THE WEEK IN CHESS 59			26/11/95	Mark Crowther

1) Introduction
2) Campomanes ousted as FIDE President.
3) Investabank Tournament Belgrade Yugoslavia
4) United States National Championships - Modesto California.
5) Icelandic National Championships by Einar Karlsson
6) Las Palmas Open  November 15-23 by Ian Rogers
7) Western European Zonal Tournment Linares Spain
8) 5th World Senior Championships 1995
9) Clarin Grand Prix last two events by  Roberto Alvarez
10) VIENNA MASTERS 1995 "Wilhelm Steinitz Gedenkturnier" by Damir Medak
11) CAPPS MEMORIAL San Francisco by Sam Sloan
12) Dutch Championships Semi-finals by Anjo Anjewierden.
13) Michael Niermann's Chess Tournament Calendar


Belgrade International Tournament		 14 games
US National Championships			 41 games
National Championships of Iceland 		 36 games
Final Paris INTEL Corrections			  2 games
Vienna Masters					  4 games
Rethimno Open Crete				  6 games
Zonal Tournament - Linares Spain		  4 games
Capps Memorial Tournament			 19 games
Clarin Grand Prix - Event 5 La Carlota ARG	 72 games
Clarin Grand Prix Event 6 Salta ARG		 88 games
Dutch Championships Semi-Finals Enschede.	135 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to Larry Parr, Bjarke Kristensen, Adan Bonilla , Damir Medak
Rachel Lieberman, Donald Schultz, Ian Rogers, Jon Speelman
Otto Borik, Bob Wade, Tom Crain, ICC, Einar Karlsson
Sam Sloan, Anjo Anjewierden and Shay Bushinsky.

This has to be the absolutely maddest issue of all time.
The top 4 or 5 items would have lead in a normal week.
The removal of Campomanes as FIDE President is obviously the
top news story however. Right up until the deadline I was
still receiving material (Shay tells me that GM Victor Korchnoi
and Alon Greenfeld are playing in Beer-Sheba (1.5 each) and
has sent some games from his Blitz tournament reported in a
previous TWIC, Ian Rogers also sent me games on the deadline.)
There is the US and Icelandic Champs, Zonal Tournaments and a whole
host of other strong event. Normally the Belgrade tournament
would be tops, please I need the games, so if anyone is getting
the, pass them on, but the 14 presented here give the impression
that this is probably one of the all time great events. There
are some stupendous games.

What do I think about Campomanes going?

It was a combination of "Where were you when Kennedy died" and
just the simple "YES!". Its been my belief that until Campomanes
went FIDE would simply decline at an increasingly rapid rate.
The first and correct step has been taken. It does not guarantee
that things will get better, but it does mean that there is a
chance. Stories coming out of Paris only reinforce this belief.
(see below). The new president is an unknown quantity I have
provided some information about him. There is no telling the
future, the next year is going to be exciting and unpredictable
I think.

As to the now dead FIDE PCA agreement. I was going to do a long
piece, including about what happens to the PCA (there is a really
very concerning story about how the PCA operates with money
told by Shirov in the latest NIC) and I shall return to this
issue hopefully. The FIDE rejection of the deal on the table
is correct.

So a little hurried issue (hopefully not noticably so) with
an amazing amount of news. I hope you enjoy this issue.


2) Campomanes ousted as FIDE President.

[News based on postings by Larry Parr, Bjarke Kristensen
Rachel Lieberman and Donald Schultz amongst others.]


On Sunday 19th of November at a FIDE Central Committee
meeting in Paris, A motion of no confidence in FIDE President
Florencio Campomanes and his whole team was passed 14 votes
to 12. The motion was proposed by Phil Haley of Canada and
backed by Fanueil Adams of the United States and Egon Ditt
of Germany.

Although the vote seemed close Campomanes and the other five
members of his team all had votes and of course backed

The case against Campomanes was backed up with evidence from
a Filipino Government investigation of the Manila Olympiad.
It appears that Campomanes signed checks for various Olympiad
expenses against undenominated funds. (this evidence was
presented by Norwegian lawyer Norwegian lawyer Morten Sand)

Also Kurt Jungwirth presented a "devastating" (according to one
observer) report about election irregularities during the
1994 Moscow Olympiad. In one particularly glaring case
Campomanes used the Philippine vote  himself voted and the
Brunei proxy (which was given to the Philippine delegate not
Campomanes) he was not entitled to do either of these things.
This, of course was enough for him to get through the crucial
vote allowing him to stand.

An immediate attempt to declare the decision illegal was made by
Filipino Casto Abundo. This lead to a walkout from the meeting
by the US and some other countries. After an hour the meeting
reconvened and the decision stood.

The decision could now only be reversed by the FIDE General Assembly
which took place the following day.


Campomanes chaired the assembly but indicated his intension to
resign at the end of the General Assembly.

On day two there was further FIDE News. It appears that FIDE only
has 150,000 Swiss francs in its coffers (about $135,000). Furthermore
last June as part of a pensions deal Campomanes was paid nearly
200,000 Swiss francs and G. Makropoulos 30,000. The calcuations
that produced this payout mean that rough calculations mean that
Campomanes was paid over $100,000 a year. This does not include
the expenses which according to some sources even exceeded this

63 Nations are said to have threatened to withdraw from FIDE unless
full democracy is returned. Vice President Ghobash stated that he
believed that he should be next in line if Campomanes does carry
out his threat to resign. It is dismissed by the supporters of
Kouatly who now appear to have near control of FIDE.

The US had already made it clear that they wanted FIDE Presidential
elections next year rather than 1998. It is unclear who now runs
FIDE until then.

The FIDE General Assembly upheld the recommendation of the Central
Committee to reject the PCA-FIDE agreement as it stands.

The Central Committee recommendation is as follows:

Following the Moscow Congress, good will and a lot of effort by
FIDE's officers have been put into trying to achieve agreement with the PCA.

It is regretted that the current state of negotiations, represented by
the draft set of regulations sent to FIDE by the PCA on 19.11.95 is

Beside some general points, which might be resolved, there are two
principal difficulties:

1) The proposed match regulations are not equal for both players and
therefore unacceptable;

2) FIDE would be renouncing sovereignty over the World Championship.

Therefore therefore the Central Committee recommends that the General
Assembly reject the agreement as it stands.

Willie ICKLICKI - Egon DITT - Jaime SUNYE NETO - Morten SAND

This recommendation was accepted by the FIDE assembly.

New Presidential Team

FIDE held elections in the early hours of November 24th. They
elected the following team until the end of 1996. The assmembly
vote was 95-3 and they set up the elections for late next year.

New FIDE President: Krisan Iljumzhinov

Deputy-presidents: Kouatly (France) and Gorbash (Arabian Emirates)
Vice-president Morten Sand

Chairman of the Presidential Board: Florencio Campomanes

[An official list should be available somewhere, these need
confirmation especially the vice/deputy presidents]

The new post created for Campomanes was at his suggestion and
seems to have no status or money attached to it. I presume
that it is there so he can say they didn't just throw him out.

The Russian Chess Federation, in spite of Kasparov's known
dealings with Iljumzhinov spoke against him. They however
disappeared during the voting, presumably they need to know
whose side they are on. Andrei Makarov and Iljumzhinov are
reported not to get on. A letter from President Yeltsin
in support of Iljumzhinov seemed to settle the matter.

"The Karpov-Kamsky match has a sponsor in Montreal and apparently
will take place in 1996. FIDE formed a Unity Commission with the
following members: Ralf Liniger (Swiss), John Warlick (U.S.
Virgin Islands), S. Garcia (Cuba), Omuku (Nigeria), Israel Gelfer
(Israel), Giorgios Makropoulos (Greece), Morten Sand (Norway) and
E. Steven Doyle (USA). The purpose of this commission is to
arrange a unification match in 1996 between the winner of Karpov-
Kamsky and Kasparov." [Larry Parr]

The FIDE verification committee reported on Campomanes' pension
payments. It seems that they were over half the amount in the
FIDE treasury. They seemed to regard them as unconstitutional
and the large expenses he has claimed my even be illegal.
FIDE treasurer Willy Iclicki (there will be new elections for
this post late next year) believes them to be constitutional.
The conclusion of the committe is that probable overpayment
has occured and that money should be returned.

New FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov

So we have a new FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov. He is not
a man totally unknown to me. There was an article in Sputnik
(a Russian Media Digest) in March 1993. The article was called
"The Kalmyk who bought Kasparov's crown" and it describes
both his life and how he came to buy the Korloff Trophy which
was the trophy from the World Championships of 1990. This
was sold by Kasparov to aid those who were damaged by the
unrest in Baku. Families of the dead received 3000 roubles
each. Ilyumzhinov transfered 10 Million Roubles for the trophy
to the fund. The article says that Ilyumzhinov is a good
chess player.

"I remember how Garry and I sat in a suite of the Savoy Hotel
with one and a half kilograms of gold in front of us on the bed
... counting the diamonds. We counted them again and again,
very carefully. It turned out that instead of the 1,017 stones
there were five more - 1,022 in all .... I presume that this
was a special gift of the jewellers to the World Champion"

Larry Parr adds this week:

"The new president was known earlier as the person who purchased
Kasparov's jewel incrusted title trophy in 1990. Readers may
recall that a dispute over the value of the trophy led to public
discord between Kasparov and Kouatly. According to the PCA world
champion, GM Kouatly listed a value far in excess of the amount
ultimately paid for it. Apparently Kouatly stated its value at a
million dollars, although it fetched only about $250,000 in the
marketplace. Since the trophy was part of the winner's purse in
1990, its lower value meant a smaller payday than Kasparov had
expected. He reportedly donated the proceeds from its sale for
purposes of war relief."

The article says that Kirsan was expelled from the CPSU
(Communist Party) in 1988. There were 12 charges:

"they tried to frame me as a drug addict, a pimp, an alcoholic,
a foreign currency dealer, an agent of the Afghan intelligence
service ..."

He had reason to be afraid as some of the charges actually
had the death penalty attached to them.

In the Autumn of 1992 he was invited to run for the President
of Kalmykia, he was already a member of the Supreme Soviet
of the USSR. He won against 21 Candidates. He believes that
rich people should be the representatives in Parliament as
it is a guard against corruption. The State is Oil rich.

About his fortune at that time:

"When I studied at the Institute [as a student] I thought that
one million was big money, not to mention 100 million. Now I
have in circulation sums many hundreds of times bigger and
I have lost interest in this arithmatic."

His friends and business:

The Oppenheimers in the US, Christian Petrosian (the French
Caviar "King" with whom he does business), the Duponts from
the States, Chuon Ruyen (from Korea one of the ten richest
people in the World and with whom he has contracts for oil
refining and production in Kalmykia) He mentions selling
perfume and cartoons, both with connections in France.

This was all 3 years ago. Quite where he stands now I don't
know. We do know that Karpov was close to him during the
elections and the above suggest he knows Kasparov reasonably
well too.

3) Investabank Tournament Belgrade Yugoslavia

This tournament has had some of the outstanding games
of the year, judging just from the very few that I
have managed to get hold of. I would be very greatful
if someone can some up with all the games.

Gelfand, Kramnik (who has played some mindblowing stuff.
Contempt would not be a strong enough word to describe
his treatment of Adams. Just like Spassky at his best.
Look out too for a brutal game against Topalov.)
and Shirov are contenders for the first place with one
round to go.

Round 1 (1995.11.14)

Kramnik, Vladimir    - Timman, Jan H         1-0   34  D35  Queen's gambit
Shirov, Alexei       - Miladinovic, Igor     1-0   37  B49  Sicilian
Leko, Peter          - Adams, Michael        1/2
Topalov, Veselin     - Beliavsky, Alexander  1-0   40  C92  Ruy Lopez
Lautier, Joel        - Ivanchuk, Vassily     1/2
Ljubojevic, Ljubomir - Gelfand, Boris        1/2

Round 2 (1995.11.15)

Gelfand, Boris       - Kramnik, Vladimir     1/2
Topalov, Veselin     - Shirov, Alexei        1/2
Adams, Michael       - Lautier, Joel         1/2
Ivanchuk, Vassily    - Ljubojevic, Ljubomir  1/2
Beliavsky, Alexander - Timman, Jan H         1-0   69  A32  English; 1.c4 c5
Miladinovic, Igor    - Leko, Peter           1/2

Round 3 (1995.11.16)

Kramnik, Vladimir    - Ivanchuk, Vassily     1/2
Shirov, Alexei       - Beliavsky, Alexander  1-0   41  D58  Queen's gambit
Leko, Peter          - Topalov, Veselin      1-0   58  B93  Sicilian; Najdorf
Timman, Jan H        - Gelfand, Boris        1/2
Lautier, Joel        - Miladinovic, Igor     0-1
Ljubojevic, Ljubomir - Adams, Michael        1/2   26  B13  Caro-Kann

Round 4 (1995.11.18)

Shirov, Alexei       - Leko, Peter           1-0   33  C92  Ruy Lopez
Topalov, Veselin     - Lautier, Joel         0-1
Adams, Michael       - Kramnik, Vladimir     0-1   29  B56  Sicilian
Ivanchuk, Vassily    - Timman, Jan H         1/2
Beliavsky, Alexander - Gelfand, Boris        1/2
Miladinovic, Igor    - Ljubojevic, Ljubomir  1/2

Round 5 (1995.11.19)

Gelfand, Boris       - Ivanchuk, Vassily     1-0
Kramnik, Vladimir    - Miladinovic, Igor     1/2
Leko, Peter          - Beliavsky, Alexander  1/2
Timman, Jan H        - Adams, Michael        1-0   36  C69  Ruy Lopez; Exchange
Lautier, Joel        - Shirov, Alexei        1/2
Ljubojevic, Ljubomir - Topalov, Veselin      0-1   41  E92  Kings indian; Classical

Round 6 (1995.11.20)

Shirov, Alexei       - Ljubojevic, Ljubomir  1/2
Leko, Peter          - Lautier, Joel         1/2
Topalov, Veselin     - Kramnik, Vladimir     0-1   40  B57  Sicilian
Adams, Michael       - Gelfand, Boris        0-1
Beliavsky, Alexander - Ivanchuk, Vassily     0-1   29  A32  English; 1.c4 c5
Miladinovic, Igor    - Timman, Jan H         0-1

Round 7 (1995.11.22)

Gelfand, Boris       - Miladinovic, Igor     1/2
Kramnik, Vladimir    - Shirov, Alexei        1/2   58  D45  Queen's gambit
Timman, Jan H        - Topalov, Veselin      1/2
Ivanchuk, Vassily    - Adams, Michael        1/2
Lautier, Joel        - Beliavsky, Alexander  1/2
Ljubojevic, Ljubomir - Leko, Peter           1/2

Round 8 (1995.11.23)

Shirov, Alexei       - Timman, Jan H         1-0
Leko, Peter          - Kramnik, Vladimir     1-0
Topalov, Veselin     - Gelfand, Boris        1/2
Beliavsky, Alexander - Adams, Michael        0-1
Lautier, Joel        - Ljubojevic, Ljubomir  1/2
Miladinovic, Igor    - Ivanchuk, Vassily     1/2

Round 9 (1995.11.24)

Gelfand, Boris       - Shirov, Alexei        1-0
Kramnik, Vladimir    - Lautier, Joel         1-0
Timman, Jan H        - Leko, Peter           1/2
Adams, Michael       - Miladinovic, Igor     1-0
Ivanchuk, Vassily    - Topalov, Veselin      0-1
Ljubojevic, Ljubomir - Beliavsky, Alexander  1/2

Round 10 (1995.11.25)

Shirov, Alexei       - Ivanchuk, Vassily     1/2
Leko, Peter          - Gelfand, Boris        0-1
Topalov, Veselin     - Adams, Michael        1/2
Beliavsky, Alexander - Miladinovic, Igor     1-0
Lautier, Joel        - Timman, Jan H         0-1
Ljubojevic, Ljubomir - Kramnik, Vladimir     0-1

Belgrade (YUG), XI 1995.                                cat. XVI (2649)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
 1 Gelfand, Boris        g BLR 2685  * = 1 1 = = 1 1 = . = =  7.0  2795
 2 Kramnik, Vladimir     g RUS 2730  = * = 0 1 1 1 = . 1 1 =  7.0  2789
 3 Shirov, Alexei        g ESP 2695  0 = * 1 1 = . = 1 = = 1  6.5  2753
 4 Leko, Peter           g HUN 2605  0 1 0 * = 1 = . = = = =  5.0  2644
 5 Timman, Jan H         g NED 2590  = 0 0 = * = 1 = 0 1 . 1  5.0  2659
 6 Topalov, Veselin      g BUL 2640  = 0 = 0 = * = 1 1 0 1 .  5.0  2659
 7 Adams, Michael        g ENG 2660  0 0 . = 0 = * = 1 = = 1  4.5  2607
 8 Ivanchuk, Vassily     g UKR 2740  0 = = . = 0 = * 1 = = =  4.5  2608
 9 Beliavsky, Alexander  g UKR 2650  = . 0 = 1 0 0 0 * = = 1  4.0  2568
10 Lautier, Joel         g FRA 2635  . 0 = = 0 1 = = = * = 0  4.0  2574
11 Ljubojevic, Ljubomir  g YUG 2600  = 0 = = . 0 = = = = * =  4.0  2587
12 Miladinovic, Igor     g YUG 2555  = = 0 = 0 . 0 = 0 1 = *  3.5  2549

4) United States National Championships - Modesto California.

