2410 2261 -0.78 14 Doel,Erik van den 4.5 23.0 15.25 17.5 2385 2358 -0.18 16 Kroeze,Frank 4.5 22.0 14.75 17.0 2368 2250 -0.66 17 Pliester,Leon 4.5 22.5 15.25 16.5 2367 2401 +0.24 18 Bertholdee,Rob 4.5 21.5 15.50 16.0 2321 2232 -0.40 26 Hartoch,Rob 4.5 23.0 16.75 16.0 2275 2379 +0.60 27 Kohler,Aran 4.5 25.5 17.50 18.0 2257 2452 +1.50 28 Bezemer,Arno 4.5 21.5 14.75 15.5 2252 2354 +0.55 19. 8 Nijboer,Friso 4.0 23.5 13.50 17.0 2472 2361 -0.80 20 Lalic,Susan 4.0 23.0 14.50 16.0 2305 2270 -0.26 21 Bjarnason,Saevar 4.0 21.0 12.00 14.0 2305 2161 -0.98 22 Strating,Sybolt 4.0 19.5 11.25 14.5 2301 2292 -0.05 25 Jonkman,Harmen 4.0 23.0 12.50 15.0 2294 2237 -0.44 34 Konings,Leon 4.0 21.0 12.50 15.0 2181 2203 +0.16 40 Klashorst,Fred van der 4.0 21.0 11.50 14.0 2128 2167 +0.28 48 Stuifbergen,Jan 4.0 20.0 11.50 12.5 2059 2024 -0.20 50 Doggers,Peter 4.0 22.0 13.50 14.0 2039 2305 +2.14 58 Wit,William de 4.0 20.5 11.75 14.0 2006 2183 +1.42 69 Boer,Sanne de 4.0 19.0 10.50 15.0 1943 2209 +1.75 72 Wempe,Joost 4.0 15.0 8.00 12.0 1931 2049 +0.94 31. 12 Peng,Zhao Qin 3.5 24.0 12.25 16.0 2415 2242 -1.24 24 Blitterswijk,Stefan v. 3.5 21.0 11.25 13.5 2297 2148 -0.90 29 Saegher,Chris de 3.5 20.0 10.75 13.5 2236 2063 -1.24 30 Lacrosse,Marc 3.5 20.0 11.50 13.0 2221 1982 -1.30 35 Straat,Evert 3.5 22.5 12.25 15.0 2161 2157 +0.00 37 Speyer,N.B. 3.5 18.5 8.75 14.5 2147 2051 -0.70 38 Wissen,Michiel van 3.5 20.5 8.50 15.0 2138 2082 -0.40 39 Hopman,Pieter 3.5 21.0 10.00 13.0 2131 2136 +0.08 41 Abeln,Michiel 3.5 19.5 9.75 13.5 2120 2097 -0.16 42 Jongsma,Wytze 3.5 20.5 11.00 12.0 2115 2069 -0.30 43 Moll,Arne 3.5 18.5 8.50 12.5 2108 2006 -0.76 45 Rijn,Wouter van 3.5 20.5 9.25 12.5 2100 2069 -0.22 49 Remmel,Tim 3.5 20.0 9.75 13.0 2048 2137 +0.74 51 Vink,Nico 3.5 19.0 8.75 13.5 2031 2154 +1.04 52 Holscher,Peter 3.5 18.0 8.00 12.0 2026 1989 -0.28 54 Jap Tjoen San,Linda 3.5 18.5 9.25 11.5 2024 1985 -0.25 55 Middelburg,Tom 3.5 19.5 9.00 13.0 2024 2044 +0.20 59 Vilder,Hans de 3.5 17.0 7.25 12.5 2005 1924 -0.64 60 Bergh,Jan van den 3.5 15.0 5.25 12.5 2003 2027 +0.20 61 Weerd,Warner de 3.5 18.5 8.50 13.5 2001 2054 +0.44 62 Haakman,Adrie 3.5 18.0 8.25 12.0 1986 1940 -0.30 66 Pelter,Yehuda 3.5 18.5 8.75 13.0 1958 1962 +0.05 67 Arp,Frans 3.5 18.5 9.00 11.0 1951 1971 +0.15 68 Zult,Daan 3.5 16.5 8.25 11.0 1947 1843 -0.76 70 Mie,Mariska de 3.5 19.0 9.50 14.0 1935 2124 +1.58 74 Leeuwenburgh,Evert 3.5 19.5 10.25 14.0 1921 2127 +1.70 78 Boer,Jesper de 3.5 20.0 9.75 11.5 1909 2092 +1.52 79 Goes,Dirk 3.5 17.5 9.25 9.5 1890 2008 +0.80 104 Los,Arend 3.5 16.0 7.00 10.0 1746 1916 +1.40 60. 3 Wojtkiewicz,Alexander 3.0 22.5 11.00 13.0 2550 2037 -2.76 31 Perez Garcia,Hebert 3.0 20.0 8.25 13.0 2212 1991 -1.68 33 Overeem,Marc 3.0 20.5 8.25 13.0 2185 2002 -1.44 36 Oei,Ik 3.0 19.0 7.25 13.5 2152 1997 -1.26 44 Breedveld,Andre 3.0 16.0 5.50 9.0 2103 1834 -1.98 46 Wunnink,Michael 3.0 20.0 7.75 12.5 2082 1969 -0.75 47 Galje,Hans 3.0 19.0 9.25 10.5 2059 1886 -1.38 53 Termeulen,Albert 3.0 17.0 8.25 11.5 2026 1920 -0.70 63 Erwich,Frans 3.0 18.0 6.50 12.0 1982 1929 -0.42 64 Pauwels,Rudi 3.0 15.5 5.25 11.5 1972 1822 -1.00 71 Maas,Joop 3.0 17.0 7.75 11.0 1933 1855 -0.55 73 Ritsema,Ronald 3.0 19.5 9.75 10.5 1928 2044 +0.80 81 Mestrom,Ton 3.0 17.0 5.75 7.5 1874 1837 -0.14 82 Bouwens,Harko 3.0 17.5 6.50 8.5 1871 1916 +0.30 83 Weijers,Theo 3.0 18.0 7.00 9.0 1852 1960 +0.90 84 Vecht,Lucie van de 3.0 17.5 6.50 8.5 1846 1821 -0.15 85 Cliteur,Olaf 3.0 16.0 6.25 8.5 1837 1927 +0.72 86 Gouma,Ronald 3.0 18.5 7.00 9.0 1835 1951 +0.96 87 Michalczyk,Marek 3.0 20.0 8.25 9.5 1831 1958 +1.02 88 Tonis,Harry 3.0 16.0 5.75 7.5 1821 1801 -0.15 89 Oudejans,Martin 3.0 15.5 6.50 9.5 1817 1720 -0.65 90 Erwich,Frank 3.0 16.5 5.50 8.5 1808 1852 +0.36 100 Pancras,Paul 3.0 17.0 6.00 9.5 1758 1883 +0.85 105 Roosmalen,Sjoerd van 3.0 17.0 6.00 10.0 1746 1971 +1.68 108 Vennius,Co 3.0 18.0 7.25 10.0 1731 1896 +1.10 119 Goudsmit,Erik 3.0 17.5 8.50 8.5 1639 1901 +1.92 123 Lowie,Michiel 3.0 18.5 7.75 9.5 1626 1931 +2.16 142 players ... 18) Komputer Korner # 139 Virtual Chess and Bookup 1.5.2 ----------------------------------------------------- This was written by Komputer KornerAfter telephoning I-Motion, I received a Virtual Chess demo disk from the company. The demo disk lets you play a couple of moves and then the program halts and gives you a dialogue box telling you to send for the real thing. I was impressed with the 3D graphics of the chess board and you can rotate the board in an infinite no. of angles. The program comes on a CD ROM and retails for approximately $60.00 CAN.. The program lets the user offer a draw and has Fischer time controls along with all of the other standard features we have come to expect from a playing program including PGN and EPD support. The ECO opening code and name are also shown. This program written by a French programmer is one of the strongest on the market and is even stronger than CM4000. At its low price it is a serious rival to CM4000 at the lower end of the chess software playing program market. I-Motion has distributed the program in 3 separate versions, DOS, Windows 3.1 and WIN 95 which is the version I reviewed. Because it was only a demo, I could not be certain whether the WIN 95 version was optimized for 32 bit code or not and could not test whether it took long filenames. Now for the drawbacks: 1) The demo took too long to swap sides and seemed to take much too long to reply with black even at blitz level . There is an obvious bug here. 2) The largest size chessboard was too big for my notebook computer. 3) 2 of the 3 - ThreeD (3D) piece designs are terrible. These piece designs are obviously designed by non chess players as many other 3D programs also insist on non Staunton like designs . Even 3 out of 4 of the 2D piece designs are awful. By awful, I mean you can't realistically play with them even though they might be pretty. While we are on the topic of piece designs, the best 2D design I have seen is the design within Chessbase. It is hard to imagine a design better than that one and all piece designers should take note. Instead they seem to want to design the chess pieces so that all 6 piece types resemble each other as closely as possible instead of the ideal which is to make each piece type as distinct as possible. Even the one 3D piece design that is playable needs improvement even though it surpasses all other 3D chess boards on the market. The pieces could have been much more Staunton like than they are. The black pieces are hard to distinguish in the background but if you play with the black pieces in the foreground, the problem of shading is much improved. 