THE WEEK IN CHESS 698 24th March 2008 by Mark Crowther

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Mark Crowther
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1) Introduction
2) Amber Rapid and Blindfold Tournament
3) Heviz GM
4) Ataturk International Women Masters
5) Russian u20 Championships
6) Bobby Fischer Memorial
7) Austrian Bundesliga
8) Serbian Championships
9) Danish Championship
10) 67th Georgian Championships Men
11) Bulgarian Championships
12) Bologne Easter tournament
13) Inter Unit PSPB Championship
14) 3rd Kolkata Open
15) Victor Ciocaltea Memorial
16) 19th Pobeskydi Chess Festival
17) 31st San Sebastian City Open
18) 15th Belisce Metalis Open
19) 35th La Roda Open
20) Stockholm Ladies Open
21) Foxwood Open
22) XXXIX Mar del Plata Open
23) 24th Budapest Spring Festival
24) Aguascalientes Mexico
25) Doeberl Cup Premier
26) Belgian Interteams
27) Forthcoming Events and Links

Games Section
Amber Rapid and Blindfold Tournament 60 games
Heviz GM 18 games
Ataturk International Women Masters 10 games
Russian u20 Championships 25 games
Bobby Fischer Memorial 15 games
Austrian Bundesliga 144 games
Serbian Championships 42 games
Danish Championship 60 games
67th Georgian Championships Men 49 games
Bulgarian Championships 104 games
Inter Unit PSPB Championship 15 games
3rd Kolkata Open 13 games
Victor Ciocaltea Memorial 105 games
31st San Sebastian City Open 160 games
15th Belisce Metalis Open 209 games
35th La Roda Open 151 games
Stockholm Ladies Open 74 games
Foxwood Open 100 games
XXXIX Mar del Plata Open 270 games
Belgian Interteams 48 games
1672 games

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1) Introduction

My thanks to Patricia Claros Aguilar, José Mariano Acosta, Mihajlo Savic, Luiz Roberto Da Costa Jr, Ian Rogers, Páli Gábor, Laszlo Nagy, Dmitry V. Borisenkov, Miklos Orso, Doug Bake, Michael Atkins, Lennarth Eriksson, Varlam Vepkhvishvili, Harald Grafenhofer, Aravind Pinto, Zeno Terteleac and everyone else who helped with the issue.

The Amber tournament has been exciting with Levon Aronian leading the rapid and joint standings with a fine all round performance with Magnus Carlsen a point behind. In 3rd place is Peter Leko who will no doubt be glad to be winning games of any sort at this level after his recent form. Alexander Morozevich leads the blindfold section where he always excels. Also the Hevíz GM tournament in Hungary has produced interesting play. Another late finish and there is material held over until next week.

Hope you enjoy this issue.


2) Amber Rapid and Blindfold Tournament

The 17th Amber Rapid and Blindfold Chess Tournament takes place March 14th-28th, 2008 at the Hotel Palais de la Mediterranée on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice. Twelve grandmasters from ten different countries will take part and the total prize-fund is 216,000 Euro.

Official site:

Amber Blindfold Results

Amber Blindfold Nice (FRA), 15-27 iii 2008 cat. XXI (2752)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
1. Morozevich, Alexander g RUS 2765 * . 0 1 . ½ 1 1 . 1 ½ ½ 2898
2. Carlsen, Magnus g NOR 2733 . * . ½ ½ . 0 0 1 1 1 1 5 2842
3. Kramnik, Vladimir g RUS 2799 1 . * ½ . ½ ½ ½ . ½ ½ ½ 2796
4. Topalov, Veselin g BUL 2780 0 ½ ½ * ½ 1 ½ . ½ . . 1 2803
5. Aronian, Levon g ARM 2739 . ½ . ½ * . 1 ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ 2789
6. Leko, Peter g HUN 2753 ½ . ½ 0 . * ½ ½ . 1 ½ 1 2802
7. Anand, Viswanathan g IND 2799 0 1 ½ ½ 0 ½ * . 1 . . ½ 4 2757
8. Ivanchuk, Vassily g UKR 2751 0 1 ½ . ½ ½ . * ½ ½ ½ . 4 2742
9. Karjakin, Sergey g UKR 2732 . 0 . ½ ½ . 0 ½ * ½ 1 ½ 2704
10. Van Wely, Loek g NED 2681 0 0 ½ . ½ 0 . ½ ½ * 1 . 3 2664
11. Gelfand, Boris g ISR 2737 ½ 0 ½ . ½ ½ . ½ 0 0 * . 2603
12. Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar g AZE 2760 ½ 0 ½ 0 ½ 0 ½ . ½ . . * 2621

Round 4 (March 18, 2008)
Kramnik, Vladimir - Morozevich, Alexander 1-0 57 E51 Nimzo Indian
Aronian, Levon - Carlsen, Magnus ½-½ 105 E06 Catalan
Anand, Viswanathan - Leko, Peter ½-½ 33 B19 Caro Kann
Karjakin, Sergey - Ivanchuk, Vassily ½-½ 41 B42 Sicilian Paulsen
Gelfand, Boris - Van Wely, Loek 0-1 38 A07 Barcza System
Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar - Topalov, Veselin 0-1 28 B18 Caro Kann
Round 5 (March 20, 2008)
Morozevich, Alexander - Anand, Viswanathan 1-0 29 D47 Queens Gambit Meran
Carlsen, Magnus - Gelfand, Boris 1-0 33 B90 Sicilian Najdorf Variation
Topalov, Veselin - Kramnik, Vladimir ½-½ 38 C42 Petroff's Defence
Leko, Peter - Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar 1-0 30 C95 Ruy Lopez Breyer
Ivanchuk, Vassily - Aronian, Levon ½-½ 27 C89 Ruy Lopez Marshall
Van Wely, Loek - Karjakin, Sergey ½-½ 30 A29 English Four Knights
Round 6 (March 21, 2008)
Carlsen, Magnus - Topalov, Veselin ½-½ 65 B13 Caro Kann Exchange
Aronian, Levon - Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar ½-½ 52 A10 Dutch, QI and KID Systems
Ivanchuk, Vassily - Leko, Peter ½-½ 49 E20 Nimzo Indian
Karjakin, Sergey - Anand, Viswanathan 0-1 29 B90 Sicilian Najdorf Variation
Van Wely, Loek - Morozevich, Alexander 0-1 23 D08 Albin Counter Gambit
Gelfand, Boris - Kramnik, Vladimir ½-½ 24 D11 Slav Defence
Round 7 (March 22, 2008)
Morozevich, Alexander - Ivanchuk, Vassily 1-0 50 C77 Ruy Lopez Anderssen
Kramnik, Vladimir - Van Wely, Loek ½-½ 34 E97 King's Indian Classical
Topalov, Veselin - Aronian, Levon ½-½ 84 A40 Unusual Replies to 1.d4
Leko, Peter - Gelfand, Boris ½-½ 24 C42 Petroff's Defence
Anand, Viswanathan - Carlsen, Magnus 1-0 47 B04 Alekhine's Defence
Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar - Karjakin, Sergey ½-½ 26 E12 Queens Indian Petrosian
Round 8 (March 23, 2008)
Carlsen, Magnus - Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar 1-0 34 B46 Sicilian Paulsen
Aronian, Levon - Anand, Viswanathan 1-0 50 E10 Blumenfeld Counter Gambit
Ivanchuk, Vassily - Kramnik, Vladimir ½-½ 89 C42 Petroff's Defence
Karjakin, Sergey - Topalov, Veselin ½-½ 56 B19 Caro Kann
Van Wely, Loek - Leko, Peter 0-1 15 A30 English Symmetrical
Gelfand, Boris - Morozevich, Alexander ½-½ 39 A40 Unusual Replies to 1.d4

Amber Rapid Results

Amber Rapid Nice (FRA), 15-27 iii 2008 cat. XXI (2752)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
1. Aronian, Levon g ARM 2739 * ½ 1 . . 1 1 0 ½ 1 1 . 6 2939
2. Anand, Viswanathan g IND 2799 ½ * 0 0 1 . ½ . 1 ½ . 1 2800
3. Carlsen, Magnus g NOR 2733 0 1 * . . ½ ½ ½ 1 0 1 . 2790
4. Leko, Peter g HUN 2753 . 1 . * 0 ½ ½ ½ ½ . ½ 1 2802
5. Kramnik, Vladimir g RUS 2799 . 0 . 1 * ½ 1 ½ 0 . ½ ½ 4 2753
6. Ivanchuk, Vassily g UKR 2751 0 . ½ ½ ½ * . 1 . 1 0 ½ 4 2742
7. Topalov, Veselin g BUL 2780 0 ½ ½ ½ 0 . * . ½ 1 . 1 4 2760
8. Gelfand, Boris g ISR 2737 1 . ½ ½ ½ 0 . * . ½ ½ 0 2701
9. Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar g AZE 2760 ½ 0 0 ½ 1 . ½ . * ½ . ½ 2719
10. Karjakin, Sergey g UKR 2732 0 ½ 1 . . 0 0 ½ ½ * 1 . 2704
11. Van Wely, Loek g NED 2681 0 . 0 ½ ½ 1 . ½ . 0 * ½ 3 2664
12. Morozevich, Alexander g RUS 2765 . 0 . 0 ½ ½ 0 1 ½ . ½ * 3 2670

Round 4 (March 18, 2008)
Carlsen, Magnus - Aronian, Levon 0-1 43 C67 Ruy Lopez Berlin
Leko, Peter - Anand, Viswanathan 1-0 28 B90 Sicilian Najdorf Variation
Ivanchuk, Vassily - Karjakin, Sergey 1-0 49 B87 Sicilian Sozin Attack
Topalov, Veselin - Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar ½-½ 31 E94 King's Indian Classical
Van Wely, Loek - Gelfand, Boris ½-½ 136 A37 English Symmetrical
Morozevich, Alexander - Kramnik, Vladimir ½-½ 48 A01 Larsen Opening
Round 5 (March 20, 2008)
Aronian, Levon - Ivanchuk, Vassily 1-0 52 D37 QGD 5.Bf4
Anand, Viswanathan - Morozevich, Alexander 1-0 35 C14 French Classical
Kramnik, Vladimir - Topalov, Veselin 1-0 33 E94 King's Indian Classical
Gelfand, Boris - Carlsen, Magnus ½-½ 47 E17 Queens Indian
Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar - Leko, Peter ½-½ 49 E12 Queens Indian Petrosian
Karjakin, Sergey - Van Wely, Loek 1-0 26 B90 Sicilian Najdorf Variation
Round 6 (March 21, 2008)
Anand, Viswanathan - Karjakin, Sergey ½-½ 42 C95 Ruy Lopez Breyer
Leko, Peter - Ivanchuk, Vassily ½-½ 21 C11 French Defence
Kramnik, Vladimir - Gelfand, Boris ½-½ 50 A30 English Symmetrical
Topalov, Veselin - Carlsen, Magnus ½-½ 69 E00 Catalan
Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar - Aronian, Levon ½-½ 23 D47 Queens Gambit Meran
Morozevich, Alexander - Van Wely, Loek ½-½ 26 D10 Slav Defence
Round 7 (March 22, 2008)
Aronian, Levon - Topalov, Veselin 1-0 35 D45 Anti-Meran Variations
Carlsen, Magnus - Anand, Viswanathan 1-0 48 A20 English Opening
Ivanchuk, Vassily - Morozevich, Alexander ½-½ 53 B81 Sicilian Keres Attack
Gelfand, Boris - Leko, Peter ½-½ 40 E15 Queens Indian
Karjakin, Sergey - Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar ½-½ 36 B09 Pirc Defence
Van Wely, Loek - Kramnik, Vladimir ½-½ 60 A09 Reti Opening
Round 8 (March 23, 2008)
Anand, Viswanathan - Aronian, Levon ½-½ 29 C89 Ruy Lopez Marshall
Leko, Peter - Van Wely, Loek ½-½ 36 B90 Sicilian Najdorf Variation
Kramnik, Vladimir - Ivanchuk, Vassily ½-½ 73 A30 English Symmetrical
Topalov, Veselin - Karjakin, Sergey 1-0 102 D11 Slav Defence
Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar - Carlsen, Magnus 0-1 44 E12 Queens Indian Petrosian
Morozevich, Alexander - Gelfand, Boris 1-0 28 B90 Sicilian Najdorf Variation

Amber Combined Results

Amber Combined Nice FRA (FRA), 15-27 iii 2008 cat. XXI (2752)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1. Aronian, Levon g ARM 2739 * * ½ 1 . . ½ 1 1 ½ . . . . ½ 1 ½ 1 ½ 0 ½ ½ ½ 1 10.5 2863
2. Carlsen, Magnus g NOR 2733 ½ 0 * * . . ½ ½ 0 1 . . . . 0 ½ 1 0 1 ½ 1 1 1 1 9.5 2812
3. Leko, Peter g HUN 2753 . . . . * * 0 ½ ½ 1 ½ 0 ½ 1 ½ ½ . . ½ ½ 1 ½ 1 ½ 9.0 2802
4. Topalov, Veselin g BUL 2780 ½ 0 ½ ½ 1 ½ * * ½ ½ ½ 0 0 1 . . ½ 1 . . 1 ½ . . 8.5 2781
5. Anand, Viswanathan g IND 2799 0 ½ 1 0 ½ 0 ½ ½ * * ½ 1 0 1 . . 1 ½ . . ½ 1 . . 8.5 2778
6. Kramnik, Vladimir g RUS 2799 . . . . ½ 1 ½ 1 ½ 0 * * 1 ½ ½ ½ . . ½ ½ ½ 0 ½ ½ 8.5 2774
7. Morozevich, Alexander g RUS 2765 . . . . ½ 0 1 0 1 0 0 ½ * * 1 ½ . . ½ 1 ½ ½ 1 ½ 8.5 2778
8. Ivanchuk, Vassily g UKR 2751 ½ 0 1 ½ ½ ½ . . . . ½ ½ 0 ½ * * ½ 1 ½ 1 . . ½ 0 8.0 2742
9. Karjakin, Sergey g UKR 2732 ½ 0 0 1 . . ½ 0 0 ½ . . . . ½ 0 * * 1 ½ ½ ½ ½ 1 7.0 2704
10. Gelfand, Boris g ISR 2737 ½ 1 0 ½ ½ ½ . . . . ½ ½ ½ 0 ½ 0 0 ½ * * . . 0 ½ 6.0 2657
11. Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar g AZE 2760 ½ ½ 0 0 0 ½ 0 ½ ½ 0 ½ 1 ½ ½ . . ½ ½ . . * * . . 6.0 2675
12. Van Wely, Loek g NED 2681 ½ 0 0 0 0 ½ . . . . ½ ½ 0 ½ ½ 1 ½ 0 1 ½ . . * * 6.0 2664

3) Heviz GM

The Palace Hotel International Chess Tournament Heviz (Hungary) 18th-28th March 2008. There are GM, IM and Open sections.

Games in PGN

Official site: with live games.

Round 6: Almasi takes the lead Nisipeanu - Naiditsch Ruy-Lopez Black made an unpleasant pin that provoked White to break up the king-side pawn structure. While White restructured his king-position Black and created a passed-pawn on the Queen-side. White had to put all his eggs in one basket and went on for the king with all his forces. Black was a little careless so the attack resulted a better endgame with a pawn up for white. 1-0 in 55. Mikhalevski - Almasi Z. London-System White failed to play c4 to have a usual Catalan, black played an early b5 and equalised. Black took the initiative gradually and an interesting two bishop against rook arose. 0-1 in 70. Balogh Cs. - Vallejo Pons   Ruy-Lopez Closed Early trades gave a slight positional advantage for White. Black started against the king bringing up both knights. White traded one of them and was able to keep the edge. However, both of them got into time pressure and a draw was agreed in 31 moves.

Round 5 Almasi Z - Vallejo Pons    Caro Cann Defence. Black's usual central blast with c5 came early then White isolated the d5-pawn. It was impossible to defend it so Black activated his Queen to find counter chances on the Black squares. White found it advisable to trade the queens with a slight positional advantage. But Black saved the game with a surprising king-manoeuvre. Draw in 26 moves. Nisipeanu - Mikhalevski Ruy-Lopez  Exchange Black castled long and started action against the e4-pawn. White found the best way of defence and was left with an advantage due to his Kingside majority of pawns and by the formidable central knights. 1-0 in 46 moves. Naiditsch - Balogh Cs.  English opening Fine positional play went on for the centre for a long time. Then White started to advance on both flanks with his pawns in order to gain some space. Black held on well and in mutual time pressure a draw was agreed in move 37 with a complicated position left behind.

Round 4 Balogh Cs. - Almasi Z.  Ruy-Lopez   Berlin - Defence White offered a pawn for an attack before Black could castle. It lead to a jungle of complications. Both king-positions became vulnerable and repetition of moves became inevitable. Draw in 32 moves. Mikhalevski - Naiditsch   Catalan opening White sacrificed his c4-pawn for central dominance. A Central break-through came soon and then even after castling Black seemed to have serious difficulties but he found clever counter-play against the king by sacrificing a piece. In the course of defence White had to give an exchange back so material got about even. After trading the Queens a draw was agreed on move 40. Vallejo Pons - Nisipeanu   English opening A Hedgehog system arose and the usual pressure on d6 was compensated for with counter-pressure on c4. Finally the liberating b5 arrived on time to save the game. A draw was agreed in 26 moves.

Round 3 Almasi-Nisipeanu Philidor- defence They quickly left known lines and all knights disappeared. Both players concentrated all their forces in the centre and the balance was never broken though Black's position looked more impressive at some stages. Draw agreed in 31 moves. Vallejo Pons - Naiditsch QGA Queen's-Gambit soon transformed into a Catalan opening. After an early Queen-trade White decided to keep on a central knight against a bishop. Black successfully undermined its position and then his Q-side majority with the support of the R and B configuration became strong. 0-1 in 36 moves. Balogh Cs - Mikhalevski Ruy-Lopez Open The e5-outpost pawn was as strong as a fort and White started to set up against the king behind it. Black advanced on the Q-side with his pawn-majority. White missed the right course of attack so black survived with a complicated heavy piece endgame. Draw was agreed in 27 moves.

Round 2 The 2nd round of the Heviz GM tournament was no less fierce than the first. Mikhalevski - Vallejo Pons started as a Miles defence that transformed into a kind of Benoni. White could build up a strong centre and offered a bishop to breaking through with two passed central pawns. Later in mutual time pressure these two proved to be decisively stronger. Naiditsch - Almasi Ruy Lopez Classical - Black opened the c-file hoping for counter-play. White took risk with a pawn sacrifice in the hope of taking the initiative but Black countered the plan with immediate central actions a draw was agreed in 27 moves. Nisipeanu-Balogh was a Slav Defence. After a balanced opening Black sacrificed a rook for a knight and two passed pawns on the queenside. White succeeded in blockading them well enough for a correct draw.

Round 1 Almasi beat Mikhalevski in an Open Ruy-Lopez line in spectacular attacking style. Naiditsch judged the endgame phase well and beat Nisipeanu after hard a battle in a sharp Sicilian Scheveningen variation. Vallejo Pons blundered a winning endgame to allow a draw against Balogh after a fine positional game in a Double fianchetto. With the consent of all the players rounds 4 and 5 will be exchanged to avoid having the same colors three times in a row for two players.

Reports: Miklos Orso.

Palace Hotel GM Heviz HUN (HUN), 18-28 iii 2008 cat. XVI (2645)
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Almasi, Zoltan g HUN 2667 * * ½ . ½ . ½ . ½ . 1 1 4 2764
2. Naiditsch, Arkadij g GER 2638 ½ . * * 1 0 ½ . 1 . ½ . 2709
3. Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter g ROU 2684 ½ . 0 1 * * ½ . ½ . 1 . 2694
4. Balogh, Csaba g HUN 2575 ½ . ½ . ½ . * * ½ ½ ½ . 3 2661
5. Vallejo Pons, Francisco g ESP 2675 ½ . 0 . ½ . ½ ½ * * 0 . 2 2503
6. Mikhalevski, Victor g ISR 2632 0 0 ½ . 0 . ½ . 1 . * * 2 2526

Round 1 (March 18, 2008)
Almasi, Zoltan - Mikhalevski, Victor 1-0 33 C80 Ruy Lopez Open
Naiditsch, Arkadij - Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter 1-0 45 B81 Sicilian Keres Attack
Vallejo Pons, Francisco - Balogh, Csaba ½-½ 57 A07 Barcza System
Round 2 (March 19, 2008)
Naiditsch, Arkadij - Almasi, Zoltan ½-½ 27 C99 Ruy Lopez Chigorin
Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter - Balogh, Csaba ½-½ 37 D11 Slav Defence
Mikhalevski, Victor - Vallejo Pons, Francisco 1-0 38 A40 Unusual Replies to 1.d4
Round 3 (March 20, 2008)
Almasi, Zoltan - Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter ½-½ 31 C41 Philidor's Defence
Balogh, Csaba - Mikhalevski, Victor ½-½ 27 C83 Ruy Lopez Open
Vallejo Pons, Francisco - Naiditsch, Arkadij 0-1 36 E02 Catalan
Round 4 (March 21, 2008)
Balogh, Csaba - Almasi, Zoltan ½-½ 32 C67 Ruy Lopez Berlin
Vallejo Pons, Francisco - Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter ½-½ 26 A30 English Symmetrical
Mikhalevski, Victor - Naiditsch, Arkadij ½-½ 40 E04 Catalan
Round 5 (March 22, 2008)
Almasi, Zoltan - Vallejo Pons, Francisco ½-½ 26 B12 Caro Kann Advanced
Naiditsch, Arkadij - Balogh, Csaba ½-½ 37 A29 English Four Knights
Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter - Mikhalevski, Victor 1-0 46 C68 Ruy Lopez Exchange
Round 6 (March 24, 2008)
Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter - Naiditsch, Arkadij 1-0 55 C91 Ruy Lopez
Balogh, Csaba - Vallejo Pons, Francisco ½-½ 31 C48 Four Knights Rubinstein
Mikhalevski, Victor - Almasi, Zoltan 0-1 70 A46 Queen's Pawn Opening

4) Ataturk International Women Masters

The Ataturk International Women Masters took place 10th-20th March 2008. Hou Yifan took clear first place with 7/9 a point clear of Pia Cramling.

Official site:

Isbank Ataturk Women's Masters Istanbul TUR (TUR), 11-20 iii 2008 cat. IX (2461)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
1. Hou Yifan wg CHN 2527 * ½ ½ 1 ½ ½ 1 1 1 1 7 2674
2. Cramling, Pia g SWE 2524 ½ * ½ 1 0 1 1 ½ ½ 1 6 2579
3. Zhao Xue wg CHN 2517 ½ ½ * 1 0 ½ 0 1 1 1 2535
4. Atalik, Ekaterina m TUR 2408 0 0 0 * ½ 1 1 ½ 1 1 5 2510
5. Javakhishvili, Lela m GEO 2470 ½ 1 1 ½ * 0 ½ ½ ½ 0 2460
6. Harika, Dronavalli m IND 2455 ½ 0 ½ 0 1 * 0 ½ 1 ½ 4 2419
7. Zhu Chen g QAT 2548 0 0 1 0 ½ 1 * 0 ½ 1 4 2408
8. Krush, Irina m USA 2473 0 ½ 0 ½ ½ ½ 1 * ½ 0 2380
9. Ushenina, Anna m UKR 2484 0 ½ 0 0 ½ 0 ½ ½ * 1 3 2333
10. Yildiz, Betul Cemre wm TUR 2207 0 0 0 0 1 ½ 0 1 0 * 2323

5) Russian u20 Championships

The Russian under-20 Championships for boys and girls took place in St-Petersburg 8th-18th March 2008. Sanan Sjugirov and Anastasia Bodnaruk won the two events and they will go on to play in the World Junior Championships. News Boris Yeshan.

