THE WEEK IN CHESS 72			25/02/96	Mark Crowther

1) Introduction
2) Zsuzsa Polgar is the New Women's World Champion
3) Bern chess-festival 1996.
4) Calcutta
5) Keres Memorial Estonia
6) Arnold Eikrem 1st April 1932 - 11th Feb 1996
7) BOOKS, BOOKS and more of them (6)


Women's World Championships			 1 game
Korchnoi - Brunner match			 6 games
Rehhag cup					59 games
Rehhag cup rapidplay playoffs			 9 games
Books Section Games				12 games


TWIC72CA.PGN	Calcutta games			approx 360 games
TWIC72VO.PGN	Volksbank Open - Bern		approx 360 games

Extra Sections available via ftp and from my www:

These extra sections are available at:

Pittsburgh ftp site. (, group/chess/NEWS)
(probably Monday)

and straight away at my www site -

(note this is tilda mdcrowth, some terminals display this
as a percent sign which won't work)

1) Introduction

My thanks to Bertrand Weegenaar, Jo Zahner, Anjo Anjewierden
(who did some hard work on Bern), Mart Tarmak, Johs. Kjeken,
Jon Speelman and Jonathan Tisdall.

Another of those issue where time available did not match
the time required. Calcutta took a very long time to process
and Anjo Anjewierden did the processing of Bern. This actually
allowed me to produce the issue! I don't have a chess match
on Saturday next week so hopefully a few issues can be caught
up with. There were a couple of very interesting documentaries
on BBC TV and radio on the FIDE President that I will report
on next week.

Hope you enjoy this issue


2) Zsuzsa Polgar is the New Women's World Champion

Jaen ESP (ESP), I-II 1996.
                            1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
Polgar, Zsuzsa  g HUN 2550  0 = = 1 1 = 1 1 = = 1 0 1 . . . . . . .  8.5  2640
Xie Jun         g CHN 2530  1 = = 0 0 = 0 0 = = 0 1 0 . . . . . . .  4.5  2440

In spite of a late scare Zsuzsa Polgar duely shut out Xie Jun to take the
title. Time constraints prevent a fuller talk on this achievement which
I will talk about next week. One more game was required to take the title
last week and this duely came on Tuesday.

3) Bern chess-festival 1996.

My thanks to Jo Zahner for the games and to Anjo Anjewierden for
processing them. With such a large event it was very difficult.

By the way Anjo points out as did others that Hallsdall is the name
of the event not Hallsberg as I said in my correction. (I actually
got Hallsberg into my brain.) as the correction said it IS in
Sweden not Norway.

Anyhow on to Jo Zahner on Bern.

The tournament was the 10th event and so we tried to organise something
special beside the traditional Open tournament.

The best Swiss players GM Victor Kortschnoi and GM Lucas Brunner played a 6
round match.

Round 1-3 were played in Zurich (both players play the Swiss team championship
in the Zurich club), Round 4-6 were played in Bern. Kortschnoi had a handicap...
In the week before the match started, he has broken his right leg. He was on the
way to go to skiing (nordique) in Engelberg, when he fall down on the street and
broke his leg!

But this was no problem for him, he never thought to cancel the match and the
participation in the Bern tournament. Even he played the simultaneous in wheel
chair!!! It was a simultaneous with clocks against 7 players (+6, -1). The
incredible Victor!

The traditional Open was played with 191 participants and saw a sensation. Not
one of the favourite GM's  like Tukmakov, Sokolov or Mikalchishin won this
event, but the Swiss player Hans-Juerg Kaenel. He is 44 years old and got the
IM-title only last year. It is the first time in the last years that a Swiss
player won one of our big Swiss Opens.

In the last round Sokolov played a short draw (7 moves) with Mikhalchishin. They
didn't expect that Kaenel will win against Bellon. And so Kaenel won the
tournament outright.

The Rehhag-Volksbank-Cup was organised only for this 10th jubilee. And it was a
triumph of the youth. The youngster Sadler (born in 74), Almasi (76), Markowski
(75) and the "older" Gurevich (56) were qualified for the semi-final, where
Almasi and Markowski won.

A big surprise happened in the second round, in which Kortschnoi lost again
Gurevich (his former secundant) after having a winning position and Epishin lost
again Kengis (also after having a winning position).




    Invitation  tournament

a)  Invitation tournament, 26 players.
    20 players are invited. 6 players will be qualified after 4 rounds in the
open tournament.

b)  Formula: 5 round knockout-system. The eliminated players will continue in a
5 round
    Swiss system tournament. The games with normal rate of play played in the
    tournament count for the Swiss system tournament.

c)  Rate of play: First game with normal rate of play (40/2, 20/1, +30).
    If the first game is draw quick-play decider with changed colours, 20
minutes per player.
    If this game is draw blitz decider (white 6 minutes, black 5 minutes). If
the result is a
    draw, black wins.

d)  Prizes (Sfr):
	1.                   10000.-
	2.                    7000.-
	3./4.*                1500.-  + 450 for each winning game / 150 for each
	5.-8.*                 500.-  + 450 for each winning game / 150 for each
	other players with
	2 1/2 points or more:         450 for each winning game / 150 for each

e)  Invited players
    The following players get an invitation:
    Sadler (ENG), Hodgson (ENG), Kindermann (GER), Markowski (POL), Almasi
    Petursson (ISL), Kengis (LAT), Epishin (RUS), Kharlov (RUS), Zvjaginsev
    Kortchnoi (SUI), Brunner (SUI), Pelletier (SUI), Zueger (SUI), Cramling Pia
    Christianssen (USA),
    + 6 players from the Volksbank-Open


a)  Open to all players.
b)  The tournament will be judged according to Swiss and FIDE rules and also for
    Grand-Prix-Suisse 1996. Opportunity to qualify for FIDE ratings and norms.
c)  Entry fee: Sfr. 150.- (included banquet); GM and IM do not pay entry;
Juniors Sfr. 100.-
d)  Prizes (Sfr): 4000, 3000, 2000, 1500, 1000, 2x500, 3x300,5x200;
    Prizes for best lady and best Swiss player: Sfr. 500;
    for best players with less then 2000 ELO: Sfr. 500, 300, 200.
    After 4 rounds six players will be qualified for the invitation tournament.


a)  Rate of play: 7 hours, first time control after 40 moves and 2 hours, second
time control after
    60 moves and 3 hours.
b)  Playing hours:  Rd 1-8: 1330-2030;  Rd 9:  0930-1630
c)  No smoking in the playing hall
d)  Banquet/Prize distribution:  17 February 1996, 1930 h
e)  Playing hall: Hotel alfa, Laupentrasse 15, Bern
f)  Address enquiries for hotel accommodation in good time to: Tourist Office,
CH-3001 Bern
g)  Entries should be made on the official form, closing date: 19th January 1996
h)  Information:  Internationale Schachturniere Bern, Postfach 6804, CH-3001
    [FAX: ++41 (0)31 3388414]

Korchnoi - Brunner match.

