THE WEEK IN CHESS 636 15th January 2007 by Mark Crowther

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Mark Crowther
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1) Introduction
2) Corus Wijk aan Zee
3) Belarus Championships
4) XXXII Ciudad de Sevilla
5) Paul Keres Memorial
6) Norwegian Team League 2006-7
7) Petrovskaya Ladya Festival
8) Verona
9) 13th Zupanja Festival
10) Australian Open Chess Championships 2006-7
11) 114th New Zealand Championship
12) Helyilapok Season Opening Open
13) Francesc Alsina Memorial
14) Aniversario del Par de Alfiles
15) 4NCL
16) ACP Rapid
17) Forthcoming Events and Links


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Games section

Corus Wijk aan Zee                  63 games
Belarus Championships               24 games
XXXII Ciudad de Sevilla            171 games
Paul Keres Memorial                135 games
Norwegian Team League               90 games
Petrovskaya Ladya Festival         247 games
Verona                             144 games
13th Zupanja Festival              117 games
Australian Open Championships      320 games
114th New Zealand Championship      30 games
Aniversario del Par de Alfiles      12 games
ACP Rapid                            1 game
1354 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to John Henderson, Torstein Bae, Geurt Gijssen, Peter Doggers, Luiz Roberto Da Costa Jr, Thomas Henrich, Dave Clayton, Michael Freeman, Laszlo Nagy, Mikhail Golubev, Holger Lieske, Michael J. Yeo, Sergey Shipov, Carles Batallé, Olimpiu G. Urcan, Mikel Larreategi and everyone else who helped with the issue.

I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but I really love the Corus Wijk aan Zee tournament. I did before I started going, I love it even more now I've visited the event a few times. The Dutch seem to have a great feel for producing great tournaments, with the VSB events in Amsterdam in the 1980s and 1990s being a fantastic example. The Wijk aan Zee tournament has a longer history than that event going back to 1938 and a sponsorship from the historic Hoogovens steelworks. Corus is its successor and they produce the largest sponsorship of an event in the calendar. Its to be hoped in the long term that the parent company's uncertain future with take over offers in the air won't put the event in doubt. The organisers take a great deal of care as to who they invite so that they produce exciting and enterprising chess and yet have a field with the world's best. After three rounds the surprise leader is Teimour Radjabov who has 2.5 points but might have even made it 3/3. The event is never won in its early rounds and favourites for first place are still last year's joint winners Viswanathan Anand and Veselin Topalov who are in a big group just a half a point behind.

Hope you enjoy this issue.


2) Corus Wijk aan Zee

The Corus tournament in Wijk aan Zee takes place 12th-28th January 2007.

Round 1 was a quiet one with Teimour Radjabov defeating Loek van Wely in a King's Indian Classical but the rest of the games saw a great deal of caution.

Round 2 was a bloodbath! All but one game was drawn and even that (Radjabov - Karjakin) should probably have been won by white. Alexander Motylev took up the gauntlet with white against Viswanathan Anand playing a sharp attacking variation of the Najdorf Poisoned Pawn where the result looked in question for a long time. Anand never quite looked like losing but a draw seemed on the cards before Motylev played for too much and blundered his position away. Veselin Topalov had white against Loek van Wely's Najdorf and his attack looked quicker all the way through which indeed proved to be the case. Vladimir Kramnik had to face what appears to be a new idea (8. ..b5) against his English however this was the product of nearly an hour's?! thought at move 7 by Shirov. Kramnik had a big positional edge which probably led to Shirov playing 34...Rb7?? which saw him resigning without waiting for 35.Rxe6 Kxe6 36. Nc5+ netting a piece for nothing. Magnus Carlsen and David Navara was a very interesting struggle where white's central pawns tried to compensate for the lack of an exchange. Thats until you play through the game with Fritz and find 31.... g5 just loses to 32.c6!!. 35.c6? was the error that cost Carlsen the game. If Sergey Tiviakov were to appear on Mastermind his specialist subject would be the Scandinavian Defence. He's had a huge amount of success with this opening and it survived a big test at this event last year. To be fair it wasn't entirely responsible for his loss to Peter Svidler either. Svidler had a big edge after the opening, let it go and then gradually ground down his opponent again. Levon Aronian arrived at Wijk aan Zee as the rising star and world number 3 last year. He's number 7 this time after a slightly weaker last 6 months but the 25 year old is still clearly going to be around for a long time. Aronian faced the rather dubious 11…d5?! in a Classical Nimzo Indian by Ruslan Ponomariov which gave him a nice position, but things weren't settled until the poor 29...Nb4? was played. Ten moves later Ponomariov's had to resign. Teimour Radjabov and Sergey Karjakin played an interesting Queen's Indian until somewhere around moves 20-30 Radjabov emerged with a big advantage. Karjakin bailed out to Rook+Bishop and two pawns for black against Radjabov's Queen and three pawns. I would have thought this to be winning but Radjabov couldn't break through even when he was queen for rook up later on.

Round 3 There were just two decisive games in round 3. Teimour Radjabov won as black with the King's Indian for the second time in the event, this time beating Alexei Shirov. Shirov tried to improve on Radjabov's round 1 games against van Wely but black seemed at least fine after the improvement which also cost Shirov a pawn. Shirov then didn't seem to be able to find a plan and was flat busted by move 30. Shirov found some complications rather than going down to a straighforward loss which almost managed to get him into some kind of playable ending after errors from his opponent. However his badly co-ordinated pieces meant that he didn't last long here. Ruslan Ponomariov was the other winner, against Magnus Carlsen who we will have to hope is not out of his depth in the A group. Carlsen was beaten straight out of the opening where he had to give up the exchange for simply not enough compensation.Vladimir Kramnik played the Petroff as black against Sergei Tiviakov and got the draw he was no doubt seeking very quickly. Viswanathan Anand and Levon Aronian had a theoretical dispute in the Ruy Lopez Marshall. Aronian found a way to sacrifice bishop and rook for perpetual. Sergey Karjakin got a very nice position against Veselin Topalov's Najdorf Defence but Topalov managed to produce some very fine complications which were enough for him to draw although the amazing 43.Qh5 does win it would take some bravery to play it without the aid of a computer. Loek van Wely and Alexander Motylev had a bright struggle in the English Four Knights where care had to be taken right to the final sterile position on move 53 when they called it a day.The English seems to be the new black in this tournament. David Navara played it against Peter Svidler and thus avoided the Gruenfeld. Navara avoided a repetition on move 17 but when the draw was agreed he maybe stood even a tiny bit worse.

Official site:

Some interesting other sites. Frits Agterdenbos photos at: - Peter Doggers increasingly famous video site: - Sergey Shipov is well known for his annotations (at the moment in Russian): - Mig is on Chessfm at the ICC for daily live audio coverage of Corus free week's trial:

Corus A Wijk aan Zee NED (NED), 13-28 i 2007                cat. XIX (2718)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 
 1. Radjabov, Teimour    g AZE 2729  * . . . . . . = . . . 1 . 1  2.5  2965 
 2. Aronian, Levon       g ARM 2744  . * = = . . . . 1 . . . . .  2.0  2865 
 3. Anand, Viswanathan   g IND 2779  . = * . . . . . = 1 . . . .  2.0  2829 
 4. Navara, David        g CZE 2719  . = . * = . . . . . . . 1 .  2.0  2845 
 5. Svidler, Peter       g RUS 2728  . . . = * . . . . . 1 = . .  2.0  2825 
 6. Kramnik, Vladimir    g RUS 2766  . . . . . * . = . . = 1 . .  2.0  2811 
 7. Topalov, Veselin     g BUL 2783  . . . . . . * = . = . . . 1  2.0  2794 
 8. Karjakin, Sergey     g UKR 2678  = . . . . = = * . . . . . .  1.5  2759 
 9. Ponomariov, Ruslan   g UKR 2723  . 0 = . . . . . * . . . 1 .  1.5  2737 
10. Motylev, Alexander   g RUS 2647  . . 0 . . . = . . * . . . =  1.0  2623 
11. Tiviakov, Sergei     g NED 2667  . . . . 0 = . . . . * . = .  1.0  2603 
12. Shirov, Alexei       g ESP 2715  0 . . . = 0 . . . . . * . .  0.5  2468 
13. Carlsen, Magnus      g NOR 2690  . . . 0 . . . . 0 . = . * .  0.5  2430 
14. Van Wely, Loek       g NED 2683  0 . . . . . 0 . . = . . . *  0.5  2446 

