THE WEEK IN CHESS 76			24/03/96	Mark Crowther

1) Introduction
2) VSB Tournament
3) Ter Apel
4) Karditsa International Tournament by Argiris Kotsis
5) Four Nations Chess League.
6) Chess-in-the-Schools International
7) 50th Anniversary of Alekhine's Death by Tony Mantia
8) Review Kasparov vs Anand by Patrick Wolff and ACJ 3
9) 51st Yugoslav Championships Podgorica (capital of Montenegro).
10) Belgrade Yugometal - Women's Tournament.
11) TASC to cover more events on Internet.
13) Komputer Korner E-mail address correction.
14) Arnold Eikrem memorial and Nordic Grand Prix by Jonathan Tisdall
15) Paris Championships 1996 by Christophe Bouton (in French)


VSB Tournament Amsterdam			10 games
Klooster Tournament Ter Apel			 5 games
Chess In the Schools International		 3 games
Karditsa International Tournament		21 games
Four Nations Chess League Games			60 games
Some Random Alekhine games			75 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to Bosko Grove, Patrick Rasenberg, Soren Bech Hansen
Shay Bushinsky, Jouke Algra, Argiris Kotsis, Tony Mantia
Monica Vann and Chess Assistant, Eric Schiller and Ralph,
Jonathan Tisdall and Christophe Bouton for their contributions
to this issue.

So no TWIC next weekend as I will be in Amsterdam. Also I
am in a real rush to get this issue finished. Check out my
www page for the results to round 3 today. I don't have
time to include them in the issue. Kasparov beat Anand
Lautier beat Timman, and Kramnik drew Piket in round
3. Check out my www page for more news from the excellent
Jouke Algra.


The FIDE Section consists of various faxes that have gone
around this week plus the exact text of Denmark's complaint
which was not as I had it last week.

So back in a fortnight after a holiday!



2) VSB Tournament

I will be at the VSB Tournament from Wednesday and there will be
no TWIC next weekend. Jouke Algra is compiling reports from
Amsterdam (see the first two rounds below) and I will update
my www page every day.


I'm fairly confident I can do this in Amsterdam also when
I get there.

Round 1 (1996.03.22)

Topalov, Veselin   - Kasparov, Gary      1-0   66
Kramnik, Vladimir  - Seirawan, Yasser    1-0   32
Lautier, Joel      - Short, Nigel D      1-0   38
Timman, Jan H      - Piket, Jeroen       1/2   57
Gelfand, Boris     - Anand, Viswanathan  1/2   52

Round 2 (1996.03.23)

Seirawan, Yasser   - Lautier, Joel       1-0   29
Short, Nigel D     - Gelfand, Boris      1-0   44
Timman, Jan H      - Kramnik, Vladimir   1/2   43
Anand, Viswanathan - Topalov, Veselin    0-1   51
Piket, Jeroen      - Kasparov, Gary      0-1   39

Amsterdam NED (NED), III 1996.                  cat. XVIII (2679)
                                   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
 1 Topalov, Veselin    g BUL 2700  * . 1 . . . . 1 . .  2.0
 2 Kramnik, Vladimir   g RUS 2775  . * . . 1 . = . . .  1.5  2818
 3 Kasparov, Gary      g RUS 2775  0 . * . . . . . . 1  1.0  2635
 4 Lautier, Joel       g FRA 2630  . . . * 0 1 . . . .  1.0  2647
 5 Seirawan, Yasser    g USA 2630  . 0 . 1 * . . . . .  1.0  2702
 6 Short, Nigel D      g ENG 2665  . . . 0 . * . . 1 .  1.0  2665
 7 Timman, Jan H       g NED 2620  . = . . . . * . . =  1.0  2672
 8 Anand, Viswanathan  g IND 2725  0 . . . . . . * = .  0.5  2507
 9 Gelfand, Boris      g BLR 2700  . . . . . 0 . = * .  0.5  2502
10 Piket, Jeroen       g NED 2570  . . 0 . . . = . . *  0.5  2504

Kasparov crushed by Topalov at the start of VSB-Match Amsterdam.

Today the annual VSB chessmatch got started in Amsterdam, for the tenth
and also last time. The sponsor, a banking concern, wants to focus their
attention on some other sports. This might have to do something with the
negative press on chess lately, though the chief of the organising
committee, Van de Beek, denied this. Nevertheless in his opening speech he
warned the international chess world to be very careful in its actions in
the future, and try to get out of the mess they're in, because otherwise
companies might not want to put money into chess anymore. Obviously the
decision by the FIDE to organise their world championship in Iraq has
caused a lot of disapproval amongst potential sponsors.

Since it is the last time that VSB organises the tournament, they have done
their utmost best to get a very strong field of players together. They
definitely succeeded in that. With Kasparov, Kramnik, Timman, Piket,
Lautier, Anand, Topalov, Short, Seirawan and Gelfand the tournament
is category 18, something which has not been seen much in Holland
before. Gelfand was the last one to get invited, as a replacement for
Ivanchuk, who was supposed to come, but in the end didn't agree with the

Round 1: excitement and surprises


A lot of people were very curious about Kasparov's play after his match
against IBM's supercomputer DEEP-BLUE. During that match he was
complaining about it being unfair that a computer never has to get up to
drink something or to go to the toilet. Playing a human today didn't
equalise that, since he had to play Topalov; a player with tremendous
concentration, who also never gets up during a game, but just sits there,
staring at the board with his fingers stuck in his ears.  Evidently it
helped. Within a few minutes the board was on flames. Kasparov chose a
rarely played variation of the Najdorf-Sicilian ( 9.....- Nc5xe4), which
is known as being risky and not very sound. A strange choice since he had
been in trouble before using this line, against a couple of Spanish
players in a television match a year ago. Topalov chose a very active and
tactical continuation, which proved to be very dangerous for black.
Especially his Kings knight played a remarkable role, going from g1 to f3
to d4 to c6 to d8 to f7 to g5 to finally capture black's queen on f7.
During all this it was hanging a couple of times without being taken. It
looked like Kasparov had overlooked the move 17. Nc6-d8. He started shaking
his head in the way we're used to whenever he has made a mistake.
Only five moves later he gave his queen to parry all the white threats.
From that point on Kasparov tried to stay alive as long as possible, but
with a very steady and secure techinique Topalov brouhgt the game to an
inescapeable result : 1 - 0 !


