THE WEEK IN CHESS 64 02/01/96 Mark Crowther --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Introduction 2) 34th Groningen Chess Festival by Anjo Anjewierden 3) Hastings International Chess Tournament 4) FIDE's recent activities. 5) FIDE RATING LIST JAN 1996 6) Reggio Emilia 7) CUBA AGAIN PAN-AMERICAN CHAMPIONS by Roberto Alvarez 8) Short vs Adianto - Jakarta 9) Italian Championships in Verona 10) 6th Harvard Cup New York USA 11) BOOKS, BOOKS and more of them (5) by Bertrand Weegenaar. 12) WIC Correspondence Chess-news #3 by Bertrand Weegenaar Note that the games from 11 and 12 will appear in TWIC 65 as I haven't received them yet. GAMES SECTION -------------- Annotated Games 5 games Adianto vs Short Match 1 game Groningen Koop Tjuchem schaaktoernooi 35 games Hastings Premier 20 games Reggio Emilia 23 games TWIC64EX.PGN ------------ Asian Team Tournament. 46 games Asian Team Tournament (Women) 5 games Harvard Cup 25 mins Computer v Humans 36 games Hastings Challangers. 33 games Italian Championships 15 games Pan American Team Tournament 84 games TWIC64GR.PGN ------------ Groningen Open Games 204 games Extra Sections available via ftp and from my www: These extra sections are available at: Pittsburgh ftp site. (, group/chess/NEWS) (probably Monday) and straight away at my www site - (note this is tilda mdcrowth, some terminals display this as a percent sign which won't work) 1) Introduction --------------- What was supposed to be the last issue of 1995 now has become the first of 1996. My E-Mail stopped arriving on Friday night and now only on Tuesday. Is back operating again. I hope to get back on track for the next issue. My thanks to Anjo Anjewierden, Brian Stephenson, Bob Wade, Marco Martini, Roberto Alvarez, Fairudin, Vadim Kaminsky Bertrand Weegenaar and Massimiliano Orsi for their help in this issue. In addition to Alon Greenfeld who annotated three of his games from his match against Korchnoi for TWIC and to Gata Kamsky and Peter Svidler who contributed annotated games to Anjo's Groningen Chess Festival Bulletin. Also to SS Quah for some games from the Asian Team Tournament reported on in TWIC 63. Please note that the games sections with Bertrand Weegenaar's articles on books and correspondence chess will follow in TWIC 65 as they haven't reached me yet. Looking back on the last years TWICs (I will post my review of the year in the next issue) certainly brought home to me how much it has changed. There are more games now and a more complete coverage of World chess than at any time. Judging from the appreciative E-Mails TWIC seems to hit the mark for many people. Ideas that came from Anjo Anjewierden of using a combination of the rating lists, and tables generated from the games, have, especially from TWIC 45 onwards hopefully been a major step forward. The rather sophisticated tools contained in cutour have meant also that games with the players names mixed or the wrong results have been possible to spot in a way not possible before. All of this has added to a burdon that at first was light, to one which has become nearly a full time job. These days every issue is completed fighting against the time that I have available. The basic idea upon which TWIC is base, the chess news and games of the recent past compiled from internet postings, direct contributions and my own range of sources has proved useful to players and chess magazines all over the World. I have in recent times been asked by a few people if there is any reward in this for me. Much of the time I really haven`t had the time really to think about this. The idea of the free quick and easy transferal of chess games and data throughout the world is one which I believe in. There is the thought that TWIC contributers submit material because the magazine is free, useful and an idea worth supporting. I myself have accepted no money for compiling TWIC. But it is something I have to give thought to. My own job is not going to be something to build a life on and as enter my 30's this year I am out looking for a better job, however I do think that I am actually quite good at what I do with TWIC. It is something that I do take pride in but is it something that ought to exist? Is it something that can only be compiled in the way I do it now? I don't have any answers to these questions. It would be nice to have TWIC sponsored in such a way that I could edit it as a common good. I have no idea whether this is possible, I would be interested to see if there is a solution. Here are the people who brought you some of the many stories that appeared in 1995 (hope I haven`t left anyone out) All that remains for me to do is to wish everyone a very Happy New Year. THE YEAR IN CHESS WITH THANKS: ------------------------------ Adan Bonilla, Adriano Von Pfuhl Rodrigues, Al Tomalty, Alexander Huzman, Ali Mortazavi, Alon Greenfeld, Amador Rodriguez, Andrei Leshkin, Andrew Kinsman, Anjo Anjewierden, Annette Borik, Asbjorn Nejman, Ashok Waran, Ashok Waren, Aviv Friedman, Ben Feingold, Bertrand Weegenaar, Bjarke Kristensen, Bjarke Kristensen, Bo Sjogren, Bob Wade, Bobby Ang, Bosko Grove Breanndan, Brian Jones, Brian Stephenson, Carlos H. Taboada, Chern Seng Pau, Chris Dunworth, Christoph Pfrommer, Christopher Lutz, Claudio Antonio Tonegutti, Dadi Jonsson, Damien Andre, Damir Medak, Darrin Bond, David Cordover, David Sedgwick, Dirk Jonscher, Donald Schultz, Dr.H.K.Tsang, Eduardo Bauza Mercere, Egon Ditt, Einar Gausel, Einar Karlsson, Einar S. Einarsson, Eric Holdsworth, Eric Schiller, Eric van der Schilden, Eugeni K. Grigorian, Fabian Maeser, Flemming Jensen (Under Uret), Frank Kroeze, Franz Hemmer, Frederic Friedel, Gabriel Sanchez, Gilles G. Jobin, Gordie Mazur, Gordon Taylor, Gustavo Albarran, Heinse van Houten, Henri Spijkerman, Herman Grooten, Horacio Neto, Howard Streit, Hugh Brodie, ICC, Ian Murray, Ian Rogers, Inform Systems (Chess Assistant), Irina Donchenko, Jaime Calvin, Jan Van De Mortel, Janice Mehler, Jay Whitley, Jean-Pierre Mercier, Jeroen van de Weijer, Jeroen van de Weijer, Jerome Bibuld, Jessica Harmsen, Jim Bach, Joerg Harm, John Roycroft, Jonathan Berry, Jonathan Speelman, Jonathan Tisdall, Jose Alberto F. Santos, Josef Zahner, Josh Manion, Judit Polgar, Ken Sloan, Kenneth B Horne, Kevin O`Connell, Kieran English, Larry Parr, Lars Zwisler, Laurent Sallen, Les Blackstock, Luis Santos, Maher Saleh, Marc Derksen, Marco Martini, Margeir Petursson, Martin Borriss, Martin Pribyl, Massimiliano Orsi, Michael Niermann, Mikal Ziane, Milan Turcan, Norbert Friedrich, Norm Jenson, Otto Borik (from Schach Magazin 64), Panagis A. Sklavounos, Paolo Bertino, Paul A. van Linde, Paul Rubin, Philip L. Peterson (Inside Chess), Piotr Nestorow, Rachel Lieberman, Ralph Frisch, Reynaldo Vera, Richard Reich, Rob Bertholee, Rob van Aurich, Roberto Alvarez, Rune Djurhuus, SS Quah, Sam Sloan, Sasha Nikulin, Sergey Abramov (Chess Assistant), Shaun Press, Shay Bushinsky, Simon Latendresse, Steffen A. Jakob, Steve Immitt, Steven J. Edwards, Steven Rix, Szabo Zsolt, Tasc Tournament Systems, Tasos, Teun van der Vorm, Tim Krabbe, Tim Reilly, Tom Crain, Toni Riedener, Troy Vale, Vadim Kaminsky, Vadim Kolupaev (Chess Assistant), Vojin Vujosevic, Walter Taboada, Warren Rayle and Wlodek Proskurowski. 2) 34th Groningen Chess Festival by Anjo Anjewierden -------------------------------------------------- +----------------------------------------------------+ | Koop Tjuchem schaaktoernooi | +----------------------------------------------------+ | 34th Groningen Chess Festival | | December 19-30, Groningen, Netherlands | +----------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------------------+ | Round 5: December 23 | +----------------------------------------------------+ ALL FIVE LEADERS DRAW A quiet fifth round. Peter Svidler won with the black pieces against Michael Adams. All other games were drawn. Tomorrow will see the much expected game between Kamsky (White) and Karpov. Contents: - Father Kamsky. - Results and comments from round 5. - Games from round 5. - Results from GM open, round 4. - Games from GM open, round 4. Father Kamsky. After the fifth round we had a private discussion with Rustam Kamsky, Gata's father. Most people will only know "bad things" about Rustam, attacking people during tournaments and the like. As far as we have been able to determine, he is a very friendly person. During the tournament he is continuously chatting with other people, by some coincidence most of them are female. As it was a private discussion we cannot quote Rustam's view on the current state of affairs in the chess world and organisation of the FIDE world-championship match between Karpov and Kamsky. What can be stated is that Gata is looking forward to the match and that an eight month abstination of chess has not made him any happier. Because of the politics, Gata has not received any invitations except for Groningen and with no set date for the WC match, it is difficult to plan tournaments anyway. Rustam stated that Gata will either win or lose tomorrow against Karpov. "No quick draws, he must play." Round 5 (December 23): Leko, Peter - Kamsky, Gata 1/2 (21) Scandinavian defence Sokolov, Ivan - Van Wely, Loek 1/2 (46) QGA Adams, Michael - Svidler, Peter 0-1 (43) Pirc, 4. Be3 Lautier, Joel - Almasi, Zoltan 1/2 (85) Ruy Lopez, Zaitsev Piket, Jeroen - Hansen, Curt 1/2 (26) Catalan Tiviakov, Sergey - Karpov, Anatoly 1/2 (10) Caro-Kann --------------------------------------------------------------------- Leko, Peter - Kamsky, Gata 1/2 (21) Scandinavian defence A surprising opening choice by Kamsky. White got a small advantage that Kamsky neutralised to steer towards a draw. Sokolov, Ivan - Van Wely, Loek 1/2 (46) QGA Black emerged better from the opening, Sokolov had probably prepared for Van Wely's favourite King's Indian. After 20... 0-0 (rather than 20... c5 as played) White would have had a difficult time. Adams, Michael - Svidler, Peter 0-1 (43) Pirc White got an overwhelming advantage from the opening and Svidler thought he was probably lost round move 20. White could have played the positional manoeuvre (16) Nc3-e2-g1-f3-g5 with an almost certain win according to Svidler. When Svidler player 20... g6-g5 to close the kingside, Adams should have taken the pawn with 21. f4xg5 with an unclear position. When the kingside was closed it turned out Svidler was better, and with some help of Adams he converted it to a win. Lautier, Joel - Almasi, Zoltan 1/2 (85) Ruy Lopez, Zaitsev Almasi was completely outplayed by Lautier, but in mutual time-trouble Almasi succeeded in stirring up trouble, with a simple combination Almasi picked up a pawn. The resulting ending with bishops of opposite colour was not sufficient for a win. Piket, Jeroen - Hansen, Curt 1/2 (26) Catalan A weak performance by Piket, with the White pieces he was trying to keep the balance. Tiviakov, Sergey - Karpov, Anatoly 1/2 (10) Caro-Kann GM draw. --------------------------------------------------------------------- +----------------------------------------------------+ | Round 6: December 24 | +----------------------------------------------------+ KAMSKY-KARPOV: HARD FOUGHT DRAW VAN WELY SOLE LEADER A spectacular 6th round. Kamsky and Karpov fought until both had about five seconds left on the clock: draw. Hansen-Tiviakov has been postponed to tomorrow because Tiviakov is ill. Almasi beat Piket, Van Wely beat Adams and Svidler beat Lautier. Contents: - Results and comments from round 6. - Games from round 6. - Results from GM open, round 5. - Games from GM open, round 5. Round 6 (December 24): Kamsky, Gata - Karpov, Anatoly 1/2 (94) Caro-Kann Hansen, Curt - Tiviakov, Sergey ... (..) POSTPONED Almasi, Zoltan - Piket, Jeroen 1-0 (63) Ruy Lopez, Chigorin Svidler, Peter - Lautier, Joel 1-0 (40) Sicilian, Najdorf Van Wely, Loek - Adams, Michael 1-0 (60) Queens Pawn Leko, Peter - Sokolov, Ivan 1/2 (44) Ruy Lopez, Marshall --------------------------------------------------------------------- Kamsky, Gata - Karpov, Anatoly 1/2 (94) Caro-Kann Karpov played a strange move order in the opening, first Ne7, Bg6 and only then c6-c5. Kamsky opened the centre and got a clear advantage as Karpov had problems developing the queenside. However, after 21. Bc7?, Kamsky lost all of his advantage because 21... Qd7! 