Official site:

ch-RUS Boys u20 St Petersburg (RUS), 8-18 iii 2008 cat. X (2500)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
1. Sjugirov, Sanan m RUS 2491 * ½ ½ 1 ½ 1 ½ 1 1 1 0 1 8 2675
2. Chadaev, Nikolai m RUS 2471 ½ * 1 ½ ½ ½ 1 ½ ½ 1 1 1 8 2677
3. Ponkratov, Pavel m RUS 2489 ½ 0 * ½ 1 1 ½ 1 1 1 ½ ½ 2633
4. Andreikin, Dmitry g RUS 2573 0 ½ ½ * ½ 1 1 ½ ½ ½ ½ 1 2557
5. Lintchevski, Daniil m RUS 2440 ½ ½ 0 ½ * ½ ½ ½ 1 1 ½ 1 2569
6. Romanov, Evgeny g RUS 2543 0 ½ 0 0 ½ * 1 ½ 1 ½ 1 1 6 2531
7. Papin, Vasily m RUS 2475 ½ 0 ½ 0 ½ 0 * 1 ½ 0 ½ 1 2436
8. Nechepurenko, Roman V f RUS 2495 0 ½ 0 ½ ½ ½ 0 * ½ 0 1 1 2434
9. Popov, Ivan RUS g RUS 2595 0 ½ 0 ½ 0 0 ½ ½ * 1 1 ½ 2425
10. Shimanov, Aleksandr m RUS 2441 0 0 0 ½ 0 ½ 1 1 0 * 1 ½ 2439
11. Rakhmanov, Aleksandr g RUS 2524 1 0 ½ ½ ½ 0 ½ 0 0 0 * 1 4 2395
12. Lovkov, Roman f RUS 2457 0 0 ½ 0 0 0 0 0 ½ ½ 0 * 2194

ch-RUS Girls u20 St Petersburg RUS (RUS), 8-18 iii 2008 cat. I (2275)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
1. Bodnaruk, Anastasia wf RUS 2317 * 1 0 1 ½ 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 2482
2. Gunina, Valentina wf RUS 2295 0 * 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 2375
3. Vasilkova, Svetlana wm RUS 2359 1 1 * 0 1 ½ 1 0 0 ½ ½ 1 2332
4. Charochkina, Daria wm RUS 2383 0 0 1 * 1 1 0 0 ½ 1 1 1 2330
5. Girya, Olga wf RUS 2342 ½ 1 0 0 * ½ 0 1 ½ ½ 1 1 6 2305
6. Savina, Anastasia RUS 2202 0 1 ½ 0 ½ * 1 ½ 0 ½ 1 1 6 2317
7. Severiukhina, Zoja wf RUS 2199 0 0 0 1 1 0 * 1 1 ½ 1 0 2282
8. Ivakhinova, Inna wm RUS 2250 0 0 1 1 0 ½ 0 * ½ 1 1 0 5 2241
9. Tarasova, Viktoriya wm RUS 2267 0 0 1 ½ ½ 1 0 ½ * 0 ½ 1 5 2239
10. Shlakich, Anna RUS 2244 1 0 ½ 0 ½ ½ ½ 0 1 * 0 ½ 2212
11. Ambartsumova, Karina wf RUS 2228 0 0 ½ 0 0 0 0 0 ½ 1 * 1 3 2104
12. Meleshko, Anna wm RUS 2215 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 ½ 0 * 2069

6) Bobby Fischer Memorial

The Bobby Fischer Memorial took place in Villa Martelli Buenos Aires, Argentina, 11th-19th March 2008. Diego Valerga won the event from Mauricio Flores Rios on Sonnen-Berger tie-break after both finished on 5.5/9.

Official site:

Bobby Fischer mem Villa Martelli ARG (ARG), 11-19 iii 2008 cat. IX (2457)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
1. Valerga, Diego m ARG 2478 * ½ ½ 0 ½ 1 1 1 ½ ½ 2534
2. Flores Rios, Mauricio f CHI 2391 ½ * ½ 1 1 ½ 0 0 1 1 2544
3. Panno, Oscar g ARG 2429 ½ ½ * ½ ½ ½ 1 ½ ½ ½ 5 2503
4. Flores, Diego m ARG 2558 1 0 ½ * 0 1 0 1 ½ 1 5 2489
5. Lemos, Damian m ARG 2460 ½ 0 ½ 1 * 0 ½ 1 ½ 1 5 2499
6. Rodriguez Vila, Andres g URU 2566 0 ½ ½ 0 1 * ½ 1 ½ 1 5 2488
7. Mekhitarian, Krikor Sevag m BRA 2456 0 1 0 1 ½ ½ * ½ ½ ½ 2457
8. Coelho, Luis Henrique m BRA 2392 0 1 ½ 0 0 0 ½ * 1 1 4 2421
9. Slipak, Sergio g ARG 2448 ½ 0 ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ 0 * ½ 2378
10. Claverie, Raul ARG 2394 ½ 0 ½ 0 0 0 ½ 0 ½ * 2 2244

7) Austrian Bundesliga

The final round of games from the Austrian Bundesliga took place in 13th-16th March 2008 in Graz (Novapark) and SK Advisory Invest Baden won the title. The final four rounds are now in the games section. My thanks to Harald Grafenhofer.

Official site:, results

Austrian Team Championship 2007-8 (AUT), 30 xi 2007 - 16 iii 2008
Rk. Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TB1 TB2 TB3
1 SK Advisory Invest Baden * 3 4 4 5 40,5 28 2
2 Holz Dohr * 3 4 40,5 28 0
3 SK Hohenems 3 * 3 3 3 4 38,0 19 0
4 SK Kl.Ztg.MPÖ Maria Saal 3 3 * 3 3 4 36,0 16 0
5 ASVÖ Wulkaprodersdorf * 3 4 4 3 34,5 14 0
6 Union Ansfelden 3 * 3 3 2 33,5 18 0
7 Styria Graz 3 3 * 3 33,0 18 0
8 ASVÖ Pamhagen 2 3 * 4 2 30,5 13 0
9 SK Absam 3 2 3 2 * 3 3 30,5 10 0
10 SC Die Klagenfurter 2 2 3 4 3 * 4 4 30,0 11 0
11 Mayrhofen/Zillertal 2 2 3 4 3 2 * 5 29,0 8 0
12 RbEJ Gleisdorf 1 2 3 2 1 * 20,0 1 0

8) Serbian Championships

The Serbian Championships take place in Mataruska 15th-28th March 2008. 14 player all-play-all.

Official site:

ch-SRB Mataruska Banja SRB (SRB), 15-28 iii 2008 cat. XII (2536)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4
1. Pikula, Dejan g SRB 2524 * ½ ½ 1 . 1 ½ ½ 0 1 . . . 1 6 2684
2. Miladinovic, Igor g SRB 2604 ½ * ½ . ½ 1 ½ ½ 1 ½ ½ . . . 2624
3. Vuckovic, Bojan g SRB 2556 ½ ½ * ½ ½ 1 . . . 0 1 ½ 1 . 2622
4. Ivanisevic, Ivan g SRB 2649 0 . ½ * ½ . ½ 1 ½ . . 1 ½ 1 2592
5. Perunovic, Milos g SRB 2570 . ½ ½ ½ * ½ . ½ . ½ ½ 1 . ½ 5 2583
6. Damljanovic, Branko g SRB 2582 0 0 0 . ½ * 1 . 1 1 ½ . 1 . 5 2583
7. Markus, Robert g SRB 2575 ½ ½ . ½ . 0 * 1 . . ½ ½ 1 ½ 5 2561
8. Pavlovic, Milos M m SRB 2457 ½ ½ . 0 ½ . 0 * . . 1 ½ 1 1 5 2573
9. Kovacevic, Aleksandar g SRB 2575 1 0 . ½ . 0 . . * 1 0 1 ½ ½ 2530
10. Sedlak, Nikola g SRB 2568 0 ½ 1 . ½ 0 . . 0 * ½ 1 1 . 2532
11. Bogosavljevic, Boban f SRB 2492 . ½ 0 . ½ ½ ½ 0 1 ½ * . . 1 2550
12. Drazic, Sinisa g SRB 2489 . . ½ 0 0 . ½ ½ 0 0 . * 1 1 2455
13. Velickovic, Sasa m SRB 2401 . . 0 ½ . 0 0 0 ½ 0 . 0 * 1 2 2326
14. Leskur, Dejan SRB 2468 0 . . 0 ½ . ½ 0 ½ . 0 0 0 * 2252

9) Danish Championship

The Danish Championship took place in Silkeborg March 15th-24th 2008. Peter Heine Nielsen played for the first time in five years and after a scare against Esben Lund in the first round he went on to win with 7/9 a point clear of Lars Schandorff. Three time defending champion Sune Berg Hansen was half a point further back.

Official site:

ch-DEN Silkeborg (DEN), 15-23 iii 2008
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1. Nielsen, Peter Heine g DEN 2625 =8 +13 +5 +10 =3 +2 +4 =7 =9 7 2667
2. Schandorff, Lars g DEN 2526 =13 +8 =9 +12 +10 -1 =3 +5 =4 6 2588
3. Hansen, Sune Berg g DEN 2549 +17 =9 =15 +5 =1 =4 =2 =6 =8 2538
4. Glud, Jakob Vang m DEN 2486 -14 +18 +7 =6 +9 =3 -1 +16 =2 2500
5. Rasmussen, Allan Stig f DEN 2468 +18 +14 -1 -3 +15 +8 +9 -2 =10 2536
6. Antonsen, Mikkel m DEN 2409 =7 +16 -10 =4 -8 +17 +13 =3 +15 2482
7. Matthiesen, Arne f DEN 2327 =6 =12 -4 =13 +14 +11 =8 =1 =16 5 2431
8. Lund, Esben m DEN 2403 =1 -2 +19 =11 +6 -5 =7 +12 =3 5 2475
9. Kristiansen, Jens m DEN 2441 +19 =3 =2 +15 -4 +12 -5 =10 =1 5 2514
10. Rasmussen, Karsten m DEN 2505 =20 +11 +6 -1 -2 =13 +18 =9 =5 5 2461
11. Petersen, Tom Petri DEN 2309 =15 -10 +17 =8 =12 -7 =14 =19 +20 2369
12. Jakobsen, Ole m DEN 2372 =16 =7 +14 -2 =11 -9 +19 -8 =17 4 2317
13. Holmsgaard, Henrik DEN 2324 =2 -1 =16 =7 +18 =10 -6 =20 =19 4 2358
14. Jacobsen, Bo DEN 2316 +4 -5 -12 =19 -7 +20 =11 =17 =18 4 2323
15. H(/o)i, Carsten g DEN 2404 =11 +20 =3 -9 -5 =16 =17 +18 -6 4 2341
16. Teplyi, Igor DEN 2256 =12 -6 =13 =18 =17 =15 +20 -4 =7 4 2329
17. Matthiesen, Martin DEN 2365 -3 =19 -11 +20 =16 -6 =15 =14 =12 2280
18. Boe, Mads f DEN 2337 -5 -4 +20 =16 -13 +19 -10 -15 =14 3 2251
19. Knudsen, Per f DEN 2305 -9 =17 -8 =14 =20 -18 -12 =11 =13 2188
20. Kristensen, Kaare f DEN 2325 =10 -15 -18 -17 =19 -14 -16 =13 -11 2073

10) 67th Georgian Championships Men

The Georgian Men's Championships take place 15th-30th March 2008. The event is a knockout with rapid playoffs of 25-25 mins. +10 sec. a move. Games from the first round are in the PGN section. News: Varlam Vepkhvishvili.

67th ch-GEO KO Tbilisi (GEO), 15-30 iii 2008
Round 3 21-23 March 2008
Mchedlishvili, Mikheil g GEO 2635 4
Supatashvili, Khvicha m GEO 2466 3
Jojua, Davit m GEO 2463 0.5
Pantsulaia, Levan g GEO 2629 1.5
Magalashvili, Davit m GEO 2449 1.5
Shanava, Konstantine g GEO 2521 2.5
Margvelashvili, Giorgi m GEO 2455 4
Arutinian, David g GEO 2576 2
Round 2 18-20 March 2008
Bregadze, Levan f GEO 2427 0.5
Mchedlishvili, Mikheil g GEO 2635 1.5
Benidze, Davit f GEO 2359 1.5
Supatashvili, Khvicha m GEO 2466 2.5
Jojua, Davit m GEO 2463 3
Sturua, Zurab g GEO 2515 1
Pantsulaia, Levan g GEO 2629 3
Jobava, Beglar m GEO 2446 1
Magalashvili, Davit m GEO 2449 3.5
Gelashvili, Tamaz g GEO 2622 2.5
Shanava, Konstantine g GEO 2521 1.5
Chigladze, Iveri GEO 2389 0.5
Margvelashvili, Giorgi m GEO 2455 2.5
Aroshidze, Levan g GEO 2535 1.5
Arutinian, David g GEO 2576 2.5
Kekelidze, Mikheil g GEO 2454 1.5
Round 1 15th-17th March 2008
Bregadze, Levan f GEO 2427 3
Morchiashvili, Bachana m GEO 2434 1
Mchedlishvili, Mikheil g GEO 2635 2
Patsia, Zviad GEO 2213 0
Benidze, Davit f GEO 2359 1.5
Bagaturov, Giorgi g GEO 2498 0.5
Supatashvili, Khvicha m GEO 2466 3
Gelazonia, Parmen GEO 2361 1
Zarkua, Davit GEO 2377 1
Jojua, Davit m GEO 2463 3
Sturua, Zurab g GEO 2515 1.5
Vepkhvishvili, Varlam f GEO 2359 0.5
Kashashvili, Alexandre m GEO 2272 0
Pantsulaia, Levan g GEO 2629 2
Jobava, Beglar m GEO 2446 1.5
Nigalidze, Gaioz GEO 2420 0.5
Kuparadze, Giga GEO 2407 0.5
Magalashvili, Davit m GEO 2449 1.5
Gelashvili, Tamaz g GEO 2622 2
Mgeladze, Tamaz GEO 2289 0
Azaladze, Shota GEO 2353 0.5
Shanava, Konstantine g GEO 2521 1.5
Sanikidze, Tornike m GEO 2461 1.5
Chigladze, Iveri GEO 2389 2.5
Paichadze, Luka GEO 2396 0.5
Margvelashvili, Giorgi m GEO 2455 1.5
Aroshidze, Levan g GEO 2535 1.5
Tskitishvili, Irakli f GEO 2332 0.5
Batsiashvili, Nino wm GEO 2317 0.5
Arutinian, David g GEO 2576 1.5
Kekelidze, Mikheil g GEO 2454 1.5
Lomsadze, Davit GEO 2400 0.5

11) Bulgarian Championships

The Bulgarian Championships for men and women took place in Plovdiv 14th-24th March 2008. Vasily Spasov took clear first in the men's event with 9.5/13 half a point clear of Milen Vasilev. Elitsa Raeva finished a point and a half clear in the women's event with a 9/11 score.

