THE WEEK IN CHESS 663 23rd July 2007 by Mark Crowther

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Mark Crowther
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1) Introduction
2) 40th Biel Chess Festival
3) 8th Montreal International
4) MonRoi International Women's GP
5) North Urals Cup
6) Banja Luka Tournament
7) Czech Open
8) IV Continental Cali
9) Mazovian Chess Festival
10) Ghent Open
11) Championnat Invitation du Québec
12) Slovakian Championship
13) Kowalewo Pomorskie Open
14) Perm GM
15) Heart of Finland
16) Kotov Memorial
17) Montenegro Championship
18) Middlesex Centenary Scheveningen
19) 1st Leiden Chess Tournament
20) Klatovy Open
21) Open Championship of Skopje
22) First Saturday July
23) Zudov Memorial
24) Frank K. Berry US Women's Championship
25) 1st Kaupthing Open
26) XIII Jorge Alvarez Memorial
27) Open d'Escacs Barbera del Valles
28) Canadian Open
29) South African Open
30) Politiken Cup
31) 2nd Konig Memorial
32) Crete Summer Cup
33) Curacao Chess Festival
34) XI Copa Puma Mercosur
35) Quebec Open
36) Asian Youth Championships
37) Battle of Senta tournament
38) World Computer Rapid Chess Championship
39) Inautomarket Open
40) 29th Oberwart Open
41) Caissa IM July
42) 57th New Hampshire Open
43) Lichtenstein Memorial
44) Forthcoming Events and Links


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Games section

40th Biel Chess Festival                 5 games
8th Montreal International              15 games
MonRoi International Women's GP          4 games
North Urals Cup                         10 games
Banja Luka Tournament                    5 games
Czech Open                              56 games
IV Continental Cali                    612 games
Mazovian Chess Festival                101 games
Ghent Open                              79 games
Championnat Invitation du Québec        45 games
Slovakian Championship                 134 games
Kowalewo Pomorskie Open                178 games
Perm GM                                 45 games
Heart of Finland                       108 games
Kotov Memorial                          78 games
Montenegro Championship                 66 games
Middlesex Centenary Scheveningen        81 games
1st Leiden Chess Tournament             59 games
Klatovy Open                           457 games
Open Championship of Skopje            156 games
First Saturday July                     11 games
Zudov Memorial                          29 games
Frank K. Berry US Women's Championship  45 games
1st Kaupthing Open                     390 games
XIII Jorge Alvarez Memorial             24 games
Open d'Escacs Barbera del Valles        66 games
Canadian Open                           55 games
South African Open                     211 games
Lichtenstein Memorial                   30 games
3150 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to Jan Mazuch, Juan Minaya, Csaba Bognar, Luiz Roberto Da Costa Jr, Thomas Henrich, Wojciech Bartelski, Alex Brunetti, Leonard Barden, Norbert Stull, John Donaldson, Anjo Anjewierden, Laszlo Nagy, Peter Doggers, John Henderson, Simon Spivack, George Mirijanian, Ard van Beek, Edwin Lam, Zsuzs Veroci, John Saunders, Hugh Brodie, Arthur Kogan, Robin Lindsay, Erno Kovács, Herman van Riemsdijk, Patricia Claros Aguilar, Mervyn Honner, Karel Novák, Brian Jones, Chris Bird, Ivan Kocovski and everyone else who helped with the issue.

Its another week of excellent chess with the Category 17 Biel tournaments starting with an extremely interesting field including young stars Magnus Carlsen and Teimour Radjabov along with experienced players such as Alexander Grischuk and Judit Polgar. The Montreal International is just a category behind with man of the moment Vassily Ivanchuk competing. Shakhriyar Mamedyarov scored a perfect 9/9 in a rapid in Pardubice as part of the Czech Open Festival. But as last week perhaps its the sheer amount of chess being played that's perhaps its main feature. Also worth noting is Alexei Shirov's appearance on John Watson's book show on on Tuesday.

Hope you enjoy this issue.


2) 40th Biel Chess Festival

The 40th Biel Chess Festival takes place 21st July-3rd August 2007. An excellent field should produce exciting chess.

Official site:

GM Biel SUI (SUI), 23 vii-2 viii 2007              cat. XVIII (2679)
                                      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Carlsen, Magnus       g NOR 2710  * . . . . . . . 1 .  1.0       
 2. Polgar, Judit         g HUN 2707  . * . . . . . . . 1  1.0       
 3. Avrukh, Boris         g ISR 2645  . . * . . . = . . .  0.5  2591 
 4. Grischuk, Alexander   g RUS 2726  . . . * = . . . . .  0.5  2648 
 5. Motylev, Alexander    g RUS 2648  . . . = * . . . . .  0.5  2726 
 6. Onischuk, Alexander   g USA 2650  . . . . . * . = . .  0.5  2746 
 7. Pelletier, Yannick    g SUI 2591  . . = . . . * . . .  0.5  2645 
 8. Radjabov, Teimour     g AZE 2746  . . . . . = . * . .  0.5  2650 
 9. Bu Xiangzhi           g CHN 2685  0 . . . . . . . * .  0.0       
10. Van Wely, Loek        g NED 2680  . 0 . . . . . . . *  0.0       

Round 1 (July 23, 2007)

Carlsen, Magnus      -  Bu Xiangzhi          1-0   84  D94  Gruenfeld Closed
Grischuk, Alexander  -  Motylev, Alexander   1/2   41  D18  Slav Defence
Onischuk, Alexander  -  Radjabov, Teimour    1/2   46  E62  King's Indian 6...Nc6
Pelletier, Yannick   -  Avrukh, Boris        1/2   26  D94  Gruenfeld Closed
Van Wely, Loek       -  Polgar, Judit        0-1   40  E17  Queens Indian

3) 8th Montreal International

The 8th Montreal International takes place 19th-28th July 2007.

Official site: - Blog coverage:

8th It Montreal CAN (CAN), 19-28 vii 2007            cat. XVI (2650)
                                      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Harikrishna, P        g IND 2664  * . = . . . . . 1 1  2.5  2958 
 2. Tiviakov, Sergei      g NED 2648  . * . . . = . . 1 1  2.5  2973 
 3. Kamsky, Gata          g USA 2718  = . * = . . 1 . . .  2.0  2735 
 4. Bluvshtein, Mark      g CAN 2520  . . = * = . . 1 . .  2.0  2765 
 5. Eljanov, Pavel        g UKR 2701  . . . = * . = 1 . .  2.0  2682 
 6. Ivanchuk, Vassily     g UKR 2762  . = . . . * . = . 1  2.0  2727 
 7. Miton, Kamil          g POL 2648  . . 0 . = . * . 1 .  1.5  2700 
 8. Charbonneau, Pascal   g CAN 2503  . . . 0 0 = . * . .  0.5  2388 
 9. Short, Nigel D        g ENG 2683  0 0 . . . . 0 . * .  0.0       
10. Sutovsky, Emil        g ISR 2656  0 0 . . . 0 . . . *  0.0       

Round 1 (July 19, 2007)

Harikrishna, P       -  Sutovsky, Emil       1-0   40  D87  Gruenfeld Botvinnik
Tiviakov, Sergei     -  Ivanchuk, Vassily    1/2   22  B51  Sicilian Rossolimo
Bluvshtein, Mark     -  Kamsky, Gata         1/2   44  D94  Gruenfeld Closed
Eljanov, Pavel       -  Charbonneau, Pascal  1-0   54  A56  Old Indian Defence
Miton, Kamil         -  Short, Nigel D       1-0   49  E11  Bogo Indian Defence

Round 2 (July 20, 2007)

Kamsky, Gata         -  Miton, Kamil         1-0   43  D27  QGA
Eljanov, Pavel       -  Bluvshtein, Mark     1/2   59  A77  Benoni
Charbonneau, Pascal  -  Ivanchuk, Vassily    1/2   17  C59  Two Knights Defence
Short, Nigel D       -  Harikrishna, P       0-1   19  C01  French Exchange
Sutovsky, Emil       -  Tiviakov, Sergei     0-1   49  B51  Sicilian Rossolimo

Round 3 (July 22, 2007)

Harikrishna, P       -  Kamsky, Gata         1/2   15  D15  Slav Defence
Tiviakov, Sergei     -  Short, Nigel D       1-0   32  C86  Ruy Lopez Worrall Attack
Bluvshtein, Mark     -  Charbonneau, Pascal  1-0   36  E98  King's Indian Classical
Ivanchuk, Vassily    -  Sutovsky, Emil       1-0   76  D80  Gruenfeld 4.Bg5
Miton, Kamil         -  Eljanov, Pavel       1/2   54  E01  Catalan

4) MonRoi International Women's GP

MonRoi International Women's Chess Grand-Prix sees its finale in an 8 player round robin July 21st-28th in Montreal, Canada.


MonRoi International Women GP (CAN), 22-28 vii 2007    cat. V (2374)
                                          1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 
1. Cramling, Pia              g SWE 2533  * . . . . . . 1  1.0       
2. Houska, Jovanka            m ENG 2401  . * . . . . 1 .  1.0       
3. Arakhamia-Grant, Ketevan   m GEO 2418  . . * . = . . .  0.5  2460 
4. Foisor, Cristina Adela     m ROM 2372  . . . * . = . .  0.5  2479 
5. Javakhishvili, Lela        m GEO 2460  . . = . * . . .  0.5  2418 
6. Krush, Irina               m USA 2479  . . . = . * . .  0.5  2372 
7. Rajlich, Iweta             m POL 2406  . 0 . . . . * .  0.0       
8. Roy, Myriam                  CAN 1925  0 . . . . . . *  0.0       

5) North Urals Cup

The North Urals Cup takes place in Krasnoturinsk, Russia 22nd-31st July 2007.

Official site:

North Urals Cup Krasnoturinsk RUS (RUS), 22-31 vii 2007  cat. X (2479)
                                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Ushenina, Anna         m UKR 2502  * = . . 1 . . . . .  1.5  2667 
 2. Stefanova, Antoaneta   g BUL 2481  = * . . . . . . . 1  1.5  2672 
 3. Zhao Xue              wg CHN 2500  . . * . . . . = 1 .  1.5  2669 
 4. Lahno, Kateryna        m UKR 2450  . . . * . = . . . 1  1.5  2682 
 5. Galliamova, Alisa      m RUS 2468  0 . . . * . 1 . . .  1.0  2479 
 6. Zhu Chen               g QAT 2522  . . . = . * . . = .  1.0  2439 
 7. Muzychuk, Anna        wg SLO 2456  . . . . 0 . * 1 . .  1.0  2495 
 8. Hou Yifan             wg CHN 2523  . . = . . . 0 * . .  0.5  2285 
 9. Pogonina, Natalija    wg RUS 2429  . . 0 . . = . . * .  0.5  2318 
10. Paehtz, Elisabeth      m GER 2457  . 0 . 0 . . . . . *  0.0       

Round 1 (July 22, 2007)

Ushenina, Anna        -  Galliamova, Alisa     1-0   31  D45  Anti-Meran Variations
Stefanova, Antoaneta  -  Paehtz, Elisabeth     1-0   67  D23  QGA
Lahno, Kateryna       -  Zhu Chen              1/2   37  C77  Ruy Lopez Anderssen
Hou Yifan             -  Muzychuk, Anna        0-1   75  B43  Sicilian Paulsen
Pogonina, Natalija    -  Zhao Xue              0-1   69  B04  Alekhine's Defence

Round 2 (July 23, 2007)

Ushenina, Anna        -  Stefanova, Antoaneta  1/2   46  D46  Semi-Slav Defence
Zhao Xue              -  Hou Yifan             1/2   59  E15  Queens Indian
Galliamova, Alisa     -  Muzychuk, Anna        1-0   86  A81  Dutch Leningrad
Zhu Chen              -  Pogonina, Natalija    1/2  109  E10  Blumenfeld Counter Gambit
Paehtz, Elisabeth     -  Lahno, Kateryna       0-1   47  B54  Sicilian Rauzer

6) Banja Luka Tournament

The Banja Luka Tournament takes place 22nd-30th July 2007.

Official site:

8th GM Banja Luka BIH (BIH), 22-30 vii 2007             cat. XI (2508)
                                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Jakovljevic, Vlado      m BIH 2440  * . . . . . . . 1 .  1.0       
 2. Ruck, Robert            g HUN 2563  . * . . . . . . . 1  1.0       
 3. Andersson, Ulf          g SWE 2520  . . * . = . . . . .  0.5  2610 
 4. Ilincic, Zlatko         g SRB 2509  . . . * . . . = . .  0.5  2481 
 5. Korchnoi, Viktor        g SUI 2610  . . = . * . . . . .  0.5  2520 
 6. Solodovnichenko, Yuri   g UKR 2582  . . . . . * = . . .  0.5  2601 
 7. Stojanovic, Mihajlo     m SRB 2601  . . . . . = * . . .  0.5  2582 
 8. Vukic, Milan            g BIH 2481  . . . = . . . * . .  0.5  2509 
 9. Narancic, Vlado         f SRB 2344  0 . . . . . . . * .  0.0       
10. Savanovic, Aleksandar   m BIH 2432  . 0 . . . . . . . *  0.0       

Round 1 (July 22, 2007)

Ruck, Robert           -  Savanovic, Aleksandar  1-0   51  D37  QGD 5.Bf4
Korchnoi, Viktor       -  Andersson, Ulf         1/2   20  A17  English Opening
Stojanovic, Mihajlo    -  Solodovnichenko, Yuri  1/2   17  A30  English Symmetrical
Vukic, Milan           -  Ilincic, Zlatko        1/2   90  A05  Various
Narancic, Vlado        -  Jakovljevic, Vlado     0-1   52  A04  Dutch System

Official site:

7) Czech Open

The Czech Open takes place in Pardubice 12th-29th July 2007.

The strongest event was the Synthesia Open - Open Czech Rapid Championship which took place 18th-19th July 2007. Shakhriyar Mamedyarov won with 9/9 a point and a half clear of Sergei Movsesian.

This is followed by the main GM Open tournament 20th-28th July 2007.

Official site:

Synthesia Rapid Open Pardubice CZE (CZE), 18-19 vii 2007
 1 Mamedyarov Shakhriyar    GM AZE 2757 9,0  9,0 54,0 43,0
 2 Movsesian Sergei         GM SVK 2667 7,5  7,5 56,0 44,0
 3 Laznicka Viktor          GM CZE 2594 7,0  7,0 57,5 43,5
 4 Kononenko Dmitry         GM UKR 2501 7,0  7,0 53,5 41,0
 5 Zakhartsov Viacheslav    GM RUS 2559 7,0  7,0 53,0 41,5
 6 Najer Evgeniy            GM RUS 2623 7,0  7,0 52,5 39,5
 7 Maslak Konstantin        IM RUS 2548 7,0  7,0 50,0 40,0
 8 Novikov Stanislav        GM RUS 2562 7,0  7,0 48,0 37,0
 9 Grachev Boris            GM RUS 2601 6,5  6,5 55,5 42,0
10 Babula Vlastimil         GM CZE 2577 6,5  6,5 54,0 40,5
11 Korobov Anton            GM UKR 2530 6,5  6,5 53,0 41,0
12 Stocek Jiri              GM CZE 2572 6,5  6,5 51,5 39,0
13 Schlosser Philipp        GM GER 2562 6,5  6,5 49,5 38,5
14 Navara David             GM CZE 2656 6,5  6,5 49,0 38,0
15 Iskusnykh Sergei         GM RUS 2488 6,5  6,5 48,0 36,5
16 Bernasek Jan             IM CZE 2517 6,5  6,5 47,5 37,0
17 Votava Jan               GM CZE 2547 6,5  6,5 47,5 36,5
18 Pokazanjev Nikolai       FM RUS 2443 6,5  6,5 47,0 37,0
19 Ivanov Alexey            IM RUS 2421 6,5  6,5 44,5 36,0
20 Vasiukov Evgeni          GM RUS 2486 6,5  6,5 43,0 33,5
21 Mamedov Rauf             GM AZE 2587 6,0  6,0 58,0 44,0
22 Kryakvin Dmitry          IM RUS 2554 6,0  6,0 55,0 42,5
23 Dvoirys Semen            GM RUS 2577 6,0  6,0 50,5 39,5
24 Sveshnikov Evgeni        GM LAT 2504 6,0  6,0 49,5 38,5
25 Mista Aleksander         GM POL 2553 6,0  6,0 49,5 38,5
26 Beinoras Mindaugas          LTU 2223 6,0  6,0 48,0 37,0
27 Polak Tomas              GM CZE 2544 6,0  6,0 47,5 36,5
28 Zilberman Yaacov         GM ISR 2473 6,0  6,0 47,0 36,5
29 Lovkov Roman             FM RUS 2435 6,0  6,0 45,5 36,0
30 Jirovsky Milos           GM CZE 2482 6,0  6,0 45,5 35,0
31 Cvek Robert              GM CZE 2548 6,0  6,0 44,5 36,0
32 Gajewski Grzegorz        GM POL 2556 6,0  6,0 44,0 33,5
33 Drugov Pavel             FM RUS 2406 6,0  6,0 43,0 33,0
34 Shimanov Alexander       IM RUS 2428 6,0  6,0 41,0 32,0
35 Bucinskas Valdas            LTU 2311 6,0  6,0 37,0 29,5
204 players

Leading players:
 2 BORIS        GRACHEV       RUS GM 2601
 3 VIKTOR       LAZNICKA      CZE GM 2594
 4 VLADIMIR     POTKIN        RUS GM 2591
 5 RAUF         MAMEDOV       AZE GM 2587
 6 HENRIK       TESKE         GER GM 2578
 7 VLASTIMIL    BABULA        CZE GM 2577
 8 JIRI         STOCEK        CZE GM 2572
 9 EVGENY E.    VOROBIOV      RUS GM 2572
13 JAN          MARKOS        SVK GM 2559
15 PIOTR        BOBRAS        POL GM 2558
17 DMITRY       KRYAKVIN      RUS IM 2554
18 ALEKSANDER   MISTA         POL GM 2553
19 ALEXANDER    ZUBOV         UKR IM 2552
20 ROBERT       CVEK          CZE GM 2548

8) IV Continental Cali

The IV Continental open takes place 10th-20th July, 2007 in Cali, Colombia. The event was an 11 round Swiss Open. I give all the games again because of some errors last week.

Juan Minaya of reports: Five players tied the first place but GM Julio Granda from Peru won the tie break and the title. Seven players have been qualified for the next World Chess Cup will be at the end of the year in Rusia: Julio Granda, Alexander Ivanov and Varuzhan Akobian (USA), Darcy Lima (Brasil) and the Panamerican Young IM Eduardo Iturrizaga (Venezuela), Matsuura Everaldo (Brasil) and GM Fernando Peralta (Argentina). The Continental gave these titles: GM for Manuel Leon Hoyos (Mexico) and IM norms for Jorge Cori (12 years old) and Diamant Andre (16 years old) Brasil. More information at:

Official site:

Leading Final Round 11 Standings:
 1 Granda Zuniga Julio         GM  PER 2621 8,0  53,0 2670
 2 Ivanov Alexander            GM  USA 2547 8,0  52,0 2642
 3 Akobian Varuzhan            GM  USA 2570 8,0  52,0 2663
 4 Lima Darcy                  GM  BRA 2463 8,0  48,5 2626
 5 Iturrizaga Eduardo          IM  VEN 2411 8,0  44,5 2570
 6 Vescovi Geovanni            GM  BRA 2609 7,5  50,5 2634
 7 Leon Hoyos Manuel           IM  MEX 2484 7,5  49,5 2623
 8 Cordova Emilio              IM  PER 2492 7,5  48,5 2568
 9 Lafuente Pablo              IM  ARG 2454 7,5  46,5 2552
10 Felgaer Ruben               GM  ARG 2559 7,5  46,0 2514
11 Matsuura Everaldo           IM  BRA 2505 7,5  45,5 2480
12 Peralta Fernando            GM  ARG 2546 7,5  45,0 2502
13 Gulko Boris                 GM  USA 2576 7,5  43,0 2509
14 Kudrin Sergey               GM  USA 2543 7,0  49,0 2519
15 Escobar Forero Alder        IM  COL 2477 7,0  45,0 2466
16 Gurevich Dmitry             GM  USA 2507 7,0  45,0 2440
17 Zambrana Oswaldo            GM  BOL 2511 7,0  44,5 2467
18 Ehlvest Jaan                GM  USA 2629 7,0  44,5 2547
19 Fier Alexander              GM  BRA 2527 7,0  42,5 2417
20 Ibarra Chami Luis Fernando  IM  MEX 2386 7,0  41,5 2478
21 Alzate Dario                IM  COL 2392 7,0  41,0 2417
22 Sequera Jose                IM  VEN 2432 7,0  36,5 2306
23 Spraggett Kevin             GM  CAN 2585 6,5  45,0 2484
24 Prasca Raphael              IM  VEN 2426 6,5  44,5 2449
25 Cori Jorge                  FM  PER 2267 6,5  43,0 2473
26 Barrientos Sergio           IM  COL 2417 6,5  43,0 2432
27 Mekhitarian Krikor Sevag    IM  BRA 2420 6,5  43,0 2420
28 Garcia Gildardo             GM  COL 2435 6,5  42,0 2391
29 Zapata Alonso               GM  COL 2504 6,5  42,0 2408
30 Uribe Mauricio                  COL 2354 6,5  41,0 2420
31 Mosquera Miguel             IM  COL 2414 6,5  40,0 2364
32 Zuluaga Cesar               FM  COL 2339 6,5  38,5 2351
33 Castro Oscar H              IM  COL 2390 6,5  35,5 2307
34 Panesso Henry               FM  COL 2143 6,5  31,5 2338
35 Rodriguez Vila Andres       GM  URU 2547 6,0  45,0 2457
36 Diamant Andre               FM  BRA 2394 6,0  42,5 2431
37 Hungaski Robert Andrew      IM  USA 2399 6,0  40,0 2398
38 Capo Vidal Uriel            FM  MEX 2370 6,0  38,5 2299
39 Naranjo Sebastian               COL 2035 6,0  38,5 2390
40 Renteria Jorge                  COL 2252 6,0  37,0 2370
41 Mesias Rabindranath             CHI 2237 6,0  36,0 2388
42 Condori Edwin                   PER 2207 6,0  35,5 2348
43 Arenas David                IM  COL 2081 6,0  35,0 2315
44 Quinones Cesar                  PER 2268 6,0  34,5 2235
45 Ortiz Nadya Karolina        WIM COL 2281 6,0  34,5 2239
46 Gutierrez Jose Antonio      IM  COL 2283 6,0  34,0 2233
47 Gallego Andres                  COL 2235 6,0  33,5 2311
48 Ostos Julio                 IM  VEN 2306 6,0  31,5 2370
49 Minaya Juan                 FM  COL 2254 6,0  31,5 2202
50 Ruiz Pablo                      COL 2247 6,0  31,0 2262
51 Garcia Alvaro                   COL 2156 6,0  30,0 2303
52 Rios Cristian Camilo            COL 2013 6,0  29,0 2251
116 players

9) Mazovian Chess Festival

The Mazovian Chess Festival takes place in Grodzisk Mazowiecki, 20th-28th July 2007. Includes: VII Miguel Najdorf International Chess Tournament and VI Mazovian Junior Chess Championship in the Age Groups From 10 to 18 Years old

Official sites: - -

Najdorf Mem GpA Grodzisk Mazowiecki POL (POL), 20-28 vii 2007
 1 Czarnota, Pawel          GM  POL  2575   3.0
 2 Vovk, Yuri               IM  UKR  2557   3.0
 3 Macieja, Bartlomiej      GM  POL  2596   3.0
 4 Gasanov, Eldar           GM  UKR  2499   3.0
 5 Lagowski, Patryk         IM  POL  2335   2.5
 6 Sulskis, Sarunas         GM  LTU  2537   2.5
 7 Urban, Klaudiusz         IM  POL  2481   2.5
 8 Socko, Monika            IM  POL  2479   2.5
 9 Melkumyan, Hrant         IM  ARM  2399   2.5
10 Onischuk, Vladimir       IM  UKR  2506   2.5
11 Szwed, Jacek             FM  POL  2364   2.0
12 Sergeev, Vladimir        GM  UKR  2488   2.0
13 Szoen, Dariusz           IM  POL  2452   2.0
14 Yaremko, Nazar               UKR  2351   2.0
15 Cyborowski, Lukasz       GM  POL  2560   2.0
16 Kuzmicz, Krystian        IM  POL  2418   2.0
17 Sharapov, Evgeny         IM  UKR  2437   2.0
18 LlanezaVega, Marcos      IM  ESP  2438   2.0
19 Malaniuk, Vladimir       GM  UKR  2522   2.0
20 Olszewski, Michal        IM  POL  2409   2.0
21 Kukawski, Maciej         k   POL  2251   2.0
22 Krysztofiak, Marcin      m   POL  2414   2.0
23 Strzemiecki, Zbigniew    FM  POL  2306   2.0
24 Brzeski, Maciej          m   POL  2356   2.0
25 Tokarski, Lukasz         I++ POL  2168   2.0
68 players

10) Ghent Open

The 30th Open International Chess Tournament of Ghent took place 14th-18th July 2007. Vyacheslav Ikonnikov edged out Vladimir Baklan on tie-break after both finished on 8/9.

Official site: and details also

Open Ghent BEL (BEL), 14-19 vii 2007
  1 Ikonnikov V.        2558   IGM RUS   8.0 2658 2313
  2 Baklan V.           2648   IGM UKR   8.0 2658 2313
  3 Dgebuadze A.        2528   IGM BEL   7.5 2586 2313
  4 De Jong J.W.        2430   FM  NED   7.5 2535 2262
  5 Van Haastert E.     2410   IM  NED   7.5 2470 2197
  6 Vajda S.            2410   WGM HUN   7.5 2448 2175
  7 Mohandesi S.        2318   IM  BEL   7.0 2396 2180
  8 Van der Stricht G.  2430   IM  BEL   7.0 2324 2108
  9 Nieto E.            2255       BEL   7.0 2321 2105
 10 Hugaert A.          2072       BEL   7.0 2309 2093
 11 Van Kooten L.       2283   FM  NED   7.0 2280 2064
 12 Dutreeuw M.         2416   IM  BEL   7.0 2278 2062
 13 Vajda L.            2547   IGM ROM   6.5 2417 2251
 14 Timoshenko G.       2566   IGM UKR   6.5 2388 2222
 15 Gregoir C.          2281   FM  BEL   6.5 2388 2222
 16 Bokros A.           2468   IM  HUN   6.5 2374 2208
 17 Vanderwaeren S.     2266   FM  BEL   6.5 2370 2204
 18 Cools G.            2353   FM  BEL   6.5 2350 2184
 19 Alienkin A.         2407   IM  RUS   6.5 2337 2171
 20 Van Mechelen J.     2307   FM  BEL   6.5 2331 2165
 21 Sadkowski D.        2366   FM  BEL   6.5 2330 2164
 22 Lindam I.           2078       GER   6.5 2306 2140
 23 Lacrosse M.         2301   FM  BEL   6.5 2299 2133
 24 Duijker R.          2225       NED   6.5 2283 2117
 25 Snuverink J.        2259       NED   6.5 2271 2105
 26 Scheermeijer P.     1916       NED   6.5 2246 2080
 27 Goormachtigh J.     2277   FM  BEL   6.5 2223 2057
 28 Van Der Linden H.   2120       NED   6.5 2129 1963
357 players

11) Championnat Invitation du Québec

The Championnat Invitation du Québec took place 21st-30th July 2007. Sylvain Barbeau won the event with 7/9.