Bern - Zuerich SUI (SUI), II 1996.
                               1   2   3   4   5   6
Korchnoi, Viktor  g SUI 2645   1   1   1   =   =   1   5.0  2783
Brunner, Lucas    g SUI 2510   0   0   0   =   =   0   1.0  2372

The Bern Volksbank open was played as a nine round Swiss.  After four
rounds the highest players qualified for the Rehhag cup (see below).  The
qualified players were: Maiwald, Markowski, Lagunow, Lyrberg, Pelletier,
Sofrigin, Zueger and Fejzulahu.

Anjo derived the following results from the games.

Bern (SUI) Volksbank open, II 1996.
                                                1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9
  1 Kaenel, Hansjuerg             m SUI 2390  +126 + 67 + 17 +  3 =  9 -  5 + 19 + 37 +  7  7.5 /9  2632
  2 Mikhalchishin, Adrian         g SLO 2505  + 66 + 36 = 23 =  6 + 49 + 54 =  5 + 14 =  3  7.0 /9  2571
  3 Sokolov, Andrei               g RUS 2580  + 77 + 65 + 49 -  1 + 62 + 27 =  6 +  9 =  2  7.0 /9  2561
  4 Suetin, Alexey S              g RUS 2460  + 78 + 25 =  5 = 10 + 67 = 19 =  8 + 16 =  9  6.5 /9  2399
  5 Teske, Henrik                 m GER 2510  +107 + 52 =  4 = 15 + 76 +  1 =  2 =  6 = 11  6.5 /9  2502
  6 Tukmakov, Vladimir B          g UKR 2595  +131 + 50 = 37 =  2 + 25 + 23 =  3 =  5 = 10  6.5 /9  2514
  7 Bellon Lopez, Juan Manuel     g ESP 2505  +160 + 80 - 28 + 60 + 20 -  9 + 87 + 23 -  1  6.0 /9  2336
  8 Gilles, Raphael                 FRA 2275  +113 +120 = 38 = 22 = 56 + 57 =  4 - 10 + 58  6.0 /9  2272
  9 Dervishi, Erald               f ALB 2290    .  + 51 = 22 + 11 =  1 +  7 + 10 -  3 =  4  5.5 /8  2526
 10 Jurek, Josef                  m CZE 2345    .  + 34 = 11 =  4 + 36 + 15 -  9 +  8 =  6  5.5 /8  2463
 11 Kamber, Bruno                 f SUI 2375  +165   .  = 10 -  9 + 50 + 18 = 63 + 15 =  5  5.5 /8  2454
 12 Kelecevic, Nedeljko           m BIH 2480  +162 + 60 = 57 + 48   .  + 24 - 37 = 63 = 19  5.5 /8  2371
 13 Manievich, Victor               ISR 2250    .  +166 - 44 + 65 = 54 + 46 - 14 + 30 +120  5.5 /8  2338
 14 Weindl, Alfred                f GER 2335    .  + 35 + 20 - 29 = 30 + 33 + 13 -  2 + 50  5.5 /8  2442
 15 Mueller, Matthias             f GER 2345  +167 + 53 = 64 =  5 + 84 - 10 + 51 - 11 = 52  5.5 /9  2301
 16 Petrosian, Karen              m ARM 2375  + 89   .    .  + 81 = 46 + 48 = 35 -  4 + 51  5.0 /7  2332
 17 Toth, Bela                    m ITA 2405  +133 + 76 -  1 + 85 - 27   .    .  + 81 + 62  5.0 /7  2235
 18 Begovac, Franja               m CRO 2440  -110 +136 + 97 + 79 = 22 - 11   .  + 40 = 27  5.0 /8  2342
 19 Mikavica, Mirko                 YUG 2260    .  +117 - 29 + 66 +100 =  4 -  1 + 34 = 12  5.0 /8  2332
 20 Forster, Richard              f SUI 2335    .    .  - 14 + 58 -  7 + 40 = 27 + 94 + 26  4.5 /7  2338
 21 Gyger, Marcel                       ----    .    .  +138 - 76 - 89 +139 +135 = 56 + 54  4.5 /7  2115
 22 Ilijin, Neboisa               m ROM 2315    .    .  =  9 =  8 = 18 + 80 + 64 - 26 + 53  4.5 /7  2347
 23 Polak, Tomas                  m CZE 2440    .  + 72 =  2 + 63   .  -  6 + 67 -  7 + 38  4.5 /7  2407
 24 Schmidt-Schaeffer, Sebastian    GER 2370    .  +100   .  - 28 + 31 - 12 + 53 = 64 + 63  4.5 /7  2376
 25 Jashari, Nuhi                       ----    .  -  4 + 59 +166 -  6 + 58 + 89 = 35 - 30  4.5 /8
 26 Schian, Thomas                  GER 2320    .  - 38 + 32 = 52 - 57 +161 + 98 + 22 - 20  4.5 /8  2178
 27 Ziger, Silvio                   CRO 2265  +140 - 54   .  +111 + 17 -  3 = 20 = 33 = 18  4.5 /8  2383
... 167 players

The Rehhag cup was played as a knock-out tournament with the losers
entering an open, their points scored in the knock-out counting in the
open.  When a knock-out game was drawn, an extra rapid game was played to
determine who continued in the knock-out.  If the rapid game was also
drawn, the highest rated player continued (or so it appears).

Round 1 (1996.02.13)


Hickl, Joerg            - Maiwald, Jens-Uwe        1-0
Gallagher, Joseph G     - Hodgson, Julian M        1/2  1/2  Hodgson
Gurevich, Dmitry        - Summermatter, Daniel     1-0
Sadler, Matthew         - Brunner, Lucas           1-0
Lagunow, Alexander      - Wojtkiewicz, Aleksander  1-0
Cramling, Pia           - Fejzulahu, Afrim         1/2  1/2  Cramling
Kengis, Edvins          - Lyrberg, Patrik          1-0
Pelletier, Yannick      - Kindermann, Stefan       1/2  1/2  Kindermann
Zueger, Beat            - Christiansen, Larry M    0-1
Sofrigin, Alexej        - Markowski, Tomasz        1/2  0-1  Markowski

Round 2 (1996.02.14)

Knock-out (Almasi, Korchnoi, Epishin, Kharlov, Zvjaginsev and Petursson enter):

Hickl, Joerg            - Almasi, Zoltan           1/2  1/2  Almasi
Korchnoi, Viktor        - Gurevich, Dmitry         0-1
Christiansen, Larry M   - Markowski, Tomasz        0-1
Hodgson, Julian M       - Cramling, Pia            1-0
Kindermann, Stefan      - Zvjaginsev, Vadim        1-0
Epishin, Vladimir       - Kengis, Edvins           1/2  0-1  Kengis
Kharlov, Andrei         - Sadler, Matthew          0-1
Petursson, Margeir      - Lagunow, Alexander       1/2  0-1  Lagunow


Fejzulahu, Afrim        - Gallagher, Joseph G      1/2
Sofrigin, Alexej        - Pelletier, Yannick       1/2
Lyrberg, Patrik         - Brunner, Lucas           0-1
Summermatter, Daniel    - Zueger, Beat             0-1
Maiwald, Jens-Uwe       - Wojtkiewicz, Aleksander  0-1

Round 3 (1996.02.15)


Kengis, Edvins          - Almasi, Zoltan           1/2  0-1  Almasi
Gurevich, Dmitry        - Hodgson, Julian	   1-0
Markowski, Tomasz       - Lagunow, Alexander       1/2* 1-0  Markowski
Sadler, Matthew         - Kindermann, Stefan       1-0

* This game is missing.


