THE WEEK IN CHESS 667 20th August 2007 by Mark Crowther

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Mark Crowther
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1) Introduction
2) Chess Classic Mainz
3) 5th Gyorgy Marx Memorial
4) 5th Staunton Memorial
5) Euwe Stimulus Arnhem
6) French Championships
7) First Saturday August
8) Olomouc Chess Festival
9) I.B.C.A. European Individual Championship
10) New England Masters
11) World Youth Under-16 Olympiad
12) Ptuj Open
13) Abudhabi Chess Festival
14) Callao Open Peru
15) Spiltan Fonder IM
16) Austrian Championships
17) 37th Continental Open
18) Tsiolkovsky Memorial
19) 35th Annual World Open
20) CECLUB Primera Division Norte
21) NH Chess Tournament
22) IGB 4th Dato' Arthur Tan Malaysia Open
23) Kavala Open
24) Forthcoming Events and Links


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Games section

Chess Classic Mainz              130 games
5th Gyorgy Marx Memorial           6 games
5th Staunton Memorial             30 games
Euwe Stimulus Arnhem              20 games
French Championships              42 games
First Saturday August             55 games
Olomouc Chess Festival           370 games
IBCA European Individual         190 games
New England Masters              133 games
World Youth Under-16 Olympiad    678 games
Ptuj Open                        205 games
Abudhabi Chess Festival          287 games
Callao Open Peru                 312 games
Spiltan Fonder IM                 45 games
Austrian Championships           189 games
Tsiolkovsky Memorial              27 games
35th Annual World Open           258 games
2967 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to James Alvis, Richard M. Reich, Stewart Reuben, Boris Zlender, Luiz Roberto Da Costa Jr, Chris Bird, Patricia Claros Aguilar, Harry Schaack, George Mastrokoukos, Geert van Tongeren, Andrew Ooi, Gérard Demuydt, Dave Clayton, Steve Giddins, Peter Doggers, George Mirijanian, Miklos Orso, Lennarth Eriksson, Ilgar Bajarani, Fred Lucas, Videki Sandor, Chris Ross, Asbjorn Nejman, Videki Sandor, Jan Juul Nielsen, Mehrdad Pahlevanzadeh, Harald Grafenhofer, Patricia Claros Aguilar, Wojciech Bartelski and everyone else who helped with the issue.

Viswanathan Anand won the rapid part of the 12th Grenkeleasing Rapid World Championship beating Levon Aronian 2.5-1.5 in the final. Aronian had already defeated Anand in the 5th FiNet Chess960 World Championships. David Navara won 14th Ordix Open and should play the event next year. Vassily Ivanchuk's run of form didn't quite continue as he finished an also ran with an undefeated +6=5 score.

Hope you enjoy this issue.


2) Chess Classic Mainz

The Chess Classic Mainz took place August 13th-19th 2007 at the Rheingoldhalle in Mainz. Viswanathan Anand beat Levon Aronian in the final (and also won the preliminary) section of the 12th Grenkeleasing Rapid World Championship. Etienne Bacrot and Rustam Kasimdzhanov shared 3rd place after drawing their match. David Navara won the 14th Ordix Open on tie-break he had a point lead going into the final round but lost his only game to Sasikiran but still won the event. There were numerous chess960 events with Aronian beating Anand in a blitz tie-break to take the world title.

The chess960 games don't work well with most database programs because of the unusual castling rules for each position, the only way to give them is to split them up into usually three parts around the castling moves. Some programs can read the games and they're downloadable from the official site and also displayed in viewers.

Official site:

12th Grenkeleasing
Rapid World Championship

Preliminary Stages 
Round 1 (August 17, 2007)

Anand, Viswanathan    -  Kasimdzhanov, Rustam  1-0   45  C92  Ruy Lopez Chigorin
Aronian, Levon        -  Bacrot, Etienne       1-0   22  D15  Slav Defence

Round 2 (August 17, 2007)

Anand, Viswanathan    -  Aronian, Levon        1-0   40  C84  Ruy Lopez Centre Attack
Kasimdzhanov, Rustam  -  Bacrot, Etienne       0-1   72  C88  Ruy Lopez Closed

Round 3 (August 17, 2007)

Aronian, Levon        -  Kasimdzhanov, Rustam  1/2   52  D45  Anti-Meran Variations
Bacrot, Etienne       -  Anand, Viswanathan    1/2   37  C89  Ruy Lopez Marshall

Round 4 (August 18, 2007)

Kasimdzhanov, Rustam  -  Anand, Viswanathan    1/2   62  D43  Anti-Meran Gambit
Bacrot, Etienne       -  Aronian, Levon        0-1   45  C24  Bishop's Opening

Round 5 (August 18, 2007)

Aronian, Levon        -  Anand, Viswanathan    1/2   25  E00  Catalan
Bacrot, Etienne       -  Kasimdzhanov, Rustam  0-1   42  D43  Anti-Meran Gambit

Round 6 (August 18, 2007)

Anand, Viswanathan    -  Bacrot, Etienne       1/2   17  C41  Philidor's Defence
Kasimdzhanov, Rustam  -  Aronian, Levon        1/2   35  E37  Nimzo Indian 4.Qc2

Chess Classic Rapid Prelim Mainz GER (GER), 17-18 viii 2007cat. XX (2730)
                                    1  2  3  4 
1 Anand, Viswanathan    g IND 2792 ** 1= 1= ==  4.0  2834
2 Aronian, Levon        g ARM 2750 0= ** == 11  3.5  2780
3 Kasimdzhanov, Rustam  g UZB 2683 0= == ** 01  2.5  2688
4 Bacrot, Etienne       g FRA 2695 == 00 10 **  2.0  2616


Anand, Viswanathan  -  Aronian, Levon      1/2   24  C84  Ruy Lopez Centre Attack
Aronian, Levon      -  Anand, Viswanathan  1/2   33  E20  Nimzo Indian
Anand, Viswanathan  -  Aronian, Levon      1/2   31  C88  Ruy Lopez Closed
Aronian, Levon      -  Anand, Viswanathan  0-1   68  E05  Catalan

Chess Classic Rapid Final Mainz GER (GER), 19-19 viii 2007
                                  1   2   3   4 
Anand, Viswanathan g  IND 2792    =   =   =   1   2.5  2845
Aronian, Levon     g  ARM 2750    =   =   =   0   1.5  2705

3rd-4th Playoff

Kasimdzhanov, Rustam  -  Bacrot, Etienne       0-1   62  D36  QGD Exchange
Bacrot, Etienne       -  Kasimdzhanov, Rustam  1/2   50  D11  Slav Defence
Kasimdzhanov, Rustam  -  Bacrot, Etienne       1-0   50  C88  Ruy Lopez Closed
Bacrot, Etienne       -  Kasimdzhanov, Rustam  1/2   38  D11  Slav Defence

Chess Classic Rapid 3rd-4th Mainz GER (GER), 19-19 viii 2007
                                    1   2   3   4 
Bacrot, Etienne      g  FRA 2695    1   =   0   =   2.0  2683
Kasimdzhanov, Rustam g  UZB 2683    0   =   1   =   2.0  2695

14th Ordix Open Mainz GER (GER), 18-19 viii 2007
Pl   Player                   ELO  NAT  + = 0  Pts  PktS  MiBuch
 1.  GM Navara,David          2656 CZE  9 1 1  9,5  63,0  71,5
 2.  GM Mchedlishvili,Mikhail 2624 GEO  8 3 0  9,5  57,5  66,0
 3.  GM Sasikiran,Krishnan    2674 IND  9 1 1  9,5  56,0  67,0
 4.  GM Petrosian,Tigran L.   2613 ARM  8 2 1  9,0  58,0  72,0
 5.  GM Bologan,Victor        2650 MDA  7 4 0  9,0  58,0  69,5
 6.  GM Pentala,Harikrishna   2664 IND  8 2 1  9,0  57,0  67,0
 7.  GM Almasi,Zoltan         2682 HUN  7 4 0  9,0  56,5  70,0
 8.  GM Drozdovskyy,Yuriy     2572 UKR  8 2 1  9,0  56,0  65,0
 9.  GM Moiseenko,Alexander   2641 UKR  7 4 0  9,0  55,0  67,5
10.  GM Nielsen,Peter-Heine   2638      7 4 0  9,0  54,5  66,0
11.  GM Volokitin,Andrej      2698 UKR  9 0 2  9,0  54,0  66,5
12.  IM Seel,Christian        2495      9 0 2  9,0  54,0  65,5
13.  GM Khenkin,Igor          2602      7 3 1  8,5  56,5  67,0
14.  GM Ivantschuk,Vassili    2766 UKR  6 5 0  8,5  56,0  70,0
15.  GM Karjakin,Sergey       2678 UKR  7 3 1  8,5  55,0  66,5
16.  GM Horvath,Adam          2491 HUN  8 1 2  8,5  53,5  70,5
17.  GM Bareev,Evgeny         2653      6 5 0  8,5  53,5  66,0
18.  GM Kamsky,Gata           2717 USA  8 1 2  8,5  53,5  64,5
19.  GM Lalic,Bogdan          2509 CRO  7 3 1  8,5  52,5  63,5
20.  IM Schaefer,Markus       2411      7 3 1  8,5  51,5  65,5
21.  GM Vogt,Lothar           2473      8 1 2  8,5  51,5  63,0
22.  IM Smerdon,David         2461 AUS  8 1 2  8,5  50,0  60,0
23.  FM Becking,Stephan       2387      8 1 2  8,5  48,0  60,0
24.  GM Sargissian,Gabriel    2667 ARM  7 2 2  8,0  57,0  68,5
25.  GM Burmakin,Vladimir     2592 RUS  6 4 1  8,0  55,5  67,5
26.  GM Gyimesi,Zoltan        2607 HUN  6 4 1  8,0  55,0  67,0
26.  GM Lysyj,Igor            2578 RUS  6 4 1  8,0  55,0  67,0
28.  GM Iljin,Artem           2569 RUS  7 2 2  8,0  54,5  71,5
29.  GM Meier,Georg           2552      7 2 2  8,0  54,5  67,5
30.  GM Döttling,Fabian       2537      6 4 1  8,0  54,0  70,0
31.  GM Ruck,Robert           2563 HUN  6 4 1  8,0  53,5  66,5
32.  GM Akopian,Vladimir      2708 ARM  7 2 2  8,0  53,0  69,5
33.  GM Grischuk,Alexander    2726 RUS  7 2 2  8,0  53,0  66,0
34.  GM Shirov,Alexey         2735 ESP  6 4 1  8,0  52,5  67,5
35.  GM Landa,Konstantin      2669 RUS  7 2 2  8,0  52,5  66,0
36.  GM Al-Modiahki,Mohamad   2563 QAT  7 2 2  8,0  52,5  65,5
37.  GM Naiditsch,Arkadij     2644      8 0 3  8,0  52,0  67,5
38.  GM Medvegy,Zoltan        2512 HUN  8 0 3  8,0  52,0  64,5
39.  GM Gashimov,Vugar        2655 AZE  7 2 2  8,0  52,0  63,0
40. WGM Sebag,Marie Rachel    2491 FRA  7 2 2  8,0  51,5  62,0
41.  IM Hausrath,Daniel       2494      7 2 2  8,0  51,0  65,0
41.     Kuklin,Valentin       2340 CZE  7 2 2  8,0  51,0  65,0
43.  GM Hort,Vlastimil        2471      7 2 2  8,0  50,0  64,5
44.     Zuyev,Igor            2265      8 0 3  8,0  50,0  61,5
45.  IM Leon Hoyos,Manuel     2484 MEX  8 0 3  8,0  50,0  61,0
46.  GM Ubilava,Elizbar       2540 ESP  6 4 1  8,0  50,0  61,0
47.  IM Meszaros,Tamas        2425 HUN  7 2 2  8,0  50,0  60,0
48.  IM Casper,Thomas         2421      8 0 3  8,0  49,0  64,0
49.  GM Zhu,Chen              2522 QAT  7 2 2  8,0  49,0  59,5
50.  IM Csiszar,Csaba         2430 HUN  8 0 3  8,0  49,0  59,0
51.  GM Sumets,Andrey         2529 UKR  7 2 2  8,0  49,0  59,0
52.  GM Ginsburg,Gennadij     2514      8 0 3  8,0  48,0  59,5
53.  GM Saltaev,Mihail        2522 UZB  7 2 2  8,0  47,5  58,0
54.  IM Boidman,Yuri          2444      8 0 3  8,0  47,0  57,0
55.  GM Farago,Ivan           2501 HUN  7 2 2  8,0  46,0  56,5
56.     Gazic,Josip           2278      8 0 3  8,0  45,0  58,5
57.     Upleger,Martin        2300      7 2 2  8,0  45,0  56,5
58.  GM Balogh,Csaba          2567 HUN  6 3 2  7,5  54,0  67,0
59.  GM Mamedyarov,Shakhriyar 2755 AZE  7 1 3  7,5  53,5  71,5
60.  GM Jenni,Florian         2527 SUI  7 1 3  7,5  53,0  66,5
61.  GM Vaganjan,Rafael Agred 2596 ARM  6 3 2  7,5  51,5  64,5
62.  GM Krivoshey,Sergei      2500 UKR  7 1 3  7,5  51,0  62,0
63.  GM Glek,Igor             2540      7 1 3  7,5  50,5  65,5
64.  IM Appel,Ralf            2512      6 3 2  7,5  50,5  64,0
65.  IM Sprenger,Jan Michael  2535      5 5 1  7,5  50,5  63,5
66.  GM Tregubov,Pavel        2599 RUS  6 3 2  7,5  50,5  61,0
67.  FM Meinhardt,Maximilian  2378      7 1 3  7,5  50,0  64,0
68.  IM Michiels,Bart         2454 BEL  6 3 2  7,5  49,5  60,0
69.  IM Hoffmann,Michael      2481      7 1 3  7,5  49,5  59,5
70.     Kabisch,Thilo         2241      6 3 2  7,5  49,0  64,5
71.  IM Milov,Leonid          2472      7 1 3  7,5  49,0  62,5
72.     Schneider,Ilja        2435      7 1 3  7,5  48,5  63,5
73.  IM Wippermann,Till       2430      7 1 3  7,5  48,0  62,0
74.  GM Horvath,Peter         2445 HUN  7 1 3  7,5  48,0  59,5
75.  IM Polzin,Rainer         2505      7 1 3  7,5  47,5  61,0
76.     Mayer,Frank 1         2331      7 1 3  7,5  47,5  60,0
77.  GM Negi,Parimarjan       2529 IND  6 3 2  7,5  47,5  59,0
78.  IM Löffler,Stefan        2419      7 1 3  7,5  47,5  56,0
79.  GM Tischbierek,Raj       2487      7 1 3  7,5  46,5  58,5
80.  FM Tereick,Benjamin      2404      6 3 2  7,5  46,5  58,5
80.  IM Solonar,Stefan        2359      6 3 2  7,5  46,5  58,5
82.     Savchenko,Vyacheslav  2423 UKR  7 1 3  7,5  46,5  56,5
83.  IM Schenk,Andreas        2508      7 1 3  7,5  46,0  61,5
84.  IM Richter,Michael       2399      7 1 3  7,5  46,0  61,0
85.  IM Medvegy,Nora          2369 HUN  5 5 1  7,5  46,0  60,5
86.  IM Zude,Arno             2447      7 1 3  7,5  46,0  57,0
87.  FM Beckhuis,Gernod       2338      6 3 2  7,5  45,5  59,0
88.     Morawietz,Dieter      2425      6 3 2  7,5  45,0  57,5
89.     Skovgaard,Peter       2251 DEN  7 1 3  7,5  44,5  59,5
90.  IM Donchenko,Anatoly     2375      6 3 2  7,5  44,5  58,5
91.     Kormann,Maxim         2147      6 3 2  7,5  44,0  59,0
92. WGM Cmilyte,Viktorija     2485 LTU  7 1 3  7,5  41,5  52,5
93. WGM Pähtz,Elisabeth       2457      7 1 3  7,5  38,5  49,0
762 players