Official site:

CIQ Quebec CAN (CAN), 21-30 vi 2007
                                          1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Barbeau, Sylvain          f CAN 2389  * 1 = = = = 1 1 1 1  7.0  2433 
 2. Khassanov, Marat          f CAN 2302  0 * = = = = 1 = 1 1  5.5  2303 
 3. Masse, Hugues               CAN 2181  = = * = 0 1 = 0 1 1  5.0  2279 
 4. Ye, Ling Feng               CAN 2141  = = = * 1 = = 1 0 0  4.5  2241 
 5. Voskanyan, Vahagn         f CAN 2275  = = 1 0 * 0 0 1 = 1  4.5  2226 
 6. Voloaca, Mihnea             CAN 2228  = = 0 = 1 * 0 = 0 1  4.0  2188 
 7. Luksza, Arkadiusz           CAN 2141  0 0 = = 1 1 * 0 1 0  4.0  2198 
 8. Fareh, Youness              MAR 2187  0 = 1 0 0 = 1 * = 0  3.5  2155 
 9. Audet-Bouchard, Nicolas     CAN 2204  0 0 0 1 = 1 0 = * =  3.5  2154 
10. Bolduc, Steve               CAN 2262  0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 = *  3.5  2147 

12) Slovakian Championship

The Slovakian Championship took place in Banska Stiavnica, 6th-15th July 2007. Sergei Movsesian won with 7.5/9. Ciprian-Costica Nanu won the open that took place alongside.

Official site: - Results

ch-SVK Banska Stiavnica SLV (SLV), 7-15 vii 2007    cat. IX (2456)
                                    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Movsesian, Sergei   g SVK 2667  * = = 1 1 1 = 1 1 1  7.5  2705 
 2. Markos, Jan         m SVK 2559  = * = 1 = = 1 = 1 1  6.5  2610 
 3. Vavrak, Peter       m SVK 2428  = = * = = 0 1 = 1 =  5.0  2502 
 4. Petrik, Tomas       m SVK 2479  0 0 = * 0 = 1 1 1 1  5.0  2496 
 5. Meszaros, Michal    f SVK 2359  0 = = 1 * 1 0 = = 0  4.0  2424 
 6. Plachetka, Jan      g SVK 2412  0 = 1 = 0 * = = = =  4.0  2418 
 7. Hagarova, Zuzana    m SVK 2389  = 0 0 0 1 = * = = 1  4.0  2420 
 8. Manik, Mikulas      g SVK 2457  0 = = 0 = = = * = =  3.5  2376 
 9. Rigo, Zsolt         m SVK 2410  0 0 0 0 = = = = * 1  3.0  2336 
10. Pinter, Erik          SVK 2402  0 0 = 0 1 = 0 = 0 *  2.5  2296 

Open Banska Stiavnica SVK (SVK), 7-15 vii 2007
1   Nanu Ciprian-Costica    IM  ROM 2507  7.5  42.0 41.0 53.5
2   Ardelean George Catalin IM  ROM 2482  7.0  41.5 38.5 53.0
3   Bindrich Falko          IM  GER 2504  7.0  39.5 36.0 52.0
4   Mateuta Gabriel         IM  ROM 2487  6.5  43.0 36.5 54.5
5   Lipka Juraj             IM  SVK 2431  6.5  41.0 34.5 52.5
6   Nemeth Miklos           FM  HUN 2427  6.5  40.0 34.5 51.5
7   Priborsky Jan               CZE 2338  6.5  39.5 35.5 50.5
8   Varga David                 SVK 2257  6.5  37.0 32.0 46.5
9   Macak Stefan                SVK 2370  6.5  36.0 33.0 46.5
10  Zpevak Pavel            IM  CZE 2423  6.0  40.0 34.0 51.0
11  Mikita Jozef                SVK 2337  6.0  39.5 35.0 51.0
12  Rachela Milan               SVK 2287  6.0  39.5 32.0 50.0
13  Dochev Dimitar          IM  BUL 2405  6.0  39.0 34.5 49.5
14  Pacher Milan                SVK 2255  6.0  38.5 32.0 47.5
15  Dovzik Juri             IM  UKR 2380  6.0  38.5 30.5 49.5
16  Pcola Pavol             IM  SVK 2383  6.0  37.5 32.5 48.0
17  Jurcik Marian           FM  SVK 2367  6.0  37.5 32.0 48.5
18  Petran Peter            IM  SVK 2346  6.0  37.0 32.5 47.5
19  Kantorik Marian         IM  SVK 2365  6.0  35.5 31.5 47.5
20  Kukel ml Imre               SVK 2296  6.0  35.0 30.5 45.0
21  Borsos Bogdan           IM  UKR 2341  6.0  34.5 31.0 44.0
22  Splosnov Sergei         IM  BLR 2359  6.0  34.0 30.5 44.5
23  Kiss Pal                IM  HUN 2413  6.0  34.0 26.5 43.5
24  Vass Frantisek              SVK 2425  6.0  31.5 26.5 40.5
25  Bojda Lubomir               SVK 2186  6.0  31.5 26.5 40.5
133 players

13) Kowalewo Pomorskie Open

The Kowalewo Pomorskie Open took place 4th-13th July 2007. Vadim Shishkin, Vladimir Malaniuk and Krzysztof Ejsmont finished on 7.5/9.

Official site:

Open A Kowalewo Pomorskie POL (POL ), 4-10 vii 2007
 1. Shishkin, Vadim UKR      m  UKR 2543  7.5  2566
 2. Malaniuk, Vladimir P     g  UKR 2522  7.5  2567
 3. Ejsmont, Krzysztof          POL 2367  7.5  2571
 4. Sharapov, Evgeny         m  UKR 2437  6.5  2472
 5. Grabarczyk, Miroslaw     g  POL 2482  6.0  2401
 6. Smirnov, Aleksander         BLR 2247  6.0  2351
 7. Budrewicz, Krzysztof        POL 2224  5.5  2322
 8. Czaus, Piotr                POL 1981  5.5  2260
 9. Klykow, Lukasz              POL 2188  5.0  2250
10. Jaroch, Pawel               POL 2136  5.0  2290
11. Robak, Zbigniew             POL 2272  5.0  2293
12. Ziolkowski, Dawid           POL 2245  5.0  2199
13. Zolnierowicz, Krzysztof  m  POL 2256  5.0  2198
14. Krajewicz, Pawel            POL 1989  5.0  2187
15. Jaroch, Karol               POL 2174  5.0  2120
16. Czartoryski, Pawel          POL 2066  5.0  2199
17. Lasinskas, Povilas          LTU 2183  5.0  2159
40 players

14) Perm GM

There was a GM tournament in Perm, Russia 12th-20th June 2007. Jurij Tihonov won the event on tie-break from Yaroslav Zinchenko, both scored 6.5/9.

Further details:

GM Perm RUS (RUS), 12-20 vi 2007                    cat. VIII (2428)
                                      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Tihonov, Jurij        g BLR 2537  * = = 1 = 1 = 1 1 =  6.5  2581 
 2. Zinchenko, Yaroslav   g UKR 2513  = * = = = 1 = 1 1 1  6.5  2584 
 3. Glek, Igor V          g GER 2531  = = * = = 1 = = 1 =  5.5  2496 
 4. Khayrullin, Denis     f RUS 2347  0 = = * 0 1 1 = = 1  5.0  2479 
 5. Shinkevich, Vitaly    m RUS 2515  = = = 1 * = = 0 = =  4.5  2418 
 6. Pisakov, Ilia         f RUS 2341  0 0 0 0 = * 1 1 1 1  4.5  2437 
 7. Varavin, Viktor1      g RUS 2432  = = = 0 = 0 * = 0 1  3.5  2347 
 8. Terekhin, Anatoly     f RUS 2323  0 0 = = 1 0 = * = =  3.5  2359 
 9. Letov, Alexander      f RUS 2333  0 0 0 = = 0 1 = * 1  3.5  2358 
10. Gavrjushin, Oleg      f KAZ 2407  = 0 = 0 = 0 0 = 0 *  2.0  2210 

15) Heart of Finland

The Heart of Finland Open took place in Jyvaskyla 16th-20th July 2007. Normunds Miezis took clear first with 7.5/9.

Heart of Finland Jyvaskyla FIN (FIN), 16-20 vii 2007
 1. Miezis, Normunds       g  LAT 2524  7½  56½
 2. Solozhenkin, Evgeniy   g  RUS 2492   7  55 
 3. Kanep, Meelis          g  EST 2515   7  53½
 4. Nyback, Tomi           g  FIN 2567   7  52 
 5. Legky, Nikolay A       g  UKR 2462   7  51 
 6. Karttunen, Mika        m  FIN 2447   7  49 
 7. Agopov, Mikael         m  FIN 2436  6½  54½
 8. Rantanen, Yrjo A       g  FIN 2357  6½  51 
 9. Kosmo, Santul             FIN 2243  6½  48½
10. Nivala, Tuomas            FIN 2195  6½  47 
11. Luukkonen, Tommi          FIN 2197  6½  44½
12. Malakhatko, Vadim      g  BEL 2596   6  53 
13. Tiitta, Sauli             FIN 2193   6  50½
14. Niemi, Kalle              FIN 2264   6  48½
15. Mertanen, Janne        f  FIN 2300   6  48 
16. Ristoja, Jan           f  FIN 2285   6  47½
17. Lauk, Ular             f  EST 2424   6  47 
18. Bykov, Alexey             RUS 2250   6  47 
19. Aijala, Jouko             FIN 2108   6  44 
20. Salimaki, Janne           FIN 2171   6  41 
21  Parkkinen, Jyrki          FIN 2249   6  41 
22  Lauronen Tapio            FIN 2003   6  40½
23. Topi-Hulmi, Teemu         FIN 2288   6  40½
121 players

16) Kotov Memorial

The Kotov Memorial took place in Tula 30th June - 8th July 2007. Vladimir Afroveev took clear first with 9/12.


Kotov Mem Tula RUS (RUS), 30 vi-8 vii 2007                 cat. IX (2475)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 
 1. Afromeev, Vladimir   f RUS 2628  * = = = 1 1 = = = 1 1 1 1  9.0  2655 
 2. Castaneda, Georgui   m PER 2457  = * = = = = = 1 = = 1 1 1  8.0  2601 
 3. Kovchan, Alexander   g UKR 2527  = = * = = = = = = = = 1 1  7.0  2527 
 4. Bagirov, Rufat       g AZE 2487  = = = * 0 = = = = = 1 1 1  7.0  2531 
 5. Novikov, Maxim       g RUS 2519  0 = = 1 * = = = = = = 1 1  7.0  2528 
 6. Simantsev, Mikhail   m UKR 2430  0 = = = = * = = = 1 = 1 1  7.0  2535 
 7. Yagupov, Igor        g RUS 2494  = = = = = = * = = = 0 1 1  6.5  2502 
 8. Arzumanian, Georgy   m ARM 2487  = 0 = = = = = * = = 1 = 1  6.5  2503 
 9. Zakharevich, Igor    g RUS 2463  = = = = = = = = * = = = =  6.0  2476 
10. Kuzin, Anton         m RUS 2461  0 = = = = 0 = = = * = = 1  5.5  2447 
11. Saulin, Dmitri       m RUS 2400  0 0 = 0 = = 1 0 = = * = 1  5.0  2424 
12. Domogaev, Sergey       RUS 2383  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = = = = * 1  3.0  2289 
13. Leonov, Mikhail A      RUS 2441  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 0 0 *  0.5  1977 

17) Montenegro Championship

The Championship of Montenegro took place 11th-22nd July 2007. Dragisa Blagojevic won the event with 8.5/11. The women's event is now under way (20th-28th July

Official site:

ch-Montenegro Cetinje MNE (MNE), 11-22 vii 2007           cat. VII (2410)
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Blagojevic, Dragisa    g MNE 2502  * = = 1 1 1 0 1 = 1 1 1  8.5  2613 
 2. Drasko, Milan          g MNE 2552  = * = = = = 1 1 1 1 = 1  8.0  2572 
 3. Kosic, Dragan          g MNE 2501  = = * 0 = = 1 1 1 1 = 1  7.5  2535 
 4. Djukic, Nikola         g MNE 2531  0 = 1 * = = 1 0 = 1 1 1  7.0  2501 
 5. Pajkovic, Vladimir     f MNE 2421  0 = = = * = 1 = 1 = 1 1  7.0  2511 
 6. Ivanovic, Bozidar      g MNE 2426  0 = = = = * 0 1 = 1 1 1  6.5  2474 
 7. Nikac, Predrag           MNE 2358  1 0 0 0 0 1 * = 0 0 1 1  4.5  2350 
 8. Kontic, Djordjije      m MNE 2384  0 0 0 1 = 0 = * 1 = 0 1  4.5  2347 
 9. Podlesnik, Bogdan      m MNE 2403  = 0 0 = 0 = 1 0 * = = 1  4.5  2346 
10. Nikcevic, Nebojsa      g MNE 2456  0 0 0 0 = 0 1 = = * 1 1  4.5  2341 
11. Mijovic, Stefan          MNE 2234  0 = = 0 0 0 0 1 = 0 * 0  2.5  2215 
12. Abramovic, Dragoljub     MNE 2157  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 *  1.0  2050 

18) Middlesex Centenary Scheveningen

A Middlesex Team (Lalic, Summerscale, Emms, Crouch etc) took on a Young England side Wu, Eggleston etc in a 9 round Scheveningen event as part of the Middlesex CCA Centenary. The more experienced Middlesex team won 45.5-35.5.

