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Kramnik and Topalov Re-unification match 4 games 15th Monarch Assurance 376 games US Chess League 20 games XVI Gros Xake Taldea International Open 100 games 1st Montenegro airlines league 324 games Greek Teams Cup 28 games Serbia & Montenegro Championship Playoff 1 game Gausdal Bygger'n Masters 171 games XIX Moratalaz Open 114 games ProMoPro Open 225 games Dunav-Drava-Sava 198 games 2nd Efim Geller Memorial Open 50 games 10th Itau Cup 70 games Quality Leagues of Vojvodina 270 games 2041 games
My thanks to Peter Doggers, Eirik T. Gullaksen, Carsten Hensel, Lou Caruana, Goran Urosevic, Grivas Efstratios, Mikhail Golubev, John Saunders, Mihajlo Savic, Mikel Larreategi, Pankaj Athawale, Franz Jittenmeier, Goran Tomic, Alik Gershon, Reinaldo Vera, Lahcene Chemali, Primoz Kokalj, Malcolm Pein, Bretislav Modr and everyone else who helped with the issue.
I used to love controversy in chess, glory in it, write thousands of words on news groups and get in angry discussions with people who disagreed with me. Now, doing TWIC full time, by the time they're finished I'm too darned tired (last night and today I waited for news, did the rating list, a tonne of tournaments for this magazine and live coverage also) and know that lots of people are going to disagree with me (because there simply are that many opinions). I'm talking of course about the near collapse of the match between Vladimir Kramnik and Veselin Topalov. My two cents is below, don't be too harsh, its just an opinion, and maybe one I might change sometime, but I'm tired, I've said what I feel right now and I just want them to play, show us what they've got in a classic match.
Hope you enjoy this issue.
Vladimir Kramnik and Veselin Topalov play their 12 game world championship reunification match in Elista, 23rd Sept - 10th Oct 2006. Play starts at 12pm BST on game days. Dates: Open Ceremony 21st September 2006, 7.00 p.m. Play on: 23rd, 24th, 26th, 27th, 29th, September, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 11th and 13th (tie-breaks) October 2006. Closing ceremony 13th October 2006.
After his wins in the first two games Kramnik had white in game three. Topalov diverged from game one on move five and Kramnik built up a nice edge. 17.Ne4 may have been a better choice but Kramnik was entirely at home and looked to be making progress. 32.exd5 looked a better way to play for a win, as it was after 35.Rb3 f5 a draw was the best that could be had which happened by perpetual on move 38.
Game four saw a Meran where Topalov found a creative novelty with 14.Nd2 which posed a lot of problems. Kramnik however played very well returning a pawn with reasonable counterplay. Kramnik tried to claim afterwards the the game was already heading for a draw which can't be a reasonable assessment. Topalov himself suggested 32.f3 keeping the black bishop out of the game and 48.Qxc4 may have been more testing also. As it was the pieces came off for a draw on move 54.
It was after game four that all hell broke loose. Two press releases and official complaints were released by Silvio Danailov Topalov's manager: First press release 28th September and Second press release 29th September complaining about Kramnik's frequent absense from the board in his rest room and in particular the number of times Kramnik visited the toilet during the game. In between the two press releases was an appeals committee decision to close the toilets in the rest room and make another available which could only be used at the request of the arbiter. In his second press release Danailov said that were considering withdrawing from the match over the issue and Topalov would be removing normal relations between the players and not shaking hands or doing joint press conferences with Kramnik. Whilst journalists were busy making light of the situation "toiletgate" and so forth in fact this was obviously not about toilets at all.
There are two things it was about. Firstly it was about changing the dynamic of the match for a player who had gone down to an early 2-0 deficit an attempt to intensify the struggle off the board to change things on it. Chess matches are about power both on and off the board. Here by using the appeals committee Topalov and his team were trying to change his routine. It been seen before, will be seen again, its not nice, its not big, its not clever, but this kind of gamesmanship is something you have to stand up to and find a way of reacting to. In physical sports you might see a particularly strong tackle on the edge of the rules just to ask the question are you up for this?
The second thing this was about was far darker and I believe its something that has to stop right now before it kills chess. Its about the spurious allegations which in certain quarters (read the bulletin boards I'm told) say that Topalov received computer assistance in winning the title in San Luis, also in the Linares half of that super tournament and in MTel (but not apparently in Wijk aan Zee where his play was just the same). There is no evidence at all for this, no evidence that computer cheating takes place at the elite level, if players start mistrusting each other to this extent normal tournaments will become a misery. The security measures against this kind of cheating for this match were unprecidented. I'm pretty sure Topalov was hurt by these allegations (which Kramnik has had no part) so to virtually in so many words accuse Kramnik of cheating by going into the toilet area where there are no cameras (and confirming that's what they really meant by the refusal of the handshake) was both low and he knows it was wrong. It was also deviously clever, maybe even more so than orginally designed.
Of the two motivations I guess it was a whole lot of the first and just a little of the second that were going through the Topalov camp's mind. I doubt they really seriously thought he was cheating, but who knows they might find something out about Kramnik's recent health problems and perhaps upset him enough to play weaker. I really doubt it was possible to predict what actually happened.
Its a strange part of this match that both players feel like they're on foreign soil. Topalov because he IS on foreign soil and Kramnik because he perceives Topalov as FIDE's preferred winner. Can't be both true. In addition Georgios Makropoulos and in particular Zurab Azmaiparashvili were perceived as favouring Topalov in this match. I honestly don't think FIDE mind who wins this match, the story is they're going to pass the whole of their professional operation over to Bessel Kok after this match at FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov's instance.
Actually days after the original decision Georgios Makropoulos was quoted on Susan Polgar's blog. and the decision didn't seem that outrageous. It was more of an attempt to keep Topalov happy and not upset Kramnik too much sort of compromise. A flawed compromise because the appeal was filed at the wrong time and the playing conditions for each player were in black and white in contracts. Flawed mainly because it didn't really recognise that the complaint wasn't about toilets at all. The appointment of the appeals committee seems to have become an extra way of earning some money. Karpov pointed out that in his day there was a long appointments proceedure and many candidates until they found the best, strongest and most acceptable candidates to both players. I initially believed the decision was biased (I have some issues with some of its members), now I honestly think its they didn't realise the implications (and to be fair I think you have to be really good at your job to realise this). Their job is to be a buffer for petty power plays of the opponents who are both strong personalities under great stress. They were not up to this job.
Kramnik's reaction was to go ballistic. He felt that the appeals committee decision was completely outside the agreements for the match (he was dead right) and insulting (it was intended to be) and that he was fully entitled not to play until the decision to reopen the toilets was made which under the regulations was inevitable. He felt to give in even for a game would be to grant Topalov a huge boost. However this is where I think he was wrong. By not playing a game (technically he was there in the rest room waiting for the toilets to be opened and a restoration of the agreed playing conditions) you break one of the most serious rules. I've never seen a situation in any sport where refusing to take the field works, the most common thing that happens is that you lose the point/ match/ game that you're playing, you may occasionally get it returned but its you that are begging for it and you're turned into the bad guy. Its a golden rule of sport, you always turn up and play whatever the provocation. And its a good rule too because the public have a right to expect people to turn up and play as they've turned up to watch and any disputes that are around become ten times harder to fix.
FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov returned from affairs of state (a regional meeting with Putin) came back to bang some heads together, get rid of the appeals committee and bring some new ones in, he produced some statesmenlike comments (hell don't you hate it when that happens, I really don't like the guy but....) dealt with the non-issue of the toilets but was faced with the golden rule. Kramnik had defaulted a game, he tried to get round, it under it over it, extend the match but keep the score but under the rules of the competition Kramnik didn't even appeal against his default within the two hours required under the rules. When Topalov wouldn't give the point back he had absolutely no choice, it was game on, on Monday, and be there you two! Kramnik kept us all waiting until less than an hour before play started he announced he was to Plays on in game 6 under protest.. Ilyumzhinov thanked them for their wise decision.
The majority of the chess public have generally supported Kramnik and abused Topalov and his manager Danailov for stealing a point. I'd say I admire Kramnik's principals and his chess, but I just don't feel quite as harshly towards Topalov as many think I should be, I didn't like what he and his team did but he is giving this title match all he's got. Kramnik's decision to play on has been extremely well received, not least by me, and I'm sure he's now the popular favourite. I really hope for a spicey match over the board and hope the defaulted point doesn't make a controversial difference. Kramnik has made it clear that he'll be revisiting that point, possibly legally later, but he's taken on board the golden rule, you always turn up and play.
Game six was perhaps more notable for the fact it happened than for the moves. Started with a handshake Topalov played 5.Ne5 against Kramnik's Slav. Kramnik followed an idea of Vassily Smyslov's and got a cramped but playable position. Gradually the position simplified and the players reached a sterile position on move 31 and agreed a draw.
Game seven will take place on Wednesday and unusually as per the match regulations at the half way stage Topalov will have white again. This is because the games are played in pairs without this regulation one player would have white and could press after each rest day.
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Kramnik, Vladimir - Topalov, Veselin 1-0 75 E04 Catalan Topalov, Veselin - Kramnik, Vladimir 0-1 63 D19 Slav Defence Kramnik, Vladimir - Topalov, Veselin 1/2 38 E02 Catalan Topalov, Veselin - Kramnik, Vladimir 1/2 54 D47 Queens Gambit Meran Kramnik, Vladimir - Topalov, Veselin 0-1 Default Topalov, Veselin - Kramnik, Vladimir 1/2 31 D17 Slav Defence WCh Elista RUS (RUS), 23 ix-12 x 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Kramnik, Vladimir g RUS 2743 1 1 = = 0 = . . . . . . 3.5 2870 Topalov, Veselin g BUL 2813 0 0 = = 1 = . . . . . . 2.5 2686 ------------------------------------------------------------------
Source: The full list is available for download there.
Topalov and Anand were inactive in this period. Kramnik moves up to
third and Peter Svidler fourth both on the same rating of 2750. Alexander
Morozevich moves up from 9th to 5th in the world after gaining 16 points,
Vassily Ivanchuk is up but Levon Aronian lost 20 rating points at Dortmund.
Peter Leko drops from 6th to 8th in spite of his rating rising by 3 points. Not
many changes in 10-20 but Ponomariov lost 18 points in the period. Magnus
Carlsen is the top rated player outside the 2700 club with a rating of 2698 and
he over takes his rival Sergey Karjakin who is down to 35 in the world. Seven
players moved in and seven out in the list including Karpov who seems just one
game short of being considered an active player. Friso Nijboer was the top
re-entry gaining 43 points.