Chess960 Events

5th FiNet Chess960
Rapid World Championship
14th-16th August 2007


1. Aronian      4,5
2. Anand        4,0
3. Bacrot       2,0
4. Kasimdzhanov 1,5

Final           1 2 3 4     Tiebreak
Aronian         1 ½ ½ 0   2 1,5
Anand           0 ½ ½ 1   2 0,5
3rd-4th Playoff 1 2 3 4 
Bacrot          ½ ½ 1 1   3
Kasimdzhanov    ½ ½ 0 0   1

6th FiNet Open 16th-17th August 2007
 1. GM Bologan,Victor          2650  MDA 9,5 57,5 66,0
 2. GM Kamsky,Gata             2717  USA 9,0 59,5 69,0
 3. GM Ivantschuk,Vassili      2766  UKR 9,0 57,0 66,0
 4. GM Volokitin,Andrej        2698  UKR 9,0 55,5 69,5
 5. GM Navara,David            2656  CZE 9,0 52,0 61,5
 6. GM Grischuk,Alexander      2726  RUS 8,5 54,0 67,5
 7. GM Sasikiran,Krishnan      2674  IND 8,5 54,0 65,5
 8. GM Gashimov,Vugar          2655  AZE 8,5 53,5 64,0
 9. GM Sargissian,Gabriel      2667  ARM 8,5 53,0 65,5
10. GM Bacrot,Etienne          2703  FRA 8,0 57,0 70,5
11. GM Almasi,Zoltan           2682  HUN 8,0 56,5 68,5
12. GM Karjakin,Sergey         2678  UKR 8,0 54,0 66,0
13. GM Petrosian,Tigran L.     2613  ARM 8,0 52,0 67,5
14. GM Jussupow,Artur          2583      8,0 51,5 65,0
15. GM Akopian,Vladimir        2708  ARM 8,0 51,0 63,5
16. GM Moiseenko,Alexander     2641  UKR 8,0 50,0 62,0
17. GM Tregubov,Pavel          2599  RUS 8,0 49,5 61,5
18. GM Burmakin,Vladimir       2592  RUS 8,0 46,0 54,0
19. GM Ruck,Robert             2563  HUN 8,0 45,5 59,5
20. GM Pentala,Harikrishna     2664  IND 7,5 51,0 63,0
21. GM Shirov,Alexey           2735  ESP 7,5 50,5 66,0
22. GM Döttling,Fabian         2537      7,5 49,5 67,0
23. GM Iljin,Artem             2569  RUS 7,5 49,5 61,0
24. GM Drozdovskyy,Yuriy       2572  UKR 7,5 48,5 59,0
25. GM Meier,Georg             2552      7,5 48,5 58,5
26. GM Gyimesi,Zoltan          2607  HUN 7,5 48,0 61,5
27. GM Mchedlishvili,Mikhail   2624  GEO 7,5 48,0 59,5
28. GM Landa,Konstantin        2669  RUS 7,5 47,5 60,0
29. GM Vaganjan,Rafael Agred   2596  ARM 7,5 47,5 59,5
30. GM Bischoff,Klaus          2535      7,5 47,5 58,5
31. GM Medvegy,Zoltan          2512  HUN 7,5 45,5 62,0
32. GM Al-Modiahki,Mohamad     2563  QAT 7,5 45,5 59,5
33. GM Jenni,Florian           2527  SUI 7,5 45,0 57,0
34. GM Farago,Ivan             2501  HUN 7,5 44,5 58,5
35. GM Ubilava,Elizbar         2540  ESP 7,5 44,5 57,5
36. IM Boidman,Yuri            2444      7,5 44,0 57,0
37. GM Meijers,Viesturs        2483  LAT 7,5 42,5 55,0
38. GM Mamedyarov,Shakhriyar   2755  AZE 7,0 50,0 66,5
39. GM Sumets,Andrey           2529  UKR 7,0 48,5 60,5
40. GM Naiditsch,Arkadij       2644      7,0 48,0 64,5
41. GM Balogh,Csaba            2567  HUN 7,0 47,5 61,0
42. GM Horvath,Adam            2491  HUN 7,0 47,0 62,5
43. GM Vogt,Lothar             2473      7,0 45,0 59,5
44. GM Akesson,Ralf            2477  SWE 7,0 45,0 59,0
45. IM Szabo,Krisztian         2482  HUN 7,0 44,5 61,5
46. FM Meinhardt,Maximilian    2378      7,0 44,5 60,0
47. GM Negi,Parimarjan         2529  IND 7,0 44,5 57,5
48. FM Vogler,Tillmann         2320      7,0 43,0 59,0
49. IM Siebrecht,Sebastian     2488      7,0 43,0 53,5
50. IM Smerdon,David           2461  AUS 7,0 42,0 58,0
280 players 

3rd Livingston Chess960
Computer World Championship
15th-17th August 2007

1. Deep Shredder 2,5
2. Rybka 1,5
3. Spike 1.3 MP 1,5
4. Jonny Mainz 0,5

1. Deep Shredder 4,0
2. Rybka 4,0
3. Spike 1.3 MP 3,0
4. Jonny Mainz 1,0

Final            1 2 3 4 
Deep Shredder    0 0 ½ - 0,5
Rybka            1 1 ½ - 2,5
3rd-4th Place    1 2 3 4 
Spike 1.3 MP     1 ½ 1 0 2,5
Jonny Mainz      0 ½ 0 1 1,5

3) 5th Gyorgy Marx Memorial

The 5th Gyorgy Marx Memorial takes place in Paks, Hungary 4th-15th August 2007. Peter Acs and Pentala Harikrishna finished on 6/10 with Acs taking first place as he scored the most wins. Korchnoi collapsed with only a half from 4 in the final rounds.

Official site:

Round 9 (August 14, 2007)

Harikrishna, P    -  Hou Yifan         1/2   57  E15  Queens Indian
Acs, Peter        -  Balogh, Csaba     1/2   42  A58  Volga Gambit
Berkes, Ferenc    -  Korchnoi, Viktor  1-0   47  D27  QGA

Round 10 (August 15, 2007)

Balogh, Csaba     -  Harikrishna, P    1/2   31  C88  Ruy Lopez Closed
Korchnoi, Viktor  -  Acs, Peter        0-1   31  D27  QGA
Hou Yifan         -  Berkes, Ferenc    1/2   26  B17  Caro Kann

V Gyorgy Marx Mem Paks HUN (HUN), 5-15 viii 2007cat. XIV (2582)
                                1  2  3  4  5  6 
1 Harikrishna, P    g IND 2664 ** 01 == == =1 1=  6.0  2637
2 Acs, Peter        g HUN 2530 10 ** 1= 0= 01 11  6.0  2664
3 Balogh, Csaba     g HUN 2568 == 0= ** 1= 1= 01  5.5  2620
4 Berkes, Ferenc    g HUN 2597 == 1= 0= ** 01 ==  5.0  2579
5 Korchnoi, Viktor  g SUI 2610 =0 10 0= 10 ** 1=  4.5  2540
6 Hou Yifan        wg CHN 2523 0= 00 10 == 0= **  3.0  2444

4) 5th Staunton Memorial

The 5th Staunton Memorial saw six Dutch and six English players compete in a single round robin event. The event as last year, was supported by the Dutch chess enthusiast Jan Mol. Michael Adams took clear first place by a point from Ivan Sokolov and Loek van Wely.

Official site:

5th Staunton Mem London ENG (ENG), 7-18 viii 2007     cat. XIII (2557)
                                    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Adams, Michael      g ENG 2724  * = = 1 1 1 = 1 = = 1 1  8.5  2753 
 2. Sokolov, Ivan NED   g NED 2666  = * = = 1 = 1 = 1 1 0 1  7.5  2680 
 3. Van Wely, Loek      g NED 2680  = = * 0 1 = = 1 1 = 1 1  7.5  2679 
 4. Jones, Gawain C B   g ENG 2526  0 = 1 * 0 = = 1 0 1 1 1  6.5  2625 
 5. Werle, Jan          g NED 2552  0 0 0 1 * 1 = 1 1 = = 1  6.5  2622 
 6. Smeets, Jan         g NED 2538  0 = = = 0 * = 1 1 1 1 =  6.5  2624 
 7. L'Ami, Erwin        g NED 2598  = 0 = = = = * 0 = = 1 =  5.0  2517 
 8. Timman, Jan H       g NED 2560  0 = 0 0 0 0 1 * 1 = 1 1  5.0  2521 
 9. Wells, Peter K      g ENG 2517  = 0 0 1 0 0 = 0 * 1 = =  4.0  2459 
10. Speelman, Jon S     g ENG 2511  = 0 = 0 = 0 = = 0 * = =  3.5  2428 
11. McNab, Colin A      g SCO 2416  0 1 0 0 = 0 0 0 = = * =  3.0  2395 
12. Houska, Jovanka     m ENG 2401  0 0 0 0 0 = = 0 = = = *  2.5  2360 

Round 7 (August 13, 2007)

Adams, Michael     -  Jones, Gawain C B  1-0   40  B22  Sicilian Alapin
Sokolov, Ivan NED  -  Houska, Jovanka    1-0   48  D61  Queens Gambit Main Line with 7.Qc2
Van Wely, Loek     -  Wells, Peter K     1-0   37  E32  Nimzo Indian 4.Qc2
Timman, Jan H      -  Smeets, Jan        0-1   44  D48  Queens Gambit Meran
Speelman, Jon S    -  Werle, Jan         1/2   18  E19  Queens Indian
McNab, Colin A     -  L'Ami, Erwin       0-1   39  D78  Gruenfeld 3.g3

Round 8 (August 15, 2007)

Jones, Gawain C B  -  McNab, Colin A     1-0   52  B09  Pirc Defence
Werle, Jan         -  Smeets, Jan        1-0   25  D44  Anti-Meran Gambit
L'Ami, Erwin       -  Sokolov, Ivan NED  0-1   25  D15  Slav Defence
Wells, Peter K     -  Timman, Jan H      0-1   31  A09  Reti Opening
Speelman, Jon S    -  Adams, Michael     1/2   17  A46  Queen's Pawn Opening
Houska, Jovanka    -  Van Wely, Loek     0-1   58  B85  Sicilian Scheveningen

Round 9 (August 16, 2007)

Adams, Michael     -  Werle, Jan         1-0   37  B46  Sicilian Paulsen
Sokolov, Ivan NED  -  Jones, Gawain C B  1/2   68  A57  Volga Gambit
Van Wely, Loek     -  L'Ami, Erwin       1/2   20  D43  Anti-Meran Gambit
Smeets, Jan        -  Wells, Peter K     1-0   34  B65  Sicilian Rauzer
Timman, Jan H      -  Houska, Jovanka    1-0   43  C78  Ruy Lopez Moeller Defence
McNab, Colin A     -  Speelman, Jon S    1/2   41  D75  Gruenfeld 3.g3

Round 10 (August 17, 2007)

Adams, Michael     -  McNab, Colin A     1-0   30  B06  Modern Defence
Jones, Gawain C B  -  Van Wely, Loek     1-0   25  B23  Sicilian Closed
Werle, Jan         -  Wells, Peter K     1-0   42  B17  Caro Kann
L'Ami, Erwin       -  Timman, Jan H      0-1   52  E12  Queens Indian Petrosian
Speelman, Jon S    -  Sokolov, Ivan NED  0-1   38  A07  Barcza System
Houska, Jovanka    -  Smeets, Jan        1/2   62  B83  Sicilian Scheveningen

Round 11 (August 18, 2007)

Sokolov, Ivan NED  -  Adams, Michael     1/2   45  E13  Queens Indian 5.Bg5
Van Wely, Loek     -  Speelman, Jon S    1/2   24  D37  QGD 5.Bf4
Smeets, Jan        -  L'Ami, Erwin       1/2   20  C45  Scotch Game
Timman, Jan H      -  Jones, Gawain C B  0-1   38  E94  King's Indian Classical
Wells, Peter K     -  Houska, Jovanka    1/2   25  D60  Queens Gambit
McNab, Colin A     -  Werle, Jan         1/2   60  A81  Dutch Leningrad

5) Euwe Stimulus Arnhem

The Euwe Stimulus tournament takes place in Arnhem, Netherlands 17th-26th August 2007.

Players: GMs Barua, Panno, Fridrik Olafsson and Gaprindashvili, IMs Simutowe, Willy Hendriks, Ziska and Puchen Wang, WGM Bianca Muhren and 17-year-old Dutch talent Vincent Rothuis.

There is also a comprehensive exhibition of Dutch Chess art alongside the event.

In the summer of 2005, Margreet Wevers and Geert van Tongeren (both coming from and living in The Netherlands) got the idea to do something with the combination of chess and art. They called this project and the company: Schaakkunst (schaak=chess and kunst=art). Schaakkunst made contact with several artists who use the theme chess in their work Schaakkunst organized his first exhibition in April of 2006. After that there was a fast progress. Meanwhile they are often present at chess-tournaments with few or many works of chess-art. Organizations of tournaments are very pleased with this, because players and visitors can see more than only the combat at the chessboard. For example: Schaakkunst was present in Hilversum during the Dutch Championship Chess and they were present at the Corus Chess Tournament in January of 2007. In the meantime about 14 more artists did join this original initiative. With the new artists and their chess-art, became a large site with many various art-works. Most of the work shown is for sale and can be found at the (also in English) online shop At this shop one can find beautiful chess-sets and many smaller articles, like calendars, artprints, chess-art-wine, etc. All nice things to get or give as a present. Specially for clubs and company's, Schaakkunst design and produce chess-notation-booklets, diary's and so on, according the wishes of the client.