Round 1 (January 13, 2007)

Navara, David       -  Aronian, Levon      1/2   22  D38  QGD Ragozin
Topalov, Veselin    -  Motylev, Alexander  1/2   24  D12  Slav Defence
Karjakin, Sergey    -  Kramnik, Vladimir   1/2   33  C42  Petroff's Defence
Ponomariov, Ruslan  -  Anand, Viswanathan  1/2   22  E05  Catalan
Tiviakov, Sergei    -  Carlsen, Magnus     1/2   24  B22  Sicilian Alapin
Shirov, Alexei      -  Svidler, Peter      1/2   26  D87  Gruenfeld Botvinnik
Van Wely, Loek      -  Radjabov, Teimour   0-1   40  E97  King's Indian Classical

Round 2 (January 14, 2007)

Radjabov, Teimour   -  Karjakin, Sergey    1/2   78  E15  Queens Indian
Aronian, Levon      -  Ponomariov, Ruslan  1-0   39  E32  Nimzo Indian 4.Qc2
Svidler, Peter      -  Tiviakov, Sergei    1-0   65  B01  Centre Counter
Kramnik, Vladimir   -  Shirov, Alexei      1-0   34  A16  English Opening
Topalov, Veselin    -  Van Wely, Loek      1-0   35  B90  Sicilian Najdorf Variation
Motylev, Alexander  -  Anand, Viswanathan  0-1   31  B97  Sicilian Najdorf
Carlsen, Magnus     -  Navara, David       0-1   50  D87  Gruenfeld Botvinnik

Round 3 (January 15, 2007)

Anand, Viswanathan  -  Aronian, Levon      1/2   32  C89  Ruy Lopez Marshall
Navara, David       -  Svidler, Peter      1/2   27  A16  English Opening
Karjakin, Sergey    -  Topalov, Veselin    1/2   54  B90  Sicilian Najdorf Variation
Ponomariov, Ruslan  -  Carlsen, Magnus     1-0   30  D10  Slav Defence
Tiviakov, Sergei    -  Kramnik, Vladimir   1/2   28  C43  Petroff's Defence
Shirov, Alexei      -  Radjabov, Teimour   0-1   47  E97  King's Indian Classical
Van Wely, Loek      -  Motylev, Alexander  1/2   53  A29  English Four Knights

Corus B Wijk aan Zee NED (NED), 13-28 i 2007                     cat. XIV (2600)
                                          1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 
 1. Smeets, Jan               g NED 2538  * = . . . . 1 . . . . 1 . .  2.5  2902 
 2. Bu Xiangzhi               g CHN 2644  = * . . . . . . . 1 . . . 1  2.5  2841 
 3. Bologan, Viktor           g MDA 2658  . . * . = = . . 1 . . . . .  2.0  2739 
 4. Nijboer, Friso            g NED 2638  . . . * . . . = . = 1 . . .  2.0  2699 
 5. Jakovenko, Dmitry         g RUS 2691  . . = . * . . . . . = . 1 .  2.0  2677 
 6. Stellwagen, Daniel        g NED 2585  . . = . . * . . = . . = . .  1.5  2603 
 7. Sargissian, Gabriel       g ARM 2658  0 . . . . . * 1 . = . . . .  1.5  2595 
 8. Eljanov, Pavel            g UKR 2675  . . . = . . 0 * . . . . 1 .  1.5  2607 
 9. Werle, Jan                g NED 2566  . . 0 . . = . . * . . . . 1  1.5  2612 
10. Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime   g FRA 2573  . 0 . = . . = . . * . . . .  1.0  2521 
11. Kosintseva, Tatiana       m RUS 2474  . . . 0 = . . . . . * . = .  1.0  2493 
12. Atalik, Suat              g TUR 2586  0 . . . . = . . . . . * . =  1.0  2447 
13. Georgiev, Vladimir        g MKD 2525  . . . . 0 . . 0 . . = . * .  0.5  2340 
14. L'Ami, Erwin              g NED 2594  . 0 . . . . . . 0 . . = . *  0.5  2325 

Corus C Wijk aan Zee NED (NED), 13-28 i 2007                     cat. X (2486)
                                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 
 1. Nepomniachtchi, Ian    m RUS 2587  * . . 1 = . . . . . . . 1 .  2.5  2855 
 2. Bosboom, Manuel        m NED 2375  . * . . . . = . 1 1 . . . .  2.5  2688 
 3. Negi, Parimarjan       g IND 2538  . . * . . . . = . . 1 . . 1  2.5  2709 
 4. Krasenkow, Michal      g POL 2651  0 . . * . 1 . . . . 1 . . .  2.0  2628 
 5. Berg, Emanuel          g SWE 2586  = . . . * . . . 1 = . . . .  2.0  2594 
 6. Hou Yifan             wf CHN 2509  . . . 0 . * . . . . . 1 1 .  2.0  2677 
 7. Jonkman, Harmen        g NED 2425  . = . . . . * . 0 . . . . 1  1.5  2386 
 8. Brynell, Stellan       g SWE 2501  . . = . . . . * . . . 0 . =  1.0  2350 
 9. Van Haastert, Edwin    m NED 2391  . 0 . . 0 . 1 . * . . . . .  1.0  2337 
10. Peng Zhaoqin           g NED 2431  . 0 . . = . . . . * . . = .  1.0  2365 
11. Spoelman, Wouter       m NED 2414  . . 0 0 . . . . . . * 1 . .  1.0  2436 
12. Kosintseva, Nadezhda   m RUS 2496  . . . . . 0 . 1 . . 0 * . .  1.0  2349 
13. Van der Wiel, John     g NED 2511  0 . . . . 0 . . . = . . * .  0.5  2236 
14. Willemze, Thomas       m NED 2393  . . 0 . . . 0 = . . . . . *  0.5  2215 

3) Belarus Championships

The Belarus Championships take place in Minsk 10th-20th January 2007.

Official site:

ch-BLR Minsk BLR (BLR), 10-20 i 2007                        cat. X (2482)
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Dydyshko, Viacheslav   g BLR 2574  * = . . . . . . = 1 1 .  3.0  2719 
 2. Zhigalko, Sergei       m BLR 2539  = * = . = . . 1 . . . .  2.5  2580 
 3. Tihonov, Jurij         g BLR 2501  . = * . . . . . = = . 1  2.5  2577 
 4. Mihajlovskij, Sergei     BLR 2451  . . . * . = = . . = . 1  2.5  2566 
 5. Maiorov, Nikita        m BLR 2516  . = . . * 1 = . . . 0 .  2.0  2499 
 6. Teterev, Vitaly          BLR 2516  . . . = 0 * = 1 . . . .  2.0  2430 
 7. Lomako, Pavel            BLR 2406  . . . = = = * . . . = .  2.0  2505 
 8. Novitzkij, Dmitrij     m BLR 2350  . 0 . . . 0 . * 1 . 1 .  2.0  2505 
 9. Podolchenko, Evgeniy     BLR 2429  = . = . . . . 0 * . . 1  2.0  2446 
10. Aleksandrov, Aleksej   g BLR 2601  0 . = = . . . . . * . 1  2.0  2471 
11. Zhigalko, Andrey       g BLR 2538  0 . . . 1 . = 0 . . * .  1.5  2374 
12. Kutsankov, Vladimir      BLR 2361  . . 0 0 . . . . 0 0 . *  0.0       

4) XXXII Ciudad de Sevilla

The XXXII Ciudad de Sevilla takes place 7th-15th January 2007. Karel van der Weide has a half point lead with 7/8 going into the final round.

