THE WEEK IN CHESS 685 24th December 2007 by Mark Crowther

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Mark Crowther
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1) Introduction
2) Anand - Kramnik World Championship Match
3) Russian Championship Superfinals
4) XX Carlos Torre Memorial
5) XVII Pampona International
6) Groningen Chess Festival
7) 3rd Bosnian Championship
8) International Open Championship of Croatia
9) Warsaw - Buenos Aires - Kolkata Match
10) 74th Brazilian Championship
11) South African Championship
12) 4th Singapore International Chess Convention
13) Central Serbian Championships
14) Podgorica International
15) Hafnarfjordur Championship
16) VI Memorial Pereyra Puebla
17) Arnoldo Ellerman Memorial
18) Russia vs ROW Correspondence
19) Forthcoming Events and Links

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Games Section
Russian Championship Superfinals 72 games
XX Carlos Torre Memorial 169 games
XVII Pampona International 34 games
Groningen Chess Festival 75 games
3rd Bosnian Championship 35 games
Open Championship of Croatia 225 games
Warsaw - Buenos Aires - Kolkata Match 24 games
74th Brazilian Championship 42 games
South African Championship 66 games
4th Singapore International Convention 190 games
Central Serbian Championships 228 games
Podgorica International 45 games
Hafnarfjordur Championship 43 games
Russia vs ROW Correspondence 128 games
1380 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to Jesper Norgaard Welen, Nick Barnett, Gary Suffield, Luiz Roberto Da Costa Jr, Sinisa Joksic, Adolivio Capece, Bartlomiej Macieja, Rolf Behovits, Carsten Hensel, Goran Urosevic, Snorri G. Bergsson and everyone else who helped with the issue.

There really can be no better news that Viswanathan Anand and Vladimir Kramnik have signed up to play a match for the World Chess Championship in Bonn, Germany in October. For Anand the chance to retain his title against Kramnik will leave little or nothing left for him to prove. Similarly for Kramnik who has already beaten Kasparov and Topalov only needs Anand to complete the set of the dominant forces of his era. I certainly won't have any trouble selling this as the most important match for many a long year and I think we can be very hopeful that it may garner the kind of mass media coverage World Championship Matches of old used to generate, particularly as its being held somewhere that isn't dangerous to travel to. Also its highly unlikely to be scarred by the kind of off the board rubbish that all but ruined the Kramnik - Topalov match last year, although I've no doubt there will be tensions because they almost invariably happen. I wish the match was longer than 12 games but you can't have everything in life. Have a great Christmas, there can't be many better presents.

Hope you enjoy this issue.


2) Anand - Kramnik World Championship Match

A Press release from UEP Promotions announces that Viswanathan Anand will defend his World title against Vladimir Kramnik in Bonn, Germany October 11th–30th October, 2008. Main sponsor Evonik Industries AG and prizemoney 1,5 Million Euro. The match will be 12 games followed by playoffs if required. The contract was signed by both players 18th December 2007.


3) Russian Championship Superfinals

The Russian Championship Superfinals take place 17th-30th December 2007. Alexander Morozevich leads with 4.5/6 half a point clear of Alexander Grischuk, Peter Svidler, Farrukh Amonatov and Evgeny Tomashevsky are a further half point behind.

Official site:

60th ch-RUS Superfinal Moscow RUS (RUS), 18-30 xii 2007 cat. XVII (2656)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
1. Morozevich, Alexander g RUS 2755 * . . . 1 1 . 0 . 1 ½ 1 2817
2. Grischuk, Alexander g RUS 2715 . * . 1 1 . ½ ½ ½ . ½ . 4 2769
3. Svidler, Peter g RUS 2732 . . * ½ . 0 1 1 ½ . ½ . 2682
4. Amonatov, Farrukh g TJK 2637 . 0 ½ * . ½ 1 . ½ . . 1 2705
5. Tomashevsky, Evgeny g RUS 2646 0 0 . . * ½ . 1 . 1 . 1 2700
6. Rychagov, Andrey g RUS 2528 0 . 1 ½ ½ * ½ . . ½ . . 3 2668
7. Dreev, Alexey g RUS 2607 . ½ 0 0 . ½ * . 1 . 1 . 3 2666
8. Vitiugov, Nikita g RUS 2594 1 ½ 0 . 0 . . * . ½ . 1 3 2686
9. Inarkiev, Ernesto g RUS 2674 . ½ ½ ½ . . 0 . * ½ . ½ 2603
10. Sakaev, Konstantin g RUS 2634 0 . . . 0 ½ . ½ ½ * 1 . 2594
11. Jakovenko, Dmitry g RUS 2710 ½ ½ ½ . . . 0 . . 0 * 1 2623
12. Timofeev, Artyom g RUS 2637 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 ½ . 0 * ½ 2268

60th ch-RUS Superfinal Moscow RUS (RUS), 18-30 xii 2007 cat. XVII (2656)
Round 1 (December 18, 2007)
Svidler, Peter - Rychagov, Andrey 0-1 51 C13 French Classical
Amonatov, Farrukh - Timofeev, Artyom 1-0 32 B89 Sicilian Sozin Attack
Dreev, Alexey - Grischuk, Alexander ½-½ 22 E39 Nimzo Indian 4.Qc2
Vitiugov, Nikita - Tomashevsky, Evgeny 0-1 43 E20 Nimzo Indian
Inarkiev, Ernesto - Sakaev, Konstantin ½-½ 40 C65 Ruy Lopez Berlin
Jakovenko, Dmitry - Morozevich, Alexander ½-½ 69 C11 French Defence
Round 2 (December 19, 2007)
Morozevich, Alexander - Vitiugov, Nikita 0-1 71 B48 Sicilian Paulsen
Grischuk, Alexander - Amonatov, Farrukh 1-0 55 B90 Sicilian Najdorf Variation
Svidler, Peter - Dreev, Alexey 1-0 36 B63 Sicilian Rauzer
Rychagov, Andrey - Tomashevsky, Evgeny ½-½ 52 E15 Queens Indian
Sakaev, Konstantin - Jakovenko, Dmitry 1-0 41 E18 Queens Indian
Timofeev, Artyom - Inarkiev, Ernesto ½-½ 64 C78 Ruy Lopez Moeller Defence
Round 3 (December 20, 2007)
Amonatov, Farrukh - Svidler, Peter ½-½ 25 B46 Sicilian Paulsen
Tomashevsky, Evgeny - Morozevich, Alexander 0-1 44 A09 Reti Opening
Dreev, Alexey - Rychagov, Andrey ½-½ 34 D36 QGD Exchange
Vitiugov, Nikita - Sakaev, Konstantin ½-½ 28 D17 Slav Defence
Inarkiev, Ernesto - Grischuk, Alexander ½-½ 38 D44 Anti-Meran Gambit
Jakovenko, Dmitry - Timofeev, Artyom 1-0 39 B35 Sicilian Defence
Round 4 (December 22, 2007)
Grischuk, Alexander - Jakovenko, Dmitry ½-½ 38 A30 English Symmetrical
Svidler, Peter - Inarkiev, Ernesto ½-½ 51 C88 Ruy Lopez Closed
Rychagov, Andrey - Morozevich, Alexander 0-1 50 E15 Queens Indian
Dreev, Alexey - Amonatov, Farrukh 0-1 59 A65 Benoni
Sakaev, Konstantin - Tomashevsky, Evgeny 0-1 37 E18 Queens Indian
Timofeev, Artyom - Vitiugov, Nikita 0-1 60 B91 Sicilian Najdorf with 6.g3
Round 5 (December 23, 2007)
Morozevich, Alexander - Sakaev, Konstantin 1-0 59 D10 Slav Defence
Amonatov, Farrukh - Rychagov, Andrey ½-½ 59 C09 French Tarrasch
Tomashevsky, Evgeny - Timofeev, Artyom 1-0 38 A13 Reti Opening
Vitiugov, Nikita - Grischuk, Alexander ½-½ 59 E58 Nimzo Indian
Inarkiev, Ernesto - Dreev, Alexey 0-1 41 D43 Anti-Meran Gambit
Jakovenko, Dmitry - Svidler, Peter ½-½ 37 C89 Ruy Lopez Marshall
Round 6 (December 24, 2007)
Grischuk, Alexander - Tomashevsky, Evgeny 1-0 45 E15 Queens Indian
Svidler, Peter - Vitiugov, Nikita 1-0 30 B60 Sicilian Rauzer
Amonatov, Farrukh - Inarkiev, Ernesto ½-½ 41 C45 Scotch Game
Rychagov, Andrey - Sakaev, Konstantin ½-½ 39 D43 Anti-Meran Gambit
Dreev, Alexey - Jakovenko, Dmitry 1-0 45 E32 Nimzo Indian 4.Qc2
Timofeev, Artyom - Morozevich, Alexander 0-1 36 B50 Sicilian Defence

57th ch-RUS w Moscow RUS (RUS), 18-30 xii 2007 cat. VII (2415)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
1. Kosintseva, Tatiana m RUS 2492 * . 1 ½ ½ . . ½ . 1 1 . 2613
2. Pogonina, Natalija wg RUS 2462 . * . 1 . . ½ ½ ½ 1 1 . 2601
3. Tairova, Elena m RUS 2391 0 . * . ½ 1 1 1 . . . 1 2612
4. Korbut, Ekaterina m RUS 2443 ½ 0 . * . . . . 1 1 1 1 2605
5. Matveeva, Svetlana m RUS 2433 ½ . ½ . * ½ 0 1 1 . . . 2472
6. Ovod, Evgenija m RUS 2386 . . 0 . ½ * 1 ½ ½ . ½ . 3 2415
7. Shadrina, Tatiana wg RUS 2379 . ½ 0 . 1 0 * . . ½ . 1 3 2394
8. Kosintseva, Nadezhda m RUS 2469 ½ ½ 0 . 0 ½ . * . . . 1 2363
9. Stepovaia, Tatiana wg RUS 2375 . ½ . 0 0 ½ . . * ½ . 1 2346
10. Girya, Olga wf RUS 2338 0 0 . 0 . . ½ . ½ * 1 . 2 2308
11. Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina m RUS 2448 0 0 . 0 . ½ . . . 0 * ½ 1 2140
12. Gunina, Valentina wf RUS 2359 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 0 . ½ * ½ 2016

4) XX Carlos Torre Memorial

The XX Carlos Torre Memorial took place in Mérida, Yucatán, México 15th-23rd December 2007. Vassily Ivanchuk added to his wins in 2004 and 2006 to retain his title. He beat 3rd seed Pentala Harikrishna in the final 3-1 after two rapid playoffs. My thanks to Jesper Norgaard Welen for his help with the games.