Detailed coverage:

Middlesex vs Young England  2007

                          --------------------------  Lalic,B          2509     7.5/9
                          |  -----------------------  Cox,JohnJ        2381     7.0/9
                          |  |  --------------------  Eames,R          2290     6.5/9
                          |  |  |  -----------------  Summerscale,A    2493     6.0/9
                          |  |  |  |  --------------  Crouch,C         2370     5.5/9
                          |  |  |  |  |  -----------  Ledger,D         2285     4.0/9
                          |  |  |  |  |  |  --------  McKeown,P        2080     4.0/9
                          |  |  |  |  |  |  |  -----  Winkelmann,E     2162     2.5/9
                          |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  --  Rayner,F         2237     2.5/9
                          |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  
 1 Wu,L             2314  0  1  ½  ½  1  ½  1  ½  1     6.0/9
 2 Eggleston,D      2330  ½  ½  0  ½  0  ½  1  1  1     5.0/9
 3 Constantinou,P   2173  0  0  1  0  1  1  ½  ½  1     5.0/9
 4 Kilpatrick,C     2120  0  0  1  ½  1  1  0  1  0     4.5/9
 5 Roberson,P       2209  ½  ½  0  ½  0  ½  ½  ½  1     4.0/9
 6 Fowler,S         2204  ½  0  0  0  0  ½  ½  1  1     3.5/9
 7 Hanley,Ja        2213  0  0  0  0  ½  ½  ½  1  ½     3.0/9
 8 Poobalasingam,P  2133  0  0  0  ½  0  0  ½  1  ½     2.5/9
 9 Bennet,W         2144  0  0  0  ½  0  ½  ½  0  ½     2.0/9

19) 1st Leiden Chess Tournament

The 1st Leiden Chess Tournament was organised by, a Dutch chess news website that celebrates its 5th anniversary in 2007. The tournament was sponsored by H.L. Druckerfonds. Erik Van den Doel took clear first on 8/9. No games from the final round are currently available.

More information and tournament site:

1st LCT Leiden NED (NED), 13-22 vii 2007
 1. Van den Doel, Erik       g  NED 2587   8.0  51.0  43.75  41.0  2659 +0.61
 2. Reinderman, Dimitri      g  NED 2506   7.5  54.0  43.50  38.0  2566 +0.74
 3. Van der Wiel, John       g  NED 2487   7.0  52.0  39.00  35.0  2480 +0.19
 4. Van Ketel, Raoul         f  NED 2323   6.0  53.0  31.75  34.5  2392 +0.88
 5. Kleijn, Christov            NED 2194   6.0  52.0  29.50  33.0  2318 +1.15
 6. Meijer, Dolf                NED 2203   6.0  47.0  28.00  32.0  2295 +1.04
 7. Miedema, Roi                NED 2271   6.0  47.0  25.75  28.5  2223 -0.47
 8. Van Rosmalen, Joost         NED 2208   6.0  46.5  28.25  30.5  2270 +0.69
 9. Nicholson, John G        f  ENG 2140   6.0  45.0  27.50  30.0  2273 +1.51
10. Drozdowski, Kacper          POL 1977   6.0  42.5  26.50  24.5  2291 +3.25
11. Slingerland, Fred        f  NED 2304   6.0  42.5  24.50  31.0  2264 -0.29
12. Vistisen, Lars              DEN 2147   5.5  49.5  29.00  29.0  2218 +0.65
13. Gorter, Yme                 NED 2063   5.5  45.0  25.00  28.5  2229 +2.01
14. De Graaff, Rag              NED 2233   5.5  44.5  25.25  27.5  2150 -0.84
15. Bogaard, Milo               NED 2079   5.5  42.5  22.75  28.0  2061 -0.13
16. Coene, Igor                 NED 2105   5.5  42.5  21.75  28.0  2158 +0.60
68 players

20) Klatovy Open

The Klatovy open in the Czech Republic took place 30th June - 8th July 2007. Jan Havlik edged out three others on tie-break to finish first after all scored 7/9.

Official site:

Open A Klatovy CZE (CZE), 30 vi-8 vii 2007
  1. Havlik, Jan                CZE 2261  7,0  54,0 0   42,0
  2. Stross, Frantisek       f  CZE 2318  7,0  51,5 0   40,0
  3. Lacina, Adolf           f  CZE 2252  7,0  50,5 0   39,5
  4. Smid, Miroslav             CZE 2186  7,0  49,5 0   40,0
  5. Neuman, Petr            m  CZE 2414  6,5  54,5 0   43,0
  6. Jurek, Josef            m  CZE 2381  6,5  51,0 0   40,5
  7. Plat, Vojtech              CZE 2284  6,5  46,0 0   35,5
  8. Krejci, Jan2               CZE 2193  6,5  45,5 0   34,5
  9. Vorisek, Jaroslav          CZE 2267  6,0  51,5 0   41,0
 10. Vedral, Oldrich            CZE 2262  6,0  49,5 0   38,5
 11. Sodoma, Jan                CZE 2316  6,0  48,5 0   37,5
102 players

21) Open Championship of Skopje

The Open Championship of Skopje took place 30th May - 7th June 2007. Orce Dancevski won the event with 7/9.


ch-Skopje Skopje MKD (MKD), 30 v-7 vi 2007
 1. Dancevski, Orce          m  MKD 2419  7,0  35,0  420,0
 2. Dinev, Dejan             f  MKD 2298  6,5  37,5  417,0
 3. Menkinoski, Riste           MKD 2283  6,5  35,5  421,0
 4. Pancevski, Filip            MKD 2303  6,5  32,0  404,5
 5. Andonovski, Ljubisa      f  MKD 2322  6,0  32,5  408,0
 6. Glavinac, Goran             MKD 2174  6,0  31,0  406,5
 7. Mitkov, Marjan           m  MKD 2401  6,0  29,5  406,0
 8. Jankov, Dejan               MKD 2201  5,5  28,5  390,5
 9. Tairi,Asip                  MKD ----  5,5  27,0  368,0
10. Tausanov, Mihail            MKD 1758  5,5  20,5  369,5
11. Organdziev, Oliver       f  MKD 2254  5,0  29,5  410,5
12. Kacakovski, Dimitar      f  MKD 2203  5,0  29,0  389,5
13. Veleski, Robert             MKD 2227  5,0  28,5  390,5
14. Mitrov,Todor                MKD ----  5,0  26,5  376,0
15. Markovski, Velo             MKD 2102  5,0  25,0  360,0
16. Bekarovski, Filip           MKD 1921  5,0  25,0  358,5
17. Kizov, Vladimir             MKD 2197  5,0  22,0  351,5
36 players

22) First Saturday July

The First Saturday tournaments for July took place 7th-17th July 2007. IM Fabiano Caruana won the main GM event with 7/9 a point and a half clear of the field and in so doing made his final GM norm at the age of 14 (almost 15). Vishnuvardhan Arjun won the IMA section.

The organiser Laszlo Nagy needs a GM player for the 4th-16th of August Budapest First Saturday tournament. Contact info: E-mail: Phone-fax: (+36)-1-263-28-59 Mobile: (+36)-30-230-1914 ICC, SKYPE, YAHOO and MSN messenger nickname: mrfirstsaturday

Official site:

FSGM July Budapest HUN (HUN), 7-15 vii 2007            cat. VIII (2428)
                                         1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Caruana, Fabiano         m ITA 2549  * = = = 1 1 1 1 1 =  7.0  2634 
 2. Ilincic, Zlatko          g SRB 2509  = * 1 = = = = 1 = =  5.5  2498 
 3. Smerdon, David           m AUS 2461  = 0 * = 1 = 1 = 0 1  5.0  2467 
 4. Fruebing, Stefan         f GER 2319  = = = * 0 = = = 1 1  5.0  2482 
 5. Todorovic, Goran M       g SRB 2471  0 = 0 1 * = 0 1 1 1  5.0  2465 
 6. Fogarasi, Tibor          g HUN 2425  0 = = = = * = = 1 =  4.5  2428 
 7. Bui Vinh                 m VIE 2466  0 = 0 = 1 = * = = 1  4.5  2423 
 8. Vernay, Clovis           f FRA 2381  0 0 = = 0 = = * = 1  3.5  2352 
 9. Kjartansson, Gudmundur     ISL 2306  0 = 1 0 0 0 = = * =  3.0  2316 
10. Hammes, Michael          f GER 2390  = = 0 0 0 = 0 0 = *  2.0  2211 

FSIMA July Budapest HUN (HUN), 7-19 vii 2007              cat. II (2290)
                                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
 1. Arjun, Vishnuvardhan     IND 2325  * 0 1 = = = 1 1 1 1 1  7.5  2479 
 2. Szalanczy, Emil        m HUN 2382  1 * 0 1 = = 1 0 = 1 1  6.5  2390 
 3. Cooke, Eric              USA 2213  0 1 * = 1 0 0 1 1 1 1  6.5  2407 
 4. Vegh, Endre            m HUN 2313  = 0 = * = = = = 1 1 1  6.0  2359 
 5. Magyar, Otto           f HUN 2304  = = 0 = * 1 1 = = = =  5.5  2324 
 6. Hujbert, Florian         HUN 2262  = = 1 = 0 * 0 = = 1 1  5.5  2328 
 7. Tereick, Benjamin      f GER 2404  0 0 1 = 0 1 * 1 1 0 0  4.5  2242 
 8. Petran, Pal            m HUN 2369  0 1 0 = = = 0 * = 0 1  4.0  2210 
 9. Vazirova, Karina      wf RUS 2172  0 = 0 0 = = 0 = * 1 =  3.5  2191 
10. Dubreuil, Julien         FRA 2304  0 0 0 0 = 0 1 1 0 * =  3.0  2139 
11. Mayer, Istvan          f HUN 2141  0 0 0 0 = 0 1 0 = = *  2.5  2111 

FSIMB July Budapest HUN (HUN), 7-15 vii 2007      cat. II (2281)
                                  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Mathe, Gaspar    m HUN 2342  * = 1 = = = = 1 = 1  6.0  2399 
 2. Lengyel, Bela    m HUN 2289  = * 1 = = 1 0 = = =  5.0  2323 
 3. Nagy, Bence      f HUN 2318  0 0 * 1 = 0 1 = 1 1  5.0  2319 
 4. Gauri, Shankar     IND 2177  = = 0 * = 1 1 1 0 0  4.5  2292 
 5. Werner, Dimo     m GER 2348  = = = = * 1 = 0 = =  4.5  2273 
 6. Toth, Lili      wm HUN 2218  = 0 1 0 0 * = 1 1 =  4.5  2287 
 7. Adams, Nick A      USA 2218  = 1 0 0 = = * = 1 =  4.5  2287 
 8. Citak, Selim     f TUR 2365  0 = = 0 1 0 = * 1 1  4.5  2271 
 9. Ravot, Sylvain     FRA 2238  = = 0 1 = 0 0 0 * 1  3.5  2205 
10. Farago, Sandor   m HUN 2296  0 = 0 1 = = = 0 0 *  3.0  2154 

23) Zudov Memorial

The Zudov Memorial took place in Nizhnij Tagil 6th-17th July 2007. Sergey Vokarev won the category IX GM event with 8/10. Alexandr Truskavetsky took the B event with 7.5/10.

Official site:

Zudov Mem A Nizhnij Tagil RUS (RUS), 6-16 vii 2007cat. IX (2460)
                                   1  2  3  4  5  6 
1 Vokarev, Sergey      m RUS 2466 ** =1 0= 11 11 11  8.0  2699
2 Temirbayev, Serik    g KAZ 2484 =0 ** =0 11 =1 11  6.5  2565
3 Maletin, Pavel       m RUS 2567 1= =1 ** =0 0= 11  6.0  2511
4 Krutko, Anatoly      f RUS 2428 00 00 =1 ** 1= 11  5.0  2466
5 Andreev, Eduard UKR  g UKR 2435 00 =0 1= 0= ** ==  3.5  2355
6 Ogloblin, Nikolay    m RUS 2382 00 00 00 00 == **  1.0  2110

Zudov Mem B Nizhnij Tagil RUS (RUS), 6-17 vii 2007         cat. IV (2340)
                                         1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
 1. Truskavetsky, Alexandr   m UKR 2392  * 0 1 = 1 1 1 = 1 1 =  7.5  2527 
 2. Aliqogin, Jaslan         f KAZ 2342  1 * 1 1 0 0 = = 1 1 1  7.0  2488 
 3. Yuzhakov, Oleg             RUS 2266  0 0 * = = 1 1 1 1 1 =  6.5  2457 
 4. Kaliberda, Vladimir      m UKR 2337  = 0 = * = 1 = = 1 1 =  6.0  2412 
 5. Ivanov, Andrew             RUS 2308  0 1 = = * 1 0 1 0 0 1  5.0  2342 
 6. Dashibalov, Erdem        f RUS 2287  0 1 0 0 0 * 1 1 = 0 1  4.5  2309 
 7. Kharous, Ernest            RUS 2373  0 = 0 = 1 0 * = 0 1 =  4.0  2264 
 8. Pogromsky, Mikhail       f RUS 2415  = = 0 = 0 0 = * = = 1  4.0  2260 
 9. Kuligin, Evgeni            RUS 2355  0 0 0 0 1 = 1 = * = =  4.0  2266 
10. Shestakov, Dmitry          RUS 2335  0 0 0 0 1 1 0 = = * 1  4.0  2268 
11. Skurygin, Anton          m KAZ 2327  = 0 = = 0 0 = 0 = 0 *  2.5  2148 

24) Frank K. Berry US Women's Championship

The Frank K. Berry 2007 US Women's Championship took place in Stillwater, Oklahoma, July 16th-20th, 2007. As with the men's event it is sponsored by Frank K. Berry. Irina Krush took first place alone with 7/9 after a final round win against Tatev Abrahamyan whilst Katerina Rohonyan was held by Alisa Melekhina.