Official site:

72nd ch-BUL Plovdiv BUL (BUL), 14-24 iii 2008 cat. VIII (2428)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4
1. Spasov, Vasil g BUL 2579 * ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ 1 1 ½ 1 1 1 1 2591
2. Vasilev, Milen m BUL 2470 ½ * 0 ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 2565
3. Rusev, Krasimir m BUL 2521 ½ 1 * ½ 0 ½ 1 ½ ½ ½ 1 ½ 1 1 2530
4. Nikolov, Momchil m BUL 2500 ½ ½ ½ * ½ ½ ½ 1 0 1 ½ 1 1 1 2532
5. Radulski, Julian g BUL 2511 ½ ½ 1 ½ * ½ 0 ½ ½ ½ 1 1 0 1 2478
6. Janev, Evgeni g BUL 2485 ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ * 1 ½ 0 ½ 0 1 1 1 2480
7. Petkov, Vladimir g BUL 2434 ½ ½ 0 ½ 1 0 * ½ ½ ½ 1 ½ 1 1 2484
8. Iotov, Valentin m BUL 2495 0 ½ ½ 0 ½ ½ ½ * 1 1 0 1 ½ 1 7 2451
9. Tsvetkov, Ilia BUL 2352 0 0 ½ 1 ½ 1 ½ 0 * ½ 0 0 1 ½ 2376
10. Kozhuharov, Spas m BUL 2456 ½ 0 ½ 0 ½ ½ ½ 0 ½ * ½ ½ ½ 1 2368
11. Lilov, Valeri BUL 2323 0 0 0 ½ 0 1 0 1 1 ½ * 0 1 ½ 2389
12. Mladenov, Plamen BUL 2288 0 0 ½ 0 0 0 ½ 0 1 ½ 1 * ½ ½ 2328
13. Milchev, Nikolay f BUL 2373 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 ½ 0 ½ 0 ½ * ½ 3 2221
14. Arnaudov, G. Petar f BUL 2345 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ½ 0 ½ ½ ½ * 2 2138

57th ch-BUL w Plovdiv BUL (BUL), 14-24 iii 2008
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
1. Raeva, Elitsa wf BUL 2258 * 1 1 ½ ½ ½ ½ 1 1 1 1 1 9 2421
2. Velcheva, Maria wg BUL 2266 0 * 1 ½ 0 1 1 1 ½ ½ 1 1 2291
3. Videnova, Iva wf BUL 2188 0 0 * 1 1 ½ ½ 1 ½ 1 1 1 2298
4. Nikolova, Adriana wf BUL 2194 ½ ½ 0 * 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 ½ 2230
5. Chilingirova, Pavlina wm BUL 2213 ½ 1 0 0 * ½ 0 ½ ½ 1 1 1 6 2199
6. Genova, Lyubka wm BUL 2232 ½ 0 ½ 0 ½ * ½ ½ 1 ½ 1 1 6 2197
7. Jordanova, Svetla wf BUL 2145 ½ 0 ½ 0 1 ½ * 0 1 ½ ½ 1 2169
8. Voiska, Margarita wg BUL 2333 0 0 0 0 ½ ½ 1 * ½ 1 1 1 2152
9. Savova, Stefka wm BUL 2165 0 ½ ½ 0 ½ 0 0 ½ * 1 ½ ½ 4 2065
10. Trifonova, Sandra BUL 1957 0 ½ 0 1 0 ½ ½ 0 0 * ½ ½ 2053
11. Vladimirova, Maria BUL 1971 0 0 0 1 0 0 ½ 0 ½ ½ * 1 2052
12. Bednikova, Stefi BUL 2088 0 0 0 ½ 0 0 0 0 ½ ½ 0 * 1865

12) Bologne Easter tournament

There is an Easter international tournament took place in Bologna 20th-24th March 2008. FM Niccolo Ronchetti took clear first place. Games were broadcast live but are currently unavailable in PGN.

Official site:

Bologne Easter tournament 20-24 iii 2008
Pl Name Ti NAT Rat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts
1 Ronchetti Niccolo' FM ITA 2431 * ½ ½ 1 1 1 ½ ½ ½ ½ 6
2 Berzinsh Roland IM LAT 2417 ½ * ½ 1 1 0 ½ ½ ½ 1 5.5
3 Laketic Gojko IM SRB 2443 ½ ½ * ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ 1 1 5.5
4 Rombaldoni Axel FM ITA 2394 0 0 ½ * 1 0 1 1 1 1 5.5
5 Martinez Rolly IM PHI 2447 0 0 ½ 0 * 1 1 ½ 1 1 5
6 Tomba Ivan -- ITA 2301 0 1 ½ 1 0 * 0 0 1 1 4.5
7 Barillaro Luca -- ITA 2180 ½ ½ ½ 0 0 1 * 1 0 ½ 4
8 Scalcione Michelangelo FM ITA 2431 ½ ½ ½ 0 ½ 1 0 * 0 ½ 3.5
9 Vancini Edoardo FM ITA 2277 ½ ½ 0 0 0 0 1 1 * ½ 3.5
10 Gilevich Artem -- UKR 2069 ½ 0 0 0 0 0 ½ ½ ½ * 2

13) Inter Unit PSPB Championship

The Inter Unit PSPB Chess Championship Indian team tournament was held in the Hotel Monarch, Ooty, 8th-10th March 2008. The winners were ONGC (Oil & Natural GC - A) who had the following players: Koneru Humpy, Sasikiran, Sandipan Chanda, Neelotpal Das (ALL GMS) and P.Konguvel (IM). This was followed by a rapid event won by Krishnan Sasikiran.

Event games at:

XIX PSPB Inter Unit Chess Tournament - Team Event
Rnk Team + = - MP Pts.
1 Oil & Natural GC - A 6 0 0 12 21½
2 Bharat Petroleum CL 4 1 1 9 19
3 Indian Oil CL 4 1 1 9 18
4 Oil India Ltd 4 0 2 8 15
5 Indian Oil CL (Assam Div) 3 0 3 6 11
6 Oil & Natural GC - B 3 0 3 6 10½
7 Bongaigaon Refineries PL 3 0 3 6 10½
8 Hindusthan Petroleum CL - B 2 1 3 5 10
9 Hindusthan Petroleum CL - A 2 1 3 5 8
10 Engineers India Ltd 1 1 4 3 9
11 Mangalore Refineries PL 1 0 5 2 6
12 GAIL (India) Ltd 0 1 5 1

XIX PSPB Inter Unit Chess Tournament - Team Event
Rnk Ti Name Rtg Club Pts BH.
1 GM Sasikiran Krishnan 2677 ONGC 8 51
2 GM Kunte Abhijit 2550 IOCL 8 50½
3 GM Koneru Humpy 2612 ONGC 49½
4 GM Ganguly Surya Shekhar 2579 IOCL 7 49
5 IM Gupta Abhijeet 2495 BPCL 6 49
6 GM Deepan Chakkravarthy J 2491 IOCL 6 47½
7 IM Venkatesh M R 2444 BPCL 6 45
8 IM Saravanan V 2379 BPCL 6 44½
9 IM Konguvel Ponnuswamy 2394 ONGC 6 43
10 GM Neelotpal Das 2486 ONGC 6 42½
11 IM Sengupta Deep 2476 IOCL 49½
12 IM Arun Prasad S 2423 BPCL 48½
13 Imocha Laishram 2240 OIL 44
14 GM Ramesh R B 2473 IOCL 42
15 GM Sandipan Chanda 2593 ONGC 41½
16 IM Ravi Lanka 2387 ONGC 41
17 IM Koshy Varugeese 2270 ONGC 40½
18 WGM Mohota Nisha 2409 OIL 39
19 Suryanarayanan J 0 EIL 36½
20 Manoj Barua 2065 OIL 36
21 IM Sundararajan Kidambi 2442 BPCL 5 48½
22 GM Gopal G N 2528 BPCL 5 47
62 players

14) 3rd Kolkata Open

The 3rd Kolkata Open Grandmaster Chess Tournament takes place 24th March - 2nd April 2008.

Official site:

3rd Kolkata Open Grandmaster 24 iii - 2 iv 2008
Round 2 Pairings
Bo. SNo. Name IRtg FED Pts Res. Pts Name IRtg FED SNo.
1 1 GM Sasikiran Krishnan 2677 IND 1 1 Barbosa Oliver 2410 PHI 28
2 29 WGM Mohota Nisha 2409 IND 1 1 GM Lputian Smbat G 2616 ARM 2
3 3 GM Koneru Humpy 2612 IND 1 1 IM Satyapragyan Swayangsu 2406 IND 30
4 31 IM Saptarshi Roy 2404 IND 1 1 GM Laznicka Viktor 2595 CZE 4
5 5 GM Sandipan Chanda 2593 IND 1 1 Das Arghyadip 2404 IND 32
6 7 GM David Alberto 2557 LUX 1 1 IM Konguvel Ponnuswamy 2394 IND 36
7 33 IM Akshayraj Kore 2399 IND 1 1 GM Adly Ahmed 2551 EGY 8
8 9 GM Nguyen Anh Dung 2525 VIE 1 1 IM Kamble Vikramaditya 2387 IND 38
9 11 GM Abdulla Al-Rakib 2506 BAN 1 1 Thejkumar M S 2382 IND 40
10 35 IM Lodhi Mahmood 2397 PAK 1 1 GM Dobrov Vladimir 2501 RUS 12
11 13 GM Safin Shukhrat 2493 UZB 1 1 IM Saravanan V 2379 IND 42
12 37 IM Kobese Watu 2389 RSA 1 1 GM Rahman Ziaur 2492 BAN 14
13 15 GM Barua Dibyendu 2491 IND 1 1 IM Prathamesh Sunil Mokal 2371 IND 44
14 43 FM Ahmed Sk Nasir 2379 BAN 1 1 GM Neelotpal Das 2486 IND 16
15 17 IM Ashwin Jayaram 2478 IND 1 1 Murali Krishnan B T 2363 IND 46
16 45 IM Suvrajit Saha 2363 IND 1 1 GM Ramesh R B 2473 IND 18
17 19 GM Bakre Tejas 2459 IND 1 1 Palit Somak 2340 IND 48
18 47 IM Prakash G B 2341 IND 1 1 IM Sriram Jha 2457 IND 20
19 21 IM Venkatesh M R 2444 IND 1 1 IM Shankar Roy 2335 IND 50
20 52 FM Minhazuddin Ahmed 2333 BAN 1 1 IM Sundararajan Kidambi 2442 IND 22
21 23 IM Laxman R R 2440 IND 1 1 Udeshi Aditya 2331 IND 54
22 67 Shyam Nikil P 2301 IND 1 1 IM Rathnakaran K 2437 IND 24
23 25 GM Murshed Niaz 2428 BAN 1 1 IM Singh D P 2326 IND 56
24 114 Kavan Shah 1806 IND 1 1 IM Arun Prasad S 2423 IND 26
25 27 Nolte Rolando 2412 PHI 1 1 Ghosh Diptayan 2016 IND 106
26 91 Bitan Banerjee 2181 IND ½ ½ GM Ghaem Maghami Ehsan 2589 IRI 6
27 62 Swapnil S Dhopade 2319 IND ½ ½ IM Himanshu Sharma 2398 IND 34
28 39 IM Garma Chito 2383 PHI ½ ½ Ankit R Rajpara 2122 IND 98
29 41 IM Frhat Ali 2379 EGY ½ ½ Ghosh Ananda K 2153 IND 96
30 51 IM Babu N Sudhakar 2333 IND ½ ½ Rishi Thariani 1949 IND 110
31 53 IM Solomon Kenny 2332 RSA ½ ½ Shaati Majumder 1896 IND 112
32 55 FM Mohannad Farhan 2329 JOR ½ ½ Prince Bajaj 1986 IND 108
33 83 Imocha Laishram 2240 IND 0 0 IM Hossain Enamul 2522 BAN 10
34 49 Abhishek Das 2337 IND 0 0 FM Grover Sahaj 2242 IND 82
35 85 Swayams Mishra 2214 IND 0 0 FM Rahman Md Taibur 2325 BAN 57
36 58 IM Gokhale Chandrashekhar 2323 IND 0 0 Nimmy A G 2222 IND 84
37 87 FM Narayanan Srinath 2210 IND 0 0 Tiwari Arjun 2322 IND 59
38 60 IM Shetty Rahul 2320 IND 0 0 Mohammad Ali 2211 BAN 86
39 89 WIM Nadig Kruttika 2208 IND 0 0 FM Hasan Mehdi 2320 BAN 61
40 93 Negi V S 2165 IND 0 0 Shashikant Kutwal 2316 IND 63
41 95 Amrutha Mokal 2157 IND 0 0 Arun Karthik R 2313 IND 64
42 65 Thakur Akash 2312 IND 0 0 WIM Padmini Rout 2210 IND 88
43 97 FM Sai Krishna G V 2124 IND 0 0 Phadke Sohan 2307 IND 66
44 99 Abhishek Kelkar 2117 IND 0 0 FM Ramakrishna J 2296 IND 68
45 69 Prasenjit Datta 2296 IND 0 0 Mehta Praful 2191 IND 90
46 101 Prem Krishna Maharjan 2096 NEP 0 0 Singh Gurpreet Pal 2292 IND 70
47 71 FM Singh Rishpal S 2282 IND 0 0 Janardhan Shrestha 2180 NEP 92
48 103 Gagare Shalmali 2068 IND 0 0 Debashis Das 2279 IND 72
49 73 IM Balasubramaniun Ramnathan 2274 IND 0 0 Shailendra K Bajpai 2158 IND 94
50 105 Das Sayantan 2024 IND 0 0 Mohammad Javed 2273 BAN 74
51 75 WIM Kiran Manisha Mohanty 2270 IND 0 0 Satyajit Kundu 2117 IND 100
52 107 Roy Pallabi 2009 IND 0 0 Sagar Shah 2263 IND 76
53 77 Matta Vinay Kumar 2260 IND 0 0 Abhratanu Dutta 2081 IND 102
54 109 Vaibhav Suri 1962 IND 0 0 WIM Gomes Mary Ann 2255 IND 78
55 79 Chatterjee K K 2251 IND 0 0 Anuprita Patil 2062 IND 104
56 111 Mohana Sengupta 1896 IND 0 0 Madjidov Jasur 2249 UZB 80
57 81 Joshi G B 2246 IND 0 0 Karma Pandya 1856 IND 113

15) Victor Ciocaltea Memorial

Victor Ciocaltea Memorial takes place in Bucharest 14th-27th March 2008. Vadim Shishkin and Constantin Lupulescu share first on 6.5/10 with a round to go. Alongside was a junior tournament also which was won by Vlad-Victor Barnaure with 7/9.

Official site:

Victor Ciocaltea mem Bucharest (ROM), 14-25 iii 2008 cat. IX (2475)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
1. Shishkin, Vadim UKR g UKR 2493 * ½ 0 ½ ½ ½ 1 . ½ 1 1 1 2584
2. Lupulescu, Constantin g ROU 2553 ½ * . ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ 1 ½ 1 1 2572
3. Romanishin, Oleg M g UKR 2528 1 . * ½ 1 ½ ½ ½ ½ 1 ½ 0 6 2534
4. Szabo, Gergely-Andras-Gyula m ROU 2509 ½ ½ ½ * . 1 ½ ½ ½ 0 1 ½ 2511
5. Roussel-Roozmon, Thomas m CAN 2442 ½ ½ 0 . * ½ ½ 1 ½ 1 1 0 2511
6. Murariu, Andrei g ROU 2483 ½ ½ ½ 0 ½ * . 0 ½ 1 ½ 1 5 2469
7. Jianu, Vlad-Cristian g ROU 2530 0 ½ ½ ½ ½ . * ½ ½ ½ ½ 1 5 2469
8. Pap, Misa m SRB 2465 . ½ ½ ½ 0 1 ½ * ½ ½ 0 ½ 2438
9. Sanduleac, Vasile g MDA 2452 ½ 0 ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ * 0 . ½ 4 2409
10. Chirila, Ioan Cristian f ROU 2400 0 ½ 0 1 0 0 ½ ½ 1 * ½ . 4 2417
11. Baratosi, Daniel f ROU 2441 0 0 ½ 0 0 ½ ½ 1 . ½ * 1 4 2409
12. Raceanu, Valentin m ROU 2407 0 0 1 ½ 1 0 0 ½ ½ . 0 * 2379

Romanian Young Int Bucharest (ROM), 14-22 iii 2008 cat. V (2360)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
1. Barnaure, Vlad-Victor m ROU 2469 * 1 ½ 1 ½ ½ 1 1 ½ 1 7 2567
2. Badev, Kiril f BUL 2314 0 * 1 ½ 1 ½ ½ ½ 1 1 6 2490
3. Georgescu, Tiberiu f ROU 2356 ½ 0 * ½ ½ 1 1 1 ½ 1 6 2485
4. Miron, Lucian-Costin f ROU 2408 0 ½ ½ * ½ 1 ½ 1 1 1 6 2479
5. Burnoiu, Nicolae-Costel m ROU 2435 ½ 0 ½ ½ * 1 ½ ½ ½ 1 5 2394
6. Filev, Georgi BUL 2353 ½ ½ 0 0 0 * 1 ½ 1 1 2360
7. Agafii, Victor f MDA 2298 0 ½ 0 ½ ½ 0 * ½ 1 1 4 2323
8. Ogleznev, Alexandr MDA 2300 0 ½ 0 0 ½ ½ ½ * ½ 1 2286
9. Carmaciu, Lucian-Catalin m ROU 2424 ½ 0 ½ 0 ½ 0 0 ½ * 1 3 2227
10. Padurariu, Ioana-Smaranda wm ROU 2243 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0

16) 19th Pobeskydi Chess Festival

The 19th Pobeskydi Chess Festival took place 20th-24th March 2008 in Frydek-Mistek, Czech Republic. I couldn't see games or standings.

Further details: or more specifically in English at:

17) 31st San Sebastian City Open

The 31st San Sebastian City Open took place in Donostia 16th-23rd of March 2008. Ivan Salgado Lopez took clear first place with 7.5/9. Games from the final round not yet available.


31st San Sebastian Open Donostia (ESP), 16-23 iii 2008
Rk. Name Ti FED EloFIDE Pts. T/B
1 Salgado Lopez Ivan IM ESP 2459 7,5 41,0
2 Spraggett Kevin GM CAN 2588 7,0 37,5
3 Andres Gonzalez Alberto IM ESP 2436 7,0 37,5
4 San Segundo Carrillo Pablo GM ESP 2542 7,0 36,5
5 Del Rio De Angelis Salvador G GM ESP 2487 7,0 36,0
6 Cifuentes Parada Roberto GM ESP 2520 7,0 35,5
7 Mateo Ramon IM DOM 2484 6,5 36,5
8 Lafuente Pablo IM ARG 2489 6,5 35,0
9 Alsina Leal Daniel FM ESP 2455 6,5 35,0
10 Narciso Dublan Marc GM ESP 2513 6,5 34,5
11 Huerga Leache Mikel FM ESP 2440 6,5 34,5
12 Recuero Guerra David FM ESP 2424 6,5 32,0
13 Lopez Martinez Josep Manuel GM ESP 2550 6,0 36,5
14 Alonso Arburu Juan Ignacio ESP 2368 6,0 33,5
15 Argandona Riveiro Inigo IM ESP 2404 6,0 32,0
16 Bellia Fabrizio IM ITA 2405 6,0 32,0
17 Simutowe Amon IM ZAM 2457 6,0 33,0
18 Andres Gonzalez Ivan FM ESP 2375 6,0 32,0
19 Hernandez Elvis FM DOM 2322 6,0 30,0
20 Rubio Mejia Luis Ignacio FM ESP 2373 6,0 31,5
21 Hallerod Ralph SWE 2131 6,0 32,0
22 Ladron De Guevara Galar Fco J ESP 2084 6,0 29,0
23 Garcia Blanco Omar ESP 2139 6,0 30,0
24 Perez Cameselle Francisco ESP 1993 6,0 28,5
25 Martin Alvarez Inigo ESP 2189 6,0 30,5
26 Fuente San Sebastian Ernesto ESP 0 6,0 28,5
27 Gonzalez de la Torre Santiago FM ESP 2389 5,5 31,5
125 players

18) 15th Belisce Metalis Open

The Belisce-Metalis open 2008." took place 21th-24th February spa Bizovacke Toplice(CRO). GM Popovic Dusan finished first with the better tie-break from Jovanovic Zoran and Zelcic Robert after all finished on 6/7. News: Mihajlo  Savic.

Official site:

15th Belisce Metalis Open Bizovac (CRO), 21-24 iii 2008
Pl Name Ti FED Rtg Bod BH1. ratP
1 Popovic Dusan GM SRB 2556 6,0 25,0 2648
2 Jovanovic Zoran GM CRO 2525 6,0 23,0 2631
3 Zelcic Robert GM CRO 2587 6,0 22,0 2584
4 Stevic Hrvoje GM CRO 2531 5,5 24,5 2581
5 Nevednichy Vladislav GM ROU 2538 5,5 23,5 2518
6 Savic Miodrag GM SRB 2536 5,5 23,5 2542
7 Farago Ivan GM HUN 2475 5,5 23,0 2544
8 Sax Gyula GM HUN 2509 5,5 22,5 2489
9 Palac Mladen GM CRO 2575 5,5 22,0 2483
10 Grecescu Gabriel-Andrei ROU 2383 5,5 18,5 2381
11 Kozul Zdenko GM CRO 2600 5,0 26,0 2533
12 Jurkovic Ante NM CRO 2318 5,0 22,0 2397
13 Medic Mirjana WGM CRO 2248 5,0 22,0 2445
14 Doric Nenad IM CRO 2336 5,0 21,5 2372
15 Kovacevic Blazimir IM CRO 2482 5,0 20,5 2398
16 Rogulj Branko IM CRO 2389 5,0 20,5 2340
17 Mestrovic Zvonimir IM SLO 2310 5,0 19,5 2301
18 Dabo-Peranic Robert NM CRO 2309 5,0 19,5 2257
19 Sertic Rudolf NM CRO 2355 5,0 19,5 2322
20 Orak Ljubomir FM CRO 2325 5,0 18,5 2308
21 Medak Bojan FM CRO 2373 5,0 18,0 2243
22 Vargic Drago FM CRO 2406 5,0 17,0 2302

19) 35th La Roda Open

The 35th International Open of La Roda 2008 took place 19th-23rd March 2008. Fidel Corrales Jimenez took first place on tie-break. Final round games not yet available.