22. Ba5 (Kamsky had counted on 22. Red1, completely overlooking 22... Rxc7!). Karpov converted his small positional advantage to a pawn with the combination 45... Nxa5!. Everybody expected Karpov to win easily with the extra pawn and the better position, but then Kamsky showed terrific persistency defending a worse position. The game continued into the "sudden death" period (rate of play is 2/40 + 1/20 + 0.30 sd) with Karpov still a pawn up. From move 75 the players blitzed out their moves and with both flags hanging a draw was agreed. It is possible that Karpov is still winning in the final position. For the first time in this tournament Gata joined the post-mortem, obviously delighted by the narrow escape. He forgot the instructions of his father not to analyse with the opponent. The analysis, which was together with Svidler, was very animated and there are people who stated that it was the first time they saw Gata laugh. Even a joke was part of the proceedings, Gata: "We cannot analyse for too long, we have to dance." (In the evening there is the traditional Xmas-eve dance party with the participants, seconds, most-significant-other-halves and the organisation.) Hansen, Curt - Tiviakov, Sergey ... (..) POSTPONED Almasi, Zoltan - Piket, Jeroen 1-0 (63) Ruy Lopez, Chigorin Spanish torture. Piket believed that the Black counterplay on the kingside was sufficient, Almasi convincingly showed him wrong. Svidler, Peter - Lautier, Joel 1-0 (40) Sicilian, Najdorf Svidler did not get anything special from the opening. In the middlegame Lautier was outplayed, but Svidler kept on delaying (=missing) the final blow. Svidler: "Lautier missed a clear draw, so I won". Van Wely, Loek - Adams, Michael 1-0 (60) Queen's Pawn Van Wely got a small but pleasant advantage from the opening (good vs. bad bishop). 41... b5 was meant to stop b3-b4-b5 from White, but the medicin was worse than the disease. Svidler: "What, Van Wely won? Karpov would have kept the draw with his hands tied behind his back!". Leko, Peter - Sokolov, Ivan 1/2 (44) Ruy Lopez, Marshall Sokolov, never lost for words, had to win today because he was beaten by Leko when the latter was only 14. Sokolov's plan was to slaughter Leko today. The Marshall attack was an apt opening to show Sokolov's aggressive mood, and after a complicated struggle Sokolov got a chance to win. After 31... Qh6 (and not 31... Rdf8 as played) White has no defence as pointed out by Leko. Sokolov took it as man. --------------------------------------------------------------------- +----------------------------------------------------+ | Round 7: December 26 | +----------------------------------------------------+ KARPOV TAKES THE LEAD In the 7th round of the Koop Tjuchem invitational tournament two games were decided, those by the former leader (Van Wely loses against Lautier) and the new leader (Karpov wins against Hansen). Hansen won the postponed 6th round game against Tiviakov. Contents: - Results and comments from round 7. - Games from round 7. Round 7 (December 26): Sokolov, Ivan - Kamsky, Gata 1/2 (51) Nimzo Indian, 4. Qc2 Adams, Michael - Leko, Peter 1/2 (58) Trompovski Lautier, Joel - Van Wely, Loek 1-0 (38) English Piket, Jeroen - Svidler, Peter 1/2 (31) Kings Indian, Main line Tiviakov, Sergey - Almasi, Zoltan 1/2 (44) Ruy Lopez Karpov, Anatoly - Hansen, Curt 1-0 (58) Kings Indian, Saemisch --------------------------------------------------------------------- Hansen, Curt - Tiviakov, Sergey 1-0 (48) Queens Indian White was slightly better throughout the game, Tiviakov still suffering from fever succumbed in a complex Q+R endgame. Sokolov, Ivan - Kamsky, Gata 1/2 (51) Nimzo Indian, 4. Qc2 The commentators thought that White was having a better endgame around move 20, but Kamsky showed that it was Black who was playing for a win. In the rook-ending Sokolov succeeded in securing the draw with a rook-sacrifice to stop Kamsky's passed pawn. Adams, Michael - Leko, Peter 1/2 (58) Trompowski Adams' unambitious opening choice looked to pay off when he got a pleasant middlegame. Leko defended well and deserved the draw. Lautier, Joel - Van Wely, Loek 1-0 (38) English Van Wely misplayed the opening, Lautier sacrificed a pawn for a kingside attack. Van Wely could have defended better in time-trouble with 35... Qf6 (rather than 35... Kh7?) when there seem to be no direct ways to win the game. Piket, Jeroen - Svidler, Peter 1/2 (31) Kings Indian, Main line This game follows Van der Sterren-Glek (BL 9495) until 16. Bf2. Piket thought that 18. e5 was too early, White should have tried to exploit his better pawn-structure with quiet moves. The game ended with a funny perpetual, if 32. Qa1 Qg4 with dangerous counterplay for Black. Tiviakov, Sergey - Almasi, Zoltan 1/2 (44) Ruy Lopez Tiviakov had to sacrifice the exchange and the pair-of-bishops secured him the draw in the end. Karpov, Anatoly - Hansen, Curt 1-0 (58) Kings Indian, Saemisch Hansen seemed pleased with a draw and exchanged all pieces only to find out that the remaining ending favoured White. The moves 30. c5!, 39. b4!, are exemplary of Karpov's fine technique when he is slightly better. The bishop ending looks to be lost for Black, for example the move 45... b4 looks to lose a pawn for nothing, but 45... Kc8 46. Ba3 Bc7 47. Bf8 Kb7 48. Kb4 Ka6 49. Kc5 also loses the pawn and the game. --------------------------------------------------------------------- +----------------------------------------------------+ | Round 8: December 27 | +----------------------------------------------------+ KARPOV WINS AGAIN Round 8 of the Koop Tjuchem invitational tournament saw victories by the two K's. Karpov, with the black pieces, won against Almasi and Kamsky beat Hansen. The other games were short draws. Contents: - Results and comments from round 8. - Games from round 8. - Results from GM open, round 7. - Games from GM open, round 7. Round 8 (December 27): Kamsky, Gata - Hansen, Curt 1-0 (61) French Almasi, Zoltan - Karpov, Anatoly 0-1 (74) Caro-Kann Svidler, Peter - Tiviakov, Sergey 1/2 (22) Sicilian Van Wely, Loek - Piket, Jeroen 1/2 (18) Tarrasch Leko, Peter - Lautier, Joel 1/2 (27) Sicilian, Sveshnikov Sokolov, Ivan - Adams, Michael 1/2 (29) Queens Indian --------------------------------------------------------------------- Kamsky, Gata - Hansen, Curt 1-0 (61) French After careful preparation Kamsky finally opened up the position with 43. g4, immediately followed by the piece sacrifice 45. Nxe6. A complicated position resulted. Dutch IM Gert Ligterink stated: "During the last 20 moves, three World-Wars could have been fought". Almasi, Zoltan - Karpov, Anatoly 0-1 (74) Caro-Kann Karpov deviated on move 16 from the game Almasi-Adams (round 4) with 16... Rfe8. The position looked equal for a long time, but after 26... Ne4! Karpov got the edge and won after a long endgame. Svidler, Peter - Tiviakov, Sergey 1/2 (22) Sicilian Boring. Van Wely, Loek - Piket, Jeroen 1/2 (18) Tarrasch Van Wely has too much respect for Piket with a quick draw as the result. Leko, Peter - Lautier, Joel 1/2 (27) Sicilian, Sveshnikov Again, not too interesting. Sokolov, Ivan - Adams, Michael 1/2 (29) Queens Indian Watching the two at the bar is more exciting. --------------------------------------------------------------------- +----------------------------------------------------+ | Round 9: December 28 | +----------------------------------------------------+ KAMSKY LOSES; KARPOV DRAWS The ninth round of the Koop Tjuchem invitational was attractive with four of the six games ending in a decision. Kamsky lost against Adams, Piket notched up his first tournament victory at the cost of Leko, Sokolov won against Lautier in 21 moves and Tiviakov beat Van Wely. Contents: - Results and comments from round 9. - Games from round 9. - Results from GM open, round 8. - Standings from GM open, after round 8. - Games from GM open, round 8. Round 9 (December 28): Adams, Michael - Kamsky, Gata 1-0 (65) Ruy Lopez Lautier, Joel - Sokolov, Ivan 0-1 (21) Slav, 3... dxc4 Piket, Jeroen - Leko, Peter 1-0 (58) Gruenfeld, 5. Qb3 Tiviakov, Sergey - Van Wely, Loek 1-0 (28) Sicilian, Scheveningen Karpov, Anatoly - Svidler, Peter 1/2 (32) Queens Pawn Hansen, Curt - Almasi, Zoltan 1/2 (34) English --------------------------------------------------------------------- Adams, Michael - Kamsky, Gata 1-0 (65) Ruy Lopez Adams avoided the Marshall attack by playing 8. d3 (rather than 8. c3 d5). 9. a3 looked too modest to be true, but Kamsky never managed to equalise. Kamsky sacrificed his weak d-pawn for counterplay (rooks on the second rank), Adams' fine technique showed the counterplay was insufficient. Ultimately Adams reached a rook ending with two extra pawns and Kamsky kept on playing. The most probable theory as to why he continued is that he does not like to meet his father after a defeat. Unfortunately for Gata, the loss was unavoidable and the striped suit was replaced by a track suit and he is now running around Groningen in the bitter cold (-12 Centigrade). Lautier, Joel - Sokolov, Ivan 0-1 (21) Slav, 3... dxc4 Lautier sacrificed a pawn in the opening and never got enough compensation. When Lautier blundered a piece with 18. Nxb4? the game was virtually over. Piket, Jeroen - Leko, Peter 1-0 (58) Gruenfeld, 5. Qb3 Leko allowed Piket's pet line against the Gruenfeld and apparently Adorjan has not found a proper antidote to it. Piket kept his king in the middle of the board and launched an attack against Leko's king. A complicated struggle ensued, even when Piket got a white pawn on f6 matters did not seem to be too clear. Rather than 29... Qf7 (a queen swap is advantageous for White), Leko might have tried 29... fxe3 when Black seems to have counterplay. Tiviakov, Sergey - Van Wely, Loek 1-0 (28) Sicilian, Scheveningen Van Wely was "a little careless", he neglected his kingside (typical defensive moves are g7-g6 and Be7-f8-g7), compare Karpov-Kasparov, Moskva Wch m (24), 1985. Tiviakov took advantage of the opportunity with forceful and attractive play (19. f5!, 21. Rf7!). Karpov, Anatoly - Svidler, Peter 1/2 (32) Queens Pawn Karpov got the advantage despite his calm opening play. The pawn structure with Black pawns on c4 and e4 is very favourable for White, Karpov should have played 21. Qc2 (instead of 21. Qb5) with continuous pressure. For example, 21... Qd5 (forced) 22. a5! intending Ra4, Rda1, Rb4 and Raa4 and Karpov would have had the type of position he indulges in. (Comments based on remarks by Svidler). Hansen, Curt - Almasi, Zoltan 1/2 (34) English Both players tried hard, but when opposite coloured bishops appeared the draw was quickly agreed. --------------------------------------------------------------------- +----------------------------------------------------+ | Round 10: December 29 | +----------------------------------------------------+ KARPOV LEADS BY A FULL POINT ANALYSIS BY SVIDLER An exciting 10th round at the Koop Tjuchem invitational tournament. Karpov defeated Loek van Wely and is now leading the tournament with a full point. Kamsky is back on track with a win over Almasi. Other wins in this round: Svidler beat Hansen and Adams beat Lautier. Contents: - Results and comments from round 10. - Games from round 10. - Results from GM open, round 9. - Standings from GM open, after round 9. - Games from GM open, round 9. Round 10 (December 29): Kamsky, Gata - Almasi, Zoltan 1-0 (51) Nimzo Indian, Rubinstein Svidler, Peter - Hansen, Curt 1-0 (36) Najdorf Van Wely, Loek - Karpov, Anatoly 0-1 (64) Queens Indian Leko, Peter - Tiviakov, Sergei 1/2 (31) Sicilian Sokolov, Ivan - Piket, Jeroen 1/2 (19) Kings Indian Adams, Michael - Lautier, Joel 1-0 (41) Trompowski --------------------------------------------------------------------- Kamsky, Gata - Almasi, Zoltan 1-0 (51) Nimzo Indian, Rubinstein Almasi misplaced a rook on the h-file, this gave Kamsky much better play on the queenside and once Kamsky picked up a pawn the win was secured. Kamsky used about an hour for the entire game. Svidler, Peter - Hansen, Curt 1-0 (36) Najdorf As regular readers of these reports have already found out, Peter Svidler is a very friendly super-GM. Today he annotated his exciting game against Curt Hansen. Enjoy! [See games section] Van Wely, Loek - Karpov, Anatoly 0-1 (64) Queens Indian Van Wely got a slight edge from the opening. A pawn sacrifice indicated Van Wely wanted a real game against the FIDE world-champion. Karpov neutralised all dangers, despite being in time-trouble once again, and picked up the full point in the endgame. Leko, Peter - Tiviakov, Sergei 1/2 (31) Sicilian Slow manoeuvres. Sokolov, Ivan - Piket, Jeroen 1/2 (19) Kings Indian These guys know each other too well. Adams, Michael - Lautier, Joel 1-0 (41) Trompowski Adams seems to play best when the well-trodden theoretical paths are way out of sight. Lautier's knight moves (Ng6 and Nh5) look a bit uninspired and Adams is quick to cash the goods. --------------------------------------------------------------------- +----------------------------------------------------+ | Final Round: December 30 | +----------------------------------------------------+ KARPOV WINS KOOP TJUCHEM Karpov secured the tournament win with a very quick draw against Peter Leko. Almasi-Svidler was also a quick draw. The other games saw dramatic battles with four Black wins as a result. Many people contributed directly or indirectly to these bulletins. I would like to thank Johan Zwanepol and Koos Stolk from the organisation, Eddie Jansen and Jaap Brouwer for typing in the games, Bernard Groeneveld for the press facilities, IM Gert Ligterink for his excellent commentaries. Special thanks to IM Erik Hoeksema who provided most of the information on how to games proceeded and GM Peter Svidler for his well-informed and witty opinions on what