Hickl, Joerg            - Epishin, Vladimir        1/2
Gallagher, Joseph G     - Sofrigin, Alexej         1/2
Brunner, Lucas          - Christiansen, Larry M    1/2
Cramling, Pia           - Maiwald, Jens-Uwe        1-0
Lyrberg, Patrik         - Summermatter, Daniel     1-0
Wojtkiewicz, Aleksander - Fejzulahu, Afrim         1-0
Zvjaginsev, Vadim       - Petursson, Margeir       1-0
Pelletier, Yannick      - Korchnoi, Viktor         0-1
Zueger, Beat            - Kharlov, Andrei          0-1

Round 4 (1996.02.16)


Almasi, Zoltan          - Gurevich, Dmitry         1-0
Markowski, Tomasz       - Sadler, Matthew          1-0


Korchnoi, Viktor        - Kengis, Edvins           1-0
Lagunow, Alexander      - Kharlov, Andrei          1/2
Christiansen, Larry M   - Gallagher, Joseph G      0-1
Fejzulahu, Afrim        - Zueger, Beat             1/2
Hodgson, Julian M       - Sofrigin, Alexej         1-0
Kindermann, Stefan      - Brunner, Lucas           1/2
Wojtkiewicz, Aleksander - Hickl, Joerg             1/2
Epishin, Vladimir       - Zvjaginsev, Vadim        1/2
Pelletier, Yannick      - Lyrberg, Patrik          0-1
Petursson, Margeir      - Cramling, Pia            1/2
Summermatter, Daniel    - Maiwald, Jens-Uwe        0-1

Round 5 (1996.02.17)


Almasi, Zoltan          - Markowski, Tomasz        1-0


Hickl, Joerg            - Hodgson, Julian M        1-0
Gallagher, Joseph G     - Wojtkiewicz, Aleksander  1-0
Sadler, Matthew         - Gurevich, Dmitry         1/2
Brunner, Lucas          - Petursson, Margeir       1/2
Cramling, Pia           - Lyrberg, Patrik          1/2
Kengis, Edvins          - Lagunow, Alexander       1/2
Kharlov, Andrei         - Epishin, Vladimir        1/2
Zvjaginsev, Vadim       - Korchnoi, Viktor         1/2
Zueger, Beat            - Kindermann, Stefan       1/2
Sofrigin, Alexej        - Christiansen, Larry M    0-1
Maiwald, Jens-Uwe       - Fejzulahu, Afrim         0-1
Summermatter, Daniel    - Pelletier, Yannick       0-1

The following table summarizes the combined event:

Bern (SUI) Rehhag cup, II 1996.
                                         1   2   3   4   5
 1 Almasi, Zoltan           g HUN 2650  BYE = 5 =17 + 4 + 2  4.0
 2 Markowski, Tomasz        m POL 2535  =24 +13 =10 + 7 - 1  3.0
 3 Gallagher, Joseph G      g SUI 2525  =16 =15 =24 +13 +21  3.5
 4 Gurevich, Dmitry         g USA 2535  +26 + 6 +16 - 1 = 7  3.5
 5 Hickl, Joerg             g GER 2580  +25 = 1 = 8 =21 +16  3.5
 6 Korchnoi, Viktor         g SUI 2645  BYE - 4 +22 +17 =11  3.5
 7 Sadler, Matthew          g ENG 2600  +12 + 9 +18 - 2 = 4  3.5
 8 Epishin, Vladimir        g RUS 2645  BYE =17 = 5 =11 = 9  3.0
 9 Kharlov, Andrei          g RUS 2575  BYE - 7 +23 =10 = 8  3.0
10 Lagunow, Alexander       m GER 2420  +21 =20 = 2 = 9 =17  3.0
11 Zvjaginsev, Vadim        g RUS 2585  BYE -18 +20 = 8 = 6  3.0
12 Brunner, Lucas           g SUI 2510  - 7 +19 =13 =18 =20  2.5
13 Christiansen, Larry M    g USA 2580  +23 - 2 =12 - 3 +24  2.5
14 Cramling, Pia            g SWE 2520  =15 -16 +25 =20 =19  2.5
15 Fejzulahu, Afrim           YUG 2265  =14 = 3 -21 =23 +25  2.5
16 Hodgson, Julian M        g ENG 2615  = 3 +14 - 4 +24 - 5  2.5
17 Kengis, Edvins           g LAT 2570  +19 = 8 = 1 - 6 =10  2.5
18 Kindermann, Stefan       g GER 2575  =22 +11 - 7 =12 =23  2.5
19 Lyrberg, Patrik          m SWE 2425  -17 -12 +26 +22 =14  2.5
20 Petursson, Margeir       g ISL 2585  BYE =10 -11 =14 =12  2.5
21 Wojtkiewicz, Aleksander  g POL 2550  -10 +25 +15 = 5 - 3  2.5
22 Pelletier, Yannick       m SUI 2450  =18 =24 - 6 -19 +26  2.0
23 Zueger, Beat             m SUI 2465  -13 +26 - 9 =15 =18  2.0
24 Sofrigin, Alexej           RUS 2285  = 2 =22 = 3 -16 -13  1.5
25 Maiwald, Jens-Uwe        m GER 2455  - 5 -21 -14 +26 -15  1.0
26 Summermatter, Daniel     f SUI 2330  - 4 -23 -19 -25 -22  0.0

4) Calcutta

As reported last week there was a three way tie in Calcutta including
Jon Speelman. He was kind enough to send me the games from the event
and the tables that go with it. There were a number of problems with
the file of the event which took some time to sort out. I have worked
through the games as far as possible to get the ratings and players
names correct. I have also worked through the top player's results
(as shown in the table below) and so hope that the games for them
will all show the correct results. I did not have time to work through
the entire event.