Official site:

XXXII Abierto Internacional "Ciudad de Sevilla"
Round 8 Standings 
Rank         Name                                    Rtg     
   1 GM  Van Der Weide, Karel              2476 NED   7  34  
   2 IM  Rizouk, Aimen                     2455 ALG  6½  35  
   3 GM  Campora Sivori, Daniel            2510 ARG  6½  35  
   4 IM  Lopez Martinez, Josep Manuel      2550 ESP  6½  34  
   5 GM  Pogorelov, Ruslan                 2441 UKR  6½  34  
   6 GM  Komljenovic, Davor                2481 CRO  6½  33½ 
   7 IM  Vehi Bach, Victor Manuel          2368 ESP  6½  31½ 
   8 GM  Dizdar, Goran                     2541 CRO   6  37½ 
   9 GM  Spraggett, Kevin                  2633 CAN   6  37  
  10 IM  Paunovic, Dragan                  2516 SER   6  34  
  11 GM  Parligras, Mircea                 2494 ROM   6  33½ 
  12 IM  Tissir, Mohamed                   2482 MAR   6  33½ 
  13 IM  Fernandez Romero, Ernesto         2434 ESP   6  33½ 
  14 GM  Burmakin, Vladimir                2568 RUS   6  33  
  15 IM  Gavrilov, Alexei                  2465 RUS   6  33  
  16 GM  Narciso Dublan, Marc              2537 ESP   6  32½ 
  17 WFM Robles Garcia, Claudia            2089 ESP   6  32½ 
  18 GM  Lalic, Bogdan                     2522 CRO   6  32  
  19 IM  Siebrecht, Sebastian              2457 GER   6  31  
  20 IM  Garcia Luque, Agustin             2373 ESP   6  30½ 
  21     Jimenez Hernandez, Cayetano       2229 ESP   6  29½ 
  22     Sgnaolin, Davide                  2153 ITA   6  29  
  23 GM  Epishin, Vladimir                 2554 RUS  5½  36½ 
  24 GM  Movsziszian, Karen                2445 ARM  5½  35  
  25 IM  Teran Alvarez, Ismael             2417 ESP  5½  34  
  26 GM  Krivoshey, Sergey                 2496 UKR  5½  33½ 
  27 FM  Van Hoolandt, Patrick             2257 MNC  5½  32  
  28 FM  Razmyslov, Alexander              2349 UKR  5½  31½ 
  29 GM  Matamoros Franco, Carlos S.       2540 ECU  5½  31½ 
  30 IM  Lanzani, Mario                    2338 ITA  5½  31½ 
  31     Pereira Figueroa, Manuel          2121 ESP  5½  30½ 
  32     Prados Montaño, Antonio           2208 ESP  5½  29½ 
  33 IM  Kononenko, Tatiana                2379 UKR  5½  29½ 
  34     Urbina Perez, Juan Antonio        2114 ESP  5½  29½ 
  35     Martin Vazquez, Jose Miguel       2167 ESP  5½  29½ 
  36     Torres Ventosa, Pedro Eugenio     2122 ESP  5½  28½ 
  37     Oliva Del Amo, Antonio Jose       2133 ESP  5½  28  
  38     Houweling, Bert                      0 NED  5½  27  
  39 GM  Korneev, Oleg                     2606 RUS   5  34½ 
  40 FM  Fenollar Jorda, Manuel            2307 ESP   5  34  
228 players

5) Paul Keres Memorial

The Paul Keres Memorial took place in Tallinn, Estonia 6th-12th January 2007. Georgy Timoshenko won the A group with 6/9.

Official site:

Keres Mem A Tallinn EST (EST), 6-12 i 2007             cat. X (2477)
                                      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Timoshenko, Georgy    g UKR 2563  * = 1 = = 1 = 1 = =  6.0  2592 
 2. Sulskis, Sarunas      g LTU 2525  = * = = 1 = 1 1 = 0  5.5  2551 
 3. Ivanov, Sergey        g RUS 2534  0 = * = = = 1 = 1 1  5.5  2550 
 4. Onischuk, Vladimir    m UKR 2469  = = = * = = = 0 = 1  4.5  2477 
 5. Sepp, Olav            m EST 2458  = 0 = = * = = = = 1  4.5  2479 
 6. Volodin, Aleksandr      EST 2354  0 = = = = * = = = 1  4.5  2490 
 7. Kulaots, Kaido        g EST 2525  = 0 0 = = = * = 1 1  4.5  2471 
 8. Liiva, Riho           m EST 2439  0 0 = 1 = = = * = =  4.0  2438 
 9. Klovans, Janis        g LAT 2448  = = 0 = = = 0 = * 0  3.0  2355 
10. Sulashvili, Malkhaz   m GEO 2455  = 1 0 0 0 0 0 = 1 *  3.0  2354 

Keres Mem B Tallinn EST (EST), 6-12 i 2007                cat. VI (2377)
                                          1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Kanep, Meelis            g EST 2504  * = = = = 1 = 1 1 1  6.5  2528 
 2. Miezis, Normunds         g LAT 2517  = * 0 1 = = = 1 1 1  6.0  2486 
 3. Balashov, Yuri S         g RUS 2422  = 1 * = = = = = = 1  5.5  2451 
 4. Smirnov, Artem           m RUS 2385  = 0 = * 1 = = 1 = 1  5.5  2455 
 5. Lauk, Ular               f EST 2367  = = = 0 * 1 1 = = 1  5.5  2457 
 6. Rogule, Laura           wg LAT 2329  0 = = = 0 * = = 1 1  4.5  2382 
 7. Seeman, Tarvo            m EST 2425  = = = = 0 = * = = =  4.0  2328 
 8. Westerinen, Heikki M.J   g FIN 2402  0 0 = 0 = = = * 1 1  4.0  2330 
 9. Jegorovas, Aleksandras     LTU 2262  0 0 = = = 0 = 0 * =  2.5  2223 
10. Lelumees, Brait            EST 2154  0 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 = *  1.0  2050 

Keres Mem WGM Tallinn EST (EST), 6-12 i 2007
                                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Purtseladze, Maka      m GEO 2308  * 1 = 0 1 1 1 1 1 1  7.5  2491 
 2. Shvyrjov, Igor         g EST 2412  0 * 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1  6.0  2332 
 3. Zjukin, Sergei         m EST 2357  = 0 * = 1 = = 1 = 1  5.5  2293 
 4. Skinke, Katrina          LAT 2132  1 0 = * = 0 1 = = 1  5.0  2281 
 5. Daulyte, Deimante     wm LTU 2190  0 0 0 = * 1 1 1 1 0  4.5  2232 
 6. Gansvind, Valeriya I  wf EST 2252  0 1 = 1 0 * = = = 0  4.0  2182 
 7. Annenkov, Kirill       f RUS 2284  0 1 = 0 0 = * 0 1 1  4.0  2178 
 8. Vahtra, Tuuli            EST 1939  0 0 0 = 0 = 1 * = 1  3.5  2179 
 9. Piarnpuu, Leili       wm EST 2190  0 0 = = 0 = 0 = * =  2.5  2066 
10. Tsiganova, Monika     wm EST 2214  0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 = *  2.5  2063 

6) Norwegian Team League 2006-7

Torstein Bae sends rounds 4-6 of the Norwegian Team League 2006-2007 were played in Oslo 12th-14th January 2007.

For the first time a national league is being played in Norway, in previous years there have been regional qualifiers and a final. The league is sponsored by IP communications company Telio, and goes under the name "Telioserien" (The Telio league).

Oslo Schakselskap (with a.o. GM Johannessen, GM Gausel and IM Øgaard) was in the lead after three rounds, and won all their matches the second weekend as well. Among the other players this weekend were GMs Lie, Djurhuus, Tisdall and Kveinys.

The final three rounds are played March 9th to 11th. Official homepage: (in Norwegian). 5 matches with 6 boards in each round.

Standings after six rounds (team points count first):
                  ind pts team pts
 1.   OSS         25.5    12 
 2.   Bergens     20.0     9
 3.   Porsgrunn   21.0     7
 4-5. Oslo Vest   18.0     7
 4-5. Moss        18.0     7
 6.   Asker       18.0     5 
 7.   Trondheim   17.5     5
 8.   SK 1911     16.5     5
 9.   ASKO        15.0     2
10.   Randaberg   10.5     1

7) Petrovskaya Ladya Festival

The Petrovskaya Ladya Chess Festival took place in Peterhof, Russia 3rd-11th January 2007. Daniil Lintchevski and Denis Yevseev couldn't even be separated by tie-break in sharing first on 7/9 in the GM group.

Official site:

Petrovskaya Ladya GM Peterhof RUS (RUS), 3-11 i 2007   cat. VII (2401)
                                      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
 1. Lintchevski, Daniil   m RUS 2449  * = = = = 1 = = 1 1 1  7.0  2544 
 2. Yevseev, Denis        g RUS 2522  = * = = 1 = = = 1 1 1  7.0  2537 
 3. Makarov, Marat        g RUS 2516  = = * = = = = 1 1 1 =  6.5  2499 
 4. Shimanov, Aleksandr   f RUS 2419  = = = * 0 = = 1 1 1 1  6.5  2508 
 5. Gorovykh, Eduard      f RUS 2381  = 0 = 1 * = = = = 1 1  6.0  2474 
 6. Rusanov, Michail        RUS 2436  0 = = = = * = = 1 1 1  6.0  2469 
 7. Itkis, Boris          m ROM 2424  = = = = = = * = = = 1  5.5  2434 
 8. Kim, Alexey           g KOR 2457  = = 0 0 = = = * = 1 1  5.0  2394 
 9. Samolins, Vitalijs      LAT 2285  0 0 0 0 = 0 = = * 1 1  3.5  2302 
10. Pogosian, Vladimir      ARM 2182  0 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 0 * 1  1.5  2126 
11. Timofeev, Andrei        RUS 2335  0 0 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *  0.5  1937 

Petrovskaya Ladya IM Peterhof RUS (RUS), 3-11 i 2007       cat. II (2276)
                                         1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
 1. Levin, Evgeny A          f RUS 2393  * = 1 = 1 = 1 = 1 1 =  7.5  2457 
 2. Nadjezhdin, Dmitry         RUS 2238  = * = = = 1 1 1 = 1 1  7.5  2472 
 3. Borisova, Elizaveta        RUS 2252  0 = * 1 0 = 1 1 1 1 1  7.0  2427 
 4. Markosian, David S       m ARM 2336  = = 0 * = = = = 1 1 1  6.0  2341 
 5. Khamitskiy, Sergei         BLR 2345  0 = 1 = * = 0 = = = 1  5.0  2269 
 6. Hermanov, Alexander      m UKR 2346  = 0 = = = * = = = 0 1  4.5  2232 
 7. Fedoseev, Vladimir3        RUS 2166  0 0 0 = 1 = * = 1 1 0  4.5  2250 
 8. Kaliberda, Vladimir      m UKR 2354  = 0 0 = = = = * = 0 =  3.5  2158 
 9. Romcovici, Victor        m MDA 2288  0 = 0 0 = = 0 = * = 1  3.5  2164 
10. Kuznetsov, Gennady         RUS 2097  0 0 0 0 = 1 0 1 = * =  3.5  2183 
11. Khamidulin, Viacheslav   f RUS 2220  = 0 0 0 0 0 1 = 0 = *  2.5  2088 

Petrovskaya Ladya Open Peterhof RUS (RUS), 3-11 i 2007
 1. Malofeev, Alex         f  RUS 2277 7.0  2389 
 2. Prokuronov, Eduard        RUS 2292 6.5  2359 
 3. Bocharov, Leonid          RUS 2147 6.5  2305 
 4. Mustaps, Matiss           LAT 2189 6.0  2235 
 5. Fedoseev, Sergey       f  RUS 2243 6.0  2251 
 6. Valov, Ilya               RUS 2302 6.0  2322 
 7. Kobzar, Alexandr          UKR 2094 6.0  2297 
 8. Somova, Nadezda           LAT 1931 5.5  2162 
32 players

8) Verona

The Arrocco Club in Verona, Italy organised a 7 round swiss 3rd-7th January 2007. Mihajlo Stojanovic won the event with 6/7 half a point clear of Sergejs Gromovs.

Official site:

Open Verona ITA (ITA), 3-7 i 2007
 1. Stojanovic, Mihajlo  m  SER 2576  6.0  2659 
 2. Gromovs, Sergejs     f  ITA 2347  5.5  2533 
 3. Sikula, Vaszilij     m  UKR 2515  5.0  2500 
 4. Borsos, Bogdan       m  UKR 2293  5.0  2453 
 5. Guido, Flavio        f  ITA 2313  5.0  2438 
 6. Rahal, Michael       m  ENG 2390  5.0  2450 
 7. Dvirnyy, Daniyyl        ITA 2351  5.0  2383 
 8. Ortega, Lexy         g  ITA 2442  4.5  2350 
 9. Rombaldoni, Axel        ITA 2218  4.5  2359 
10. Vezzosi, Paolo       m  ITA 2298  4.0  2218 
11. Jurkovic, Ante          CRO 2348  4.0  2258 
12. Pomaro, Alberto         ITA 2054  4.0  2304 
13. Mola, Pietro         f  ITA 2274  4.0  2254 
14. La Manna, Francesco     ITA 2119  4.0  2258 
15. Tommasi, Daniele        ITA 2204  4.0  2171 
16. Massa, Giovanni         ITA 2109  4.0  2240 
17. Valsecchi, Alessio      ITA 2096  4.0  2230 
18. Cazzaniga, Walter       ITA 2157  4.0  2125 
19. Luciani, Valerio        ITA 2243  4.0  2259 
42 players

9) 13th Zupanja Festival

The 13th Chess Festival took place in Zupanja CRO 3rd-12th January 2007. Nikola Sedlak won the event with 7/9.