Official site: or

XX Carlos Torre Wimbledon Merida (MEX), 19-22 xii 2007
1/8 Final
No Ti Name FED Rating P1 P2 D1 D2 TB MS
1 GM Ivanchuk, Vassily UKR 2787 1 ½       1.5
16 GM Bruzón, Lazaro CUB 2607 0 ½       0.5
8 GM Almeida, Omar CUB 2502 ½ 1       1.5
9 GM Gonzalez, José MEX 2541 ½ 0       0.5
4 IM León Hoyos, Manuel MEX 2495 0 0       0
13 GM Quezada, Yuniesky CUB 2546 1 1       2
5 GM Hernandez, Holder CUB 2566 0 0       0
12 GM Graf, Alexander GER 2576 1 1       2
2 GM Dominguez Perez, Lenier CUB 2683 ½ ½ 1 0 0 2
15 GM Nogueiras, Jesús CUB 2549 ½ ½ 0 1 1 3
7 IM Cordova, Emilio PER 2493 1 1       2
10 GM Zapata, Alonso COL 2495 0 0       0
3 GM Harikrishna, Pentala IND 2668 1 ½       1.5
14 GM Hernandez, Gilberto MEX 2536 0 ½       0.5
6 GM Meier, Georg GER 2558 0 1 0 1 1 3
11 GM Tregubov, Pavel RUS 2609 1 0 1 0 0 2
1/4 Final
No Ti Name FED Rating P1 P2 D1 D2 TB MS
1 GM Ivanchuk, Vassily UKR 2787 1 ½       1.5
8 GM Almeida, Omar CUB 2502 0 ½       0.5
13 GM Quezada, Yuniesky CUB 2546 ½ 0       0.5
12 GM Graf, Alexander GER 2576 ½ 1       1.5
15 GM Nogueiras, Jesús CUB 2549 1 1       2
7 IM Cordova, Emilio PER 2493 0 0       0
3 GM Harikrishna, Pentala IND 2668 1 ½       1.5
6 GM Meier, Georg GER 2558 0 ½       0.5
1/2 Final
No Ti Name FED Rating P1 P2 D1 D2 TB MS
1 GM Ivanchuk, Vassily UKR 2787 1 0 ½ 1   2.5
12 GM Graf, Alexander GER 2576 0 1 ½ 0   1.5
15 GM Nogueiras, Jesús CUB 2549 ½ 0       0.5
3 GM Harikrishna, Pentala IND 2668 ½ 1       1.5
No Ti Name FED Rating P1 P2 D1 D2 TB MS
1 GM Ivanchuk, Vassily UKR 2787 1 0 1 1   3
3 GM Harikrishna, Pentala IND 2668 0 1 0 0   1

XX Carlos Torre Magistral Merida (MEX), 15-22 xii 2007
1 16 Bachmann, Axel 7 IM PAR 35 49 37
2 4 Hernandez Carmenates, Hold 6.5 GM CUB 36 52.5 37.75
3 11 Hernandez Guerrero, Gilber 6.5 GM MEX 34.5 51 35.75
4 2 Bruzon Batista, Lazaro 6.5 GM CUB 34 52 36.5
5 17 De La Paz Perdomo,Frank 6.5 GM CUB 34 48 31.75
6 14 Zapata, Alonso 6.5 GM COL 34 48.5 33.5
7 5 Arencibia Rodriguez, Walte 6 GM CUB 32 52.5 33.25
8 20 Perez Garcia, Rodney 6 IM CUB 31 44.5 28.5
9 19 Perez Rodriguez, Luis Manu 6 IM CUB 31 45 26
10 22 Ibarra Chami, Luis Fernand 6 IM MEX 30.5 45.5 28
11 13 Vera Gonzalez-Quevedo, Rey 6 GM CUB 30.5 46 29.75
12 26 Huerta, Dayron 6 FM CUB 30 45 27
13 23 Dominguez Aguilar, Guiller 6 FM MEX 29 43 26
14 35 Sanchez Enriquez, Oscar Ge 6   MEX 27.5 41 24.25
15 1 Tregubov, Pavel V. 5.5 GM RUS 33.5 55 33.25
16 10 Gonzalez Garcia, Jose 5.5 GM MEX 33 51.5 30.75
17 27 Blanco Fernandez, Alvaro 5.5 IM MEX 30 48 26.75
18 25 Capo Vidal, Uriel 5.5 FM MEX 28.5 44 24
19 7 Gonzalez Zamora, Juan Carl 5.5 GM MEX 28 45 27.25
20 30 Alford, Jason 5.5 FM MEX 27 42.5 22.5
21 21 Almeida Saenz, Alfonso 5 IM MEX 29 44 19.75
95 players

5) XVII Pampona International

The XVII Pampona International takes place 21st-29th December 2007.

Official site:

Magistral Pamplona (ESP), 22-29 xii 2007 cat. XVII (2652)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Vallejo Pons, Francisco g ESP 2660 * . . . . 1 1 . 2
2. Beliavsky, Alexander G g SLO 2646 . * . ½ . . . 1 2864
3. Rodshtein, Maxim m ISR 2615 . . * . ½ . . 1 2881
4. Movsesian, Sergei g SVK 2670 . ½ . * . ½ . . 1 2645
5. Wang Yue g CHN 2703 . . ½ . * . ½ . 1 2609
6. Jobava, Baadur g GEO 2644 0 . . ½ . * . . ½ 2472
7. Khamrakulov, Ibragim S g ESP 2604 0 . . . ½ . * . ½ 2488
8. Sargissian, Gabriel g ARM 2673 . 0 0 . . . . * 0

Open Pamplona (ESP), 22-29 xii 2007 cat. XVII (2652) Round 2 Standings
Rank SNo. Name Rtg FED Club Pts BH.
1 1 GM GRANDA ZUÑIGA, Julio E. 2592 PER Can 3 4
2 4 GM SAN SEGUNDO CARRILLO, Pablo 2536 ESP Can 3 4
3 5 IM LAFUENTE, Pablo 2489 ARG 3 4
4 10 GM POGORELOV, Ruslan 2411 UKR Ara 3 4
5 7 IM SALGADO LOPEZ, Ivan 2460 ESP Gal 3 4
6 14 IM ESTREMERA PAÑOS, Sergio 2400 ESP Cat 3 4
7 12 FM RECUERO GUERRA, David 2407 ESP Ast 3
8 2 GM LI, Chao B 2553 CHN 3 3
9 9 IM LLANEZA VEGA, Marcos 2426 ESP Ast
10 11 IM MELLADO TRIVIÑO, Juan 2410 ESP Cat
11 15 FM NAVARRO CIA, Miguel 2359 ESP Nav
12 42 IGNACZ, Rozsa 2079 HUN 4
13 6 GM KRIVOSHEY, Sergei 2484 UKR Can 4
14 30 BARRANTES MUÑOZ, Hugo Pedro 2170 ESP And 4
15 33 PUERTO TRAVER, Juan Manuel 2130 ESP Val 4
16 25 SANCHEZ ROMERO, Miguel Angel 2252 ESP Val
17 13 IM MARTINEZ MARTIN, David 2400 ESP Mad
18 32 ROS OCTAVIO DE TOLEDO, Eduardo 2166 ESP Nav
19 17 FM RUBIO MEJIA, Luis Ignacio 2327 ESP Mad
20 18 FM RIVERO OJEDA, Jesus Carmelo 2326 ESP Cat
21 8 FM HUERGA LEACHE, Mikel 2440 ESP Nav 3
22 27 MINDEGUIA GURUCEAGA, Juan Jesus 2224 ESP Nav 3
131 players

6) Groningen Chess Festival

The Groningen Chess Festival include the Harmonie Open A which takes place 21st-30th December 2007.

Official site:

Harmonie Open A Groningen (NED), 21-30 xii 2007 Round 3 Standings:
Rank Name Fed. Rating Score BH
1 GM Li, Shilong CHN 2509 3.0 4.5
2 GM Banikas, Hristos GRE 2591 2.5 4.0
3 GM Halkias, Stelios GRE 2589 2.5 5.0
4 GM Nijboer, Friso NED 2559 2.5 4.5
5 GM Ernst, Sipke NED 2539 2.5 5.5
6 IM Brandenburg, Daan NED 2483 2.5 4.0
7 IM Hoffmann, Michael GER 2471 2.5 5.0
8 GM Mastrovasilis, Dimitrios GRE 2559 2.0 6.0
9 GM Reinderman, Dimitri NED 2510 2.0 4.0
10 GM Adly, Ahmed EGY 2494 2.0 5.0
11 IM Lobzhanidze, Davit GEO 2489 2.0 4.5
12 IM Simutowe, Amon ZAM 2446 2.0 4.0
13 IM Spoelman, Wouter NED 2445 2.0 5.0
14 IM Swinkels, Robin NED 2433 2.0 5.5
15 IM Pruijssers, Roeland NED 2408 2.0 6.5
16 IM Hendriks, Willy NED 2402 2.0 3.0
17 Geurink, Jasper NED 2339 2.0 3.5
18 Michielsen, Joost NED 2309 2.0 4.0
19 Ringoir, Tanguy BEL 2236 2.0 6.5
20 FM Heemskerk, Wim NED 2230 2.0 6.0
21 Van Den Berg, Harmen NED 2167 2.0 4.0
50 players

7) 3rd Bosnian Championship

3rd Bosnian Championship takes place in Sarajevo 18th-26th December 2007.

