THE WEEK IN CHESS 660 2nd July 2007 by Mark Crowther

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Mark Crowther
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1) Introduction
2) Dortmund Sparkassen Chess Meeting
3) Aerosvit tournament in Foros
4) Kings Tournament Bazna Romania
5) Dutch Championships
6) FIDE Rating List
7) Pula Open
8) Izmailov Memorial Tomsk
9) Ceclub Division De Honor 2007 Grupo II
10) III Perla Baltyku Festival
11) Grenoble Masters
12) 5th Nabokov Memorial
13) Balaton Festival
14) Atlantis Schaak Meestertienkamp
15) 1st Thun Open
16) XXV Novi Becej Open
17) VII Aratovsky Memorial
18) XXV Andorra International Open
19) South African Open
20) BRNO Festival
21) Uzhgorod Spring Open
22) 40th Cotswold Congress
23) Taiyuan Tournament
24) Maxim Sorokin 1968-2007
25) ACP Women Series
26) Forthcoming Events and Links


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Games section

Dortmund Sparkassen Chess Meeting        24 games
Aerosvit tournament in Foros             24 games
Kings Tournament Bazna Romania            5 games
Dutch Championships                      35 games
Pula Open                               272 games
Ceclub Division De Honor 2007 Grupo II   90 games
III Perla Baltyku Festival              180 games
Grenoble Masters                         45 games
5th Nabokov Memorial                     55 games
Balaton Festival                        104 games
Atlantis Schaak Meestertienkamp          45 games
1st Thun Open                            20 games
XXV Novi Becej Open                      80 games
979 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to Sinisa Joksic, Thomas Henrich, Yannick Pelletier, Yin Hao, Dennis Monokroussos, Zenón Franco Ocampos, Roman M. Parparov, Chris Bird, Igor Glek, Peter Doggers, Thomas Michos, Michael J. Yeo, Chris Mattos, Bogdan Borshosh and everyone else who helped with the issue.

Who is the best player in the World? Is it Vladimir Kramnik who won the Dortmund Sparkassen Chess Meeting for the 8th time with an impressive +3 score. Or is it Viswanathan Anand who extended his lead as World number one in the July FIDE rating list over Veselin Topalov and Vladimir Kramnik. Right now a case could be made for another player, Vassily Ivanchuk, who has just gained 33 points to move to fourth place and also just won the category 18 Aerosvit tournament in Foros which will appear in the next list. There is a lot of interesting chess this week but its also been a sad week, with the first news of the death of 38 year old Maxim Sorokin who died as the result of injuries sustained in a car accident a week ago.

Hope you enjoy this issue.


2) Dortmund Sparkassen Chess Meeting

The Dortmund Sparkassen Chess Meeting takes place 23rd June - 1st July 2007 in the Dortmund Civic Theatre. The Sparkassen Chess Meeting took place 23rd June - 1st July 2007 in the Dortmund Civic Theatre. Vladimir Kramnik impressed in winning the event by a point. This is Kramnik's 8th win in the event since 1995.

The first winner was Heikki Westerinen in 1973 (and indeed a second time in 1975) and he played a match against the 1982 winner Vlastimil Hort both were born in 1944.

Official site: has a number of films and interviews from the event.

Round 3 (June 26, 2007)

Leko, Peter             -  Naiditsch, Arkadij      1/2   38  B29  Sicilian Defence
Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar  -  Kramnik, Vladimir       1/2   21  E14  Queens Indian
Carlsen, Magnus         -  Alekseev, Evgeny        1/2   60  E18  Queens Indian
Gelfand, Boris          -  Anand, Viswanathan      1/2   21  D45  Anti-Meran Variations

Round 4 (June 27, 2007)

Kramnik, Vladimir       -  Carlsen, Magnus         1-0   30  E05  Catalan
Alekseev, Evgeny        -  Leko, Peter             1/2   34  D23  QGA
Anand, Viswanathan      -  Naiditsch, Arkadij      1-0   57  C78  Ruy Lopez Moeller Defence
Gelfand, Boris          -  Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar  1/2   32  A41  Modern Defence

Round 5 (June 29, 2007)

Leko, Peter             -  Kramnik, Vladimir       1/2   38  C42  Petroff's Defence
Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar  -  Anand, Viswanathan      1/2   68  E15  Queens Indian
Carlsen, Magnus         -  Gelfand, Boris          1/2   27  D11  Slav Defence
Naiditsch, Arkadij      -  Alekseev, Evgeny        1/2   50  E29  Nimzo Indian Saemisch

Round 6 (June 30, 2007)

Kramnik, Vladimir       -  Naiditsch, Arkadij      1-0   48  E04  Catalan
Anand, Viswanathan      -  Alekseev, Evgeny        1/2   43  C42  Petroff's Defence
Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar  -  Carlsen, Magnus         1/2   26  D38  QGD Ragozin
Gelfand, Boris          -  Leko, Peter             0-1   65  D47  Queens Gambit Meran

Round 7 (July 1, 2007)

Alekseev, Evgeny        -  Kramnik, Vladimir       1/2   31  C42  Petroff's Defence
Leko, Peter             -  Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar  1/2  107  B46  Sicilian Paulsen
Carlsen, Magnus         -  Anand, Viswanathan      1/2   39  D12  Slav Defence
Naiditsch, Arkadij      -  Gelfand, Boris          1/2   44  B92  Sicilian Najdorf with 6.Be2

Sparkassen GM Dortmund GER (GER), 23 vi-1 vii 2007cat. XX (2727)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 
1 Kramnik, Vladimir       g RUS 2772 * = = = = 1 1 1  5.0  2878
2 Alekseev, Evgeny        g RUS 2679 = * = = 1 = = =  4.0  2783
3 Leko, Peter             g HUN 2738 = = * = = = 1 =  4.0  2774
4 Anand, Viswanathan      g IND 2786 = = = * = = = 1  4.0  2768
5 Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar  g AZE 2757 = 0 = = * = = 1  3.5  2722
6 Carlsen, Magnus         g NOR 2693 0 = = = = * = =  3.0  2681
7 Gelfand, Boris          g ISR 2733 0 = 0 = = = * =  2.5  2623
8 Naiditsch, Arkadij      g GER 2654 0 = = 0 0 = = *  2.0  2578

Westerinen, Heikki M.J  -  Hort, Vlastimil         1/2   31  B46  Sicilian Paulsen
Hort, Vlastimil         -  Westerinen, Heikki M.J  1-0   51  E81  King's Indian Saemisch
Westerinen, Heikki M.J  -  Hort, Vlastimil         0-1   37  B95  Sicilian Najdorf with 6.Bg5
Hort, Vlastimil         -  Westerinen, Heikki M.J  1-0   36  D11  Slav Defence

Sparkassen Match Dortmund GER (GER), 27 vi-1 vii 2007
                                      1   2   3   4 
Hort, Vlastimil        g  GER 2494    =   1   1   1   3.5  2720
Westerinen, Heikki M.J g  FIN 2384    =   0   0   0   0.5  2172

3) Aerosvit tournament in Foros

The Aerosvit tournament in Foros, Ukraine, took place 17th-30th June 2007. Vassily Ivanchuk took clear first with 7.5/11 half a point clear of Sergey Karjakin.

Official Site:

Round 8 (June 26, 2007)

Karjakin, Sergey         -  Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter  1/2   18  B82  Sicilian Scheveningen
Svidler, Peter           -  Sasikiran, Krishnan      1/2   67  C95  Ruy Lopez Breyer
Van Wely, Loek           -  Eljanov, Pavel           1-0   64  D38  QGD Ragozin
Shirov, Alexei           -  Onischuk, Alexander      1/2   42  E05  Catalan
Dominguez Perez, Lenier  -  Jakovenko, Dmitry        1/2   55  B33  Sicilian Sveshnikov
Rublevsky, Sergei        -  Ivanchuk, Vassily        0-1   66  B86  Sicilian Sozin Attack

Round 9 (June 27, 2007)

Ivanchuk, Vassily        -  Dominguez Perez, Lenier  1/2  136  B92  Sicilian Najdorf with 6.Be2
Onischuk, Alexander      -  Svidler, Peter           1/2   48  D97  Gruenfeld Russian
Jakovenko, Dmitry        -  Shirov, Alexei           0-1   53  B33  Sicilian Sveshnikov
Eljanov, Pavel           -  Rublevsky, Sergei        1/2   44  D11  Slav Defence
Sasikiran, Krishnan      -  Karjakin, Sergey         1/2   93  D43  Anti-Meran Gambit
Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter  -  Van Wely, Loek           1/2   26  B90  Sicilian Najdorf Variation

Round 10 (June 28, 2007)

Karjakin, Sergey         -  Onischuk, Alexander      1/2   38  C88  Ruy Lopez Closed
Svidler, Peter           -  Jakovenko, Dmitry        1-0   47  B51  Sicilian Rossolimo
Van Wely, Loek           -  Rublevsky, Sergei        1/2   44  D45  Anti-Meran Variations
Shirov, Alexei           -  Ivanchuk, Vassily        0-1   34  C91  Ruy Lopez
Dominguez Perez, Lenier  -  Eljanov, Pavel           1/2   61  C67  Ruy Lopez Berlin
Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter  -  Sasikiran, Krishnan      1/2   33  B17  Caro Kann

Round 11 (June 29, 2007)

Ivanchuk, Vassily        -  Svidler, Peter           1/2   19  D81  Gruenfeld Botvinnik
Onischuk, Alexander      -  Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter  1-0   58  D20  QGA
Rublevsky, Sergei        -  Dominguez Perez, Lenier  1/2   20  B87  Sicilian Sozin Attack
Jakovenko, Dmitry        -  Karjakin, Sergey         1/2   29  C88  Ruy Lopez Closed
Eljanov, Pavel           -  Shirov, Alexei           1/2   25  D85  Gruenfeld Defence
Sasikiran, Krishnan      -  Van Wely, Loek           0-1   51  D44  Anti-Meran Gambit

Aerosvit Foros UKR (UKR), 18-29 vi 2007                 cat. XVIII (2694)
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1 Ivanchuk, Vassily        g UKR 2729 * = = = = 1 = 1 = 1 = 1  7.5  2823
 2 Karjakin, Sergey         g UKR 2686 = * = = 1 1 = = = 1 = =  7.0  2796
 3 Onischuk, Alexander      g USA 2663 = = * = 1 = = = = = 0 1  6.0  2732
 4 Svidler, Peter           g RUS 2736 = = = * = = = = 1 = = =  6.0  2725
 5 Van Wely, Loek           g NED 2674 = 0 0 = * 1 0 = 1 1 1 =  6.0  2731
 6 Shirov, Alexei           g ESP 2699 0 0 = = 0 * 1 1 1 = 1 =  6.0  2729
 7 Dominguez Perez, Lenier  g CUB 2678 = = = = 1 0 * = = = = =  5.5  2694
 8 Rublevsky, Sergei        g RUS 2680 0 = = = = 0 = * = = 1 =  5.0  2658
 9 Jakovenko, Dmitry        g RUS 2708 = = = 0 0 0 = = * = 1 =  4.5  2627
10 Eljanov, Pavel           g UKR 2686 0 0 = = 0 = = = = * = 1  4.5  2629
11 Sasikiran, Krishnan      g IND 2690 = = 1 = 0 0 = 0 0 = * =  4.0  2591
12 Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter  g ROM 2693 0 = 0 = = = = = = 0 = *  4.0  2591

4) Kings Tournament Bazna Romania

The Kings Tournament Bazna Romania took place 15th-26th June 2007. Alexander Khalifman beat Rafael Vaganian in the final round to take clear first place from him, they were tied going into the round. News from the event's arbiter Chirila Radu-Catalin.

Official site: - was also helpful.


King's Tournament Bazna ROM (ROM), 16-26 vi 2007         cat. XIII (2566)
                                         1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
 1. Khalifman, Alexander     g RUS 2624  * 1 0 = = 1 = 1 1 = 1  7.0  2708 
 2. Vaganian, Rafael A       g ARM 2590  0 * = = = 1 = = 1 = 1  6.0  2635 
 3. Beliavsky, Alexander G   g SLO 2648  1 = * = = = = = = = =  5.5  2593 
 4. Andersson, Ulf           g SWE 2528  = = = * = = = = = = =  5.0  2569 
 5. Ribli, Zoltan            g HUN 2580  = = = = * = = = = = =  5.0  2564 
 6. Mecking, Henrique        g BRA 2565  0 0 = = = * 1 = = 1 =  5.0  2565 
 7. Sokolov, Andrei1         g FRA 2584  = = = = = 0 * = = = =  4.5  2527 
 8. Chiburdanidze, Maia      g GEO 2510  0 = = = = = = * = = =  4.5  2535 
 9. Portisch, Lajos          g HUN 2512  0 0 = = = = = = * 1 =  4.5  2535 
10. Suba, Mihai              g ROM 2537  = = = = = 0 = = 0 * =  4.0  2496 
11. Timman, Jan H            g NED 2545  0 0 = = = = = = = = *  4.0  2495 

Round 11 (June 26, 2007)

Khalifman, Alexander    -  Vaganian, Rafael A      1-0   21  C09  French Tarrasch
Ribli, Zoltan           -  Andersson, Ulf          1/2   24  B36  Sicilian Maroczy Bind
Mecking, Henrique       -  Beliavsky, Alexander G  1/2   69  D58  Queens Gambit Tartakover
Suba, Mihai             -  Chiburdanidze, Maia     1/2   11  A13  Reti Opening
Timman, Jan H           -  Sokolov, Andrei1        1/2   38  B82  Sicilian Scheveningen

5) Dutch Championships

The Dutch Championships took place 16th-28th of June in Hilversum, Holland. Sergei Tiviakov took the title 1.5-0.5 after a rapid playoff with Daniel Stellwagen. Both had finished on 8/11 a point clear of Ivan Sokolov. Peng Zhaoqin took the women's title with a fabulous 8/9.