Another serious candidate for the tournament-victory is Kramnik, the young
player who was leading the ELO-ratinglist at the start of this year. In the
first round he had to play the American Seirawan, one of the "weaker"
players in this tournament. This game also saw a very rarely played
variation, the Nimzowitsch-Sicilian. Seirawan afterwards said he chose to
play this because he didn't want Kramnik to get into some "normal"
queens-pawn opening. Black got a solid position, but didn't play actively
enough when needed. According to Kramnik it would have been better for
black to play 10. ... e7-e5 11. Qd4-d3  Qd8-c7 instead of the passive
10. ... e7-e6. Kramnik came up with an original knight-manoeuvre at move
seventeen. Seirawan saw to late that his planned reaction 17. ... bxa3
18 b4 - Qa4 fails to 19 Rb1 !  and there is no defense against the double
threat of bxc5 and Nc3! (traps the queen). So he gave up the exchange and
hoped for a stubborn resistance but discovered to his horror that there
were more tactical tricks that couldn't be escaped. He resigned on move
32. Kramnik now has an ideal starting position compared to Kasparov.


For Dutch spectators this was an interesting clash between the two
strongest Dutch grandmasters. Timman has been the leading chessplayer in
Holland for many years and Piket is the strongest of the upcoming
generation, and even was a top-ten player for a while over a year ago.
Since then Piket has lost a lot of rating-points, playing bad tournaments.
Nevertheless he is still a dangerous opponent for anyone, especially
with the white pieces. Today he had black and played the Sicilian.
His position looked slightly worse throughout the game, and in
time-trouble a lot of people expected him to fall. Surprisingly it was
Timman who had to be careful in the end. He was a pawn up, but Piket's
rook and kingside pawns got pretty annoying. Finally the game was drawn
by move-repetition.


"In timetrouble your brain works in a different way" said Short, briefly
after his game. In a very exciting and tactical queens-indian game, he
relied on some unsound tricks in the end, which were easily dealt with by
the young Frenchmen Joel Lautier. The winner of last years edition (when
he beat Kasparov), will be very pleased with this good start.


This game was very complicated and positional from the start. Gelfand,
with white soon had a small plus having more active pieces, but didn't
show any real aggression. Anand did, as he started an opportunistic
pawn-storm on the kingside. Gelfand managed to block the pawns, and could
have taken over the initiative with 30. d5! but, being in time-trouble,
overlooked this move. Twenty moves later both players thought they had the
better position, but estimated their superiority not big enough to keep on
fighting: draw.

Expected scores/ place on the ELO-ratinglist

Kramnik (2775)          5,85            1
Kasparov (2775)         5,85            1
Anand (2725)            5,13            6
Topalov (2700)          4,77            7
Gelfand (2700)          4,77            7
Short (2665)            4,32            13
Lautier (2630)          3,78            32
Seirawan (2630)         3,78            35
Timman (2620)           3,69            40
Piket (2570)            3,06            120

Jouke Algra, Amsterdam

Topalov takes the lead in VSB-Tournament by Jouke Algra

On the second day of the VSB chesstournament, attention was mainly focused
on the two Dutchmen Timman and Piket, playing against the two leading
grandmasters in the world, Kramnik and Kasparov. There was a surprising
similarity between the two games: both Dutch players had white, both
followed some old lines of chess-theory, and they both got into trouble. The
only difference was the outcome of the games.

Piket - Kasparov

Jeroen Piket must have been a cautious man today. It is well known that
Kasparov usually hits back hard after losing a game (one only has to
remember the recent Kasparov-Anand title-match, to know what I mean). To
avoid Kasparov's opening preparation, Piket chose a nowadays rarely
played line of the Kings Indian Samisch System, that used to be popular
back in the sixties, With an early pawn move to g4 on move 11. Kasparov
reacted with the familiar move h5, an idea of Gligoric, which is regarded
as the equalizing move. Until move 14 they followed a game between
Kramnik and Nijboer, played in Groningen 1991. That game continued 14. Ng3
- Nh7 15 gxh - Nxg5 16 Qxg5 - Bf6 17 Qh6 - Bg7 18 Qg5 - Bf6 and the game
was drawn by repetition. Piket chose to trade the queens with the
move Nd1.  According to Piket he was too optimistic only three moves later
when he took the pawn on h5. Kasparov sacrificed a pawn and after the nice
knightmove 19....Nb7 he thought that black had a winning position.

Indeed all black's pieces coordinate very well together and become active,
whereas white's pieces have trouble finding the right squares and the
rooks don't get into play at all. When finally both players got into
timetrouble, everybody hoped that Piket would manage to escape,
especially when Kasparov started shaking his head as if he had made a
mistake and Piket could check him with 35. Rc7+ . After a few more checks
Piket played Nd6, which looked quite dangerous for black at the moment,
but unfortunately one move later Piket's flag fell and his game was lost
on time. Analysing the game afterwards, Kasparov found the right way to
escape the white threats, but Piket thought that he might have had a
better chance if he had chosen the move 38. a2-a4 instead of Nd6.


This game saw an even older line of theory, that Timman might have picked
up in his youth, studying games of Botwinnik and Keres. Via a reversed
move-order they reached a Caro-Kann position in which Timman pushed a pawn
to c5 on the eight move. Kramnik quite easily managed to get a solid
position, in which he could put pressure on white's pawns on b3 and d4.
As a counter-measure Timman launched a kingside-attack with his pawns, but
hesitated on pushing them through. On move 25 g5 would have been better than
the slow Kg2. This gave Kramnik a chance to sacrifice and decide the
game. Fortunately for Timman, Kramnik didn't play the best moves from then
on.Instead of 26.Bxd4 the move Qxc5 propably would have been a killer,
when the bishop stays on the board, being able to support the a-pawn.
Kramnik afterwards said that he had overlook 29.Nd2, which defends all
blacks major threats. But even after trading the bishop Kramnik propably
would have won if he had played 29......-Qc2!. After trading the queens on
e3 Timman managed to get a draw on move 39.


In a Najdorf-Sicilian Short got a nice attack going on the kingside,
harrassing the black position whit his queen and a rook. Gelfand had to
give up a pawn, and hoped to get an attack against the exposed white king,
but only a few moves later he lost another pawn. Short had no problem
winning the resulting position, and thereby got his revenge for his loss
against Lautier yesterday.