Official site:

3rd ch-BIH Sarajevo (BIH), 18-26 xii 2007 cat. X (2498)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
1. Nikolic, Predrag g BIH 2657 * ½ ½ . 1 1 ½ ½ 1 . 5 2658
2. Saric, Ibro g BIH 2541 ½ * ½ 1 . 1 ½ . ½ 1 5 2658
3. Predojevic, Borki g BIH 2645 ½ ½ * ½ . ½ . 1 1 1 5 2638
4. Runic, Zoran m BIH 2417 . 0 ½ * 1 0 1 . 1 ½ 4 2539
5. Jakovljevic, Vlado m BIH 2461 0 . . 0 * ½ ½ 1 1 1 4 2525
6. Bogut, Zeljko m BIH 2458 0 0 ½ 1 ½ * ½ ½ . . 3 2479
7. Stojanovic, Dalibor m BIH 2510 ½ ½ . 0 ½ ½ * ½ . ½ 3 2436
8. Vukic, Milan g BIH 2474 ½ . 0 . 0 ½ ½ * 0 ½ 2 2348
9. Nurkic, Sahbaz m BIH 2415 0 ½ 0 0 0 . . 1 * ½ 2 2355
10. Dumpor, Atif m BIH 2399 . 0 0 ½ 0 . ½ ½ ½ * 2 2336

8) International Open Championship of Croatia

The International Open Championship of Croatia took place in Zadar 16th-22nd December 2007. Aleksander Delchev edged out Nikola Sedlak on tie-break after both finished on 6.5/9. The top 4 Croatian players qualified for the 2008 closed Championship.

Official site:

Open A Zadar CRO (CRO), 16-22 xii 2007
Place SBr. Ti Name Rtg FED Club Pts BH. BH. Cum
1 1 GM Delchev Aleksander 2613 BUL Šk Casper, Zadar 38½ 49 32½
2 2 GM Sedlak Nikola 2605 SRB Šk Mladost, Ernestinovo 37½ 48 34
3 7 GM Kovac(evic' Aleksandar 2554 SRB Šk Slaven, Vukovar 6 39½ 50 36
4 3 GM Miladinovic' Igor 2603 SRB Šk Junior, Rijeka 6 37 47½ 32½
5 13 GM Stevic' Hrvoje 2531 CRO Šk ?akovo, ?akovo 6 36½ 46½ 33
6 4 GM Zelc(ic' Robert 2578 CRO Šk Zagreb, Zagreb 6 36 45½ 27
7 12 GM Cvitan Ognjen 2543 CRO Šk Rijeka, Rijeka 6 35½ 43½ 32
8 11 GM Jankovic' Alojzije 2548 CRO Šk Liburnija, Rijeka 6 28 35 22½
9 29 IM Režan Saša 2398 CRO Šk Goran, Bibinje 37 47½ 30½
10 40 Dimitrov Radoslav 2332 BUL 37 46½ 28½
11 16 GM Ferc(ec Nenad 2487 CRO Šk Pula, Pula 35½ 45½ 27½
12 35 FM Martinovic' Saša 2362 CRO Šk Zadar, Zadar 34 44½ 24½
13 15 GM Jovanic' Ognjen 2492 CRO Šk Liburnija, Rijeka 34 43½ 26
14 6 GM Palac Mladen 2567 CRO Šk Zagreb, Zagreb 33½ 42 28
15 23 IM Šaric' Ivan 2466 CRO Šk Petar Sedlar-Pepe, Kaš 32 40½ 25½
16 5 GM Brkic' Ante 2577 CRO Šk ?uro ?akovic' Holding, 5 36 45½ 28
17 9 GM Popovic' Dušan 2552 SRB Šk Belišc'e, Belišc'e 5 32½ 42½ 25½
18 33 IM Feletar Darko 2367 CRO Gšk Požega, Požega 5 30 37 22½
19 8 GM Kurajica Bojan 2554 CRO Gšk Mravince-Dalmacijacem 39½ 49 29½
20 10 GM Cebalo Mišo 2550 CRO Šk Osijek, Osijek 36 45 26
21 20 IM Rusev Krasimir 2479 BUL 35 45 25½
22 48 FM Zelic' Mladen 2286 CRO Šk A1 Split, Split 33½ 42 24
23 14 GM Rogic' Davor 2505 CRO Šk ?uro ?akovic' Holding , 32 41½ 24
24 21 IM Doric' Darko 2471 CRO Šk Liburnija, Rijeka 32 40½ 25
25 24 IM Dimitrov Pavel 2453 BUL 31½ 41 20½
26 18 IM Ljubic(ic' Filip 2480 CRO Šk A1 Split, Split 31½ 40½ 24
27 26 GM Šaric' Ante 2441 CRO Šk Liburnija, Rijeka 31 39 20
28 44 Sutkovic Damir 2318 BIH 30½ 39½ 24
29 41 FM Milchev Nikolay 2328 BUL 29½ 37 19
30 17 IM Kovac(evic' Blažimir 2482 CRO Šk Vukovar ' 91, Vukovar 28½ 35½ 22½
31 49 Yordanov Nikolay 2257 BUL 24 30 14½
32 22 GM Žaja Ivan 2467 CRO Šk Zagreb, Zagreb 4 34 44 23½
33 27 IM Živkovic' Vjekoslav 2426 CRO Šk ?uro ?akovic', Slavonsk 4 32½ 42½ 22
34 32 IM Hoelzl Franz 2374 AUT 4 32 41 19½
35 28 IM Franic' Milan 2401 CRO Šk Pula, Pula 4 28½ 38 18
36 34 FM Arnaudov G Petar 2366 BUL 4 28½ 37½ 17½
37 39 IM Armanda Ivica 2340 CRO Šk Petar Sedlar-Pepe, Kaš 4 26½ 34 17
38 36 FM Plenkovic' Zdenko 2347 CRO Šk A1 Split, Split 33 42 18½
39 43 FM Mihalj Miroslav M 2323 SRB 30 39½ 17½
40 30 FM Ašc(ic' Pero 2394 CRO Šk ?uro ?akovic' Holding, 28½ 37½ 18
41 19 IM Sakelšek Tadej 2479 SLO Šk Vukovar ' 91, Vukovar 27½ 35½ 17½
42 38 FM Orak Ljubomir 2340 CRO Šd Varaždin, Varaždin 26½ 35½ 14½
43 45 FM Krištovic' Marijan 2316 CRO Šk I N A, Zagreb 26½ 33 16
44 46 FM Badev Kiril 2302 BUL 25 32 14
45 47 FM Ivic' Mateo 2293 CRO Šk Vis, Vis 24 30 13½
46 31 IM Stupavski Zdenko 2392 SRB 3 29½ 38 16
47 25 IM Žufic' Miroslav 2452 CRO Šk Pula, Pula 3 25½ 33 16½
48 42 FM Biliškov Vjekoslav 2326 CRO Šk Goran, Bibinje 26 33½ 13
49 50 FM Titz Heimo 2223 AUT 2 27 34
50 37 IM Majeric' Zoran 2345 CRO Šk Slaven, Vukovar 31 39

9) Warsaw - Buenos Aires - Kolkata Match

A three city match between Warsaw, Buenos Aires and Kolkata took place before the European Individual Rapid Championship in Warsaw I reported last week. The Kolkata team won all three of its matches to finish clear of the 1st team from Warsaw.

Official site:

Warsaw-Buenos Aires-Kolkata Match Warsaw (POL), 11-13 xii 2007
Place SNo. Team Fed. Local Match Points Total B.1 B.2 B.3
1 3 Kolkata IND 2522 6.0 7.5 1.5 2.0 2.0
2 2 Warsaw Team 1 POL 2614 4.0 7.5 2.0 2.0 1.0
3 1 Buenos Aires ARG 2535 2.0 5.0 0.5 1.0 2.0
4 4 Warsaw Team 2 POL 2449 0.0 4.0 2.0 1.0 1.0

Warsaw-Buenos Aires-Kolkata Match Warsaw (POL), 11-13 xii 2007
Place SNo. Title Name Fed. FIDE Local Total MBch. Bch. Wins Prog.
1 4 GM Kempinski, Robert POL 2596 2596 2.5 1.50 3.50 2 4.5
2 1 GM Socko, Bartosz POL 2646 2646 2.0 1.50 4.00 1 4.0
2 1 IM Olszewski, Michal POL 2424 2424 2.0 1.50 4.00 1 4.0
2 4 IM Roy Chowdhury, Saptarshi IND 2418 2418 2.0 1.50 4.00 1 4.0
5 3 GM Barua, Dibyendu IND 2491 2491 2.0 1.00 4.00 1 4.5
5 3 GM Felgaer, Ruben ARG 2539 2539 2.0 1.00 4.00 1 4.5
7 2 GM Ganguly, Surya Shekhar IND 2585 2585 2.0 1.00 4.00 1 4.0
7 2 GM Macieja, Bartlomiej POL 2606 2606 2.0 1.00 4.00 1 4.0
9 4 IM Lafuente, Pablo ARG 2489 2489 1.5 2.00 4.50 1 3.5
10 1 GM Sandipan, Chanda IND 2593 2593 1.5 2.00 4.50 1 2.5
11 2 IM Socko, Monika POL 2473 2473 1.0 2.00 5.00 0 2.0
11 2 GM Peralta, Fernando ARG 2546 2546 1.0 2.00 5.00 0 2.0
13 3 GM Bartel, Mateusz POL 2608 2608 1.0 2.00 5.00 0 1.5
13 3 FM Leniart, Arkadiusz POL 2329 2329 1.0 2.00 5.00 0 1.5
15 1 IM Flores, Diego ARG 2566 2566 0.5 2.00 5.50 0 1.5
16 4   Brzeski, Maciej POL 2307 2307 0.0 2.00 6.00 0 0.0
17 5 IM Lahiri, Atanu IND 2290 2290 0.0 1.50 1.50 0 0.0

10) 74th Brazilian Championship

The 74th Brazilian Championship took place in Rio de Janeiro 14th-22nd December, 2007. 12 players Prize Fund US$ 6.000,00. Giovanni Vescovi took clear first with 9/11.

Official site:

ch-BRA Rio de Janeiro BRA (BRA), 14-22 xii 2007 cat. VIII (2428)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
1. Vescovi, Giovanni g BRA 2617 * ½ ½ 1 1 1 ½ ½ 1 1 1 1 9 2672
2. Leitao, Rafael g BRA 2601 ½ * ½ 1 1 ½ 1 ½ ½ 1 1 1 2623
3. Milos, Gilberto g BRA 2592 ½ ½ * ½ ½ ½ 1 1 ½ 0 1 1 7 2514
4. Mekhitarian, Krikor Sevag m BRA 2428 0 0 ½ * ½ ½ 1 ½ 1 ½ 1 1 2492
5. Di Berardino, Diego Rafael m BRA 2430 0 0 ½ ½ * ½ 0 1 1 1 ½ 1 6 2463
6. Van Riemsdijk, Herman C m BRA 2391 0 ½ ½ ½ ½ * ½ ½ 0 1 1 ½ 2431
7. Molina, Roberto Junio Brito f BRA 2322 ½ 0 0 0 1 ½ * ½ ½ 1 1 ½ 2437
8. Matsuura, Everaldo m BRA 2511 ½ ½ 0 ½ 0 ½ ½ * ½ 1 0 1 5 2384
9. Bittencourt, Jorge f BRA 2448 0 ½ ½ 0 0 1 ½ ½ * 0 1 1 5 2389
10. Diamant, Andre m BRA 2395 0 0 1 ½ 0 0 0 0 1 * 1 ½ 4 2328
11. Santiago, Yago de Moura BRA 2185 0 0 0 0 ½ 0 0 1 0 0 * ½ 2 2187
12. Miranda, Roberto Calheiros de BRA 2213 0 0 0 0 0 ½ ½ 0 0 ½ ½ * 2 2185

11) South African Championship

The South African Championship took place in the ChessCube Centre in Milnerton 14th-22nd December 2007.

Nick Barnett reports "South African Championship ended on Saturday. The winner, Henry Steel, 17, was the youngest competitor. The tournament was marred by the late withdrawal of Kenneth Willenberg and Deon Solomons, so that Steel did not have an opponent in the two final rounds. Since he demolished the top half of the table he is a worthy winner, but IM Watu Kobese may have caught him. The top three Steel, IM Kobese and IM Mabusela are automatic selections for the SA team to the Olympiad. Steel now travels to Gilbraltar where he hopes to gain a Fidé title, then on to Budapest and France. SA¹s top woman player WIM Melissa Greeff follows the same itinerary, but first to Malawi where she will contest the African junior ‹ in the boys section ‹ before the SA Women¹s closed in a couple of weeks time! She is determined to get her second WGM norm."

Official site:

ch-RSA Milnerton (RSA), 14-22 xii 2007
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
1. Steel, Henry Robert RSA 2241 * 1 ½ 1 1 ½ ½ 1 1 0 1 1 2443
2. Kobese, Watu m RSA 2389 0 * ½ ½ 1 ½ 1 ½ 1 1 1 1 8 2394
3. Van den Heever, Donovan RSA 2202 ½ ½ * 0 1 1 0 ½ ½ 1 ½ 1 2301
4. Mabusela, Johanne Mayedi m RSA 2277 0 ½ 1 * 1 0 0 1 ½ 1 ½ 1 2294
5. Ophoff, Ja RSA 2260 0 0 0 0 * ½ 1 1 1 1 1 1 2296
6. Solomon, Kenny m RSA 2332 ½ ½ 0 1 ½ * 1 0 ½ ½ 1 ½ 6 2260
7. Cawdery, Daniel RSA 2254 ½ 0 1 1 0 0 * ½ ½ ½ 1 1 6 2267
8. Klaasen, Calvin Jong RSA 1982 0 ½ ½ 0 0 1 ½ * ½ 1 1 1 6 2292
9. Gluckman, David m RSA 2306 0 0 ½ ½ 0 ½ ½ ½ * ½ ½ 1 2161
10. Mosetlhe, Kgaugelo RSA 2144 1 0 0 0 0 ½ ½ 0 ½ * 0 1 2108
11. Solomons, Deon RSA 2231 0 0 ½ ½ 0 0 0 0 ½ 1 * 1 2100
12. Willenberg, Kenneth Sean RSA 2183 0 0 0 0 0 ½ 0 0 0 0 0 * ½ 1768

12) 4th Singapore International Chess Convention

The 4th Singapore International Chess Convention took place 16th-22nd December 2007. The main masters event saw Zurab Azmaiparashvili edge out Zhang Zhong on tie-break after both finished on 7/9.

Official site:

4th Singapore Masters 17-21 xii 2007
Rk.   Name FED Rtg Pts. TB1 TB2 TB3
1 GM Azmaiparashvili Zurab GEO 2606 7,0 50,0 37,00 39,5
2 GM Zhang Zhong SIN 2634 7,0 48,0 37,50 33,5
3 GM Sandipan Chanda IND 2593 6,5 50,0 35,00 34,5
4 IM Sadorra Julio Catalino PHI 2414 6,0 48,5 30,75 34,0
5 GM Dao Thien Hai VIE 2530 6,0 48,5 29,75 32,5
6 IM Laxman R R IND 2395 6,0 47,0 28,25 31,0
7 GM Megaranto Susanto INA 2569 6,0 45,5 28,50 30,0
8 IM Girinath P D S IND 2448 6,0 43,5 26,50 31,5
9 GM Wu Shaobin SIN 2449 6,0 42,5 25,50 29,5
10 IM Dimakiling Oliver PHI 2491 5,5 46,5 25,25 30,0
11 GM Nguyen Anh Dung VIE 2537 5,5 43,5 26,50 28,0
12 GM Paragua Mark PHI 2514 5,5 43,5 24,00 27,0
13   Lin Chen CHN 2363 5,5 41,0 21,25 27,5
14 IM Paciencia Enrique SIN 2431 5,0 48,5 24,00 28,0
15   Wan Yunguo CHN 2393 5,0 44,5 23,00 29,0
16 WGM Gu Xiaobing CHN 2300 5,0 42,0 19,50 23,0
17 IM Jayson Gonzales PHI 2454 5,0 41,5 20,75 23,5
18 IM Sitanggang Salor INA 2410 5,0 41,5 19,25 27,0
19 WIM Sukandar Irine Kharisma INA 2275 5,0 39,0 16,50 22,5
20   Wang Li CHN 2318 4,5 48,5 23,25 26,5
21 IM Mas Hafizulhelmi MAS 2372 4,5 40,0 19,75 21,0
22 IM Nadanian Ashot ARM 2436 4,5 38,5 16,25 23,0
23   Shen Siyuan CHN 2337 4,0 46,0 20,00 24,0
24 WGM Li Ruofan SIN 2417 4,0 42,5 14,50 24,0
25 FM Lim Yee Weng MAS 2336 4,0 42,5 14,50 17,5
26   Jia Haoxiang CHN 2193 4,0 41,0 15,00 20,0
27 WGM Corke Anya HKG 2210 4,0 38,5 12,00 21,0
28 WGM Nguyen Thi Thanh An VIE 2324 4,0 37,0 13,00 19,0
29   Andador Rolando PHI 2199 4,0 37,0 11,50 15,0
30   Chan Wei Xuan Timothy SIN 2231 4,0 32,5 14,25 14,5
31 CM Teo Wei Xing SIN 2191 4,0 32,5 12,75 14,0
32 FM Chua Zheng Yuan Terry SIN 2096 3,5 37,0 11,75 16,5
33 CM Chan Yi Ren Daniel SIN 2137 3,5 34,0 11,00 14,0
34 FM Simanjuntak Sebastian INA 2271 3,5 33,5 11,00 16,0
35   Kuznetsov Kirill RUS 2252 3,0 37,0 8,50 17,0
36 FM Lo Kin Mun Dominic SIN 2151 3,0 36,5 11,25 16,0
37   Koh Jonathan SIN 2090 3,0 31,5 7,50 14,5
38 FM Chua Xing Jian Graham SIN 2065 2,5 38,5 5,50 15,5
39 FM Fernandez Daniel Howard SIN 2102 2,5 31,5 7,50 11,5
40   Tahmankar Mandar IND 2141 2,5 30,0 5,75 7,0
41 CM Neubronner Jarred SIN 2097 2,5 28,5 7,25 10,0
42   Dotsenko Viacheslav RUS 2132 2,0 33,5 6,00 10,5
43 WFM Liu Yang SIN 2056 0,5 41,0 2,50 4,5
44 FM Nava Roderick PHI 2351 0,0 38,0 0,00 0,0

13) Central Serbian Championships

The 2007 Central Serbian Championships took place in Vrnjacka Banja on 10th-16th December 2007. GM Pikula and GM Drazic qualified for the main 2008 Serbian Men Championship. Games from the final round are missing.

Official site: and final standings at 07m.html.

The women's championship had only 5 players because the WGMs preferred to play in the men's event. The winner was WFM Marija Urosevic with 2nd place for Sandra Djukic.

ch-Central Serbia Vrnjacka Banja SRB (SRB), 10-16 xii 2007
1 5 GM Pikula Dejan 2494 SRB 7 41
2 6 GM Drazic Sinisa 2493 SRB 7 39½
3 8 GM Todorovic Goran M 2470 SRB 40
4 1 GM Savic Miodrag R 2539 SRB 39½
5 9 IM Arsovic Zoran 2459 SRB 6 42
6 14 GM Kostic Vladimir G 2402 SRB 6 38½
7 17 WGM Chelushkina Irina 2351 SRB 6 38
8 32 Zivkovic Ivan B 2222 SRB 6 37
9 4 GM Cabrilo Goran 2497 SRB 6 37
10 10 IM Vratonjic Slobo 2453 SRB 6 36
11 7 IM Arsovic Goran 2478 SRB 6 34
12 16 FM Sredojevic Ivan 2357 SRB 6 32½
13 12 GM Tosic Miroslav 2422 SRB 37½
14 2 GM Lajthajm Borko 2512 SRB 36½
15 15 IM Maksimovic Branimir 2367 SRB 33½
16 22 Biljanic Ljubomir 2291 SRB 32½
17 11 Bozic Milan 2435 SRB 5 41½
18 3 GM Abramovic Bosko 2508 SRB 5 36½
19 18 WGM Benderac Ana 2328 SRB 5 34½
20 13 FM Kojovic Dragan 2413 SRB 5 33½
21 26 Stojanovic Zlatko 2245 SRB 5 33½
22 28 Pantelic Sasa 2237 SRB 5 33
23 21 GM Nikolic Stanimir 2297 SRB 5 33
24 29 Colovic Zoran 2234 SRB 5 30½
25 20 Mrsevic Miroslav 2313 SRB 5 30
26 24 FM Spiric Igor 2278 SRB 5 30
27 23 FM Djosic Slavoljub 2280 SRB 33½
28 35 Radovanovic Slavko 2200 SRB 33
29 25 FM Radosavljevic Slobodan D 2256 SRB 32
30 34 Boskovic Zlatomir 2207 SRB 31½
31 42 Ilic Slobodan S 2166 SRB 31½
32 27 FM Milicevic Miodrag 2243 SRB 30
33 38 Vasic Vladimir 2185 SRB 29
34 37 Radenkovic Dragan 2188 SRB 26½
35 49 Karaklajic Milutin 2099 SRB 4 32½
36 31 Savic Dragan 2229 SRB 4 30½
37 48 Manojlovic Selimir 2110 SRB 4 30½
38 43 Dodic Dragan 2162 SRB 4 30
39 44 Antic Dragan 2158 SRB 4 30
40 33 Marcetic Predrag 2219 SRB 4 28
41 47 Pantovic Dragan M 2137 SRB 4 27½
42 36 Pantic Ivica 2192 SRB 4 26
43 19 IM Misailovic Nebojsa 2318 SRB 30½
44 46 Simic Milan 2140 SRB 30
45 59 Pavicevic Jovan 0 SRB 29½
46 39 Tasic Zoran 2178 SRB 29
47 40 Jokic Miodrag 2174 SRB 27½
48 51 Simic Vladica 2082 SRB 27
49 41 Dorontic Zoran 2167 SRB 23½
50 52 Jovanovic Miroslav V 2052 SRB 3 31
51 45 Draskovic Dragan 2154 SRB 3 30½
52 56 Boskovic Maksimilijan 1850 SRB 3 23½
53 58 Matejic Dragoljub 0 SRB 3 22½
54 54 Filipovic Tomislav 2010 SRB 27½
55 55 Gagic Miroljub 1930 SRB 2 25
56 57 Lisanin Ivica 0 SRB 1 24
57 50 Lecic Predrag 2089 SRB 1 14
58 53 Grujicic Zoran 2044 SRB ½ 13
59 30 Misojcic Miroslav 2232 SRB ½