really happened. After the tournament I can be reached again on my normal e-mail account: Groningen (NED), XII 1995. cat. XVII (2653) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Karpov, Anatoly g RUS 2775 * = = = = = 1 = 1 1 1 = 7.5 2774 2 Kamsky, Gata g USA 2735 = * = = 0 = = = 1 1 1 1 7.0 2747 3 Sokolov, Ivan g BIH 2630 = = * = = = = 1 1 = = 1 7.0 2756 4 Svidler, Peter g RUS 2635 = = = * 1 = 0 = = 1 = 1 6.5 2719 5 Adams, Michael g ENG 2660 = 1 = 0 * = 0 = 0 1 1 1 6.0 2687 6 Leko, Peter g HUN 2605 = = = = = * 1 = = = 0 = 5.5 2656 7 Van Wely, Loek g NED 2585 0 = = 1 1 0 * 0 1 1 = 0 5.5 2658 8 Tiviakov, Sergei g RUS 2655 = = 0 = = = 1 * = 0 = = 5.0 2616 9 Almasi, Zoltan g HUN 2645 0 0 0 = 1 = 0 = * = 1 = 4.5 2588 10 Hansen, Curt g DEN 2635 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 1 = * = 1 4.0 2552 11 Piket, Jeroen g NED 2625 0 0 = = 0 1 = = 0 = * = 4.0 2553 12 Lautier, Joel g FRA 2645 = 0 0 0 0 = 1 = = 0 = * 3.5 2520 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents: - Interview with Gata Kamsky. - Groningen and the proposed World-Championship tournament. - Analysis of Kamsky-Piket by Gata Kamsky. - Results and comments from round 11. - Games from round 11. - Results from GM open round 11. - Final standings GM open. Interview with Gata Kamsky. -------------------------- Q. Are you happy with your performance in this tournament? Yes, it is nice to play again. That's why I participated. Playing is different from analysing at home, you cannot take back the moves. I missed some good chances, because of lack of play. For example, in my game with Karpov I had a good position from the opening and then I could not find a plan and gave the position away. I'm very happy I was invited to play here. Q. What is going on with the WC match? I don't know any details, no official papers. All the negotiations are with Karpov and I can only wait. The date for the WC match is changing all the time, first it was November, then December, February and now June perhaps, but then there are the Olympics... Perhaps it will happen that in January (the final deadline) the Montreal organisation will say they have not found the money and Karpov continues to be the WC, and there is nothing I can do about it. We (Rustam and Gata) have found many sponsors for the match. At least four Russian cities offered a prizefund that is significantly higher than the standard FIDE-fund. We think that Karpov has broken off the negotiations. Q. Do you want to become WC? You think I would answer no! As a WC you can earn a lot of money, status, prestige and you get good invitations. Of course, every chess player wants to become WC and so do I. It is clear that neither Kasparov nor Karpov would like me to become WC. They both enjoy the power that being a WC provides. Especially Kasparov is blocking my way. Q. What do you think of the new WC-cycle proposal? My main problem is that the time between my WC-match with Karpov and the new WC-cycle is very short. Then I will be WC for only a few months and I don't like that. Otherwise, I'm not really against the proposal. Q. How do you study chess? That is a secret. Q. What database do you use? ChessBase. Groningen and the proposed World-Championship tournament. -------------------------------------------------------- It may be obvious that the proposal for the WC 1996 by the new FIDE president initially came as an unpleasant surprise to the organisation in Groningen. The dates of WC 1996 and Groningen overlap and when all strong players take part in the WC, it is practically impossible to organise a tournament in Groningen. Sponsorship for Groningen 1996 has already been assured and nobody wants to stop a tradition that started 34 years ago. The shortest statement that can be made is: "If WC 1996 is in December it will be in Groningen." The organisation in Groningen is thus prepared to organise the WC 1996, just as they organised the PCA candidates tournament in 1993. The likelihood that the proposal by the new FIDE president is accepted by the top players is very close to 0%. Most of the players who voiced their opinion were very negative about the idea. The expectation is that Kasparov will not agree to it either. Given that the proposal gives the impression that the main purpose is to re-unite FIDE players and PCA players and that the top players in both camps will not accept the formula, it must be concluded that the proposal is just an attempt to get all parties around the table. They at least agree on something now: the FIDE proposal is not acceptable. An alternative formula, that has been suggested in Groningen is to create a "compact World-Championship" as follows: 1) A Swiss open with 64 players (say 11 rounds). 2) Immediately followed by a round-robin tournament with the top 8 of the Swiss. Groningen Open -------------- Title results: Socko GM result (after round 8) Kempinski IM result (after round 8) Meins IM result (after round 8) Hendriks IM result (after round 8) Hetey IM result (after round 8) Berezin IM result (after round 8) Lanchava WIM result (after round 8) Groningen (NED) open, XII 1995. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- 1 Onischuk, Alexander g UKR 2575 + 82 + 47 + 26 + 24 = 14 = 5 = 13 + 30 + 19 + 34 = 3 9.0 /11 2712 2 Baburin, Aleksandar m RUS 2495 = 31 + 37 + 79 = 23 = 9 = 11 + 43 + 15 = 22 = 5 + 20 8.0 /11 2600 3 Kempinski, Robert f POL 2455 =102 +118 + 72 + 12 = 22 = 42 + 35 = 13 = 20 + 19 = 1 8.0 /11 2625 4 Martinovic, Slobodan g YUG 2445 = 63 +114 - 52 = 92 + 83 + 61 + 25 - 5 + 73 + 35 + 22 8.0 /11 2573 5 Rozentalis, Eduardas g LTU 2610 +104 + 41 = 29 = 13 + 46 = 1 = 42 + 4 + 24 = 2 = 7 8.0 /11 2650 6 Berelovich, Aleksandar m UKR 2455 - 30 -110 +144 + 58 +123 = 52 = 57 + 59 = 61 + 55 + 34 7.5 /11 2439 7 Korneev, Oleg m RUS 2605 =124 =123 = 82 = 31 + 51 + 17 + 38 = 16 = 13 + 32 = 5 7.5 /11 2528 8 Krakops, Maris m LAT 2525 +115 + 77 = 23 - 15 + 62 + 56 - 30 - 54 + 95 + 27 + 39 7.5 /11 2509 9 Meins, Gerlef GER 2440 =118 +102 +109 = 44 = 2 + 60 = 14 = 45 + 36 = 22 = 11 7.5 /11 2558 10 Psakhis, Lev g ISR 2610 = 90 - 53 +114 = 83 +130 = 47 + 52 - 11 + 58 + 61 + 42 7.5 /11 2448 11 Ristic, Nenad m YUG 2400 =129 - 75 +118 +141 + 66 = 2 = 44 + 10 = 12 + 45 = 9 7.5 /11 2502 12 Soffer, Ram g ISR 2530 + 51 + 62 = 15 - 3 = 43 = 54 + 41 + 28 = 11 + 30 = 13 7.5 /11 2501 13 Summerscale, Aaron m ENG 2455 + 69 = 72 + 91 = 5 + 61 + 45 = 1 = 3 = 7 = 16 = 12 7.5 /11 2594 14 Tseitlin, Mark D m ISR 2545 +152 + 88 = 18 + 49 = 1 = 15 = 9 - 19 + 78 = 39 + 38 7.5 /11 2568 15 Avrukh, Boris m KAZ 2430 +117 +111 = 12 + 8 = 45 = 14 = 21 - 2 + 31 + 44 . 7.0 /10 2600 16 Kuijf, Marinus m NED 2495 -131 +117 + 87 + 95 = 60 = 41 + 40 = 7 + 17 = 13 . 7.0 /10 2602 17 Berezin, Oleg UKR 2265 + 48 = 64 - 40 +150 +135 - 7 + 49 + 18 - 16 + 56 = 35 7.0 /11 2558 18 David, Alberto m LUX 2465 + 92 + 59 = 14 + 28 = 19 - 22 = 73 - 17 = 52 + 91 + 57 7.0 /11 2447 19 Degraeve, Jean-Marc m FRA 2410 +140 +143 = 45 + 29 = 18 + 44 = 22 + 14 - 1 - 3 = 21 7.0 /11 2559 20 Filippov, Valerij RUS 2510 + 89 + 70 = 53 - 40 = 76 + 85 + 67 + 78 = 3 = 21 - 2 7.0 /11 2499 21 Golod, Vitali m UKR 2540 =123 +124 = 28 = 62 = 54 + 77 = 15 + 82 = 39 = 20 = 19 7.0 /11 2505 22 Howell, James C m ENG 2525 + 99 + 86 = 49 + 84 = 3 + 18 = 19 = 24 = 2 = 9 - 4 7.0 /11 2535 23 Poldauf, Dirk m GER 2415 +121 + 98 = 8 = 2 - 44 +102 - 45 +105 - 32 + 70 + 60 7.0 /11 2485 24 Socko, Bartosz f POL 2485 + 71 + 60 + 35 - 1 + 52 = 36 + 34 = 22 - 5 = 26 = 25 7.0 /11 2584 25 Tunik, Gennady m RUS 2515 +141 = 91 +150 = 33 = 41 = 67 - 4 + 65 + 87 = 42 = 24 7.0 /11 2478 26 Volke, Karsten m GER 2450 + 96 + 94 - 1 - 60 +104 = 95 + 70 = 87 = 41 = 24 + 64 7.0 /11 2458 27 De Vreugt, Dennis NED 2270 +147 = 40 - 33 + 88 + 48 - 78 + 46 - 32 + 85 - 8 + 65 6.5 /11 2495 28 Evseev, Denis RUS ---- +126 + 46 = 21 - 18 = 32 = 49 + 29 - 12 = 48 + 78 = 33 6.5 /11 2502 29 Finkel, Alexander m ISR 2490 +133 +106 = 5 - 19 + 81 - 30 - 28 = 80 +104 + 52 = 43 6.5 /11 2482 30 Hetey, Laszlo GER 2290 + 6 = 33 = 67 = 64 + 84 + 29 + 8 - 1 = 45 - 12 = 48 6.5 /11 2537 31 Kadimova, Ilaha wg AZE 2305 = 2 = 32 =135 = 7 - 85 + 75 + 84 + 40 - 15 = 79 + 81 6.5 /11 2482 32 Kiriakov, Petr m RUS 2495 =131 = 31 +123 = 52 = 28 - 43 +115 + 27 + 23 - 7 = 41 6.5 /11 2453 33 Kohlweyer, Bernd m GER 2420 +108 = 30 + 27 = 25 - 36 - 73 + 74 = 57 = 82 + 58 = 28 6.5 /11 2413 34 Kupreichik, Viktor D g BLR 2525 + 61 =150 = 95 + 70 = 67 + 64 - 24 + 62 + 54 - 1 - 6 6.5 /11 2477 35 Lutz, Christopher g GER 2575 + 87 + 76 - 24 + 85 = 78 + 40 - 3 + 64 = 42 - 4 = 17 6.5 /11 2472 36 Mainka, Romuald g GER 2530 +101 = 95 = 64 + 86 + 33 = 24 = 78 = 42 - 9 = 41 = 40 6.5 /11 2476 37 Nikitin, Andrey RUS 2290 =131 - 2 =119 +149 - 47 +122 + 90 = 50 - 38 + 95 + 79 6.5 /11 2452 38 Porper, Eduard m ISR 2425 - 98 +140 =100 +101 =102 + 72 - 7 = 71 + 37 + 54 - 14 6.5 /11 2417 39 Roeder, Mathias m GER 2460 = 74 =100 =101 +121 = 72 = 76 + 95 + 60 = 21 = 14 - 8 6.5 /11 2448 40 Schebler, Gerhard f GER 2415 +112 = 27 + 17 + 20 = 42 - 35 - 16 - 31 + 94 + 87 = 36 6.5 /11 2437 41 Schoen, Wolfram m GER 2400 +139 - 5 + 58 +148 = 25 = 16 - 12 +110 = 26 = 36 = 32 6.5 /11 2475 42 Sermek, Drazen g SLO 2490 =100 + 74 + 65 + 53 = 40 = 3 = 5 = 36 = 35 = 25 - 10 6.5 /11 2507 43 Visser, Yge f NED 2370 +128 - 45 +111 = 48 = 12 + 32 - 2 +102 - 44 + 75 = 29 6.5 /11 2466 44 Gyimesi, Zoltan m HUN 2525 + 83 = 79 + 54 = 9 + 23 - 19 = 11 = 73 + 43 - 15 . 6.0 /10 2458 45 Shipov, Sergei m RUS 2510 + 73 + 43 = 19 + 56 = 15 - 13 + 23 = 9 = 30 - 11 ? 6.0 /10 2466 46 Tompa, Janos m HUN 2455 + 58 - 28 + 51 + 77 - 5 = 82 - 27 =101 +110 + 80 . 6.0 /10 2471 47 Tratar, Marko f SLO 2405 +138 - 1 + 94 - 61 + 37 = 10 - 87 + 53 + 71 = 60 ? 6.0 /10 2368 48 Bojkovic, Natasa wg YUG 2425 - 17 +112 +115 = 43 - 27 +137 - 82 +100 = 28 = 65 = 30 6.0 /11 2334 49 Bosboom, Manuel m NED 2450 +127 + 80 = 22 - 14 = 82 = 28 - 17 = 51 +101 - 57 + 90 6.0 /11 2395 50 De Boer, Gert-Jan m NED 2425 -109 -121 +142 = 96 = 71 +134 + 92 = 37 - 60 + 73 = 61 6.0 /11 2285 51 Delemarre, Jop NED 2320 - 12 +116 - 46 +136 - 7 + 98 =111 = 49 = 67 + 85 = 55 6.0 /11 2398 52 Gaponenko, Inna wm UKR 2365 = 66 +125 + 4 = 32 - 24 = 6 - 10 +134 = 18 - 29 + 96 6.0 /11 2423 53 Grabuzova, Tatiana wg RUS 2195 + 85 + 10 = 20 - 42 - 56 + 80 - 54 - 47 = 92 + 94 + 91 6.0 /11 2420 54 Hendriks, Willy NED 2395 = 75 +129 - 44 +100 = 21 = 12 + 53 + 8 - 34 - 38 = 63 6.0 /11 2424 55 Lanchava, Tea wf GEO 2200 - 88 +152 - 86 = 99 +141 =135 + 72 = 85 + 62 - 6 = 51 6.0 /11 2368 56 Landenbergue, Claude m SUI 2420 +107 =109 + 75 - 45 + 53 - 8 - 60 =121 + 89 - 17 +100 6.0 /11 2346 57 Novikov, Yury RUS 2335 - 94 +138 -148 =117 +129 + 66 = 6 = 33 = 64 + 49 - 18 6.0 /11 2432 58 Onoprienko, Konstantin RUS 2290 - 46 +146 - 41 - 6 +103 +150 +135 + 76 - 10 - 33 + 88 6.0 /11 2389 59 Peng Zhaoqin wg CHN 2355 +119 - 18 -121 =111 =117 + 63 + 94 - 6 - 75 +109 + 98 6.0 /11 2258 60 Peptan, Corina wg ROM 2340 +149 - 24 +134 + 26 = 16 - 9 + 56 - 39 + 50 = 47 - 23 6.0 /11 2407 61 Perdomo, Carlos Andres COL 2320 - 34 + 93 +122 + 47 - 13 - 4 +109 + 67 = 6 - 10 = 50 6.0 /11 2456 62 Skripchenko, Almira wm MDA 2400 +142 - 12 + 69 = 21 - 8 + 96 +121 - 34 - 55 = 72 + 89 6.0 /11 2399 63 Wiersma, Eelke NED 2280 = 4 - 84 +126 - 76 = 65 - 59 +128 = 72 +135 + 86 = 54 6.0 /11 2381 64 Yagupov, Igor m RUS 2405 +137 = 17 = 36 = 30 +110 - 34 +130 - 35 = 57 + 82 - 26 6.0 /11 2379 65 Donk, Merlijn Silvester NED 2365 =103 + 68 - 42 -110 = 63 +127 + 97 - 25 +130 = 48 - 27 5.5 /11 2202 66 Ernst, Sipke NED ---- = 52 - 90 +133 +124 - 11 - 57 + 83 = 77 - 81 = 92 +115 5.5 /11 2336 67 Gasimov, Ragim AZE 2420 = 68 +130 = 30 + 90 = 34 = 25 - 20 - 61 = 51 = 74 = 73 5.5 /11 2336 68 Hoogendoorn, Joost NED ---- = 67 - 65 -141 =146 +126 +104 - 85 + 99 = 76 = 84 = 72 5.5 /11 2387 69 Jonker, Marc NED 2290 - 13 +151 - 62 -134 -128 +144 +116 - 79 +143 +119 = 77 5.5 /11 2231 70 Jonkman, Harmen f NED 2345 +144 - 20 +103 - 34 =134 + 93 - 26 =130 +119 - 23 = 74 5.5 /11 2253 71 Khurtsidze, Nino wg GEO 2295 - 24 =144 -130 +138 = 50 +128 + 81 = 38 - 47 = 77 = 76 5.5 /11 2349 72 Lelchuk, Zoja wg UKR 2335 +148 = 13 - 3 + 97 = 39 - 38 - 55 = 63 +114 = 62 = 68 5.5 /11 2281 73 Luetke, Jens f GER 2310 - 45 =120 =105 +119 +122 + 33 = 18 = 44 - 4 - 50 = 67 5.5 /11 2363 74 Mueller, Michael GER 2295 = 39 - 42 -139 +145 + 88 = 84 - 33 =135 +134 = 67 = 70 5.5 /11 2336 75 Oosterom, Erik NED 2205 = 54 + 11 - 56 - 81 =124 - 31 +141 +115 + 59 - 43 = 80 5.5 /11 2321 76 Peelen, Piet f NED 2395 +136 - 35 =127 + 63 = 20 = 39 =110 - 58 = 68 = 90 = 71 5.5 /11 2349 77 Pliester, Leon m NED 2375 +105 - 8 + 96 - 46 + 94 - 21 =100 = 66 =102 = 71 = 69 5.5 /11 2309 78 Pomes, Juan m ESP 2425 +110 = 81 = 90 +106 = 35 + 27 = 36 - 20 - 14 - 28 = 82 5.5 /11 2440 79 Reschke, Stefan m GER 2380 +116 = 44 - 2 -102 - 96 =138 +107 + 69 +109 = 31 - 37 5.5 /11 2318 80 Van Laatum, Gozewijn f NED 2345 +146 - 49 =143 =109 =121 - 53 +118 = 29 +105 - 46 = 75 5.5 /11 2264 81 Van de Mortel, Jan f NED 2340 +132 = 78 - 84 + 75 - 29 =105 - 71 = 96 + 66 +102 - 31 5.5 /11 2264 82 Van der Weide, Karel f NED 2325 - 1 +142 = 7 +143 = 49 = 46 + 48 - 21 = 33 - 64 = 78 5.5 /11 2415 83 Veroci, Zsuzsa wg HUN 2315 - 44 =105 +125 = 10 - 4 =108 - 66 =129 =139 +120 +121 5.5 /11 2316 84 Vydeslaver, Alik ISR 2445 =114 + 63 + 81 - 22 - 30 = 74 - 31 = 92 =127 = 68 +111 5.5 /11 2316 85 Weyrich, Morten f GER 2380 - 53 +137 +108 - 35 + 31 - 20 + 68 = 55 - 27 - 51 +114 5.5 /11 2277 86 Zak, Uriel f ISR 2360 +134 - 22 + 55 - 36 = 93 -130 =137 =127 +111 - 63 +110 5.5 /11 2307 87 Schiffer, Kai-Uwe f GER 2325 - 35 +136 - 16 =137 +139 +143 + 47 = 26 - 25 - 40 . 