THE WEEK IN CHESS 757 11th May 2009 by Mark Crowther

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1) Introduction
2) Azerbaijan vs the FIDE World
3) US Championships
4) 39th Bosna tournament
5) 5th M-Tel Masters
6) 4NCL
7) Copenhagen Chess Challenge
8) First Saturday May
9) 5th Thessaloniki Games Festival
10) Young Stars of the World
11) III Cerrado Manises
12) Lithuanian Championships
13) Ostravsky Konik Festival
14) Livry-Gargan Rapid
15) XI Vila de Salou Open
16) Mitropa Cup
17) 2nd Mumbai Mayors Cup
18) III La Laguna Open
19) 7th Brussel International Rapid
20) 31st Banicky kahanec
21) III Open Internacional Hotel D. Luis
22) 8th Semriach Open
23) 84th Argentine Championships
24) Russian Championships U20
25) Vladimir Nabokov Memorial
26) 9th Znojmo Open
27) Portsmouth (New Hampshire) Open
28) 17th World Computer Chess Championship
29) China's 2009 World Cup Qualification
30) The London Chess Classic in December
31) 7th Howard Staunton Memorial 2009 fields announced
32) 21st Lenk International Chess Festival
33) IV Campeonato de Espana de Selecciones Autonomicas
34) Torch Real Estate Cup
35) Poikovsky Tournament
36) 27th Elba Island Festival
37) Dutch Teams
38) Zone 2.3 Guayaquil Ecuador
39) Forthcoming Events and Links

Games Section
Azerbaijan vs the FIDE World32 games
US Championships36 games
39th Bosna tournament12 games
4NCL183 games
Copenhagen Chess Challenge337 games
First Saturday May95 games
5th Thessaloniki Games Festival12 games
Young Stars of the World18 games
III Cerrado Manises9 games
Lithuanian Championships66 games
Ostravsky Konik Festival48 games
Livry-Gargan Rapid72 games
Mitropa Cup84 games
2nd Mumbai Mayors Cup164 games
III La Laguna Open213 games
31st Banicky kahanec27 games
8th Semriach Open5 games
84th Argentine Championships141 games
Russian Championships U2060 games
Vladimir Nabokov Memorial66 games
21st Lenk International Chess Festival110 games
Dutch Teams50 games
1840 games

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1) Introduction

My thanks to Adolivio Capece, Luis Blasco de la Cruz, Luiz Roberto Da Costa Jr, Chris Bird, Dennis Monokroussos, Eric Birmingham, Sergey Bystrov, Igor Kragelj, Bela Lengyel, Manuel Rodriguez Garcia, George Mirijanian, Miklos Orso, Nigel Freeman, Ozgur Akman, Sinisa Joksic, Peter Svidler, Sotiris Logothetis, Steven Giddins, Thomas Henrich, Tom Skovgaard, Zenon Franco Ocampos and everyone else who helped with the issue.

A very busy week of chess. The Azerbaijan vs the FIDE World match was a very interesting event. The strong world team ran away with the event with some very heavy scoring from Kramnik and to a lesser extent World Champion Anand being the highlight. The US Championship also is well under way with detailed coverage and videos. This week the MTel tournament starts in Sofia and we should expect exciting chess there also. Elsewhere a lot of other chess is being played as we head into the summer chess season.

Hope you enjoy this issue.


2) Azerbaijan vs the FIDE World

The FIDE World team beat Azerbaijan in Baku as part of the "President's Cup 7th-9th May 2009. The players had 25 minutes per game. The FIDE World team were comfortable winners 21.5-10.5.

Official site:

Round 1 (May 7, 2009) Azerbaijan 2.5 - World 1.5
Kramnik, Vladimir - Gashimov, Vugar ½-½ 40 A34 English Symmetrical
Karjakin, Sergey - Guseinov, Gadir ½-½ 62 B27 Sicilian Early Fianchetto
Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar - Shirov, Alexei 1-0 73 D70 Gruenfeld Defence
Radjabov, Teimour - Anand, Viswanathan ½-½ 26 C54 Giuoco Piano
Round 2 (May 7, 2009) Azerbaijan 1 - World 3
Anand, Viswanathan - Gashimov, Vugar 1-0 41 A32 English Symmetrical
Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar - Karjakin, Sergey ½-½ 75 D45 Anti-Meran Variations
Shirov, Alexei - Guseinov, Gadir 1-0 28 B72 Sicilian Dragon
Radjabov, Teimour - Kramnik, Vladimir ½-½ 53 C42 Petroff's Defence
Round 3 (May 8, 2009) Azerbaijan 1.5 - World 2.5
Anand, Viswanathan - Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar ½-½ 30 B85 Sicilian Scheveningen
Shirov, Alexei - Radjabov, Teimour ½-½ 80 E99 King's Indian Classical
Gashimov, Vugar - Karjakin, Sergey ½-½ 37 C65 Ruy Lopez Berlin
Guseinov, Gadir - Kramnik, Vladimir 0-1 46 C43 Petroff's Defence
Round 4 (May 8, 2009) Azerbaijan 1 - World 3
Kramnik, Vladimir - Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar 1-0 27 A16 English Opening
Karjakin, Sergey - Radjabov, Teimour 1-0 69 C00 French Defence
Gashimov, Vugar - Shirov, Alexei ½-½ 24 C65 Ruy Lopez Berlin
Mamedov, Rauf - Anand, Viswanathan ½-½ 40 B18 Caro Kann
Round 5 (May 8, 2009) Azerbaijan 1 - World 3
Kramnik, Vladimir - Guseinov, Gadir 1-0 35 B27 Sicilian Early Fianchetto
Karjakin, Sergey - Gashimov, Vugar 1-0 84 A70 Benoni
Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar - Anand, Viswanathan ½-½ 43 D27 QGA
Radjabov, Teimour - Shirov, Alexei ½-½ 38 C54 Giuoco Piano
Round 6 (May 9, 2009) Azerbaijan 1.5 - World 2.5
Kramnik, Vladimir - Radjabov, Teimour ½-½ 18 B32 Sicilian Labourdonnais
Karjakin, Sergey - Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar ½-½ 32 B46 Sicilian Paulsen
Gashimov, Vugar - Anand, Viswanathan 0-1 45 B19 Caro Kann
Guseinov, Gadir - Shirov, Alexei ½-½ 32 C65 Ruy Lopez Berlin
Round 7 (May 9, 2009) Azerbaijan 0.5 - World 3.5
Anand, Viswanathan - Radjabov, Teimour ½-½ 18 B45 Sicilian Classical
Shirov, Alexei - Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar 1-0 26 B46 Sicilian Paulsen
Gashimov, Vugar - Kramnik, Vladimir 0-1 22 C43 Petroff's Defence
Guseinov, Gadir - Karjakin, Sergey 0-1 24 C65 Ruy Lopez Berlin
Round 8 (May 9, 2009) Azerbaijan 1.5 - World 2.5
Anand, Viswanathan - Mamedov, Rauf 1-0 56 B35 Sicilian Defence
Shirov, Alexei - Gashimov, Vugar ½-½ 43 C42 Petroff's Defence
Radjabov, Teimour - Karjakin, Sergey 1-0 35 A07 Barcza System
Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar - Kramnik, Vladimir 0-1 58 D37 QGD 5.Bf4
AZE vs World Rapid Baku (AZE), 7-9 v 2009
1 Kramnik, Vladimir g RUS 2759 6.5 /8 2968
2 Anand, Viswanathan g IND 2783 5.5 /8 2855
3 Karjakin, Sergey g UKR 2721 5.0 /8 2812
4 Shirov, Alexei g ESP 2745 4.5 /8 2760
FIDE World21.5
1 Radjabov, Teimour g AZE 2756 4.0 /8 2752
2 Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar g AZE 2725 3.0 /8 2665
3 Gashimov, Vugar g AZE 2730 2.0 /8 2559
4 Guseinov, Gadir g AZE 2659 1.0 /6 2468
5 Mamedov, Rauf g AZE 2645 0.5 /2 2590

3) US Championships

The 2009 US Chess Championship takes place in St Louis, United States, May 7th-17th 2009. 24 players compete including: Varuzhan Akobiana, Julio Becerra Rivero, Joel Benjamin, Michael Brooks, Larry Christiansen, Jaan Ehlvest, Josh Friedel, Boris Gulko, Robert Hess, Tyler Hughes, Ildar Ibragimov, Gregory Kaidanov, Gata Kamsky, Melik Khachiyan, Irina Krush, Charles Lawton, Hikaru Nakamura, Alexander Onischuk, Ray Robson, Enrico Sevillano, Alexander Shabalov, Yury Shulman and Anna Zatonskih.

Note Anna Zatonskih has been taken ill (minor ailment). GM Gregory Kaidanov has now a win by default against her in round 3 and Doug Eckert is in instead.

Live coverage at the St Louis Chess Club website, TWIC, ICC and ChessBase.

Official site:

Round 1 (May 8, 2009)
Friedel, Joshua E - Onischuk, Alexander ½-½ 43 C67 Ruy Lopez Berlin
Ehlvest, Jaan - Brooks, Michael A 1-0 91 A15 English counter King's Fianchetto
Kaidanov, Gregory S - Krush, Irina ½-½ 49 D27 QGA
Shulman, Yuri - Sevillano, Enrico 1-0 67 A40 Unusual Replies to 1.d4
Nakamura, Hikaru - Shabalov, Alexander 1-0 40 B84 Sicilian Scheveningen
Zatonskih, Anna - Akobian, Varuzhan 0-1 64 A41 Modern Defence
Shankland, Samuel L - Benjamin, Joel ½-½ 56 C87 Ruy Lopez
Lawton,Charles - Khachiyan, Melikset 0-1 68 B76 Sicilian Modern Dragon
Hess, Robert L - Christiansen, Larry M 1-0 40 B30 Sicilian Rossolimo
Gulko, Boris F - Hughes, Tyler B 0-1 40 E61 King's Indian Defence
Becerra Rivero, Julio - Robson, Ray 1-0 34 B81 Sicilian Keres Attack
Ibragimov, Ildar - Kamsky, Gata 0-1 36 A16 English Opening
Round 2 (May 9, 2009)
Khachiyan, Melikset - Shulman, Yuri 0-1 50 C19 French Winawer
Zatonskih, Anna - Ibragimov, Ildar ½-½ 39 D27 QGA
Hughes, Tyler B - Onischuk, Alexander 0-1 21 A81 Dutch Leningrad
Sevillano, Enrico - Lawton,Charles 1-0 89 B06 Modern Defence
Kamsky, Gata - Akobian, Varuzhan 1-0 41 C10 French Rubinstein
Ehlvest, Jaan - Nakamura, Hikaru ½-½ 37 A15 English counter King's Fianchetto
Shabalov, Alexander - Brooks, Michael A 0-1 36 B90 Sicilian Najdorf Variation
Christiansen, Larry M - Shankland, Samuel L ½-½ 47 D18 Slav Defence
Hess, Robert L - Becerra Rivero, Julio 1-0 44 C69 Ruy Lopez Exchange
Benjamin, Joel - Krush, Irina 1-0 40 B51 Sicilian Rossolimo
Robson, Ray - Gulko, Boris F 1-0 44 B64 Sicilian Rauzer
Friedel, Joshua E - Kaidanov, Gregory S 1-0 79 C80 Ruy Lopez Open
Round 3 (May 10, 2009)
Krush, Irina - Gulko, Boris F 1-0 54 E32 Nimzo Indian 4.Qc2
Shulman, Yuri - Kamsky, Gata ½-½ 30 D85 Gruenfeld Defence
Onischuk, Alexander - Ehlvest, Jaan ½-½ 41 E38 Nimzo Indian 4.Qc2
Becerra Rivero, Julio - Hughes, Tyler B 1-0 29 B48 Sicilian Paulsen
Brooks, Michael A - Sevillano, Enrico ½-½ 70 C19 French Winawer
Nakamura, Hikaru - Hess, Robert L 1-0 49 E21 Nimzo Indian 4.Nf3
Shankland, Samuel L - Khachiyan, Melikset ½-½ 31 C41 Philidor's Defence
Kaidanov, Gregory S - Zatonskih, Anna 1-0 Default
Ibragimov, Ildar - Christiansen, Larry M ½-½ 40 D10 Slav Defence
Lawton,Charles - Shabalov, Alexander 0-1 27 B03 Alekhine's Defence
Akobian, Varuzhan - Robson, Ray 1-0 51 D45 Anti-Meran Variations
Benjamin, Joel - Friedel, Joshua E 0-1 60 A46 Queen's Pawn Opening

ch-USA Saint Louis (USA), 8-16 v 2009
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1. Kamsky, Gata g USA 2720 +18 +9 =2 . . . . . . 2883
2. Shulman, Yuri g USA 2632 +16 +14 =1 . . . . . . 2868
3. Friedel, Joshua E g USA 2516 =6 +13 +10 . . . . . . 2893
4. Nakamura, Hikaru g USA 2701 +21 =5 +7 . . . . . . 2826
5. Ehlvest, Jaan g USA 2606 +12 =4 =6 . . . . . . 2 2741
6. Onischuk, Alexander g USA 2684 =3 +19 =5 . . . . . . 2 2575
7. Hess, Robert L m USA 2485 +17 +8 -4 . . . . . . 2 2757
8. Becerra Rivero, Julio g USA 2609 +20 -7 +19 . . . . . . 2 2518
9. Akobian, Varuzhan g USA 2612 +22 -1 +20 . . . . . . 2 2673
10. Benjamin, Joel g USA 2583 =11 +15 -3 . . . . . . 2471
11. Shankland, Samuel L m USA 2446 =10 =17 =14 . . . . . . 2572
12. Brooks, Michael A m USA 2463 -5 +21 =16 . . . . . . 2565
13. Kaidanov, Gregory S g USA 2595 =15 -3 +22 . . . . . . 2476
14. Khachiyan, Melikset g USA 2546 +25 -2 =11 . . . . . . 2359
15. Krush, Irina m USA 2452 =13 -10 +24 . . . . . . 2579
16. Sevillano, Enrico m USA 2520 -2 +25 =12 . . . . . . 2365
17. Christiansen, Larry M g USA 2588 -7 =11 =18 . . . . . . 1 2380
18. Ibragimov, Ildar g USA 2586 -1 =22 =17 . . . . . . 1 2464
19. Hughes, Tyler B USA 2230 +24 -6 -8 . . . . . . 1 2493
20. Robson, Ray m USA 2465 -8 +24 -9 . . . . . . 1 2469
21. Shabalov, Alexander g USA 2569 -4 -12 +25 . . . . . . 1 2263
22. Zatonskih, Anna m USA 2461 -9 =18 -13 . . . . . . ½ 2324
23. Eckert, Doug D f USA 2275 . . . . . . . . . 0
24. Gulko, Boris F g USA 2561 -19 -20 -15 . . . . . . 0
25. Lawton,Charles USA ---- -14 -16 -21 . . . . . . 0

4) 39th Bosna tournament

The 39th Bosna tournament in Sarajevo takes place May 8th-18th 2009. 6 player double round robin.