Calcutta (IND), II 1996.
                                            1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11
 1 Nenashev, Alexander         g UZB 2595  +15 +30 +13 = 7 = 2 =19 +31 = 3 +11 = 6 = 4  8.0 /11  2667
 2 Novikov, Igor A             g UKR 2590  =40 =25 +37 +44 = 1 +47 = 7 = 6 +18 = 3 + 9  8.0 /11  2631
 3 Speelman, Jonathan S        g ENG 2625  +23 =35 +19 +14 = 7 =31 +10 = 1 = 6 = 2 +12  8.0 /11  2659
 4 Dolmatov, Sergey            g RUS 2610  =25 +40 =35 =54 - 5 +43 +27 =20 +14 +10 = 1  7.5 /11  2541
 5 Ravi, Lanka                 m IND 2390  +57 -13 =49 +41 + 4 = 8 -12 +28 =31 +44 +15  7.5 /11  2516
 6 Sherbakov, Ruslan           g RUS 2565  +73 =26 +17 = 8 +54 = 7 +19 = 2 = 3 = 1 =10  7.5 /11  2594
 7 Slobodjan, Roman            m GER 2525  +21 +18 +20 = 1 = 3 = 6 = 2 =12 =13 +17 = 8  7.5 /11  2615
 8 Volzhin, Alexander          m RUS 2485  +69 + 9 +44 = 6 -31 = 5 +17 +14 -10 +11 = 7  7.5 /11  2588
 9 Annageldiev, Orazly         m TKM 2485  +60 - 8 +16 =35 -27 +61 +54 +15 =12 +13 - 2  7.0 /11  2473
10 Howell, James C             g ENG 2490  +43 =27 =26 +48 =12 +35 - 3 +19 + 8 - 4 = 6  7.0 /11  2539
11 Kakageldyev, Amanmurad      m TKM 2475  -27 +29 =15 =40 +23 +30 +44 +31 - 1 - 8 +21  7.0 /11  2489
12 Rahman, Ziaur               m BAN 2455  =53 +33 =42 +25 =10 =14 + 5 = 7 = 9 +24 - 3  7.0 /11  2540
13 Thipsay, Praveen M          m IND 2475  +16 + 5 - 1 +42 -19 +27 =15 +47 = 7 - 9 +28  7.0 /11  2492
14 Barua, Dibyendu             g IND 2520  +37 +38 =47 - 3 +26 =12 +24 - 8 - 4 =19 +34  6.5 /11  2504
15 Kunte, Abhijit                IND 2345  - 1 +68 =11 +61 =32 +22 =13 - 9 +26 +18 - 5  6.5 /11  2461
16 Neelakantan, Narayanan        IND 2295  -13 +57 - 9 -29 +74 +51 +52 -32 +42 +25 =20  6.5 /11  2404
17 Ponnuswamy, Konguvel        m IND 2395  =45 +39 - 6 =53 +59 +29 - 8 +33 +47 - 7 =19  6.5 /11  2406
18 Prakash, G B                  IND 2360  +74 - 7 =61 +65 -47 +63 +22 +36 - 2 -15 +44  6.5 /11  2426
19 Shankar, Roy                  IND 2295  +36 +22 - 3 +24 +13 = 1 - 6 -10 +32 =14 =17  6.5 /11  2561
20 Szekely, Peter              g HUN 2435  +66 +65 - 7 =27 =33 =54 +35 = 4 =44 =21 =16  6.5 /11  2428
21 Anilkumar, N R                IND 2325  - 7 +63 =38 -36 =65 +67 =32 +35 +54 =20 -11  6.0 /11  2390
22 Donguines, Fernie           f PHI 2445  +28 -19 +41 -26 +40 -15 -18 +68 =43 +50 =23  6.0 /11  2331
23 Hegde, Ravi Gopal           m IND 2355  - 3 =59 =39 +50 -11 =65 +63 =53 =27 +36 =22  6.0 /11  2357
24 Prasad, Devaki V            m IND 2445  +62 =54 =27 -19 +25 +33 -14 =37 +36 -12 =30  6.0 /11  2404
25 Ravi, Thandalam Shanmugam   f IND 2345  = 4 = 2 +28 -12 -24 +46 +69 -44 +29 -16 +51  6.0 /11  2408
26 Saravanan, V                  IND 2375  +71 = 6 =10 +22 -14 =36 -47 +39 -15 =32 +52  6.0 /11  2437
27 Sareen, Vishal                IND 2300  +11 =10 =24 =20 + 9 -13 - 4 =30 =23 =43 +48  6.0 /11  2476
28 Sharma, Dinesh K              IND 2260  -22 +74 -25 +71 +38 +52 -36 - 5 +40 +37 -13  6.0 /11  2375
29 Tejas, Bakre                  IND 2170  =52 -11 =60 +16 +42 -17 =38 =40 -25 +53 +47  6.0 /11  2403
30 Tilak, Sharad S             m IND 2385  +63 - 1 =65 +62 =36 -11 =53 =27 =33 +66 =24  6.0 /11  2373
31 Antonio, Rogelio jr         g PHI 2530  =33 +53 +52 +47 + 8 = 3 - 1 -11 = 5  .   .   5.5 / 9  2525
32 Babu, N Sudhakar            m IND 2445  =49 -41 =46 +64 =15 =69 =21 +16 -19 =26 =43  5.5 /11  2279
33 Gokhale, C.S                  IND 2340  =31 -12 +45 +51 =20 -24 +41 -17 =30 =48 =35  5.5 /11  2388
34 Mishra, Neeraj-Kumar        m IND 2390  =41 =70 -43 -46 +68 =64 -39 +65 +63 +52 -14  5.5 /11  2259
35 Murugan, Krishnamoorthy     m IND 2410  +68 = 3 = 4 = 9 +43 -10 -20 -21 +53 =54 =33  5.5 /11  2405
36 Reefat, bin-Satter          m BAN 2465  -19 =70 +64 +21 =30 =26 +28 -18 -24 -23 +54  5.5 /11  2340
37 Soman, Satchidanand           IND 2320  -14 +70 - 2 =39 +55 =41 +48 =24 =51 -28 =42  5.5 /11  2300

.... three further players shared on 5.5
73 players

5) Keres Memorial Estonia

My thanks to Mart Tarmak for the coverage last week of the
Keres Memorial events. He in addition added that Jaan Narva
helped him out in typing in the games from the event.

The event was interesting in the B tournament because
of the game Westerinen-Liiva which followed a suggestion
of Tony Miles in the King's Gambit. It started
1. e2 e4 2. f4 Nc6 3. Nf3 f5!?

The next big event will be the simultaneous match between
Jaan Ehlvest and the best correspondence players in Estonian.

6) Arnold Eikrem 1st April 1932 - 11th Feb 1996

This is based on the obituary written by Johs. Kjeken the General
Secretary of the Norwegian Chess Federation. My thanks to Jonathan
Tisdall for translating it and passing it on.

Arnold Eikrem's whole life was devoted to chess. He was Norway's
first ever participant in the World Junior Championships, that
was in the 1951 event held in Birmingham.

Later that year he was to organised his first International Tournament.
This was Trondheim over the Christmas 1951/52. The winner of this
Junior event was chess legend Bent Larsen.

Eikrem started as a member of the Arbeidernes Chess Club but in 1952
he left to found the "Sjakklubben Jarl" club which eventually must
have become the most active chess club in the World at organising

His strong side was the sheer energy of his organisation. He was
President of the Norwegian Chess Federation twice from 1957-59 and
from 1970-79 and he always did what he considered best for chess
in that country. There is also no doubt that there is near shock
in the Norwegian chess community at his passing. This is in part
due to his weaknesses, budgets and economics were not his strong
side and over the years he took a lot of criticism over this.
However the evergy to continue in spite of monetary constraints
is probably not something that can be easily replaced.

Achievements of his Presidencies include the introduction of the
ELO system to Norway, the founding of the Norwegian Grand prix
(including the soon to be started VISA Nordic Grand Prix which
was a long term goal of his.) He also saw that the Norsk
Sjakkblad chess magazine started appearing regularly.