Official site:

Euwe Stimulans Arnhem NED (NED), 17-26 viii 2007        cat. VII (2409)
                                         1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Simutowe, Amon          m ZAM 2421  * . 1 1 . 1 . . . 1  4.0       
 2. Barua, Dibyendu         g IND 2462  . * . . . 0 1 . 1 1  3.0  2635 
 3. Gaprindashvili, Nona1   g GEO 2364  0 . * . . . 1 1 . =  2.5  2507 
 4. Wang Puchen             f NZL 2348  0 . . * . 1 . . = 1  2.5  2529 
 5. Ziska, Helgi Dam        m FAI 2392  . . . . * = 0 1 = .  2.0  2415 
 6. Hendriks, Willy         m NED 2420  0 1 . 0 = * . . . .  1.5  2318 
 7. Olafsson, Fridrik       g ISL 2452  . 0 0 . 1 . * = . .  1.5  2301 
 8. Muhren, Bianca         wg NED 2334  . . 0 . 0 . = * 1 .  1.5  2329 
 9. Panno, Oscar            g ARG 2457  . 0 . = = . . 0 * .  1.0  2191 
10. Rothuis, Vincent          NED 2441  0 0 = 0 . . . . . *  0.5  2076 

Round 1 (August 17, 2007)

Barua, Dibyendu        -  Rothuis, Vincent       1-0   26  B13  Caro Kann Exchange
Wang Puchen            -  Simutowe, Amon         0-1   50  E20  Nimzo Indian
Ziska, Helgi Dam       -  Hendriks, Willy        1/2   18  B07  Pirc Defence
Olafsson, Fridrik      -  Gaprindashvili, Nona1  0-1   25  A41  Modern Defence
Muhren, Bianca         -  Panno, Oscar           1-0   26  B22  Sicilian Alapin

Round 2 (August 18, 2007)

Gaprindashvili, Nona1  -  Simutowe, Amon         0-1   57  E20  Nimzo Indian
Hendriks, Willy        -  Barua, Dibyendu        1-0   66  C02  French Advance
Olafsson, Fridrik      -  Muhren, Bianca         1/2   28  B85  Sicilian Scheveningen
Panno, Oscar           -  Ziska, Helgi Dam       1/2   34  E67  King's Indian Fianchetto
Rothuis, Vincent       -  Wang Puchen            0-1   41  D45  Anti-Meran Variations

Round 3 (August 19, 2007)

Simutowe, Amon         -  Rothuis, Vincent       1-0   20  A31  English Symmetrical
Barua, Dibyendu        -  Panno, Oscar           1-0   39  B33  Sicilian Sveshnikov
Wang Puchen            -  Hendriks, Willy        1-0   40  B25  Sicilian Closed
Ziska, Helgi Dam       -  Olafsson, Fridrik      0-1   41  B40  Sicilian Classical
Muhren, Bianca         -  Gaprindashvili, Nona1  0-1   75  B00  Owen or Nimzowitsch Defence

Round 4 (August 20, 2007)

Gaprindashvili, Nona1  -  Rothuis, Vincent       1/2   53  E66  King's Indian Fianchetto
Hendriks, Willy        -  Simutowe, Amon         0-1   61  D40  Semi-Tarrasch Defence
Olafsson, Fridrik      -  Barua, Dibyendu        0-1   26  D46  Semi-Slav Defence
Muhren, Bianca         -  Ziska, Helgi Dam       0-1   46  B87  Sicilian Sozin Attack
Panno, Oscar           -  Wang Puchen            1/2   23  D46  Semi-Slav Defence

6) French Championships

The French Championships take place in Aix-les-Bains 13th-25th August 2007.

Official site: and news also at:

ch-FRA Aix-les-Bains FRA (FRA), 13-25 viii 2007             cat. XIII (2571)
                                          1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Tkachiev, Vladislav       g FRA 2655  * 1 . = . . = . 1 = = 1  5.0  2704 
 2. Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime   g FRA 2595  0 * . . 1 1 . = 1 . = 1  5.0  2720 
 3. Sokolov, Andrei1          g FRA 2582  . . * = . = 1 = = . 1 1  5.0  2702 
 4. Dorfman, Josif D          g FRA 2584  = . = * 1 0 = . . = 1 .  4.0  2626 
 5. Bauer, Christian          g FRA 2626  . 0 . 0 * = . 1 = . 1 1  4.0  2598 
 6. Degraeve, Jean-Marc       g FRA 2520  . 0 = 1 = * 1 . 0 = . .  3.5  2583 
 7. Fontaine, Robert          g FRA 2567  = . 0 = . 0 * = . 1 1 .  3.5  2581 
 8. Fressinet, Laurent        g FRA 2646  . = = . 0 . = * = = . 1  3.5  2564 
 9. Vaisser, Anatoly          g FRA 2544  0 0 = . = 1 . = * . . =  3.0  2532 
10. Nataf, Igor-Alexandre     g FRA 2588  = . . = . = 0 = . * = =  3.0  2510 
11. Renet, Olivier            g FRA 2498  = = 0 0 0 . 0 . . = * .  1.5  2369 
12. Guidarelli, Laurent       m FRA 2450  0 0 0 . 0 . . 0 = = . *  1.0  2296 

7) First Saturday August

The First Saturday tournaments for August took place 6th-16th August 2007. Bui Vinh won the GM event with 7/10.

Official site:

FSGM August Budapest HUN (HUN), 6-16 viii 2007       cat. VIII (2444)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
 1. Bui Vinh             m VIE 2466  * 0 = 1 = = = 1 1 1 1  7.0  2590 
 2. Vajda, Levente       g ROM 2547  1 * = 0 = = 1 = 1 = 1  6.5  2543 
 3. Kosic, Dragan        g MNE 2501  = = * 0 = = = 1 1 = =  5.5  2474 
 4. Berczes, David       m HUN 2450  0 1 1 * = = 1 0 0 1 0  5.0  2443 
 5. Fogarasi, Tibor      g HUN 2425  = = = = * = = = = = =  5.0  2445 
 6. Lorscheid, Gerhard   f GER 2309  = = = = = * = 1 0 0 =  4.5  2421 
 7. Bromberger, Stefan   m GER 2500  = 0 = 0 = = * = = 1 =  4.5  2402 
 8. Szabolcsi, Janos     m HUN 2376  0 = 0 1 = 0 = * 1 1 0  4.5  2414 
 9. Rajlich, Iweta       m POL 2406  0 0 0 1 = 1 = 0 * = 1  4.5  2411 
10. Papp, Gellert          HUN 2425  0 = = 0 = 1 0 0 = * 1  4.0  2373 
11. Lapshun, Yury        m USA 2479  0 0 = 1 = = = 1 0 0 *  4.0  2368 

FSIMA August Budapest HUN (HUN), 6-16 viii 2007           cat. II (2287)
                                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
 1. Pitl, Gregory          m GER 2387  * = = = = 1 1 1 = 1 1  7.5  2470 
 2. Radnai, Adam             HUN 2252  = * 1 0 0 = 1 1 = 1 1  6.5  2400 
 3. Arjun, Vishnuvardhan     IND 2325  = 0 * = = = = 1 1 1 =  6.0  2355 
 4. Lang, Torsten          f GER 2374  = 1 = * 1 1 0 0 1 0 0  5.0  2278 
 5. Kadziolka, Beata      wg POL 2287  = 1 = 0 * = 0 1 = 0 1  5.0  2287 
 6. Izso, Daniel             HUN 2200  0 = = 0 = * 1 = 1 0 1  5.0  2296 
 7. Turzo, Attila          m HUN 2338  0 0 = 1 1 0 * 0 = 1 1  5.0  2282 
 8. Strunski, Andreas        GER 2203  0 0 0 1 0 = 1 * = 1 1  5.0  2295 
 9. Kahn, Evarth           m HUN 2347  = = 0 0 = 0 = = * 1 1  4.5  2245 
10. Torok, Sandor          f HUN 2306  0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 * 1  4.0  2213 
11. Mayer, Istvan          f HUN 2141  0 0 = 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 *  1.5  2005 

FSIMB August Budapest HUN (HUN), 6-16 viii 2007          cat. II (2277)
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
 1. Muranyi, Karl-Jasmin   f GER 2347  * = 1 1 1 0 1 1 = 1 1  8.0  2510 
 2. Torma, Robert          f HUN 2325  = * = 0 1 1 = = = 1 1  6.5  2382 
 3. Balog, Marton            HUN 2262  0 = * = = = = 1 1 1 1  6.5  2388 
 4. Gauri, Shankar           IND 2177  0 1 = * = = = 0 = 1 1  5.5  2323 
 5. Khairallah, Faisal     f LIB 2323  0 0 = = * = = = 1 1 1  5.5  2308 
 6. Farago, Sandor         m HUN 2296  1 0 = = = * = = 1 0 =  5.0  2275 
 7. Eperjesi, Laszlo       m HUN 2264  0 = = = = = * = = = =  4.5  2242 
 8. Magyar, Otto           f HUN 2304  0 = 0 1 = = = * = 0 =  4.0  2202 
 9. Koczo, Kristof           HUN 2251  = = 0 = 0 0 = = * = =  3.5  2170 
10. Cooke, Eric              USA 2213  0 0 0 0 0 1 = 1 = * 0  3.0  2134 
11. Lengyel, Bela          m HUN 2289  0 0 0 0 0 = = = = 1 *  3.0  2127 

8) Olomouc Chess Festival

The 10th International Chess Festival Olomouc Chess Summer took place in the city of Olomouc on 1st-9th August 2007. Closed GM and IM tournaments, closed FIDE tournament, FIDE open, seniors tournament, active chess and blitz tournament are part of the festival. The main Valoz Cup was won by Emre Can. Games now available.

Internet coverage (results, games, photos) -

Valoz Cup GMA Olomouc CZE (CZE), 1-9 viii 2007           cat. VIII (2432)
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Can, Emre             m TUR 2411  * = 1 = 1 = = = 1 1 = 1  8.0  2609 
 2. Malinovsky, Karel     f CZE 2334  = * = 1 = = = 0 = = 1 1  6.5  2506 
 3. Ismagambetov, Anuar   m KAZ 2479  0 = * 1 1 0 = = = 1 = 1  6.5  2492 
 4. Vorobiov, Evgeny E    g RUS 2572  = 0 0 * = = 1 1 = = 1 1  6.5  2484 
 5. Bernasek, Jan         m CZE 2517  0 = 0 = * = 1 = = 1 1 1  6.5  2489 
 6. Sulypa, Alexandre     g UKR 2478  = = 1 = = * = = = 0 = 1  6.0  2463 
 7. Grandelius, Nils        SWE 2271  = = = 0 0 = * = 1 1 1 0  5.5  2446 
 8. Zawadzka, Jolanta    wg POL 2354  = 1 = 0 = = = * = = 0 =  5.0  2403 
 9. Maslak, Konstantin    m RUS 2548  0 = = = = = 0 = * 0 1 1  5.0  2385 
10. Ibrayev, Nurlan       g KAZ 2468  0 = 0 = 0 1 0 = 1 * = 1  5.0  2392 
11. Zeberski, Jakub         POL 2437  = 0 = 0 0 = 0 1 0 = * =  3.5  2298 
12. Rogule, Laura        wg LAT 2316  0 0 0 0 0 0 1 = 0 0 = *  2.0  2180 

Jihlavanka Cup GMB Olomouc CZE (CZE), 1-9 viii 2007          cat. VIII (2427)
                                           1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Haznedaroglu, Kivanc       m TUR 2440  * = = = 1 1 = = 1 1 1 1  8.5  2637 
 2. Zakhartsov, Viacheslav V   g RUS 2559  = * = = = 1 = 1 1 1 1 =  8.0  2590 
 3. Maiorov, Nikita            m BLR 2487  = = * 1 0 0 = = 1 1 1 1  7.0  2523 
 4. Hasangatin, Ramil          g RUS 2476  = = 0 * = = 1 = 0 1 1 1  6.5  2487 
 5. Kraemer, Martin            m GER 2437  0 = 1 = * 0 = 1 1 = = 1  6.5  2491 
 6. Tikkanen, Hans             f SWE 2394  0 0 1 = 1 * 0 = 1 = = =  5.5  2430 
 7. Luch, Michal               m POL 2362  = = = 0 = 1 * = 0 0 = =  4.5  2368 
 8. Mankeyev, Rauan            f KAZ 2402  = 0 = = 0 = = * 1 = 0 0  4.0  2327 
 9. Sluka, Radek                 CZE 2354  0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 * = 1 =  4.0  2332 
10. Reutsky, Sergei            f RUS 2360  0 0 0 0 = = 1 = = * = =  4.0  2331 
11. Kanovsky, David            m CZE 2410  0 0 0 0 = = = 1 0 = * 1  4.0  2326 
12. Lechtynsky, Jiri           g CZE 2447  0 = 0 0 0 = = 1 = = 0 *  3.5  2292 

Proclient Cup IMA Olomouc CZE (CZE), 1-9 viii 2007        cat. II (2283)
                                      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Mihailovs, Jurijs      LAT 2317  * = = 1 = = 1 = 1 1 1 1  8.5  2490 
 2. Tibensky, Robert     m SVK 2433  = * 0 = 1 = 1 = 1 1 1 1  8.0  2443 
 3. Wiley, Tom E         f ENG 2318  = 1 * 0 = = = = 1 = 1 1  7.0  2381 
 4. Chytilek, Roman      m CZE 2396  0 = 1 * = 0 = = 1 1 1 1  7.0  2374 
 5. Bosman, Michiel      f NED 2333  = 0 = = * 1 = 1 1 1 = 0  6.5  2342 
 6. Nilsson, Sebastian     SWE 2218  = = = 1 0 * = = 0 = = 1  5.5  2288 
 7. Tuma, Jiri             CZE 2292  0 0 = = = = * = 1 = = 1  5.5  2281 
 8. Groetz, Harald       f AUT 2347  = = = = 0 = = * 0 = = 1  5.0  2240 
 9. Krupa, Monika       wm POL 2258  0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 * 1 1 1  5.0  2248 
10. Cernin, Radim        f CZE 2314  0 0 = 0 0 = = = 0 * = 1  3.5  2146 
11. Butuc, Maria        wf MDA 2082  0 0 0 0 = = = = 0 = * =  3.0  2125 
12. Musil, Vitezslav       CZE 2082  0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 = *  1.5  1991 