Official site:

39th Bosna Sarajevo (BIH), 8-18 v 2009 cat. XVIII (2691)
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Eljanov, Pavel g UKR 2693 * * . . ½ . 1 . 1 . 1 . 3035
2. Predojevic, Borki g BIH 2652 . . * * 1 . ½ . ½ . ½ . 2794
3. Movsesian, Sergei g SVK 2747 ½ . 0 . * * ½ . . . 1 . 2 2677
4. Sokolov, Ivan NED g NED 2669 0 . ½ . ½ . * * ½ . . . 2607
5. Harikrishna, P g IND 2686 0 . ½ . . . ½ . * * ½ . 2590
6. Wang Hao g CHN 2696 0 . ½ . 0 . . . ½ . * * 1 2501

Round 1 (May 8, 2009)
Sokolov, Ivan NED - Movsesian, Sergei ½-½ 27 D15 Slav Defence
Harikrishna, P - Predojevic, Borki ½-½ 41 D17 Slav Defence
Wang Hao - Eljanov, Pavel 0-1 48 D37 QGD 5.Bf4
Round 2 (May 9, 2009)
Eljanov, Pavel - Sokolov, Ivan NED 1-0 32 D15 Slav Defence
Predojevic, Borki - Movsesian, Sergei 1-0 63 D15 Slav Defence
Harikrishna, P - Wang Hao ½-½ 23 D37 QGD 5.Bf4
Round 3 (May 10, 2009)
Movsesian, Sergei - Eljanov, Pavel ½-½ 19 C45 Scotch Game
Sokolov, Ivan NED - Harikrishna, P ½-½ 30 D43 Anti-Meran Gambit
Wang Hao - Predojevic, Borki ½-½ 23 D43 Anti-Meran Gambit
Round 4 (May 11, 2009)
Eljanov, Pavel - Harikrishna, P 1-0 81 D11 Slav Defence
Movsesian, Sergei - Wang Hao 1-0 63 A04 Dutch System
Sokolov, Ivan NED - Predojevic, Borki ½-½ 17 D18 Slav Defence

5) 5th M-Tel Masters

The 5th M-Tel Masters takes place in Sofia 12th-23rd May 2009 (rest day 18th May).

The Category XXI event sees Veselin Topalov, Magnus Carlsen, Vassily Ivanchuk, Wang Yue, Leinier Dominguez Perez and Alexei Shirov play in a double round robin format. The games will be played in a glass pavilion on the square in front of the National Theatre Ivan Vazov.

The time control is 90 minutes for 40 moves per player and 60 minutes per player till the end of the game. The maximum period for a single game is 5 hours. "Sofia rules" will again be used. They are that: Opponents cannot communicate during the games and cannot offer a draw. Proposals for a draw can be made only through the Chief Arbiter in three cases: triple repetition, eternal chess and theoretical draw position. When making the decisions the Chief Arbiter will be consulted by Zurab Azmaiparashvili, Vice President of FIDE.

Official site: - Preview:

6) 4NCL

The 4NCL took place 4th October 2008 - 4th May 2009. Rounds 9-11 took place 2nd-4th May 2009 in the De Vere Venues in Staverton near Daventry. Wood Green Hilsmark Kingfisher who won the 4NCL Division 1 title after an exciting 4-4 draw with Guildford 1 in the final round. Stephen Gordon who achieved his final GM norm in round 9. Guildford 2 finished third whilst White Rose and Barbican finished 4th and 5th. The bottom 4 teams in the demotion pool were relegated.


Official site: - Live coverage:

4NCL Hinckley Island, Staverton ENG 4 x 2008 - 4 v 2009
Final Standings Championship Pool
Team Won Drawn Lost Points
GUILDFORD-A&DC 1 5 1 1 11
GUILDFORD-A&DC 2 4 1 2 9
WHITE ROSE 1 3 1 3 7
BARBICAN 4NCL 1 2 1 4 5
4NCL Hinckley Island, Staverton ENG 4 x 2008 - 4 v 2009
Final Standings Demotion Pool
Team Won Drawn Lost Points
BETSSON.COM 5 2 0 12
BARBICAN 4NCL 2 4 1 2 9
BRISTOL 1 3 0 4 6
RICHMOND 1 1 5 0 *
4NCL Staverton ENG 4 x 2008 - 4 v 2009
1wAdams, Michael J27031 - 0Gordon, Stephen J2540
2bEmms, John M24870 - 1Baburin, Alexander2541
3wSummerscale, Aaron2453½ - ½Cramling, Pia (F)2528
4bGrafl, Florian *2407½ - ½Szabo, Krisztian2518
5wWard, Chris G2422½ - ½Berczes, David2513
6bPokorna, Regina (F)23680 - 1Lalic, Bogdan2508
7wConstantinou, Peter2235½ - ½Arakhamia-Grant, Ketevan (F)2492
8bAuckland, Elliott20020 - 1Hanley, Craig A2430
1wSpeelman, Jonathan S2534½ - ½Plaskett, James2491
2bDavies, Nigel R2487½ - ½Pert, Richard G2459
3wJirka, Jiri2460½ - ½Shaw, John K2469
4bCernousek, Lukas24391 - 0Gallagher, Joseph G2462
5wRichardson, John R2308½ - ½Cherniaev, Alexander2423
6bSnape, Ian2200½ - ½Buckley, Graeme2395
7wAnderton, David22250 - 1Muir, Andrew J2351
8bBellin, Jana (F)21910 - 1Sandu, Mihaela (F)2305
1wKurnosov, Igor *26581 - 0Turner, Matthew J2511
2bHowell, David W L26131 - 0Ferguson, Mark2408
3wMcShane, Luke25961 - 0D'Costa, Lorin A R2485
4bPert, Nicholas25371 - 0Devereaux, Maxim2388
5wConquest, Stuart C25491 - 0Collinson, Adam2392
6bHebden, Mark L2510½ - ½Knott, Simon2350
7wKing, Daniel J2512½ - ½Cox, John J2367
8bLalic, Susan (F)23421 - 0Lauterbach, Ingrid (F)2158
1wGreet, Andrew N24310 - 1Wells, Peter K2489
2bBriscoe, Christopher22670 - 1McNab, Colin2472
3wHouska, Jovanka (F)2402½ - ½Palliser, Richard2414
4bMartin, Andrew D2422½ - ½Gourlay, Iain2364
5wPein, Malcolm2391½ - ½Barrett, Steve J2200
6bMcDonald, Neil24050 - 1Corke, Anya (F)2237
7wSowray, Peter J23111 - 0Gayson, Peter M2256
8bTiller, Bjorn2373½ - ½Adams, David M2198
1wCobb, James E24361 - 0Rudd, Jack2357
2bCooper, John G2350½ - ½Cobb, Charles2397
3wRees, Ioan23071 - 0Poobalasingam, Peter2240
4bZeidler, Sven P22230 - 1Beaumont, Chris2304
5wMorris, Charles F21970 - 1Buckley, David E2265
6bJames, David J21301 - 0Curtis, John2112
7wRoberts, David L21071 - 0Dilleigh, Stephen P2148
8bWilson, Julie (F)19100 - 1Yap, Xiu-Huan (F)1776
1wRuston, Mark R20920 - 1Rogers, Jonathan W2337
2bMakepeace, Philip J20420 - 1Taylor, Martin R2330
3wArmstrong, Malcolm20510 - 1Berry, Neil2319
4bRussell, Chris20760 - 1Pritchett, Craig W2306
5wPurton, Ben J21100 - 1Coleman, David2221
6bVarnam, Liam D21211 - 0Ynojosa, Felix J2187
7wSainbayar, Anuurai (F)15900 - 1Taylor, Peter2244
8bHui, Zhu *16000 - 1Regan, Natasha (F)2177
1wBates, Richard A2384½ - ½Hunt, Adam C2433
2bBaker, Chris W23510 - 1Ledger, Andrew J2425
3wWall, Gavin23010 - 1Ansell, Simon2394
4bOsborne, Marcus E2212½ - ½Webb, Laurence E2346
5wMuter, Donny22251 - 0Eames, Robert G2312
6bCannon, Richard *20910 - 1Ledger, David J2235
7wdefault 0 - 1Ledger, Stephen C2140
8bdefault 0 - 1Yurenok, Maria S (F)2033
1wPixton, Adam *24621 - 0Morrison, Graham2347
2bMah, Karl C C24081 - 0Lyell, Mark2300
3wDearing, Eddie23941 - 0Hague, Ben2282
4bPinter, Gabor23561 - 0Hulmes, David I2220
5wMoskovic, David M2304½ - ½Redmond, John2199
6bAlfred, Nathan22951 - 0Jaunooby, Ali2162
7wChurm, Rohan M21781 - 0Connor, Stephen J2060
8bKourtseva, Julie (F)18150 - 1Morrison, Lynne (F)1918
1wGordon, Stephen J2540½ - ½Speelman, Jonathan S2534
2bBaburin, Alexander2541½ - ½Davies, Nigel R2487
3wCramling, Pia (F)25281 - 0Jirka, Jiri2460
4bSzabo, Krisztian25180 - 1Cernousek, Lukas2439
5wBerczes, David25131 - 0Richardson, John R2308
6bLalic, Bogdan2508½ - ½Snape, Ian2200
7wArakhamia-Grant, Ketevan (F)24921 - 0Anderton, David2225
8bHanley, Craig A24301 - 0Bellin, Jana (F)2191
RD 10 WHITE ROSE 123292 - 6GUILDFORD-A&DC 12540
1wWells, Peter K2489½ - ½Kurnosov, Igor *2658
2bMcNab, Colin24720 - 1Howell, David W L2613
3wPalliser, Richard24140 - 1McShane, Luke2596
4bGourlay, Iain23640 - 1Pert, Nicholas2537
5wCorke, Anya (F)2237½ - ½Conquest, Stuart C2549
6bBarrett, Steve J22000 - 1Hebden, Mark L2510
7wGayson, Peter M22560 - 1King, Daniel J2512
8bAdams, David M21981 - 0Lalic, Susan (F)2342
1wTurner, Matthew J2511½ - ½Greet, Andrew N2431
2bFerguson, Mark2408½ - ½Martin, Andrew D2422
3wD'Costa, Lorin A R2485½ - ½Houska, Jovanka (F)2402
4bKnott, Simon2350½ - ½McDonald, Neil2405
5wCox, John J2367½ - ½Pein, Malcolm2391
6bDevereaux, Maxim2388½ - ½Broomfield, Matthew2341
7wCollinson, Adam23921 - 0Sowray, Peter J2311
8bLauterbach, Ingrid (F)21580 - 1Briscoe, Christopher2267
1wCherniaev, Alexander24230 - 1Adams, Michael J2703
2bPert, Richard G2459½ - ½Ward, Chris G2422
3wPlaskett, James24911 - 0Grafl, Florian *2407
4bGallagher, Joseph G2462½ - ½Emms, John M2487
5wShaw, John K24691 - 0Pokorna, Regina (F)2368
6bBuckley, Graeme23951 - 0Kilpatrick, Callum2211
7wMuir, Andrew J2351½ - ½Constantinou, Peter2235
8bSandu, Mihaela (F)2305½ - ½Auckland, Elliott2002
1wBerry, Neil23191 - 0Cooper, John G2350
2bPritchett, Craig W23060 - 1Rees, Ioan2307
3wRogers, Jonathan W2337½ - ½Morris, Charles F2197
4bTaylor, Martin R23300 - 1Zeidler, Sven P2223
5wColeman, David22211 - 0Morris, Gareth L2156
6bYnojosa, Felix J2187½ - ½James, David J2130
7wChapman, Terence22321 - 0Roberts, David L2107
8bRegan, Natasha (F)21771 - 0Wilson, Julie (F)1910
1wHunt, Adam C2433½ - ½Pixton, Adam *2462
2bLedger, Andrew J2425½ - ½Pinter, Gabor2356
3wAnsell, Simon2394½ - ½Dearing, Eddie2394
4bWebb, Laurence E23460 - 1Mah, Karl C C2408
5wEames, Robert G2312½ - ½Moskovic, David M2304
6bLedger, David J2235½ - ½Alfred, Nathan2295
7wLedger, Stephen C2140½ - ½Churm, Rohan M2178
8bYurenok, Maria S (F)20331 - 0Kourtseva, Julie (F)1815
1wMorrison, Graham23471 - 0Bates, Richard A2384
2bLyell, Mark23000 - 1Baker, Chris W2351
3wHague, Ben22820 - 1Wall, Gavin2301
4bHulmes, David I2220½ - ½Osborne, Marcus E2212
5wRedmond, John2199½ - ½Muter, Donny2225
6bJaunooby, Ali21620 - 1Cannon, Richard *2091
7wConnor, Stephen J20601 - 0default
8bMorrison, Lynne (F)19181 - 0default
1wCobb, Charles23971 - 0Ruston, Mark R2092
2bBeaumont, Chris23041 - 0Russell, Chris2076
3wRudd, Jack23571 - 0Armstrong, Malcolm2051
4bBuckley, David E22651 - 0Makepeace, Philip J2042
5wPoobalasingam, Peter22400 - 1Varnam, Liam D2121
6bDilleigh, Stephen P21480 - 1Purton, Ben J2110
7wCurtis, John21121 - 0Sainbayar, Anuurai (F)1590
8bYap, Xiu-Huan (F)17760 - 1Hui, Zhu *1600
1wKurnosov, Igor *26581 - 0Lalic, Bogdan2508
2bPert, Nicholas2537½ - ½Baburin, Alexander2541
3wMcShane, Luke25961 - 0Gordon, Stephen J2540
4bHowell, David W L2613½ - ½Cramling, Pia (F)2528
5wPlaskett, James24911 - 0Berczes, David2513
6bConquest, Stuart C25490 - 1Arakhamia-Grant, Ketevan (F)2492
7wHebden, Mark L25100 - 1Szabo, Krisztian2518
8bLalic, Susan (F)23420 - 1Greet, Andrew N2431
1wAdams, Michael J27031 - 0D'Costa, Lorin A R2485
2bEmms, John M24870 - 1Turner, Matthew J2511
3wGrafl, Florian *2407½ - ½Collinson, Adam2392
4bWard, Chris G24221 - 0Devereaux, Maxim2388
5wPokorna, Regina (F)23681 - 0Cox, John J2367
6bKilpatrick, Callum2211½ - ½Ferguson, Mark2408
7wConstantinou, Peter2235½ - ½Knott, Simon2350
8bAuckland, Elliott20020 - 1Lauterbach, Ingrid (F)2158
1wHanley, Craig A24300 - 1Shaw, John K2469
2bMcDonald, Neil24051 - 0King, Daniel J2512
3wHouska, Jovanka (F)24020 - 1Cherniaev, Alexander2423
4bTiller, Bjorn2373½ - ½Pert, Richard G2459
5wPein, Malcolm2391½ - ½Gallagher, Joseph G2462
6bBroomfield, Matthew2341½ - ½Buckley, Graeme2395
7wSowray, Peter J23111 - 0Muir, Andrew J2351
8bBriscoe, Christopher2267½ - ½Sandu, Mihaela (F)2305
1wSpeelman, Jonathan S25340 - 1Wells, Peter K2489
2bDavies, Nigel R2487½ - ½McNab, Colin2472
3wJirka, Jiri2460½ - ½Palliser, Richard2414
4bCernousek, Lukas24391 - 0Gourlay, Iain2364
5wRichardson, John R23080 - 1Adams, David M2198
6bSnape, Ian2200½ - ½Barrett, Steve J2200
7wAnderton, David2225½ - ½Gayson, Peter M2256
8bBellin, Jana (F)21910 - 1Corke, Anya (F)2237
1wCooper, John G2350½ - ½Hunt, Adam C2433
2bRees, Ioan2307½ - ½Ledger, Andrew J2425
3wMorris, Charles F21970 - 1Ansell, Simon2394
4bZeidler, Sven P22231 - 0Webb, Laurence E2346
5wMorris, Gareth L21560 - 1Eames, Robert G2312
6bJames, David J21300 - 1Ledger, David J2235
7wRoberts, David L2107½ - ½Ledger, Stephen C2140
8bWilson, Julie (F)19101 - 0default
RD 11 RICHMOND22613½-4½BRISTOL 12184
1wBates, Richard A23840 - 1Rudd, Jack2357
2bBaker, Chris W23510 - 1Buckley, David E2265
3wWall, Gavin23011 - 0Collier, David O2114
4bOsborne, Marcus E22121 - 0Dilleigh, Stephen P2148
5wMuter, Donny2225½ - ½Curtis, John2112
6bCannon, Richard *20911 - 0Yap, Xiu-Huan (F)1776
7wdefault 0 - 1Cobb, Charles2397
8bdefault 0 - 1Beaumont, Chris2304
1wRuston, Mark R20920 - 1Morrison, Graham2347
2bVarnam, Liam D21211 - 0Lyell, Mark2300
3wArmstrong, Malcolm20510 - 1Hague, Ben2282
4bMakepeace, Philip J2042½ - ½Hulmes, David I2220
5wPurton, Ben J21101 - 0Redmond, John2199
6bRussell, Chris20760 - 1Jaunooby, Ali2162
7wSainbayar, Anuurai (F)15900 - 1Connor, Stephen J2060
8bHui, Zhu *1600½ - ½Morrison, Lynne (F)1918
1wMah, Karl C C2408½ - ½Piper, Matthew S2295
2bPinter, Gabor23560 - 1Berry, Neil2319
3wDearing, Eddie23941 - 0Rogers, Jonathan W2337
4bMoskovic, David M2304½ - ½Taylor, Martin R2330
5wChurm, Rohan M21780 - 1Hodgson, John H2185
6bPickard, Charles21971 - 0Taylor, Peter2244
7wBeckett, Chris J2096½ - ½Coleman, David2221
8bKourtseva, Julie (F)18151 - 0default