FIDE Top 100 Players October 2006 No. Ju Name t NAT YroB ja05 ap05 ju05 oc05 ja06 ap06 ju06 oc06 Gms 1 1 Topalov, Veselin.......... g BUL 1975 2757 2778 2788 2782 2801 2804 2813 2813 0 2 2 Anand, Viswanathan........ g IND 1969 2786 2785 2788 2788 2792 2803 2779 2779 0 3 4 Kramnik, Vladimir......... g RUS 1975 2754 2753 2744 2739 2741 2729 2743 2750 7 4 5 Svidler, Peter............ g RUS 1976 2735 2725 2738 2740 2765 2743 2742 2750 7 5 9 Morozevich, Alexander..... g RUS 1977 2741 2717 2707 2707 2721 2730 2731 2747 10 6 7 Ivanchuk, Vassily......... g UKR 1969 2711 2739 2752 2748 2729 2731 2734 2741 12 7 3 Aronian, Levon............ g ARM 1982 2684 2693 2724 2724 2752 2756 2761 2741 7 8 6 Leko, Peter............... g HUN 1979 2749 2763 2763 2751 2740 2738 2738 2741 7 9 8 Adams, Michael............ g ENG 1971 2741 2737 2719 2718 2707 2720 2732 2735 18 10 10 Gelfand, Boris............ g ISR 1968 2696 2713 2724 2717 2723 2727 2729 2733 11 11 11 Radjabov, Teimour......... g AZE 1987 2667 2673 2682 2704 2700 2717 2728 2729 10 12 12 Mamedyarov, Shakhriyaz.... g AZE 1985 2657 2646 2646 2674 2709 2699 2722 2728 12 13 14 Navara, David............. g CZE 1985 2644 2647 2663 2646 2660 2658 2719 2725 22 14 15 Shirov, Alexei............ g ESP 1972 2713 2714 2705 2710 2709 2699 2716 2720 11 15 16 Akopian, Vladimir......... g ARM 1971 2693 2703 2705 2707 2704 2706 2713 2713 0 16 17 Polgar, Judit............. g HUN 1976 2728 2732 2735 2735 2711 2711 2710 2710 0 17 18 Grischuk, Alexander....... g RUS 1983 2710 2724 2720 2720 2717 2719 2709 2710 11 18 19 Bacrot, Etienne........... g FRA 1983 2715 2731 2729 2725 2717 2708 2707 2705 1 19 20 Kamsky, Gata.............. g USA 1974 2717 2700 2700 2690 2686 2671 2697 2705 9 20 13 Ponomariov, Ruslan........ g UKR 1983 2700 2695 2704 2704 2723 2738 2721 2703 11 21 34 Carlsen, Magnus........... g NOR 1990 2553 2548 2528 2570 2625 2646 2673 2698 46 22 21 Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter... g ROM 1976 2673 2670 2679 2707 2693 2695 2693 2690 11 23 43 Rublevsky, Sergei......... g RUS 1974 2650 2645 2645 2652 2665 2687 2667 2688 11 24 24 Bareev, Evgeny............ g RUS 1966 2709 2709 2688 2675 2698 2701 2683 2683 0 25 22 Malakhov, Vladimir........ g RUS 1980 2664 2670 2673 2670 2694 2691 2691 2682 10 26 23 Georgiev, Kiril........... g BUL 1965 2654 2666 2666 2648 2645 2677 2685 2680 10 27 39 Tiviakov, Sergei.......... g NED 1973 2627 2631 2678 2700 2669 2669 2668 2680 47 28 29 Short, Nigel D............ g ENG 1965 2674 2673 2673 2673 2676 2677 2676 2677 9 29 30 Van Wely, Loek............ g NED 1972 2679 2687 2655 2648 2647 2655 2675 2676 15 30 46 Naiditsch, Arkadij........ g GER 1985 2623 2626 2612 2641 2657 2664 2665 2676 8 31 26 Sasikiran, Krishnan....... g IND 1981 2657 2642 2652 2663 2670 2692 2681 2675 0 32 25 Harikrishna, P............ g IND 1986 2632 2646 2645 2673 2673 2680 2682 2674 21 33 32 Zvjaginsev, Vadim......... g RUS 1976 2653 2649 2659 2659 2664 2670 2675 2674 10 34 33 Vallejo Pons, Francisco... g ESP 1982 2686 2677 2681 2674 2650 2666 2674 2674 0 35 27 Karjakin, Sergey.......... g UKR 1990 2599 2635 2645 2658 2660 2661 2679 2672 21 36 36 Kasimdzhanov, Rustam...... g UZB 1979 2678 2670 2670 2670 2670 2673 2672 2672 0 37 47 Bu, Xiangzhi.............. g CHN 1985 2607 2630 2632 2637 2645 2640 2664 2671 22 38 42 Jakovenko, Dmitry......... g RUS 1983 2596 2608 2627 2644 2662 2675 2667 2671 22 39 54 Sokolov, Ivan............. g NED 1968 2685 2662 2691 2696 2689 2676 2652 2670 22 40 38 Onischuk, Alexander....... g USA 1975 2652 2638 2628 2640 2650 2650 2668 2668 0 41 31 Lautier, Joel............. g FRA 1973 2678 2678 2672 2680 2682 2682 2675 2667 3 42 41 Sargissian, Gabriel....... g ARM 1983 2603 2630 2611 2610 2603 2612 2667 2667 0 43 35 Almasi, Zoltan............ g HUN 1976 2628 2628 2619 2640 2646 2657 2672 2664 10 44 53 Timofeev, Artyom.......... g RUS 1985 2619 2622 2661 2658 2653 2646 2657 2662 12 45 48 Motylev, Alexander........ g RUS 1979 2665 2680 2675 2632 2638 2660 2662 2662 0 46 60 Bologan, Viktor........... g MDA 1971 2683 2700 2700 2682 2661 2666 2645 2659 11 47 51 Smirin, Ilia.............. g ISR 1968 2644 2649 2652 2673 2662 2662 2659 2659 0 48 55 Eljanov, Pavel............ g UKR 1983 2643 2641 2639 2663 2655 2665 2651 2658 8 49 50 Izoria, Zviad............. g GEO 1984 2607 2602 2606 2646 2652 2647 2660 2657 18 50 70 Korneev, Oleg.............. g RUS 1969 2602 2611 2594 2599 2649 2671 2638 2657 42 51 98 Milov, Vadim.............. g SUI 1972 2668 2653 2645 2652 2638 2625 2620 2657 18 52 52 Dominguez, Lenier......... g CUB 1983 2661 2658 2639 2635 2638 2647 2658 2655 8 53 45 Dreev, Alexey............. g RUS 1969 2704 2705 2698 2694 2697 2673 2666 2655 18 54 56 Jobava, Baadur............. g GEO 1983 2640 2637 2621 2601 2614 2646 2651 2650 28 55 63 Gurevich, Mikhail......... g TUR 1959 2634 2630 2669 2652 2633 2643 2643 2648 21 56 28 Najer, Evgeniy............ g RUS 1977 2624 2615 2614 2641 2652 2653 2677 2648 27 57 44 Bruzon, Lazaro............ g CUB 1982 2652 2669 2662 2677 2650 2652 2667 2648 18 58 74 Krasenkow, Michal......... g POL 1963 2672 2672 2663 2655 2636 2650 2635 2647 18 59 76 Granda Zuniga, Julio E.... g PER 1967 2599 ---- 2601 2637 2631 2631 2634 2646 37 60 59 Tkachiev, Vladislav....... g FRA 1973 2609 2605 2625 2629 2642 2643 2645 2645 0 61 49 Volokitin, Andrei......... g UKR 1986 2685 2679 2671 2666 2665 2660 2662 2645 21 62 84 Wang, Yue................. g CHN 1987 2549 2576 2576 2585 2599 2598 2626 2644 32 63 66 Avrukh, Boris............. g ISR 1978 2629 2642 2652 2653 2633 2633 2641 2644 11 64 58 Kobalia, Mikhail.......... g RUS 1978 2634 2644 2614 2634 2654 2654 2647 2643 11 65 61 Gashimov, Vugar........... g AZE 1986 2585 2585 2594 2608 2625 2659 2644 2643 33 66 64 Sakaev, Konstantin........ g RUS 1974 2677 2672 2669 2668 2649 2637 2642 2641 0 67 -- Nijboer, Friso............ g NED 1965 2549 2553 2529 2543 2571 2584 2598 2641 38 68 67 Nielsen, Peter Heine...... g DEN 1973 2648 2653 2668 2646 2644 2646 2640 2640 0 69 65 Areshchenko, Alexander.... g UKR 1986 2570 2595 2625 2653 2670 2660 2641 2640 28 70 78 Nakamura, Hikaru.......... g USA 1987 2613 2657 2660 2662 2644 2664 2632 2640 16 71 62 Alekseev, Evgeny.......... g RUS 1985 2605 2597 2625 2632 2634 2640 2644 2639 22 72 86 Beliavsky, Alexander G.... g SLO 1953 2635 2630 2599 2631 2626 2622 2625 2639 10 73 37 Azmaiparashvili, Zurab.... g GEO 1960 2662 2671 2672 2658 2658 2669 2669 2638 14 74 69 Miton, Kamil............... g POL 1984 2583 2592 2589 2636 2646 2646 2638 2638 0 75 71 Seirawan, Yasser.......... g USA 1960 2631 2631 2635 2635 2635 2635 2638 2638 0 76 73 Movsesian, Sergei......... g SVK 1978 2624 2628 2645 2635 2632 2618 2637 2637 0 77 93 Zhang, Pengxiang.......... g CHN 1980 2560 2583 2616 2613 2638 2623 2622 2636 22 78 97 Afromeev, Vladimir........ f RUS 1954 2556 2563 2563 2573 2573 2612 2620 2635 30 79 77 Lputian, Smbat G.......... g ARM 1958 2640 2640 2629 2614 2613 2619 2634 2634 0 80 75 Asrian, Karen............. g ARM 1980 2602 2611 2611 2645 2646 2646 2635 2634 12 81 57 Moiseenko, Alexander...... g UKR 1980 2669 2665 2664 2663 2657 2662 2649 2632 13 82 91 Riazantsev, Alexander..... g RUS 1985 2596 2608 2599 2603 2594 2593 2622 2632 8 83 80 Cheparinov, Ivan.......... g BUL 1986 2572 2621 2634 2618 2625 2635 2632 2632 0 84 92 Wojtaszek, Radoslaw....... g POL 1987 2553 2569 2591 2606 2605 2597 2622 2630 18 85 95 Socko, Bartosz............ g POL 1978 2591 2583 2615 2610 2610 2606 2621 2630 28 86 72 Delchev, Aleksander....... g BUL 1971 2597 2614 2656 2669 2661 2640 2637 2628 30 87 83 Fressinet, Laurent........ g FRA 1981 2638 2638 2627 2624 2625 2633 2626 2628 29 88 89 Inarkiev, Ernesto......... g RUS 1985 2602 2612 2618 2577 2597 2598 2625 2628 8 89 81 Volkov, Sergey............ g RUS 1974 2612 2634 2622 2614 2629 2620 2628 2628 0 90 -- Miroshnichenko, Evgenij... g UKR 1978 2620 2628 2634 2634 2619 2597 2616 2626 22 91 85 Nikolic, Predrag.......... g BIH 1960 2676 2627 2591 2584 2596 2596 2626 2626 0 92 -- Smirnov, Pavel............ g RUS 1982 2645 2624 2635 2637 2614 2614 2613 2623 9 93 -- Wang, Hao................. g CHN 1989 2457 2484 2512 2519 2593 2605 2610 2622 27 94 96 Baklan, Vladimir.......... g UKR 1978 2578 2584 2584 2590 2601 2606 2621 2622 40 95 94 Khalifman, Alexander...... g RUS 1966 2662 2658 2653 2653 2660 2640 2622 2622 0 96 -- Macieja, Bartlomiej....... g POL 1977 2618 2613 2593 2591 2585 2584 2613 2622 15 97 -- Ni, Hua................... g CHN 1983 2625 2638 2629 2603 2614 2607 2607 2621 22 98 88 Hansen, Curt.............. g DEN 1964 2633 2633 2613 2607 2612 2612 2625 2621 9 99 99 Illescas Cordoba, Miguel.. g ESP 1965 2633 2633 2624 2607 2608 2608 2620 2620 0 100 -- Khenkin, Igor............. g GER 1968 2604 2610 2610 2603 2595 2602 2586 2620 35 Dropping out in October 40 32 Karpov, Anatoly........... g RUS 1951 2682 2674 2674 2672 2672 2672 2672 2668 3 [Less than 4 games in a one year period] 68 73 Zhang, Zhong.............. g CHN 1978 2596 2591 2599 2608 2598 2629 2640 2639 8 79 58 Efimenko, Zahar........... g UKR 1985 2594 2601 2620 2643 2637 2666 2648 2632 26 82 79 Aleksandrov, Aleksej...... g BLR 1973 2659 2635 2635 2630 2636 2653 2634 2627 16 87 -- Damljanovic, Branko....... g SCG 1961 2578 2587 2588 2612 2608 2615 2615 2625 22 90 75 Ibragimov, Ildar.......... g USA 1967 2585 2603 2611 2605 2617 2635 2637 2624 22 100 90 Vescovi, Giovanni......... g BRA 1978 2645 2645 2638 2640 2646 2633 2622 2619 11 101 82 Atalik, Suat.............. g TUR 1964 2541 2560 2561 2561 2620 2618 2632 2619 51
The 15th Monarch Assurance Isle of Man International took place 23rd September - 1st October 2006 at the Ocean Castle Hotel, Port Erin, Isle of Man. Alexander Areshchenko ediged out Sergey Volkov on tie-break after both scored 7/9. IM Norms for Gary Quillan and Anna Zatonskih. The tournament was dedicated to the memory of Richard Furness. I give the games again as I made the incredibly irritating error of getting the wrong Sergey Volkov in the PGN section again.