4) There are no menu titles when you hover your mouse over an icon menu button. It is impossible to get all the information windows at the same time as the 3D board and next to impossible even with the 2D board. 5) The comment window does not allow plain words, only. game notation. 6) There is no online help and there wasn't any manual supplied with the demo. 7) If the comment and the move windows are brought up, it is impossible to close them during the game, even though you can minimize them. 8) There is no opening book editor 9) There is no database capability. So on my rating scale it gets a 9 for playing strength, 0 for opening editor, 0 for dB capability, 4 bonus points for its 3D board, and 2 minus points for its screen faults. I will throw in 5 bonus points for its price for an overall rating of 16 out of 30 which falls short of the top programs but still higher than CM 4000, and Hiarcs 4. For the low price, the program will be worth it if they can fix the bug regarding response times. Until then, stay away from this program. "Bookup 1.5.2 is the latest Windows release of the world's best stand alone opening editor. After 10 years of trying, Mike Leahy has finally got it right. 1) The big improvement is the addition of a playing program as a chess engine. Zarkov 4.0 has been added into Bookup so that you don't have to exit the program to be able to analyze a position. One click on a Zarkov icon and you can have the chess engine give you the strongest line it advocates for the rest of the positions until you shut it down. This is a tremendous help and duplicates the analysis process that Genius and M-Chess use in their opening books and that will be incorporated in the new release of Rebel 8 coming out in late September. 2) Another new feature is that the user can click on a Database safety option so that the program will automatically write to disk any time that a change is made to the book. This will prevent data loss in case of power or hardware failure. 3) Bookup now has an Integrity utility that repairs damaged books and that can also create a text file containing all of the comments from a book-on-disk. 4) Bookup has put out 16 special books on disk that you can install while being in the program itself. 12 of these are opening books, and each one can be edited by the user. A new one is being created every month so at that pace all of ECO should be covered in about 9 years time. When you realize that these are repertoire books and do not cover all of the lines, it becomes clear as to why it will take so long to cover all of theory. However, are the ECO Informant people any quicker? If you don't want to wait, make your own repertoire books within Bookup with the help of Zarkov. It should be mentioned that 7 of the 12 opening books are heavily evaluated with comments at every major branch. 5) You can now save a diagram as a bitmap file. 6) When you are importing analysis from an EPD file, you can choose whether to replace existing numeric assessments as well as whether the first existing present value line from a previous import should be replaced or not. This allows you to have the numeric assessments updated and add the new principle variation to the comments while preserving the existing principle variations. 7) Analysis imported from an EPD file can now be tagged so that you can identify the source of the analysis and the time control used in the analysis. This can also identify other programs besides Zarkov that generated the EPD files. 8) A new feature was added to the Edit menu which allows "grabbing" the engine's analysis and pasting it into the comment and the numeric assessment. 9) You can input moves by the keyboard by first clicking on a move entry window. You have to click on the window only once and you can save time by entering short algebraic. The above new features are a welcome addition to Bookup's unique features of A )automatic saving to book B) importing a PGN file while pruning off only an x number of opening moves C) Comment window within the opening book itself. The automatic saving feature is a true delight and cuts the opening editing time nearly in half. The pruning feature lets you instantly create an opening book from a dB of games that are either in PGN or EPD format. The comment feature lets an author create an opening book with comments possible at every move. Another nice touch is the size of the move candidate window. It is very large and it is easy to click on any candidate move to change the board position. The chess board is as good looking as the one that Chessbase uses which is the industry leader in appearance.These five features along with all the new features above have now placed Bookup at the top of it's class as the chess world's best opening book editor. The Mac version is essentially the same but with a few less features. However, there are drawbacks in the best of programs, and Bookup is no exception. The no. 1 drawback is one I have stated before. Bookup's book files are too large. Sure, it catches every transposition but the opening book editor of Chess Genius does also and in files that are only 5% of the size of Bookup's. 2) There is no auto loading of the correct book by the program. Genius has this unique feature. 3) Even though you can load 2 or more books at the same time, it is impossible to tile or cascade 2 complete different board diagrams so that all 64 squares show up for both boards. This is because there is only one board size. 4) The show figurines didn't work. You have to import figurines from other programs , purchase them separately from 3rd party vendors or download the chess font from the Chessbase demo. 5) The default settings for pawn equivalents for evaluation symbols for the Zarkov engine are way too high. However the user can change these. 6) If you make an illegal move, while Zarkov is running, a range check error occurs and the program stalls. After 10 tries of pressing on OK, I was finally able to prevent the program from crashing and was able to take back the illegal move. This is a bug, because if the program had crashed, the book could have become corrupted. 7) Under promotions have to be set separately within the preferences menu. 8) The authors of the Bookup opening books do not understand the true meaning of the chess evaluation symbols unclear and equal. They choose to lump in dynamically equal winning chance positions in with all the equal positions which is misleading. 