7) Copenhagen Chess Challenge

The Copenhagen Chess Challenge took place 6th - 10th May 2009 8 GMs (including Danish Allan Stig Rasmussen waiting his nomination for GM), 11 IMs and 76 players in total competed. Stellan Brynell and Daniel Semcesen finished on 7/9.

Official site with live coverage:

Copenhagen Chess Challenge Ballerup (DEN), 6-10 v 2009
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1. Brynell, Stellan g SWE 2463 +31 +33 -5 =19 +22 +20 +28 +7 =4 7 2565
2. Semcesen, Daniel f SWE 2387 +76 +42 =4 +10 =5 =3 =16 +15 +7 7 2616
3. Grandelius, Nils m SWE 2491 +40 +18 +12 =7 =15 =2 =14 =6 +16 2566
4. Danielsen, Henrik g ISL 2482 +34 +24 =2 +14 -7 +13 =15 +26 =1 2548
5. Rusev, Krasimir g BUL 2498 +62 +30 +1 =15 =2 -7 +23 =8 +14 2558
6. Grabarczyk, Miroslaw g POL 2469 =45 +54 +25 =11 =19 +24 =7 =3 +17 2474
7. Rasmussen, Allan Stig m DEN 2501 +48 +27 +9 =3 +4 +5 =6 -1 -2 6 2545
8. Glud, Jakob Vang m DEN 2454 +49 -22 +29 +41 =20 =9 +27 =5 =11 6 2440
9. Tikkanen, Hans m SWE 2425 +57 +26 -7 =23 +17 =8 =25 =14 +19 6 2464
10. Janev, Evgeni g BUL 2458 +39 =23 +36 -2 -28 +42 +29 =12 +22 6 2401
11. Mikkelsen, Nikolaj m DEN 2394 =38 +64 +43 =6 =16 -14 +32 +28 =8 6 2413
12. Smith, Axel m SWE 2383 +50 +32 -3 =17 -35 +57 +36 =10 +26 6 2389
13. Pedersen, Nicolai Vesterbaek m DEN 2417 +55 -20 +48 =22 +29 -4 +43 =18 +23 6 2389
14. Lund, Esben m DEN 2430 +44 =29 +20 -4 +43 +11 =3 =9 -5 2430
15. Ivanov, Mikhail M g RUS 2470 +46 +41 +22 =5 =3 =28 =4 -2 =18 2437
16. Berg, Klaus m DEN 2440 =71 +45 =23 +26 =11 =19 =2 +25 -3 2395
17. Kovachev, Daniel Jakobsen NOR 2256 +69 =19 =21 =12 -9 +54 +20 +37 -6 2344
18. Picard, Romain f FRA 2339 +65 -3 =39 =34 +62 =32 +35 =13 =15 2334
19. Bekker-Jensen, Simon m DEN 2411 +47 =17 +35 =1 =6 =16 -26 +41 -9 5 2373
20. Veng, Johnny DEN 2240 +52 +13 -14 +27 =8 -1 -17 +45 =30 5 2361
21. Hoi, Carsten g DEN 2387 +56 =35 =17 =32 =23 =36 =24 =27 =25 5 2307
22. Lauridsen, Jesper CHI 2223 +61 +8 -15 =13 -1 =39 +55 +24 -10 5 2337
23. Lovik, Lasse Ostebo NOR 2289 +72 =10 =16 =9 =21 +37 -5 +43 -13 5 2389
24. Carstensen, Jacob f DEN 2331 +53 -4 =49 +31 +42 -6 =21 -22 +48 5 2283
25. Holmsgaard, Henrik DEN 2330 =64 +66 -6 =40 +31 +34 =9 -16 =21 5 2269
26. Hagen, Andreas Skytte f DEN 2278 +67 -9 +47 -16 +52 +30 +19 -4 -12 5 2306
27. Sahl, Bjarke m NOR 2366 +59 -7 +62 -20 +40 +35 -8 =21 =29 5 2314
28. Bekker-Jensen, David DEN 2330 -54 +68 +71 +56 +10 =15 -1 -11 =32 5 2252
29. Kristensen, Kaare f DEN 2244 +58 =14 -8 +54 -13 +65 -10 +34 =27 5 2259
30. Feuerstack, Aljoscha GER 2345 +73 -5 -31 +38 +49 -26 =46 +44 =20 5 2216
31. Rossen, Claus DEN 2134 -1 +75 +30 -24 -25 +58 =45 +35 =37 5 2250
32. De Verdier, Michael SWE 2229 +74 -12 +76 =21 =37 =18 -11 +47 =28 5 2296
33. Hove, Esben Kjems DEN 2294 +75 -1 -56 =65 =50 -55 +64 +57 +51 5 2094
34. Schmidt, Tommy B DEN 2167 -4 +53 =37 =18 +41 -25 =38 -29 +55 2241
35. Christensen, Bo Garner DEN 2240 +70 =21 -19 +55 +12 -27 -18 -31 +46 2213
36. Bejtovic, Jasmin f BIH 2306 =66 +38 -10 =49 +47 =21 -12 =46 =40 2191
37. Matthiesen, Arne f DEN 2349 =51 =71 =34 +39 =32 -23 +57 -17 =31 2154
38. Lauritsen, Martin Lee DEN 2063 =11 -36 +68 -30 =45 +62 =34 =42 =41 2207
39. Gandrud, Vegar Koi NOR 2124 -10 +72 =18 -37 +51 =22 -41 +52 =42 2194
40. Hvenekilde, Jorgen DEN 2184 -3 =65 +58 =25 -27 +50 =47 =51 =36 2142
41. Jacobsen, Bo DEN 2325 +60 -15 +57 -8 -34 +49 +39 -19 =38 2203
42. Getz, Nicolai NOR 2205 +63 -2 =54 +51 -24 -10 +65 =38 =39 2134
43. Andreasen, Per f DEN 2265 =68 +51 -11 +50 -14 +56 -13 -23 +54 2140
44. Rhee, Alexander DEN 2115 -14 -58 =52 +68 -65 +66 +53 -30 +62 2038
45. Brondum, Eric DEN 2138 =6 -16 =64 =53 =38 +73 =31 -20 =47 4 2095
46. Vovk, Oksana wm DEN 2142 -15 =60 =65 =58 =56 +52 =30 =36 -35 4 2071
47. Madsen, Poul Henrik DEN 2074 -19 +69 -26 +63 -36 +48 =40 -32 =45 4 2127
48. Akdag, Dara DEN 2199 -7 +59 -13 +61 -57 -47 +58 +56 -24 4 2074
49. Eriksson, Christian DEN 2122 -8 +61 =24 =36 -30 -41 +73 =54 =50 4 2124
50. Knudsen, Jes West DEN 2019 -12 =74 +66 -43 =33 -40 =61 +67 =49 4 2046
51. Pedersen, Nicolai Kvist Brondt DEN 1971 =37 -43 +74 -42 -39 +60 +67 =40 -33 4 2084
52. Marianov, Petyo BUL ---- -20 =55 =44 +76 -26 -46 +59 -39 +65 4 2065
53. Andersen, Daniel DEN 1940 -24 -34 +69 =45 -71 +75 -44 +70 =57 4 1993
54. Nielsen, Leonard de Freitas DEN 1925 +28 -6 =42 -29 +59 -17 =56 =49 -43 2133
55. Fredericia, Louise wf DEN 2100 -13 =52 +60 -35 =58 +33 -22 =62 -34 2056
56. Pallesen, Jacob DEN 2030 -21 +70 +33 -28 =46 -43 =54 -48 =60 2044
57. Peschardt, Soren DEN 2104 -9 +67 -41 +70 +48 -12 -37 -33 =53 2074
58. Petrovski, Petruli DEN 1772 -29 +44 -40 =46 =55 -31 -48 +73 =59 2040
59. Jorgensen, Kasper Moller DEN 1999 -27 -48 +67 -62 -54 +63 -52 +69 =58 1926
60. Brauner, Jonathan DEN 1916 -41 =46 -55 =66 =61 -51 =69 +72 =56 1918
61. Jacobsen, Mads-Holger DEN 1830 -22 -49 +73 -48 =60 =64 =50 =65 =68 1932
62. Jorgensen, Dennis DEN 2197 -5 +73 -27 +59 -18 -38 +66 =55 -44 2071
63. Vesterli, Michael DEN ---- -42 -76 +72 -47 -67 -59 =68 +75 +74 1885
64. Tandrup, Michael DEN 1917 =25 -11 =45 =71 . =61 -33 =66 =67 3 2016
65. Boulan, Laura FRA 1955 -18 =40 =46 =33 +44 -29 -42 =61 -52 3 2025
66. Andersen, Kim Nyvang DEN 1914 =36 -25 -50 =60 +69 -44 -62 =64 =70 3 1903
67. Haubro, Martin DEN 1809 -26 -57 -59 =75 +63 +68 -51 -50 =64 3 1873
68. Christensen, Casper DEN 1793 =43 -28 -38 -44 =72 -67 =63 +74 =61 3 1907
69. Nielsen, Poul Bang DEN 1792 -17 -47 -53 +72 -66 =70 =60 -59 +75 3 1824
70. Capion, Jon Gotz DEN 1662 -35 -56 +75 -57 -73 =69 +74 -53 =66 3 1863
71. Haubro, Sigfred DEN 2120 =16 =37 -28 =64 +53 . . . . 2195
72. Schmidt, Horst Hubert DEN 1880 -23 -39 -63 -69 =68 -74 +75 -60 +73 1810
73. Nielsen, Thomas DEN 1970 -30 -62 -61 +74 +70 -45 -49 -58 -72 2 1774
74. Skovle, Lars DEN ---- -32 =50 -51 -73 -75 +72 -70 -68 -63 1663
75. Moller, Arne DEN 1903 -33 -31 -70 =67 +74 -53 -72 -63 -69 1672
76. Jorgensen, Rasmus DEN 2024 -2 +63 -32 -52 . . . . . 1 1961

8) First Saturday May

The First Saturday tournaments take place 2nd-15th May in Budapest. No GM group this month, just an IM and two FM sections.

Official site:

FSIM May Budapest (HUN), 2-11 v 2009 cat. II (2283)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
1. Galyas, Miklos m HUN 2458 * 1 ½ . 1 ½ 0 1 1 . 5 2434
2. Kislik, Erik Andrew USA 2314 0 * ½ 1 0 1 1 1 . . 2389
3. Wittmann, Walter m AUT 2272 ½ ½ * ½ ½ 0 1 . . 1 4 2328
4. Koczo, Kristof HUN 2244 . 0 ½ * ½ . 1 1 1 0 4 2321
5. Lengyel, Bela m HUN 2268 0 1 ½ ½ * . . ½ 1 0 2297
6. Szabo, Bence HUN 2220 ½ 0 1 . . * 0 ½ 0 1 3 2249
7. Farago, Sandor m HUN 2255 1 0 0 0 . 1 * . 0 1 3 2236
8. Szalanczy, Emil m HUN 2295 0 0 . 0 ½ ½ . * 1 1 3 2236
9. Hedke, Fred f GER 2310 0 . . 0 0 1 1 0 * 1 3 2225
10. Denisov, Ivan RUS 2189 . . 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 * 2 2108

FSFMA May Budapest (HUN), 2-11 v 2009
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
1. Kapferer, Romed AUT 2044 * ½ ½ . 1 ½ 1 . 1 1 2301
2. Sipos, Gabor HUN 2126 ½ * ½ 1 0 1 . 1 1 . 5 2251
3. Mayer, Istvan f HUN 2124 ½ ½ * 1 ½ 1 . ½ . 1 5 2240
4. Probst, Albert GER 2104 . 0 0 * 1 . 1 1 1 1 5 2206
5. Letay, Gyula f HUN 2067 0 1 ½ 0 * 1 ½ . 1 . 4 2137
6. Schenkerik, Csaba HUN 2215 ½ 0 0 . 0 * 1 ½ . 1 3 1997
7. Katona, Jozsef3 HUN 1951 0 . . 0 ½ 0 * 1 ½ 1 3 2021
8. Heyl, Thomas GER 2051 . 0 ½ 0 . ½ 0 * ½ ½ 2 1918
9. Nagy, Laszlo1 HUN 2046 0 0 . 0 0 . ½ ½ * 1 2 1886
10. Henrichsen, Jens DEN 1971 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 ½ 0 * ½ 1654

FSFMB May Budapest (HUN), 2-11 v 2009
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
1. Mendege, Andras HUN 1818 * . 1 ½ 1 ½ 1 . 1 1 6 2034
2. Farkas, Richard HUN 1709 . * 1 ½ . ½ 1 1 1 1 6 1993
3. Szoukup, Istvan HUN 1839 0 0 * 1 1 1 1 . 0 . 4 1809
4. Szecsi, Peter HUN ---- ½ ½ 0 * ½ . ½ 1 1 . 4 1728
5. Pollak, Andras HUN 1711 0 . 0 ½ * ½ . 1 1 1 4 1761
6. Juhasz, Armin HUN 1828 ½ ½ 0 . ½ * . ½ . 1 3 1659
7. Lajtos, Levente HUN 1632 0 0 0 ½ . . * 1 . 1 1650
8. Horvath, Zoltan3 HUN 1424 . 0 . 0 0 ½ 0 * 1 1 1605
9. Klein, Rafael ISR 1617 0 0 1 0 0 . . 0 * 0 1 1398
10. Szabo, Miklos HUN 1453 0 0 . . 0 0 0 0 1 * 1 1368

9) 5th Thessaloniki Games Festival

The 5th Thessaloniki Games Festival took place 26th April - 4th May 2009. Giorgi Bagaturov and Baris Esen finished on 7/9 in the Thessaloniki Open. Games from the final round now available.