Anand - Topalov

A very interesting game was played by these two strong players. In a
Sicilian game all the knights were exchanged within sixteen moves, which
resulted in a double-edged,open position, with opposite castling. Topalov
afterwards said that white might have a better position after 10.g4
instead of Qe2. Winning a pawn with 10...Nxd4 11.Qxd4 Nxg4 12 Bxg4 Bxg4
is very dangerous after 13.Nd5! and white gets an overwhelming attack.
Anand's position got in trouble after 25.g5, aimed at creating
complications. According to Topalov he'd better have tried 25. b3 after
which white's position might last a bit longer. Topalov created a passed
pawn on the f-file , which was supported by the centally placed queen on
e3. When Anand finally managed to force a queentrade, it was already to
late: black's kingside pawns could only be stopped by giving up a piece, and,
realising this, Anand resigned.

Seirawan - Lautier

Just like yesterday, Seirawan was the first to finish his game, with the
big difference that today he won. Lautier started an early kingside-attack
with his pieces, but forgot about the threats on his queenside, where
Seirawan soon managed to create a passed pawn. When Lautier realized the
danger he was in, it was already too late, and he resigned on move 29.

3) Ter Apel

Round 1 (1996.03.17)

Andersson, Ulf   - Nijboer, Friso    1-0
Nikolic, Predrag - Oll, Lembit       1/2   39
Svidler, Peter   - Leko, Peter       1/2

Round 2 (1996.03.18)

Nijboer, Friso   - Nikolic, Predrag  1-0
Svidler, Peter   - Andersson, Ulf    1/2   20
Leko, Peter      - Oll, Lembit       1-0

Round 3 (1996.03.19)

Andersson, Ulf   - Leko, Peter       1-0
Nikolic, Predrag - Svidler, Peter    1-0
Oll, Lembit      - Nijboer, Friso    1/2   48

Round 4 (1996.03.21)

Andersson, Ulf   - Nikolic, Predrag  1/2
Svidler, Peter   - Oll, Lembit       1-0
Leko, Peter      - Nijboer, Friso    1/2   62

Round 5 (1996.03.23)

Nikolic, Predrag - Leko, Peter       1-0
Nijboer, Friso   - Svidler, Peter    1/2   14
Oll, Lembit      - Andersson, Ulf    1/2

Tel Apel NED (NED), III 1996.                       cat. XV (2608)
                                 1   2   3   4   5   6
1 Andersson, Ulf    g SWE 2630   *   =   1   =   1   =   3.5  2752
2 Nikolic, Predrag  g BIH 2645   =   *   0   1   1   =   3.0  2672
3 Nijboer, Friso    g NED 2475   0   1   *   =   =   =   2.5  2634
4 Svidler, Peter    g RUS 2630   =   0   =   *   =   1   2.5  2603
5 Leko, Peter       g HUN 2625   0   0   =   =   *   1   2.0  2532
6 Oll, Lembit       g EST 2640   =   =   =   0   0   *   1.5  2452

4) Karditsa International Tournament by Argiris Kotsis

There was a fine result for England's Demetrios Agnos
in the Karditsa International Tournament in Greece.

He shared first place with Alexander Nenashev of
Uzbekistan. My thanks to Argiris Kotsis for his
coverage of the event. The web page

is well worth having a look at.

Round 1 (1996.03.18) Postponed game.

Nikolaidis, Ioannis - Nenashev, Alexander  1/2   14

Round 6 (1996.03.16)

Nenashev, Alexander - Atalik, Suat         1-0   40
Miladinovic, Igor   - Grivas, Efstratios   1-0   71
Alterman, Boris     - Vouldis, Angelos     1/2   49
Nikolaidis, Ioannis - Agnos, Demetrios     1/2   13
Skembris, Spyridon  - Kotronias, Vasilios  0-1   47

Round 7 (1996.03.17)

Agnos, Demetrios    - Skembris, Spyridon   1-0   35
Atalik, Suat        - Alterman, Boris      1-0   40
Kotronias, Vasilios - Miladinovic, Igor    1/2   24
Grivas, Efstratios  - Nenashev, Alexander  1/2   12
Vouldis, Angelos    - Nikolaidis, Ioannis  1-0   34

Round 8 (1996.03.19)

Kotronias, Vasilios - Agnos, Demetrios     0-1   54
Miladinovic, Igor   - Nenashev, Alexander  1/2   24
Alterman, Boris     - Grivas, Efstratios   1-0   37
Nikolaidis, Ioannis - Atalik, Suat         0-1   33
Skembris, Spyridon  - Vouldis, Angelos     1/2   73

Round 9 (1996.03.20)

Agnos, Demetrios    - Miladinovic, Igor    1/2   36
Nenashev, Alexander - Alterman, Boris      1-0   33
Atalik, Suat        - Skembris, Spyridon   1-0   51
Grivas, Efstratios  - Nikolaidis, Ioannis  1/2   11
Vouldis, Angelos    - Kotronias, Vasilios  1/2   13

Karditsa GRE (GRE), III 1996.                      cat. XII (2528)
                                    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
 1 Agnos, Demetrios     m ENG 2460  * = 1 1 = = = = = 1  6.0  2660
 2 Nenashev, Alexander  g UZB 2595  = * 1 = = 1 = 1 = =  6.0  2645
 3 Atalik, Suat         g TUR 2535  0 0 * 0 = 1 = 1 1 1  5.0  2570
 4 Kotronias, Vasilios  g GRE 2610  0 = 1 * = = = = = 1  5.0  2561
 5 Miladinovic, Igor    g GRE 2560  = = = = * = 1 = = =  5.0  2567
 6 Alterman, Boris      g ISR 2585  = 0 0 = = * 1 = 1 =  4.5  2521
 7 Grivas, Efstratios   g GRE 2475  = = = = 0 0 * 1 = =  4.0  2490
 8 Vouldis, Angelos     m GRE 2425  = 0 0 = = = 0 * 1 =  3.5  2459
 9 Nikolaidis, Ioannis  g GRE 2530  = = 0 = = 0 = 0 * =  3.0  2402
10 Skembris, Spyridon   g GRE 2505  0 = 0 0 = = = = = *  3.0  2405

5) Four Nations Chess League.

My thanks to Monica Vann and Chess Assistant for the games
from the 4th weekend of the 4 Nations Chess League. This
was hosted at Ware, it was sponsored by Hertford Nat West
Bank. Round 7 was on the 16th March, Round 8 on the 17th March.

NCL Round 7 results

Richmond		0.5-7.5	Slough
Na Fianna		  1-7	Midland Monarch's
Wood Green		3.5-4.5 South Wales Dragons
Hertford		2.5-5.5 Croydon
Whitney			  7-1	Newcastle
Bristol			  3-5 	BCM
Guildford		  5-3	Northwest Eagles.

I don't yet have the team results for round 8 but the Luke
McShane beat Jonathan Levitt for his second GM scalp at
the age of 12.

6) Chess-in-the-Schools International

Round 1 (1996.03.22)

Sokolov, Ivan           - Sunye Neto, Jaime        1-0
De Firmian, Nick E      - Serper, Grigory          1/2   48  B88  Sicilian
Dzindzichashvili, Roman - Ashley, Maurice          1/2
Wolff, Patrick G        - Korchnoi, Viktor         1-0   45  B66  Sicilian
Salov, Valery           - Benjamin, Joel           1/2   12  A46  Queen's pawn
Waitzkin, Joshua        - Adams, Michael           0-1

Round 2 (1996.03.23)

Adams, Michael          - Wolff, Patrick G         1-0
Sokolov, Ivan           - Waitzkin, Joshua         1-0
Benjamin, Joel          - Dzindzichashvili, Roman  1/2
Korchnoi, Viktor        - Salov, Valery            1-0
Ashley, Maurice         - De Firmian, Nick E       0-1
Sunye Neto, Jaime       - Serper, Grigory          1/2

New York USA (USA), III-IV 1996.                          cat. XIII (2571)
                                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
 1 Adams, Michael           g ENG 2660  * . . . . . . 1 . . . 1  2.0
 2 Sokolov, Ivan            g BIH 2665  . * . . . . . . . . 1 1  2.0
 3 De Firmian, Nick E       g USA 2595  . . * . . . = . 1 . . .  1.5  2693
 4 Benjamin, Joel           g USA 2570  . . . * = . . . . = . .  1.0  2607
 5 Dzindzichashvili, Roman  g USA 2545  . . . = * . . . = . . .  1.0  2515
 6 Korchnoi, Viktor         g SUI 2645  . . . . . * . 0 . 1 . .  1.0  2617
 7 Serper, Grigory          g UZB 2540  . . = . . . * . . . = .  1.0  2550
 8 Wolff, Patrick G         g USA 2565  0 . . . . 1 . * . . . .  1.0  2652
 9 Ashley, Maurice          m USA 2460  . . 0 . = . . . * . . .  0.5  2377
10 Salov, Valery            g RUS 2670  . . . = . 0 . . . * . .  0.5  2414
11 Sunye Neto, Jaime        g BRA 2505  . 0 . . . . = . . . * .  0.5  2409
12 Waitzkin, Joshua         m USA 2435  0 0 . . . . . . . . . *  0.0

by Eric Schiller for Chessworks Network News

The big NY event got underway with plenty of fighting
chess in the first round. It is hard to draw conclusions
so early in the event, but a combination of cafe cuisine
with bellydancer as preparation scored an impressive
2.5 from 3.

Tragedy befell Viktor Korchnoi, who blundered terribly
in a position which he really ought to have won earlier,
allowing Partrick Wolff, on the defensive for much of the
game, to score a full point. Josh Waitzkin fearlessly
attacked Mickey Adams, but at the critical moment played
a very bad move, just when he could have continued the
attack by exchanging queens and thrusting forward his
f-pawn. The result was a win for the Englishman. Maurice
Ashley defended very impressively against Dzindzi to earn
his draw. Nick deFirmian built up an impressive opening
advantage but the win eluded him, and the post-mortem
provided no answers to where the opportunity lay. Joel
Benjamin had little difficulty equalizing against a jet-
lagged Valery Salov and took his half point after just
a dozen moves, but there was nothing left to be said
over the board. Ivan Sokolov outplayed Jaime Sunye Neto
and notched up his point.

Here are the games from the first round. You can follow the
action live on the ICC, and our web page coverage should
be up-to-date tomorrow. Our Internet provider was playing
games with our directories today. So you can try after tomorrow's
round. We will have annotated games up as soon as we can.

7) 50th Anniversary of Alekhine's Death by Tony Mantia

Introduction by Mark Crowther

The death of Alexander Alekhine 1892-1946

Alexander Alekhine died on the 24th March 1946, 50 years
ago today. He died in poverty in Portugal and was in very
poor health. Years of heavy drinking, smoking had finally
caught up with him. He was suffering from cirrhosis of
the liver, hardening of the arteries and numerous other
ailments. His health had declined markedly since he caught
scarlet fevor a couple of years before.

Alekhine was at that time also finding it very difficult
to get tournament invitations. He had played in several
tournaments in Germany during the war and anti-Semitic
articles appeared under his name in Nazi newspapers. He
always denied authorship but Golombek is said to have
found the articles in his handwriting in Paris upon the
death of his wife. However the British Chess Federation
confirmed on the 23rd of March that they would complete
arrangements for a World Title defence against Alekhine
in London. In the previous year and a half Alekhine's
play had become almost unrecognisable, he was probably
not even in the top 50 in the World on the strength of
a couple of matches he played against weak Portuguese

Alekhine was through his play and writing one of the
most influencial players of all time. His dynamic
style was the most admired of all the pre-war Champions.
I might prefer Lasker as being the stronger player but
Alekhine's ability to finish a game ruthlessly still
gives pleasure to chess fans. The Russians tried very
hard to imitate Alekhine and their advocacy of dynamic
chess openings owes much to his approach.

His influence was strengthened by his writings. The
annotations may contain mistakes and also boasting
from the author as to how much he saw but they still
remain amongst the very best of annotated games collections.

His best books are:

My Best Games 1908-23, My Best Games 1924-37 both published
by Bell in this country. These are to be reissued by Batsford
in algebraic, and edited by John Nunn.

"On the Way to the World Chess Championships" a book
published in several languages before being published
here by Pergammon comparitively recently.

New York 1924. A classic Tournament record produced by
Dover. One of his very best, due for a revamp in format
one would hope though.

Nottingham 1936. Not his best work by any means but a
useful record of a strong tournament.

He produced numerous other articles and books throughout
the World. His account of how he realised Capablanca was
really not that good published after his World Championship
victory against him in 1927 is a mixture of sound analysis
and calculated spitefulness. It is notable that he didn't
give Capablanca a chance to get his title back.

A strong and creative tactical player right from the start
of his career, he added great and wideranging opening play
and wonderful positional judgement to this by the time
he took on Capablanca in 1927. He ran amok in 1930-2
playing the most satisfying games of his career but gradually
his drinking and hard living started to diminish his play
and he lost a hard fought match in 1935 to Euwe. He regained
the title in 1937 from Euwe in one of my favourite World
title matches but by that stage he had clear challengers
in Botvinnik, Reshevsky, Fine and Keres. He continued to
play very strong chess until 1943/4 after which his decline
was very rapid and his death in 1946 saved him from a severe
drubbing from Botvinnik (aswell as the outrage of many over
his wartime conduct)

Below is a very interesting article on Alekhine by
Tony Mantia.

Article copyright Tony Mantia

The 50th Anniversary of Alekhine's death is March 24th.
Tony Mantia is a book collector and writer.

     Like many other book collectors I occasionally buy large
quantities of books.  In one lot I found two volumes that
seemed very interesting. These were copies of Ranneforths
Schachkalender 1931 and Ranneforths Schachkalender 1933.  The
Ranneforths was an interesting series that was issued for the
convenience of chessplayers, they had names and addresses of
all manner of chessplayers and chess organizers, and room to
enter games and crosstables-- a real handy item for serious
players and fans of the game.  The two volumes I found had
quite a bit of writing in them, which seemed to be in several
different languages: German, Russian, French, and English. Some
of the things written I could decipher; statements such as
"after the third round" followed by a list of players and
scores. Other things written in Russian script I could not make
out. Working with the information I could understand, such as
standings in tournaments for Pasadena 1932, Bled 1931,
Folkestone team tournament 1933 and Zurich 1934, it was clear
that the real constant in these tournaments was Alekhine. Dr.
P. Feenstra Kuiper's Hundert Jahre Schach- Turniere 1851-1950
was a great help to me in identifying these tournaments.

     At this point I suspected that these books were
Alekhine's, but a good collector doesn't leap to such
conclusions without further proof.  Needing more information, I
contacted a Russian emigre working for the city of Dayton, who
kindly agreed to help. I showed him the books and he studied
the Russian script. Looking at one page he seemed puzzled
and said "I don't understand this. It says parties for my book.
What are 'parties'?" After a second it dawned on me that my
friend was not a chessplayer.  "Parties" means the same in
Russian as in German: games!

     Everything then became clear. In this little book was the
listing of games that Alekhine was selecting for his second
volume!  When I got home a quick perusal of My Best Games of
Chess 1924-1937 verified that most of the games listed in my
little volume did indeed appear in his book. Apparently
Alekhine had used these Ranneforth's as notebooks and reference
     After searching my reference library I found some
reproductions of Alekhines hand writing. It was obvious to me
that the notes were in his hand. John Rather, the noted
historian and book dealer who has seen much of Alekhine's
autograph material confirmed that yes, indeed, the notes were
written in Alekhine's hand.
     The most interesting items in the books are what appear to
be short diary like notes.  For the translation of these I am
indebted to Senior Master Sergey Berchenko of Cincinnati, Ohio.
Some of the notes, written as if to another person, betray the
anguish in Alekhine's heart. Indeed it was in this period that
he started to drink heavily--for what reason we may never fully
know. Perhaps these little diary notes will give us a clue to
what was troubling him.

a) Joy of receiving a letter
b) A river doesn't run back

     Intuition of love, hatred, happiness, looking for
grounds-Whatever I do now you will have reproaches at me. At
least I never had in mind to do anything wrong, and you know
that. From your side, the last two weeks, I saw only
intentional, constant humiliation and insult.  Little
     1) That unfortunate Tuesday evening of the 4th I knocked
on your door with the only purpose to return your gloves. I did
not have the right to come in against your wish, but one quiet
word would be enough for me to leave.  Your idea to call boys
to throw me out, drove me mad. But this is not important
now-what is important is your constant play with my nerves from
the moment of your arrival from Vandagoned.

Sunday the 9th
     To think that you came to help me somehow- that's a great
help-from the first moment you keep saying that you regret
everything that was between us and that you feel bad being with
 Monday the 10th
     The way you insulted me was not any better than any insult
of a woman. In your plan of spending the evening with Mr.(name
unreadable) there were only two alternatives:

     a) introduce me during the dinner(and you could be sure I
would not mind) and after that I would quietly leave.
     b) what I was begging you about all day to have dinner
with him somewhere else. What you did disregarding my request
turned out against you.

     It is obvious that those notes were written by someone who
was hurt and angered by another's actions; just a tantalizing
insight into Alekhines soul.
     In Edward Winter's Chess Notes volume 7 1988 #1544 He asks
the question "Why Alekhine's famous simul game against Mindeno
is given in the American Chess Bulletin of November 1933 as
being played against Hulscher?" I believe the second notebook
can answer that question, as the famous game is given with the
name of Alekhine's opponent written as Hoelsder. Since this is
in Alekhine's handwriting and is contemporary with the game it
should be looked on as prima facie evidence that the Mindeno
name is wrong. Perhaps Alekhine mixed up names or simply didn't
remember when transcribing it for his book. Also included are
two other games that, to the best of my knowledge, have not
been seen before: a Caro-Kann with the team of Verberne and
Himlvopen, and another Queens Gambit with no name given. These
two games seem to have been played at Haarlem in Holland,
possibly on November 5th, while the Hoelsder- Mindeno game may
have been played on the 3rd of November with no place given.

[Event "Simul"]
[Site "Haarlem NED"]
[Date "1933.11.03"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Alekhine, A"]
[Black "Hoelsder"]
[Result "1-0"]

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 d6 4. d4 exd4 5. Qxd4 Bd7 6. Bxc6 Bxc6 7. Nc3 Nf6 8.
Bg5 Be7 9. O-O-O O-O 10. h4 h6 11. Nd5 hxg5 12. Nxe7+ Qxe7 13. hxg5 Nxe4 14.
Rh5 Qe6 15. Rdh1 f5 16. Ne5 dxe5 {White mates in 5 beginning with 17. g6} 1-0

[Event "Consult"]
[Site "Haarlem NED"]
[Date "1933.11.05"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Alekhine, A"]
[Black "Verberne and Himlvopen"]
[Result "1-0"]

1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 dxe4 4. Nxe4 Nf6 5. Ng3 e5 6. Nf3 e4 7. Ne5 Nbd7 8.
Bd2 Qb6 9. Bc3 Nxe5 10. dxe5 Ng4 11. Nxe4 Bf5 12. Qf3 Bxe4 13. Qxg4 Bxc2 14.
Bc4 Bg6 15. O-O-O Qc7 16. e6 Bd6 17. exf7+ Kf8 18. g3 b5 19. Qd4 1-0

[Event "Consult"]
[Site "Haarlem NED"]
[Date "1933.11.05"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Alekhine, A"]
[Black "NN"]
[Result "1-0"]

1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Bg5 Nbd7 5. Nf3 c6 6. e4 dxe4 7. Nxe4 Be7 8.
Nc3 O-O 9. Qc2 Re8 10. O-O-O Qa5 11. h4 b5 12. Kb1 bxc4 13. Bxc4 Ba6 14. Ne5
Bxc4 15. Nxc4 Qc7 16. g3 Nd5 17. Ne3 Nxc3+ 18. Qxc3 Qb7 19. Nc4 Bb4 20. Qb3 Qb5
21. Bf4 Nf6 22. Nd6 Bxd6 23. Qxb5 cxb5 24. Bxd6 Nd5 25. Rc1 Rac8 26. Rc5 Rxc5
27. dxc5 Rc8 28. Kc2 f6 29. Kb3 Kf7 30. a4 b4 31. a5 a6 32. Kc4 Ke8 33. h5 Kd7
34. Re1 Rh8 35. Kd4 g5 36. f4 gxf4 37. Bxf4 Re8 38. Kc4 Kc6 39. Bd2 e5 40. g4
Rb8 41. g5 Rb5 42. g6 Rxc5+ 43. Kb3 hxg6 44. h6 Rb5 45. Rc1+ Kd6 46. Rc8 Rb7
47. Kc4 Nf4 48. Bxb4+ Ke6 49. Rc6+ Kf5 50. Rxa6 Rh7 51. Rb6 Rxh6 52. a6 Rh8 53.
Bc5 Ne6 54. b4 Nxc5 55. Kxc5 e4 56. a7 Ra8 57. Ra6 e3 58. Kb6 e2 59. Ra1 Kf4
60. b5 g5 61. Ka6 g4 62. b6 1-0

8) Review Kasparov vs Anand by Patrick Wolff and ACJ 3

American Chess Journal No 3

When I first started on the internet in March 1993 one of the
chief topics of discussion was the new venture "The American
Chess Journal" its first issue had been published in late 1992
and was met with general approval. The magazine in general
is not very topical (although Fischer's return appeared in issue
one) but instead allowed good writers the space to produce
what might be seen as a good chapter in a book. Hannon Russell
on New York 1927 and Edward Winter on various new books on
Alekhine were the kinds of articles that interested me. Also
analysis and writing from players such as Gulko and Wolff made
the ACJ an attractive proposition. The journal was supposed to
be three times a year and people did sign up for it. However
there was a massive gap as it seemed that ACJ had gone to the
wall. This month it has returned with a new publisher (H3)
and refunds for those who had subscriptions.

So how does the new issue measure up?

The main articles are:

Anderssen's "Immortal Game" vs. Kieseritsky by GM Robert Huebner
Vladimir Nabokov's use of chess themes in his fiction by IM Danny Edelman
A comprehensive article on "Chess Rating Systems" by NM Mark Glickman
Rook ending Capablanca-Alekhine, New York 1924 by Mark Dvoretsky

In addition there are book reviews, brief comments on a variety of chess
issues and a review of another chess film.

I greatly enjoyed the bits and pieces of chat and reviews that
start and finish the issue. Robert Huebner's analysis of the
Immortal game is thorough and has plenty of verbal comments
to help find your way through his usual mass of analysis and
his review of previous literature on this game.

Mark Dvoretsky's article is a fascinating insight into this endgame
but I did get the feeling I had already seen the analysis and
comments before somewhere.

Mark Glickman is well known on the net for his analysis of ratings.
Here we get a full review. But 43 pages out of the magazines total of
125 is excessive if you have little or no interest in the subject.
(of course if you are interested ....)

The magazine seems to be back on track however, the pattern established
by the first two issues is still there. Each individual issue will
be more or less attractive depending on your interests.

Issues 1-3 for $12 each postpaid ($13 Canada and Mexico,
$14 to the rest of the world). Please make your check payable to
"H3 Inc." and mail it to

H3 Inc.
Harvard Square Station
P.O. Box 382967
Cambridge, MA  02238


Kasparov versus Anand: The Inside Story of the 1995 Chess Championship match.

There is a great risk involved in producing a book so far after the
event. The match took place in September and was generally held
at the time to be a poor one. Raymond Keene and Danny King produced
instant books which generally is held to be the best way to make
money from match books.

Patrick Wolff has taken a different approach. A member of Anand's
team he has waited until now so that he could take into account
some of the comments made in magazines such as New in Chess
and the above matchbooks. It has given him chance to do some
detailed analysis of the match. He appears to me to have carried
out an excellent job and has produced what is likely to be the
definitive account of the match.

Probably the best World Championship match book I have seen
since "No Regrets" on Fischer-Spassky II this book is highly

[Kasparov versus Anand: The Inside Story of the 1995 World
Chess Championship Match by Patrick Wolff IGM .- H3 publications Feb 1996.]

9) 51st Yugoslav Championships Podgorica (capital of Montenegro).

Bosko Grove reports:

It is a 16 player all play all championship.The main standings after 14
rounds are:

1.  Ivanovic, Bozidar             	g YUG 2500  11 24.08.49  10.5
2=  Ilincic, Zlatko                  	g YUG 2555  41 10.05.68   9
    Blagojevic, Dragisa          	m YUG 2450  43 01.01.66   9
    Drasko, Milan                   	g YUG 2505  54 06.12.62   9
    Kosic, Dragan                   	g YUG 2515  37 15.02.70   9
6.  Velimirovic, Dragoljub    		g YUG 2510  24 12.05.42   8.5

All results taken from Yugoslav television teletext. I have not been
able to get the results for round 15. It seems that Bozidar Ivanovic
is the new Yugoslav champion.