An International Arbiter since 1969 he was active both in
Norway and abroad, especially in Iceland. He was appointed
member of honour of the NCF in 1979 when he stepped down
as President in 1979.

The event for which he will forever be connected in International
terms is the Gausdal Hojfjellshotell events. Starting with the
Norwegian Open Championships in 1970 it built to a series of
festivals held every year. In 1976 a July/August festival was
launched, then to April/May and January events. Mostly these
consisted of two GM-events and several minor tournaments. The
number of title norms achieved over the year were practically
legion. That this was achieved in such a small country as
Norway was only due to the energy and will of one man.

The product of this energy as the festivals pass their 25th
anniversary began to reep rewards for Norway. Jonathan Tisdall
and Einar Gausel gained their GM titles mostly at these Gausdal
events and in the final event he directed (from his sickbed)
he saw Rune Djurhuus win and secure his final norm to become
Norway's 4th Grandmaster.

Energy and enthusiasm for the game and its organisation were
his great achievements. Hundreds of players from abroad have
competed in these events and taken advantage of the skiing that
was always on hand in Gausdal. He will be greatly missed, and
it would be a terrible shame if his achievements were lost for
want of a replacement.

7) BOOKS, BOOKS and more of them (6)
by Bertrand Weegenaar

Since the last Books arrived some time has elapsed, but in the last
two weeks new books they have arrived in piles at my doorstep, mainly
from England and Germany. Two books got to me late I have to admit, and they
will take a lot of time to review, which they deserve.

Very new but certainly reviewed in the next Books, but this time a very good
Nunn-classic deserves special attention:

The Main Line King's Indian, John Nunn & Graham Burgess, Batsford

Der Laufer war eine Dame, Gerhard Josten, Rochade Europa
and for those who don't read German:
The modern chess self-tutor, David Bronstein, Cadogan

The Main Line King's Indian, John Nunn & Graham Burgess, Batsford 1996, 320 p
(ISBN 0-7134-7835-7)
Price: UK Pounds17.99

Although I only read the Forword (which shows the growing appreciation for Week
in Chess by professional chess-writers) and skipped through the book in a lazy chair,
it's impressive. Ladies and gentlemen this is just the first volume of two. The
second part is schaduled for end of the year concentrating on the main lines
with Nd2 and Ne1. (For those who have to save for buying chessbooks: for the
autumn The Complete Najdorf is announced) To see the enormous amount of work and
knowledge which has been put in this work: more then 50 pages of analysis, games
and commentaries on 9.b4 the Bayonet (van Wely won't be to pleased with this).
Batsford even used a smaller lettertype then they normally do, the authors
seldomly give the complete games (only when the game is of historic importance)
to save space for the real things that they want to tell.
In the next few weeks the chessboard will put on the table, the telephone plugged
from the wall and my lovely girlfriend can sleep out till late in the morning (brunch
will be supplied) because I play the King's Indian.

Der Laufer war eine Dame, Gerhard Josten, Rochade Europa 1995, 160 p. (ISBN 3-
Price : DM 9.80
(text completely in German)

This book is a new theory about the history of chess, which by the autor is more
then 4000 old. The autor is an amateur chessplayer and an amateur chesshistorien
who has dedicated lots of time to make his case, supported by maps, pictures
The story is very readable, but for a large group of you readers German will be
a problem. Therefore I have the intention to contact the author to give his story
in English, when possible in a forthcoming issue of Week in Chess.
For those who like to read a good history book on chess, with a completely new
view how are game has evolved: read it!

Die neuen Schachsterne, Helmut Wieteck, Rochade Europa 1995, 160 p. (ISBN 3-
Price : DM 9.80
(a lot of text in German)

This book on rising chess stars was written during 1992. So the 40 players who
are introduced for becoming chessstars in the future are now the world elite.
Kamsky, Anand, Adams, Lautier, Salow, Ivanchuk, Gelfand, Benjamin etc.
The author has added one chapter to his original manuscript on Kramnik, Ulibin,
Topalow and Almasi. So the book is somewhat outdated (and of course a pity for
the active German author), but the price is quit cheap for the 107 games of which
a lot are annotated.

Analogien auf dem Schachbrett Teil 2 Endspiel, Walter Haas, Rochade Europa 1995,
160 p.
Price : DM 9.80
(Text in german)

In this booklet the autor gives theoretical examples of endgame-types and study-
movements (even by such great names as Lucena, Polario, Ponziani) and recent
tournament practice in which the themes can be recognised. Items like forced
temo, corners, stealmates, far opposition etc. are discussed. An interesting
endgame book.

Klassisches Nimzoindisch 4.Dc2, Norbert Heymann, Dreier Verlag 1995, 176 p.
(ISBN 3-929376-32-6)
Price : DM 26.80

To my great and still astonishing surprise a rebirth of 4.Qc2, the classical
antidote against the Nimzoindian, isn't still happening. Oh yeah, Kasparow used it
against Anand, but with 4...d5 Black neutralised the White set-up quit easily.
In one year 4 books covering the complete scope of this line have been published
while little has happened from theoretical point of view since 1990. Although
with this book a disk with more then 1000 games can be ordered with some
material after 1992, the main part of the book gives games from before 1992, and
sip CC-material. (Therefore from recent CC-magazines I have added 7 great CC-games
to this Books-issue, of which some hold interesting novelties and even there's
one real beauty: A.Prystenko (CAN) - J.Purdy (Aus). This is a great game.)
The book on the other hand gives a lot of material, but little new.

Pirc Ufimzev Verteidigung Moderne Systeme, Helmuth Warzecha, Dreier Verlag 1995,
200 p. (ISBN 3-929376-15-6)
Price : DM 21.80

The author presents with this book the third volume (the first two concentrated
on the 3 pawn attack) in a series on the Pirc-opening. This book also links to
his book on the Robatsch-defence. In this way of presenting material there is a
disadvantage for the student because to get all material on a subject, he has to
work through dozens of links in the book, even to other volumes.
But otherwise the book would be of enormous volume.
The modern systems presented are : 1.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6: variations without  Nc3
(3.Bd3, f3 or Nd2), variations without Black fianchettoing (c6, Bg4 or e5).
The third part of the book concentrates on lines with Bc4.
A strange chapter in the book is on the Norwegian system/gambitline. After 1.e4
g6 2.d4 Nf6 3.e5 Nh5 4.Be2 d6 5.Bh5 gh5 6.Qh5 de5 7.Qe5 Rg8 sharp play arrises
which looks plesent for White to me. I've added 4 games with this line to the
A disk with games for the CA-light database can be ordered for an extra 10DM

Die Reti-Eroeffnung, Helmuth Warzecha, Dreier Verlag 1995, 212 p. (ISBN 3-929376-
Price : DM 24.80