XXXV Open La Roda (ESP), 19-23 iii 2008
Rk. Number Ti FED Elo Pts. T/B
1 Corrales Jimenez Fidel IM CUB 2509 7,5 50,0
2 Cabrera Alexis GM COL 2491 7,5 48,5
3 Movsziszian Karen GM ARM 2527 7,5 47,5
4 Pogorelov Ruslan GM UKR 2396 7,0 49,0
5 Paunovic Dragan GM SRB 2522 7,0 48,0
6 Perez Rodriguez Luis Manuel IM CUB 2432 6,5 51,5
7 Mirzoev Azer GM AZE 2518 6,5 49,5
8 Macak Stefan SVK 2361 6,5 49,5
9 Almeida Quintana Omar GM CUB 2500 6,5 49,0
10 Kolev Atanas GM BUL 2572 6,5 48,5
11 Ubilava Elizbar GM ESP 2544 6,5 48,0
12 Suba Mihai GM ROU 2485 6,5 47,5
13 Granda Zuniga Julio E GM PER 2588 6,5 47,5
14 Strikovic Aleksa GM SRB 2543 6,5 47,5
15 Epishin Vladimir GM RUS 2577 6,5 46,0
16 Ibarra Jerez Jose Carlos IM ESP 2493 6,5 44,5
17 Vehi Bach Victor M IM ESP 2373 6,5 44,0
18 Kovacevic Slobodan IM SRB 2413 6,5 42,0
19 Marholev Dimitar IM BUL 2401 6,5 41,5
20 Ivanov Jordan IM BUL 2371 6,0 49,0
200 players

20) Stockholm Ladies Open

The Stockholm Ladies Open tournament takes place 20th-25th March 2008. The prize money is over 100 000 Skr. After 7 of 9m rounds Sopiko Khukhashvili leads on 6/7. Games from the first three rounds available. Others should also become available as there is live coverage but there seem to be technical problems.

Official site:

SCT Ladies Open Stockholm (SWE), 20-25 iii 2008
Rk. Ti Name FED Rtg Pts. TB1 TB2 Rp
1 IM Khukhashvili Sopiko GEO 2387 6,0 28,0 31,5 2620
2 IM Hunt Harriet ENG 2457 5,5 29,5 33,5 2569
3 IM Muzychuk Anna SLO 2460 5,5 29,5 32,5 2577
4 IM Gaponenko Inna UKR 2422 5,5 28,0 31,0 2537
5 IM Jackova Jana CZE 2375 5,5 27,0 30,0 2542
6 IM Danielian Elina ARM 2480 5,5 26,5 30,5 2533
7 IM Lujan Carolina ARG 2365 5,5 24,5 27,5 2452
8 WGM Melia Salome GEO 2362 5,0 27,5 31,0 2456
9 WIM Worek Joanna POL 2244 5,0 27,0 29,0 2319
10 IM Vajda Szidonia HUN 2418 5,0 26,0 29,0 2414
11 WGM Reizniece Dana LAT 2309 5,0 25,0 27,5 2384
12 WGM Mamedjarova Zeinab AZE 2332 5,0 24,0 27,0 2433
13 WIM Gavasheli Ana GEO 2235 5,0 24,0 26,5 2384
14 IM Ciuksyte Dagne ENG 2377 5,0 23,5 26,0 2355
15 WIM Batsiashvili Nino GEO 2317 5,0 22,0 25,0 2380
16 WIM Nemcova Katerina CZE 2342 5,0 22,0 24,5 2308
WGM Calzetta Monica ESP 2269 5,0 22,0 24,5 2337
18 WGM Muzychuk Mariya UKR 2357 4,5 27,5 30,5 2402
19 WGM Tkeshelashvili Sopio GEO 2250 4,5 27,0 29,0 2295
20 WGM Shaidullina Sandugach RUS 2306 4,5 26,5 29,5 2391
21 WGM Sudakova Irina RUS 2333 4,5 26,5 29,0 2345
WGM Benderac Ana SRB 2324 4,5 26,5 29,0 2315
23 WGM Mamedjarova Turkan AZE 2313 4,5 26,0 28,5 2351
24 WGM Tsereteli Tamar GEO 2365 4,5 25,0 28,0 2347
25 IM Socko Monika POL 2479 4,5 24,5 28,0 2368
26 WIM Burtasova Anna RUS 2345 4,5 24,5 27,5 2342
27 WIM Szczepkowska-Horowska Karina POL 2293 4,5 24,5 27,0 2286
WGM Rogule Laura LAT 2241 4,5 24,5 27,0 2269
29 IM Kostiukova Liubov UKR 2290 4,5 24,5 26,5 2247
30 WGM Shumiakina Tatiana RUS 2352 4,5 24,0 27,0 2331
31 WIM Rudolf Anna HUN 2242 4,5 24,0 25,0 2237
32 WGM Khotenashvili Bela GEO 2271 4,5 23,0 25,5 2249
126 players

21) Foxwood Open

The Foxwood Open took place 19th-22nd March 2008.Alexander Shabalov, Yuri Shulman, Julio Becerra Rivero, Alexander Ivanov and Robert Hess finished on 7/9. Shulman defeats Ivanov in an Armageddon blitz playoff for the title and free hotel roon next year. More games next week. My thanks to Michael Atkins.

Official site:

10th Foxwoods Open Ledyard (USA), 19-23 iii 2008
1 Shabalov, Alexander g USA 2622 7
2 Shulman, Yuri g USA 2614 7
3 Becerra Rivero, Julio g USA 2573 7
4 Ivanov, Alexander g USA 2554 7
5 Hess, Robert L m USA 2445 7
6 Sadvakasov, Darmen g KAZ 2624
7 Perelshteyn, Eugene g USA 2551
8 Bonin, Jay R m USA 2351
9 Arkell, Keith C g ENG 2489 6
10 Friedel, Joshua E m USA 2487 6
11 Charbonneau, Pascal g CAN 2496 6
12 Ippolito, Dean m USA 2417 6
13 Paragua, Mark g PHI 2521 6
14 Aleskerov, Faik AZE 2339 6
15 Sarkar, Justin m USA 2412 6
16 Enhbat, Tegshsuren f USA 2365 6
17 Gulamali, Kazim f USA 2353 6
18 Stripunsky, Alexander g USA 2570
19 Martinez, Marcel f USA 2418
20 Adamson, Robby f USA 2335
21 Nagendra, Rentala IND 2318
22 Molner, Mackenzie USA 2333
23 Harper, Warren USA 2195
24 Ardaman, Miles f USA 2314
25 Parry, Matt J USA 2269
26 Liu, Elliot f USA 2253
27 Acor, Corey B USA 2246
28 Williams, Christopher USA USA 2201
29 Onyekwere, Chikwere NGR 2241
30 Hungaski, Robert Andrew m USA 2404
31 Hilton, Jonathan L USA ----
32 Vigorito, David m USA 2406 5
33 Ginsburg, Mark m USA 2365 5
34 Critelli, James M f USA 2346 5
35 Boor, Carl Brandon USA 2300 5
120 players

22) XXXIX Mar del Plata Open

The XXXIX Mar del Plata Open took place 15th-22nd March 2008.Salvador Alonso edged out Leonardo Tristan on tie-break after both scored 7.5/9. My thanks to José Mariano Acosta.

Official site:

39th Open Mar del Plata (ARG), 15-22 iii 2008
Place Name Title Feder Rtg Score Buch. M-Buch. Progr.
1-2 Alonso, Salvador im ARG 2404 7.5 55.5 43.0 38.0
Tristán, Leonardo ARG 2345 7.5 52.0 40.5 37.5
3-7 De Dovittis, Alejo im ARG 2326 7 52.5 41.5 36.5
Contín, Daniel im ITA 2309 7 51.5 40.0 36.0
Needleman, Gastón im ARG 2406 7 51.0 40.0 38.5
Pérez Ponsa, Federico fm ARG 2235 7 49.0 38.5 35.0
Meza, Hugo ARG 2246 7 44.5 34.5 34.0
8-17 Perdomo, Carlos Andrés im COL 2351 6.5 53.0 41.5 35.5
Cuevas, Alex fm ARG 2165 6.5 52.5 42.0 34.5
Leskovar, Mario im ARG 2355 6.5 52.5 40.5 35.0
Musanti, Diego fm ARG 2314 6.5 52.0 40.5 36.5
Needleman, Alejandro im ARG 2355 6.5 51.0 40.5 36.0
Fidel, Roberto ARG 2168 6.5 46.5 36.5 32.0
Corsi Ferrari, Néstor fm ARG 2272 6.5 46.0 36.5 32.0
Dimuro, Matías ARG 2143 6.5 44.5 35.0 33.0
Cristóbal, Manuel ARG 2174 6.5 43.5 33.5 31.5
Ruperez, Miguel Angel ARG 2100 6.5 42.5 33.0 29.0
18-31 Cubas, José Fernando im PAR 2451 6 55.5 44.0 38.5
Cornejo, Max fm PER 2338 6 53.5 42.0 36.0
Roselli, Bernardo im URU 2420 6 53.0 42.0 36.0
Goldwaser, Cristian ARG 2350 6 52.5 42.5 36.5
Espinoza Palomino, Willyam PER 1945 6 52.5 42.0 34.0
Alpern, Adrián Pablo ARG 2187 6 47.5 36.5 28.5
Vargas, Gabriela PAR 2030 6 47.0 37.5 30.0
Cristóbal, Rubén fm ARG 2283 6 46.5 36.0 28.5
Oddone, Cristhian URU 2145 6 45.0 36.0 32.0
Coppola, Claudio URU 6 44.5 34.5 28.5
Lida García, Fernando ARG 2049 6 43.5 34.0 28.0
Amed, Stephanie wfm ARG 2083 6 43.0 32.5 27.0
Fell, Sebastián ARG 2129 6 40.0 31.5 25.0
Aguilar, Andrés ARG 2248 6 39.5 30.5 28.0
32-53 Pierrot, Facundo im ARG 2450 5.5 54.5 43.5 31.5
179 players

23) 24th Budapest Spring Festival

24th Budapest Spring Festival takes place 21st-29th of March 2008.


24) Aguascalientes Mexico

The Aguascalientes Mexico event took place 18th-23rd March 2008. Nikola Mitkov won the international event. I will round up the games and results in full next week.

Official site:

25) Doeberl Cup Premier

The Doeberl Cup Premier took place March 20th-24th 2008, Varuzhan Akobian won with 7.5/9. I will round up the games next week when they all become available.

Official site:

Doeberl Cup (AUS), 20-24 iii 2008
Pl Seed Name Ti Rating Score
1 3 Akobian, Varuzhan GM 2599 7.5
2 1 Zhang, Zhong GM 2617 6.5
3 4 Ganguly, Surya GM 2579 6.5
4 5 Jones, Gawain GM 2562 6.5
5 6 Gagunashvili, Merab GM 2553 6.5
6 7 Antic, Dejan GM 2480 6.5
7 9 Solomon, Stephen J IM 2468 6.5
8 15 Kizov, Atanas IM 2398 6.5
9 17 Wang, Puchen IM 2383 6
10 2 Malakhatko, Vadim GM 2600 6
11 11 Li, Roufan WGM 2425 6
12 12 Bitansky, Igor IM 2424 6
13 22 Zozulia, Anna WGM 2344 6
14 20 Ambrus, Endre 2378 6
15 8 Johansen, Darryl K GM 2475 5.5
16 16 Goldenberg, Igor FM 2395 5.5
17 10 Smerdon, David C IM 2459 5.5
18 26 Rej, Tomek 2283 5.5
19 19 Bjelobrk, Igor FM 2381 5.5
20 14 Toth, Andras IM 2410 5.5
21 13 Lane, Gary W IM 2412 5.5
22 18 Mas, Hafizulhelmi IM 2382 5.5
23 34 Ikeda, Junta 2201 5.5
24 28 Berezina-Feldman, Irina IM 2246 5.5
25 50 Hu, Jason 2120 5.5
82 players

26) Belgian Interteams

The Belgian Interteams took place 30th September 2007 - 6th March 2008.

Leaders Bredene beat second placed CREC Charleroi in the last round to secure the title. In the relegation zone Eynatten 2 and Boey Temse were already relegated. My thanks to Valery Maes throughout the season. All games now available and I've also made a couple of corrections from last week.

Websites with further information: and also the

Belgian Interteams Round 11 Results
KSK47-Eynatten 1 KGSRL 1 20 - 12
KSK47-Eynatten 2 CRELEL 1 22 - 10
Bredene 1 CREC 1 20 - 12
Borgerhout 1 SK Rochade 1 13 - 19
Boey Temse 1 Namur 1 12 - 20
Brussels 1 KBSK 1 19 - 13

Belgian Interteams
Final Round 11 Standings
Pl Team BP MP
1 Bredene 1 209 9.5
2 SK Rochade 197 9.5
3 CREC 1 196 8.5
4 KSK47-Eynatten 1 184 6.5
5 KGSRL 1 176 6
6 CRELEL 1 173 4.5
7 KBSK 1 172 5.5
8 Brussels 1 168 4
9 Namur 1 164 5
10 Borgerhout 1 162 4.5
11 KSK47-Eynatten 2 158 2
12 Boey Temse 1 145 0.5

27) Forthcoming Events and Links

Voronezh Chess Festival

12th Voronezh traditional chess festival takes place 10th-21st June 2008.