Official site:

ch-NED Hilversum NED (NED), 16-28 vi 2007               cat. XII (2533)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Stellwagen, Daniel   g NED 2600  * = = 1 = 1 = 1 = = 1 1  8.0  2701 
 2. Tiviakov, Sergei     g NED 2663  = * = = 1 = = 1 1 1 1 =  8.0  2696 
 3. Sokolov, Ivan NED    g NED 2655  = = * = = = = 1 = 1 1 =  7.0  2623 
 4. Nijboer, Friso       g NED 2606  0 = = * 1 0 = 1 = 1 1 1  7.0  2628 
 5. L'Ami, Erwin         g NED 2617  = 0 = 0 * = = 1 1 1 1 1  7.0  2627 
 6. Smeets, Jan          g NED 2552  0 = = 1 = * = = 1 = 1 =  6.5  2596 
 7. Van der Wiel, John   g NED 2483  = = = = = = * = = = = =  5.5  2537 
 8. Janssen, Ruud        m NED 2489  0 0 0 0 0 = = * = 1 1 1  4.5  2471 
 9. Hendriks, Willy      m NED 2412  = 0 = = 0 0 = = * = 0 1  4.0  2441 
10. Spoelman, Wouter     m NED 2428  = 0 0 0 0 = = 0 = * = =  3.0  2367 
11. Bosboom, Manuel      m NED 2423  0 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 1 = * 1  3.0  2367 
12. Dambacher, Martijn   m NED 2466  0 = = 0 0 = = 0 0 = 0 *  2.5  2327 

Round 9 (June 26, 2007)

L'Ami, Erwin        -  Nijboer, Friso      0-1   44  B07  Pirc Defence
Van der Wiel, John  -  Stellwagen, Daniel  1/2   23  B42  Sicilian Paulsen
Janssen, Ruud       -  Sokolov, Ivan NED   0-1   44  D45  Anti-Meran Variations
Hendriks, Willy     -  Tiviakov, Sergei    0-1   36  B01  Centre Counter
Spoelman, Wouter    -  Smeets, Jan         1/2   21  C78  Ruy Lopez Moeller Defence
Dambacher, Martijn  -  Bosboom, Manuel     0-1   41  A42  Modern Defence

Round 10 (June 27, 2007)

Stellwagen, Daniel  -  Janssen, Ruud       1-0   50  C92  Ruy Lopez Chigorin
Sokolov, Ivan NED   -  Hendriks, Willy     1/2   41  A43  Old Benoni
Nijboer, Friso      -  Spoelman, Wouter    1-0   61  C96  Ruy Lopez
Smeets, Jan         -  Van der Wiel, John  1/2   30  B33  Sicilian Sveshnikov
Bosboom, Manuel     -  Tiviakov, Sergei    0-1   40  A20  English Opening
Dambacher, Martijn  -  L'Ami, Erwin        0-1   46  D48  Queens Gambit Meran

Round 11 (June 28, 2007)

Tiviakov, Sergei    -  Sokolov, Ivan NED   1/2   36  C77  Ruy Lopez Anderssen
L'Ami, Erwin        -  Bosboom, Manuel     1-0   37  B08  Pirc Defence
Van der Wiel, John  -  Nijboer, Friso      1/2   14  B66  Sicilian Rauzer
Janssen, Ruud       -  Smeets, Jan         1/2   77  D10  Slav Defence
Hendriks, Willy     -  Stellwagen, Daniel  1/2   48  B22  Sicilian Alapin
Spoelman, Wouter    -  Dambacher, Martijn  1/2   41  C10  French Rubinstein

Playoff Match

Tiviakov, Sergei    -  Stellwagen, Daniel  1-0   54  B07  Pirc Defence
Stellwagen, Daniel  -  Tiviakov, Sergei    1/2   37  B53  Sicilian Hungarian

ch-NED Playoff Hilversum NED (NED), 28-28 vi 2007
                                  1   2 
Tiviakov, Sergei   g  NED 2663    1   =   1.5  2793
Stellwagen, Daniel g  NED 2600    0   =   0.5  2470

ch-NED w Hilversum NED (NED), 18-28 vi 2007
                                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Peng Zhaoqin           g NED 2439  * = 1 1 1 = 1 1 1 1  8.0  2494 
 2. Hamelink, Desiree     wm NED 2220  = * 1 = = = 1 0 1 1  6.0  2292 
 3. Bensdorp, Marlies     wm NED 2227  0 0 * = = 1 1 = 1 1  5.5  2247 
 4. Muhren, Bianca        wg NED 2311  0 = = * = 1 1 0 = 1  5.0  2200 
 5. Van Nies, Pauline        NED 2174  0 = = = * 1 0 1 = 1  5.0  2215 
 6. Van Weersel, Arlette     NED 2156  = = 0 0 0 * = 1 1 1  4.5  2174 
 7. Bensdorp, Laura          NED 2120  0 0 0 0 1 = * 1 1 0  3.5  2098 
 8. Schut, Donna             NED 2026  0 1 = 1 0 0 0 * 0 0  2.5  2023 
 9. Middelveld, Martine      NED 2019  0 0 0 = = 0 0 1 * =  2.5  2024 
10. Otten, Colleen           NED 2038  0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 = *  2.5  2022 

Round 7 (June 26, 2007)

Peng Zhaoqin          -  Van Weersel, Arlette  1/2   41  E17  Queens Indian
Muhren, Bianca        -  Van Nies, Pauline     1/2   46  B65  Sicilian Rauzer
Schut, Donna          -  Bensdorp, Laura       0-1   30  B55  Sicilian Rauzer
Middelveld, Martine   -  Hamelink, Desiree     0-1   27  D02  Queen's Pawn Game
Otten, Colleen        -  Bensdorp, Marlies     0-1   33  C33  Kings Bishops Gambit

Round 8 (June 27, 2007)

Hamelink, Desiree     -  Bensdorp, Laura       1-0   41  B61  Sicilian Rauzer
Bensdorp, Marlies     -  Muhren, Bianca        1/2   28  D27  QGA
Van Nies, Pauline     -  Schut, Donna          1-0   21  C05  French Tarrasch
Van Weersel, Arlette  -  Otten, Colleen        1-0   41  B41  Sicilian Paulsen
Middelveld, Martine   -  Peng Zhaoqin          0-1   37  A46  Queen's Pawn Opening

Round 9 (June 28, 2007)

Peng Zhaoqin          -  Hamelink, Desiree     1/2   89  A12  Reti Opening
Muhren, Bianca        -  Van Weersel, Arlette  1-0   65  C68  Ruy Lopez Exchange
Bensdorp, Laura       -  Van Nies, Pauline     1-0   46  B63  Sicilian Rauzer
Schut, Donna          -  Bensdorp, Marlies     1/2   95  C02  French Advance
Otten, Colleen        -  Middelveld, Martine   1/2   85  D30  Queen's Gambit (without Nc3)

6) FIDE Rating List

The new FIDE rating list has been released for July 2007. Viswanathan Anand has extended the lead as world number one he gained in April gaining 4 points from 4 Bundesliga games. Veselin Topalov retains his second position by virtue of games played from Vladimir Kramnik for the second list in succession, both lost three rating points in the period, Kramnik by drawing against Jan Smeets in a single Dutch League game. The biggest mover was Vassily Ivanchuk who gained 33 points over 22 games and moves into fourth position. He played in the Russian Team Championships, Capablanca Memorial and Bundesliga but the ratings doesn't include the Aerosvit tournament in Foros which finished long on June 30th but which will see him gain more points in the list. Ivanchuk could be said to be the form player in the world at the moment. Levon Aronian lost 9 ratings points, 5 of which were at the Candidates (which FIDE quite rightly decided to rate even though they finished after the strict cut off point, in line with the decision over Linares in the last list) which is misleading as he played pretty well against under rated opponents (both have gained in the latest list) there. Into the top 10 for the first time is Dmitry Jakovenko who has enjoyed a steady rise for some time now.

Alexei Shirov gained 36 rating points to recover from his bad Wijk aan Zee, mostly through his performances in the Bundesliga (24 points gained). David Navara lost 64 points to drop from 14th to 54th in the world, all of his rated games came from team events, and he lost points in all but the French League, but it was his catastrophic losing run in the Bundesliga that cost him the most, 43 points. Leagues don't get rated until they finish and the number of games from these events some of which started 9 months ago that has caused some of the big changes throughout the list. Wang Yue gained 40 points from Calvi, Cappelle and the Philippines. Konstantin Landa re-entered the top 100 in spectacular style with a gain of 61 points, 30 of which came from a full 15 game Bundesliga season and another 13 from the European Individuals.

Notable too is the only FM in the list, Vladimir Afromeev, a Russian businessman born in 1954 who organises his own events in Tula and apparently does very well.... The E Sinitsyn Memorial (start: 2007-04-06) where he gained 13 of the 14 rating points to go from 2628 to 2642 saw him score 13/13 against this field:

 ID        Name                       Fed FIDE     Rc     Rp    W    N    K*change
 4157770   Afromeev, Vladimir         RUS 2628     2262         13   13   13
 4161181   Novikov, Konstantin Ivan   RUS 2218     2083         10   13   17.4
 4132823   Andrianov, Vyacheslav      RUS 2160 *   2085   2160   9.5 13   0
 24117706  Chubakov, Oleg             RUS 2128     2076          9   13   39.75
 4161300   Abramov, Anatolij          RUS 2121     2077          8.5 13   18.3
 4184440   Kuznezov, Albert           RUS 2069     2077          6   13   -5.55
 24101834  Smolskiy, Mikhail          RUS 2042     2077          5.5 13   -5.25
 4184289   Kazakov, Nikolay           RUS 2018     2077          5   13   -6.9
 4161319   Krasnov, Yury A            RUS 2246     2086          5   13   -42.3
 24118052  Zerzhalova, Svetlana       RUS 1953     2077          5   13   10.65
 24121770  Shibaeva, Lilia            RUS 2151     2078          4.5 13   -82.5
 4163338   Grebenshikova, Tatyana     RUS 2024     2076          4.5 13   -16.35
 4113012   Zhukov, Vladimir           RUS 1941 *   2077          4   13   -7.25
 4132831   Zobnin, Vyacheslav         RUS 1720 *   2032   1720   1.5 13   0
Most of these ratings are from the April 2007 list I had, a few of the 
players didn't appear in that list and I took the ratings from the July list (*) 
it seems of these only Vladimir Zhukov had a prior rating.

So it isn't a great wonder he isn't a GM if this is typical of the events he got his big rating in. His other result was a single win and withdrawal from an open where he gained one point. I'm not at all sure you should be able to increase your top 100 rating (or indeed have one) with events such as these.

9 players dropped out of the top 100 Seirawan (insufficient activity) Asrian, Dreev, Azmaiparashvili, Spraggett, Khenkin, Gagunashvili, Najer and Korchnoi and 11 either entered or re-enter (there are 102 names this time). A rating of 2624 was needed to feature in the list, a rise of one point on the April list.