My thanks to Tom Crain and to ICC for the games from the
Championships. The US Championship appears not to be
using the standard form of pairings for this years
Championships, anyone know why, or what method they
are using?

Round 1 (1995.11.19)

Yermolinsky, Alexey     - Kudrin, Sergey           1/2   63  A34  English; 1.c4 c5
Dzindzichashvili, Roman - Ivanov, Alexander V      1/2   15  A26  English; 1.c4 e5
Wolff, Patrick G        - Browne, Walter S         1-0   57  B23  Sicilian; Closed
Orlov, Georgy           - Gulko, Boris F           1/2   17  C01  French; Exchange
Waitzkin, Joshua        - Benjamin, Joel           1/2   43  B07  Pirc
Khmelnitsky, Igor N     - Kaidanov, Grigory S      1/2   12  C01  French; Exchange
Gurevich, Dmitry        - De Firmian, Nick         1/2   38  A33  English; 1.c4 c5

Round 2 (1995.11.20)

De Firmian, Nick        - Waitzkin, Joshua         1/2   58  B01  Scandinavian
Kudrin, Sergey          - Dzindzichashvili, Roman  1/2   45  B36  Sicilian
Gulko, Boris F          - Wolff, Patrick G         1/2   24  A29  English; 1.c4 e5
Ivanov, Alexander V     - Orlov, Georgy            0-1   38  B17  Caro-Kann
Benjamin, Joel          - Khmelnitsky, Igor N      1/2   38  A21  English; 1.c4 e5
Browne, Walter S        - Gurevich, Dmitry         1/2   21  D46  Queen's gambit
Kaidanov, Grigory S     - Yermolinsky, Alexey      1/2   18  B14  Caro-Kann

Round 3 (1995.11.21)

Yermolinsky, Alexey     - Khmelnitsky, Igor N      1-0   40  A43  Queen's pawn
De Firmian, Nick        - Benjamin, Joel           1/2   22  B47  Sicilian
Dzindzichashvili, Roman - Kaidanov, Grigory S      1-0   41  D30  Queen's gambit
Wolff, Patrick G        - Ivanov, Alexander V      1/2   38  C92  Ruy Lopez
Orlov, Georgy           - Kudrin, Sergey           0-1   58  A34  English; 1.c4 c5
Waitzkin, Joshua        - Browne, Walter S         1-0   45  B50  Sicilian
Gurevich, Dmitry        - Gulko, Boris F           1/2   46  D27  Queen's gambit; Exchange

Round 4 (1995.11.22)

Kudrin, Sergey          - Wolff, Patrick G         1/2   47  B01  Scandinavian
Gulko, Boris F          - Waitzkin, Joshua         1/2   34  A29  English; 1.c4 e5
Ivanov, Alexander V     - Gurevich, Dmitry         1-0   45  B64  Sicilian
Benjamin, Joel          - Yermolinsky, Alexey      1/2   27  A45  Queen's pawn
Browne, Walter S        - De Firmian, Nick         1/2   31  E15  Nimzo indian
Kaidanov, Grigory S     - Orlov, Georgy            0-1   45  B14  Caro-Kann
Khmelnitsky, Igor N     - Dzindzichashvili, Roman  1/2    9  B22  Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3)

Round 5 (1995.11.24)

De Firmian, Nick        - Gulko, Boris F           1/2   14  B17  Caro-Kann
Dzindzichashvili, Roman - Yermolinsky, Alexey      1/2    9  D76  1.d4 d5 2.c4 g6
Wolff, Patrick G        - Kaidanov, Grigory S      1/2   23  C06  French; Tarrasch
Orlov, Georgy           - Khmelnitsky, Igor N      1/2   43
Waitzkin, Joshua        - Ivanov, Alexander V      0-1   50  B06  Modern defence
Browne, Walter S        - Benjamin, Joel           1-0   49  B07  Pirc
Gurevich, Dmitry        - Kudrin, Sergey           1/2   26  A13  English; 1.c4

Round 6 (1995.11.25)

Yermolinsky, Alexey     - Orlov, Georgy            1-0   50  D67  Queen's gambit
Kudrin, Sergey          - Waitzkin, Joshua         1/2   42  B01  Scandinavian
Gulko, Boris F          - Browne, Walter S         1/2   41  A14  English; 1.c4
Ivanov, Alexander V     - De Firmian, Nick         0-1   37  B47  Sicilian
Benjamin, Joel          - Dzindzichashvili, Roman  1/2   28  E11  Bogo indian
Kaidanov, Grigory S     - Gurevich, Dmitry         1-0   60  B53  Sicilian

Khmelnitsy-Wolff Round 6 postponed until Nov 28

Modesto (USA), X 1995.                                             cat. XII (2542)
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4
 1 Yermolinsky, Alexey      g USA 2560 * . = = . . . 1 . = . = 1 .  4.0 / 6  2655
 2 De Firmian, Nick         g USA 2605 . * . . . = 1 . = = = . . =  3.5 / 6  2598
 3 Dzindzichashvili, Roman  g USA 2545 = . * = . . = . . = . 1 = .  3.5 / 6  2601
 4 Kudrin, Sergey           g USA 2525 = . = * = . . 1 = . . . . =  3.5 / 6  2573
 5 Wolff, Patrick G         g USA 2565 . . . = * = = . . . 1 = . .  3.0 / 5  2636
 6 Gulko, Boris F           g USA 2620 . = . . = * . = = . = . . =  3.0 / 6  2526
 7 Ivanov, Alexander V      g USA 2530 . 0 = . = . * 0 1 . . . . 1  3.0 / 6  2524
 8 Orlov, Georgy            m RUS 2465 0 . . 0 . = 1 * . . . 1 = .  3.0 / 6  2551
 9 Waitzkin, Joshua         m USA 2440 . = . = . = 0 . * = 1 . . .  3.0 / 6  2569
10 Benjamin, Joel           g USA 2575 = = = . . . . . = * 0 . = .  2.5 / 6  2476
11 Browne, Walter S         g USA 2560 . = . . 0 = . . 0 1 * . . =  2.5 / 6  2498
12 Kaidanov, Grigory S      g USA 2585 = . 0 . = . . 0 . . . * = 1  2.5 / 6  2468
13 Khmelnitsky, Igor N      m RUS 2490 0 . = . . . . = . = . = * .  2.0 / 5  2474
14 Gurevich, Dmitry         g USA 2525 . = . = . = 0 . . . = 0 . *  2.0 / 6  2445

5) Icelandic National Championships by Einar Karlsson

This is written before the last round has been played in the 1995 Icelandic
Championship 1995.  Stefansson leads by 1 point and needs only a draw
against Hjartarson to secure the title for the first time.  I asume that
Hjartarson will do everything in his power to win the game and therefore
force a match for the title.  Hjartarson had the flu earlier this week
and has not recovered fully from it.  He had to adjorn his round 6 game
because of the illness and only managed a draw against Karlsson, Agust S
when it was played on Wednisday, the second tournament holiday.

Since the last round starts at 17:00 GMT today (25. November) it will probably
not make it into TWIC this week but if there is an early result in the main game
between Hjartarson and Stefansson I will post it to Mark and we will see what
he can do.  Last round results and game will appear on
sometime on Monday.

