THE WEEK IN CHESS 86			09/06/96	Mark Crowther

Tel:	01274 882143

1)  Introduction
2)  World Chess Championships Karpov versus Kamsky
3)  The FIDE World Championship Cycle 1993-1996
4)  Leon International Chess Tournament by Juergen Daniel
5)  Dutch Chess Championships 1996
6)  Chess Collectors International Meeting by Gerald Schendel
7)  1st European Chess Club Cup for Women - final '96 by Sinisa Joksic
8)  1996 Icelandic Championships
9)  Championships of the Czech Republic by Martin Pribyl
10) Tournament Book of the Semi-finals of the Dutch championships on the net


FIDE World Chess Championships					 2 games
Leon  A Tournament 						 8 games
Leon  B Tournament						35 games
Dutch Championships 						12 games
Icelandic Championships						12 games
Championships of the Czech Republic				66 games

1)  Introduction

My thanks to Patrick Rasenberg, Jeroen van den Berg, Juergen Daniel, Sinisa Joksic,
Anjo Anjewierden, Martin Pribyl, Gerald Schendel, Danny Mozes, Hal Terrie and Mitch
White and everyone else who helped out this this issue (hope I haven't left
anyone out).

A small but perfectly formed issue of TWIC this week. I had to completely
change my www site in order to cover the World Championships after
a week and a bit on Dos Hermanas. Almost all the events covered below
will be updated as the event goes on. So check it out, even later

The Kamsky - Karpov match looks set to be a very long and tough affair
if the first two games are anything to go by. There will be few short
draws as the players test each other in long positional games. Should
at least provide many hours of entertainment.

I've set up my www site so that you can easily see the coverage on
offer from around the World.

I'm going to try and catch some European Championship football now

Hope you enjoy this issue


2) World Chess Championships Karpov versus Kamsky

1) 6/6/96 - Karpov, Anatoly - Kamsky, Gata     1-0   56   Gruenfeld Russian Var.
2) 8/6/96 - Kamsky, Gata    - Karpov, Anatoly  1-0   65   Caro Kann Exchange Var.

Elista RUS, VI-VII 1996.
                             1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
Kamsky, Gata     g USA 2735  0 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1.0  2770
Karpov, Anatoly  g RUS 2770  1 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1.0  2735

The match is underway. Many believed that after all this time it wouldn't happen.
Montreal and Baghdad were supposed to be the venues but now its started we
now know. The match is in Elista the Capital of Kalmykia a Russian Republic.

There is a lot of coverage on the net of this match. Check out my www site
for the essential sites.

When are the games? They're on even days of the month until the match is over.
(6th, June, 8th June, 10th June .... to the 14th of July if necessary. If there
is a tie at 10-10 the match will continue, the regulations aren't clear to me yet.
But there is plenty of time to find out!

There aren't time outs, if you are sick then you default.

The FIDE site on the match has the regulations but apparently it wasn't
quite clear to the players. There was a big arguement according to
Frederic Friedel before game one. This lead to that game being adjourned
after move 56. This didn't happen after game two so who knows what the
precise regulations they are playing under?

However it is 40 moves in 2hours followed by 16 moves in 1 hour. It may
be that they play a seven hour session under these conditions.

To the games.

Game one was a Gruenfeld Defence and Karpov seemed to win in quite a smooth
manner. Karpov's choice of the Russian Defence was an interesting one and
he introduced the unusual 12. ...b5. On compuserve Hal Terrie and Mitch
White came up with games. Van der Tol played it in a correspondence game
in 1990 and Wachtel,H-Gurevich,I Las Vegas National Open Tournament 1992
both saw the idea. In both games 13. Qd3 was played and Black won.

Certainly the variation puts a lot of pressure on Black. The way the
game went it looked like Kamsky struggled to get any compensation for
his ragged pawns. After 22. Nd3 Black needs to prove something. Although
for an alternate view try Danny Mozes' analysis on Chess Treasure. He
thinks black was doing fine until 26. ...Ra5. It is certainly up to
Black to prove he is in the game with tactics before the weaknesses
start to show up. He is certainly correct to question the assumption
that just because a game looked an easy win that it was so.
As it was Karpov completed a long but effective strangulation of Kamsky.
Very worrying for Kamsky supporters.

Game two was almost the reverse. Karpov seemed very irresolute in playing
his Caro-Kann exchange defence (it transposed into a more typical d-pawn
position). His 17. ...Qa5 was met by a powerful combination. He was even
lucky to get the Rook and Minor piece for Queen he did. Kamsky seemed to
make light work of grinding the ending out. So now the worry is for Karpov
supporters, this was a pretty abject performance from Karpov.

In both games there is a lot of work to be done to understand these games.
Kamsky and Karpov have played a lot of long games against each other, this
looks to be the pattern in this match. Annotations are available from
ChessTreasure, Inside Chess and the USCF sites. The ChessAssistant site
has some good theoretical material to accompany the games. Check out
my www site for a full list of sites.

3) The FIDE World Championship Cycle 1993-1996

It was all so long ago. Some players would have qualified even in late 1992
from their Interzonals. The shock of Kasparov and Short's decision to leave
the FIDE cycle was fresh in the mind, their match yet to take place.

In the boiling heat of Biel in July 1993 74 players tried to qualify for the
FIDE Candidates. The tension was great. There were many who could qualify.
In the final round there were some early results that settled most of
the places.

