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Bosna Sarajevo 16 games Sigeman & Co Chess tournament 26 games 8th Dubai Open 19 games French Team Championship 153 games Argentine Championship 30 games VI Mario Covas 101 games 11th Cvitanovic Memorial 30 games 12th Cutro International 1 game Final Weekend of the 4NCL 136 games SAP IM Tournament 45 games 49th SCG team chess festival 252 games Galati Chess Open 15 games 6th International CSVN Tournament 57 games Student Master Cup 66 games Djakovo Open 206 games RC Sport Open 254 games 2nd Halkidiki Open 152 games 1559 games
My thanks to Roland Wimmer, Tarjei J. Svensen, Vasik Rajlich, Thomas Henrich, Olivier Breisacher, Gary Suffield, Nebojsa Baralic, Miklos Orso, Denis Brulic and Tadija Barbaric, Gérard Demuydt, Alex Brunetti, Varlam Vepkhvishvili, Sergey Bystrov, George Mirijanian, Luiz Roberto Da Costa Jr, Anders Hansen and everyone else who helped with the issue.
Landmarks always seem to creep up on me. This is the 600th issue of TWIC and it doesn't seem 10 minutes since issue 500. Although this time the landmark that's in my mind more is my 40th birthday next week rather than this! As always I must thank all the people who send me news and help me out with corrections along with the continued readership which allows me to do this for a living. This week we see the start of the Bosna Sarajevo category 17 tournament with interest probably focusing on the participation of wunderkind Magnus Carlsen who has started quietly with two draws. That event will be over shadowed by the MTel Masters in Sofia which starts on Thursday and has the very interesting field of Veselin Topalov, Viswanathan Anand, Peter Svidler, Etienne Bacrot, Gata Kamsky and Ruslan Ponomariov. It all good stuff.
Hope you enjoy this issue.
Bosna Sarajevo 2006 takes place in Sarajevo May 7th-16th 2006. The event is a double round robin tournament.
Official site will be:
XXXVI Bosnia GM Sarajevo BIH (BIH), 7-16 v 2006 cat. XVII (2659) ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Malakhov, Vladimir g RUS 2691 ** .. .. =. 1. .. 1.5 2848 2 Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter g ROM 2695 .. ** .. =. .. 1. 1.5 2862 3 Predojevic, Borki g BIH 2566 .. .. ** .. =. 1. 1.5 2871 4 Carlsen, Magnus g NOR 2646 =. =. .. ** .. .. 1.0 2693 5 Naiditsch, Arkadij g GER 2664 0. .. =. .. ** .. 0.5 2435 6 Sasikiran, Krishnan g IND 2692 .. 0. 0. .. .. ** 0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Round 1 (May 7, 2006) Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter - Sasikiran, Krishnan 1-0 51 C67 Ruy Lopez Berlin Carlsen, Magnus - Malakhov, Vladimir 1/2 49 B35 Sicilian Defence Naiditsch, Arkadij - Predojevic, Borki 1/2 39 C77 Ruy Lopez Anderssen Round 2 (May 8, 2006) Malakhov, Vladimir - Naiditsch, Arkadij 1-0 33 C65 Ruy Lopez Berlin Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter - Carlsen, Magnus 1/2 20 B35 Sicilian Defence Sasikiran, Krishnan - Predojevic, Borki 0-1 39 D85 Gruenfeld Defence * * result given on the official site, must surely be on time. ------------------------------------------------------------------- XXXVI Bosnia GMB Sarajevo BIH (BIH), 7-16 v 2006 cat. X (2485) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Mihalcisin, Adrian g SLO 2534 * . = . . . . . . 1 1.5 2675 2. Jankovic, Alojzije m CRO 2516 . * . = . . . . 1 . 1.5 2672 3. Dizdarevic, Emir g BIH 2492 = . * . . = . . . . 1.0 2523 4. Kurajica, Bojan g BIH 2548 . = . * . . = . . . 1.0 2496 5. Drasko, Milan g SCG 2504 . . . . * = = . . . 1.0 2494 6. Milanovic, Danilo m SCG 2513 . . = . = * . . . . 1.0 2498 7. Saric, Ibro m BIH 2476 . . . = = . * . . . 1.0 2526 8. Stojanovski, Dejan m MKD 2384 . . . . . . . * = = 1.0 2442 9. Arapovic, Vitomir m BIH 2411 . 0 . . . . . = * . 0.5 2257 10. Jovanic, Ognjen m CRO 2473 0 . . . . . . = . * 0.5 2266 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Round 1 (May 7, 2006) Dizdarevic, Emir - Milanovic, Danilo 1/2 38 A46 Queen's Pawn Opening Kurajica, Bojan - Jankovic, Alojzije 1/2 48 A48 King's Indian Defence /c2-c4 Saric, Ibro - Drasko, Milan 1/2 18 A47 Queen's Indian without c2-c4 Arapovic, Vitomir - Stojanovski, Dejan 1/2 9 B25 Sicilian Closed Jovanic, Ognjen - Mihalcisin, Adrian 0-1 56 D27 QGA Round 2 (May 8, 2006) Mihalcisin, Adrian - Dizdarevic, Emir 1/2 16 B19 Caro Kann Jankovic, Alojzije - Arapovic, Vitomir 1-0 39 A44 Old Benoni Drasko, Milan - Milanovic, Danilo 1/2 30 A30 English Symmetrical Saric, Ibro - Kurajica, Bojan 1/2 46 B46 Sicilian Paulsen Stojanovski, Dejan - Jovanic, Ognjen 1/2 24 B48 Sicilian Paulsen
The Sigeman & Co Chess tournament took place in Malmö 28th April 6th May 2006. Jan Timman with 7/9 won the event by a point from Tiger Hillarp Persson and Suat Atalik. There is a correction to the Khenkin - Fedorov round 1 game.
Official site:
----------------------------------------------------------------------- 14th Sigeman & Co Malmo SWE (SWE), 28 iv-6 v 2006 cat. XIII (2552) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Timman, Jan H g NED 2616 * 1 = = 1 = = 1 1 1 7.0 2765 2. Hillarp Persson, Tiger g SWE 2524 0 * = 1 = = = 1 1 1 6.0 2680 3. Atalik, Suat g TUR 2632 = = * = 0 = 1 1 1 1 6.0 2668 4. Stellwagen, Daniel g NED 2543 = 0 = * 1 1 = = 1 = 5.5 2633 5. Berg, Emanuel g SWE 2539 0 = 1 0 * = 1 = 1 1 5.5 2633 6. Fedorov, Alexei g BLR 2614 = = = 0 = * 1 = 0 1 4.5 2545 7. Carlsson, Pontus m SWE 2433 = = 0 = 0 0 * = 1 0 3.0 2440 8. Khenkin, Igor g GER 2602 0 0 0 = = = = * = = 3.0 2421 9. Cicak, Slavko g SWE 2506 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 = * 1 2.5 2391 10. Hector, Jonny g SWE 2514 0 0 0 = 0 0 1 = 0 * 2.0 2336 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Round 5 (May 2, 2006) Atalik, Suat - Hillarp Persson, Tiger 1/2 51 D45 Anti-Meran Variations Stellwagen, Daniel - Fedorov, Alexei 1-0 29 B75 Sicilian Modern Dragon Khenkin, Igor - Berg, Emanuel 1/2 44 E39 Nimzo Indian 4.Qc2 Cicak, Slavko - Timman, Jan H 0-1 46 A13 Reti Opening Hector, Jonny - Carlsson, Pontus 1-0 57 C15 French Winawer Round 6 (May 3, 2006) Timman, Jan H - Hector, Jonny 1-0 34 A07 Barcza System Hillarp Persson, Tiger - Cicak, Slavko 1-0 58 E10 Blumenfeld Counter Gambit Berg, Emanuel - Fedorov, Alexei 1/2 54 B30 Sicilian Rossolimo Carlsson, Pontus - Stellwagen, Daniel 1/2 40 B42 Sicilian Paulsen Khenkin, Igor - Atalik, Suat 0-1 29 D85 Gruenfeld Defence Round 7 (May 4, 2006) Atalik, Suat - Berg, Emanuel 0-1 55 E15 Queens Indian Stellwagen, Daniel - Timman, Jan H 1/2 57 C18 French Winawer Fedorov, Alexei - Carlsson, Pontus 1-0 31 B80 Sicilian Scheveningen Cicak, Slavko - Khenkin, Igor 1/2 12 A20 English Opening Hector, Jonny - Hillarp Persson, Tiger 0-1 51 B97 Sicilian Najdorf Round 8 (May 5, 2006) Timman, Jan H - Fedorov, Alexei 1/2 14 B30 Sicilian Rossolimo Hillarp Persson, Tiger - Stellwagen, Daniel 1-0 63 E61 King's Indian Defence Atalik, Suat - Cicak, Slavko 1-0 40 A43 Old Benoni Berg, Emanuel - Carlsson, Pontus 1-0 36 B78 Sicilian Modern Dragon Khenkin, Igor - Hector, Jonny 1/2 51 D10 Slav Defence Round 9 (May 6, 2006) Stellwagen, Daniel - Khenkin, Igor 1/2 26 C67 Ruy Lopez Berlin Fedorov, Alexei - Hillarp Persson, Tiger 1/2 19 B80 Sicilian Scheveningen Carlsson, Pontus - Timman, Jan H 1/2 12 C67 Ruy Lopez Berlin Cicak, Slavko - Berg, Emanuel 0-1 32 B40 Sicilian Classical Hector, Jonny - Atalik, Suat 0-1 40 C45 Scotch Game
The 4th "Young Stars of the World" (Vani Somova Memorial) takes place from the 8th-21st of May 2006 in Kirishi, Russia.
Official site:, further details:
Players: 1. Yan Nepomnjashchy RUS 1990 2506 IM 2. Ivan Popov RUS 1990 2482 IM 3. Fabiano Caruana ITA 1992 2421 IM 4. Eltai Safarli AZE 1992 2417 IM 5. Daniil Linchevski RUS 1990 2414 FM 6. Sanan Sjugirov RUS 1993 2412 FM 7. Aleksandr Volodin EST 1990 2352 FM 8. Vladimir Onischuk UKR 1991 2388 IM 9. Elena Tairova RUS 1991 2342 IM 10. Robert Oganisian ARM 1991 2260 11. Khrinat Narayanan IND 1994 2170 FM 12. Aleksandr Kulikov RUS 1991 2038
The 8th Dubai Open Chess Championship took place 22nd April - 2nd May 2006. Sergey Fedorchuk, Gabriel Sargissian and Tigran L Petrosian finished on 7/9.
Official site:
Leading Final Round 9 Standings: ------------------------------------------------------------- 8th Dubai Open Dubai UAE (UAE), 23 iv-1 v 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fedorchuk, Sergey A g UKR 2576 7.0 20193 38.0 2. Sargissian, Gabriel g ARM 2612 7.0 20124 38.5 3. Petrosian, Tigran L g ARM 2571 7.0 19556 36.5 4. Sadvakasov, Darmen g KAZ 2619 6.5 20292 37.5 5. Izoria, Zviad g GEO 2647 6.5 20290 36.0 6. Kacheishvili, Giorgi g GEO 2605 6.5 20126 37.0 7. Miroshnichenko, Evgenij g UKR 2608 6.5 20009 35.5 8. Gelashvili, Tamaz g GEO 2576 6.5 19842 35.5 9. Pantsulaia, Levan g GEO 2611 6.5 19690 34.5 10. Gagunashvili, Merab g GEO 2560 6.5 19550 35.0 11. Ramesh, R.B g IND 2507 6.5 19381 33.5 12. Safarli, Eltaj f AZE 2417 6.5 19276 32.0 13. Sturua, Zurab g GEO 2524 6.5 19033 31.5 14. Anastasian, Ashot g ARM 2553 6.5 18930 32.5 15. Kotsur, Pavel g KAZ 2570 6.5 18919 33.0 16. Abbasov, Farid m AZE 2467 6.5 18706 32.0 17. Ghaem Maghami, Ehsan g IRI 2584 6.0 20006 34.5 18. Adly, Ahmed g EGY 2460 6.0 19648 33.0 19. Amanov, Mesgen TKM 2305 6.0 19099 28.5 20. Gupta, Abhijeet m IND 2449 6.0 19057 31.0 21. Satyapragyan, Swayangsu m IND 2403 6.0 18661 30.5 22. Sareen, Vishal m IND 2386 6.0 18396 30.5 23. Neverov, Valeriy g UKR 2572 6.0 18109 27.0 24. Bistric, Faruk g BIH 2430 6.0 17597 26.0 142 players
The Presidents Cup takes place in Baku, Azerbaijan 4th-12th May 2006. No games available.
Official site:
Leading Round 5 Standings: 1 gm Malakhatko Vadim 2559 UKR 4½ 17½ 2 gm Mamedyarov Shakhriyar 2699 AZE 4 18 3 gm Mchedlishvili Mikheil 2567 GEO 4 15½ 4 im Mamedov Nidjat 2523 AZE 4 14½ 5 gm Ibrahimov Rasul 2544 AZE 4 14 6 gm Korneev Oleg 2671 RUS 4 13½ im Guliev Logman 2381 AZE 4 13½ 8 Paichadze Luka 2293 GEO 4 13 9 im Guseinov Elmir 2417 AZE 4 12½ 10 gm Belov Vladimir 2599 RUS 3½ 16 im Babaev Rashad 2486 AZE 3½ 16 12 im Sulashvili Malkhaz 2420 GEO 3½ 14½ Gashimov Sarkhan 2363 AZE 3½ 14½ 14 Davidov Samir 2216 AZE 3½ 14 15 Zeynalov Farid 2280 AZE 3½ 12½ 16 im Allahverdiev Anar 2434 AZE 3½ 12 82 players
The final four rounds of the French Team Top 16 Championship took place 4th-7th May 2006 in Asnières-sur-Seine. NAO Chess Club again won the title three points clear of Monaco who they defeated in the final round. Games from the final two rounds are not yet available (apart from the Monaco - NAO match)
Further details:, and
Final Standings: Poule Haute Pl. Equipe Pts j. d. p. c. 1 Nao C. C. 33 11 54 58 4 2 Monaco 30 11 38 50 12 3 Clichy 29 11 28 38 10 4 Evry 25 11 24 42 18 5 Bischwiller 21 11 -16 19 35 6 Nice 21 11 -9 22 31 7 Gonfreville 21 11 -1 25 26 8 Mulhouse 20 11 -1 28 29 Poule Basse Pl. Equipe Pts j. d. p. c. 9 Montpellier 25 11 17 38 21 10 Cannes 24 11 18 43 25 11 Antibes 21 11 4 37 33 12 Drancy 20 11 2 21 19 13 Nancy 20 11 -14 14 28 14 Strasbourg 17 11 -10 23 33 15 Crteil 13 11 -46 15 61 16 Avignon 12 11 -57 10 69 Decisive Final Round 11 Match Monaco 1-2 Nao C.C. g ALMASI Zoltan 2657 1/2 g ADAMS Michael 2720 g SOKOLOV Ivan 2676 1/2 g SVIDLER Peter 2743 g KRASENKOW Mic. 2650 1/2 g BACROT Etienn. 2708 g IVANCHUK Vass. 2731 1/2 g GRISCHUK Alex. 2719 g DORFMAN Josif. 2594 1/2 g VALLEJO PONS . 2666 g RENET Olivier 2498 1/2 g FRESSINET Lau. 2633 m SKRIPCHENKO A. 2423 0-1 g LAUTIER Joel 2682 g MARCIANO Davi. 2514 0-1 g NATAF Igor-Al. 2558 g MIRALLES Gill. 2487 1-0 m COLLAS Silvia 2392 Poule Haute Round 8 4th May 2006 Nao Chess Club 7 0 Nice Clichy 3 0 Gonfreville Mulhouse 2 5 Monaco Evry 3 0 Bischwiller Round 9 5th May 2006 Gonfreville 0 4 Nao Chess Club Nice 0 2 Clichy Bischwiller 5 0 Mulhouse Monaco 3 1 Evry Round 10 6th May 2006 Nao Chess Club 6 0 Bischwiller Clichy 1 1 Monaco Mulhouse 2 4 Gonfreville Evry 7 0 Nice Round 11 7th May 2006 Monaco 1 2 Nao Chess Club Bischwiller 0 5 Clichy Nice 6 0 Mulhouse Gonfreville 2 4 Evry Poule Basse Round 8 4th May 2006 Montpellier 5 1 Antibes Drancy 3 1 Strasbourg Crteil 1 7 Cannes Avignon 2 7 Nancy Round 9 5th May 2006 Strasbourg 1 4 Montpellier Antibes 5 2 Drancy Nancy 4 2 Crteil Cannes 6 2 Avignon Round 10 6th May 2006 Montpellier 5 0 Nancy Drancy 3 3 Cannes Crteil 3 4 Strasbourg Avignon 1 6 Antibes Round 11 7th May 2006 Cannes 2 2 Montpellier Nancy 1 3 Drancy Antibes 3 2 Crteil Strasbourg 6 0 Avignon
The 81st Argentinean Championship took place in Buenos Aires, 26th April - 6th May, 2006. Fernando Peralta took clear first place with 8/11 a point clear of ELO favourite Ruben Felgaer and also Diego Flores.
Official site:
---------------------------------------------------------------------- 81st ch-ARG San Luis ARG (ARG), 26 iv-6 v 2006 cat. VII (2421) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Peralta, Fernando g ARG 2524 * = = 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 8.0 2650 2. Felgaer, Ruben g ARG 2580 = * 1 = 1 = 0 1 = 1 1 7.0 2554 3. Flores, Diego m ARG 2494 = 0 * 1 = 1 = = 1 1 1 7.0 2562 4. Valerga, Diego m ARG 2470 0 = 0 * = = 1 1 1 1 1 6.5 2526 5. Campora, Daniel H g ARG 2552 1 0 = = * = 0 1 1 = 1 6.0 2480 6. Ricardi, Pablo g ARG 2515 0 = 0 = = * 1 = = 1 1 5.5 2447 7. Mahia, Gustavo f ARG 2427 0 1 = 0 1 0 * = 1 0 0 4.0 2348 8. Malbran, Guillermo m ARG 2308 0 0 = 0 0 = = * 0 1 = 3.0 2283 9. Amura, Claudia N wg ARG 2368 0 = 0 0 0 = 0 1 * = = 3.0 2277 10. Perelman, Hernan ARG 2148 0 0 0 0 = 0 1 0 = * 1 3.0 2299 11. Blit, Jacques ARG 2246 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 = = 0 * 2.0 2198 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
The Festival Santista de Xadrez took place in Santos, Brasil 29th April - 7th May 2006. The main event was the VI Internacional Governador Mario Covas. Alongside is a second event IV Magistral Internacional "Regina Helena Marques Prol.
Official site:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VI Mario Covas Santos BRA (BRA), 29 iv-7 v 2006 cat. IX (2468) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Leitao, Rafael g BRA 2575 * = = = 1 = 1 1 1 = 6.5 2622 2. Mekhitarian, Krikor Sevag BRA 2421 = * = 1 = = = = = 1 5.5 2553 3. Milos, Gilberto g BRA 2589 = = * 0 = 1 = = 1 = 5.0 2497 4. Coelho, Luis m BRA 2394 = 0 1 * = = 0 = 1 1 5.0 2519 5. Lafuente, Pablo m ARG 2405 0 = = = * 0 1 = 1 1 5.0 2518 6. Rodriguez, Andres g URU 2502 = = 0 = 1 * 0 1 0 1 4.5 2464 7. Zambrana, Oswaldo m BOL 2425 0 = = 1 0 1 * 0 = 1 4.5 2472 8. Fier, Alexander Hilario Takeda m BRA 2471 0 = = = = 0 1 * = = 4.0 2424 9. Cubas, Jose Fernando m PAR 2425 0 = 0 0 0 1 = = * = 3.0 2347 10. Matsuura, Everaldo m BRA 2473 = 0 = 0 0 0 0 = = * 2.0 2247 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV Regina Helena Marques Prol Santos BRA (BRA), 29 iv-7 v 2006cat. IV (2328) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Bachmann, Axel f PAR 2414 * = = = 1 1 = = 1 1 1 1 8.5 2531 2. Van Riemsdijk, Herman C m BRA 2349 = * = = = 1 1 1 1 1 = 1 8.5 2537 3. Santos, M.V.M f BRA 2369 = = * = = 0 = 1 1 = 1 1 7.0 2426 4. Maia, Luciano f BRA 2317 = = = * = = 1 = 0 1 1 = 6.5 2394 5. Rosito, Jorge m ARG 2426 0 = = = * = = 1 1 = = 1 6.5 2384 6. Stamenkovic, Dragan f SCG 2334 0 0 1 = = * = 1 = 1 1 = 6.5 2392 7. Valiente, Cristobal m PAR 2289 = 0 = 0 = = * = 1 = = = 5.0 2295 8. Choma, Ernani Francisco BRA 2275 = 0 0 = 0 0 = * = = = 1 4.0 2230 9. Larrea, Manuel URU 2278 0 0 0 1 0 = 0 = * = 1 = 4.0 2230 10. Sega, Carlos Alberto f BRA 2286 0 0 = 0 = 0 = = = * = = 3.5 2198 11. Borges, Leomar Barbero f BRA 2303 0 = 0 0 = 0 = = 0 = * = 3.0 2155 12. Cavalcanti, Francisco f BRA 2297 0 0 0 = 0 = = 0 = = = * 3.0 2155 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
The 11th Father Ivan Cvitanovic Memorial took place April 29th - May 7th in Split (CRO). Filip Ljubicic won the category VII event with 6.5/9.
Official site: and Live coverage:
------------------------------------------------------------------ XI Ivan Cvitanovic mem Split CRO (CRO), 29 iv-7 v 2006cat. VII (2403) ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Ljubicic, Filip m CRO 2396 * = = = 0 1 1 1 1 1 6.5 2569 2. Dizdarevic, Emir g BIH 2492 = * = = 1 1 = = = 1 6.0 2518 3. Horvath, Csaba1 g HUN 2545 = = * = 0 1 = 1 1 1 6.0 2512 4. Polak, Tomas g CZE 2487 = = = * 1 = = = = = 5.0 2436 5. Plenkovic, Zdenko f CRO 2278 1 0 1 0 * = = 0 1 1 5.0 2459 6. Dumpor, Atif f BIH 2362 0 0 0 = = * = 1 1 1 4.5 2407 7. Bosiocic, Marin f CRO 2384 0 = = = = = * = 1 0 4.0 2362 8. Rade, Miroslav m CRO 2430 0 = 0 = 1 0 = * = = 3.5 2320 9. Martinovic, Sasa CRO 2350 0 = 0 = 0 0 0 = * 1 2.5 2242 10. Bozanic, Ivica f CRO 2306 0 0 0 = 0 0 1 = 0 * 2.0 2193 ------------------------------------------------------------------
The 12th Cutro International Chess Festival 2006 took place 23rd April-May 1st in Cutro, Italy. Dimitar Marholev and Dragisa Blagojevic finished on 6.5/9 a point clear of Milan Drasko. There is one correction to the crosstable and games. The game Drasko 1-0 Wohl from round three, the players were the wrong way round in the PGN.
Official site:
Official final standings: 1. Marholev, Dimitar m BUL 2419 6.5 43.0 2. Blagojevic, Dragisa g SCG 2536 6.5 42.5 3. Drasko, Milan g SCG 2504 6.0 43.5 4. Kasparov, Sergey m BLR 2481 5.5 44.0 5. Roeder, Mathias m GER 2403 5.5 42.0 6. Di Caro, Calogero f ITA 2318 5.0 43.0 7. Naumkin, Igor g RUS 2415 5.0 42.0 8. Lazic, Miroljub g SCG 2493 5.0 39.5 9. Voiska, Margarita wg BUL 2314 5.0 38.5 2.0 4 10. Wohl, Aleksandar H. m AUS 2432 5.0 38.5 2.0 3 11. Van Hoolandt, Patrick f MNC 2246 4.5 34.5 12. Sardo, Gabriele ITA 2186 4.5 32.5 13. Cordì, Domenico ITA 2065 4.5 30.5 14. Mrdja, Milan m CRO 2409 4.0 43.0 15. Bentivegna, Francesco ITA 2287 4.0 37.5 16. Brancaleoni, Maurizio f ITA 2286 4.0 33.0 17. Cetkovic, Sergio SCG 2101 3.0 32.5 18. Serratore, Vincenzo SVI 2046 2.5 34.5 19. Scerbo, Antonio ITA 2124 2.5 34.0 20. Blasco, Domenico ITA 2008 2.0 31.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Master Open Cutro ITA (ITA), 23 iv-1 v 2006 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Blagojevic, Dragisa g SCG 2536 + 6 = 2 +14 + 4 = 3 +15 = 7 = 5 = 8 6.5 2580 2. Marholev, Dimitar m BUL 2419 +18 = 1 + 8 = 3 = 4 =10 + 9 = 6 + 7 6.5 2567 3. Drasko, Milan g SCG 2504 + 9 = 7 +10 = 2 = 1 = 5 =14 = 4 +12 6.0 2531 4. Kasparov, Sergey m BLR 2481 +12 = 5 + 7 - 1 = 2 =14 +10 = 3 = 6 5.5 2489 5. Roeder, Mathias m GER 2403 +19 = 4 = 9 =10 = 7 = 3 = 6 = 1 +14 5.5 2463 6. Di Caro, Calogero f ITA 2318 - 1 =15 +13 = 8 +12 = 7 = 5 = 2 = 4 5.0 2414 7. Naumkin, Igor g RUS 2415 +17 = 3 - 4 +18 = 5 = 6 = 1 +14 - 2 5.0 2409 8. Lazic, Miroljub g SCG 2493 +16 =14 - 2 = 6 =15 - 9 +13 +19 = 1 5.0 2340 9. Voiska, Margarita wg BUL 2314 - 3 +17 = 5 -15 +11 + 8 - 2 =16 +20 5.0 2341 10. Wohl, Aleksandar H m AUS 2432 +11 +20 - 3 = 5 =14 = 2 - 4 =15 +19 5.0 2347 11. Sardo, Gabriele ITA 2186 -10 =13 -16 +19 - 9 +17 -12 +18 +15 4.5 2211 12. Van Hoolandt, Patrick f MNC 2246 - 4 +19 +20 -14 - 6 =16 +11 +17 - 3 4.5 2259 13. Cordi', Domenico ITA 2065 -14 =11 - 6 -17 +19 +18 - 8 +20 +16 4.5 2219 14. Mrdja, Milan m CRO 2409 +13 = 8 - 1 +12 =10 = 4 = 3 - 7 - 5 4.0 2354 15. Bentivegna, Francesco ITA 2287 =21 = 6 =18 + 9 = 8 - 1 =16 =10 -11 4.0 2255 16. Brancaleoni, Maurizio f ITA 2286 - 8 -18 +11 +20 =17 =12 =15 = 9 -13 4.0 2159 17. Cetkovic, Sergio SCG 2101 - 7 - 9 =19 +13 =16 -11 =20 -12 =18 3.0 2062 18. Scerbo, Antonio ITA 2124 - 2 +16 =15 - 7 =20 -13 -19 -11 =17 2.5 2035 19. Serratore, Vincenzo SUI 2046 - 5 -12 =17 -11 -13 +20 +18 - 8 -10 2.5 2062 20. Blasco, Domenico ITA 2008 +21 -10 -12 -16 =18 -19 =17 -13 - 9 2.0 1959 21. BYE ---- -20 . . . . . . . . 0.5 1954 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The final three rounds of the 4NCL took place Saturday 29th April 2006 to Bank Holiday Monday 1st May 2006. Wood Green edged out Guildford ADC 1 on game points after finishing level on match points. Both teams won 9 and drew two games including their final round clash.
Live coverage:
Official site:
Final Division 1 tables Team + = - Pts WOOD GREEN 1 9 2 0 20 GUILDFORD-ADC 1 9 2 0 20 SLOUGH SHARKS 1 6 2 3 14 WOOD GREEN 2 7 0 4 14 HILSMARK K'FISHER 1 6 2 3 14 GUILDFORD-ADC 2 7 0 4 14 BARBICAN 4NCL 1 6 1 4 13 N.W. EAGLES 1 3 0 8 6 BETSSON.COM 2 1 8 5 THE ADS 1 2 1 8 5 3CS OLDHAM 1 1 2 8 4 BARBICAN 4NCL 2 1 1 9 3 Division 1 results - Round 9 29 April 2006 RD 9 GUILDFORD-ADC 1 2566 7½-½ BARBICAN 4NCL 2 2274 1 w Sutovsky, Emil 2628 ½ - ½ Berry, Neil 2285 2 b Harikrishna,P 2680 1 - 0 Rogers, Jonathan 2340 3 w Krasenkow, Michal 2650 1 - 0 Coleman, David 2245 4 b Rowson, Jonathan 2594 1 - 0 Taylor, Martin R 2305 5 w Hebden, Mark L 2523 1 - 0 Pritchett, Craig 2285 6 b King, Daniel J 2522 1 - 0 Taylor, Peter 2240 7 w Kosten, Anthony C 2504 1 - 0 Hodgson, John H 2217 8 b Ciuksyte, Dagne(F)2423 1 - 0 default RD 9 BETSSON.COM 2318 1 - 7 WOOD GREEN 1 2550 1 w Johannessen, Leif 2559 0 - 1 Adams, Michael 2720 2 b Ledger, Andrew J 2430 0 - 1 McShane, Luke 2605 3 w Ansell, Simon 2400 ½ - ½ Speelman,Jonathan 2551 4 b Duncan,Chris 2332 0 - 1 Gormally, Daniel 2554 5 w Eames, Robert G 2311 ½ - ½ Baburin,Alexander 2519 6 b Ledger, David J 2252 0 - 1 Emms, John M 2502 7 w Ledger, Stephen C 2175 0 - 1 Cramling, Pia (F) 2520 8 b Tidman, Sophie(F) 2086 0 - 1 Pert, Richard G 2430 RD 9 GUILDFORD-ADC 2 2445 5½-2½ N.W. EAGLES 1 2354 1 w Conquest, Stuart 2505 ½ - ½ Dgebuadze, 2535 C Alexandre 2 b Plaskett, James 2485 ½ - ½ Sebag, Marie (F) 2434 3 w Flear, Glenn C 2465 ½ - ½ Morrison, Graham 2326 4 b Cherniaev,Alex. 2460 1 - 0 Quillan, Gary 2356 5 w Prie, Eric 2475 1 - 0 Macak, Stefan * 2343 6 b van Delft, Merijn*2372 1 - 0 Carleton, John J 2284 7 w Shaw, John K 2439 1 - 0 Kennaugh, Charles 2274 8 b Lalic, Susan (F) 2356 0 - 1 van der Linden,L 2281 RD 9 3CS OLDHAM 1 2349 3 - 5 BARBICAN 4NCL 1 2360 1 w Davies, Nigel R 2521 1 - 0 Collins, Sam 2409 2 b Jonkman, Harman 2454 ½ - ½ Devereaux, Maxim 2367 3 w Gordon, Stephen J 2411 ½ - ½ Collinson, Adam 2385 4 b Haslinger,Stewart 2426 ½ - ½ Palliser, Richard 2401 5 w Ashton, Adam G 2338 0 - 1 Cox, John J 2423 6 b Walton, Alan J 2200 0 - 1 Ferguson, Mark 2388 7 w Hamelink, Desiree 2198 ½ - ½ Knott, Simon 2378 8 b Bentley, John L 2244 0 - 1 Lauterbach,Ingrid 2131 RD 9 HILSMARK K'FISHER 2458 5½-2½ THE ADS 1 2418 1 1 w Wells, Peter K 2495 ½ - ½ Rogers, Ian 2564 2 b Andersson, Ulf * 2545 ½ - ½ Chandler, Murray 2551 3 w Arkell, Keith C 2475 ½ - ½ Mestel, Jonathan 2491 4 b Williams, Simon K 2478 1 - 0 Hennigan, Michael 2400 5 w Berzinsh, Roland 2451 ½ - ½ Jirka, Jiri 2393 6 b Trent, Lawrence 2423 1 - 0 Cernousek, Lukas 2422 7 w Greet, Andrew N 2418 1 - 0 Richardson, John 2356 8 b Houska, Jovanka 2378 ½ - ½ Bellin, Jana (F) 2170 RD 9 SLOUGH SHARKS 1 2336 1½-6½ WOOD GREEN 2 2450 1 w Schenk, Andreas 2503 ½ - ½ Lalic, Bogdan 2480 2 b Pert, Nicholas 2494 ½ - ½ Ward, Christopher 2467 3 w Jones, Gawain C B 2410 0 - 1 Turner, Matthew J 2495 4 b McNab, Colin A 2437 0 - 1 Arakhamia-Grant,K 2423 5 w Gourlay, Iain 2340 ½ - ½ Levitt, Jonathan 2448 6 b Martyn, Rafe 2323 0 - 1 Bellon Lopez,JuM 2440 7 w Ignacz, Maria (F) 2228 0 - 1 Martin, Andrew D 2433 8 b Ignacz, Rosza (F) 1955 0 - 1 Rechel, Bernd 2416 Division 1 results - Round 10 30 April 2006 RD 10 N.W. EAGLES 1 2356 4½-3½ SLOUGH SHARKS 1 2376 1 w Dgebuadze,A 2535 ½ - ½ Schenk, Andreas 2503 2 b Quillan, Gary 2356 0 - 1 Pert, Nicholas 2494 3 w Sebag, Marie (F) 2434 1 - 0 Jones, Gawain C B 2410 4 b Morrison, Graham 2326 ½ - ½ McNab, Colin A 2437 5 w Hague, Ben 2300 0 - 1 Gourlay, Iain 2340 6 b Kennaugh, Charles 2274 ½ - ½ Martyn, Rafe 2323 7 w Macak, Stefan * 2343 1 - 0 Marlow, Michael W 2275 8 b van der Linden,L 2281 1 - 0 Ignacz, Maria (F) 2228 RD 10 THE ADS 1 2418 ½ -7½ GUILDFORD-ADC 1 2566 1 w Rogers, Ian 2564 ½ - ½ Krasenkow, Michal 2650 2 b Chandler, Murray 2551 0 - 1 Harikrishna,P 2680 3 w Mestel, Jonathan 2491 0 - 1 Sutovsky, Emil 2628 4 b Hennigan, Michael 2400 0 - 1 Rowson, Jonathan 2594 5 w Jirka, Jiri 2393 0 - 1 Conquest, Stuart 2505 6 b Cernousek, Lukas 2422 0 - 1 King, Daniel J 2522 7 w Richardson, John 2356 0 - 1 Hebden, Mark L 2523 8 b Bellin, Jana (F) 2170 0 - 1 Ciuksyte, Dagne 2423 RD 10 BETSSON.COM 2338 3 - 5 HILSMARK K'FISHER 2458 1 w Johannessen, Leif 2559 1 - 0 Wells, Peter K 2495 2 b Ansell, Simon 2400 0 - 1 Andersson, Ulf * 2545 3 w Ledger, Andrew J 2430 1 - 0 Greet, Andrew N 2418 4 b Duncan,Chris 2332 0 - 1 Williams, Simon K 2478 5 w Webb, Laurence E 2336 ½ - ½ Arkell, Keith C 2475 6 b Eames, Robert G 2311 0 - 1 Trent, Lawrence 2423 7 w Ledger, David J 2252 ½ - ½ Berzinsh, Roland 2451 8 b Tidman, Sophie 2086 0 - 1 Houska, Jovanka 2378 RD 10 WOOD GREEN 1 2564 5½-2½ 3CS OLDHAM 1 2349 1 w Adams, Michael 2720 1 - 0 Davies, Nigel R 2521 2 b Bologan, Victor 2666 1 - 0 Jonkman, Harman 2454 3 w Speelman,Jonathan 2551 ½ - ½ Gordon, Stephen J 2411 4 b Gormally, Daniel 2554 ½ - ½ Haslinger,Stewart 2426 5 w Baburin,Alexander 2519 ½ - ½ Ashton, Adam G 2338 6 b Emms, John M 2502 1 - 0 Walton, Alan J 2200 7 w Cramling, Pia (F) 2520 ½ - ½ Hamelink, Desiree 2198 8 b Lalic, Bogdan 2480 ½ - ½ Bentley, John L 2244 RD 10 WOOD GREEN 2 2435 5½-2½ BARBICAN 4NCL 2 2293 1 w Pert, Richard G 2430 1 - 0 Cox, John J 2423 2 b Ward, Christopher 2467 ½ - ½ Rogers, Jonathan 2340 3 w Turner, Matthew J 2495 1 - 0 Taylor, Martin R 2305 4 b Arakhamia-Grant,K 2423 0 - 1 Pritchett, Craig 2285 5 w Levitt, Jonathan 2448 ½ - ½ Berry, Neil 2285 6 b Bellon Lopez,JuM 2440 ½ - ½ Coleman, David 2245 7 w Martin, Andrew D 2433 1 - 0 Taylor, Peter 2240 8 b Tiller, Bjorn 2346 ½ - ½ Hodgson, John H** 2217 RD 10 BARBICAN 4NCL 1 2370 2½-5½ GUILDFORD-ADC 2 2431 1 w Parker, Jonathan 2504 1 - 0 Flear, Glenn C 2465 2 b Ferguson, Mark 2388 ½ - ½ Plaskett, James 2485 3 w Collins, Sam 2409 ½ - ½ Prie, Eric 2475 4 b Palliser, Richard 2401 0 - 1 Wallace, John P 2392 5 w Knott, Simon 2378 ½ - ½ Shaw, John K 2439 6 b Collinson, Adam 2385 0 - 1 Cherniaev,Alex. 2460 7 w Devereaux, Maxim 2367 0 - 1 van Delft, Merijn 2372 8 b Lauterbach,Ingrid 2131 0 - 1 Lalic, Susan (F) 2356 Division 1 results - Round 11 1st May 2006 RD 11 GUILDFORD-ADC 1 2617 4 - 4 WOOD GREEN 1 2670 1 w Fressinet,Laurent 2633 0 - 1 Adams, Michael 2720 2 b Harikrishna,P 2680 ½ - ½ Polgar, Judit * 2711 3 w Gurevich, Mikhail 2643 ½ - ½ Dreev, Alexey 2673 4 b Krasenkow, Michal 2650 ½ - ½ Sokolov, Ivan 2676 5 w Lautier, Joel 2682 1 - 0 Smirin, Ilya 2662 6 b Rowson, Jonathan 2594 ½ - ½ Bologan, Victor 2666 7 w Sutovsky, Emil 2628 1 - 0 Nielsen, PH 2646 8 b Ciuksyte, Dagne 2423 0 - 1 McShane, Luke 2605 RD 11 HILSMARK K'FISHER 2458 4½-3½ BARBICAN 4NCL 1 2375 1 w Andersson, Ulf * 2545 ½ - ½ Parker, Jonathan 2504 2 b Williams, Simon K 2478 0 - 1 Cox, John J 2423 3 w Wells, Peter K 2495 ½ - ½ Devereaux, Maxim 2367 4 b Trent, Lawrence 2423 ½ - ½ Knott, Simon 2378 5 w Arkell, Keith C 2475 ½ - ½ Collins, Sam 2409 6 b Greet, Andrew N 2418 1 - 0 Ferguson, Mark 2388 7 w Berzinsh, Roland 2451 ½ - ½ Palliser, Richard 2401 8 b Houska, Jovanka 2378 1 - 0 Lauterbach,Ingrid 2131 RD 11 BARBICAN 4NCL 2 2270 3 - 5 SLOUGH SHARKS 1 2376 1 w Collinson, Adam 2385 ½ - ½ Schenk, Andreas 2503 2 b Rogers, Jonathan 2340 ½ - ½ Pert, Nicholas 2494 3 w Berry, Neil 2285 ½ - ½ McNab, Colin A 2437 4 b Taylor, Peter 2240 0 - 1 Jones, Gawain C B 2410 5 w Taylor, Martin R 2305 ½ - ½ Gourlay, Iain 2340 6 b Hodgson, John H 2217 0 - 1 Martyn, Rafe 2323 7 w Coleman, David 2245 1 - 0 Marlow, Michael W 2275 8 b Williamson, Paul 2139 0 - 1 Ignacz, Maria (F) 2228 RD 11 3CS OLDHAM 1 2349 4 - 4 BETSSON.COM 2338 1 w Davies, Nigel R 2521 0 - 1 Johannessen, Leif 2559 2 b Haslinger,Stewart 2426 ½ - ½ Ledger, Andrew J 2430 3 w Gordon, Stephen J 2411 1 - 0 Webb, Laurence E 2336 4 b Jonkman, Harman 2454 0 - 1 Ansell, Simon 2400 5 w Ashton, Adam G 2338 0 - 1 Eames, Robert G 2311 6 b Hamelink, Desiree 2198 1 - 0 Duncan,Christopher2332 7 w Walton, Alan J 2200 ½ - ½ Ledger, David J 2252 8 b Bentley, John L 2244 1 - 0 Tidman, Sophie 2086 RD 11 GUILDFORD-ADC 2 2468 5½-2½ THE ADS 1 2374 1 w Wallace, John P 2392 ½ - ½ Rogers, Ian 2564 2 b Cherniaev,Alex. 2460 ½ - ½ Chandler, Murray 2551 3 w Hebden, Mark L 2523 1 - 0 Hennigan, Michael 2400 4 b Plaskett, James 2485 0 - 1 Jirka, Jiri 2393 5 w Conquest, Stuart 2505 1 - 0 Cernousek, Lukas 2422 6 b Kosten, Anthony C 2504 1 - 0 Anderton, David 2267 7 w King, Daniel J 2522 1 - 0 Snape, Ian 2227 8 b Lalic, Susan (F) 2356 ½ - ½ Bellin, Jana (F) 2170 RD 11 N.W. EAGLES 1 2337 3 - 5 WOOD GREEN 2 2490 1 w Dgebuadze,Alex. 2535 1 - 0 Gormally, Daniel 2554 2 b Sebag, Marie (F) 2434 ½ - ½ Emms, John M 2502 3 w Macak, Stefan * 2343 0 - 1 Baburin,Alexander 2519 4 b Hague, Ben 2300 0 - 1 Lalic, Bogdan 2480 5 w Morrison, Graham 2326 ½ - ½ Cramling, Pia (F) 2520 6 b Lund, D Brett 2247 0 - 1 Turner, Matthew J 2495 7 w Kennaugh, Charles 2274 1 - 0 Pert, Richard G 2430 8 b Lyell, Mark 2235 0 - 1 Arakhamia-Grant,K 2423
The SAP IM tournament took place in Walldorf 13th-19th April 2006.
Official site:
------------------------------------------------------------------- SAP IM Walldorf GER (GER), 13-19 iv 2006 cat. IV (2330) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Galdunts, Sergey g ARM 2494 * 1 = = 1 = 1 1 1 1 7.5 2584 2. Amigues, Emmanuel f FRA 2343 0 * = = = 1 1 = 1 1 6.0 2453 3. Gurevich, Vladimir g UKR 2452 = = * = = = = = 1 1 5.5 2396 4. Miltner, Arndt f GER 2400 = = = * = 0 = = 1 1 5.0 2365 5. Kountz, Jochen f GER 2338 0 = = = * 1 = = = 1 5.0 2372 6. Zuse, Klaus-Peter f GER 2298 = 0 = 1 0 * 1 = = 0 4.0 2290 7. Hess, Markus GER 2189 0 0 = = = 0 * = 1 1 4.0 2302 8. Bach, Edwin f GER 2296 0 = = = = = = * 0 = 3.5 2253 9. Hasecic, Sabahudin f BIH 2247 0 0 0 0 = = 0 1 * = 2.5 2173 10. Richter, Georg GER 2243 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 = = * 2.0 2119 -------------------------------------------------------------------
The 49th international team chess festival of Serbia and Montenegro took place in Vrnjacka Banja, 1st-7th May 2006. PARTIZAN PARTNER INZENJERING won the event ahead of favourites NOVOSADSKI SAH KLUB.
Official site:
Rank Team MP Pts. 1 PARTIZAN PARTNER INZENJERING 12 19½ 2 NOVOSADSKI SAH KLUB 11 20½ 3 BUDUCNOST 11 18 4 ZTP 9 16 5 SPARTAK 8 16 6 ELEKTROPRIVREDA CG 8 15½ 7 SLOGA AMIGA 8 14½ 8 PTT 8 12½ 9 MIMOZA 7 14 10 BEOGRADSKI VODOVOD 7 13½ PASK 7 13½ 12 LASTA 7 12½ 13 PLANUM TURS 6 13 TELEKOM 6 13 15 HERCEG NOVI 6 12 16 RADNICKI 6 10½ 17 METALAC - TAKOVO 5 13 18 BIJELA PANTOMARKET 4 10 19 BORA KOSTIC 4 8½ Top two teams composition: 1 PARTIZAN PARTNER INZENJERING 12 19½ Bo. Name Rtg FED 1 GM Kotronias Vasilios 2598 GRE 2 GM Ivanisevic Ivan 2598 SCG 3 GM Vuckovic Bojan 2506 SCG 4 GM Pavlovic Milos 2497 SCG IM Arsovic Goran 2459 SCG IM Arsovic Zoran 2416 SCG 2 NOVOSADSKI SAH KLUB 11 20½ Bo. Name Rtg FED 1 GM Markus Robert 2585 SCG 2 GM Solak Dragan 2562 SCG 3 GM Kovacevic Aleksandar 2536 SCG 4 GM Popovic Petar 2501 SCG IM Stojanovic Mihajlo 2539 SCG FM Jevtic Miodrag 2311 SCG
Galati Chess Open took place 26th of April - 3rd of May. The open is part of Romanian Chess Grand Prix 2006. Viorel Iordachescu, Vasile Sanduleac and Mihail Marin finished on 7/9. Games from round 1 only are currently available.
Official site:
----------------------------------------------------- Grand Prix Galatzi ROM (ROM), 26 iv-3 v 2006 ----------------------------------------------------- 1. Iordachescu, Viorel g MDA 2601 7 44.0 2. Sanduleac, Vasile m MDA 2492 7 40.5 3. Marin, Mihail g ROM 2538 7 40.0 4. Nevednichy, Vladislav g ROM 2582 6.5 43.0 5. Murariu, Andrei m ROM 2474 6.5 43.0 6. Lupulescu, Constantin m ROM 2534 6.5 41.5 7. Vajda, Levente g ROM 2511 6.5 40.5 8. Vajda, Albert m ROM 2472 6.5 40.5 9. Grigore, George-Gabriel g ROM 2463 6.5 39.5 10. Kruppa, Yuri g UKR 2538 6.5 38.0 11. Timoshenko, Georgy g UKR 2547 6.5 37.5 12. Manolache, Marius m ROM 2492 6 39.0 13. Lajthajm, Borko f SCG 2478 6 38.0 14. Malaniuk, Vladimir P g UKR 2539 6 37.5 15. Ardelean, George Catalin m ROM 2442 6 37.0 16. Raceanu, Valentin ROM 2396 6 36.5 17. Pap, Misa m SCG 2397 6 35.0 18. Pessi, Emil-George f ROM 2314 6 35.0 100 players
The First Saturday tournaments for May take place 6th-16 May 2006.
Official site:
FSGM Round 2 Standings 1. Berczes, David 2450 1.5 Valdes, Leonardo 2374 1.5 Chernyshov, Konstantin 2544 1.5 Gonda, Laszlo 2465 1.5 5. Wittmann, Georg 2042 1.0 Seres, Lajos 2400 1.0 7. Ilincic, Zlatko 2536 0.5 Landenbergue, Claude 2435 0.5 Muranyi, Karl-Jasmin 2385 0.5 Brinck-Claussen, Bjorn 2359 0.5
The 6th International CSVN Tournament (ICT6) took place May 5-7, 2006 in Leiden, Netherlands. This computer tournament was won by Rybka with 8.5/9.
Official site:
+--+-------------+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+--+---+---+-+ |# |Name |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |P |BU |SB |G| +--+-------------+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+--+---+---+-+ |1 |Rybka |10b1|4w1 |5b1 |2w1 |3w= |11b1|6b1 |7w1 |8b1 |8½|44 |40¾|9| +--+-------------+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+--+---+---+-+ |2 |Deep Sjeng |12b1|6w1 |3b1 |1b0 |4w= |5w1 |9b1 |8b1 |14w1|7½|40 |28½|9| +--+-------------+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+--+---+---+-+ |3 |Deep Shredder|7w1 |11b1|2w0 |8w1 |1b= |4b0 |5w1 |6w1 |9w1 |6½|46 |28¼|9| +--+-------------+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+--+---+---+-+ |4 |Deep Gandalf |9w1 |1b0 |11w1|6w1 |2b= |3w1 |7b= |14w1|5b0 |6 |43 |24 |9| +--+-------------+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+--+---+---+-+ |5 |Ant |13w=|9b1 |1w0 |7b= |10w1|2b0 |3b0 |bye1|4w1 |5 |49 |19¾|8| +--+-------------+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+--+---+---+-+ |6 |The King |8w1 |2b0 |7w1 |4b0 |9w= |10b1|1w0 |3b0 |12b1|4½|46 |15¾|9| +--+-------------+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+--+---+---+-+ |7 |The Baron |3b0 |12w1|6b0 |5w= |14b1|8w= |4w= |1b0 |11w1|4½|39½|12¾|9| +--+-------------+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+--+---+---+-+ |8 |XiniX |6b0 |10w1|13w1|3b0 |11w=|7b= |12b1|2w0 |1w0 |4 |44½|13¾|9| +--+-------------+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+--+---+---+-+ |9 |Hermann |4b0 |5w0 |12b=|14w1|6b= |bye1|2w0 |10w1|3b0 |4 |38½|9 |8| +--+-------------+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+--+---+---+-+ |10|Argonaut |1w0 |8b0 |14b1|12w1|5b0 |6w0 |11w1|9b0 |bye1|4 |34 |7¼ |8| +--+-------------+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+--+---+---+-+ |11|IsiChess MMX |14w1|3w0 |4b0 |bye1|8b= |1w0 |10b0|12w1|7b0 |3½|38½|6 |8| +--+-------------+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+--+---+---+-+ |12|Neurosis |2w0 |7b0 |9w= |10b0|bye1|14b1|8w0 |11b0|6w0 |2½|33 |3¼ |8| +--+-------------+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+--+---+---+-+ |13|Diep |5b= |14w1|8b0 | | | | | | |1½|36 |16¼|3| +--+-------------+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+--+---+---+-+ |14|Usurpator |11b0|13b0|10w0|9b0 |7w0 |12w0|bye1|4b0 |2b0 |1 |35 |¼ |8| +--+-------------+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+--+---+---+-+ & +--+-------------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+---+---+-+ |# |Name |01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|11|12|13|14|P |BU |SB |G| +--+-------------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+---+---+-+ |1 |Rybka |X |1 |½ |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |. |1 |1 |. |. |. |8½|44 |40¾|9| +--+-------------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+---+---+-+ |2 |Deep Sjeng |0 |X |1 |½ |1 |1 |. |1 |1 |. |. |1 |. |1 |7½|40 |28½|9| +--+-------------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+---+---+-+ |3 |Deep Shredder|½ |0 |X |0 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |. |1 |. |. |. |6½|46 |28¼|9| +--+-------------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+---+---+-+ |4 |Deep Gandalf |0 |½ |1 |X |0 |1 |½ |. |1 |. |1 |. |. |1 |6 |43 |24 |9| +--+-------------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+---+---+-+ |5 |Ant |0 |0 |0 |1 |X |. |½ |. |1 |1 |. |. |½ |. |5 |49 |19¾|8| +--+-------------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+---+---+-+ |6 |The King |0 |0 |0 |0 |. |X |1 |1 |½ |1 |. |1 |. |. |4½|46 |15¾|9| +--+-------------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+---+---+-+ |7 |The Baron |0 |. |0 |½ |½ |0 |X |½ |. |. |1 |1 |. |1 |4½|39½|12¾|9| +--+-------------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+---+---+-+ |8 |XiniX |0 |0 |0 |. |. |0 |½ |X |. |1 |½ |1 |1 |. |4 |44½|13¾|9| +--+-------------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+---+---+-+ |9 |Hermann |. |0 |0 |0 |0 |½ |. |. |X |1 |. |½ |. |1 |4 |38½|9 |8| +--+-------------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+---+---+-+ |10|Argonaut |0 |. |. |. |0 |0 |. |0 |0 |X |1 |1 |. |1 |4 |34 |7¼ |8| +--+-------------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+---+---+-+ |11|IsiChess MMX |0 |. |0 |0 |. |. |0 |½ |. |0 |X |1 |. |1 |3½|38½|6 |8| +--+-------------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+---+---+-+ |12|Neurosis |. |0 |. |. |. |0 |0 |0 |½ |0 |0 |X |. |1 |2½|33 |3¼ |8| +--+-------------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+---+---+-+ |13|Diep |. |. |. |. |½ |. |. |0 |. |. |. |. |X |1 |1½|36 |16¼|3| +--+-------------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+---+---+-+ |14|Usurpator |. |0 |. |0 |. |. |0 |. |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |X |1 |35 |¼ |8| +--+-------------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+---+---+-+
The Student Master Cup took place in Wroclaw, 27th April - 3rd May 2006. Piotr Dobrowolski and Rafal Lubczynski finished on 7.5/11.
Official site:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WSB Masters Wroclaw POL (POL), 27 iv-3 v 2006 cat. IV (2345) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Dobrowolski, Piotr f POL 2376 * = = = = = 1 = 1 = 1 1 7.5 2474 2. Lubczynski, Rafal f POL 2319 = * = = = = 1 1 = = 1 1 7.5 2479 3. Tazbir, Marcin f POL 2402 = = * 0 = = 1 = 1 1 1 = 7.0 2441 4. Mikrut, Dariusz POL 2415 = = 1 * = = = 0 = = 1 1 6.5 2403 5. Kochetkov, German m BLR 2364 = = = = * = = 1 = = 1 = 6.5 2407 6. Zeberski, Jakub POL 2422 = = = = = * = = = = 0 1 5.5 2337 7. Maryasin, Boris m ISR 2371 0 0 0 = = = * = = 1 1 = 5.0 2306 8. Jedryczka, Krystian POL 2321 = 0 = 1 0 = = * = 0 1 0 4.5 2281 9. Markosian, David S m ARM 2397 0 = 0 = = = = = * 1 0 = 4.5 2274 10. Cherednichenko, Svetlana wm UKR 2238 = = 0 = = = 0 1 0 * 0 = 4.0 2252 11. Swicarz, Maciej POL 2273 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 * 1 4.0 2249 12. Fatianova, Tatiana RUS 2237 0 0 = 0 = 0 = 1 = = 0 * 3.5 2221 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Djakovo Open took place 30th April - 6th May 2006. Sinisa Drazic edged out Ante Brkic on tie-break, both made 6/9.
Official site:
Official site:
Official Final Standings: 1 5 GM Drazic Sinisa 2497 SCG 6,0 2589 32,5 37,0 2 2 IM Brkic Ante 2526 CRO 6,0 2582 27,5 36,0 3 9 IM Kovacevic Blazimir 2468 CRO 5,5 2558 31,0 37,5 4 1 IM Jovanovic Zoran 2536 CRO 5,5 2542 27,5 36,0 5 3 GM Cebalo Miso 2506 CRO 5,5 2537 30,0 36,0 6 8 IM Saric Ante 2474 CRO 5,5 2535 28,5 36,0 7 11 FM Doric Darko 2401 CRO 5,5 2521 26,5 35,0 20 players Crosstable ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Open A Djakovo CRO (CRO), 30 iv-6 v 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Brkic, Ante m CRO 2526 +13 - 2 = 7 =11 = 3 +12 + 9 + 5 = 4 6.0 2581 2. Drazic, Sinisa g SCG 2497 +19 + 1 = 9 = 5 + 4 - 6 = 8 +10 = 7 6.0 2589 3. Jovanovic, Zoran CRO m CRO 2536 + 7 = 6 =10 = 9 = 1 = 8 = 4 =11 +14 5.5 2542 4. Kovacevic, Blazimir m CRO 2468 +17 = 9 + 6 +10 - 2 = 5 = 3 = 8 = 1 5.5 2558 5. Cebalo, Miso g CRO 2506 +15 =10 +12 = 2 = 8 = 4 = 6 - 1 +11 5.5 2537 6. Saric, Ante m CRO 2474 +18 = 3 - 4 +13 =11 + 2 = 5 = 7 = 8 5.5 2534 7. Doric, Darko f CRO 2401 - 3 +18 = 1 +12 = 9 =10 +16 = 6 = 2 5.5 2520 8. Stojanovic, Dalibor m BIH 2492 =16 =11 =13 +14 = 5 = 3 = 2 = 4 = 6 5.0 2490 9. Stevic, Hrvoje g CRO 2502 +14 = 4 = 2 = 3 = 7 =11 - 1 =12 +18 5.0 2477 10. Kostic, Vladimir g SCG 2461 +20 = 5 = 3 - 4 +16 = 7 =11 - 2 +17 5.0 2470 11. Leventic, Ivan g CRO 2488 =12 = 8 +15 = 1 = 6 = 9 =10 = 3 - 5 4.5 2467 12. Vargic, Drago f CRO 2325 =11 +16 - 5 - 7 +13 - 1 +20 = 9 =19 4.5 2421 13. Ascic, Pero f CRO 2387 - 1 +19 = 8 - 6 -12 +20 +17 =18 =15 4.5 2387 14. Biti, Ozren f CRO 2347 - 9 =17 +19 - 8 =15 =16 +18 +20 - 3 4.5 2392 15. Mrkonjic, Nenad m CRO 2383 - 5 +20 -11 =16 =14 =18 =19 =17 =13 4.0 2328 16. Budimir, Boris f BIH 2328 = 8 -12 +17 =15 -10 =14 - 7 =19 =20 3.5 2295 17. Bender, Ivan f CRO 2312 - 4 =14 -16 +20 -18 +19 -13 =15 -10 3.0 2247 18. Martic, Zlatko f CRO 2318 - 6 - 7 -20 =19 +17 =15 -14 =13 - 9 2.5 2218 19. Goric, Esad m BIH 2346 - 2 -13 -14 =18 =20 -17 =15 =16 =12 2.5 2190 20. Sulc, Damir f CRO 2312 -10 -15 +18 -17 =19 -13 -12 -14 =16 2.0 2136 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Open B Djakovo CRO (CRO), 30 iv-6 v 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Armanda, Ivica m CRO 2330 +12 + 5 = 8 + 6 = 2 +11 + 7 = 4 = 3 7.0 2437 2. Karahmetovic, Adnan BIH 2271 +10 =11 +14 + 8 = 1 = 7 = 3 = 5 = 4 6.0 2357 3. Iveljic, Igor BIH 2247 +22 + 4 - 6 +11 - 7 +12 = 2 + 8 = 1 6.0 2324 4. Kalajzic, Ivan CRO 2179 +24 - 3 +10 - 7 +19 + 6 +14 = 1 = 2 6.0 2275 5. Draganic, Stjepan CRO 2244 +13 - 1 =16 -15 +17 +18 + 9 = 2 +11 6.0 2247 6. Mravunac, Branko CRO 2140 +25 +20 + 3 - 1 -14 - 4 +10 +16 + 7 6.0 2312 7. Sertic, Rudolf CRO 2327 +16 - 8 +15 + 4 + 3 = 2 - 1 +14 - 6 5.5 2290 8. Kozarcanin, Sead CRO 2232 +19 + 7 = 1 - 2 = 9 =14 +11 - 3 +15 5.5 2284 9. Trtanj, Tina wm CRO 2164 =23 +21 -11 +12 = 8 =10 - 5 +13 +16 5.5 2182 10. Sulc, Gordana wf CRO 2066 - 2 +24 - 4 +21 +20 = 9 - 6 =15 +17 5.0 2126 11. Ribicic, Mate CRO 2204 +17 = 2 + 9 - 3 +15 - 1 - 8 +12 - 5 4.5 2178 12. Grobelsek, Ana wf SLO 2113 - 1 +17 +13 - 9 +18 - 3 =15 -11 +19 4.5 2097 13. Ascic, Jozo CRO 1973 - 5 +26 -12 =23 -16 +22 +24 - 9 +21 4.5 2047 14. Ramesa, Davor CRO 2264 +18 =15 - 2 +16 + 6 = 8 - 4 - 7 . 4.0 2179 15. Solic, Kristina wm CRO 2135 +26 =14 - 7 + 5 -11 =16 =12 =10 - 8 4.0 2128 16. Matijasevic, Ilija CRO 2092 - 7 +23 = 5 -14 +13 =15 +20 - 6 - 9 4.0 2116 17. Kroo, Ivica CRO 1866 -11 -12 =21 +22 - 5 +26 =19 +20 -10 4.0 2036 18. Barisic, Petar CRO 2063 -14 =19 =23 +24 -12 - 5 =25 =26 +22 4.0 1994 19. Sucic,Mihael CRO 1898 - 8 =18 +25 =20 - 4 =24 =17 =21 -12 3.5 1970 20. Perisic, Robert CRO 2184 =21 - 6 +22 =19 -10 +23 -16 -17 =25 3.5 1927 21. Svetinovic,Darjan CRO ---- =20 - 9 =17 -10 =23 =25 +26 =19 -13 3.5 1936 22. Raguz, Ivanka CRO 2003 - 3 =25 -20 -17 +26 -13 +23 +24 -18 3.5 1936 23. Imsirovic,Alen CRO ---- = 9 -16 =18 =13 =21 -20 -22 =25 =24 3.0 1907 24. Vranjic, Marko CRO 1815 - 4 -10 +26 -18 +25 =19 -13 -22 =23 3.0 1895 25. Rajkovic,Mario CRO ---- - 6 =22 -19 -26 -24 =21 =18 =23 =20 2.5 1845 26. Vuksic,Antun CRO ---- -15 -13 -24 +25 -22 -17 -21 =18 . 1.5 1730 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The 1st RC Sport Open took place 29th April - 6th May 2006 in Ústí nad Orlicí (Czech republic). Petr Cerveny and Tomas Likavsky finished on 7/9.
Official site:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RC SPORT Open Usti nad Orlici CZE (CZE), 29 iv-6 v 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Cerveny, Petr CZE 2164 +38 + 5 +13 = 3 = 4 = 6 +10 = 2 +12 7.0 2576 2. Likavsky, Tomas g SVK 2492 +32 +21 =16 +10 +12 + 3 - 4 = 1 +13 7.0 2503 3. Sergeev, Vladimir m UKR 2455 +29 +19 +22 = 1 +16 - 2 +11 = 4 = 5 6.5 2430 4. Petr, Martin m CZE 2416 +58 =17 +15 +18 = 1 =11 + 2 = 3 = 9 6.5 2415 5. Zapolskis, Antanas m LTU 2370 +57 - 1 +42 -19 +24 +22 +16 +21 = 3 6.5 2345 6. Voloshin, Leonid g CZE 2471 +27 =11 =20 +23 =21 = 1 = 9 = 8 +17 6.0 2320 7. Plat, Vojtech CZE 2085 +46 =18 =11 +15 =22 -10 =17 +19 +21 6.0 2317 8. Kanovsky, David CZE 2352 +42 =31 +28 -16 +26 =18 =12 = 6 +23 6.0 2327 9. Karlik, Vladimir f CZE 2293 =25 =36 +51 =26 +31 =16 = 6 +20 = 4 6.0 2305 10. Kantorik, Marian f SVK 2286 +44 +23 =24 - 2 +14 + 7 - 1 -13 +26 5.5 2265 11. Cerveny, Martin CZE 2231 +50 = 6 = 7 +41 +19 = 4 - 3 -12 +29 5.5 2280 12. Ganaus, Hannes m AUT 2309 +48 =28 +17 +24 - 2 =21 = 8 +11 - 1 5.5 2297 13. Vrana, Frantisek f CZE 2409 =37 +25 - 1 +35 -18 +41 +31 +10 - 2 5.5 2230 14. Dorjkhu, Tuvsinbajar CZE 2070 +53 -16 =35 +28 -10 =25 +34 +22 =15 5.5 2197 15. Volf, Jaroslav CZE 2168 =39 +47 - 4 - 7 =36 +43 +27 +32 =14 5.5 2196 16. Folk, Petr CZE 2260 +30 +14 = 2 + 8 - 3 = 9 - 5 =26 =20 5.0 2295 17. Chladek, Vaclav CZE 2160 +34 = 4 -12 =37 =25 +39 = 7 +18 - 6 5.0 2209 18. Jedlicka, Ales CZE 2275 +51 = 7 +31 - 4 +13 = 8 -21 -17 +41 5.0 2234 19. Valenta, Vit CZE 2174 +40 - 3 +30 + 5 -11 -20 +37 - 7 +36 5.0 2191 20. Friml, Antonin CZE 2189 =36 +39 = 6 -22 +42 +19 =24 - 9 =16 5.0 2241 21. Folkova, Martina CZE 2197 +33 - 2 +48 +49 = 6 =12 +18 - 5 - 7 5.0 2261 22. Haba, Zdenek CZE 2237 +54 +45 - 3 +20 = 7 - 5 =26 -14 +38 5.0 2170 23. Holasek, Pavel CZE 2113 +52 -10 +36 - 6 =34 =37 +25 +24 - 8 5.0 2202 24. Mlynek, Petr CZE 2256 +43 +41 =10 -12 - 5 +29 =20 -23 =30 4.5 2126 25. Zdrazil, Bohumir CZE 1962 = 9 -13 =27 +40 =17 =14 -23 =45 +44 4.5 2114 26. Danes, Jaroslav CZE 2152 -45 +33 +43 = 9 - 8 +48 =22 =16 -10 4.5 2140 27. Kalousek, Vladimir CZE 2058 - 6 =50 =25 =36 +35 =34 -15 =40 +46 4.5 2057 28. Zeman, Arnost1 CZE 2143 +35 =12 - 8 -14 -39 +47 +51 =36 =32 4.5 2131 29. Vinklarek, Ondrej CZE 2039 - 3 =38 =50 +33 =30 -24 +39 +44 -11 4.5 2062 30. Pekar, Vaclav CZE 1897 -16 +52 -19 +47 =29 -31 +35 =41 =24 4.5 2142 31. Zeinert, Michal CZE 2134 +55 = 8 -18 +45 - 9 +30 -13 =38 =33 4.5 2136 32. Borek, Pavel CZE 2059 - 2 -40 +55 +43 =48 =38 +33 -15 =28 4.5 2071 33. Mares,Petr CZE ---- -21 -26 +46 -29 +53 +42 -32 +48 =31 4.5 2057 34. Bednar,Marcel CZE ---- -17 -48 +56 +44 =23 =27 -14 =37 +45 4.5 2030 35. Pecinka,Martin CZE ---- -28 +44 =14 -13 -27 +54 -30 +51 +49 4.5 2027 36. Silar, Lubomir CZE 2127 =20 = 9 -23 =27 =15 +49 =44 =28 -19 4.0 2075 37. Kotyza, Bohumil CZE 1979 =13 =49 =45 =17 =38 =23 -19 =34 =40 4.0 2052 38. Kylar, Pavel CZE ---- - 1 =29 =47 +51 =37 =32 =41 =31 -22 4.0 2061 39. Lacina, Filip CZE ---- =15 -20 -44 +53 +28 -17 -29 =47 +52 4.0 2066 40. Vizibla,Roman CZE ---- -19 +32 -41 -25 -44 +55 +49 =27 =37 4.0 1981 41. Trojan, Lubos CZE 2062 +56 -24 +40 -11 +49 -13 =38 =30 -18 4.0 2075 42. Poslusny, Martin CZE 1968 - 8 +55 - 5 +50 -20 -33 =52 =46 +48 4.0 2031 43. Vranova, Jarmila CZE 1873 -24 +56 -26 -32 +52 -15 -46 +53 +50 4.0 2004 44. Macek, Kamil CZE 1930 -10 -35 +39 -34 +40 +46 =36 -29 -25 3.5 1966 45. Kouba,Petr CZE ---- +26 -22 =37 -31 =47 =51 =48 =25 -34 3.5 1997 46. Milfort,Vaclav CZE ---- - 7 -51 -33 +54 +50 -44 +43 =42 -27 3.5 1857 47. Indrak, Igor f CZE 2357 =49 -15 =38 -30 =45 -28 =53 =39 +55 3.5 1943 48. Papacek, Milos CZE 1964 -12 +34 -21 +52 =32 -26 =45 -33 -42 3.0 1951 49. Hajek,Jiri CZE ---- =47 =37 +53 -21 -41 -36 -40 +54 -35 3.0 1936 50. Palla, Rostislav CZE 1791 -11 =27 =29 -42 -46 =53 +56 =52 -43 3.0 1893 51. Vavrousek, Petr CZE 1909 -18 +46 - 9 -38 +55 =45 -28 -35 =54 3.0 1934 52. Taslar,Karel CZE ---- -23 -30 +54 -48 -43 +56 =42 =50 -39 3.0 1812 53. Hovad,Vaclav CZE ---- -14 +54 -49 -39 -33 =50 =47 -43 +56 3.0 1865 54. Cvejn, Jaroslav CZE 1827 -22 -53 -52 -46 +56 -35 +55 -49 =51 2.5 1850 55. Skokan,Frantisek CZE ---- -31 -42 -32 +56 -51 -40 -54 +57 -47 2.0 1797 56. Novak,Dalibor CZE ---- -41 -43 -34 -55 -54 -52 -50 +58 -53 1.0 1600 57. Hladil, Ivo CZE 1902 - 5 . . . . . . -55 . 0.0 58. Simek, Jan CZE 2009 - 4 . . . . . . -56 . 0.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The 2nd Halkidiki Open takes place in Kallithea 24th April - 2nd May 2006. Ioannis Nikolaidis and Boris Itkis finished on 7/9.
Official site:
---------------------------------------------------------- 2nd Halkidiki Open Kalithea GRE (GRE), 25 iv-1 v 2006 ---------------------------------------------------------- 1. Nikolaidis, Ioannis g GRE 2518 7 37½ 2. Itkis, Boris m ROM 2490 7 34½ 3. Shavtvaladze, Nikoloz m GEO 2368 6½ 37½ 4. Georgiev, Krum g BUL 2482 6½ 37½ 5. Hoffmann, Michael1 m GER 2467 6½ 35 6. Grivas, Efstratios g GRE 2500 6½ 34½ 7. Liiva, Riho m EST 2411 6½ 34½ 8. Grigoriadis, Alexandros GRE 2112 6½ 34 9. Markidis, Konstantinos GRE 2367 6½ 33½ 10. Thesing, Matthias m GER 2413 6½ 33 11. Renteria, Rolando COL 2165 6½ 30½ 12. Papadopoulos, I GRE 2264 6 33½ 13. Sofronie, Iulian m ROM 2419 6 33 14. Santrian, Ararat ARM 2328 6 31½ 15. Exizoglou, Dimitrios GRE 2160 6 30 87 players
George Mirijanian reports: The 16th Massachusetts Game/60 Championship took place on 30th April 2006 at the Radisson Hotel in Marlborough, Massachusetts, USA. IM Igor Foygel of Brookline, Mass., and IM Joshua Friedel of Goffstown, New Hampshire, tied for 1st-2nd place with scores of 3.5-0.5 after drawing each other in the third round. FM John Curdo of Auburn, Mass., captured third place with a 3-1 tally. The tournament attracted 53 players in three sections and was directed by Kenneth Robert Ballou for the sponsoring Massachusetts Chess Association.
Complete crosstables are available at
The traditional Moscow vs St Petersburg Match takes place in Moscow May 7th-8th 2006. Couldn't see any games.
Official site:
The Geller Memorial takes place in Moscow 4th-12th May 2006. Farrukh Amonatov leads with 2.5/3. Couldn't see any games.
Official site:
The Georgian Boys and Girls under-20 Championships took place in Tbilisi 28th April - 6th May 2006. Davit Zarkua won the boys event with 7/9. News: Varlam Vepkhvishvili
Final Round 9 Standings: Boys ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rank N Fed Tit Rating Name Total Tie-Break Colors ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) 1 GEO 2400 F Zarkua, Davit 7 36.5 bwbwbwbww 2) 6 GEO 2271 F Bregadze, Levan 6.5 31.5 wbwbwbwbb 3) 2 GEO 2396 F Kuparadze, Giga 6 32.5 wbwbwbwbb 4) 14 GEO 2169 F Patsia, Zviad 6 32 wbwbwwbbw 5) 8 GEO 2220 F Nigalidze, Gaioz 6 27.5 wbwbwbwwb 6) 3 GEO f 2360 F Jojua, Davit 5.5 31 bwbwbwbww 7) 7 GEO 2258 F Lomsadze, Davit 5.5 29.5 bwbwbbwbw 8) 13 GEO 2176 F Maisuradze, Gega 5.5 29 bwbbwwbwb 9) 5 GEO f 2292 F Benidze, Davit 5.5 28 bwbwbwbwb 10) 17 GEO 2087 F Davarashvili, Nodar 5.5 25.5 wbwbwbwbw 11) 4 GEO 2318 F Azaladze, Shota 5 27 wbwbwbwbb 12) 12 GEO 2180 F Nizharadze, Parnavaz 5 24 wbwbwwbbw 13) 22 GEO 1957 F Tsaboshvili, Lasha 5 18 bwbwbw b 14) 11 GEO 2180 F Goguadze, Mikheil 4.5 26 bwbwbwbww 15) 19 GEO 2045 F Kordzakhia, Giorgi 4.5 22.5 wbwbbwbwb 16) 21 GEO 1999 F Nemsadze, Beka 4.5 18 wb wb w b 17) 24 GEO 1894 F Gabunia, Tornike 4 20 bwbwbwbwb 18) 16 GEO 2090 F Khelaia, Giorgi 4 19.5 bwbwbwbww 19) 23 GEO 1951 F Morchiladze, Vakhtang 4 18 wbwbbwb 20) 28 GEO Tedoshvili, Dimitri 4 15.5 bw wbbww 21) 18 GEO 2083 F Amirkhanashvili, Archil 3.5 22.5 bwbwwbwbw 22) 10 GEO 2188 F Urushadze, Davit 3.5 21.5 wbwbwbwb 23) 9 GEO 2201 F Nikolishvili, Zurab 3 23 bwbwwbw 24) 27 GEO Chikhradze, Khvicha 3 12 wbw bwb 25) 26 GEO Antadze, Mamuka 1.5 3.5 bwb wbb w 26) 15 GEO f 2147 F Gamzardia, Giorgi 1 7 wbwb w 27) 20 GEO 2025 F Shinjiashvili, Vladimer 0.5 4 bw 28) 25 GEO 1887 F Samniashvili, Davit 0.5 4 wb ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Girls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rank N Fed Tit Rating Name Total Tie-Break Colors ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) 5 GEO wf 2203 F Mikadze, Miranda 7.5 40 bwbwbwbwb 2) 1 GEO wm 2318 F Batsiashvili, Nino 7 34 bwbwbwbbw 3) 2 GEO wm 2291 F Khotenashvili, Bela 6.5 35.5 wbwbwbwbw 4) 8 GEO wm 2156 F Datuashvili, Nona 6 28 wbwbwbbwb 5) 3 GEO 2244 F Gavasheli, Ana 5.5 28.5 bwbwbwwbw 6) 6 GEO wf 2180 F Guramishvili, Sopiko 5.5 28 wbwbwbwwb 7) 12 GEO 2051 F Khazhomia, Salome 5.5 24.5 wbwbwwbbw 8) 11 GEO 2073 F Zhorzholiani, Meri 5 28 bwbwbbwwb 9) 9 GEO 2090 F Meskhi, Teona 5 28 bbwwbwbwb 10) 23 GEO 2121 F Tsatsalashvili, Keti 5 24 wbwbwbwb 11) 7 GEO wf 2161 F Paikidze, Nazi 5 23 bwbwbwbwb 12) 21 GEO 1872 F Khazhomia, Anuki 5 22.5 bwbwbwwb 13) 14 GEO 2005 F Danelia, Mariam 4.5 26.5 wbwbwbwbb 14) 10 GEO 2088 F Bokuchava, Madona 4.5 26 wbwbwbwbb 15) 4 GEO 2209 F Vakhania, Alexandra 4.5 22.5 wbwbwbwbw 16) 15 GEO 1984 F Butskhrikidze, Ana 4.5 22 bwbwbwbwb 17) 17 GEO wf 1936 F Topuridze, Ana 4 18 bwbwbww b 18) 18 GEO 1934 F Rizhamadze, Patman 3.5 18 wbwbwb ww 19) 16 GEO 1969 F Siradze, Salome 3.5 17 wbwbw bww 20) 19 GEO 1933 F Zarkua, Elisabed 3.5 12 bw bwbbww 21) 22 GEO 1865 F Jalabadze, Natia 3 14 w bwbwbbw 22) 13 GEO 2045 F Khutsidze, Sopo 2 10.5 bwb wbwbw 23) 20 GEO 1897 F Samniashvili, Tamar 2 9.5 wbwb bwbw ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The XXIV International Chess Open of Andorra takes place 8th-16th July 2006.
Official site:
The 39th Biel Internatonal Festival takes place 22nd July - 4th August 2006. There are two closed tournaments, one for men, one for ladies.
Players include: Alexander Morozevich who will try to win the event for the 3rd time out of 3 appearances.. Co-winner in 2005, Alexander Volokitin is back. In addition Teimour Radjabov Magnus Carlsen, Yannick Pelletier and Lazaro Bruzon compete. The women's event sees Almira Skripchenko, Ekaterina Atalik, Monika Socko, Yelena Dembo, Anna Muzychuk and Pia Cramling compete.
Official site:
The Dutch Team Championship playoffs take place May 13th-14th 2006.
Dutch Chess Federation: - Meesterklasse Games side bar at:
Also some interesting material at: including Ian Rogers on his win against Jan Timman. In Dutch but with English version if you click on the flag.
Final Standings: Pl Team Mp Bp 1. HSG 17 65 2. U-Boat Worx 14 55½ 3. 12 51½ 4. SO Rotterdam 12 50½ 5. LSG 11 45½ 6. Post jr/ESGOO 8 41½ 7. HMC Calder 6 41 8. Homburg Apeldoorn 6 40½ 9. HWP Sas van Gent 4 34½ 10. Stukkenjagers 0 23½ Play-offs for the title amongst the top four teams are on 13th-14th May 2006. Semi-Finals - 13th May 2006 SO Rotterdam - HSG U-Boat Worx - Finale - 14th May, 12.00
The Mtel Masters takes place in Sofia 9th (opening ceremony) - 21st (closing) May 2006. Players: Veselin Topalov, Viswanathan Anand, Peter Svidler, Etienne Bacrot, Gata Kamsky and Ruslan Ponomariov.
The 2nd Alajuela international open (Costa Rica) takes place 11th-16th July 2006.
Further details:
If you've won a game that's appeared in Chessbase Megabase 2005 then find out a series of results which by separation means you beat Garry Kasparov! Fun stuff from Karlheinz Zoechling. I'm not in Megabase but have beaten someone who has a separation of two, giving me a separation of three!
The 15th Open International DEchecs de Martigny takes place 4th-7th August 2006.
Further detail:
An IRT (International Rated Tournament) takes place in Buenos Aires, Argentina, organized by FAOGBA (Federación de Ajedrez del Oeste del Gran Buenos Aires) Federation of Chess of the West of Great Buenos Aires. Apr, 19th-May, 20th 2006. 11 players, average ELO 2118 (eight rated players) It takes place in the halls of the Italian Society of the city of Merlo, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Official site:
The 15th Kavala Open takes place 4th-11th August 2006. There is one (traditional) Open Tournament, which is at the same time the Greek Championships. This year they decided to form two groups with very low elo players competing separately, so as not to create great elo differences and discourage high-ranked players from participating (and being paired with a 1400 player, when a game loss, or draw might mean an "elo catastrophy") on a swiss tournament such as this one. This separation of low elos and the bigger ones is done for the first time in Greece, previously all competed in one tournament. The 1st group players will be eligible for Greek Open titles in men's and women's competitions.
Entries must be sent by fax to + 30.2510.226871 or by e-mail :, not later than July 24th and should include full name, ELO Rating, telephone and dates of arrival and departure. Telephone communication : Vassilis Liogkas : +30.2510.622370 and 6977474684
Further info: or
The 5th Knokke Open International Chess Tournament takes place 12th-15th August 2006 The Belgium Chess Club 'Cnoc Is Ier' located at the coast city Knokke Belgium, the tournament accredited by the Flemish Chess Federation exists of 7 rounds 'Swiss system 2 hours K.O'.
Prize money provided for a total amount of 2275 Euro 1st prize: 750 euro - 2e prize: 375 euro - 3e prize: 200 euro 4e prize: 125 euro - 6e until 13e prize: 25 euro. The best youth player (born after 15 Aug. 1990): 50 euro - Best senior (born before 12 Aug. 1946): 50 euro
The participants who win no money prize will rewarded with a gift prize.
Tournament participation Before 31 July 2006 one pays 20 euro, afterwards 25 euro. Participation is for nobody free. Maximum 120 players are allowed. Registrations happen in order of recieved payment. Participants must present themselves on the 12 of Augusts between 10 and 12 O'clock.
Register by e-mail
Further details:
Jonathan Speelman is playing a charity chess simultaneous for the Seafarers UK on Saturday April 22nd. 2006. The venue will be HMS BELFAST, a floating museum on the Thames moored opposite the Tower of London. Registration for the event will begin from 12 noon for a 1pm start. All chess enthusiasts, including club players, are invited to join in. Players are asked to donate £25. They should contact Hugh Breidenbach on 07808 067049 or for a reference number, and can then pay online using the fundraising webpage
Only 40 places are available. The event will take 3-4 hours. Tea and coffee will be served from the cash bar in the playing This will benefit SEAFARERS UK, supporting survivors of accidents in the fishing fleet, which suffers 10 lost vessels and 2 fatalities each month, and also those invalided out of the Merchant Navy and Royal Navy/Royal Marines who would be disadvantaged or homeless without their help.
These details can also be found on the English Chess Federation website (Directly to the document download at:
Seafarers UK is also known as King George?s Fund for Sailors, registered charity number 226446. You can find out more about them at
The Dortmunder Sparkassen Chess Meeting takes place 29th July - 6th August 2006. Players: Arkadij Naiditsch, Vladimir Kramnik, Levon Aronian, Peter Svidler, Peter Leko, Boris Gelfand, Michael Adams and Baadur Jobava.
Official site was last year.
The Grundfosis a GM-tournament cat. X-XI in Aarhus, Denmark, August 5th-13th 2006 with a special event on August 4.
There will also be an IM-tournament, cat. V (5 women vs. 5 men) and Soren Sogaard ( needs female players with an ELO between 2350 and 2450.
The Canadian Open takes place July 15th-23rd 2006 in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada.
Further details: is celebrating its 10th Anniversary. It has a 10th Anniversary Commemorative Coin:
Home of: Grandmaster V.V. Palciauskas' The World of Correspondence Chess Senior International Master Knudsen's The Correspondence Chess Place The Campbell Report Ralph Marconi's Chess Pages The Canadian Correspondence Chess Association (CCCA) American Postal Chess Tournaments (APCT) The Correspondence Chess Message Board (TCCMB) and much, much more!
Official site:
Both Presidential tickets for the upcoming FIDE Elections in Turin now have websites.
FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov:
Bessel Kok:
15th Monarch Assurance Isle of Man International Dates: 23 September - 1 October 2006 Venue: Ocean Castle Hotel, Port Erin, Isle of Man Total Prize Fund: £17,500
Three sections: (1) Masters (9-round FIDE Rated swiss, ACP registered, GM/IM norms achievable, first prize £3,000) (2) Under 2000 / ECF grade 175 (7 round swiss, starts 25 Sept) (3) Under 1640 / ECF grade 130 (7 round swiss, starts 25 Sept)
Confirmed entries so far include nine 2600+ rated players (Korneev, Efimenko, Kobalia, Krasenkow, Volkov, Socko, Shabalov, Khenkin, Iordachescu, Landa) plus US women's champion Anna Zatonskih, etc.
For entry details, consult the tournament website ( or contact tournament director Dennis Hemsley, 3 Links Avenue, Port St Mary, Isle of Man IM9 5EY, tel. 44(0)1624 833742, fax 44(0)1624 833583, email
The Dutch Championship takes place in Hilversum 16th June - 2nd July 2006.
Official site:
Men's Event 1. Ivan Sokolov Lelystad 2676 GM 2. Sergei Tiviakov Groningen 2669 GM 3. Loek van Wely Tilburg 2655 GM 4. Jan Timman Amsterdam 2616 GM 5. Friso Nijboer Amsterdam 2584 GM 6. Erwin l' Ami Woerden 2565 GM 7. Daniel Stellwagen Soest 2543 GM 8. Jan Smeets Oegstgeest 2535 GM 9. Jan Werle Groningen 2529 GM - elect 10. John van der Wiel Voorschoten 2511 GM 11. Yge Visser Groningen 2480 IM 12. Jeroen Bosch Nijmegen 2465 IM Women's Championship 1. Zhao Qin Peng Rotterdam 2395 GM 2. Tea Lanchava Winschoten 2380 IM 3. Petra Schuurman Eindhoven 2258 FM 4. Bianca Muhren Rosmalen 2253 WIM 5. Marlies Bensdorp Maarssen 2251 WIM 6. Linda Jap Tjoen San Den Haag 2191 WIM 7. Mariska Bertholee-de Mie Haarlem2153 8. Arlette van Weersel Etten Leur 2148 9. Maartje de Jonge Utrecht 2136 10. Pauline van Nies Zoetermeer 2107
Central Chess Club, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov and the Chess Assistant Club invites chess players and chess clubs from your country to take part in the Open Internet chess blitz Cup dedicated to 50 year jubilee of the Central Chess Club (Moscow) for the prizes of FIDE president Kirsan Ilyumzhinov.
The prize-winning fund of the Cup makes 10 000 USD that will be played off in 10 qualifying tournaments (April 1 - May 3) and 2 final tournaments (May 6 and 10). The closing ceremony and winners rewarding will be made by Kirsan Ilyumzhinov in May during the 37th Chess Olympiad in Turin (Italy).
The Cup tournaments will be held at Chess Assistant playing zone (
E-mail for contacts:
Christophe Bouton has started a chess blog in French at:
The 4th Solingen chess weeks will be held in Solingen (Germany) June 10th- June 18th. Festival consists of Blitz tournament (June 10th, 22 games (11 rounds with 2 games));
Rapid Tournament (9 rounds, 20 min/game) will take place June 11th.
Main tournaments are two Open from June 15th to 18th; 7 rounds Swiss system 2h/40+ 1h/ Rest; A-tournament is open for all players and Elo-rated. Top prizes 800/500/400 euros
B-tournament is open for all players with a rating below 2000; top prizes 300/200/150 euros
Further information: Andreas Peschel: 0175-5912407;
Tournament site:
There is new information about the Czech Tour 2006/2007 including:
CZECH OPEN 2006 17th International Festival of Chess, Bridge and Games European Amateurs Championship in Chess Pardubice 13th-30th July 2006, Czech Republic
2nd WORLD SCHOOL CHESS TEAMS CHAMPIONSHIP Tournaments for school chess teams in categories U12, U14, U16 Pardubice, July 12th-20th, 2006
6th ZNOJMO OPEN (the Dukla hotel and Monastery of Louka) 13th-21st May 2006 .
9th OLOMOUC CHESS SUMMER (the Sigma hotel) 2nd-10th August 2006.
3rd HIGHLANDS OPEN (Havlickuv Brod, the Slunce hotel) 23rd September - 1st October 2006.
7th LIBEREC OPEN (the Liberec hotel) 11th-18th November 2006.
6th PRAGUE OPEN (TOP HOTEL Praha) 11th-18th January 2007.
6th MARIENBAD OPEN (the Evropa hotel) 19th-27th January 2007.
Further details: or Dr. Jan Mazuch, Director of CZECH OPEN & CZECH TOUR -
In addition there is the 27th Tournament of Chess Hopes and 17th Pobeskydi Tournament organised by the town of Frydek-Mistek 13th-17th April 2006.
Further details:
New updates to the Computer chess calendar with the latest official computer chess tournaments and an updated PGN database. The latest events added:
01. CCT-8 2006, Rybka won 02. IPCCC 2005, Rybka won 03. Dutch-open 2005, Zappa won 04. WCCC, Zappa won 05. Australasian NCC-ch 2005, Bodo won 06. Polish-ch, Gosu won
Next events are: 06th International CSVN Tournament Leiden, 2006-05-05 up to 2006-05-07 14th WCCC Torino, 2006-05-25 up to 2006-06-01 Please note: The information are now again available under the older domain: (selection: CC-Calendar).
The *.pgn database with official computer chess tournaments have now 8.673 games and 726 games from older tournaments (time before 1990).
The Esbjerg Chess Union organises the 21st North Sea Cup July 8th-15th 2006.
Further information and registration: Jens Nielsen, Storegade 66, 6700 Esbjerg, (+45)75123975, e-mail: Registration not later than Sunday July 2nd.
Further details:
The 30th Blackpool Chess Conference took place 10th-12th March 2006. Open results Results from the 30th Blackpool Chess Conference, 10-12 March 2006, held at the Winter Gardens, Blackpool, England 1st= on 4.5/5 GM Mark Hebden & John Merriman £550 each 3rd Lawrence Trent 4/5 £200
Official site:
1. 23rd- 31st of March 22nd Budapest SPRING FESTIVAL 9 rounds Swiss Open org.: NL.
2. 1st-14th of April, GM-IM-FM round robins, 9-13 games, norm possibilities, in Budapest, Hungarian Chess Federation, Falk Miksa Str.10. 2nd floor. Organisation: Nagy Laszlo, FIDE International Chess Organizer /NL/, E-mail: Website: Other website: Phone-fax: +(361)-2632859, cellphone: +(36)-30-230-1914 /From 12:00 a.m. until midnight - Central European Time - GMT+1 hour/..
3. 15th-23rd of April Kecskemet, IM tmt, org: Dr.Erdelyi, Tamas, e-mail: Website: Usually also in the second half of the month IM tmt-s in Kecskemet. 100 km South from Budapest.
4. 6th - 18th of May, Budapest, FIRST SATURDAY GM-IM-FM, org.NL.
5.. 20th-30th of May, Budapest, ELEKES memorial GM-IM closed tmt, org.IM Zsinka, e-mail:
6. 19th-27th of May, ZALAKAROS Open, 9 rounds Swiss, Info: IM Horvath, Tamas, e-mail: website:
7. 3rd-16th of June, FIRST SATURDAY GM /cat.VII and cat IX together/ - IM-FM closed tournaments, Budapest, Org.NL.
8.. 17th-25th of June, BALATONLELLE Open, GM-IM closed, 130 km West from Budapest, org. IM RIGO, e-mail: Website:
9.. 1st-13th of July, FIRST SATURDAY GM-IM-FM closed, Bp. Org.NL,
10. 15th-23rd of July, AGRIA Open 9 rounds Swiss, Eger, 100 km North from Budapest, Org. RAUCH Ferenc, e-mail:
11.. 24th-30th of July, SZOMBATHELY SUMMER Open 9 rounds Swiss, 300 km West from Budapest, Org: FM KORPICS, Zsolt, e-mail:
13. 5th-17th of August, FIRST SATURDAY, Bp, GM /cat.XII-IX-VII/ - IM-FM closed, Org: NL.
14. 21st -29th of August, TALENTUM Kupa, Open, Zamárdi , org. Valis János. E-mail:
15. 2nd-14th of September FS GM-IM Budapest, org.Nagy László
16. 7th-19th of October, FS GM-IM, Bp. Org.Nagy László.
17. 4th-16th of November FS GM-IM-FM closed tmt, info NL.
18. Second half of November, TENKES KUPA, Harkány, 250 km South West from Budapest, Organizer: Mr FULOP, Csaba E-mail:
19. 2nd-15th of December, FS GM-IM-FM, info NL.
The 6th International Chess Festival Znojmo Open 2006 takes place 13th-21st May 2006 in Znojmo (the Czech Republic). Among others European Women Rapid Chess Championship (the prize fund 5 000 EUR), FIDE open, The Znojmo Little Queen and Open Championship of the Southmoravian chess federation in active chess will be a part of the festival.
Contact: Dr. Jan Mazuch, Director of CZECH OPEN & CZECH TOUR -
Website for the Czech Tour:
For German Readers The excellent series "How good is your chess", written by the english Grandmaster Daniel King, appears also in the german language as "Test & Training". You can download a free sample in the section "Training" at
Vladimir Kramnik will play the ChessBase computer program Deep Fritz in a 6 game match 25th November - 5th December 2006 in the Germans Art and Exhibition Hall in Bonne. Kramnik stands to win a prize of $1 Million US for a win in the match doubling his starting fee.
Asked how he estimates his chances, Kramnik reacted cautiously: "Fritz examines millions of moves per second. It is extraordinarily difficult to play against such a calculating monster. Right from the start you are walking on a very narrow ridge, and you know that any inattentiveness will be your downfall. It is a scientific experiment and I will have to fight very hard for my chance." The WCC is being organized by Universal Event Promotion (UEP), in cooperation with the Art and Exhibition Hall.
Schedule: Game 1: Saturday 25.11.2006 16h Game 2: Monday 27.11.2006 16h Game 3: Wednesday 29.11.2006 16h Game 4: Friday 01.12.2006 16h Game 5: Sunday 03.12.2006 16h Game 6: Tuesday 05.12.2006 16h During the entire period of the match the Art and Exhibition Hall will offer a varied program.
The 10th Anniversary Chess Festival "The Battle of Senta 1697" takes place 21st-30th July 2006. Events: A Main tournament, B tournament, rapid-transit ( ,, Blitz ,, ) tournament, rapid-transit tournament, childrens rapid-transit tournament, womens rapid-transit tournament
Information, registration for tournaments and private accommodation bookings at Seles Ambrus, 27 Fruskogorska street, 24400 Senta Serbia-Montenegro . Telephone number : +381-24-813-251 or mob. +381-63-8-754-713, E-mail : ,, novaklaslo@ptt.yu,
Further details:
The Copenhagen Chess Festival, including the Politiken Cup will take place 22nd-30th July 2006. Nigel Short has already agreed to participate.
Further details:
The 3rd South Wales International Chess Tournament takes place 8-13 July 2006.
Official site:
The Brno Chess Festival takes place in the Czech Republic, 30th June - 9th July 2006.
Events: A. Grandmasters close tournament 30.6.-9.7.2006 SKANSKA BRNO 2006 B. 2 masters close tournament 30.6.-9.7.2006 DS BRNO 2006 and ZS BRNO 2006 C. Open tournament FIDE 1.7.-9.7.2006 OPEN DURAS BVK FIDE D. Open tournament national 1.7.-9.7.2006 OPEN DURAS BVK national E. Open blitz tournament 8.7.2006 Memorial Vaclav Felix F. Simultaneous games 5.7.2006
Further details:
The World Youth Under 16 Chess Olympiad takes place in 5th-13th August 2006 in Dogubeyazit, Agri Turkey.
Official site:
The Official web site for the Andrew Martin Chess Academy goes live on Wednesday, March 1st featuring A Game Annotation Service A personal on-line tuition and coaching service A regular newsletter A Series of (real OTB) tournaments for Children under 14 years.
Official site: (
The XIX edition of the Ciudad de León chess tournament takes place 8th-12th June 2006 at the Junta de Castilla y León building in León, Spain.
Players: Veselin Topalov, Viswanathan Anand, Paco Vallejo and Lázaro Bruzón.
There will be 2 semi finals (June 9th and June 10th) and a final (June 11th)
Official sites: and/or
The Spanish closed and open Championships will be held in León November 22nd-30th 2006. The Hotel Conde Luna from León will be the venue and the official hotel of the organization.
The 2nd San Marino International Chess Open takes place in the Republic of San Marino June 5th-11th 2006, at the end of the Turin World Chess Olympiad. Prize fund 40.000, 1st prize 10.000. For any related information visit the internet website
For further info:
Las Vegas Masters Chess Tournament June 10th-14th, 2006
School House Chess Center, Las Vegas, USA FIDE rated, 9 round Swiss, open to players rated FIDE 2200 and higher. $3,800 prize fund, free entry to GMs and non-US IMs.
Website: Info: Chris Bird, (702)575-0635,
National Open Chess Tournament June 16th-18th, 2006
Riviera Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas, USA 6 round Swiss, 8 sections: Open, U2200, U2000, U1800, U1600, U1400, U1200 and Unrated. Estimated $100,000 total prize fund! Free entry to GMs. Side events include Susan Polgar World Championship for Girls and National Open Blitz Championship.
01.02.06 Tournaments in Alushta:
GM Norm: 29.04-9.05, 11.05-21.05, 23.05-1.06, 2.06-12.06, 16.06-26.06, 2.09-12.09, 14.09-24.09, 26.096.10,
IM Norm: 29.04-9.05, 11.05-21.05, 23.05-1.06, 2.06-12.06, 16.06-26.06, 2.09-12.09, 14.09-24.09, 26.096.10,
Rating tournament: 5.06-13.06, 23.0627.06
Open tournament (under 16 years) First prize - 200$ 14.06-22.06, Swiss 9 rounds.
Open tournament First prize - 1000$ First prize (woman)- 500$: 28.06-6.07, Swiss 9 rounds. Open tournament (rapid chess) 7.078.07, Swiss 9 rounds. Blitz tournament 9.07. Session of school of Gennadi Kuzmin 23.0627.06. Individual and group studying.
Further information: phone +38 (06560)5-05-32, +380505828911 (for Russian speaking) + 38 050 669-26-04 (for English speaking) e-mail:
The 20th Pula Open (Croatia) takes place 18th-25th June 2006.
Further details and entry:
The second GM against the World game on the Olympiad site will be GM Misho Cebalo (Croatia) and he it start on Monday, January 9th. Just Register on the Olympiad website and wait to receive your password by email. Then Enter the game in PlayArea/play on line
Further details:
The 2nd Festival Scacchistico Internazionale "Città di Lodi" takes place in Lodi, Italy, 5th-11th June 2006. Prize fund Euros20.000,00.
Further details: or
The 14th Donau Open took place 26th-31st December 2005. I couldn't get the official site: to work correctly.
The Asian Youth Championships took place in New Delhi December 7th-14th 2005.
Games, Results, photos are available at
Swiss Chess Tour Davos Festival 2006 with Viktor Korchnoi playing the first time in individual senior championship
The "Swiss Chess Tour 2006" will continue in Davos with Chess Summer Festival from August 5-13, 2006. Main event will be the 6th European Individual Senior Championship. The second tournament will be 5. Davos Open. The first time Davos host an official event. Just to remind, Davos is one of the most popular tourist places in Europe (summer and winter), with specific micro clime, unique in the world.
6th European Individual Senior Championship, August 7th to 13th 2006. "Sunstar Park Hotel" (4 stars) will be host festival in the new, comfortable Congress Center. Swiss system, 9 rounds and the games will last a maximum of 6 hours (40 moves for 2 hours and 60 minutes till the end). Valid for FIDE titles and rating: FIDE, Swiss (SSB) and German (DWZ). Seniors: men born 1945 and earlier; women born 1955 and earlier. Prize (men): 2.500/1.700/1.000/700/600/500/2x400/2x300 SF. 3 group rating prize (200/150/100 SF). Women: 400/300/3x200 SF; Entry fee 70 SF; at the door 10 SF more. Time table: Rounds 1 15.00-21.00 August 5th; Round 2/8 9.30-15.30 August 6th-12th; Round 9 9.30-15.30 August 13th.
5th Davos Open, 7 rounds and the games will last a maximum of 6 hours (40 moves for 2 hours and 60 minutes till the end). Prize are: 1.500 SF, 1.200, 900, 700, 500, 400, 300, 250, 200 and 150 SF. Natural prizes for 4 and more points. Special prizes for best Lady, best local player. Entry fee 140 SF, FMs and juniors 70 SF, GMs and IMs free; juniors lodging at Sunstar Park Hotel free; at the door 10 SF more. Time table: Rounds 1 15.00-21.00 August 6th; Round 2/7 16.00-22.00 August 7th-12th. Venue: "Sunstar Park Hotel" Congress Center. Closing ceremony August 13th, 4 p.m. Unbelievable chess-rates. Info Beochess: +41+62+9654-650 (Robert Spoerri) or or
The second Season of the Iranian Super League starts from 3rd October 2005. News: Mehrdad Pahlevanzadeh.
Further details: and
Soren Sogaard has announced that his site Seagaard ChessReviews will be updated after receiving a lot of positive e-mails, "I decided to try to keep running the site. I also got two new reviewers, and the well known danish IM Steffen Pedersen reviews his first book." He'll see if he can keep it going another 6 months.
The Mezezers International Open 2006 (110 km from Riga Latvia) takes place 1st-6th July 2005.
Jovan Petronic has a new website with some news on it.
Chess Samizdat is a new portal which offers free syndicated chess content to the world via JS and RSS feed.
In addition to Olympiad history there is now European Team Championship history (1957-2005) available at:
Winton Capital British Chess Solving Championship, 2005-2006 The starter round of this competition has now finished and the solution to the starter problem, and other details, is available at the website:
Peter Leko now has a web site.
The ICCF have announced the 1st WebChess Open Tournament and invites every player worldwide to participate in the event. The event is to be played on the ICCF dedicated Webserver This tournament is open to all correspondence chess players worldwide, also for those without any previous ICCF experience. Multiple entries are allowed. The tournament will be played in three stages - preliminaries, semifinal and final.
The Russian Chess Federation is celebrating its 10th anniversary and is using this occasion to challenge the rest of the world to a match over 64 boards with 2 games for each and the start is 15.02 2004. Players include Joop van Oosterom
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