Official site:
------------------------------------------------------------------ Monarch Assurance Isle of Man Port Erin IOM (IOM), 23 ix-1 x 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Nat Ti FIDE Pos Player lty tl Rtng A B C D E F 1 Areshchenko, Alexander... UKR g 2641 7 9 7 2549 5.58 1.42 2 Volkov, Sergey........... RUS g 2628 7 9 7 2528 5.67 1.33 3 Bartel, Mateusz.......... POL g 2561 6½ 9 6½ 2562 4.40 2.10 4 Golod, Vitali............ ISR g 2576 6½ 9 6½ 2496 5.33 1.17 5 Kobalia, Mikhail......... RUS g 2647 6½ 9 6½ 2535 5.79 0.71 6 Kuzubov, Yuri............ UKR g 2554 6½ 9 6½ 2500 5.07 1.43 7 Yakovich, Yuri........... RUS g 2583 6½ 9 6½ 2474 5.72 0.78 8 Akopian, Vladimir........ ARM g 2713 6 9 6 2562 6.27 -0.27 9 Krasenkow, Mikhal........ g 2635 6 9 6 2562 5.36 0.64 10 Landa, Konstantin........ RUS g 2584 6 9 6 2546 4.91 1.09 11 Malakhatko, Vadim........ UKR g 2594 6 9 6 2461 6.07 -0.07 12 Efimenko, Zahar.......... UKR g 2632 5½ 8 4½ 2476 5.63 -1.13 13 Gormally, Daniel W....... g 2513 5½ 9 5½ 2489 4.73 0.77 14 Greenfeld, Alon.......... ISR g 2551 5½ 9 5½ 2458 5.56 -0.06 15 Hanley, Craig A.......... m 2419 5½ 9 5½ 2409 4.54 0.96 16 Hebden, Mark L........... g 2532 5½ 9 5½ 2372 6.26 -0.76 17 Iordachescu, Viorel...... MDA g 2603 5½ 9 5½ 2484 5.89 -0.39 18 Khenkin, Igor............ GER g 2586 5½ 9 5½ 2495 5.54 -0.04 19 Korneev, Oleg............ RUS g 2638 5½ 9 5½ 2472 6.40 -0.90 20 Neverov, Valeriy......... UKR g 2556 5½ 9 5½ 2492 5.22 0.28 21 Paehtz, Elizabeth........ m 2456 5½ 9 5½ 2464 4.34 1.16 22 Palliser, Richard JD..... m 2413 5½ 9 5½ 2427 4.27 1.23 23 Postny, Evgeny........... ISR g 2591 5½ 9 5½ 2502 5.54 -0.04 24 Shabalov, Alexander...... USA g 2604 5½ 9 5½ 2515 5.54 -0.04 25 Socko, Bartosz........... POL g 2621 5½ 9 5½ 2532 5.55 -0.05 26 Stocek, Jiri............. CZE g 2561 5½ 9 5½ 2405 6.29 -0.79 27 Bobras, Piotr............ POL g 2535 5 9 5 2469 5.24 -0.24 28 Cox, John J.............. m 2418 5 9 5 2407 4.60 0.40 29 Ferguson, Mark........... m 2389 5 8 4 2495 2.90 1.10 30 Haslinger, Stewart G..... m 2423 5 9 5 2387 4.84 0.16 31 Kazhgaleyev, Murtas...... KAZ g 2606 5 9 5 2449 6.32 -1.32 32 Kiriakov, Petr........... RUS g 2554 5 9 5 2365 6.65 -1.65 33 Ledger, Andrew J......... m 2411 5 8 4 2445 3.62 0.38 34 Mannion, Steve R......... m 2346 5 8 4 2350 3.94 0.06 35 Quillan, Gary............ 2344 5 9 5 2419 3.60 1.40 36 Roy Chowdhury, Saptarshi. IND m 2394 5 9 5 2290 5.68 -0.68 37 Vijayalakshmi, Subbaraman IND m 2417 5 9 5 2497 3.58 1.42 38 Wells, Peter K........... g 2480 5 9 5 2444 4.94 0.06 39 Williams, Simon K........ m 2473 5 9 5 2358 5.77 -0.77 40 Arkell, Keith C.......... g 2479 4½ 9 4½ 2383 5.52 -1.02 41 Devereaux, Maxim L....... f 2377 4½ 9 4½ 2322 5.06 -0.56 42 Dworakowska, Joanna...... POL m 2359 4½ 9 4½ 2379 4.20 0.30 43 Ikonnikov, Vyacheslav.... RUS g 2587 4½ 9 4½ 2451 6.01 -1.51 44 Kononenko, Tatiana....... UKR wg 2387 4½ 9 4½ 2372 4.67 -0.17 45 Peek, Marcel............. NED m 2367 4½ 9 4½ 2382 4.32 0.18 46 Sahl, Bjarke............. DEN m 2364 4½ 9 4½ 2387 4.23 0.27 47 Sarakauskas, Gediminas... LTU m 2414 4½ 9 4½ 2455 4.00 0.50 48 Siebrecht, Sebastian..... GER m 2417 4½ 9 4½ 2357 5.15 -0.65 49 Sriram, Jha.............. IND m 2408 4½ 8 3½ 2477 3.26 0.24 50 Zatonskih, Anna.......... USA wg 2432 4½ 9 4½ 2517 3.42 1.08 51 Al Sayed, Mohamad N...... QAT m 2492 4 9 4 2370 5.84 -1.84 52 Ashton, Adam G........... f 2329 4 9 4 2291 4.87 -0.87 53 Eggleston, David J....... 2232 4 9 4 2393 2.69 1.31 54 Meenakshi, Subbaraman.... IND wg 2310 4 9 4 2385 3.59 0.41 55 Mohota, Nisha............ IND wg 2313 4 9 4 2352 4.00 0.00 56 Sarakauskiene, Zivile.... LTU wm 2158 4 9 4 2271 3.26 0.74 57 Sharma, Dinesh K......... IND m 2358 4 9 4 2425 3.73 0.27 58 Spence, David J.......... 2205 4 8 3 2258 3.54 -0.54 59 Szieberth, Adam.......... HUN m 2328 4 9 4 2303 4.71 -0.71 60 Vasilevich, Tatiana...... UKR m 2412 4 9 4 2434 4.22 -0.22 61 Walton, Alan J........... c 2222 4 9 4 2311 3.56 0.44 62 Zimmerman, Yuri.......... RUS m 2374 4 9 4 2258 5.74 -1.74 63 Zozulia, Anna............ UKR m 2352 4 9 4 2369 4.25 -0.25 94 players
The fifth week of the US Chess League took place on 25th and 27th September 2006 on ICC. News: Greg Shahade.
Official site:
WEEK 5 - Monday September 25th 2006 1. New York Knights vs Seattle Sluggers New York 3-1 Wednesday September 27th 2006 2. Carolina Cobras vs Boston Blitz Boston 3-1 3. Philadelphia Masterminds vs Baltimore Kingfishers Philadelphia 2.5-1.5 4. Dallas Destiny vs Miami Sharks TIE 2-2 5. San Francisco Mechanics vs Tennessee Tempo San Francisco 3-1 Standings: +----------------+----+----+-----------+ |EASTERN DIVISION|W |L |Points | +----------------+----+----+-----------+ |Boston |5.0 |0.0 |14.0 (70%) | +----------------+----+----+-----------+ |New York |3.0 |2.0 |9.5 (48%) | +----------------+----+----+-----------+ |Baltimore |2.0 |3.0 |10.5 (53%) | +----------------+----+----+-----------+ |Philadelphia |1.0 |4.0 |8.5 (43%) | +----------------+----+----+-----------+ |Carolina |1.0 |4.0 |7.5 (38%) | +----------------+----+----+-----------+ +----------------+----+----+-----------+ |WESTERN DIVISION|W |L |Points | +----------------+----+----+-----------+ |San Francisco |4.5 |0.5 |13.5 (68%) | +----------------+----+----+-----------+ |Seattle |4.0 |1.0 |14.0 (70%) | +----------------+----+----+-----------+ |Miami |2.5 |2.5 |10.0 (50%) | +----------------+----+----+-----------+ |Dallas |1.5 |3.5 |8.5 (43%) | +----------------+----+----+-----------+ |Tennessee |0.5 |4.5 |4.0 (20%) | +----------------+----+----+-----------+
The XVI Gros Xake Taldea International Open took place in the northern spanish city of Donostia-San Sebastián, 21st-29th September 2006. Sergey Kasparov edged out Aimen Rizouk to take first place on tie-break after both scored 7.5/9.