Adams, Michael           - Yudasin, Leonid           1/2   11
Kamsky, Gata             - Van der Sterren, Paul     1/2   10
Kramnik, Vladimir        - Khalifman, Alexander      1/2   12
Lautier, Joel            - Gurevich, Mikhail         1-0   37
Salov, Valery            - Gelfand, Boris            1/2   11
Anand, Viswanathan       - Epishin, Vladimir         1/2   40

Anand's draw seemed to exclude him from the cycle, it definitely eliminated
Ivanchuk and Shirov but a decisive result in one of three games would put
Anand out. Many hours later the last result came through:

Bareev, Evgeny           - Sveshnikov, Evgeny        1/2   93

Bareev and Sveshnikov had eliminated each other. Anand was through on
tie-break, the only player on 8 points to do so.

Biel (SUI), VII 1993.
                                          1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13
 1 Gelfand, Boris            g BLR 2670  =39 +49 = 9 +38 = 3 +51 = 8 +10 +17 = 2 =14 = 5 = 7  9.0 /13  2772
 2 Adams, Michael            g ENG 2630  -46 +56 -32 +67 +57 +66 +28 + 5 = 7 = 1 = 3 = 4 = 9  8.5 /13  2708
 3 Kamsky, Gata              g USA 2645  +13 =29 +43 =28 = 1 =19 +26 = 4 + 9 =17 = 2 = 7 = 8  8.5 /13  2725
 4 Khalifman, Alexander      g RUS 2645  +59 =51 +54 + 6 -10 = 9 +25 = 3 = 8 =19 +21 = 2 = 5  8.5 /13  2717
 5 Kramnik, Vladimir         g RUS 2710  -54 +16 =39 +36 +55 +41 =17 - 2 = 6 +27 +19 = 1 = 4  8.5 /13  2702
 6 Lautier, Joel             g FRA 2620  +21 +57 =17 - 4 =32 =22 +23 =19 = 5 =15 +30 = 8 +25  8.5 /13  2709
 7 Salov, Valery             g RUS 2685  =49 +70 =27 +55 +50 +25 =10 -17 = 2 = 8 +22 = 3 = 1  8.5 /13  2695
 8 Van der Sterren, Paul     g NED 2525  =48 =37 +70 +27 +21 =14 = 1 = 9 = 4 = 7 +17 = 6 = 3  8.5 /13  2715
 9 Yudasin, Leonid           g ISR 2605  +68 =46 = 1 =40 +44 = 4 +31 = 8 - 3 =11 +24 +14 = 2  8.5 /13  2710
10 Anand, Viswanathan        g IND 2725  =19 =32 +46 +29 + 4 =17 = 7 - 1 =22 =30 =20 +28 =11  8.0 /13  2700
11 Epishin, Vladimir         g RUS 2655  =20 =39 =36 =54 =37 =40 +50 +38 =14 = 9 =25 +15 =10  8.0 /13  2688
12 Ivanchuk, Vassily         g UKR 2705  =32 =19 =22 =66 =29 =43 +13 =41 =31 =24 +23 =25 +30  8.0 /13  2678
13 Lputian, Smbat G          g ARM 2565  - 3 +71 -38 +70 =27 =60 -12 +55 =18 +52 =48 +35 +26  8.0 /13  2672
14 Shirov, Alexei            g LAT 2685  =66 +45 =26 =32 +43 = 8 =19 =24 =11 +31 = 1 - 9 +22  8.0 /13  2680
15 Sokolov, Ivan             g BIH 2610  +65 =31 +61 -17 =22 =32 =41 =30 +40 = 6 +39 -11 +33  8.0 /13  2665
16 Abramovic, Bosko          g YUG 2460  =43 - 5 +45 +23 =24 -21 =60 +62 -27 +53 =41 +54 =32  7.5 /13  2643
17 Bareev, Evgeny            g RUS 2660  +36 +38 = 6 +15 =25 =10 = 5 + 7 - 1 = 3 - 8 =22 =20  7.5 /13  2680
18 Polgar, Judit             g HUN 2630  =34 =53 -20 =30 +59 =37 -39 +61 =13 +51 =27 +21 =19  7.5 /13  2623
19 Portisch, Lajos           g HUN 2585  =10 =12 =35 +46 +60 = 3 =14 = 6 +24 = 4 - 5 =20 =18  7.5 /13  2702
20 Sveshnikov, Evgeny        g RUS 2570  =11 =24 +18 -41 =42 -23 +71 +51 =28 +54 =10 =19 =17  7.5 /13  2670
21 Barua, Dibyendu           g IND 2510  - 6 +64 +37 +48 - 8 +16 -24 +26 =39 +35 - 4 -18 =28  7.0 /13  2632
22 Dreev, Alexey             g RUS 2570  +35 -25 =12 +52 =15 = 6 +51 =27 =10 +32 - 7 =17 -14  7.0 /13  2673
23 Granda Zuniga, Julio E    g PER 2605  -55 =63 +49 -16 +34 +20 - 6 +48 =54 =39 -12 +43 =31  7.0 /13  2599
24 Gulko, Boris F            g USA 2635  =53 =20 =59 +39 =16 =50 +21 =14 -19 =12 - 9 +51 =27  7.0 /13  2612
25 Gurevich, Mikhail         g BEL 2605  +69 +22 =28 +51 =17 - 7 - 4 -31 +46 +38 =11 =12 - 6  7.0 /13  2640
26 Hjartarson, Johann        g ISL 2605  +62 =55 =14 -50 +54 +38 - 3 -21 =33 =48 +49 +39 -13  7.0 /13  2602
27 Huebner, Robert           g GER 2605  +56 =61 = 7 - 8 =13 +55 =32 =22 +16 - 5 =18 =31 =24  7.0 /13  2601
28 Korchnoi, Viktor          g SUI 2625  +33 +50 =25 = 3 =41 =31 - 2 -39 =20 +37 +32 -10 =21  7.0 /13  2624
29 Oll, Lembit               g EST 2595  +71 = 3 =60 -10 =12 -35 =53 =34 =36 +66 -33 +64 +48  7.0 /13  2632
30 Piket, Jeroen             g NED 2590  -70 +62 -50 =18 +63 +52 =35 =15 +60 =10 - 6 +36 -12  7.0 /13  2620
31 Seirawan, Yasser          g USA 2575  +64 =15 =48 =60 +40 =28 - 9 +25 =12 -14 =35 =27 =23  7.0 /13  2654
32 Wolff, Patrick G          g USA 2585  =12 =10 + 2 =14 = 6 =15 =27 =35 +52 -22 -28 +60 =16  7.0 /13  2656
33 Xu Jun                    m CHN 2535  -28 =67 +72 =42 -38 -48 +57 +66 =26 =40 +29 +41 -15  7.0 /13  2597
34 Ye Jiangchuan             g CHN 2535  =18 -44 =67 =53 -23 +69 =61 =29 =43 =50 +66 =40 +54  7.0 /13  2591
35 Georgiev, Kiril           g BUL 2660  -22 +65 =19 +61 -51 +29 =30 =32 +41 -21 =31 -13 =40  6.5 /13  2563
36 Gurevich, Ilya            m USA 2575  -17 +68 =11 - 5 +69 =42 =40 -60 =29 +46 +38 -30 =39  6.5 /13  2586
37 Hansen, Curt              g DEN 2590  =72 = 8 -21 +73 =11 =18 =44 -40 +65 -28 +63 =48 =41  6.5 /13  2549
38 Kozul, Zdenko             g BIH 2595  +58 -17 +13 - 1 +33 -26 +66 -11 +50 -25 -36 =44 +63  6.5 /13  2585
39 Lobron, Eric              g GER 2575  = 1 =11 = 5 -24 +53 =44 +18 +28 =21 =23 -15 -26 =36  6.5 /13  2614
40 Smyslov, Vassily          g RUS 2520  =44 =41 +57 = 9 -31 =11 =36 +37 -15 =33 =52 =34 =35  6.5 /13  2599
41 Speelman, Jonathan S      g ENG 2605  =47 =40 +53 +20 =28 - 5 =15 =12 -35 +60 =16 -33 =37  6.5 /13  2586
42 Agdestein, Simen          g NOR 2610  +63 =54 -55 =33 =20 =36 -46 -53 +64 =43 =60 =49 =51  6.0 /13  2538
43 Akopian, Vladimir         g ARM 2600  =16 +47 - 3 +63 -14 =12 =48 -54 =34 =42 +55 -23 =53  6.0 /13  2544
44 Ehlvest, Jaan             g EST 2620  =40 +34 -51 +59 - 9 =39 =37 =50 =53 =49 -54 =38 =52  6.0 /13  2548
45 Frolov, Artur             m UKR 2535  =60 -14 -16 -69 +72 +70 -52 +58 -49 =62 -64 +75 +65  6.0 /13  2468
46 Ftacnik, Lubomir          g SVK 2535  + 2 = 9 -10 -19 =61 +57 +42 -52 -25 -36 =68 =59 +67  6.0 /13  2552
47 Lima, Darcy               m BRA 2475  =41 -43 -66 =68 -73 =67 +69 =70 =61 -65 +75 +62 =64  6.0 /13  2450
48 Nikolic, Predrag          g BIH 2625  = 8 +72 =31 -21 -66 +33 =43 -23 +59 =26 =13 =37 -29  6.0 /13  2528
49 Nogueiras, Jesus          g CUB 2580  = 7 - 1 -23 =56 =71 +65 =55 =59 +45 =44 -26 =42 =50  6.0 /13  2539
50 Pigusov, Evgeny           g RUS 2585  +74 -28 +30 +26 - 7 =24 -11 =44 -38 =34 =53 =52 =49  6.0 /13  2551
51 Rogers, Ian               g AUS 2595  +67 = 4 +44 -25 +35 - 1 -22 -20 +62 -18 +65 -24 =42  6.0 /13  2557
52 Smirin, Ilia              g ISR 2640  -61 =69 +73 -22 +64 -30 +45 +46 -32 -13 =40 =50 =44  6.0 /13  2525
53 Spasov, Vasil             g BUL 2540  =24 =18 -41 =34 -39 +73 =29 +42 =44 -16 =50 =57 =43  6.0 /13  2545
54 Van Wely, Loek            g NED 2585  + 5 =42 - 4 =11 -26 =71 +56 +43 =23 -20 +44 -16 -34  6.0 /13  2551
55 Arencibia, Walter         g CUB 2485  +23 =26 +42 - 7 - 5 -27 =49 -13 +70 =57 -43 =67 =60  5.5 /13  2523
56 Brunner, Lucas            m SUI 2475  -27 - 2 =65 =49 =70 +63 -54 =67 -66 +75 =57 =58 =59  5.5 /13  2440
57 Dvoirys, Semen I          g RUS 2590  +73 - 6 -40 +62 - 2 -46 -33 =68 +71 =55 =56 =53 =61  5.5 /13  2459
58 Hamdouchi, Hichem         m MAR 2455  -38 -59 -62 +75 =65 =64 +73 -45 =67 -63 +71 =56 =66  5.5 /13  2428
59 Hellers, Ferdinand        g SWE 2560  - 4 +58 =24 -44 -18 =68 +72 =49 -48 =61 =62 =46 =56  5.5 /13  2489
60 Illescas Cordoba, Miguel  g ESP 2625  =45 +66 =29 =31 -19 =13 =16 +36 -30 -41 =42 -32 =55  5.5 /13  2507
61 Malisauskas, Vidmantas    g LTU 2540  +52 =27 -15 -35 =46 =62 =34 -18 =47 =59 =67 =65 =57  5.5 /13  2500
62 Nalbandian, Tigran        f ARM 2485  -26 -30 +58 -57 +67 =61 +64 -16 -51 =45 =59 -47 +75  5.5 /13  2453
63 Sherzer, Alex             g USA 2500  -42 =23 +69 -43 -30 -56 -67 +73 +75 +58 -37 +68 -38  5.5 /13  2440
64 Topalov, Veselin          g BUL 2650  -31 -21 +68 =71 -52 =58 -62 +72 -42 +73 +45 -29 =47  5.5 /13  2453
65 Bagaturov, Giorgi         m GEO 2495  -15 -35 =56 =72 =58 -49 +68 +71 -37 +47 -51 =61 -45  5.0 /13  2439
66 Gurevich, Dmitry          g USA 2575  =14 -60 +47 =12 +48 - 2 -38 -33 +56 -29 -34 =69 =58  5.0 /13  2483
67 Hug, Werner               m SUI 2430  -51 =33 =34 - 2 -62 =47 +63 =56 =58 =68 =61 =55 -46  5.0 /13  2429
68 Kakageldyev, Amanmurad    m TKM 2465  - 9 -36 -64 =47 +75 =59 -65 =57 +69 =67 =46 -63 =72  5.0 /13  2400
69 Lesiege, Alexandre        m CAN 2485  -25 =52 -63 +45 -36 -34 -47 +75 -68 =72 =73 =66 +70  5.0 /13  2380
70 Gluckman, David             RSA 2330  +30 - 7 - 8 -13 =56 -45 +75 =47 -55 -71 =72 +73 -69  4.5 /13  2351
71 Zarnicki, Pablo           m ARG 2455  -29 -13 +75 =64 =49 =54 -20 -65 -57 +70 -58 =72 =73  4.5 /13  2362
72 Kalesis, Nikolaos         m GRE 2410  =37 -48 -33 =65 -45 +75 -59 -64 -73 =69 =70 =71 =68  4.0 /13  2319
73 Moutousis, Konstantinos   m GRE 2425  -57 +75 -52 -37 +47 -53 -58 -63 +72 -64 =69 -70 =71  4.0 /13  2317
74 Ahmed, Esam Aly             EGY ----  -50  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   0.0 / 1
75 BYE                             ----   .  -73 -71 -58 -68 -72 -70 -69 -63 -56 -47 -45 -62  0.0 /12