5.0 /10 2347 88 Afek, Yochanan m ISR 2390 + 55 - 14 =110 - 27 - 74 - 97 +145 =108 +137 +127 - 58 5.0 /11 2276 89 Ankerst, Michael GER 2310 - 20 - 97 +113 - 93 -116 +120 +125 +143 - 56 +130 - 62 5.0 /11 2132 90 Biebinger, Gerhard GER 2330 = 10 + 66 = 78 - 67 =105 =109 - 37 = 98 +118 = 76 - 49 5.0 /11 2285 91 Bjerring, Kai m DEN 2350 + 97 = 25 - 13 -130 =111 =118 +108 =119 +121 - 18 - 53 5.0 /11 2291 92 Friedman, Aviv f ISR 2295 - 18 =126 +120 = 4 - 95 +148 - 50 = 84 = 53 = 66 =105 5.0 /11 2230 93 Gabrielsen, Stig NOR 2175 -150 - 61 +107 + 89 = 86 - 70 -101 -122 +138 +118 = 99 5.0 /11 2258 94 Gaprindashvili, Valerian GEO ---- + 57 - 26 - 47 +103 - 77 +116 - 59 + 97 - 40 - 53 +129 5.0 /11 2202 95 Hedke, Fred f GER 2370 +113 = 36 = 34 - 16 + 92 = 26 - 39 +111 - 8 - 37 =107 5.0 /11 2353 96 Ivliev, Oleg RUS 2285 - 26 +149 - 77 = 50 + 79 - 62 =143 = 81 =106 +122 - 52 5.0 /11 2326 97 Jajonek, Roland GER ---- - 91 + 89 =104 - 72 =100 + 88 - 65 - 94 = 99 =129 +135 5.0 /11 2332 98 Kistella, Roman GER 2260 + 38 - 23 -106 -123 +144 - 51 +122 = 90 =100 +104 - 59 5.0 /11 2302 99 Koch, Wolfgang f GER 2315 - 22 -134 +116 = 55 -143 =125 +136 - 68 = 97 +113 = 93 5.0 /11 2374 100 Lorscheid, Gerd f GER 2305 = 42 = 39 = 38 - 54 = 97 +112 = 77 - 48 = 98 +116 - 56 5.0 /11 2333 101 Metz, Hartmut f GER 2320 - 36 +113 = 39 - 38 -137 +139 + 93 = 46 - 49 =110 =125 5.0 /11 2303 102 Stillger, Bernhard f GER 2285 = 3 - 9 +145 + 79 = 38 - 23 +123 - 43 = 77 - 81 =106 5.0 /11 2328 103 Van Beek, Lucien NED ---- = 65 =135 - 70 - 94 - 58 =149 +142 =124 -115 +137 +127 5.0 /11 2286 104 Van Wessel, Rudy NED 2330 - 5 =139 = 97 +108 - 26 - 68 +112 +137 - 29 - 98 +130 5.0 /11 2302 105 Wapner, Jonathan ISR 2195 - 77 = 83 = 73 +115 = 90 = 81 +106 - 23 - 80 =123 = 92 5.0 /11 2302 106 Zhukova, Natalia wm UKR 2360 +120 - 29 + 98 - 78 =109 -121 -105 +117 = 96 =107 =102 5.0 /11 2245 107 Zielinska, Marta POL 2250 - 56 -122 - 93 +113 +132 -115 - 79 +128 +124 =106 = 95 5.0 /11 2258 108 Coleman, David f ENG 2255 - 33 +147 - 85 -104 +146 = 83 - 91 = 88 -122 +136 =124 4.5 /11 2250 109 De Boer, Sybolt NED 2260 + 50 = 56 - 9 = 80 =106 = 90 - 61 +123 - 79 - 59 =119 4.5 /11 2297 110 De Jong, Migchiel NED 2260 - 78 + 6 = 88 + 65 - 64 +147 = 76 - 41 - 46 =101 - 86 4.5 /11 2335 111 Florath, Patrick GER 2275 +122 - 15 - 43 = 59 = 91 +124 = 51 - 95 - 86 +139 - 84 4.5 /11 2297 112 Hofman, Ron NED 2245 - 40 - 48 =146 =126 +120 -100 -104 =125 =136 +128 =122 4.5 /11 2205 113 Hulshof, Peter NED 2185 - 95 -101 - 89 -107 +140 +132 =117 -118 +144 - 99 +139 4.5 /11 2185 114 Manouck, Thierry m FRA 2270 = 84 - 4 - 10 =120 =119 +129 -134 +138 - 72 +126 - 85 4.5 /11 2248 115 Thiel, Thomas GER 2315 - 8 +128 - 48 -105 +136 +107 - 32 - 75 +103 =121 - 66 4.5 /11 2223 116 Tonning, Erik NOR 2200 - 79 - 51 - 99 +152 + 89 - 94 - 69 +148 +117 -100 =123 4.5 /11 2234 117 Vajda, Szidonia wm ROM 2265 - 15 - 16 +128 = 57 = 59 -123 =113 -106 -116 +132 +134 4.5 /11 2183 118 Van Gisbergen, Stan f NED 2270 = 9 - 3 - 11 =144 +149 = 91 - 80 +113 - 90 - 93 +142 4.5 /11 2215 119 Van Linde, Paul NED ---- - 59 =133 = 37 - 73 =114 +141 +150 = 91 - 70 - 69 =109 4.5 /11 2203 120 Van Wissen, Michiel E NED 2140 -106 = 73 - 92 =114 -112 - 89 =132 +149 +142 - 83 +141 4.5 /11 2137 121 Vandrey, Wolfgang f GER 2245 - 23 + 50 + 59 - 39 = 80 +106 - 62 = 56 - 91 =115 - 83 4.5 /11 2313 122 Vehi Bach, Victor M m ESP 2445 -111 +107 - 61 +139 - 73 - 37 - 98 + 93 +108 - 96 =112 4.5 /11 2196 123 Vuksanovic, Sanja wm YUG 2320 = 21 = 7 - 32 + 98 - 6 +117 -102 -109 =129 =105 =116 4.5 /11 2278 124 Weischede, Thomas GER 2330 = 7 - 21 +129 - 66 = 75 -111 =138 =103 -107 +134 =108 4.5 /11 2233 125 Chouganov, Juri RUS ---- =131 - 52 - 83 -147 -133 = 99 - 89 =112 +141 +135 =101 4.0 /11 2168 126 Eppinga, Herbert NED 2115 - 28 = 92 - 63 =112 - 68 =142 =139 =136 +140 -114 =137 4.0 /11 2202 127 Fontaine, Robert FRA 2285 - 49 +132 = 76 -135 =150 - 65 +148 = 86 = 84 - 88 -103 4.0 /11 2236 128 Khmiadashvili, Tamari wm GEO 2180 - 43 -115 -117 +140 + 69 - 71 - 63 -107 +148 -112 +145 4.0 /11 2119 129 Krylov, Stanislav RUS 2215 = 11 - 54 -124 +133 - 57 -114 +149 = 83 =123 = 97 - 94 4.0 /11 2225 130 Tulchinsky, Michael NED ---- =135 - 67 + 71 + 91 - 10 + 86 - 64 = 70 - 65 - 89 -104 4.0 /11 2279 131 Bye ---- = 37 -148 . . . -140 . -133 -132 . -149 3.5 /10 2176 132 Belle, Erika wm NED 2075 - 81 -127 -137 +142 -107 -113 =120 -140 +131 -117 +133 3.5 /11 2053 133 Braune, Stephan GER 2300 - 29 =119 - 66 -129 +125 -145 -144 +131 -146 +149 -132 3.5 /11 1911 134 Eppinga, Roland NED ---- - 86 + 99 - 60 + 69 = 70 - 50 +114 - 52 - 74 -124 -117 3.5 /11 2194 135 Houtman, Joop NED 2405 =130 =103 = 31 +127 - 17 = 55 - 58 = 74 - 63 -125 - 97 3.5 /11 2172 136 Jung, Karl-Otto GER 2210 - 76 - 87 +152 - 51 -115 +146 - 99 =126 =112 -108 =140 3.5 /11 2092 137 Koglin, Anke wf GER 2235 - 64 - 85 +132 = 87 +101 - 48 = 86 -104 - 88 -103 =126 3.5 /11 2202 138 Konson, Konstantin GER ---- - 47 - 57 =147 - 71 +145 = 79 =124 -114 - 93 -141 +144 3.5 /11 2177 139 Pinkus, Lutz GER 2215 - 41 =104 + 74 -122 - 87 -101 =126 +144 = 83 -111 -113 3.5 /11 2150 140 Richter, Gerald BEL 2245 - 19 - 38 -149 -128 -113 +131 =146 +132 -126 =145 =136 3.5 /11 1981 141 Tansky, Alexandr RUS ---- - 25 =145 + 68 - 11 - 55 -119 - 75 +146 -125 +138 -120 3.5 /11 1864 142 Van der Raaf, Erik NED 2215 - 62 - 82 - 50 -132 +152 =126 -103 +145 -120 +146 -118 3.5 /11 2079 143 Becking, Stephan GER ---- +151 - 19 = 80 - 82 + 99 - 87 = 96 - 89 - 69 . . 3.0 / 9 2174 144 Ismailova, Lala AZE 2115 - 70 = 71 - 6 =118 - 98 - 69 +133 -139 -113 +148 -138 3.0 /11 2070 145 Sasu-Ducsoara, Andreea wf ROM 2130 -131 =141 -102 - 74 -138 +133 - 88 -142 +149 =140 -128 3.0 /11 2107 146 Willemze, Jeroen NED ---- - 80 - 58 =112 = 68 -108 -136 =140 -141 +133 -142 =148 3.0 /11 2070 147 Yedidia, Jonathan f USA 2435 - 27 -108 =138 +125 +148 -110 . . . . . 2.5 / 6 148 Pel, Bonno NED ---- - 72 +131 + 57 - 41 -147 - 92 -127 -116 -128 -144 =146 2.5 /11 1935 149 Weclawski, Doris GER 2080 - 60 - 96 +140 - 37 -118 =103 -129 -120 -145 -133 +131 2.5 /11 1895 150 Carlier, Bruno m NED 2365 + 93 = 34 - 25 - 17 =127 - 58 -119 . . . . 2.0 / 7 2217 151 Petrescu, Irina C wf ROM 2090 -143 - 69 . . . . . . . . . 0.0 / 2 152 Belotelov, Dmitri RUS 2325 - 14 - 55 -136 -116 -142 . . . . . . 0.0 / 5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) Hastings International Chess Tournament --------------------------------------- My thanks to Brian Stephenson for the games. In the Open Section 11 year old Luke McShane beat GM Colin McNab. There is the belief that he is the youngest player to do so. Ganguli of India I believe won a game against a strong player and that would have to be looked into. (early 1995). Round 1 (1995.12.28) Lalic, Bogdan - Miles, Anthony J 1-0 49 D20 Queen's gambit; Exchange Conquest, Stuart - Luther, Thomas 1-0 39 A06 Reti (1.Pf3) Speelman, Jonathan S - Sadler, Matthew 1/2 36 A07 Reti (1.Pf3) Hodgson, Julian M - Khalifman, Alexander 1/2 57 D00 Queen's pawn Yermolinsky, Alexey - Atalik, Suat 1/2 37 D44 QGD; Botwinnik Round 2 (1995.12.29) Sadler, Matthew - Hodgson, Julian M 1/2 47 D10 Slav defence Miles, Anthony J - Conquest, Stuart 0-1 38 D00 Queen's pawn Atalik, Suat - Khalifman, Alexander 0-1 44 A59 Wolga gambit Yermolinsky, Alexey - Lalic, Bogdan 1/2 50 D25 Queen's gambit; Exchange Luther, Thomas - Speelman, Jonathan S 1/2 27 B01 Scandinavian Round 3 (1995.12.30) Lalic, Bogdan - Atalik, Suat 1/2 26 E97 Kings indian; Main line Conquest, Stuart - Yermolinsky, Alexey 1/2 59 B52 Sicilian Khalifman, Alexander - Sadler, Matthew 0-1 52 D29 Queen's gambit; Exchange Speelman, Jonathan S - Miles, Anthony J 0-1 39 D12 Slav defence Hodgson, Julian M - Luther, Thomas 1/2 38 E08 Nimzo indian Round 4 (1995.12.31) Lalic, Bogdan - Conquest, Stuart 1-0 41 B39 Sicilian Miles, Anthony J - Hodgson, Julian M 1-0 38 D11 Slav defence Atalik, Suat - Sadler, Matthew 1/2 46 D40 Queen's gambit Yermolinsky, Alexey - Speelman, Jonathan S 0-1 39 A40 Queen's pawn Luther, Thomas - Khalifman, Alexander 0-1 48 B66 Sicilian Hastings (ENG), XII 1995 - I 1996. cat. XIII (2571) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Lalic, Bogdan g CRO 2590 * 1 . . 1 . = . = . 3.0 2728 2 Conquest, Stuart g ENG 2455 0 * . . 1 . . . = 1 2.5 2670 3 Khalifman, Alexander g RUS 2655 . . * 0 . . 1 = . 1 2.5 2652 4 Sadler, Matthew g ENG 2565 . . 1 * . = = = . . 2.5 2692 5 Miles, Anthony J g ENG 2600 0 0 . . * 1 . 1 . . 2.0 2563 6 Speelman, Jonathan S g ENG 2620 . . . = 0 * . . 1 = 2.0 2568 7 Atalik, Suat g TUR 2525 = . 0 = . . * . = . 1.5 2505 8 Hodgson, Julian M g ENG 2590 . . = = 0 . . * . = 1.5 2505 9 Yermolinsky, Alexey g USA 2560 = = . . . 0 = . * . 1.5 2460 10 Luther, Thomas g GER 2550 . 0 0 . . = . = . * 1.0 2387 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) FIDE's recent activities. ------------------------- A letter widely circulated on the internet has come from Willy Iclicki the FIDE treasurer. It shows a President who is both energetic and full of ideas. However his ideas for a knock out for the World Championships are I think almost Universally regarded as ill conceived. They cannot possibly produce an undisputed champion. To my mind a World Championship match tournament of say 4 players playing 8 times against each other, or 6 players playing 4 times would have much more validity and would be even more exciting than his proposals. (there is a problem of how to deal with Kasparov and the FIDE champion equally) However the cancellation of the Interzonal seems to indicate that the President is set upon this course. Initial reactions to the early days of the Presidency suggest that the President will want his own way. It will be interesting to see how this conflict will be resolved. Here is the letter: To All Federations From Willy Iclicki FIDE Treasurer Willy's Letter As FIDE received many complaints during 1995 of failure to communicate to its members, I have decided to give you, say every two months, a letter to you giving some news and personal views about our organisation. We have now a new FIDE President with new ideas and fresh energy. First Presidential Board, Singapore 20-22 December 1995 President Kirsan Iljumzhinov invited on his own expenses all members of the P.B to Singapore. The idea behind such an early meeting was to discuss with the PB about ideas regarding about the working of our organisation and the implementing of a new World Championship program. Opening speech. The President summarised his activities of the last three weeks. 1-Creating a image. 'To get investments we have to show stability and existence'. The President set up in Moscow a marketing team to find the best way to promote FIDE and chess around the world. Their first production is a video clip of 15 seconds to be show at the prime time on CNN and on Russian TV. Contacts with BBC and CBS have also be made. Our President's personal investment will reach US$ 400,000. 2-Recreate the family - Gens Una Sumus. On Friday 15th December the President spend a night to Budapest meeting R J Fischer; he promises to pay to Fisher the US$ 100,000 claimed as due from the former USSR Chess Federation. After twelve hours of talks Bobby promises to reconsider his position with FIDE and accepted from the President a gift of land to build a house in Kalmykia. However Fischer was insisting that the Fischer's chess rules should be adopted by FIDE. The President also had some conversations with G.Kasparov. Nothing concrete was decided, but more meetings are to come. 3-Popularisation of Chess. The President aims to raise the number of FIDE members countries to 198 (today-153). He plans to visit in the next four months 50 countries around the world and meet their leading officials.Already on his agenda are meeting with Presidents or Prime Ministers of Indonesia, Vietnam, Kenya, France, Canada, Russia and USA. 4-World Championship. 'FIDE is there to promote chess and should be above all other chess organisation'. With these words the President clearly replies to the PCA concerning the World Championship matches. He wants G.Kasparov to return to the FIDE's cycle for the sake of unity and as best for chess.The President proposes to create, starting at the end of 1996, an annual 21 days Knock-out Championship tournament. Two to four games to decide each pairing.Some players will qualify directly into round two and some to round three. ( The schedule and list of players is already fixed) Kasparov and the winner of Kamsky - Karpov will go directly to the semi finals though they will be paired together only if they reach the final. For the first event the prize fund will amount US$ 5,000,000!! This new idea accepted unanimously by the P.B, will have the direct effect that the Interzonal scheduled for Yerevan, Armenia in April-May 1996 is cancelled. 