9) It is impossible to get the whole board , and the complete Zarkov window including the ply depth info on the screen at the same time. The above 9 drawbacks do not seriously detract from the main worth of the program however, and thus Bookup gets my hearty recommendation. The price is $199.00 U.S. and comes with a 9 month money back guarantee of satisfaction. Now, if only Bookup could translate my Genius book files to it's own format! -- Komputer Korner 19) Upcoming events --------------- FOXTROT INTERNATIONAL 19-23 AUG 1996 The International Ladies v Veterans match organized by the Association Max Euwe comes to London this summer. This year's event, the fifth in the series sponsored by Joop van Oosterom, will be known as the Foxtrot International, and has the usual star-studded all grandmaster line-up of woman and veteran players. The ladies' team will be: -------------------------- Nana IOSELIANI (Georgia) XIE JUN (China) Sofia POLGAR (Hungary) Ketevan ARAKHAMIA (Scotland) Pia CRAMLING (Sweden) with Ljubomir LJUBOJEVIC (Spain) as Captain/Trainer. The veterans' team will be: Vlastimil HORT (Germany) Vasily SMYSLOV (Russia) Lajos PORTISCH (Hungary) Boris SPASSKY (Russia) Mark TAIMANOV (Russia) with Vlastimil HORT as playing Captain. The event will be held at the London Hilton, Park Lane from 15 to 26 August with two rest days on 19 and 23 August. Play commences at 2.00pm daily. The format for the event is a double round Scheveningen. The time control is 40 moves in 2 hours, followed by 20 moves in one hour, then 30 minutes for all moves. The arbiter for the event is Mr Geurt GIJSSEN. Spectators are welcome. Admission is free. This event which takes its name from the national dance of the host country has previously been held in 1995 Prague - Polka 1994 Monaco - Paladienne 1993 Vienna - Waltzer 1992 Aruba - Tumba For all press and broadcast media enquiries please contact : Rod McShane 0171 289 7365 e-mail: Wednesday, 3 July 1996 Lord Novgorord The Great 96 July 19-31 -------------------------------------- Lord Novgorord The Great 96 July 19-31, 1996 Russia, 173020, Novgorod, Studencheskaya, 2 Beresta Hotel, tel:7-81622-33315/30401/34747 Fax: 81622-31707 3rd Novgorod International Tournament The Third Lord Novgorod The Great chess supertournament will take place in Novgorod July 19-31, 1996. The information about the tournament will be transmitted on Internet live. Double round. Tournament hall in Beresta Hotel. Dates: Opening ceremony on 19th First round on July 20th Rest days on July, 24th and 28th. Schedule Rounds 1-4 - 20-23 July then 1 rest day/ Rounds 5-7 - 25-27 July then 1 rest day/ Rounds 8-10 29-31 July and the closing ceremony same day. Games start at 3 or 4pm, Moscow (and Novgorod) time. This is not decided yet due to discussions with players. The sessions will last 7 hours using the sudden death system. Internet: E-mail for comments: Telephones at the hotel - (81622) 34747,33315,35881,30401, fax at the hotel - (81622) 31707. Director of the tournament - Irina Kibina, tel/fax (8162) 135500. Category XIX Participants Kramnik, Vladimir............... g RUS 2765 22 Ivanchuk, Vassily............... g UKR 2730 22 Short, Nigel D.................. g ENG 2695 25 Topalov, Veselin................ g BUL 2750 40 Gelfand, Boris.................. g BLR 2665 42 Polgar, Judit (GM).............. g HUN 2665 9 w Novgorod Novgorod the great (founded 859) is the cradle of Russian state and thefirst capital aof ancient Russia, as well as widely known and highly recognized center of international tourism. It became a good tradition, that every Summer, Novgorod invites the best chess players of the world for the supertournament, named after the ancient name of the city -Lord Novgorod The Great. Previous editions of the tournament The first Novgorod tournament was the first XIX category tournament in chess history. It took place August 12-26, 1994. Garry Kasparov, Nigel Short, Vladimir Kramnik, Vasily Ivanchuk, Alexsey Shirov, Evgeny Bareev took part in it. May 25-June 6 were the dates of the 2nd Novgorod tournament. The players were Kasparov, Short, Kramnik, Ivanchuk, Topalov, Vaganian, Gulko, Elvest and Timman. ( 23rd International ECI Chess Tournament 1996 ============================================ The ECI tournament, which is held alternately in Belgium and the Netherlands, will be organised for the 23rd time this year. In Sas van Gent, in the south- west of the Netherlands, close to the Belgian town Gent, a number of Chess- tournaments will be held. Open Tournament 11-16 august 1996 ================================= 7 rounds Swiss (40 moves in 1 3/4 hour + 1/2 hour KO) It is possible to take 1 bye in round 1-3 Playing times: 11 aug 19:00-23:30 12 aug 13:00-17:30 and 18:30-23:00 13-16 aug 18:30-23:00 Entry fee: Dfl 40,- ; IGM and IM free Dfl 20,- FM and below 16 Prizes: Dfl 1750,- 1000,- 500,- Dfl 250,- 125,- 100,- and rating prizes Open Youth Tournament 9-10-11 aug ================================= Age up to 16; Players to be divided in age groups. Playing times: 9 aug: 14:00-18:00 10 aug: 12:00-18:00 11 aug: 14:00-18:00 Entry fee: Dfl 7,50 Open Rapid Tournament ===================== Saturday august 10, 11:00-17:00 Entry fee: Dfl 12,50 Dfl 7,50 (below age 17) Open Speed Chess Tournament =========================== Saturday august 17, 13:30-17:30 Entry fee: Dfl 7,50 Dfl 3,50 (below age 17) For information and entry contact: W. Cardon J. Verbrugge Statenstraat 4 Dusarduynstraat 2 4551 VX Sas van Gent 4551 SV Sas van Gent +31-115-451223 (phone/fax) +31-115-451776 (phone) Hotels in the neighborhood: Hotel Royal phone: +31-115-451853 fax: +31-115-451769 Chess-players: 2pers. room full board Dfl 60,- pp Hotel Sluiskil phone: +31-115-472225 fax: +31-115-472500 Best regards, Cees Smits Jerusalem International Chess Tournament ---------------------------------------- The Israeli Chess Federation, in cooperation with the Municipality of Jerusalem, invites FIDE-rated players from all over the world to participate in the Jerusalem International Chess Tournament, October 14-24, 1996. JICT 1996 would be one of the many cultural events to commemorate the historic event that happened 3000 years ago, when King David made Jerusalem the capital of his kingdom. Schedule: -------- Opening Ceremony: Monday, October 14, at 20:30 Round 1: Tuesday, October 15, at 15:00 Round 2: Wednesday, October 16, at 15:00 Round 3: Thursday, October 17, at 15:00 Round 4: Friday, October 18, at 10:00 Free day: Saturday, October 19 Round 5: Sunday, October 20, at 15:00 Round 6: Monday, October 21, at 15;00 Round 7: Tuesday, October 22, at 15:00 Round 8: Wednesday, October 23, at 15:00 Round 9: Thursday, October 24, at 14:00 Closing Ceremony: Thursday, October 24, at 20:30 Prizes: ------ 1st - $ 4,000 2nd - $ 3,000 3rd - $ 2,000 4th - $ 1,750 5th - $ 1,500 6th - $ 1,250 7th - $ 1,000 8th - $ 750 9th - $ 500 10th - $ 250 --------------- Total: $ 16,000 Other details: ------------- System: 9-round Swiss, Burstein version. Time Control: 80 minutes per 40 moves + 20 minutes per 20 moves; . 1 minute per move always added (Fischer system). Entry fee: $ 40, paid on appearance. Free for GM's & IM's. Entry deadline: September 30, 1996. Hotel & Board: at players' expenses (information upon request). Tournament Director ------------------- Almog Burstein, International arbiter 9/26 Yeshurun St., IL-45200 Hod-Hasharon Tel. (residence): +972-9-982821 Tel. (mobile): +972-50-889680 Tel. + Ans. + Fax: +972-9-917713 E-mail: World champion Anatoly Karpov on Internet ----------------------------------------- Sinisa Joksic reports: During 29th Biel Chess Festival world champion Anatoly Karpov will play game on Internet. He will play against champion of United Emirates, who will be in Abu Dhabi. In second game grandmaster Vlastimil Hort will play against one player from Argentina. Both games will be at July 21. We shall announce web site later. In grandmaster tournament, 16th cat. instead of Morosevich will play Onischuk. 20) Danny Mozes (ChessTreasure analyses Karpov-Kasparov (9) w-ch 1984) ------------------------------------------------------------------ [Event "World ch KK 1st match"] [Site "Moscow"] [Date "1984"] [Round "9"] [White "Karpov, An"] [Black "Kasparov, G,"] [Result "*"] [Annotator "ChessTreasure"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "8/8/p2k1p2/1p1p2pp/1P1P3P/P3NPP1/5K2/1b6 b - - 0 46"] { Followed is the refutation of Danny Mozes and his Computers-Band to the famous end-game Win and Analysis Karpov - Kasparov 1st match 1984 Game #9. Karpov sees the game and its analysis as the best example to his style. His second GM Ron Henley has sent the game & analysis directly to pages of Chess History. } 46... gxh4 {?} 47. Ng2 {! in the original Karpov's Analysis it goes with '!!', Israeli youngest GM Ronen Har-Zvi was totaly amazed after I've told him about my refutation, and he told me he was chess-raised to believe that this end-game with its analysis are superb. The move when played had an enormous psychological impact on under 22, then, challenger - Garry Kasparov - and he didn't find the right defence and lost.} 47... hxg3+ 48. Kxg3 Bg6 {! here star ts my analysis, in the actual game, the Black King went to e6 then f5 but return, and the Bishop's role was restricted for just attacking the f3-pawn and then capturing it, I advise here on an active defence which gives Black a draw} 49. Nf4 Be8 (49... h4+ { is inferior} 50. Kxh4 Bf5 51. Kh5 (51. Kg3 Bc2 52. Kf2 Bb1 53. Ke3 Bf5) 51... Bc2 52. Kh6 Bd1 53. Kg6 Bxf3 54. Kxf6 Bg4 55. Nd3 { 0.42W }) 50. Kh4 Bf7 51. Nxh5 (51. Nd3 Ke6 52. Nc5+ Kd6 53. Nxa6 Bg6 54. Nc5 Bf7 55. a4 (55. Nd3 Ke6 56. Nf4+ Kf5 57. Ne2 Be8 58. Nc3 Ke6 59. f4 (59. Kg3 Bc6 60. Kh4 Be8 {=}) (59. Nd1 Kf5 60. Kg3 h4+ 61. Kf2 (61. Kxh4 Kf4 62. Nc3 Bc6 63. a4 bxa4 64. b5 Bxb5 65. Nxb5 Kxf3 66. Kh5 {=}) 61... Bc6 62. Nc3 h3 (62... Ke6 63. Kg2 Kf5 64. a4 bxa4 65. b5 {+/-}) 63. Kg3 (63. Ne2 Bd7 64. Kg3 Kg5 65. Nc3 Bc6 66. a4 bxa4 67. b5 h2 68. Kxh2 Bxb5 69. Nxb5 Kf4 { = and if White won't take care, he might lose}) (63. a4 bxa4 64. b5 Bxb5 65. Nxb5 h2 66. Kg2 Kf4 67. Nc3 h1Q+ 68. Kxh1 Kxf3 69. Nxd5 Ke4 {=}) 63... h2 64. Kxh2 Kf4 65. a4 bxa4 66. b5 Bxb5 {!} 67. Nxb5 Kxf3 {=}) 59... Bc6 {=}) 55... bxa4 56. Nxa4 Kd7 57. Nc3 Kc6 {=}) 51... Ke6 52. Nf4+ Kf5 53. Nd3 Be6 54. Kh5 ( 54. Kg3 Bc8 55. Nc5 Kg5 {=}) 54... Bd7 55. Kh6 Be8 56. Nc5 (56. Kg7 Bh5 57. Nc5 (57. f4 Ke4 58. Nc5+ Kxd4 59. Kxf6 Ke3 60. f5 d4 { 0.48B}) 57... Bxf3 58. Nxa6 Ke4 59. Nc7 Be2 60. Kxf6 Kxd4 61. Kf5 Bd3+ 62. Kf4 Kc4 { 0.15B}) 56... Kf4 57. Kg7 Ke3 {! the key move in Black's *active* defence} 58. Kxf6 (58. Ne6 Kxf3 59. Kxf6 Ke4 {=}) 58... Kxd4 59. Ne6+ (59. Nxa6 Ke3 { 1.39B}) 59... Kc3 {=} * 21) BOOKS, BOOKS and more of then (10) Bertrand Weegenaar ------------------------------------------------------- Books come in steadily from English and American sources, I conclude in this 10th and little jubilea edition of Books. I have discussed more then 125 books and booklets from larger to personal publishers within a little of a year. The last months the books coming from Germany (by Madler, Olms (Swiss), Dreier Verlag, Rochade Verlag) has almost stopped. Probably these publisher doesn't have the idea that putting their books on Internet this way help their profit. Maybe their is a German Internet or Compuserve side who takes care. It's a lot of work and I hope to continue this way for some time. Karpov - Kamsky is ending and the matchbooks will be in the stores after the holiday. There was great chess. Now the chessworld will look at the struggle between Kasparov and the FIDE-president, and after that the next Kasparov - Karpov match which will be played sometime (??) somewhere (??). In the world of correspondence chess new development are in progress. Author and CC-player Tim Harding, of which I introduce a new exciting title in this issue, has come up with an idea which I hope will be supported strongly also by the millions (??, lots of things are unknown in cyberspace so lets use our imagination) who read this. He will start a new Webside for CC-news, games analyses etc. CC is more then postcard chess. It's also E-mail, fax and Internet chess. Besides that he intents to create a English-plus version of the German CC-magazin Fernschach, which is the official ICCF-magazin. If players, publishers, autors etc. want to support Tim please let him know: his E-mail address: I advise you to read Harding homepage which can be found in Mark's favourite links. A lot of favourites, I have to admit. The books from Batsford are of an extremely high level (one of the mainreasons this Books is rather late ). The variety of the subjects is also very good. FAVOURITES ENDGAME Endgame Magic, John Beasley & Timothy Whitworth, Batsford 1996 SPECIAL ITEM Positional Play, Mark Dvorestky & Artur Yusupov, Batsford 1996 Winning at Correspondence Chess, Tim Harding, Batsford 1996 BIOGRAPHY Carl Schlechter !, Life and times of the Austrian Chess Wizard, Warren Goldman, Caissa Editions, 1994 Winning at Correspondence Chess, Tim Harding, Batsford 1996, 176 p., (ISBN 0- 7134-7731-8) Price: British Pounds 14.99 To me as practising CC-player this will be a good choice for the Book of the Year-award. Harding gives a wide introduction to the game of CC with dozens of high level games. He explanes the rules, the great plusses of CC to OTB (ie. the time you have to prepare/analyse the moves which leads to a higher level of play and understanding of the game, the use of book material to study and in these new times the use of opening and endgame databases and playing programs to support the analysis.). A large chapter is dedicated to the Kings and Queens of CC, the World Champions. (If you have the possibility to buy it: Tim's book on the first X CC-WM is super with almost all the games, lots of them analysed in Informator-style notation. I hope he will have time for a new edition I-XIII). Harding also looks to the future of CC. Mostly nowadays it is played by postcard, but new forms are experimented by in the I.C.C.F. (the International Correspondence Chess Federation), like fax and E-mail-tournaments. Moves between players may be transported now by post, telex, fax and E-mail. (The experiences from players in these tournaments show that the type of game alters with the speed of transportation.) The books ends with a chapter on the future of CC which tries an answer to the question Will Computers kill CC? A century ago, when the first cars entered the then sandy roads, everybody expected men to stop walking for long ways. There was no need it for that it seemed. Cars got there own place in everyday life. Carl Schlechter !, Life and times of the Austrian Chess Wizard, Warren Goldman, Caissa Editions, 1994, 537 p. (ISBN 0-939433-18-4) Price: $ From Caissa I received this book as an exchange, my best so far. This 1994, 537 page interesting volume by the hand of Warren Goldman is a grand tribute to the art of chess and it's history. Unfortunately the author died when the manuscript was in the last stage of becoming a book. In the speedy time of the nineties with large databases, e-mail and Internet, chesscomputers, Grandmasters travelling the world to attend Category XVI and XVII-tournaments we are likely to forget what the chessworld looked in it's early days, say a century ago. Then it was evolving from an amateur game in chess cafes and clubs to a game where professional players attended internationally organised competition. Carl Schlechter (1874 - 1918) started his carreer in the cafe-period giving his career a boost at the age of 20 by winning Leipzig 1894 and Hastings 1895 (the minor section) . From that time Schlechter was a professional chessplayer who was for more the 20 years one of the strongest in the scene, where also players like Lasker, Burn, Marshall, Tartakower, Tschigorin etc. attended. He won dozens of tournaments and very often ended second. Schlechters style was very aggressive, which is shown in 244 analysed games, often from authentic sources. Every tournament and match is discribed with details about the circumstances, the opponents etc. Schlechter came close to become World Champion in 1910 when he challenged Lasker for a 10-game match. The match is covered by the author with more then 60 thrilling pages. In the 5th game Schlechter took the lead and was able to defend this lead the next 4 game. The 10th was a tragic clash where Schlechter attacked and attacked and lost after 71 moves. He also lost the match because Lasker remained worldchampion. In this part of the book the author showes his writing skills and historical knowledge. It's almost psychological suspense to look at the question WHY? This is a book you can't afford to miss if you have interest in the history of Caissa game. An opening repertoire for the attacking player, E.Gufeld, Cadogan Chess, 1996, 160 p. (ISBN 1-85744-196-6) Price: $21.95 Players who are building a style of there own are enormously helped by guides (mostly books by trainers) who give them a repertoire that suites their tast. Often this comes down to several lines which leads to certain types of positions. Some players are happy in strategic, open types of games, other like to move around in positional often more closed types. For them the fun lies more is to come later in middle and endgame, and it seems to me they like to skip the opening all together. I'm fond of open games, with action from move one, putting the knife on the enemy's throught at once. A little more uncompromised players will find a great help in Eduard Gufeld's guide, because his choosen repertoire gives almost all open aggressive lines I would like on my repertoire: with White 1.e4 and then 2.f4 against the Sicilian, the Vienna with 3.f4, closed French and pawnpush against the caroKann. With Black the Dragon against 1.e4 and yes, the Dutch against 1.d4. (Leningrader against the mainline.) In 20 chapters and 14 analysed games the readers is literairly stuffed with aggressive, attacking positions. If you are a clubplayer who finds attacking more fun then moving around behind his pawnfortress, this is the book. Against this type of books, there has to be a little warning especially for the CC-player. Your opponent may have more detailed books. There is often seldom a problem with this in more closed-positions, but a recent novelty in a sharp attacking position can destroy the balance. From openingbooks I have discussed here are some examples compared with the theory in this book: on the French: after 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 c5 4.c3 Nc6 5.Nf3 Bd7 6.Be2 f6 7.0-0 Gufeld gives the lesser 7...fe5?! to cxd4!? from Watson. on the CaroKann: on page 46 14...Nb4!? 15.ef7 Ne7 16.a3 Nc2 by Gufeld. Beljavski gives 16...g5! with better play. on the Aljechin: on page 64 Gufeld gives 15...Bh4, which is ?! according to Burgess in New ideas in the Alekhine Defence who gives f6 which leads to better play for Black. None of the above leads to lost play when you follow Gufeld, but be aware in following theory. Chess in the fast lane, Bill & Michael Adams, Cadogan Chess, 1996, 192 p. (ISBN 1-85744-132-X) Price: $19.95 50 Analysed games from 1989 till 1993 come to us, analysed by Michael Adams, introduced by his father Bill. It is a sequel to the book which gives the start of his young successfull carreer, until he reached the grandmaster title at the age of 15. In this four years he travelled around the world, played in strong GM-torunaments like Biel, Munich and Seville in 1993, and finally scoring a place in the WM-candidates. Adams style attacking, often uncompromised which gives great chess. I have enjoyed both the style of the story about the young boy conquering the chessworld (he wins a lot of first prices), and the sometimes pitoresque analyses Michael gives. I hope we haven't have to wait another 2,5 years for the next volume because Michael won a lot the past years. Positional Play, Mark Dvorestky & Artur Yusupov, Batsford 1996, 288 p. (ISBN 0- 7134-7879-9) Price: British Pounds 17.99 This volume is the fourth in a series with yet famous titles as Training for the Tournament player, Opening Preparation and Technique for the Tournament Player. The lectures which the authors and their respected students present are of a extreme high technical level. Items are p.e. Manoevring, Prophylactic thinking, Opposite-coloured bishops in the middlegame. Two of the 14 chapters which interested me most where Grandmaster Strategy by Bareev where he deeply analysed his victories in the Linares 1992 over Salov, Kasparov and Karpov; Modern Treatments of the Dutch Defence by Khenkin and Kramnik discuss the fundamentals of the Stonewall Defence where Black has excellent positional play. A great way to spend money and your time with this book. There is no cheaper way to get this high-level knowledge about chess. Endgame Magic, John Beasley & Timothy Whitworth, Batsford 1996, 192 p. (ISBN 0- 7134-7971-X) Price: British Pounds 9.99 This intreguing book takes you into the world of endgame study/composing. I think it can be compared to what film is to the real world: every thing is possible within a set of rules. The endgame composer has the normal rules of chess, and from that he can create what he likes with a little material as possible. The book gives a step by step introduction to the study-themes and to the great names in composition. Every aspect of the endgame can be put into a composition when they are rarely seen in practical play. In 12 chapters the different aspect like Underpromotion, Perpetual harassent and Fortress and blockade are discussed. Other chapters have combined themes like Cut and Thrust (good moves for Black), Frolies and fantasies with fantastic positions. An example of a great exciting position is from the chapter The grand manner, page 172 (Yes take your chessboard): White: Kh2, Rc3 + h3 Black: Ka5 pawns b2 + h2 1.Ra3 Kb4 2.Rab3+ Kc4 3.Rhc3+ Kd4 4.Rd3+ Kc4 5.Rbc3 Kb4 6.Rc7! b1Q 7.Rd8!! d1Q 8.Rb8+ Ka3 9.Ra7+ Qa4 10.Rax4+ Kxa4 11.Rxb1 wins. Studie by L.Olmutsky 1963. Great enjoyment, and this is so page after page. To me a new side to chess opens. On the authors: J.Beasley is columnist, participated in World Solving Championships 1977 & 1978. T. Whitworth has written works on the study of Kubbel ,the Platov brothers and others. ========================================================================== Adresses Batsford Ltd 4 Fitzhardinge Street London W1H 0AH England E-mail: (Graham Burgess, managing editor) Cadogan Books London House Parkgate Road London SW11 4NQ England E-mail: Also distributing for Pickard&Sons, Grandmaster Publishing, Hypermodern Press and Hays Publishing in Europe Chess Enterprises 107 Crosstree Road Moon Township, PA 15108-2607 USA E-mail: Dudley@Robert Morris.EDU Drukkerij van Spijk P.O.Box 210 NL-5900 AE Venlo Netherlands Dreier Verlag Reinhold Dreier Seydlitzstrasse 13 D-67061 Ludwigshafen Deutschland Interchess P.O.Box 3053 NL-1801 GB Alkmaar Netherlands E-mail: WWW: S1 Editrice Via Porrettana 111 I-40135 Bologna Italy E-mail: Verlag Maedler Lilienthalstrasse 52 D-40474 Dusseldorf Deutschland Rochade Verlag H.Koehler Vogelsbergstrasse 21 D-63477 Maintal Deutschland E-mail: Schachverlag Kania Hofpfad 32 D-71701 Schwieberdingen Deutschland Edition OLMS AG Breitlenstrasse 11 CH-8634 Hombrechtikon/Zurich Schweiz HE-chess p.a. Hilmar Ebert Alexianergrabe 8 D-52062 Aachen Deutschland E-mail: Marek Trokenheim Aspholmvagen 27 II S-12745 Skarholmen Sweden E-mail: Joachim Beyer Verlag Langgasse 25 D-96142 Hollfeld Deutschland Caissa Editions P.O. Box 151 Yorklyn, DE 19736 USA Mundial Press Lisa A.Smith P.O.Box 2543 San Anselmo, CA 94979 USA E-mail: fax (USA): 415-459-8656 R&D Publishing 2679 State Highway 70 Manasquan NJ 08736 USA ============================================================================== Books reviewed in Books (??) gives issue of WIC where book was reviewed. OPENING-THEORY Winning with the Benko, Byron Jacobs, Batsford 1995, 144p. (ISBN 0-7134-7232-4) Price: UK pounds 12.99 (51) The complete Vienna, M.Tseitlin en I.Glazkov, Batsford 1995, 144 p. (ISBN 0- 7134-7606-0) Price : UK pounds 12.99 (51) The complete Benoni, Lev Psakhis, Batsford 1995, 256 p. (ISBN 0 7134 7765 2) Price: UK pounds 15.99 (51) The Saemisch King's Indian, Joe Gallagher, Batsford 1995, 240 p. (ISBN 0 7134 7730 X) Price: UK pounds 14.99 (51) The Latvian Gambit,Tony Kosten, Batsford 1995, 144 p. (ISBN 0 7134 7619 2) Price: UK pounds 12.99 (51) Nimzo-indian Defence Classical Variation, I.Sokolov, Cadogan Press 1995, 148 p. (ISBN 1 85744 120 6) Price: $17.95 (51) Ruy Lopez Arkhangelsk System (C78), J.Konikowski, S1 Editrice, 1995, 283 p. (ISBN 88-86127-36-7) Price: 30.000 Lires (51) Queen's Gambit Accepted (D20-D29), S1 Editrice, 1995, 179 p. (ISBN 88-86127-34- 0) Price: 26.000 Lires (51) King's Indian Defence Saemisch Variation (E80-E89), M.Tirabassi e.a., S1 Editrice, 1995, 330 p. (ISBN 88-86127-35-9) Price: 32.000 Lires (51) Slav: Botvinnik Variation, Rini Kuijf ,Interchess 1995, 108 p. (Book: ISBN 90- 71689-80-8) Price: $25 (book + disk, NIC-limited edition to use gamefile) (51) (Text in Dutch, English and German) Sicilian: English Attack, Alexander Nikitin, Interchess 1995, 108 p. (Book: ISBN 90-71689-88-3) Price: $25 (book + disk, NIC-limited edition to use gamefile) (51) (Text in Dutch, English and German) Das Mittelgambit im Nachzug, J.Konikowski and M.Gupta, Maedler 1994, 130 p. (ISBN 3-925691-07-3) Price: DM 28 (51) Angenommenes Damengambit I-II, E.Varnusz, Madler 1994, 328 p. (ISBN 3-925691-11- 1) Price: DM 29.80 (51) Enzyklopaedie der Aljechin-verteidigung Band A Der Vierbauernangriff, Erich Siebenhaar, Verlag Reinhold Dreier, 1995, 294 p. (ISBN 3-929376-29-6) Price: DM 34.80 (51) Neuerungen im Slawisch, E.Varnusz, Dreier Verlag 1994, 104 p.