The Candidates

FIDE CANDIDATES     Wijk aan Zee - Holland. 16-27/1/94
Game Number...........  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  Final Score

Joel Lautier            =  0  1  =  0  =  =  =       3.5
Jan Timman              =  1  0  =  1  =  =  =       4.5
Game Number...........  1  2  3  4  5  6  7     Final Score

Gata Kamsky             1  0  1  1  =  =  =          4.5
Paul van der Sterren    0  1  0  0  =  =  =          2.5
Game Number...........  1  2  3  4  5  6  7     Final Score

Artur Yusupov           =  0  0  1  0  =  =          2.5
Viswanathan Anand       =  1  1  0  1  =  =          4.5
Game Number...........  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  Final Score

Boris Gelfand           =  =  =  1  0  1  =  1       5
Michael Adams           =  =  =  0  1  0  =  0       3
Game Number...........  1  2  3  4  5  6        Final Score

Alexander Khalifman     0  =  0  0  =  0             1
Valery Salov            1  =  1  1  =  1             5
Game Number...........  1  2  3  4  5  6  7     Final Score

Vladimir Kramnik        1  =  =  =  1  =  =          4.5
Leonid Yudasin          0  =  =  =  0  =  =          2.5


************************   1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    TOTAL
Anand, Viswanathan         =    =    1    1    =    0    0    =     4
Kamsky, Gata               =    =    0    0    =    1    1    =     4  *
************************   1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    TOTAL
Gelfand, Boris             =    =    0    1    =    =    =    1     4.5
Kramnik, Vladimir          =    =    1    0    =    =    =    0     3.5
************************   1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    TOTAL
Salov, Valery              0    =    =    1    =    =    1    =     4.5
Timman, Jan                1    =    =    0    =    =    0    =     3.5

* Kamsky qualifies after 2-0 victory in a rapidplay match.

Whereas the Wijk aan Zee Candidates had been set up a long time before
the trip to India was a last minute affair. Anand is a big hero and
although some expressed worry about their health in travelling to India
the matches passed almost without incident. (unlike the semi-final
matches in 1995.) Anand raced to two up with three to play and at
that point the sponsors seemed to say they would sponsor the rest
of the cycle. The expected Anand victory disappeared in a barmy few
days and Kamsky went through, his reputation as a very tough competitor
very much enhanced.


5th - 24th Feb 1995.

Sanghi Nagar India		        1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  TOTAL
Anatoly Karpov  RUS	2765 (2)        =  =  0  1  =  1  1  =  1       6
Boris Gelfand	BLR	2700 (8)        =  =  1  0  =  0  0  =  0       3
                 		        1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  TOTAL
Gata Kamsky	USA	2710 (6)        1  =  1  =  1  1  =             5.5
Valery Salov	RUS	2715 (5)        0  =  0  =  0  0  =             1.5

The split away from FIDE by Kasparov and Short also led to a change in the
rules. The World Champion Anatoly Karpov joined the Candidates at the
semi-final stages and thus was not guaranteed to play in the finals.

Karpov's match was very much tougher than it looked. In the end Gelfand
collapsed but only after losing game 7.

Kamsky drubbed an out of sorts Salov who seemed very distracted by
a controversy during the Sicilian Theme Tournament in Buenos Aires.

We've had to wait well over a year to see the completion of this cycle
in the match that starts only now.

4) Leon International Chess Tournament by Juergen Daniel

In the ninth edition of the "Ciudad de Leon" a new formula has been tried.
The former 10-player GM tournament has been divided in a quadrangular cat
XVII- and a 10-player GM-tournament which reaches cat IX. That enables the
spectators to see top-level chess as well as their local heroes fighting.

In the A-tournament Veselin Topalov and Judith Polgar share the lead with
2,5/4. 3rd is Peter Leko with 2/4, while Miguel Illescas has had a bad
tournament so far and is last with 1/4. The players showed interesting
fighting chess with many decided games, which led to some grave errors.
With two rounds to come Topalov has good possibilities to win just another
important 1996 tournament.

The players followed the Karpow-Kamsky match through the Internet. A
Grandmaster said, that "Karpows play in the second game was only of
club-players level".

In the B-Tournament all three leaders lost their seventh round games.
Tournament organiser !! Marcelino Sion Castro takes the sole lead now with
4,5/7. To score a GM-norm he has to win both last games. Maybe Sion will
be accompanied by Brasilian IM Darcyl Lima. His game against 13-year old
spanish IM Paco Vallejo ended in a horrible time-trouble. Lima protested
against the result and at the moment it's not clear whether the result
will be changed or not.

Additional comment by Mark Crowther. The round one victory of Judit Polgar
against Veselin Topalov was a violent affair. It looks like Topalov
achieved a winning position 35... Rxf1+ 36. Rxf1 Rxc3 looks winning
(a timely Qc1 seems to kill any attacking prospects from White) but
instead 35. ...Qa2?? lost the game immediately.

This event seems to be one two far for Illescas who will be concentrating
in surviving the event. Topalov's blunder in round one seems atypical.
Both players played in Madrid, had two days off, played Dos Hermanas
had two days off and started here. For all I know they may be on the
way somewhere else but somehow I think they are probably due a rest.

Judit played in Dos Hermanas and only Peter Leko is here fresh.

Round 1 (1996.06.04)

Polgar, Judit            - Topalov, Veselin          1-0   36  B71  Sicilian; Dragon
Illescas Cordoba, Miguel - Leko, Peter               0-1   37  A33  English; 1.c4 c5

Round 2 (1996.06.05)

Polgar, Judit            - Illescas Cordoba, Miguel  1-0   41  B33  Sicilian; Sveshnikov
Topalov, Veselin         - Leko, Peter               1-0   65  B33  Sicilian; Sveshnikov

Round 3 (1996.06.06)

Leko, Peter              - Polgar, Judit             1/2   36  B81  Sicilian
Illescas Cordoba, Miguel - Topalov, Veselin          1/2   31  A57  Wolga gambit

Round 4 (1996.06.08)

Topalov, Veselin         - Polgar, Judit             1-0   41  B84  Sicilian
Leko, Peter              - Illescas Cordoba, Miguel  1/2   44  B47  Sicilian

Leon (ESP), VI 1996.                         cat. XVII (2659)
                                        1  2  3  4
1 Polgar, Judit             g HUN 2675 ** 10 =. 1.  2.5  2760
2 Topalov, Veselin          g BUL 2700 01 ** 1. =.  2.5  2747
3 Leko, Peter               g HUN 2625 =. 0. ** 1=  2.0  2661
4 Illescas Cordoba, Miguel  g ESP 2635 0. =. 0= **  1.0  2463

In the B-tournament Marvelino Sion leads with 4.5/7 with two rounds
to go.

Leon (ESP), VI 1996.                                        cat. IX (2464)
                                            1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
 1 Sion Castro, Marcelino       m ESP 2400  * . 1 = = . = = = 1  4.5  2569
 2 De la Villa Garcia, Jesus M  m ESP 2525  . * = = = = 0 1 . 1  4.0  2515
 3 Garcia Ilundain, David       g ESP 2550  0 = * = 1 . = 1 = .  4.0  2503
 4 Strikovic, Aleksa            m YUG 2520  = = = * . 1 1 . 0 =  4.0  2516
 5 Vera, Reynaldo               g CUB 2495  = = 0 . * 1 . = = 1  4.0  2506
 6 Lima, Darcy                  m BRA 2440  . = . 0 0 * 1 0 1 1  3.5  2463
 7 Romero Holmes, Alfonso       g ESP 2425  = 1 = 0 . 0 * 1 . 0  3.0  2415
 8 Vallejo Pons, Francisco      f ESP 2355  = 0 0 . = 1 0 * 1 .  3.0  2420
 9 Danailov, Silvio             m BUL 2455  = . = 1 = 0 . 0 * 0  2.5  2359
10 Izeta Txabarri, Felix        g ESP 2470  0 0 . = 0 0 1 . 1 *  2.5  2363

5) Dutch Chess Championships 1996

My thanks to Patrick Rasenberg and especially to Jeroen van den Berg
who has sent me the games.

The WOLTERS KLUWER started on June 6th. This is the  strongest Dutch
championship ever, cat. XI. (for a Brit this is a little sick
as our Championships are so poorly financed that it would be an
insult to expect our best players to play. They used to play when
the finanaces were merely dreadful, as the British Chess Championship
was quite fun to play.) For the first time since 1987 even Jan
Timman will play. The only player missing is Loek van Wely who will assist
Gata Kamsky in Elista. Jeroen van den Berg is the press-officer for the

The event is well covered on Dutch Teletext, my www page will also have
the games and results as the event progresses.

Round 1 (1996.06.07)

Nijboer, Friso            - Timman, Jan H              1/2   43
Piket, Jeroen             - Sosonko, Gennadi           1/2   44
Van der Sterren, Paul     - Cifuentes Parada, Roberto  1-0   37
Reinderman, Dimitri       - Bosch, Jeroen              1-0   31
Sokolov, Ivan             - Van der Wiel, John T.H     0-1   26
Hendriks, Willy           - Kuijf, Marinus             1/2   18

Round 2 (1996.06.08)

Van der Wiel, John T.H    - Hendriks, Willy            1-0   37
Nijboer, Friso            - Reinderman, Dimitri        1-0   46
Timman, Jan H             - Sosonko, Gennadi           1/2   19
Bosch, Jeroen             - Van der Sterren, Paul      1/2   41
Kuijf, Marinus            - Piket, Jeroen              0-1   41
Cifuentes Parada, Roberto - Sokolov, Ivan              0-1   36

Amsterdam (NED), VI 1996.                                     cat. XI (2520)
                                          1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
 1 Van der Wiel, John T.H     g NED 2535  * . . . . 1 . . . 1 . .  2.0
 2 Nijboer, Friso             g NED 2475  . * . . 1 . . = . . . .  1.5  2750
 3 Piket, Jeroen              g NED 2570  . . * . . . = . . . 1 .  1.5  2685
 4 Van der Sterren, Paul      g NED 2535  . . . * . . . . = . . 1  1.5  2658
 5 Reinderman, Dimitri        m NED 2495  . 0 . . * . . . 1 . . .  1.0  2457
 6 Sokolov, Ivan              g BIH 2665  0 . . . . * . . . . . 1  1.0  2512
 7 Sosonko, Gennadi           g NED 2515  . . = . . . * = . . . .  1.0  2595
 8 Timman, Jan H              g NED 2620  . = . . . . = * . . . .  1.0  2495
 9 Bosch, Jeroen              m NED 2440  . . . = 0 . . . * . . .  0.5  2322
10 Hendriks, Willy              NED 2425  0 . . . . . . . . * = .  0.5  2309
11 Kuijf, Marinus             m NED 2470  . . 0 . . . . . . = * .  0.5  2304
12 Cifuentes Parada, Roberto  g NED 2490  . . . 0 . 0 . . . . . *  0.0

6) Chess Collectors International Meeting by Gerald Schendel

The German members of Chess Collectors International have their annual meeting
with guests from the USA in Walldorf (nearby Heidelberg) at this weekend.

This evening they go to the chess exhibition " Napoleon between power and mate"
in the Racket Center Nussloch. After the dinner in the hotel "Holiday Inn"
(Walldorf) Manfred Eder talks about the roots of the chess.

On saturday, 8 June, the organizer of the chess exhibition, Rainer Grund,
reports about "Napoleon and chess".  Professor Hans Hollander (Aachen) remembers
to "Chess Collectors in former times". Another, interesting topic is the
distinction of real and wrong "Lomonossov"-chess pieces, which were made in 1923
of porcelain in Moscow. 50 sets were produced at that time, more sets however
are at the market today. A collector would pay 20.000-30.000 Marks for an
original set of these chess pieces.

During the lectures and afterwards a "chess market" is held in the hotel
"Holiday Inn" and in the hotel "ambiente" (Walldorf). Several exhibitors present
some interesting exhibits (for example a set of chess pieces which were made
from mammoth ivory).

The chess exhibition in the Racket Center Nussloch can still be visited till
Sunday June 9th. By the way, FIDE world champion Anatoly Karpov has lent some
interesting stamps for this exhibition: Motives from the Hermitage museum in

7) 1st European Chess Club Cup for Women - final '96 by Sinisa Joksic

"Agrouniverzal" and "Merani" celebrate a win 1st European Chess Club
Cup for Women - final '96

           Smederevska Palanka (Yugoslavia) May 31. - June 2.

Second round:

For the classification from 1st to 4th place:

"Merani" - Tbilisi (GEO)  - "Empils" Rostov on Don (RUS)     2:2

g Chiburdanidze Mai  2515 - g Matveeva Svetlana      2480  0.5:0.5
g Gurieli Nino       2360 - g Demina Julia           2355  0.5:0.5
g Khurtsidze Nino    2365 - m Kovalevskaya Ekatarina 2335  0.5:0.5
g Alexandria Nana    2300 - m Stepovaia Tatiana      2385  0.5:0.5

New "Rapid" timerate playoff 30' per player

"Empils"          - "Merani"            1.5:2.5

Matveeva          - Chiburdanidze         0:1
Demina            - Gurieli               0:1
Kovalevskaya      - Khurtsidze          0.5:0.5
Stepovaya         - Alexandria            1:0

"Elberfelder SG 1851"    - "Agrouniverzal" Zemun (JUG)     1.5:2.5

   Wuppertal (GER)

g Ketino,K-G  	2390     - g Maric Alisa             2435    0:1
g Peng Zhaoqin      2410 - g Galiamova Alisa         2480  0.5:0.5
m Fischdick Gisela  2300 - g Maric Mirjana           2280  0.5:0.5
m Olbrih Marina     2285 - m Maksimovic Suzana       2285  0.5:0.5

For the classification from 5th to 8th place:

Grandmaster School Kiev (UKR) - "Rad" Beograd (JUG)          3:1

g Gaponenko Inna      2390 - g Ioseliani Nana         2465   0:1
m Zhukova Natalia     2355 - m Vuksanovic Sanja       2285   1:0
f Vasilievich Tatjana 2270 - m Markovic Gordana       2285   1:0
m Zatonskih Anna      2220 - m Nikolin Zorica         2185   1:0

"Gosa" Smederevska Palanka (JUG) - "Bokstas" Plunge (LIU)    1:3

g Bojkovic Natasa      2400 - m Bagiankaite Kamile      2260 1:0
g Gaprindashvili Non   2380 - m Safranska Anda          2255 0:1
m Petrovic Marija      2260 - m Ciuksyte Dagne          2245 0:1
m Zivkovic Vesna       2165 -   Domarkaite Laima        2180 0:1

Third round:

For the 1st place:

"Merani" Tbilisi (GEO)     - "Agrouniverzal" Zemun (JUG)     2:2

g Chiburdanidze Maia       - g Maric Alisa                 0.5:0.5
g Gurieli Nino             - g Galiamova Alisa             0.5:0.5
g Khurtsidze Nino          - g Maric Mirjana               0.5:0.5
g Alexandria Nana          - m Maksimovic Suzana           0.5:0.5

Two rapid 30' matches finish 2:2. Both were very short and,
according the rules for Eurropen cups there are two winners.

For the 3rd place:

"Empils" Rostov on Don (RUS) - "Elberfelder SG 1851"       1.5:2.5
                                   Wupprtal (GER)

g Matveeva Svetlana     - g Kachiani Gersinska Ketino      0.5:0.5
g Demina Julia          - g Peng Zhaoqin                   0.5:0.5
m Kovalskaya Ekaterina  - m Fischdick Gisela                 1:0
m Stepovaia Tatiana     - m Olbrich Marina                 0.5:0.5

For the 5th place:

"Bokstas" Plunge (LIU)  - Grandmaster School Kiev (UKR)      1:3

m Bagiankaite Kamile    - g Gaponenko Inna                   0:1
m Sarfanska Anda        - m Zhukova Natalia                  1:0
m Ciuksyte Dagne        - f Vasilievich Tatjana              0:1
  Domarkaite Laima      - m Zatonskih Anna                   0:1

For the 7th place:

"Rad" Beograd (JUG)     - "Gosa" Smederevska Palanka (JUG) 3.5:0.5

g Ioseliani Nana       - g Bojkovic Natasa                   1:0
m Vuksanovic Sanja     - g Gaprindashvili Nona               1:0
m Markovic Gordana     - m Petrovic Marija                 0.5:0.5
m Nikolin Zorica       - m Zivkovic Vesna                    1:0

Final standing:

1. - 2. "Agrouniverzal" Zemun (JUG) and "Merani" Tbilisi (GEO)
3. "Empils" Rostov on   Don (RUS)
4. "Elberfelder SG 1851" Wuppertal (GER)
5. Grandmaster School Kiev (UKR)
6. "Bokstas" Plunge (LIU)
7. "Rad" Beogra (JUG)
8. "Gosa" Smederevska Palanka (JUG)

- Teams of "Agrouniverzal" and "Merani" were the best, and earned
the cup. It was pity, that they play their final match, so
friendly, with all drawns. Now they share title of Champion, but
this method is not popular in the chess world, even the respect
between players had been extremly high. Anyway, the organizer has
to change the rules, to get the winner at the end. (In this
moment, for example, it is not clear, who got right to play the
final, in the next Cup? Who will host the next final? etc.)

- Also, the semi-final with eight groups were mistake. There are
not enough teams and, it is better to play in the four semi-final

- Organization can be much better.

8) 1996 Icelandic Championships

GM Helgi Olafsson duely did win the Icelandic Championships of 1996.
He did so ahead of Johann Hjartarson and Margeir Petursson.

There are further details on the Chess in Iceland page of Dadi Jonsson

Round 10 (1996.06.02)

Olafsson, Helgi        - Gunnarsson, Jon Viktor  1-0   57  A11  English; 1.c4
Stefansson, Hannes     - Bjarnason, Saevar       0-1   48  B46  Sicilian
Thorhallsson, Throstur - Hjartarson, Johann      0-1   32  C47  Four knights
Vidarsson, Jon G       - Ulfarsson, Magnus Orn   1/2   59  B51  Sicilian
Jonasson, Benedikt     - Gretarsson, Helgi Ass   1/2   43  C75  Ruy Lopez
Leosson, Torfi         - Petursson, Margeir      0-1   39  A07  Reti (1.Pf3)

Round 11 (1996.06.03)

Hjartarson, Johann     - Stefansson, Hannes      1/2   55  B66  Sicilian
Petursson, Margeir     - Vidarsson, Jon G        1-0   70  A21  English; 1.c4 e5
Gretarsson, Helgi Ass  - Thorhallsson, Throstur  1/2   11  D45  Queen's gambit
Bjarnason, Saevar      - Leosson, Torfi          1-0   41  A04  Reti (1.Pf3)
Ulfarsson, Magnus Orn  - Olafsson, Helgi         1/2   22  B14  Caro-Kann
Gunnarsson, Jon Viktor - Jonasson, Benedikt      0-1   58  B38  Sicilian

Gardabaer (ICE) National Championship Iceland, V-VI 1996.  cat. VI (2386)
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
 1 Olafsson, Helgi         g ISL 2485  * = 1 = = 1 = = 1 1 1 1  8.5  2587
 2 Hjartarson, Johann      g ISL 2570  = * = 0 = 1 1 1 = 1 1 1  8.0  2544
 3 Petursson, Margeir      g ISL 2585  0 = * 1 = 1 0 1 1 1 1 1  8.0  2542
 4 Gretarsson, Helgi Ass   g ISL 2450  = 1 0 * 0 = 1 = = = 1 1  6.5  2445
 5 Stefansson, Hannes      g ISL 2540  = = = 1 * 1 0 0 1 = = 1  6.5  2436
 6 Thorhallsson, Throstur  m ISL 2445  0 0 0 = 0 * = 1 1 1 1 1  6.0  2416
 7 Bjarnason, Saevar       m ISL 2305  = 0 1 0 1 = * 1 0 = 0 1  5.5  2393
 8 Ulfarsson, Magnus Orn     ISL 2290  = 0 0 = 1 0 0 * = 1 = =  4.5  2329
 9 Vidarsson, Jon G        f ISL 2340  0 = 0 = 0 0 1 = * 1 1 0  4.5  2325
10 Jonasson, Benedikt      f ISL 2280  0 0 0 = = 0 = 0 0 * 1 1  3.5  2262
11 Gunnarsson, Jon Viktor    ISL 2180  0 0 0 0 = 0 1 = 0 0 * 1  3.0  2229
12 Leosson, Torfi            ISL 2160  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = 1 0 0 *  1.5  2097

9)  Championships of the Czech Republic by Martin Pribyl

Martin Pribyl managed to make this TWIC issue by seconds! Just a
few minutes after the Czech Republic Championships finished
he sent me the games. I guess he was somewhat disappointed
having had good chances in his first four games.

Turnov - Championship of the Czech Republic, V-VI        cat. VIII (2441)
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2  Tot  S-B
 1 Haba, Petr               m CZE 2455 * 0 = = 1 = 1 1 1 1 1 1  8.5
 2 Votava, Jan              m CZE 2540 1 * = = 0 1 = 1 = 1 1 1  8.0 40.5
 3 Jansa, Vlastimil         g CZE 2500 = = * = 1 = 1 1 = 1 1 =  8.0 40.5
 4 Mokry, Karel             g CZE 2505 = = = * = = 1 = 1 = 0 =  6.0 32.75
 5 Meduna, Eduard           g CZE 2435 0 1 0 = * 1 0 1 = = 1 =  6.0 30.25
 6 Vokac, Marek             m CZE 2455 = 0 = = 0 * 0 = 1 1 1 1  6.0 27.5
 7 Nedela, Vlastimil        m CZE 2445 0 = 0 0 1 1 * 0 = 1 = =  5.0
 8 Stocek, Jiri             m CZE 2465 0 0 0 = 0 = 1 * = 1 0 1  4.5
 9 Oral, Tomas              m CZE 2460 0 = = 0 = 0 = = * 0 1 =  4.0 20.5
10 Orsag, Milan             m CZE 2410 0 0 0 = = 0 0 0 1 * 1 1  4.0 16
11 Bazant, Petr               CZE 2295 0 0 0 1 0 0 = 1 0 0 * 1  3.5
12 Pribyl, Martin           f CZE 2325 0 0 = = = 0 = 0 = 0 0 *  2.5

GM = 8.0   IM = 6.0

IM Petr Haba scored his first, while IM Jan Votava scored his second GM norm.
Haba is for the first time the champion of the Czech Republic. Votava finished
the tournament with 3/3. The game Votava-Haba decided for Votava the silver

The first round: 30.05.1996 15:00 CET
The last round:  09.06.1996 10:00 CET

There were no free days.

First prize was 15.000 Czech crowns.

Table of performance results.

Turnov (CZE), V-VI 1996.                            cat. VIII (2441)
                                  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
 1 Haba, Petr         m CZE 2455  * = 0 = 1 = 1 1 1 1 1 1  8.5  2650
 2 Jansa, Vlastimil   g CZE 2500  = * = = 1 = 1 1 = 1 1 =  8.0  2610
 3 Votava, Jan        m CZE 2540  1 = * = 0 1 = 1 = 1 1 1  8.0  2606
 4 Mokry, Karel       g CZE 2505  = = = * = = 1 = 1 = 0 =  6.0  2471
 5 Meduna, Eduard     g CZE 2435  0 0 1 = * 1 0 1 = = 1 =  6.0  2477
 6 Vokac, Marek       m CZE 2455  = = 0 = 0 * 0 = 1 1 1 1  6.0  2475
 7 Nedela, Vlastimil  m CZE 2445  0 0 = 0 1 1 * 0 = 1 = =  5.0  2404
 8 Stocek, Jiri       m CZE 2465  0 0 0 = 0 = 1 * = 1 0 1  4.5  2373
 9 Oral, Tomas        m CZE 2460  0 = = 0 = 0 = = * 0 1 =  4.0  2337
10 Orsag, Milan       m CZE 2410  0 0 0 = = 0 0 0 1 * 1 1  4.0  2341
11 Bazant, Petr         CZE 2295  0 0 0 1 0 0 = 1 0 0 * 1  3.5  2321
12 Pribyl, Martin     f CZE 2325  0 = 0 = = 0 = 0 = 0 0 *  2.5  2240

10) Tournament Book of the Semi-finals of the Dutch championships on the net

Just a quick correction from last week.

Anjo Anjewierden has made the following available on the net:

The tournament book of the semi-finals of the Dutch championships is
available through ftp at:

This is a zip'ped PostScript file (170314 bytes; 88 pages; A5 format).
The tournament book contains all games and the most important games
analysed by the participants.  The language is Dutch, although the usage
of figurine algebraic and Informant style symbols should give non-Dutch
readers significant clues on the main variations.  Those who cannot
print PostScript can order the book by transferring DFL.  8,50 to
ABN-AMRO bank, account, att. A. Anjewierden, Enschede.
(NB. Printing the PostScript file yourself saves me a lot of hassle!)