FIDE Top 100 Players July 2007 
 No. Ap  Name                        t NAT YroB oc05 ja06 ap06 ju06 oc06 ja07 ap07 ju07 Gms
  1   1  Anand, Viswanathan........  g IND 1969 2788 2792 2803 2779 2779 2779 2786 2792 4 
  2   2  Topalov, Veselin..........  g BUL 1975 2782 2801 2804 2813 2813 2783 2772 2769 10
  3   3  Kramnik, Vladimir.........  g RUS 1975 2739 2741 2729 2743 2750 2766 2772 2769 1 
  4  12  Ivanchuk, Vassily.........  g UKR 1969 2748 2729 2731 2734 2741 2750 2729 2762 22
  5   4  Morozevich, Alexander.....  g RUS 1977 2707 2721 2730 2731 2747 2741 2762 2758 18
  6   6  Mamedyarov, Shakhriyaz....  g AZE 1985 2674 2709 2699 2722 2728 2754 2757 2757 14
  7   8  Leko, Peter...............  g HUN 1979 2751 2740 2738 2738 2741 2749 2738 2751 9 
  8   5  Aronian, Levon............  g ARM 1982 2724 2752 2756 2761 2741 2744 2759 2750 15
  9   7  Radjabov, Teimour.........  g AZE 1987 2704 2700 2717 2728 2729 2729 2747 2746 7 
 10  18  Jakovenko, Dmitry.........  g RUS 1983 2644 2662 2675 2667 2671 2691 2708 2735 29
 11  20  Shirov, Alexei............  g ESP 1972 2710 2709 2699 2716 2720 2715 2699 2735 28
 12   9  Svidler, Peter............  g RUS 1976 2740 2765 2743 2742 2750 2728 2736 2735 6 
 13  11  Gelfand, Boris............  g ISR 1968 2717 2723 2727 2729 2733 2733 2733 2733 21
 14  16  Grischuk, Alexander.......  g RUS 1983 2720 2717 2719 2709 2710 2717 2717 2726 18
 15  10  Adams, Michael............  g ENG 1971 2718 2707 2720 2732 2735 2735 2734 2724 18
 16  19  Kamsky, Gata..............  g USA 1974 2690 2686 2671 2697 2705 2705 2705 2718 28
 17  22  Carlsen, Magnus...........  g NOR 1990 2570 2625 2646 2673 2698 2690 2693 2710 19
 18  21  Akopian, Vladimir.........  g ARM 1971 2707 2704 2706 2713 2713 2700 2698 2708 5 
 19  13  Polgar, Judit.............  g HUN 1976 2735 2711 2711 2710 2710 2727 2727 2707 10
 20  15  Ponomariov, Ruslan........  g UKR 1983 2704 2723 2738 2721 2703 2723 2717 2706 16
 21  26  Eljanov, Pavel............  g UKR 1983 2663 2655 2665 2651 2658 2675 2686 2701 24
 22  49  Wang, Yue.................  g CHN 1987 2585 2599 2598 2626 2644 2644 2656 2696 25
 23  17  Bacrot, Etienne...........  g FRA 1983 2725 2717 2708 2707 2705 2705 2709 2695 20
 24  30  Alekseev, Evgeny..........  g RUS 1985 2632 2634 2640 2644 2639 2661 2679 2689 26
 25  48  Bu, Xiangzhi..............  g CHN 1985 2637 2645 2640 2664 2671 2644 2656 2685 27
 26  23  Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter...  g ROM 1976 2707 2693 2695 2693 2690 2689 2693 2683 33
 27  32  Kasimdzhanov, Rustam......  g UZB 1979 2670 2670 2673 2672 2672 2682 2677 2683 17
 28  24  Short, Nigel D............  g ENG 1965 2673 2676 2677 2676 2677 2691 2691 2683 10
 29  35  Almasi, Zoltan............  g HUN 1976 2640 2646 2657 2672 2664 2669 2675 2682 17
 30  53  Volokitin, Andrei.........  g UKR 1986 2666 2665 2660 2662 2645 2645 2654 2681 30
 31  51  Ni, Hua...................  g CHN 1983 2603 2614 2607 2607 2621 2632 2654 2681 24
 32  31  Dominguez Perez, Lenier...  g CUB 1983 2635 2638 2647 2658 2655 2677 2678 2680 9 
 33  28  Rublevsky, Sergei.........  g RUS 1974 2652 2665 2687 2667 2688 2677 2680 2679 29
 34  36  Van Wely, Loek............  g NED 1972 2648 2647 2655 2675 2676 2683 2674 2679 26
 35  27  Karjakin, Sergey..........  g UKR 1990 2658 2660 2661 2679 2672 2678 2686 2678 19
 36  29  Malakhov, Vladimir........  g RUS 1980 2670 2694 2691 2691 2682 2663 2679 2676 24
 37  25  Sasikiran, Krishnan.......  g IND 1981 2663 2670 2692 2681 2675 2700 2690 2676 17
 38  33  Milov, Vadim..............  g SUI 1972 2652 2638 2625 2620 2657 2665 2676 2675 0 
 39  62  Miroshnichenko, Evgenij...  g UKR 1978 2634 2619 2597 2616 2626 2632 2646 2671 50
 40  --  Landa, Konstantin.........  g RUS 1972 2600 2597 2600 2584 2570 2596 2608 2669 51
 41  68  Movsesian, Sergei.........  g SVK 1978 2635 2632 2618 2637 2637 2637 2642 2667 45
 42  56  Sargissian, Gabriel.......  g ARM 1983 2610 2603 2612 2667 2667 2658 2651 2667 29
 43  34  Vallejo Pons, Francisco...  g ESP 1982 2674 2650 2666 2674 2674 2679 2676 2666 24
 44  50  Sokolov, Ivan.............  g NED 1968 2696 2689 2676 2652 2670 2652 2655 2666 19
 45  57  Harikrishna, P............  g IND 1986 2673 2673 2680 2682 2674 2673 2650 2664 17
 46  42  Georgiev, Kiril...........  g BUL 1965 2648 2645 2677 2685 2680 2661 2660 2663 21
 47  37  Inarkiev, Ernesto.........  g RUS 1985 2577 2597 2598 2625 2628 2669 2669 2663 7 
 48  40  Krasenkow, Michal.........  g POL 1963 2655 2636 2650 2635 2647 2651 2661 2660 26
 49  72  Socko, Bartosz............  g POL 1978 2610 2610 2606 2621 2630 2629 2641 2660 26
 50  75  Volkov, Sergey............  g RUS 1974 2614 2629 2620 2628 2628 2636 2640 2659 19
 51  43  Zvjaginsev, Vadim.........  g RUS 1976 2659 2664 2670 2675 2674 2658 2659 2658 8 
 52  63  Cheparinov, Ivan..........  g BUL 1986 2618 2625 2635 2632 2632 2640 2646 2657 11
 53  78  Sutovsky, Emil............. g ISR 1977 2654 2624 2628 2607 2607 2629 2637 2656 28
 54  14  Navara, David.............  g CZE 1985 2646 2660 2658 2719 2725 2719 2720 2656 26
 55  55  Tkachiev, Vladislav.......  g FRA 1973 2629 2642 2643 2645 2645 2649 2652 2655 30
 56  64  Gashimov, Vugar...........  g AZE 1986 2608 2625 2659 2644 2643 2658 2644 2655 29
 57  73  Tomashevsky, Evgeny.......  g RUS 1987 2564 2586 2595 2594 2595 2624 2641 2654 18
 58  41  Lautier, Joel.............  g FRA 1973 2680 2682 2682 2675 2667 2656 2661 2654 4 
 59  60  Beliavsky, Alexander G....  g SLO 1953 2631 2626 2622 2625 2639 2639 2648 2653 22
 60  67  Bareev, Evgeny............  g RUS 1966 2675 2698 2701 2683 2683 2643 2643 2653 19
 61  39  Onischuk, Alexander.......  g USA 1975 2640 2650 2650 2668 2668 2663 2663 2650 33
 62  79  Bologan, Viktor...........  g MDA 1971 2682 2661 2666 2645 2659 2658 2636 2650 30
 63  45  Timofeev, Artyom..........  g RUS 1985 2658 2653 2646 2657 2662 2663 2658 2650 30
 64  58  Smirin, Ilia..............  g ISR 1968 2673 2662 2662 2659 2659 2654 2650 2649 10
 65  47  Zhang, Pengxiang..........  g CHN 1980 2613 2638 2623 2622 2636 2643 2657 2649 9 
 66  --  Baklan, Vladimir..........  g UKR 1978 2590 2601 2606 2621 2622 2618 2618 2648 34
 67  38  Tiviakov, Sergei..........  g NED 1973 2700 2669 2669 2668 2680 2667 2663 2648 33
 68  69  Motylev, Alexander........  g RUS 1979 2632 2638 2660 2662 2662 2647 2642 2648 26
 69  54  Miton, Kamil............... g POL 1984 2636 2646 2646 2638 2638 2655 2653 2648 19
 70  46  Nakamura, Hikaru..........  g USA 1987 2662 2644 2664 2632 2640 2651 2658 2647 16
 71  90  Nikolic, Predrag..........  g BIH 1960 2584 2596 2596 2626 2626 2626 2631 2646 17
 72  65  Fressinet, Laurent........  g FRA 1981 2624 2625 2633 2626 2628 2646 2644 2646 14
 73  61  Areshchenko, Alexander....  g UKR 1986 2653 2670 2660 2641 2640 2644 2647 2645 29
 74  66  Avrukh, Boris.............  g ISR 1978 2653 2633 2633 2641 2644 2644 2644 2645 22
 75  71  Izoria, Zviad.............  g GEO 1984 2646 2652 2647 2660 2657 2644 2641 2645 11
 76  44  Jobava, Baadur............. g GEO 1983 2601 2614 2646 2651 2650 2650 2658 2644 31
 77  52  Naiditsch, Arkadij........  g GER 1985 2641 2657 2664 2665 2676 2663 2654 2644 31
 78  94  Afromeev, Vladimir........  f RUS 1954 2573 2573 2612 2620 2635 2628 2628 2642 14
 79  91  Moiseenko, Alexander......  g UKR 1980 2663 2657 2662 2649 2632 2627 2630 2641 23
 80  59  Nielsen, Peter Heine......  g DEN 1973 2646 2644 2646 2640 2640 2651 2649 2638 31
 81  --  Shabalov, Alexander.......  g USA 1967 2581 2595 2605 2604 2575 2602 2606 2637 30
 82  --  Wojtaszek, Radoslaw.......  g POL 1987 2606 2605 2597 2622 2630 2637 2620 2637 28
 83  88  Smirnov, Pavel............  g RUS 1982 2637 2614 2614 2613 2623 2621 2631 2636 19
 84  --  Sadvakasov, Darmen........  g KAZ 1979 2612 2629 2619 2613 2596 2615 2618 2635 30
 85  85  Sakaev, Konstantin........  g RUS 1974 2668 2649 2637 2642 2641 2641 2633 2634 30
 86  76  Kobalia, Mikhail..........  g RUS 1978 2634 2654 2654 2647 2643 2639 2639 2634 23
 87  --  Zhang, Zhong..............  g CHN 1978 2598 2629 2640 2639 2609 2618 2621 2634 9 
 88  81  Gurevich, Mikhail.........  g TUR 1959 2652 2633 2643 2643 2648 2635 2635 2633 19
 89  83  Lputian, Smbat G..........  g ARM 1958 2614 2613 2619 2634 2634 2634 2634 2633 11
 90  99  Khalifman, Alexander......  g RUS 1966 2653 2660 2640 2622 2622 2619 2624 2632 18
 91  87  Ye, Jiangchuan............  g CHN 1960 2648 2641 2641 2641 2641 2641 2632 2632 0 
 92  --  Stellwagen, Daniel........  g NED 1987 2561 2573 2543 2575 2576 2585 2600 2631 16
 93  --  Roiz, Michael.............  g ISR 1983 2600 2599 2590 2611 2611 2605 2605 2630 28
 94  74  Ehlvest, Jaan.............  g USA 1962 2618 2619 2607 2593 2597 2610 2640 2629 44
 95  97  Istratescu, Andrei........  g ROM 1975 2622 2618 2621 2612 2616 2619 2625 2629 24
 96  --  Predojevic, Borki.........  g BIH 1987 2558 2553 2566 2568 2590 2587 2609 2628 32
 97  82  Fridman, Daniel...........  g LAT 1976 2563 2559 2562 2569 2604 2626 2635 2628 18
 98  95  Vladimirov, Evgeny........  g KAZ 1957 2616 2616 2616 2616 2616 2616 2627 2627 0 
 99  92  Bauer, Christian..........  g FRA 1977 2625 2627 2638 2599 2589 2609 2629 2626 27
100  --  Mchedlishvili, Mikheil....  g GEO 1979 2564 2568 2567 2561 2583 2583 2609 2624 41
101  --  Efimenko, Zahar...........  g UKR 1985 2637 2666 2662 2632 2612 2616 2620 2624 28
102  77  Wang, Hao.................  g CHN 1989 2519 2593 2605 2610 2622 2619 2638 2624 24

Dropping out in July
 Ap  Name                        t NAT YroB oc05 ja06 ap06 ju06 oc06 ja07 ap07 ju07 Gms
 70  Seirawan, Yasser..........  g USA 1960 2635 2635 2635 2638 2638 2638 2642 2634  2 *
 80  Asrian, Karen.............  g ARM 1980 2645 2646 2646 2635 2634 2634 2635 2608 24
 84  Dreev, Alexey.............  g RUS 1969 2694 2697 2673 2666 2655 2658 2633 2606 29
 86  Azmaiparashvili, Zurab....  g GEO 1960 2658 2658 2669 2669 2638 2632 2632 2604 11
 89  Spraggett, Kevin........... g CAN 1954 2585 2581 2578 2577 2610 2633 2631 2585 42
 93  Khenkin, Igor.............  g GER 1968 2603 2595 2602 2586 2620 2611 2629 2602 45
 96  Gagunashvili, Merab.......  g GEO 1985 2542 2542 2555 2591 2611 2611 2625 2615 30
 98  Najer, Evgeniy............  g RUS 1977 2641 2652 2653 2677 2648 2605 2624 2623 20
100  Korchnoi, Viktor........... g SUI 1931 2620 2608 2607 2600 2607 2629 2623 2610  9
* (inactivity)

7) Pula Open

The Pula Open took place in Pula, Croatia, 23rd-30th June 2007 at the beautiful and famous tourist resort "Punta Verudela" in congress hall of hotel Histria. Robert Zelcic took clear first place with 7.5/9.

Official site:

Open Pula CRO (CRO), 23-30 vi 2007
 1   GM  Zelcic Robert          CRO 2554 7,5  44,5 55,5 38,5 9  14,0
 2   GM  Jovanovic Zoran        CRO 2529 7,0  44,5 55,0 38,5 9  9,8
 3   GM  Cvitan Ognjen          CRO 2540 7,0  43,5 53,5 38,0 9  8,6
 4   GM  Rogic Davor            CRO 2512 7,0  43,0 54,5 38,5 9  12,4
 5   GM  Lie Kjetil A           NOR 2529 7,0  43,0 54,0 38,5 9  9,3
 6   IM  Petrik Tomas           SVK 2522 7,0  41,5 52,0 38,0 9  8,5
 7   IM  Jones Gawain C B       ENG 2524 7,0  40,5 52,5 37,5 9  8,0
 8   GM  Saric Ibro             BIH 2507 7,0  39,5 51,0 37,0 9  5,6
 9   IM  Saric Ivan             CRO 2463 7,0  39,5 50,5 37,0 9  13,7
10   IM  Kovacevic Blazimir     CRO 2442 7,0  39,0 51,0 35,0 9  5,9
11   GM  Jankovic Alojzije      CRO 2541 7,0  38,5 49,0 33,0 9  -0,7
12   GM  Fercec Nenad           CRO 2501 7,0  37,5 48,5 35,5 9  5,5
13   IM  Milman Lev             USA 2484 7,0  37,0 48,0 33,5 9  5,0
14   IM  Kuljasevic Davorin     CRO 2447 7,0  36,5 47,0 35,5 9  5,4
15   GM  Stevic Hrvoje          CRO 2506 6,5  42,5 54,5 38,0 9  5,3
16   GM  Ramirez Alejandro      CRC 2507 6,5  42,0 53,5 36,0 9  3,8
17   IM  Jovanic Ognjen         CRO 2488 6,5  40,5 52,0 36,5 9  0,7
18   IM  Ljubicic Filip         CRO 2414 6,5  40,5 51,5 34,0 9  5,9
19   IM  Rasmussen Karsten      DEN 2462 6,5  39,0 50,5 35,5 9  5,8
20   IM  Papp Gabor             HUN 2475 6,5  38,5 47,0 34,5 9  -2,7
21   IM  Petr Martin            CZE 2443 6,5  36,5 46,5 32,5 9  -3,0
22       Arnaudov G Petar       BUL 2360 6,5  35,0 46,0 32,0 9  13,1
23       Dimitrov Radoslav      BUL 2254 6,0  42,5 52,5 34,5 9  37,0
24   FM  Karner Christoph       AUT 2319 6,0  41,5 52,5 32,0 9  14,7
25   IM  Barle Janez            SLO 2400 6,0  41,0 52,5 35,0 9  5,8
26   IM  Bellia Fabrizio        ITA 2405 6,0  40,0 51,5 34,0 9  0,4
27   IM  Krstic Uros            CRO 2361 6,0  40,0 51,0 34,5 9  11,9
28       Kukov Velislav         BUL 2282 6,0  40,0 51,0 31,0 9  16,5
29   FM  Biti Ozren             CRO 2378 6,0  39,5 50,5 34,0 9  10,1
30   GM  Tratar Marko           SLO 2476 6,0  39,0 50,5 35,0 9  -2,8
31   IM  Rukavina Josip         CRO 2382 6,0  39,0 50,5 34,0 9  5,3
32   IM  Stojanovski Dejan      MKD 2394 6,0  38,5 49,5 35,0 9  6,7
33   IM  Antal Gergely          HUN 2448 6,0  38,5 49,5 33,5 9  -1,7
34   IM  Mikac Matjaz           SLO 2391 6,0  38,5 49,5 32,0 9  -1,5
35   IM  Feletar Darko          CRO 2380 6,0  38,0 48,5 32,0 9  -2,6
36   IM  Dambrauskas Virginijus LTU 2339 6,0  38,0 48,0 34,0 9  17,9
37       Papp Tamas             HUN 2259 6,0  37,5 48,5 30,5 8  5,8
38   FM  Orak Ljubomir          CRO 2332 6,0  37,0 48,0 31,5 9  8,4
39       Maslik Miroslav        SVK 2273 6,0  37,0 47,5 31,0 9  6,6
40       Kozarcanin Sead        CRO 2184 6,0  37,0 45,0 31,0 9  26,4
41   IM  Lanzani Mario          ITA 2336 6,0  35,5 45,5 31,5 9  -2,4
42   FM  Martinovic Sasa        CRO 2400 6,0  35,5 45,5 30,5 9  -7,7
43   IM  Franic Milan           CRO 2386 6,0  35,0 45,0 29,5 8  -7,2
44   FM  Fucak Emilijo          CRO 2287 6,0  34,5 44,0 31,0 9  8,7
45       Mlynek Petr            CZE 2155 6,0  34,5 43,0 27,0 7  11,6
46       Pfaffel Thomas         AUT 2127 6,0  34,0 43,5 27,5 7  16,8
47       Kokol Peter            SLO 2216 6,0  33,5 42,5 28,0 8  13,5
48   IM  Gullaksen Eirik        NOR 2412 6,0  33,0 43,0 29,5 9  -10,7
49   FM  Cherin Diego           ITA 2266 6,0  32,0 41,0 27,0 9  -6,3
50   IM  Nikolov Sasho          BUL 2378 5,5  42,0 53,0 34,5 9  9,5
303 players