Round 1 (1995.11.14)

Stefansson, Hannes    - Bjarnason, Saevar      1-0   79  B12  Caro-Kann
Vidarsson, Jon G      - Gretarsson, Helgi Ass  1/2   73  C77  Ruy Lopez
Ornolfsson, Magnus P  - Hjartarson, Johann     1/2   51  B22  Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3)
Sigurpalsson, Runar   - Fridjonsson, Julius    1/2   43  D02  Queen's pawn
Jonasson, Benedikt    - Edvardsson, Kristjan   1-0   61  E92  Kings indian; Classical
Karason, Askell O     - Karlsson, Agust S      1/2   68  D35  Queen's gambit

Round 2 (1995.11.15)

Vidarsson, Jon G      - Karason, Askell O      1-0   27  B76  Sicilian; Dragon
Gretarsson, Helgi Ass - Hjartarson, Johann     0-1   58  E21  Nimzo indian
Karlsson, Agust S     - Jonasson, Benedikt     1-0   44  B30  Sicilian
Bjarnason, Saevar     - Ornolfsson, Magnus P   1-0   30  E91  Kings indian; Classical
Edvardsson, Kristjan  - Sigurpalsson, Runar    1-0   40  A70  Modern Benoni
Fridjonsson, Julius   - Stefansson, Hannes     0-1   43  E67  Kings indian

Round 3 (1995.11.16)

Stefansson, Hannes    - Edvardsson, Kristjan   1-0   40  C55  Two knights
Hjartarson, Johann    - Bjarnason, Saevar      1/2   63  D43  Queen's gambit
Ornolfsson, Magnus P  - Fridjonsson, Julius    1-0   25  B14  Caro-Kann
Sigurpalsson, Runar   - Karlsson, Agust S      0-1   33  A42  Queen's pawn
Jonasson, Benedikt    - Vidarsson, Jon G       0-1   46  B42  Sicilian
Karason, Askell O     - Gretarsson, Helgi Ass  1/2   45  D94  Gruenfeld indian

Round 4 (1995.11.17)

Vidarsson, Jon G      - Sigurpalsson, Runar    0-1   65  C29  1.e4 e5
Gretarsson, Helgi Ass - Bjarnason, Saevar      1-0   33  A56  Benoni
Karlsson, Agust S     - Stefansson, Hannes     0-1   20  E15  Nimzo indian
Edvardsson, Kristjan  - Ornolfsson, Magnus P   1-0   39  A56  Benoni
Karason, Askell O     - Jonasson, Benedikt     1-0   37  E74  Kings indian
Fridjonsson, Julius   - Hjartarson, Johann     0-1   31  C68  Ruy Lopez; Exchange

Round 5 (1995.11.19)

Stefansson, Hannes    - Vidarsson, Jon G       0-1   52  B42  Sicilian
Hjartarson, Johann    - Edvardsson, Kristjan   1-0   29  E94  Kings indian; Classical
Bjarnason, Saevar     - Fridjonsson, Julius    1-0   36  C42  Petroff defence
Ornolfsson, Magnus P  - Karlsson, Agust S      1-0   41  B08  Pirc; Classical
Sigurpalsson, Runar   - Karason, Askell O      1-0   80  E11  Bogo indian
Jonasson, Benedikt    - Gretarsson, Helgi Ass  1-0   31  A11  English; 1.c4

Round 6 (1995.11.20)

Vidarsson, Jon G      - Ornolfsson, Magnus P   1-0   36  B12  Caro-Kann
Gretarsson, Helgi Ass - Fridjonsson, Julius    1-0   54  D17  Slav defence
Karlsson, Agust S     - Hjartarson, Johann     1/2   46  B22  Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3)
Edvardsson, Kristjan  - Bjarnason, Saevar      0-1   82  E34  Nimzo indian
Jonasson, Benedikt    - Sigurpalsson, Runar    0-1   37  B02  Alekhine defence
Karason, Askell O     - Stefansson, Hannes     0-1   36  A32  English; 1.c4 c5

Round 7 (1995.11.21)

Stefansson, Hannes    - Jonasson, Benedikt     1-0   21  B38  Sicilian
Hjartarson, Johann    - Vidarsson, Jon G       1-0   24  E11  Bogo indian
Bjarnason, Saevar     - Karlsson, Agust S      0-1   41  C11  French; Classical
Ornolfsson, Magnus P  - Karason, Askell O      1-0   42  B50  Sicilian
Sigurpalsson, Runar   - Gretarsson, Helgi Ass  0-1   38  E02  Nimzo indian
Fridjonsson, Julius   - Edvardsson, Kristjan   1-0   39  A00  Irregular

Round 8 (1995.11.22)

Vidarsson, Jon G      - Bjarnason, Saevar      1-0   39  B10  Caro-Kann
Gretarsson, Helgi Ass - Edvardsson, Kristjan   1-0   44  A01  Larsen (1.b3)
Karlsson, Agust S     - Fridjonsson, Julius    1-0   16  B22  Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3)
Sigurpalsson, Runar   - Stefansson, Hannes     0-1   55  B53  Sicilian
Jonasson, Benedikt    - Ornolfsson, Magnus P   1-0   34  B13  Caro-Kann
Karason, Askell O     - Hjartarson, Johann     1/2   32  E20  Nimzo indian

Round 9 (1995.11.24)

Stefansson, Hannes    - Gretarsson, Helgi Ass  1-0   57  A10  English; 1.c4
Hjartarson, Johann    - Jonasson, Benedikt     1-0   36  E90  Kings indian; Classical
Bjarnason, Saevar     - Karason, Askell O      1/2   44  E24  Nimzo indian
Ornolfsson, Magnus P  - Sigurpalsson, Runar    1/2   24  C02  French; Advance
Edvardsson, Kristjan  - Karlsson, Agust S      1-0   75  D79  1.d4 d5 2.c4 g6
Fridjonsson, Julius   - Vidarsson, Jon G       1-0   58  A29  English; 1.c4 e5

Reykjavik (ICL), XI 1995.                                cat. III (2324)
                                      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
 1 Stefansson, Hannes     g ISL 2520  * . 0 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1  8.0  2641
 2 Hjartarson, Johann     g ISL 2570  . * 1 1 = = = . 1 1 = 1  7.0  2498
 3 Vidarsson, Jon G       f ISL 2325  1 0 * = . 1 1 0 . 1 1 0  5.5  2417
 4 Gretarsson, Helgi Ass  g ISL 2440  0 0 = * . 1 . 1 1 0 = 1  5.0  2370
 5 Karlsson, Agust S        ISL 2315  0 = . . * 1 0 1 0 1 = 1  5.0  2354
 6 Bjarnason, Saevar      m ISL 2295  0 = 0 0 0 * 1 . 1 . = 1  4.0  2290
 7 Ornolfsson, Magnus P     ISL 2180  . = 0 . 1 0 * = 0 0 1 1  4.0  2262
 8 Sigurpalsson, Runar      ISL 2285  0 . 1 0 0 . = * 0 1 1 =  4.0  2260
 9 Edvardsson, Kristjan     ISL 2210  0 0 . 0 1 0 1 1 * 0 . 0  3.0  2221
10 Jonasson, Benedikt     f ISL 2300  0 0 0 1 0 . 1 0 1 * 0 .  3.0  2217
11 Karason, Askell O        ISL 2235  0 = 0 = = = 0 0 . 1 * .  3.0  2233
12 Fridjonsson, Julius      ISL 2210  0 0 1 0 0 0 0 = 1 . . *  2.5  2182

6) Las Palmas Open  November 15-23 by Ian Rogers

9 rounds, 86 players

=1.Morovic(CHL), Rausis(LAT), P.Cramling(SWE) 7/9
=4.Hernandez(MEX), Vaisser(FRA), Matamoros(ECU), Miezes(LAT),Izeta(SPA) 6.5
=9.Rogers(AUS), Suba(ROM), Roeder(GER), Kurajica(BOS), S.Kovacevic(YUG),
Brito(SPA), Todorcevic(YUG), Garcia Nieves(SPA) 6

In an already bulging issue the games are held over for next week.
My thanks to Ian Rogers.

7) Western European Zonal Tournment Linares Spain

38 players are contesting the Western Zonal Tournament
in Linares. The event started on November 12th. 5
Interzonal places were available. My thanks to Carlos
Adan Bonilla  for reporting the results
and some games.