Agentura 64 Cup IMB Olomouc CZE (CZE), 1-9 viii 2007        cat. II (2297)
                                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Alaguzov, Maxat          KAZ 2200  * 1 1 0 1 0 = 1 = 1 1 1  8.0  2480 
 2. Tazbir, Marcin         f POL 2428  0 * = = 1 1 1 1 1 = 1 =  8.0  2459 
 3. Baryshpolets, Andrey   f UKR 2307  0 = * 1 0 1 1 = 1 1 1 1  8.0  2470 
 4. Lagerman, Robert       f ISL 2315  1 = 0 * 0 0 1 1 = = 1 1  6.5  2359 
 5. Talla, Vladimir        m CZE 2430  0 0 1 1 * 0 = = 1 = 1 1  6.5  2349 
 6. Zvara, Petr            f CZE 2440  1 0 0 1 1 * = 0 = 1 = =  6.0  2319 
 7. Kotan, Ladislav        m SVK 2279  = 0 0 0 = = * 1 1 = 1 1  6.0  2334 
 8. Kulovana, Eva         wf CZE 2276  0 0 = 0 = 1 0 * = 1 = 1  5.0  2262 
 9. Neerforth, Philipp       GER 2246  = 0 0 = 0 = 0 = * = = =  3.5  2168 
10. Chetverik, Maxim       m RUS 2347  0 = 0 = = 0 = 0 = * 0 1  3.5  2158 
11. Dauletova, Gulmira    wf KAZ 2210  0 0 0 0 0 = 0 = = 1 * 1  3.5  2171 
12. Klecker, Tadeas          CZE 2080  0 = 0 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 *  1.5  2007 

Ave-Kontakt Cup IMC Olomouc CZE (CZE), 1-9 viii 2007            cat. II (2292)
                                            1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Khamzin, Olzhas            f KAZ 2333  * = 1 = 1 0 = = 1 1 1 1  8.0  2463 
 2. Kireev, Aleksei            m RUS 2380  = * = 1 1 1 = = 0 = 1 1  7.5  2417 
 3. Klima, Lukas               m CZE 2405  0 = * = 1 = 1 = 1 = = 1  7.0  2384 
 4. Schneider-Zinner, Harald   f AUT 2296  = 0 = * 0 = 1 = 1 1 1 1  7.0  2394 
 5. Kaufman, Raymond           f USA 2310  0 0 0 1 * 1 1 = = 1 1 1  7.0  2392 
 6. Plat, Vojtech                CZE 2279  1 0 = = 0 * = = = 1 = 1  6.0  2329 
 7. Smith, Axel                  SWE 2284  = = 0 0 0 = * = 1 1 1 1  6.0  2329 
 8. Salai, Ladislav            m SVK 2378  = = = = = = = * = = 1 0  5.5  2284 
 9. Biolek, Richard jr           CZE 2250  0 1 0 0 = = 0 = * 1 1 1  5.5  2296 
10. Blazkova, Petra           wm CZE 2255  0 = = 0 0 0 0 = 0 * 1 =  3.0  2120 
11. Ni, Viktorija             wf LAT 2147  0 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 0 0 * 1  2.0  2043 
12. Sondermann, Johannes         GER 2192  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 = 0 *  1.5  1992 

FIDE Cup Olomouc CZE (CZE), 1-9 viii 2007
                                 1  2  3  4  5  6 
1 Parligras, Cosmin    ROM 2255 ** == 1= 1= 11 11  8.0  2339
2 Cagasik, Tomas       CZE 2238 == ** 10 11 01 11  7.0  2252
3 Sonter, Matthew      AUS 2183 0= 01 ** =1 =1 1=  6.0  2186
4 Bonacic, Nenad       GER 2152 0= 00 =0 ** 1= 11  4.5  2084
5 Hozda, David         CZE 2039 00 10 =0 0= ** 11  4.0  2071
6 Brooke, John ENG     ENG 1887 00 00 0= 00 00 **  0.5  1703

9) I.B.C.A. European Individual Championship

The I.B.C.A. European Individual Championship 2007 takes place at St Aiden's College in Durham from 13th to 24th August 2007.

The Braille Chess Association host the European Blind Individual Championship in Durham August 14th-23rd 2007. Play starting at 1.45 pm. except Monday (a rest day) and final day (11 am start) ) IM Colin Crouch is the main British contender and six others including Graham Lilley and Chris Ross will play.

Official site:

ch-Euro IBCA Durham (ENG), 14-23 viii 2007
                                                1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 
 1. Meshkov, Yuri A               m  RUS 2418  +55 +29 +20 + 7 + 6  .   .   .   .   5.0       
 2. Olsar, Jaroslav                  CZE 2279  +44 =16 +21 +17 +26  .   .   .   .   4.5  2457 
 3. Gunajew, Rafal                   POL 2249  +66 +28 + 5 =10 = 4  .   .   .   .   4.0  2428 
 4. Smirnov, Sergey N                RUS 2201  +59 +42 =12 +13 = 3  .   .   .   .   4.0  2409 
 5. Krylov, Sergey                m  RUS 2409  +49 +15 - 3 +32 +24  .   .   .   .   4.0  2404 
 6. Wassin, Sergej                f  UKR 2299  +58 +31 +18 +19 - 1  .   .   .   .   4.0  2375 
 7. Zsiltzova-Lisenko, Lubov      wm UKR 2284  +56 +32 +37 - 1 +19  .   .   .   .   4.0  2391 
 8. Berlinsky, Vladimir           m  RUS 2330  =51 +46 =16 +29 +18  .   .   .   .   4.0  2294 
 9. Dukaczewski, Piotr            m  POL 2339  +57 +41 -19 +35 +22  .   .   .   .   4.0  2229 
10. Zoltek, Tadeusz               f  POL 2237  +22 =21 +38 = 3 =11  .   .   .   .   3.5  2250 
11. Crouch, Colin S               m  ENG 2370  =46 +51 +27 =12 =10  .   .   .   .   3.5  2267 
12. Grigorchuk, Sergey               UKR 2235  +74 +25 = 4 =11 =15  .   .   .   .   3.5  2311 
13. Romanenkov, Aleksandr            RUS 2229  +61 =38 +63 - 4 +33  .   .   .   .   3.5  2220 
14. Ross, Chris N                    ENG 2133  =63 +54 -17 +64 +38  .   .   .   .   3.5  2175 
15. Suder, Ryszard                   POL 2209  +23 - 5 +43 =16 =12  .   .   .   .   3.0  2226 
16. Migala, Andrzej                  POL 2102  +72 = 2 = 8 =15 =23  .   .   .   .   3.0  2235 
17. Gosek, Zenon                     POL 2068  =47 +50 +14 - 2 =27  .   .   .   .   3.0  2176 
18. Baloha,Mykhailo                  UKR ----  +53 +24 - 6 +31 - 8  .   .   .   .   3.0  2314 
19. Rosikhin, Igor                   BLR 2101  +71 +26 + 9 - 6 - 7  .   .   .   .   3.0  2305 
20. Desanjose Candalija, Eduardo  f  ESP 2271  +36 +35 - 1 =33 =28  .   .   .   .   3.0  2196 
21. Pirosca, Alexandru               ROM 2086  +62 =10 - 2 +34 =35  .   .   .   .   3.0  2196 
22. Berggren, Marcus                 SWE 1738  -10 +62 +39 +41 - 9  .   .   .   .   3.0  2218 
23. Altinok,Selim                    TUR ----  -15 =49 +57 +37 =16  .   .   .   .   3.0  2164 
24. Pribeanu, Dacian              f  ROM 2228  +60 -18 +56 +36 - 5  .   .   .   .   3.0  2130 
25. Nemes, Gyorgy                    HUN 2031  +45 -12 +47 -26 +53  .   .   .   .   3.0  2206 
26. Nizam, Rasim                  m  BUL 2244  +67 -19 +58 +25 - 2  .   .   .   .   3.0  2113 
27. Wojcieszyn, Zdzislaw             POL 2109  =34 +69 -11 +40 =17  .   .   .   .   3.0  2159 
28. Pohlers, Juergen                 GER 2095  +65 - 3 =34 +63 =20  .   .   .   .   3.0  2176 
29. Chojnowski, Marcin               POL 2159  +64 - 1 +67 - 8 +59  .   .   .   .   3.0  2180 
30. Aguilar Sevilla, Diego           ESP 2165  =54 -63 =65 +74 +46  .   .   .   .   3.0  2073 
31. Sakic, Milutin                   CRO 2163  +76 - 6 +44 -18 +55  .   .   .   .   3.0  2125 
32. Mlacnik, Franc                   SLO 2128  +75 - 7 +61 - 5 +48  .   .   .   .   3.0  2210 
33. Eros, Pal                        HUN 2089  =50 =47 +45 =20 -13  .   .   .   .   2.5  2100 
34. Holmela,Kari                     FIN ----  =27 =43 =28 -21 +66  .   .   .   .   2.5  2063 
35. Draghici, Gavril                 ESP 2107  +52 -20 +48 - 9 =21  .   .   .   .   2.5  2139 
36. Berggren, Patrik                 SWE 1913  -20 +52 +53 -24 =42  .   .   .   .   2.5  2166 
37. Voronin, Alexey                  RUS 2141  =48 +40 - 7 -23 +63  .   .   .   .   2.5  2056 
38. Vojan, Istvan                    HUN 2066  +73 =13 -10 +50 -14  .   .   .   .   2.5  2119 
39. Lilley, Graham                   ENG 2155  =40 =48 -22 +68 =44  .   .   .   .   2.5  1939 
40. Demirel,Ismail                   TUR ----  =39 -37 +49 -27 +68  .   .   .   .   2.5  2082 
41. Bischoff, Hermann                GER 2000  +68 - 9 +59 -22 =43  .   .   .   .   2.5  2019 
42. Schellmann, Frank                GER 2141  +70 - 4 =64 =46 =36  .   .   .   .   2.5  2024 
43. Muri, Emil                       SLO 2028  =69 =34 -15 +70 =41  .   .   .   .   2.5  2041 
44. Armstrong, William G             ENG 1957  - 2 +72 -31 +69 =39  .   .   .   .   2.5  2119 
45. Znuderl,Matej                    SLO ----  -25 +74 -33 =66 +64  .   .   .   .   2.5  2024 
46. Stolarczyk, Anna                 POL 2007  =11 - 8 +54 =42 -30  .   .   .   .   2.0  2129 
47. Spele,Richard                    SWE ----  =17 =33 -25 =56 =58  .   .   .   .   2.0  1958 
48. Fexa,Rainer                      AUT ----  =37 =39 -35 +57 -32  .   .   .   .   2.0  2034 
49. Iwancio, Lukasz                  POL 2009  - 5 =23 -40 +61 =52  .   .   .   .   2.0  2009 
50. Murin,Miroslav                   SVK ----  =33 -17 +51 -38 =56  .   .   .   .   2.0  1967 
51. Szurgot, Dominik                 POL 2005  = 8 -11 -50 =54 +70  .   .   .   .   2.0  2068 
52. Jennen,Herman                    BEL ----  -35 -36 +60 =58 =49  .   .   .   .   2.0  1932 
53. Kacic-Karlin, Kresimir           CRO 2192  -18 +60 -36 +67 -25  .   .   .   .   2.0  1877 
54. Chambers,Colin                   ENG ----  =30 -14 -46 =51 +75  .   .   .   .   2.0  1990 
55. Fratini, Mauro                   ITA 2011  - 1 -64 +72 +65 -31  .   .   .   .   2.0  2044 
56. Wikman, Bengt                    FIN 1971  - 7 +75 -24 =47 =50  .   .   .   .   2.0  2030 
57. Ilic, Andreas                    GER 2000  - 9 +68 -23 -48 +72  .   .   .   .   2.0  1995 
58. Garcia Magadan, Ramon            ESP 1994  - 6 +76 -26 =52 =47  .   .   .   .   2.0  2036 
59. Hilton, Stephen                  SCO 1992  - 4 +70 -41 +73 -29  .   .   .   .   2.0  2000 
60. Altinok,Kerim                    TUR ----  -24 -53 -52 +71 +73  .   .   .   .   2.0  2012 
61. Agalarov,Habibulla               AZE ----  -13 +73 -32 -49 +69  .   .   .   .   2.0  2001 
62. Papadopoulos,Christos            GRE ----  -21 -22 -68 +75 +74  .   .   .   .   2.0  1892 
63. Gelman,Gennadiy                  AZE ----  =14 +30 -13 -28 -37  .   .   .   .   1.5  2003 
64. Dalschaert,Didier                BEL ----  -29 +55 =42 -14 -45  .   .   .   .   1.5  1939 
65. Lapadatu,Teodor                  ROM ----  -28 =66 =30 -55 =67  .   .   .   .   1.5  1865 
66. Denes,Jozsef                     HUN ----  - 3 =65 =69 =45 -34  .   .   .   .   1.5  1900 
67. Fries, Elisabeth                 GER 1802  -26 +71 -29 -53 =65  .   .   .   .   1.5  1970 
68. Boer,Jan                         NED ----  -41 -57 +62 -39 -40  .   .   .   .   1.0  1791 
69. Whittle,Les                      ENG ----  =43 -27 =66 -44 -61  .   .   .   .   1.0  1778 
70. Engstrom,Olle                    SWE ----  -42 -59 +71 -43 -51  .   .   .   .   1.0  1793 
71. Koumtsis,Argiris                 GRE ----  -19 -67 -70 -60 +76  .   .   .   .   1.0  1740 
72. Konstantinou,Panagiotis          GRE ----  -16 -44 -55 +76 -57  .   .   .   .   1.0  1774 
73. Spychala,Jozefa                  POL ----  -38 -61 +76 -59 -60  .   .   .   .   1.0  1771 
74. Aclan,Levent                     TUR ----  -12 -45 +75 -30 -62  .   .   .   .   1.0  1840 
75. Gromme,Freddy                    SUI ----  -32 -56 -74 -62 -54  .   .   .   .   0.0       
76. Dalle,Natasha                    BEL ----  -31 -58 -73 -72 -71  .   .   .   .   0.0       

10) New England Masters

GM Leonid Kritz was the winner of the New England Masters, finishing with 7/9, a half-point ahead of GM Alex Shabalov and IM Dean Ippolito. Kritz maintains his 100% record of winning Master tournaments organized by Chris Bird, which includes his joint first in the Las Vegas Masters last year.

Finishing in fourth place was IM Robert Hess with 6/9, while IM Lev Milman, IM Josh Friedel and 12 year old FM Ray Robson finished tied for fifth with 5.5/9.