Bozidar Ivanovic became a grandmaster in 1978 and has won the Yugoslav
championship in 1973, 1981 and was 1st= in 1983.

10) Belgrade Yugometal - Women's Tournament.

Bosko sends the top standings of the Yugometal Tournament also.

Final Standings after 11 rounds:

1.  Chiburdanidze, Maia (GM)              g GEO 2515  18 17.01.61 9
2.  Cramling, Pia (GM)                    g SWE 2525  43 23.04.63 8
3.  Galliamova-Ivanchuk, Alisa (IM)       g UKR 2480  30 18.01.72 7.5
4=  Ioseliani, Nana (IM)                  g GEO 2485  28 12.02.62 7
    Maric, Alisa (IM)                     g YUG 2435  59 10.01.70 7
6.  Matveeva, Svetlana                    g RUS 2445  29 04.07.69 6.5
7.  Bojkovic, Natasa                      g YUG 2400  41 03.09.71 5.5
8.  Skripchenko, Almira                   g MDA 2390  36 17.02.76 4.5
9.  Gaprindashvili, Nona (GM) 		  g GEO 2380  17 03.05.41 4  *

*Note I got this player wrong last week.

11) TASC to cover more events on Internet.

5th Amber Tournament April 12-25 (Rapid and Blindfold event)
Dutch insurance giant Aegon will hold their 1996 man machine
event on their own new site. (URL will be announced)

Eric van der Schilden also mentions:

"Furthermore I'm giving the job of compiling an international
tournament calendar a try:
-Michael Niermann really does a great job, but due to the
 total lack of co-ordination in the chess world, it is still
 inevitable that he misses many interesting events."


Patrick Rasenberg who works at the office of the Royal Dutch
chess federation sent me the following fax. One of the many things
he does is to handle all day-to-day contacts with FIDE.

The Dutch federation disagrees with the decision
to hold the Kamsky - Karpov match in Iraq.
They feel that action has to be taken. To this effect they sent
the following fax on Monday.

To European FIDE Continental President
Prof. K. Jungwirth
Sackstrasse 17
A-8010 Graz
fax +(43) 81697214

Dear Mr. Jungwirth,

FIDE's decision to grant the organization of the Match for the
World Championship between Karpov and Kamsky in Iraq did upset
the Dutch chess community. We have learned that more European
countries feel the same way.

We therefore ask you to convene, as soon as possible, but in
any case within 1 month, a meeting of the European continent
to discuss this issue and to try to agree to a European posi-
tion on it.

A copy of this letter will be sent to all European federations.

Sincerely yours,

G.A.M. Loewenthal
FIDE Delegate for the Royal Dutch Chess Federation

c.c. Board of the Dutch federation
     Mr. W. Icklicki


Soren Bech Hansen sends me the Danish letter to FIDE. The way
it was presented last week was not correct. (most should have
seen the correction which appeared via E-Mail and www in the
same way I distribute TWIC.)

Here is the exact wording of the letter from the Danish Chess Federation
to FIDE sent by fax the night between the 9th and the 10th of March
(from Reykjavik, Iceland, to Doha, Qatar):


To: The FIDE Presidential Board          Reykjavik, 10th of March, 1996.

Concerning: The location of the FIDE World Championship Final

The Danish Chess Federation is strongly against the decision of the FIDE
Presidential Board to have the FIDE World Championship Final match
between Anatoly Karpov and Gata Kamsky held in Baghdad, Iraq.
We believe that this decision will imply serious damage to world chess
and can endanger the existence of FIDE.
We urge you to change the decision. Find another organizer in another
country. If it takes time, it takes time.

On behalf of the Danish Chess Federation

Soren Bech Hansen
------------------------- END

Shay Bushinsky sends me the offical reaction of the Russian Chess Federation
to the idea of holding the World Championship Chess match between Karpov
and Kamsky in Baghdad


The Executive Committee of the Russian Chess Federation denounces
the decision made by FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov and FIDE
Presidential Board to organize the match between A. Karpov and G. Kamsky in Baghdad (Iraq).
        The decision in effect supports the policy of international terrorism
carried ot by Saddam Hussein's regime. FIDE's decision is made especially
cynical by the fact that it was taken only a few days after Saddam Hussein's
relatives, including children, were killed in Baghdad.

        The decision to organize the match was taken in spite of the clearly
expressed opinion of the entire civilized world and the United Nations

        The Baghdad regime has committed numerous violations of human
rights. Killing People, shelling Israeli cities, carrying out an aggression
against a peaceful neighboring state - these are but a few of the acts
committed by the dictator from whose hands FIDE intends to receive money
for the match.

        The Russian Chess Federation finds this completely immoral, no
matter what the size of the prize fund is or what does Saddam Hussein wears
at the opening ceremony.

        The Executive Committee of the Russian Chess Federation has
instructed its president, Andrei Makarov, to bring this opinion to the
attention of FIDE Presidential Board and the mass media.

        The executive Committee has instructed its President to use all
possible means, including his powers as FIDE Vice President, in order to
achieve an annulment of this decision, which disgraces those who take part in
its implementation and FIDE on the whole.

        The executive Committee of the Russian Chess Federation is prepared
if necessary, to submit this issue to the Congress of the Russian Chess
Federations for taking further measures.

A. Makarov,
President of the Russian Chess Federation,
Vice-President of FIDE
(signed March 15th, 1996)

European FIDE president Jungwirth supports Ilyumshinov's choice for Iraq

Jouke Algra reports from Amsterdam:

Today all European Chess Federations received a letter from prof. Kurt Jungwirth, continental president of the European part of the FIDE, in which he comments on FIDE President Ilyumshinov's decision, to organize the Karpov-Kamsky world championship match in Bagdad, Iraq. He states that Iraq is a full member of FIDE and that there are  "no clauses in UN resolutions, which might rule out this match". He also says that the best way for western countries to protest against this match, would be to come forward with good bids of their own.

This letter caused quite some commotion today amongst people at the VSB-tournament in Amsterdam . It looks more or less like the FIDE is bargaining now, using the threat of an Iraq-match, to generate more sponsoring-money in  western countries opposed to this idea. Jungwirth  fully understands the disappointment of some Chess Federations, but stresses that it is " FIDE's duty to finalise its World Championship Cycle".