Official site:

ch-USA w Stillwater USA (USA), 16-19 vii 2007              cat. I (2270)
                                          1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Krush, Irina             m USA 2470  * = = = 1 = 1 1 1 1  7.0  2467 
 2. Rohonyan, Katerina      wg USA 2316  = * 1 = = 1 = 1 = 1  6.5  2430 
 3. Zatonskih, Anna          m USA 2462  = 0 * 1 = 1 1 = 1 1  6.5  2414 
 4. Tuvshintugs, Batchimeg  wm USA 2236  = = 0 * = 1 0 1 1 1  5.5  2353 
 5. Battsetseg, Tsagaan     wm USA 2241  0 = = = * = 1 0 1 1  5.0  2316 
 6. Baginskaite, Camilla    wg USA 2328  = 0 0 0 = * 1 1 0 1  4.0  2220 
 7. Melekhina, Alisa        wf USA 2099  0 = 0 1 0 0 * = 1 1  4.0  2245 
 8. Abrahamyan, Tatev       wf USA 2237  0 0 = 0 1 0 = * 1 =  3.5  2193 
 9. Vicary, Elizabeth       wf USA 2148  0 = 0 0 0 1 0 0 * 1  2.5  2117 
10. Airapetian, Chouchanik  wf USA 2162  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 *  0.5  1837 

25) 1st Kaupthing Open

The 1st Kaupthing Open was held in Differdange, Luxemburg July 7th-14th 2007. Humpy Koneru edged out Hannes Stefansson on tie-break after both finished on 7/9. Full file of games now available my thanks to Norbert Stull.

Official site:

Kaupthing Open Differdange LUX (LUX), 7-15 vii 2007
 1. Koneru, Humpy              g  IND 2572  7.0    36.5   49.5
 2. Stefansson, Hannes         g  ISL 2568  7.0    33.0   46.5
 3. Erdos, Viktor              m  HUN 2523  6.5    36.0   50.5
 4. Gharamian, Tigran          m  FRA 2517  6.5    35.0   51.0
 5. Kritz, Leonid              g  GER 2571  6.5    33.0   50.5
 6. Steingrimsson, Hedinn      m  ISL 2470  6.5    32.5   44.0
 7. Feller, Sebastien          f  FRA 2478  6.5    32.0   45.5
 8. Velicka, Petr              m  CZE 2507  6.0    35.0   53.5
 9. Hoffmann, Michael1         m  GER 2481  6.0    33.5   47.0
10. Siebrecht, Sebastian       m  GER 2431  6.0    33.0   51.5
11. Bojkov, Dejan              m  BUL 2520  6.0    32.0   49.0
12. Schlosser, Philipp         g  GER 2562  6.0    32.0   45.5
13. Meijers, Viesturs          g  LAT 2483  6.0    31.5   48.5
14. Stefanova, Antoaneta       g  BUL 2481  6.0    30.0   43.0
15. Valuet, Bertrand              FRA 2303  6.0    28.5   39.0
16. Van Dooren, Dirk           f  NED 2331  6.0    27.0   45.0
17. Henrichs, Thomas           m  GER 2496  5.5    34.0   53.5
18. Malakhatko, Vadim          g  BEL 2590  5.5    32.5   52.0
19. Lobzhanidze, Davit         m  GEO 2470  5.5    30.5   48.5
20. Rohit, G                      IND 2470  5.5    29.5   45.0
21. Georgiev, Vladimir         g  MKD 2567  5.5    29.0   46.0
22. Wehmeier, Stefan           m  GER 2417  5.5    27.0   40.5
23. Michiels, Bart             m  BEL 2454  5.5    26.5   40.0
24. Jansa, Vlastimil           g  CZE 2494  5.5    25.5   44.0
25. Iotov, Valentin            m  BUL 2502  5.5    25.5   39.5
26. Mamedjarova, Zeinab        wg AZE 2368  5.5    22.0   34.0
88 players

26) XIII Jorge Alvarez Memorial

XIII Memorial Jorge Alvarez took place in El Ejido (Spain) 9th-13th July 2007. Vladimir Baklan won the event with 7/9. Only a few games from the first couple of rounds seem to be available.

Official site:

Leading Final Round 9 Standings: 
 1  Baklan Vladimir                  GM  2648  UKR  7    44  
 2  Timoshenko Georgy                GM  2559  UKR 6½    43½ 
 3  Ibarra Jerez José Carlos         IM  2475  ESP 6½    43  
 4  Veingold Aleksander              IM  2458  EST 6½    43  
 5  Movsziszian Karen                GM  2534  ARM 6½    42  
 6  Lazarev Vladimir                 GM  2498  RUS 6½    41½ 
 7  Saldaño Horacio                  IM  2451  ESP 6½    39½ 
 8  Guerra Bastida Diego             IM  2370  ESP  6    43½ 
 9  Clement Gomez José A.            FM  2315  ESP  6    41  
10  Huerga Leache Mikel              FM  2370  ESP  6    39  
11  Barria Zuñiga Daniel             IM  2427  CHI  6    38  
12  Lariño Nieto David               IM  2435  ESP  6    37  
13  Garcia Gata Jorge David              2110  ESP  6    37  
14  Martin Lozano Alvaro                 1848  ESP  6    34½ 
15  Arboledas Fernandez Antonio A.       2019  ESP 5½    42½ 
16  Garcia Rodriguez Victor              2027  ESP 5½    41  
17  Fenollar Jorda Manuel            FM  2267  ESP 5½    40½ 
18  Weber François                       2181  ESP 5½    39  
19  Safranska Anda                   WGM 2301  LAT 5½    37  
20  Almagro Mazariegos Sebastian         2296  ESP 5½    37  
21  Sanchez Jerez Emilio                 2145  ESP  5    38  
22  Guadamuro Torrente Anabel        WFM 2095  ESP  5    37½ 
23  Ribas Gomez Diego                    2043  ESP  5    37  
24  Garrido Fernandez Javier             2063  ESP  5    34½ 
25  Cara Rodriguez Daniel                2035  ESP  5    34  
26  Barranco Del Pino Antonio            1976  ESP  5    33½ 
27  Amat Sanchez Pedro Antonio           2105  ESP  5    33  
28  Ceron Carrion Cesar                  1957  ESP  5    32  
66 players

27) Open d'Escacs Barbera del Valles

The 30th edition of the 'Open d'Escacs Barbera del Valles' took place in the town of Barbera del Valles, Catalonia, near Barcelona. Rufino Camarena Gimenez edged out Omar Almeida Quintana on tie-break after both finished on 7/9. Games from the final two rounds are now available.

Official site:

XXX Open Barbera del Valles (ESP), 6-14 vii 2007
 1. Camarena Gimenez, Rufino          f  ESP 2332  7,0  42,5    51,0    36,5
 2. Almeida Quintana, Omar            g  CUB 2501  7,0  40,5    49,0    36,5
 3. Nijboer, Friso                    g  NED 2568  6,5  43,0    53,0    32,5
 4. Asis Gargatagli, Hipolit          m  ESP 2374  6,5  40,5    47,5    33,0
 5. Narciso Dublan, Marc              g  ESP 2552  6,5  39,5    48,0    30,0
 6. Gonzalez Vidal, Yuri              m  CUB 2475  6,5  38,5    47,5    31,0
 7. Jankovic, Alojzije                g  CRO 2536  6,0  42,5    50,5    35,0
 8. Jovanic, Ognjen                   m  CRO 2491  6,0  39,5    47,0    33,5
 9. Fluvia, Jordi                     m  ESP 2497  6,0  36,0    42,5    28,0
10. Perpinya Rofes, Lluis Maria       f  ESP 2400  5,5  43,0    51,5    37,0
11. Cuartas, Jaime Alexander          m  COL 2504  5,5  40,5    48,0    32,0
12. Aloma Vidal, Robert               f  ESP 2341  5,5  40,0    47,5    30,0
13. Corrales Jimenez, Fidel           m  CUB 2499  5,5  39,0    45,5    31,0
14. Teske, Henrik                     g  GER 2578  5,5  38,5    47,5    29,5
15. Czakon, Jakub                     m  POL 2505  5,5  38,5    45,0    30,0
16. Vehi Bach, Victor M               m  ESP 2388  5,5  38,0    47,0    27,5
17. Rojas Keim, Luis                     CHI 2385  5,5  36,0    42,0    27,5
18. Cuartas, Jorge                       COL 2236  5,5  31,5    38,5    21,0
19. Pakleza, Zbigniew                 m  POL 2463  5,5  30,5    37,0    26,0
59 players

28) Canadian Open

The 2007 Canadian Open Chess Championship took place 7-15 July 2007 in Ottawa, the capital of Canada. 10 rounds 100 minutes/game + 1 minute increment / move. Bu Xiangzhi won with 8/10. Additional games now available my thanks to Hugh Brodie.

Event website: - Event blog: - Results:

Canadian Open Ottawa CAN (CAN), 7-15 vii 2007
  1. Bu Xiangzhi               g  CHN 2685  8.0
  2. Short, Nigel D            g  ENG 2683  7.5
  3. Miton, Kamil              g  POL 2648  7.5
  4. Sandipan, Chanda          g  IND 2563  7.5
  5. Krnan, Tomas              m  CAN 2432  7.5
  6. Sambuev, Bator            g  RUS 2482  7.5
  7. Milov, Vadim              g  SUI 2675  7.0
  8. Tiviakov, Sergei          g  NED 2648  7.0
  9. Rychagov, Andrey          g  RUS 2557  7.0
 10. Bluvshtein, Mark          g  CAN 2520  7.0
 11. Kunte, Abhijit            g  IND 2519  7.0
 12. Yermolinsky, Alex         g  USA 2517  7.0
 13. Kovalyov, Anton           f  ARG 2510  7.0
 14. Tu Hoang Thong            g  VIE 2483  7.0
 15. De la Paz Perdomo, Frank  g  CUB 2452  7.0
 16. Roussel-Roozmon, Thomas   m  CAN 2407  7.0
 17. Reprintsev, Alexander     m  UKR 2410  7.0
 18. Gerzhoy, Leonid           m  ISR 2407  7.0
 19. Bradford, Joseph M        f  USA 2406  7.0
 20. Rensch, Daniel            f  USA 2400  7.0
 21. Tayar, Jonathan           f  CAN 2271  7.0
 22. Mikhalevski, Victor       g  ISR 2598  6.5
 23. Atalik, Suat              g  TUR 2564  6.5
 24. Shomoev, Anton            g  RUS 2561  6.5
 25. Aveskulov, Valeriy        g  UKR 2539  6.5
 26. Howell, David W L         m  ENG 2519  6.5
 27. Likavsky, Tomas           g  SVK 2494  6.5
 28. O'Donnell, Tom            m  CAN 2367  6.5
 29. Thavandiran, Shiyam       f  CAN 2269  6.5
 30. Vul, Arkadi Eremeevich    g  RUS 2312  6.5
280 players

29) South African Open

The South African Open took place June 29th - 6th July 2007. Kenny Solomon won the title for the 4th time he scored 9.5/11. Games now available.

Official site: Live games at:

Leading Final Standings: 
Pos     Name             Fed     Title   Rating  Score   Prize
1       SOLOMON, KT      WP              2409    9.5     10,000.00
2       KOBESE, AKW      GW      m       2424    9.0     5,500.00
3       ZITHA, LL        GN              1925    8.5     4,000.00
4       STEEL, HR        WP              2270    8.0     1,320.00
5       KLAVER, C        GW              2065    8.0     1,320.00
6       DOLE, A          WP              2046    8.0     1,320.00
7       MABUSELA, JP     GN      m       2267    8.0     1,320.00
8       MATHE, LD        GN              2030    8.0     1,320.00
9       VAN RENSBURG, RP GW              1998    8.0     1,320.00
10      KROMHOUT, ED     EP              2016    8.0     1,320.00

30) Politiken Cup

The 29th Copenhagen Open Politiken Cup takes place 21st-29th July 2007. I will round up the games at the conclusion to the event.