8) Izmailov Memorial Tomsk

The Izmailov Memorial takes place in Tomsk 25th June - 3rd July 2007. Andrey Gutov leads on 7/8 with a round to go.

Official site:

Round 8 of 9 Standings: 
Nr  Title  Name  Rating  Score  WP  PS  RC  TPR  W-WE
 1  GM  Gutov, Andrey         2466  7.0  40.5  33.5  2367  2703  2
 2  GM  Nikitin, Andrey       2469  6.0  39.5  27.0  2328  2521  0.55
 3  GM  Dzhumaev, Marat       2505  6.0  38.5  26.0  2322  2515  0.16
 4  GM  Amonatov, Farrukh     2574  6.0  37.5  27.0  2352  2545  -0.21
 5  FM  Voinov, Alexandr      2424  6.0  36.5  27.5  2353  2546  1.3
 6      Aklanov, Fedor        2280  6.0  34.5  25.5  2280  2473  2.03
 7  GM  Belozerov, Andrei     2541  6.0  33.0  22.0  2280  2473  -0.48
 8  GM  Ibrayev, Nurlan       2472  5.5  40.5  30.5  2406  2547  0.83
 9  IM  Maletin, Pavel        2541  5.5  39.0  27.5  2360  2501  -0.33
10  FM  Shkurikhin, Ilia      2353  5.5  37.0  26.5  2361  2502  1.7
11  GM  Khasin, Alexander     2516  5.5  34.5  25.0  2312  2453  -0.54
12  IM  Loskutov, Oleg        2409  5.0  42.5  28.0  2379  2474  0.73
13  IM  Yudin, Sergei         2511  5.0  42.0  27.5  2408  2503  -0.05
14  GM  Nevostrujev, Vladimir 2484  5.0  40.5  26.5  2344  2439  -0.45
15  FM  Dashibalov, Erdem     2274  5.0  39.5  25.0  2445  2495  2.06
16  FM  Kolesnikov, Evgeny    2383  5.0  38.0  24.5  2326  2421  0.5
17  FM  Keosidi, Konstantin   2397  5.0  37.0  25.0  2291  2386  -0.04
18  WIM Nebolsina, Vera       2297  5.0  37.0  23.5  2330  2425  1.34
19  IM  Salinnikov, Denis Y.  2407  5.0  36.0  25.5  2318  2413  0.12
20  FM  Gritsenko, Andrey     2277  5.0  35.5  23.5  2333  2383  1
21  FM  Efimov, Arkadij       2251  5.0  35.0  21.0  2323  2323  0.56
22  IM  Slizhevsky, Alexander 2452  5.0  34.5  24.0  2260  2355  -0.98
23      Issabayev, Dias       2263  5.0  34.5  23.5  2366  2416  1.47
24      Mikhalchenko, Petr    2251  5.0  34.5  22.0  2308  2403  1.61
25  FM  Popov, Roman          2289  5.0  34.5  21.0  2272  2322  0.32
26  GM  Temirbayev, Serik     2484  5.0  34.0  24.0  2285  2380  -1.04
27  FM  Pokazanjev, Nikolai   2444  5.0  34.0  21.5  2231  2326  -1.17
28  GM  Iskusnyh, Sergei      2463  5.0  32.5  22.5  2256  2351  -1.09
29  IM  Pridorozhni, Aleksei  2519  5.0  32.0  20.5  2248  2343  -1.57
30      Obolenskikh, Dmitry   2458  5.0  30.5  18.0  2210  2312  -1.12
31      Belmeskin, Ilia       2125  5.0  27.5  17.0  2322  2447  2.5
90 players

9) Ceclub Division De Honor 2007 Grupo II

The Ceclub Division De Honor 2007 Grupo II took place in Torrelavega 27th June - 1st July 2007. Cuna De Dragones - Ajoblanco and Intel-Tiendas UPI qualfied for the playoff final in Calviá (Mallorca) 20th-21st October 2007. Some of the round 5 games may be incomplete.

Grupo I took place last week in Lugo 20th-24th June 2007. Linex Magic and Iretza Gros progressed to the playoff final with the top two in Grupo II to decide the title.

Official site:

Round 1 27th June 2007

1   gm Miton Kamil              2653   1/2   gm Bacrot Etienne              2709
2   gm Areshchenko Alexander    2656   0-1   gm Malakhov Vladimir           2679
3   gm Gurevich Mikhail         2639   1/2   gm Vallejo Pons Francisco      2676
4   gm Kurajika Bojan           2541   0-1   gm Volokitin Andrei            2654
5   im García Padrón Jose       2408   0-1   gm Baadur Jobava               2658
6   im Lezcano Jaén Pedro       2382   1-0   gm Rodríguez Guerrero,Enrique  2446
1   gm Marin Mihail             2533   1/2   gm Gashimov Vugar              2644
2   gm Narciso Dublan Marc      2539   1-0   gm Graf Alexander              2620
3   im Aagaard Jacob            2477   1/2   gm Georgadze Giorgi            2610
4   im Jerez Pérez Alfonso      2413   0-1   gm Malakhatko Vadim            2598
5   im Granados López Manuel    2410   1-0   im Lariño Nieto David          2404
6   fm Torrecillas Martínez,Ant.2385   0-1   im Caselas Cabanas Jacobo      2423
1.3 3  SOLVAY                         3½-2½  4  CUNA DE DRAGONES - AJOBLANCO
1   gm Harikrishna Pentala      2650   1/2   gm Almasi Zoltan               2675
2   gm Delchev Alexander        2600   1/2   gm Inarkiev Ernesto            2669
3   gm Ubilava Elizbar          2540   1-0   gm Kobalia Mihail              2639
4   gm Chakkravarthy Deepan J.  2482   0-1   gm Pantsulaia Levan            2616
5   im Cacho Reigadas Sergio    2470   1-0   gm Khamrakulov Ibragim         2545
6   im Bernal Moro Luis J.      2431   1/2   im LLanes Hurtado Miguel       2441

Round 2 28th June 2007

2.1 6  INTEL-TIENDAS UPI               3-3   4  CUNA DE DRAGONES - AJOBLANCO
1   gm Bacrot Etienne           2709   1/2   gm Almasi Zoltan               2675
2   gm Malakhov Vladimir        2679   1/2   gm Inarkiev Ernesto            2669
3   gm Vallejo Pons Francisco   2676   1/2   gm Kobalia Mihail              2639
4   gm Volokitin Andrei         2654   1/2   gm Pantsulaia Levan            2616
5   gm Baadur Jobava            2658   1-0   gm Khamrakulov Ibragim         2545
6   im Terán Álvarez Ismael     2419   0-1   im LLanes Hurtado Miguel       2441
1   gm Gashimov Vugar           2644   1/2   gm Harikrishna Pentala         2650
2   gm Graf Alexander           2620   1-0   gm Delchev Alexander           2600
3   gm Georgadze Giorgi         2610   0-1   gm Ubilava Elizbar             2540
4   gm Malakhatko Vadim         2598   1/2   gm Chakkravarthy Deepan J.     2482
5   im Lariño Nieto David       2404   1/2   im Cacho Reigadas Sergio       2470
6   im Caselas Cabanas Jacobo   2423   1/2   im Bernal Moro Luis J.         2431
1   gm Miton Kamil              2653   1/2   gm Marin Mihail                2533
2   gm Areshchenko Alexander    2656   1/2   gm Narciso Dublan Marc         2539
3   gm Gurevich Mikhail         2639   1/2   im Aagaard Jacob               2477
4   gm Kurajika Bojan           2541   1/2   im Jerez Pérez Alfonso         2413
5   im García Padrón Jose       2408   1/2   im Granados López Manuel       2410
6   im Lezcano Jaén Pedro       2382   0-1   fm Torrecillas Martínez Ant.   2385

Round 3 29th June 2007

3.1 2  FOMENT MARTINENC               1½-4½  6  INTEL-TIENDAS UPI
1   gm Marin Mihail             2533   0-1   gm Bacrot Etienne              2709
2   gm Narciso Dublan Marc      2539   0-1   gm Malakhov Vladimir           2679
3   im Aagaard Jacob            2477   1-0   gm Vallejo Pons Francisco      2676
4   im Jerez Pérez Alfonso      2413   1/2   gm Volokitin Andrei            2654
5   im Granados López Manuel    2410   0-1   gm Baadur Jobava               2658
6   fm Torrecillas Martínez Ant.2385   0-1   gm Rodríguez Guerrero,Enr      2446
3.2 3  SOLVAY                         3½-2½  1  CAJA INSULAR DE CANARIAS
1   gm Harikrishna Pentala      2650   1/2   gm Miton Kamil                 2653
2   gm Delchev Alexander        2600   1/2   gm Areshchenko Alexander       2656
3   gm Ubilava Elizbar          2540   0-1   gm Gurevich Mikhail            2639
4   gm Chakkravarthy Deepan J.  2482   1-0   gm Kurajika Bojan              2541
5   im Cacho Reigadas Sergio    2470   1-0   im García Padrón Jose          2408
6   im Bernal Moro Luis J.      2431   1/2   im Lezcano Jaén Pedro          2382
1   gm Almasi Zoltan            2675   1/2   gm Gashimov Vugar              2644
2   gm Inarkiev Ernesto         2669   1/2   gm Graf Alexander              2620
3   gm Kobalia Mihail           2639   1-0   gm Georgadze Giorgi            2610
4   gm Pantsulaia Levan         2616   1/2   gm Malakhatko Vadim            2598
5   gm Khamrakulov Ibragim      2545   1-0   im Reinaldo Castiñeira Roi     2452
6   im LLanes Hurtado Miguel    2441   1-0   im Caselas Cabanas Jacobo      2423

Round 4 30th June 2007

1   gm Bacrot Etienne           2709   1/2   gm Gashimov Vugar              2644
2   gm Malakhov Vladimir        2679   1/2   gm Graf Alexander              2620
3   gm Vallejo Pons Francisco   2676   1/2   gm Georgadze Giorgi            2610
4   gm Volokitin Andrei         2654   0-1   gm Malakhatko Vadim            2598
5   gm Baadur Jobava            2658   0-1   im Lariño Nieto David          2404
6   gm Rodríguez Guerrero, Enr  2446   1/2   im Reinaldo Castiñeira Roi     2452
1   gm Miton Kamil              2653   0-1   gm Jakovenko Dimitry           2708
2   gm Areshchenko Alexander    2656   1/2   gm Almasi Zoltan               2675
3   gm Gurevich Mikhail         2639   0-1   gm Inarkiev Ernesto            2669
4   gm Kurajika Bojan           2541   1/2   gm Kobalia Mihail              2639
5   im García Padrón Jose       2408   0-1   gm Khamrakulov Ibragim         2545
6   im Lezcano Jaén Pedro       2382   0-1   im LLanes Hurtado Miguel       2441
4.3 2  FOMENT MARTINENC                2-4   3  SOLVAY
1   gm Marin Mihail             2533   1/2   gm Harikrishna Pentala         2650
2   gm Narciso Dublan Marc      2539   0-1   gm Delchev Alexander           2600
3   im Aagaard Jacob            2477   1-0   gm Ubilava Elizbar             2540
4   im Jerez Pérez Alfonso      2413   0-1   gm Chakkravarthy Deepan J.     2482
5   im Granados López Manuel    2410   0-1   im Cacho Reigadas Sergio       2470
6   fm Torrecillas Martínez,Ant 2385   1/2   im Bernal Moro Luis J.         2431

Round 5 1st July 2007

5.1 3  SOLVAY                          2-4   6  INTEL-TIENDAS UPI
1   gm Harikrishna Pentala      2650   1/2   gm Bacrot Etienne              2709
2   gm Delchev Alexander        2600   1/2   gm Malakhov Vladimir           2679
3   gm Ubilava Elizbar          2540   0-1   gm Vallejo Pons Francisco      2676
4   gm Chakkravarthy Deepan J.  2482   0-1   gm Volokitin Andrei            2654
5   im Cacho Reigadas Sergio    2470   0-1   gm Baadur Jobava               2658
6   im Bernal Moro Luis J.      2431   1-0   gm Rodríguez Guerrero,Enr.     2446
1   gm Jakovenko Dimitry        2708   0-1   gm Marin Mihail                2533
2   gm Almasi Zoltan            2675   1-0   gm Narciso Dublan Marc         2539
3   gm Inarkiev Ernesto         2669   1-0   im Aagaard Jacob               2477
4   gm Pantsulaia Levan         2616   1/2   im Jerez Pérez Alfonso         2413
5   gm Khamrakulov Ibragim      2545   1-0   im Granados López Manuel       2410
6   im LLanes Hurtado Miguel    2441   1/2   fm Torrecillas Martínez,Ant    2385
1   gm Gashimov Vugar           2644   1/2   gm Miton Kamil                 2653
2   gm Graf Alexander           2620   1/2   gm Areshchenko Alexander       2656
3   gm Georgadze Giorgi         2610   1/2   gm Gurevich Mikhail            2639
4   gm Malakhatko Vadim         2598   1/2   gm Kurajika Bojan              2541
5   im Lariño Nieto David       2404   0-1   im García Padrón Jose          2408
6   im Reinaldo Castiñeira Roi  2452   1/2   im Lezcano Jaén Pedro          2382

Final Standings
Rank Team                           Gam. + = - Pts. MP
1    CUNA DE DRAGONES - AJOBLANCO   5    3 1 1 19   7
2    INTEL-TIENDAS UPI              5    3 1 1 17½  7
3    SOLVAY                         5    3 1 1 16   7
4    ESCUELA INT. KASPAROV-MARCOTE  5    1 2 2 14   4
5    FOMENT MARTINENC               5    1 1 3 12   3
6    CAJA INSULAR DE CANARIAS       5    1 0 4 11½  2

10) III Perla Baltyku Festival

The III Festiwal Mielenska Perla Baltyku took place 18th-25th June 2007 in Mielno 6 km north of Koszalin. Piotr Bobras and Dominik Orzech finished with 7/9.