This book is a ratatouille of systems because all line with 1.d4 or 1.Nf3 d5
leading to the Reti are systematicly shut out. (In the same serie by the same
autor a book on 1...d5 has been published last year). Strangely lines like
1...e5? and 1...g5 get attention, but 1.Nf3 b5 should be Polish so hasn't had
any attention?
Furthermore the book has dozens of remarks to other openings, which isn't rare
to the Reti.
Besides 1.Nf3 lines with 1.c4 and 2.Nf3 (English Reti) and 1.b3 2.Nf3 (Larsen
Reti) are discussed. But still 206 pages with lots of material and a very
extensive 26 page coverage of the Lisitsin gambit 1.Nf3 f5 2.e4.
A disk with games for the CA-light database can be ordered for an extra 10DM

The Giuoco Piano, E.Gufeld & O.Stetsko, Batsford 1996, 160 p. (ISBN 0-7134-7802-
Price : UK Pounds12.99

Well known grandmaster and  Eduard Gufeld has teamed-up with theoretical
expert Stetsko for a book on the Giuoco Piano. The setup in this book excludes
4.d4 leading to the Italian-positions. The White setup in this book concentrates
on securing the centre with c3 and d3, and playing for the space on the
queenside with b4, a4 etc. From my own experience this setup after Bc5 is
difficult to play against, because it requeres strategic manoevring at which I'm
not a big star. But in the hands of players like Karpov, Kramnik, Kortchnoi etc.
this is a deadly weapon.
As result of the hype created by Kasparov on the Evans-gambit, Batsford added 1
3th chapter to the book from the pen of Murrey Chandler on this topic. As result
of these games and other by Shirov, new discoveries where made in ancient lines
and new discoveries and test will be seen in the near future. Besides this
chapter, in SchachArchiv's latest issue also a 26 pages long article on both the
accepted and declined Evans was published. So food for thought.
In this book 50 analysed games and deeply discussed openinglines can be found.
Black players choosing to place there Bishop on c5 should be worried.

The modern chess self-tutor, David Bronstein, Cadogan 1995, 148 p. (ISBN 1-
Price : $17.95

Bronstein strikes again, with a highly readable and very entertaining book. He
talks of the strenght of pieces and pawns, and talks about defence and attack,
and gives away grandmaster secrets as if it costs nothing. And lots of small
stories from his more then 50 years experiences. Did Kasparow read the original
Russian script and followed the advice from page 96 :"If the author of this self-
tutor was obliged to give only one opening recommendation to enthusiasts, then,
without hesitating for a second I would say: play the Evans Gambit. The secret
is that in this opening set-up you constantly have to parry mutual threats and
create new ones, invent moves and endevour to guess your opponent's plan."?

A book to enjoy with a brandy and a sigar, a chessboard and a laugh.
Together with The Sorcerer's apprentice, thank you David for writing these

Attacking the king, J.N.Walker, Cadogan 1996, 173 p. (ISBN 1-85744-127-3)
Price : $17.95

In an earlier episode of Books I gave a book by this author for the novice
chessplayer. This book has the intention of bringing attacking capabilities to
novice players, and I must admit, it looks fun to play through this book and
discover the possibilities that there are to go for the king. In several chapters,
with analysis games and summaries at the end, Walker goes through items like
fire-power, checkmate, attacking the king in the opening and Storming the
fortress. 55 games showing exactly how to set up an attack! Unfortanetly the
reader isn't to know from whom the examples in the book are. (Bobby Blunder
against Unfortunate Opponent!?)

Play chess combinations and sacrifices, David Levy, Cadogan 1996, 186 p. (ISBN
Price : $17.95

This reprint of the 1980 gives two different chapters: How to play combinations
and How to play sacrifices. On both topics guidelines are presented for example
on how to create a back-rank attack, forks etc. Each chapter (15 in total, the
16th gives 10 analysed sacrifice games) gives dozens of diagrams where it "all

Sokolski booklet, Marek Trokenheim
Price : 1 booklet $10, each additional booklet $5, all 10 booklets $40.

Last Books (WIC #64) I gave some examples of magazines which have specialized in
gambits, rare openings or even one opening. Marek Trokenheim from Sweden is what
can be called an addict to the Sokolski, or by some called the Orang Utan: 1.b4.
Besides organising continous theme-tournaments and special memory tournaments
like the 3rd Karl Grund-Andrej Malysko Memorial (240 players participating), he
also publishes booklets on different variations of the Sokolski. Every booklet
contains dozens of games, analysed, systematicaly organized and well lay-out.
For address, see list of publishers below, but it's worth your investment to
have this surprise opening, well studied and documented on your repertoire.
Booklet topics so far:
1.    1.b4 1...b5, 1...c5, 1...Nc6
2.    1.b4 e5 2.Bb2 f6 3.e4 Bb4 4.Bc4 Qe7 & 4...Ne7
3.    1.b4 d5 2.Bb2 Qd6
4.    1.b4 f5 2.Bb2
5.    1.b4 a5
6.    1.b4 e5 2.Bb2 Bb4 3.Be5 Nf6 4.c4 Nc6
7.    1.b4 e5 2.Bb2 Bb4 3.Be5 Nf6 4.c4 0-0
8.    1.b4 e5 2.Bb2 Bb4 3.f4
9.    1.b4 d5 2.Bb2 Nf6 3.e3 e6 4.b5 c5
10.   1.b4 e6

Batsford Ltd
4 Fitzhardinge Street
London W1H 0AH
E-mail: (Graham Burgess, managing editor)

Cadogan Books
London House
Parkgate Road
London SW11 4NQ
Also distributing for Pickard&Sons, Grandmaster Publishing, Hypermodern Press
and Hays Publishing in Europe

Chess Enterprises
107 Crosstree Road
Moon Township, PA 15108-2607
E-mail: Dudley@Robert Morris.EDU

Drukkerij van Spijk
P.O.Box 210
NL-5900 AE Venlo

Dreier Verlag
Reinhold Dreier
Seydlitzstrasse 13
D-67061 Ludwigshafen

P.O.Box 3053
NL-1801 GB Alkmaar

S1 Editrice
Via Porrettana 111
I-40135 Bologna

Verlag Maedler
Lilienthalstrasse 52
D-40474 Dusseldorf

Rochade Verlag
Vogelsbergstrasse 21
D-63477 Maintal

Schachverlag Kania
Hofpfad 32
D-71701 Schwieberdingen

Edition OLMS AG
Breitlenstrasse 11
CH-8634 Hombrechtikon/Zurich

p.a. Hilmar Ebert
Alexianergrabe 8
D-52062 Aachen

Marek Trokenheim
Aspholmvagen 27 II
S-12745 Skarholmen

Books reviewed in Books
(??) gives issue of WIC where book was reviewed.