Official site:

13th Festival A Zupanja CRO (CRO), 3-12 i 2007
                                         1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 
 1. Sedlak, Nikola        g  SER 2561  +15 +11 = 2 = 5 = 3 +18 +10 = 4 + 7  7.0  2720 
 2. Ivanisevic, Ivan      g  SER 2602  +16 = 8 = 1 -12 +17 + 9 = 5 + 3 +10  6.5  2653 
 3. Predojevic, Borki     g  BIH 2587  +10 =13 + 7 = 4 = 1 = 5 + 6 - 2 +14  6.0  2643 
 4. Perunovic, Milos      g  SER 2547  =17 =12 +16 = 3 =13 + 8 = 7 = 1 + 5  6.0  2611 
 5. Brkic, Ante           m  CRO 2570  +19 =18 + 8 = 1 +12 = 3 = 2 = 6 - 4  5.5  2588 
 6. Rogic, Davor          g  CRO 2510  =12 =14 +17 = 9 =18 +13 - 3 = 5 = 8  5.0  2530 
 7. Pavlovic, Milos2      f  SER 2448  +24 = 9 - 3 +20 =16 =12 = 4 +11 - 1  5.0  2496 
 8. Fercec, Nenad         m  CRO 2501  +23 = 2 - 5 =13 +22 - 4 =21 +12 = 6  5.0  2501 
 9. Milanovic, Danilo     m  SER 2519  +20 = 7 =22 = 6 =10 - 2 -11 +21 +16  5.0  2480 
10. Dimitrov, Pavel          BUL 2441  - 3 =21 +25 +14 = 9 +19 - 1 +18 - 2  5.0  2520 
11. Zaja, Ivan            g  CRO 2458  +25 - 1 -12 -17 +24 +22 + 9 - 7 +18  5.0  2438 
12. Martinovic, Sasa      f  CRO 2378  = 6 = 4 +11 + 2 - 5 = 7 =18 - 8 =13  4.5  2510 
13. Saric, Ante           m  CRO 2501  +21 = 3 =18 = 8 = 4 - 6 =15 =16 =12  4.5  2462 
14. Drazic, Sinisa        g  SER 2483  -22 = 6 +26 -10 -19 +24 +20 +15 - 3  4.5  2390 
15. Ljubicic, Filip       m  CRO 2398  - 1 =25 =21 -16 +23 +17 =13 -14 +24  4.5  2398 
16. Zivkovic, Vjekoslav   m  CRO 2441  - 2 +23 - 4 +15 = 7 =21 =19 =13 - 9  4.0  2419 
17. Ascic, Pero           f  CRO 2387  = 4 =22 - 6 +11 - 2 -15 =23 +26 =19  4.0  2387 
18. Arsovic, Zoran        m  SER 2457  +26 = 5 =13 +22 = 6 - 1 =12 -10 -11  4.0  2398 
19. Zufic, Miroslav       m  CRO 2437  - 5 =26 =20 =21 +14 -10 =16 =24 =17  4.0  2346 
20. Sutkovic, Damir          BIH 2385  - 9 +24 =19 - 7 -21 +25 -14 =23 +26  4.0  2329 
21. Sertic, Rudolf           CRO 2346  -13 =10 =15 =19 +20 =16 = 8 - 9 -25  3.5  2356 
22. Dabo-Peranic, Robert     CRO 2307  +14 =17 = 9 -18 - 8 -11 -26 +25 =23  3.5  2333 
23. Plenkovic, Zdenko     f  CRO 2366  - 8 -16 =24 =25 -15 +26 =17 =20 =22  3.5  2272 
24. Ivanov, Stoijan          BUL 2201  - 7 -20 =23 +26 -11 -14 +25 =19 -15  3.0  2267 
25. Bobanac, Miro            CRO 2303  -11 =15 -10 =23 =26 -20 -24 -22 +21  2.5  2184 
26. Dimitrov, Radoslav       BUL 2251  -18 =19 -14 -24 =25 -23 +22 -17 -20  2.0  2149 

10) Australian Open Chess Championships 2006-7

The event was won in convincing style by IM Zong-Yuan Zhao(AUS) scoring 9.5/11 to finish ahead of GM Ian Rogers(AUS) 9.0/11 with GM Darryl Johansen (AUS) and GM Mark Bluvshtein (CAN) equal third on 8.5/11. Zhao lead from start to finish and after round 10 had a PR of over 2700. Despite scoring 3/4 against the GM's and finishing with a PR of 2600+ the result probably will not count as a GM norm as the average rating of his field was less than the 2381 required by FIDE for a valid norm. News: Shaun Press.

Official site:

Australian Open Chess Championships 2006-07
Standings - Australian Open
No Name                    Feder Rtg  Loc  Total
1  Zhao, Zong-Yuan         NSW   2455 2498 9.5  
2  Rogers, Ian             NSW   2526 2623 9    
3  Bluvshtein, Mark        OS    2541      8.5  
4  Johansen, Darryl        VIC   2458 2467 8.5  
5  Antic, Dejan            OS    2437 2433 7.5  
6  Goldenberg, Igor        VIC   2358 2381 7    
7  Tredinnick, Malcolm     NSW   2189 2109 7    
8  Rujevic, Mirko          VIC   2278 2241 7    
9  Stojic, Dusan           VIC   2204 2183 6.5  
10 Morris, Michael         NSW   1819 2030 6.5  
11 Suttor, Vincent         NSW   2128 2135 6.5  
12 Lin, Zhigen Wilson      VIC   2066 2084 6.5  
13 Wei, Michael            ACT   2117 2120 6.5  
14 Grcic, Milan            ACT        1869 6.5  
15 Holt, Kenneth           VIC   1953 1841 6.5  
16 Ikeda, Junta            ACT   2142 2146 6    
17 Brown, Andrew           ACT   1870 1853 6    
18 McNamara, Gary          NSW        1789 6    
19 Bennett, Hilton         OS    2104 1983 6    
20 Schon, Eugene           VIC   1849 1795 6    
21 Truscott, Tony          QLD   2111 2024 6    
22 Smirnov, Vladimir       NSW   2281 2314 6    
23 Yuan, Yi                ACT        1712 6    
24 Hu, Jason               NSW   2051 2090 6    
25 Oliver, Gareth          ACT   2146 2128 6    
26 Fedec, John             WA    2029 1878 6    
27 Dizdarevic, Mehmedalija VIC   2110 1996 5.5  
28 Stones, Douglas         VIC        1779 5.5  
29 Hvistendahl, Robert     NSW   1829 1833 5.5  
30 Selnes, Hamish          QLD   1968 1770 5.5  
31 Oliver, Shannon         ACT   1918 1786 5.5  
32 Flitney, Adrian         VIC   2023 1949 5.5  
33 Mortensen, Henrik       OS    2026 1961 5.5  
34 Canfell, Mike           NSW        1722 5.5  
35 Vlietstra, Marc         WA         1735 5    
36 Fry, Peter              VIC        1784 5    
37 de Noskowski, Adrian    ACT        1817 5    
38 Korenevski, Oleg        QLD   2009 1715 5    
39 Van Der Wal, Fritz      NSW   1998 1825 5    
40 Holland, Dennis         WA    1976 1829 5    
41 Ninchich, Milan         ACT        1629 5    
42 Escribano, Jose         NSW   1857 1687 4.5  
43 Mendes da Costa, Alex   NSW   2038 1973 4.5  
44 Guo-Yuthok, Sherab      ACT   1893 1757 4.5  
45 Stojic, Svetozar        VIC   1992 1903 4.5  
46 Jule, Alexandra         QLD   1852 1740 4.5  
47 Brieger, Chris          NSW        1690 4    
48 Lilly, Richard          WA    1958 1839 4    
49 Ali, Mosaddeque         ACT   2029 1782 4    
50 Egan, Bill              ACT        1540 4    
51 Dickson, Ian            NSW   1910 1573 4    
52 Brockman, Roland        VIC   1787 1607 4    
53 Guo, Emma               ACT        1535 3.5  
54 Hale, Dennis            NSW        1731 3.5  
55 Ghobrial, Adel          VIC   1814 1661 3.5  
56 Garcia, Mat             WA         1536 3    
57 Farrell, Roger          ACT        2122 2    
58 Garcia, Eduardo         WA         1337 1    

11) 114th New Zealand Championship

114th New Zealand Championship - the oldest in the world, took place 2nd-12th January in Wanganui. Championship had 11 NZ players and Australian visitor Tim Reilly, playing in a round-robin. Sixteen year old Puchen Wang gained his first NZ title. Puchen had displayed early talent with a 5th place in the World Under-10 in 2000, and his first NZ title was a matter of time. There was a Major Open taking place alongside. News: Michael Freeman

Further info: and

ch-NZL 2006-7 Wanganui NZL (NZL), 2-12 i 2007
                                             1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Wang Puchen                  f NZL 2290  * = = = 1 1 1 1 1 1 = 1  9.0  2451 
 2. Ker, Anthony F               m NZL 2330  = * 1 1 0 0 = 1 1 1 = 1  7.5  2319 
 3. Dive, Russell John           m NZL 2350  = 0 * = 0 1 = 1 1 1 1 1  7.5  2317 
 4. Smith, Robert W              f NZL 2293  = 0 = * 1 = = 1 = 1 = 1  7.0  2291 
 5. Steadman, Michael              NZL 2265  0 1 1 0 * 0 1 1 = = 1 1  7.0  2294 
 6. Reilly, Tim                  f AUS 2307  0 1 0 = 1 * = 0 = 1 1 1  6.5  2253 
 7. Stuart, Peter                  NZL 2139  0 = = = 0 = * = = = 1 =  5.0  2167 
 8. Spain, Graeme                  NZL 2200  0 0 0 0 0 1 = * 1 1 = 1  5.0  2162 
 9. Goodhue, Nathan                NZL 2073  0 0 0 = = = = 0 * = 1 =  4.0  2107 
10. Burns, Christopher John        NZL 2017  0 0 0 0 = 0 = 0 = * 1 1  3.5  2081 
11. Thornton, Giovanni Antonio     NZL 2105  = = 0 = 0 0 0 = 0 0 * 1  3.0  2031 
12. Forster, William               NZL 2009  0 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 = 0 0 *  1.0  1832 

12) Helyilapok Season Opening Open

The Helyilapok Season Opening Open chess tournament took place in Budapest, 5th-13th of January 2007.

There were 80 people competing, from 5 countries - HUN, ITA, USA, NOR, GER including 14 Norwegian players from the IGM Agdestein's chess school. There are 4 IM-s and 7 FM-s amongst the players. The venue was the Hungarian Chess Federation, the venue for the FIRST Saturday chess tournaments in the other months. The sponsor was Helyilapok which reports local news of the Hungarian towns and villages and Andras Sibak plans to run a similar event in 2008. Gellert Papp won the tournament with a 2592 Elo performance...

Official site: Results, standings and pairings.

Final Round 9 Standings: 
No.  Name                       Score WP    SB     PS    rat.  TPR  W-We
  1. Papp, Gellert               8.0  54.0  47.00  41.5  2335 2592 +2.47
  2. Kovacs, Gabor               7.5  53.0  42.50  40.0  2447 2546 +1.06
  3. Horvath, Andras             6.5  54.5  36.75  36.5  2288 2422 +1.68
     Werner, Dimo                6.5  49.5  32.75  34.5  2353 2355 +0.14
     Szell, Lajos Sr             6.5  51.0  34.50  34.0  2230 2348 +1.46
     Kahn, Evarth Dr.            6.5  50.5  33.25  34.0  2293 2352 +0.78
     Galyas, Miklos              6.5  51.0  34.75  32.5  2449 2375 -0.54
     Nagy, Zoltan                6.5  46.5  36.25  30.5  2265 2456 +1.02
  9. Pasztor, Ferenc             6.0  41.0  28.25  26.0  2272 2150 -1.15
 10. Bartell, Thomas             5.5  51.5  32.25  34.0  2380 2373 +0.01
     Cseke, Richard              5.5  50.0  30.25  32.5  2273 2304 +0.42
     Kiss, Kinga ifi             5.5  48.0  25.00  32.0  2075 2292 +2.30
     Stubberud, Ornulf           5.5  49.5  27.25  31.5  2196 2242 +0.60
     Feher  Attila               5.5  43.5  24.50  29.5  2172 2143 -0.14
     Bulthaupt, Freerk Dr. Sr    5.5  44.0  23.25  29.5  2150 2195 +0.65
     Rozsnyai, Tibor             5.5  45.5  24.75  29.0  2114 2231 +1.50
     Keschitz, Gyorgy            5.5  45.5  26.00  29.0  2269 2185 -0.85
     Imre, Jozsef                5.5  43.0  20.25  28.5  2119 2182 +0.89
     Meixner, Ferenc             5.5  43.0  25.00  28.5  2123 2263 +1.57
     Kvisla, Johannes Luangtep   5.5  42.5  23.50  27.5  2134 2170 +0.46
     Mizsei, Janos               5.5  43.0  23.50  27.0  2114 2163 +0.62
     Honsch, Pal Sr              5.5  43.0  23.00  27.0  2101 2163 +0.60
     Metaxasz, Vaszilisz         5.5  40.0  23.50  25.5  2126 2151 +0.25
     Szabo, Bence ifi            5.5  42.5  22.50  25.5  2110 2119 +0.17
     Orfei, Rolando              5.5  38.0  18.75  25.0  2075 2129 +0.58
80 players

13) Francesc Alsina Memorial

The Francesc Alsina Memorial was played in Parets del Vallès (Barcelona) on January, 7th 2007. The games were 20/0 active play. Elisabet Paehtz won the event with 7.5/8.

Official site:

1   Paehtz, Elisabet (3)          GER   2451 mi  7.5  32.0  40.5   34.0
2   Gagunashvili, Merab (1)       GEO   2611 gm  6.5  32.5  41.0   30.0
3   Cruz, Cristian (5)            PER   2381 fm  6    36.5  44.5   31.5
4   Gonzalez, Raul Omar (8)       ESP   2300 fm  6    33.5  42.0   28.0
5   Peric, Slavisa (7)            SER   2306 mi  6    32.0  38.5   27.0
6   Muñoz, Miguel (2)             PER   2479 mi  5.5  35.5  44.5   28.0
7   Cruz, Filemon (6)             PER   2356 fm  5.5  35.5  43.0   28.5
8   Esquivel, Luis (11)           PAN   2192 fm  5.5  30.5  36.5   26.0
9   Rodriguez, Fernando (18)      ESP   2093     5.5  27.5  34.0   23.0
10  Fernandez-Diaz, Miquel (15)   ESP   2151 .   5    33.5  41.0   26.0
11  Zapata, Karen (9)             PER   2197 wim 5    32.5  41.0   26.0
12  Ramirez, Juan Albert (16)     ESP   2120     5    31.0  38.0   23.0
13  Porras, Felipe (10)           ESP   2193     5    29.5  37.0   23.0
14  Barbero, Alejandro (14)       URU   2168     5    28.5  36.0   24.0
15  Tornay, Josu (20)             ESP   2076     5    28.5  33.0   22.0
16  Rosell, Jaume (17)            ESP   2096     5    27.0  33.5   20.0
54 players

14) Aniversario del Par de Alfiles

The Aniversario del Par de Alfiles took place in Asuncion 5th-12th December 2006. Ernesto Real de Azua won the event with 8.5/11 undefeated. Correction to the name Zacarias, M Ruben D in the PGN and table. Games from the final two rounds are now available.