There was the World Schools Championships (covered in detail on the official site and chessdom site) and World Amateur Championship where Stefan Parlog beat Euclides Roberto Ferreira in the final round to claim the Championship.

Official site: and

Open Thessaloniki (GRE), 27 iv-4 v 2009
Final Round 9 Standings:
Rk. Name FED Rtg Pts.
1 GM Bagaturov Giorgi GEO 2467 7
2 IM Esen Baris TUR 2472 7
3 Pavlidis Antonios GRE 2307 6,5
4 Sidorenko Ilya ISR 2357 6
5 GM Sanduleac Vasile MDA 2438 6
6 FM Perdek Miroslaw POL 2232 6
7 WIM Burtasova Anna RUS 2299 6
8 IM Obodchuk Andrei RUS 2393 5,5
9 GM Georgiev Vladimir MKD 2539 5,5
10 IM Shavtvaladze Nikoloz GEO 2454 5,5
11 WIM Fakhiridou Ekaterini GRE 2252 5,5
12 GM Georgiev Krum BUL 2440 5,5
13 IM Poley Vladimir BLR 2338 5
14 IM Ivanov Jordan BUL 2435 5
15 FM Vragoteris Antonios GRE 2264 5
16 FM Velchev Hristo BUL 2284 5
17 FM Simanjuntak Sebastian INA 2260 5
18 WGM Karlovich Anastazia UKR 2251 5
19 Nikologorsky Matfei RUS 2229 5
20 Galopoulos N GRE 2247 5
21 Kounalakis Evryklis GRE 2090 5
22 Pavlidou Ekaterini GRE 2162 5
23 Matsenko Vadim RUS 2144 5
24 Skoulakis Charalambos GRE 2091 5
25 IM Danilov Vladimir ROU 2410 4,5
45 players

10) Young Stars of the World

The Young Stars of the World, Vanya Somov Memorial takes place 8th-21st May 2009 in Kirishi city (Leningrad region) in the Culture Palace. Twelve of the strongest young chess players in the world and Russia.

Official site:

Further information: (RUS) and

Young Stars of the World Kirishi (RUS), 9-20 v 2009 cat. V (2368)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
1. Belous, Vladimir RUS 2414 * . . . . ½ 1 . . 1 . . 2734
2. Naroditsky, Daniel f USA 2335 . * . . ½ . . . 1 . 1 . 2556
3. Bukavshin, Ivan f RUS 2365 . . * . ½ 1 ½ . . . . . 2 2549
4. Narayanan, Srinath m IND 2381 . . . * . . . 1 ½ ½ . . 2 2517
5. Chan Yi-Ren, Daniel f SIN 2375 . ½ ½ . * . . . . . ½ . 2284
6. Stukopin, Andrey f RUS 2380 ½ . 0 . . * . . . . 1 . 2311
7. Shimanov, Aleksandr m RUS 2519 0 . ½ . . . * . . . . 1 2365
8. Dubov, Daniil f RUS 2372 . . . 0 . . . * ½ . . 1 2339
9. Kovalev, Vladislav f BLR 2320 . 0 . ½ . . . ½ * . . . 1 2237
10. Ipatov, Alexander ESP m ESP 2486 0 . . ½ . . . . . * . ½ 1 2246
11. Ganichev, Alexander RUS 2154 . 0 . . ½ 0 . . . . * . ½ 2090
12. Fedoseev, Vladimir f RUS 2318 . . . . . . 0 0 . ½ . * ½ 2186

11) III Cerrado Manises

The III Cerrado Manises took place in Manises - Valencia (Spain) 20th April - 10th May 2009. Jhoel Garcia won with 7/9. Final round games are missing.

Official site: - Results:

III Cerrado Manises Manises ESP (ESP), 30 iv-10 v 2009 cat. II (2293)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
1. Garcia, Jhoel PER 2295 * ½ ½ 1 ½ ½ 1 1 1 1 7 2513
2. Garcia Fernandez, Carlos m ESP 2385 ½ * ½ ½ ½ 1 ½ 1 ½ ½ 2363
3. Palencia, Wilson m COL 2322 ½ ½ * ½ ½ ½ 1 ½ ½ 1 2370
4. Dolezal, Cristian m ARG 2411 0 ½ ½ * 1 1 0 ½ 1 1 2360
5. Sanchez Romero, Miquel Angel ESP 2235 ½ ½ ½ 0 * ½ 1 ½ 1 ½ 5 2342
6. Valmana Canto, Jaime f ESP 2341 ½ 0 ½ 0 ½ * ½ 1 1 1 5 2330
7. Pallardo Lozoya, Jose Vicente f ESP 2342 0 ½ 0 1 0 ½ * 1 0 1 4 2244
8. Calvo Alfonso, Vicente ESP 2204 0 0 ½ ½ ½ 0 0 * 1 1 2223
9. Pena Riasco, Alexander f COL 2228 0 ½ ½ 0 0 0 1 0 * ½ 2134
10. Aymerich Rosell, Pablo ESP 2169 0 ½ 0 0 ½ 0 0 0 ½ * 2034

12) Lithuanian Championships

The Lithuanian Championship took place in Vilnius 2nd-9th May 2009. Sarunas Sulskis edged out Vidmantas Malisauskas on tie-break after both finished on 8/11.

Official site:

ch-LTU Vilnius LTU (LTU), 2-10 v 2009 cat. VII (2420)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
1. Sulskis, Sarunas g LTU 2555 * ½ 1 1 ½ ½ ½ 1 ½ ½ 1 1 8 2582
2. Malisauskas, Vidmantas g LTU 2459 ½ * ½ ½ ½ 1 ½ 1 1 ½ 1 1 8 2591
3. Kveinys, Aloyzas g LTU 2534 0 ½ * ½ ½ ½ 1 ½ 1 1 ½ 1 7 2511
4. Zagorskis, Darius m LTU 2514 0 ½ ½ * ½ ½ ½ 1 1 ½ ½ 1 2476
5. Vaznonis, Vytautas m LTU 2338 ½ ½ ½ ½ * ½ ½ 0 1 ½ ½ 1 6 2463
6. Sarakauskas, Gediminas m LTU 2424 ½ 0 ½ ½ ½ * ½ 1 0 0 1 1 2419
7. Zickus, Simonas f LTU 2307 ½ ½ 0 ½ ½ ½ * 0 0 1 ½ 1 5 2394
8. Grabliauskas, Virginijus m LTU 2413 0 0 ½ 0 1 0 1 * 1 1 ½ 0 5 2384
9. Cmilyte, Viktorija m LTU 2498 ½ 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 * 0 1 1 2347
10. Piesina, Gintautas m LTU 2345 ½ ½ 0 ½ ½ 1 0 0 1 * 0 0 4 2324
11. Beinoras, Mindaugas m LTU 2422 0 0 ½ ½ ½ 0 ½ ½ 0 1 * 0 2286
12. Kudzma, Laimonas LTU 2231 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 * 3 2262

13) Ostravsky Konik Festival

The Ostravsky Konik Festival took place 1st-10th May 2009. GM tournament and FIDE opens.

Viktor Laznicka and Zbynek Hracek finished on 3.5/6 in the GM tournament. Ivan Hausner and Marcin Dziuba finished on 7/9 in the open.

Official site:


GM Ostrava (CZE), 3-9 v 2009 cat. XV (2614)
1 2 3 4
1. Laznicka, Viktor g CZE 2598 * * ½ ½ ½ ½ 1 ½ 2676
2. Hracek, Zbynek g CZE 2604 ½ ½ * * ½ ½ 1 ½ 2674
3. Socko, Bartosz g POL 2637 ½ ½ ½ ½ * * 0 ½ 2549
4. Azarov, Sergei g BLR 2618 0 ½ 0 ½ 1 ½ * * 2556

Round 3 (May 5, 2009)
Hracek, Zbynek - Azarov, Sergei 1-0 52 D36 QGD Exchange
Socko, Bartosz - Laznicka, Viktor ½-½ 104 B10 Caro Kann
Round 4 (May 7, 2009)
Laznicka, Viktor - Socko, Bartosz ½-½ 46 D41 Semi-Tarrasch Defence
Azarov, Sergei - Hracek, Zbynek ½-½ 30 B97 Sicilian Najdorf
Round 5 (May 8, 2009)
Hracek, Zbynek - Laznicka, Viktor ½-½ 38 B46 Sicilian Paulsen
Socko, Bartosz - Azarov, Sergei ½-½ 58 B76 Sicilian Modern Dragon
Round 6 (May 9, 2009)
Socko, Bartosz - Hracek, Zbynek ½-½ 38 E20 Nimzo Indian
Azarov, Sergei - Laznicka, Viktor ½-½ 39 C67 Ruy Lopez Berlin

Open Ostrava (CZE), 2-9 v 2009
PlNameTiFEDRtgFIDEBodyTB 1 TB 2 TB 3
1Hausner IvanIMCZE239374236.55
2Dziuba MarcinGMPOL2535741.5355
3Warakomski TomaszIMPOL24886.54134.55
4Kravtsiv MartynIMUKR25116.54134.54
5Bernasek JanIMCZE24436.540.535.55
6Sergeev VladimirGMUKR24796.54035.54
7Pesotsky VitalyIMUKR23186.53429.56
8Dolezal RadoslavIMCZE2432640333
9Plischki SebastianIMGER2363639314
10Malik JanCZE2203638.5313
11Simacek PavelIMCZE2489637.5344
12Socko MonikaGMPOL2456637.532.53
13Jasny StanislavFMCZE2392637.530.55
14Orzechowski JacekPOL226863730.54
15Ganaus HannesIMAUT2235635.527.54
16Rojicek VojtechFMCZE2373635313
17Sikora-Lerch JanIMCZE221663429.54
18Ockay TomasCZE212463326.55
19Firt StanislavFMCZE231463228.54
20Zwardon VojtechCZE2231630.5286
21Maiorov NikitaGMBLR25255.539.531.54
22Vesselovsky SergueiIMCZE23905.537282
23Novotny MichalCZE22545.536.5274
24Adamek JiriCZE22215.535.528.53
25Ponizil CyrilFMCZE22785.53529.54
26Stupak KirillIMBLR24675.53328.54
27Vesely MartinCZE21795.53327.54
28Olsarova KarolinaWFMCZE21105.531.524.54
29Nedela VlastimilIMCZE233654031.54
30Vojtek VladimirFMSVK2338538.529.54
101 players

14) Livry-Gargan Rapid

There was a strong rapid tournament (20 minutes per game) in Livry-Gargan, France, not far from Paris on May 10th 2009. News: Eric Birmingham.

Technical organisation:

Rapid Livry-Gargan (FRA), 10 v 2009
Pl NameTiEloNATPts Tr. Perf.
1KAZHGALEYEV Murtas g 2750KAZ 8462798
2FRESSINET Laurent g 2580FRA 7.5462679
3SHCHEKACHEV Andrei g 2770FRA 7492722
4VACHIER-LAGRAVE Maxime g 2490FRA 746.52644
5FELLER Sebastien g 2360FRA 745.52615
6BRUNNER Nicolas m 2400FRA 745.52545
7GULIYEV Namig g 2650AZE 7452628
8VAISSER Anatoly g 2650FRA 744.52562
9LAZAREV Vladimir g 2510FRA 7442552
10DAVID Alberto g 2590LUX 7442523
11HAUCHARD Arnaud g 2460FRA 7432565
12AGREST Evgenij g 2540SWE 742.52612
13PAYEN Arnaud m 2420FRA 742.52406
14GUILLEUX Fabien f 2180FRA 7412365
15LAURENT Julien G. f 2200FRA 7392351
16EDOUARD Romain g 2560FRA 6.5452532
17MOUSSARD Jules f 2440FRA 6.5442567
18DRAOUI Najib f 2340MAR6.5432345
19PYTEL Krzysztof m 2260FRA 6.5432330
20OKHOTNIK Vladimir m 2530FRA 6.542.52428
21DONCEA Vladimir m 2330ROU 6.5422419
22POZDNJAKOV Viatcheslav 2010RUS 6.541.52327
23EUSEBE Aurelien 2390FRA 6.5412344
24DGEBUADZE Alexandre g 2400BEL 6.540.52456
25FEDORCHUK Sergey A. g 2550UKR 6472491
26SHIRAZI Kamran m 2400FRA 6442479
27TREGUBOV Pavel V. g 2660RUS 643.52508
28AMIGUES Emmanuel m 2390FRA 642.52311
29DESLANDES Pascal 2130FRA 642.52259
30AUREL Luc f 2260FRA 6422314
342 players

15) XI Vila de Salou Open

XI Open Internacional d'escacs "Vila de Salou" takes place 5th-13th May 2009. Games are being broadcast but there isn't a PGN file I can find at the moment.

Official site:


16) Mitropa Cup

The Mitropa Cup takes place May 9th-17th 2009 in Rogaska Slatina (Slovenia). Mitropa is short for MITtel euROPA.

Men's tournament: 10 national teams from Italy, Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Germany, Switzerland, Slovenia, Slovakia, Czech Republic and France.

Women's tournament 7+1 national teams from Italy, Germany, Hugary, Austria, France, Croatia and Slovenia 1 and 2.

Official site:

17) 2nd Mumbai Mayors Cup

The 2nd Mumbai Mayors Cup International Open Chess Tournament took place May 1st-9th 2009.

Alexander Areshchenko, Evgenij Miroshnichenko, Humpy Koneru, and Magesh Chandran Panchanathan finished on 9/11.