Ippolito's 2nd place finish was also good for the top Under 2400 prize while Robson took second in the same category. FM James Critelli and local youngster Max Enkin took the top Under 2300 prize, both of them finishing with 5/9, and both of them notching up a win against English GM Nigel Davies during the course of the tournament.

IM Dean Ippolito's 6.5/9 was good enough for a GM norm performance and FM James Critelli's 5/9 was good enough for an IM norm performance. Unfortunately both players played six USA players and the FIDE rules stipulate that a maximum of 60% of your opposition can come from your own federation. FM Ray Robson and Max Enkin both ended up just a half-point shy of IM norm performances, although they would have also failed to play the necessary non-USA opposition. News: Chris Bird

Official site:

New England Masters Peabody USA (USA), 13-17 viii 2007
 1. Kritz, Leonid         g  GER 2571  7.0 2654 
 2. Shabalov, Alexander   g  USA 2637  6.5 2599 
 3. Ippolito, Dean        m  USA 2395  6.5 2616 
 4. Hess, Robert L        f  USA 2439  6.0 2487 
 5. Milman, Lev           m  USA 2499  5.5 2500 
 6. Friedel, Joshua E     m  USA 2472  5.5 2461 
 7. Robson, Ray           f  USA 2347  5.5 2412 
 8. Perelshteyn, Eugene   g  USA 2540  5.0 2472 
 9. Sarkar, Justin        m  USA 2403  5.0 2422 
10. Vigorito, David       m  USA 2393  5.0 2397 
11. Burnett, Ronald       m  USA 2373  5.0 2390 
12. Critelli, James M     f  USA 2262  5.0 2468 
13. Enkin, Max               USA 2213  5.0 2448 
14. Davies, Nigel R       g  ENG 2495  4.5 2336 
15. Pruess, David         m  USA 2424  4.5 2368 
16. Rizzitano, James      m  USA 2328  4.5 2393 
31 players

11) World Youth Under-16 Olympiad

The World Youth Under-16 Olympiad took place in Singapore 4th-12th August 2007.

Arvind Aaron reports that second seed India beat top seeds Hungary 3.5-0.5 in the fifth round and went on to win the World Youth Chess Olympiad in a very close contest on August 11th. India scored 28/40 for gold, Hungary 27.5 (silver), Philippines 25.5 (bronze), Uzbekistan 24.5...34 teams. Games now available.

Info: and also

Final Standings: 
1st - IND   28.0
2nd - HUN   27.5
3rd - PHI   25.5
4th - UZB   24.5
5th - AUS 1 24.0
6th - TUR   23.5

12) Ptuj Open

The Ptuj Open took place 12th-19th August 2007. Domen Krumpacnik edged out Igor Jelen on tie-break after both finished on 7/9.

Official site:

Open Ptuj SLO (SLO), 12-19 viii 2007
 1. Krumpacnik, Domen       m  SLO 2410 7.0  42.0
 2. Jelen, Igor             m  SLO 2371 7.0  37.0
 3. Loncar, Robert          m  CRO 2444 6.5  42.0
 5. Makaj, Marko               CRO 2249 6.5  40.0
 4. Doric, Nenad            m  CRO 2318 6.5  39.5
 6. Gruskovnjak, Tomislav   f  SLO 2348 6.0  38.0
 9. Podkriznik, Gregor      f  SLO 2375 6.0  38.0
 7. Buzeti, Jernej             SLO 2108 6.0  37.5
 8. Roskar, Robert          f  SLO 2279 6.0  36.5
10. Jeraj, Zlatko              SLO 2094 6.0  34.5
11. Vujec, Ivan                CRO 1921 5.5  34.0
12. Flander,Nejc               SLO ---- 5.5  31.0
48 players

13) Abudhabi Chess Festival

The 17th Chess Festival took place in Abu Dhabi 12th-20th August 2007. Bassem Amin and Ashot Anastasian finished on 7/9.

Further details: - and games at

Unofficial Final Round 9 Standings:
17th Chess Festival Abu Dhabi UAE (UAE), 12-20 viii 2007
 1. Amin, Bassem             g  EGY 2535   7.0  2747 
 2. Anastasian, Ashot        g  ARM 2555   7.0  2713 
 3. Asrian, Karen            g  ARM 2608   6.5  2626 
 4. Koneru, Humpy            g  IND 2572   6.5  2596 
 5. Neverov, Valeriy         g  UKR 2541   6.5  2629 
 6. Ghaem Maghami, Ehsan     g  IRI 2610   6.5  2607 
 7. Pantsulaia, Levan        g  GEO 2611   6.0  2640 
 8. Durarbeyli, Vasif           AZE 2416   6.0  2607 
 9. Ibrahimov, Rasul         g  AZE 2504   6.0  2607 
10. Hossain, Enamul          m  BAN 2485   6.0  2615 
11. Safarli, Eltaj           m  AZE 2471   6.0  2588 
12. Khismatullin, Denis      g  RUS 2566   6.0  2578 
13. Jobava, Baadur           g  GEO 2644   5.5  2546 
14. Aleksandrov, Aleksej     g  BLR 2605   5.5  2525 
15. Ganguly, Surya Shekhar   g  IND 2586   5.5  2578 
16. Miroshnichenko, Evgenij  g  UKR 2671   5.5  2544 
17. Jankovic, Alojzije       g  CRO 2536   5.5  2568 
18. Sethuraman, S.P             IND 2380   5.5  2490 
19. Guliev, Sarhan           g  AZE 2484   5.5  2501 
70 players

14) Callao Open Peru

The Callao Chess Open took place in Peru, 8th-16th August 2007. Emilio Cordova won with 7.5/9. The event was supposed to run 11 rounds but the final two rounds were cancelled after the terrible earthquake took place during the 10th rounds and the players had to evacuate even though the epicentre was many kms away.

Official site:

Open Callao PER (PER), 8-16 viii 2007
 1. Cordova, Emilio             m  PER 2492  7.5     38.5  52.0
 2. Roselli Mailhe, Bernardo    m  URU 2412  6.5     35.5  49.0
 3. Lafuente, Pablo             m  ARG 2454  6.5     35.0  49.5
 4. Escobar Forero, Alder       m  COL 2477  6.5     33.5  49.5
 5. Felgaer, Ruben              g  ARG 2559  6.5     31.5  46.5
 6. Granda Zuniga, Julio E      g  PER 2621  6.5     26.5  39.5
 7. Alonso, Salvador            m  ARG 2403  6       34.0  44.5
 8. Rodriguez Vila, Andres      g  URU 2547  6       30.5  46.5
 9. Robledo, Manuel                PER 2226  6       28.5  46.0
10. Toloza, Pablo               m  CHI 2340  6       28.5  43.5
11. Cabrera Huaman, Andres         PER 2268  6       28.5  43.0
12. Barrientos, Sergio          m  COL 2417  5.5     33.0  50.0
13. Lujan, Carolina             m  ARG 2394  5.5     32.5  49.0
14. Cornejo, Max                f  PER 2338  5.5     31.0  48.5
15. Calizaya, Marco                PER 2125  5.5     31.0  46.0
15. Vasquez, Rodrigo            g  CHI 2522  5.5     30.5  47.0
16. Matsuura, Everaldo          m  BRA 2505  5.5     29.5  49.0
17. Soto, Jorge                 f  PER 2341  5.5     28.5  42.0
18. Pacheco, Marco              f  PER 2405  5.5     26.5  38.5
20. Fernandez, Fernando            PER 2244  5.5     25.0  40.0
21. Quinones, Cesar                PER 2268  5.5     22.5  37.0
79 players

15) Spiltan Fonder IM

The Spiltan Fonder IM tournament took place in Gothenberg, Sweden, 11th-19th August 2007. Ilja Vovk won the event with 6.5/9 which was enough for an IM norm. News: Asbjörn Nejman.

Official site:

Spiltan Fonder IM Gothenburg SWE (SWE), 11-19 viii 2007cat. III (2316)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Vovk, Ilja             EST 2304  * 0 1 1 = = = 1 1 1  6.5  2483 
 2. Svensson, Bengt      m SWE 2386  1 * = = = = 1 = 1 =  6.0  2433 
 3. Krivonosov, Oleg     m LAT 2435  0 = * 1 = 1 = 1 = =  5.5  2383 
 4. Nithander, Victor    f SWE 2357  0 = 0 * = 1 1 1 1 =  5.5  2391 
 5. Akesson, Joel        f SWE 2326  = = = = * 1 = 0 0 =  4.0  2272 
 6. Poley, Vladimir      m BLR 2326  = = 0 0 0 * = = 1 1  4.0  2272 
 7. Vas, Peter SWE         SWE 2166  = 0 = 0 = = * 0 = 1  3.5  2253 
 8. Ask, Josef             SWE 2211  0 = 0 0 1 = 1 * 0 =  3.5  2248 
 9. Zimmermann, Julian   f GER 2327  0 0 = 0 1 0 = 1 * =  3.5  2235 
10. Moberg, Karl Johan   m SWE 2326  0 = = = = 0 0 = = *  3.0  2190 

16) Austrian Championships

The Austrian Championships took place in Tweng 4th-12th August 2007. Siegfried Baumegger took clear first with 6.5/9. Anna-Christina Kopinits won the women's event on tie-break. News: Harald Grafenhofer.

Further details:

ch-AUT Tweng AUT (AUT), 4-12 viii 2007
1  Baumegger Siegfried        IM 2434 AUT  6,5  45,0 35,5 32,50 2571
2  Ragger Markus              IM 2529 AUT  6,0  48,0 38,0 31,25 2541
3  Freitag Manfred            IM 2390 AUT  6,0  47,0 37,5 31,25 2530
4  Hoelzl Franz               IM 2353 AUT  5,5  48,0 38,0 28,50 2520
5  Neubauer Martin Mag.       IM 2456 AUT  5,5  46,5 36,5 28,00 2463
6  Schroll Gerhard MMag.Dr.   IM 2397 AUT  5,5  46,5 36,0 25,75 2492
7  Stanec Nikolaus            GM 2504 AUT  5,5  41,5 33,5 23,25 2455
8  Sommerbauer Norbert DI.    IM 2462 AUT  5,5  41,0 33,0 24,25 2484
9  Neumeier Klaus Mag.        FM 2263 AUT  5,5  38,5 29,0 19,50 2378
10 Ganaus Hannes              IM 2303 AUT  5,0  38,0 29,5 20,75 2407
11 Danner Georg               IM 2426 AUT  4,5  44,5 35,0 20,00 2378
12 Balinov Ilia               GM 2499 AUT  4,5  44,5 34,0 21,25 2369
13 Schachinger Mario             2284 AUT  4,5  39,5 30,0 13,75 2310
14 Diermair Andreas           FM 2373 AUT  4,5  39,0 31,0 19,75 2349
15 Pilaj Herwig Mag.          IM 2388 AUT  4,5  39,0 30,5 19,50 2350
16 Wittmann Walter Dr.        IM 2313 AUT  4,5  37,5 29,0 14,00 2288
17 Genser Harald              FM 2347 AUT  4,0  43,0 33,5 19,25 2334
18 Dietmayer-Kraeutler Marco  MK 2311 AUT  4,0  40,0 30,5 13,00 2256
19 Pachta Paul                FM 2266 AUT  4,0  38,0 30,5 14,75 2327
20 Kuba Guenter               IM 2413 AUT  4,0  37,0 28,5 17,25 2312
21 Alvir Aco                  IM 2375 AUT  4,0  36,0 28,0 11,50 2245
22 Natter Siegfried              2236 AUT  4,0  35,0 27,5 10,50 2230
23 Fröwis Georg                  2208 AUT  3,5  37,0 29,0 9,50  2200
24 Holzer Gerhard             NM 2254 AUT  3,5  34,5 28,0 9,00  2177
25 Fahrner Kurt               FM 2322 AUT  2,5  37,0 28,5 6,00  2084

ch-AUT w Tweng AUT (AUT), 4-12 viii 2007
                                             1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 
 1. Kopinits, Anna-Christina  wf AUT 2152  +11 = 8 + 9 + 3 = 7 = 5 = 2 = 4 + 6  6.5  2194 
 2. Novkovic, Julia           wf LIE 2144  +14 - 3 +10 +12 +13 = 7 = 1 + 5 = 4  6.5  2150 
 3. Newrkla, Katharina           AUT 1979  +18 + 2 + 6 - 1 - 5 +12 = 7 +14 +11  6.5  2177 
 4. Sommer, Sonja                AUT 1990  -12 -10 +16 +17 + 8 + 6 + 5 = 1 = 2  6.0  2138 
 5. Horvath, Maria            wf AUT 2004  +16 = 6 = 7 + 9 + 3 = 1 - 4 - 2 +12  5.5  2102 
 6. Mira, Helene              wm AUT 2184  +15 = 5 - 3 +14 +10 - 4 +13 + 7 - 1  5.5  2060 
 7. Schink, Barbara              AUT 2029  +13 = 9 = 5 + 8 = 1 = 2 = 3 - 6 =10  5.0  2067 
 8. Exler, Veronika              AUT 2005  +10 = 1 =12 - 7 - 4 -11 +17 +16 +15  5.0  2012 
 9. Zechner, Andrea              AUT 1965  +17 = 7 - 1 - 5 +16 -13 +10 =15 +18  5.0  1976 
10. Froewis, Annika              AUT 1873  - 8 + 4 - 2 +11 - 6 +18 - 9 +17 = 7  4.5  1998 
11. Molnar, Monika               AUT 1959  - 1 =12 =15 -10 +18 + 8 =14 +13 - 3  4.5  1946 
12. Kessler,Michaela             AUT ----  + 4 =11 = 8 - 2 =14 - 3 =16 +18 - 5  4.0  1898 
13. Hackbarth, Christa           AUT 1915  - 7 +17 =14 +15 - 2 + 9 - 6 -11 =16  4.0  1948 
14. Nagy, Laura                  AUT 1921  - 2 +18 =13 - 6 =12 +15 =11 - 3 -17  3.5  1904 
15. Unger, Eva                   AUT 1964  - 6 =16 =11 -13 +17 -14 =18 = 9 - 8  3.0  1810 
16. Kopinits, Silvia             AUT 1755  - 5 =15 - 4 =18 - 9 +17 =12 - 8 =13  3.0  1825 
17. Fritz,Rebecca                AUT ----  - 9 -13 +18 - 4 -15 -16 - 8 -10 +14  2.0  1680 
18. Almert, Margit               AUT 1712  - 3 -14 -17 =16 -11 -10 =15 -12 - 9  1.0  1584 

17) 37th Continental Open

George Mirijanian reports: The 37th Continental Open took place on August 9th-12th, 2007 at the Host Hotel at Cedar Lake in Sturbridge, Massachusetts, USA. William Goichberg directed the event for the sponsoring Continental Chess Association. A total of 233 players competed in seven sections, with 48 players vying for top honors and prizes in the Open section. GM Alexander Shabalov, the current U.S. champion, won the tournament with a score of 5-1. Complete crosstables are available at

Leading Final Round 6 Standings:
 1. GM Alexander Shabalov  (Pennsylvania)       2672   5.0
 2. GM Sergey Kudrin       (Connecticut)        2618   4.5
 3. GM Alexander Ivanov    (Massachusetts)      2608   4.5
 4. IM Mikhail Zlotnikov   (New Jersey)         2390   4.5
 5. GM Ildar Ibragimov     (Connecticut)        2673   4.0
 6. IM Justin Sarkar       (New York)           2441   4.0
 7. FM Eugene Yanayt       (California)         2342   4.0
 8.    Charles Riordan     (Massachusetts)      2331   4.0
 9.    Ryan Goldenberg     (Connecticut)        2147   4.0
10. GM Leonid Kritz        (Germany)            2674   3.5
11. IM Mark Ginsburg       (Arizona)            2413   3.5
12. FM James Critelli      (Connecticut)        2296   3.5
13.    Alex Cherniack      (Massachusetts)      2296   3.5
14.    Lawyer Times        (Massachusetts)      2236   3.5
15.    Franklin Alvarez    (Dominican Republic) 2222   3.5
16.    Luis Belliard       (Dominican Republic) 2202   3.5
17.    Michael Ellenbogen  (New York)           2073   3.5
18.    David Harris        (Rhode Island)       2037   3.5
48 players

18) Tsiolkovsky Memorial

The Tsiolkovsky Memorial took place in Kaluga (RUS), 3rd-12th August 2007. Farrukh Amonatov took clear first with 7/9. Games from the final round now available.