8th Brno Chess Festival

The 8th Brno Chess Festival 2008 takes place 27th or 29th June - 6th July 2008) in the luxury hotel BOBYCENTRUM****. Two open tournaments (FIDE and national) and closed tournaments (one grandmaster and 2-3 masters) are proposed. More details at:

Dutch Team Championship

The Dutch Team Championships take place 15th September 2007 - 17th May 2008. Round 8 is on 29th April 2008.

Links: Dutch Chess Federation: Meesterklasse Games side bar at: and also photo coverage at:

VII Benidorm International Chess Festival 2008

The VII Benidorm International Chess Festival takes place 28th November - 8th December 2008. For information contact: E-Mail: News: Patricia Claros Aguilar.

Brussels International Chess Festival

The Brussels International Chess Festival rapid chess tournament (11 rounds - 25 minutes) Open to all rated and unrated players takes place Saturday 24th May - Sunday 25th May 2008


Sydney International Open 2008

The 2008 Sydney International Open takes place at Parramatta Town Hall 25th-29th March 2008. Free accommodation and modest conditions are offered to GMs. All enquiries to the Tournament Organiser, FM Brian Jones, at

Official site:

III President's Cup Baku

The III President's Cup takes place 11th-21st May 2008 in Baku, Azerbaijan dedicated to the memory of Haydar Aliyev has a prize fund of $85000. Details:

Magistral Ciudad de León

The 21st edition of the "Magistral Ciudad de León" takes place May 29th - June 2nd in León, Spain.

The players will be World Champion Viswanathan Anand, Ukrainian Vassily Ivanchuk, and the 2 best Spanish Players, Alexei Shirov and Francisco Vallejo Pons.

Official site:

The players will be World Champion Viswanathan Anand, Ukrainian Vassily Ivanchuk, ant the 2 best Spanish Players, Top-10 Alexei Shirov and Francisco Vallejo Pons.

2nd Annual Ennis Open

The 2nd Annual Ennis Open will take place on Friday 18th, Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th April 2008 at the Auburn Lodge Hotel, Galway Road, Ennis, Co Clare, Ireland ( The tournament will incorporate the 2008 North Munster Championship, with the title of North Munster Champion going to the best performing player in the Open who is resident in or orginally from North Munster.

Alongside the Open an Under 1400 tournament will be run. Players rated under 1400 have the option of playing in either tournamet. A report of last years tournament can be viewed at the website of the Irish Chess Union (

Entries to: John Cassidy 065 6824642/ 087 2495913 or Rory Quinn 065 6821835

Tournament Venue: Auburn Lodge Hotel, Ennis, Co Clare Prizes: Subject to entries. Minimum first prize of Euro 700 in the Open. System: Swiss system of 6 rounds Starting Time: 8 pm sharp Time Control: All moves in 105 mins. Application deadline: 17th April Entry Fee: Titled players free, Adults Euro 40, Under 18 Euro 25 (players can deduct Euro 5 if fee received before closing date)

XIX Internet Chess Tournament "Ciudad de Dos Hermanas"

For the ninth year running the XIX Internet Chess Tournament "Ciudad de Dos Hermanas" (Spain) is being held on the ICC Internet Chess Club playing zone ( Registration for the event is completely free both for ICC members and non-members.

This event is clearly the most important Internet chess tournament in the world, featuring the biggest number of participants. In the 2007 edition, nearly 2000 players from all over the world took part. The winner, former prodigy child and under-10 World Champion IM Jorge Sammour-Hasbun, overcome an impressive field of 300 IM/GM’s, including top players Shahriyar Mamedyarov, Tigran L. Petrosian, Gata Kamsky, Hikaru Nakamura, Kiril Georgiev and Sergey Shipov.

This year the prize fund is 7.700 euros, with 2.000 euros for the winner. In addition, there are many class prizes and special cash prizes for amateur players. Also, winners can achieve the opportunity to travel to Dos Hermanas for the main Event, with Topalov, Shirov, Polgar and Vallejo, at the end of April.

As in previous editions, the playing system is as follows: twelve 12-round Swiss qualifiers using the playing rate: 3 minutes per game. Qualifiers are held twice a day from March 28th to April 2nd, and the finals are held on April 4th and 5th. The 12 qualifier winners plus the 20 best scores qualify to the 32 KO final.

Full rules and registrations can be found on the Dos Hermanas website

Dvoretsky-Jussupow Chess School in Paris

The Dvoretsky-Jussupow Chess School will hold lessons in Paris in June.

The first stage will be held in the "Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris" 11th-15th June 2008. The training sessions (3 hours with Dvoretsky and 3 hours with Jussupow)are given in english (with possible translation into french), and the trainers will deliver written lessons (available both in English and French).

Groups : limited to 16 persons a day, groups of 8 persons maximum for each trainer.

Charges : 220 Euro per day.

Wednesday : under 1700 elo.

Thursday :1700-2100

Friday :1800-2199

Saturday :+2200

Sunday :+2200

Send your reservations to : L’Ecole Parisienne du jeu d’Échecs, 2 rue des Goncourt, 75011 Paris, France (cheque 220 Euro, order E.P.J.E.). The lessons will be delivered in la Cité Internationale Universitaire, Maison internationale, 19 Bd Jourdan, 75014 Paris. From 10h to 13h and from 14h to 17h. Further information: or phone: +33 6 81 48 64 58

Official site (in French):

World Championship Match Anand vs Kramnik in Bonn

The World Championship match where Viswanathan Anand will defends his World title against Vladimir Kramnik in Bonn, Germany will now take place October 14th - 2nd November, 2008. The main reason for the slight change in dates is to fit in with the sponsors and politicians ability to attend the opening. The main sponsor is Evonik Industries AG and the prizemoney 1,5 Million Euro. The contract was signed by both players 18th December 2007.

Dates for the match: Gm1: Oct 14th, Gm2: Oct 15th, Gm3: Oct 17th, Gm4: Oct 18th, Gm5: Oct 20th, Gm6: Oct 21st, Gm7: Oct 23rd, Gm8: Oct 24th, Gm9: Oct 26th, Gm10: Oct 27th, Gm11: Oct 29th, Gm12: Oct 31st, Tiebreak Nov 2nd.


FIDE Grand Prix Events

The line ups for the FIDE Grand Prix events have been announced. The top four players in the world, along with players such as Morozevich and Shirov are missing. It seems that in the case of Kramnik and Topalov that they believe that the event doesn't have big enough prize money (according to quotes in Chess Today). All this was more or less known beforehand. However the players who have signed up make this a very attractive and interesting series of events. The grand prix is organised by Global Chess which is headed by Bessel Kok.


FIDE Grand Prix 2008-9
Surname First Name NAT Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ck 08 Criteria WRk
Svidler Peter RUS 2763 2763 2763
2763 4 2 Pres Nom 5
Mamedyarov Shakhriyar AZE 2760 2760
2760 2760
2760 4 2 Rating 6
Leko Peter HUN 2753

2753 2753 2753 2753 4 1 Rating 8
Ivanchuk Vassily UKR 2751
2751 2751 2751 4 1 Rating 9
Aronian Levon ARM 2739
2739 2739 2739 4 1 Rating 10
Gelfand Boris ISR 2737
2737 2737 2737 4 1 Rating 11
Radjabov Teimour AZE 2735 2735 2735 2735 2735

4 3 Rating 12
Carlsen Magnus NOR 2733 2733
2733 2733
2733 4 2 Wcup 13
Karjakin Sergey UKR 2732 2732 2732
2732 2732
4 2 Wcup 14
Adams Michael ENG 2726 2726
2726 2726 4 2 Reserve 16
Kamsky Gata USA 2726 2726 2726
2726 2726
4 2 Matches 15
Jakovenko Dmitry RUS 2720
2720 2720
2720 2720 4 2 Hcity 17
Cheparinov Ivan BUL 2713 2713 2713 2713

2713 4 3 Pres Nom 19
Grischuk Alexander RUS 2711 2711 2711 2711 2711

4 3 Reserve 21
Bacrot Etienne FRA 2700 2700
2700 2700 2700
4 2 Pres Nom 22
Wang Yue CHN 2698 2698 2698 2698
4 3 Pres Nom 25
Inarkiev Ernesto RUS 2681 2681
2681 2681 4 2 Hcity 34
Navara David CZE 2680 2680 2680

2680 2680 4 2 Hcity 37
Gashimov Vugar AZE 2665 2665 2665 2665
4 3 Hcity 48
Pelletier Yannick SWZ 2600

2600 2600 2600 2600 4 1 Hcity 165
Al Modiahki Mohamad QTR 2569
2569 2569 2569
2569 4 2 Hcity 274

2715.9 2709.9 2697.4 2714.9 2707.7 2708.9

Player Count 21
2709.1 14 14 14 14 14 14 84 42

Event 1 April 20th - May 6th 2008, Baku, Azerbaijan
Event 2 July 30th - August 15th 2008, Sochi, Russia
Event 3 December 13th - 29th, 2008, Doha, Qatar
Event 4 April 14th - 28th, 2009, Montreux, Switzerland
Event 5 August 8th - 24th, 2009, Elista, Russia
Event 6 December 7th - 23rd, 2009, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic

Grand Prix 2008-9 Prizes Each Event
Place EUR Points
1 30,000 140 + 40 bonus
2 22,500 130 + 20
3 20,000 120 + 10
4 15,000 110
5 12,500 100
6 11,000 90
7 10,000 80
8 8,500 70
9 7,500 60
10 6,000 50
11 5,500 40
12 5,000 30
13 4,500 20
14 4,000 10

Grand Prix 2008-9
Prizes for Final Standings
(Best three events)
Pl Prize (Euros)
1st 75,000
2nd 50,000
3rd 40,000
4th 30,000
5th 25,000
6th 20,000
7th 18,000
8th 16,000
9th 14,000
10th 12,000

British Chess Championships 2008

The 95th Championships of The British Isles organised by the English Chess Federation takes place Sunday 27th July - Saturday 9th August 2008 in St. George's Hall, Liverpool.


Canadian Open

The Canadian Open takes place in Montreal July 19th-27th 2008.

Further details: Fédération québécoise des échecs

II Ruy López International Chess Festival

The II Ruy López International Chess Festival takes place in Mérida 4th-13th April 2008 in the headquarters of the Parliament of Extremadura (Assemblea de Extremadura) which will be celebrating its 25th anniversary.

The main event of the Festival is a masters tournament which takes place 5th-11th April 2008 with the participation of Michael Adams, Gabriel Sargissian, Zhang Pengxiang, Humpy Koneru, Julio Granda Zuniga, Hou Yifan, Fabiano Caruana and Manuel Perez Candelario. The games will be transmitted on Internet with commentaries by Leontxo García who will be present in the analysis room (open to all fans).

There are various other events including children's tournaments and a themed event with 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 as the starting moves. Also on the 10th April in the Art School of Mérida there will be a day of "Art and Chess" attended by Fernando Arrabal who will give a conference.

All the relevant information about the Festival can be found in it´s official web page

2nd Thun Open

The "Swiss Chess Tour 2008 continues in Thun with the 2nd "Rathaus Open Thun" May 9th-12th 2008. Thun is famous tourist town, 20 minutes from Bern by train, located on the lake of the same name. The venue is the Hotel-Restaurant "Rathaus" Thun, Open, Swiss system, 7 rounds and the games will last a maximum of 5 hours (40 moves for 2 hours and 30 minutes till the end). Prize are: 1.500 SF, 1.200, 900, 700, 500, 400, 300, 250, 200 and 150 SF. Special prizes for best Lady, senior (1947), junior(1988-91), schoolboy (1992) and 3 best local players. Entry fee 130 SF, FMs and juniors 60 SF, at the door 20 SF more (for everybody include GM, IM), GMs and IMs free. Venue: Hotel "City House". Time table: Round 1st 18.00-23.00 May 9th ; Rounds 2/3 09.30-14.30 and 15.00-20.00 May 10th; Round 4/5 9.30-14.30 and 15.00-20.00 May 11th; Rounds 6/7 09.30-14.30 and 15.00-20.00 May 12th; Closing ceremony May 12 at 20.30. Info: Beochess +41+62+965-46-50 (Robert Spoerri) or

Further info:

Cidade de Ferrol International

XXIII International Chess tournament Cidade de Ferrol Prizes : 14750 euros (different sections) Dates : 15th-20th July 2008 Time rate : 90’ + 30 Secunden Accomodation : 24,5 euros Full board in a Student house. There other posibilities. Entry: 30 euros . contact e-mail: Other tournaments: Bernasque 3/7-12/7. Circuito Galego From 22/7 to 30/9

Further info:

X Sants Open

The X International Open of Sants, Hostafrancs and la Bordeta (Barcelona - Spain) takes place 22nd-31st August 2008. 10 round swiss system tournament with + 12.000 euros in prizes.