Official site:

Live coverage:


2nd Mayors Cup Mumbai (IND), 1-9 v 2009
Rk.NameFEDRtgPts.TB1 TB2 TB3
1Areshchenko AlexanderGMUKR2657986.57268.75
2Koneru HumpyGMIND261298569.568
3Miroshnichenko EvgenijGMUKR2680983.56966.25
4Panchanathan Magesh ChandranGMIND246297866.562.5
5Deviatkin AndreiGMRUS25668.584.570.563.75
6Deepan Chakkravarthy JGMIND24828.5836961.5
7Timoshenko GeorgyGMUKR25508.580.566.560.25
8Shyam Sundar MIMIND24248.576.56357.25
9Iuldachev SaidaliGMUZB24978.576.56356.75
10Safin ShukhratGMUZB24858.57661.557
11Zinchenko YaroslavGMUKR253188166.556.25
12Gupta AbhijeetGMIND257088066.554.25
13Himanshu SharmaIMIND2403877.56453.25
14Rahman ZiaurGMBAN252387763.555.75
15Kostenko PetrGMKAZ24908776352.5
16Shivananda B SIND2378876.563.553.75
17Satyapragyan SwayangsuIMIND2428874.56252.5
18Temirbayev SerikbayGMKAZ2458874.56153.25
19Sharma Dinesh KIMIND2382874.56150.5
20Das ArghyadipIMIND2424873.56152.25
21Neelotpal DasGMIND2514873.56052.75
22Prakash G BIMIND240487359.550.75
23Murshed NiazGMBAN2407872.56052
24Shyam Nikil PFMIND23768715850.5
25Stany G AIND22698675446
26Belov VladimirGMRUS26237.582.56853.25
27Bakre TejasGMIND24527.5816753.25
28Fominyh AlexanderGMRUS24857.579.564.551.75
29Rathnakaran KIMIND24277.578.563.550.5
30Matta Vinay KumarIND23177.5786450.25
31Swapnil S DhopadeIND23407.5786449.5
32Saravana Krishnan PIND23267.576.56449.75
33Thakur AkashIND23087.576.563.548.5
34Ram S KrishnanIND23107.576.56348.75
35Shiven KhoslaIND21977.5766349.75
36Barua DibyenduGMIND24837.575.56349.75
37Konguvel PonnuswamyIMIND24287.57561.548.25
38Prathamesh Sunil MokalIMIND24077.5756149
39Anilkumar O TIND22277.574.56147.25
40Singh Gurpreet PalIND22687.5746147.25
41Mehar Chinna Reddy C HIND22417.5746146.75
42Suvrajit SahaIMIND23807.57460.546.75
43Murali Krishnan B TIMIND24277.573.560.549.5
44Deshmukh AnupIMIND22997.573.56046.5
45Meenakshi SubbaramanWGMIND23037.5736046.75
46Ankit R RajparaIND21797.57359.545.5
47Zubarev AlexanderGMUKR25667.572.56147.75
48Sahoo Utkal RanjanIND22227.57259.546.75
49Abhishek DasIND22867.5715846.5
50Joshi PankajIND22927.570.557.546.5
51Nirmal E PIND22817.569.555.545
52Sagar ShahIND22717.5695744.5
53Raghavendra VIND21117.56552.539.25
54Swayams MishraIND22117796547.75
55Saptarshi RoyIMIND239677864.545.25
56Babu N SudhakarIMIND2341777.56446.25
57Lahiri AtanuIMIND2332776.56245.5
58Saurabh KherdekarIND2277776.56244.25
59Kamble VikramadityaIMIND235177662.544.5
60Soumya SwaminathanWGMIND230777562.546.25
415 players

18) III La Laguna Open

The III La Laguna Open took place 4th-10th May 2009. Julio Granda Zuniga won the event with 8/11. The game file was somewhat corrupted with one game being repeated many, many times under different names. Hopefully the remaining games are OK.

Official site; and Results:

III La Laguna Open (ESP), 4-10 v 2009
Rk.NameTiFEDEloPts.Des 1 Des 2 Des 3
1Granda Zuniga Julio EGMPER261084041.551
2Del Rio De Angelis Salvador GGMESP253174237.553.5
3Barlov DraganGMSRB24637373446
4Kolev AtanasGMBUL25736.542.534.555.5
5Vera Gonzalez-Quevedo ReynaldoGMCUB24756.54036.551
6Kasparov SergeyGMBLR24766.539.53551
7Movsziszian KarenGMARM25566.538.534.549
8Cori JorgeFMPER24186.538.533.548.5
9Teske HenrikGMGER25236.535.53545.5
10Savchenko StanislavGMUKR252964334.555.5
11Rivas Pastor ManuelGMESP253564033.553
12Epishin VladimirGMRUS25916403351
13Rizouk AimenGMALG25056393451
14Fernandez Garcia Jose LuisGMESP24576393249
15Zaja IvanGMCRO2449638.53349
16Korneev OlegGMRUS2587638.532.550
17Cori T DeysiWIMPER22626383348.5
18Fernandez Romero ErnestoIMESP245363832.548.5
Matnadze AnaIMGEO241463832.548.5
20Hernandez Leon AlbertoESP22546372948
21Vega Gutierrez SabrinaWGMESP23346362945
22Vernay ClovisIMFRA244063532.544.5
23Strikovic AleksaGMSRB25365.542.534.554
24Karim IsmaelIMMarch24105.538.53150
25Bukal Vladimir JrIMCRO23895.5373147.5
26Tatai StefanoIMITA23515.53730.546
27De La Cruz Sanchez Carlos GFMESP22895.535.530.543.5
28Perez Felipe Marcos AdrianESP22665.5352845.5
29Kraus OliverGER21115.5352844
30Trujillo Delgado DafnaeWIMESP22335.534.52843.5
31Fernandez Manrique AgustinESP21705.53428.543
Skutta Bernd DrGER21305.53428.543
33Rivas Crespo AlexanderESP19985.533.52741.5
34Garcia Blanco OmarESP21985.53227.541
35Arnaiz Yanes Miguel AngelESP19955.531.525.540.5
36Kurajica BojanGMBIH25555403251.5
37Todorcevic MiodragGMESP2452537.53049.5
38Sanz Alonso Francisco JIMESP2410536.531.546.5
39Pinto Henriquez RodrigoESP219053528.545
40Kasparova TatianaWIMBLR218953527.545
134 players

19) 7th Brussel International Rapid

The 7th Brussel International Rapid Chess tournament took place 2nd-3rd May 2009 in Brussels. 11 rounds, 25 minutes. 6 GMs participated. Ivan Sokolov won the event again this year.

Official site:

7th Brussel International Rapid (BRA), 2-3 v 2009
Ti Name EloDoB Pts Perf B M Buch Cum
1 g Sokolov Ivan 265719599.0/11268454.0 82.5 59.5
2 g Akesson Ralf 247919618.0/11256553.5 82.0 55.0
3 g Nikolic Predrag 262319608.0/11258751.5 80.0 53.5
4 g Barsov Alexei 250519668.0/11253651.5 79.5 52.0
5 g Andersson Ulf 257119518.0/11256251.5 79.0 52.0
6 g Popovic Petar 248919598.0/11249850.0 77.0 49.5
7 f Ringoir Tanguy 234919948.0/11242047.5 73.5 50.0
8 m Hetey Lazlo 234419758.0/11244447.0 73.0 48.5
9 m Amigues Emmanuel 235219808.0/11239544.5 71.0 45.5
10 m Alienkin Aleksander 240219637.5/11242350.0 79.0 48.0
11 f Le Quang Kim 231019717.5/11234945.0 71.5 46.0
12 * Akhayan Ruben 229319857.0/11235447.5 74.5 48.0
13 f Cools Gorik 228319647.0/11231947.5 73.5 46.0
14 f Wuts Frank 224419737.0/11232147.0 73.0 47.0
15 m Mohandesi Shanin 232719627.0/11231446.0 73.0 45.0
16 * Helsen Steff 219219797.0/11226645.5 71.0 42.5
17 * Denayer Eric 226519727.0/11226245.0 70.0 44.0
18 * Nijs Nils 226319937.0/11223844.5 71.0 44.0
19 f Wantiez Fabrice 238319717.0/11229143.5 69.0 44.0
20 * Duhayon Yves 225019547.0/11227843.5 69.0 43.0
21 f Wiley Tom 229319637.0/11226442.0 66.5 43.5
22 m Pytel Krzysztof 238819456.5/11233248.5 75.0 46.0
23 * Vanparys Philip 220519816.5/11216543.5 68.0 42.5
24 * Du Pont David 211019756.5/11215043.5 66.5 40.5
25 f Van Mechelen Jan 230519666.5/11216642.0 67.5 41.5
26 f Henris Luc 227619596.5/11215041.0 66.0 40.0
27 * Mangelschots Peter 207219726.5/11209340.5 62.5 38.0
28 * Draftian Ashote 236119556.5/10217240.5 62.0 37.0
29 * Hoffmeister Frank 218619696.5/11205338.0 61.5 37.5
30 wm Pytel Bozena 195919456.5/11191938.0 61.0 35.0
31 * Schuermans Robert 215019506.0/11221046.5 70.5 41.5
32 * Luminet Denis 220019566.0/11217946.0 70.0 41.5
33 Bensaid Abdelmouine 220619896.0/11218344.5 71.5 40.0
103 players

20) 31st Banicky kahanec

The 31st Banicky kahanec takes place in Prievidza, Slovakia 2nd-12th May 2009.

Official site:

31st Banicky kahanec Prievidza (SVK), 2-12 v 2009 cat. XIII (2570)
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Bartel, Mateusz g POL 2601 * * . 1 1 ½ 0 1 1 1 ½ 1 7 2781
2. Babula, Vlastimil g CZE 2584 . 0 * * ½ ½ ½ ½ 1 ½ 1 1 2643
3. Miton, Kamil g POL 2596 0 ½ ½ ½ * * ½ ½ . 1 ½ ½ 2565
4. Polak, Tomas g CZE 2508 1 0 ½ ½ ½ ½ * * 0 0 . ½ 2503
5. Ftácnik, Lubomir g SVK 2559 0 0 0 ½ . 0 1 1 * * ½ ½ 2489
6. Markos, Jan g SVK 2571 ½ 0 0 0 ½ ½ . ½ ½ ½ * * 3 2451

21) III Open Internacional Hotel D. Luis

The III Open Internacional Hotel D. Luis took place in Coimbra 30th April - 3rd May 2009. Vladimir Talla, Kevin Spraggett, Alberto Andres Gonzalez, Daniel Quinta, Petr Velicka and Ana Filipa Baptiste all finished on 5/6. No games available.

Official site:

Open Hotel D. Luis Coimbra (POR), 30 iv -3 v 2009
Leading Final Round 6 Standings:
Rk.NameTiFEDRtgPts.TB1 TB2
1Talla VladimirimCZE2456517.519.5
2Spraggett KevingmCAN2601516.519.5
3Andres Gonzalez AlbertoimESP248151619.5
4Quinta DanielPOR206351617.5
5Velicka PetrgmCZE2468515.518
6Baptista Ana FilipawfmPOR217451318
7Damaso RuiimPOR24134.515.517
8Iglesias Leon Francisco J.ESP22364.515.517
9Perez Negro Jose MESP21884.515.515
10Vasques Antonio Pedro FreixialPOR19994.51516.5
11Cross DominicPOR19404.51415
12Marino Bravo Marco AntonioESP21054.513.515.5
13Morais VitorPOR20304.512.516
14Mateus FranciscoPOR187641717
15Padeiro JosePOR2230415.517
16Galego LuisgmPOR2454415.516
17Martinho Filipe Mesquita AlvesPOR1976414.514
18Bolhari OrpehIRI2127414.514
19Neves PedroPOR200941415.5
20Ruiz Ureta ErnestoESP199441414
21Aguiar Henrique Rui NevesPOR1685412.511
22Viegas Daniel Filipe de OlivePOR188941213
23Pinto Pedro Miguel AlvesPOR1902411.514
24Curado Antonio MendesPOR1719411.514
25Ferreira MiguelPOR1846411.513
26Margarido Ricardo Manuel TorrePOR2010411.512
27Galvao HenriquePOR22073.51615
97 players

22) 8th Semriach Open

The 8th Semriach Open took place 30th April - 3rd May 2009. Andy Matevosyan and Markus Bawart finished on 4/5. Igor Kragelj sends news and his games from this event.

8th Semriach Open (AUT), 30 iv -3 v 2009
Rk.NameFEDRtgPts.TB1 TB3
1Matevosyan AndyIRI21474148.5
2Bawart MarkusFMAUT23444127
3Aschenbrenner RobertFMAUT22043.514.59
4Roth PeterFMAUT21703.514.58.5
5Pfaffel Thomas DI.AUT21653.5127.5
6Schink BarbaraAUT20073.59.55.5
7Nickl Klaus Prof.MKAUT211531510
8Pichler MichaelAUT2158314.59
9Schellmann DavidAUT1899313.58
10Wiedermann DanielNMAUT21293138.5
11Horvath MariaWFMAUT1985312.57.5
12Poell MarkusAUT1902312.56.5
13Braun Karl-Heinz Mag.AUT2012311.57
14Kreiner StefanAUT1791311.56.5
15Flecker Wolfgang DI.MKAUT20262.51610.5
16Porod Robert Dr.AUT20162.515.59
17Wallner Walter Dr.MKAUT18742.5139
18Kragelj IgorFMSLO22322.5138
19Nussbaumer JohannAUT19692.512.58
20Granditsch MarkusAUT19642.512.57.5
21Wolfmajer WolfgangAUT19982.5128
22Knoll MartinAUT18862.5117
23Teuschler Alois Mag.AUT20232.5106.5
24Stolterfoht DanielAUT19972148.5
25Neubauer AntonAUT19822148.5
26Glaser GerhardAUT2000213.57.5
27Holzer MichaelAUT19222137.5
28Nachtnebel HarryAUT18222127.5
29Kamaryt ThomasAUT2007211.57
30Kahlig MartinAUT19182117
31Rusek Walter Mag.AUT17172116.5
32Schroeder Kai UweGER18371.510.56.5
33Thier RobertAUT17461.595.5
34Hagmüller JosefAUT1730113.58
35Hapala Michaela DDr.WMKAUT1768111.57.5
36Radicevic MirkoAUT17120.59.56
36 players

23) 84th Argentine Championships

The 84th Championships of Argentina 2009 take place in April and May. Semifinals: 30th April - 6th May, 2009 in La Plata. The Final: 11th-21st May 2009. Place: Club Espanol in La Plata.

12 players: current champion + 3 top rating in Argentina + 5 from Semifinal + 2 invited players + 1 local player After the draw of lots (pairings from round 1)

Official site:

ch-ARG La Plata (ARG), 11-21 v 2009
Pairing Round 1 11th May 2009 - 18:00 hs.
1 PEREZ PONSA, Federico 12 ALONSO, Salvador
2 LUJAN, Carolina 11 ORSINI, Antonio
3 VALERGA, Diego 10 CLAVERIE, Raúl
4 FLORES, Diego 9 MARECO, Sandro
5 FELGAER, Rubén 8 PERALTA, Fernando
6 SLIPAK, Sergio 7 LAFUENTE, Pablo
84th ch-ARG Semifinal La Plata (ARG), 30 iv-6 v 2009
Rank PNo Name Score Title Buchholz PS SB Rating
1 1 Lafuente, Pablo 7 GM 52.5 38 39.25 2517
2 11 Claverie, Raul 7 IM 52.5 36 40.75 2374
3 10 Perez Ponsa, Federico 6.5 FM 52 33.5 35.5 2389
4 4 Slipak, Sergio 6.5 GM 51 34.5 34.25 2446
5 3 Alonso, Salvador 6.5 IM 48 30.5 33.25 2489
6 2 Mareco, Sandro 6 IM 54 35 34.25 2512
7 5 Iermito, Sebastian 6 IM 52 34.5 32.25 2431
8 6 Pierrot, Facundo 6 IM 50 30 31.5 2422
9 9 Tristan, Leonardo 6 49.5 31.5 30.75 2393
10 12 Orsini, Antonio 6 48.5 33.5 29 2352
11 19 Giampa, Alejandro 6 48.5 31 30.75 2235
12 15 Barrionuevo, Pablo 6 FM 42 30 25 2320
13 23 Palmero, Pablo 5.5 47.5 29.5 26.5 2139
14 14 Quiroga, Facundo 5.5 IM 44 29.5 24.5 2329
15 28 Gimenez, Santiago 5.5 42 27 22.25 2112
16 30 Ponzo, Fabian 5.5 40 25.5 22 2097
17 24 Cuberli, Emiliano 5.5 39.5 27 21.5 2138
18 13 Duarte, Leonardo 5 IM 49.5 31 24.5 2349
62 players

24) Russian Championships U20

The Russian U-20 championships saw Dmitry Andreikin finished half a point clear of Ian Nepomniatchi and Ivan Popov. Valentina Gunina wins the girls section.