Official site:

III Perla Baltyku A Mielno POL (POL), 18-25 vi 2007
                                          1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 
 1. Bobras, Piotr          g  POL 2545  +20 - 5 - 3 +24 +35 +16 +15 + 2 + 4  7.0  2509 
 2. Orzech, Dominik           POL 2335  +40 + 9 +14 = 4 +26 = 3 + 5 - 1 + 7  7.0  2611 
 3. Kanarek, Marcel           POL 2225  +12 =19 + 1 +11 = 4 = 2 +13 +21 - 5  6.5  2572 
 4. Sergeev, Vladimir      m  UKR 2449  +38 +18 + 5 = 2 = 3 +10 + 6 = 7 - 1  6.5  2545 
 5. Sopur, Lech               POL 2372  +22 + 1 - 4 +12 =15 +11 - 2 +14 + 3  6.5  2527 
 6. Kveinys, Aloyzas       g  LTU 2546  +31 -14 =21 +30 =16 +19 - 4 +15 +12  6.0  2474 
 7. Malaniuk, Vladimir P   g  UKR 2529  +21 -11 +33 + 8 =10 =15 +12 = 4 - 2  5.5  2431 
 8. Staniszewski, Piotr    m  POL 2402  +30 =15 +19 - 7 =13 +28 -14 =16 +21  5.5  2428 
 9. Warakomski, Tomasz     f  POL 2493  +33 - 2 =30 +21 -11 =20 +28 =13 +14  5.5  2382 
10. Przybylski, Wojciech   f  POL 2320  =27 +34 =13 +14 = 7 - 4 -21 +33 +16  5.5  2401 
11. Brodowski, Piotr          POL 2364  +23 + 7 =26 - 3 + 9 - 5 +17 -12 =13  5.0  2422 
12. Shishkin, Vadim UKR    m  UKR 2515  - 3 +25 +23 - 5 +20 +18 - 7 +11 - 6  5.0  2371 
13. Schmidt, Wlodzimierz   g  POL 2415  +35 =17 =10 =18 = 8 +26 - 3 = 9 =11  5.0  2383 
14. Chojnacki, Krzysztof   f  POL 2372  +25 + 6 - 2 -10 +22 =17 + 8 - 5 - 9  4.5  2342 
15. Krzesaj, Robert        f  POL 2301  +32 = 8 +17 =26 = 5 = 7 - 1 - 6 =18  4.5  2395 
16. Hnydiuk, Aleksander       POL 2377  -34 +27 +22 =28 = 6 - 1 +26 = 8 -10  4.5  2329 
17. Reshetnikov, Evgeny    f  RUS 2302  +24 =13 -15 =19 +27 =14 -11 =18 =25  4.5  2283 
18. Lubczynski, Rafal      f  POL 2347  +29 - 4 +34 =13 =28 -12 =19 =17 =15  4.5  2328 
19. Owczarzak, Jerzy       f  POL 2389  +36 = 3 - 8 =17 +34 - 6 =18 =25 =22  4.5  2263 
20. Birjukov, Sergey       f  RUS 2273  - 1 -22 +40 +29 -12 = 9 =24 =27 +32  4.5  2246 
21. Mickiewicz, Piotr         POL 2271  - 7 +40 = 6 - 9 +37 +35 +10 - 3 - 8  4.5  2333 
22. Kusina, Jan               POL 2147  - 5 +20 -16 +38 -14 =33 =30 +37 =19  4.5  2283 
23. Tofil, Borys              POL 2138  -11 +31 -12 -27 =30 =37 +29 =28 +33  4.5  2252 
24. Pigula, Marek             POL 2093  -17 =35 =27 - 1 =31 +38 =20 +30 =28  4.5  2264 
25. Fistek, Dariusz           POL 2164  -14 -12 =31 +39 =33 =30 +32 =19 =17  4.5  2270 
26. Sharapov, Evgeny       m  UKR 2428  +37 +28 =11 =15 - 2 -13 -16 +34  .   4.0  2306 
27. Warakomska, Anna          POL 2107  =10 -16 =24 +23 -17 -34 +39 =20 =30  4.0  2172 
28. Markiewicz, Jacek      f  POL 2307  +39 -26 +32 =16 =18 - 8 - 9 =23 =24  4.0  2230 
29. Ferenc, Jozef             POL 2116  -18 +38 -35 -20 =32 =36 -23 +39 +40  4.0  2124 
30. Lapinski, Krzysztof       POL 2175  - 8 +36 = 9 - 6 =23 =25 =22 -24 =27  3.5  2160 
31. Panocki, Adrian           POL 2292  - 6 -23 =25 =36 =24 -32 =40 =38 +34  3.5  2095 
32. Sokolowski, Ryszard       POL 2089  -15 +37 -28 -34 =29 +31 -25 +35 -20  3.5  2140 
33. Siembab, Bartosz          POL 2206  - 9 +39 - 7 =35 =25 =22 +34 -10 -23  3.5  2167 
34. Sieciechowicz, Marcin     POL 2165  +16 -10 -18 +32 -19 +27 -33 -26 -31  3.0  2158 
35. Just, Wolfgang            GER 2180  -13 =24 +29 =33 - 1 -21 =37 -32 =36  3.0  2097 
36. Natacheev, Peter          RUS 2076  -19 -30 =37 =31 -39 =29 -38 +40 =35  3.0  2068 
37. Nowak, Ryszard            POL 2188  -26 -32 =36 +40 -21 =23 =35 -22 =38  3.0  2057 
38. Kulon, Klaudia         wf POL 2196  - 4 -29 =39 -22 =40 -24 +36 =31 =37  3.0  2049 
39. Zakoscielna, Kinga        POL 2094  -28 -33 =38 -25 +36 -40 -27 -29 +41  2.5  1976 
40. Banach, Wieslaw           POL 2114  - 2 -21 -20 -37 =38 +39 =31 -36 -29  2.0  1984 
41. BYE                           ----   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  -39  0.0       

11) Grenoble Masters

The Grenoble Masters took place 20th-28th June 2007. Clovis Vernay won the event iwth 6.5/9.

Official site:

Masters Grenoble FRA (FRA), 20-28 vi 2007                  cat. IV (2331)
                                           1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Vernay, Clovis             f FRA 2347  * 1 0 1 = = = 1 1 1  6.5  2495 
 2. Janev, Evgeni              g BUL 2476  0 * = 0 1 1 = 1 1 1  6.0  2440 
 3. Olivier, Jean-Christophe   m FRA 2363  1 = * 1 1 1 0 0 0 1  5.5  2407 
 4. Aguettaz, Maxime           f FRA 2329  0 1 0 * = = 1 1 = 1  5.5  2411 
 5. Fargere, Francois          f FRA 2344  = 0 0 = * = 1 1 1 =  5.0  2372 
 6. Foisor, Ovidiu Doru        m ROM 2427  = 0 0 = = * 1 = 1 1  5.0  2363 
 7. Di Paolo, Raffaele         f ITA 2341  = = 1 0 0 0 * 1 1 =  4.5  2330 
 8. Adda, Olivier                FRA 2190  0 0 1 0 0 = 0 * 1 1  3.5  2267 
 9. Rodrigues, Emmanuel          FRA 2153  0 0 1 = 0 0 0 0 * =  2.0  2131 
10. Vuilleumier, Alexandre     f SUI 2343  0 0 0 0 = 0 = 0 = *  1.5  2057 

12) 5th Nabokov Memorial

The 5th Nabokov Memorial took place 3rd-12th June 2007 in Kiev, Ukraine. Serghei Vedmediuc edged out the Alexey Diulger on tie-break after both finished on 7.5/10.

Official site:

5th V Nabokov Mem Kyiv UKR (UKR), 3-14 vi 2007           cat. IV (2334)
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
 1. Vedmediuc, Serghei     f MDA 2361  * = 1 = 1 1 = 1 = 1 =  7.5  2524 
 2. Diulger, Alexey        m MDA 2364  = * = = = 1 1 = 1 1 1  7.5  2524 
 3. Golichenko, Ilija      f UKR 2316  0 = * 1 1 = 0 = 1 1 =  6.0  2408 
 4. Perun, Sergey          m UKR 2356  = = 0 * = 1 = 0 = 1 1  5.5  2368 
 5. Nyzhnyk, Illya           UKR 2344  0 = 0 = * = = = 1 1 1  5.5  2369 
 6. Pavlov, Sergey2          UKR 2436  0 0 = 0 = * 1 1 1 = 1  5.5  2360 
 7. Moliboga, V              RUS 2253  = 0 1 = = 0 * 1 = = =  5.0  2342 
 8. Baryshpolets, Andrey     UKR 2305  0 = = 1 = 0 0 * 1 0 1  4.5  2301 
 9. Kernazhitsky, Leonid   m UKR 2364  = 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 * 1 1  3.5  2221 
10. Solomaha, Andrey         UKR 2307  0 0 0 0 0 = = 1 0 * =  2.5  2143 
11. Ogleznev, Alexandr       MDA 2270  = 0 = 0 0 0 = 0 0 = *  2.0  2100 

13) Balaton Festival

The Balaton Festival took place in Balatonlelle, 16th-24th June 2007. Denes Boros and Levente Vajda finished on 6.5/9 in the GM event. Some GM games missing, rounds 5-9 missing in the IM file and only a few games per round from the open event.

Official site:

XXV Balaton GM Balatonlelle HUN (HUN), 16-24 vi 2007      cat. IX (2473)
                                          1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Boros, Denes              m HUN 2501  * 1 = = = 1 = = 1 1  6.5  2635 
 2. Vajda, Levente            g ROM 2549  0 * = 1 = = 1 1 1 1  6.5  2630 
 3. Sax, Gyula                g HUN 2527  = = * = = = 1 = = =  5.0  2509 
 4. Farago, Ivan              g HUN 2501  = 0 = * = = 1 = = 1  5.0  2512 
 5. Varga, Zoltan             g HUN 2499  = = = = * 1 0 = = =  4.5  2469 
 6. Berczes, David            m HUN 2442  0 = = = 0 * = 1 1 =  4.5  2475 
 7. Prohaszka, Peter2         f HUN 2443  = 0 0 0 1 = * = 1 1  4.5  2475 
 8. Roussel-Roozmon, Thomas   m CAN 2422  = 0 = = = 0 = * = =  3.5  2398 
 9. Lindberg, Bengt           m SWE 2443  0 0 = = = 0 0 = * 1  3.0  2350 
10. Spiess, Gunter            f GER 2398  0 0 = 0 = = 0 = 0 *  2.0  2260 

XXV Balaton IM Balatonlelle HUN (HUN), 16-24 vi 2007  cat. III (2311)
 1. Brueggemann, Joachim   f GER 2347  6.5   38.5   28.0    2484   +1.64
 2. Balog, Imre1             HUN 2378  6.5   38.5   24.75   2481   +1.22
 3. Szabo, Zsolt Jozsef    m HUN 2452  5.0   40.0   20.5    2349   -1.21
 4. Wittmann, Walter       m AUT 2316  5.0   40.0   19.75   2365   +0.56
 5. Lauridsen, Jesper        CHI 2223  4.5   40.5   18.75   2324   +0.37
 6. Kiss, Pal              m HUN 2374  4.5   40.5   18.25   2312   -1.10
 7. To, Nhat Minh            HUN 2260  4.0   41.0   17.5    2285   +0.33
 8. Elarbi, Abobker          LBA 2246  3.5   41.5   16.75   2249   +0.01
 9. Chahrani, Ibrahim      f LBA 2288  3.5   41.5   14.0    2245   -0.55
10. Asabri, Hussien        f LBA 2228  2.0   43.0   7.25    2111   -1.27