5-Chess and Politics : elections at FIDE Congress, Armenia 1996. Mr.Makropoulos asked the President to clarify details of the 96 FIDE election(s). Two offices to be elected or five? Also Mr. Makropoulos and Mr. Iclicki were willing t resign as General Secretary and Treasurer if the President wished to replace them. The President answered : ' I want to work with Mr. Makropoulos and Mr. Iclicki. We have to much to do and we need unity... For next year's election I will analyse the work done by each one in this team and then I will nominate. Now FIDE need to be run by professionals and we should consider paying people to work and also encourage them to achieve. We should not lose time speaking about politics but only think about producing'. 6. Campomanes' final speech. 'I solve my problem in Manila.But at the request of the President I shall not put this on the table. I have full confidence in the President. Let's follow his lead and let's put our problems aside. Let's move to peace and move forward.' 7.Other business. Next PB meeting will be organised by Willy Iclicki and is scheduled on March 16,17 in Brussels The President nominates Mr. I.Leong member of the administration staff. He shall move soon to Lausanne. All who will play in FIDE events should be asked to agree to respect a FIDE Code of Conduct. This one will be published very soon. The Treasurer proposes new implementations of Financial Statutes.Those include approval of all transactions over Sfr. 1,000. ChessPlanet, the company who will create FIDENET (an Interenet WWW services), has received four business proposals . The deadline for final decision will be the end of January 1996. 8.My conclusion. The best start for the new President. A very ambitious program with real possibilities. It will not be easy to avoid political clashes or personal conflicts. But it's clear that money will talk. Not only for the players but also for the federations and for all of us who spend time for chess and FIDE.We should think like professionals and not like politicians! I'm agreed with the President when he said: 'only the people who will achieve should stay in the office'. My concern is also not give away the title of World Champion on a couple games and also that this title will have a real value only if it includes the participation of ALL top players. I shall work in this direction. Please send me few words if you wish to get my Issue number 2. Let me wish you Happy New Year 1996. 5) FIDE RATING LIST JAN 1996 -------------------------- Top 100 players and ties for 100 --------------------------------- Points to note. Kasparov appears second on the rating list to Vladimir Kramnik. Kramnik had more rated games and thus appears first. As Bill Harston points out rating differences of less than 25 points are negligible statistically so we see a group of Kramnik, Kasparov and Karpov as clear leaders in the World. Ivanchuk, Anand and Kamsky form a second very close group. These are the clear chess elite. The Kasparov-Anand PCA match was not rated because the results were not submitted. Kasparov's performance rating for that match would have been 2782 for 18 games, Anand's 2738. It is not clear to me whether this would have increased or decreased his rating as compared to this list. Some say Kasparov lost points because his performance was below the expected 2795, intuitively I would say that because 2782 is higher than the 2775 rating Kasparov has in the current list his grade may have been 2780 including this match. Someone who knows what they are talking about is required for that calculation. Judit Polgar is the first woman ever in the top 10 in the World. She had a solid year consolidating gains from previous years. She won a number of matches convincingly and is reported to be very happy with her progress in positional chess. I predict another year of improvement for her. I received the list via fax from Bob Wade on the day the list came out. This was just the leading ratings, I do not expect to have the full rating list for at least a couple of weeks. At least. So don't ask me what your new rating is. I get a very large number of enquiries and it gets as annoying as it does predictable. If anyone does get the full list on disk please may I have a copy. I will point people in the right direction for access to the new list from my www page when it does appear on the net. I grepped the old June 1995 list for the names that appear in the new list and appended the ratings and number of games played to the end of the old entry. Hope this explains any typos that might have occured. (So the 1/96 column and GAMES contain the new rating information.) My thanks to Bob Wade for the new lists. Underneath are the lists for Juniors, Women and Girls. RANK NUMBER NAME TITLE NAT JURATING BIRTHDAY S 1/96 GAMES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 4101588 Kramnik, Vladimir g RUS 2730 31 25.06.75 M 2775 42 2. 4100018 Kasparov, Gary g RUS 2795 26 13.04.63 M 2775 19 3. 4100026 Karpov, Anatoly g RUS 2775 37 23.05.51 M 2770 12 4. 14100010 Ivanchuk, Vassily g UKR 2740 36 18.03.69 M 2735 39 5. 2000024 Kamsky, Gata g USA 2735 16 02.06.74 M 2735 0 6. 5000017 Anand, Viswanathan g IND 2725 10 11.12.69 M 2725 0 7. 2900084 Topalov, Veselin g BUL 2640 40 15.03.75 M 2700 40 8. 13500015 Gelfand, Boris g BLR 2685 29 24.06.68 M 2700 24 9. 2209390 Shirov, Alexei g ESP 2695 61 04.07.72 M 2690 38 10. 700070 Polgar, Judit (GM) g HUN 2635 31 23.07.76 F 2675 29 11. 4100107 Dreev, Alexey g RUS 2670 35 30.01.69 M 2670 24 12. 4100069 Salov, Valery g RUS 2685 25 26.05.64 M 2670 11 13. 400025 Short, Nigel D. g ENG 2645 58 01.06.65 M 2665 37 14. 14400030 Sokolov, Ivan g BIH 2630 69 13.06.68 M 2665 20 15. 4500016 Ehlvest, Jaan g EST 2630 37 14.10.62 M 2660 48 16. 400041 Adams, Michael g ENG 2660 63 17.11.71 M 2660 29 17. 14400669 Azmaiparshvili, Zurab g BIH 2620 33 16.03.60 M 2660 27 18. 4618777 Yusupov, Artur g GER 2680 53 13.02.60 M 2655 19 19. 4100115 Khalifman, Alexander g RUS 2655 31 18.01.66 M 2650 34 20. 300071 Hracek, Zbynek g CZE 2635 53 09.09.70 M 2650 20 21. 702293 Almasi, Zoltan g HUN 2630 90 29.08.76 M 2650 19 22. 1300016 Korchnoi, Viktor g SUI 2635 57 23.03.31 M 2645 47 23. 4100182 Epishin, Vladimir g RUS 2640 35 11.07.65 M 2645 16 24. 4100140 Bareev, Evgeny g RUS 2650 37 21.11.66 M 2645 09 25. 14400014 Nikolic, Predrag g BIH 2645 26 11.09.60 M 2645 00 26. 4500024 Oll, Lembit g EST 2630 35 23.04.66 M 2640 14 27. 403385 Miles, Anthony J g ENG 2600 58 23.04.55 M 2635 66 28. 4100484 Glek, Igor V. g RUS 2580 37 07.11.61 M 2635 46 29. 2200015 Illescas Cordoba, Miguel g ESP 2620 45 03.12.65 M 2635 18 30. 4600010 Huebner, Robert g GER 2630 35 06.11.48 M 2635 17 31. 2802341 Yudasin, Leonid g ISR 2630 40 08.08.59 M 2635 16 32. 600016 Lautier, Joel g FRA 2635 51 12.04.73 M 2630 32 33. 4102142 Svidler, Peter g RUS 2635 54 17.06.76 M 2630 30 34. 1700014 Andersson, Ulf g SWE 2630 15 27.06.51 M 2630 20 35. 2000032 Seirawan, Yasser g USA 2625 22 24.03.60 M 2630 11 36. 4100840 Tiviakov, Sergei g RUS 2655 53 14.02.73 M 2625 38 37. 703303 Leko, Peter g HUN 2605 41 08.09.79 M 2625 23 38. 4116992 Morozevich, Alexander g RUS 2630 19 18.07.77 M 2625 11 39. 400033 Speelman, Jonathan S g ENG 2620 19 02.10.56 M 2625 06 40. 1000012 Timman, Jan H g NED 2590 44 14.12.51 M 2620 64 41. 13300032 Akopian, Vladimir g ARM 2625 46 07.12.71 M 2620 11 42. 400076 Hodgson, Julian M. g ENG 2590 56 25.07.63 M 2615 58 43. 14100029 Beliavsky, Alexander G g UKR 2650 41 17.12.53 M 2615 50 44. 2801990 Smirin, Ilia g ISR 2630 44 21.01.68 M 2615 43 45. 2900017 Georgiev, Kiril g BUL 2605 39 28.11.65 M 2615 37 46. 2000040 Gulko, Boris F g USA 2620 50 09.02.47 M 2615 28 47. 13300016 Vaganian, Rafael A g ARM 2645 45 15.10.51 M 2615 19 48. 4623606 Dautov, Rustem g GER 2620 11 28.11.65 M 2615 11 49. 1400010 Hansen, Curt g DEN 2620 33 18.09.64 M 2615 09 50. 4115309 Rublevsky, Sergei g RUS 2595 9 15.10.74 M 2610 63 51. 2800012 Psakhis, Lev g ISR 2610 41 29.11.58 M 2610 46 52. 4119819 Krasenkov, Mikhail g RUS 2590 32 14.11.63 M 2610 40 53. 4200012 Kotronias, Vasilios g GRE 2590 50 25.08.64 M 2610 33 54. 7100019 Adianto, Utut g INA 2590 25 16.03.65 M 2610 24 55. 4100190 Vyzmanavin, Alexey g RUS 2605 0 01.01.60 M 2610 23 56. 4100093 Dolmatov, Sergey g RUS 2615 11 20.02.59 M 2610 18 57. 1302310 Gavrikov, Viktor g SUI 2605 9 29.07.57 M 2605 22 58. 400017 Nunn, John D M g ENG 2615 33 25.04.55 M 2605 20 59. 2008564 Kaidanov, Grigory S g USA 2585 36 11.10.59 M 2605 17 60. 12800023 Rozentalis, Eduardas g LTU 2610 39 27.05.63 M 2605 10 61. 4100549 Goldin, Alexander g RUS 2585 24 27.02.65 M 2600 44 62. 400173 Sadler, Matthew g ENG 2565 28 15.05.74 M 2600 40 63. 3800024 Granda Zuniga, Julio E g PER 2605 30 25.02.67 M 2600 36 64. 13700146 Tkachiev, Vladislav g KAZ 2605 55 . . M 2600 31 65. 900010 Ljubojevic, Ljubomir g YUG 2600 32 02.11.50 M 2600 11 66. 14200074 Nenashev, Alexander g UZB 2585 40 25.08.62 M 2595 64 67. 2000105 DeFirmian, Nick E g USA 2605 66 26.07.57 M 2595 50 68. 14100096 Tukmakov, Vladimir B g UKR 2600 48 15.03.46 M 2595 37 69. 715620 Chernin, Alexander g HUN 2600 42 06.03.60 M 2595 31 70. 14100061 Lerner, Konstantin Z g UKR 2605 47 28.02.50 M 2595 27 71. 700037 Portisch, Lajos g HUN 2615 27 04.04.37 M 2595 21 72. 13600044 Giorgadze, Giorgi g GEO 2605 46 10.10.64 M 2590 79 73. 13900048 Bologan, Viktor g MDA 2530 51 14.12.71 M 2590 63 74. 14100037 Novikov, Igor A g UKR 2580 30 23.05.62 M 2590 62 75. 4100425 Smagin, Sergey g RUS 2545 34 08.09.58 M 2590 57 76. 4107225 Korneev, Oleg g RUS 2605 84 25.07.69 M 2590 49 77. 4600037 Lobron, Eric g GER 2595 38 07.05.60 M 2590 32 78. 14100088 Romanishin, Oleg M g UKR 2580 63 10.01.52 M 2590 21 79. 200930 Gurevich, Mikhail g BEL 2585 21 22.02.59 M 2590 16 80. 700010 Ribli, Zoltan g HUN 2590 24 06.09.51 M 2590 00 81. 14100177 Malaniuk, Vladimir P g UKR 2580 59 21.07.57 M 2585 69 82. 4100379 Dvoirys, Semen I. g RUS 2580 29 02.11.58 M 2585 44 83. 2802058 Milov, Vadim g ISR 2570 47 08.01.72 M 2585 35 84. 2300028 Petursson, Margeir g ISL 2565 29 15.02.60 M 2585 34 85. 14101262 Savchenko, Stanislav g UKR 2590 21 21.01.67 M 2585 33 86. 14900017 Ftacnik, Lubomir g SVK 2580 58 30.10.57 M 2585 31 87. 4113403 Zvjaginsev, Vadim g RUS 2600 35 18.08.76 M 2585 31 88. 2801906 Alterman, Boris g ISR 2595 52 04.05.70 M 2585 18 89. 1500015 Agdestein, Simen g NOR 2585 11 15.05.67 M 2585 00 90. 1700022 Hellers, Ferdinand g SWE 2585 0 28.01.69 M 2585 00 91. 4100131 Polugaevsky, Lev g RUS 2585 0 20.11.34 M 2585 00 * 92. 13700014 Vladimirov, Evgeny g KAZ 2585 4 20.01.57 M 2585 00 93. 14101130 Zontakh, Andrey m UKR 2460 50 04.11.70 M 2580 112 94. 13600591 Movsesian, Sergei m GEO 2470 23 03.11.78 M 2580 70 95. 14100053 Eingorn, Vereslav S g UKR 2600 36 23.11.56 M 2580 41 96. 4600118 Hickl, Joerg g GER 2570 29 16.04.65 M 2580 39 97. 14101025 Onischuk, Alexander g UKR 2575 45 . . M 2580 38 98. 4100301 Razuvaev, Yuri S g RUS 2585 26 10.10.45 M 2580 37 99. 14502879 Kozul, Zdenko g CRO 2580 71 21.05.66 M 2580 35 100. 4100328 Sokolov, Andrei g RUS 2585 25 20.03.63 M 2580 31 101.14100142 Kruppa, Yuri g UKR 2570 17 . . M 2580 30 102.13300024 Lputian, Smbat G g ARM 2585 41 14.02.58 M 2580 11 103.13300040 Minasian, Artashes g ARM 2565 42 21.01.67 M 2580 11 104.32000019 Rogers, Ian g AUS 2600 36 24.06.60 M 2580 11 105. 2000059 Christiansen, Larry M g USA 2590 23 27.06.56 M 2580 09 106. 604011 Dorfman, Josif D g FRA 2580 14 01.05.53 M 2580 05 107. 4100476 Dokhoian, Yury g RUS 2580 8 26.10.64 M 2580 00 108. 2800080 Kosashvili, Yona g ISR 2580 22 03.07.70 M 2580 00 109. 4100514 Pigusov, Evgeny g RUS 2580 8 31.03.61 M 2580 00 * Lev died earlier this year and I don't believe should be in the official rating list. TOP 20 JUNIORS -------------- RANK NUMBER NAME TITLE NAT JURATING BIRTHDAY S 1/96 GAMES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 700070 Polgar, Judit (GM) g HUN 2635 31 23.07.76 F 2675 29 2. 702293 Almasi, Zoltan g HUN 2630 90 29.08.76 M 2650 19 3. 4102142 Svidler, Peter g RUS 2635 54 17.06.76 M 2630 30 4. 703303 Leko, Peter g HUN 2605 41 08.09.79 M 2625 23 5. 4116992 Morozevich, Alexander g RUS 2630 19 18.07.77 M 2625 11 6. 4113403 Zvjaginsev, Vadim g RUS 2600 35 18.08.76 M 2585 31 7. 13600591 Movsesian, Sergei m GEO 2470 23 03.11.78 M 2580 70 8. 12400084 Dao, Thien Hai m VIE 2545 66 10.05.78 M 2560 10 9. 702218 Gyimesi, Zoltan m HUN 2525 61 31.03.77 M 2545 30 10. 2802007 Sutovskij, Emil m ISR 2545 50 10.09.77 M 2545 24 11. 1100696 Kaminski, Marcin m POL 2495 57 10.03.77 M 2525 59 12. 1202758 Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter m ROM 2465 46 01.08.76 M 2515 44 13. 1200852 Schwartzman, Gabriel g ROM 2520 27 23.10.76 M 2510 20 14. 2801485 Har-Zvi, Ronen m ISR 2535 38 13.10.76 M 2510 16 15. 4119800 Dyachkov, Sergej RUS 2520 29 06.11.76 M 2505 12 16. 13700154 Irzhanov, Ruslan m KAZ 2480 33 27.11.76 M 2500 47 17. 11600454 Fridman, Daniel m LAT 2490 42 15.02.76 M 2500 27 18. 4113217 Yemelin, Vasily g RUS 2500 32 01.02.76 M 2495 32 19. 11600462 Krakops, Maris m LAT 2525 38 03.04.78 M 2490 40 20. 400580 Parker, Jonathan m ENG 2415 8 19.05.76 M 2480 38 21. 4122747 Shariyazdanov, Andrey RUS 2475 30 12.07.76 M 2480 33 22. 4119240 Lastin, A. RUS 2465 8 30.10.76 M 2480 17 23. 12400025 Nguyen, Anh Dung m VIE 2485 10 17.03.76 M 2480 10 TOP 50 WOMEN ------------- RANK NUMBER NAME TITLE NAT JURATING BIRTHDAY S 1/96 GAMES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 700070 Polgar, Judit (GM) g HUN 2635 31 23.07.76 F 2675 29 2. 700088 Polgar, Zsuzsa (GM) g HUN 2565 21 19.04.69 F 2550 20 3. 8600147 Xie, Jun (GM) g CHN 2540 35 30.10.70 F 2530 23 4. 1700030 Cramling, Pia (GM) g SWE 2510 40 23.04.63 F 2525 43 5. 13600036 Chiburdanidze, Maia (GM) g GEO 2500 24 17.01.61 F 2515 18 6. 700231 Polgar, Sofia (IM) g HUN 2485 48 02.11.74 F 2495 38 7. 13600079 Ioseliani, Nana (IM) g GEO 2475 11 12.02.62 F 2485 28 8. 13600168 Arakhamia, Ketevan (IM) g GEO 2420 38 19.07.68 F 2480 78 9. 14100410 Galliamova-Ivanchuk, Alisa (IM) g UKR 2475 0 18.01.72 F 2480 30 10. 4119827 Matveeva, Svetlana g RUS 2440 31 04.07.69 F 2445 29 11. 904180 Maric, Alisa (IM) g YUG 2445 35 10.01.70 F 2435 59 12. 2005956 Levitina, Irina S g USA 2420 0 08.06.54 F 2420 00 13. 8600171 Peng, Zhaoqin g CHN 2355 15 08.05.68 F 2410 55 14. 2000547 Donaldson-Akhmilovskaya, Elena g USA 2420 22 11.03.57 F 2410 07 15. 1201930 Peptan, Corina g ROM 2340 22 17.03.78 F 2400 50 16. 908550 Bojkovic, Natasa g YUG 2425 27 03.09.71 F 2400 41 17. 14101181 Gaponenko, Inna m UKR 2365 49 22.06.76 F 2390 53 18. 13900145 Skripchenko, Almira m MDA 2400 57 17.02.76 F 2390 36 19. 4623614 Kachiani-Gersinska, Ketino g GER 2360 42 11.09.71 F 2390 22 20. 4108680 Prudnikova, Svetlana g RUS 2405 9 18.03.67 F 2385 38 21. 4106970 Stepovaia-Dianchenko, Tatiana g RUS 2310 16 23.09.65 F 2385 29 22. 8600546 Zhu, Chen g CHN 2390 31 16.03.76 F 2380 26 23. 13600125 Gaprindashvili, Nona (GM) g GEO 2390 0 03.05.41 F 2380 17 24. 8600350 Qin, Kanying g CHN 2370 23 02.02.74 F 2380 13 25. 14900440 Repkova, Eva m SVK 2320 31 16.01.75 F 2375 52 26. 700550 Madl, Ildiko (IM) g HUN 2370 39 05.11.69 F 2375 49 27. Misanovic, Vesna g BIH ---- -- 27.11.68 F 2375 15 28. 1200496 Foisor, Christina Adela g ROM 2345 39 07.04.67 F 2370 57 29. 2902257 Stefanova, Antoaneta g BUL 2415 50 19.04.79 F 2370 50 30. 13500210 Eidelson, Rakhil m BLR 2360 56 14.11.58 F 2370 13 31. 13600320 Khurtsidze, Nino g GEO 2295 33 28.09.75 F 2365 31 32. 100536 Amura, Claudia N. m ARG 2330 23 26.09.70 F 2360 36 33. 12400149 Hoang Th., Trang m VIE 2405 61 25.04.80 F 2360 33 34. 13600222 Gurieli, Nino g GEO 2360 23 07.12.61 F 2360 31 35. 14100495 Lelchuk, Zoja g UKR 2335 11 01.01.61 F 2360 16 36. 4630610 Borulia, Ekaterina g GER 2370 20 . . F 2360 11 37. 14101513 Zhukova, Natalia m UKR 2360 65 . . F 2355 38 38. 4105621 Demina, Julia g RUS 2345 0 03.02.69 F 2355 11 39. 14100380 Litinskaya, Marta I. g UKR 2350 48 25.03.49 F 2355 11 40. 8600406 Wang, Pin g CHN 2355 6 01.12.74 F 2355 00 41. 4108370 Shumiakina, Tatjana g RUS 2345 26 04.10.65 F 2350 34 42. 13400029 Velikhanli, Firuza g AZE 2355 40 . . F 2350 16 43. 2902265 Aleksieva, Silvia m BUL 2290 24 04.05.74 F 2345 42 44. 2900602 Voiska, Margarita g BUL 2370 25 03.04.63 F 2340 34 45. 13400010 Sofieva, Ainur g AZE 2350 41 19.07.70 F 2340 06 46. 4116704 Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina m RUS 2350 43 . . F 2335 32 47. 403512 Hunt, Harriet m ENG 2385 43 04.02.78 F 2335 30 48. 4108558 Strutinskaya, Galina N m RUS 2330 33 01.07.57 F 2335 21 49. 302805 Holoubkova, Martina m CZE 2330 35 . . F 2335 09 50. 13300210 Danielian, Elina g ARM 2320 44 . . F 2330 29 TOP 20 GIRLS ------------ RANK NUMBER NAME TITLE NAT JURATING BIRTHDAY S 1/96 GAMES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 700070 Polgar, Judit (GM) g HUN 2635 31 23.07.76 F 2675 29 2. 1201930 Peptan, Corina g ROM 2340 22 17.03.78 F 2400 50 3. 14101181 Gaponenko, Inna m UKR 2365 49 22.06.76 F 2390 53 4. 13900145 Skripchenko, Almira m MDA 2400 57 17.02.76 F 2390 36 5. 8600546 Zhu, Chen g CHN 2390 31 16.03.76 F 2380 26 6. 2902257 Stefanova, Antoaneta g BUL 2415 50 19.04.79 F 2370 50 7. 12400149 Hoang Th., Trang m VIE 2405 61 25.04.80 F 2360 33 8. 403512 Hunt, Harriet m ENG 2385 43 04.02.78 F 2335 30 9. 13300210 Danielian, Elina g ARM 2320 44 . . F 2330 29 10. 4119851 Roschina, Tatiana RUS 2315 41 28.03.76 F 2315 28 11. 1106619 Bobrowska, Monika m POL 2310 69 24.03.78 F 2305 53 12. 13600656 Lomineishvili, Maia m GEO 2295 8 11.11.77 F 2305 34 13. 304050 Krupkova, Petra m CZE 2210 17 23.04.76 F 2300 29 14. 705136 Medvegy, Nora HUN 2265 39 29.03.77 F 2300 29 15. 13601032 Khorava, Miranda m GEO 2270 8 19.11.77 F 2295 21 16. 2903210 Velcheva, Maria m BUL 2315 22 14.10.76 F 2270 30 17. 1107445 Dworakowska, Joanna POL 2290 23 21.10.78 F 2265 53 18. 1203274 Vajda, Szidonia m ROM 2265 36 20.01.79 F 2265 39 19. 14900866 Hagarova, Zuzana SVK 2215 29 25.11.77 F 2260 40 20. 1106686 Zielinska, Marta POL 2250 31 30.01.78 F 2250 30 6) Reggio Emilia -------------- Round 1 (1995.12.27) Beliavsky, Alexander - Vaganian, Rafael A 1-0 60 D57 Queen's gambit Dreev, Alexey - Chernin, Alexander 1/2 27 D23 Queen's gambit; Exchange Epishin, Vladimir - Dautov, Rustem 1/2 41 E15 Nimzo indian Azmaiparashvili, Zurab - Belotti, Bruno 1-0 27 E97 Kings indian; Main line Godena, Michele - Razuvaev, Yuri S 1/2 22 B17 Caro-Kann Round 2 (1995.12.28) Beliavsky, Alexander - Epishin, Vladimir 1/2 51 E11 Bogo indian Dautov, Rustem - Dreev, Alexey 0-1 60 D43 Queen's gambit Vaganian, Rafael A - Razuvaev, Yuri S 1/2 29 A07 Reti (1.Pf3) Belotti, Bruno - Godena, Michele 0-1 39 C44 Scottish Round 3 (1995.12.29) Dreev, Alexey - Beliavsky, Alexander 1/2 58 D36 Queen's gambit Epishin, Vladimir - Vaganian, Rafael A 1-0 62 D56 Queen's gambit Razuvaev, Yuri S - Belotti, Bruno 1-0 26 A49 Queen's pawn Azmaiparashvili, Zurab - Dautov, Rustem 1-0 31 A46 Queen's pawn Godena, Michele - Chernin, Alexander 1/2 43 B08 Pirc; Classical Round 4 (1995.12.30) Beliavsky, Alexander - Azmaiparashvili, Zurab 1-0 33 D97 Gruenfeld indian Epishin, Vladimir - Dreev, Alexey 1/2 21 D45 Queen's gambit Chernin, Alexander - Razuvaev, Yuri S 1/2 10 A17 English; 1.c4 Dautov, Rustem - Godena, Michele 1/2 28 D23 Queen's gambit; Exchange Vaganian, Rafael A - Belotti, Bruno 1/2 37 E08 Nimzo indian Round 5 (1995.12.31) Dreev, Alexey - Vaganian, Rafael A 1/2 17 E11 Bogo indian Razuvaev, Yuri S - Dautov, Rustem 1/2 37 E04 Nimzo indian Azmaiparashvili, Zurab - Epishin, Vladimir 1/2 28 E12 Nimzo indian Belotti, Bruno - Chernin, Alexander 1/2 59 B08 Pirc; Classical NOTE ---- Chernin,A - Azmaiparashvili,Z (2) Godena,M - Beliavsky,A (5) These games were unfinished at the time of writing having been adjourned. My thanks to Marco Martini and Massimiliano Orsi for the news and games from this tournament. Regular updates can be got from the site: Chess World Magazine page. Reggio Emilia (ITA), XII 1995 - I 1996. cat. XIV (2583) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Beliavsky, Alexander g UKR 2650 * = = . 1 . . . 1 . 3.0 /4 2836 2 Dreev, Alexey g RUS 2670 = * = . . . = 1 = . 3.0 /5 2703 3 Epishin, Vladimir g RUS 2640 = = * . = . . = 1 . 3.0 /5 2713 4 Razuvaev, Yuri S g RUS 2585 . . . * . = = = = 1 3.0 /5 2605 5 Azmaiparashvili, Zurab g BIH 2620 0 . = . * . . 1 . 1 2.5 /4 2667 6 Godena, Michele m ITA 2420 . . . = . * = = . 1 2.5 /4 2641 7 Chernin, Alexander g HUN 2600 . = . = . = * . . = 2.0 /4 2513 8 Dautov, Rustem g GER 2620 . 0 = = 0 = . * . . 1.5 /5 2438 9 Vaganian, Rafael A g ARM 2645 0 = 0 = . . . . * = 1.5 /5 2436 10 Belotti, Bruno m ITA 2380 . . . 0 0 0 = . = * 1.0 /5 2334 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7) CUBA AGAIN PAN-AMERICAN CHAMPIONS by Roberto Alvarez ================================ Cuba won the "IV Pan-American Teams Chess Championships" held on Cascavel, a city of Brasil, from December 14th to 21st and got a place for the nex "World Cup" to be played in Luzern (with the 10 world best teams). The fight for the first place was reduced to only 3 teams: Argentina (ELO favorite), Cuba (former Pan-American Champion) and Brasil (organizing the event and with an strong team too). The remaining teams were at least one category above, with Bolivia playing only three boards (lost all his games on first board by walk-over). Chile played without his strongs masters (Morovic,Cifuentes and Rodrigo Vasquez), but finished at 4th place. Cascavel BRA 14-21/12/95 Aver. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Pts ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1-CUBA 2515 XXX 2,5 2,5 3,0 3,5 4,0 4,0 19,5 2-ARGENTINA 2534 1,5 XXX 2,5 3,0 2,5 3,5 4,0 17,0 5* 3-BRASIL 2501 1,5 1,5 XXX 3,5 3,5 3,0 4,0 17,0 4* 4-CHILE 2335 1,0 1,0 0,5 XXX 2,5 3,0 3,0 11,0 5-PARAGUAY 2273 0,5 1,5 0,5 1,5 XXX 2,0 3,5 9,5 6-URUGUAY 2214 0,0 0,5 1.0 1.0 2.0 XXX 2,5 7,0 7-BOLIVIA 2041 0,0 0,0 0,0 1,0 0,5 1,5 XXX 3,0 * "Match points" wins=1 pt, draw=0,5 pt ARGENTINA (Average ELO 2534) 1-GM Pablo Zarnicki 2570 2-IM Pablo Ricardi 2545 3-IM Sergio Slipak 2520 4-GM Ariel Sorin 2500 5-IM Alejandro Hoffman 2495 6-IM Marcelo Tempone 2435 CUBA (Average ELO 2515) 1-GM Jesus Nogueiras 2560 2-GM Walter Arencibia 2515 3-GM Reynaldo Vera 2495 4-GM Amador Rodriguez 2490 5-IM Julio Becerra 2460 6-IM Juan Borges 2445 BRASIL (Average ELO 2501) 1-GM Gilberto Milos 2555 2-GM Jaime Sunye Neto 2510 3-MI Darcy Lima 2475 4-MI Giovanni Vescovi 2465 5-MI Everaldo Matsuura 2415 6-MI Cicero Braga 2395 4-CHILE (Average ELO 2335) 1-FM Carlos Silva 2370 2-Luis Valenzuela 2340 3-Daniel Barria 2275 4-FM J.Cortes Moyano 2355 5-Raul Pinochet 2085 6-Alfonso Palma 2000 5-PARAGUAY (Average ELO 2273) 1-FM Eduardo Peralta 2295 2-Paulo Jodorkovsky 2260 3-FM Cristobal Valiente 2340 4-Leonardo Lipiniks 2195 5-Victorio Riego 2255 6-Jose Cubas 2165 6-URUGUAY (Average ELO 2214) 1-Juan Pablo Pichuaga 2235 2-Guillermo Carvalho 2170 3-Jaime EScofet 2215 4-Jose Riverol 2235 5-Gabriel Curi 2310 6-Jorge de la Riva 2000 7-BOLIVIA (Average ELO 2041) 1-Osvaldo Rivas 2000 2-Johnny Cueto 2165 3-Jorge Molina 2000 4-Boris Ferrufino 2000 TABLE of performances from the event. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Milos, Gilberto g BRA 2555 = 2 +10 +32 +38 . + 7 +19 5.5 /6 2701 2 Nogueiras, Jesus g CUB 2560 = 1 = 7 +19 . +10 +30 +38 5.0 /6 2561 3 Ricardi, Pablo m ARG 2545 . . +20 +28 +33 + 6 . 4.0 /4 4 Slipak, Sergio m ARG 2520 +31 - 8 . +24 +35 +14 . 4.0 /5 2564 5 Barria, Daniel CHI 2275 =35 =14 =27 +29 =12 . +30 4.0 /6 2527 6 Sunye Neto, Jaime g BRA 2510 - 8 +20 +30 +33 . - 3 +31 4.0 /6 2457 7 Zarnicki, Pablo g ARG 2570 +19 = 2 =10 +32 +38 - 1 . 4.0 /6 2404 8 Arencibia, Walter g CUB 2515 + 6 + 4 . . =20 +28 . 3.5 /4 2732 9 Becerra Rivero, Julio m CUB 2460 +37 =18 . . +36 +24 . 3.5 /4 2696 10 Silva, Carlos NCA 2015 +38 - 1 = 7 +31 - 2 . +32 3.5 /6 2436 11 Borges Mateos, Juan m CUB 2445 . . +29 . . +16 +34 3.0 /3 12 Rodriguez, Amador g CUB 2490 . =27 +22 . = 5 . +35 3.0 /4 2448 13 Vescovi, Giovanni m BRA 2465 . +36 =24 . . =18 +29 3.0 /4 2513 14 Lima, Darcy m BRA 2475 +23 = 5 . +35 . - 4 =15 3.0 /5 2407 15 Valiente R, Cristobal f PAR 2340 +27 . =23 =20 =28 . =14 3.0 /5 2477 16 Curi, Gabriel URU 2310 . . =21 =17 +25 -11 =26 2.5 /5 2317 17 Hoffman, Alejandro m ARG 2495 =22 . +36 =16 . . . 2.0 /3 2411 18 Tempone, Marcelo m ARG 2435 . = 9 . . +34 =13 . 2.0 /3 2462 19 Peralta, Eduardo f PAR 2295 - 7 . - 2 . +32 +38 - 1 2.0 /5 2287 20 Valenzuela, Luis CHI 2340 +33 - 6 - 3 =15 = 8 . . 2.0 /5 2343 21 Braga, Cicero m BRA 2395 . . =16 +34 . . . 1.5 /2 2310 22 Lipiniks, Leonardo PAR 2195 =17 . -12 . . +35 . 1.5 /3 2299 23 Vera, Reynaldo g CUB 2495 -14 . =15 . . . +33 1.5 /3 2326 24 Riveroi, Jose URU 2235 . =34 =13 - 4 . - 9 =36 1.5 /5 2257 25 Cubas, Jose PAR 2165 . . . +26 -16 . . 1.0 /2 2197 26 Pinochet, Raul CHI 2085 =34 . . -25 . . =16 1.0 /3 2044 27 Sorin, Ariel m ARG 2500 -15 =12 = 5 . . . . 1.0 /3 2243 28 Escofet, Jaime URU 2215 . =35 . - 3 =15 - 8 . 1.0 /4 2193 29 Riego, Victorio PAR 2255 . . -11 - 5 . +34 -13 1.0 /4 30 Carvalho, Guillermo URU 2170 . =33 - 6 . =31 - 2 - 5 1.0 /5 2114 31 Jodorcovsky, Paulo PAR 2260 - 4 . . -10 =30 =33 - 6 1.0 /5 2036 32 Pichuaga, Juan Pablo URU 2235 . +38 - 1 - 7 -19 . -10 1.0 /5 33 Cueto, J BOL 2165 -20 =30 . - 6 - 3 =31 -23 1.0 /6 2113 34 Ferrufino,Boris BOL ---- =26 =24 . -21 -18 -29 -11 1.0 /6 2035 35 Molina,Jorge BOL ---- = 5 =28 . -14 - 4 -22 -12 1.0 /6 2088 36 Cortes Moyano, Julio CHI 2355 . -13 -17 . - 9 . =24 0.5 /4 2091 37 Matsuura, Everaldo f BRA 2415 - 9 . . . . . . 0.0 /1 38 Rivas,Osvaldo BOL ---- -10 -32 . - 1 - 7 -19 - 2 0.0 /6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8) Short vs Adianto - Jakarta -------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 ---------------------------------------- Nigel Short 1 1 = = 2,5 Utut Adianto 0 0 = = 0,5 ---------------------------------------- Fairudin reports this stage of the match on the internet. One game is given. 9) Italian Championships in Verona ------------------------------- Verona (ITA), XII 1995. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Godena, Michele m ITA 2420 * = 1 1 1 1 = = = 1 7.0 2575 2 Belotti, Bruno m ITA 2380 = * = = = = 1 1 1 1 6.5 2528 3 Marinelli, Tullio m ITA 2440 0 = * 1 1 = = 1 1 1 6.5 2521 4 Arlandi, Ennio m ITA 2455 0 = 0 * = = 1 = 1 1 5.0 2378 5 Sarno, Spartaco m ITA 2405 0 = 0 = * 1 0 1 1 1 5.0 2384 6 De Santis, Alessio ITA 2260 0 = = = 0 * 0 1 1 1 4.5 2359 7 Tatai, Stefano m ITA 2435 = 0 = 0 1 1 * = 0 = 4.0 2337 8 Contin, Daniel m ITA 2365 = 0 0 = 0 0 = * = 1 3.0 2196 9 Martorelli, Antonio f ITA 2320 = 0 0 0 0 0 1 = * 1 3.0 2202 10 Tencati,Giuseppe ITA ---- 0 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 0 * 0.5 1942 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Remaining games from Marco Martini Many thanks. 10) 6th Harvard Cup New York USA ---------------------------- New York (USA), XII 1995. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL ----------------------------------------------------- 1 Benjamin, Joel g USA 2575 = 0 1 1 1 1 4.5 2 Rohde, Michael A g USA 2540 0 1 = 1 1 1 4.5 3 Gulko, Boris F g USA 2620 0 1 1 = 1 = 4.0 4 Gurevich, Ilya g USA 2575 = 0 1 1 0 1 3.5 5 Kaidanov, Grigory S g USA 2585 = 1 0 0 1 1 3.5 6 Wolff, Patrick G g USA 2565 1 0 0 1 1 = 3.5 ---------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL PERF ---------------------------------------------------------- 1 Virtual Chess ---- = 1 1 = = 0 3.5 2633 2 Chessmaster 4000 ---- 1 0 0 1 0 1 3.0 2576 3 MChess Pro ---- 0 = 0 0 1 1 2.5 2519 4 WChess ---- 0 0 = 0 1 0 1.5 2383 5 Junior ---- 0 0 0 1 0 0 1.0 2303 6 Socrates 95 ---- 0 0 = 0 0 = 1.0 2303 ---------------------------------------------------------- FINAL STANDINGS: HUMANS 23.5 COMPUTERS 12.5 Scheveningen Tournament with one game against each of the opposing team. (so the 1-6 refers to the other table.) My thanks to Vadim Kaminsky for the games. Joel Benjamin had what was adjudged the superior performance against the computers and will play exhibition match vs. Virtual Chess. The games were conducted at 25 mins per side. 11) BOOKS, BOOKS and more of them (5) by Bertrand Weegenaar. -------------------------------------------------------- First the best chess, and reading wishes for 1996. This issue brings mostly new books from Cadogan and Batsford. Furthermore several interesting magazine tips for the more unorthodox opening players. Added to this book review is a file with games of which I hope you have time to play through and not just add them to your database. At the end of this year, and having been sent boxes of books, a question comes to mind: is there a best book of 1995? I only noticed the BCF-award which was won by John Nunn's Best Games (Batsford), and indeed (I bought and enjoyed it) this was a splendid piece of analytical work, enjoyable comments (in his analysis of the game Kasparov - Nunn, Skelleftea 1989 in a good position: "When one of Kasparov's opponents plays a totally unexpected move, he reacts either by curling his lip at the move, or by peering incredulously at the audience, as if to say 'Can you believe what he's just played?. 14.Rf4 was greeted with a force ten lip-curl from Gazza, but the World Champion then rather spoiled the effect by thinking hard for twenty minutes." To me the following three books score highly: - John Nunn's Best Games (Batsford) - Secrets of Spectacular Chess, Jonathan Levitt and David Friedgood (Batsford) - 99 Schonheitspreise aus 150 Schachjahren, L.Steinkohl (Rochade Europa) I'd like to know the opinion of the audience on this?! And there are as usual some recommendations: Special The Sorcerer's apprentice, David Bronstein and Tom Furstenberg, Cadogan I have to start with three titles I only mentioned last time: Strategisches Schach, Edmar Mednis and Rudolf Teschner, Edition Olms 1995, 193 p. (ISBN 3-283-00288-6) Price: DM 34,80 (language German) Part 20 of PraxisSchach. As a tactical player I often get in trouble when the position 'neads' a plan. That the authors combine closed positions with strategic lessons is reasonable, but sometimes (and also this is shown in the book) it's not always closed position where strategic aims are more important to think of then looking for tricks (also called tactical opportunities). In 30 in depth analysed games the authors discuss all the in's and out's of strategic targets. In these 30 games there are 9 played by Mednis and 9 played by Korchnoi. The games by Korchnoi are added to the game-part of this WIC to see what type of games Mednis and Teschner present. Meisterspiele, Rudolf Teschner, Edition Olms 1995, 144 p. (ISBN 3-283-00289-4) Price: DM 24,80 (language German) Part 21 of PraxisSchach. Of course in an educational series like PraxisSchach a book with chess beauty must have it's place. These 60 games give an overview of all classic beauties, starting with the evergreens like The Immortal (Anderssen - Kieseritzky) and Paulsen - Morphy, New York 1857 and finish with modern games like Karpov - Kasparov, match (24) 1985 and Anand - Kamsky, Linares 1994. An opening repertoire for White, R.Keene and B.Jacobs, Batsford 1995, 144 p. (ISBN 0-7134-7817-9) Price: UK Pounds 10.99 This book is an interesting try to give the White player a total concept of meeting Black's answer after 1.d4. It doesn't give long theoretical lines, but in most big openings like the King's Indian and Queens gambit mere sidelines like 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.e4 d6 5.Nge2 and exchange variation against almost all queen gambit lines. The task for the White player is to bring static to the centre and play along the wings, especially the kingside. Of course, it can't be helped that this plan doesn't always work like in the case of the Budapest Gambit and Dutch opening. But nevertheless, a White openings student is tought a concept of playing and not just moves after studying this book. The Sorcerer's Apprentice, David Bronstein and Tom Furstenberg, Cadogan 1995, 304p. (ISBN 1-85744-151-6) Price: $19.95 To me the name David Bronstein is synonymous with the Zurich 1953-tournament book (of which Bronstein is the author, as well as shared second place behind the winner Smyslov). When I started playing chess in the 80's Bronstein played little, but in recent years he is seen frequently in smaller tournaments. To me he is also known for his interest in playing chesscomputer programs in tournaments like the annual Aegon men/machine-tournament. But this nestor of chess was challenged by an amateur (co-author Tom Furstenberg) to created a chess biography. It resulted in an unique document with 220 games. 40 beauty combinations, 50 games with Comments, 60 games with diagrams and 70 picturesque games without comment. Great stuff especially the first 2 chapters. The comments by Bronstein are superb, the stories around the games tell a big story about Soviet chess politics in the 50's and 60's. I've added some games from the Zurich 1953 tournament which where used in this and the book "Meisterspiele". If you have some money left and the family/friends haven't bought you the superb Christmas gift, then this is a way to get even and enjoy the rest of the holiday with great chess. Timman's Selected Games, Jan Timman, Cadogan 1995, (ISBN 1-85744-121-4) Price: $19.95 This book is a year old, because I received it in hard-cover edition by Interchess at the end of 1994. The soft-cover is now published by Cadogan, without changes. The 80 selected and annotated Timman games give an overview of ten years (1983 - 1993) top chess (this period also goes parallel with the existance of NIC magazinein which most games and analyses where published earlier). It's unfortunate that 1995 was for Timman (apart from the Donner memorial) a disasterous year of chess. (which can also be said for most Dutch top GM's). But knowing Timman a bad year can be a good year next year. As a Timman fan I can only advise you to buy the books and enjoys great attacking games and analysis. Modern Chess Miniatures, Neil McDonald, Cadogan 1995, 150 p. (ISBN 1-85744-166-4) Price: $17.95 To me a chess miniature is a game of 20 moves or less, where one player beats the guts out of his opponent, often after an early opening-slip. (and of course using great moves to do so) The author has put his limit to 30 moves, but the rest of the definition is quit correct. Only McDonald tries to order the type of combinations that can be seen in miniatures. He starts to "theories". OK, the result is a more or less overview of "miniatures"-types, or a collection of fast games and good combinations. BUT WHY ISN'T THERE A SINGLE CORRESPONDENCE CHESS GAME. Don't we have miniatures? Of course. Are they difficult to find? NO, using a large database, or looking into CC-books. To give some extra pleasure to you reader, I have added dozens of modern correspondence chess miniatures in the game-part of this WIC. They come from a Miniatures (<20 moves) column by CC-GM H.Heemsoth in Fernschach in the 1995- issues. How to win at chess, Daniel King, Cadogan 1995, 127 p. (ISBN 1-85744-072-2) Price: $12.95 An educational book with a lot of diagrams and 10 golden rules (for the novice player), of which the first 3 are: Open with a centre pawn, Bring out your pieces and Castle as quickly as possible. The official Chess Yearbook, game-annotation by Murray Chandler, Batsford 1995, 208 p. (ISBN 0-7134-7818-7) Price : British Pound 9.99 This yearbook from the British Chess Federation gives all to know about Chess in Great-Britain: the tournaments, the players,the clubs, the magazines, the people and the budgets. Besides that it gives information on Chess computers, using Internet to enjoy chess and 42 good games from British tournaments in the period 1994-1995. And some magazins: Gambit Revue (editor: Volker Druke) Published by Schachverlag M.Madler, Lilienthalstrasse 52, D-40474 Dusseldorf, Germany this magazine gives 4 times a year more then 50 pages of gambit material. Besides games sections, several articles are included concerning the Latvian Gambit, the Blackmar Diemer etc. Issue 3 of 1995 gives also a large article on the Zilbermints Gambit 1.d4 e5 2.de5 Nc6 3.Nf3 Nge7!?, by Zilbermints himself. (Language German, games in figurines) Randspringer (editor: rainer Schlenker) Published by RandSpringer Verlag, Wiesenstrasse 78, D-78056 Villingen- Schwenningen, Germany. This magazine also is published 4 times a year and is dedicated to the extreme for more than 10 years and 73 issues. Topics this issue are : Nh6! in the French, Queenbishop 1.d4 d5 2.Bf4 , g4 against the Pirc and 1.e4 a6. (Language German, games in text) Orang-Utan (editor: Dirk van Esbroeck) Published by Dirk van Esbroeck, PO Box 71, B-9120 Beveren-Waas, Belgium. This magazine is dedicated to the 1.b4-opening and is published 4 times a year. It gives also information on Orang-Utan tournaments. Besides a lot of annotated games, theoretical material is concerned with 1.b4 e5 2.a3 and 1.b4 d5 2.g3!? (Language German, games in text) LGT Oppningbulletinen (editor: David Foster) Published by David Foster, Vaksalagatan35, S-75331 Uppsala, Sweden, this Swedish magazinegives also all attention to the gambit openings. (Language Swedish, games in text) ========================================================================== Adresses Batsford Ltd 4 Fitzhardinge Street London W1H 0AH England E-mail: (Graham Burgess, managing editor) Cadogan Books London House Parkgate Road London SW11 4NQ England E-mail: Also distributing for Pickard and Sons, Grandmaster Publishing, Hypermodern Press and Hays Publishing in Europe Chess Enterprises 107 Crosstree Road Moon Township, PA 15108-2607 USA E-mail: Dudley@Robert Morris.EDU Drukkerij van Spijk P.O.Box 210 NL-5900 AE Venlo Netherlands Dreier Verlag Reinhold Dreier Seydlitzstrasse 13 D-67061 Ludwigshafen Deutschland Interchess P.O.Box 3053 NL-1801 GB Alkmaar Netherlands E-mail: WWW: S1 Editrice Via Porrettana 111 I-40135 Bologna Italy E-mail: LW3BOL11@CINE88.CINECA.IT Verlag Muedler Lilienthalstrasse 52 D-40474 Dusseldorf Deutschland Rochade Verlag H.Khler Vogelsbergstrasse 21 D-63477 Maintal Deutschland E-mail: Schachverlag Kania Hofpfad 32 D-71701 Schwieberdingen Deutschland Edition OLMS AG Breitlenstrasse 11 CH-8634 Hombrechtikon/Zurich Schweiz HE-chess p.a. Hilmar Ebert Alexianergrabe 8 D-52062 Aachen Deutschland E-mail: ============================================================================== Books reviewed in Books (??) gives issue of WIC where book was reviewed. OPENING THEORY Winning with the Benko, Byron Jacobs, Batsford 1995, 144p. (ISBN 0-7134-7232-4) Price: UK Pounds 12.99 (51) The complete Vienna, M.Tseitlin en I.Glazkov, Batsford 1995, 144 p. (ISBN 0- 7134-7606-0) Price : UK Pounds 12.99 (51) The complete Benoni, Lev Psakhis, Batsford 1995, 256 p. (ISBN 0 7134 7765 2) Price: UK Pounds 15.99 (51) The Saemisch King's Indian, Joe Gallagher, Batsford 1995, 240 p. (ISBN 0 7134 7730 X) Price: UK Pounds 14.99 (51) The Latvian Gambit,Tony Kosten, Batsford 1995, 144 p. (ISBN 0 7134 7619 2) Price: UK Pounds 12.99 (51) Nimzo-indian Defence Classical Variation, I.Sokolov, Cadogan Press 1995, 148 p. (ISBN 1 85744 120 6) Price: $17.95 (51) Ruy Lopez Arkhangelsk System (C78), J.Konikowski, S1 Editrice, 1995, 283 p. (ISBN 88-86127-36-7) Price: 30.000 Lires (51) Queen's Gambit Accepted (D20-D29), S1 Editrice, 1995, 179 p. (ISBN 88-86127-34-0) Price: 26.000 Lires (51) King's Indian Defence Saemisch Variation (E80-E89), M.Tirabassi e.a., S1 Editrice, 1995, 330 p. (ISBN 88-86127-35-9) Price: 32.000 Lires (51) Slav: Botvinnik Variation, Rini Kuijf ,Interchess 1995, 108 p. (Book: ISBN 90- 71689-80-8) Price: $25 (book + disk, NIC-limited edition to use gamefile) (51) (Text in Dutch, English and German) Sicilian: English Attack, Alexander Nikitin, Interchess 1995, 108 p. (Book: ISBN 90-71689-88-3) Price: $25 (book + disk, NIC-limited edition to use gamefile) (51) (Text in Dutch, English and German) Das Mittelgambit im Nachzug, J.Konikowski and M.Gupta, Muedler 1994, 130 p. (ISBN 3-925691-07-3) Price: DM 28 (51) Angenommenes Damengambit I-II, E.Varnusz, Madler 1994, 328 p. (ISBN 3-925691-11- 1) Price: DM 29.80 (51) Enzyklopuedie der Aljechin-verteidigung Band A Der Vierbauernangriff, Erich Siebenhaar, Verlag Reinhold Dreier, 1995, 294 p. (ISBN 3-929376-29-6) Price: DM 34.80 (51) Neuerungen im Slawisch, E.Varnusz, Dreier Verlag 1994, 104 p.