Official site:

Round 3 Standings: 
 1   GM Lars Schandorff                  2521 3.5 5.5  8.25
 2      Erik Blomqvist                   2313 3.5  5   8.25
 3      Torben Sorensen                  2375 3.5  4   6.75
 4      Sander van Eijk                  2274  3   4    5.5
 5      Gunnar Berg Hanssen              2242  3   4     5 
 6  .   Alexander Johansson              2028  3   4     4 
 7   GM Tiger Hillarp-Persson            2568  3   4     4 
 8   FM Teddy Colemann                   2248  3  3.5   4.5
 9      Jesper Schultz-Pedersen          2204  3  3.5   4.5
10      Frank Smeele                     2173  3  3.5   4.5
11      Eric Brondum                     2169  3   3    4.5
12      Gylfi Thorhallsson               2195  3   3     4 
13      Omar Salama                      2173  3   3     4 
14      Niels Norskov Laursen            2186  3   3     4 
15      Gudmundur Kjartansson            2306  3   3     3 
16   FM Torstein Bae                     2364  3   2     7 
17   GM Stellan Brynell                  2470  3   2    6.5
18   IM Frank Holzke                     2489  3   2    6.5
19   GM Gabriel Sargissian               2667  3   2    6.5
20   FM Victor Nithander                 2357  3   2     6 
21   GM Michal Krasenkow                 2660  3   2     6 
22   GM Throstur Thorhallsson            2461  3   2     6 
23   GM Kjetil A. Lie                    2536  3   2     6 
24   GM Vladimir Malakhov                2676  3   2    5.5
25   IM Helgi Dam Ziska                  2408  3   2    5.5
26   FM Krzysztof Bulski                 2396  3   2    5.5
27   GM Peter Heine Nielsen              2637  3   2     5 
28      Christian Bleis                  2246  3   2     5 
29   FM Allan Stig Rasmussen             2450  3   2     5 
30      Bo Garner Christensen            2223  3   2    4.5
31   GM Mikhail Ivanov                   2455  3  1.5    6 
32   GM Nick E. de Firmian               2540  3  1.5   5.5
33   IM Mikkel Antonsen                  2406  3  1.5   4.5
34   IM Erik Dr, Zude                    2399  3  1.5   4.5
35   GM Emanuel Berg                     2580  3  1.5   4.5
36      Jakob Aabling-Thomsen            2242  3  1.5   4.5
37   GM Evgeny Agrest                    2541  3  1.5   4.5
38      Joachim Thomassen                2075 2.5  5   5.25
39      Henrik Molvig                    2215 2.5 4.5   4.5
40      Jacob Sylvan                     2281 2.5  4    4.5
41      Benjamin Arvola                  2022 2.5  4   4.25
42      Uffe B. Rasmussen                2136 2.5  4   3.75
43      Jacob Abildlund Brorsen          1818 2.5  4   3.75
44      Andreas Schmied                  2054 2.5  4   3.25
45      Jes Jacob West Knudsen           1990 2.5 3.5   3.5
46      Mikael Rolvag                    2245 2.5 3.5  3.25
47      Markus Ã-rndahl                  2078 2.5 3.5    3 
48      Mads Andersen                    2070 2.5 3.5   2.5
49      Willem Hensbergen                2076 2.5  3   3.25
50      Sejer Holm                       2262 2.5  3   3.25
51      Magnus xAanstad                  0    2.5  3   3.25
52      Tero Sihvonen                    2056 2.5  3   2.75
53      Tanguy Ringoir                   2208 2.5 2.5    6 
54   FM Esben Lund                       2396 2.5 2.5  5.25
55   GM Michele Godena                   2547 2.5 2.5  5.25
56      Conny Holst                      2139 2.5 2.5  4.25
57      Frode Urkedal                    2235 2.5  2   5.25
58      G. Rohit                         2470 2.5  2   4.75
59   IM Viktorija Cmilyte                2467 2.5  2   4.25
60   FM Jake Kleiman                     2312 2.5  2   4.25
61      Per Andreasen                    2228 2.5 1.5  4.75
62      Andreas Skytte Hagen             2256 2.5 1.5    4 
63   IM Rasmus Skytte                    2416 2.5 1.5  3.75
64      Peter Nicolai Skovgaard          2256 2.5 1.5  3.75
65   GM Tommy Nyback                     2567 2.5 1.5   3.5
66   GM Igor Khenkin                     2602 2.5 1.5  3.25
281 players

31) 2nd Konig Memorial

The Mechanics' Institute hosts 2nd Konig Memorial July 10th-25th 2007 on the Schevingen system - double round robin between the two teams. The time control is 40/75 + SD/15 all with 30 seconds added per move. I will round up the games at the conclusion to the event.

GM Team GM Baburin ( Ireland) GM S.Atalik (Turkey) GM Yermolinsky ( USA) GM Fedorowicz ( USA) IM E.Atalik ( Turkey)

IM Team IM Pruess ( USA) IM Stein (USA) IM Zilberstein (USA) IM Friedel (USA) IM Mezentsev (USA)

Daily coverage at:

Latest scores:
GM Team:
John Fedorowicz   - 6½/10
Alex  Baburin     - 5/10
Suat Atalik       - 4/5
Alex Yermolinsky  - 3/5
Ekaterina  Atalik - 3/7

IM  Team:
Dmitry Zilberstein 4 ½/10
Vladimir Mezentsev 3½/10
Josh  Friedel    - 2½/5
David Pruess       2½/6
Alan Stein         2½/6

32) Crete Summer Cup

The 2nd International Open Chess Tournament "Summer Cup 2007" takes place 21st-29th July 2007,

Official site:

Top 20 Participants
  01 IM  Bernal Moro Luis Javier     2431 ESP 
  02 IM  Bellia Fabrizio             2405 ITA 
  03     Sandalakis Angelos          2355 GRE 
  04 FM  Tsilidis Alexandros         2310 GRE 
  05     Gogolis Alexandros          2289 GRE 
  06     Ignatiadis Konstantinos     2277 GRE 
  07 WGM Makropoulou Marina          2266 GRE 
  08 WIM Stiri Alexandra             2251 GRE 
  09 FM  Pountzas Hrisanthos         2238 GRE 
  10     Parginos Vassilios          2226 GRE 
  11     Gamback Bjorn               2219 SWE 
  12     Tassopoulos Marios          2215 GRE 
  13 WGM Karlovich Anastazia         2207 UKR 
  14     Panagiotopoulos Alexandros  2203 GRE 
  15     Gabaldon Gomez Miguel Angel 2199 ESP 
  16     Ceballos Hornero Daniel     2195 ESP 
  17     Lazaridis Stavros           2187 GRE 
  18     Baekelant Ronny             2183 BEL 
  19     Karanikolas Dimitrios       2181 GRE 
  20     Valden Petros               2169 GRE 

33) Curacao Chess Festival

The Curacao Chess Festival takes place 17th-26th July 2007. Alexander Shabalov, Jan Gustafsson, Victor Mikhalevski, Joel Benjamin, Jan Werle etc play.

Official site:

34) XI Copa Puma Mercosur

The XI Magistral de la República Copa PUMA Mercosur 23rd-30th July 2007.

Official site:

35) Quebec Open

The Quebec Open takes place July 20th-28th 2007 in Montreal, Canada. Players include: Alexander Huzman, Igor Nataf, Viorel Iordachescu , Chanda Sandipan and Anton Shomoev etc.

Coverage: - Games collection by Hugh Brodie:

36) Asian Youth Championships

The Asian Youth Championships took place in Tashkent 27th June - 8th July 2007. Will try and work up the games for next week.

Official site: - Games: - Background:

37) Battle of Senta tournament

The 11th International Chess Festival "The Battle of Senta 1697" takes place 20th-30th July 2007 in Senta (the Vojvodina / Serbia).


Leading players:

 1 GM  Savic Miodrag R          2514  SRB  
 2 GM  Lajthajm Borko           2511  SRB  
 3 IM  Pap Misa                 2493  SRB  
 4 IM  Galyas Miklos            2486  HUN  
 5 IM  Brenjo Slavisa           2485  SRB  
 6 IM  Arsovic Goran            2470  SRB  
 7 IM  Arsovic Zoran            2451  SRB  
 8 IM  Pavlovic Milos           2438  SRB  
 9 GM  Tosic Miroslav           2437  SRB  
10 IM  Ardeleanu Alin           2416  ROM  
11 IM  Matsenko Sergei          2406  RUS  
12 IM  Miljkovic Miroslav       2405  SRB  
13 IM  Ostojic Nikola           2404  SRB  
14 FM  Solomunovic Igor         2396  GER  
15 GM  Kostic Vladimir G        2395  SRB  

38) World Computer Rapid Chess Championship

World Computer Rapid Chess Championships took place on ICC 21st-22nd July 2007. 14 rounds.

Official site:

Final Standings:
    Name                   Score  #g
  1 Rybka          (2821)   13.0  14
  2 Hiarcs8x       (2812)   12.0  14
  3 IkarusX        (2717)   10.0  14
  4 Erdo           (3035)   10.0  13
  5 DIEP           (2572)    9.5  14
  6 TerraPi        (2609)    8.5  14
  7 Frenzee        (2653)    8.0  14
  8 Ktulu          (2755)    8.0  14
  9 Rascal         (2561)    8.0  14
 10 thebaron       (2631)    8.0  14
 11 ArasanX        (2566)    8.0  14
 12 DirtyX         (2000)    8.0  13
 13 QuarkX         (2580)    7.5  14
 14 crafty         (2583)    7.5  14
 15 Weid           (2587)    7.5  14
 16 BertaX         (2338)    7.5  14
 17 Mediocre       (2316)    7.5  14
 18 PetirX         (2529)    7.0  14
 19 Symbolic       (2434)    7.0  13
 20 NowX           (2482)    7.0  14
 21 HfC            (2308)    7.0  14
 22 DeltomateX     (2378)    7.0  14
 23 LearningLemming(2635)    6.5  14
 24 danasah        (2340)    6.5  14
 25 Tinker         (2422)    6.5  14
 26 Horizon-x      (2298)    6.5  14
 27 DeuteriumChess (2000)    6.5  13
 28 Neurosis       (2298)    6.5  14
 29 parrotC        (2336)    6.5  14
 30 JokerX         (2118)    6.0  13
 31 Telepath       (2366)    6.0  14
 32 BirdEng        (2168)    6.0  14
 33 microMaX       (2000)    6.0  14
 34 HomerX         (2381)    5.5  11
 35 Buzz           (2829)    5.5  14
 36 Clarabit       (2304)    5.0  14
 37 Timea          (2220)    5.0  14
 38 Matilde        (2284)    2.5  14
 39 roce           (2264)    2.5  13
 40 Vicki          (2017)    1.5  14
 41 NoonianChess   (2249)    0.0   1

39) Inautomarket Open

The Inautomarket Open in Minsk (BLR), took place 10th-18th July 2007. Andrey Zhigalko took first place on tie-break from Dmitry Bocharov both finished on 7.5/9. Games from rounds 6-9 not yet available.

Details: and

Final Round 9 Standings: 
Inautomarket Open Minsk BLR (BLR), 10-18 vii 2007
  1.   11  Zhigalko, Andrey            7.5  54.0  43.75  40.0  2529 2724 +2.01
        3  Bocharov, Dmitry            7.5  54.0  44.50  38.0  2605 2724 +1.11
  3.    6  Khismatullin, Denis         7.0  55.0  40.25  39.0  2566 2684 +1.24
        1  Miroshnichenko, Evgenij     7.0  52.5  40.50  36.0  2671 2668 -0.02
       13  Vysochin, Spartak           7.0  50.5  38.75  35.0  2518 2591 +0.70
        7  Zhigalko, Sergei            7.0  47.5  36.25  34.0  2560 2579 +0.16
  7.   30  Gubajdullin, Alexei         6.5  54.0  35.75  37.0  2420 2642 +2.72
       18  Zablotsky, Sergei           6.5  51.5  35.00  35.5  2498 2588 +1.10
       36  Romanenko, Vladimir         6.5  50.5  34.25  34.5  2402 2617 +2.63
        2  Aleksandrov, Aleksej        6.5  47.5  33.50  31.0  2605 2504 -0.90
       19  Mihajlovskij, Sergei        6.5  45.5  31.50  32.0  2491 2487 +0.02
       22  Akhmetov, Artiom            6.5  41.0  28.25  31.5  2468 2495 +0.29
 13.    4  Kurnosov, Igor              6.0  53.0  32.25  36.0  2579 2601 +0.24
       20  Maiorov, Nikita             6.0  52.0  31.00  35.5  2487 2535 +0.51
        5  Dydyshko, Viacheslav        6.0  51.5  33.75  33.0  2572 2488 -0.93
       48  Kolesnik, Eduard            6.0  51.5  31.25  31.5  2368 2508 +1.68
       24  Podolchenko, Evgeniy        6.0  50.5  30.00  32.5  2458 2507 +0.60
       14  Yevseev, Denis              6.0  48.5  31.00  32.0  2515 2485 -0.39
        9  Shaposhnikov, Evgeny        6.0  48.0  32.00  29.0  2558 2426 -1.38
       17  Dzhakaev, Dzhakay           6.0  47.5  30.00  32.0  2498 2507 +0.06
       31  Lutsko, Igor                6.0  47.0  28.50  30.0  2418 2472 +0.60
       52  Aguettaz, Maxime            6.0  46.5  28.50  31.0  2356 2504 +1.77
       10  Tihonov, Jurij              6.0  46.0  29.00  30.5  2542 2489 -0.57
       38  Kochetkov, German           6.0  46.0  28.00  31.5  2396 2502 +1.23
       55  Pankov, German              6.0  45.5  27.75  30.0  2346 2455 +1.32
       25  Tunik, Gennady              6.0  45.5  27.00  31.0  2450 2448 -0.03
       60  Frolochkin, Vladimir        6.0  44.5  25.50  30.0  2303 2426 +1.32
       51  Gorovets, Andrey            6.0  43.0  27.00  27.0  2364 2364 -0.03
       32  Ostrovskiy, Andrey          6.0  43.0  24.50  31.0  2417 2483 +0.78
       27  Alexikov, Alexander         6.0  43.0  27.00  29.0  2432 2418 -0.21
       46  Stupak, Kirill              6.0  41.5  27.25  25.5  2377 2348 -0.39
       28  Khamitskiy, Sergei          6.0  35.0  22.25  26.5  2426 2344 -0.93
165 players

40) 29th Oberwart Open

The 29th Oberwart Open took place 7th-15th July 2007. Imre Hera took first place on tie-break from four others, all scoring 7/9. No games appear to be available.