14) Podgorica International

City of Podgorica, capitol of Montenegro, restored international tournament after a 20 year hiatus. Junior Stefan Mijovic earned IM norm, other two juniors FM Boban Bogosavljevic and Nikola Nestorovic missed their GM and IM norms.

PGN at, crosstable at

It Podgorica (MNE), 9-17 xii 2007 cat. VII (2414)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
1. Bogosavljevic, Boban f SRB 2491 * ½ 1 ½ ½ ½ ½ 1 0 1 2485
2. Kalezic, Blazo m MNE 2392 ½ * ½ 0 1 ½ 1 1 ½ ½ 2496
3. Kosic, Dragan g MNE 2482 0 ½ * ½ ½ ½ ½ 1 1 1 2486
4. Rajkovic, Dusan g SRB 2522 ½ 1 ½ * ½ ½ ½ 0 ½ 1 5 2445
5. Mijovic, Stefan MNE 2228 ½ 0 ½ ½ * ½ ½ ½ 1 1 5 2477
6. Jacimovic, Dragoljub g MKD 2412 ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ * ½ ½ ½ ½ 2414
7. Nikcevic, Nebojsa g MNE 2421 ½ 0 ½ ½ ½ ½ * ½ ½ ½ 4 2370
8. Nestorovic, Nikola SRB 2436 0 0 0 1 ½ ½ ½ * 1 ½ 4 2368
9. Podlesnik, Bogdan m MNE 2401 1 ½ 0 ½ 0 ½ ½ 0 * 0 3 2290
10. Nikac, Predrag MNE 2356 0 ½ 0 0 0 ½ ½ ½ 1 * 3 2295

15) Hafnarfjordur Championship

The Hafnarfjordur Championship (about 25,000 inhab., suburb of Reykjavik) took place 13th-16th December 2007. The 2007 champion is GM Henrik Danielsen. (Thorfinnsson lives in Reykjavik). The first two rounds of rapid games are missing. Info: Snorri G. Bergsson.

Further Information:

ch-Hafnarfjordur Reykjavik (ISL), 13-16 xii 2007
Rk. Name   FED RtgI Pts. TB1 Rp
1 Danielsen Henrik GM ISL 2491 6,0 22,5 2472
  Thorfinnsson Bjorn FM ISL 2323 6,0 22,5 2481
3 Olafsson Thorvardur   ISL 2150 4,5 23,5 2267
4 Kristjansson Atli Freyr   ISL 1979 4,5 21,0 2245
5 Gudmundsson Stefan Freyr   ISL 2110 4,5 18,0 2120
6 Bjornsson Sverrir Orn   ISL 2107 4,0 22,5 2198
7 Thorgeirsson Sverrir   ISL 2061 3,5 25,5 2143
8 Bjornsson Sigurbjorn FM ISL 2290 3,5 22,5 2121
9 Salama Omar   EGY 2232 3,5 21,0 2089
10 Rodriguez Fonseca Jorge   ESP 2057 3,5 19,5 2043
11 Sigurjonsson Siguringi   ISL 1902 3,0 19,0 2060
12 Benediktsson Thorir   ISL 1956 3,0 17,0 1934
13 Cross Ted   USA 2108 2,5 18,5 1985
14 Fridgeirsson Dagur Andri   ISL 1804 2,5 17,0 1880
15 Halldorsson Halldor   ISL 2230 2,0 21,0 2192
16 Sigurdsson Jakob Saevar   ISL 1837 2,0 16,0 1834
17 Petursson Daniel   ISL 1975 2,0 15,5 1809
18 Palsson Svanberg Mar   ISL 1829 1,5 16,0 1571
19 Thorvaldsson Arni   ISL 1987 0,0 17,5 0

16) VI Memorial Pereyra Puebla

VI Abierto Internacional de Ajedrez En Mendoza (VI Memorial Pereyra Puebla 2007) took place 14th-22nd December 2007. Andres Carlos Obregon led by half a point going into the final round. Final results and standings are missing as are most of the games (round 1 and 7 currently available)

Official site:

17) Arnoldo Ellerman Memorial

The Arnoldo Ellerman Memorial took place in Buenos Aires, Argentina 10th-21st December 2007. Ramiro Dos Santos edged out Leonardo Fusco and Diego Valerga all finished on 7/9. No games available.

Official site:

Arnoldo Ellerman Memorial Buenos Aires ARG 10-21 x 2007
1-3 DOS SANTOS, Ramiro ARG 2419 7.5 40.0
FUSCO, Leonardo ARG 2341 7.5 37.5
VALERGA, Diego ARG 2469 7.5 35.5
4-7 BARRIONUEVO, Pablo ARG 2319 7 37.0
MARECO, Sandro ARG 2438 7 36.0
GARCIA, Raimundo ARG 2344 7 36.0
PERELMAN, Hernan ARG 2296 7 34.5
8-16 VILLANUEVA, Mario ARG 2278 6.5 38.5
TRISTAN, Leonardo ARG 2345 6.5 36.5
BITELMAJER, Martin ARG 2270 6.5 36.5
DELLA MORTE, German ARG 2370 6.5 35.0
MAZZIOTTI IRIGOYEN, Gabriel ARG 2296 6.5 34.5
GOLDWASER, Cristian ARG 2331 6.5 34.0
FILGUEIRA, Hernan ARG 2331 6.5 33.0
DOLEZAL, Cristian ARG 2424 6.5 31.5
CUEVAS, Alex ARG 2190 6.5 26.0
17-31 PIERROT, Juan Facundo ARG 2450 6 35.5
SORIN, Ariel ARG 2495 6 34.0
LUJAN, Carolina ARG 2379 6 32.0
SARQUIS, Maria Belen ARG 2180 6 31.0
CARRARO, Denise ARG 2059 6 31.0
ARAUJO, Rafael BRA 2150 6 30.5
REIDES, Marcelo ARG 2357 6 29.5
ANELLI, Antonio ARG 2218 6 29.5
DE LAS HERAS, Juan C. ARG 2309 6 29.0
LAPICKI, Raul ARG 2304 6 29.0
LALANNE, Pablo ARG 2225 6 29.0
JUAREZ, Carlos E. ARG 2180 6 29.0
REY, Fernando ARG 2174 6 29.0
LOPEZ, Favio ARG 2062 6 27.0
LODI, Guillermo ARG 2019 6 26.5
167 players

18) Russia vs ROW Correspondence

The Russian Chess Federation celebrated its 10th anniversary by challenging the rest of the world to a match over 64 boards with 2 games for each pairing. The match took place 15th February 2004 and ended 27th November 2006. Players included Joop van Oosterom. Final score Rest of the World Score 65½ .Russia 62½. For some reason I missed the end of the match a year ago but the games are probably still worth presenting. I left the ELO ratings out as this was a correspondence match and identifying the players with the Otb list was in some cases impossible.

Official site: and results also at:

Russia vs RoW 2004-6 RCCA. 15 ii 2004 - 27 xi 2006
Russia 62½ Results Rest of the World 65½
Bd NAT Ti Name W B W B NAT Ti Name
Bd 1 RUS GM Sanakoev, Grigory Konstantinovich ½ 1 0 ½ GER GM Baumbach, Dr. Fritz
Bd 2 RUS IM Raykin, Leonid Gershevich 0 ½ ½ 1 NED GM Oosterom, Joop J. van
Bd 3 RUS   Perevertkin, Vladimir Viktorovich ½ ½ ½ ½ FIN GM Kujala, Auvo
Bd 4 RUS SM Pinkovetsky, Semen Uscherovich 1 1 0 0 CZE IM Nývlt, Ing. Zdenek
Bd 5 RUS GM Korolev, Sergey Ivanovich 0 0 1 1 GER IM Voss, Maximilian
Bd 6 RUS SM Makarov, Aleksandr Arkadyevich ½ ½ ½ ½ KAZ SM Balabaev, Farit Gasisovich
Bd 7 RUS GM Malinin, Vasily Borisovich 0 0 1 1 ISR SM Dothan, Yoav
Bd 8 RUS SM Matyukhin, Sergey Konstantinovich 0 ½ ½ 1 FIN GM Kokkila, Tero
Bd 9 RUS GM Grodzensky, Sergey Yakovlevich ½ ½ ½ ½ ISR IM Elyakim, Daniel
Bd 10 RUS   Dushin, Aleksandr Viktorovich 0 0 1 1 NOR SM Boger, Raymond
Bd 11 RUS GM Pankratov, Aleksandr Valerievich ½ ½ ½ ½ GUA SM Blanco Gramajo, César Augusto
Bd 12 RUS   Lykhin, Oleg Vladimirovich 1 ½ ½ 0 GER SM Hofstetter, Dr. Hans-Joachim
Bd 13 RUS IM Mikeshin, Sergey Alekseevich 0 1 0 1 HUN Szücs, Csaba
Bd 14 RUS   Mikheev, Stanislav Valerievich ½ ½ ½ ½ POR SM Soberano, Joaquim Pedro
Bd 15 RUS   Bobrov, Vladimir Nikolaevich 1 ½ ½ 0 ISR SM Rozenberg, Dov
Bd 16 RUS   Popkov, Andrey Anatolievich 0 0 1 1 JPN Ohtake, Sakae
Bd 17 RUS SM Pankratov, Valery Vladimirovich ½ ½ ½ ½ LTU SM Kupsys, Alfonsas
Bd 18 RUS IM Shikalov, Andrei Viktorovich ½ ½ ½ ½ ENG IM Pheby, Ian M.
Bd 19 RUS IM Antonenko, Vladimir Georgyevich ½ ½ ½ ½ NOR SM Haugen, Arild
Bd 20 RUS IM Muzyka, Nikolai Avraamovich 1 1 0 0 BRA Tórtora, Paulo César de Oliveira
Bd 21 RUS SM Yamaliev, Vil Usbekovich 0 0 1 1 POR IM Cleto, Fernando de Almeida Costa
Bd 22 ARM   Chaturyan, V. ½ ½ ½ ½ ARG IM Etchechoury, Guillermo Augusto
Bd 23 RUS IM Turkov, Vladimir Sergeevich ½ ½ ½ ½ URU IM Marotta Moraes, Cr. Martín
Bd 24 RUS IM Voll, Aleksei Borisovich 1 1 0 0 ENG SM Valerio, Giuseppe
Bd 25 RUS IM Muzyka, Yury Avraamovich 0 ½ ½ 1 HUN IM Jakobetz, László
Bd 26 RUS SM Grigoryev, Valery Borisovich ½ ½ ½ ½ UKR SM Kamenets, Anatoly V.
Bd 27 RUS   Kovernikov, Boris Nikolaevich ½ ½ ½ ½ ENG   Kitson, Keith
Bd 28 RUS   Gerbich, Vladimir Fedorovich ½ ½ ½ ½ BLR   Shablinsky, Mikhail Ivanovich
Bd 29 RUS IM Kantsurak, Fedor Nikolaevich 1 ½ ½ 0 EST SM Tiits, Tõnu
Bd 30 RUS IM Alpert, Aleksandr Lazarevich 0 0 1 1 UKR IM Dudyev, Vladimir
Bd 31 RUS   Chupin, Vladimir Nikolaevich ½ ½ ½ ½ UKR IM Kasapchuk, Alexandr
Bd 32 RUS IM Chigishev, Aleksandr Vasilievich 0 ½ ½ 1 LAT SM Strautins, Vilnis
Bd 33 RUS IM Emelyanov, Sergey Alekseevich 0 ½ ½ 1 NED SM Mooij, Walter J.
Bd 34 RUS   Lukyanenko, Aleksandr Anatolievich 0 ½ ½ 1 FRA IM Bouverot, Olivier
Bd 35 RUS IM Salov, Sergey Aleksandrovich ½ 0 1 ½ EST IM Liebert, Ervin
Bd 36 RUS IM Aronov, Dr. Igor Moiseevich ½ ½ ½ ½ BEL IM Pauwels, Christophe
Bd 37 RUS   Lednev, Valery Alekseevich ½ ½ ½ ½ CHI   Soza, José
Bd 38 RUS   Napalkov, Vladimir Aleksandrovich 1 1 0 0 ARG   González, Juan Bautista
Bd 39 RUS IM Isaev, Anatoly Nikolaevich ½ ½ ½ ½ BUL SM Hristov, Ilja
Bd 40 RUS SM Donskikh, Yury Fedorovich ½ ½ ½ ½ CUB   Salcedo Mederos, Ing. Pablo
Bd 41 RUS   Lebedev, Valery Ivanovich 1 ½ ½ 0 LAT SM Saksis, Juris
Bd 42 RUS IM Kozlov, Mikhail Yakovlevich ½ ½ ½ ½ ESP SM Barrios Troncoso, José Antonio
Bd 43 RUS IM Lutovinov, Aleksandr Ivanovich 0 0 1 1 GER   Ollmann, Hans-Paul
Bd 44 RUS   Kopelevich, Aleksandr Solomonovich 0 1 0 1 ENG IM Timson, Paul F.
Bd 45 RUS SM Kashlyak, Anatoly Nikolaevich 0 ½ ½ 1 HUN   Percze, János
Bd 46 RUS IM Dolgov, Igor Mikhailovich ½ ½ ½ ½ IRL SM Taylor, W. Desmond
Bd 47 RUS   Narozhny, Yury Nikolaevich 0 ½ ½ 1 BUL IM Kalchev, Joncho
Bd 48 RUS IM Goncharov, Igor Vladimirovich 0 0 1 1 SLO   Semrl, Marjan
Bd 49 RUS   Emelyanov, Mikhail Nikolaevich 1 ½ ½ 0 SUI IM Hugentobler, Patrik
Bd 50 RUS   Borisenkov, Dmitry Vasilievich 0 ½ ½ 1 AUS IM Runting, Tim E.
Bd 51 RUS   Romanov, Sergey Aleksandrovich ½ ½ ½ ½ CZE SM Svácek, Pavel
Bd 52 RUS   Shulman, Boris Yakovlevich ½ 1 0 ½ NCA IM Bendaña Guerrero, Dr. Guy José
Bd 53 RUS   Vikulov, Alexander Sergeevich ½ ½ ½ ½ SWE IM Olsson, Sture
Bd 54 RUS   Kharitonov, Aleksandr Alekseevich ½ ½ ½ ½ NOR   Høidahl, Erik
Bd 55 RUS   Borzenko, Aleksandr Mikhailovich 1 1 0 0 ESP IM Alexandre Bisquert, Francisco
Bd 56 RUS IM Neborak, Yury Trofimovich 0 1 0 1 TUR SM Kösebay, Osman
Bd 57 RUS   Sakhabeev, Rais Salmanovich ½ 1 0 ½ CRO IM Krecak, Dr. Zvonko
Bd 58 RUS   Liushnin, Konstantin Victorovich 0 ½ ½ 1 POR IM Almeida, Manuel Camejo de
Bd 59 RUS   Myakutin, Valery Igorevich 1 ½ ½ 0 ITA SM Cimmino, Pietro
Bd 60 RUS   Romitsin, Nikolai Sergeevich ½ ½ ½ ½ LUX IM Klauner, Thed
Bd 61 RUS   Davletov, Jalil 1 1 0 0 TKM   Annaev, Vladimir LAT
SM Gaujens, Artis
Bd 62 RUS   Paramonov, Andrey Nikolaevich 1 1 0 0 HKG   Champion, Chris
Bd 63 RUS   Karachurin, Sagit ½ 1 0 ½ DEN IM Christiansen, Tonny
Bd 64 RUS   Pereverzev, Aleksey Rosti ½ ½ ½ ½ ECU   Orellana, Carlos

19) Forthcoming Events and Links

Morelia Linares 2008

The field has been announced for the Morelia - Linares tournament, with only Alexei Shirov not playing at Wijk aan Zee the event is a category stronger than that event but with far fewer players and also missing Vladimir Kramnik who will probably be world number 2 when the event takes place. As usual the first half is in Morelia, Mexico and the second half in Linares, Spain.

Official site:

Morelia/Linares MEX/ESP 15-23 ii + 28 ii - 7 iii 2008
Name Year of birth Rating W rnk
GM Viswanathan Anand 1969 2801 1
GM Vassily Ivanchuk 1969 2787 2
GM Veselin Topalov 1975 2769 4
GM Peter Leko 1979 2755 5
GM Teymour Radjabov 1987 2742 8
GM Levon Aronian 1982 2741 9
GM Alexei Shirov 1972 2739 10
GM Magnus Carlsen 1990 2714 17
Category: 21

10th Hotel Hilton Basle

10. Hotel Hilton Basle chess meeting The Swiss Chess Tour 2008 traditional start in the Hilton Basle. Next year is jubilee 10th edition – Memorial Werner Hafner, 1st and 2nd January 2008, a rapid tournament.. Memorial Werner Hafner (1-2.1.2008.) 9 rounds, one hour, 30 minutes each. Prizes: 1.000/700/600/500/400/300/250/200/150/100 CHF. Special prizes 4 rating groups: 200/150/100 CHF; best Lady, senior (1948); junior (1988-1991), schoolboy (1992). Enter fee: 60 CHF (FM and juniors 30 CHF) GM & IM free. At the door 10 CHF. Jubilee dinner 60 CHF. Time-table: 1st Day/Tuesday, 1st Jania 2008: 1200: registration; 1400-1500: Round 1; 1530-1630: Round 2; 1700-1800: Round 3; 1830-1930: Round 4; 2000-2100: Round 5. 2nd Day/Wednesday, 2nd January 2008: 1330-1430: Round 6; 1500-1600: Round 7; 1630-1730: Round 8; 1800-1900: Round 9. 1930-2000: Prize giving; 2000-2200: Jubilee dinner “10 Years Hilton Chess Festival”. Players so far for Hilton: GM Sokolov (FRA), GM Glek (GER), GM Lazarev (RUS), WGM Sedina (ITA), WGM Safranska (LAT), IM Starostits (LAT), IM Benkovic (SRB), IM Filipovic (CRO), IM Krivonosov (LAT), IM Maier (GER) etc.

More information and registration: Robert Spoerri tel. +41+62+9654-650, fax +41+62+9654-651 E-mail Further information:

Francesc Alsina Memorial

The Francesc Alsina Memorial takes place in Parets del Vallès 30th December 2007. 8 round Swiss 20 mins per game.

Official site:


The World Mindsports games takes place in Beijing, China after the Olympics 3rd –18th October 2008.