The so called "Recursive Performance" was used for the tie-breaks. It's a new tie-break system prepared by 4 spanish mathematicians. More info about it can be found at their website (mostly in spanish) at
------------------------------------------------------------------ XVI Gros Open San Sebastian ESP (ESP), 21-29 ix 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Kasparov, Sergey m BLR 2491 7,5 1 40,0 47,5 2. Rizouk, Aimen m ALG 2447 7,5 2 39,0 46,5 3. Meijers, Viesturs g LAT 2474 7,0 0 42,5 50,0 4. Pinilla Santibanez, Roberto ESP 2114 6,5 1 35,0 42,0 5. Rodriguez Gonzalez, Javier ESP 2222 6,5 2 35,0 42,0 6. Paunovic, Dragan m SCG 2506 6,0 1 43,5 51,0 7. Garcia Castro, Pablo f ESP 2336 6,0 2 40,5 48,0 8. Argandona Rivero, Inigo f ESP 2366 6,0 3 40,5 48,0 9. Calderon, Jonathan ECU 2029 6,0 4 35,0 41,0 10. Torres, Patrice FRA 2040 6,0 5 32,5 40,0 11. Aabling-Thomsen, Jakob DEN 2271 5,5 1 40,0 47,5 12. Lakunza Plazaola, Asier ESP 1922 5,5 2 35,5 42,0 13. Zaballa,Jon ESP ---- 5,5 3 33,5 39,5 14. Iglesias Gonzalez, Veronica ESP 1728 5,5 4 32,5 38,5 15. Tung, Kai Ming ESP 2080 5,5 5 33,5 39,5 16. Saenz Zabala, Juan Ignacio ESP 1850 5,5 6 28,0 32,5 57 players
The 1st Montenegro airlines league takes place in Herceg Novi, 22nd September - 2nd October 2006. Buducnost (1 Blagojevic Dragisa 2529 2 Djukic Nikola 2507 3 Kosic Dragan 2506 4 Ivanovic Bozidar 2444 5 Kalezic Blazo 2433) have started with 10/10 with one round to go.
Official site:
1 BUDUCNOST 10 10 0 0 20 44 0 272,50 2 ELEKTROPRIVREDA CG 10 9 0 1 18 42 0 268,00 3 HERCEG NOVI 10 8 0 2 16 43 0 195,00 4 RUDAR 10 7 1 2 15 35 0 212,75 5 SAHMATIK 10 6 0 4 12 33 0 129,50 6 MIMOZA 10 2 4 4 8 32 0 72,25 7 VESELIN BOSKOVIC 10 3 2 5 8 30 0 75,25 8 KOTOR 10 3 1 6 7 29 0 61,75 9 KORALI-MORNAR 10 3 1 6 7 28 0 60,75 10 BIJELA PANTOMARKET 10 3 1 6 7 26 0 59,25 11 RADONJA BOJOVIC 10 1 0 9 2 10 0 5,00 12 KOMOVI 10 0 0 10 0 5 0 0,00
The Greek Teams Cup took place in the Hotel Plaza Resort in Athens 30th September - 1st October 2006. The team of A.O. Kydon Khania (Azmaiparashvili, Nikolaidis, Papaioannou and Banikas) defeated AEK Athens (PH Nielsen, Michos, Grivas and Kalesis) after a rapid playoff. AEK Athens had already gone through two playoffs to win their round one match against E.S.Thesalonikis. Report: Grivas Efstratios.
Semi-Finals (30.09.2006) Match 1 E.S.Thesalonikis - A.E.K. Athens 2-2 A.E.K. Athens - E.S.Thesalonikis 2-2 (Rapid 15') E.S.Thesalonikis - A.E.K. Athens 1,5-2,5 (Rapid 15') Match 2 A.O. Kydon Khania - S.O.Kavalas 3,5-0,5 Position 3-4 (01.10.2006) S.O.Kavalas - E.S.Thesalonikis 1-3 Final (01.10.2006) A.E.K. Athens - A.O. Kydon Khania 2-2 A.O. Kydon Khania - A.E.K. Athens 3,5-0,5 (Rapid 15') Final Standings 2006 1. A.O. Kydon Khania 2. A.E.K. Athens 3. E.S.Thesalonikis 4. S.O. Kavalas
There is a playoff for the championship of Serbia & Montenegro (the last one) which initially was held in March, the match promises to be an interesting one. News: Goran Urosevic.
Official site:
Pikula, Dejan - Damljanovic, Branko 1-0 39 B56 Sicilian Defence ch-SCG playoff Kraljevo SRB (SRB), 1-4 x 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 ------------------------------------------------------------ Pikula, Dejan g SCG 2542 1 . . . 1.0 Damljanovic, Branko g SCG 2595 0 . . . 0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------
The Gausdal Bygger'n Masters was played at Gausdal (Norway) 24 september to 2 October 2006. GM Kjetil A. Lie made an impressive performance and took clear first place with 7.5 points from 9 games. GM Tiger Hillarp Persson was second with 7 points. The surprise of the tournament was Magne Sagafos (2301) who made his second IM-norm and captured third place. News: Eirik T. Gullaksen.
Official site:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bygger'n Masters Gausdal NOR (NOR), 24 ix-2 x 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Lie, Kjetil A g NOR 2523 +29 +16 +10 = 4 + 9 + 2 +12 = 3 = 8 7.5 2628 2. Hillarp Persson, Tiger g SWE 2549 +24 +14 = 7 +12 + 3 - 1 + 5 + 4 = 9 7.0 2615 3. Sagafos, Magne NOR 2301 +32 = 6 +11 + 8 - 2 =12 +10 = 1 = 4 6.0 2514 4. Holzke, Frank m GER 2472 +26 +19 = 9 = 1 +18 = 5 + 7 - 2 = 3 6.0 2486 5. Miezis, Normunds g LAT 2527 +21 -10 +18 +14 + 7 = 4 - 2 =11 +12 6.0 2481 6. Levin, Felix g GER 2500 +15 = 3 -12 +17 +13 -11 +18 = 9 +20 6.0 2383 7. Akesson, Ralf g SWE 2449 +31 +13 = 2 = 9 - 5 +16 - 4 +21 +11 6.0 2462 8. Westerinen, Heikki M.J g FIN 2378 +30 - 9 +21 - 3 +33 =18 +20 +14 = 1 6.0 2308 9. Rozentalis, Eduardas g LTU 2605 +17 + 8 = 4 = 7 - 1 +14 =11 = 6 = 2 5.5 2502 10. Afek, Yochanan m ISR 2316 +37 + 5 - 1 =13 =11 =20 - 3 +27 +18 5.5 2323 11. Kulaots, Kaido g EST 2550 +20 =12 - 3 +16 =10 + 6 = 9 = 5 - 7 5.0 2415 12. Pitl, Gregory f GER 2380 +25 =11 + 6 - 2 +28 = 3 - 1 +16 - 5 5.0 2395 13. Bentsen, Hakon NOR 2200 +36 - 7 +24 =10 - 6 =17 =27 +25 =15 5.0 2177 14. Hammer, Jon Ludvig f NOR 2306 +38 - 2 +15 - 5 +19 - 9 +24 - 8 +30 5.0 2250 15. Lindsoe, Fredrik-Aunan NOR 1960 - 6 +36 -14 +30 =24 +28 -16 +17 =13 5.0 2180 16. Bentsen, Oyvind NOR 2216 +22 - 1 +31 -11 +21 - 7 +15 -12 =19 4.5 2214 17. Reppen, Sigmund NOR 2071 - 9 +27 =22 - 6 +25 =13 =26 -15 +21 4.5 2123 18. Stubberud, Ornulf NOR 2202 +33 +28 - 5 +20 - 4 = 8 - 6 +26 -10 4.5 2231 19. Quinn, John M ENG 2150 +23 - 4 =33 +22 -14 =27 -21 +31 =16 4.5 2078 20. Kvisla, Johannes Luangtep NOR 2054 -11 +37 +35 -18 +29 =10 - 8 +23 - 6 4.5 2197 21. Rost,Bjorn NOR 1983 - 5 +32 - 8 +26 -16 +22 +19 - 7 -17 4.0 2132 22. Ronningen,Anders NOR ---- -16 +26 =17 -19 =31 -21 +32 =24 =29 4.0 1969 23. Nygaard Nyberg,Daniel NOR ---- -19 =25 -26 =32 +30 =29 +28 -20 =27 4.0 1938 24. Johansson, Per SWE 1996 - 2 +30 -13 =31 =15 +33 -14 =22 =25 4.0 2017 25. Hobber, Anders NOR 1926 -12 =23 +27 -28 -17 +35 +29 -13 =24 4.0 2034 26. Hagen, Anders Gjerdum NOR 1949 - 4 -22 +23 -21 +38 +31 =17 -18 =28 4.0 2021 27. Birger-Nilsen, Joachim NOR 1988 +35 -17 -25 =29 +34 =19 =13 -10 =23 4.0 2028 28. Bjorgvik, Jan Arne NOR 2082 +34 -18 =29 +25 -12 -15 -23 +36 =26 4.0 2001 29. Sjol, Henrik NOR 1980 - 1 +38 =28 =27 -20 =23 -25 +35 =22 4.0 2003 30. Time, Jonathan NOR 1864 - 8 -24 +32 -15 -23 +34 +36 +33 -14 4.0 1988 31. Wilsbeck, Jan B NOR 1931 - 7 +34 -16 =24 =22 -26 +33 -19 +37 4.0 2003 32. Jacobsen, Maria Pitz NOR 1836 - 3 -21 -30 =23 =36 +37 -22 +38 +34 4.0 1939 33. Wibe, Per H NOR 1809 -18 =35 =19 +37 - 8 -24 -31 -30 +38 3.0 1898 34. Kalkman de Koster,Franzke NED ---- -28 -31 =38 +36 -27 -30 +35 -37 -32 2.5 1766 35. Helberg,Harald NOR ---- -27 =33 -20 =38 =37 -25 -34 -29 +36 2.5 1772 36. Sondresen,Per NOR ---- -13 -15 =37 -34 =32 +38 -30 -28 -35 2.0 1739 37. Bue, Gunnar NOR 1850 -10 -20 =36 -33 =35 -32 -38 +34 -31 2.0 1756 38. Lie, Terje NOR 1842 -14 -29 =34 =35 -26 -36 +37 -32 -33 2.0 1750 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The XIX Moratalaz Open took place 18th-25th September of 2006. IM Herminio Herraiz won the event with 7.5/9. News: Lou Caruana.
Official site:
------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19th Moratalaz Open Madrid ESP (ESP), 18-26 ix 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Herraiz Hidalgo, Herminio m ESP 2492 7½ 45 54 39½ 2. Caruana, Fabiano m ITA 2444 7½ 41½ 48½ 40½ 3. Barria, Daniel m CHI 2420 7 45½ 53 38 4. Almagro Llamas, Pablo f ESP 2380 7 42 50½ 36 5. Elissalt Cardenas, Hector m CUB 2329 7 41½ 50½ 36 6. Moreno Ruiz, Javier m ESP 2469 7 40 48 35½ 7. Valles Moreno, Ivan ESP 2356 6½ 46 55½ 38 8. Roa Alonso, Santiago f ESP 2418 6½ 44½ 53½ 37 9. Martinez Martin, David m ESP 2402 6½ 43 52 33½ 10. Rabadan Velasco, Raul ESP 2227 6½ 42½ 51½ 38 11. Fernandez Garcia, Miguel A f ESP 2317 6½ 40 47 33½ 12. Perez Marco, Ricardo ESP 2167 6½ 38 47 34 13. Garcia Ruido, Ricardo ESP 2200 6½ 36 44 32½ 167 players
The ProMoPro Open took place in Prague 9th-17th September 2006. Ivan Hausner won with 7/9.
Official site:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ProMoPro Open Prague CZE (CZE), 9-17 ix 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Hausner, Ivan m CZE 2388 +27 +13 = 6 + 2 + 3 = 4 =16 = 5 +11 7.0 2433 2. Sodoma, Jan CZE 2285 +21 + 9 +14 - 1 + 5 + 6 = 4 +16 - 3 6.5 2368 3. Vedral, Oldrich CZE 2242 +29 +36 =31 +18 - 1 =10 =11 +13 + 2 6.5 2318 4. Vaculik, Martin CZE 2272 +35 =24 =15 +31 + 8 = 1 = 2 = 6 = 5 6.0 2320 5. Londyn, Radek CZE 2301 +32 +20 = 8 = 7 - 2 +30 +13 = 1 = 4 6.0 2299 6. Stross, Frantisek CZE 2256 +44 +19 = 1 = 8 + 7 - 2 +31 = 4 =10 6.0 2315 7. Vokoun, Jan f CZE 2217 =22 +43 +12 = 5 - 6 +15 =10 = 9 +19 6.0 2235 8. Erneker, Josef CZE 2198 +48 +30 = 5 = 6 - 4 =19 +24 =10 +18 6.0 2248 9. Slovak, Pavel CZE 2084 +42 - 2 =29 +33 -10 +17 +23 = 7 +16 6.0 2218 10. Pirklova, Hana CZE 2132 =26 =17 =27 +35 + 9 = 3 = 7 = 8 = 6 5.5 2189 11. Kubikova, Hana wf CZE 2162 +28 -14 =25 =32 +21 +27 = 3 +12 - 1 5.5 2162 12. Bernasek, Vaclav CZE 2128 +38 =39 - 7 =27 =14 +35 +25 -11 +30 5.5 2126 13. Wichs, Jakub CZE 2093 +37 - 1 =32 +22 +43 +23 - 5 - 3 +25 5.5 2195 14. Stolc, Martin CZE 1993 +16 +11 - 2 =23 =12 -31 =30 =28 +36 5.0 2190 15. Urbanek, Stepan CZE 2086 =34 +22 = 4 =16 =31 - 7 +27 =23 =17 5.0 2164 16. Seleljo, Daniel CZE 2303 -14 +38 +39 =15 +17 +18 = 1 - 2 - 9 5.0 2151 17. Drabek,Vojtech CZE ---- =23 =10 =19 +24 -16 - 9 +34 +39 =15 5.0 2147 18. Hase, Pavel CZE 2129 =43 +34 +24 - 3 +25 -16 =19 +22 - 8 5.0 2136 19. Szirmai, Emil CZE 2074 +41 - 6 =17 =28 +40 = 8 =18 +31 - 7 5.0 2152 20. Framberk, Jan CZE 2089 +40 - 5 =35 =29 =28 =39 =22 +32 =21 5.0 2059 21. Drahorad, Daniel CZE 1985 - 2 =40 =26 +38 -11 =29 +43 +24 =20 5.0 2104 22. Slechta, Karel CZE 1935 = 7 -15 +42 -13 +46 +36 =20 -18 +31 5.0 2138 23. Karl, Winfried GER 2173 =17 =26 +30 =14 +34 -13 - 9 =15 =28 4.5 2032 24. Petrak, Robert CZE 2079 +45 = 4 -18 -17 +29 +28 - 8 -21 +38 4.5 2058 25. Ryslink, Daniel CZE 2014 +47 -31 =11 +26 -18 +34 -12 +29 -13 4.5 2071 26. Tomisek,Petr CZE ---- =10 =23 =21 -25 -35 +44 =36 =27 +39 4.5 2035 27. Stepanek, Svatopluk CZE 2005 - 1 +37 =10 =12 +44 -11 -15 =26 +42 4.5 2095 28. Nad,Boris CZE ---- -11 +47 =36 =19 =20 -24 +42 =14 =23 4.5 2069 29. Trnka, Jaroslav CZE 1942 - 3 +49 = 9 =20 -24 =21 +37 -25 +40 4.5 2054 30. Zalsky, Petr CZE 2034 +46 - 8 -23 +37 +32 - 5 =14 +33 -12 4.5 2063 31. Benes, Petr1 CZE 2189 +33 +25 = 3 - 4 =15 +14 - 6 -19 -22 4.0 2030 32. Bohac, Jaroslav CZE 1990 - 5 +45 =13 =11 -30 +43 =39 -20 =37 4.0 2033 33. Horak, Karel CZE 1786 -31 =41 +46 - 9 -39 +47 +40 -30 =34 4.0 1992 34. Cabart,Pavel CZE ---- =15 -18 +48 +39 -23 -25 -17 +43 =33 4.0 1960 35. Kovar, Josef CZE 1981 - 4 +50 =20 -10 +26 -12 =38 -36 +44 4.0 2028 36. Simunek, Josef CZE 2056 +50 - 3 =28 -43 +41 -22 =26 +35 -14 4.0 1973 37. Ruzicka,Vitezslav CZE ---- -13 -27 +47 -30 +49 =40 -29 +41 =32 4.0 1964 38. Muzikar,Martin CZE ---- -12 -16 +50 -21 =47 +41 =35 +44 -24 4.0 2005 39. Rakous, Pavel CZE 2011 +49 =12 -16 -34 +33 =20 =32 -17 -26 3.5 1952 40. Vnoucek,Pavel CZE ---- -20 =21 =44 +48 -19 =37 -33 +45 -29 3.5 1883 41. Kovac,Petr CZE ---- -19 =33 -43 +42 -36 -38 +49 -37 +50 3.5 1910 42. Plicka,Jiri CZE ---- - 9 =44 -22 -41 +48 +46 -28 +49 -27 3.5 1899 43. Plicka,Petr CZE ---- =18 - 7 +41 +36 -13 -32 -21 -34 =45 3.0 1927 44. Prachar, Josef CZE 1962 - 6 =42 =40 +49 -27 -26 +46 -38 -35 3.0 1901 45. Stvan,Marek CZE ---- -24 -32 -49 -46 =50 +48 +47 -40 =43 3.0 1864 46. Maly,Petr CZE ---- -30 =48 -33 +45 -22 -42 -44 +50 =47 3.0 1825 47. Kukacka,Ladislav CZE ---- -25 -28 -37 +50 =38 -33 -45 +48 =46 3.0 1834 48. Novotny, Vladimir CZE 1833 - 8 =46 -34 -40 -42 -45 =50 -47 +49 2.0 1802 49. Filipec,Pavel CZE ---- -39 -29 +45 -44 -37 +50 -41 -42 -48 2.0 1752 50. Cozl,Miroslav CZE ---- -36 -35 -38 -47 =45 -49 =48 -46 -41 1.0 1634 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The international league "Dunav-Drava-Sava 2006" took place 15-20 september 2006. in Tuzla (north-east Bosnia and Hrezegovina). In each teams had 4-6 players.All themselves it played individual 9.round and the best four scored for teams rank. In teams rank the best was SK "Tusanj" Tuzla afore SK PLANUM Vukovar. In individual rank the best was IM Stojanovic Dalibor, the second was IM Nurkic Sahbaz and third Tomic Bosko. Chief arbiter:Milan Cvijetinovic and Mihajlo Savic, for pairings, both IA.
Official site:
------------------------------------------------------- 12th DDS League and Open Tuzla BIH (BIH), 15-26 ix 2006 ------------------------------------------------------- 1. Stojanovic, Dalibor m BIH 2472 7 42 2. Nurkic, Sahbaz m BIH 2395 6½ 40 3. Tomic, Bosko BIH 2341 6½ 37½ 9. Budimir, Boris f BIH 2322 6½ 37 5. Avdic, Adnan BIH 2288 6 41½ 4. Mrkonjic, Nenad m CRO 2378 6 41 8. Majeric, Zoran m CRO 2292 6 39½ 7. Karahmetovic, Adnan BIH 2287 6 39 6. Mujic, Hamza f BIH 2352 5½ 39½ 11. Goric, Esad m BIH 2293 5½ 38 10. Saric, Sinisa f SCG 2259 5½ 37 12. Runic, Zoran m BIH 2427 5½ 36 13. Trumic, Enes BIH 2295 5½ 34½ 14. Avdil, Halil BIH 2303 5½ 32½ 15. Elez, Sinisa SCG 2168 5½ 31 43 players Final Ranking ------------- +-+-----------------------+---+----+--+ |1|SK TUSANJ Tusanj |24½|148½|17| +-+-----------------------+---+----+--+ |1|Nurkic Sahbaz |6½ | 40 |4 | +-+-----------------------+---+----+--+ |2|Tomic Bosko |6½ |37½ |4 | +-+-----------------------+---+----+--+ |3|Budimir Boris |6½ | 37 |5 | +-+-----------------------+---+----+--+ |4|Sprecic Mustafa | 5 | 34 |4 | +-+-----------------------+---+----+--+ |2|SK PLANUM Vukovar |23 |155½|16| +-+-----------------------+---+----+--+ |1|Mrkonjic Nenad | 6 | 41 |3 | +-+-----------------------+---+----+--+ |2|Majeric Zoran | 6 |39½ |4 | +-+-----------------------+---+----+--+ |3|Goric Esad |5½ | 38 |5 | +-+-----------------------+---+----+--+ |4|Saric Sinisa |5½ | 37 |4 | +-+-----------------------+---+----+--+ |3|SK PANTERI Bijeljina |23 |142 |19| +-+-----------------------+---+----+--+ |1|Stojanovic Dalibor | 7 | 42 |5 | +-+-----------------------+---+----+--+ |2|Runic Zoran |5½ | 36 |5 | +-+-----------------------+---+----+--+ |3|Elez Sinisa |5½ | 31 |5 | +-+-----------------------+---+----+--+ |4|Tonkovic Robert | 5 | 33 |4 | +-+-----------------------+---+----+--+ |4|DOO RUDAR Tuzla |22 |144½|14| +-+-----------------------+---+----+--+ |1|Avdic Adnan | 6 |41½ |3 | +-+-----------------------+---+----+--+ |2|Karahmetovic Adnan | 6 | 39 |4 | +-+-----------------------+---+----+--+ |3|Trumic Enes |5½ |34½ |4 | +-+-----------------------+---+----+--+ |4|Nezirovic Ozren |4½ |29½ |3 | +-+-----------------------+---+----+--+ |5|OSK ZIVINICE Zivinice |19 |130½|13| +-+-----------------------+---+----+--+ |1|Mujic Hamza |5½ |39½ |4 | +-+-----------------------+---+----+--+ |2|Bajric Sakib | 5 |34½ |4 | +-+-----------------------+---+----+--+ |3|Avdic Amir |4½ |26½ |3 | +-+-----------------------+---+----+--+ |4|Mahmutbegovic Midhat | 4 | 30 |2 | +-+-----------------------+---+----+--+ |6|AGRONOM Novi Sad |17½|121½|14| +-+-----------------------+---+----+--+ |1|Cengija Vanja | 5 | 34 |4 | +-+-----------------------+---+----+--+ |2|Dugonjic Dragan |4½ |31½ |4 | +-+-----------------------+---+----+--+ |3|Blagojevic Srdjan |4½ | 28 |4 | +-+-----------------------+---+----+--+ |4|Zupcevic Nedim |3½ | 28 |2 | +-+-----------------------+---+----+--+ |7|SK JEDINSTVO Brcko |16½|117 |12| +-+-----------------------+---+----+--+ |1|Avdil Halil |5½ |32½ |4 | +-+-----------------------+---+----+--+ |2|Omercic Adnan |4½ |30½ |4 | +-+-----------------------+---+----+--+ |3|Mikanovic Sandro |3½ |28½ |2 | +-+-----------------------+---+----+--+ |4|Ilic Slavisa | 3 |25½ |2 | +-+-----------------------+---+----+--+ |8|SK UGLJEVIK Ugljevik |15½|116 |11| +-+-----------------------+---+----+--+ |1|Hadzimehmedovic Mustafa| 4 |31½ |4 | +-+-----------------------+---+----+--+ |2|Gajic Zoran | 4 | 29 |3 | +-+-----------------------+---+----+--+ |3|Piric Fikret | 4 |28½ |2 | +-+-----------------------+---+----+--+ |4|Hadzic Hazim |3½ | 27 |2 | +-+-----------------------+---+----+--+
The 2nd Efim Geller Memorial Open (not to be confused with the rapid chess Geller Memorials which are also organised in Odessa) took place in Odessa, Ukraine from 18-26 September. The first place in the A-Open with 68 participants (among them there were 9 GMs and 2 WGMs) took GM Michail Brodsky of Kharkov, who had the better tiebreak than other four players who also scored 6.5 points. WIM Carmen Voicu of Romania took the prize for the best result among women. The B-Open with 106 participants was won by Vladimir Holkin (Elo 2000) who scored 8/9. The blitz tournament on September 27 with the first prize of UAH 1.000 (approx. 200 USD) was won by GM Yuri Drozdovsky of Odessa.
This year, the main sponsor of the Memorial was Bank Pivdenny, the largest bank in the South of Ukraine. The memorial was supported by Association of Chess Professionals (ACP). On September 27, at the closing ceremony in the Hotel Mozart, the president of the Odessa chess federation Vadim Morokhovsky announced that the rapid chess world cup with participation with some of the world's top players can take place in Odessa in January 2007. (News and 50 selected games: GM Mikhail Golubev,
Official site:
Ranking after round 9 of International Chess Turnaiment"Geller memorial" A No. PNo. Name Score WP SB PS rat. TPR W-We ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 1 Brodsky, Michail 6.5 52.0 36.50 37.5 2571 2634 +0.74 7 Zubarev, Alexander 6.5 48.5 34.50 35.0 2518 2579 +0.74 2 Vysochin, Spartak 6.5 48.0 33.75 33.0 2555 2594 +0.47 4 Zubov, Alexander 6.5 47.5 33.50 31.0 2538 2539 +0.02 14 Golubev, Mikhail 6.5 43.0 31.00 30.0 2467 2455 -0.07 6. 5 Solodovnichenko, Yuri 6.0 50.0 31.75 32.0 2537 2540 -0.03 3 Drozdovskij, Yuri 6.0 49.0 31.75 31.5 2552 2548 -0.03 6 Shishkin, Vadim 6.0 49.0 31.75 31.5 2529 2523 -0.12 16 Sumets, Andrey 6.0 48.0 30.50 31.5 2462 2514 +0.60 9 Savchenko, Stanislav 6.0 48.0 30.00 32.5 2508 2543 +0.42 29 Kovalenko, Igor U 6.0 47.0 29.25 29.5 2325 2536 +2.28 18 Kozel, Roman 6.0 45.5 26.25 30.0 2415 2464 +0.50 13. 11 Kryakvin, Dmitry 5.5 48.0 28.00 30.0 2488 2435 -0.62 23 Nedilko, Vasily 5.5 48.0 26.50 30.0 2390 2482 +1.18 10 Tunik, Gennady 5.5 47.5 25.75 30.0 2488 2467 -0.26 22 Kiselev, Vitaliy U 5.5 47.5 25.75 29.0 2392 2440 +0.64 17 Vovk, Yuri U 5.5 47.0 25.75 30.5 2441 2476 +0.46 8 Malaniuk, Vladimir P 5.5 45.0 26.00 28.0 2511 2391 -1.34 19. 15 Legky, Nikolay A 5.0 47.5 24.25 30.0 2464 2445 -0.31 31 Tishin, D. U 5.0 45.0 22.75 26.5 2313 2388 +0.58 13 Podgaets, Mikhail 5.0 44.5 23.25 28.0 2472 2374 -1.21 24 Vovk, Andrey U 5.0 44.0 22.25 25.5 2388 2310 -0.94 44 Ipatov, Alexander 5.0 43.5 22.00 24.0 2178 2332 +1.68 33 Voicu, Carmen G 5.0 43.5 20.25 27.5 2286 2399 +1.20 20 Peskov, Alexsey 5.0 43.0 21.75 25.0 2400 2277 -1.48 21 Shilin, Denis 5.0 42.0 20.50 25.0 2392 2315 -0.94 25 Galakhov, Vladimir 5.0 41.5 22.25 25.0 2383 2350 -0.26 46 Yusupov, Maxim U 5.0 40.5 20.50 23.0 2153 2279 +1.11 32 Garifulin, Alexander U 5.0 39.5 19.00 25.5 2291 2299 +0.06 37 Shevtsov, Nikoliy U 5.0 39.0 14.25 22.0 2255 2241 -0.15 26 Stets, Vasilij 5.0 37.0 17.50 23.0 2351 2198 -1.60 68 players
The 10th Itau Cup took place in Sao Paulo took place 23rd-30th September 2006. Giovanni Vescovi edged out Neuris Delgado on tie-break after both finished on 8/9.
Official site:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X Itau Cup Sao Paulo BRA (BRA), 23-30 ix 2006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Vescovi, Giovanni g BRA 2619 8 45.0 56.5 42.5 47.00 2. Delgado, Neuris g CUB 2523 8 43.5 55.5 41.5 43.50 3. Leitao, Rafael g BRA 2598 7 44.0 55.0 38.0 40.50 4. Milos, Gilberto g BRA 2563 7 43.5 55.0 39.5 40.00 5. Matsuura, Everaldo m BRA 2445 7 42.0 53.5 38.5 38.00 6. Crosa, Martin m URU 2405 7 42.0 53.5 38.0 40.00 7. Van Riemsdijk, Herman C m BRA 2376 7 42.0 53.5 37.0 39.00 8. Rodriguez, Andres g URU 2511 7 40.5 51.5 37.0 38.00 9. Di Berardino, Diego Rafael BRA 2370 7 39.5 52.0 37.5 37.00 10. Mekhitarian, Krikor Sevag BRA 2448 7 39.0 49.5 36.0 36.00 11. Diamant, Andre f BRA 2306 6.5 42.5 53.0 37.0 36.75 12. Limp, Eduardo m BRA 2413 6.5 41.0 53.0 36.5 34.75 13. Prates, Fabiano BRA 2274 6.5 39.5 51.0 35.0 33.75 14. Santos, M.V.M f BRA 2416 6.5 38.5 50.5 36.0 35.25 15. Sega, Carlos Alberto f BRA 2266 6.5 37.5 48.0 33.5 35.00 16. Pelikian, Jefferson m BRA 2385 6.5 37.0 48.0 34.5 32.00 17. Fier, Alexander Hilario Takeda m BRA 2459 6.5 37.0 47.5 33.0 31.50 18. De Araujo,Jose Roberto ---- 6.5 37.0 46.5 30.5 30.75 19. Tsuboi, Edson Kenji f BRA 2287 6.5 34.0 44.0 33.0 28.75 20. De Souza Haro, Paulo Cezar f BRA 2198 6.5 33.5 43.5 32.5 30.75 205 players
The quality leagues of Vojvodina for men and women took place in Sremska Mitrovica 21th-28th September 2006. In men's event there were 10 teams in a robin round and the women's 14 teams in a 5 round swiss. The victors were SK "Agronom" Novi Sad (men) and SK"Srem" Sremska Mitrovica (women). The both teams will play next year in the first league of the Republic Serbia. The Cheif arbiter was Mihajlo Savic, IA.
Men Final Ranking ----------------- +----+------------------------------+----+-+-+-+--+----+----+-----+ |Rank|Team |Gam.|+|=|-|MP|Pts.|Res.|SB. | +----+------------------------------+----+-+-+-+--+----+----+-----+ | 1|"Srem" Sremska Mitrovica | 5|4|1|0|9 |11½ |0 |40,75| +----+------------------------------+----+-+-+-+--+----+----+-----+ | 2|"Agronom" Novi Sad | 5|3|1|1|7 |10½ |0 |24,00| +----+------------------------------+----+-+-+-+--+----+----+-----+ | 3|"Bora Kostic" Vrsac | 5|3|1|1|7 |10 |0 |24,25| +----+------------------------------+----+-+-+-+--+----+----+-----+ | 4|"Sahmatni kruzok" Novi Sad | 5|3|1|1|7 |9½ |0 |20,00| +----+------------------------------+----+-+-+-+--+----+----+-----+ | 5|"Mladost" Nova Pazova | 5|2|2|1|6 |7½ |0 |19,25| +----+------------------------------+----+-+-+-+--+----+----+-----+ | 6|"Hajduk" Curug | 5|3|0|2|6 |7 |0 |17,50| +----+------------------------------+----+-+-+-+--+----+----+-----+ | 7|"Radnicki" Bajmok | 5|2|1|2|5 |6½ |0 |15,75| +----+------------------------------+----+-+-+-+--+----+----+-----+ | 8|"Novosadski sah klub" Novi Sad| 5|2|1|2|5 |6½ |0 |13,50| +----+------------------------------+----+-+-+-+--+----+----+-----+ | 9|"Ivan Kurjacki" Pancevo | 5|2|1|2|5 |6 |4 |15,25| +----+------------------------------+----+-+-+-+--+----+----+-----+ | 10|"Somborski sah klub" Sombor | 5|1|2|2|4 |6 |0 |14,00| +----+------------------------------+----+-+-+-+--+----+----+-----+ | 11|"Stara Pazova" Stara Pazova | 5|1|1|3|3 |4½ |0 |9,25 | +----+------------------------------+----+-+-+-+--+----+----+-----+ | 12|"Naftagas" Elemir | 5|0|2|3|2 |6 |1 |5,75 | +----+------------------------------+----+-+-+-+--+----+----+-----+ | |"PASK" Pancevo | 5|0|2|3|2 |6 |1 |5,75 | +----+------------------------------+----+-+-+-+--+----+----+-----+ | 14|"Radnicki" Zrenjanin | 5|0|2|3|2 |5½ |0 |6,00 | +----+------------------------------+----+-+-+-+--+----+----+-----+ Women Final Ranking ------------------- +----+-----------------------------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+----+----+------+ |Rank|Team |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10|MP|Pts.|Res.|SB. | +----+-----------------------------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+----+----+------+ | 1|SK"AGRONOM" Novi Sad |* |4 |3 |4 |3½|3½|4½|5 |4½|4 |17|36 |0 |218,75| +----+-----------------------------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+----+----+------+ | 2|SK"STARA PAZOVA" Stara Pazova|2 |* |3 |4½|4½|2½|3½|4½|3½|5½|13|33½ |0 |156,75| +----+-----------------------------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+----+----+------+ | 3|SK"IVAN KURJACKI" Pancevo |3 |3 |* |3 |2 |2½|4 |4½|4½|4 |11|30½ |1 |131,00| +----+-----------------------------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+----+----+------+ | 4|SK"RADNICKI" Zrenjanin |2 |1½|3 |* |2½|3½|3½|5 |4½|5 |11|30½ |1 |124,75| +----+-----------------------------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+----+----+------+ | 5|SK"PASK" 1 Pancevo |2½|1½|4 |3½|* |3½|2½|5 |3 |4½|11|30 |0 |135,75| +----+-----------------------------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+----+----+------+ | 6|"SOMBORSKI SK" Sombor |2½|3½|3½|2½|2½|* |3 |3 |5 |3 |9 |28½ |0 |115,25| +----+-----------------------------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+----+----+------+ | 7|SK"JUGOVIC" Kac |1½|2½|2 |2½|3½|3 |* |3 |3 |3 |6 |24 |0 |72,75 | +----+-----------------------------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+----+----+------+ | 8|SK"NAFTAGAS" Elemir |1 |1½|1½|1 |1 |3 |3 |* |4½|3 |5 |19½ |0 |55,75 | +----+-----------------------------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+----+----+------+ | 9|SK"MLADOST" Nova Pazova |1½|2½|1½|1½|3 |1 |3 |1½|* |6 |4 |21½ |0 |43,00 | +----+-----------------------------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+----+----+------+ | 10|SK"RADNICKI" Bajmok |2 |½ |2 |1 |1½|3 |3 |3 |0 |* |3 |16 |0 |36,00 | +----+-----------------------------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+----+----+------+
Daniel Fridman has won the tenth blitz championship of Waalwijk, The Netherlands. Fridman beat local hero Loek Van Wely in the final. Fridman, playing the white pieces, had ten minutes to beat Van Wely who had eight minutes, but only needed a draw. Van Wely outplayed Fridman, winning a piece along the way, but this took too much time. When Loek had a few seconds left, Fridman tricked him to a mate. Report Peter Doggers.
There are videos of the event at:
As reported in TWIC 618 the World Blitz Championship final took place on 7th September 2006 in Rishon Le Zion (Israel). This was a Round Robin Tournament with 16 players. Alexander Grischuk won a final armageddon playoff game (he had white but had to win) against Peter Svidler to take the title after they tied during the all-play-all phase. There is now some film of the event with exclusive video interviews with the winners of the first WBC, and about 5 minutes of video clip from the event at:
Official site:
The XLI Capablanca Memorial had to move from its normal dates in May due to the Turin Olympiad. This years event takes place 19th-30th November 2006 in the hotel Habana Riviera.
As usual there will be a number of events, the elite for players rated over 2600 and an 11 round swiss with 22 players etc
For details and entry by 3rd November 2006 contact: or or
The 70 year jubilee tournament of OBRO Chessclub Copenhagen takes place October 14th-22nd 2006. They could use two foreigners more (preferably 2300+ and chasing an IM norm) entering a 9 round modified Swiss tournament with so far 29 participants, headed by GM Varga (H), IM Antoniewski (PL), IM Vajda (H), IM Glud (DK) and IM Hermansson (S).
Private lodgings will be found for the players and they will not have to pay an entry fee. Transportation and food will be the problem of the participant(s).
This should be a very good offer to youngsters chasing IM norm possibilities. A tournament served on a plate with free lodging in expensive Copenhagen.
The participant list will be maintained at this link:
Any questions for potential participants should be addressed to Soren Bech Hansen at:
The Bethune chess club is preparing his 27th International Open, Hall Olof Palme, Commercial centre La Rotonde, Bethune, France (Pas-de-Calais) from December 26 to 30. 9 rounds The tournament is divided in 2 tournaments: - Tournament A for players whose Elo rating is above or equal to 1600, 1st price : 1500 euros - Tournament B for players strictly below 1800 and not FIDE, 1st price : 300 euros, Fischer pace 1h30+30s KO for each game in both tournaments. At least 5500 euros of prices, prices for Elo categories in both tournaments. Inscription fee : 40 euros (adults), 20 euros (youngsters under 20), free for IM, GM and FIDE Masters. Conditions for IM and GM and special conditions for GM>2600, contact us at For more information visit:
The 13th Vasja Pirc Memorial and International Open Championship of Slovenia in Rapid Chess takes place in Maribor, sports hall 8th October 2006. 9 rounds swiss.
Contact: Georg MOHR, Mobile: +386-40-834-432,
The All India Chess Fedederation for the Blind organises the XI individual world chess championship for the blind in Goa 8th-19th October 2006 at the Radisson white sands hotel. The event is held every 4 years. More than 35 countries have confirmed their participation.
Official site:
World U-20 s and Girls Chess Championships takes place October 2nd to 17th 2006, in Yerevan, Armenia.
Official site:
The Galway Chess Congress 2006 took place September 29th - October 1st 2006.
Official site:
in a press release on September 19th 2006 on their website the Corus, Wijk aan Zee organisers announced the first players for the event in January 2007. The top three in the world Veselin Topalov, Viswanathan Anand and Levon Aronian will all play. It was already known that Alexander Motylev qualified from the B group last year and that Magnus Carlsen who officially lost out on tie-break to him would also be invited.
Official site:
FIRST SATURDAY Budapest GM-IM-FM round robins, 7th-19th October 2006. There are some vacancies. E-mail Laszlo Nagy if interested at:
The Hastings Congress takes place 28th December 2006 - 7 January 2007. 9 round master Swiss +many other events including a FIDE Rated open 6-7 January. Details Con Power
Further details:
The 3rd IGB Dato' Arthur Tan Malaysia Open Chess Championship took place 21st-27th August 2006. Total prizes:USD$ 18,000 (RM 68,000). Dao Thien Hai won the event with 8/11 on tie break from four others on that score. Games may become available.
Official site:
7th NATO CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP took place at Wellington College, Berkshire (UK) 21st-25th August 2006 after the Stauton Memorial. Results and games not yet available.
Official site:
1. 2nd-14th September FIRST SATURDAY GM-IM-FM round robins (BERGER- ROUND ROBIN), 9-13 games, GM-IM norm possibilities in Budapest, venue: Hungarian Chess Federation, Falk Miksa Str.10. 2nd floor. Organisation: Nagy Laszlo, FIDE International Chess Organizer /NL/, E-mail: Website: Other website: Phone-fax: +(361)-2632859, cellphone: +(36)-30-230-1914 /From 12:00 a.m. until midnight - Central European Time - GMT+1 hour/..
2. 16th-24th of September Kecskemet, IM Berger tmt, org: Dr.Erdelyi, Tamas, e-mail: Website: Usually also in the second half of the month IM tmt-s in Kecskemet. 100 km South from Budapest.
3. 15th-23rd of September BUDAPEST AUTUMN - 1st GOLD CROWN Kup, 9 rounds Swiss Open, Org: Nagy Laszlo. Website:
4.. 7th-19th of October, FS GM-IM, Budapest Org: .Nagy Laszlo,
5. 14th-22nd of October, 9 round Swiss Open tmt HÉVÍZ - 150 km West from Budapest, org: IM RIGO, Janos, website:
6. 4th-16th of November FS GM-IM-FM closed tmt, Budapest, info Nagy Laszlo.
7.. 16th-24th of of November, TENKES KUPA - OPEN, Harkány, 250 km South West from Budapest, Organizer: Mr FULOP, Csaba E-mail:
8 2nd-15th of December, FS GM-IM-FM, Budapest, info Nagy Laszlo.
The 43rd Hull Chess Congress (Yorkshire, England) will take place in the Student Union Building, University of Hull, over the weekend of November 17-19, 2006. This year's Hull Congress has three sections, Open, Under 150 and Under 100 and the total prize fund for the tournament is 1200 pounds (1st 250, 2nd 100, 3rd 50 each section), with the option of adding additional prizes based on the number of entries. The entry fee is just 15 pounds if you commit your entry on or before October 31, 2006 and just 20 pounds after that date. For more information about the Hull Congress and to download an entry form, please visit the new Hull & District Chess Association website at or contact Mark Ieronimo, Tournament Organizer, at to obtain an entry form via email.
"Secrets of the July 2006 FIDE Rating List" by Boris Schipkov, 15.08.2006 appears on the website Chess Siberia There are more than 1000 grandmasters in the World now. Germany leads on the number of players with rating. The greatest increase in number of players was in France.
Vladimir Kramnik will play the ChessBase computer program Deep Fritz in a 6 game match 25th November - 5th December 2006 in the Germans Art and Exhibition Hall in Bonne. Kramnik stands to win a prize of $1 Million US for a win in the match doubling his starting fee.
Asked how he estimates his chances, Kramnik reacted cautiously: "Fritz examines millions of moves per second. It is extraordinarily difficult to play against such a calculating monster. Right from the start you are walking on a very narrow ridge, and you know that any inattentiveness will be your downfall. It is a scientific experiment and I will have to fight very hard for my chance."
The WCC is being organized by Universal Event Promotion (UEP), in cooperation with the Art and Exhibition Hall.
Schedule: Game 1: Saturday 25.11.2006 16h Game 2: Monday 27.11.2006 16h Game 3: Wednesday 29.11.2006 16h Game 4: Friday 01.12.2006 16h Game 5: Sunday 03.12.2006 16h Game 6: Tuesday 05.12.2006 16h
During the entire period of the match the Art and Exhibition Hall will offer a varied program.
Official site:
The 2007 Sydney International Open will be held as a 9-round FIDE-rated Swiss event from 10th-14th April 2007. The venue is Parramatta Town Hall, an historic centre and business hub just 30 minutes by train from Central Sydney and International Airport. Some conditions are offered to titled players. It is also possible to play in Australia's largest weekender, the Doeberl Cup, a 7-round FIDE-rated event held in Canberra 6-9 April 2007. An information sheet, registration form and other details are available at The organisers are Australian Chess Enterprises. Contact is Brian Jones at
The GibTelecom Chess Festival takes place 23rd January - 1st February 2007. including a 9 round Masters with a rest day. Also two 5 round Swisses for players under 2200 and two separately for players under 1800. Total prize fund £71,000, including £9000 awards specifically for females with a first of £4000; £12000 for players under 2200, where such a player could win £6000; seniors £2000; junior £1000. So far Arishchenko, Efimenko, Kuzubov, Milov, Krush, Ganguly, Kunte, Sand ipan, Bellon, Cramling have accepted invitations. further details Judy Whurr
Further details:
The European Rapid Chess Championship 2006 takes place in Warsaw, Poland (at the same time the 6th AMPLICO AIG LIFE Tournament played during the 25th Memorial of Stanislaw Gawlikowski) takes place 16th-17th of December 2006. The prize fund is 20.000 Euros. The tournament is a part of the ACP Tour. Visit the Official site for more information, updates are coming soon. Contact details of Organizers and Chief arbiter.
Tournament Director - Mrs Maria Macieja mobile: + 48 603 391 318 e-mail:
Official site:
The olimpbase website: from April covers all team events. The latest addition is the European U18 Team Ch. has just finish in Balatonelle. Also, there is a lot on the history of this interesting event at my page, including details, games and results of all previous editions, overall statistics and medal table. See
The "Swiss Chess Tour 2006" will restore "Christmas Tournament" back after a one year break and four years in Interlaken this time in Bern. The change is only in the venue in the Hotel "Bern", in the very center of the city. The 1st International Open Hotel "Bern" December 26th-30th 2006. Swiss system, 7 rounds and the games will last a maximum of 5 hours (40 moves for 2 hours and 30 minutes till the end). Prize are: 2.000 SF, 1.500, 1.000, 700, 500, 400, 300, 250, 200 and 150 SF. The natural prizes till 20th place. Special prizes for best Lady, senior (1945), junior (1986-89), schoolboy (1990) and best local player. Entry fee 130 SF, FMs and juniors 60 SF, at the door 20 SF more, GMs and IMs free. Venue: Hotel "Bern" Blitz tournament, Swiss system, 9 double rounds.Prize are: 300, 200, 150, 2x100, 2x50 CHF. Entry fee 20 CHF (juniors 5 CHF) Time table for "Bern Open": December 26. The last registration 12.00-13.00. Open ceremony and apero reception from 13.30-14.00. Round 1st 14.00-19.00. December 27. Round 2nd 9.30-14.30 Round 3rd 15.30-20.30 December 28.: Round 4th 14.00-19.00. Blitz Tournament 19.30-22.30. December 29. Round 5th 9.30-14.30. Round 6th 15.30-20.30 December 30. Round 7th 9.30-14.30 Closing ceremonies 15.00. Special chess rates in Hotel "Bern". More information and registration: Robert Spoerri tel. +41+62+965-465-40, fax +41+62+965-46-51 E-mail
Further information:
The Chess Club of the Tengku Ampuan Rahimah Secondary School in Klang, Malaysia will be organizing a half-day chess clinic by FIDE Master Brian Jones from Sydney, Australia on the 19th of August 2006. To be held at the school's Library between 1 pm and 5 pm (Malaysian time), the fee for the chess clinic is Ringgit Malaysia 50 per person.
To obtain more information and to register for the chess clinic, please contact the Chess Club at the following email address:
The Lviv Chess Club and Lviv Chess Federation organises the in Lviv (Ukraine) the 2nd International Chess Open "The Cup of Lion - 2006" from 20th-26th August 2006. ( 1 prize - 1000 $) Last year the event had 168 participants from 6 countries. The top rated players were Vysochin Spartak (UKR 2573), Kovchan Oleksander ( UKR 2508), Oleksienko Mikhailo (UKR 2487), Kryvoruchko Yurij (UKR 2476). There were 6 GMs and more than 15 IMs. Contact -
Official page of the tournament -
The Satka tournament saw two all-play-all tournaments. Just results seem to be available. Chess Today reports that Parimarjan Negi became India's youngest GM at 13 years 142 days.
The Computer chess tournament calendar by Frank Quisinsky has been updated. Frank's Chess Page: Frank's Chess Page, CC-Calendar:
AnMon 5.6 by Christian BARRETEAU won the computer chess tournament in Massy (France) with 6/6 . This tournament has been organised for many years by a very strong group of French computer chess engine programmers. Unfortunately, this year only seven French programs participated. Second place for Pharaon 3.4 by Franck ZIBI with 5/6 and the third place for ChessTiger 2006 Alpha by Christophe THERON with 4/6. In other words ... AnMon defended its title. The next computer chess tournament is the Australasian-NCC-ch in Canberra at August 20th, 2006. TOP favorits are Bodo, Trace and Warp.
International Week-end Chess Open Lugano 2006 "ONE WEEKEND IN THE SOUTH PART OF SWITZERLAND" When: Friday, 17 November ' Sunday November Where: Hotel Flora, Via Geretta 16, 6900 Lugano- Paradiso Phone +41 91 994 16 71 Fax: +41 91 994 27 38 E-mail: Modality: International Tournament. 5 Rounds Swiss System Rate of Play: 36 Moves in 90 Minutes + 30 Minutes K.O. Rating: CH- & FIDE
International Amateurs Chess Open Ascona 2006 Only for Amateurs, Max. 2299 ELO. , 26th December ' Saturday, 30th December 2006 Where: Hotel Ascona, via Collina, 6612 Ascona (Switzerland) Modality: International Chess Tournament. 7 Rounds Swiss System Rate of Play: 40 Moves in 120 Minutes + 60 Minutes K.O. ELO: Not valid for ELO Points (holiday mood!)
Lugano Rapid Chess Marathon Ticino Cureglia 2006 Sunday, 18.06.2006 Where? Parco Rusca (Park & town hall), CH-6944 Cureglia Modality? International Rapid Chess Tournament 24 rounds Swiss System Rate of play? 5 minutes to finish the game Prizes? CHF 600 ( 400) / 400 ( 268) / 300 ( 200) / 200 ( 133) / 100 ( 67) CHF 100 ( 67) Best Ticino player + 9 Special prizes (Full prize amount with 50 players, otherwise % to the number of participants ) Inscriptions? CHF 40 ( 27) under 20 CHF 20 ( 14), Sunday: 08.00 - 09.00 Timetable? Sunday 09.15 - 13.00 (15 rounds) 14.30 - 16.30 (9 rounds)
Further details:
Chess Photographer Frits Agterdenbos has launched a website of his photos at: He is at the Turin Olympiad and his photo reports is available there.
Both Presidential tickets for the upcoming FIDE Elections in Turin now have websites.
FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov:
Bessel Kok:
The final four rounds of the French Team Top 16 Championship took place 4th-7th May 2006 in Asnières-sur-Seine. NAO Chess Club again won the title three points clear of Monaco who they defeated in the final round. Games from the final two rounds are not yet available (apart from the Monaco - NAO match) if anyone has them I'd be grateful.
Further details:, and
If you've won a game that's appeared in Chessbase Megabase 2005 then find out a series of results which by separation means you beat Garry Kasparov! Fun stuff from Karlheinz Zoechling. I'm not in Megabase but have beaten someone who has a separation of two, giving me a separation of three!
The 15th Open International DEchecs de Martigny takes place 4th-7th August 2006.
Further detail:
An IRT (International Rated Tournament) takes place in Buenos Aires, Argentina, organized by FAOGBA (Federación de Ajedrez del Oeste del Gran Buenos Aires) Federation of Chess of the West of Great Buenos Aires. Apr, 19th-May, 20th 2006. 11 players, average ELO 2118 (eight rated players) It takes place in the halls of the Italian Society of the city of Merlo, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Official site:
There is new information about the Czech Tour 2006/2007 including:
9th OLOMOUC CHESS SUMMER (the Sigma hotel) 2nd-10th August 2006.
3rd HIGHLANDS OPEN (Havlickuv Brod, the Slunce hotel) 23rd September - 1st October 2006.
7th LIBEREC OPEN (the Liberec hotel) 11th-18th November 2006.
6th PRAGUE OPEN (TOP HOTEL Praha) 11th-18th January 2007.
6th MARIENBAD OPEN (the Evropa hotel) 19th-27th January 2007.
Further details: or Dr. Jan Mazuch, Director of CZECH OPEN & CZECH TOUR -
In addition there is the 27th Tournament of Chess Hopes and 17th Pobeskydi Tournament organised by the town of Frydek-Mistek 13th-17th April 2006.
Further details: is celebrating its 10th Anniversary. It has a 10th Anniversary Commemorative Coin:
Home of: Grandmaster V.V. Palciauskas' The World of Correspondence Chess Senior International Master Knudsen's The Correspondence Chess Place The Campbell Report Ralph Marconi's Chess Pages The Canadian Correspondence Chess Association (CCCA) American Postal Chess Tournaments (APCT) The Correspondence Chess Message Board (TCCMB) and much, much more!
Official site:
Christophe Bouton has started a chess blog in French at:
For German Readers The excellent series "How good is your chess", written by the english Grandmaster Daniel King, appears also in the german language as "Test & Training". You can download a free sample in the section "Training" at
The Spanish closed and open Championships will be held in León November 22nd-30th 2006. The Hotel Conde Luna from León will be the venue and the official hotel of the organization.
01.02.06 Tournaments in Alushta:
GM Norm: 29.04-9.05, 11.05-21.05, 23.05-1.06, 2.06-12.06, 16.06-26.06, 2.09-12.09, 14.09-24.09, 26.096.10,
IM Norm: 29.04-9.05, 11.05-21.05, 23.05-1.06, 2.06-12.06, 16.06-26.06, 2.09-12.09, 14.09-24.09, 26.096.10,
Rating tournament: 5.06-13.06, 23.0627.06
Open tournament (under 16 years) First prize - 200$ 14.06-22.06, Swiss 9 rounds.
Open tournament First prize - 1000$ First prize (woman)- 500$: 28.06-6.07, Swiss 9 rounds. Open tournament (rapid chess) 7.078.07, Swiss 9 rounds. Blitz tournament 9.07. Session of school of Gennadi Kuzmin 23.0627.06. Individual and group studying.
Further information: phone +38 (06560)5-05-32, +380505828911 (for Russian speaking) + 38 050 669-26-04 (for English speaking) e-mail:
Soren Sogaard has announced that his site Seagaard ChessReviews will be updated after receiving a lot of positive e-mails, "I decided to try to keep running the site. I also got two new reviewers, and the well known danish IM Steffen Pedersen reviews his first book." He'll see if he can keep it going another 6 months.
The ICCF have announced the 1st WebChess Open Tournament and invites every player worldwide to participate in the event. The event is to be played on the ICCF dedicated Webserver This tournament is open to all correspondence chess players worldwide, also for those without any previous ICCF experience. Multiple entries are allowed. The tournament will be played in three stages - preliminaries, semifinal and final.
The Russian Chess Federation is celebrating its 10th anniversary and is using this occasion to challenge the rest of the world to a match over 64 boards with 2 games for each and the start is 15.02 2004. Players include Joop van Oosterom