Links: Results and

Aniversario del Par de Alfiles Asuncion PAR (PAR), 5-12 xii 2006cat. I (2253)
                                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Real de Azua, Ernesto   f ARG 2396  * = = = = = 1 1 1 1 1 1  8.5  2450 
 2. Cubas, Jose Fernando    m PAR 2426  = * = = = 1 1 = = 1 1 =  7.5  2370 
 3. Bronstein, Luis         m ARG 2334  = = * 1 = = = 1 = = 1 1  7.5  2378 
 4. Zacarias, M Ruben D       PAR 2095  = = 0 * 1 1 = = 1 1 0 0  6.0  2303 
 5. Sosa Harrison, Jorge    f PAR 2283  = = = 0 * = = = = = = 1  5.5  2250 
 6. Kropff, Ricardo         f PAR 2329  = 0 = 0 = * = = = = 1 1  5.5  2245 
 7. Latorre, Manuel           PAR 2247  0 0 = = = = * 1 = = 0 1  5.0  2217 
 8. Peralta, Eduardo        f PAR 2279  0 = 0 = = = 0 * = = 1 1  5.0  2214 
 9. Escofet, Jaime            URU 2165  0 = = 0 = = = = * = = =  4.5  2195 
10. Valiente, Cristobal     m PAR 2276  0 0 = 0 = = = = = * = 1  4.5  2185 
11. Deus Fo., Joaquim         BRA 2064  0 0 0 1 = 0 1 0 = = * 1  4.5  2204 
12. Lipiniks, Leonardo        PAR 2139  0 = 0 1 0 0 0 0 = 0 0 *  2.0  2001 

15) 4NCL

The 5th and 6th rounds of the 4NCL took place 13th-14th January 2007. Games and results next week.

Official site:

16) ACP Rapid

The 1st ACP World Rapid Cup took place in Odessa in the Ukraine 4th-8th January 2007. The event was sponsored by the Bank Pivdennyi based in Odessa and took place in the Hotel Londonskaya. The tournament organisers were the Bank Pivdennyi and the Association of Chess Professionals. The total prize fund was 136,000 US Dollars. 16 grandmasters participated in this Knock-Out tournament. The time control was 20 minutes for the whole game with an increment of 5 seconds per move, with blitz games (3mins + 2sec/m) to settle ties. Peter Leko won the second blitz playoff game against Vassily Ivanchuk in the final, their first three games were drawn. A full version of the final Morozevich - Harikrishna playoff game is now availble.

Official site: Note that this site is still being updated with material and will be for a while.

17) Forthcoming Events and Links

6th Aeroflot Festival

The 6th Aeroflot Festival takes place in Moscow. Day of arrival February 13th, day of departure February 23rd. 2007 In the previous 5 festivals 137 players achieved a FIDE norm. This is this year again possible.

The venue of the festival is the Delta Hotel of the Ismailova Center in Moscow, about 20 minutes from the center of Moscow by Metro.

There are 4 Swiss Tournaments: Tournament A1 for players with a rating over 2549 Tournament A2 for players with a rating over 2399, but lower than 2550 Tournament B for players with a rating over 2199, but lower than 2400 Tournament C for players with a rating lower than 2200 and without a rating. The organising committee allows some players to play in a tournament higher than the rating of the player indicates.

The total prize fund is $ 200.000.

Contacts: tel/fax: +7 (495) 291-8578 or tel.: +7 (495) 290-6084

All details on regarding entry fee, visa, schedule, prizes are published on the website of the festival:

Chess and Books with Fred Wilson January 16th 2007

This week's guest on "Chess and Books with Fred Wilson" on Tuesday, January 16th, 2007, will again be the award winning and internationally acclaimed author and teacher IM John Watson. John, one our most profound theoretical thinkers, has chronicled the evolution of modern chess strategy in two fascinating books, "Secrets of Modern Chess Strategy. Advances Since Nimzowitsch" (Gambit, 1998), winner of both the USCF & BCF 1999 "Book of the Year" awards (!), and its superb sequel, "Chess Strategy in Action" (Gambit, 2003). John will discuss his magnificent new work, "Mastering the Chess Openings. Volume 1" (Gambit, 2006. 335pp., $29.95), which concentrates on double King Pawn & the major"semi-open" defenses to 1. e4. Fred Wilson's show runs from 8:00 to 10:00 PM (EST) every Tuesday evening. As always, there will be replays of the show almost immediately afterwards for our chess enthusiasts on the West Coast & elsewhere, and often there will be several replays the following day. You can access it at the following website:, but only if you are an ICC member. However, if you visit you can sign up for a one week free trial membership, listen to the show that week, and access the other good stuff on while you're at it!

Offene Internationale Stuttgarter Stadtmeisterschaft 2007

The Offene Internationale Stuttgarter Stadtmeisterschaft 2007, takes place 17.5. - 20.5.2007, in Gerlingen, South-Germany. 7 Rounds, Swiss System, A/B-tournament, over 7000 € prizes.


30th San Sebastian Open

The 30th San Sebastian International Chess Open takes place 1st to 8th of April 2007. Rate of Play: 90 minutes + 30 sec/move

Contact Phone: +34 943474604 +34 943396149 Email:

Further details:

Banyoles Chess Festival 2007

The Banyoles Chess Festival includes two tournaments: The Rapid-Chess Tournament is on 15th of August. And from the 16th until 24th of August is held the International Chess Tournament. Here, you will find more information about them: 3rd. "Lluís Muratet" Rapid-Chess Tournament This will be played the 15th of August of 2007. Rapid-Chess (20 minutes or 15min+5"). 9 Rounds. Prizes: 1st. 800 €; Prize fund: 2.000 €. (Valid for Catalan Chess Circuit) 10th Banyoles International Chess Tournament From 16th until 24th of August of 2007. Swiss System. 9 Rounds. 105 minutes + 30 seconds/movement. Prizes: 1st. 2.000 € (4.000 € if the winner achieves 9 points); Prize fund: 8.000 €. (Valid for the Catalan Chess Circuit). Nigel Short has announced his participation.

Official site:

Battle of Senta tournament

The 11th International Chess Festival "The Battle of Senta 1697" takes place 20th-30th July 2007 in Senta (the Vojvodina / Serbia).


Linares/Morelia 2007

In addition the line up for the Morelia / Linares tournament (again in Mexico and Spain) has been announced. The Morelia half takes place 16th-25th February 2007 and Linares 2nd-11th March 2007.

The field is: Veselin Topalov, Viswanathan Anand, Peter Leko, Peter Svidler, Levon Aronian, Teimour Radjabov, Magnus Carlsen and Alexander Morozevich.

Monroi Grand Prix for Women

Women in chess are being recognized by a Grand-Prix series of international chess events. The events will be broadcast live using the MonRoi system. “The world’s best women chess players have the opportunity to qualify in some of the top tournaments in the world. We invite you to follow live games, pictorial and video reports! Join us in Gibraltar, Cannes, Zagreb, Dresden, Liechtenstein, St. Petersburg and Philadelphia and Montreal!” said Brana Giancristofaro, Founder & CEO of MonRoi Inc. The Grand-Prix Finale will be held in Montreal, Canada July 21-28, 2007. Qualifiers will be selected on the basis of top performance and will compete for Finale prizes! The Grand-Prix starts on January 23rd, 2007, in Gibraltar! Qualifying events are the following:

GibTelecom, Gibraltar, January 23 - February 1
Cannes Open, FRA, February 18-25
Zagreb Open, CRO, March 17-25
ECU Individual, Dresden GER, April 2-15
Liechtenstein Open, May 11-19
White Nights, St. Petersburg RUS, June 16-24
World Open, Philadelphia USA, June 28 - July 4
Montreal Chess Festival Finale, July 21-28

Further details:

Sydney International Open

SYDNEY INTERNATIONAL OPEN (10/04/2007-14/04/2007) - Australia's strongest Open tournament ever held.

More information at or contact

Novi Sad Chess

Novi Sad will host the 2009 Europian National Team Championship. In the run up to that the Championship of Novi Sad takes place 18th-25th March 2007.