Official site:

Final Round 9 Standings:
Tsiolkovsky Mem Kaluga RUS (RUS), 3-12 viii 2007
1. Amonatov, Farrukh            2598 7.0  53.5  2600  -0.02
2. Korobkov, Piotr              2423 6.5  55.0  2534  +1.28
   Dvalishvili, Pavel S.        2472 6.5  51.5  2543  +0.83
   Voitsekhovsky, Stanislav     2506 6.5  50.0  2536  +0.38
   Tarasov, Igor                2337 6.5  46.5  2438  +1.19
   Nachev, Stanislav            2424 6.5  46.0  2511  +1.01
7. Yandemirov, Valeri           2504 6.0  48.5  2453  -0.57
   Shabanov, Yuri               2431 6.0  48.0  2405  -0.30
   Gorshkov Yury                2244 6.0  45.0  2490  +2.60
   Vlasov, Andrey               2262 6.0  42.5  2479  +2.24
   Potapov, Alexey              2280 6.0  42.0  2411  +1.42
   Dmitriev, Igor               2310 6.0  39.5  2344  +0.36
13.Zhelnin Vladimir             2433 5.5  48.0  2372  -0.71
   Ditiatev, Sergey             2325 5.5  46.0  2374  +0.58
   Tologontegin, Semetey        2320 5.5  46.0  2376  +0.66
   Kozlov Vladimi N.            2345 5.5  45.0  2354  +0.10
60 players

19) 35th Annual World Open

The 35th Annual World Open took place June 30th-July 4th 2007 in the Valley Forge Radisson & Convention Plaza, King of Prussia, PA. Varuzhan Akobian won after an armaegeddon speed playoff game against Alex Stripunsky. For some reason I forgot to include this in TWIC even though I had it on the front page.

Live coverage: - Official site: - Results page:

Final World Open Standings
#   Name                        Rtng   Total & prize
1   GM Hikaru Nakamura          2738   6.5 $5102.12
2   GM Sandipan Chanda          2719   6.5 $5102.12
3   GM Leonid G Yudasin         2679   6.5 $5102.12
4   GM Evgeny Najer             2672   6.5 $5102.12
5   GM Alexander Shabalov       2671   6.5 $5102.12
6   GM Alexander Stripunsky     2669   6.5 $5102.12
7   GM Victor Mikhalevski       2663   6.5 $5102.12
8   GM Varuzhan Akobian         2651   6.5 $5468.12
9   GM Julio Becerra            2592   6.5 $5102.12
10  GM Vadim Milov              2731   6 $453.60
11  GM Borki Predojevic         2709   6 $453.60
12  GM Jiri Stocek              2692   6 $453.60
13  GM Abhijit Kunte            2637   6 $453.60
14  GM Alexander Ivanov         2625   6 $453.60
15  GM Lars B Hansen            2704   5.5 $328.75
16  GM Daniel Fridman           2669   5.5 $328.75
17  GM Yury Shulman             2667   5.5 $328.75
18  GM Milos Pavlovic           2638   5.5 $328.75
19  GM David Howell             2611   5.5 $328.75
20  GM Eugene Perelshteyn       2611   5.5 $328.75
21  GM Sergey Kudrin            2583   5.5 $328.75
22  GM Melikset Khachiyan       2553   5.5 $328.75
23  IM Emory A Tate             2435   5.5 $1097.00
24  GM Sergey Erenburg          2610   5
25  GM Bosko Abramovic          2609   5
26  GM Darmen Sadvakasov        2583   5
27  IM Joshua E Friedel         2542   5
28  GM John P Fedorowicz        2526   5
29  GM Dashze Sharavdorj        2521   5
30  IM Salvijus Bercys          2485   5
31  IM John Bartholomew         2473   5
32  IM Robert L Hess            2472   5
33  WGM Keteva Arakhamia-Grant  2458   5
34  IM Justin Sarkar            2443   5
35  WIM Batch Tuvshintugs       2275   5
36  FM Teddy Coleman            2258   5
37  GM Jaan Ehlvest             2683   4.5
38  GM Mageesh Panchanathan     2572   4.5
39  IM Yury Lapshun             2549   4.5
40  FM Marcel Martinez          2459   4.5
41  IM Bryan G Smith            2457   4.5
42  Daniel J Ludwig             2411   4.5
43  FM Igor Schneider           2385   4.5
44  FM Ray S Robson             2378   4.5
45  Jake Kleiman                2344   4.5
46  Victor C Shen               2234   4.5
47  GM Ildar Ibragimov          2680   4
48  IM Amon Simutowe            2460   4
49  Thomas J Bartell            2403   4
50  FM James Critelli           2333   4
92 players

20) CECLUB Primera Division Norte

The Spanish CECLUB Primera Division Norte took place in Sabadell 15th-19th August 2007. S.C.C. de Sabadell and Club d´escacs Barberá are promoted. I'll wait until next week in the hope that a better file of games emerges.

Official site:

Final Round 6 Standings: 
Rk. SNo Team                                Games  +  =  -  TB1  TB2  TB3
 1   1  S.C.C. de Sabadell                      6  5  0  1  16,5  10  0
 2   3  Club d´escacs Barberá                   6  4  2  0  16,0  10  1
 3   4  Unio Montcada                           6  4  1  1  16,0  9   1
 4   2  C.A. Jaime Casas                        6  4  1  1  15,0  9   0
 5  10  Real Grupo de Cultura Covadonga         6  3  2  1  15,0  8   0
 6   6  Stadium Casablanca                      6  3  2  1  14,5  8   0
 7   9  Barceloneta E.C.                        6  4  1  1  14,0  9   0
 8   8  GEVA-CEA Andorra                        6  2  3  1  13,5  7   0
 9  11  R.C. Regatas                            6  3  1  2  13,5  7   0
10  16  C.A. Padrón                             6  3  2  1  13,0  8   0
11  17  C.A. Orvina                             6  3  1  2  13,0  7   0
12  13  CAI Olivar                              6  1  3  2  13,0  5   0
13   5  C.A. Ibercaja                           6  3  1  2  12,5  7   0
14   7  P. d´escacs Casino Pradro S. de Sitges  6  3  0  3  12,5  6   0
15  21  Club d´escacs Figueres                  6  2  1  3  12,5  5   0
16  26  Círculo de las Artes                    6  4  0  2  12,0  8   0
17  19  C.A. Batalla de Irún                    6  3  0  3  12,0  6   0
18  14  C.A. Universidad de Vigo                6  1  2  3  11,5  4   0
19  12  C.D. Universidade de Santiago           6  2  2  2  11,0  6   1
20  18  Club Tres Peons                         6  1  3  2  11,0  5   1
21  31  Iretza Gros Xake Taldea B               6  4  0  2  10,5  8   0
22  22  C.E. Sant Marti                         6  3  0  3  10,5  6   2
23  15  C.D.A. San Isidoro                      6  2  2  2  10,5  6   0
24  24  Grupo 64                                6  2  0  4  10,5  4   0
25  23  Sol Antillas-Tropic-Casa Catalana       6  2  1  3  10,0  5   0
26  20  C.C. Sant Andreu                        6  1  2  3  10,0  4   2
27  29  Peña Rey Ardid                          6  1  2  3  10,0  4   0
28  25  A.D. San Viator de Vitoria              6  2  0  4   9,0  4   0
29  28  Sociedad Ajedrecística Logroñesa        6  0  2  4   9,0  2   0
30  27  C.A. UNED de Segovia                    6  1  1  4   7,5  3   0
31  30  C.A. Gambito - UC                       6  1  0  5   6,5  2   0

21) NH Chess Tournament

The NH Chess Tournament takes place 22nd August - 1st September 2007 in the NH Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky in Amsterdam organised by the Association Max Euwe in Monaco. The Scheveningen team tournament is a battle between a team of 'Experience' and a team of 'Rising Stars'.

The 'Experience' team consists of Alexander Beliavsky (Slovenia), Artur Jussupow (Germany), Alexander Khalifman (Russia), Ljubomir Ljubojevic (Serbia) and Predrag Nikolic (Bosnia).

The 'Rising Stars' team consists of Ivan Cheparinov (Bulgaria), Sergey Karjakin (Ukraine), Parimarjan Negi (India), Jan Smeets (The Netherlands) and Daniel Stellwagen (The Netherlands). A place in the Amber 2008 tournament is part of the prize for the top finishing rising star.

Official site:

22) IGB 4th Dato' Arthur Tan Malaysia Open

The IGB 4th Dato' Arthur Tan Malaysia Open Chess Championship takes place in the Cititel Mid Valley Hotel, Kuala Lumpur 19th-27th August 2007. 11 Rounds Swiss, 1st Prize USD4000, Info:

Details: - - -

Round 1 Pairings:
GM  Zhang, Zhong          2634 CHN-    Nanjo, Ryosuke         2165 JPN
GM  Adianto, Utut         2583 INA-    Kojima, Shinya         2156 JPN
GM  Chandler, Murray      2540 ENG-    Tan, Khai Boon         2138 MAS
GM  Dao, Thien Hai        2537 VIE-    Yeap, Eng Cheam        2138 MAS
GM  Nguyen, Anh Dung      2537 VIE-    Illingworth, Max       2137 AUS
    Li Chao               2529 CHN-    Abang, Mohd Reduan     2136 MAS
GM  Zaiur Rahman          2522 BAN-    Bennett, Hilton        2132 NZL
IM  So, Wesley            2516 PHI-    Dotsenko, Viacheslav   2132 RUS
IM  Wang, Rui             2482 CHN-    Ruston, Mark R         2116 ENG
    Zhou, Weiqi           2469 CHN-WIM Moylan, Laura          2100 AUS
    Irwanto Sadikin       2456 INA-FM  Jones, Brian           2084 AUS
IM  Girinath, P.D.S.      2440 IND-    Ramnath Bhuvanesh.R    2080 IND
    Julio Catalinco       2421 PHI-    Chong, Chor Yuen       2067 HKG
    C. Sadorra
IM  Tirto                 2418 INA-    Lim, Kian Hwa          2062 MAS
WGM Li, Ruofan            2417 SIN-    Low, Jun Jian          2057 MAS
IM  Lane, Gary W.         2412 AUS-    Spiller, Paul          2037 NZL
IM  Barlo A Nadera        2402 PHI-WFM Milligan, Helen        2034 SCO
    Rolando, Nolte        2396 PHI-    Inoue, Sho             2031 JPN
IM  Ginting, Nasib        2393 INA-    Crowdy, Stephen C      2030 ENG
    Wan, Yunguo           2386 CHN-    Mohan, Raj             1986 MAS
    Senador, Emmanvel     2380 PHI-    Viswanath, Sandilya B. 1967 IND
IM  Bancod, Ronald        2373 PHI-    Schon, Eugene          1963 AUS
IM  Mas, Hafizulhelmi     2372 MAS-    S., Balendran          1951 MAS
FM  Mok, Tze-Meng         2346 MAS-    Lee, T H Bryan         1867 HKG
WIM Zhang, Jilin          2338 CHN-    Japeri, Reduan         1831 MAS
    Shen, Siyuan          2337 CHN-    Roland Brockman        1793 AUS
    Wang, Li              2337 CHN-    Ahmad, Morsin             0 MAS
FM  Lim, Yee-Weng         2336 MAS-    Fong Wei Chern, Gavin     0 MAS
    Khairul, Aman         2316 INA-    Cristopher Masters        0 HKG
FM  Sebastian Simanjuntak 2271 INA-    David Gates               0 ENG
FM  Tindall, Brett        2258 AUS-    Junaid Pamungkas          0 INA
FM  Saw, Geoffrey         2257 AUS-    Justin Tan                0 AUS
FM  Ton That Nhu Tung     2247 VIE-    Kaiser Jenius             0 INA
    Wallis, Christopher   2238 AUS-    Law, Mark                 0 HKG
    Zakaria, Fairin       2225 MAS-    Yaudi                     0 INA
    Constance, James      2205 ENG-    Zhang, Jing               0 CHN
    Haessler, Carl        2167 USA

23) Kavala Open

The Kavala Open took place in Kavala (GRE), 4th-12th August 2007. Ivan Ivanisevic defeated Vasilios Kotronias in the final round to take first place with 7.5/9. Official final standings now available.