Official site:

Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
 1 Hera Imre Jr         GM HUN 2526  7,0  54,5 43,0 41,00
 2 Balinov Ilia         GM AUT 2499  7,0  52,0 40,0 39,50
 3 Jedynak Radoslaw     GM POL 2540  7,0  51,5 40,5 39,50
 4 Brkic Ante           GM CRO 2558  7,0  50,5 39,5 38,50
 5 Gajewski Grzegorz    GM POL 2556  7,0  49,0 37,5 37,00
 6 Rabiega Robert       GM GER 2532  7,0  48,0 38,5 35,50
 7 Dziuba Marcin        IM POL 2536  6,5  53,0 41,5 37,25
 8 Kovalev Andrei       GM BLR 2529  6,5  53,0 41,5 36,00
 9 Klenburg Mikhail     IM UKR 2387  6,5  51,5 41,5 35,25
10 Kovacs Gabor         IM HUN 2478  6,5  51,0 40,5 35,25
11 Czebe Attila         GM HUN 2519  6,5  50,5 39,5 35,00
12 Ghaem Maghami Ehsan  GM IRI 2610  6,5  50,5 39,0 36,25
13 Danner Georg         IM AUT 2426  6,5  48,0 37,5 33,50
14 Ermenkov Evgenij     GM PLE 2499  6,5  47,0 36,5 32,25
15 Stanec Nikolaus      GM AUT 2504  6,5  44,0 34,0 31,00
16 Papp Gabor           IM HUN 2474  6,0  53,0 42,0 33,75
17 Khmelniker Ilya      IM ISR 2427  6,0  52,5 41,5 32,75
18 Ernst Thomas         GM SWE 2434  6,0  52,5 41,0 33,00
19 Saric Ante           GM CRO 2499  6,0  52,0 41,0 32,50
20 Jakubiec Artur       GM POL 2541  6,0  51,5 40,5 32,25
21 Timoscenko Gennadij  GM SVK 2492  6,0  51,0 39,5 32,00
22 Faibisovich Vadim Z  IM RUS 2412  6,0  50,5 39,0 30,75
23 Shengelia Davit      GM GEO 2572  6,0  50,0 39,5 32,25
24 Ragger Markus        IM AUT 2529  6,0  50,0 39,5 31,50
25 Lehner Oliver        IM AUT 2411  6,0  48,5 38,0 29,00
26 Zilberman Yaacov     GM ISR 2473  6,0  48,5 37,0 29,25
27 Weinzettl Ernst      IM AUT 2328  6,0  47,5 38,5 28,25
28 Cvitan Ognjen        GM CRO 2529  6,0  47,5 37,0 30,75
29 Gofshtein Zvulon     GM ISR 2541  6,0  46,0 36,0 28,75
30 Mahdi Khaled         IM AUT 2385  6,0  46,0 35,5 29,25
184 players

41) Caissa IM July

The Caissa IM July cat. I. tournament took place 15th-20th July 2007 in Kecskemet, Hungary. Mr. Kjartansson won the tournament with 7,5 pts, ahead of an other islander player, Mr. Arngrimsson. They made an IM norm too.

More info: Dr. Tamas Erdelyi Next events will be on 23-31 July, 20-28 August.

42) 57th New Hampshire Open

George Mirijanian reports: The 57th New Hampshire Open took place on July 14th-15th, 2007 at the Comfort Inn in Manchester, New Hampshire, USA. IM Joseph Fang and FM Braden Bournival of Nashua and Manchester, N.H. respectively shared the state championship title by tying for first place with out-of-state resident IM David Vigorito of Andover, Massachusetts. All three tallied 3-1. Runners-up with scores of 2.5-1.5 were FM William Kelleher of Watertown, Mass., and national expert Sherif Khater of Nashua, N.H. The main event drew 51 players in three sections and was directed by Robert Messenger, assisted by John Elmore, for the sponsoring New Hampshire Chess Association (NHCA).

Complete crosstables are available at:

43) Lichtenstein Memorial

The Elkana Chess Club in Israel is a closed 10 player category 8 tournament as part of the Judge Lictenstein Memorial chess Festival July 15th-26th in Israel. Konstantin Lerner leads with 5/7.

44) Forthcoming Events and Links

Alex Brunetti's TotoScacco Site

Alex Brunetti's TotoScacco Site allows predictions for current chess tournaments.


Its always worth mentioning Wojciech Bartelski's excellent which covers not only Olympiads but all team chess.

New events: European U18 Team Championship has recently finished in Subotica, Serbia. (boys' results) and (girls' results)

The 9th All-Africa Games took place in Algiers, Algeria 11th-23rd July There were 13 men's team in a four board round robin (rate of play was Active Chess 25+10). No games available. See details:


Another great site. Latest is is an interview with ACP President Pavel Tregubov.

Shirov on with John Watson

Regular TWIC contributer John Watson has a book radio show on on Tuesdays. This week on Tuesday 24th July his guest is Alexei Shirov. You can catch the show by signing up for ICC trial membership. Link:

Al Jazeera meets Kirzan Ilyumzhinov

There is a two Part Documentary on YouTube Al Jazeera meets Kirzan Ilyumzhinov: and

Gary Lane in Malaysia

The Chess Club of Sekolah Tengku Ampuan Rahimah, Klang (Malasia) will be hosting a chess workshop by Australian Chess Player of the Year 2004, International Master (IM) Gary Lane. The chess workshop, entitled "Improve your chess with IM Gary Lane 2007", will be held on the 18th of August 2007 (Saturday), from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the school library.

Tarragona open

The Tarragona open takes place 18th-26th August 2007. Time rate 90 minutes + 30 seconds a move. The registration deadline is 16th August. In order to register, the players must call to Mr Francesc Xavier Farran. phone number: 877022621 mobile: 650084822 e-mail: or


VI Benidorm Festival

The VI Festival Internacional de Ajedrez de Benidorm 2007  takes place 30th November - 9th December 2007.

Further details: -

Three GM events in Hungary and Serbia

THREE GM-IM norm tournaments in a row in Eastern Europe in Sept-Oct...(Hungary and Serbia)

1. 1st-13th of September GM-IM-FM closed tournaments, First Saturday - Budapest, Hungary, org: Nagy Laszlo, e-mail:

2. 15th-23rd of September GM-IM tmt, Third Saturday - Novi Sad, Serbia, org: IGM drazic, e-mail: sdrazic@eunet.yu (the Serbian city Novi is for 6 hours by train South from Budapest),

3. 6th-19th of October, GM-IM-FM, First Saturday - Budapest, org.: Nagy Laszlo

The City of Dublin Championships

The City of Dublin Championships takes place 31st August, 1st and 2nd September 2007.


Sydney International Open 2008

The 2008 Sydney International Open takes place at Parramatta Town Hall 25th-29th March 2008. Free accommodation and modest conditions are offered to GMs. All enquiries to the Tournament Organiser, FM Brian Jones, at


Geller Memorial, Odessa

The Efim Geller Chess Memorial will take place in Odessa, Ukraine from September 7th (day of arrival) - September 16th, 2007.

Venue: Sanatorium Belaya Akaziya (Franzuzsky Boulevard 15, Odessa). The Geller Memorial organisers are: the Pivdenny Bank, the Physical Culture and Sports Department of the Odessa municipal government, the Odessa Region Chess Federation, the Union of Chess and Checkers Clubs of the Odessa Region.

The prize fund of the Open A (9 rounds Swiss) is 28740 UAH (approx. 5745 USD; 1 Ukrainian Hryvnia/UAH = approx 0.2 USD), with ten prizes and additional prizes. The first prize is 8000 UAH (approx. 1600 USD). Sixteen top players by ELO will be provided the full-board accomodation by the organisers. The entry fee depending on ELO varies from 250 UAH (for players without ELO) to 50 UAH (for players with ELO higher than 2300). There is a 50% discount for: veterans, women and U-20 players (with exceptions of those players who does not have an ELO rating). The entry is free for GMs/IMs with the ELO rating higher than 2400 and for WGMs/WIMs with ELO higher than 2200. The time control in the Open A (for each player) is 1 hour 30 minutes for the game + 30 seconds increment after each move.

Two other 9 round Swiss tournaments are: Open B with a time rate 2 hours per game (prize fund 4100 UAH; eight main prizes with the first prize of 700 UAH; entry fee 25 UAH) where players who have the first category or higher have the right to participate, and children's Open C with a time rate 2 hours per game, this tournament is for players of the age of 16 years and younger (prize fund 2100 UAH, including prizes for Girls, U-12 and U-10 players, entry fee 15 UAH).

Each player in any of three tournaments can get only one prize. Prizes will not be shared: places for the players who score the same number of points will be determined accordingly to the tournament regulations.

Registration of players will take place in the children's chess school (Kanatnaya Street 95, Odessa) on September 7, 2007 from 10 a.m till 5 p.m. The opening ceremony will take place in the Sanatorium Belaya Akaziya on September 8, 2007 at 3 p.m. A confirmation of the participation until August 15, 2007 is necessary for all participants. More detailed information in Russian is available at: The coverage of the Geller Memorial will be provided at The contact address of the organisers is

Scandinavian Chess Tournament

Scandinavian Chess Tournament proudly presents The peoples chess festival 2007 at Täby Park Hotel, Sweden 4th-11th August 2007. Prizes: 1-3 prize new cars (applies only for swedish census registred players since November 2006 ) 47 prizes in swedish krona (4. prize 15 000, 5.prize 10 000, 6.prize 5 000, 7.prize 2 200, 8.prize 2 150, 9.prize 2 100, 10. prize 2 050 and so on until last prize 50 sek. Additional 50 prizes worth 500 Sek each. Only one and the best player representing his country (except swedish) can win a prize, but several players from the same country can participate in the tournament.


NH Chess Tournament

The NH Chess Tournament takes place 22nd August - 1st September 2007 in the NH Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky in Amsterdam organised by the Association Max Euwe in Monaco. The Scheveningen team tournament is a battle between a team of 'Experience' and a team of 'Rising Stars'.

'Experience' Alexander Beliavsky (SLO), Artur Jussupow (GER), Alexander Khalifman (RUS), Ljubomir Ljubojevic (SRB) en Predrag Nikolic (BIH).

'Rising Stars' Ivan Cheparinov (BUL), Sergey Karjakin (UKR), Parimarjan Negi (IND), Jan Smeets (NED) en Daniel Stellwagen (NED). A place in the Amber 2008 tournament is part of the prize for the top finishing rising star.

Official site closer to the time is likely to be which at the moment only has info on the last Amber tournament.

6th Davos Open

The "Swiss Chess Tour 2007" will continue in Davos with 6th Chess Summer Open from August 6th-12th, 2007. Switzerland is the famous tourist country particular popular is tremendous Davos. 6th Davos Open, 7 rounds and the games will last a maximum of 5 hours (40 moves for 2 hours and 30 minutes till the end). Prize are: 1.500 SF, 1.200, 900, 700, 500, 400, 300, 250, 200 and 150 SF. Natural prizes for 5 and more points. Special prizes. Entry fee 130 SF, FMs and juniors 60 SF, GMs and IMs free; juniors lodging at Sunstar Park Hotel free; at the door 20 SF more. Time table: Rounds 1 18.00-23.00 August 6th; Round 2/6 15.00-20.00 August 7th-11 th; Round 7 9.30-14.30 August 12th. Venue: "Sunstar Park Hotel" Congress Center. Closing ceremony August 12th, 3 p.m. Unbelievable chess-rates.

Info Beochess: +41+62+9654-650 (Robert Spoerri) or or

3rd Chess Summer in Bern

  The "Swiss Chess Tour 2007" continues with the "Chess Summer" tournament in Bern which takes place July 28th - August 5th 2007. Venue: Hotel "Bern" in the center of the Swiss capital. Main event is "Int. Bern Open Championship". 9 rounds; 2 hours for 40 moves + 60 minutes till the end. All rounds from 16.30 to 22.30 except last round from 12.00 to 18.00. Enter fee: 140 CHF; juniors 1987 and younger and FM 70 CHF; GM&IM free. Ten money prizes 10: 2000 CHF/1.500/1.000/700... The players who like to play late, during night, will get a chance with the "Bern Summer Night Open" July 29th - August 4th 2007. 7 rounds; 90 minutes for 30 moves + 30 minutes till the end. Games start daily at 19.00 to 23.00. Enter fee: 110 CHF; juniors 55 CHF. Six money prizes: 500/400/300/250/200/150 CHF. Special offer to juniors. Those who register before July 9th will not pay an entry fee!

Info Beochess: +41+62+9654-650 (Robert Spoerri) or or

"Acropolis" 2007

The "Acropolis" 2007 tournament takes place 14th-22nd August 2007 at the President Hotel, Kifissias 43,Athens.

The official annoucement is at:

European Blind Individual Championship

The Braille Chess Association host the European Blind Individual Championship in Durham August 14th-23rd 2007. Play starting at 1.45 pm. except Monday (a rest day) and final day (11 am start) ) IM Colin Crouch is the main British contender and six others including Graham Lilley and Chris Ross will play.

It is hoped that the top four boards will be shown live on the net at:

V Transcarpathian Rapid

The V Transcarpathian Rapidtournament "Chess Decyk" takes place September, 15th-16th 2007 City: Uzhgorod Country: Ukraine Time control: Rapid: 20' - 20' Number of rounds: 9 System: Swiss Prize fund: 4000 UAH Remarks: Welcome to the age-old town above the river Uzh with more than 1000-year’s history!!!

Organizer: Chess Federation of Uzhgorod (President - IM Bogdan Borsos) Tel: +380503179153, +380503723900 E-mail: Address: Ukraine, Uzhgorod, Hotel "Svitanok", Koshitska st. 30

Further details:

Hungarian tournaments July - December 2007

List of the chess tournaments from July - December 2007 in Hungary:

1. 7th - 19th of July 2007 FIRST SATURDAY Budapest GM-IM-FM, GM-IM-FM round robins (BERGER), 9-13 games, GM-IM norm possibilities in Budapest, venue: Hungarian Chess Federation, Falk Miksa Str.10. 2nd floor. Organisation: Nagy Laszlo, FIDE International Chess Organizer E-mail:

Website: Other website: Phone-fax: +(361)-2632859, cellphone: +(36)-30-230-1914 /From 12:00 a.m. until midnight - Central European Time - GMT+1 hour/..

2. 21st - 29th of July KECSKEMET, IM Berger tmt, org: Dr.Erdelyi, Tamas, e-mail: Website: Usually also in the second half of the month IM tmt-s in Kecskemet. 100 km South-East from Budapest.

3. 22nd-29th of July AGRIA Open, Eger, 110 km North-East from Budapest, Org: Rauch Ferenc, e-mail:

4 . 4th-16th of August FS Budapest, GM-IM-FM, org. Nagy L.

5. 18th-26th of August, TALENTUM CUP Open 9 rounds Swiss, near to the Balaton lake, org: VALIS, Janos, e-mail:

6. 1st-13th of September, FS GM-IM-FM Budapest, org.Nagy L.

7. 17th -25th of September KECSKEMET IM tmt, org. dr.Erdelyi

8. 6th-18th of October, FS GM-IM-FM Budapest, org.Nagy L.

9. 22nd-30th of October KECSKEMET IM - org. dr.Erdelyi

10. 3rd-15th of November, FS GM-IM-FM Budapest, org.:NL

11. 15th-23rd of November, XXXI. TENKES CUP, 9 round Swiss Open, Harkany, 300 km South-West from Budapest, org: Mr.FULOP, Csaba, e-mail: Website:⟨=hu&det=12

12. 1st-13th of December, FS GM-IM-FM, Budapest, org.NL

XX Belgrade International Open

The XX International Open Championship of Belgrade "OBRENOVAC 2007" takes place 22nd-30th November 2007.

Prizes : EUR 5,600.00 The championship will be played in 9 rounds according to the FIDE Swiss System (computer pairing). Rate of play is 40 moves for 2 hours and 30 minutes til the end of game.

Contact information: BELGRADE CHESS INFORMATION 11000 Belgrade, Deligradska 27/III, Serbia Tel/Fax; +381-11 -2656 846 E-mail: beochess@eunet.yu

Further details:

Olomouc and Highlands Opens Czech Republic

10th International Chess Festival Olomouc Chess Summer 2007, which takea place in the city of Olomouc on 1st-9th August 2007. Closed GM and IM tournaments, closed FIDE tournament, FIDE open, seniors tournament, active chess and blitz tournament are part of the festival. More detailed information should be found at Downloadable regulations in English, German, Russian and Polish are available at the address

4th International Chess Festival Highlands Open 2007, which will take place in the town of Zdar nad Sazavou on 22nd-30th September 2007. Final qualification for the Men and Women Championship of the Czech Republic, FIDE open, active chess and blitz tournament are part of the festival. More detailed information should be found at . Downloadable regulations in English, German, Russian and Polish are available at the address

Both events are held within the frame of 7th International Chess Festivals CZECH TOUR 2007/2008 Series. More detailed information about the series, which is taking place in 8 towns of the Czech Republic, should be found at Downloadable regulations in English, German, Russian and Polish are available at the address

IGB 4th Dato' Arthur Tan Malaysia Open

The IGB 4th Dato' Arthur Tan Malaysia Open Chess Championship takes place in the Cititel Mid Valley Hotel, Kuala Lumpur 19th-27th August 2007. 11 Rounds Swiss, 1st Prize USD4000, Info:

Details: or

GM Amir Bagheri's Website and Match

GM Amir Bagheri's Website:

Amir Bagheri (Iran, rating 2481) will play a 2-game match vs. members of the ICCF Forum. The games (one with White and one with Black pieces) will be played on the ICCF Webserver and are intended to start on June 20th 2007, with the reflection time rule "10 moves/100 days".

5th Staunton Memorial

The 5th Staunton Memorial sees six Dutch and six English players compete in a single round robin event. The players are: Holland: Loek Van Wely 2674; Jan Timman 2545; Jan Smeets 2552; Jan Werle 2556; Ivan Sokolov (last years winner) 2663; Erwin L’Ami 2617; England: Michael Adams 2734; Jon Speelman 2518; Peter Wells 2499; Colin McNab 2418; Gawain Jones 2524; Jovanka Houska 2404. Play begins on August 7th and ends on August 18th. The event is, as last year, supported by the Dutch chess enthusiast Jan Mol.

Official site:

British Chess Championships

The 94th Championships of The British Isles Organised by the English Chess Federation Sunday 29th July - Saturday 11th August - Great Yarmouth College, Great Yarmouth

Official site:

John Watson Books Show

John Watson has a program on on books, this week it features FM Graham Burgess, Editorial Director of Gambit Publishing.


World Youth Chess Championships

The World Youth Chess Championships take place 17th-29th November 2007 in Antalya.

Official site:

IV Calvià Chess Festival

The IV Calvià Chess Festival takes place in Calvià, Mallorca (Spain) 6th-24th October 2006. Event including an International, Blitz, Senior, Amateur & Under-16 tournaments.


John Watson Book Reviews on

TWIC contributer John Watson can be heard on reviewing books every week on a Tuesday. Dirk Jan ten Geuzendam the editor of New in Chess will be John Watson's guest on the show on May 22nd 2007. This show will be made available for 7-days ONDemand for members.

ICC has announced it taken over World Chess Network, from Master Games International, and Chess Live, from GamesParlor. The two services will be merged together to form a new service, separate from ICC, to be called World Chess Live.


Anand interview

There is a new interview with Anand on the website:

Predeal Chess Festival

The Predeal Chess Festival takes place in Romania August 8th-18th 2007 This will be a very large one, with 5 tournaments, European Women Rapid Chess and blitz Championships, World Amateur Ch, Romanian Open and a children tournament. We expect over 600 participants.

Details; and also on the Romanian Grand Prix and Romanian Chess Federation chess pages, and

Contact : Doru Ionescu,, +40742064336.

12th Pannonia Cup

The 12th Pannonia Cup takes place in Balatonalmádi (Hungary) 1st-05th August 2007. Group A: International Open for FIDE ratings (without age limit) Group B:International Open for FIDE ratings for players rated under 2000 (without age limit). U18 Players’ results will be evaluated separately.


Entry and contact for further information: Address: Fáncsy Imre: 8222. Balatonalmádi, Gábor Áron u. 15.; HUNGARY E-mail:

2nd Edmonton International

The 2nd Edmonton International takes place August 2nd-6th 2007. The tournament will be played in a 10 player round-robin format with regular time controls. The confirmed participants so far are:

1. GM Aveskulov, Valery (2539, Ukraine) 2. IM (GM Elect) Kraai, Jesse (2477, USA) 3. GM Khachiyan, Melikset (2475, USA) 4. IM Bachmann, Axel (2470, Paraguay) 5. IM Donaldson, John (2413, USA) 6. FM Huber, Greg (2211, Canada) 7. Reeve, Jeff (2205, Canada) 8. Li, Zhichao (2143, Hong-Kong)

Official site:

Maxim Dlugy

Former World Junior Champion GM Maxim Dlugy now has a website.

MyChess correspondence Chess Server

There is a correspondence chess server designed by Matthias Karkowski at:

Euro Chess Tournament 2007

The Euro Chess Tournament takes place August 6th-11th 2007 at the University of Twente, Enschede. The Euro Chess Tournament is Europe's largest Open Youth Chess tournament. Over 500 children will battle on the chess board for the 33rd Open Dutch Youth Chess Championship titles. Parallel to the Dutch Open, the University of Twente Young Masters, a 20 player Swiss by invitation GM tournament will be played.


Chess Classic Mainz

The Chess Classic Mainz takes place August 13th-19th 2007 at the Rheingoldhalle. Viswanathan Anand, Levon Aronian, Etienne Bacrot and Rustam Kasimdzhanov will play a mixed rapid chess and Chess960 event. These will take place along with the usual mixture of other events.

Official site:

Benidorm International Chess Festival

The VI Benidorm 2007 International Chess Festival takes place 30th November - 9th December 2007 with diverse tournaments

More information and entry, discounts by individual lodging or for groups larger than 15 people, please to contact Patricia Claros Aguilar: 615547567 - 6620 20592 or emails and


British Chess Problem Society

Brian Stephenson of the British Chess Problem Society has a new website: The site has much info on the Winton Capital British Chess Solving Championship.

Endgame Studies

Alexander Rueb Vereniging voor SchaakEindspelStudie. Endgame studies:

Arctic Chess Challenge

The Arctic Chess Challenge will take place in Tromsø, Norway August 4th-12th 2007. The Open Swiss is a follow up to last year’s Midnight Sun Chess Challenge, won by GM Sergei Shipov ahead of among others Carlsen, Krasenkow and Rozentalis and is the second in a series of events leading up to Tromsø’s bid for the 2014 Chess Olympics


Lugano tournament November

There is a Lugano tournament at the end of November 2007. Details:

Novi Sad Championship

Novi Sad will host the 2009 European National Team Championship. In the run up to that the Championship of Novi Sad took place 18th-25th March 2007. Dusan Rajkovic won the event on tie-break from Miroljub Lazic after both finished on 6.5/9. I'm hoping for a better games file before I try and publish the games.

Further details:

Mediterranean 2013" Open Rijeka Croatia

The "Mediterranean 2013" Open chess tournament takes place in Rijeka Croatia, 25 November - 2 December 2007

System of play: Swiss / 9 rounds. Tempo of play: 90 minutes per player + 30 extra seconds for each move played starting with the first. The tournament will be registered with FIDE in order to assign the rating and title norms.

Prizes Awards fund: about 10 000 Euros. 1st award - 12 000,00 kunas 2nd award - 8 000,00 kunas 3rd award - 6 000,00 kunas



RC Sport Open

The RC Sport Open takes place 10th-17th August 2007 in Ceská Trebová (Czech republic). Total prize fund is 122 000 CZK (4 000 Euro).


ICC and FICS client for mobile phones

Mats Luthman has written a program that connects to ICC and FICS, compatable with many modern mobile phones. I've been looking for something like this for a while for watching live tournaments if I'm out and about. Its a nice free solution, you can also play but I haven't tried that.


VI Benidorm Festival

The VI Benidorm Festival takes place 30th November - 9th December 2007.

Further details:

Baltic Sea Cup

The Baltic Sea Cup (Bornholm, Denmark) takes place July 30th - August 5th 2007.


Alushta Diary 2007

GM Norm events: 23.05 - 1.06, 2.06 - 12.06, 15.06 - 25.06, 2.09 - 12.09, 14.09 - 24.09, 26.09 - 6.10, IM Norm: 23.05 - 1.06, 2.06 - 12.06, 15.06 - 25.06, 2.09 - 12.09, 14.09 - 24.09, 26.09 - 6.10, Rating tournament: 4.06 - 12.06, 22.06 - 27.06, Open tournament (under 16 years) First prize - 200$ 3.06 - 11.06, 13.06 - 21.06, Alushta Swiss 9 rounds Open tournament First prize - 1000$ First prize (woman) - 500$ 28.06 - 6.07, Alushta Swiss 9 rounds Blitz tournament 7.07, Alushta Swiss 9 rounds Open tournament (rapid chess) 8.07 - 9.07, Alushta Session of school of Gennadi Kuzmin 21.06 - 27.06

Individual and group studying Further information: phone +38 (06560)5-05-32, +380505828911 (for Russian speaking) + 44 7717890632 (for English speaking, call after 18.00) e-mail:

New England Masters

New England Masters, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, August 13-17, 2007. 9 Round FIDE Swiss with great norm opportunities. Low entry fees and hotel rate, open to players rated FIDE 2200 or higher. Website: Email:

Banyoles Chess Festival 2007

The Banyoles Chess Festival includes two tournaments: The Rapid-Chess Tournament is on 15th of August. And from the 16th until 24th of August is held the International Chess Tournament. Here, you will find more information about them: 3rd. "Lluís Muratet" Rapid-Chess Tournament This will be played the 15th of August of 2007. Rapid-Chess (20 minutes or 15min+5"). 9 Rounds. Prizes: 1st. 800 €; Prize fund: 2.000 €. (Valid for Catalan Chess Circuit) 10th Banyoles International Chess Tournament From 16th until 24th of August of 2007. Swiss System. 9 Rounds. 105 minutes + 30 seconds/movement. Prizes: 1st. 2.000 € (4.000 € if the winner achieves 9 points); Prize fund: 8.000 €. (Valid for the Catalan Chess Circuit). Nigel Short has announced his participation.

Official site:

Pierre Barthélémy Chess Blog

Pierre Barthélémy Chess Blog in French:

Russia vs ROW Correspondence

The Russian Chess Federation is celebrating its 10th anniversary and is using this occasion to challenge the rest of the world to a match over 64 boards with 2 games for each and the start is 15.02 2004. Players include Joop van Oosterom