(ISBN 963-04-4408-9) Price: DM 19.80 (CAL-disk + 10 DM) (51) Schara-Hennig Gambit, E.Siebenhaar and B.Weigand, Dreier Verlag 1994, 110 p. Price: DM 19.80 (51) 500 French Miniatures (II), Bill Wall, Chess Enterprises 1995, 117 p. (ISBN 0-945470-54-1) Price: $ 7.50 (53) How to play the Dillworth Attack, Eric Schiller, Chess Enterprises 1995, 98 p. (ISBN 0-945470-52-5) Price: $ 9.95 (53) 1.Nc3 Dunst Opening, Bill Wall, Chess Enterprises 1995, 104 p. (ISBN 0-945470- 48-7) Price: $ 6.95 (53) Tennison Gambit 1.Nf3 d5 2.e4, W.John Lutes, Chess Enterprises 1995, 102 p. (ISBN 0-945470-55-X) Price: $12.95 (53) Panov Attack, Volume II, Eric Schiller, Chess Enterprises 1995, 127 p. (ISBN 0-945470-47-9) Price: $ 9.95 (53) Beating the Sicilian 3, John Nunn and Joe Gallagher, Batsford 1995, 224 p. (ISBN 0-7134-7844-6) Price : UK Pounds 14.99 (53) The Big Book of Busts, Watson and Schiller, Hypermodern 1995, 293 p. (ISBN 1- 886040-13-3) Price: $22,95 (53) E.C.O. Busted!, Sid Pickard, Hays 1993, 234 p. (ISBN 1-880673-92-4) Price: $21,00 (53) Das Winckelmann Reimer-gambit, Thomas Winckelmann, Tomwing Verlag 1995, 186 p. Price: DM 34.80 (55) Fajarowicz-gambit 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e5 3.dxe5 Ne4!, Niels Jorgen Jensen, Eleprint 1995 (2nd edition), 48 p. Price : DM 13,50 (55) An opening repertoire for White, R.Keene and B.Jacobs, Batsford 1995, 144 p. (ISBN 0-7134-7817-9) Price: UK Pounds 10.99 (61) The Labourdonnais System in the Sicilian Defence (B32) , Adolf Neumann, S1 Editrice, 269 p. (ISBN 88-86127-41-3) Price : Lit.26.000 (61) Pirc Defence Czech Variation 3...c6 (B07), F.Pieri, S1 Editrice, 203 p. (ISBN 88-86127-38-3) Price: Lit.UK Pounds 22.000 (61) Blackmar Diemer Gambit, Gary Lane, Batsford 1995, 128 p. (ISBN -7034-7725-3) Price: UK Pounds 10.99 (61) 1...Sc6 ...aus allen Lagen, H.Keilhack and R.Schlenker, SchachVerlag Kania 1995, 191 p. (ISBN 3-931192-01-6) Price: DM 26,80 (61) Die Alapin-Variante in der Spanischen Eroffnung, Berhard Lach, SchachVerlag Kania 1995, 62 p. (ISBN 3-931192-00-8) Price: DM 13.80 (61) ENDGAME-THEORY Secrets of Minor Piece Endings, John Nunn, Batsford, 1995 (ISBN 0 7134 7727 X) Price: UK Pounds 17.99 (51) Winning Endgame Technique, A.Beliavsky and A.Mikhalchishin, Batsford 1995, 192 p. (ISBN 0 7134 7512 9) Price: UK Pounds 13.99 (51) Praxis des Turmendspiels, Victor Korchnoi, Edition Olms 1995,103 p. (ISBN 3- 283-00287-8) Price : DM 24,80 (61) PLAYER MONOGRAPHS Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, Batsford, 1995, 240 p. (ISBN 0 7134 7812 8) Price: UK Pounds 14.99 (51) Capablanca's 100 Best Games, Harry Golombek, Batsford, 1995, (ISBN 0-7134-4650- X) Price: UK Pounds 10.99 (51) Garry Kasparov's Fighting Chess, G.Kasparov, J.Speelman en B.Wade, Batsford 1995, 312 p. (ISBN 0-7134-7919-1) Price : UK Pounds 14.99 (51) Vishy Anand Chess Super-Talent, David Norwood, Batsford 1995, 144 p. (ISBN 0- 7134-7816-0) Price: UK Pounds 12.99 (51) Taimanov's Selected Games, M.Taimanov, Cadogan, 1995, 198 p. (ISBN 1-85744-155- 9) Price: $19.95 (51) Alexej Schirow, H.Wieteck, Rochade Europa 1993, 80 p. (ISBN 3-920748-07-7) Price: DM 9.80 (51) Gata Kamsky 2.0, N.Heymann, Rochade Europa 1995, 80 p. (ISBN 3-920748-20-4 Price: DM 9.80 (51) Leonid Stein, H.Wieteck, Rochade Europa 1994, 64 p. (ISBN 3-920748-16-6) Price: DM 9.80 (51) Wer wird Kasparows herausforderer Jan Timman/Nigel Short, L.Steinkohl, Rochade Europa 1992, 80 p. (ISBN 3-920748-05-0) Price: DM 9.80 (51) Potpourri seiner Schacherzuehlungen, E.Gufeld, Rochade Europa 1995, 80 p. (ISBN 3-920478-19-0) Price: DM 9.80 (51) Moderne Schachstrategie (D.I.Ossip S.Bernsteins Schach und Lebenlaufbahn), S.G.Tartakower, Edition Olms 1985, 139 p. (ISBN 3-283-00177-4) Price: DM 34,80 (61) TOURNAMENTMONOGRAPHY Sicilian Love, Polugaevsky, Piket and Guneau, Interchess 1995, 324 p.(ISBN 90- 71689-999) Price: $35 (51) NBC 25 year, van Spijk 1995, (ISBN 90 6216 128 6) Price: DFL 29,75 (51) Kurt Klar Gedenkturnier, H.Heemsoth, Muedler 1994, 119 p. (ISBN 3-925691-08-1) Price : DM 22.80 (German and figurines (51)) Jubiliumsturnier 40 Jahre BdF, M.Gluth, 1995, 144 p. Price: DM 24 (53) Julius Nielsen Memorial, J.A.Nielsen, Dansk Skak Union, 1991, 70 p. (ISBN 87- 983828-0-2) Price: n$14 (53) World Chess Championship Kasparov v Anand, Raymond Keene, Batsford 1995, 128 p. (ISBN 0-7134-7819-5) Price: UK Pounds 9.99 (55) Kasparov vs Anand, Daniel King, Cadogan 1995, 128 p. (ISBN 1-85744-146-X) Price: $12.95 (61) Schach-WM 1995 Kasparow - Anand, Helmut Pleger and Andre Behr, Edition Olms 1995, 135 (124), (ISBN 3-283-00295-9) Price : DM 29,80 (61) SKILL-LEARNINGBOOKS FOR STARTERS AND BEYONED Think like a grandmaster, Alexander Kotov, Batsford, 1995, 188 p. (ISBN 0-7134- 7885-3) Price: UK Pounds 13.99 (51) Technique for the Tournament Player, M.Dvoretsky en A.Yusupov, Batsford 1995, 240p. (ISBN 0 7134 7722 9) Price: UK Pounds 17.99 (51) Planning, Neil McDonald, Batsford, 1995, 112 p. (ISBN 0 7134 7573 0) Price: UK Pounds 7.99 (51) Gambits, Graham Burgess, Batsford, 1995, 112.p. (ISBN 0 7134 7574 9) Price: UK Pounds 7.99 (51) Chess for Tomorrow's Champions, J.Walker, Cadogan ,1995, 144 p. (ISBN 1-85744- 195-8) Price : $14.95 (51) A primer of Chess, Jos Capablanca, Cadogan 1995, 150 p. (ISBN 1 85744 165 6) Price: $15.95 (51) The Times Winning Chess, Raymond Keene, Batsford 1995, 144 p. (0-7134-7842-X) Price :UK Pounds 9.99 (53) Steve Davis plays Chess, Steve Davis and David Norwood, Batsford 1995, 112 p. (ISBN 0-7134-7813-6) Price: UK Pounds 9.99 (55) Guide to chess, Malcolm Pein, Batsford 1995, 128 p. (ISBN 0-7134-7814-4) Price: UK Pounds 8.99 (55) Das Schachspiel, S.Tarrasch, Edition Olms 1992, 407 p. (ISBN 3-283-00253-3) Price : DM 34,80 (61) SPECIAL ITEM Secrets of Spectacular Chess, Jonathan Levitt en David Friedgood, Batsford, 1995, 222 p (ISBN 0 7134 7721 0) Price: UK Pounds 14.99 (51) Schach und Schalom, Ludwig Steinkohl, Muedler 1995, 189 p. (ISBN 3-925691-1-12-X) Price: DM 24.80 (51) Schach-Mekka Berlin in den "roaring twenties", H.Wieteck, Rochade Europa 1995, 217 p. (ISBN 3-920748-18-2) Price: DM 19.80 (51) The Daily Telegraph Chess Puzzles, David Norwood, Batsford 1995, 128 p. (ISBN 0- 7134-7815-2) Price: UK Pounds 8.99 (53) Kombiniere...Matt!, Hilmar Ebert, Rochade Europa 1995, 96 p. (ISBN 3-920748-28- X) Price: DM 9.80 (55) Schach in flotten Versen, Helmut Tribus, Rochade Europa 1995, 160 p. (ISBN 3- 920748-27-1) Price: DM 9.80 (55) 99 Schonheitspreise aus 150 Schachjahren, L.Steinkohl, Rochade Europa 1995, 126 p. (ISBN 3-920748-26-3) Price: DM 9.80 (55) The NIC-QUIZ disks (Tactics levels 1800 till 2200), Interchess 1995 Price: $16 for each level. (55) 1946-1970 Het tijdperk Botwinnik, Hans Bouwmeester, van Spijk 1995, 111 p. (ISBN 90-6216-125-1) Price: Dfl. 34,50 (approcamitly 20$) (55) Correspondence Chess Yearbook 14, S1 Editrice 1995, 292 p. (ISBN 88-86127-37-5) Prijs: Lit 30.000 (61) 100 Classics of the chessboard, A.Dickins and H.Ebert, Cadogan Books 1995, 217 p. (ISBN 1-85744-187-7) (61) Top Helpmates, H.Ebert and H.Gruber, HE-Chess 1 1995, 262 p. Price: DM 39,80 (61) 12) WIC Correspondence Chess-news #3 by Bertrand Weegenaar ------------------------------------------------------ First of all the best wishes to all readers of Week in Chess, and of course to all participating. A. Schaakschakeringen November 1995 issue 311 This issue is a theme issue concerning the friendly country matches which are played between the NBC and dozens of countries, members of ICCF, which where played for the last decades. An article by the team captain, Peter Heyboer concerns the reasons players can participate. A chess portrait by Piet Roos, for 22 years 27 times as the first board player with an excellent score of more then 25 wins and a handfull of losses. The games which comes with article can be found at the gamepart of this WIC. Piet is very happy playing these friendly matches, and in those years he has made a lot of contacts for life. From Tom de Ruiter there is a gameselection of good games from recent countrymatches against Iceland , Denmark and Finland. This issue further has a books review part, results and an announcements for a friendly E-mail match between the NBC and a Brazilian team! B. Schaakschakeringen Decembre 1995 issue 312 A chess portrait from the hand of N.Oud starts this issue. 2,5 decades of CC- chess has resulted in many friendly contacts around the world. A selection of games can be found in the games section. In the games part of this issue of Schaakschakeringen, the Dutch Open is the topic for Tom de Ruiter to select his games from. Besides that several NBC-members have send games material and analysis to share with other NBC-members. Games are attached to this issue. Also part 3 of the Sokolski-opening by Johan Dopper is presented concerning 1.b4 c6 2.Bb2 , 1.b4 Na6 2.a3 c5 and 1.b4 Nc6 2.b5 . C. Gert Jan Timmerman: #1 on the ICCF ranking list. For years Gert Jan Timmerman was in the top 10 of the ICCF-Elo ranking list, but this year he reached the 1 place after his score in the FINJUB 30 tournament was counted. Besides CC Gert Jan is a very strong OTB-player, who even has participated in the Dutch championships in the early 80's and an IM-title in 1985. Correspondence chess started for him in 1975 when he started his first I-class group and a year later starting in the Dutch Open. He quickly reached a place in the Dutch CC championship (no 10) in 1981. The win of this tournament a head of later GM's J.J.van Oosterom and P.C.Seewald, and also of Max Euwe who started in this tournament but unfortunately died before all his games where finished (he reached 4th place.) The win of this tournament turned out to be very importent for his CC-carreer. It game him the right to participate in a next final which he did when no 10 was finished. The Dutch Final No 12, was also a win for Timmerman. But it also gave him the invitation to participate in the NBC 15 Jubilee tournament which started in 1982. In this tournament his real strenght showed: he finished shared second with Tj.Wiersma, and after H.Rittner (GER), but ahead of CC-GM's like H.Bouwmeester, K.Richardson and J.Sorri. The score of 10/14 earned him the GM- title. During this tournament the Dutch Open Final of 1976 was finished, won by GJ.Timmerman, ahead of Peter Boll (NLD, GM sinths 1993 and playing in the 14th WM final). Gert-Jan also started playing the ICCF V-cup, a World Open Tournament.) The next big results came in the early 90's. The participating in the 40 years Jubilee tournament of the German CC-organisation BdF, resulted in a shared second place with S.Webb , a half point behind winner D.van Geet (NLD). More spectacular are his win of the ICCF V-tournament with the score of 10 out of 11. Winning this tournament is an immense operation, because in the preliminaries and semi-final (both 11 players) only the winners place for the next round. In 1992 the NBC 25 Jubilee started with a very large (21) and strong field of players. The win with 17,5 points out of 20, before JJ van Oosterom and a lot of othe CC-GM's was enormous. This can be also said of his win of the 30 years Finnish Jubilea tournament where 12,5 points of 14 games are enough to secure first place. At the moment Gert Jan is playing the Norway 50 years Jubilea, probably the strongest CC-tournament ever organised, which include almost only GM, most CC but also one OTB player (Ulf Anderson). From the following tournaments all (or most) games are added to the gamespart of this WIC: Dutch CC no 10 Dutch CC no 12 NBC/15 Volmac Jubilee 1982-1987 NBC/25 Jubilee 1902-1994 Bdf/40 Jubilee 1991-1994 FinJub 30 1992- I hope you enjoy the games. From the NBC 25 and BdF/40 Jubilea tournament books are available. (See book review issues in earlier TWIC)