Official site:

Final Round 9 Standings:
Open Kavala GRE (GRE), 5-12 viii 2007
 1   Ivanisevic Ivan           7½   37½   53½   44.75   6
 2   Kotronias Vasilios        7    39    54    40.25   6
 3   Gelashvili Tamaz          6½   37    52½   36.25   4
 4   Banikas Hristos           6½   37    52    36.25   5
 5   Halkias Stelios           6½   36½   55½   37.75   6
 6   Danielian Elina           6½   34½   50½   31.75   6
 7   Mastrovasilis Dimitrios   6½   34½   49½   33.75   5
     Milanovic Danilo          6½   34½   49½   33.75   5
 9   Nikolov Momchil           6½   33½   49½   35.50   4
10   Oleksienko Mikhailo       6½   33    51½   35.25   6
11   Margvelashvili Giorgi     6½   33    47    31.25   5
12   Dimitrov Pavel            6½   32½   49½   33.25   5
13   Perunovic Milos           6    34    51    32.25   4
14   Papadopoulos I            6    34    50    32.00   3
15   Kolev Atanas              6    33½   53    34.00   4
16   Spasov Vasil              6    32½   49    31.00   4
17   Parligras Mircea          6    32    51    33.25   3
18   Petkov Vladimir           6    32    48½   30.50   5
19   Sanikidze Tornike         6    32    45½   28.50   4
20   Morchiashvili Bachana     6    32    45    27.25   4
21   Marjanovic Slavoljub      6    31    47½   30.00   4
22   Ghane Shojaat             6    31    46½   30.25   4
23   Dzagnidze Nana            6    29½   46    29.50   4
139 players

24) Forthcoming Events and Links

83rd Hastings International Congress

The Celebration 83rd Hastings International Congress takes place 28 December 2007 to 6 January 2008. This includes a 10 round Master Swiss, and an open FIDE Rated tournament 5-6 January. Celebrating what? The lives of the many people who have died within the past four years, who have so enriched the chess scene with their work. Full details Contact: Con Power

Entries so far include:  
Vugar Gashimov    GM  AZE 2655
Vadim Malakhatko  GM  BEL 2596
Nidjat Mamedov    GM  AZE 2548
Stuart Conquest   GM  ENG 2546
Mark Hebden       GM  ENG 2540
Nicholas Pert     GM  ENG 2536
Gawain Jones      GM  ENG 2526
David Howell      GM  ENG 2519
Glenn Flear       GM  ENG 2479
Stewart Haslinger GME ENG 2468
Anna Zozulia   IM/WGM BEL 2332 

Gibtelecom Chess Festival 2008

The 6th edition of Gibraltar's Gibtelecom Chess Festival will be held from 22nd-31st January 2008 at the Caleta Hotel, one of Gibraltar's best hotels. In previous years players of the quality of Alexei Shirov, Michael Adams and Nigel Short have played in the Masters section. Usually the Masters field includes at least 30 grandmasters. In 2008 the first prize in the Masters has gone up to £12,000 and the tournament is so strong at the top that it even offers a £2,000 prize for the best score by a player rated under 2600 (we think that might be unique worldwide) as well as the same amount for other rating categories down to sub-2200. There is also big money to be won in the Under 2250 (£1,500 first prize) and Under 1850 (£1,000 first prize) events. Even the relatively light-hearted evening events (which cost nothing to enter) have a combined prize fund of £1,200.

Full details and entry form:

Books on with John Watson

Regular TWIC contributer John Watson has a book radio show on on Tuesdays. On Tuesday 20th August 2007 his guest is the great Dutch journalist Hans Ree. You can catch the show by signing up for ICC trial membership. Link:

European Team Chess Championships

The European Team Chess Championships (ETCC) takes place 27th October - 7th November 2007 in the luxurious Creta Maris Conference Hotel in Crete, Greece.

Official site:

XXXVII Rilton Cup

XXXVII Rilton Cup 2007-12-27 – 2008-01-05 Mälarsalen. Münchenbryggeriet, Torkel Knutssonsgatan 2, Stockholm, SWEDEN Stockholm Chess Federation welcomes all chess players to the 37th Rilton Cup. This year’s tournament, with a prize fund of more than SEK 200 000 (about 22 000 euro) will be played in three groups: Rilton Cup, Rilton Elo and Rilton Open (Rilton Open is only open for Nordic players with a rating lower than national 1800). Rilton Cup and Rilton ELO is Elo registrated Rilton Cup and Rilton Elo plays 9 rounds Fide Swiss. The first round starts at 13:00 on the 27th of December and the following rounds start at 11:00 every day until the 5th of January. The 1st of January (New Year’s Day) is free. Send your entry by mail, fax or e-mail, not later than the 17th of December to Stockholm Chess Federation, attention “Rilton Cup”. Mobile telephones or computers are not allowed in the playing hall. Rilton Cup Open for players with an Elo rating or national rating >= 2200. Reflection time: 40 moves in two hours, 20 moves in one hour and 30 minutes for the rest of the game.

Entry fees: 800 SEK, 400 for FM, 300 for players born 1987 or later. IGM and IM free. Prizes (SEK): 1st 20 000 2nd 16 000 3rd 12 000 4th 10 000 5th 8 000 6th 6 000 7:th 5 000 8th 4 000 9th 3 000 10th 3 000 10th 3 000 Rating prizes: 3 000, 2 000 and 1000 (not for GMs and IMs). Prizemoney is not divided. Rilton Elo Open for all players with a n Elo rating or national rating up to 2199. Reflection time: 40 moves in two hours, then one hour for the rest of the game. Entry fees: 600 SEK, 400 for FM, 300 for players born 1987 or later. Prizes (SEK): 1st 8 000 2nd 5000 3rd 3 000 4th 2 000 5th 1 000 6th 500 Rating prizes: 3 000, 2 000 and 1000 Prizemoney is not divided.

Stockholms Schackförbund Hornsgatan 82 118 21 Stockholm Tel: 08-669 36 54 Mobil: 073-613 19 73 Fax: 08-669 64 44 Spellokal: 08-668 21 35 (under turneringen)

Further details:

Benidorm Chess Festival

The VI Festival Internacional de Ajedrez de Benidorm 2007 takes place 30th November - 9th December 2007.

Further details: and

Alexandra Kosteniuk Killer Chess Tips

Alexandra Kosteniuk has a free video podcast Killer Chess Tips which is available at the link below on RSS feed or Itunes.

Official site:

Panevezys Open and WGM events

Panevezys city in Lithuania hosts an open tournament 18th-24th August 2007. Alongside is a WGM event 20th-26th August 2007.

Official site:

Open Event Top 10 players
1.  Kveinys, Aloyzas        LTU   2537 gm   
2.  Batyrov, Sapar          TKM   2471 gm   
3.  Sakalauskas, Vaidas     LTU   2403 im   
4.  Malinin, Yuri           RUS   2374 im   
5.  Savickas, Airidas       LTU   2363 fm   
6.  Luch, Michal            POL   2362 im   
7.  Dambrauskas, Virginijus LTU   2336 im   
8.  Pileckis, Emilis        LTU   2326      
9.  Chocenka, Dmitrijus     LTU   2298      
10. Labuckas, Aidas         LTU   2291 im   

WGM event Players
Anna Sharevich          BLR 2305 WGM 
Alina Motoc             ROM 2289 WGM 
Evgenyia Doluhanova     UKR 2218 WGM 
Deimante Daulyte        LTU 2216 WIM 
Zivile Sarakauskiene    LTU 2176 WIM 
Viktorija Ni            LAT 2147 WFM 
Anna Warakomska         POL 2135 WFM 
Limontaite Simona       LTU 2140     

Acropolis 2007

The Acropolis International Chess Tournament 2007 Athens, Greece takes place 14th-22nd August 2007.

Leading players: 1 GM Georgiev, Kiril BUL 2663 2 GM Smirin, Ilia ISR 2649 3 GM Svetushkin, Dmitry MDA 2618 4 GM Gelashvili, Tamaz GEO 2604 5 GM Kotronias, Vasilios GRE 2602 6 GM Macieja, Bartlomiej POL 2596 7 GM Malakhatko, Vadim BEL 2596 8 GM Graf, Alexander GER 2595 9 GM Chatalbashev, Boris BUL 2573 10 GM Banikas, Hristos GRE 2567 11 GM Rozentalis, Eduardas LTU 2551 12 GM Romanishin, Oleg M UKR 2546

Official site:

Abkhazia Open

The IV Int. Chess Festival "Abkhazia Open" takes place 3rd-12th August 2007 in the resort of Sukhum on the Black Sea.

There are 322 participants from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Israel: 171 players with FIDE-Rating, under them 8 GMs and 20 IMs. During the ceremony of festival's opening the Director of the Festival, President of Abkhazian Chess Federation Mr.Konstantin Tuzhba has asked one minute of silence for the memory of GM Maxim Sorokin who was a highest rated player by last edition of the festival in 2006. On free day 8th August blitz tournament in memory of him. Blitz tournament "Maxim Sorokin Memorial" will take part on free day 8th August. Ex-World Champion Anatoly Karpov which name chess school in Sukhum called sent his greetings letter to the participants of the festival.

There are games but only in Russian in document format.

Further info: and

Bratto 2007

The 27th International Chess Festival in Bratto, Italy takes place August 23rd-31st 2007. There will be about 20 GMs including GM Tiviakov S. GM Cebalo M. GM Godena M. GM Epishin V. GM David A. GM Khenkin I. WGM Sebag Marie WGM Fierro Baquero Martha WGM Zimina Olga

Official site:

Third Saturday September

The Third Saturday September events take place 15th-23rd Sept 2007. Norms fide GM , IM, FM sections 9-11 rounds fide tempo Novi Sad, Serbia, 1 hour from Belgrade airport accomodation across organiser, 100 m from tourn hall in centre of Novi Sad org. GM Drazic Sinisa mail: or ++381 (0)64 124 9741 mobil ++381 (0)21 450 714 home

Lebanon Championships

The Championships of the Lebanon took place in Beirut 25th July - 3rd August 2007. Ahmad Najjar won the event iwth 8/9. I will round up the games next week. News: Elie Houlichian.

Official site:

 1 FM  Najjar Ahmad        2334 LIB 8  41½ 34
 2 WIM Mouradian Knarik    2164 LIB 7½ 39½ 35
 3     Maasarani Mahmoud   2143 LIB 6½ 36½ 36
 4     Sakr Nassim         2121 LIB 6½ 35  37
 5     Nader Elias         2086 LIB 6½ 35  38
 6     Atwi Ali            2138 LIB 6½ 28½ 39
 7     Mikati Hani            0 LIB 6½ 27  40
 8     Kassis Antoine      2219 LIB 6  34  41
 9     Chahine Abdallah    2053 LIB 6  32  42
10     ElJawish Amr           0 LIB 6  30  43
11     Mrad Charif         2028 LIB 6  29  44
12     Issa Khalil            0 LIB 6  26  45
13     Nassar Marwan       2137 LIB 5½ 32½ 46
14     Moudallal Tarek     1838 LIB 5½ 31½ 47
15     Ramadan Wissam         0 LIB 5½ 23  48
16     Oknayan Razmik         0 LIB 5½ 20½ 49
65 players

4th China vs Russia Chess Match

The 4th China vs Russia Chess Match takes place 18th-31st August 2007 in Moscow, Russia.

This annually tranditional Match takes place before UK v China in Liverpool, a UK-China summit chess match, from 4-9 September 2007. THE 4TH CHINA VS RUSSIA CHESS MATCH

The Yuang Chinese team: GM Wang Yue (age 20) 2696, GM Bu Xiangzhi (age 22) 2685, GM Ni Hua (age 24) 2681, GM Zhang Pengxiang (age 27) 2649, GM Wang Hao (age 18) 2623. Women: WGM Zhao Xue (age 22) 2500, WGM Shen Yang(age 18) 2439, Ruan Lufei (age 20) 2433, WM Huang Qian (age 21) 2410, WGM Wang Yu A (age 25) 2384.

The Yuang Russian team: GM Jakovenko, Dmitry (age 24) 2735, GM Alekseev, Evgenyg (age 22) 2689, GM Inarkiev, Ernesto (age 22) 2663, GM Tomashevsky, Evgeny (age 20) 2654, GM Timofeev, Artyom (age 22 ) 2650. Women: IM Kosintseva, Tatiana (age 21) 2502, IM Kosintseva, Nadezhda (age 22) 2475, IM Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina (age 33) 2454, IM Tairova, Elena (age 16) 2410, WGM Korbut, Ekaterina (age 22) 2445.

Liverpool Chess Internaional

The Liverpool Chess International takes place 3rd-9th September 2007.

In addition there is a China - UK match.

China ( GM Wang Yue (age 20) 2696 GM Bu Xiangzhi (age 22) 2685 GM Ni Hua (age 24) 2681 GM Zhang Pengxiang (age 27) 2649 GM Wang Hao (age 18) 2619 WGM Hou Yifan (age 13) 2523 WGM Shen Yang(age 18) 2439 WFM Ding Yixin (age 16) 2278) vs

UK ( GM Michael Adams (age 34) 2724 GM Nigel Short (age 42) 2683 GM Jonathan Rowson (age 30) 2599 GM Nick Pert (age 26) 2536 GM Gawain Jones (age 18) 2526 GM David Howell (age 16) 2519 IM Keti Arakahamia-Grant (age 39) 2419 IM Jovanka Houska (age 27) 2401) Match.

Alongside is an open tournament same dates. 9 round swiss £10,000 in prizes. Entry on the official site below or

Official site:

ECU Website down + European Youth ch U8

1 Website of the European Chess Union (ECU) Due to a hard drive crash on the server of ECU's provider, the ECU website ( is down. The ECU webmaster and a rescue team are trying to recover as much data as possible. 2 Deadline for European Youth ch U8 The European open youth chess championship U8 will take place in Batumi, Georgia (October 12-23, 2007). The deadline for registration is August 12, 2007. The invitation and regulations have been published by the English Chess Federation for instance:

11th Mind Sports Olympiad

11th Mind Sports Olympiad Potters Bar: 17th - 27th August 2007

Official site:

Predeal Chess Festival

The Predeal Chess Festival takes place in Romania August 8th-18th 2007 This will be a very large one, with 5 tournaments, European Women Rapid Chess and blitz Championships, World Amateur Ch, Romanian Open and a children tournament. We expect over 600 participants.

Details; and also on the Romanian Grand Prix and Romanian Chess Federation chess pages, and

Contact : Doru Ionescu,, +40742064336.

Baltic Sea Cup

The Baltic Sea Cup (Bornholm, Denmark) took place July 30th - August 5th 2007. The website wasn't working when I tried to collect the results and games.


Acropolis 2007

The international tournament "Acropolis 2007" takes place August 14th-22nd 2007 at the hotel President (43 Kifisias Ave.) in Athens. This is the 22nd year that the tournament with the longest history compared to any other international tournament in Greece is organized.

Official site in English The participants list so far has 18 GMs with Kiril Georgiev being No1 There will be live transmision on the net Acropolis 2007 is part of the tournaments of the Association of Chess Professionals

12th Pannonia Cup

The 12th Pannonia Cup takes place in Balatonalmádi (Hungary) 1st-05th August 2007. Group A: International Open for FIDE ratings (without age limit) Group B:International Open for FIDE ratings for players rated under 2000 (without age limit). U18 Players’ results will be evaluated separately.