2nd ACP World Rapid Cup

The PIVDENNY Bank carries out the 2nd ACP World Rapid Cup in Odessa, Ukraine in January 4-7, 2008. The prize fund of the tournament is 136,000$. 16 players are participating. Dmitry Jakovenko, Vassily Ivanchuk, Peter Leko, Teimour Radjabov, Evgeny Najer, Sergey Karjakin, Peter Svidler, Alexander Shabalov, Pavel Eljanov, Ernesto Inarkiev, Boris Savchenko, Alexei Shirov, and Boris Gelfand have qualified via the ACP Tour, while Anatoly Karpov, Judit Polgar, and Yuri Drozdovskij received wild cards from the organizers. The standings for the ACP Tour 2006/07 are available at The official site of the event:

83rd Hastings International Congress

The Celebration 83rd Hastings International Congress takes place 28 December 2007 to 6 January 2008. This includes a 10 round Master Swiss, and an open FIDE Rated tournament 5-6 January. Celebrating what? The lives of the many people who have died within the past four years, who have so enriched the chess scene with their work.

Full details Contact: Con Power

83rd Hastings International Congress 28 xii 2007 - 6 i 2008
MALAKHATKO Vadim BEL gm 2603
GEORGIEV Vladimir MKD gm 2576
MAMEDOV Nidjat AZE gm 2575
JONES Gawain ENG gm 2567
NEVEROV Valeriy UKR gm 2558
HEBDEN Mark ENG gm 2542
CONQUEST Stuart ENG gm 2540
TAHIROV Farhad AZE gm 2540
PERT Nicholas ENG gm 2539
PAVLOVIC Milos SRB gm 2536
HOWELL David ENG gm 2527
HASLINGER Stewart ENG gm 2502
LALIC Bogdan CRO gm 2500
FLEAR Glenn ENG gm 2493
ELTAJ Safarli AZE im 2487
GORMALLY Daniel ENG gm 2484
WILLIAMS Simon ENG im 2475
SENGUPTA Deep IND im 2447
SIMUTOWE Amon ZAM gmc 2446
GREET Andrew ENG im 2441
ROY CHOWDHURY Saptarshi IND im 2418
CIUKSYTE Dagne ENG im/wgm 2411
HOUSKA Jovanka ENG im/wgm 2404
SATYAPRAGYAN Swayangsu IND im 2404

50th Reggio Emilia

The 50th "Torneo di Capodanno" in Reggio Emilia takes place December 29th 2007 - January 6th 2008. The tournament was created by Enrico Paoli, who organized it for many many years. The tournament will be played, as usual, in Hotel Astoria Mercure, with rounds starting at 2.30 pm (last round at 10.30 am). XVI FIDE cathegory, elo 2635 chief director Mrs Franca Dapiran. Main sponsors UNIPOL spa, STUDIO ALFA spa, VANETON srl, and ORLANDINI srl. Official commentator GM Croato Miso Cebalo.

Official site:

50th "Torneo di Capodanno" Reggio Emilia
December 29th 2007 - January 6th 2008
7 GM NI HUA 2641 CHI

Gibtelecom Chess Festival 2008

The 6th edition of Gibraltar's Gibtelecom Chess Festival will be held from 22nd-31st January 2008 at the Caleta Hotel, one of Gibraltar's best hotels. In previous years players of the quality of Alexei Shirov, Michael Adams and Nigel Short have played in the Masters section. Usually the Masters field includes at least 30 grandmasters. In 2008 the first prize in the Masters has gone up to £12,000 and the tournament is so strong at the top that it even offers a £2,000 prize for the best score by a player rated under 2600 (we think that might be unique worldwide) as well as the same amount for other rating categories down to sub-2200. There is also big money to be won in the Under 2250 (£1,500 first prize) and Under 1850 (£1,000 first prize) events. Even the relatively light-hearted evening events (which cost nothing to enter) have a combined prize fund of £1,200.

Full details and entry form:

6th Gibraltar Gibtelecom Chess Festival 22-31 i 2008
Grischuk Alexander RUS GM 2715
Wang Yue CHN GM 2703
Bu Xiang CHN GM 2692
Bologan Viktor MDA GM 2657
Georgiev Kiril BUL GM 2649
Nakamura Hikaru USA GM 2648
Beliavsky Alexander SLO GM 2646
Socko Bartosz POL GM 2646
Pengxiang Zhang CHN GM 2644
Hao Wang CHN GM 2643
Ni Hua CHN GM 2641
Areshchenko Alexander UKR GM 2638
Efimenko Zahar UKR GM 2624
Fridman Daniel GER GM 2621
Pelletier Yannick SUI GM 2609
Petrosian Tigran ARM GM 2604
Mikhalevski Victor ISR GM 2598
Malakhatko Vadim BEL GM 2596
Berg Emanuel SWE GM 2593
Sandipan Chanda IND GM 2593
Agdestein Simen SWE GM 2589
Akobian Varuzhan USA GM 2585
Ganguly SS IND GM 2585
Modiahki Mohamed QAT GM 2572
Jones Gawain ENG GM 2567
Persson Tiger SWE GM 2567
Felgaer Ruben ARG GM 2539
Chen Zhu QAT GM 2531
Cramling Pia SWE GM 2531
Zhao Xue CHN IMe 2530
Sulskis Sarunas LTU GM 2527
Gopal GN IND GMe 2520
Cabrera Alexis COL GM 2499
Speelman Jon ENG GM 2492
Dronavalli Harika IND IM 2480
Socko Monika POL IM 2473
Mohamed Al Sayed QTR IM 2469
Muzychuk Anna SLO WGM 2469
Cmylite Victoria LTU IM 2464
Stefanova Antoaneta BUL GM 2463
Zatonskih Anna USA IM 2458
Paehtz Elisabeth GER IM 2452
Zhukova Natalia UKR WGM 2452
Shen Ying CHN WGM 2450
Greet Andrew ENG IM 2441
Bellon Juan ESP GM 2434
Dzagnidze Nana GEO IM 2416
Van Haastert Edwin NED IM 2414
Butnorius Algimentas LTU GM 2413
Sachdev Tania IND WGM 2413
Houska Jovanka ENG IM 2404
Hammer Jon Ludvig NOR FM 2402
Bellin Robert ENG IM 2400
Nisha Mohota IND WGM 2398
Rendle Thomas ENG IM 2397
Foisor Ovidiu ROU IM 2397
Milliet Sophie FRA IM 2395
Foisor Cristina ROU IM 2388

Corus Wijk aan Zee 2008

The field for the 2008 Corus tournament in Wijk aan Zee has been announced at Five of the top 6 in the world are playing including the new World Champion Anand and new World number 2 Ivanchuk. Also Kramnik and Gelfand who finished 2nd in Mexico City. The full field for all tournaments is now available.

The Corus Chess Tournament 2008 will be held from 11-27 January 2008 in Wijk aan Zee. The tournament venue is the De Moriaan Community Centre

Corus Wijk aan Zee 2008 A-Group 11th-27th January 2008
Name Year of birth Rating W rnk
GM Viswanathan Anand 1969 2801 1
GM Vassily Ivanchuk 1969 2787 2
GM Vladimir Kramnik 1975 2785 3
GM Veselin Topalov 1975 2769 4
GM Peter Leko 1979 2755 5
GM Shakhryar Mamedyarov 1985 2752 7
GM Teymour Radjabov 1987 2742 8
GM Levon Aronian 1982 2741 9
GM Boris Gelfand 1968 2736 11
GM Michael Adams 1971 2729 13
GM Magnus Carlsen 1990 2714 17
GM Judit Polgar 1976 2708 20
GM Pavel Eljanov 1983 2681 30
GM Loek van Wely 1972 2680 32
Average rating: 2741 (based on October figures) Category: 20

Corus Wijk aan Zee 2008 B-Group 11th-27th January 2008
  Name Country Rating
GM Etienne Bacrot FRA 2695
GM Gabriel Sargissian ARM 2673
GM Ivan Cheparinov BUL 2670
GM Sergey Movsesian SLK 2670
GM Pentala Harikrishna IND 2668
GM Michal Krasenkow POL 2668
GM Nigel Short ENG 2649
GM Daniel Stellwagen NED 2639
GM Ian Nepomniachtchi RUS 2611
GM Koneru Humpy IND 2606
GM Erwin l'Ami NED 2577
GM Jan Smeets NED 2558
WGM Hou Yifan CHI 2502
IM Wouter Spoelman NED 2445
Average rating: 2617 (based on October figures) Category: 15

Corus Wijk aan Zee 2008 C-Group 11th-27th January 2008
Name (Country) Birth year Rating
GM Evgenij Miroshnichenko (Ukraine) 1978 2651
GM Fabiano Caruana (Italy) 1992 2594
GM Friso Nijboer (Netherlands) 1965 2559
IM Arik Braun (Germany) 1988 2541
GM Parimarjan Negi (India) 1993 2514
GM Dimitri Reinderman (Netherlands) 1972 2510
GM Efstratios Grivas (Greece) 1966 2509
GM John van der Wiel (Netherlands) 1959 2496
WGM Anna Ushenina (Ukraine) 1985 2486
GM Pontus Carlsson (Sweden) 1982 2481
WGM Irina Krush (USA) 1983 2475
GM Zhaoqin Peng (Netherlands) 1968 2419
IM Mark van der Werf (Netherlands) 1968 2389
Dennis Ruijgrok (Netherlands) 1985 2330
Average rating: 2497 (based on October figures) Category: 10

Corus Wijk aan Zee 2008 Honorary group 18th-27th January 2008 January 2008
  Name Country Rating
GM Viktor Kortchnoi SUI 2611
GM Jan Timman NED 2559
GM Ljubomir Ljubojevic SRB 2550
GM Lajos Portisch HUN 2530
Average rating: 2563 (based on October figures) Category: 13

Dutch Team Championship

The Dutch Team Championships take place 15th September 2007 - 17th May 2008.

Links: Dutch Chess Federation: - Meesterklasse Games side bar at:


The German Bundesliga for 2007-8 takes place 19th October 2007 - 20th April 2008. The first games were on Friday 19th October as part of the special round 7 - fixtures from this round are played before various weekend programs. Most of Rounds 3 and 4 took place 24th-25th November 2007 but the fixtures at Baden Baden take place on 15th-16th December. Rounds 5 and 6 took place 8th-9th December 2007 but there was also an extensive round 7 program on the Friday. The next games take place 8th-10th February 2008.

Official site: further coverage: and also at the national Federation site at: and statistics also at: Games from Baden Baden at:

Stockholm Ladies Open

The Stockholm Ladies Open tournament takes place 20th-25th March 2008. The prize money is over 100 000 Skr

The Invitation are in english, Dutch and Russian

25th Bled Chess Festival

The 25th Chess Festival BLED takes place 23rd February - 2nd March 2008 (the main event finishes 1st March which allows participation in other events around that time).