Official site:

ch-RUS U20 Dagomys (RUS), 29 iv-9 v 2009 cat. XIII (2572)
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Andreikin, Dmitry g RUS 2625 * * 0 1 ½ ½ ½ 1 ½ 1 1 1 7 2710
2. Nepomniachtchi, Ian g RUS 2624 1 0 * * ½ 1 ½ 0 ½ 1 1 1 2671
3. Popov, Ivan RUS g RUS 2568 ½ ½ ½ 0 * * ½ 1 ½ 1 1 1 2683
4. Sjugirov, Sanan g RUS 2588 ½ 0 ½ 1 ½ 0 * * ½ 1 1 ½ 2605
5. Rakhmanov, Aleksandr g RUS 2543 ½ 0 ½ 0 ½ 0 ½ 0 * * ½ ½ 3 2429
6. Lintchevski, Daniil g RUS 2485 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ½ ½ ½ * * 2293

Round 1 (April 29, 2009)
Nepomniachtchi, Ian - Sjugirov, Sanan ½-½ 35 B90 Sicilian Najdorf Variation
Rakhmanov, Aleksandr - Andreikin, Dmitry ½-½ 42 E49 Nimzo Indian
Lintchevski, Daniil - Popov, Ivan RUS 0-1 31 D12 Slav Defence
Round 2 (April 30, 2009)
Nepomniachtchi, Ian - Lintchevski, Daniil 1-0 36 C11 French Defence
Popov, Ivan RUS - Rakhmanov, Aleksandr ½-½ 54 C43 Petroff's Defence
Sjugirov, Sanan - Andreikin, Dmitry ½-½ 41 B36 Sicilian Maroczy Bind
Round 3 (May 1, 2009)
Andreikin, Dmitry - Popov, Ivan RUS ½-½ 33 C63 Ruy Lopez Schliemann
Rakhmanov, Aleksandr - Nepomniachtchi, Ian ½-½ 53 D80 Gruenfeld 4.Bg5
Lintchevski, Daniil - Sjugirov, Sanan 0-1 45 B81 Sicilian Keres Attack
Round 4 (May 2, 2009)
Nepomniachtchi, Ian - Andreikin, Dmitry 1-0 41 C13 French Classical
Sjugirov, Sanan - Popov, Ivan RUS ½-½ 46 C95 Ruy Lopez Breyer
Lintchevski, Daniil - Rakhmanov, Aleksandr ½-½ 67 C42 Petroff's Defence
Round 5 (May 3, 2009)
Andreikin, Dmitry - Lintchevski, Daniil 1-0 21 B51 Sicilian Rossolimo
Popov, Ivan RUS - Nepomniachtchi, Ian ½-½ 48 B91 Sicilian Najdorf with 6.g3
Rakhmanov, Aleksandr - Sjugirov, Sanan ½-½ 52 D46 Semi-Slav Defence
Round 6 (May 5, 2009)
Nepomniachtchi, Ian - Popov, Ivan RUS 1-0 56 B89 Sicilian Sozin Attack
Sjugirov, Sanan - Rakhmanov, Aleksandr 1-0 19 C42 Petroff's Defence
Lintchevski, Daniil - Andreikin, Dmitry 0-1 33 B45 Sicilian Classical
Round 7 (May 6, 2009)
Andreikin, Dmitry - Rakhmanov, Aleksandr 1-0 44 C42 Petroff's Defence
Popov, Ivan RUS - Lintchevski, Daniil 1-0 29 B35 Sicilian Defence
Sjugirov, Sanan - Nepomniachtchi, Ian 1-0 35 B97 Sicilian Najdorf
Round 8 (May 7, 2009)
Andreikin, Dmitry - Sjugirov, Sanan 1-0 64 B51 Sicilian Rossolimo
Rakhmanov, Aleksandr - Popov, Ivan RUS 0-1 49 E43 Nimzo Indian Rubinstein
Lintchevski, Daniil - Nepomniachtchi, Ian 0-1 40 B90 Sicilian Najdorf Variation
Round 9 (May 8, 2009)
Nepomniachtchi, Ian - Rakhmanov, Aleksandr 1-0 53 C43 Petroff's Defence
Popov, Ivan RUS - Andreikin, Dmitry ½-½ 23 E44 Nimzo Indian Rubinstein
Sjugirov, Sanan - Lintchevski, Daniil ½-½ 93 C42 Petroff's Defence
Round 10 (May 9, 2009)
Andreikin, Dmitry - Nepomniachtchi, Ian 1-0 60 A22 English Opening
Popov, Ivan RUS - Sjugirov, Sanan 1-0 75 E14 Queens Indian
Rakhmanov, Aleksandr - Lintchevski, Daniil ½-½ 20 D17 Slav Defence
ch-RUS U20 w Dagomys (RUS), 29 iv-9 v 2009 cat. IV (2349)
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Gunina, Valentina wf RUS 2411 * * ½ 1 ½ 1 1 ½ 1 0 1 1 2529
2. Tairova, Elena m RUS 2422 ½ 0 * * 0 ½ 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 2483
3. Severiukhina, Zoja wf RUS 2332 ½ 0 1 ½ * * ½ 1 0 1 1 ½ 6 2424
4. Pustovoitova, Daria RUS 2286 0 ½ 0 0 ½ 0 * * 1 1 1 0 4 2289
5. Charochkina, Daria wm RUS 2306 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 * * 1 0 3 2208
6. Girya, Olga wf RUS 2335 0 0 0 0 0 ½ 0 1 0 1 * * 2158

25) Vladimir Nabokov Memorial

The Vladimir Nabokov Memorial took place in Kiev 14th-22nd April 2009. Sergey Pavlov and Spartak Vysochin who both finished on 7/11.

Official site:

7th V.Nabokov Mem Kyiv (UKR), 14-22 iv 2009 cat. VIII (2444)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
1. Pavlov, Sergey m UKR 2465 * ½ 1 ½ 1 ½ 1 0 1 0 ½ 1 7 2543
2. Vysochin, Spartak g UKR 2543 ½ * 0 ½ ½ ½ ½ 1 ½ 1 1 1 7 2536
3. Golichenko, Ilija f UKR 2393 0 1 * ½ 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 2513
4. Kruppa, Yuri g UKR 2566 ½ ½ ½ * ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ 1 ½ 6 2468
5. Itkis, Boris m ROU 2430 0 ½ 1 ½ * ½ 0 ½ ½ 1 1 ½ 6 2481
6. Soltanici, Ruslan m MDA 2401 ½ ½ 1 ½ ½ * 0 0 1 ½ ½ 1 6 2483
7. Nyzhnyk, Illya m UKR 2499 0 ½ 0 ½ 1 1 * ½ ½ ½ ½ 1 6 2474
8. Leniart, Arkadiusz f POL 2372 1 0 0 ½ ½ 1 ½ * ½ ½ 0 1 2450
9. Sergeev, Vladimir g UKR 2479 0 ½ 1 ½ ½ 0 ½ ½ * ½ ½ 1 2440
10. Baryshpolets, Andrey m UKR 2423 1 0 0 ½ 0 ½ ½ ½ ½ * 1 1 2445
11. Hamitevici, Vladimir f MDA 2407 ½ 0 0 0 0 ½ ½ 1 ½ 0 * 1 4 2345
12. Onoprienko, Vladimir m RUS 2348 0 0 0 ½ ½ 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 1 2069

26) 9th Znojmo Open

The 9th International Chess Festival Znojmo Open 2009, took place 30th April - 3rd May 2009 in the town of Znojmo (the Czech Republic). Events included a FIDE open with 7 rounds won by Yrij Vorobyov and the Znojmo Queen - Open Women’s Czech Championship in Active Chess won by Jana Jackova. Games still not available.

More detailed information at

27) Portsmouth (New Hampshire) Open

George Mirijanian reports: The Portsmouth Open took place on 9th May 2009 at the Holiday Inn in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, USA. IM David Vigorito, 38, of Somerville, Massachusetts, and FM Nelson Castaneda, 50, of New Britain, Connecticut tied for 1st-2nd place with scores of 3.5-0.5, including a draw with each other in the final round. Tied for third place with 3-1 tallies were GM Alexander Ivanov, 53, of Newton, Massachusetts (who lost to Castaneda in the third round) and U.S. Chess Federation-rated experts Patrick Sciacca, 46, of Salem, New Hampshire, and Alan Schalk, 50, of South Berwick, Maine. Kerry McDermott, 45, of Dover, New Hampshire won the top under 1900 prize with a score of 2.5-1.5. The tournament drew 45 players in two sections and was directed by F. Alexander Relyea, with assistance from Nita Patel - both of Bedford, New Hampshire - for the sponsoring Relyea Chess affiliate.

28) 17th World Computer Chess Championship

17th World Computer Chess Championship takes place in Pamplona 11th-18th May 2009. Rest day 15th.

Official site: and some other daily coverage at: and live on ChessBase's

29) China's 2009 World Cup Qualification

China's 2010 World Cup Qualification events for Men and Women took place 17th - 28th April 2009 in Beijing. 12 men competed for 2 places and Zhou Jianchao and Wang Hao finished level on 7/11. 12 women played for 4 places Ruan Lufei and Shen Yang made 7.5/11, Huang Qian and Ju Wenjun made 7. Wang Yue, Ni Hua, Bu Xiangzhi, Hou Yifan, Zhao Xue and Xu Yuhua are already qualified by rating. (Info: China Chess Association). I'm hoping a game file turns up. I gather the World Cup is in fact at the end of 2009 not 2010 as I stated last week.


Official site:

Results: -

30) The London Chess Classic in December

The dates for the London Chess Classic at the end of the year are now confirmed. The list of players will be announced at the end of May.

Monday 7th December 2009 Press Conference + blindfold display. This will be in the morning, precise time to be announced.
Tuesday 8th December 2009 round 1
Wednesday 9th December 2009 round 2
Thursday 10th December 2009 round 3
Friday 11th December 2009 Rest day:
Saturday 12th December 2009 round 4
Sunday 13th December 2009 round 5
Monday 14th December 2009 round 6
Tuesday 15th December 2009 round 7 Closing ceremony, gala dinner and charity simultaneous
Wednesday 16th December 2009 Departure

Cream of world chess to play in new London tournament. [Press release 9th March 2009]

London Chess Centre is proud to announce a world-class chess tournament to be held in London in December, 2009. The event will be an elite eight-player all-play-all in the most prestigious tournament in the capital since former world champion Anatoly Karpov won the Phillips and Drew Masters in 1984.

Since then, despite London hosting three world title contests, there has not been a tournament in which England's leading players could lock horns with the world's best on home soil. The December 09 tournament will be the first in a series of events designed to reinvigorate UK chess and promote the game and its undoubted educational benefits in schools and communities.

The tournament will be FIDE Category 19 with an average FIDE rating of 2700 and a minimum prize fund of €100,000. The eight players will comprise of three English and five world-class Grandmasters from abroad. Included in the prize fund will be a €10,000 Brilliant Game award along with separate prizes for each victory with the White and Black pieces. Matches will be covered live online where fans will be able to vote for Game of the Day.

The tournament has applied for membership of the prestigious annual Grand Slam of Chess which culminates in Bilbao and boasts a €400,000 prize fund.

The games will be under Classical Chess time control; 40 moves in two hours, 20 in the subsequent hour then an additional 15 minutes plus an increment of 30 seconds a move until the end of the game. The tournament will further benefit from the use of Sofia Rules which disallow early draws. Players will receive three points for a win and one for a draw.

The opening ceremony will take place on Thursday, December 10 and will include a blindfold chess display and charity simultaneous. Play will take place daily from Friday, December 11 to Thursday, December 17 inclusive.

Malcolm Pein (IM) Director London Chess Centre

Notes for editors: All communications to Malcolm Pein IM at London Chess Centre: 020 7388 2404. E-Mail: Website:

31) 7th Howard Staunton Memorial 2009 fields announced

The 7th Howard Staunton Memorial takes place 7th (opening ceremony) - 17th August 2009. This year there will be a UK vs The Netherlands double round Scheveningen match and an interesting Category IX all-play-all. The UK has a small Elo rating advantage in the Scheveningen match but the teams are well matched. The tournament is taking place in its usual venue - Simpson's In The Strand. The opening ceremony will take place on the evening of Friday 7th August. The final rounds and the closing ceremony will take place on Monday 17th August.

The organisers are hoping that the tournament will be a big media event with the Chinese and the Dutch Ambassadors hoping to attend the opening ceremony and surprise guest visits from other chess loving celebrities throughout. They thank their generous benefactor.

There will be live coverage of the games this year.

Official site:

7th Staunton Memorial Scheveningen London (ENG), 8-17 viii 2009
GM Michael Adams 2703 GM Ivan Sokolov 2669
GM Nigel Short 2674 GM Jan Smeets 2626
GM David Howell 2613 GM Loek Van Wely 2622
GM Jonathan Rowson 2589 GM Erwin L'ami 2598
GM Gawain Jones 2550 GM Jan Werle 2583
UK Elo Ave. 2626 NED Elo Ave. 2620

7th Staunton Memorial International Challenge London
(ENG), 8-17 viii 2009 - cat. IX (2453)
GM Jonathan Speelman ENG2534
GM Jan Timman NED2566
GM Peter Wells ENG2489
GM Victor Korchnoi SUI2552
GM Nigel Davies ENG2487
IM Willy Hendriks NED2447
Terence Chapman ENG2232
IM Eelke Wiersma NED2406
IM Malcolm Pein ENG2391
GM Alex Cherniaev RUS 2423

32) 21st Lenk International Chess Festival

After a great jubilee with the 20th Lenk Chess Festival, last year has come the shock news that the, 21st Lenk International Tournament, April 9th-13th 2009 was the last chess event in the Simmental region. Mihajl Stojanovic finished ahead on tie-break after a group of players made 5.5/7. Games now available.

Sinisa Joksic reports: The "Swiss Chess Tour 2009" took place in Lenk with the 21st "Kreuz-Open" March 9th-13th 2009. 7 rounds (40 moves for 2 hours and 30 minutes till the end). Mihajlo Stojanovic (SRB) won the 21th Lenk Open by Buholz. Buholz always look likes photo-finish in the sport. The second was IM Michael Hoffmann from Germany and third Andrei Sokolov. Next two place took swiss players, IM Gerber and coming star Andreas Lehmann. Special prizes (each 200 CHF): Lady: Sabrina Roelli (SUI); senior Ulrich Gass (GER),; junior (1989-92) Andreas Lehmann (SUI); schoolboys (1993) Nico Georgiadis (SUI); amateurs (under 2000) Tillmann, Marc (SUI). Arbiters were Sinisa Joksic and Robert Spoerri. The event took place in Hotel "Kreuz". The 22nd Lenk Open will take place April 1st-5h, 2010.

Official site for more details.

21st Open Lenk (SUI), 9-13 iv 2009
PlPlayerLand TiEloPunkte Buchh BuSumm
1Stojanovic,Mihajl SRB GM 25665.531169
2Hoffmann,Michael GER IM 24875.530164.5
3Sokolov,Andrei FRA GM 25585.529.5170
4Gerber,Richard SUI IM 23775.528163
5Lehmann,Andreas SUI 22815.526.5154
6Jenni,Florian SUI GM 2516528162.5
7Zimmermann,Peter SUI 2248527.5158
8Rufener,Markus SUI FM 2329527156.5
9Muheim,Lukas SUI FM 2303527155.5
10Burnier,David SUI FM 2331526.5155.5
11Georgiadis,Nico SUI 2085526.5155.5
12Gähwiler,Gabriel SUI 2240522140
13Kaufmann,Werner SUI FM 22534.528160
14Bucher,Michael SUI FM 22584.527150.5
15Salzgeber,Frank SUI 21724.526150
16Duratti,Lindo FRA 22144.524.5149.5
17Gass,Ulrich GER 21354.524.5148.5
18Pahud,Cédric SUI 21304.523137.5
19Mauron,Pierre SUI 21294.522.5144
20Lehmann,Marco SUI FM 22984.521.5142.5
82 players

33) IV Campeonato de Espana de Selecciones Autonomicas

The IV Campeonato de Espana de Selecciones Autonomicas took place 30th April - 3rd May 2009 in Villava, Navarra. Cataluna (Illescas, Lopez Martinez, Narciso Dublan, Oms Pallisse etc) took first place from Aragon (Llorente Zaro). Games from rounds 5 and 6 still not available.

Official site:


34) Torch Real Estate Cup

The Chinese team competition the Torch Real Estate Cup started in Chengdu China on 4th May 2009. I'm hoping for a full game file.

Live games:

Official site:


Torch Real Estate Cup Chengdu CHN
Round 1 on 2009/05/04 at 13:00-17:00
1 Tianjin Zhejing3:2
2 China Mobile Group Chongqing Company Ltd Jiangsu:
3 Qingdao Yucai Shangdong:
4 Bank of Qingdao Hebei:
5 Shanghai Beijing3:2
Round 2 on 2009/05/05 at 13:00-17:00
1 Zhejing Beijing2:3
2 Hebei Shanghai2:3
3 Shangdong Bank of Qingdao:
4 Jiangsu Qingdao Yucai3:2
5 Tianjin China Mobile Group Chongqing Company Ltd:
Round 3 on 2009/05/07 at 13:00-17:00
1 China Mobile Group Chongqing Company Ltd Zhejing:
2 Qingdao Yucai Tianjin2:3
3 Bank of Qingdao Jiangsu:
4 Shanghai Shangdong3:2
5 Beijing Hebei:
Round 4 on 2009/05/08 at 13:00-17:00
1 Zhejing Hebei:
2 Shangdong Beijing:
3 Jiangsu Shanghai½:
4 Tianjin Bank of Qingdao:
5 China Mobile Group Chongqing Company Ltd Qingdao Yucai4:1
Rk.SNoTeamGames + = - TB1 TB2
22China Mobile Group Chongqing Company Ltd4220612,5
94Bank of Qingdao402228,0
103Qingdao Yucai400406,5

35) Poikovsky Tournament

Chess Today reports that the Karpov tournament tkes place in Poikovsky Russia 3rd-12th June 2009. There is a free day on 8th June.

Players: Bologan, Efimenko, Gashimov, Inarkiev, Motylev, Naiditsch, Onischuk, Shirov, Sutovsky and Rublevsky.

36) 27th Elba Island Festival

The 27th International Chess Festival of Elba Island "Luigi Amalfi", takes place at the Hotel Lacona 10th-17th May 2009.


37) Dutch Teams

The Dutch Team Championship took place 27th September 2008 - 10th May 2009. The final round 9 is on 10th May 2009. HSG (Van Wely, Nikolic, Stellwagen, Seirawan, L'Ami etc ) were already champions.

Great coverage at: and also the

Dutch Teams (NED), 27 ix 2008 - 10 iv 2009
Round 9 (10th May 2009) results
Utrecht 7-3 BSG
HMC Calder 7.5-2.5 ESGOO 5-5 Voerendaal
Schrijvers R'dam 3-7 HSG
Homburg A'drn 4.5-5.5 LSG

Dutch Teams (NED), 27 ix 2008 - 10 iv 2009
Final Round 9 Standings:
Meesterklasse Mp Bp 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1. HSG 18 62½ x 5.5 5.5 8.5 7 5.5 8.5 6.5 7.5 8
2. 12 54 4.5 x 6 8.5 6.5 5 4.5 6 5 8
3. HMC Calder 12 52½ 4.5 4 x 5.5 4 7.5 7.5 5.5 5.5 8.5
4. Utrecht 12 44 1.5 1.5 4.5 x 5.5 6.5 6 5.5 6 7
5. Schrijvers Rotterdam 11 47 3 3.5 6 4.5 x 5 5.5 5.5 6 8
6. LSG 7 42½ 4.5 5 2.5 3.5 5 x 5 5.5 3.5 8
7. ESGOO 7 37½ 1.5 5.5 2.5 4 4.5 5 x 2.5 5.5 6.5
8. Homburg Apeldoorn 6 44 3.5 4 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 7.5 x 5.5 5.5
9. Voerendaal 5 42½ 2.5 5 4.5 4 4 6.5 4.5 4.5 x 7
10. BSG 0 23½ 2 2 1.5 3 2 2 3.5 4.5 3 x

38) Zone 2.3 Guayaquil Ecuador

Zone 2.3 takes place in Guayaquil Ecuador 10th-21st May 2009.


39) Forthcoming Events and Links

3rd ACP World Rapid Cup

The 3rd ACP World Rapid Cup will be organised by the Pivdenny Bank in Odessa, Ukraine 22nd-24th May 2009. As usual, it will be a KO tournament with 16 participants. In accordance with the ACP rules, 13 of 16 spots are given to the players who qualified from the ACP Tour 2007/08. The total prize fund will be USD $57,000. The winner receives USD $10,000. Viktor Korchnoi has been invited as a commentator for the spectators. According to the tournament director, WGM Masha Klinova, as of 27th April the following 13 Grandmasters have confirmed their participation: Jakovenko (2753), Grischuk (2748), Movsesian (2747), Gashimov (2730), Bacrot (2728), Svidler (2726), Naiditsch (2700), Eljanov (2693), Efimenko (2682), Najer (2669), Karpov (2644), Tregubov (2628) and Drozdovskij (2603).

The official tournament website (in Russian) is the chess site of the Pivdenny Bank,

Zonal 2.5 Asuncion

Zonal 2.5 with 2 qualification places for the Word Cup takes place in Asuncion, Paraguay, June 10th-18th 2009. Zone 2.5 includes Argentina, Uruguay, Chile and Paraguay.

Official web is - Details

Acropolis Open

The Acropolis Open takes place 10th-18th August 2009 in Chalkida, Greece. Organizers: Greek Chess Federation (GCF), Ministry of Tourism in Attiki, Chalkida Chess Academy.

Regulations: Swiss System 9 rounds, invitational FIDE rated tournament, 70-80 players, minimum required FIDE rating 2200 (women 2000), GM & IM title norms possible, FIDE time-control (90 minutes for 40 moves followed by 30 minutes until the end of the game plus increment of 30 seconds per move from move 1).

Contact info: Sotiris Logothetis (Tournament Coordinator) Tel: (+30) 6947324933, Email: Greek Chess Federation (GCF) Tel.: (+30) 2109221465, Fax: (+30) 2109221620, Email:

Official site:

III Ruy Lopez International Chess Festival

The main event of the Festival is the master Tournament (from 13th to 19th June 2009) with the participation of Adams, Cheparinov, Pía Cramling, Koneru, Granda, Lariño, Caruana and Candelario. The games will be transmitted on Internet with commentaries by Leontxo García who will be present in the analysis room (open to all fans).

To complete the Children´s Tournament (13th and 14th June) and the III Open "Ruy López Opening" (20th and 21st June 2009) where all the games will start in the following order:- 1. e4 e5 2.Cf3 Cc6 3.Ab5 with more than 11,000 Euros as prizes.

Official site:

Leiden Chess Tournament

The Leiden Chess Tournament takes place 9th-19th August 2009.

Official site:

Calgary International

Calgary, Alberta (Canada) stages a small 9 round international norm event May 14th-18th, 2009. A host of GM's and IM's will be in attendance, IM norms will be available.

Official site:

For more info, email the tournament organiser Tony Ficzere at

8th Asian Continental

The 8th Asian Continental / Individual Open and Women's Championships take place in Subic, Philippines 12th - 24th May 2009.

Official site; - preview:

27th Liechtenstein International Chess Open

The 27th Liechtenstein International Chess Open takes place 15th-23rd May 2009 in the Gemeindesaal in Triesen.

Official site:

Brescia International

The Brescia International Tournament takes place June 6th-14th 2009.


French League Top 16

The French Team Championship (TOP 16) took place in Mulhouse (group A) and Chalons-en-Champagne (group B) 30th April - 3rd May 2009. The Poule Haute and Basse take place 28th-31st May 2009. The top 4 teams in each group take forward the three results against each other and play off against the teams from the other group to produce a final winner.

Official site:

French Team Championship Group A (FRA), 20 iii-3 v 2009
Pl. Equipe Pts j. d. p. c.
1 Evry Grand Roque 21 7 33 36 3
2 Clichy 19 7 20 29 9
3 Mulhouse Philidor 16 7 5 18 13
4 Noyon 15 7 -1 17 18
5 Marseille Echecs 14 7 1 14 13
6 Drancy 11 7 -10 14 24
7 Lutece Echecs 9 7 -23 11 34
8 Bois-Colombes 7 7 -25 5 30
French Team Championship Group B (FRA), 20 iii-3 v 2009
Pl. Equipe Pts j. d. p. c.
1 Montpellier 19 7 15 23 8
2 Cannes 18 7 14 22 8
3 Vandoeuvre 16 7 10 23 13
4 Chalons en Champagne 16 7 12 27 15
5 Metz Fischer 15 7 1 18 17
6 Strasbourg 11 7 -8 11 19
7 Antibes 10 7 -13 9 22
8 Grasse 7 7 -31 6 37

Sigeman & Co Chess Tournament

The Sigeman & Co Chess Tournament 2009 takes place 3rd - 7th June 2009.

For 17 years in a row the tournament has been played in Malmo, Sweden and this time will be no different. The tournament will be played at the classical Hipp Theater in central Malmo, for the twelfth time. This year, the tournament has a new format, with only six players playing five rounds.

Sigeman & Co Chess Tournament Malmo (SWE), 3-7 vi 2009
1.GM Nigel ShortENG 2674
2.GM Ivan Sokolov BIH 2669
3.GM Tomi Nyback FIN 2655
4.GM Tiger Hillarp Persson SWE 2618
5.GM Emanuel Berg SWE 2610
6.IM Nils Grandelius SWE 2491

Tournament Schedule Round 1 3 June 14.00-21.00 CET Round 2 4 June 14.00-21.00 CET Round 3 5 June 14.00-21.00 CET Round 4 6 June 14.00-21.00 CET Round 5 7 June 12.00-19.00 CET

Official site:

Historical Elo Ratings has a list of historical top ten FIDE lists. The text is in Finnish but is understandable anyhow.

Chess Classic Mainz

The Chess Classic Mainz takes place 27th July - 2nd August 2009 in the Rheingoldhalle in Mainz.

The world championships in rapid chess and Chess960 will be staged in a tried and trusted double round robin format with four players, after which the players battle it out in mini-matches to determine the top spot. The players for the main events have already been contracted.

The GRENKELEASING Rapid World Championship sees the World Chess Champion and Chess Classic serial winner Vishy Anand will try to defend his title for the 11th time in a row. He faces Levon Aronian, Ian Nepomniachtchi and Arkadij Naiditsch.

Other events include the gigantic ORDIX rapid chess Open, the FiNet Ches960 Open, the open tournaments for U14 talents, the 40 board simultaneous exhibition with Levon Aronian, the Livingston Chess960 Computer World Championship, etc., etc.

Full details:

XXXV Sitges Open

The XXXV Open Internacional d'Escacs "Vila de Sitges" takes place 22nd-30th July 2009.

Official site:


"King's Gambit" in Lipetsk

There will be an international chess festival called "King's Gambit" in Lipetsk, Russia, between June 22nd (arrival day) and July 3rd, 2009. The festival consists of two round-robin tournaments (one with GM norm and one with IM norm) and an open for FIDE rating. Opening ceremony: 2.30 p.m. on July 23, 1st round at 3 p.m. Festival director: Zimmerman, Yuri . Tel.: +7-4742-720064, or +7-919-255-9764. E-mail:"

Reno Far West Open

The Far West Open Chess Tournament took place April 10th-12th 2009 in Reno Nevada. Sergey Kudrin edged out Enrico Sevillano and Gergerly Antal who finished on 5/6. Games should follow.

Official site:

32nd Taminco Gent Open

The 32nd Taminco Open International Chess Tournament Gent (Belgium) takes place 18th-22nd July 2009, 9 rounds Swiss, two hours KO chess, prize money 8400 euro for 400 participants. This traditional open tournament takes place near the center of the medieval town of Gent in the week of the famous annual Gent festivities. Email:

Information and registration:

Info Gent annual festivities:


The 13th "Voronezh-2009" traditional chess festival takes place 10th-21st June 2009.


13th Hogeschool Zeeland Tournament 2009

The 13th Hogeschool Zeeland Tournament takes place August 1st-8th 2009 in Vlissingen, Netherlands.

Official site: and contact e-mail:

Canadian Open

The Canadian Open takes place in Edmonton, Alberta Canada July 11th-19th 2009. Alexei Shirov adn Michael Adams are among the early entrants.


San Sebastian GM

There is a tournament in San Sebastian July 6th-16th 2009.

GMA San Sebastian (ESP), 6-16 vii 2009
cat. XVIII (average elo: 2687)
Sergei Movsesian2747SVK
Peter Svidler2726RUS
Rustam Ponomariov2726UKR
Hikaru Nakamura2701USA
Rustam Kasimzhanov2695UZB
Francisco Vallejo2688SPA
Maxime Vachier-Lagraeve2684FRA
Anatoly Karpov2644RUS
Julio Granda2610PER
Pablo San Segundo2560SPA

Prizes in Euros: 1.- 9.000 2.- 6.000 3.- 4.000 4.- 3.500 5.- 3.000 6.- 2.500 7.- 2.000 8.- 1.500 9.- 1.000 10.- 500

There will be also a B tournament (cat. XI), C tournament (cat. VIII), and D tournament (female players). The games will be played in the same hall that held the historic tournament in 1911 won by Capablanca and the organisers are hoping for a special event to commemorate the centenary. News David Llada. Website to be announced.