Winning with the Benko, Byron Jacobs, Batsford 1995, 144p. (ISBN 0-7134-7232-4)
Price: UK Pounds 12.99 (51)

The complete Vienna, M.Tseitlin en I.Glazkov, Batsford 1995, 144 p. (ISBN 0-
Price : UK Pounds 12.99 (51)

The complete Benoni, Lev Psakhis, Batsford 1995, 256 p. (ISBN 0 7134 7765 2)
Price: UK Pounds 15.99 (51)

The Saemisch King's Indian, Joe Gallagher, Batsford 1995, 240 p. (ISBN 0 7134
7730 X)
Price: UK Pounds 14.99 (51)

The Latvian Gambit,Tony Kosten, Batsford 1995, 144 p. (ISBN 0 7134 7619 2)
Price: UK Pounds 12.99 (51)

Nimzo-indian Defence Classical Variation, I.Sokolov, Cadogan Press 1995, 148 p. (ISBN
1 85744 120 6)
Price: $17.95 (51)

Ruy Lopez Arkhangelsk System (C78), J.Konikowski, S1 Editrice, 1995, 283 p.
(ISBN 88-86127-36-7)
Price: 30.000 Lires (51)

Queen's Gambit Accepted (D20-D29), S1 Editrice, 1995, 179 p. (ISBN 88-86127-34-
Price: 26.000 Lires (51)

King's Indian Defence Saemisch Variation (E80-E89), M.Tirabassi e.a., S1
Editrice, 1995, 330 p. (ISBN 88-86127-35-9)
Price: 32.000 Lires (51)

Slav: Botvinnik Variation, Rini Kuijf ,Interchess 1995, 108 p. (Book: ISBN 90-
Price: $25 (book + disk, NIC-limited edition to use gamefile) (51)
(Text in Dutch, English and German)

Sicilian: English Attack, Alexander Nikitin, Interchess 1995, 108 p. (Book: ISBN
Price: $25 (book + disk, NIC-limited edition to use gamefile) (51)
(Text in Dutch, English and German)

Das Mittelgambit im Nachzug, J.Konikowski and M.Gupta, Maedler 1994, 130 p. (ISBN
Price: DM 28 (51)

Angenommenes Damengambit I-II, E.Varnusz, Madler 1994, 328 p. (ISBN 3-925691-11-
Price: DM 29.80  (51)

Enzyklopaedie der Aljechin-verteidigung Band A Der Vierbauernangriff, Erich
Siebenhaar, Verlag Reinhold Dreier, 1995, 294 p. (ISBN 3-929376-29-6)
Price: DM 34.80 (51)

Neuerungen im Slawisch, E.Varnusz, Dreier Verlag 1994, 104 p.(ISBN 963-04-4408-
Price: DM 19.80 (CAL-disk + 10 DM) (51)

Schara-Hennig Gambit, E.Siebenhaar and B.Weigand, Dreier Verlag 1994, 110 p.
Price: DM 19.80 (51)

500 French Miniatures (II), Bill Wall, Chess Enterprises 1995, 117 p. (ISBN 0-
Price: $ 7.50 (53)

How to play the Dillworth Attack, Eric Schiller, Chess Enterprises 1995, 98 p.
(ISBN 0-945470-52-5)
Price: $ 9.95 (53)

1.Nc3 Dunst Opening, Bill Wall, Chess Enterprises 1995, 104 p. (ISBN 0-945470-
Price: $ 6.95 (53)

Tennison Gambit 1.Nf3 d5 2.e4, W.John Lutes, Chess Enterprises 1995, 102 p.
(ISBN 0-945470-55-X)
Price: $12.95 (53)

Panov Attack, Volume II, Eric Schiller, Chess Enterprises 1995, 127 p. (ISBN 0-
Price: $ 9.95 (53)

Beating the Sicilian 3, John Nunn & Joe Gallagher, Batsford 1995, 224 p. (ISBN
Price : UK Pounds14.99 (53)

The Big Book of Busts, Watson & Schiller, Hypermodern 1995, 293 p. (ISBN 1-
Price: $22,95 (53)

E.C.O. Busted!, Sid Pickard, Hays 1993, 234 p. (ISBN 1-880673-92-4)
Price: $21,00 (53)

Das Winckelmann Reimer-gambit, Thomas Winckelmann, Tomwing Verlag 1995, 186 p.
Price: DM 34.80  (55)

Fajarowicz-gambit 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e5 3.dxe5 Ne4!, Niels Jorgen Jensen, Eleprint
1995 (2nd edition), 48 p.
Price : DM 13,50 (55)

An opening repertoire for White, R.Keene & B.Jacobs, Batsford 1995, 144 p. (ISBN
Price: UK Pounds10.99 (61)

The Labourdonnais System in the Sicilian Defence (B32) , Adolf Neumann, S1
Editrice, 269 p. (ISBN 88-86127-41-3)
Price : Lit.26.000 (61)

Pirc Defence Czech Variation 3...c6 (B07), F.Pieri, S1 Editrice, 203 p. (ISBN
Price: Lit.UK Pounds22.000 (61)

Blackmar Diemer Gambit, Gary Lane, Batsford 1995, 128 p. (ISBN -7034-7725-3)
Price: UK Pounds 10.99 (61)

1...Sc6 ...aus allen Lagen, H.Keilhack&R.Schlenker, SchachVerlag Kania 1995, 191
p. (ISBN 3-931192-01-6)
Price: DM 26,80 (61)

Die Alapin-Variante in der Spanischen Eroffnung, Berhard Lach, SchachVerlag
Kania 1995, 62 p. (ISBN 3-931192-00-8)
Price: DM 13.80 (61)

An opening repertoire for White, R.Keene & B.Jacobs, Batsford 1995, 144 p. (ISBN
Price: UK Pounds10.99 (64)


Secrets of Minor Piece Endings, John Nunn, Batsford, 1995 (ISBN 0 7134 7727 X)
Price: UK Pounds 17.99 (51)

Winning Endgame Technique, A.Beliavsky and A.Mikhalchishin, Batsford 1995, 192
p. (ISBN 0 7134 7512 9)
Price: UK Pounds 13.99 (51)

Praxis des Turmendspiels, Victor Kortschnoi, Edition Olms 1995,103 p. (ISBN 3-
Price : DM 24,80 (61)


Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, Batsford, 1995, 240 p. (ISBN 0 7134 7812 8)
Price: UK Pounds 14.99 (51)

Capablanca's 100 Best Games, Harry Golombek, Batsford, 1995, (ISBN 0-7134-4650-
Price: UK Pounds 10.99 (51)

Garry Kasparov's Fighting Chess, G.Kasparov, J.Speelman en B.Wade, Batsford
1995, 312 p. (ISBN 0-7134-7919-1)
Price : UK Pounds 14.99 (51)

Vishy Anand Chess Super-Talent, David Norwood, Batsford 1995, 144 p. (ISBN 0-
Price: UK Pounds 12.99 (51)

Taimanov's Selected Games, M.Taimanov, Cadogan, 1995, 198 p. (ISBN 1-85744-155-
Price: $19.95 (51)

Alexej Schirow, H.Wieteck, Rochade Europa 1993, 80 p. (ISBN 3-920748-07-7)
Price: DM 9.80 (51)

Gata Kamsky 2.0, N.Heymann, Rochade Europa 1995, 80 p. (ISBN 3-920748-20-4
Price: DM 9.80 (51)

Leonid Stein, H.Wieteck, Rochade Europa 1994, 64 p. (ISBN 3-920748-16-6)
Price: DM 9.80 (51)

Wer wird Kasparows herausforderer Jan Timman/Nigel Short, L.Steinkohl, Rochade
Europa 1992, 80 p. (ISBN 3-920748-05-0)
Price: DM 9.80 (51)

Potpourri seiner Schacherzaehlungen, E.Gufeld, Rochade Europa 1995, 80 p. (ISBN
Price: DM 9.80 (51)

Moderne Schachstrategie (D.I.Ossip S.Bernsteins Schach und Lebenlaufbahn),
S.G.Tartakower, Edition Olms 1985, 139 p. (ISBN 3-283-00177-4)
Price: DM 34,80 (61)

The Sorcerer's Apprentice, David Bronstein & Tom Furstenberg, Cadogan 1995, 304
p. (ISBN 1-85744-151-6)
Price: $19.95 (64)

Timman's Selected Games, Jan Timman, Cadogan 1995, (ISBN 1-85744-121-4)
Price: $19.95 (64)


Sicilian Love, Polugaevsky, Piket and Gu‚neau, Interchess 1995, 324 p.(ISBN 90-
Price: $35 (51)

NBC 25 year, van Spijk 1995, (ISBN 90 6216 128 6)
Price: DFL 29,75 (51)

Kurt Klar Gedenkturnier, H.Heemsoth, Maedler 1994, 119 p. (ISBN 3-925691-08-1)
Price : DM 22.80
(German and figurines (51))

Jubilaeumsturnier 40 Jahre BdF, M.Gluth, 1995, 144 p.
Price: DM 24 (53)

Julius Nielsen Memorial, J.A.Nielsen, Dansk Skak Union, 1991, 70 p. (ISBN 87-
Price: ń$14 (53)

World Chess Championship Kasparov v Anand, Raymond Keene, Batsford 1995, 128 p.
(ISBN 0-7134-7819-5)
Price: UK Pounds 9.99 (55)

Kasparov vs Anand, Daniel King, Cadogan 1995, 128 p. (ISBN 1-85744-146-X)
Price: $12.95 (61)

Schach-WM 1995 Kasparow - Anand, Helmut Pleger & Andre Behr, Edition Olms 1995,
135 (124), (ISBN 3-283-00295-9)
Price : DM 29,80 (61)


Think like a grandmaster, Alexander Kotov, Batsford, 1995, 188 p. (ISBN 0-7134-
Price: UK Pounds 13.99 (51)

Technique for the Tournament Player, M.Dvoretsky en A.Yusupov, Batsford 1995,
240p. (ISBN 0 7134 7722 9)
Price: UK Pounds 17.99 (51)

Planning, Neil McDonald, Batsford, 1995, 112 p. (ISBN 0 7134 7573 0)
Price: UK Pounds 7.99 (51)

Gambits, Graham Burgess, Batsford, 1995, 112.p. (ISBN 0 7134 7574 9)
Price: UK Pounds 7.99 (51)

Chess for Tomorrow's Champions, J.Walker, Cadogan ,1995, 144 p. (ISBN 1-85744-
Price : $14.95 (51)

A primer of Chess, Jos‚ Capablanca, Cadogan 1995, 150 p. (ISBN 1 85744 165 6)
Price: $15.95 (51)

The Times Winning Chess, Raymond Keene, Batsford 1995, 144 p. (0-7134-7842-X)
Price :UK Pounds9.99 (53)

Steve Davis plays Chess, Steve Davis & David Norwood, Batsford 1995, 112 p.
(ISBN 0-7134-7813-6)
Price: UK Pounds 9.99 (55)

Guide to chess, Malcolm Pein, Batsford 1995, 128 p. (ISBN 0-7134-7814-4)
Price: UK Pounds 8.99 (55)

Das Schachspiel, S.Tarrasch, Edition Olms 1992, 407 p. (ISBN 3-283-00253-3)
Price : DM 34,80 (61)

Strategisches Schach, Edmar Mednis & Rudolf Teschner, Edition Olms 1995, 193 p.
(ISBN 3-283-00288-6)
Price: DM 34,80 (language German) (64)

Meisterspiele, Rudolf Teschner, Edition Olms 1995, 144 p. (ISBN 3-283-00289-4)
Price: DM 24,80 (language German) (64)

How to win at chess, Daniel King, Cadogan 1995, 127 p. (ISBN 1-85744-072-2)
Price: $12.95 (64)


Secrets of Spectacular Chess, Jonathan Levitt en David Friedgood, Batsford,
1995, 222 p (ISBN 0 7134 7721 0)
Price: UK Pounds 14.99 (51)

Schach und Schalom, Ludwig Steinkohl, Maedler 1995, 189 p. (ISBN 3-925691-1-12-X)
Price: DM 24.80 (51)

Schach-Mekka Berlin in den "roaring twenties", H.Wieteck, Rochade Europa 1995,
217 p. (ISBN 3-920748-18-2)
Price: DM 19.80 (51)

The Daily Telegraph Chess Puzzles, David Norwood, Batsford 1995, 128 p. (ISBN 0-
Price: UK Pounds 8.99 (53)

Kombiniere...Matt!, Hilmar Ebert, Rochade Europa 1995, 96 p. (ISBN 3-920748-28-
Price: DM 9.80 (55)

Schach in flotten Versen, Helmut Tribus, Rochade Europa 1995, 160 p. (ISBN 3-
Price: DM 9.80 (55)

99 Schonheitspreise aus 150 Schachjahren, L.Steinkohl, Rochade Europa 1995, 126
p. (ISBN 3-920748-26-3)
Price: DM 9.80 (55)

The NIC-QUIZ disks (Tactics levels 1800 till 2200), Interchess 1995
Price: $16 for each level. (55)

1946-1970 Het tijdperk Botwinnik, Hans Bouwmeester, van Spijk 1995, 111 p. (ISBN
Price: Dfl. 34,50 (approcamitly 20$) (55)

Correspondence Chess Yearbook 14, S1 Editrice 1995, 292 p. (ISBN 88-86127-37-5)
Prijs: Lit 30.000 (61)

100 Classics of the chessboard, A.Dickins & H.Ebert, Cadogan Books 1995, 217 p.
(ISBN 1-85744-187-7) (61)

Top Helpmates, H.Ebert&H.Gruber, HE-Chess 1 1995, 262 p.
Price: DM 39,80 (61)

Modern Chess Miniatures, Neil McDonald, Cadogan 1995, 150 p. (ISBN 1-85744-166-
Price: $17.95 (64)

The official Chess Yearbook, game-annotation by Murray Chandler, Batsford 1995,
208 p. (ISBN 0-7134-7818-7)
Price : British Pound 9.99 (64)


Gambit Revue (editor: Volker Druke) (64)
Published by Schachverlag M.Madler, Lilienthalstrasse 52, D-40474 Dusseldorf

Randspringer (editor: rainer Schlenker) (64)
Published by RandSpringer Verlag, Wiesenstrasse 78, D-78056 Villingen-
Schwenningen, Germany

Orang-Utan (editor: Dirk van Esbroeck) (64)
Published by Dirk van Esbroeck, PO Box 71, B-9120 Beveren-Waas, Belgium

LGT Oppningbulletinen (editor: David Foster) (64)
Published by David Foster, Vaksalagatan35, S-75331 Uppsala, Sweden