Entry and contact for further information: Address: Fáncsy Imre: 8222. Balatonalmádi, Gábor Áron u. 15.; HUNGARY E-mail:

Liga de Campeones

The Liga de Campeones (Jesus de la fuente memorial) takes place 1st-15th November 2007 in Vitoria Gasteiz. Alongside is a tournament of champions with: Veselin Topalov, Anatoli Karpov, Ruslan Ponomariov, Alexander Khalifman, Rustam Kasimdzhanov and Judit Polgar.  

Website - David Llada's Blog    

Alex Brunetti's TotoScacco Site

Alex Brunetti's TotoScacco Site allows predictions for current chess tournaments.

Highlands Open

4th International Chess Festival Highlands Open 2007, which will take place in the town of Zdar nad Sazavou on 22nd-30th September 2007. Final qualification for the Men and Women Championship of the Czech Republic, FIDE open, active chess and blitz tournament are part of the festival. More detailed information should be found at . Downloadable regulations in English, German, Russian and Polish are available at the address


Its always worth mentioning Wojciech Bartelski's excellent which covers not only Olympiads but all team chess.

New events: European U18 Team Championship has recently finished in Subotica, Serbia. (boys' results) and (girls' results)

The 9th All-Africa Games took place in Algiers, Algeria 11th-23rd July There were 13 men's team in a four board round robin (rate of play was Active Chess 25+10). No games available. See details:


Another great site. Latest is is an interview with ACP President Pavel Tregubov.

Al Jazeera meets Kirzan Ilyumzhinov

There is a two Part Documentary on YouTube Al Jazeera meets Kirzan Ilyumzhinov: and

Gary Lane in Malaysia

The Chess Club of Sekolah Tengku Ampuan Rahimah, Klang (Malasia) will be hosting a chess workshop by Australian Chess Player of the Year 2004, International Master (IM) Gary Lane. The chess workshop, entitled "Improve your chess with IM Gary Lane 2007", will be held on the 18th of August 2007 (Saturday), from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the school library.

Tarragona open

The Tarragona open takes place 18th-26th August 2007. Time rate 90 minutes + 30 seconds a move. The registration deadline is 16th August. In order to register, the players must call to Mr Francesc Xavier Farran. phone number: 877022621 mobile: 650084822 e-mail: or


VI Benidorm Festival

The VI Festival Internacional de Ajedrez de Benidorm 2007  takes place 30th November - 9th December 2007.

Further details: -

Three GM events in Hungary and Serbia

THREE GM-IM norm tournaments in a row in Eastern Europe in Sept-Oct...(Hungary and Serbia)

1. 1st-13th of September GM-IM-FM closed tournaments, First Saturday - Budapest, Hungary, org: Nagy Laszlo, e-mail:

2. 15th-23rd of September GM-IM tmt, Third Saturday - Novi Sad, Serbia, org: IGM drazic, e-mail: sdrazic@eunet.yu (the Serbian city Novi is for 6 hours by train South from Budapest),

3. 6th-19th of October, GM-IM-FM, First Saturday - Budapest, org.: Nagy Laszlo

The City of Dublin Championships

The City of Dublin Championships takes place 31st August, 1st and 2nd September 2007.


Sydney International Open 2008

The 2008 Sydney International Open takes place at Parramatta Town Hall 25th-29th March 2008. Free accommodation and modest conditions are offered to GMs. All enquiries to the Tournament Organiser, FM Brian Jones, at


Geller Memorial, Odessa

The Efim Geller Chess Memorial will take place in Odessa, Ukraine from September 7th (day of arrival) - September 16th, 2007.

Venue: Sanatorium Belaya Akaziya (Franzuzsky Boulevard 15, Odessa). The Geller Memorial organisers are: the Pivdenny Bank, the Physical Culture and Sports Department of the Odessa municipal government, the Odessa Region Chess Federation, the Union of Chess and Checkers Clubs of the Odessa Region.

The prize fund of the Open A (9 rounds Swiss) is 28740 UAH (approx. 5745 USD; 1 Ukrainian Hryvnia/UAH = approx 0.2 USD), with ten prizes and additional prizes. The first prize is 8000 UAH (approx. 1600 USD). Sixteen top players by ELO will be provided the full-board accomodation by the organisers. The entry fee depending on ELO varies from 250 UAH (for players without ELO) to 50 UAH (for players with ELO higher than 2300). There is a 50% discount for: veterans, women and U-20 players (with exceptions of those players who does not have an ELO rating). The entry is free for GMs/IMs with the ELO rating higher than 2400 and for WGMs/WIMs with ELO higher than 2200. The time control in the Open A (for each player) is 1 hour 30 minutes for the game + 30 seconds increment after each move.

Two other 9 round Swiss tournaments are: Open B with a time rate 2 hours per game (prize fund 4100 UAH; eight main prizes with the first prize of 700 UAH; entry fee 25 UAH) where players who have the first category or higher have the right to participate, and children's Open C with a time rate 2 hours per game, this tournament is for players of the age of 16 years and younger (prize fund 2100 UAH, including prizes for Girls, U-12 and U-10 players, entry fee 15 UAH).

Each player in any of three tournaments can get only one prize. Prizes will not be shared: places for the players who score the same number of points will be determined accordingly to the tournament regulations.

Registration of players will take place in the children's chess school (Kanatnaya Street 95, Odessa) on September 7, 2007 from 10 a.m till 5 p.m. The opening ceremony will take place in the Sanatorium Belaya Akaziya on September 8, 2007 at 3 p.m. A confirmation of the participation until August 15, 2007 is necessary for all participants. More detailed information in Russian is available at: The coverage of the Geller Memorial will be provided at The contact address of the organisers is

V Transcarpathian Rapid

The V Transcarpathian Rapidtournament "Chess Decyk" takes place September, 15th-16th 2007 City: Uzhgorod Country: Ukraine Time control: Rapid: 20' - 20' Number of rounds: 9 System: Swiss Prize fund: 4000 UAH Remarks: Welcome to the age-old town above the river Uzh with more than 1000-year’s history!!!

Organizer: Chess Federation of Uzhgorod (President - IM Bogdan Borsos) Tel: +380503179153, +380503723900 E-mail: Address: Ukraine, Uzhgorod, Hotel "Svitanok", Koshitska st. 30

Further details:

Hungarian tournaments July - December 2007

List of the chess tournaments from July - December 2007 in Hungary:

1. 7th - 19th of July 2007 FIRST SATURDAY Budapest GM-IM-FM, GM-IM-FM round robins (BERGER), 9-13 games, GM-IM norm possibilities in Budapest, venue: Hungarian Chess Federation, Falk Miksa Str.10. 2nd floor. Organisation: Nagy Laszlo, FIDE International Chess Organizer E-mail:

Website: Other website: Phone-fax: +(361)-2632859, cellphone: +(36)-30-230-1914 /From 12:00 a.m. until midnight - Central European Time - GMT+1 hour/..

2. 21st - 29th of July KECSKEMET, IM Berger tmt, org: Dr.Erdelyi, Tamas, e-mail: Website: Usually also in the second half of the month IM tmt-s in Kecskemet. 100 km South-East from Budapest.

3. 22nd-29th of July AGRIA Open, Eger, 110 km North-East from Budapest, Org: Rauch Ferenc, e-mail:

4 . 4th-16th of August FS Budapest, GM-IM-FM, org. Nagy L.

5. 18th-26th of August, TALENTUM CUP Open 9 rounds Swiss, near to the Balaton lake, org: VALIS, Janos, e-mail:

6. 1st-13th of September, FS GM-IM-FM Budapest, org.Nagy L.

7. 17th -25th of September KECSKEMET IM tmt, org. dr.Erdelyi

8. 6th-18th of October, FS GM-IM-FM Budapest, org.Nagy L.

9. 22nd-30th of October KECSKEMET IM - org. dr.Erdelyi

10. 3rd-15th of November, FS GM-IM-FM Budapest, org.:NL

11. 15th-23rd of November, XXXI. TENKES CUP, 9 round Swiss Open, Harkany, 300 km South-West from Budapest, org: Mr.FULOP, Csaba, e-mail: Website:⟨=hu&det=12

12. 1st-13th of December, FS GM-IM-FM, Budapest, org.NL

XX Belgrade International Open

The XX International Open Championship of Belgrade "OBRENOVAC 2007" takes place 22nd-30th November 2007.

Prizes : EUR 5,600.00 The championship will be played in 9 rounds according to the FIDE Swiss System (computer pairing). Rate of play is 40 moves for 2 hours and 30 minutes til the end of game.

Contact information: BELGRADE CHESS INFORMATION 11000 Belgrade, Deligradska 27/III, Serbia Tel/Fax; +381-11 -2656 846 E-mail: beochess@eunet.yu

Further details:

GM Amir Bagheri's Website and Match

GM Amir Bagheri's Website:

Amir Bagheri (Iran, rating 2481) will play a 2-game match vs. members of the ICCF Forum. The games (one with White and one with Black pieces) will be played on the ICCF Webserver and are intended to start on June 20th 2007, with the reflection time rule "10 moves/100 days".

John Watson Books Show

John Watson has a program on on books, this week it features FM Graham Burgess, Editorial Director of Gambit Publishing.


World Youth Chess Championships

The World Youth Chess Championships take place 17th-29th November 2007 in Antalya.

Official site:

IV Calvià Chess Festival

The IV Calvià Chess Festival takes place in Calvià, Mallorca (Spain) 6th-24th October 2006. Event including an International, Blitz, Senior, Amateur & Under-16 tournaments.


John Watson Book Reviews on

TWIC contributer John Watson can be heard on reviewing books every week on a Tuesday. Dirk Jan ten Geuzendam the editor of New in Chess will be John Watson's guest on the show on May 22nd 2007. This show will be made available for 7-days ONDemand for members.

ICC has announced it taken over World Chess Network, from Master Games International, and Chess Live, from GamesParlor. The two services will be merged together to form a new service, separate from ICC, to be called World Chess Live.


Anand interview

There is a new interview with Anand on the website:

Maxim Dlugy

Former World Junior Champion GM Maxim Dlugy now has a website.

MyChess correspondence Chess Server

There is a correspondence chess server designed by Matthias Karkowski at:

Benidorm International Chess Festival

The VI Benidorm 2007 International Chess Festival takes place 30th November - 9th December 2007 with diverse tournaments

More information and entry, discounts by individual lodging or for groups larger than 15 people, please to contact Patricia Claros Aguilar: 615547567 - 6620 20592 or emails and


British Chess Problem Society

Brian Stephenson of the British Chess Problem Society has a new website: The site has much info on the Winton Capital British Chess Solving Championship.

Endgame Studies

Alexander Rueb Vereniging voor SchaakEindspelStudie. Endgame studies:

Lugano tournament November

There is a Lugano tournament at the end of November 2007. Details:

Novi Sad Championship

Novi Sad will host the 2009 European National Team Championship. In the run up to that the Championship of Novi Sad took place 18th-25th March 2007. Dusan Rajkovic won the event on tie-break from Miroljub Lazic after both finished on 6.5/9. I'm hoping for a better games file before I try and publish the games.

Further details:

Mediterranean 2013" Open Rijeka Croatia

The "Mediterranean 2013" Open chess tournament takes place in Rijeka Croatia, 25 November - 2 December 2007

System of play: Swiss / 9 rounds. Tempo of play: 90 minutes per player + 30 extra seconds for each move played starting with the first. The tournament will be registered with FIDE in order to assign the rating and title norms.

Prizes Awards fund: about 10 000 Euros. 1st award - 12 000,00 kunas 2nd award - 8 000,00 kunas 3rd award - 6 000,00 kunas



RC Sport Open

The RC Sport Open takes place 10th-17th August 2007 in Ceská Trebová (Czech republic). Total prize fund is 122 000 CZK (4 000 Euro).


ICC and FICS client for mobile phones

Mats Luthman has written a program that connects to ICC and FICS, compatable with many modern mobile phones. I've been looking for something like this for a while for watching live tournaments if I'm out and about. Its a nice free solution, you can also play but I haven't tried that.


VI Benidorm Festival

The VI Benidorm Festival takes place 30th November - 9th December 2007.

Further details:

Alushta Diary 2007

GM Norm events: 23.05 - 1.06, 2.06 - 12.06, 15.06 - 25.06, 2.09 - 12.09, 14.09 - 24.09, 26.09 - 6.10, IM Norm: 23.05 - 1.06, 2.06 - 12.06, 15.06 - 25.06, 2.09 - 12.09, 14.09 - 24.09, 26.09 - 6.10, Rating tournament: 4.06 - 12.06, 22.06 - 27.06, Open tournament (under 16 years) First prize - 200$ 3.06 - 11.06, 13.06 - 21.06, Alushta Swiss 9 rounds Open tournament First prize - 1000$ First prize (woman) - 500$ 28.06 - 6.07, Alushta Swiss 9 rounds Blitz tournament 7.07, Alushta Swiss 9 rounds Open tournament (rapid chess) 8.07 - 9.07, Alushta Session of school of Gennadi Kuzmin 21.06 - 27.06

Individual and group studying Further information: phone +38 (06560)5-05-32, +380505828911 (for Russian speaking) + 44 7717890632 (for English speaking, call after 18.00) e-mail:

New England Masters

New England Masters, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, August 13-17, 2007. 9 Round FIDE Swiss with great norm opportunities. Low entry fees and hotel rate, open to players rated FIDE 2200 or higher. Website: Email:

Banyoles Chess Festival 2007

The Banyoles Chess Festival includes two tournaments: The Rapid-Chess Tournament is on 15th of August. And from the 16th until 24th of August is held the International Chess Tournament. Here, you will find more information about them: 3rd. "Lluís Muratet" Rapid-Chess Tournament This will be played the 15th of August of 2007. Rapid-Chess (20 minutes or 15min+5"). 9 Rounds. Prizes: 1st. 800 €; Prize fund: 2.000 €. (Valid for Catalan Chess Circuit) 10th Banyoles International Chess Tournament From 16th until 24th of August of 2007. Swiss System. 9 Rounds. 105 minutes + 30 seconds/movement. Prizes: 1st. 2.000 € (4.000 € if the winner achieves 9 points); Prize fund: 8.000 €. (Valid for the Catalan Chess Circuit). Nigel Short has announced his participation.

Official site:

Pierre Barthélémy Chess Blog

Pierre Barthélémy Chess Blog in French:

Russia vs ROW Correspondence

The Russian Chess Federation is celebrating its 10th anniversary and is using this occasion to challenge the rest of the world to a match over 64 boards with 2 games for each and the start is 15.02 2004. Players include Joop van Oosterom