13th Euro Chessweek in Leutersdorf

The 13th Euro Chessweek in Leutersdorf (Germany) takes place 3rd-7th February 2008.

XXI Benidorm Open

The XXI Open Internacional de Ajedrez Villa de Benidorm 2008 Benidorm organised an international tournament 1977 till 1995 now it has returned second year. The event takes place 25nd April - 4st May 2008 (10 rounds). 35.000 Euros in prizes. Information: Mr. Alfonso Vilches Tel: +34 695 91 56 78. E-mail:

Official site:

Chess Classic Mainz 2008

The schedule for Chess Classic Mainz 2008 is now available. The event takes place 21st-28th July 2008 in Mainz/Germany.

In addition there is a Chess Classic Calendar for the next year, which will be available in the first week of December. It is a big format (420 x 594 mm) and shows the stars and the biggest moments of the 14 years tournament history. The copies are limited to 200 (39,- Euro plus delivery) plus 64 with an autograph of World Champion Vishy Anand (48,- Euro plus delivery). Contact for order:

Further details:

16th Donau Open

The 16th Donau Open takes place 26th-31st December 2007

Further details:

Icelandic Rapid Championships

The Icelandic Rapid Championships took place 18th-20th October 2007. Bragi and Björn Þorfinnsson will meet in the final in December which be on TV in Iceland.

Official site:

Games Festival Halkidiki 2008

Games Festival is a mass event organized for the third year in Halkidiki, Greece 28th April - 6th May 2008. The festival includes series of tournaments & exhibitions in prestigious sports like, chess, billiards, bridge, darts, streetbasketball and popular table games like scrabble, strategic games, pc games etc.

Official site:

28th Bethune Open

The Bethune chess club is preparing his 28th International Open, Hall Olof Palme, Commercial centre La Rotonde, Bethune, France (Pas-de-Calais) from December 26th-30th 2007. 9 rounds The tournament is divided in 2 tournaments: - Tournament A for players whose Elo rating is above or equal to 1600, 1st price : 1500 euros - Tournament B for players strictly below 1900, 1st price : 400 euros, Fischer pace 1h30+30s KO for each game in both tournaments. At least 6000 euros of prices, prices for Elo categories in both tournaments. Inscription fee : 40 euros (adults), 20 euros (youngsters under 20), free for IM, GM and FIDE Masters. Conditions for IM and GM and special conditions for GM>2600, contact us at

For more information visit:

Czech Chess Christmas 2007

The Czech Chess Christmas 2007 tournament takes place in Litomysl (CZE) 26th December 2007 - 1st January 2008

9th christmas chess FIDE tournament, swiss system of 9 round, rate of game 2 x 1,5h + 30s/move, prize fund 64.000 CZK (1st prize 20.000 CZK = 700 EUR), special conditions for IM, WGM and GM, New Year’s Eve programme. Contact: Proclient s.r.o., Jaroslav Fuksik, Svedska 3, 772 00 Olomouc, mobile: +420 608 364 664, e-mail:,

Further details:

Hungarian Chess Tournaments October 2007 - March 2008

1. 6th-19th of October 2007 FIRST SATURDAY Budapest GM-IM-FM, GM-IM-FM round robins (BERGER), 9 -13 games, GM-IM norm possibilities in Budapest, venue: Hungarian Chess Federation, Falk Miksa Str.10. 2nd floor. Organisation: Nagy Laszlo, FIDE International Chess Organizer /NL/, E-mail: Website: Other website: Phone-fax: +(361)-2632859, cellphone: +(36)-30-230-1914 /From 12:00 a.m. until midnight - Central European Time = GMT+1/

2. 24th-31st of October, HÉVÍZ Open - 200 km West from Budapest, 9 rounds Swiss, org: IM Rigo,

3. 22nd-30th of October KECSKEMET, IM Berger tmt, org: Dr.Erdelyi, Tamas, e-mail:

Website: Usually also in the second half of the month IM tmt-s in Kecskemet. 100 km South-East from Budapest.

4. 3rd-15th of November, FS GM-IM-FM Budapest, org.:NL

5. 15th-23rd of November, XXXI. TENKES CUP, 9 round Swiss Open, Harkany, 300 km South-West from Budapest, org: Mr.FULOP, Csaba, e-mail:


6. 1st-13th of December, FS GM-IM-FM, Budapest, org.NL

7. 15th-21st of Dec, Kecskemet, IM tmt

8. 27th Dec- 5th Jan Kecskemet IM tmt,

9. 11th-19th of January 2008 Open in Budapest, Season opening, org: IA FAZEKAS, György, e-mail:

10. 19th-28th of January - IM tmt, Kecskemet

11. 2nd-15th of February - First Saturday Budapest,

12. 16th-25th of February - IM tmt Kecskemet,

13. 1st-13rd of March - First Saturday Budapest,

14. 21st-29th of March - Budapest Spring Festival Open, org.: Nagy Laszlo

Halkidiki Chess Festival 2008

The Halkidiki Chess Festival takes place in Kallithea, 28th April - 5 May 2008.

The Organizing Committee of the Halkdiki Chess Festival 2008. Tel/fax: +30 2310 865778 - e-mail: V.Olgas 285, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Official site:

Moscow Open 2008

The 4th International Chess Festival Moscow Open 2008 takes place 2nd-10th February 2008. Venue - the Russian State Social University. Minimal gartanted prize fund of full festival is RUR 5 000 000 (nearly EUR 150 000 or USD 200 000, two times more than in 2007!) There are Open “A” (for all, 1st prize RUR 500 000 - also possible to play 6- or 7 days like last two years), Open “B” (<2300, 1st RUR 150 000), Women Open (new! 1st prize RUR 150 000), open tournaments for school chidrens (qualify for World School Ch). Conditions for GMs 2600+ and best rated women GMs will be given probably, for GMs 2550+ it’s still unclear. More details in the middle of September. Some days later (13-22.2) “Aeroflot Open 2008” will start. As preparation to the World Mind Games in China – 2008 there are probably "Moscow Open Mind Games 2008" - Chess 960, Bridge, Go, Shogi, Damen tournaments etc. Some days later (13-22.2) “Aeroflot Open 2008” will start.


Further details:

Etienne Bacrot's Website

Etienne Bacrot has a website at: giving news about himself, some comments on recent events including the World Championships in Mexico City etc. Worth check out.

1st South Bohemia Open

1st SOUTH BOHEMIA OPEN 2007 International Chess Festival which takes place in one of the most beautiful Czech towns – Cesky Krumlov on 13.-20.10. 2007. Open FIDE, active chess and blitz tournament are part of the festival.


32nd Kings Head Rapidplay

The 32nd Kings Head Rapidplay takes place Saturday 5 April 2008 start time 11:00, details below: 6-round Swiss rapidplay (30 minutes), prize fund £700

The Porchester Hall Porchester Road Bayswater London W2 5HS

Contact: Colin Mackenzie 9 Allan Way Acton London W3 0PW 020 8992 1849

Further details;

10th European Senior Team-Championship

10th European Senior Team-Championship take place 11th-19th February 2008 in RAMADA-Hotel in Dresden.

Further info contact: ZMD Schachfestival Dresden e.V., Oskar-Mai-Straße 6, D-01159 Dresden, Fon +49 (0)351 416 16 29, Fax: +49 (0)351 416 16 39 Dr. Gerhard Schmidt, Hepkestraße 131, D-01277 Dresden, Fon +49 (0)351 251 34 20, E-Mail:

XXXVII Rilton Cup

XXXVII Rilton Cup takes place 27th December 2007 – 5th January 2008 in Mälarsalen. Münchenbryggeriet, Torkel Knutssonsgatan 2, Stockholm, SWEDEN Stockholm Chess Federation welcomes all chess players to the 37th Rilton Cup. This year’s tournament, with a prize fund of more than SEK 200 000 (about 22 000 euro) will be played in three groups: Rilton Cup, Rilton Elo and Rilton Open (Rilton Open is only open for Nordic players with a rating lower than national 1800). Rilton Cup and Rilton ELO is Elo registrated Rilton Cup and Rilton Elo plays 9 rounds Fide Swiss. The first round starts at 13:00 on the 27th of December and the following rounds start at 11:00 every day until the 5th of January. The 1st of January (New Year’s Day) is free. Send your entry by mail, fax or e-mail, not later than the 17th of December to Stockholm Chess Federation, attention “Rilton Cup”. Mobile telephones or computers are not allowed in the playing hall. Rilton Cup Open for players with an Elo rating or national rating >= 2200. Reflection time: 40 moves in two hours, 20 moves in one hour and 30 minutes for the rest of the game.

Entry fees: 800 SEK, 400 for FM, 300 for players born 1987 or later. IGM and IM free. Prizes (SEK): 1st 20 000 2nd 16 000 3rd 12 000 4th 10 000 5th 8 000 6th 6 000 7:th 5 000 8th 4 000 9th 3 000 10th 3 000 10th 3 000 Rating prizes: 3 000, 2 000 and 1000 (not for GMs and IMs). Prizemoney is not divided. Rilton Elo Open for all players with a n Elo rating or national rating up to 2199. Reflection time: 40 moves in two hours, then one hour for the rest of the game. Entry fees: 600 SEK, 400 for FM, 300 for players born 1987 or later. Prizes (SEK): 1st 8 000 2nd 5000 3rd 3 000 4th 2 000 5th 1 000 6th 500 Rating prizes: 3 000, 2 000 and 1000 Prizemoney is not divided.

Stockholms Schackförbund Hornsgatan 82 118 21 Stockholm Tel: 08-669 36 54 Mobil: 073-613 19 73 Fax: 08-669 64 44 Spellokal: 08-668 21 35 (under turneringen)

Further details:

Alex Brunetti's TotoScacco Site

Alex Brunetti's TotoScacco Site allows predictions for current chess tournaments.

Sydney International Open 2008

The 2008 Sydney International Open takes place at Parramatta Town Hall 25th-29th March 2008. Free accommodation and modest conditions are offered to GMs. All enquiries to the Tournament Organiser, FM Brian Jones, at


ICC and FICS client for mobile phones

Mats Luthman has written a program that connects to ICC and FICS, compatable with many modern mobile phones. I've been looking for something like this for a while for watching live tournaments if I'm out and about. Its a nice free solution, you can also play but I haven't tried that.