13) Komputer Korner E-mail address correction.

The correct E-Mail address for getting in touch with the
authors of Komputer Korner is

Al Tomalaty has been reviewing developments in the field
of computer chess for the last 10 years as the
computer chess columnist for the Chess Federation of

14) Arnold Eikrem memorial and Nordic Grand Prix by Jonathan Tisdall

The Norwegian federation has announced the basic info of their summer
schedule, with the appropriate combination of an Arnold Eikrem memorial and
Nordic Grand Prix leg.

Gausdal International, 26/7-2/8, 9R Swiss, GM+IM norms, normal time
controls. Prizes, entry fees conditions to be announced. Open to all with
FIDE rating and a limited number of unrated players.

Arnold J. Eikrem Memorial and NGP 96/97, 3/8-11/8, same info as above for
now but presumably better prizes due to NGP regulations. Open to all with
FIDE over 2100, limited spots to those 2000-2100 or unrated.

There will be three minor events, non-FIDE rated, Skei GP (5R Swiss, 2-4/8),
Peer Gynt Open (7R Swiss 5-9/8) and the Jarl Cup (9R Swiss 30' games, 10-11/8)

The Skei Masters (April 21-29) and Gausdal Arnold Masters (May 19-27) have
been cancelled.


Norwegian Chess Federation, Frenningsvei 3, N-0588 Oslo, Norway.
Phone: +47-22 15 12 41, fax +47-22 71 00 07

15) Paris Championships 1996 by Christophe Bouton (in French)

DU 19 AU 27 AVRIL 1996

ouvert a tous les joueurs licencies FFE ou a une federation reconnue par la

LIEU : Halle Carpentier - 81 Boulevard Massena 75013 PARIS
Metros: Porte de Choisy, Porte dIvry, Porte dItalie ou bus PC.

PRIX : 250.000 FF au total.
RONDES : 9 RONDES, 1 RONDE PAR JOUR, homologue FFE et FIDE. Appariements au
systeme suisse et classements informatises, assistes par le logiciel dAlain
Ribous. Les appariements de la premiere ronde seront affiches a 18h30.

INSCRIPTIONS: GMI, MI: gratuit; Adultes 350 FF, 450 F apres le 10/04; jeunes et
maitres FIDE: 175 F, 225 F apres le 10/04.

Ligue dIle de France des Echecs
29, rue des Pyrenees 75020 PARIS
Tel: 33-1-	Fax : 33-1-

OPEN FIDE 1: reserve aux joueurs ayant un classement Elo superieur ou egal a
2300(participation minimale de 10 GMI assuree)

OPEN FIDE 2: reserve aux joueurs classes entre 2000 et 2400 Elo (classement
national ou FIDE)

CADENCE FIDE 1 et FIDE 2: 40 coups/2h puis 20 coups a lheure puis 1h KO pour
ces deux opens.

OPEN A: reserve aux joueurs classes entre 1600 et 2000 Elo
OPEN B: reserve aux joueurs de moins de 1700 Elo
OPEN VETERANS: reserve aux joueurs non titres par la FIDE, nes avant le
CADENCE OPEN A, OPEN B et VETERANS: 40 coups/2h puis 30 minutes KO (pendules

NOTA: - les joueurs francais non-classes seront affectes doffice dans lopen B,
sauf cas particuliers(exemple: ancien classement) etudies par le comite
dorganisation du championnat.
- les joueurs etrangers non-classes FIDE fournissant une attestation avec
classement Elo de plus de 2000 pourront etre affectes dans lopen FIDE 2.
- le classement Elo pris en compte est celui de janvier 1996.
- les titres de Champion de Paris 1996 et de Championne de Paris 1996 seront
decernes au meilleur Francais et a la meilleure Francaise de lopen FIDE 1
licencies en Ile de France pendant deux saisons dont celle en cours.
- Le partage des prix du classement general se fera au systeme Hort.
- Prix par tranches de 100 points Elo dans les opens A et B!
- Un prix pour chacune des 7 categories jeunes mixtes (de junior a poussin)
attribue a la performance sur lensemble des tournois
- parking prevu
- navettes gratuites, correspondances assurees, au depart de la halle Carpentier
vers CHATELET, pour rejoindre le reseau des bus de nuit et du metro (RATP) a
partir de 0h30 (pour les rondes 1-4-5-6-7-8).
- REMISE DES PRIX ET VIN DHONNEUR: samedi 27 avril a 18h.

Vendredi 19/4 a 19h: ronde 1
Samedi 20/4 a 14h	: ronde 2
Dimanche 21/4 a 14h: ronde 3
Lundi 22/4 a 19h	: ronde 4
Mardi 23/4 a 19h	: ronde 5
Mercredi 24/4 a 19h: ronde 6
Jeudi 25/4 a 19h: 	: ronde 7
Vendredi 26/4 a 19h: ronde 8
Samedi 27/4 a 10h	: ronde 9

OPEN FIDE 1: 1er prix= 15.000 FF; 2e= 13.000 F; 3e= 10.000F ; 4e= 8.500 F; 5e=
7.500 F; 6e= 6.500 F; 7e= 5.500 F; 8e=5.000 F; 9e= 4.000 F; 10e=3.000; 11e=
2.000 F; 12e= 1.500 F; 13-20e= 1.000 F.
Champion de Paris = 4.000 F + coupe; Championne de Pariss: 2.000 F + coupe.

OPEN FIDE 2: 1er prix: 10.000 F; 2e= 8.000 F; 3e= 7.000 F; 4e= 5.000 F; 5e=
4.000 F; 6e= 3.500 F; 7e= 3.000 F; 8e= 2.500 F; 9e= 2.000 F; 10e= 1.700 F; 11e=
1.500 F; 12-20e= 1.000 F.

OPEN A : (en 000 FF): 9/7/5/3/2/1.5/1/.9/.8/.7/.6/13e au 20e= .5
OPEN B: (en 000 FF): 8/6/4/2.5/2/1/1/1/.9/.8/.6/12-20e=.5
OPEN VETERANS: (en 000 FF) 3/2/1/.7/.5
+ Prix speciaux par categorie dage et par tranche Elo dans les opens A et B.