(ISBN 963-04-4408- 9) Price: DM 19.80 (CAL-disk + 10 DM) (51) Schara-Hennig Gambit, E.Siebenhaar and B.Weigand, Dreier Verlag 1994, 110 p. Price: DM 19.80 (51) 500 French Miniatures (II), Bill Wall, Chess Enterprises 1995, 117 p. (ISBN 0- 945470-54-1) Price: $ 7.50 (53) How to play the Dillworth Attack, Eric Schiller, Chess Enterprises 1995, 98 p. (ISBN 0-945470-52-5) Price: $ 9.95 (53) 1.Nc3 Dunst Opening, Bill Wall, Chess Enterprises 1995, 104 p. (ISBN 0-945470- 48-7) Price: $ 6.95 (53) Tennison Gambit 1.Nf3 d5 2.e4, W.John Lutes, Chess Enterprises 1995, 102 p. (ISBN 0-945470-55-X) Price: $12.95 (53) Panov Attack, Volume II, Eric Schiller, Chess Enterprises 1995, 127 p. (ISBN 0- 945470-47-9) Price: $ 9.95 (53) Beating the Sicilian 3, John Nunn & Joe Gallagher, Batsford 1995, 224 p. (ISBN 0-7134-7844-6) Price : UK pounds14.99 (53) The Big Book of Busts, Watson & Schiller, Hypermodern 1995, 293 p. (ISBN 1- 886040-13-3) Price: $22,95 (53) E.C.O. Busted!, Sid Pickard, Hays 1993, 234 p. (ISBN 1-880673-92-4) Price: $21,00 (53) Das Winckelmann Reimer-gambit, Thomas Winckelmann, Tomwing Verlag 1995, 186 p. Price: DM 34.80 (55) Fajarowicz-gambit 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e5 3.dxe5 Ne4!, Niels Jorgen Jensen, Eleprint 1995 (2nd edition), 48 p. Price : DM 13,50 (55) An opening repertoire for White, R.Keene & B.Jacobs, Batsford 1995, 144 p. (ISBN 0-7134-7817-9) Price: UK pounds10.99 (61) The Labourdonnais System in the Sicilian Defence (B32) , Adolf Neumann, S1 Editrice, 269 p. (ISBN 88-86127-41-3) Price : Lit.26.000 (61) Pirc Defence Czech Variation 3...c6 (B07), F.Pieri, S1 Editrice, 203 p. (ISBN 88-86127-38-3) Price: Lit.UK pounds22.000 (61) Blackmar Diemer Gambit, Gary Lane, Batsford 1995, 128 p. (ISBN -7034-7725-3) Price: UK pounds 10.99 (61) 1...Sc6 ...aus allen Lagen, H.Keilhack&R.Schlenker, SchachVerlag Kania 1995, 191 p. (ISBN 3-931192-01-6) Price: DM 26,80 (61) Die Alapin-Variante in der Spanischen Eroffnung, Berhard Lach, SchachVerlag Kania 1995, 62 p. (ISBN 3-931192-00-8) Price: DM 13.80 (61) An opening repertoire for White, R.Keene & B.Jacobs, Batsford 1995, 144 p. (ISBN 0-7134-7817-9) Price: UK pounds10.99 (64) The Main Line King's Indian, John Nunn & Graham Burgess, Batsford 1996, 320 p (ISBN 0-7134-7835-7) Price: UK pounds17.99 (72+80) Klassisches Nimzoindisch 4.Dc2, Norbert Heymann, Dreier Verlag 1995, 176 p. (ISBN 3-929376-32-6) Price : DM 26.80 (72) Pirc Ufimzev Verteidigung Moderne Systeme, Helmuth Warzecha, Dreier Verlag 1995, 200 p. (ISBN 3-929376-15-6) Price : DM 21.80 (72) Die Reti-Eroeffnung, Helmuth Warzecha, Dreier Verlag 1995, 212 p. (ISBN 3-929376- 16-4) Price : DM 24.80 (72) The Giuoco Piano, E.Gufeld & O.Stetsko, Batsford 1996, 160 p. (ISBN 0-7134-7802- 0) Price : UK pounds12.99 (72) Sokolski booklet, Marek Trokenheim Price : 1 booklet $10, each additional booklet $5, all 10 booklets $40. (72) Die klassisch Variante 4.Dc2 in der Nimzowitsch-Indischen Verteidigung, J.Konikowski, Joachim Beyer Verlag, 1995, 112 p. (ISBN 3-88805-097-9) Price: DM 19,80 (figurines) (80) Petrosjan-System 4.a3 in der Damenindischen Verteidigung (E12), J.Konikowski, Joachim Beyer Verlag, 1995, 164 p. (ISBN 3-88805-260-2) Price: n DM 20 (figurines) (80) Der Trompovsky-Angriff im Damenbauernspiel, W.Gerstner, Dreier Verlag 1995, 205 p. Price: 34,80 DM (+10 DM for CAL-diskette with n2000 games) (80) Lettisch gambiet, Deel 2. 3.Lc4, L.C.M.Diepstraten, van Spijk 1996, 246 p. (ISBN 90-6216-118-9) Price: Dfl 40,00 (81) New ideas in the Sveshnikov Sicilian, V.Neverov & P.Marusenko, Batsford 1996 , 144 p. (ISBN 0-7134-7809-8) Price: UK pounds 12.99 (81) New ideas in the Alekhine Defence, Graham Burgess, Batsford 1996, 128 p. (ISBN 0-7134-7833-0) Price: UK pounds 10.99 (81) Playing the French (New edition), John Watson , Cadogan 1996, 224 p. (ISBN 1- 85744-101-X) Price: $24.95 (81) Randspringer, Grunfeld-Indische Umwege und Sackgassen, Kania 1996, 40 p. Price : DM 8 (text in German and English) (81) The Caro-Kann in Black & White, A.Karpov & A.Beliavsky, R&D Publishing 1994, 196 p. (ISBN 1-883358-16-7) Price: $24.95 (86) Winning with the Kan, Ali Mortazavi, Batsford 1996, 144 p. (ISBN 0-7134-7803-9) Price: British Pounds 12.99 The Nimzovich Defense to 1.e4, Hugh E.Myers, Caissa Editions 1995, 176 p. (ISBN 0-939433-22-2) Price: $ (86) ENDGAME-THEORY Secrets of Minor Piece Endings, John Nunn, Batsford, 1995 (ISBN 0 7134 7727 X) Price: UK pounds 17.99 (51) Winning Endgame Technique, A.Beliavsky and A.Mikhalchishin, Batsford 1995, 192 p. (ISBN 0 7134 7512 9) Price: UK pounds 13.99 (51) Praxis des Turmendspiels, Victor Kortschnoi, Edition Olms 1995,103 p. (ISBN 3- 283-00287-8) Price : DM 24,80 (61) Analogien auf dem Schachbrett Teil 2 Endspiel, Walter Haas, Rochade Europa 1995, 160 p. Price : DM 9.80 (Text in German) (72) Spelen met Eindspelen 1, Dame- en Pionneneindspelen, G.C.van Perlo, Interchess 1996, 160 p. (ISBN 90.5691.003.5) Price: Dfl. 24,75 (80) Karpov's Endgame Arsenal, A.Karpov & E.Gik, R&D Publishing 1996, 147 p. (ISBN 1- 883358-20-5) Price: $ 21.95 (86) PLAYERMONOGRAPHY Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, Batsford, 1995, 240 p. (ISBN 0 7134 7812 8) Price: UK pounds 14.99 (51) Capablanca's 100 Best Games, Harry Golombek, Batsford, 1995, (ISBN 0-7134-4650- X) Price: UK pounds 10.99 (51) Garry Kasparov's Fighting Chess, G.Kasparov, J.Speelman en B.Wade, Batsford 1995, 312 p. (ISBN 0-7134-7919-1) Price : UK pounds 14.99 (51) Vishy Anand Chess Super-Talent, David Norwood, Batsford 1995, 144 p. (ISBN 0- 7134-7816-0) Price: UK pounds 12.99 (51) Taimanov's Selected Games, M.Taimanov, Cadogan, 1995, 198 p. (ISBN 1-85744-155- 9) Price: $19.95 (51) Alexej Schirow, H.Wieteck, Rochade Europa 1993, 80 p. (ISBN 3-920748-07-7) Price: DM 9.80 (51) Gata Kamsky 2.0, N.Heymann, Rochade Europa 1995, 80 p. (ISBN 3-920748-20-4 Price: DM 9.80 (51) Leonid Stein, H.Wieteck, Rochade Europa 1994, 64 p. (ISBN 3-920748-16-6) Price: DM 9.80 (51) Wer wird Kasparows herausforderer Jan Timman/Nigel Short, L.Steinkohl, Rochade Europa 1992, 80 p. (ISBN 3-920748-05-0) Price: DM 9.80 (51) Potpourri seiner Schacherzaehlungen, E.Gufeld, Rochade Europa 1995, 80 p. (ISBN 3-920478-19-0) Price: DM 9.80 (51) Moderne Schachstrategie (D.I.Ossip S.Bernsteins Schach und Lebenlaufbahn), S.G.Tartakower, Edition Olms 1985, 139 p. (ISBN 3-283-00177-4) Price: DM 34,80 (61) The Sorcerer's Apprentice, David Bronstein & Tom Furstenberg, Cadogan 1995, 304 p. (ISBN 1-85744-151-6) Price: $19.95 (64) Timman's Selected Games, Jan Timman, Cadogan 1995, (ISBN 1-85744-121-4) Price: $19.95 (64) Alexander Alekhine's Best Games, Alexander Alekhine, Batsford 1996, 304 p. (ISBN 0-7134-7970-1) Price: UK pounds17,99 (80) Schaakromanticus Miguel Najdorf, Siep H.Postma, van Spijk 1996, 306 p. (ISBN 90- 6216-170-7) Price: Dfl 29,90 (text in Dutch) (81) Studies and games, Jan Timman, Cadogan 1996, 192 p. (ISBN 1-857-44126-5) Price: $19.95 (81) Anatoly Karpov's Best Games, A.Karpov, Batsford 1996, 175 p. (ISBN 0-7134-7843- 8) Price: British Pound 14.99 (86) TOURNAMENTMONOGRAPHY Sicilian Love, Polugaevsky, Piket and Guneau, Interchess 1995, 324 p.