ROUND 6 - 17/11/95

Miles, Anthony J g ENG		1-0 Van Der Sterren, Paul g NED
Piket, Jeroen g NED		1/2 Sadler, Matthew g ENG
Renet, Olivier g FRA		1/2 Godena, Michele m ITA
Sosonko, Gennadi g NED		0-1 Illescas Cordoba, Miguel g ESP
Gurevich, Mikhail g BEL		1-0 Garcia Ilundain, David m ESP
San Segundo, Pablo m ESP	1/2 Van Der Wiel, John T.H g NED
Fernandez Garcia, Jose L g ESP	1/2 Fernandes, Antonio m POR 2380
Magem Badals, Jorge g ESP	1/2 Antunes, Antonio g POR
Cacho, Sergio  ESP 2400		1-0 Marinelli, Tullio m ITA 2440
Gomez Esteban, Juan Mario m ESP 1-0 Gentilleau, Jean-Philippe  MNC 2225
David, Alberto m LUX 2465	1/2 Hebden, Mark g ENG

ROUND 7 19/11/95

Illescas Cordoba, Miguel g ESP	1-0 Miles, Anthony J g ENG
Godena, Michele m ITA		1/2 Piket, Jeroen g NED
Sadler, Matthew g ENG		1/2 Gurevich, Mikhail g BEL
Hodgson, Julian M g ENG		0-1 Renet, Olivier g FRA
Antunes, Antonio g POR		1-0 Van Wely, Loek g NED 2585
Van Der Wiel, John T.H g NED	1/2 Magem Badals, Jorge g ESP
Hebden, Mark g ENG		1/2 San Segundo, Pablo m ESP
Garcia Ilundain, David m ESP	1/2 Fernandez Garcia, Jose L g ESP
Daly, Colm  IRL 2280		0-1 Cacho, Sergio  ESP 2400
Arlandi, Ennio m ITA 2455	0-1 Gomez Esteban, Juan Mario m ESP
Fernandes, Antonio m POR 2380	1/2 Sosonko, Gennadi g NED
Van Der Sterren, Paul g NED	1/2 Wells, Peter K g ENG
Nijboer, Friso g NED		1-0 Prie, Eric m FRA 2480

ROUND 8 20/11/95

Piket, Jeroen g NED   		1-0 Gurevich, Mikhail g BEL
Cacho, Sergio  ESP 2400		1/2 Nijboer, Friso g NED
San Segundo, Pablo m ESP 	1/2 Van Der Sterren, Paul g NED
Renet, Olivier g FRA  		1/2 Illescas Cordoba, Miguel g ESP
Sosonko, Gennadi g NED		1-0 Fernandez Garcia, Jose L g ESP
Van Wely, Loek g NED 2585	1-0 Garcia Ilundain, David m ESP
Wells, Peter K g ENG 2545	1/2 Van Der Wiel, John T.H g NED
Miles, Anthony J g ENG		1/2 Antunes, Antonio g POR

ROUND 9 21/11/95

Piket, Jeroen g NED   		0-1 Miles, Anthony J g ENG
Illescas Cordoba, Miguel g ESP	1-0 Godena, Michele m ITA
Antunes, Antonio  g POR 2530	0-1 Renet, Olivier g FRA
Nijboer, Friso g NED		1/2 Magem Badals, Jorge g ESP
Apicella, Manuel m FRA 2555	1/2 San Segundo, Pablo m ESP
Van Der Sterren, Paul g NED	1/2 Cacho, Sergio  ESP 2400
Garcia Ilundain, David m ESP	1/2 Gomez Esteban, Juan Mario m ESP 2425
Fernandez Garcia, Jose L g ESP	1/2 Sharif, Mershad m FRA 2465

ROUND 10 22/11/95

Miles, Anthony J g ENG		0-1 Van Wely, Loek g NED 2585
Illescas Cordoba, Miguel g ESP	1-0 Piket, Jeroen g NED
Renet, Olivier g FRA		1/2 Van Der Wiel, John T.H g NED
Sadler, Matthew g ENG		0-1 Van Der Sterren, Paul g NED
Magem Badals, Jorge g ESP	1-0 San Segundo, Pablo m ESP
Galego, Luis m POR 2430		1/2 Hodgson, Julian M. g ENG 2590
Cacho, Sergio  ESP 2400		1-0 Apicella, Manuel m FRA 2555
Gurevich, Mikhail g BEL		1-0 Nijboer, Friso g NED
Godena, Michele m ITA		1-0 Hebden, Mark g ENG

ROUND 11 23/11/95

Van Wely, Loek g NED 2585	1/2 Illescas Cordoba, Miguel g ESP
Apicella, Manuel m FRA 2555	1-0 Miles, Anthony J g ENG
Van Der Sterren, Paul g NED	1-0 Renet, Olivier g FRA
Gomez Esteban, Juan Mario m ESP 1-0 Santo-Roman, Marc m FRA 2485
Nijboer, Friso g NED		1-0 Fernandez Garcia, Jose L g ESP
Ribeiro, Fernando POR 2305	1/2 Garcia Ilundain, David m ESP
Wells, Peter K g ENG 2545	1-0 Magem Badals, Jorge g ESP
Van Der Wiel, John T.H g NED	1-0 Gurevich, Mikhail g BEL
Hodgson, Julian M. g ENG 2590	1-0 Godena, Michele m ITA

Final results:

Illescas Cordoba, Miguel 	g ESP 2620  45 03.12.65 M	8.0 /11

Van Wely, Loek 			g NED 2585  59 07.10.72 M	7.0
Apicella, Manuel 		m FRA 2555  57 19.04.70 M	7.0
Miles, Anthony J 		g ENG 2600  58 23.04.55 M	7.0
Renet, Olivier 			g FRA 2520  57 21.12.64 M	7.0
Van Der Sterren, Paul 		g NED 2545  40 17.03.56 M	7.0
Wells, Peter K 			g ENG 2545  62 17.04.65 M	7.0
Van Der Wiel, John T.H. 	g NED 2545  35 09.08.59 M	7.0

So after weakening at the end. Tony Miles fell into a tie for
the final 4 places of the Interzonal. Illescas won with a
little to spare after a bad start.

Jeroen Piket, Julian Hodgson, Mijail Gurevich, Matthew Sadler, Mark
Hebden, Jordi Magem, etc have been knocked out.


Played the following day, a series of rapid transit games produced
the final four qualifiers:

Van Wely, Loek 			g NED 2585  59 07.10.72 M	4.5
Van Der Wiel, John T.H. 	g NED 2545  35 09.08.59 M	4.5
Van Der Sterren, Paul 		g NED 2545  40 17.03.56 M	3.0
Wells, Peter K 			g ENG 2545  62 17.04.65 M	2.5

Apicella, Manuel 		m FRA 2555  57 19.04.70 M	2.5
Renet, Olivier 			g FRA 2520  57 21.12.64 M	2.0
Miles, Anthony J 		g ENG 2600  58 23.04.55 M	2.0

8) 5th World Senior Championships 1995

Organised in Bad Liebenzell 12.11.95 - 26.11.95 by
ChessOrg. My thanks to Bob Wade and Jon Speelman
for the results. Hopefully I might get some games
(I didn't have time to organise or type these in
this time) for a future TWIC. I notice that
Boris Gruzmann, the only Russian I have ever
played competed. Clear winner was Evgeni Vasiukov.
The women's event was won by Gaprindashvili.

5th World Senior Championships 1995
Vasiukov, Evgeni 	g RUS 2515  20 05.03.33 M	9.0 / 11
Katalymov, Boris N	  KAZ 2460  20   .  .   M	8.5
Baumgartner, Heinz 	f AUT 2295  12 02.09.32 M	8.5
Khasin, Abram 		m RUS 2400   0 15.02.23 M	8.0
Taimanov, Mark E 	g RUS 2510  31 07.02.26 M	8.0
Suetin, Alexey S 	g RUS 2445  14 16.11.26 M	8.0
Lein, Anatoly 		g USA 2470   0 28.03.31 M	8.0
Gurgenidze, Bukhuti 	g GEO 2375   0 13.11.33 M	8.0
Mukhin, Evgeny		  UZB 			M	8.0
Unzicker, Wolfgang 	g GER 2450  16 26.06.25 M	7.5
Arkhangelsky, Boris 	f RUS 2375   0   .  .   M	7.5
Karaklajic, Nikola 	m YUG 2380   4 24.02.26 M	7.5
Semasev, Kim		  LAT 2330  17 19.02.32 M	7.5
Krogius, Nikolai V 	g RUS 2485   8 22.07.30 M	7.5
Braun, Gottfried 	f GER 2330   9 30.06.33 M	7.5
Wade, Robert G 		m ENG 2265   8 10.04.21 M	7.5
Lieb, Harald 		f GER 2255   6 25.12.34 M	7.5
Usachyi, Mark 		f UKR 2290  11 06.02.21 M	7.5
Schlag, Franz		  GER 			M	7.5
Stoliar, Efim Samoilovich RUS 2380   0 10.03.23 M	7.0
Gruzmann, B.		  RUS 2260   0   .  .   M	7.0
Rosen, Wlli		  GER 2270   4 25.03.33 M	7.0
Krueger, Erich		  GER 2195   4 19.06.32 M	7.0
Breustedt, Werner	  GER 2230   0 19.04.31 M	7.0
Vatnikov, Josif E 	m RUS 2350   0 16.02.23 M	7.0
Winiwarter, Felix	  AUT 2175   8 21.03.30 M	7.0
Ofstad, Per		  NOR 2205   9 27.11.34 M	7.0
Sarapu, Ortvin 		m NZL 2300   0 22.01.24 M	7.0
etc ...

5th World Senior Women's Championships 1995

Leading scores:

Gaprindashvili, Nona (GM) 	g GEO 2390   0 03.05.41 F	10.5
Khmiadashvili, Tamari 		m GEO 2180   0 27.11.44 F	 8.0
Kozlovskaya, Valentina 		g RUS 2225   4 18.04.38 F	 8.0
Ankerst, Milka 			m SLO 2095   4 06.04.42 F	 7.5
Zatulovskaya, Tatiana 		g RUS 2160   2 08.12.35 F	 7.5
Muslimova, Aida E		  KAZ 2195   4 24.07.39 F	 7.0
etc ...

9) Clarin Grand Prix last two events by  Roberto Alvarez


From October 21st to October 29th took place the fifth step of "Gran Prix
Clarin" (the main Argentina's newspaper) in La Carlota, an small city in
Cordoba state, Argentina.
Only 38 players at the open tournament, but very strongs ones ! This event
,swiss system, 9 rounds, was played at the "Big Burger" fastfood shop.
The fight was very hard during all the tournament. At the first 4 rounds,
IGM Garcia Palermo and FM Facundo Quiroga (3,5 /4) were on top, but after
the 5th round, former Argentina's Chess Champion, IM Pablo Ricardi got the
first place thanks to a victory against Garcia Palermo.
Ricardi won with 7 /9, half point ahead IM Andres Rodriguez (Uruguay) and IM
Alejandro Hoffman.  One of the best games of the event was Bronstein
against Andres Rodriguez (4th round).

Final Standings :

1. P.Ricardi		ARG M 7,0
2. A.Rodriguez		URU M 6,5
3. A.Hoffman		ARG M 6,5
4. J.Gomez Baillo	ARG M 6,0
5. M.Tempone		ARG M 6,0
6. S.Slipak		ARG M 6,0
7. H.Spangenberg	ARG M 6,0
8. L.Bronstein		ARG M 5,5
9. F.Fiorito		ARG M 5,5
10.D.Pereyra Arcija	ARG F 5,5
11.D.Herman		ARG   5,0
12.C.Minzer		ARG F 5,0
13.R.Servat		ARG M 5,0
14.C.Garcia Palermo	ARG G 5,0
15.A.Giaccio		ARG F 5,0
16.G.Soppe		ARG M 5,0
17.S.Quiroga		ARG   5,0
18.D.Pereyra Arcija	ARG F 5,0
19.J.Emma		ARG M 4,5
20.D.Valerga		ARG M 4,5
21.M.Ginzburg		ARG M 4,5
22.G.Malbron		ARG F 4,5
23.F.Pierrot		ARG F 4,5
24.M.Leskovar		ARG M 4,5
25.J.Rodriguez		ARG F 4,5
26.M.Andreas		CUB M 4,5

by Roberto Alvarez

From November 4 to 12 took place the last open tournament of "Gran Prix
Clarin", held on Salta city, near 1800 Km !! north from Buenos Aires.
The event was organized by the woman President of Salta Chess Federation,
Mrs.Gloria Liendro,and the main arbiter was AI Blas Pingas.
After 9 rounds, uruguayan IM Andres Rodriguez won with 7 points (9 rounds)
ahead russian IGM Maxim Sorokin, IGM Ariel Sorin, IM G.Soppe and several
strong masters.

Final Standings
1. A.Rodriguez		URU M 7,0
2. M.Sorokin		RUS G 6,5
3. A.Sorin		ARG M 6,5
4. G.Soppe		ARG M 6,5
5. S.Slipak		ARG M 6,0
6. A.Hoffman		ARG M 6,0
7. C.Minzer		ARG F 6,0
8. T.Acosta		ARG   6,0
9. M.Tempone		ARG M 5,5
10.G.Milos		BRA G 5,5
11.M.Ginzburg		ARG M 5,5
12.A.Aparicio		ARG F 5,5
13.A.Giaccio		ARG F 5,5
14.F.Quiroga		ARG   5,5
15.M.Belmonte		ARG   5,5
16.J.Gomez Baillo	ARG M 5,5
17.A.Bass		ARG   5,0
18.L.Lafuente		ARG   5,0
19.E.Dib Ashur		ARG   5,0
20.M.Saldano		ARG   5,0
21.I.Fernandez		ARG   5,0
22.L.Lopez		ARG   5,0
23.J.Endrizzi		ARG   5,0
24.D.Belmonte		ARG   4,5
25.J.Belmonte		ARG   4,5

10) VIENNA MASTERS 1995 "Wilhelm Steinitz Gedenkturnier" by Damir Medak

   Wilhelm Steinitz memorial active chess tournament, organized by
Jewish Comunity of Vienna, took place in Vienna, 19-20 Nov 1995.
It was a nice chance for the best Austrian masters to face up
with the prominent european grandmasters.

   The whole event attracted a lot of visitors, as well as TV
and newspaper interest. In few days there were simultaneous of Sofia
Polgar, Night Blitz tournament, presentation of computer program,
and contest in solving simple chess problems for visitors.

   After 9 rounds (25' per player) of hard fighting Eric Lobron and
Ivan Sokolov shared 1st and 2nd place. Tournament rules demanded
additional 5' match. Ivan Sokolov won 2:0 and took 1st prize of
5000 US$.

   Unfortunately, games were not officially recorded. But there are
four games in the games section.

    Name               	T Cou Rat    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   Pts

01 Lobron, Eric 	g GER 2595  +24 +26 +03 +05 +06 =04 =07 -02 +11  7.0
02 Sokolov, Ivan 	g BIH 2630  +   =06 +31 =13 -04 +22 +17 +01 +03  7.0
03 Chernin, Alexander 	g HUN 2600  +27 +14 -01 +15 =13 +31 +05 +04 -02  6.5
04 Korchnoi, Viktor 	g SUI 2635  -18 +34 +09 +14 +02 =01 +06 -03 =05  6.0
05 Hertneck, Gerald 	g GER 2570  +34 +15 =13 -01 +09 +10 -03 +18 =04  6.0
06 Har-Zvi, Ronen 	m ISR 2535  +36 =02 +17 +08 -01 +13 -04 =07 +14  6.0
07 Andersson, Ulf 	g SWE 2630  =21 =16 +18 =19 =17 +14 =01 =06 =10  5.5
08 Polgar, Sofia (IM) 	g HUN 2485  =32 +23 +12 -06 -10 -11 +21 +31 +20  5.5
09 Sommerbauer, Norbert f AUT 2385  =10 +25 -04 +33 -05 =21 +23 =20 +19  5.5
10 Razuvaev, Yuri S 	g RUS 2585  =09 =32 =36 +27 +08 -05 =18 +22 =07  5.5
11 Fauland, Alexander 	m AUT 2430  -13 =30 =23 =36 +28 +08 +31 +17 -01  5.5
12 Nunn, John D M 	g ENG 2615  +33 =17 -08 -25 +30 =20 +29 =19 +18  5.5
13 Nikolic, Predrag 	g BIH 2645  +11 +19 =05 =02 =03 -06 =20 -14 +25  5.0
14 Rechlis, Gad 	g ISR 2490  +37 -03 +21 -04 +36 -07 +24 +13 -06  5.0
15 Klinger, Josef 	g AUT 2430  +35 -05 +16 -03 -20 -23 +34 +32 +28  5.0
16 Schroll, Gerhard 	m AUT 2380  =28 =07 -15 -23 -32 +35 +26 +27 +24  5.0
17 Cvitan, Ognjen 	g CRO 2510  +20 =12 -06 +28 =07 +24 -02 -11 =22  4.5
18 Mahdy, Khaled 	m EGY 2425  +04 -31 -07 +26 +23 +19 =10 -05 -12  4.5
19 Popovic, Petar 	g YUG 2555  +30 -13 +32 =07 =24 -18 +27 =12 -09  4.5
20 Herndl, Harald 	f AUT 2350  -17 -33 +29 +35 +15 =12 =13 =09 -08  4.5
21 Stefanova, Antoaneta g BUL 2415  =07 =28 -14 +32 -22 =09 -08 +37 +31  4.5
22 Manor, Ilan 		m ISR 2480  -26 +29 -24 +37 +21 -02 +25 -10 =17  4.5
23 Moser, Guenter 	f AUT 2320  =25 -08 =11 +16 -18 +15 -09 -24 +    4.0
24 Lendwai, Reinhard 	m AUT 2385  -01 +35 +22 =31 =19 -17 -14 +23 -16  4.0
25 Stanec, Nikolaus 	m AUT 2480  =23 -09 +30 +12 -31 =27 -22 +29 -13  4.0
26 Casagrande, Harald 	m AUT 2340  +22 -01 -27 -18 -29 +   -16 +36 +37  4.0
27 Weinzettl, Ernst 	f AUT 2390  -03 =37 +26 -10 +33 =25 -19 -16 +32  4.0
28 Greenfeld, Alon 	g ISR 2570  =16 =21 =33 -17 -11 =34 +36 +30 -15  4.0
29 Palos, Osman 	m BIH 2355  -31 -22 -20 +   +26 +36 -12 -25 +34  4.0
30 Balinov, Ilija 	  BUL 2355  -19 =11 -25 +34 -12 +37 =32 -28 +33  4.0
31 Kindermann, Stefan 	g GER 2565  +29 +18 -02 =24 +25 -03 -11 -08 -21  3.5
32 Dueckstein, Andreas 	m AUT 2345  =08 =10 -19 -21 +16 =33 =30 -15 -27  3.0
33 Hoelzl, Franz 	m AUT 2390  -12 +20 =28 -09 -27 =32 -35 +   -30  3.0
34 Rolletschek,Heinrich f AUT 2360  -05 -04 =37 -30 +   =28 -15 +35 -29  3.0
35 Sinowjew, Juri 	f AUT 2320  -15 -24 +   -20 =37 -16 +33 -34 =36  3.0
36 Bawart, Markus	  AUT 2355  -06 +   =10 =11 -14 -29 -28 -26 =35  2.5
37 Miniboeck, Guenter 	f AUT 2350  -14 =27 =34 -22 =35 -30 +   -21 -26  2.5
38 Robovic, Saudin 	m BIH 2410   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   0.0

Final match (5')
01 Lobron, Eric 	g GER 2595  0  0	0.0
02 Sokolov, Ivan 	g BIH 2630  1  1	2.0

11) CAPPS MEMORIAL San Francisco by Sam Sloan

The Carroll M. Capps Memorial Tournament, which was held November 10-12, 1995
at the Mechanics Institute Chess Club in San Francisco, was won by
International Master Enrico Sevillano and Joe Weber, who tied for first prize
with perfect scores of 5-0. The expert prize was won by Boris Orlov from
Russia, who finished third with 4 1/2 - 1/2 and won
$200. Tied for fourth were Victor Baja, Renard Anderson, Natalya Tsodikova,
Peter Grey, Jonathan Baker, Arthur Ibragimov and Michael Gene Anderson.

The best Class A player was Gennady Reznikov from Russia with 3 1/2 - 1 1/2.
The Best Class B was Igor Bagrov from Russia, also with 3 1/2 - 1 1/2.
The Best Class C was Sinde Era with 3-2 and the best unrated was Norman
Rochau with 2 1/2 - 2 1/2. Mike Goodall directed.

12) Dutch Championships Semi-finals by Anjo Anjewierden.

Round 1 (1995.11.03)

Hoogendoorn, Joost           - Langeweg, Kick                0-1   42  B22  Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3)
Riemersma, Liafbern          - Van der Poel, Henk            1-0   35  B88  Sicilian
Hoeksema, Erik               - Legemaat, Gert                1-0   57  E99  Kings indian; Main line
Bosboom, Manuel              - Hartoch, Robert G             1-0   36  A21  English; 1.c4 e5
Delemarre, Jop               - Van der Weide, Karel          0-1   37  E81  Kings indian; Saemisch
Hommeles, Theo               - Ernst, Sipke                  0-1   36  B83  Sicilian
Wuts, Frank                  - Klip, Hans                    1-0   60  A80  Dutch defence
Van de Oudeweetering, Arthur - Perez Garcia, Hebert          1-0   47  B19  Caro-Kann
Borst, Johan                 - Lemmers, Oscar                1/2   39  E61  Kings indian
Strating, Sybolt             - Hendriks, Willy               1/2   49  E67  Kings indian
Van Voorthuijsen, PW         - Zagema, Wieb                  1-0   85  D34  Queen's gambit
Valens, Vincent              - Kroeze, Frank M               0-1   33  A44  Old-Benoni
Van Doeland, Julius H        - Douven, Rudy C                0-1   60  E18  Queen's indian
Ellenbroek, Ton              - Knoppert, Erik G J            0-1   56  A59  Wolga gambit
Van der Burght, Remco        - Van Mil, Johannes             1/2   26  B44  Sicilian

Round 2 (1995.11.04)

Hendriks, Willy              - Van der Burght, Remco         1-0   35  C24  1.e4 e5
Lemmers, Oscar               - Bosch, Jeroen                 0-1   54  B22  Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3)
Ernst, Sipke                 - Bosboom, Manuel               1-0   39  B53  Sicilian
Van Mil, Johannes            - Borst, Johan                  1/2   41  B15  Caro-Kann
Knoppert, Erik G J           - Van Voorthuijsen, PW          1/2   34  B09  Pirc; Austrian
Kroeze, Frank M              - Hoeksema, Erik                1-0   43  C68  Ruy Lopez; Exchange
Langeweg, Kick               - Van de Oudeweetering, Arthur  1/2   23  D11  Slav defence
Van der Weide, Karel         - Riemersma, Liafbern           0-1   60  A04  Reti (1.Nf3)
Legemaat, Gert               - Hommeles, Theo                0-1   36  A42  Queen's pawn
Hartoch, Robert G            - Hoogendoorn, Joost            1/2   76  A11  English; 1.c4
Klip, Hans                   - Ellenbroek, Ton               1-0   24  C55  Two knights
Van der Poel, Henk           - Van Doeland, Julius H         1/2   59  B66  Sicilian
Oei, Hway Ik                 - Strating, Sybolt              0-1   35  B14  Caro-Kann
Perez Garcia, Hebert         - Delemarre, Jop                0-1   38  D04  Queen's pawn
Zagema, Wieb                 - Valens, Vincent               1-0   43  A04  Reti (1.Nf3)

Round 3 (1995.11.05)

Bosch, Jeroen                - Langeweg, Kick                1/2   27  B80  Sicilian
Riemersma, Liafbern          - Douven, Rudy C                1-0   25  B14  Caro-Kann
Hoeksema, Erik               - Van Mil, Johannes             1-0   39  A42  Queen's pawn
Bosboom, Manuel              - Klip, Hans                    1-0   54  A26  English; 1.c4 e5
Hommeles, Theo               - Zagema, Wieb                  1-0   34  C41  Philidor defence
Wuts, Frank                  - Hartoch, Robert G             1/2   41  B07  Pirc
Kroeze, Frank M              - Ernst, Sipke                  1/2   36  D13  Slav defence
Van de Oudeweetering, Arthur - Hendriks, Willy               1/2   22  B06  Modern defence
Borst, Johan                 - Van der Weide, Karel          1-0   34  D01  Queen's pawn
Strating, Sybolt             - Knoppert, Erik G J            1/2   48  A37  English; 1.c4 c5
Van Voorthuijsen, PW         - Delemarre, Jop                1/2   20  D45  Queen's gambit
Valens, Vincent              - Legemaat, Gert                0-1   35  E66  Kings indian
Van Doeland, Julius H        - Lemmers, Oscar                1/2   43  A30  English; 1.c4 c5
Ellenbroek, Ton              - Perez Garcia, Hebert          1-0   41  A40  Queen's pawn
Van der Burght, Remco        - Van der Poel, Henk            0-1   44  B52  Sicilian

Round 4 (1995.11.06)

Hendriks, Willy              - Hommeles, Theo                1-0   23  B00  1.e4
Douven, Rudy C               - Bosch, Jeroen                 1/2   31  A52  Benoni
Ernst, Sipke                 - Riemersma, Liafbern           0-1   46  B77  Sicilian; Dragon
Hoeksema, Erik               - Strating, Sybolt              1-0   50  D45  Queen's gambit
Van Mil, Johannes            - Van Doeland, Julius H         1/2   67  C10  French
Delemarre, Jop               - Hoogendoorn, Joost            0-1   40  D12  Slav defence
Knoppert, Erik G J           - Van de Oudeweetering, Arthur  1-0   63  D02  Queen's pawn
Langeweg, Kick               - Bosboom, Manuel               1-0   46  A48  Queen's pawn
Van der Weide, Karel         - Ellenbroek, Ton               1-0   40  C47  Four knights
Borst, Johan                 - Kroeze, Frank M               1/2   26  D01  Queen's pawn
Legemaat, Gert               - Wuts, Frank                   0-1   48  A06  Reti (1.Nf3)
Hartoch, Robert G            - Zagema, Wieb                  1/2   58  A37  English; 1.c4 c5
Van der Poel, Henk           - Van Voorthuijsen, PW          1/2   31  B06  Modern defence
Oei, Hway Ik                 - Van der Burght, Remco         1/2   41  A36  English; 1.c4 c5
Perez Garcia, Hebert         - Valens, Vincent               1/2   20  B23  Sicilian; Closed

Round 5 (1995.11.07)

Bosch, Jeroen                - Bosboom, Manuel               1-0   44  B30  Sicilian
Hoogendoorn, Joost           - Douven, Rudy C                1-0   60  B12  Caro-Kann
Hommeles, Theo               - Van der Poel, Henk            1-0   40  B63  Sicilian
Wuts, Frank                  - Ernst, Sipke                  1/2   51  D02  Queen's pawn
Kroeze, Frank M              - Knoppert, Erik G J            1/2   61  B06  Modern defence
Langeweg, Kick               - Hoeksema, Erik                1/2   23  A80  Dutch defence
Van de Oudeweetering, Arthur - Van der Weide, Karel          1/2   14  B22  Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3)
Strating, Sybolt             - Lemmers, Oscar                0-1   32  A68  Modern Benoni
Van Voorthuijsen, PW         - Borst, Johan                  1/2   28  B13  Caro-Kann
Klip, Hans                   - Legemaat, Gert                0-1   39  C10  French
Valens, Vincent              - Oei, Hway Ik                  0-1   40  E12  Queen's indian
Van Doeland, Julius H        - Delemarre, Jop                1/2   22  A11  English; 1.c4
Ellenbroek, Ton              - Hartoch, Robert G             0-1   59  E80  Kings indian; Saemisch
Zagema, Wieb                 - Van Mil, Johannes             0-1   47  A08  Reti (1.Nf3)
Van der Burght, Remco        - Perez Garcia, Hebert          0-1   26  B10  Caro-Kann

Round 6 (1995.11.09)

Hendriks, Willy              - Hoogendoorn, Joost            1-0  102  B01  Scandinavian
Douven, Rudy C               - Oei, Hway Ik                  1-0   40  E17  Queen's indian
Lemmers, Oscar               - Hommeles, Theo                1-0   29  B06  Modern defence
Hoeksema, Erik               - Bosch, Jeroen                 1/2   50  B40  Sicilian
Van Mil, Johannes            - Van de Oudeweetering, Arthur  1-0   32  A03  Bird (1.f4)
Bosboom, Manuel              - Van Doeland, Julius H         1-0   22  A28  English; 1.c4 e5
Delemarre, Jop               - Van der Poel, Henk            1-0   25  D44  QGD; Botvinnik system
Knoppert, Erik G J           - Riemersma, Liafbern           0-1   39  D00  Queen's pawn
Kroeze, Frank M              - Langeweg, Kick                1/2   38  A00  Irregular
Van der Weide, Karel         - Hartoch, Robert G             1-0   41  B06  Modern defence
Borst, Johan                 - Wuts, Frank                   0-1   65  B27  Sicilian; Closed
Legemaat, Gert               - Strating, Sybolt              1/2   42  A15  English; 1.c4
Klip, Hans                   - Van der Burght, Remco         1-0   39  C90  Ruy Lopez
Valens, Vincent              - Ellenbroek, Ton               1/2   41  D31  Queen's gambit
Perez Garcia, Hebert         - Zagema, Wieb                  1-0   25  B00  1.e4

Round 7 (1995.11.10)

Bosch, Jeroen                - Kroeze, Frank M               1-0   30  D30  Queen's gambit
Hoogendoorn, Joost           - Knoppert, Erik G J            1/2   81  B13  Caro-Kann
Riemersma, Liafbern          - Lemmers, Oscar                0-1   68  A70  Modern Benoni
Van Mil, Johannes            - Ernst, Sipke                  0-1   66  B22  Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3)
Hommeles, Theo               - Delemarre, Jop                0-1   37  B08  Pirc; Classical
Wuts, Frank                  - Hoeksema, Erik                1-0   21  B23  Sicilian; Closed
Langeweg, Kick               - Hendriks, Willy               0-1   34  B07  Pirc
Van de Oudeweetering, Arthur - Legemaat, Gert                1-0   27  C47  Four knights
Van der Weide, Karel         - Douven, Rudy C                0-1   49  B10  Caro-Kann
Strating, Sybolt             - Perez Garcia, Hebert          1-0   99  A81  Dutch defence
Van Voorthuijsen, PW         - Bosboom, Manuel               0-1   49  A58  Wolga gambit
Hartoch, Robert G            - Borst, Johan                  0-1   25  A07  Reti (1.Nf3)
Van der Poel, Henk           - Klip, Hans                    1/2   41  C77  Ruy Lopez
Oei, Hway Ik                 - Van Doeland, Julius H         1/2   66  A25  English; 1.c4 e5
Zagema, Wieb                 - Ellenbroek, Ton               1-0   39  A25  English; 1.c4 e5
Van der Burght, Remco        - Valens, Vincent               0-1   37  B48  Sicilian

Round 8 (1995.11.11)

Hendriks, Willy              - Wuts, Frank                   1-0   34  B00  1.e4
Bosch, Jeroen                - Riemersma, Liafbern           1-0   45  B55  Sicilian
Douven, Rudy C               - Borst, Johan                  1-0   26  D94  Gruenfeld indian
Ernst, Sipke                 - Lemmers, Oscar                0-1   32  A01  Larsen (1.b3)
Bosboom, Manuel              - Hoogendoorn, Joost            0-1   40  A11  English; 1.c4
Delemarre, Jop               - Langeweg, Kick                1-0   58  E12  Queen's indian
Knoppert, Erik G J           - Hoeksema, Erik                0-1   28  D32  Queen's gambit
Kroeze, Frank M              - Van Mil, Johannes             0-1   43  B15  Caro-Kann
Legemaat, Gert               - Van der Poel, Henk            1/2   23  B26  Sicilian; Closed
Strating, Sybolt             - Van der Weide, Karel          1/2   67  E68  Kings indian
Van Voorthuijsen, PW         - Van de Oudeweetering, Arthur  1-0   41  D45  Queen's gambit
Hartoch, Robert G            - Valens, Vincent               1/2   17  A04  Reti (1.Nf3)
Klip, Hans                   - Oei, Hway Ik                  1-0   23  B12  Caro-Kann
Van Doeland, Julius H        - Zagema, Wieb                  1-0   31  A37  English; 1.c4 c5
Perez Garcia, Hebert         - Hommeles, Theo                0-1   60  B06  Modern defence
Ellenbroek, Ton              - Van der Burght, Remco         1-0   72  D45  Queen's gambit

Round 9 (1995.11.12)

Hendriks, Willy              - Bosch, Jeroen                 1/2   39  B05  Alekhine defence
Lemmers, Oscar               - Douven, Rudy C                0-1   62  B15  Caro-Kann
Riemersma, Liafbern          - Delemarre, Jop                1-0   30  D60  Queen's gambit
Hoeksema, Erik               - Ernst, Sipke                  1/2   41  B45  Sicilian
Van Mil, Johannes            - Van Voorthuijsen, PW          1-0   41  B08  Pirc; Classical
Hommeles, Theo               - Strating, Sybolt              1-0   48  B79  Sicilian; Dragon
Wuts, Frank                  - Hoogendoorn, Joost            0-1   41  B17  Caro-Kann
Langeweg, Kick               - Knoppert, Erik G J            1/2   60  A43  Queen's pawn
Van de Oudeweetering, Arthur - Klip, Hans                    1-0   40  C78  Ruy Lopez
Van der Weide, Karel         - Kroeze, Frank M               1/2    7  A07  Reti (1.Nf3)
Borst, Johan                 - Bosboom, Manuel               0-1   27  D01  Queen's pawn
Valens, Vincent              - Van Doeland, Julius H         1-0   35  E12  Queen's indian
Van der Poel, Henk           - Hartoch, Robert G             1/2   10  B07  Pirc
Oei, Hway Ik                 - Perez Garcia, Hebert          1/2   50  C09  French; