THE WEEK IN CHESS 849 14th February 2011 by Mark Crowther

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Mark Crowther
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1) Introduction
2) 10th Aeroflot Open
3) 1st Cento Open
4) 2nd Novy Bor Open
5) 33rd Bulgarian Open
6) WSB Masters
7) 16th Lienz Open 2011
8) Bermuda Open 2011
9) Belarus Championship
10) ch-POL 2011
11) Belarus Women's Championship
12) Turkish Championship 2011
13) Azerbaijan Championships 2011
14) First Saturday February 2011
15) Frauenbundesliga 2010-11
16) Swedish Elitserien 2010-11
17) Dutch League
18) Active Team Events
19) FIDE Respond to London Bid Withdrawal
20) World Championship Candidates Pairings 2011
21) Mato Damjanovic 1927-2011
22) Forthcoming Events and Links

Games Section
10th Aeroflot Open216 games
1st Cento Open297 games
2nd Novy Bor Open22 games
33rd Bulgarian Open40 games
WSB Masters90 games
16th Lienz Open 201155 games
Belarus Championship1 game
ch-POL 201132 games
Belarus Women's Championship45 games
Turkish Championship 20111243 games
Azerbaijan Championships 201166 games
First Saturday February 2011175 games
Dutch League50 games
2302 games

Contact the London Chess Centre
Tel: +44 020-73882404 Fax:+44 020-73882407
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1) Introduction

My thanks to Luiz Roberto Da Costa Jr, Harun Taner, Laszlo Nagy, Miklos Orso, Thomas Henrich, Antonio Castello, Alexander Prokhorov, Dave Clayton, Nigel Freeman, Manfred Mussnig and everyone else who helped with the issue.

The Aeroflot Open is the top event of the week. Last year the surprise winner was Le Quang Liem who went on to do well in the Dortmund tournament that his win got him an invitation to. He hasn't quite managed to live up to those results elsewhere although he had a very decent result in the B-Group of Wijk aan Zee last month. After 6 rounds he leads with 5/6 although there is a big group just a half point further back. Elsewhere there is the usual mix of team, swiss, national championships and all-play-all norm tournaments.

Hope you enjoy this issue.


2) 10th Aeroflot Open

After 6 rounds of the Aeroflot Open Le Quang Liem leads with 5/6 half a point clear of the field. Le won the event last year and it would be truly remarkable if he managed to win yet again but there are three tough rounds to go.

Open A Moscow RUS Mon 7th Feb 2011 - Sat 19th Feb 2011
Leading Round 6 (of 9) Standings:
1Le, Quang LiemGMVIE26641111½½5.02905
2Khismatullin, DenisGMRUS26491½½½114.52841
3Kobalia, MikhailGMRUS26661½11½½4.52827
4Tomashevsky, EvgenyGMRUS2695½111½½4.52809
5Vitiugov, NikitaGMRUS27090111½14.52808
6Kasimdzhanov, RustamGMUZB26811½1½1½4.52768
7Salgado Lopez, IvanGMESP26261½½½1½4.02780
8Bukavshin, IvanFMRUS2458½1½1014.02784
9Jakovenko, DmitryGMRUS2718½11½½½4.02761
10Yu, YangyiGMCHN2607½½01114.02744
11Vachier-Lagrave, MaximeGMFRA2715½½1½½14.02737
12Mamedov, RaufGMAZE26601½1½½½4.02730
13Sandipan, ChandaGMIND2641½101½14.02727
14Zhou, JianchaoGMCHN26551½½1104.02717
15Sjugirov, SananGMRUS26261½0½114.02710
16Ding, LirenGMCHN26280½11½14.02720
17Grachev, BorisGMRUS2660½½1½½14.02688
18Volokitin, AndreiGMUKR2678½1½0114.02689
19Zvjaginsev, VadimGMRUS2660½1½½1½4.02699
20Cheparinov, IvanGMBUL26651½01½14.02679
21Petrosian, Tigran L.GMARM26041½0½½13.52736
22Lenic, LukaGMSLO2613110½½½3.52682
23Dubov, DaniilIMRUS2459½1½½½½3.52706
24Movsesian, SergeiGMARM2721½1½½½½3.52683
25Kurnosov, IgorGMRUS2662½½½1103.52645
26Rodshtein, MaximGMISR2625½101½½3.52643
27Andreikin, DmitryGMRUS26891½0½½13.52625
28Motylev, AlexanderGMRUS2687½½½½½13.52632
29Ni, HuaGMCHN2645½½½1½½3.52644
30Khairullin, IldarGMRUS2640½101½½3.52625
31Vuckovic, BojanGMSRB2623½½½1013.52612
32Ragger, MarkusGMAUT2615½½10½13.52597
33Fedoseev, VladimirIMRUS25051½1½003.02655
34Hess, Robert LGMUSA2572½½1½½03.02677
35Shomoev, AntonGMRUS2557½1100½3.02664
36Grigoryan, AvetikGMARM2595½½10½½3.02663
37Papin, VasilyIMRUS25680½½1103.02662
38Jumabayev, RinatGMKAZ2555½½1½0½3.02656
39Fier, AlexandrGMBRA2571½½½0½13.02625
40Kotsur, PavelGMKAZ2559½0½1103.02646
41Kotronias, VasiliosGMGRE2599½½01013.02631
42Kamsky, GataGMUSA27301½10½03.02641
43Felgaer, RubenGMARG258501½01½3.02624
44Riazantsev, AlexanderGMRUS26891½10½03.02629
45Bocharov, DmitryGMRUS2605½0101½3.02610
46Romanov, EvgenyGMRUS2606½0½1103.02603
47Timofeev, ArtyomGMRUS2681½½1½½03.02588
48Edouard, RomainGMFRA263400½1½13.02536
49Deviatkin, AndreiGMRUS25730½10½13.02552
50Predojevic, BorkiGMBIH2626½0½½1½3.02537
51Khalifman, AlexanderGMRUS2638½½½½½½3.02543
52Lysyj, IgorGMRUS2635½½½½013.02518
53Maletin, PavelGMRUS2621½0½½½13.02500
54Zhou, WeiqiGMCHN2573½½0½102.52614
55Mamedov, NidjatGMAZE2580½½00½12.52572
56Danin, AlexandreIMRUS2538½½½½½02.52581
57El Debs, Felipe de CresceGMBRA2499½½½½0½2.52578
58Kovalenko, IgorIMUKR25151½00012.52549
59Bluvshtein, MarkGMCAN25900101½02.52559
60Mekhitarian, Krikor SevagGMBRA2528½½½0102.52566
61Nechepurenko, Roman V.FMRUS254600½1½½2.52565
62Bologan, ViktorGMMDA2693½½1½002.52515
63Zhao, JunGMCHN2599½0½½012.52528
64Korobov, AntonGMUKR267010010½2.52514
65So, WesleyGMPHI2673½0½½½½2.52507
66Iturrizaga, EduardoGMVEN26110½½0½12.52519
67Savchenko, BorisGMRUS26370½½½012.52488
68Mareco, SandroGMARG2627½0½1½02.52491
69Sutovsky, EmilGMISR2695½½½0½½2.52529
70Novikov, StanislavGMRUS2568001½½02.02507
71Vorobiov, Evgeny E.GMRUS25560½½½½02.02518
72Alsina Leal, DanielGMESP2531½10½002.02508
73Xiu, DeshunCHN250810½0½02.02498
74Oleksienko, MikhailoGMUKR25520½½½0½2.02499
75Zhigalko, AndreyGMBLR25660100½½2.02479
76Huschenbeth, NiclasIMGER2450½½½½002.02488
77Sethuraman, S.P.IMIND2545½0½0½½2.02487
78Paikidze, NaziWGMGEO2455½000½12.02459
79Kosteniuk, AlexandraGMRUS24980½½0102.02478
80Hammer, Jon LudvigGMNOR2647½½00½½2.02423
81Geller, JakovIMRUS2544½0½½001.52432
82Ju, WenjunWGMCHN2514½½00½01.52430
83Roussel-Roozmon, ThomasGMCAN2500½0½0½01.52426
84Pogonina, NatalijaWGMRUS24720001½01.52374
85Khader, SamiIMJOR24500½00½01.02260
86Vocaturo, DanieleGMITA25700½00000.52140
86 players
Open B Moscow RUS Mon 7th Feb 2011 - Sat 19th Feb 2011
Leading Round 6 (of 9) Standings:
1Kotanjian, TigranGMARM2519½111½15.02751
2Laylo, DarwinGMPHI251611½1½15.02728
3Wen, YangGMCHN250911½1½15.02724
4Rogozenco, DorianGMROU2534½1½1115.02706
5Nakhapetiane, PogosFMRUS246911½0114.52654
6Gomez, John PaulGMPHI252711½1104.52662
7Shimanov, AleksandrGMRUS25201½1½½14.52650
8Lenderman, AleksandrGMUSA2549½½11½14.52610
9Belous, VladimirRUS2497½1½½114.52587
10Kabanov, NikolaiGMRUS24821½½1½14.52589
11Gundavaa, BayarsaikhanMGL24931½1½104.02554
12Obolenskikh, DmitryRUS2467½1½1½½4.02593
13Gavrilov, AlexeiGMRUS24841111004.02569
14Kunin, VitalyGMGER2548½½10114.02547
15Zhao, XueGMCHN249411½1½04.02556
16Stupak, KirillIMBLR25271½011½4.02548
17Pridorozhni, AlekseiIMRUS25431001114.02550
18Petrosian, Davit G.GMARM2485½½½1½14.02494
19Bogdanovich, StanislavIMUKR2484½½½1½14.02463
20Batchuluun, TsegmedIMMGL2424½½011½3.52546
21Predke, AlexandrRUS24151010½13.52532
22Gabuzyan, HovhannesARM2380½1½1½03.52567
23Kanter, EduardIMRUS242911½0½½3.52492
24Feuerstack, AljoschaGER24041½½½½½3.52559
25Lu, YijieCHN23111½½10½3.52544
26Matinian, NikitaRUS233910½1013.52537
27Hayrapetian, OvikFMARM23440½01113.52511
28Lou, YipingIMCHN2429½011½½3.52517
29Iljushin, AlexeiGMRUS25271½10½½3.52509
30Dimakiling, OliverIMPHI2432110½013.52469
31Pavlov, SergeyIMUKR2530½1½½103.52499
32Khachiyan, MeliksetGMUSA2518½11½0½3.52488
33Sharafiev, AzatFMRUS246210½1½½3.52483
34Lu, ShangleiCHN2416½010113.52477
35Gabrielian, ArturGMRUS254310011½3.52482
36Smirnov, PavelGMRUS2523½011½½3.52479
37Kuderinov, KirillIMKAZ24691½1½½03.52457
38Panarin, MikhailGMRUS2533½½½½1½3.52468
39Sharavdorj, DashzegveGMMGL24521½½0½13.52466
40Ismagambetov, AnuarGMKAZ24991011½03.52471
41Durarbeyli, VasifGMAZE250410½1½½3.52451
42Karpatchev, AleksandrGMRUS247411½0½½3.52460
43Reshetnikov, AlexeyIMRUS24781½½½103.52444
44Xu, JunGMCHN2494½½½½1½3.52413
45Shukh, NikolaiIMRUS244210½1013.52414
46Barbosa, OliverIMPHI2461½100113.52413
47Badmatsyrenov, OlegFMRUS244900111½3.52379
48Lushenkov, MikhailIMRUS2451½½½½1½3.52371
49Arslanov, ShamilIMRUS236801½½½13.52488
50Korobkov, PiotrUKR24920½½1013.02348
51Abbasifar, HasanFMIRI241101½½013.02465
52Kochetkova, JuliaWGMSVK2311011½½03.02461
53Baghdasaryan, VaheARM23030½01½13.02449
54Sieciechowicz, MarcinIMPOL24411001013.02413
55Stukopin, AndreyIMRUS24621½0½103.02430
56Bitoon, RichardIMPHI24611½0½103.02404
57Shaposhnikov, EvgenyGMRUS2549½½½½½½3.02408
58Bajarani, UlviIMAZE23930½1½013.02394
59Artemiev, VladislavFMRUS2384001½1½3.02385
60Kremenietsky, Anatoly M.IMRUS23720½101½3.02374
61Ulibin, MikhailGMRUS254701½0½13.02378
62Alavkin, ArsenyGMRUS23930½½0113.02383
63Ovetchkin, RomanGMRUS249801½½013.02356
64Krapivin, AlexanderGMRUS24760110½½3.02331
65Romanko, MarinaIMRUS2404½½10103.02504
66Antipov, Mikhail Al.CMRUS23581½10002.52435
67Kalegin, EvgenijIMRUS246211½0002.52400
68Oparin, GrigoriyFMRUS2328½½½½½02.52412
69Kurukin, DmitryRUS231301½1002.52419
70Poetsch, HagenFMGER2408½½010½2.52387
71Korchmar, VasiliyRUS22161½0½½02.52408
72Wang, JueCHN2252½01½0½2.52379
73Guo, QiCHN2310½½½0012.52374
74Tarasova, ViktoriyaWIMRUS22890½½1½02.52368
75Mammadova, Gulnar Marfat qWFMAZE228401½0102.52360
76Khantuev, AlexanderFMRUS234700101½2.52330
77Zilberman, YaacovGMISR2468½1½0½02.52329
78Tunik, GennadyGMRUS2450½½0½½½2.52302
79Wan, YunguoCHN24690½10012.52266
80Hamitevici, VladimirIMMDA24120010½12.52288
81Delemarre, JopIMNED2455½10½½02.52261
82Demianjuk, AlexanderRUS2305½000112.52316
83Zolotukhin, ValeryFMRUS2348½010½02.02377
84Yuferev, OlegRUS236701½½002.02307
85Denisov, LevRUS2337½010½02.02350
86Ivakhinova, InnaWIMRUS23240½½0½½2.02338
87Poghosyan, SurenARM23171½0½002.02338
88Vishnu Prasanna. VIMIND236901½0½02.02302
89Tologontegin, SemeteyFMKGZ23310010102.02275
90Shevelev, ArkadyIMISR23030½½0½½2.02285
91Bajt, IndiraWFMSLO22150½½1002.02286
92Carlstedt, JonathanGER2409½0½0012.02240
93Dolzhykova, KaterynaWIMUKR23030001012.02204
94Filipenko, Alexander VIMRUS2357½0010½2.02235
95Delorme, AxelIMFRA24920½001½2.02182
96Malek, DanielFMGER234010½0001.52253
97Charochkina, DariaWIMRUS23140½01001.52268
98Mansour, SameerFMJOR23180½01001.52222
99Kovanova, BairaWGMRUS23910½½0½01.52175
100Tseshkovsky, VitalyGMRUS25280½00101.52137
101Adamowicz, KatarzynaWFMPOL21030000½11.52118
102Berube, AntoineCAN2146000½0½1.02048
103Oganisjn, RomanRUS2293½0000½1.02115
104Zhelesny, StanislavFMRUS2194000½½01.02018
105Hernandez, AlexanderFMVEN2285½½00001.02151
106Saduakassova, DinaraWFMKAZ2225½000000.51966
106 players
Open C Moscow RUS Mon 7th Feb 2011 - Sat 19th Feb 2011
Leading Round 6 (of 9) Standings:
1Gharagyozian, ArturARM221211½1115.52578
2Simonian, TigranARM22711½11115.52529
3Shahinyan, DavidARM227111½½115.02457
4Jensen, BjarkeDEN22581111105.02471
5Repina, VarvaraWFMRUS22800111115.02371
6Khatoev, EduardRUS227011½½1½4.52349
7Mohannad, FarhanFMJOR223011½½1½4.52359
8Artamonov, ValeryRUS226511½1014.52336
9Pluzyan, AramARM210510111½4.52339
10Khojayan, VardanARM2230½111104.52288
11Apryshko, GlebRUS2277½101114.52265
12Manukyan, Sargis V.ARM222811½0114.52335
13Belyakov, BogdanRUS229311½10½4.02297
14Burtasova, AnnaWGMRUS22941111004.02315
15Barsamian, EduardRUS221311½0½14.02230
16Qu, YanqiaoCHN22001½½½1½4.02176
17Artyushikhin, ValentinFMRUS22831½½½1½4.02272
18Lugovskoy, MaximRUS21361011014.02221
19Bersamina, PauloPHI2059011½1½4.02276
20Poljakov, AleksandrRUS21341½½0114.02203
21Erzhanov, ArmanFMRUS228511½0½14.02242
22Muromtsev, ArthurFMRUS2240½½10114.02174
23Rjanova, ValeryRUS21561011014.02242
24Dzyga, ArtemRUS00101114.02225
25Yakimenko, Alexander A.RUS22070111104.02151
26Kruchev, BorisFMRUS22520101114.02266
27Orlov, Nikolay I.FMRUS225201½11½4.02153
28Petrosyan, ManuelARM20701½00113.52208
29Khazankin, MoiseiUKR21381½11003.52246
30Rasstriguine, AndreiRUS2064½½110½3.52289
31Yeo, Michael JENG218911½½0½3.52164
32Kineva, EkaterinaWFMRUS2120101½103.52136
33Plotkin, VictorCAN223811½0013.52168
34Elishev, IvanRUS2226110½103.52187
35Xu, HuahuaCHN2104101½½½3.52165
36Chubar, VladimirIMUKR2118101½013.52117
37Afshari, MohammadrezaFMIRI218711½0½½3.52165
38Bote Alvarez-Carrasco, ValESP218310½1½½3.52150
39Vetrov, AlexeyRUS2103101½½½3.52141
40Abramov, AndreiRUS2249½½01½13.52096
41Gan-Od, SereenenMGL0011½013.52204
42Tuvsanaa, NyamaaFMMGL22831½00113.52129
43Basencyan, MarkARM2188110½013.52139
44Pranizin, GennadyRUS21591½½0½13.52154
45Sergeev, AndreyRUS20750½½1½13.52097
46Palkovich, DenisFMUKR2219010½113.51960
47Nejadshirazi Mohammad RezaIRI1983½1½1003.02210
48Kharashuta, EkaterinaWIMRUS22961½10½03.02165
49Ginzburg, NatanISR20301010013.02123
50Khachatryan, VahagnIMARM2278½1½½½03.02080
51Enkhtuul, AltanulziiWCMMGL21191110003.02188
52Piatin, OlegRUS20840101013.02042
53Sarana, AlexeyRUS19631000113.02101
54Xu, YiCMCHN2068½½00113.02183
55Nikulin, IliaRUS20321001103.02173
56Tsvetkov, AndreyRUS20320011013.02009
57Van Hoolandt, PatrickFMMNC21581001103.02091
58Chudinovskikh, Alexander MIMRUS2286½½10013.02072
59Bronnikov, KonstantinRUS22650101103.02040
60Tsydypov, ZhamsaranRUS21051001103.02028
61Baskakov, NikolayRUS20090110013.02029
62Sazhinov, AlexanderRUS22501001013.02020
63Ebrahimzadeh, MohammadnaghIRI203201½0½13.02029
64Malachi, AvrahamISR2147½0½1103.01942
65Mindlin, AlonISR2041½½10½02.52145
66Mazaira Alba, Javier I.ESP2083011½002.52103
67Dogodkina, JuliaRUS207010½1002.52202
68Janse, PaulNED21441½01002.52045
69Smirnov, AntonAUS2002½001012.52050
70Nikolaeva, AlexandraWFMRUS2199½011002.51969
71Potyavin, IgorRUS20720½11002.51884
72Abbasov, Zaur Shahin ogluAZE18240010½12.51802
73Faridi, FahamIRI2002½010012.51998
74Elfert, Aleksandr V.IMRUS19990100½12.51919
75Nedochetov, MikhailIMRUS22810½01102.52002
76Kazantsev, ValentinBLR2088010½102.51922
77Piskov, VladimirRUS204600½1102.51873
78Kuznetsov, FiodorRUS19290001½12.51753
79Shustaeva, NataliaWFMRUS21051010002.01432
80Rakhmatulaev, KonstantinUZB19640110002.01953
81Andreev, VolodymyrUKR19391000102.01898
82Anu, BayarMGL19570½½0102.01912
83Sevenyuk, AlexeyBLR1917½100½02.02006
84Lukovski, LevGER19940100102.01903
85Litvinov, MaximRUS1734001½0½2.01895
86Kuzmichev, AlexandrRUS01000012.01906
87Filatov, SemenRUS164901000+2.01751
88Stepanov, Alexey N.RUS00101002.01944
89Bunyadov, TamerlanAZE1866001½0½2.01876
90Saikhanzaya, GanbaatarMGL17040001012.01860
91Khalilova, Khadija GyunduzAZE17020½½0012.01872
92Panaiappan, SIND19600010102.01856
93Polozova, MarinaRUS00010102.01857
94Komov, SergeyRUS1743½000101.51862
95Sly, DougCAN00½10001.51832
96Zilbershtein, VictorISR18560½0+001.51762
97Ershov, AlexanderRUS00010½01.51760
98Kosov, IgorRUS17420½00½½1.51732
99Aliyev, NijatAZE00000+½1.51605
100Garayev, Kanan Farzali oglAZE00001½01.51721
101Sabahifard, ArashIRI178000100-1.01827
102Mikhteev, MaximRUS197500000+1.01129
103Absoliamov, JavdayRUS18340001001.01289
104De Luna Butz, AlbertoESP18140000101.01690
105Abuzov, AnvarRUS177600½---0.51812
106Matsumoto, KenshinJPN15840000000.01160
106 players

3) 1st Cento Open

The 1st Cento Open saw Alexei Dreev take first place from Alberto David and Roland Salvador on tie-break after all finished with 7/9.

1st Open Cento ITA Sat 5th Feb 2011 - Sun 13th Feb 2011
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Dreev AlekseyGMRUS26947.048.5053.002474.78
2David AlbertoGMLUX25807.048.0052.502423.00
3Salvador RolandGMPHI25337.045.5050.002374.44
4Delchev AleksanderGMBUL26296.548.0052.502461.33
5Korneev OlegGMRUS25766.546.5051.002377.00
6Sokolov IvanGMNED26576.544.0048.502385.44
7Rozentalis EduardasGMLTU25886.543.5047.002294.11
8Godena MicheleGMITA25416.542.5046.502307.22
9Danielian ElinaGMARM24546.051.0055.002483.67
10Romanishin Oleg MGMUKR25346.048.0052.502413.89
11Manca FedericoIMITA23846.047.0050.502367.00
12Piscopo PierluigiIMITA24066.046.0050.002378.11
13Naumkin IgorGMRUS24996.045.5050.002337.33
14Mogranzini RobertoIMITA24256.045.5048.502374.22
15Brunello SabinoGMITA25406.044.0049.002328.00
16Solomon KennyIMRSA24256.043.5047.002327.44
17Ansell Simon TIMENG24236.043.0046.502303.11
18Lekic DusanIMMNE23896.040.0044.002232.67
19Jakovljevic VladoIMBIH23946.040.0043.502208.33
20Fierro Baquero MarthIMECU23535.544.5048.502369.44
21Collutiis DuilioIMITA24635.544.5048.002352.22
22Bruno FabioIMITA24365.544.0047.502332.44
23Leon Hoyos ManuelGMMEX25655.543.5048.002293.78
24Drasko MilanGMMNE24865.543.5047.502323.00
25Dvirnyy DaniyylIMITA24805.543.0046.002307.44
26Borgo GiulioIMITA24015.543.0046.002297.44
27Cocchi AndreaFMITA22815.542.0045.502261.44
28Gromovs SergejsFMITA22845.541.5044.502261.11
29Simonian HrairGMARM24755.541.0044.502234.89
30Scalcione MichelangeFMITA23445.540.0043.502234.44
31Malloni Marcello-MITA22855.540.0043.502228.22
32Casadei Mauro--ITA21665.539.0042.502216.89
33Campini Marco--ITA20865.537.0039.502057.78
34Caprio Guido-MITA22725.048.0052.002408.78
35De Santis AlessioFMITA22895.045.0048.502312.56
36Valguarnera Girolamo-MITA21645.041.0044.502200.00
37Boscolo Meneguolo FeCMITA21965.041.0043.002221.67
38Mueer Sebastian--GER21895.040.5043.002223.22
39De Andres Gonalons F--ESP20845.039.0042.002184.44
40Urosevic Goran--SRB22285.038.0041.002174.22
41Govoni Fausto-MITA22035.035.5038.502077.11
42Calavalle Giulio-MITA22375.035.5038.002079.22
43Brunello MarinaWIMITA21554.544.0048.002290.67
44Bove AlessandroFMITA23654.543.5047.502327.44
45Lagrotteria Salvator-MITA21834.540.5041.002180.78
46Caruso AugustoMITA22564.540.0043.002270.89
47Molina FabrizioFMITA22364.540.0042.502201.44
48La Bella RobertoCMITA21384.539.5042.502195.11
49Buriani AndreaCMITA21714.539.5042.002155.78
50Yurenok Maria SWFMENG20924.539.0042.502179.22
51Bentivegna FrancescoFMITA23484.538.5042.002183.78
52Lapenna AntonioCMITA21374.538.5041.502151.89
53Umudova NargizWIMAZE22464.538.5041.502135.44
54Zoldan MatteoCMITA21954.538.5040.002156.11
55Baldazzi StefanoCMITA21804.537.0039.002161.78
56Frigieri FabrizioCMITA21614.536.0039.502138.11
57De Florio Federico-MITA21964.536.0038.002021.33
58Astengo Corrado-MITA21464.533.5036.502062.33
59Sorbera GiovanniCMITA21354.039.0042.502211.33
60Arnetta Maria TeresaWFMITA20714.039.0042.002156.22
61Damia AngeloFMITA23604.038.0041.002193.22
62Valenti GiuseppeFMITA21334.036.5039.502003.11
63Gaspari Mauro1NITA19514.036.5038.502013.22
64Bossoni MarioCMITA19524.035.5038.502103.67
65Burani EugenioCMITA18744.033.0035.001997.44
66Monducci MirkoCMITA19254.033.0035.001971.11
67Castellano AlfonsoCMITA19284.032.5034.501960.44
68Cavatorta FoscoCMITA19174.030.5032.501955.89
69ALBINELLI Alberto1NITA18174.029.0031.001920.78
70Litrico Paolo1NITA19543.539.5042.502153.67
71Vezzani Stefano (W)CMITA21683.539.0042.502107.67
72Colonnello Piero1NITA19343.538.5040.502015.22
73Setti Roberto1NITA19393.535.5038.502026.11
74Modder Frank--GER19263.534.5037.001995.22
75Vezzelli Francesco1NITA19053.534.0036.502094.11
76NECESITO DonaldNCPHI14373.533.5036.502032.33
77Roversi StefanoCMITA18853.533.0035.001963.89
78Gioga Michele2NITA16823.532.0035.001970.89
79Vesce Emanuele1NITA18753.532.0034.001923.78
80Cardani RobertoCMITA19473.530.0032.001900.89
81Bonetti CarloCMITA19153.529.0029.501852.11
82Castelli Antonio2NITA16843.527.5028.001868.78
83Pierangeli AndreaCMITA19643.032.0035.001980.33
84Carletti Davide M.2NITA17023.031.5034.001948.11
85Guidi Marco1NITA18673.030.5033.001936.11
86Pelyushenko Vladysla1NITA17843.030.0030.501961.89
87MASTROSTEFANO Ennio2NITA14783.027.0027.501790.67
88Nanni Sergio1NITA16933.023.5024.001791.78
89Binder Andrea (W)1NITA19152.534.5037.001977.89
90NONNI Alessio (W)1NITA19242.534.5036.502013.78
91Martinez Guido (W)CMITA19262.532.0032.501936.89
92Gulinelli Euro2NITA16132.530.0033.001879.89
93Pasqualetto Lorenzo2NITA16912.530.0031.501890.44
94Bruno Elio2NITA16712.529.0031.001852.22
95Proietti Tosca1NITA18182.527.5029.001811.89
96Traversi CarloCMITA16612.526.5027.001836.33
97Pistone Salvatore1NITA16852.524.5025.001805.11
98Madani Kamran (W)--IRI22422.035.0038.002184.11
99Maietti Luca (W)CMITA19452.033.0034.502003.00
100Denozza Mauro2NITA16722.028.0029.501822.56
101Mastrostefano Dante2NITA16652.025.0027.001783.11
102Castaldini Marzia2NITA16180.525.5028.001778.78
102 players

4) 2nd Novy Bor Open

The Novy Bor Open takes place 12th-20th February 2011.

2nd Open Novy Bor CZE Sat 12th Feb 2011 - Sat 19th Feb 2011
Leading Round 2 (of 9) Standings:
1Klima LukasIMCZE23962.00.02.02
Kozak MilosFMCZE22202.00.02.02
Kucera PetrCZE22042.00.02.02
Bartos JanFMCZE22032.00.02.02
Moloney Nicholas RENG22022.00.02.02
Dalecky BretislavCZE21532.00.02.02
7Simacek PavelIMCZE24692.00.01.02
Golcman EvgenyRUS22982.00.01.02
Baciu DianaWFMMDA21312.00.01.02
Cukrowski FilipPOL20232.00.01.02
Voelz StephanGER19502.00.01.02
12Oresky JanCZE22131.50.02.51
Vorobyov YrijFMUKR22031.50.02.51
Bores RomanCZE21431.50.02.51
Polak BenediktCZE21381.50.02.51
Paldus PetrCZE20781.50.02.51
Horyna JosefCZE19071.50.02.51
18Wieczorek OskarPOL23301.50.02.01
Sedlacek JiriCZE20311.50.02.01
Vyprachticky DavidCZE19801.50.02.01
21Vrana JanFMCZE23481.50.01.51
Mickiewicz PiotrPOL23441.50.01.51
Wojtczak MaciejPOL22301.50.01.51
Navratil-Sen. JiriCZE21201.50.01.51
Prudek JiriCZE20971.50.01.51
Krtous ZdenekCZE20081.50.01.51
Kulas SzymonPOL19381.50.01.51
Machan JanCZE19041.50.01.51
29Perdek MiroslawFMPOL22451.50.01.01
30Latas BoguslawPOL22851.00.03.01
Iwanow AnnaWFMPOL20971.00.03.01
Jiruse JosefCZE20681.00.03.01
Simon PetrCZE17761.00.03.01
34Senkyr VladimirCZE21601.00.02.51
Tryhuba JaroslavCZE01.00.02.51
36Lasek FrantisekCZE18601.00.02.50
Gajdamowicz PatrickPOL16611.00.02.50
38Cakl ZdenekCZE21161.00.02.01
86 players

5) 33rd Bulgarian Open

33rd Bulgarian Open (Georgi Tringov Memorial) took place 30th January - 6th February 2011. Atanas Kolev won the event with 8/9. Games from the final two rounds are now available.

33rd Bulgarian Open Plovdiv BUL Sun 30th Jan 2011 - Sun 6th Feb 2011
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1 5Kolev AtanasGMBUL25758.044.056.5
2 22Arsovic ZoranIMSRB24457.544.056.5
3 21Smith Bryan GIMUSA24587.043.056.0
4 3Georgiev VladimirGMMKD25797.042.055.0
5 7Jianu Vlad-CristianGMROU25397.041.553.0
6 14Grigorov GrigorIMBUL24987.041.052.5
7 1Spasov VasilGMBUL25907.040.552.5
8 11Tadic BrankoGMSRB25187.040.051.5
9 8Nevednichy VladislavGMROU25367.040.051.5
10 9Petrov MarijanGMBUL25357.039.050.5
11 29Lilov ValeriFMBUL24026.542.553.0
12 2Radulski JulianGMBUL25906.541.554.5
13 10Drenchev PetarIMBUL25216.540.552.0
14 4Nikolov MomchilGMBUL25776.540.551.5
15 19Berescu Alin-MileGMROU24766.540.549.5
16 6Szabo Gergely-Andras-GyulaGMROU25426.540.051.0
17 25Cioara Andrei-NestorIMROU24276.540.050.5
18 26Georgiev KrumGMBUL24246.539.550.0
19 24Enchev IvajloFMBUL24326.539.549.5
20 23Nikolov SashoIMBUL24406.538.049.0
21 45Bonev TodorBUL22976.537.548.5
22 64Mishev LiubomirBUL21886.537.548.5
23 34Kukov VelislavFMBUL23786.537.548.5
24 57Livaja MarioSRB22336.536.547.0
25 13Petkov VladimirGMBUL25066.535.044.5
26 36Kadric DenisBIH23566.041.553.0
27 35Filev GeorgiFMBUL23676.041.053.5
28 27Dimitrov RadoslavIMBUL24096.041.052.5
29 20Bratanov ZsivkoIMBUL24676.040.552.0
30 63Todorov MomchilBUL21906.040.550.5
31 15Antic DejanGMSRB24956.040.050.5
32 30Dobrev NankoIMBUL23996.039.551.0
33 31Arsovic GoranIMSRB23996.039.550.5
34 33Spassov LiubenGMBUL23816.039.050.0
35 44Todorov OgnjanIMBUL23006.039.050.0
36 95Liodakis Konstantinos-SpyrosGRE20376.039.049.5
37 28Mrdja MilanIMCRO24066.038.550.5
38 50Gochev MladenBUL22696.038.550.0
39 12Miron Lucian-CostinIMROU25096.038.549.0
40100Manelidou MariaGRE20116.038.548.5
41 17Arnaudov G PetarIMBUL24896.037.048.0
42 46Raeva ElitsaWIMBUL22976.037.046.5
43 73Yordanova SvetlaWIMBUL21566.036.547.0
44 62Dimov KirilBUL21946.036.047.5
45 58Dagkakis PanagiotisGRE22326.036.047.0
46 54Ionica Iulia-IonelaWGMROU22486.035.546.0
47 53Popov PetarIMBUL22496.035.044.0
48 87Dinter BrianCRO20856.034.545.5
49 74Milchev MiroslavBUL21516.034.042.0
50 61Ivanov BorislavBUL22016.033.544.5
51 52Angelov KostaIMBUL22526.032.542.0
52 76Vachev VladimirFMBUL21416.032.542.0
53102Kakousatze IliasGRE20026.032.541.0
54 48Videnova IvaWIMBUL22845.542.052.5
55 39Vutov MarioBUL23415.541.052.0
56 60Andreev SashoBUL22285.541.051.5
57 37Vasilev Vasil AleksandrovBUL23495.539.051.0
58 41Galunov TodorFMBUL23335.538.549.5
59 72Stoilov AtanasBUL21575.537.546.0
60 55Panayotov YankoBUL22435.536.547.0
61 49Stoinev MetodiBUL22785.536.546.5
62 78Gocheva RumianaWIMBUL21155.535.546.0
63 67Elez NikolaSRB21705.535.545.5
64 81Nikolov JordanBUL21015.535.545.5
65 83Savkov PavelBUL20915.535.544.5
66 99Danov LyubomirBUL20195.535.544.0
67 86Ninov DayanBUL20855.535.045.5
68 69Janchev PetarBUL21615.535.044.5
69 47Vojinovic JovanaWGMMNE22895.534.545.0
70 56Ivanov Stojan EmilovBUL22415.534.545.0
71278Vukmirovic NenadSRB 05.534.544.5
72 77Stojanov AlexandarBUL21205.534.044.0
73 65Giretti Kanev JasenITA21855.534.044.0
74 92Zlatanova EmiliaWIMBUL20495.533.042.0
75 51Veleski RobertMKD22685.532.542.5
76 42Voiska MargaritaWGMBUL23135.532.542.0
77145Ivanova GerganaBUL17865.532.043.0
78 96Bratimirova DimitrinkaBUL20355.532.042.0
79193Slavov JankoBUL20065.532.039.5
80 97Veselinov DimchoBUL20225.531.540.5
81 16Nedev TrajkoGMMKD24905.041.052.0
82 32Pantev VeselinFMBUL23875.039.550.0
83 38Stamenkov VancoIMMKD23465.039.050.0
84 43Nikolova AdrianaWIMBUL23115.038.549.5
85 84Pantovic Dragan MSRB20895.037.048.0
86 70Mladenov EmilBUL21615.036.045.5
87101Papakonstantinou DimitriosGRE20065.036.045.0
88 75Stoyanov Stoyan HBUL21515.035.546.0
89162Darakchiev ManolBUL17015.035.545.5
90110Vatkali DimitraGRE19695.035.544.5
91 68Petrovski IgorMKD21655.035.045.0
92 94Kirchev KrasimirBUL20475.035.044.0
93 85Dimitrov MarinBUL20875.035.043.5
94 93Sofranov VelizarBUL20475.034.543.5
95133Ivanova SimonetaBUL18385.034.041.5
96142Malgarinos SpiridonGRE17955.033.544.0
97 88Petkov HristoBUL20775.033.544.0
98 80Sirkova DarenaBUL21025.033.543.5
99 89Asparuhov ParvanBUL20685.033.543.0
100107Manelidis SavvasGRE19785.033.542.0
279 players

6) WSB Masters

The WSB GM Masters in Wroclaw was won by Lukasz Butkiewicz with 6/9. The IM event saw Kamil Stachowiak and Michal Matuszewski finish on 6.5/9.

WSB GM Wroclaw POL Mon 27th Dec 2010 - Sun 2nd Jan 2011. Category: 8. Ave: (2444)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts TPR
1 Butkiewicz, Lukasz POL 2408 # = 0 = = = 1 1 1 1 6 2573
2 Kravtsiv, Martyn GM UKR 2566 = # 1 = = = = = = 1 5.5 2510
3 Piorun, Kacper IM POL 2513 1 0 # 1 0 = 1 = = 1 5.5 2516
4 Baryshpolets, Andrey IM UKR 2474 = = 0 # 1 = = 1 1 = 5.5 2520
5 Golichenko, Ilija IM UKR 2417 = = 1 0 # = = = 1 1 5.5 2527
6 Grabarczyk, Miroslaw GM POL 2438 = = = = = # = = = = 4.5 2444
7 Simacek, Pavel IM CZE 2469 0 = 0 = = = # 0 1 1 4 2398
8 Wieczorek, Oskar POL 2330 0 = = 0 = = 1 # 0 = 3.5 2376
9 Talla, Vladimir GM CZE 2452 0 = = 0 0 = 0 1 # = 3 2318
10 Sadzikowski, Daniel POL 2371 0 0 0 = 0 = 0 = = # 2 2232
WSB IM Wroclaw POL Mon 27th Dec 2010 - Sun 2nd Jan 2011. Category: 3. Ave: (2321)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts TPR
1 Stachowiak, Kamil POL 2404 # 1 0 = = 1 1 = 1 1 6.5 2477
2 Matuszewski, Michal POL 2361 0 # 1 = 1 = = 1 1 1 6.52482
3 Malinovsky, Karel FM CZE 2339 1 0 # = = 0 1 1 = 1 5.5 2398
4 Luch, Michal IM POL 2387 = = = # = = = = 1 1 5.5 2393
5 Plat, Vojtech IM CZE 2422 = 0 = = # = 1 1 0 1 5 2352
6 Kalinin, Oleg IM UKR 2376 0 = 1 = = # = = = 1 5 2357
7 Stoma, Pawel POL 2351 0 = 0 = 0 = # = 1 1 4 2274
8 Kalinina, Olga WIM UKR 2222 = 0 0 = 0 = = # 1 1 4 2288
9 Kocwin, Bartosz FM POL 2270 0 0 = 0 1 = 0 0 # = 2.5 2160
10 Walentukiewicz, Michal CM POL 2073 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = # 0.5 1904

7) 16th Lienz Open 2011

The 16th Lienz Open takes place 12th-19th February 2011.

16th Open Lienz AUT Sat 12th Feb 2011 - Sat 19th Feb 2011
Leading Round 3 (of 9) Standings:
1Popovic DusanGMSRB25573.
Lanka ZigurdsGMLAT24683.
Krejci JanIMCZE24433.
Tabernig BernhardFMAUT23063.
5Radulski JulianGMBUL25903.
Tratar MarkoGMSLO24823.
Okhotnik VladimirIMFRA24283.
Csonka AttilaFMHUN23783.
Schnider GertFMAUT23493.
Zozulia AnnaIMBEL23473.
11Sebenik MatejIMSLO25263.
12Meijers ViestursGMLAT24633.
13Sedlak NikolaGMSRB25563.
Bergez LucIMFRA24113.
15Higatsberger Michael Ddr.AUT21753.
16Dietmayer-Kraeutler MarcoFMAUT22372.
17Gaponenko InnaIMUKR24662.
Chetverik MaximIMRUS23062.
Waldmann GeraldAUT22112.
Stuetzner EmanuelGER19782.
21Malakhatko VadimGMBEL25462.
22Petrov MarijanGMBUL25352.
Lechner DanielAUT21592.
24Sadilek PeterAUT21762.
25Weinwurm Wolfgang Dr.MKAUT22012.
26Testor SebastianFMAUT23652.
Hartl DanielAUT22422.
28Guivan VasilyUKR21952.
29Kreisl RobertIMAUT23982.
Heinig Wolfram DrFMGER23232.
Semenova IrinaWGMRUS22522.
Krejci JanCZE21782.
33Schmittdiel EckhardGMGER24922.
34Loberg Jo KristianNOR19502.
35Wallner JoachimFMAUT22902.
Leitner Gerald Di.AUT22242.
37Kelecevic NedeljkoIMSUI22812.
Aschenbrenner RobertFMAUT22292.
Wertjanz DavidAUT22012.
Gorgs AlfredGER21882.
41Diermair AndreasIMAUT23872.
Unterreiner ManuelAUT20572.
Frank EmanuelAUT19622.
44Fröwis AnnikaAUT19722.
45Bodner AlfredAUT19982.
46Kwapinski LeszekDEN20132.
47Dimitrov AtanasIMGRE23552.
Bernard JacquesFRA22252.
Burschowsky MatthiasAUT22082.
Wiedermann DanielNMAUT21882.
Diotallevi MaurizioITA20532.
52Schöpf PatrickAUT02.
53Hiermann DietmarFMAUT22802.
Jacso AdamHUN22352.
55Zankl ThomasGER21192.
56Borsos BogdanIMUKR22982.
Neff Gregor Ing.AUT21672.
Mazet JulienFRA21512.
Tegzes LaszloHUN21002.
Bozinovic BobanCMAUT20882.
Frühauf Norbert Ing.AUT20812.
Lang Josef Jun.AUT20662.
Wiesend Bruno Dr.GER20652.
64Franz KarstenGER22232.
Besner BernhardGER21902.
Zojer ThomasMKAUT20932.
Steiner Karl Dr.AUT20912.
Barbulowic NikolaAUT17962.
69Mueller MarcusGER21592.
217 players

8) Bermuda Open 2011

The traditional Bermuda Open took place 11th-13th February 2011. Players tend to return to this event as it is in one of the nicest places to play chess in the world. There was a big tie for first with 4/5 between GMs Pascal Charbonneau, Larry Christiansen, Nick DeFirmian, Alexander Ivanov and IM Dmitri Schneider. Larry Christiansen took first place after a blitz playoff.

9) Belarus Championship

The Belarus Championship took place in Minsk 12th-24th January 2011. Andrei Zhigalko edged out Sergei Zhigalko on tie-break after both finished on 9.5/12. One more game is now available than was published in TWIC 847.

ch-BLR 2011 Minsk BLR Wed 12th Jan 2011 - Mon 24th Jan 2011. Category: 9. Ave: (2460)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Pts TPR
1 Zhigalko, Andrey GM BLR 2566 # = = 1 = 1 1 1 = = 1 1 1 9.5 2681
2 Zhigalko, Sergei GM BLR 2671 = # = = 1 = = 1 1 1 1 1 1 9.5 2672
3 Fedorov, Alexei GM BLR 2593 = = # = = = = 1 1 1 = 1 1 8.5 2607
4 Lomako, Pavel IM BLR 2400 0 = = # 1 1 = = = = = = 1 7 2522
5 Teterev, Vitaly GM BLR 2539 = 0 = 0 # = = = 1 = 1 1 1 7 2510
6 Stupak, Kirill IM BLR 2527 0 = = 0 = # = = = 1 1 1 1 7 2511
7 Gorovets, Andrey FM BLR 2408 0 = = = = = # = = = = 1 1 6.5 2493
8 Tihonov, Jurij GM BLR 2474 0 0 0 = = = = # 1 0 = = 1 5 2402
9 Meribanov, Vitaly BLR 2262 = 0 0 = 0 = = 0 # = = 1 1 5 2420
10 Smirnov, Valerij IM BLR 2356 = 0 0 = = 0 = 1 = # 0 = = 4.5 2382
11 Podolchenko, Evgeniy GM BLR 2516 0 0 = = 0 0 = = = 1 # 1 0 4.5 2368
12 Popova, Natalija WIM BLR 2315 0 0 0 = 0 0 0 = 0 = 0 # = 2 2199
13 Lutsko, Igor GM BLR 2353 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = 1 = # 2 2196

10) ch-POL 2011

The Polish Championships for Men and Women take place in Warsaw 12th-20th February 2011.

ch-POL Warsaw POL Sat 12th Feb 2011 - Sun 20th Feb 2011
Leading Round 2 (of 9) Standings:
15Bartel, MateuszGM26172012
21Wojtaszek, RadoslawGM27261.502.51
23Macieja, BartlomiejGM26361.502.51
48Gajewski, GrzegorzGM25691.501.51
49Mista, AleksanderGM25651.501.51
410Jaracz, PawelGM25431.501.51
411Swiercz, DariuszGM25401.501.51
815Jakubowski, KrzysztofGM25021031
919Staniszewski, PiotrIM2407102.50
920Kanarek, MarcelIM2405102.50
116Miton, KamilGM26161020
1117Krysztofiak, MarcinIM24491020
1312Olszewski, MichalGM2532101.51
1314Piorun, KacperIM2513101.51
152Socko, BartoszGM2660101.50
157Kempinski, RobertGM2600101.50
174Markowski, TomaszGM26251011
1813Tazbir, MarcinIM25270.502.50
1818Dragun, KamilIM24320.502.50
2016Pakleza, ZbigniewIM24950030
2121Sadzikowski, Danielm2389002.50
2122Stoma, Pawelm2342002.50
22 players
ch-POL w Warsaw POL Sat 12th Feb 2011 - Sun 20th Feb 2011. Category: 2. Ave: (2299)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts TPR
1 Socko, Monika GM POL 2489 # = 1 1.5 2510
2 Worek, Joanna WIM POL 2274 # 1 = 1.5 2487
3 Zawadzka, Jolanta WGM POL 2371 # = 1 1.5 2439
4 Majdan-Gajewska, Joanna WGM POL 2359 = # = 1 2331
5 Toma, Katarzyna WIM POL 2238 = # = 1 2272
6 Lach, Aleksandra WFM POL 2172 = = # 1 2299
7 Jaracz, Barbara WGM POL 2274 0 # 1 1 2355
8 Dworakowska, Joanna IM POL 2334 0 # 1 1 2247
9 Szczepkowska-Horowska, Karina WGM POL 2254 = 0 # 0.5 2130
10 Kulon, Klaudia WFM POL 2220 0 0 # 0 2304

11) Belarus Women's Championship

The Belarus Women's Championship was won by Anna Sharevich with 6.5/9 half a point clear of the field.

ch-BLR Women 2011 Minsk BLR Sun 16th Jan 2011 - Mon 24th Jan 2011. Category: None. Ave: (2098)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts TPR
1 Sharevich, Anna WGM BLR 2332 # = 1 = = 0 1 1 1 1 6.5 2238
2 Ziaziulkina, Nastassia WIM BLR 2301 = # 1 0 1 = 1 = = 1 6 2201
3 Eidelson, Rakhil WGM BLR 2245 0 0 # 1 1 1 = = 1 1 6 2207
4 Kusenkova, Natallia BLR 2026 = 1 0 # = 0 = 1 1 1 5.5 2186
5 Stetsko, Lanita FM BLR 2142 = 0 0 = # 1 = 1 1 1 5.5 2173
6 Revo, Tatiana BLR 2031 1 = 0 1 0 # 0 = 1 = 4.5 2106
7 Homiakova, Elena WFM BLR 2157 0 0 = = = 1 # 0 1 1 4.5 2092
8 Bogdan, Ekaterina BLR 1991 0 = = 0 0 = 1 # 1 = 4 2067
9 Morgaenko, Ekaterina BLR 1828 0 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 1 1.5 1855
10 Malatsilava, Volha BLR 1930 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 = 0 # 1 1766

12) Turkish Championship 2011

The Turkish Championship took place in Antalya 4th-14th February 2011. Emre Can took clear first place with 8.5/10 half a point clear of the field. IM Arduman did daily videos at:

ch-TUR 2011 Antalya TUR Fri 4th Feb 2011 - Mon 14th Feb 2011
Leading Final Round 10 Standings:
1Can EmreGMTUR248360½55½55,00
2Yilmaz MustafaIMTUR2477866½6054,25
3Topak EnginTUR2273865½6053,25
4Esen BarisGMTUR2533864½58½53,50
5Erdogdu Aziz MertIMTUR24178605549,50
6Ali Marandi Cemil CanFMTUR2180858½53½47,00
7Ozkan ErvinTUR221360½54½48,50
8Karatekin TamerFMTUR2268595445,75
9Yilmazyerli MertFMTUR23225853½45,00
10Dastan Muhammed BatuhanTUR2147585346,75
11Bozkurt Ilker NadiTUR210954½5040,25
12Sanal VahapCMTUR220653½48½43,75
13Haznedaroglu KivancGMTUR245652½47½42,00
14Erdogan HakanFMTUR223476256½44,00
15Keler FarukTUR22197625643,00
16Secer AtaFMTUR2346761½55½43,50
17Ertan CanTUR2186759½54½41,50
18Ozturk KubraWIMTUR226675953½42,75
19Firat BurakIMTUR2392758½5341,75
20Emiroglu CankutTUR2176758½5341,50
21Simsek CevdetTUR204275853½40,75
22Donmez YusufTUR21137575241,00
23Dogan Ali EkberTUR20997575240,75
24Duman AydinTUR220175751½41,75
25Ataman Alper EfeFMTUR21957555039,00
26Yuksel Atilla KoksalCMTUR2029754½49½38,75
27Yelken MustafaTUR2025753½4936,50
28Uzunoglu Efe KeremTUR2052753½48½40,00
29Alper MetinTUR2034753½48½37,00
30Ersahin BulentTUR2176752½4838,75
31Erturan YakupIMTUR2367751½4735,50
32Kerigan DemreTUR213463½5840,75
33Yurtseven MelihTUR19986357½42,75
34Isik Engin YasarTUR219159½54½38,50
35Afyoncu OmerTUR21165852½38,75
36Unver CumaliTUR200257½5239,25
37Yildiz Betul CemreWIMTUR22375752½36,75
38Demir ZekiTUR19425752½36,00
39Karagollu AhmetTUR1957565234,00
40Korkmaz NecmettinTUR21865651½34,75
41Seyhanoglu DenizTUR206155½50½36,00
42Deviren ErdiTUR185754½50½35,00
43Sipahioglu IrmakTUR210054½5035,00
44Bitirgen BilentTUR17985348½31,75
45Ererdem Gani ErenTUR194452½4932,25
46Sari SerdarTUR200252½48½33,00
47Buker MuhittinTUR208751½46½34,25
48Arat Ufuk SezenTUR202850½46½33,75
49Gurel Ahmet UnalTUR2008504631,00
50Kilic IhsanTUR2069504630,50
51Severcan Sedat SabriTUR200649½4532,25
52Kose SerkanTUR21834843½34,00
53Sakalli MustafaTUR205946½4330,25
54Coban Mete SadikTUR191642½3927,50
55Aydogdu AtamanTUR2062657½5233,25
56Bolat AhmetTUR20606565231,75
57Ertan OktayTUR1941655½50½32,00
Ceylan MetinTUR1904655½50½32,00
59Sumer GunTUR1807654½50½30,50
60Aysoy VeysiTUR1868654½5033,75
61Ozalp BurakTUR185165449½31,00
62Cakiroglu MetinTUR1697653½5028,75
63Kartal KorayTUR2022653½4931,75
64Ozturk HilalTUR172765248½27,00
65Yargici Mazhar KutayTUR19056524829,50
66Sahin SenolTUR19716524826,50
67Guven BarisTUR1809651½4731,25
68Ozsarilar Osman NuriTUR6514728,50
69Buyukasik DiyapTUR203565146½29,50
70Canbulan ArdaTUR1759650½4628,50
262 players

13) Azerbaijan Championships 2011

The Championships of Azerbaijan takes place in Baku 21st-31st January 2011. Nidjat Mamedov won with 8/11. Games now available.

ch-AZE 2011 Baku AZE Fri 21st Jan 2011 - Mon 31st Jan 2011
Leading Final Round 11 Standings:
1Mamedov NidjatGMAZE25808.0541.000.0
2Bagirov RufatGMAZE24717.0632.500.0
3Guseinov GadirGMAZE25916.5532.500.0
4Durarbeyli VasifGMAZE25046.5433.500.0
5Mirzoev AzerGMAZE25636.5333.000.0
6Abbasov FaridGMAZE25375.5429.000.0
7Bajarani UlviIMAZE23935.5428.750.0
8Guliev LogmanIMAZE24645.5330.000.0
9Rasulov Vugar Ural OgluIMAZE24835.0325.250.0
10Abasov Nijat Azad OgluIMAZE24864.5322.000.0
11Abdulov Orkhan Javanshir OgluAZE23343.0213.750.0
12Mammadov Zaur Fazahir OgluAZE24432.5113.750.0
12 players

14) First Saturday February 2011

The First Saturday February tournament are now under way with GM, IM and FM tournaments.

FSGM February Budapest HUN Sat 5th Feb 2011 - Tue 15th Feb 2011
Leading Round 8 (of 10) Standings:
1Gonda LaszloGMHUN25555.520.000.03
2Ilincic ZlatkoGMSRB24644.515.750.02
3Kosic DraganGMMNE24644.016.750.00
4Paschall William MIMUSA23843.515.250.00
5Mihok OliverIMHUN24653.512.500.01
6Feher AdamHUN23413.011.750.01
6 players
FSIM February Budapest HUN Sat 5th Feb 2011 - Tue 15th Feb 2011. Category: 2. Ave: (2280)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Pts TPR
1 Szablowski, Pawel POL 2340 # = 1 = = 1 = = 1 1 6.5 2438
2 Lengyel, Bela IM HUN 2275 = # = 1 1 1 1 0 = = 6 2415
3 Farago, Sandor IM HUN 2292 0 = # = = = 1 1 1 = 5.5 2368
4 Tesik, Csaba HUN 2275 = 0 # 0 1 = 1 1 = 1 5.5 2354
5 Kislik, Erik Andrew FM USA 2327 = 0 = # 1 0 = 0 1 1 4.5 2264
6 Bhakti, Kulkarni CM IND 2275 0 = 1 0 # = = = 1 = 4.5 2282
7 Brustkern, Juergen FM GER 2283 0 = 0 1 = # = 1 0 1 4.5 2262
8 Korpa, Bence HUN 2165 = 0 0 = = = = # = 1 4 2250
9 Tran, Tuan Minh FM VIE 2284 1 0 0 1 = 0 # = = 0 3.5 2205
10 Nagy, Ervin IM HUN 2269 = = 0 0 0 1 = # 1 0 3.5 2214
11 To, Nhat Minh IM HUN 2375 0 = = = 0 = = 0 # = 3 2139
12 Lyell, Mark FM ENG 2197 0 0 0 = 0 0 1 1 = # 3 2163
FSFMA February Budapest HUN Sat 5th Feb 2011 - Tue 15th Feb 2011. Category: None. Ave: (2047)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Pts TPR
1 Szalanczy, Emil IM HUN 2239 # 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 2327
2 Borda, Lajos HUN 2108 0 # 1 1 1 1 0 = = 5 2168
3 Juracsik, Jozsef HUN 2241 0 # 0 1 1 1 1 1 5 2177
4 Tran, Minh Thang VIE 2072 0 1 # 0 = 1 1 1 4.5 2132
5 Schimmer, Michael GER 1889 1 0 0 1 # 0 1 0 1 4 2112
6 Erdos, Boglarka HUN 2157 0 0 1 # = 1 0 1 0 3.5 1970
7 Zala, Gyula HUN 2023 0 0 0 = # = = 1 1 3.5 1993
8 Tomasek, Tamas Mate HUN 1986 0 1 0 = 0 = # 1 0 3 2025
9 Agu, Uche NGR 1986 0 0 0 1 = 0 # 1 2.5 1952
10 Lakat, Gyula HUN 1930 0 = 0 1 0 0 # = 2 1935
11 Mayer, Istvan FM HUN 2069 = 0 0 0 0 1 = # 2 1897
12 Kron, Gabor HUN 1860 0 1 0 # 1 2015
FSFMB February Budapest HUN Sat 5th Feb 2011 - Tue 15th Feb 2011. Category: None. Ave: (2026)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Pts TPR
1 Koczo, Kristof HUN 2236 # 1 1 = 1 1 1 = 1 7 2330
2 Darazs, Zoltan HUN 2197 # = 1 1 = 1 1 1 6 2301
3 Abul, Qasem BAN 1981 0 # 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 6 2212
4 Farkas, Richard HUN 1982 0 = 0 # 1 1 = 1 1 5 2116
5 Medvegyne Balogh, Emese WFM HUN 2084 = 0 0 # = 1 1 = 1 4.5 2082
6 Bodi, Tibor HUN 2009 0 0 = # 1 0 1 1 1 4.5 2065
7 Honsch, Pal HUN 2096 0 = 1 0 0 # = 1 1 4 2047
8 Zoltan, Andras HUN 1969 0 0 0 1 = # 1 = = 3.5 1980
9 Gruz, Janos HUN 1911 0 0 0 = = 0 # = 1 2.5 1907
10 Krizsany, Laszlo Sr. HUN 1950 = 0 0 0 0 = = # = 2 1841
11 Tessedik, Karoly HUN 1913 0 0 0 0 0 0 = # = 1 1716
12 Szendeff, Miklos HUN 1983 0 0 0 0 0 = = # 1 1705
FSFMC February Budapest HUN Sat 5th Feb 2011 - Tue 15th Feb 2011
Leading Round 8 (of 10) Standings:
1Hajdu RolandHUN18337.021.750.06
2Grimm GyorgyHUN18155.014.750.04
3Bacso GergelyHUN03.511.000.03
4Hegedus Peter DrHUN18513.58.750.03
5Bohus AdamHUN16062.58.500.01
6Czipp JanosHUN16321.54.750.01
6 players

15) Frauenbundesliga 2010-11

The Frauenbundesliga takes place 6th November 2010 - 13th March 2011. Rounds 6 and 7 took place 29th-30th January 2011. Games not yet available. Next: Rounds 8-9: 19th-20th February 2011.

Frau Bundesliga Baden Baden GER Sat 6th Nov 2010 - Sun 13th Mar 2011
Leading Round 7 (of 11) Standings:
1.OSG Baden Baden7 +451432½
2.USV Volksbank Halle72 +4441225½
3.Hamburger SK 18307½ +434923
4.SV Chemie Guben 199071 +315921½
5.Rodewischer Schachmiezen722 +463723
6.SK Grosslehna73 +425721½
7.SV Muelheim-Nord 1931722 +334621
8.SC Leipzig Gohlis733 +620½
9.TSV Schott Mainz7504 +04617
10.SC Bad Koenigshofen72236 +5523
11.SAV Torgelow7½1122 +212½
12.Karlsruher SF 18537½2½31 +111
12 teams

16) Swedish Elitserien 2010-11

Round 7 was on the 5th February 2011. Games from Round 6 now available, Round 7 not yet. Next: Round 8: 26th February 2011.

Elitserien Stockholm SWE Fri 8th Oct 2010 - Sun 13th Mar 2011
Leading Round 7 (of 11) Standings:
1Lunds ASK77001445.0
2SK Rockaden, Sthlm77001442.5
3Team Viking75111136.5
5Limhamns SK7124627.0
6SS Manhem7232625.0
7SK Kamraterna7340624.5
8Solna SS7340622.5
9Vasteras SK7250425.0
10Upsala ASS7250421.5
11Orgryte SK7151320.0
12Farsta SK7052220.0
12 teams

17) Dutch League

The 6th Round of the Dutch League took place on 12th February 2011. Round 7 12th March 2011.

TCh-NED 2010-11 Netherlands NED Sat 25th Sep 2010 - Sun 15th May 2011
Leading Round 6 (of 9) Standings:
2HMC Calder2375658733½
4Homburg Apeldoorn236185729
7SO Rotterdam2354452575528
9Braceland ESGOO231924465325½
10 teams

18) Active Team Events

A list of ongoing team events without an update this week.

49th Danish XtraCon Chess League 2010-11

The 6th round of the 49th Danish XtraCon Chess League took place 30th January 2011. Next: Round 7 20th February 2011.

49th Danish Teams Copenhagen DEN Sat 6th Nov 2010 - Sun 13th Mar 2011
Leading Round 6 (of 9) Standings:
17Jetsmark 1 1232
23K41 1 1030½
310Southeastern 1 929½
48Aarhus / Schools 1626½
65Bronshoj 1423
82Nordre 1119
911968 SK 1 318
106Noerresundby 1 314½
10 teams

Bundesliga 2010-11

Rounds 8-9 took place 3rd-5th February 2011. Next: Rounds 10-11 February 26th-27th February 2011.

Schachbundesliga 2010-11 Munich GER Fri 8th Oct 2010 - Sun 10th Apr 2011
Leading Round 9 (of 15) Standings:
17OSG Baden-Baden98011754.5
210Werder Bremen97111547.0
312SC Eppingen97111545.0
42SG Solingen96121443.0
56SV Mülheim-Nord96121441.5
65SF Katernberg94321037.0
78SG Trier94321036.5
89Hamburger SK9441939.0
91SV Wattenscheid9441932.0
103SK Turm Emsdetten9243732.5
1111SF Berlin9252633.5
1216SV Nickelhütte Aue9360632.5
1314SV Griesheim9144631.5
144SC Remagen9162430.5
1513FC Bayern München9180223.0
1615Delmenhorster SK9090017.0
16 teams

TCh-CZE Extraliga 2010-11

Rounds 6-7 were on 22nd-23rd January 2010. Rounds 8-9 5th-6th May 2011.

TCh-CZE 2010-11 Frydek Mistek CZE Sat 6th Nov 2010 - Sun 17th Apr 2011
Leading Round 7 (of 11) Standings:
1SK Labortech Ostrava*465451733.010.0
21. Novoborsky SK*45461429.09.0
3A64 VALOZ Grygov*3461331.010.0
4BSS Frydek-Mistek445*4351230.58.0
5SK Rapid Pardubice2*1226.05.5
6Tatran Litovel34*4651130.09.0
7Vystaviste Lysa nad Labem34*4554928.56.5
8SK Zlin454*4927.55.5
9SK Zikuda Turnov4343*5824.55.5
10SK Mahrla Praha33*625.56.0
112222 SK Polabiny3224*121.53.0
12TZ Trinec234*121.02.5
12 teams

TCh-SVK Extraliga 2010-11

The Slovakian Team Championships take place 27th November 2010 - 8th May 2011. Rounds 5-6 on 19th-20th February 2011.

TCh-SVK Ex 2010-11 Zilina SVK Sat 27th Nov 2010 - Sun 8th May 2011
Leading Round 4 (of 11) Standings:
1SK Prievidza*671223.0
2SK Caissa Cadca*51219.5
3SK Trencin*4661021.5
4SK Dunajska Streda*5461020.5
5INBEST Dunajov*5918.5
6SKS Dubnica n/V*15615.0
7SK Slovan Bratislava437*417.5
8TJ Slavia TU Kosice234*413.5
9MSK KdV Kezmarok2*312.5
10BSK Edymax Bardejov3*012.5
11SK Modra2*09.5
12Zemplin Michalovce123*08.5
12 teams

4NCL 2010-11

Rounds 3 and 4 took place 15th-16th January 2011. Games and standings now available. Next: Rounds 5-6 19th-20th February 2011.

4NCL 2010-11 Daventry ENG Sat 6th Nov 2010 - Mon 2nd May 2011
Leading Round 4 (of 11) Standings:
1Pride & Prejudice4400825½
2Barbican 4NCL 14400825
4The AD's4220414
5Cheddleton 14130213½
6Wood Green Hilsmark 24130213
7Warwickshire Select 14130212
8Pandora's Box Grantham404007
1Wood Green Hilsmark 1 4 4 0 0 825 1 4 3 1 0 617½
3White Rose 1 4 2 1 1 516½
4Guildford A&DC 1 4 2 2 0 416½
5Oxford 1 4 2 2 0 416
6Cambridge University 1 4 1 2 1 314
7Barbican 4NCL 2 4 1 3 0 211
8Sambuca Sharks 4 0 4 0 011
16 teams

Austrian Bundesliga 2010-11

The Austrian Bundesliga started 19th-21st November 2010. Rounds (4-6) took place 20th-22nd January 2011. Next: 3rd-6th March 2011.

TCh-AUT 2010-11 Vienna AUT Fri 19th Nov 2010 - Sun 6th Mar 2011
Leading Round 7 (of 11) Standings:
1SK Sparkasse Jenbach*4561432.00
2ASVO Wulkaprodersdorf*3341227.00
3SK MPO Maria Saal2*51025.50
4SK Sparkasse Fuerstenfeld*356926.00
5SK Advisory Invest Baden33*43924.50
6ASVO Signum Siebdruck St.Veit2*43923.00
7SK Hohenems3*4235621.00
8ASVO SK Lackenbach32*519.50
9Wuestenrot SIR Salzburg2124½*414.50
11Styria Graz0*213.00
12ASVO VHS Poechlarn101*211.00
12 teams

TCh-NOR Attack-Serien 2010-11

Rounds 4-6 took place 21st-23rd Jan 2011. Final Round 7-9 take place 1st-3rd April 2011.

TCh-NOR 2010-11 Oslo NOR Fri 5th Nov 2010 - Fri 25th Mar 2011
Leading Round 6 (of 9) Standings:
1 Porsgrunn233411.022.025.00
2 OSS242610.024.029.00
3 SK 191122527.019.516.50
4 Bergens23037.018.011.50
5 Moss22216.018.515.00
6 Asker23196.017.513.00
7 Nordstrand21955.014.58.00
8 SOSS22724.016.510.50
9 Akademisk22824.016.57.50
10 Trondheim22770.013.00.00
10 teams

19) FIDE Respond to London Bid Withdrawal

FIDE Vice-President Israel Gelfer has issued a letter in response to Malcolm Pein's press release on the withdrawal of London's World Chess Championship bid. Read it in full below. The statement itself reveals details (unverified) of the negotiations that one would expect both parties to keep confidential. Pein's press release scrupulously avoided this and was diplomatic in tone. Malcolm Pein made it clear in talking to me that if London were not interested in hosting the championships any more after the withdrawal of Carlsen from the cycle, they would not have left the offer on the table (a six figure sum) for more than two months after he declared he was out.


Recognized by the International Olympic Committee
9 Syggrou Ave., 11743 Athens, Greece
Tel.: (+30) 2109212047, Fax: (+30) 2109212859, Email:
9 February 2011

Dear Malcolm,

I received the announcement of Chess Promotions that you are withdrawing your offer to organize the FIDE World Championship match (FWCM) with great disappointment. I would like to provide the chess world with the correct facts which caused this move.

On February 2010 FIDE granted you the option to organize the FWCM "under the same conditions like the Sofia match between Anand and Topalov". On 15 February you signed a memorandum accepting the conditions and regulations of the match and two days later paid a deposit of 50,000 Euro for such option.

After that, for a long period, you have been proposing several changes from the Sofia contract. In July 2010 (after the original deadline was extended by FIDE) you sent to FIDE a different version of the contract with different conditions. For most among this were important financial conditions which had to be clarified first. In a constructive manner FIDE, wishing to hold the match in London, accepted several conditions interalia reducing the prize fund by 20% due to UK taxes not covered by the organisers, reduction of the contribution to FIDE, reduction of the number of principals. In January we met in London when I proposed to discuss the agreement based on the Sofia contract as amended above. In our meeting both you and Mr. Andrew Finan replied that you only consider the version dictated by you, claiming that they are no substantial differences between the two contracts. You made it very clear, as you recall, that the sponsor of the match "lost interest" in it after the withdrawl of GM Magnus Carlsen and consequently instructed you "not to negotiate at all about anything" i.e. "take it or leave it".

Even after the meeting in London I was trying to solve the problems and I informed FIDE about the situation. The FIDE Secretariat then gave me a list of 36 differences between our version and your proposed contract and 16 changes from your original July draft. Many of which were completely unacceptable to FIDE, interalia FIDE being responsible of player's taxes in their respective jurisdictions, no liability for any cancellation for any reason and putting FIDE as responsible for several obligations which were and are not in FIDE`s hands.

Moreover, in your contract you change the regulations of the match. Furthermore you have informed us only on 27 January that the players may be liable up to 50% tax. This means that the net prize fund could be as little as near 1.2 million EUR after tax where as our agreement was that you will provide, as in Sofia, a prize fund of 2.0 million EUR after tax. Therefore your statement that the conditions were equal to Sofia was incorrect.

In order to try and solve the problems I asked for an extension of the signing date until the Presidential Bord meeting in early February. You were also invited by the FIDE President to come to Antalya so that we could try to reach an agreement. Unfortunately this proposal was rejected and you announced the withdrawl of your offer.

It is clear, and was obvious to me and expressed specifically by you, that the withdrawl of GM Carlsen from the WC cycle meant that the sponsor was no longer interested in sponsoring the match. I regret that the FIDE World Championship Match, despite all our efforts, will not be organized in London in 2012.

Best regards,

Israel Gelfer FIDE Vice President

20) World Championship Candidates Pairings 2011

FIDE have released the 1st round pairings of the Candidates Matches in Kazan, 3rd-27th May 2011.

Topalov (BUL) - Kamsky (USA)

Kramnik (RUS) - Radjabov (AZE)

Aronian (ARM) - Grischuk (RUS)

Gelfand (ISR) - Mamedyarov (AZE)

According to a Russian report the winners of the outer two pairings will meet in the semi-finals as will the inner two. Thus the potentially problematic Topalov against Kramnik match (their match in Elista for the world title was one of the very most bitter in chess history) cannot take place until the final. Veselin Topalov and his manager Silvio Danailov said that Topalov would refuse to play a Russian in a match on Russian soil and so a similar problem with Grischuk has also been postponed. That said all three rounds are scheduled to take place in Kazan and FIDE must be hoping that the final between Topalov and one of the Russians doesn't happen as there has been no contingency announced.

21) Mato Damjanovic 1927-2011

Grandmaster Mato Damjanovic who was born March 23rd 1927 has died at the age of 83 on February 12, 2011. He had a prolific career in the 1960s and 1970s according to Wikipedia. A notice of his death appeared in the newspaper nacional. He finished his career with an active rating (5 game in the last period) of 2305.

22) Forthcoming Events and Links

6th FIDE Women Grand Prix 2011

6th Women GP Doha QAT Tue 22nd Feb 2011 - Sat 5th Mar 2011
Player List
Rk Name Ti FED Elo FIDE Id
1 Koneru, Humpy GM IND 2607 5008123
2 Dzagnidze, Nana GM GEO 2550 13601903
3 Stefanova, Antoaneta GM BUL 2546 2902257
4 Cramling, Pia GM SWE 2516 1700030
5 Chiburdanidze, Maia GM GEO 2502 13600036
6 Zhu, Chen GM QAT 2495 8600546
7 Sebag, Marie GM FRA 2489 617822
8 Xu, Yuhua GM CHN 2484 8600635
9 Mkrtchian, Lilit IM ARM 2475 13300601
10 Danielian, Elina GM ARM 2454 13300210
11 Munguntuul, Batkhuyag IM MGL 2410 4900758
12 Fierro Baquero, Martha L. IM ECU 2353 3600270

27th Cappelle-la-Grande Open

20th Fajr Open

FS March 2011

MP Reykjavik Open

Amber Blindfold and Rapid tournament 2011

Amber Combined Monaco MNC Fri 11th Mar 2011 - Fri 25th Mar 2011
Player List
Rk Name Ti FED Elo FIDE Id
1 Carlsen, Magnus GM NOR 2814 1503014
2 Anand, Viswanathan GM IND 2810 5000017
3 Aronian, Levon GM ARM 2805 13300474
4 Kramnik, Vladimir GM RUS 2784 4101588
5 Karjakin, Sergey GM RUS 2776 14109603
6 Topalov, Veselin GM BUL 2775 2900084
7 Grischuk, Alexander GM RUS 2773 4126025
8 Ivanchuk, Vassily GM UKR 2764 14100010
9 Nakamura, Hikaru GM USA 2751 2016192
10 Gashimov, Vugar GM AZE 2736 13400630
11 Gelfand, Boris GM ISR 2733 2805677
12 Giri, Anish GM NED 2686 24116068

9th Nancy Chess Festival 2011

12th European Indiv 2011

Ravenna Open

FS April 2011

11th BCC Thailand Open 2011

US Championship 2011

34th San Sebastian Open 2011

32nd Tournament Of Young Talents & Pobeskydi 2011

5th Annual Philadelphia Open 2011

23rd Lenk Open

Doeberl Cup 2011

2nd Lille Open

World Championship Candidates 2011

41st Bosna Open 2011

46th Capablanca Memorial 2011

Alimini Village 2011

82nd ch-GER

20th Annual Chicago Open 2011

26th Hassloch Open 2011

25th Pula Open

1st San Bernardino Open

8th World Teams 2011

39th Chess Meeting 2011

Tal Memorial 2011

Computer Chess Tournament

Frank Quisinsky is running a tournament amongst 32 of the best computer programs. "Now after 15 months SWCR with 40 moves in 10 minutes I played a computer chess tournament in WM football mode with the strongest 32 chess programs which are available for myself. With maximal conditions = 40 moves in 150 minutes, 40 moves in 150 minutes, rest in 60 minutes the best engines will play a great tourney. I am absolutley sure about it. So you and all others will get very good game material for analyzes. The Tournament started January 10th, 2011 and will last for around 30-40 days on 4 fast Quad Core machines. ."


All material © Mark Crowther 2011