Further detail:

Dutch Team Championship

The Dutch Team Championship Meesterklasse takes place 23rd October 2006 - 12th May 2006. The fourth round took place on December 16th 2006.

Dutch Chess Federation: - Meesterklasse Games side bar at: - Photo reports at:

Politiken Cup

The 29th Copenhagen Open Politiken Cup takes place 21st-29th July 2007.

Official site:

Coulsdon Christmas International

The Coulsdon Christmas International takes place 11th-15th December 2006. The organisers need 2 titled and 1 non-titled players for the 10 player all-play-all event for IM norms. In addition, we there are 3 spaces in their Challengers' event. If interested contact Scott Freeman


Hungarian tournaments January - May 2007

The list of the chess tournaments from January - May 2007 in Hungary:

1. 27th of December until 4th of January, Kecskemet, IM Berger tmt, org: Dr.Erdelyi, Tamas, e-mail: Website: Usually also in the second half of the month IM tmt-s in Kecskemet. 100 km South from Budapest.

2. 5th-13th of January 2007 - EVADNYITO (SEASON STARTING) Open, First prize: brutto 100 000 Ft (1 EURO = 258 Ft now) Prize found: 300 000 Ft. Budapest, org: Marti György, more info: Nagy Laszlo,

3. 3rd-16th of February 2007 FIRST SATURDAY Budapest GM-IM-FM, GM-IM-FM round robins (BERGER- ROUND ROBIN), 9-13 games, GM-IM norm possibilities in Budapest, venue: Hungarian Chess Federation, Falk Miksa Str.10. 2nd floor. Organisation: Nagy Laszlo, FIDE International Chess Organizer /NL/, E-mail: Website: Other website: Phone-fax: +(361)-2632859, cellphone: +(36)-30-230-1914 /From 12:00 a.m. until midnight - Central European Time - GMT+1 hour/..

4. 3rd-16th of March FS Budapest, GM-IM-FM, org: NL.

5. 16th-24th of March Budapest Spring Festival 9 round Swiss Open, org: Nagy L.

6. 25th of March - 7th of April, GM closed tournament in SIKONDA, South-West 250 km from Budapest, org: Mr.Gruenwald, mobile phone: +36-30-9971005

7. 7th-20th of April, FS GM-IM-FM, Budapest, org: NL

8. 21st of April - 1st of May GM tmt minimal cat.9. Planned /2451-2475 Elo range/, Org: NL,

9. 5th-18th of May, GM-IM-FM Budapest, org NL,

10. 19th-29th of May, ELEKES MEMORIAL, GM-IM closed, Org: IM Zsinka, e-mail:

Prague Open 2007

PRAGUE OPEN 2007 (11.-18.1. 2007 - 2 FIDE opens, one of them with a possibility to fulfill IM norm, active chess and blitz tournament, more information at the address

Marienbad Open 2007

MARIENBAD OPEN 2007 Marienbad is the second largest spa town in the Czech Republic, 19.-27.1. 2007 - closed GM tournament, closed IM tournament, FIDE open, active chess and blitz tournament,

Swiss Chess Tour 2007

The Swiss Chess Tour 2007 starts in Basle in the New Year (1.-7.1.2007.). Venue of Chess Festival for 9th time is Hotel Hilton in Basle.

Hilton Open (1-7.1.2007.) 7 Rounds, 6 hours (2 hours for 40 moves + 60 minutes for complete the game.) Prizes: 2000/1500/1200/800/600/500/2x400/2x300/5x200 CHF. Special prizes 200 CHF for best Lady, Senior (1947), junior (1987-90), schoolboy (1991). Enter fee: 140 CHF (FM and juniors 70 CHF) GM & IM free. At the door 20 CHF.

Players so far for Basle: GM Ulf Andersson (SWE), GM Borislav Ivkov (SCG), GM Andrei Sokolov (FRA), GM Miso Cebalo (CRO), GM Igor Rausis (BAN), GM Nenad Sulava (CRO), GM Stefan Djuric (SCG), IM Martin Senff (GER), IM Simon Kuemin (SUI) etc.

Basle amateur (1-7.1.2007.) 7 Rounds, 4 hours (90 minutes 30 moves + 30 minutes to complete the game). Players under 1900 rating (FIDE or national). Enter fee: 120 CHF (juniors 60 CHF). At the door 20 CHF. Prizes: 500/400/2x300/2x200/4x150 CHF.

Basle juniors (2.1.2007.) 7 Rounds, 15 minutes for the game. Juniors 1987 and younger. Enter fee 5 CHF. Natural prizes for all players.

Basel Lighting Chess (6.1.2007. from 14.00 to 16.00) 9 Rounds, 5 minutes. Enter fee: 20 CHF (juniors 5 CHF). Prizes 300/200/150/2x100/2x50 CHF natural prizes for everybody 50% and more points.

More information and registration: Robert Spoerri tel. +41+62+9654-650, fax +41+62+9654-651 E-mail Further information: or

Austrian Team Championship

The first three rounds of the Austrian Team Championship took place in Graz 3rd-5th November 2006.

Schedule: R 01-03: 03.11.-05.11.2006, Graz (Hotel Novapark) R 04-07: 18.01.-21.01.2007, Leoben (Gösserbräu) R 08-11: 08.03.-11.03.2007, Mattersburg

Official site:

Slovenian Chess Centre

The Slovenian Chess Federation opened a centre on the 21st October 2006.

Official site:

Pierre Barthélémy Chess Blog

Pierre Barthélémy Chess Blog in French:

66th Italian Championship

The 66th Italian Championship takes place 21st November - 4th December 2006. The tournament will consist of 11 players in a round robin at Hotel Impero in Cremona. Games will be played on DGT boards, and viewable live at the Italian Chess Federation web site.

Official tournament information:

Official federation site:

Sydney International Open 2007

The 2007 Sydney International Open will be held as a 9-round FIDE-rated Swiss event from 10th-14th April 2007. The venue is Parramatta Town Hall, an historic centre and business hub just 30 minutes by train from Central Sydney and International Airport. Some conditions are offered to titled players. It is also possible to play in Australia's largest weekender, the Doeberl Cup, a 7-round FIDE-rated event held in Canberra 6-9 April 2007. An information sheet, registration form and other details are available at The organisers are Australian Chess Enterprises. Contact is Brian Jones at

GibTelecom Chess Festival

The GibTelecom Chess Festival takes place 23rd January - 1st February 2007. including a 9 round Masters with a rest day. Also two 5 round Swisses for players under 2200 and two separately for players under 1800. Total prize fund £71,000, including £9000 awards specifically for females with a first of £4000; £12000 for players under 2200, where such a player could win £6000; seniors £2000; junior £1000. So far Arishchenko, Efimenko, Kuzubov, Milov, Krush, Ganguly, Kunte, Sand ipan, Bellon, Cramling have accepted invitations. further details Judy Whurr

Further details:

Czech Tour 2006-7

There is new information about the Czech Tour 2006/2007 including:

6th PRAGUE OPEN (TOP HOTEL Praha) 11th-18th January 2007.

6th MARIENBAD OPEN (the Evropa hotel) 19th-27th January 2007.

Further details: or Dr. Jan Mazuch, Director of CZECH OPEN & CZECH TOUR -

In addition there is the 27th Tournament of Chess Hopes and 17th Pobeskydi Tournament organised by the town of Frydek-Mistek 13th-17th April 2006.

Further details:

Russia vs ROW Correspondence

The Russian Chess Federation is celebrating its 10th anniversary and is using this occasion to challenge the rest of the world to a match over 64 boards with 2 games for each and the start is 15.02 2004. Players include Joop van Oosterom