(ISBN 90- 71689-999) Price: $35 (51) NBC 25 year, van Spijk 1995, (ISBN 90 6216 128 6) Price: DFL 29,75 (51) Kurt Klar Gedenkturnier, H.Heemsoth, Maedler 1994, 119 p. (ISBN 3-925691-08-1) Price : DM 22.80 (German and figurines (51)) Jubilaeumsturnier 40 Jahre BdF, M.Gluth, 1995, 144 p. Price: DM 24 (53) Julius Nielsen Memorial, J.A.Nielsen, Dansk Skak Union, 1991, 70 p. (ISBN 87- 983828-0-2) Price: n$14 (53) World Chess Championship Kasparov v Anand, Raymond Keene, Batsford 1995, 128 p. (ISBN 0-7134-7819-5) Price: UK pounds 9.99 (55) Kasparov vs Anand, Daniel King, Cadogan 1995, 128 p. (ISBN 1-85744-146-X) Price: $12.95 (61) Schach-WM 1995 Kasparow - Anand, Helmut Pleger & Andre Behr, Edition Olms 1995, 135 (124), (ISBN 3-283-00295-9) Price : DM 29,80 (61) Schach Weltmeisterschaft 1995, W.Uhlmann & G.Trepner, Joachim Beyer Verlag, 1995, 142 p. (ISBN 3-88805-099-5) Price: nDM 25 (80) SKILL-LEARNINGBOOKS FOR STARTERS AND BEYONED Think like a grandmaster, Alexander Kotov, Batsford, 1995, 188 p. (ISBN 0-7134- 7885-3) Price: UK pounds 13.99 (51) Technique for the Tournament Player, M.Dvoretsky en A.Yusupov, Batsford 1995, 240p. (ISBN 0 7134 7722 9) Price: UK pounds 17.99 (51) Planning, Neil McDonald, Batsford, 1995, 112 p. (ISBN 0 7134 7573 0) Price: UK pounds 7.99 (51) Gambits, Graham Burgess, Batsford, 1995, 112.p. (ISBN 0 7134 7574 9) Price: UK pounds 7.99 (51) Chess for Tomorrow's Champions, J.Walker, Cadogan ,1995, 144 p. (ISBN 1-85744- 195-8) Price : $14.95 (51) A primer of Chess, Jos Capablanca, Cadogan 1995, 150 p. (ISBN 1 85744 165 6) Price: $15.95 (51) The Times Winning Chess, Raymond Keene, Batsford 1995, 144 p. (0-7134-7842-X) Price :UK pounds9.99 (53) Steve Davis plays Chess, Steve Davis & David Norwood, Batsford 1995, 112 p. (ISBN 0-7134-7813-6) Price: UK pounds 9.99 (55) Guide to chess, Malcolm Pein, Batsford 1995, 128 p. (ISBN 0-7134-7814-4) Price: UK pounds 8.99 (55) Das Schachspiel, S.Tarrasch, Edition Olms 1992, 407 p. (ISBN 3-283-00253-3) Price : DM 34,80 (61) Strategisches Schach, Edmar Mednis & Rudolf Teschner, Edition Olms 1995, 193 p. (ISBN 3-283-00288-6) Price: DM 34,80 (language German) (64) Meisterspiele, Rudolf Teschner, Edition Olms 1995, 144 p. (ISBN 3-283-00289-4) Price: DM 24,80 (language German) (64) How to win at chess, Daniel King, Cadogan 1995, 127 p. (ISBN 1-85744-072-2) Price: $12.95 (64) The modern chess self-tutor, David Bronstein, Cadogan 1995, 148 p. (ISBN 1- 85744-136-2) Price : $17.95 (72) Attacking the king, J.N.Walker, Cadogan 1996, 173 p. (ISBN 1-85744-127-3) Price : $17.95 (72) Play chess combinations and sacrifices, David Levy, Cadogan 1996, 186 p. (ISBN 1-85744-112-5) Price : $17.95 (72) Testbuch fr Meister von Morgen, G.Treppner & J.Konikowski, Joachim Beyer Verlag, 1995, 134 p. (ISBN 3-88805-112-6) Price: n DM 20 (text in German) (80) Wie gut ist deinem Schach, Daniel King, Joachim Beyer Verlag, 1995, 109 p. (ISBN 3-88805-098-7) Price: n DM 20 (text in German) (80) The Times Winning Moves 2, R.Keene, Batsford 1996, 96 p. (ISBN 0-7134-7944-2) Price: UK pounds6.99 (81) SPECIAL ITEM Secrets of Spectacular Chess, Jonathan Levitt en David Friedgood, Batsford, 1995, 222 p (ISBN 0 7134 7721 0) Price: UK pounds 14.99 (51) Schach und Schalom, Ludwig Steinkohl, Maedler 1995, 189 p. (ISBN 3-925691-1-12-X) Price: DM 24.80 (51) Schach-Mekka Berlin in den "roaring twenties", H.Wieteck, Rochade Europa 1995, 217 p. (ISBN 3-920748-18-2) Price: DM 19.80 (51) The Daily Telegraph Chess Puzzles, David Norwood, Batsford 1995, 128 p. (ISBN 0- 7134-7815-2) Price: UK pounds 8.99 (53) Kombiniere...Matt!, Hilmar Ebert, Rochade Europa 1995, 96 p. (ISBN 3-920748-28- X) Price: DM 9.80 (55) Schach in flotten Versen, Helmut Tribus, Rochade Europa 1995, 160 p. (ISBN 3- 920748-27-1) Price: DM 9.80 (55) 99 Schonheitspreise aus 150 Schachjahren, L.Steinkohl, Rochade Europa 1995, 126 p. (ISBN 3-920748-26-3) Price: DM 9.80 (55) The NIC-QUIZ disks (Tactics levels 1800 till 2200), Interchess 1995 Price: $16 for each level. (55) 1946-1970 Het tijdperk Botwinnik, Hans Bouwmeester, van Spijk 1995, 111 p. (ISBN 90-6216-125-1) Price: Dfl. 34,50 (approcamitly 20$) (55) Correspondence Chess Yearbook 14, S1 Editrice 1995, 292 p. (ISBN 88-86127-37-5) Price: Lit 30.000 (61) 100 Classics of the chessboard, A.Dickins & H.Ebert, Cadogan Books 1995, 217 p. (ISBN 1-85744-187-7) (61) Top Helpmates, H.Ebert&H.Gruber, HE-Chess 1 1995, 262 p. Price: DM 39,80 (61) Modern Chess Miniatures, Neil McDonald, Cadogan 1995, 150 p. (ISBN 1-85744-166- 4) Price: $17.95 (64) The official Chess Yearbook, game-annotation by Murray Chandler, Batsford 1995, 208 p. (ISBN 0-7134-7818-7) Price : British Pound 9.99 (64) Der Laufer war eine Dame, Gerhard Josten, Rochade Europa 1995, 160 p. (ISBN 3- 920748-31-X) Price : DM 9.80 (text completely German) (72+80) Die neuen Schachsterne, Helmut Wieteck, Rochade Europa 1995, 160 p. (ISBN 3- 920748-25-5) Price : DM 9.80 (a lot of text in German) (72) Cultures, Chess & Art, A collector's Odysses Across Seven Continents, Volume 1 Sub-Saharan Africa, Ned Munger, Mundial Press 1996, 120 p. (ISBN 0-944046-6-4) Price: $75 Special discount of 46% when ordered via E-mail/fax, revering to this source (WIC) (80) 640 Best 64 Golden Games, Chess Informant 1996 Price: NN (81) Minnaars van Caissa, Lex Jongsma, van Spijk 1996, 140p (ISBN 90-6216-109-X) Price: Dfl 29,50 (text in Dutch, games in figurines) (81) Winning Quickly with Black, I.Neishtadt, Cadogan 1996, 160 p. (ISBN 1-85744-039- 0) Price: $19.95 (81) Winning Quickly with White, I.Neishtadt, Cadogan 1996, 160 p. (ISBN 1-85744-038- 2) Price: $19.95 (81) MAGAZINES Gambit Revue (editor: Volker Druke) (64) Published by Schachverlag M.Madler, Lilienthalstrasse 52, D-40474 Dusseldorf Randspringer (editor: Rainer Schlenker) (64) Published by RandSpringer Verlag, Wiesenstrasse 78, D-78056 Villingen- Schwenningen, Germany Orang-Utan (editor: Dirk van Esbroeck) (64) Published by Dirk van Esbroeck, PO Box 71, B-9120 Beveren-Waas, Belgium LGT Oppningbulletinen (editor: David Foster) (64) Published by David Foster, Vaksalagatan35, S-75331 Uppsala, Sweden