XXV Balaton Open A Balatonlelle HUN (HUN), 16-24 vi 2007
1    IM Gonda, Laszlo        2501   HUN  7.0   51.5 39.5  2628 +1.41 36.5
2    GM Horvath, Adam        2486   HUN  6.5   51.0 35.75 2544 +0.74 34.0
3    GM Seres, Lajos         2444   HUN  6.0   50.0 32.75 2466 +0.33 32.0
4    IM Meszaros, Tamas      2358   HUN  6.0   50.0 32.5  2497 +1.68 32.5
5    IM Csiszar, Csaba       2443   HUN  6.0   48.5 29.75 2475 +0.44 30.5
6    IM Hajnal, Zoltan       2430   HUN  6.0   45.5 29.0  2425 -0.05 30.0
7    IM Szeberenyi, Adam     2361   HUN  6.0   45.0 28.75 2430 +0.77 30.0
8    GM Horvath, Peter       2465   HUN  5.5   51.5 30.25 2467 +0.09 31.5
9    GM Czebe, Attila        2500   HUN  5.5   50.0 28.75 2458 -0.41 32.5
10      Balazs, Gabor        2249   HUN  5.5   46.5 27.75 2405 +1.93 30.0
11   IM Hardicsay, Peter     2328   HUN  5.5   46.0 26.25 2393 +0.74 30.0
12   IM Werner, Dimo         2358   GER  5.5   46.0 26.0  2395 +0.52 30.5
13      Papp, Gellert        2430   HUN  5.5   46.0 26.0  2392 -0.36 30.0
14      Nabavi, Parwis       2173   SUI  5.5   45.5 25.5  2445 +3.22 26.5
15   IM Lengyel, Bela        2324   HUN  5.5   44.0 25.75 2348 +0.34 27.0
16   FM Leviczki, Tibor      2292   HUN  5.5   43.5 24.75 2348 +0.73 28.0
17   IM Petran, Pal          2389   HUN  5.5   43.0 26.0  2290 -1.08 25.0
18      Pataki, Gyozo        2367   HUN  5.5   42.5 25.5  2295 -0.78 27.0
19   FM Kaufman, Raymond     2319   USA  5.5   42.5 21.75 2346 +0.39 28.5
20   IM Nagy, Ervin          2302   HUN  5.5   42.0 22.5  2327 +0.36 27.0
21   FM Horvath, Gabor       2241   HUN  5.5   40.5 22.75 2374 +1.68 28.5
22   IM Bokros, Albert       2454   HUN  5.0   47.5 25.25 2332 -1.42 30.0
23   IM Eperjesi, Laszlo Dr. 2223   HUN  5.0   45.0 23.0  2311 +0.89 24.5
24      Salem, Ali Maoloud   2214   LBA  5.0   41.0 20.0  2239 +0.27 21.5
25      Konnyu, Janos        2275   HUN  5.0   40.0 20.0  2241 -0.39 24.0
26   FM Vukovic, Ivo         2230   CRO  5.0   39.5 21.0  2278 +0.54 24.5
27   FM Gara, Gyorgy         2130   HUN  5.0   39.5 18.5  2225 +1.20 23.5
65 players

14) Atlantis Schaak Meestertienkamp

The Atlantis Schaak Meestertienkamp took place 9th-16th June 2007 in the Cafe Atlantis in Groningen. Dejan Bojkov won the event with 7/9.

Official site:

Atlantis Meestertienkamp Groningen NED (NED), 11-16 vi 2007cat. V (2372)
                                      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Bojkov, Dejan         m BUL 2487  * 1 1 = = = 1 1 = 1  7.0  2579 
 2. Brandenburg, Daan     m NED 2421  0 * 0 = = 1 1 1 1 1  6.0  2491 
 3. Van Beek, Alexander   f NED 2386  0 1 * = = = 1 0 1 0  4.5  2370 
 4. Hoeksema, Erik        m NED 2369  = = = * = 1 0 = 0 1  4.5  2372 
 5. Bedouin, Xavier       f FRA 2328  = = = = * 0 0 1 1 =  4.5  2377 
 6. Drenchev, Petar         BUL 2447  = 0 = 0 1 * = = = 1  4.5  2363 
 7. Clemens, Adrian       f NED 2327  0 0 0 1 1 = * 0 1 1  4.5  2377 
 8. Kodentsov, Grisja       NED 2295  0 0 1 = 0 = 1 * = =  4.0  2337 
 9. Pel, Bonno            f NED 2255  = 0 0 1 0 = 0 = * =  3.0  2260 
10. Monroy, Charles       f FRA 2407  0 0 1 0 = 0 0 = = *  2.5  2202 

15) 1st Thun Open

1st Thun Open (part of the Swiss Chess Tour) took place May 25th-28th 2007 The event was won by GM Andrei Sokolov with 6.5/7, half point ahead of GM Milos Pavlovic, his only serious rival. The tournament was very nice and will be held in the same period next year. News: Sinisa Joksic.

1st Open Thun SUI (SUI), 25-28 v 2007
 1. Sokolov, Andrei       g  FRA 2584 6.5
 2. Pavlovic, Milos       g  SRB 2534 6.0
 3. Dekan, Hans              GER 2179 5.0 (30.0)
 4. Gerber, Richard       m  SUI 2368 5.0 (27.5)
 5. Horvath, Tamas        m  HUN 2414 5.0 (27.0)
 6. Kurmann, Oliver       f  SUI 2433 4.5 (29.0)
 7. Kovacevic, Vladimir      SRB 2273 4.5 (26.5)
 8. Erdelyi, Tamas        m  HUN 2207 4.5 (22.0)
etc 36 players

16) XXV Novi Becej Open

The XXV Novi Becej Open International Chess Tournament took place 9th-17th June 2007. Mihai-Lucian Grunberg took clear first place on 7/9. Games from the final round as well as additional games from earlier rounds now available.

Official site:

Final Round 9 Standings: 
 1    1    Grunberg Mihai-Lucian   IM  2442   ROM   7    51    40    35½    9
 2    2    Bodiroga Predrag        IM  2430   SRB   6½   52    40    38     3
 3    5    Nestorovic Dejan        IM  2384   SRB   6½   50    38½   34½    5
 4    7    Andrijevic Milan        IM  2334   SRB   6½   49½   38½   33     9
 5    3    Popovic Milos T         FM  2404   SRB   6    47½   36½   31     0
 6   16    Popovic Predrag R           2241   SRB   6    47    37    30½   38
 7   14    Radosavljevic Slobodan  FM  2247   SRB   6    44½   35    30     9
 8    4    Dragovic Momcilo        FM  2392   SRB   6    42    32    25½  -13
 9   20    Milosevic Rade              2183   SRB   6    40½   31    27    16
10   18    Andrejic Vladica            2197   SRB   5½   48    39½   30    27
11   10    Vukic Radivoj           FM  2271   SRB   5½   48    37½   29     7
12   11    Sirotanovic Obrad           2268   SRB   5½   47½   36½   32     7
13   15    Levnajic Pavle          FM  2245   SRB   5½   46½   35½   31     9
14    9    Sevo Dusan              FM  2279   SRB   5    46½   35½   28   -6
15    6    Marholev Dimitar        IM  2375   BUL   5    44    34½   27   -17
16   19    Pantelic Sasa               2187   SRB   5    42    34    27     9
17   29    Kovacic Vlastimir           2099   SRB   5    40½   32½   24     0
18   26    Brkic Toma                  2119   SRB   5    40    32    22    14
19   31    Nestorovic Lazar            2086   SRB   5    39½   29½   22½   17
20   27    Grkovic Milan               2105   SRB   5    39    31    22    12

17) VII Aratovsky Memorial

The VII Aratovsky Memorial takes place in Saratov (one of the biggest siti on Volga River) 28th June - 7th July 2007. Prize fund of this open tournament is just 1 million rubles (appr. 30 000 Euro or 40 000 USD). The prize fund is third biggest in Russia and the number of GM’s is even more than by “Moscow Open”. Players include 60 GM’s, under them 15 Super GM’s with FIDE-rating 2600+: Krasenkov (POL), Sargissyan (ARM), Motylev, Volkov, Dreev, Smirnov, Najer, Riazantsev, Bocharov, Yakovich (RUS), Shutovsky (ISR), Moiseenko (UKR), Fedorov, Aleksandrov (BLR), Kazhgaleev (KAZ) etc.

Official site: -

Leading Round 4 Pairings:
 1  GM  Evdokimov Alexander A.    3.0     3.0  FM  Gubajdullin Alexei  
 2  GM  Khismatullin Denis        2.5     2.5  GM  Sargissian Gabriel  
 3  GM  Dvoirys Semen I.          2.5     2.5  GM  Riazantsev Alexander  
 4  GM  Zakhartsov Viacheslav V.  2.5     2.5  GM  Bocharov Dmitry  
 5  GM  Shaposhnikov Evgeny       2.5     2.5  GM  Aleksandrov Aleksej  
 6  GM  Lysyj Igor                2.5     2.5  GM  Dyachkov Sergej  
 7  GM  Vorobiov Evgeny E.        2.5     2.5  GM  Krapivin Alexander  
 8  GM  Azarov Sergei             2.5     2.5  WIM Kovanova Baira  
 9  IM  Deviatkin Andrei          2.5     2.5  GM  Gleizerov Evgeny  
10  GM  Sutovsky Emil             2.0     2.5  IM  Geller Jakov  
11  IM  Chuprov Dmitry            2.0     2.0  GM  Tomashevsky Evgeny  
12  GM  Frolyanov Dmitry          2.0     2.0  GM  Dreev Alexey  
13  GM  Moiseenko Alexander       2.0     2.0  GM  Yandemirov Valeri  
14  GM  Korotylev Alexey          2.0     2.0  GM  Fominyh Alexander  
15  GM  Kazhgaleyev Murtas        2.0     2.0  IM  Danin Alexandre  
16  IM  Romanov Evgeny            2.0     2.0  GM  Potkin Vladimir  
17  GM  Vitiugov Nikita           2.0     2.0  GM  Iljushin Alexei  
18  GM  Zinchenko Yaroslav        2.0     2.0  GM  Lastin Alexander  
19  GM  Kharitonov Alexandr       2.0     2.0  GM  Solodovnichenko Yuri  
20  GM  Voitsekhovsky Stanislav   2.0     2.0  GM  Chernyshov Konstantin  

18) XXV Andorra International Open

The XXV International Chess Open of Andorra takes place 30th June - 8th July 2007.

Official site: and

Leading Round 3 Pairings:
 1  Kosten, Anthony C.           (2,0)  FRA  2517  -   ISR  2622  Postny, Evgeny            (2,0)
 2  Baklan, Vladimir             (2,0)  UKR  2618  -   AND  2525  De La Riva Aguado, Oscar  (2,0)
 3  Del Rio Angelis, Salvador G. (2,0)  ESP  2505  -   CAN  2611  Spraggett, Kevin          (2,0)
 4  Damljanovic, Branko          (2,0)  SRB  2585  -   ESP  2511  Perez Candelario, Manuel  (2,0)
 5  Damaso, Rui                  (2,0)  POR  2438  -   ISR  2566  Kogan, Artur              (2,0)
 6  Peralta, Fernando            (2,0)  ARG  2563  -   FRA  2447  Edouard, Romain           (2,0)
 7  Garcia Roman, Daniel         (2,0)  ESP  2425  -   SRB  2563  Strikovic, Aleksa         (2,0)
 8  Mellado Trivino, Juan        (2,0)  ESP  2394  -   ISR  2530  Rodshtein, Maxim          (2,0)
 9  Arizmendi Martinez, Julen L. (2,0)  ESP  2525  -   ESP  2437  Fernandez Romero, Ernesto (2,0)
10  Khenkin, Igor                (1,5)  GER  2629  -   ESP  2415  Vila Gazquez, Xavier      (2,0)

19) South African Open

The South African Open takes place June 29th - 6th July 2007.

Official site: Live games at:

Leading Round 5 Standings: 
1   Kobese, Watu            1   2425   5 
2   Levitt, Mark            8   2266   4½
2   Odendaal, Frederick    35   1936   4½
2   Rubery, Mark            5   2308   4½
2   Solomon, Kenneth        2   2342   4½
6   Blaauw, Corne          34   1927   4 
6   Bouah, Lyndon          11   2198   4 
6   Dole, Anant            16   1936   4 
6   Klaver, Cornelis       15   2017   4 
6   Klaasen, Calvin        12   1983   4 
6   Lewis, Mark            22   1901   4 
6   Mabusela, Johannes      7   2270   4 
6   Mathe, Lehlogonolo     18   2042   4 
6   Qabaka, Khanya         63   1737   4 
6   Solomon, Maxwell       13   2080   4 
6   Steel, Henry            6   2178   4 
6   Van den Heever, Donovan 3   2310   4 
6   Vergeest, Frans        31   1974   4 
6   Vlietstra, Marc        19   1707   4 
6   Willenberg, Athon      37   1893   4

20) BRNO Festival

Chess festival BRNO 2007 takes place 29th June - 8th July 2007. GM, IM and Open events.

Official site:

21) Uzhgorod Spring Open

The Uzhgorod Spring Open took place 24th-27th May 2007. Ladislav Kotan edged out Juri Dovzik on tie-break after both finished on 5.5/7. I couldn't find a reason why Matej Vyparina finished on 4 rather than the 5 points suggested by the games [Corrected in the last edition the day after it was initially released he lost in round 4].

Nice photo report:

22) 40th Cotswold Congress

The 40th Cotswold Congress too place at King Edward School, Cheltenham, 26th-28th May 2007. 1st C Beaumont 6/6 2nd S Berry 5/6 3rd N Beveridge 4/6.

23) Taiyuan Tournament

The Taiyuan Tournament is a 4 vs 4 Scheveningen event. Playing days: July 4th-6th, 8th-9th, 11th-12th, 14th. Free Days: 7th, 10th, 13th. News: Yin Hao.

8600970   Zhang, Pengxiang  g   CHN 2649 
8602883   Wang, Hao         g   CHN 2624 
8601429   Wang, Yue         g   CHN 2696 
8601160   Ni, Hua           g   CHN 2681 

4113403   Zvjaginsev, Vadim g   RUS 2658 
2905540   Cheparinov, Ivan  g   BUL 2657 
13300490  Asrian, Karen     g   ARM 2608 
718939    Balogh, Csaba     g   HUN 2567 

24) Maxim Sorokin 1968-2007

GM Maxim Sorokin has died in hospital, a week after a car accident in Kalmykia from which he was initially expected to survive reports Chess Today. There are also condolences from FIDE at: He most recently seconded Sergey Rublevsky in the Candidates in Elista.

25) ACP Women Series

The ACP had a press release this week announcing an ACP Women's Series.