The Dortmund Chess Meeting takes place 2nd-12th July 2009. Players: Kramnik, Leko, Carlsen, Jakovenko, Bacrot, and Naiditsch play.


Brno Chess Festival

The Duras Chess Club organises the Brno Chess Festival in the Czech Republic. The GM Brno, IM Tespo Engineering and IM Dopravni stavby tournaments take place 26th June - 5th July 2009. Open tournaments start on the 27th June 2009.

Applications and details contact Rudolf Moulis: e-mail: , phone +420 548 522 186, mobile phone: +420 607 900 656

Further info at: and

World Open

The World Open Chess Tournament takes place June 29th - July 5th 2009 in Philadelphia.

Details: and

British Championships

The 96th British Chess Championships take place 26th July - 8th August 2009 in Torquay.

Official site:

14th Pannonia - Nitrokemia Cup

The 14th Pannonia - Nitrokemia Cup takes place in Balatonalmadi, 29th July - 2nd August, 2009.

Group A: International Open Tournament for FIDE ratings. Group B: International Open Tournament for FIDE ratings, for players under 2000 ELO System used: 7 Rounds Swiss without age limit for both Groups Venue: The air-conditioned Conference Hall of Pannonia Cultural Centre & Library Address: Balatonalmadi, Városház Square 6. Organiser: Recreation Association of Vorosbereny Time Limit: Group A: 90-90 minutes + 30sec after each move Group B: 120-120 minutes for all moves

Details: Entries and further information IM Fancsy Imre E-mail:

14th International Stuttgart Championship

The 14th "International Stuttgart Championship" in Germany takes place 21th-24th May 2009. Contact Michael Meier e-mail:

For further information on the event:

20th International Chess and Games Festival Czech Open

The 20th International Chess and Games Festival Czech Open 2009 takes place 16th July - 2 August 2009 in Pardubice (the Czech Republic). There are more than 100 tournaments in chess and other games, eg. European Youth Chess Teams Championship, ISCU Children Clubs Chess Championship and European Amateurs Championship in Chess.

More detailed information: the festival website will be ready at the end of April.

6th Summer Catalan Chess Circuit

The 6th Summer Catalan Chess Circuit takes place May - September every year as part of the Catalan Chess Circuit, which is composed of 28 International Tournaments, and held in Spain, extended beyond Catalonia.

In 2009 there will be 14 Opens with traditional time control to be played over 9-10 days, as well as 14 Opens in Rapid Chess, played over 1-2 days (see Tournament Calendar).

During 120 days of tournaments, around 22.000 chess games will be played with selected ones broadcast.

Approximately 3,000 players from more than 30 different countries. The prize fund will reach 175.000 euros.

Apart from the traditional tournament prizes, the Catalan Chess Federation establishes a special classification composed of player´s results in each Circuit tournament, based on which players will be able to claim such special Circuit Prizes as General Final Standings, Prizes by Categories, Specific Prizes for best Catalan Players.

Prizegiving Ceremony will be held at Fiesta Catalana (Catalan Chess Party), on September, 27th, 2009

For more information please contact the Catalonia Chess Federation on or visit the official website:

6th Summer Catalan Chess Circuit (ESP), 5 v - 20 ix 2009
5-13 May VILA DE SALOU SALOU 9 Rd Swiss B CFrancesc Linan 616094289
17 May VILA DE CANOVELLES CANOVELLES 9 Rd Swiss b bDaniel Flores 938493564
24 May VILA DE L'AMPOLLA L'AMPOLLA 9 Rd Swiss a bEnric Gallimo 666187061
31 May VILA DE STA COLOMA DE QUERALT SANTA COLOMA DE QUERALT 8 Rd Swiss a a supSalvador Barrot 654095338
20 June CIUTAT DE REUS REUS 9 Rd Swiss a a supJoan Pinol 649341056
21 June MOLLET DEL VALLES MOLLET DEL VALLES 9 Rd Swiss b aFrancesc Fernandez 647625832
24 June-2 July VILA DE SORT SORT 9 Rd Swiss B CJoan A. Conesa 609825066
25 June-3 July VILA DE MONTCADA MONTCADA 9 Rd Swiss A AReyes Cantero 938152902
4-12 July BARBERÀ DEL VALLES BARBERA DEL VALLES 9 Rd Swiss A A supVíctor Pont 629386528
4-12 July TORREDEMBARRA TORREDEMBARRA 9 Rd Swiss C BJordi Salvat 649061984
13-22 July CIUTAT DE BALAGUER BALAGUER 10 Rd Swiss A sup AAntoni Montoliu 679082837
18-26 July ANDORRA LES ESCALDES 9 Rd Swiss A sup A supOscar la Riva 00376-347085
22-30 July VILA DE SITGES SITGES 9 Rd Swiss A AFrancesc González 600923277
25 July CERVELLO CERVELLO 8 Rd Swiss b bJuan Mª Santiago 936840402
26 July OLOT OLOT 8 Rd Swiss b bJosep Ma Mir 606119678
1-8 August FIGUERES "MIQUEL MAS" FIGUERES 9 Rd Swiss C AJordi Serra 699848479
1-9 August CIUTAT DE BADALONA BADALONA 9 Rd Swiss A A supManel Triquell 609683157
2-10 August LA POBLA DE LILLET LA POBLA DE LILLET 9 Rd Swiss C CJosep Salvador 630625152
15-16 August VILA DE POBLENOU BARCELONA 10 Rd Swiss a sup aJoan Lorda 659529581
21-30 August SANTS BARCELONA 10 Rd Swiss A sup A supCotxeres 932918701
22-23 August AJEDREZND BARCELONA 9 Rd Swiss a sup aJordi Morcillo 620341266
1-10 September FESTIVAL DE SABADELL SABADELL 9 Rd Swiss B BIvan Aguilar 666346958
6 September VILA DE SANTPEDOR SANTPEDOR 9 Rd Swiss b bJosep Mascaro 616477533
11 September DIADA DE L'11 DE SETEMBRE SABADELL 9 Rd Swiss a a supIvan Aguilar 666346958
12 September RIBERA D'EBRE MORA D'EBRE 8 Rd Swiss a aJosep Terrones 696204203
13 September CIUTAT DE TORTOSA TORTOSA 8 Rd Swiss b bAbraham Pla 680532570
19-20 September VALLFOGONA DE BALAGUER VALLFOGONA DE BALAGUER Suís 11 rondes a sup aJaume Parramon 649960831
13-21 July SANT MARTI BARCELONA 9 Rd Swiss Ricard Llerins 933082425

XXVII Andorra International Chess Open

The XXVII Andorra International Chess Open takes place 18th-26th July 2009. Contact:

Official site:

Masterskill Commonwealth Chess Championships

The Masterskill Commonwealth Chess Championships takes place 14th-21st July 2009 in Ipoh, Malaysia.


Maia Chiburdanidze Cup

The "Maia Chiburdanidze Cup" (International Open Women's Chess Tournament) takes place in the Chess Palace, Tbilisi (Georgia) 4th-13th June 2009. The Tournament is open to all women players. Each player must herself (or her federation) cover all her expenses: entry fee, transportation, accommodation and board. 9 round Swiss. Rate of play: 90 min for all moves, increment 30 seconds per move. Details available from the addresses below.

Contact IA, FM Varlam Vepkhvishvili E-mail: or

(995)32-997736 - Federation
(995)32-960199 - Home
(995)99-771974 - Mobile

Official site:

1st International Open Tbilisi

The 1st International Open Tbilisi Chess Tournament takes place 14th-24th June 2009.

Official site: (not yet up and running)

9 round Swiss. Rate of play: 90 min for all moves, increment 30 seconds per move. Details available from the addresses below.

e-mail: - Varlam Vepkhvishvili
e-mail: - Giorgi Khomeriki

Varna Chess Festival

The 1st International Chess Festival Varna, takes place at the Grand Hotel Varna 11th-20th June 2009. Contact: for more details.

Website: (although I couldn't find the event myself)

European Youth Championships

The European Youth Championships (U10 - U18) takes place in Fermo/Italy 30th August - 10th September 2009.


European Senior Championships

The European Individual Senior Championship takes place in Rogaska Slatina/Slovenia 22nd - 31st July 2009. For the first time just before the event a European Senior Rapid Championship will be organised. The dates are 19th - 21st July.

Further details are published under

European Union Website

The European Chess Union Website ECU website has changed address to

Alushta Diary 2009

Alushta Diary 2009:

GM Norm events: 23.05 - 1.06, 2.06 - 12.06, 15.06 - 25.06, 2.09 - 12.09, 14.09 - 24.09, 26.09 - 6.10, IM Norm: 23.05 - 1.06, 2.06 - 12.06, 15.06 - 25.06, 2.09 - 12.09, 14.09 - 24.09, 26.09 - 6.10, Rating tournament: 4.06 - 12.06, 22.06 - 27.06, 5.09 - 13.09, Open tournament (under 16 years) 3.06 - 11.06, 13.06 - 21.06, Alushta Swiss 9 rounds Open tournament First prize - 1000$ First prize (woman) - 500$ 28.06 - 6.07, 10.07 - 18.07, 20.07 - 28.07, 22.08 - 30.08, Alushta Swiss 9 rounds Blitz tournament 7.07, 19.07, 29.07, Alushta Swiss 9 rounds Open tournament (rapid chess) 8.07 - 9.07, 30.07 - 31.07, Alushta Session of school of Gennadi Kuzmin 21.06 - 27.06, 15.07 - 24.07. Individual and group studying Further information: phone +38 (06560)5-05-32, +380505828911 (for Russian speaking), + 380506692604 (for English speaking) e-mail:

Zuerich Chess Club 200th Anniversary

Dr. Christian Rohrer reports: The world's oldest chess club celebrates its 200th year with spectacular jubilee events, including World Champions Spassky, Kasparov and Anand.

The Schachgesellschaft Zuerich celebrates 200th anniversary with spectacular jubilee events

The Schachgesellschaft Zuerich, the world's oldest chess club, celebrates its 200th year in 2009 with spectacular jubilee events. To mark the anniversary, some of the greatest masters of the last five decades, including World Champions Spassky, Kasparov and Anand, will play at the event. Highlights will be a simultaneous exhibition and a rapid chess tournament on the 22nd and 23rd of August, held in Zurich Main Railway Station. With generous sponsor support from Credit Suisse the Schachgesellschaft Zuerich continues its long standing tradition of world class chess tournaments.

On Saturday the 22nd of August, in simultaneous games 200 amateurs will be honoured to face eight word-class chess players, who have made historical contributions to world chess over the last 50 years: Viswanathan Anand, Anatoly Karpov, Garry Kasparov, Viktor Korchnoi, Vladimir Kramnik, Boris Spassky, Ruslan Ponomariov and Veselin Topalov. On Sunday the 23rd of August, these champions will compete against each other in an exciting rapid chess format. Judit Polgar, the strongest female chess player ever, and Werner Hug of Schachgesellschaft Zuerich, former world junior chess champion, will replace Kasparov and Spassky, who have retired from competitive chess.

A huge number of spectators, from enthusiasts to the generally curious, is expected for the events at Zurich Railway Main Station. And no one need miss it: All commemorative events will be streamed live via Internet.

The jubilee commences with an open tournament; certain to be one of the most exciting open chess tournaments of 2009. Players of every skill level, from beginners to the elite world class, are expected and will be welcomed at the Zurich Kongresshaus from August 9th to the 15th, 2009. They will compete in two tournaments, 9 rounds each, for CHF 100.000 guaranteed prize money and many attractive prizes.

To further honour the occasion, Richard Forster, reputable chess historian, will release his comprehensive book, researched in great detail, on the unique history of the Schachgesellschaft Zuerich. Entitled "Schachgesellschaft Zuerich: 1809 bis 2009", Forster's work will analyze the development of the Schachgesellschaft Zuerich from the times of Napoleon to the present day.


32nd Ikaros Chess Festival 2009

The traditional 32nd Ikaros Chess Festival 2009 takes place on Ikaria island.

The main event of the festival, the International Aegean Open Championship takes place 11th-19th July 2009. It is a 9 round swiss event with prize fund 3600 Euros in total (1st prize 1000 Euros, special money prizes for ladies and veterans). Special conditions for GMs/IMs and WGMs/WIMs are provided, special discounts for families and club teams are also offered (more information will be available in the official announcement of the festival that will be out soon on the official webpage.

Contact info: while to contact us on the phone one can try: +30 6932 478386 or +30 210 5010871 (Mr. Savas Kyriakou). For general information about the island of Ikaria one can also check at:

Official site:

Pula Open 2009

The 23rd International Chess Tournament "Pula Open 2009" takes place 27th June - 4th July 2009 in Pula, Croatia. Official site: and contact e-mail:

Hungarian Chess Tournaments March-October 2009

1. 7th-19th of February, FIRST SATURDAY GM-IM-FM Budapest FIRST SATURDAY Budapest, GM-IM-FM round robins (BERGER), 9-13 games, GM-IM norm possibilities in Budapest, venue: Hungarian Chess Federation, Falk Miksa Str.10. 2nd floor. Organisation: Nagy Laszlo, FIDE International Chess Organizer /NL/, E-mail: Website: Phone-fax: +(361)-2632859, cellphone: +(36)-30-230-1914 /From 12:00 a.m. until midnight - Central European Time = GMT+1/

2.20th-28th of February IM-Rating Caissa, Kecskemet, org: Dr.Erdelyi, Tamas, cellphone: +36-30-271-33-38, Landline phone-fax: +36-76-481-685 e-mail: Website: Usually also in the second half of the month IM and rating tournaments in Kecskemet, a city 80 km South-East from Budapest.

3.7th-19th of March, First Saturday, Budapest, GM-IM-FM, org Nagy L.

4.20th-28th of March, 25th BUDAPEST SPRING FESTIVAL 9 rounds Swiss Open, org: Nagy L. - e-mail:

5.4th-16th of April First Saturday Budapest, org.Nagy L.

6.18th-26th of April Caissa, IM + rating Kecskemet, Org.Erdelyi,

7.2nd-14th of May, First Saturday GM-IM-FM Budapest, org Nagy L.

Kecskemet Caissa IM + rating tournaments more: 16th-25th of May, 20th-28th of June, 18th-27th of July, 15th-24th of August, 19th-28th of September. FIRST SATURDAY Budapest GM-IM-FM tournaments more: 6th-18th of June, 4th-16th of July, 1st-13th of August, 5th-17th of September.

Grand Slam Masters Final

The 2nd edition of the Grand Slam Masters Final will be played in Bilbao, September 2-15th 2009. The winners of Corus-Wijk aan Zee, Ciudad de Linares and Mtel Masters-Sofia tournaments will qualify directly for the Masters Final in Bilbao, where the first edition (played at a central square, inside a glass cube) was a very big success last September.

More details on the 2009 tournament (number of players, system of play, etc) will be announced at the end of the Corus tournament in Wijk aan Zee. The Grand Slam is in negotiations to include one more high level tournament in the 2009 circuit.

Grand Slam Chess Association (GSCA)

Dresden, 23 November 2008

Chess Study

Dr Robert Howard is making a study of rated chess players.

The full article:

If you would like to participate, please go to this website:

For any queries, please contact Dr Robert Howard, University of New South Wales, on