THE WEEK IN CHESS 595 3rd April 2006 by Mark Crowther

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Mark Crowther
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1) Introduction
2) 15th Amber Rapid and Blindfold Chess Tournament
3) April 2006 FIDE Rating List
4) Bundesliga
5) Top 16 French League
6) 7th European Individual Chess Championships
7) Victor Ciocaltea Memorial
8) Dutch Team Championship
9) Torre ENTEL PCS
10) 22nd Spring Festival Open
11) First Saturday April
12) Beer-Sheva Rapid
13) Frascati 2nd International Chess Week
14) Belgian Interteams
15) Austrian Teams
16) 2nd Bundesliga West
17) Estonian Championships
18) Phillips 66 Open
19) Dos Hermanas Open
20) FIDE Presidential Election Websites
21) Forthcoming Events and Links


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The London Chess Centre - The Big Weekend Saturday 1st April - Monday 3rd April 2006:

Games section

15th Amber Tournament          36 games
Bundesliga                    128 games
Top 16 French League           72 games
Victor Ciocaltea Memorial      24 games
Dutch Team Championship        43 games
Torre ENTEL PCS                25 games
22nd Spring Festival Open     183 games
First Saturday April            6 games
Beer-Sheva Rapid                2 games
Frascati International         35 games
Austrian Teams                396 games
2nd Bundesliga West           396 games
Estonian Championships         92 games
Phillips 66 Open               29 games
Dos Hermanas Open              19 games
1486 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to Koos Stolk, Stefan Loeffler, John Saunders, Thomas Henrich, Harald Grafenhofer, Miklos Orso, Pascal Villalba, Bednay Dezso, Laszlo Nagy, Frank Berry, Jovan Petronic, Christophe Bouton, Holger Lieske, Yochanan Afek, Massimo Megale, Luiz Roberto Da Costa Jr, and everyone else who helped with the issue.

The Amber tournament finished in a tie between Viswanathan Anand (his 5th win) and Alexander Morozevich (3rd). Morozevich showed his tremendous gifts in the blindfold section which he took with a record 9.5/11. Anand scored a pretty impressive 8/11 to take the rapid. Elsewhere there is a lot of team chess with the Bundesliga concluding with victory for Baden Baden and the finalists being settled in the French League.

Hope you enjoy this issue.


2) 15th Amber Rapid and Blindfold Chess Tournament

The 15th Amber Rapid and Blindfold Chess Tournament, organized by the Association Max Euwe, took place at the Fairmont Monte Carlo Hotel in Monaco from March 18th (first round) - March 30th (last round) 2006. The total prizefund is Euro 216.000. Time controls: 25mins + 10 seconds a move for rapid and + 20 seconds a move for blindfold. Alexander Morozevich totally dominated the blindfold section scoring 9.5/11 three! points clear of the field. Anand won the rapid section with 8/11 and Morozevich and Anand shared first in the combined standings.

Official site:


Round 9 (March 28, 2006)

Leko, Peter              -  Morozevich, Alexander    0-1   42  B47  Sicilian Paulsen
Van Wely, Loek           -  Grischuk, Alexander      1-0   43  D34  Tarrasch Defence, Main Line
Topalov, Veselin         -  Svidler, Peter           0-1   34  E94  King's Indian Classical
Nielsen, Peter Heine     -  Anand, Viswanathan       1/2   20  E20  Nimzo Indian
Aronian, Levon           -  Gelfand, Boris           0-1   43  B89  Sicilian Sozin Attack
Ivanchuk, Vassily        -  Vallejo Pons, Francisco  1/2   25  D43  Anti-Meran Gambit

Round 10 (March 29, 2006)

Morozevich, Alexander    -  Ivanchuk, Vassily        1-0   50  B40  Sicilian Classical
Anand, Viswanathan       -  Aronian, Levon           1-0   73  C41  Philidor's Defence
Vallejo Pons, Francisco  -  Van Wely, Loek           1-0   35  B43  Sicilian Paulsen
Grischuk, Alexander      -  Leko, Peter              1-0   76  E32  Nimzo Indian 4.Qc2
Gelfand, Boris           -  Topalov, Veselin         1/2   37  E48  Nimzo Indian
Svidler, Peter           -  Nielsen, Peter Heine     1-0   50  B50  Sicilian Defence

Round 11 (March 30, 2006)

Leko, Peter              -  Vallejo Pons, Francisco  1-0   41  C69  Ruy Lopez Exchange
Van Wely, Loek           -  Morozevich, Alexander    0-1   34  E97  King's Indian Classical
Topalov, Veselin         -  Anand, Viswanathan       1/2   38  C88  Ruy Lopez Closed
Nielsen, Peter Heine     -  Gelfand, Boris           1/2   18  A31  English Symmetrical
Aronian, Levon           -  Svidler, Peter           1-0   25  A00  Irregular Openings
Ivanchuk, Vassily        -  Grischuk, Alexander      1/2   59  D32  Tarrasch Defence

Amber Blindfold Monte Carlo MNC (MNC), 18-30 iii 2006     cat. XIX (2723)
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1 Morozevich, Alexander    g RUS 2721 * 1 1 = 1 = 1 1 1 = 1 1  9.5  3032
 2 Anand, Viswanathan       g IND 2792 0 * = 0 1 1 = = = = 1 1  6.5  2782
 3 Vallejo Pons, Francisco  g ESP 2650 0 = * = 0 = 1 1 1 1 = =  6.5  2795
 4 Grischuk, Alexander      g RUS 2717 = 1 = * 1 = 0 0 = = 1 =  6.0  2760
 5 Leko, Peter              g HUN 2740 0 0 1 0 * = 1 = 1 1 = =  6.0  2757
 6 Gelfand, Boris           g ISR 2723 = 0 = = = * = 0 = = 1 1  5.5  2723
 7 Svidler, Peter           g RUS 2765 0 = 0 1 0 = * = 1 1 0 1  5.5  2719
 8 Van Wely, Loek           g NED 2647 0 = 0 1 = 1 = * 0 0 1 0  4.5  2665
 9 Topalov, Veselin         g BUL 2801 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 1 * 1 0 1  4.5  2651
10 Nielsen, Peter Heine     g DEN 2644 = = 0 = 0 = 0 1 0 * = =  4.0  2628
11 Aronian, Levon           g ARM 2752 0 0 = 0 = 0 1 0 1 = * =  4.0  2618
12 Ivanchuk, Vassily        g UKR 2729 0 0 = = = 0 0 1 0 = = *  3.5  2589


Round 9 (March 28, 2006)

Anand, Viswanathan       -  Nielsen, Peter Heine     1-0   38  D58  Queens Gambit Tartakover
Vallejo Pons, Francisco  -  Ivanchuk, Vassily        1/2   27  C88  Ruy Lopez Closed
Grischuk, Alexander      -  Van Wely, Loek           1-0   35  B31  Sicilian Rossolimo
Morozevich, Alexander    -  Leko, Peter              0-1   98  C88  Ruy Lopez Closed
Gelfand, Boris           -  Aronian, Levon           0-1   45  A56  Old Indian Defence
Svidler, Peter           -  Topalov, Veselin         0-1   68  B90  Sicilian Najdorf Variation

Round 10 (March 29, 2006)

Topalov, Veselin         -  Gelfand, Boris           1-0   57  C42  Petroff's Defence
Aronian, Levon           -  Anand, Viswanathan       1/2   21  C24  Bishop's Opening
Ivanchuk, Vassily        -  Morozevich, Alexander    1-0   63  D13  Slav Exchange
Van Wely, Loek           -  Vallejo Pons, Francisco  1-0   34  D38  QGD Ragozin
Leko, Peter              -  Grischuk, Alexander      1/2   26  B63  Sicilian Rauzer
Nielsen, Peter Heine     -  Svidler, Peter           1/2   24  D16  Slav Lasker/Smyslov

Round 11 (March 30, 2006)

Anand, Viswanathan       -  Topalov, Veselin         1/2   18  C65  Ruy Lopez Berlin
Vallejo Pons, Francisco  -  Leko, Peter              1/2   21  B18  Caro Kann
Grischuk, Alexander      -  Ivanchuk, Vassily        1/2   33  C42  Petroff's Defence
Morozevich, Alexander    -  Van Wely, Loek           1/2   32  B80  Sicilian Scheveningen
Gelfand, Boris           -  Nielsen, Peter Heine     1-0   38  D45  Anti-Meran Variations
Svidler, Peter           -  Aronian, Levon           0-1   40  C04  French Tarrasch

Amber Rapid Monte Carlo MNC (MNC), 18-30 iii 2006         cat. XIX (2723)
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1 Anand, Viswanathan       g IND 2792 * = = = 1 1 = = 1 = 1 1  8.0  2892
 2 Topalov, Veselin         g BUL 2801 = * = 1 0 = 1 = = 1 0 1  6.5  2781
 3 Aronian, Levon           g ARM 2752 = = * 0 1 = 1 0 1 1 0 1  6.5  2785
 4 Ivanchuk, Vassily        g UKR 2729 = 0 1 * = = = 1 0 = = =  5.5  2722
 5 Van Wely, Loek           g NED 2647 0 1 0 = * 1 0 = = 1 1 0  5.5  2730
 6 Vallejo Pons, Francisco  g ESP 2650 0 = = = 0 * = 1 = 1 = =  5.5  2730
 7 Grischuk, Alexander      g RUS 2717 = 0 0 = 1 = * 0 = = 1 1  5.5  2724
 8 Morozevich, Alexander    g RUS 2721 = = 1 0 = 0 1 * 0 = 1 0  5.0  2687
 9 Leko, Peter              g HUN 2740 0 = 0 1 = = = 1 * 0 = =  5.0  2685
10 Gelfand, Boris           g ISR 2723 = 0 0 = 0 0 = = 1 * 1 1  5.0  2687
11 Nielsen, Peter Heine     g DEN 2644 0 1 1 = 0 = 0 0 = 0 * =  4.0  2628
12 Svidler, Peter           g RUS 2765 0 0 0 = 1 = 0 1 = 0 = *  4.0  2617


Amber Combined Monte Carlo MNC (MNC), 18-30 iii 2006                   cat. XIX (2723)
                                        1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 
 1 Morozevich, Alexander    g RUS 2721 ** 1= 10 =1 1= 10 11 == 1= 10 10 =1  14.5  2840
 2 Anand, Viswanathan       g IND 2792 0= ** =1 0= == 11 1= 1= =1 =1 1= =1  14.5  2834
 3 Vallejo Pons, Francisco  g ESP 2650 01 =0 ** == 1= 0= == =1 10 1= == 1=  12.0  2766
 4 Grischuk, Alexander      g RUS 2717 =0 1= == ** =0 1= 10 == 01 01 == =1  11.5  2738
 5 Topalov, Veselin         g BUL 2801 0= == 0= =1 ** 0= 0= =1 10 01 11 10  11.0  2716
 6 Leko, Peter              g HUN 2740 01 00 1= 0= 1= ** =0 =0 == 1= =1 1=  11.0  2721
 7 Aronian, Levon           g ARM 2752 00 0= == 01 1= =1 ** 01 01 11 =0 =0  10.5  2706
 8 Gelfand, Boris           g ISR 2723 == 0= =0 == =0 =1 10 ** 00 =1 1= =1  10.5  2709
 9 Van Wely, Loek           g NED 2647 0= =0 01 10 01 == 10 11 ** =0 0= 01  10.0  2694
10 Svidler, Peter           g RUS 2765 01 =0 0= 10 10 0= 00 =0 =1 ** 1= 1=   9.5  2669
11 Ivanchuk, Vassily        g UKR 2729 01 0= == == 00 =0 =1 0= 1= 0= ** ==   9.0  2657
12 Nielsen, Peter Heine     g DEN 2644 =0 =0 0= =0 01 0= =1 =0 10 0= == **   8.0  2628

3) April 2006 FIDE Rating List

Garry Kasparov finally drops out as world number one through inactivity. When I asked Anand and Topalov about the race to be number one Anand virtually conceded Topalov would be top because Anand wasn't playing any more rated events. Topalov said he could blow it at Morelia and Linares, and he nearly did. A dreadful performance in Morelia was made up for by a tremendous comeback in Linares and he edges out Anand by a point. Both are within striking distance of Kasparov 2812 mark too. Levon Aronian rises to number three in the world from five continuing his rise as a new star of the game. Peter Svidler effectively drops a place holding number four but losing 22 points. Leko rises a place, and Ponomariov and Morozevich both gain three places. Vladimir Kramnik drops again after his poor performance in the Russian Championship. Gelfand and Ivanchuk make up the remains of the top 10. Teimour Radjabov's rise continues after his great result in Linares gaining 17 points. The rest of the list is remarkably devoid of interest, only players in the 90s drop out of the list and there are re-entries from players on the edge of the list although Baadur Jobava did gain 32 points to get back in the list at 65. Magnus Carlsen gains another 21 points in his inevitable rise.

Source: The full list is available for download there.

FIDE Top 100 Players April 2006 
 No. Ja  Name                        t NAT YroB ju04 oc04 ja05 ap05 ju05 oc05 ja06 ap06 Gms
  1   2  Topalov, Veselin..........  g BUL 1975 2737 2757 2757 2778 2788 2782 2801 2804 27  
  2   3  Anand, Viswanathan........  g IND 1969 2782 2781 2786 2785 2788 2788 2792 2803 13  
  3   5  Aronian, Levon............  g ARM 1982 2671 2675 2684 2693 2724 2724 2752 2756 27  
  4   4  Svidler, Peter............  g RUS 1976 2727 2735 2735 2725 2738 2740 2765 2743 28  
  5   7  Leko, Peter...............  g HUN 1979 2741 2743 2749 2763 2763 2751 2740 2738 27  
  6  10  Ponomariov, Ruslan........  g UKR 1983 2722 2710 2700 2695 2704 2704 2723 2738 16  
  7  11  Morozevich, Alexander.....  g RUS 1977 2743 2758 2741 2717 2707 2707 2721 2730 10  
  8   6  Kramnik, Vladimir.........  g RUS 1975 2770 2760 2754 2753 2744 2739 2741 2729 11  
  9   9  Gelfand, Boris............  g ISR 1968 2709 2693 2696 2713 2724 2717 2723 2727 13  
 10   8  Ivanchuk, Vassily.........  g UKR 1969 2715 2705 2711 2739 2752 2748 2729 2723 28  
 11  17  Adams, Michael............  g ENG 1971 2738 2740 2741 2737 2719 2718 2707 2720 15  
 12  12  Grischuk, Alexander.......  g RUS 1983 2705 2704 2710 2724 2720 2720 2717 2719 3   
 13  19  Radjabov, Teimour.........  g AZE 1987 2664 2663 2667 2673 2682 2704 2700 2717 14  
 14  14  Polgar, Judit.............  g HUN 1976 2728 2728 2728 2732 2735 2735 2711 2711 0   
 15  13  Bacrot, Etienne...........  g FRA 1983 2712 2718 2715 2731 2729 2725 2717 2708 30  
 16  18  Akopian, Vladimir.........  g ARM 1971 2692 2692 2693 2703 2705 2707 2704 2706 19  
 17  20  Bareev, Evgeny............  g RUS 1966 2715 2715 2709 2709 2688 2675 2698 2701 11  
 18  16  Shirov, Alexei............  g ESP 1972 2725 2726 2713 2714 2705 2710 2709 2699 10  
 19  15  Mamedyarov, Shakhriyaz....  g AZE 1985 2662 2660 2657 2646 2646 2674 2709 2699 23  
 20  23  Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter...  g ROM 1976 2686 2687 2673 2670 2679 2707 2693 2695 3   
 21  30  Sasikiran, Krishnan.......  g IND 1981 2666 2668 2657 2642 2652 2663 2670 2692 27  
 22  22  Malakhov, Vladimir........  g RUS 1980 2674 2664 2664 2670 2673 2670 2694 2691 11  
 23  35  Rublevsky, Sergei.........  g RUS 1974 2686 2649 2650 2645 2645 2652 2665 2687 11  
 24  26  Lautier, Joel.............  g FRA 1973 2666 2682 2678 2678 2672 2680 2682 2682 3   
 25  28  Harikrishna, P............  g IND 1986 2609 2612 2632 2646 2645 2673 2673 2680 7   
 26  63  Georgiev, Kiril...........  g BUL 1965 2626 2625 2654 2666 2666 2648 2645 2677 28  
 27  24  Sokolov, Ivan.............  g NED 1968 2679 2663 2685 2662 2691 2696 2689 2676 16  
 28  39  Jakovenko, Dmitry.........  g RUS 1983 2596 2596 2596 2608 2627 2644 2662 2675 24  
 29  32  Kasimdzhanov, Rustam......  g UZB 1979 2640 2650 2678 2670 2670 2670 2670 2673 3   
 30  21  Dreev, Alexey.............  g RUS 1969 2690 2698 2704 2705 2698 2694 2697 2673 20  
 31  29  Karpov, Anatoly...........  g RUS 1951 2682 2682 2674 2674 2672 2672 2672 2672 0   
 32  25  Kamsky, Gata..............  g USA 1974 2717 2717 2717 2700 2700 2690 2686 2671 13  
 33  57  Korneev, Oleg.............. g RUS 1969 2587 2583 2602 2611 2594 2599 2649 2671 79  
 34  37  Zvjaginsev, Vadim.........  g RUS 1976 2650 2650 2653 2649 2659 2659 2664 2670 11  
 35  45  Azmaiparashvili, Zurab....  g GEO 1960 2679 2672 2662 2671 2672 2658 2658 2669 17  
 36  33  Tiviakov, Sergei..........  g NED 1973 2601 2617 2627 2631 2678 2700 2669 2669 23  
 37  27  Short, Nigel D............  g ENG 1965 2684 2687 2674 2673 2673 2673 2676 2668 11  
 38  41  Bologan, Viktor...........  g MDA 1971 2663 2669 2683 2700 2700 2682 2661 2666 22  
 39  54  Vallejo Pons, Francisco...  g ESP 1982 2679 2678 2686 2677 2681 2674 2650 2666 23  
 40  48  Eljanov, Pavel............  g UKR 1983 2613 2629 2643 2641 2639 2663 2655 2665 11  
 41  46  Naiditsch, Arkadij........  g GER 1985 2574 2611 2623 2626 2612 2641 2657 2664 25  
 42  65  Nakamura, Hikaru..........  g USA 1987 2601 2620 2613 2657 2660 2662 2644 2664 14  
 43  34  Efimenko, Zahar...........  g UKR 1985 2572 2594 2601 2620 2643 2637 2666 2662 18  
 44  38  Smirin, Ilia..............  g ISR 1968 2671 2673 2644 2649 2652 2673 2662 2662 0   
 45  47  Moiseenko, Alexander......  g UKR 1980 2640 2653 2669 2665 2664 2663 2657 2662 18  
 46  42  Karjakin, Sergey..........  g UKR 1990 2591 2576 2599 2635 2645 2658 2660 2661 22  
 47  68  Motylev, Alexander........  g RUS 1979 2658 2651 2665 2680 2675 2632 2638 2660 33  
 48  36  Volokitin, Andrei.........  g UKR 1986 2638 2652 2685 2679 2671 2666 2665 2660 9   
 49  31  Areshchenko, Alexander....  g UKR 1986 2575 2580 2570 2595 2625 2653 2670 2660 19  
 50  44  Navara, David.............  g CZE 1985 2616 2620 2644 2647 2663 2646 2660 2658 13  
 51  62  Almasi, Zoltan............  g HUN 1976 2644 2650 2628 2628 2619 2640 2646 2657 13  
 52  59  Van Wely, Loek............  g NED 1972 2680 2681 2679 2687 2655 2648 2647 2655 13  
 53  49  Kobalia, Mikhail..........  g RUS 1978 2618 2621 2634 2644 2614 2634 2654 2654 0   
 54  53  Najer, Evgeniy............  g RUS 1977 2608 2624 2624 2615 2614 2641 2652 2653 14  
 55  55  Bruzon, Lazaro............  g CUB 1982 2628 2637 2652 2669 2662 2677 2650 2652 24  
 56  72  Krasenkow, Michal.........  g POL 1963 2632 2676 2672 2672 2663 2655 2636 2650 11  
 57  56  Onischuk, Alexander.......  g USA 1975 2655 2653 2652 2638 2628 2640 2650 2650 0   
 58  52  Izoria, Zviad.............  g GEO 1984 2593 2600 2607 2602 2606 2646 2652 2647 16  
 59  71  Dominguez, Lenier.........  g CUB 1983 2629 2645 2661 2658 2639 2635 2638 2647 9   
 60  66  Nielsen, Peter Heine......  g DEN 1973 2652 2663 2648 2653 2668 2646 2644 2646 2   
 61  61  Asrian, Karen.............  g ARM 1980 2586 2591 2602 2611 2611 2645 2646 2646 13  
 62  89  Carlsen, Magnus...........  g NOR 1990 2567 2581 2553 2548 2528 2570 2625 2646 13  
 63  50  Timofeev, Artyom..........  g RUS 1985 2611 2611 2619 2622 2661 2658 2653 2646 9   
 64  60  Miton, Kamil............... g POL 1984 2597 2600 2583 2592 2589 2636 2646 2646 0   
 65  --  Jobava, Baadur............. g GEO 1983 2615 2614 2640 2637 2621 2601 2614 2646 22 
 66  90  Gashimov, Vugar...........  g AZE 1986 2586 2586 2585 2585 2594 2608 2625 2644 13  
 67  77  Gurevich, Mikhail.........  g TUR 1959 2667 2644 2634 2630 2669 2652 2633 2643 13  
 68  67  Tkachiev, Vladislav.......  g FRA 1973 2615 2609 2609 2605 2625 2629 2642 2643 3   
 69  43  Khalifman, Alexander......  g RUS 1966 2669 2669 2662 2658 2653 2653 2660 2640 20  
 70  40  Delchev, Aleksander.......  g BUL 1971 2603 2601 2597 2614 2656 2669 2661 2640 11  
 71  75  Alekseev, Evgeny..........  g RUS 1985 2606 2604 2605 2597 2625 2632 2634 2640 9   
 72  64  Bu, Xiangzhi..............  g CHN 1985 2620 2615 2607 2630 2632 2637 2645 2640 9   
 73  85  Zhang, Zhong..............  g CHN 1978 2603 2596 2591 2599 2608 2598 2629 2640 8   
 74  87  Bauer, Christian..........  g FRA 1977 2590 2622 2636 2640 2641 2625 2627 2638 30  
 75  73  Ibragimov, Ildar..........  g USA 1967 2582 2585 2603 2611 2605 2617 2635 2637 15  
 76  58  Sakaev, Konstantin........  g RUS 1974 2664 2669 2677 2672 2669 2668 2649 2637 12  
 77  74  Seirawan, Yasser..........  g USA 1960 2631 2631 2631 2631 2635 2635 2635 2635 0   
 78  92  Cheparinov, Ivan..........  g BUL 1986 2567 2576 2572 2621 2634 2618 2625 2635 29  
 79  51  Aleksandrov, Aleksej......  g BLR 1973 2666 2659 2635 2635 2630 2636 2653 2634 14  
 80  91  Fressinet, Laurent........  g FRA 1981 2637 2640 2638 2638 2627 2624 2625 2633 19  
 81  78  Avrukh, Boris.............  g ISR 1978 2600 2614 2629 2642 2652 2653 2633 2633 0   
 82  81  Huebner, Robert Dr........  g GER 1948 2624 2624 2624 2624 2636 2637 2632 2632 0   
 83  82  Granda Zuniga, Julio E....  g PER 1967 2605 2605 2599 ---- 2601 2637 2631 2631 0   
 84  93  Sutovsky, Emil............  g ISR 1977 2679 2697 2669 2665 2674 2654 2624 2628 10  
 85  79  Sokolov, Andrei...........  g FRA 1963 2583 2591 2582 2598 2603 2623 2632 2628 10  
 86  99  Atalik, Suat..............  g TUR 1964 ---- 2541 2560 2561 2561 2620 2618 2627 22  
 87  69  Zhang, Pengxiang..........  g CHN 1980 2519 2519 2560 2583 2616 2613 2638 2623 9   
 88  88  Beliavsky, Alexander G....  g SLO 1953 2679 2660 2635 2630 2599 2631 2626 2622 13  
 89  70  Milov, Vadim..............  g SUI 1972 2683 2683 2668 2653 2645 2652 2638 2622 19  
 90  76  Vescovi, Giovanni.........  g BRA 1978 2648 2645 2645 2638 2640 2646 2633 2622 13  
 91  100 Istratescu, Andrei........  g ROM 1975 2603 2611 2617 2624 2624 2622 2618 2621 3   
 92  84  Volkov, Sergey............  g RUS 1974 2625 2628 2612 2634 2622 2614 2629 2620 30  
 93  86  Sadvakasov, Darmen........  g KAZ 1979 2626 2631 2635 2605 2610 2612 2629 2619 9   
 94  --  Lputian, Smbat G..........  g ARM 1958 2634 2634 2640 2640 2629 2614 2613 2619 3  
 95  98  Hjartarson, Johann .......  g ISL 1963 2628 2628 2628 2628 2621 2619 2619 2619 0   
 96  --  Galkin, Alexander.........  g RUS 1979 2598 2593 2593 2599 2598 2598 2616 2618 9  
 97  --  Korotylev, Alexe..........  g RUS 1977 2596 2596 2603 2605 2604 2604 2609 2618 9  
 98  80  Movsesian, Sergei.........  g SVK 1978 2646 2629 2624 2628 2645 2635 2632 2618 9   
 99  101 Paragua, Mark.............  g PHI 1984 ---- 2534 2586 2596 2596 2596 2618 2617 8   
100  83  Timman, Jan H.............  g NED 1951 2596 2602 2607 2607 2625 2630 2630 2616 7   
101  --  Vladimirov, Evgeny........  g KAZ 1957 2628 2627 2623 2623 2616 2616 2616 2616 0  

Dropping Out
No. Ja  Name                        t NAT YroB ju04 oc04 ja05 ap05 ju05 oc05 ja06 ap06 Gms
 1   1  Kasparov, Garry...........  g RUS 1963 2817 2813 2804 2812 2812 2812 2812 2812 0
94  85  Kotronias, Vasilios.......  g GRE 1964 2608 2599 2585 2578 2587 2626 2622 2598 12 
95  97  Ehlvest, Jaan.............  g EST 1962 2605 2631 2622 2614 2614 2618 2619 2607 35
96  79  Miroshnichenko, Evgenij...  g UKR 1978 2615 2617 2620 2628 2634 2634 2619 2597 18
97  95  Kempinski, Robert.........  g POL 1977 2612 2608 2624 2627 2619 2619 2619 2586 22 

4) Bundesliga

The final Bundesliga weekend took place April 1st-2nd 2006. Baden Baden (Anand, Svidler, Shirov etc) took the league title with a 7-1 win against Godesberger and then a 6-2 win against Köln Porz. Köln Porz took the rather odd decision to name Michael Adams in their team (a decision Adams knew nothing about until informed during his match in France) when they knew he was in fact playing in the French League this weekend. Of course this sort of conflict in scheduling between leagues was unfortunate to say the least.

Official site:

Round 14 1st April 2006

Venue: Baden Baden

OSC Baden Baden  7 - 1 Godesberger SK  
 1 Anand,Viswana 1 : 0 Kasimdzhanov,  1
 2 Svidler,Peter 1 : 0 Jenni,Florian  2
 4 Shirov,Alexei 0 : 1 Sprenger,Jan-  3
 5 Vallejo Pons, 1 : 0 Seel,Christia  4
 7 Krasenkow,Mic 1 : 0 Langheinrich,  6
 8 Movsesian,Ser 1 : 0 Grafl,Florian  7
10 Dautov,Rustem 1 : 0 Jackelen,Thom  8
11 Schlosser,Phi 1 : 0 Armbruster,Al  9

SG Kirchheim     1 - 7 SG Köln Porz    
 2 Wippermann,Ti + : - Adams,Michael  1
 4 Gschnitzer,Os 0 : 1 Lutz,Christop  2
 6 Beckhuis,Gern 0 : 1 Van Wely,Loek  3
 7 Wintzer,Joach 0 : 1 Vaganian,Rafa  5
 8 Vonthron,Hors 0 : 1 Timman,Jan H   6
 9 Rudolph,Johan 0 : 1 Graf,Alexande  7
11 Adler,Joel Dr 0 : 1 Hansen,Curt    9
14 Porth,Dietmar 0 : 1 Van den Doel, 10

Venue: Werder Bremen

Werder Bremen    6 - 2 SC Eppingen     
 1 McShane,Luke  ½ : ½ Gyimesi,Zolta  1
 2 Efimenko,Zaha ½ : ½ Postny,Evgeny  2
 3 Areshchenko,A 1 : 0 Acs,Peter      3
 4 Hracek,Zbynek ½ : ½ Meier,Georg    5
 6 Babula,Vlasti 1 : 0 Medvegy,Zolta  6
 7 Nyback,Tomi   1 : 0 Rau,Hannes     8
 8 Fish,Gennadij ½ : ½ Miltner,Arndt  9
 9 Schandorff,La 1 : 0 Schneider,Ber 13

Hamburger SK     4½-3½ TV Tegernsee    
 1 Gustafsson,Ja ½ : ½ Khenkin,Igor   1
 2 Ftacnik,Lubom ½ : ½ Ribli,Zoltan   3
 4 Hansen,Sune B ½ : ½ Bischoff,Klau  4
 6 Mueller,Karst 1 : 0 Boensch,Uwe    5
 7 Reeh,Oliver   0 : 1 Kindermann,St  6
 8 Heinemann,Thi 1 : 0 Hertneck,Gera  7
11 Van Delft,Mer ½ : ½ Teske,Henrik   8
13 Sebastian,Dir ½ : ½ Gross,David   12

Venue: Muelheim

SV Mülheim Nord  3½-4½ SV Wattenscheid 
 2 Landa,Konstan 0 : 1 Sargissian,Ga  2
 4 Fridman,Danie 0 : 1 Rustemov,Alex  4
 5 Levin,Felix   1 : 0 Holzke,Frank   6
 6 Schebler,Gerh 0 : 1 Appel,Ralf     8
 7 Saltaev,Mihai ½ : ½ Lemmers,Oscar 10
 8 Hausrath,Dani ½ : ½ Visser,Yge    12
 9 Lytchak,Alexa 1 : 0 Straeter,Timo 13
11 Sielecki,Chri ½ : ½ Thiel,Thomas  14

SF Katernberg    1½-6½ SG Aljechin Soli
 1 Volokitin,And ½ : ½ Jussupow,Artu  1
 2 Erenburg,Serg ½ : ½ Nikolic,Predr  2
 7 L'Ami,Erwin   0 : 1 Baramidze,Dav  4
 9 Senff,Martin  0 : 1 Stellwagen,Da  5
11 Souleidis,Geo 0 : 1 Gabriel,Chris  8
12 Thesing,Matth ½ : ½ Hoffmann,Mich 10
13 Scholz,Christ 0 : 1 Ernst,Sipke   11
14 Rosen,Bernd   0 : 1 Zysk,Robert   12

Venue: Kreuzberg

SC Kreuzberg     7½-½ SK Zehlendorf   
 4 Socko,Bartosz 1 : 0 Richter,Micha  1
 6 Maiwald,Jens- 1 : 0 Maksimenko,An  2
 7 Kalinitschew, ½ : ½ Heinig,Wolfra  5
 8 Lau,Ralf      1 : 0 Rahls,Peter    8
 9 Volke,Karsten 1 : 0 Lieb,Harald    9
10 Tischbierek,R 1 : 0 Kalabic,Faris 12
11 Loeffler,Stef 1 : 0 Brustkern,Jue 13
13 Glienke,Manfr 1 : 0 Liedmann,Matt 14

SF Berlin 1903   7 - 1 SC Leipzig Gohli
 5 Polzin,Rainer ½ : ½ Vogt,Lothar    1
 6 Berndt,Stepha 1 : 0 Roos,Michael   3
 7 Borriss,Marti ½ : ½ Roeber,Bjoern  4
 8 Schneider,Ilj 1 : 0 Zesch,Ludwig   5
 9 Poldauf,Dirk  1 : 0 Quast,Michael  7
10 Thiede,Lars   1 : 0 Fischer,Johan  8
11 Thinius,Marco 1 : 0 Hoffmann,Hend  9
12 Rudolf,Henrik 1 : 0 Rausch,Stepha 11

Round 15 2nd April 2006

Venue: Baden Baden

Godesberger SK   6 - 2 SG Kirchheim    
 1 Kasimdzhanov, 1 : 0 Wippermann,Ti  2
 2 Jenni,Florian 1 : 0 Gschnitzer,Os  4
 3 Sprenger,Jan- ½ : ½ Beckhuis,Gern  6
 4 Seel,Christia 1 : 0 Vonthron,Hors  8
 6 Langheinrich, ½ : ½ Rudolph,Johan  9
 7 Grafl,Florian 1 : 0 Zuse,Klaus-Pe 10
 8 Jackelen,Thom ½ : ½ Adler,Joel Dr 11
10 Schmidt,Bodo  ½ : ½ Porth,Dietmar 14

SG Köln Porz     2 - 6 OSC Baden Baden 
 1 Adams,Michael - : + Anand,Viswana  1
 2 Lutz,Christop 0 : 1 Svidler,Peter  2
 3 Van Wely,Loek 0 : 1 Shirov,Alexei  4
 5 Vaganian,Rafa ½ : ½ Vallejo Pons,  5
 6 Timman,Jan H  0 : 1 Nielsen,Peter  6
 7 Graf,Alexande ½ : ½ Krasenkow,Mic  7
 9 Hansen,Curt   ½ : ½ Movsesian,Ser  8
10 Van den Doel, ½ : ½ Schlosser,Phi 11

Venue: Werder Bremen

SC Eppingen      5 - 3 Hamburger SK    
 1 Gyimesi,Zolta ½ : ½ Gustafsson,Ja  1
 2 Postny,Evgeny ½ : ½ Ftacnik,Lubom  2
 3 Acs,Peter     1 : 0 Hansen,Sune B  4
 4 Braun,Arik    1 : 0 Mueller,Karst  6
 5 Meier,Georg   ½ : ½ Reeh,Oliver    7
 6 Medvegy,Zolta ½ : ½ Heinemann,Thi  8
 8 Rau,Hannes    1 : 0 Van Delft,Mer 11
 9 Miltner,Arndt 0 : 1 Sebastian,Dir 13

TV Tegernsee     1½-6½ Werder Bremen   
 1 Khenkin,Igor  ½ : ½ McShane,Luke   1
 3 Ribli,Zoltan  0 : 1 Efimenko,Zaha  2
 4 Bischoff,Klau 0 : 1 Areshchenko,A  3
 6 Kindermann,St 0 : 1 Hracek,Zbynek  4
 7 Hertneck,Gera 0 : 1 Babula,Vlasti  6
 8 Teske,Henrik  0 : 1 Nyback,Tomi    7
11 Bromberger,St ½ : ½ Fish,Gennadij  8
12 Gross,David   ½ : ½ Schandorff,La  9

Venue: Muelheim

SV Wattenscheid  3 - 5 SF Katernberg   
 2 Sargissian,Ga ½ : ½ Volokitin,And  1
 4 Rustemov,Alex ½ : ½ Erenburg,Serg  2
 6 Holzke,Frank  0 : 1 L'Ami,Erwin    7
 8 Appel,Ralf    ½ : ½ Senff,Martin   9
10 Lemmers,Oscar 0 : 1 Souleidis,Geo 11
13 Straeter,Timo ½ : ½ Thesing,Matth 12
14 Thiel,Thomas  1 : 0 Scholz,Christ 13
15 Lang,Daniel   0 : 1 Rosen,Bernd   14

SG Aljechin Soli 4½-3½ SV Mülheim Nord 
 1 Jussupow,Artu ½ : ½ Landa,Konstan  2
 2 Nikolic,Predr ½ : ½ Fridman,Danie  4
 4 Baramidze,Dav ½ : ½ Levin,Felix    5
 5 Stellwagen,Da 1 : 0 Schebler,Gerh  6
 8 Gabriel,Chris 1 : 0 Saltaev,Mihai  7
10 Hoffmann,Mich ½ : ½ Hausrath,Dani  8
11 Ernst,Sipke   ½ : ½ Wegener,Olaf  10
12 Zysk,Robert   0 : 1 Sielecki,Chri 11

Venue: Kreuzberg

SK Zehlendorf    2 - 6 SF Berlin 1903  
 1 Richter,Micha 0 : 1 Polzin,Rainer  5
 2 Maksimenko,An 1 : 0 Berndt,Stepha  6
 5 Heinig,Wolfra 0 : 1 Borriss,Marti  7
 7 Klimm,Wolf-Di 0 : 1 Schneider,Ilj  8
 9 Lieb,Harald   0 : 1 Poldauf,Dirk   9
12 Kalabic,Faris 0 : 1 Thiede,Lars   10
13 Brustkern,Jue 1 : 0 Thinius,Marco 11
14 Liedmann,Matt 0 : 1 Rudolf,Henrik 12

SC Leipzig Gohli 2½-5½ SC Kreuzberg    
 1 Vogt,Lothar   0 : 1 Socko,Bartosz  4
 3 Roos,Michael  0 : 1 Maiwald,Jens-  6
 4 Roeber,Bjoern 0 : 1 Kalinitschew,  7
 5 Zesch,Ludwig  ½ : ½ Lau,Ralf       8
 7 Quast,Michael 0 : 1 Volke,Karsten  9
 8 Fischer,Johan 0 : 1 Tischbierek,R 10
 9 Hoffmann,Hend 1 : 0 Loeffler,Stef 11
11 Rausch,Stepha 1 : 0 Glienke,Manfr 13

Final Round 15 Standings:
 1. OSC Baden Baden  15 28  82 
 2. Werder Bremen    15 26  76 
 3. SG Köln Porz     15 23  78 
 4. SG Aljechin Soli 15 23  72½ 
 5. TV Tegernsee     15 21  68½ 
 6. SC Kreuzberg     15 18  68½ 
 7. SF Katernberg    15 17  64 
 8. SF Berlin 1903   15 17  61½ 
 9. SV Mülheim Nord  15 15  65½ 
10. SV Wattenscheid  15 14  60 
11. Hamburger SK     15 13  61½ 
12. SC Eppingen      15 10  56½ 
13. Godesberger SK   15  9  51 
14. SG Kirchheim     15  4  38½ 
15. SC Leipzig Gohli 15  2  31½ 
16. SK Zehlendorf    15  0  24½ 

5) Top 16 French League

Rounds 4-7 of the French League took place in Montpellier (group A) and Gonfreville (Group B) the final stages take place 4th-7th May 2006. The top four in each group go into Poule Haute and play for the title, the bottom four into poule basse to avoid relegation.

Games from Group A rounds 4-5 are available. Curiously almost no games from Group B even those that took place in February seem to have been made available.

Poule haute : Nao C.C. (21), Clichy (18), Mulhouse (16), Evry (15), Monaco (21), Gonfreville (15), Nice (15), et Bischwiller (15)

Poule basse : Montpellier (14), Drancy (11), Créteil (9), Avignon (8), Cannes (14), Nancy (12), Antibes (11) et Strasbourg (9)

Further info:, and

Group A

Round 4

Nao C.C.   7 - 0   Créteil   
g KARJAKIN Serg  2660   1 - 0   GOVCIYAN Pavel   2368
g FRESSINET Lau  2625   X - X   DOURERASSOU Jon  2354
g LAUTIER Joel   2682   1 - 0   m LEPELLETIER B  2437
g BACROT Etienn  2717   1 - 0   f PARMENTIER Xa  2299
g NATAF Igor-Al  2553   1 - 0   f CALISTRI Tris  2382
g VACHIER-LAGRA  2542   X - X   BOUCHET Nicolas  2307
m COLLAS Silvia  2398   1 - 0   LEPAN Marvin     2201
g HAUCHARD Arna  2487   1 - 0   BRIH Said        2224
LOPEZ Jorge      2252   1 - 0   DELORME Laurie   2064
Mulhouse   7 - 0   Avignon   
g NAVARA David   2660   1 - 0   m GUIDARELLI La  2462
g GEORGIEV Kiri  2645   X - X   m BOUDRE Jean-P  2334
g WOJTASZEK Rad  2605   1 - 0   f GREGOIRE Sylv  2261
g SAKAEV Konsta  2649   1 - 0   DUQUESNOY Jean-  2242
g SOKOLOV Andre  2632   1 - 0   MEYNARD Thibaul  2234
g BRICARD Emman  2473   1 - 0   SALUS Stephane   2184
m WIRIG Anthony  2410   X - X   PIERONI Guillau  2158
m RIFF Jean-Noe  2444   1 - 0   BISSIERES Mathi  2206
mf MULLER Anne   2169   1 - 0   GUADALPI Celine  1902
Montpellier   2 - 4   Clichy   
g HAMDOUCHI Hic  2575   0 - 1   g DAVID Alberto  2591
g PRIE Eric      2467   0 - 1   g NISIPEANU Liv  2693
	g CONQUEST Stua  2522   X - X   g NAIDITSCH Ark  2657
g FLEAR Glenn C  2470   X - X   g BAUER Christi  2627
m LIBISZEWSKI F  2467   X - X   g TREGUBOV Pave  2556
m MAZE Sebastie  2518   0 - 1   m KOCH Jean-Ren  2441
f EDOUARD Romai  2365   1 - 0   g BAGHERI Amir   2521
gf BOGZA Adina-  2294   0 - 1   g APICELLA Manu  2519
mf FLEAR Christ  2212   1 - 0   gf MILLIET Soph  2328
Drancy   1 - 5   Evry   
g BUNZMANN Dimi  2537   0 - 1   g GASHIMOV Vuga  2625
g KOMAROV Dimit  2516   0 - 1   g KOGAN Artur    2560
g LEGKY Nikolay  2453   1 - 0   g BELKHODJA Sli  2488
f BERTHELOT Yan  2306   X - X   g RELANGE Eloi   2490
f BORNE Niels    2342   X - X   m ABERGEL Thal   2426
m SALAUN Yann    2335   0 - 1   m SEBAG Marie    2415
m GIFFARD Nicol  2313   X - X   g CRAMLING Pia   2515
WOLFANGEL Flore  1960   0 - 1   g MARCELIN Cyri  2441
CONAN Claude     1960   0 - 1   m BERGEZ Luc     2341

Round 5

Clichy   0 - 1   Nao C.C.   
g DAVID Alberto  2591   X - X   g NIELSEN Peter  2644
g NISIPEANU Liv  2693   X - X   g ADAMS Michael  2707
g BAUER Christi  2627   X - X   g GRISCHUK Alex  2717
g PELLETIER Yan  2579   X - X   g KARJAKIN Serg  2660
g NAIDITSCH Ark  2657   X - X   g BACROT Etienn  2717
g APICELLA Manu  2519   X - X   g LAUTIER Joel   2682
m KOCH Jean-Ren  2441   X - X   g FRESSINET Lau  2625
g BAGHERI Amir   2521   X - X   g NATAF Igor-Al  2553
gf MILLIET Soph  2328   0 - 1   m COLLAS Silvia  2398
Evry   1 - 3   Mulhouse   
g GASHIMOV Vuga  2625   0 - 1   g NAVARA David   2660
g KOGAN Artur    2560   X - X   g SAKAEV Konsta  2649
g CRAMLING Pia   2515   X - X   g SOKOLOV Andre  2632
g RELANGE Eloi   2490   X - X   g GEORGIEV Kiri  2645
m ABERGEL Thal   2426   0 - 1   g WOJTASZEK Rad  2605
g MARCELIN Cyri  2441   X - X   m RIFF Jean-Noe  2444
g CHABANON Jean  2411   X - X   g BRICARD Emman  2473
m SEBAG Marie    2415   0 - 1   m WIRIG Anthony  2410
m BERGEZ Luc     2341   1 - 0   mf MULLER Anne   2169
Avignon   0 - 7   Drancy   
m GUIDARELLI La  2462   X - X   g KOMAROV Dimit  2516
DUQUESNOY Jean-  2242   0 - 1   g LEGKY Nikolay  2453
m BOUDRE Jean-P  2334   0 - 1   g BUNZMANN Dimi  2537
f GREGOIRE Sylv  2261   0 - 1   m KARR Jean-Phi  2379
MEYNARD Thibaul  2234   0 - 1   f BORNE Niels    2342
BISSIERES Mathi  2206   0 - 1   m SALAUN Yann    2335
PIERONI Guillau  2158   0 - 1   m GIFFARD Nicol  2313
SALUS Stephane   2184   0 - 1   f BERTHELOT Yan  2306
GUADALPI Celine  1902   X - X   WOLFANGEL Flore  1960
Créteil   0 - 7   Montpellier   
GOVCIYAN Pavel   2368   0 - 1   g HAMDOUCHI Hic  2575
m DOMONT Alexan  2410   0 - 1   m MAZE Sebastie  2518
f CALISTRI Tris  2382   0 - 1   g CONQUEST Stua  2522
DOURERASSOU Jon  2354   0 - 1   g PRIE Eric      2467
m LEPELLETIER B  2437   0 - 1   g FLEAR Glenn C  2470
LEPAN Marvin     2201   X - X   f EDOUARD Romai  2365
ROMIEUX Sebasti  2221   X - X   m LIBISZEWSKI F  2467
f PARMENTIER Xa  2299   0 - 1   mf FLEAR Christ  2212
DELORME Laurie   2064   0 - 1   gf BOGZA Adina-  2294

Round 6

Nao C.C.   3 - 2   Evry   
g NIELSEN Peter  2644   X - X   g KOGAN Artur    2560
g ADAMS Michael  2707   X - X   g GASHIMOV Vuga  2625
g FRESSINET Lau  2625   1 - 0   m ABERGEL Thal   2426
g KARJAKIN Serg  2660   X - X   g BELKHODJA Sli  2488
g BACROT Etienn  2717   0 - 1   g RELANGE Eloi   2490
g LAUTIER Joel   2682   1 - 0   g CRAMLING Pia   2515
g GRISCHUK Alex  2717   X - X   m SEBAG Marie    2415
g VACHIER-LAGRA  2542   1 - 0   g MARCELIN Cyri  2441
m COLLAS Silvia  2398   0 - 1   g CHABANON Jean  2411
Mulhouse   2 - 3   Clichy   
g SOKOLOV Andre  2632   0 - 1   g NAIDITSCH Ark  2657
g NAVARA David   2660   X - X   g NISIPEANU Liv  2693
g WOJTASZEK Rad  2605   X - X   g BAUER Christi  2627
g GEORGIEV Kiri  2645   1 - 0   g TREGUBOV Pave  2556
g SAKAEV Konsta  2649   1 - 0   g PELLETIER Yan  2579
m WIRIG Anthony  2410   0 - 1   g APICELLA Manu  2519
g BRICARD Emman  2473   X - X   m KOCH Jean-Ren  2441
m RIFF Jean-Noe  2444   X - X   g BAGHERI Amir   2521
mf MULLER Anne   2169   0 - 1   gf MILLIET Soph  2328
Montpellier   4 - 1   Avignon   
g HAMDOUCHI Hic  2575   1 - 0   m GUIDARELLI La  2462
g FLEAR Glenn C  2470   1 - 0   MEYNARD Thibaul  2234
m HOWELL David   2486   1 - 0   m BOUDRE Jean-P  2334
m MAZE Sebastie  2518   X - X   PIERONI Guillau  2158
g CONQUEST Stua  2522   1 - 0   DUQUESNOY Jean-  2242
f EDOUARD Romai  2365   X - X   SALUS Stephane   2184
g PRIE Eric      2467   X - X   f GREGOIRE Sylv  2261
ZHARKOV Hleb     2235   0 - 1   CLEMENT Olivier  2113
mf FLEAR Christ  2212   X - X   GUADALPI Celine  1902
Drancy   3 - 3   Créteil   
g KOMAROV Dimit  2516   1 - 0   m LEPELLETIER B  2437
g BUNZMANN Dimi  2537   X - X   f CALISTRI Tris  2382
m KARR Jean-Phi  2379   1 - 0   DOURERASSOU Jon  2354
g LEGKY Nikolay  2453   1 - 0   m DOMONT Alexan  2410
f BERTHELOT Yan  2306   0 - 1   GOVCIYAN Pavel   2368
f BORNE Niels    2342   X - X   BOUCHET Nicolas  2307
m SALAUN Yann    2335   0 - 1   BRIH Said        2224
m GIFFARD Nicol  2313   X - X   ROMIEUX Sebasti  2221
WOLFANGEL Flore  1960   0 - 1   DELORME Laurie   2064

Round 7

Avignon   0 - 9   Nao C.C.   
m GUIDARELLI La  2462   0 - 1   g KARJAKIN Serg  2660
f GREGOIRE Sylv  2261   0 - 1   g ADAMS Michael  2707
m BOUDRE Jean-P  2334   0 - 1   g GRISCHUK Alex  2717
BISSIERES Mathi  2206   0 - 1   g BACROT Etienn  2717
DUQUESNOY Jean-  2242   0 - 1   g LAUTIER Joel   2682
PIERONI Guillau  2158   0 - 1   g FRESSINET Lau  2625
MEYNARD Thibaul  2234   0 - 1   g NATAF Igor-Al  2553
CLEMENT Olivier  2113   0 - 1   g VACHIER-LAGRA  2542
GUADALPI Celine  1902   0 - 1   m COLLAS Silvia  2398
Créteil   1 - 8   Mulhouse   
DOURERASSOU Jon  2354   1 - 0   g GEORGIEV Kiri  2645
m LEPELLETIER B  2437   0 - 1   g NAVARA David   2660
m DOMONT Alexan  2410   0 - 1   g SAKAEV Konsta  2649
f CALISTRI Tris  2382   0 - 1   g SOKOLOV Andre  2632
GOVCIYAN Pavel   2368   0 - 1   g WOJTASZEK Rad  2605
ROMIEUX Sebasti  2221   0 - 1   m RIFF Jean-Noe  2444
LEPAN Marvin     2201   0 - 1   m WIRIG Anthony  2410
BOUCHET Nicolas  2307   A - 1   g BRICARD Emman  2473
DELORME Laurie   2064   0 - 1   mf MULLER Anne   2169
Evry   3 - 3   Montpellier   
g KOGAN Artur    2560   X - X   g CONQUEST Stua  2522
g GASHIMOV Vuga  2625   X - X   m MAZE Sebastie  2518
g BELKHODJA Sli  2488   0 - 1   g HAMDOUCHI Hic  2575
g RELANGE Eloi   2490   0 - 1   m HOWELL David   2486
m SEBAG Marie    2415   1 - 0   g PRIE Eric      2467
g CRAMLING Pia   2515   X - X   g FLEAR Glenn C  2470
g CHABANON Jean  2411   0 - 1   f EDOUARD Romai  2365
g MARCELIN Cyri  2441   1 - 0   m LIBISZEWSKI F  2467
m BERGEZ Luc     2341   1 - 0   mf FLEAR Christ  2212
Clichy   5 - 2   Drancy   
g NAIDITSCH Ark  2657   X - X   g LEGKY Nikolay  2453
g BAUER Christi  2627   0 - 1   g KOMAROV Dimit  2516
g TREGUBOV Pave  2556   1 - 0   g BUNZMANN Dimi  2537
g APICELLA Manu  2519   0 - 1   m GIFFARD Nicol  2313
g PELLETIER Yan  2579   1 - 0   f BERTHELOT Yan  2306
g DAVID Alberto  2591   X - X   m SALAUN Yann    2335
g BAGHERI Amir   2521   1 - 0   m KARR Jean-Phi  2379
m KOCH Jean-Ren  2441   1 - 0   WOLFANGEL Flore  1960
gf MILLIET Soph  2328   1 - 0   CONAN Claude     1960

Pl. Team        Pts  
1   Nao C.C.    21   7    36   39   3
2   Clichy      18   7    18   27   9
3   Mulhouse    16   7    15   24   9
4   Evry        15   7    14   27   13
5   Montpellier 14   7     5   22   17
6   Drancy      11   7   -15   14   29
7   Créteil      9   7   -36    7   43
8   Avignon      8   7   -37    5   42

Group B

Round 4

Strasbourg   1 - 6   Monaco   
g DOETTLING Fab  2542   X - X   g ALMASI Zoltan  2646
g ROZENTALIS Ed  2582   1 - 0   g SOKOLOV Ivan   2689
m VARGA Peter    2415   X - X   g ELJANOV Pavel  2655
g KALLAI Gabor   2504   0 - 1   g KOSTEN Anthon  2501
f AGUETTAZ Maxi  2338   0 - 1   g DORFMAN Josif  2595
m ROOS Daniel    2410   0 - 1   g RENET Olivier  2494
m ROOS Louis     2344   0 - 1   m SKRIPCHENKO A  2461
m ROOS Jean-Luc  2294   0 - 1   g MIRALLES Gill  2485
GRAS Delphine    1956   0 - 1   g MARCIANO Davi  2513
Nice   3 - 1   Gonfreville   
g DELCHEV Aleks  2661   1 - 0   g BOLOGAN Vikto  2661
g VAISSER Anato  2573   1 - 0   g DEGRAEVE Jean  2553
g AGREST Evgeni  2591   X - X   g GUREVICH Mikh  2633
g NIKOLAIDIS Io  2525   X - X   g RAUSIS Igors   2506
g SULAVA Nenad   2497   X - X   m ELIET Nicolas  2434
m DUNIS Aurelie  2534   0 - 1   MIDOUX Sebastie  2314
m BUJISHO Benja  2386   1 - 0   m PAYEN Arnaud   2399
m SHARIF Mehrsh  2467   X - X   m VALLIN Guilla  2414
mf NICOARA Mali  2237   X - X   FERRY Justine    1860
Nancy   0 - 7   Cannes   
f NEZAR Mustaph  2394   X - X   g TKACHIEV Vlad  2642
m MARZOLO Cyril  2393   0 - 1   g KAZHGALEYEV M  2607
f SPIELMANN Ala  2284   0 - 1   g GALLAGHER Jos  2531
f TADDEI Benoit  2266   X - X   g FONTAINE Robe  2524
STEININGER Deni  1952   0 - 1   m SIEBRECHT Seb  2429
AZZAM Ameziane   1947   0 - 1   m CORNETTE Matt  2388
ACHEREINER Guil  1949   0 - 1   g ANIC Darko     2467
COLLIN Serge     1499   0 - 1   m LEVACIC Damir  2283
AZZAM Radia      1499   A - 1   gf LECONTE Mari  2332
Bischwiller   4 - 3   Antibes   
m BUHMANN Raine  2546   1 - 0   g KOTRONIAS Vas  2622
m SCHENK Andrea  2495   X - X   g IVANISEVIC Iv  2588
g GALDUNTS Serg  2485   0 - 1   g MILADINOVIC I  2607
g PINTER Jozsef  2530   X - X   g MASTROVASILIS  2573
m WAGNER Claude  2376   0 - 1   ACHER Mathieu    2354
f NETZER Jean    2362   0 - 1   BIJAOUI Manuel   2355
m MENSCH Etienn  2336   1 - 0   PEREZ Flavio     2237
HEINZ Timothee   2261   1 - 0   COCHET Caroline  2036
gf LALLEMAND Ro  2279   1 - 0   BOKIAS Iannis    2097

Round 5

Monaco    9 - 0    Nancy    
g ELJANOV Pavel  2655   1 - 0   m MARZOLO Cyril  2393
g MALAKHOV Vlad  2694   1 - 0   f NEZAR Mustaph  2394
g DORFMAN Josif  2595   1 - 0   f SPIELMANN Ala  2284
g SOKOLOV Ivan   2689   1 - 0   f TADDEI Benoit  2266
g ALMASI Zoltan  2646   1 - 0   AZZAM Ameziane   1947
g MARCIANO Davi  2513   1 - 0   ACHEREINER Guil  1949
g KOSTEN Anthon  2501   1 - 0   STEININGER Deni  1952
g RENET Olivier  2494   1 - 0   AZZAM Radia      1499
m SKRIPCHENKO A  2461   1 - 0   COLLIN Serge     1499
Gonfreville   1 - 1   Bischwiller   
g BOLOGAN Vikto  2661   1 - 0   m BUHMANN Raine  2546
g DEGRAEVE Jean  2553   X - X   m SCHENK Andrea  2495
g GUREVICH Mikh  2633   X - X   g GALDUNTS Serg  2485
g RAUSIS Igors   2506   X - X   g PINTER Jozsef  2530
m PAYEN Arnaud   2399   X - X   m MENSCH Etienn  2336
m VALLIN Guilla  2414   X - X   m WAGNER Claude  2376
m ELIET Nicolas  2434   X - X   HEINZ Timothee   2261
MIDOUX Sebastie  2314   X - X   f NETZER Jean    2362
FERRY Justine    1860   0 - 1   gf LALLEMAND Ro  2279
Antibes   1 - 3   Nice   
g MILADINOVIC I  2607   X - X   g VAISSER Anato  2573
g MASTROVASILIS  2573   X - X   g DELCHEV Aleks  2661
g KOTRONIAS Vas  2622   1 - 0   g SULAVA Nenad   2497
g IVANISEVIC Iv  2588   X - X   g AGREST Evgeni  2591
BIJAOUI Manuel   2355   X - X   m SHARIF Mehrsh  2467
ACHER Mathieu    2354   0 - 1   m DUNIS Aurelie  2534
PEREZ Flavio     2237   0 - 1   m BUJISHO Benja  2386
BOKIAS Iannis    2097   X - X   f FELLER Sebast  2301
COCHET Caroline  2036   0 - 1   mf NICOARA Mali  2237
Cannes   2 - 3   Strasbourg   
g TKACHIEV Vlad  2642   X - X   g DOETTLING Fab  2542
g PALAC Mladen   2561   X - X   g ROZENTALIS Ed  2582
g GALLAGHER Jos  2531   X - X   m VARGA Peter    2415
g KAZHGALEYEV M  2607   X - X   g KALLAI Gabor   2504
g FONTAINE Robe  2524   1 - 0   f AGUETTAZ Maxi  2338
m SIEBRECHT Seb  2429   0 - 1   m ROOS Daniel    2410
m CORNETTE Matt  2388   0 - 1   m ROOS Louis     2344
g ANIC Darko     2467   0 - 1   m ROOS Jean-Luc  2294
gf LECONTE Mari  2332   1 - 0   GRAS Delphine    1956

Round 6

Bischwiller    0 - 7    Monaco    
m BUHMANN Raine  2546   X - X   g MALAKHOV Vlad  2694
g PINTER Jozsef  2530   0 - 1   g SOKOLOV Ivan   2689
m SCHENK Andrea  2495   X - X   g ELJANOV Pavel  2655
f SCHMITT Andre  2282   0 - 1   g ALMASI Zoltan  2646
m WAGNER Claude  2376   0 - 1   m SKRIPCHENKO A  2461
m MENSCH Etienn  2336   0 - 1   g RENET Olivier  2494
HEINZ Timothee   2261   0 - 1   g MIRALLES Gill  2485
gf LALLEMAND Ro  2279   0 - 1   g KOSTEN Anthon  2501
MARX Nicolas     2090   0 - 1   g MARCIANO Davi  2513
Nancy   0 - 7   Gonfreville   
m MARZOLO Cyril  2393   0 - 1   g BOLOGAN Vikto  2661
m COLLAS Didier  2443   X - X   g DEGRAEVE Jean  2553
f NEZAR Mustaph  2394   0 - 1   g GUREVICH Mikh  2633
f TADDEI Benoit  2266   X - X   g RAUSIS Igors   2506
f SPIELMANN Ala  2284   0 - 1   m ELIET Nicolas  2434
STEININGER Deni  1952   0 - 1   m PAYEN Arnaud   2399
AZZAM Ameziane   1947   0 - 1   MIDOUX Sebastie  2314
ACHEREINER Guil  1949   0 - 1   m VALLIN Guilla  2414
AZZAM Radia      1499   0 - 1   FERRY Justine    1860
Nice   4 - 3   Cannes   
g DELCHEV Aleks  2661   1 - 0   g KAZHGALEYEV M  2607
g SULAVA Nenad   2497   0 - 1   g TKACHIEV Vlad  2642
g VAISSER Anato  2573   1 - 0   g FONTAINE Robe  2524
m SHARIF Mehrsh  2467   X - X   g PALAC Mladen   2561
g NIKOLAIDIS Io  2525   1 - 0   g GALLAGHER Jos  2531
m DUNIS Aurelie  2534   1 - 0   g ANIC Darko     2467
m BUJISHO Benja  2386   X - X   m CORNETTE Matt  2388
f FELLER Sebast  2301   0 - 1   m SIEBRECHT Seb  2429
mf NICOARA Mali  2237   0 - 1   gf LECONTE Mari  2332
Strasbourg   2 - 4   Antibes   
g DOETTLING Fab  2542   X - X   g MASTROVASILIS  2573
g ROZENTALIS Ed  2582   0 - 1   g IVANISEVIC Iv  2588
g KALLAI Gabor   2504   X - X   g MILADINOVIC I  2607
m VARGA Peter    2415   X - X   g KOTRONIAS Vas  2622
m ROOS Louis     2344   1 - 0   BIJAOUI Manuel   2355
m ROOS Daniel    2410   0 - 1   ACHER Mathieu    2354
m ROOS Jean-Luc  2294   0 - 1   PEREZ Flavio     2237
f AGUETTAZ Maxi  2338   0 - 1   BOKIAS Iannis    2097
GRAS Delphine    1956   1 - 0   COCHET Caroline  2036

Round 7

Monaco    4 - 1    Nice    
g ELJANOV Pavel  2655   X - X   g DELCHEV Aleks  2661
g SOKOLOV Ivan   2689   1 - 0   g AGREST Evgeni  2591
g MALAKHOV Vlad  2694   X - X   g NIKOLAIDIS Io  2525
g ALMASI Zoltan  2646   1 - 0   m SHARIF Mehrsh  2467
g RENET Olivier  2494   X - X   g SULAVA Nenad   2497
g DORFMAN Josif  2595   0 - 1   m DUNIS Aurelie  2534
g MIRALLES Gill  2485   1 - 0   m BUJISHO Benja  2386
g MARCIANO Davi  2513   X - X   f FELLER Sebast  2301
m SKRIPCHENKO A  2461   1 - 0   mf NICOARA Mali  2237
Gonfreville   2 - 1   Strasbourg   
g BOLOGAN Vikto  2661   1 - 0   g DOETTLING Fab  2542
g DEGRAEVE Jean  2553   X - X   g ROZENTALIS Ed  2582
g GUREVICH Mikh  2633   1 - 0   g KALLAI Gabor   2504
g RAUSIS Igors   2506   X - X   m VARGA Peter    2415
m ELIET Nicolas  2434   X - X   m ROOS Louis     2344
m PAYEN Arnaud   2399   0 - 1   m ROOS Daniel    2410
MIDOUX Sebastie  2314   X - X   m ROOS Jean-Luc  2294
m VALLIN Guilla  2414   X - X   f AGUETTAZ Maxi  2338
FERRY Justine    1860   X - X   GRAS Delphine    1956
Cannes   5 - 0   Bischwiller   
g TKACHIEV Vlad  2642   X - X   m SCHENK Andrea  2495
g PALAC Mladen   2561   X - X   g PINTER Jozsef  2530
g KAZHGALEYEV M  2607   X - X   m BUHMANN Raine  2546
g FONTAINE Robe  2524   1 - 0   m WAGNER Claude  2376
m SIEBRECHT Seb  2429   1 - 0   f SCHMITT Andre  2282
g GALLAGHER Jos  2531   1 - 0   HEINZ Timothee   2261
g ANIC Darko     2467   1 - 0   m MENSCH Etienn  2336
m CORNETTE Matt  2388   X - X   gf LALLEMAND Ro  2279
gf LECONTE Mari  2332   1 - 0   MARX Nicolas     2090
Antibes   8 - 0   Nancy   
g IVANISEVIC Iv  2588   1 - 0   m COLLAS Didier  2443
g MILADINOVIC I  2607   X - X   m MARZOLO Cyril  2393
g KOTRONIAS Vas  2622   1 - 0   f NEZAR Mustaph  2394
g MASTROVASILIS  2573   1 - 0   f TADDEI Benoit  2266
ACHER Mathieu    2354   1 - 0   f SPIELMANN Ala  2284
BIJAOUI Manuel   2355   1 - 0   STEININGER Deni  1952
PEREZ Flavio     2237   1 - 0   ACHEREINER Guil  1949
BOKIAS Iannis    2097   1 - 0   AZZAM Ameziane   1947
COCHET Caroline  2036   1 - 0   AZZAM Radia      1499

Pl. Team          Pts   
1   Monaco        21   7    34   40   6
2   Bischwiller   15   7   -7    14   21
3   Nice          15   7    1    16   15
4   Gonfreville   15   7    6    19   13
5   Cannes        14   7    8    25   17
6   Nancy         12   7   -29    7   36
7   Antibes       11   7   -1    22   23
8   Strasbourg     9   7   -12   11   23

6) 7th European Individual Chess Championships

The 7th European Individual Chess Championships take place 4th - 17th April 2006, in Kusadasi, Turkey.

Game start daily 14:00. Rest day: 11th April. Time control: 90 min./40 + 30 min./rest + 30 sec./move. Tiebreaks for Championship, medal places and qualifiers for WCC. Participants: Ivanchuk, Delchev, Naiditsch, Aleksandrov, Izoria, Sakaev, Asrian, Georgiev, Krasenkov, Gurevich, Fressinet, Kotronias, Kempinski, Atalik, Galkin, Jobava, Socko, Lutz, Pantsulaia, Belov, Fedorov, Graf, Sargissian, Anastasian, Kozul. Total prize fund is 48,000 Euro.

Official site:

7) Victor Ciocaltea Memorial

The Victor Ciocaltea Memorial took place in Bucharest 8th-20th March 2006. Andrei Murariu won the event with 8/12. Games from rounds 10-13 now available.

Official site:

Victor Ciocaltea Mem Bucharest ROM (ROM), 8-20 iii 2006        cat. VIII (2447)
                                           1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 
 1. Murariu, Andrei            m ROM 2461  * = = = 1 0 = 1 1 1 1 1 1  9.0  2639 
 2. Lupulescu, Constantin      m ROM 2513  = * 1 = = 1 0 = = 1 = 1 1  8.0  2567 
 3. Sanduleac, Vasile          m MDA 2473  = 0 * = = = 1 1 1 = 1 1 =  8.0  2570 
 4. Badea, Bela                g ROM 2492  = = = * = 1 = = = = 1 1 1  8.0  2568 
 5. Carmaciu, Lucian-Catalin   f ROM 2400  0 = = = * 1 = = 1 = 0 1 1  7.0  2508 
 6. Pap, Misa                  m SCG 2402  1 0 = 0 0 * = = 1 1 1 = 1  7.0  2508 
 7. Shishkin, Vadim UKR        m UKR 2545  = 1 0 = = = * = 1 = = 0 1  6.5  2468 
 8. Barnaure, Vlad-Victor      f ROM 2416  0 = 0 = = = = * 0 1 = 1 1  6.0  2450 
 9. Golubev, Mikhail           g UKR 2499  0 = 0 = 0 0 0 1 * = 1 = 1  5.0  2386 
10. Ionescu, Constantin        g ROM 2463  0 0 = = = 0 = 0 = * = = =  4.0  2321 
11. Ionescu, Mihai             m ROM 2389  0 = 0 0 1 0 = = 0 = * 0 =  3.5  2294 
12. Lemmers, Oscar             m NED 2425  0 0 0 0 0 = 1 0 = = 1 * 0  3.5  2291 
13. Chirila, Ioan Cristian     f ROM 2339  0 0 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 = = 1 *  2.5  2226 

8) Dutch Team Championship

The Dutch Team Championship Meesterklasse takes place 24th September 2005 - 23rd April 2006. After eight rounds HSG (Loek van Wely, Predrag Nikolic, Yasser Seirawa, Friso Nijboer, Daniel Stellwagen, Jan Smeets, Erwin l' Ami, Ljubomir Ljubojevic, Ian Rogers etc ) lead by a point from their only serious rivals U-Boat Worx (Ivan Sokolov, Michael Adams, Jan Timman, Laurent Fressinet, Sergei Movsesian, Vladimir Chuchelov, Mikhail Gurevich etc) by a point with a round to go. They met on March 25th in round 8 and drew 5-5. Although the final standings are established by a playoff amongst the top four teams at the end of the season. Games now available.

Dutch Chess Federation: - Meesterklasse Games side bar at:

Also some interesting material at: including Ian Rogers on his win against Jan Timman. In Dutch but with English version if you click on the flag.

Ronde 8 - 25th March 2006         - Post jr/ESGOO      6 - 4
Homburg Apeldoorn - Stukkenjagers      8 - 1 *
SO Rotterdam      - LSG                6 - 4
U-Boat Worx       - HSG                5 - 5
HMC Calder        - HWP Sas van Gent   7 - 3

Pl Meesterklasse    Mp Bp 
1. HSG              15 57 
2. U-Boat Worx      14 53 
3.        10 45 
4. SO Rotterdam     10 43 
5. LSG               9 38 
6. Post jr/ESGOO     8 37 
7. HMC Calder        6 39 
8. Homburg Apeldoorn 6 37 
9. HWP Sas van Gent  2 29 
10. Stukkenjagers    0 21 

9) Torre ENTEL PCS

The Torre ENTEL PCS tournament takes place in Santiago, Chile 22nd-29th March 2006. The computer program Rybka ( competed and scored 9/11 although it didn't count in the official final standings. Those were headed by Julio Granda Zuniga who was half a point clear of Emilio Cordova.

Official site:

Torre ENTEL PCS Santiago CHI (CHI), 22-29 iii 2006       cat. IX (2460)
                                         1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
 1. Granda Zuniga, Julio E   g PER 2631  * 1 = 0 1 = 1 1 1 1  7.0  2661
 2. Cordova, Emilio          m PER 2440  0 * 0 1 = 1 1 1 1 1  6.5  2628
 3. Felgaer, Ruben           g ARG 2607  = 1 * 1 = = = 0 1 1  6.0  2569
 4. Leitao, Rafael           g BRA 2575  1 0 0 * = = 1 1 1 1  6.0  2572
 5. Hellsten, Johan          g SWE 2574  0 = = = * = 1 = 1 1  5.5  2527
 6. Zambrana, Oswaldo        m BOL 2405  = 0 = = = * 0 1 0 1  4.0  2423
 7. Rojas, Luis              m CHI 2423  0 0 = 0 0 1 * 0 = 1  3.0  2339
 8. Flores Rios, Mauricio    f CHI 2332  0 0 1 0 = 0 1 * 0 0  2.5  2308
 9. Arancibia, Eduardo         CHI 2409  0 0 0 0 0 1 = 1 * 0  2.5  2300
10. Alvarez Nunez, Julian      CHI 2208  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 *  2.0  2268

Torre ENTEL PCS Santiago CHI (CHI), 22-29 iii 2006        cat. VII (2419)
                                         1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
 1. RYBKA                          ----  * = 1 = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1  9.0  2826 
 2. Cordova, Emilio          m PER 2440  = * 0 1 0 = 1 1 1 1 1  7.0  2565 
 3. Granda Zuniga, Julio E   g PER 2631  0 1 * 0 = 1 = 1 1 1 1  7.0  2546 
 4. Leitao, Rafael           g BRA 2575  = 0 1 * 0 = = 1 1 1 1  6.5  2512 
 5. Felgaer, Ruben           g ARG 2607  0 1 = 1 * = = = 0 1 1  6.0  2471 
 6. Hellsten, Johan          g SWE 2574  0 = 0 = = * = 1 = 1 1  5.5  2439 
 7. Zambrana, Oswaldo        m BOL 2405  0 0 = = = = * 0 1 0 1  4.0  2347 
 8. Rojas, Luis              m CHI 2423  0 0 0 0 = 0 1 * 0 = 1  3.0  2269 
 9. Flores Rios, Mauricio    f CHI 2332  0 0 0 0 1 = 0 1 * 0 0  2.5  2234 
10. Arancibia, Eduardo         CHI 2409  0 0 0 0 0 0 1 = 1 * 0  2.5  2226 
11. Alvarez Nunez, Julian      CHI 2208  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 *  2.0  2199 

10) 22nd Spring Festival Open

The 22nd Spring Festival Open took place in Budapest 23rd-31st March 2006. Jouni Yrjola and Nguyen Huynh Minh H finished on 7/9 with the former having the better tie-break.

Official site:

22nd Spring Festival Open Budapest HUN (HUN), 23-31 iii 2006
 1. Yrjola, Jouni               g  FIN 2396  7.0  52.0  39.50  36.5  2396 2433 +0.34 
 2. Nguyen Huynh Minh H         f  VIE 2217  7.0  48.5  35.25  40.5  2217 2466 +2.86 
 3. Kahn, Evarth                m  HUN 2312  6.5  51.5  36.00  34.5  2312 2394 +0.92 
 4. Galyas, Miklos              m  HUN 2374  6.5  51.0  32.75  33.0  2374 2362 -0.10 
 5. Leviczki, Tibor             f  HUN 2311  6.5  49.0  34.50  33.0  2311 2370 +0.65 
 6. Szamoskozi, Gabor              HUN 2245  6.5  49.0  33.50  32.5  2245 2383 +1.64 
 7. Szell, Lajos                f  HUN 2198  6.0  51.0  32.75  34.5  2198 2388 +2.31 
 8. Hess, Christian1            f  GER 2320  6.0  49.0  30.50  32.5  2320 2304 -0.21 
 9. Mitscherling, Andreas       f  GER 2247  6.0  47.5  29.25  32.0  2247 2307 +0.69 
10. Duong The Anh               f  VIE 2287  6.0  46.5  27.25  33.0  2287 2325 +0.42 
11. Lengyel, Bela               m  HUN 2291  5.5  47.0  27.50  31.5  2291 2314 +0.28 
12. Moriuchi, Toshiyuki            JPN 2282  5.5  46.5  33.00  22.5  2282 2412 +0.50 
13. Bjornsson, Tomas            f  ISL 2213  5.5  46.0  26.25  30.0  2213 2254 +0.55 
14. To Nhat Minh                   HUN 2175  5.5  45.5  24.75  27.0  2175 2189 +0.18 
15. Keschitz, Gyorgy               HUN 2281  5.5  45.0  24.75  28.5  2281 2254 -0.35 
16. Bednay, Bence                  HUN 2231  5.5  43.5  29.00  29.0  2231 2262 +0.30 
17. Karim, Ismael                  MAR 2234  5.5  42.5  27.75  29.0  2234 2317 +0.86 
18. Halldorsson, Jon Arni          ISL 2145  5.0  48.0  24.50  27.0  2145 2162 +0.13 
77 players

11) First Saturday April

The First Saturday tournaments for April take place 1st-11th April 2006.

Official site:

FSGM April Budapest HUN (HUN), 1-11 iv 2006              cat. VIII (2433)
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Ilincic, Zlatko        g SCG 2545  * . . . . . . . . . . 1  1.0       
 2. Farago, Ivan           g HUN 2526  . * . . . . . = . . . .  0.5  2411 
 3. Hera, Imre jr            HUN 2443  . . * = . . . . . . . .  0.5  2480 
 4. Hoang Thanh Trang      m VIE 2480  . . = * . . . . . . . .  0.5  2443 
 5. Kristjansson, Stefan   m ISL 2476  . . . . * . . . . . = .  0.5  2326 
 6. Pap, Gyula               HUN 2393  . . . . . * . . . = . .  0.5  2447 
 7. Pataki, Gyozo            HUN 2375  . . . . . . * . = . . .  0.5  2400 
 8. Sendur, Adnan          m TUR 2411  . = . . . . . * . . . .  0.5  2526 
 9. Seres, Lajos           g HUN 2400  . . . . . . = . * . . .  0.5  2375 
10. Szabo, Krisztian1      m HUN 2447  . . . . . = . . . * . .  0.5  2393 
11. Morrison, Graham SCO   f SCO 2326  . . . . = . . . . . * .  0.5  2476 
12. Wittmann, Walter       m AUT 2372  0 . . . . . . . . . . *  0.0       

12) Beer-Sheva Rapid

The traditional Beer-Sheva was held in a 3 days rapid format (25 minutes + 10 seconds increment) March 19th-21st 2006.

Final standings: 1.-2. GM A. Khuzman & GM B. Avrukh 8/11 ; 3. GM V. Golod 7 4. GM M. Roiz 6.5 5.-6. GM V. Korchnoi & GM A. Greenfeld 6 7.-8. IM I. Khmelniker & GM Ma. Tseitlin 5 9. GM S. Dvoiris 4.5 10. IM A. Vydeslaver 4 11. IM S. Umarov 3.5 12. IM M. Klenburg 2.5 Korchnoi started the tournament with 3 consecutive defeats however did not lose a single game afterwards.News: Yochanan Afek.

A couple of games have been found.

13) Frascati 2nd International Chess Week

Frascati, a nice little town near Roma is held its 2nd International Chess Week. There was a fide round robin tournament with Romanishin, Sergey Kasparov, Godena, etc. Branko Damljanovic won the event with 7/9 half a point clear of Ferenc Berkes. News: Adolivio Capece.

Official site:

It Frascati ITA (ITA), 24 iii-2 iv 2006               cat. IX (2474)
                                      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Damljanovic, Branko   g SCG 2615  * = = = 1 = 1 1 1 1  7.0  2678 
 2. Berkes, Ferenc        g HUN 2597  = * = = 1 1 = = 1 1  6.5  2626 
 3. Godena, Michele       g ITA 2505  = = * 1 0 = = 1 1 1  6.0  2595 
 4. Kasparov, Sergey      m BLR 2491  = = 0 * 1 0 1 = 1 1  5.5  2552 
 5. Dervishi, Erald       g ALB 2491  0 0 1 0 * = 1 1 1 1  5.5  2552 
 6. Romanishin, Oleg M    g UKR 2552  = 0 = 1 = * = = 1 =  5.0  2508 
 7. Brunello, Sabino      f ITA 2301  0 = = 0 0 = * 1 = 0  3.0  2368 
 8. Bruno, Fabio          m ITA 2409  0 = 0 = 0 = 0 * = 1  3.0  2356 
 9. Mogranzini, Roberto   f ITA 2370  0 0 0 0 0 0 = = * 1  2.0  2265 
10. Ronchetti, Niccolo'   f ITA 2411  0 0 0 0 0 = 1 0 0 *  1.5  2208 

14) Belgian Interteams

The Belgian interteams concluded on 26th March 2006 with Eynatten 1 taking the title. Full round up next week. News: Valery Maes.

Official site:

Final Round 11 Standings:
1   Eynatten1   64,5
2   Rochade     56  
3   CREC        51  
4   KBSK        45  
5   KGSRL       44,5
6   Eynatten2   44  
7   Temse       41  
8   CRELEL      38,5
9   Borgerhout  37  
10  CE Namur    37  
11  J.Jaurès    35,5
12  SK Deurne   34  

15) Austrian Teams

The Austrian Team Championships took place 18th November 2005 - 26th March 2006. Styria Graz - Kl.Zeitung won the event (Robert Ruck, Robert Markus and Zoltan Ribli were part of the team.).

Official site:

Final Standings: 
Rk. Team                       1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 11 12 TB1  TB2 TB3
1   Styria Graz - Kl.Zeitung   *  3  3  2½ 4½ 4  3  3½ 4  3½ 4  5  40.0 24  0
2   ASVÖ Wulkaprodersdorf      3  *  3½ 4  3  2  3½ 2  5½ 4½ 3½ 4½ 39.0 23  4
3   SpG Holz Dohr - Semriach   3  2½ *  4  2½ 3  5  4  3½ 3½ 4  4  39.0 23  2
4   SK Hohenems                3½ 2  2  *  3½ 3  3  4  4  4½ 4½ 5  39.0 23  0
5   Union Ansfelden            1½ 3  3½ 2½ *  2½ 2½ 4  4  4½ 5½ 5½ 39.0 19  0
6   SC Die Klagenfurter        2  4  3  3  3½ *  2½ 3  3½ 2½ 4  5  36.0 18  0
7   SK Sparkasse Jenbach       3  2½ 1  3  3½ 3½ *  3  3  2½ 3½ 3½ 32.0 16  0
8   SK Kl.Ztg. MPÖ Maria Saal  2½ 4  2  2  2  3  3  *  2  2½ 4½ 4  31.5 11  0
9   SV Sparkasse Schwarzach    2  ½  2½ 2  2  2½ 3  4  *  3½ 4½ 4  30.5 13  0
10  SC Admiral Spk Fürstenfeld 2½ 1½ 2½ 1½ 1½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 2½ *  2  2½ 27.0 9   0
11  SV Tschaturanga Neubau     2  2½ 2  1½ ½  2  2½ 1½ 1½ 4  *  3  23.0 4   0
12  SK Sparkasse Götzis        1  1½ 2  1  ½  1  2½ 2  2  3½ 3  *  20.0 4   0

16) 2nd Bundesliga West

The 2nd Bundesliga West 2005/2006 organised by the Österreichischer Schachbund took place 8th October 2005 - 19th March 2006. Absam/ISK (Thomas Luther) took clear first. Austrian Team Championship second division.

Official site:

Rk. Team                    1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 11 12 TB1  TB2
1   Absam/ISK               *  3  3½ 4  3½ 3  4  3½ 3½ 4½ 6  5½ 44.0 29
2   Zillertal               3  *  3½ 3½ 2½ 4  4½ 4½ 4  3½ 4½ 5½ 43.0 28
3   Innsbruck Rochade       2½ 2½ *  4  3½ 3½ 2½ 3  3  5  3  5½ 38.0 18
4   Wörgl                   2  2½ 2  *  3  3½ 3½ 3  4  5  3½ 5  37.0 20
5   Hohenems II             2½ 3½ 2½ 3  *  2½ 3  4  3½ 4½ 3  4  36.0 18
6   Mozart 1910             3  2  2½ 2½ 3½ *  3½ 3½ 3½ 3½ 3  2  32.5 17
7   Lustenau                2  1½ 3½ 2½ 3  2½ *  1½ 4  3½ 4  4½ 32.5 16
8   Wüstenrot Inter Sbg Süd 2½ 1½ 3  3  2  2½ 4½ *  2½ 2½ 4½ 3½ 32.0 11
9   ATSV Ranshofen          2½ 2  3  2  2½ 2½ 2  3½ *  2½ 4  4  30.5 10
10  Bregenz                 1½ 2½ 1  1  1½ 2½ 2½ 3½ 3½ *  2½ 4½ 26.5 9
11  ASK Salzburg            0  1½ 3  2½ 3  3  2  1½ 2  3½ *  4  26.0 9
12  Lochau                  ½  ½  ½  1  2  4  1½ 2½ 2  1½ 2  *  18.0 3

17) Estonian Championships

The Estonian Championships took place 5th-19th March 2006. Tarvo Seeman won a playoff against Olav Sepp to take the title. Two players in the men's event don't appear to have international ratings, there is a Russian with a similar name to Kalinitshev but I couldn't find an Artium in the Estonian rating list.

Official site:

ch-EST Tallinn EST (EST), 5-10 iii 2006               cat. I (2260)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Sepp, Olav           m EST 2464  * = = 1 = = 1 1 = 1  6.5  2403 
 2. Seeman, Tarvo        m EST 2422  = * = 1 = = = 1 1 1  6.5  2408 
 3. Liiva, Riho          m EST 2411  = = * 0 = = = 1 1 1  5.5  2323 
 4. Volodin, Aleksandr     EST 2244  0 0 1 * 1 = = = 1 1  5.5  2342 
 5. Lauk, Ular           f EST 2377  = = = 0 * = = = = 1  4.5  2247 
 6. Danilov, Nikolai       EST 2223  = = = = = * = 0 = =  4.0  2221 
 7. Kalinitshev,Andrei     EST ----  0 = = = = = * = = =  4.0  2246 
 8. Vovk, Ilja             EST 2196  0 0 0 = = 1 = * = =  3.5  2187 
 9. Jeremejev,Artjom       EST ----  = 0 0 0 = = = = * =  3.0  2164 
10. Schuls, Olev         f EST 2267  0 0 0 0 0 = = = = *  2.0  2039 

Seeman, Tarvo  -  Sepp, Olav     1-0   44  A48  King's Indian Defence /c2-c4
Sepp, Olav     -  Seeman, Tarvo  1/2   44  A52  Budapest Defence Main Line

ch-EST Playoff Tallinn EST (EST), 5-10 iii 2006
                            1   2 
Seeman, Tarvo m  EST 2422    1   =   1.5  2657
Sepp, Olav    m  EST 2464    0   =   0.5  2229

ch-EST w Tallinn EST (EST), 5-10 iii 2006
                                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Gansvind, Valeriya I  wf RUS 2247  * 1 = = = = 1 1 1 1  7.0  2304 
 2. Bashkite, Viktoria    wm EST 2217  0 * = = 1 1 = 1 1 1  6.5  2254 
 3. Tsiganova, Monika     wm EST 2282  = = * = 0 1 1 1 1 1  6.5  2247 
 4. Piarnpuu, Leili       wm EST 2174  = = = * = = = 1 1 1  6.0  2218 
 5. Fomina, Tatyana       wm EST 2196  = 0 1 = * 0 1 = 1 1  5.5  2170 
 6. Vahtra, Tuuli            EST 1932  = 0 0 = 1 * = 1 1 1  5.5  2199 
 7. Laesson, Tuulikki     wm EST 2222  0 = 0 = 0 = * = = 1  3.5  2007 
 8. Airapetjan,Jana          EST ----  0 0 0 0 = 0 = * 1 =  2.5  1946 
 9. Makarova, Natalja        EST 1741  0 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 * 1  1.5  1868 
10. Kaos,Kreete              EST ----  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 *  0.5  1668 

18) Phillips 66 Open

For the first time the annual Phillips 66 Open was Fide rated. There were 5 FIDE players competing with 26 players overall in this two day event that took place in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, USA. Event which took place in the historic Hotel Phillips was organized and directed by Steve Wharry and drew players from 4 states. 16 yr old Chris Claassen won with a score of 4-0 followed by Jim Berry, George Trammell, William Orton and Larry Broukal each with 3-1. Marvin Lee and Dennis Glascock received FIDE rating norms. Reported by Frank Berry.

Official site:

2006 Phillips 66 FIDE Open
Bartlesville, Oklahoma, USA
40-2, SD-1
1    Chris Claassen   USA    2069    4.0
2    Jim Berry        USA    2151    3
3    William Orton    USA    2147    3
4    George Trammell  USA    2075    3
5    Larry Broukal    USA            3
26 players

19) Dos Hermanas Open

The V Dos Hermanas Open takes place 30th March - 7th April 2006. Jesus De la Villa Garcia, Daniel Campora and Vladimir Burmakin lead on 4/4. and

20) FIDE Presidential Election Websites

Both Presidential tickets for the upcoming FIDE Elections in Turin now have websites.

FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov:

Bessel Kok:

21) Forthcoming Events and Links

15th Monarch Assurance Isle of Man International

15th Monarch Assurance Isle of Man International Dates: 23 September - 1 October 2006 Venue: Ocean Castle Hotel, Port Erin, Isle of Man Total Prize Fund: £17,500

Three sections: (1) Masters (9-round FIDE Rated swiss, ACP registered, GM/IM norms achievable, first prize £3,000) (2) Under 2000 / ECF grade 175 (7 round swiss, starts 25 Sept) (3) Under 1640 / ECF grade 130 (7 round swiss, starts 25 Sept)

Confirmed entries so far include nine 2600+ rated players (Korneev, Efimenko, Kobalia, Krasenkow, Volkov, Socko, Shabalov, Khenkin, Iordachescu, Landa) plus US women's champion Anna Zatonskih, etc.

For entry details, consult the tournament website ( or contact tournament director Dennis Hemsley, 3 Links Avenue, Port St Mary, Isle of Man IM9 5EY, tel. 44(0)1624 833742, fax 44(0)1624 833583, email

Dutch Championship Semi-Finals

The Dutch Championship takes place in Hilversum 16th June - 2nd July 2006.

Official site:

Men's Event
 1.  Ivan Sokolov       Lelystad    2676  GM 
 2.  Sergei Tiviakov    Groningen   2669  GM
 3.  Loek van Wely      Tilburg     2655  GM
 4.  Jan Timman         Amsterdam   2616  GM
 5.  Friso Nijboer      Amsterdam   2584  GM
 6.  Erwin l' Ami       Woerden     2565  GM
 7.  Daniel Stellwagen  Soest       2543  GM
 8.  Jan Smeets         Oegstgeest  2535  GM
 9.  Jan Werle          Groningen   2529  GM - elect
10.  John van der Wiel  Voorschoten 2511  GM
11.  Yge Visser         Groningen   2480  IM
12.  Jeroen Bosch       Nijmegen    2465  IM

Women's Championship
 1.  Zhao Qin Peng        Rotterdam  2395  GM 
 2.  Tea Lanchava         Winschoten 2380  IM
 3.  Petra Schuurman      Eindhoven  2258  FM
 4.  Bianca Muhren        Rosmalen   2253  WIM
 5.  Marlies Bensdorp     Maarssen   2251  WIM
 6.  Linda Jap Tjoen San  Den Haag   2191  WIM  
 7.  Mariska Bertholee-de Mie Haarlem2153  
 8.  Arlette van Weersel  Etten Leur 2148  
 9.  Maartje de Jonge     Utrecht    2136  
10.  Pauline van Nies     Zoetermeer 2107  

Open Internet Chess Blitz Cup 2006

Central Chess Club, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov and the Chess Assistant Club invites chess players and chess clubs from your country to take part in the Open Internet chess blitz Cup dedicated to 50 year jubilee of the Central Chess Club (Moscow) for the prizes of FIDE president Kirsan Ilyumzhinov.

The prize-winning fund of the Cup makes 10 000 USD that will be played off in 10 qualifying tournaments (April 1 - May 3) and 2 final tournaments (May 6 and 10). The closing ceremony and winners rewarding will be made by Kirsan Ilyumzhinov in May during the 37th Chess Olympiad in Turin (Italy).

The Cup tournaments will be held at Chess Assistant playing zone (

E-mail for contacts:


Christophe Bouton Chess Blog

Christophe Bouton has started a chess blog in French at:

Topalov vs Nisipeanu match

Topalov vs Nisipeanu match will take place between April 6 and 9. There will be 4 games, each game will start at 13.30 CET. Time control is 40 moves / 2hours then 20 moves / 1 hour then 15 min and 30sec/move for the rest of the game.

Live coverage on

PAL/CSS Freestyle Chess Tournament is holding the annual PAL/CSS Freestyle Chess Tournament (advanced chess) on 18th-19th March (main tourney) and 8th-9th April (final).

The first leg of the second PAL/CSS Freestyle Chess Tournament, which carries a prize fund of $16,000, was won by an unknown player with the Playchess handle Vvarkey. He scored 7.5 points from 8 games (before the last round his score was 7/7).

Behind Vvarkey were six players with six points each. So all seven automatically qualified for the final round, which will be played out on April 8th and 9th, 2006. Amongst the qualified programs is Hydra, the multi-processor hardware system developed in the United Arab Emirates. Its handle is Zor_Champ. Rajlich,Rybka, which is the Rybka program run by its author Vas Rajlich, qualified, as did Correspondence Chess GM Arno Nickel, playing under the name Ciron.

The details:

Prizefund: The winner of the finals gets the first prize of US $8,000 and the title of "Second PAL/CSS Freestyle Chess Champion". The runner-up gets $4,000, the third place gets $2,000. There will be special software prizes totalling US $1,000 for the places 4-8

Galati Chess Open

Galati Chess Open 26th of April to 3rd of May. The open is part of Romanian Ches Grand Prix 2006. 9 rounds. At least 7000 Euro in cash prizes. GMs please ask for conditions. Contact info: Doru Ionescu, +40 742 064 336. Website

Jonathan Speelman charity chess simultaneous

Jonathan Speelman is playing a charity chess simultaneous for the Seafarers UK on Saturday April 22nd. 2006. The venue will be HMS BELFAST, a floating museum on the Thames moored opposite the Tower of London. Registration for the event will begin from 12 noon for a 1pm start. All chess enthusiasts, including club players, are invited to join in. Players are asked to donate £25. They should contact Hugh Breidenbach on 07808 067049 or for a reference number, and can then pay online using the fundraising webpage

Only 40 places are available. The event will take 3-4 hours. Tea and coffee will be served from the cash bar in the playing This will benefit SEAFARERS UK, supporting survivors of accidents in the fishing fleet, which suffers 10 lost vessels and 2 fatalities each month, and also those invalided out of the Merchant Navy and Royal Navy/Royal Marines who would be disadvantaged or homeless without their help.

These details can also be found on the English Chess Federation website (Directly to the document download at:

Seafarers UK is also known as King George?s Fund for Sailors, registered charity number 226446. You can find out more about them at

4th Solingen chess weeks

The 4th Solingen chess weeks will be held in Solingen (Germany) June 10th- June 18th. Festival consists of Blitz tournament (June 10th, 22 games (11 rounds with 2 games));

Rapid Tournament (9 rounds, 20 min/game) will take place June 11th.

Main tournaments are two Open from June 15th to 18th; 7 rounds Swiss system 2h/40+ 1h/ Rest; A-tournament is open for all players and Elo-rated. Top prizes 800/500/400 euros

B-tournament is open for all players with a rating below 2000; top prizes 300/200/150 euros

Further information: Andreas Peschel: 0175-5912407;

Tournament site:

Czech Tour 2006/2007

There is new information about the Czech Tour 2006/2007 including:

CZECH OPEN 2006 17th International Festival of Chess, Bridge and Games European Amateurs Championship in Chess Pardubice 13th-30th July 2006, Czech Republic

2nd WORLD SCHOOL CHESS TEAMS CHAMPIONSHIP Tournaments for school chess teams in categories U12, U14, U16 Pardubice, July 12th-20th, 2006

6th ZNOJMO OPEN (the Dukla hotel and Monastery of Louka) 13th-21st May 2006 .

9th OLOMOUC CHESS SUMMER (the Sigma hotel) 2nd-10th August 2006.

3rd HIGHLANDS OPEN (Havlickuv Brod, the Slunce hotel) 23rd September - 1st October 2006.

7th LIBEREC OPEN (the Liberec hotel) 11th-18th November 2006.

6th PRAGUE OPEN (TOP HOTEL Praha) 11th-18th January 2007.

6th MARIENBAD OPEN (the Evropa hotel) 19th-27th January 2007.

Further details: or Dr. Jan Mazuch, Director of CZECH OPEN & CZECH TOUR -

In addition there is the 27th Tournament of Chess Hopes and 17th Pobeskydi Tournament organised by the town of Frydek-Mistek 13th-17th April 2006.

Further details:

Computer chess calendar

New updates to the Computer chess calendar with the latest official computer chess tournaments and an updated PGN database. The latest events added:

01. CCT-8 2006, Rybka won
02. IPCCC 2005, Rybka won
03. Dutch-open 2005, Zappa won
04. WCCC, Zappa won
05. Australasian NCC-ch 2005, Bodo won
06. Polish-ch, Gosu won

Next events are: 06th International CSVN Tournament Leiden, 2006-05-05 up to 2006-05-07 14th WCCC Torino, 2006-05-25 up to 2006-06-01 Please note: The information are now again available under the older domain: (selection: CC-Calendar).

The *.pgn database with official computer chess tournaments have now 8.673 games and 726 games from older tournaments (time before 1990).

21st North Sea Cup

The Esbjerg Chess Union organises the 21st North Sea Cup July 8th-15th 2006.

Further information and registration: Jens Nielsen, Storegade 66, 6700 Esbjerg, (+45)75123975, e-mail: Registration not later than Sunday July 2nd.

Further details:

16th Chess Tournament of Pobeskydi

16th Chess Tournament of Pobeskydi takes place 13th March - 17th April 2005 in Frydek-Mistek, Czech Republic. There will be at least two tournaments. Round-robin with possibility to achieve IM and WGM norm and FIDE Open.


Memorialul Pius Brinzeu

The Memorial Pius Brinzeu Open takes place in Timisoara, 18th-26th March 2006.

Official site:

Listed players: 
 1.  Nevednichy Vladislav   GM   ROM  2581 1969 
 2.  Malaniuk Vladimyr      GM   UKR  2532 1957 
 3.  Chatalbashev Boris     GM   BUL  2494 1974 
 4.  Bogdan Dan             IM   ROM  2441 1972 
 5.  Berescu Alin           IM   ROM  2433 1980 
 6.  Grunberg Mihai         IM   ROM  2416 1976 
 7.  Grecescu Gabriel       CM   ROM  2386 1986 
 8.  Colin Vincent          IM   FRA  2374 1980 
 9.  Bylino Oleg            FM   UKR  2316 1939 
10.  Bach Adrian            FM   ROM  2287 1961 
11.  Dragomirescu Calin     FM   ROM  2259 1963 
12.  Dragomirescu Angela   WIM   ROM  2255 1973 
13.  Petrisor Adrian             ROM  2078 1992 
14.  Dragomirescu Robin          ROM  2066 1993 
15.  Craciun Paula               ROM  2014 1989 
16.  Chirita Marius              ROM  1987 1982 
17.  Miu Paul Vlad               ROM  1986 1993 
18.  Clitan Zaharia              ROM  1973 1987 
19.  Lolici Iselin               ROM  1945 1993 

30th Blackpool Chess Conference

The 30th Blackpool Chess Conference took place 10th-12th March 2006. Open results Results from the 30th Blackpool Chess Conference, 10-12 March 2006, held at the Winter Gardens, Blackpool, England 1st= on 4.5/5 GM Mark Hebden & John Merriman £550 each 3rd Lawrence Trent 4/5 £200

Official site:

Hungarian tournaments April-December 2006

1. 23rd- 31st of March 22nd Budapest SPRING FESTIVAL 9 rounds Swiss Open org.: NL.

2. 1st-14th of April, GM-IM-FM round robins, 9-13 games, norm possibilities, in Budapest, Hungarian Chess Federation, Falk Miksa Str.10. 2nd floor. Organisation: Nagy Laszlo, FIDE International Chess Organizer /NL/, E-mail: Website: Other website: Phone-fax: +(361)-2632859, cellphone: +(36)-30-230-1914 /From 12:00 a.m. until midnight - Central European Time - GMT+1 hour/..

3. 15th-23rd of April Kecskemet, IM tmt, org: Dr.Erdelyi, Tamas, e-mail: Website: Usually also in the second half of the month IM tmt-s in Kecskemet. 100 km South from Budapest.

4. 6th - 18th of May, Budapest, FIRST SATURDAY GM-IM-FM, org.NL.

5.. 20th-30th of May, Budapest, ELEKES memorial GM-IM closed tmt, org.IM Zsinka, e-mail:

6. 19th-27th of May, ZALAKAROS Open, 9 rounds Swiss, Info: IM Horvath, Tamas, e-mail: website:

7. 3rd-16th of June, FIRST SATURDAY GM /cat.VII and cat IX together/ - IM-FM closed tournaments, Budapest, Org.NL.

8.. 17th-25th of June, BALATONLELLE Open, GM-IM closed, 130 km West from Budapest, org. IM RIGO, e-mail: Website:

9.. 1st-13th of July, FIRST SATURDAY GM-IM-FM closed, Bp. Org.NL,

10. 15th-23rd of July, AGRIA Open 9 rounds Swiss, Eger, 100 km North from Budapest, Org. RAUCH Ferenc, e-mail:

11.. 24th-30th of July, SZOMBATHELY SUMMER Open 9 rounds Swiss, 300 km West from Budapest, Org: FM KORPICS, Zsolt, e-mail:

13. 5th-17th of August, FIRST SATURDAY, Bp, GM /cat.XII-IX-VII/ - IM-FM closed, Org: NL.

14. 21st -29th of August, TALENTUM Kupa, Open, Zamárdi , org. Valis János. E-mail:

15. 2nd-14th of September FS GM-IM Budapest, org.Nagy László

16. 7th-19th of October, FS GM-IM, Bp. Org.Nagy László.

17. 4th-16th of November FS GM-IM-FM closed tmt, info NL.

18. Second half of November, TENKES KUPA, Harkány, 250 km South West from Budapest, Organizer: Mr FULOP, Csaba E-mail:

19. 2nd-15th of December, FS GM-IM-FM, info NL.

Semi-finals Argentine Championship

The Open Tournament Semi-finals of the Argentine Championship take place 4th-19th March, 2006 Merlo, Buenos Aires ARG Swiss Open, 7 rounds.


CE Martigny 12 hour Blitz

The CE Martigny 12 hour Blitz takes place Saturday 15th April 2006. Venue: 5 minutes per player per game, 40 games

Further details: or Pierre Perruchoud Rue des Marronniers 4 1920 Martigny Tél . 079 / 287 51 57 e-mail :

6th Znojmo Open

The 6th International Chess Festival Znojmo Open 2006 takes place 13th-21st May 2006 in Znojmo (the Czech Republic). Among others European Women Rapid Chess Championship (the prize fund 5 000 EUR), FIDE open, The Znojmo Little Queen and Open Championship of the Southmoravian chess federation in active chess will be a part of the festival.

Contact: Dr. Jan Mazuch, Director of CZECH OPEN & CZECH TOUR -

Website for the Czech Tour:

Free "How good is your chess" articles in German

For German Readers The excellent series "How good is your chess", written by the english Grandmaster Daniel King, appears also in the german language as "Test & Training". You can download a free sample in the section "Training" at

Vladimir Kramnik vs. Deep Fritz Match Announced

Vladimir Kramnik will play the ChessBase computer program Deep Fritz in a 6 game match 25th November - 5th December 2006 in the German’s Art and Exhibition Hall in Bonne. Kramnik stands to win a prize of $1 Million US for a win in the match doubling his starting fee.

Asked how he estimates his chances, Kramnik reacted cautiously: "Fritz examines millions of moves per second. It is extraordinarily difficult to play against such a calculating monster. Right from the start you are walking on a very narrow ridge, and you know that any inattentiveness will be your downfall. It is a scientific experiment and I will have to fight very hard for my chance." The WCC is being organized by Universal Event Promotion (UEP), in cooperation with the Art and Exhibition Hall.

Schedule: Game 1: Saturday 25.11.2006 16h Game 2: Monday 27.11.2006 16h Game 3: Wednesday 29.11.2006 16h Game 4: Friday 01.12.2006 16h Game 5: Sunday 03.12.2006 16h Game 6: Tuesday 05.12.2006 16h During the entire period of the match the Art and Exhibition Hall will offer a varied program.


MTel Masters Sofia

The Mtel Masters takes place in Sofia 9th (opening ceremony) - 21st (closing) May 2006. Players: Veselin Topalov, Viswanathan Anand, Peter Svidler, Etienne Bacrot, Gata Kamsky and Ruslan Ponomariov.


Battle of Senta 1697 Chess Festival

The 10th Anniversary Chess Festival "The Battle of Senta 1697" takes place 21st-30th July 2006. Events: A Main tournament, B tournament, rapid-transit ( ,, Blitz ,, ) tournament, rapid-transit tournament, children’s rapid-transit tournament, women’s rapid-transit tournament

Information, registration for tournaments and private accommodation bookings at Seles Ambrus, 27 Fruskogorska street, 24400 Senta Serbia-Montenegro . Telephone number : +381-24-813-251 or mob. +381-63-8-754-713, E-mail : ,, novaklaslo@ptt.yu,

Further details:

Politiken Cup

The Copenhagen Chess Festival, including the Politiken Cup will take place 22nd-30th July 2006. Nigel Short has already agreed to participate.

Further details:

3rd South Wales International

The 3rd South Wales International Chess Tournament takes place 8-13 July 2006.

Official site:

RC Sport Open 2006

The 1st RC Sport Open takes place 29th April - 6th May 2006 in Ústí nad Orlicí (Czech republic).

Further details:

Brno Chess Festival

The Brno Chess Festival takes place in the Czech Republic, 30th June - 9th July 2006.

Events: A. Grandmasters close tournament 30.6.-9.7.2006 SKANSKA BRNO 2006 B. 2 masters close tournament 30.6.-9.7.2006 DS BRNO 2006 and ZS BRNO 2006 C. Open tournament FIDE 1.7.-9.7.2006 OPEN DURAS BVK FIDE D. Open tournament national 1.7.-9.7.2006 OPEN DURAS BVK national E. Open blitz tournament 8.7.2006 Memorial Vaclav Felix F. Simultaneous games 5.7.2006

Further details:

World Youth Under 16 Chess Olympiad

The World Youth Under 16 Chess Olympiad takes place in 5th-13th August 2006 in Dogubeyazit, Agri Turkey.

Official site:

Andrew Martin Chess Academy

The Official web site for the Andrew Martin Chess Academy goes live on Wednesday, March 1st featuring A Game Annotation Service A personal on-line tuition and coaching service A regular newsletter A Series of (real OTB) tournaments for Children under 14 years.

Official site: (

Aarhus GM

There is a GM-tournament cat. X-XI in Aarhus, Denmark, August 5th-13th 2006 with a special event on August 4. The players will consist of 5 women vs. 5 men and women with ELO > 2460 are welcome to contact Soren Sogaard ( for further information. There will also be an IM-tournament, cat. V (5 women vs. 5 men).

XIX edition of the Ciudad de León

The XIX edition of the Ciudad de León chess tournament takes place 8th-12th June 2006 at the Junta de Castilla y León building in León, Spain.

Players: Veselin Topalov, Viswanathan Anand, Paco Vallejo and Lázaro Bruzón.

There will be 2 semi finals (June 9th and June 10th) and a final (June 11th)

Official sites: and/or

Spanish Championship

The Spanish closed and open Championships will be held in León November 22nd-30th 2006. The Hotel Conde Luna from León will be the venue and the official hotel of the organization.

2nd San Marino Open

The 2nd San Marino International Chess Open takes place in the Republic of San Marino June 5th-11th 2006, at the end of the Turin World Chess Olympiad. Prize fund € 40.000, 1st prize € 10.000. For any related information visit the internet website

For further info:

Las Vegas Masters

Las Vegas Masters Chess Tournament June 10th-14th, 2006

School House Chess Center, Las Vegas, USA FIDE rated, 9 round Swiss, open to players rated FIDE 2200 and higher. $3,800 prize fund, free entry to GMs and non-US IMs.

Website: Info: Chris Bird, (702)575-0635,

National Open

National Open Chess Tournament June 16th-18th, 2006

Riviera Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas, USA 6 round Swiss, 8 sections: Open, U2200, U2000, U1800, U1600, U1400, U1200 and Unrated. Estimated $100,000 total prize fund! Free entry to GMs. Side events include Susan Polgar World Championship for Girls and National Open Blitz Championship.


Alushta Tournaments

01.02.06 Tournaments in Alushta:

GM Norm: 29.04-9.05, 11.05-21.05, 23.05-1.06, 2.06-12.06, 16.06-26.06, 2.09-12.09, 14.09-24.09, 26.09–6.10,

IM Norm: 29.04-9.05, 11.05-21.05, 23.05-1.06, 2.06-12.06, 16.06-26.06, 2.09-12.09, 14.09-24.09, 26.09–6.10,

Rating tournament: 5.06-13.06, 23.06–27.06

Open tournament (under 16 years) First prize - 200$ 14.06-22.06, Swiss 9 rounds.

Open tournament First prize - 1000$ First prize (woman)- 500$: 28.06-6.07, Swiss 9 rounds. Open tournament (rapid chess) 7.07–8.07, Swiss 9 rounds. Blitz tournament 9.07. Session of school of Gennadi Kuzmin 23.06–27.06. Individual and group studying.

Further information: phone +38 (06560)5-05-32, +380505828911 (for Russian speaking) + 38 050 669-26-04 (for English speaking) e-mail:

Lenk International Chess Festival

The "Swiss Chess Tour 2006" will continue in Lenk with the 18th "Kreuz-Open" April 13th-17th 2006.

The venue is the Hotel Kreuz, Grande Open, Swiss system, 7 rounds and the games will last a maximum of 5 hours (40 moves for 2 hours and 30 minutes till the end). Prize are: 1.500 SF, 1.200, 900, 700, 500, 400, 300, 250, 200 and 150 SF. From 11.- 20. places natural prizes. Special prizes for best Lady, senior (1945), junior(1986-89), schoolboy (1990) and best local player. Entry fee 130 SF, FMs and juniors 60 SF, at the door 10 SF more, GMs and IMs free. New: teams competition, with 4 members; 3 prizes: 4x100/4x75/4x50 SF; entry fee 10 SF. Venue: Hotel "Kreuz". Time table: Round 1st 18.00-23.00 April 13,; Rounds 2/3 09.30-14.30 and 15.30-20.30 April 14,; Round 4 13.30-18.30 April 15,; Rounds 5/6 09.30-14.30 and 15.30-20.30 April 16,; Round 7 9.30-14.30 April 17. Closing ceremony April 17 at 16.00.

Info: Beochess +41+62+965-46-50 (Robert Spoerri) or or site for more details.

VIII Rector Cup

The VIII Rector Cup takes place 27th March - 7th April 2006. There are GM events for men and women. The events take place in the National law academy of Ukraine & Chess club in Kharkov 12 participants in each tournament, round robin, 11 rounds, 90 minutes for each player to finish the game with extra 30 seconds for each move from the start (Fischer system)

Further info:
+38(057) 704-38-12 Chess club - Law academy
+38(067) 562-00-07 mobile Karlovich Anastasiya
+38(050) 353-37-22 mobile Kovchan Alexander

20th Pula Open 2006

The 20th Pula Open (Croatia) takes place 18th-25th June 2006.

Further details and entry:

GM against the World - Olympiads of Chess, Turin 2006

The second GM against the World game on the Olympiad site will be GM Misho Cebalo (Croatia) and he it start on Monday, January 9th. Just Register on the Olympiad website and wait to receive your password by email. Then Enter the game in PlayArea/play on line

Further details:

Lodi International Chess Festival

The 2nd Festival Scacchistico Internazionale "Città di Lodi" takes place in Lodi, Italy, 5th-11th June 2006. Prize fund Euros20.000,00.

Further details: or

14th Donau Open

The 14th Donau Open took place 26th-31st December 2005. I couldn't get the official site: to work correctly.

Asian Youth Championships

The Asian Youth Championships took place in New Delhi December 7th-14th 2005.

Games, Results, photos are available at

Davos Festival 2006

Swiss Chess Tour Davos Festival 2006 with Viktor Korchnoi playing the first time in individual senior championship

The "Swiss Chess Tour 2006" will continue in Davos with Chess Summer Festival from August 5-13, 2006. Main event will be the 6th European Individual Senior Championship. The second tournament will be 5. Davos Open. The first time Davos host an official event. Just to remind, Davos is one of the most popular tourist places in Europe (summer and winter), with specific micro clime, unique in the world.

6th European Individual Senior Championship, August 7th to 13th 2006. "Sunstar Park Hotel" (4 stars) will be host festival in the new, comfortable Congress Center. Swiss system, 9 rounds and the games will last a maximum of 6 hours (40 moves for 2 hours and 60 minutes till the end). Valid for FIDE titles and rating: FIDE, Swiss (SSB) and German (DWZ). Seniors: men born 1945 and earlier; women born 1955 and earlier. Prize (men): 2.500/1.700/1.000/700/600/500/2x400/2x300 SF. 3 group rating prize (200/150/100 SF). Women: 400/300/3x200 SF; Entry fee 70 SF; at the door 10 SF more. Time table: Rounds 1 15.00-21.00 August 5th; Round 2/8 9.30-15.30 August 6th-12th; Round 9 9.30-15.30 August 13th.

5th Davos Open, 7 rounds and the games will last a maximum of 6 hours (40 moves for 2 hours and 60 minutes till the end). Prize are: 1.500 SF, 1.200, 900, 700, 500, 400, 300, 250, 200 and 150 SF. Natural prizes for 4 and more points. Special prizes for best Lady, best local player. Entry fee 140 SF, FMs and juniors 70 SF, GMs and IMs free; juniors lodging at Sunstar Park Hotel free; at the door 10 SF more. Time table: Rounds 1 15.00-21.00 August 6th; Round 2/7 16.00-22.00 August 7th-12th. Venue: "Sunstar Park Hotel" Congress Center. Closing ceremony August 13th, 4 p.m. Unbelievable chess-rates. Info Beochess: +41+62+9654-650 (Robert Spoerri) or or

Iranian Super League

The second Season of the Iranian Super League starts from 3rd October 2005. News: Mehrdad Pahlevanzadeh.

Further details: and

Seagaard ChessReviews

Soren Sogaard has announced that his site Seagaard ChessReviews will be updated after receiving a lot of positive e-mails, "I decided to try to keep running the site. I also got two new reviewers, and the well known danish IM Steffen Pedersen reviews his first book." He'll see if he can keep it going another 6 months.


Mezezers International Open 2006

The Mezezers International Open 2006 (110 km from Riga Latvia) takes place 1st-6th July 2005.


Jovan Petronic Website

Jovan Petronic has a new website with some news on it.

New RSS Chess Website

Chess Samizdat is a new portal which offers free syndicated chess content to the world via JS and RSS feed.

European Team Championship

In addition to Olympiad history there is now European Team Championship history (1957-2005) available at:

Winton Capital British Chess Solving Championship

Winton Capital British Chess Solving Championship, 2005-2006 The starter round of this competition has now finished and the solution to the starter problem, and other details, is available at the website:

Peter Leko Official Site

Peter Leko now has a web site.

1st ICCF Webchess Open Tournament

The ICCF have announced the 1st WebChess Open Tournament and invites every player worldwide to participate in the event. The event is to be played on the ICCF dedicated Webserver This tournament is open to all correspondence chess players worldwide, also for those without any previous ICCF experience. Multiple entries are allowed. The tournament will be played in three stages - preliminaries, semifinal and final.


Russia vs ROW Correspondence

The Russian Chess Federation is celebrating its 10th anniversary and is using this occasion to challenge the rest of the world to a match over 64 boards with 2 games for each and the start is 15.02 2004. Players include Joop van Oosterom

TWIC Messageboard

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