The ACP Board is glad to announce the start of the ACP Women Series. It has been a long time since we thought of organizing a tournaments circuit for women similar to the well-known ACP Tour. Only after we managed to stage the ACP Tour Masters at the beginning of this year, did we make the final steps towards launching the a women circuit. The 1st ACP Women Series is starting together with the 4th ACP Tour on July 1st 2007.

The concept is the same as for the ACP Tour. Female members of the ACP will be able to gather points at tournaments chosen by the ACP Board. At the end of the season, the best players will either take part in a Final Event organized by the ACP, if the association manages to raise necessary funds, or receive money prizes. We shall include in the Women Series different sorts of tournaments. Both individual and strong team tournaments reserved for women will obviously be taken into account. In addition, women players performing well at tournaments of the ACP Tour will also receive points for the Women Series. All rules as well as the detailed Points System can be found on the ACP website at:

We hope that the ACP Women Series will contribute to the development of women chess.

ACP Board June 30th 2007

26) Forthcoming Events and Links

XX Ciudad de León

The XX Ciudad de León Chess tournament takes place 4th-9th July 2007. Players: Viswanathan Anand, Veselin Topalov, Ruslan Ponomariov and Rustam Kasimdzhanov all of whom have been FIDE World Chess Champions. A 5th World Champion will be present at León, Boris Spassky, who will give a lecture about his match with Robert Fischer, and give a simultaneous exhibition.

Official sites: -

Pivdenny Bank Chess Cup

The Pivdenny Bank Chess Cup will take place in Odessa, Ukraine from 4th-6th July 2007.

Ten grandmasters will take part in the event which is a rapid all-play-all. The time control: 20 minutes for entire game + 10 seconds increment after each move.

The participants are: Teimour RADJABOV (Azerbaijan), Vassily IVANCHUK (Lviv, Ukraine), Alexander GRISCHUK (Russia), Boris GELFAND (Israel), Etienne BACROT (France), Alexei SHIROV (Spain), Ilia SMIRIN (Israel), Viktor KORCHNOI (Switzerland), Yuri DROZDOVSKIJ (Odessa, Ukraine) and Vladimir TUKMAKOV (Odessa, Ukraine).

The event is organised by the PIVDENNY BANK, Ukrainian Chess Federation, Association of Chess Professionals (ACP) and the Charity Fund VICTOR.

Official site:

3rd Chess Summer in Bern

  The "Swiss Chess Tour 2007" continues with the "Chess Summer" tournament in Bern which takes place July 28th - August 5th 2007. Venue: Hotel "Bern" in the center of the Swiss capital. Main event is "Int. Bern Open Championship". 9 rounds; 2 hours for 40 moves + 60 minutes till the end. All rounds from 16.30 to 22.30 except last round from 12.00 to 18.00. Enter fee: 140 CHF; juniors 1987 and younger and FM 70 CHF; GM&IM free. Ten money prizes 10: 2000 CHF/1.500/1.000/700... The players who like to play late, during night, will get a chance with the "Bern Summer Night Open" July 29th - August 4th 2007. 7 rounds; 90 minutes for 30 moves + 30 minutes till the end. Games start daily at 19.00 to 23.00. Enter fee: 110 CHF; juniors 55 CHF. Six money prizes: 500/400/300/250/200/150 CHF. Special offer to juniors. Those who register before July 9th will not pay an entry fee!

Info Beochess: +41+62+9654-650 (Robert Spoerri) or or

"Acropolis" 2007

The "Acropolis" 2007 tournament takes place 14th-22nd August 2007 at the President Hotel, Kifissias 43,Athens.

The official annoucement is at:

European Blind Individual Championship

The Braille Chess Association host the European Blind Individual Championship in Durham August 14th-23rd 2007. Play starting at 1.45 pm. except Monday (a rest day) and final day (11 am start) ) IM Colin Crouch is the main British contender and six others including Graham Lilley and Chris Ross will play.

It is hoped that the top four boards will be shown live on the net at:

Frank K. Berry 2007 US Women's Championship

The Frank K. Berry 2007 US Women's Championship will take place in Stillwater, Oklahoma, July 16th-20th, 2007. The tournament will be a 10-player round robin and stars no less than 3 former US Women's Champions. Last year's Champion WGM Anna Zatonskih will be joined by 2000 Champion WGM Camilla Baginskaite and 1998 Champion WGM Irina Krush, who is also the highest rated player in this year's tournament. Completing the field is WGM Katerina Rohonyan, WIM Batchimeg Tuvshintugs, WIM Tsaagan Battsetseg, WFM Tatev Abrahamyan, WFM Alisa Melekhina, WFM Chouchanik Airapetian and WFM Elizabeth Vicary. A total prize fund of $25,000 is up for grabs with the winner taking home $7,000. There are also 3 qualifying places for the American Zonal Tournament and various players have the opportunity to score WGM and WIM norms. As with the men's event it is sponsored by Frank K. Berry.

Official site:

40th Biel Chess Festival

The 40th Biel Chess Festival takes place 21st July-3rd August 2007. The main GM is very strong in spite of defending champion Alexander Morozevich deciding not to play due to health reasons (some treatment he needs and from which he'll need to recuperate before the world championship in Mexico City).

Official site:

Teimour Radjabov      AZE  2747
Judit Polgar          HUN  2727
Alexander Grischuk    RUS  2717
Magnus Carlsen        NOR  2693
Loek Van Wely         NED  2674
Alexander Onischuk    USA  2663
Bu Xiangzhi           CHN  2656
Boris Avrukh          ISR  2644
Alexander Motylev     RUS  2642
Yannick Pelletier     SUI  2602
Average :    =  2677 (cat. XVIII)

MonRoi International Women's Chess Grand-Prix

MonRoi International Women's Chess Grand-Prix sees its finale in an 8 player round robin July 21st-28th in Montreal, Canada.

Standings, based on rating performances in 7 qualifiers in Grand-Prix host countries: Gibraltar, France, Croatia, Germany, Liechtenstein, Italy & USA 1. WGM Irina Krush, USA, RP- 2554 GibTelecom 2. GM Pia Cramling, Sweden, RP-2522 GibTelecom 3. WGM Iweta Rajlich, Poland, RP- 2521 Euro 2007 4. WGM Jovaka Houska, England, RP- 2512 GibTelecom 5. WGM Lela Javakhishvili, Georgia, RP- 2490 Euro 2007 6. WGM Cristina Adela Foisor, Romania, RP- 2489 Liechtenstein 7. WGM Vijayalakshmi Subbaraman, India, RP- 2482 Liechtenstein 8. Myriam Roy, Canada, Quebec Chess Federation selection


Mazovian Chess Festival

The Mazovian Chess Festival takes place in Grodzisk Mazowiecki, 20th-28th July 2007. Includes: VII Miguel Najdorf International Chess Tournament and VI Mazovian Junior Chess Championship in the Age Groups From 10 to 18 Years old

Details: - -

Form in English:

6th Condom Open

The 6th Condom International Chess Festival will take place 7th-14th July 2007 in Gers (South-West of France).

Official site:

Judge Lictenstein Memorial

The Elkana Chess Club in Israel is a closed 10 player category 8 tournament as part of the Judge Lictenstein Memorial chess Festival July 15th-26th in Israel. They have 9 players already and need another player rated 2439+ to complete the category 8 regulations.

All Accommodation& food is free of charge.

Contact Haggai Frank

V Transcarpathian Rapid

The V Transcarpathian Rapidtournament "Chess Decyk" takes place September, 15th-16th 2007 City: Uzhgorod Country: Ukraine Time control: Rapid: 20' - 20' Number of rounds: 9 System: Swiss Prize fund: 4000 UAH Remarks: Welcome to the age-old town above the river Uzh with more than 1000-year’s history!!!

Organizer: Chess Federation of Uzhgorod (President - IM Bogdan Borsos) Tel: +380503179153, +380503723900 E-mail: Address: Ukraine, Uzhgorod, Hotel "Svitanok", Koshitska st. 30

Further details:

Hungarian tournaments July - December 2007

List of the chess tournaments from July - December 2007 in Hungary:

1. 7th - 19th of July 2007 FIRST SATURDAY Budapest GM-IM-FM, GM-IM-FM round robins (BERGER), 9-13 games, GM-IM norm possibilities in Budapest, venue: Hungarian Chess Federation, Falk Miksa Str.10. 2nd floor. Organisation: Nagy Laszlo, FIDE International Chess Organizer E-mail:

Website: Other website: Phone-fax: +(361)-2632859, cellphone: +(36)-30-230-1914 /From 12:00 a.m. until midnight - Central European Time - GMT+1 hour/..

2. 21st - 29th of July KECSKEMET, IM Berger tmt, org: Dr.Erdelyi, Tamas, e-mail: Website: Usually also in the second half of the month IM tmt-s in Kecskemet. 100 km South-East from Budapest.

3. 22nd-29th of July AGRIA Open, Eger, 110 km North-East from Budapest, Org: Rauch Ferenc, e-mail:

4 . 4th-16th of August FS Budapest, GM-IM-FM, org. Nagy L.

5. 18th-26th of August, TALENTUM CUP Open 9 rounds Swiss, near to the Balaton lake, org: VALIS, Janos, e-mail:

6. 1st-13th of September, FS GM-IM-FM Budapest, org.Nagy L.

7. 17th -25th of September KECSKEMET IM tmt, org. dr.Erdelyi

8. 6th-18th of October, FS GM-IM-FM Budapest, org.Nagy L.

9. 22nd-30th of October KECSKEMET IM - org. dr.Erdelyi

10. 3rd-15th of November, FS GM-IM-FM Budapest, org.:NL

11. 15th-23rd of November, XXXI. TENKES CUP, 9 round Swiss Open, Harkany, 300 km South-West from Budapest, org: Mr.FULOP, Csaba, e-mail: Website:⟨=hu&det=12

12. 1st-13th of December, FS GM-IM-FM, Budapest, org.NL

8th Montreal International

The 8th Montreal International takes place 19th-28th July 2007.

Players: Vassily Ivanchuk, Gata Kamsky, Nigel Short, Pavel Eljanov, Sergei Tiviakov, Emil Sutovsky, Kamil Miton, Pentala Harikrishna, Mark Bluvshtein and Pascal Charbonneau.

Official site:

1st Leiden Chess Tournament

The 1st Leiden Chess Tournament is being organised by, a Dutch chess news website that celebrates its 5th anniversary in 2007. The tournament is sponsored by H.L. Druckerfonds.

The tournament will take place in the Leiden Denksportcentrum, July 13th-July 22nd 2007. It is a 9 round Swiss

Registration by e-mail:

More information and tournament site: info (banner LCT2007)

2nd Konig Memorial

The Mechanics' Institute will be holding the 2nd Konig Memorial July 10th-25th 2007 on the Schevingen system - double round robin between the two teams. The time control is 40/75 + SD/15 all with 30 seconds added per move.

GM Team GM Baburin ( Ireland) GM S.Atalik (Turkey) GM Yermolinsky ( USA) GM Fedorowicz ( USA) IM E.Atalik ( Turkey)

IM Team IM Pruess ( USA) IM Stein (USA) IM Zilberstein (USA) IM Friedel (USA) IM Mezentsev (USA)

Daily coverage at:

XX Belgrade International Open

The XX International Open Championship of Belgrade "OBRENOVAC 2007" takes place 22nd-30th November 2007.

Prizes : EUR 5,600.00 The championship will be played in 9 rounds according to the FIDE Swiss System (computer pairing). Rate of play is 40 moves for 2 hours and 30 minutes til the end of game.

Contact information: BELGRADE CHESS INFORMATION 11000 Belgrade, Deligradska 27/III, Serbia Tel/Fax; +381-11 -2656 846 E-mail: beochess@eunet.yu

Further details:

Olomouc and Highlands Opens Czech Republic

10th International Chess Festival Olomouc Chess Summer 2007, which takea place in the city of Olomouc on 1st-9th August 2007. Closed GM and IM tournaments, closed FIDE tournament, FIDE open, seniors tournament, active chess and blitz tournament are part of the festival. More detailed information should be found at Downloadable regulations in English, German, Russian and Polish are available at the address

4th International Chess Festival Highlands Open 2007, which will take place in the town of Zdar nad Sazavou on 22nd-30th September 2007. Final qualification for the Men and Women Championship of the Czech Republic, FIDE open, active chess and blitz tournament are part of the festival. More detailed information should be found at . Downloadable regulations in English, German, Russian and Polish are available at the address

Both events are held within the frame of 7th International Chess Festivals CZECH TOUR 2007/2008 Series. More detailed information about the series, which is taking place in 8 towns of the Czech Republic, should be found at Downloadable regulations in English, German, Russian and Polish are available at the address

IGB 4th Dato' Arthur Tan Malaysia Open

The IGB 4th Dato' Arthur Tan Malaysia Open Chess Championship takes place in the Cititel Mid Valley Hotel, Kuala Lumpur 19th-27th August 2007. 11 Rounds Swiss, 1st Prize USD4000, Info:

Details: or

GM Amir Bagheri's Website and Match

GM Amir Bagheri's Website:

Amir Bagheri (Iran, rating 2481) will play a 2-game match vs. members of the ICCF Forum. The games (one with White and one with Black pieces) will be played on the ICCF Webserver and are intended to start on June 20th 2007, with the reflection time rule "10 moves/100 days".

6th La Fere Open

The 6th La Fere Open International Chess Tournament will take place 7th-13th July 2007 in Picardie (North of France).

Official site:

5th Staunton Memorial

The 5th Staunton Memorial sees six Dutch and six English players compete in a single round robin event. The players are: Holland: Loek Van Wely 2674; Jan Timman 2545; Jan Smeets 2552; Jan Werle 2556; Ivan Sokolov (last years winner) 2663; Erwin L’Ami 2617; England: Michael Adams 2734; Jon Speelman 2518; Peter Wells 2499; Colin McNab 2418; Gawain Jones 2524; Jovanka Houska 2404. Play begins on August 7th and ends on August 18th. The event is, as last year, supported by the Dutch chess enthusiast Jan Mol.

Official site:

British Chess Championships

The 94th Championships of The British Isles Organised by the English Chess Federation Sunday 29th July - Saturday 11th August - Great Yarmouth College, Great Yarmouth

Official site:

John Watson Books Show

John Watson has a program on on books, this week it features FM Graham Burgess, Editorial Director of Gambit Publishing.


Ghent Open

The 30th Open International Chess Tournament of Ghent takes place 14th-18th July 2007.

Official site:

World Youth Chess Championships

The World Youth Chess Championships take place 17th-29th November 2007 in Antalya.

Official site:

IV Calvià Chess Festival

The IV Calvià Chess Festival takes place in Calvià, Mallorca (Spain) 6th-24th October 2006. Event including an International, Blitz, Senior, Amateur & Under-16 tournaments.


Czech Open 2007

The 18th Czech Open takes place in Pardubice 12th-29th July 2007. Alongside will take place the World School Chess Teams Championship, European Chess Solving Championship and European Amateurs Championship in Chess


John Watson Book Reviews on

TWIC contributer John Watson can be heard on reviewing books every week on a Tuesday. Dirk Jan ten Geuzendam the editor of New in Chess will be John Watson's guest on the show on May 22nd 2007. This show will be made available for 7-days ONDemand for members.

ICC has announced it taken over World Chess Network, from Master Games International, and Chess Live, from GamesParlor. The two services will be merged together to form a new service, separate from ICC, to be called World Chess Live.


Anand interview

There is a new interview with Anand on the website:

Predeal Chess Festival

The Predeal Chess Festival takes place in Romania August 8th-18th 2007 This will be a very large one, with 5 tournaments, European Women Rapid Chess and blitz Championships, World Amateur Ch, Romanian Open and a children tournament. We expect over 600 participants.

Details; and also on the Romanian Grand Prix and Romanian Chess Federation chess pages, and

Contact : Doru Ionescu,, +40742064336.

12th Pannonia Cup

The 12th Pannonia Cup takes place in Balatonalmádi (Hungary) 1st-05th August 2007. Group A: International Open for FIDE ratings (without age limit) Group B:International Open for FIDE ratings for players rated under 2000 (without age limit). U18 Players’ results will be evaluated separately.


Entry and contact for further information: Address: Fáncsy Imre: 8222. Balatonalmádi, Gábor Áron u. 15.; HUNGARY E-mail:

Ikaros Chess Festival

The Ikaros Chess Festival 2007, is 30 years old. The main event of the festival, the International Aegean Open Championship takes place 7th-15th July 2007 on the island of Ikaria in Greece. It is a 9 round swiss event with prize fund 3000 Euros in total (1st prize 800 Euros, special money prizes for ladies and veterans). Special conditions are offered to GMs/IMs/WGMs/WIMs. A package including entry fee, accomodation (in double room, no meals or food expenses included) and ferry tickets (C class, from Piraeus, the port of Athens to Ikaria, and back) is offered at a reduced price (compared to normal price).


Contact: e-mail is: or phone one can try: +30 6932 478386 or +30 210 5010871 (Mr. Savas Kyriakou) Apart from the International Aegean Open Championship, this year's events include plenty of other side events such as Junior, Ladies, Veteran, blitz, rapid and simultaneous exhibition events, blindfold chess, chess lectures and many others.

Crete Summer Cup

The 2nd International Open Chess Tournament "Summer Cup 2007" takes place 21-29 July 2007, The games will take place in the Hermes Conference Hotel**** on the seaside of Agios Nikolaos in Crete, 60 km east of Heraklion airport. An excellent location on the beach with a panoramic view of the Aegean Sea!

Location: Agios Nikolaos, Crete island (Greece), 21-29 July* 9 rounds, Prize fund: EUR 3100, 1st prize EUR 1000* Website: Email:

2nd Edmonton International

The 2nd Edmonton International takes place August 2nd-6th 2007. The tournament will be played in a 10 player round-robin format with regular time controls. The confirmed participants so far are:

1. GM Aveskulov, Valery (2539, Ukraine) 2. IM (GM Elect) Kraai, Jesse (2477, USA) 3. GM Khachiyan, Melikset (2475, USA) 4. IM Bachmann, Axel (2470, Paraguay) 5. IM Donaldson, John (2413, USA) 6. FM Huber, Greg (2211, Canada) 7. Reeve, Jeff (2205, Canada) 8. Li, Zhichao (2143, Hong-Kong)

Official site:

Maxim Dlugy

Former World Junior Champion GM Maxim Dlugy now has a website.

MyChess correspondence Chess Server

There is a correspondence chess server designed by Matthias Karkowski at:

Euro Chess Tournament 2007

The Euro Chess Tournament takes place August 6th-11th 2007 at the University of Twente, Enschede. The Euro Chess Tournament is Europe's largest Open Youth Chess tournament. Over 500 children will battle on the chess board for the 33rd Open Dutch Youth Chess Championship titles. Parallel to the Dutch Open, the University of Twente Young Masters, a 20 player Swiss by invitation GM tournament will be played.


1st Thun Open

The "Swiss Chess Tour 2007" will continue in Thun with the 1st "International Town Hall Open" May 25th-28th 2007. Thun is famous turist place, 20 minutes from Bern by train, located on the lake, with the same name, Thun. The venue is the Hotel-Restorant “City-House” Thun, Open, Swiss system, 7 rounds and the games will last a maximum of 5 hours (40 moves for 2 hours and 30 minutes till the end). Prize are: 1.500 SF, 1.200, 900, 700, 500, 400, 300, 250, 200 and 150 SF. Special prizes for best Lady, senior (1946), junior(1987-90), schoolboy (1991) and 3 best local players. Entry fee 130 SF, FMs and juniors 60 SF, at the door 20 SF more (for everybody enclude GM, IM), GMs and IMs free. Venue: Hotel "City House". Time table: Round 1st 18.00-23.00 May 25th ; Rounds 2/3 09.30-14.30 and 15.00-20.00 April 26th; Round 4/5 9.30-14.30 and 15.00-20.00 May 27th; Rounds 6/7 09.30-14.30 and 15.00-20.00 May 28th; Closing ceremony May 28 at 20.30. Info: Beochess +41+62+965-46-50 (Robert Spoerri) or or site for more details.

Chess Classic Mainz

The Chess Classic Mainz takes place August 13th-19th 2007 at the Rheingoldhalle. Viswanathan Anand, Levon Aronian, Etienne Bacrot and Rustam Kasimdzhanov will play a mixed rapid chess and Chess960 event. These will take place along with the usual mixture of other events.

Official site:

Benidorm International Chess Festival

The VI Benidorm 2007 International Chess Festival takes place 30th November - 9th December 2007 with diverse tournaments

More information and entry, discounts by individual lodging or for groups larger than 15 people, please to contact Patricia Claros Aguilar: 615547567 - 6620 20592 or emails and


British Chess Problem Society

Brian Stephenson of the British Chess Problem Society has a new website: The site has much info on the Winton Capital British Chess Solving Championship.

Endgame Studies

Alexander Rueb Vereniging voor SchaakEindspelStudie. Endgame studies:

Arctic Chess Challenge

The Arctic Chess Challenge will take place in Tromsø, Norway August 4th-12th 2007. The Open Swiss is a follow up to last year’s Midnight Sun Chess Challenge, won by GM Sergei Shipov ahead of among others Carlsen, Krasenkow and Rozentalis and is the second in a series of events leading up to Tromsø’s bid for the 2014 Chess Olympics


Lugano tournaments

There are two tournaments in Lugano. One at the end of April The other at the end of November

Novi Sad Championship

Novi Sad will host the 2009 European National Team Championship. In the run up to that the Championship of Novi Sad took place 18th-25th March 2007. Dusan Rajkovic won the event on tie-break from Miroljub Lazic after both finished on 6.5/9. I'm hoping for a better games file before I try and publish the games.

Further details:

Mediterranean 2013" Open Rijeka Croatia

The "Mediterranean 2013" Open chess tournament takes place in Rijeka Croatia, 25 November - 2 December 2007

System of play: Swiss / 9 rounds. Tempo of play: 90 minutes per player + 30 extra seconds for each move played starting with the first. The tournament will be registered with FIDE in order to assign the rating and title norms.

Prizes Awards fund: about 10 000 Euros. 1st award - 12 000,00 kunas 2nd award - 8 000,00 kunas 3rd award - 6 000,00 kunas



8th Montreal International

The 8th Montreal International takes place July 19th - 28th 2007. Nigel Short, Sergei Tiviakov, Pavel Eljanov, Pentala Harikrishna, Vadim Milov, Kamil Miton, Mark Bluvshtein and Pascal Charbonneau are signed up to play.


RC Sport Open

The RC Sport Open takes place 10th-17th August 2007 in Ceská Trebová (Czech republic). Total prize fund is 122 000 CZK (4 000 Euro).


Canadian Open

The 2007 Canadian Open Chess Championship is a 10-round, one-section Swiss that takes place 7-15 July 2007 in Ottawa, the capital of Canada. 120 minutes/game + 30sec. increment/move. Projected prize fund of $20,000 CDN based on 200 entrants. Free entry to GMs, WGMs and IMs. Entry fee for all others, $125 CDN until May 31, 2007, $150 CDN thereafter. Players must be members of the Chess Federation of Canada. A tournament membership is available for $10 CDN, and a one-year membership for foreign players is $50 CDN. The venue is the Ottawa Marriott (, offering rates of $89/night CDN for single and double occupancy.

Online reservations may be made at the website: Confirmed GMs so far: GM Nigel Short, GM Vadim Milov, GM Suat Atalik, GM Alex Yermolinsky, GM Mark Bluvshtein. More GMs will be announced at the event blog:

Event website:

ICC and FICS client for mobile phones

Mats Luthman has written a program that connects to ICC and FICS, compatable with many modern mobile phones. I've been looking for something like this for a while for watching live tournaments if I'm out and about. Its a nice free solution, you can also play but I haven't tried that.


5th PAL/CSS Freestyle Chess Tournament

$16,000 Freestyle tournament starts on March 2nd 23.02.2007 The Fifth PAL/CSS Freestyle Chess Tournament begins on March 2nd on the Playchess server. The main tournament is an eight-round Swiss, with time controls of 60 min + 15 sec per game. You probably know that in Freestyle any kind of assistance is allowed: computers, friends, books, anything. The starting fee is 10 Euro. GMs and IMs are free

Details and entry:

VI Benidorm Festival

The VI Benidorm Festival takes place 30th November - 9th December 2007.

Further details:

Baltic Sea Cup

The Baltic Sea Cup (Bornholm, Denmark) takes place July 30th - August 5th 2007.


Alushta Diary 2007

GM Norm events: 23.05 - 1.06, 2.06 - 12.06, 15.06 - 25.06, 2.09 - 12.09, 14.09 - 24.09, 26.09 - 6.10, IM Norm: 23.05 - 1.06, 2.06 - 12.06, 15.06 - 25.06, 2.09 - 12.09, 14.09 - 24.09, 26.09 - 6.10, Rating tournament: 4.06 - 12.06, 22.06 - 27.06, Open tournament (under 16 years) First prize - 200$ 3.06 - 11.06, 13.06 - 21.06, Alushta Swiss 9 rounds Open tournament First prize - 1000$ First prize (woman) - 500$ 28.06 - 6.07, Alushta Swiss 9 rounds Blitz tournament 7.07, Alushta Swiss 9 rounds Open tournament (rapid chess) 8.07 - 9.07, Alushta Session of school of Gennadi Kuzmin 21.06 - 27.06

Individual and group studying Further information: phone +38 (06560)5-05-32, +380505828911 (for Russian speaking) + 44 7717890632 (for English speaking, call after 18.00) e-mail:

New England Masters

New England Masters, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, August 13-17, 2007. 9 Round FIDE Swiss with great norm opportunities. Low entry fees and hotel rate, open to players rated FIDE 2200 or higher. Website: Email:

Banyoles Chess Festival 2007

The Banyoles Chess Festival includes two tournaments: The Rapid-Chess Tournament is on 15th of August. And from the 16th until 24th of August is held the International Chess Tournament. Here, you will find more information about them: 3rd. "Lluís Muratet" Rapid-Chess Tournament This will be played the 15th of August of 2007. Rapid-Chess (20 minutes or 15min+5"). 9 Rounds. Prizes: 1st. 800 €; Prize fund: 2.000 €. (Valid for Catalan Chess Circuit) 10th Banyoles International Chess Tournament From 16th until 24th of August of 2007. Swiss System. 9 Rounds. 105 minutes + 30 seconds/movement. Prizes: 1st. 2.000 € (4.000 € if the winner achieves 9 points); Prize fund: 8.000 €. (Valid for the Catalan Chess Circuit). Nigel Short has announced his participation.

Official site:

Battle of Senta tournament

The 11th International Chess Festival "The Battle of Senta 1697" takes place 20th-30th July 2007 in Senta (the Vojvodina / Serbia).


Monroi Grand Prix for Women

Women in chess are being recognized by a Grand-Prix series of international chess events. The events will be broadcast live using the MonRoi system. “The world’s best women chess players have the opportunity to qualify in some of the top tournaments in the world. We invite you to follow live games, pictorial and video reports! Join us in Gibraltar, Cannes, Zagreb, Dresden, Liechtenstein, St. Petersburg and Philadelphia and Montreal!” said Brana Giancristofaro, Founder & CEO of MonRoi Inc. The Grand-Prix Finale will be held in Montreal, Canada July 21-28, 2007. Qualifiers will be selected on the basis of top performance and will compete for Finale prizes! The Grand-Prix starts on January 23rd, 2007, in Gibraltar! Qualifying events are the following:

GibTelecom, Gibraltar, January 23 - February 1
Cannes Open, FRA, February 18-25
Zagreb Open, CRO, March 17-25
ECU Individual, Dresden GER, April 2-15
Liechtenstein Open, May 11-19
World Open, Philadelphia USA, June 28 - July 4
Montreal Chess Festival Finale, July 21-28

Further details:

Politiken Cup

The 29th Copenhagen Open Politiken Cup takes place 21st-29th July 2007.

Official site:

Pierre Barthélémy Chess Blog

Pierre Barthélémy Chess Blog in French:

Russia vs ROW Correspondence

The Russian Chess Federation is celebrating its 10th anniversary and is using this occasion to challenge the rest of the world to a match over 64 boards with 2 games for each and the start is 15.02 2004. Players include Joop van Oosterom