Other activities include a blitz tournament and rapid chess tournament with 1500 euros in prizes. Last year: 500 players from 40 countries including 70 titled players competed. There were 2 GM and 5 IM norms.

Details: http://

Yerevan Open Rapid Chess Tournament 2008

The Chess Federation of Armenia is organizing an International Open Rapid Chess Tournament which takes place June 12th-15th, 2008, in Yerevan, Armenia. The event is organized simultaneously with the tournament "Chess Giants Yerevan 2008" with the participation of the world's top grandmasters.

The total prize fund of the open rapid tournament is 33000 USD with the following breakdown.

Breakdown of the Prize Fund
1st place 6 000 USD
2nd place 4 000 USD
3rd place 3 500 USD
4th place 2 500 USD
5th place 2 000 USD
6th place 1 800 USD
7th place 1 600 USD
8th place 1 500 USD
9th place 1 400 USD
10th place 1 300 USD
11th-20th 800 USD

Grandmasters and chess players with an Elo above 2450 will pay no entry fee. For the other participants the following fees are fixed: International Masters with an Elo up to 2450 30 USD Chess players with an Elo from 2301 to 2450 50 USD Chess players with an Elo from 2151 to 2300 70 USD Chess players with an Elo up to 2150 and without an Elo 100 USD The board and lodging costs will be covered by the participants. The following accommodation options are offered: Ani Plaza Hotel Single room – 80 Euro Double room – 50 Euro Breakfast is included in the prices. Optionally lunch – 10 Euro, dinner – 10 Euro Erebuni Hotel Single room – 60 Euro Double room – 35 Euro Breakfast is included in the prices.

For further information please contact: Mr. Gaguik Oganessian General Secretary, Armenian Chess Federation President, FIDE Zone 1,5
Tel.: (374)10-554923
Fax: (374)10-570758

The 8th European Senior Championship

The "Swiss Chess Tour 2008" will present the 7th Chess Summer Festival in Davos from August 9th to 17th, 2008. The main event will be the 8th European Individual Senior Championship. The second tournament will be traditional, 7th Davos Open.

8th European Individual Senior Championship, August 9th to 17th 2008. "Sunstar Park Hotel" (4 stars) will be host festival in Congress Center. Swiss system, 9 rounds and the games will last a maximum of 6 hours (40 moves for 2 hours and 60 minutes till the end). Valid for FIDE titles and rating: FIDE, Swiss (SSB) and German (DWZ). Seniors: men born 1947 and earlier; women born 1957 and earlier. Prize (men): 2.500/1.700/1.000/700/600/500/2x400/2x300 CHF. 3-4 group rating prize (200/150/100 CHF). Women: 400/300/3x200 CHF; Entry fee 80 CHF; at the door 20 CHF more. Time table: Rounds 1 15.00-21.00 August 9th; Round 2/8 9.30-15.30 August 10th-16th; Round 9 9.30-15.30 August 17th.

7th Davos Open, 7 rounds and the games will last a maximum of 5 hours (40 moves for 2 hours and 30 minutes till the end). Prize are: 1.000 SF, 800, 600, 400, 300, 200, 2x150 CHF. Natural prizes for 4 and more points. Entry fee 130 CHF, FMs and juniors 60 CHF, GMs and IMs free; juniors lodging at Sunstar Park Hotel free; at the door 20 CHF more. Time table: Rounds 1 15.00-21.00 August 10th; Round 2/7 16.00-22.00 August 10th-16th. Venue: "Sunstar Park Hotel" Congress Center. Closing ceremony August 17th, 4 p.m. Info Beochess: +41+62+9654-650 (Robert Spoerri) Email or read the website:

Paleochora International Open 2008

The Paleochora (southern Crete) International Open takes place 21st-28th July 2008.

Further details:

The Battle of Senta 1697 Chess Festival 2008

12th International Chess Festival "The Battle of Senta 1697" will be held 18th-25th. July 2008. in Senta (the Vojvodina /Serbia).

Further details: in English:

XXVI International Chess Open of Andorra

The XXVI International Chess Open of Andorra takes place 19th-27th July 2008. Contact: FEVA - Tel/Fax: 00.376.824465

Further details:

Offene Internationale Stuttgarter Stadtmeisterschaft 2008

Offene Internationale Stuttgarter Stadtmeisterschaft 2008, 1st-4th May 2008, in Ditzingen, South-Germany. 7 Rounds, Swiss System, A/B/C-tournament, over 7000 Euro prizes.

Further Details:

Alushta Diary 2008

GM Norm events: 23.05 - 1.06, 2.06 - 12.06, 15.06 - 25.06, 2.09 - 12.09, 14.09 - 24.09, 26.09 - 6.10, IM Norm: 23.05 - 1.06, 2.06 - 12.06, 15.06 - 25.06, 2.09 - 12.09, 14.09 - 24.09, 26.09 - 6.10, Rating tournament: 4.06 - 12.06, 22.06 - 27.06, Open tournament (under 16 years) First prize - 200$ 3.06 - 11.06, 13.06 - 21.06, Alushta Swiss 9 rounds Open tournament First prize - 1000$ First prize (woman) - 500$ 28.06 - 6.07, Alushta Swiss 9 rounds Blitz tournament 7.07, Alushta Swiss 9 rounds Open tournament (rapid chess) 8.07 - 9.07, Alushta Session of school of Gennadi Kuzmin 21.06 - 27.06 Individual and group studying. phone +38 (06560)5-05-32,

Further information:

20th Lenk International Chess Festival

The great jubilee, 20th Lenk International Chess Festival part of the "Swiss Chess Tour 2008" continues in Lenk March 20th-24th 2008. The venue is the Hotel "Kreuz", Grande Open, Swiss system, 7 rounds and the games will last a maximum of 5 hours (40 moves for 2 hours and 30 minutes till the end). The Main Prize are: 1.500 SF, 1.200, 800, 600 and 400 SF. Special prizes: Ladies senior (1947), junior(1988-91), schoolboy (1992) and amateur (under 2000) for all: 200/150/100 CHF. Golden prizes for the players who play more then 10 times: 300/200/150 CHF. Silver prizes for the players who play MORE THEN 5 TIMES 200/150/100 CHF. Entry fee 130 SF, FMs and juniors 60 SF, at the door 20 SF more, GMs and IMs free. The teams competition, with 4 members; 3 prizes: 4x100/4x75/4x50 SF; entry fee 10 SF. Venue: Hotel "Kreuz". Time table: Round 1st 18.00-23.00 March 20,; Rounds 2/3 09.30-14.30 and 15.30-20.30 March 21,; Round 4 13.30-18.30 March 22,; Rounds 5/6 09.30-14.30 and 15.30-20.30 March 23,; Round 7 9.30-14.30 March 24. Closing ceremony March 24 at 16.00. Gala jubilee dinner March 22 from 19-22 at Hotel "Kreuz". Info: Beochess +41+62+965-46-50 (Robert Spoerri) or or site http://www.beochess.chfor more details.

M-Tel Masters

M-Tel Masters takes place 7th-18th May 2008 in the Central Military Club in the Bulgarian capital Sofia. The event is a 10 round double round robin with a 5 hour time control. In case of a draw at the top there will be a tie break for determining the winner. Like in the previous three editions of M-Tel Masters the rule for the draws introduced in Sofia will be valid. According to it the players do not have the right to agree a draw. This can be decided only by the chef arbiter of the tournament.

Official site:

M-Tel Masters Sofia BUL 7-18 v 2008
Veselin Topalov BUL 2780
Vassily Ivanchuk UKR 2751
Levon Aronian ARM 2739
Teimour Radjabov AZE 2735
Ivan Cheparinov BUL 2713
Bu Xiangzhi CHN 2691
Average rating: 2735 Category: 20

Chess Classic Mainz 2008

The schedule for Chess Classic Mainz 2008 is now available. The event takes place 28th July - 3rd August 2008 in Mainz/Germany (a week later than originally advertised).

In addition there is a Chess Classic Calendar for the next year, which will be available in the first week of December. It is a big format (420 x 594 mm) and shows the stars and the biggest moments of the 14 years tournament history. The copies are limited to 200 (39,- Euro plus delivery) plus 64 with an autograph of World Champion Vishy Anand (48,- Euro plus delivery). Contact for order:

Further details:

IX European Individual Chess Championship 2008

The IX European Individual Chess Championship takes place in Plovdiv, Bulgaria 20th April (day of arrival) - 4th May (day of departure) 2008.

Official site:

Pula Open 2008

The Pula Open 2008 takes place 21st-28th June 2008 in Pula, Croatia. Contact e-mail:

Further details:

echiquier-nicois Website

Thierry Foissez's echiquier-nicois website reports on news and events in French daily.

Hungarian Chess Tournaments March - June 2008

1. 1st-14th of March - First Saturday Budapest, org: Nagy L.

2. Hévíz GM, IM and Open Tournaments 2008

The Palace Hotel International Chess Tournament Hévíz (Hungary) 18th-28th March 2008. There are GM, IM and Open sections. Further details: and further info at:

3. 21st-29th of March - Budapest Spring Festival 9 rounds Swiss Open, org.: Nagy Laszlo

4. 5th-18th of April First Saturday Budapest, org.NL,

5. 19th-28th of April, KECSKEMET, CAISSA IM tmt, org. Erdelyi

6. 3rd-15th of May First Saturday Budapest, org. NL,

7. 22nd-30th of May, ZALAKAROS Open, 9 rounds Swiss, 1st prize 500,000 Ft (brutto 2 thousand EURO), org: IM Horvath, Tamas, e-mail: Mobile: 36-20-9777003

8. 7th-19th of June First Saturday, Budapest, org: NL.,

9. 13th-21st of June, Balatonlelle Open, GM-IM round robin, org: IM Rigo, e-mail:

Anand - Kramnik World Championship Match

A Press release from UEP Promotions announces that Viswanathan Anand will defend his World title against Vladimir Kramnik in Bonn, Germany October 11th-30th October, 2008. Main sponsor Evonik Industries AG and prizemoney 1,5 Million Euro. The match will be 12 games followed by playoffs if required. The contract was signed by both players 18th December 2007.



The World Mindsports games takes place in Beijing, China after the Olympics 3rd -18th October 2008.


XXI Benidorm Open

The XXI Open Internacional de Ajedrez Villa de Benidorm 2008 Benidorm organised an international tournament 1977 till 1995 now it has returned second year. The event takes place 25nd April - 4th May 2008 (10 rounds). 35.000 Euros in prizes. Information: Mr. Alfonso Vilches Tel: +34 695 91 56 78. E-mail:

Official site:

Icelandic Rapid Championships

The Icelandic Rapid Championships took place 18th-20th October 2007. Bragi and Björn Þorfinnsson will meet in the final in December which be on TV in Iceland.

Official site:

Halkidiki Chess Festival 2008

Games Festival is a mass event organized for the third year in Halkidiki, Greece 28th April - 6th May 2008. The festival includes series of tournaments & exhibitions in prestigious sports like, chess, billiards, bridge, darts, streetbasketball and popular table games like scrabble, strategic games, pc games etc.

Official site:

Etienne Bacrot's Website

Etienne Bacrot has a website at: with his analysis and news. Very worth while, especially when he's playing.

32nd Kings Head Rapidplay

The 32nd Kings Head Rapidplay takes place Saturday 5 April 2008 start time 11:00, details below: 6-round Swiss rapidplay (30 minutes), prize fund £700

The Porchester Hall Porchester Road Bayswater London W2 5HS

Contact: Colin Mackenzie 9 Allan Way Acton London W3 0PW 020 8992 1849

Further details;

Alex Brunetti's TotoScacco Site

Alex Brunetti's TotoScacco Site allows predictions for current chess tournaments.

ICC and FICS client for mobile phones

Mats Luthman has written a program that connects to ICC and FICS, compatable with many modern mobile phones. I've been looking for something like this for a while for watching live tournaments if I'm out and about. Its a nice free solution, you can also play but I haven't tried that.
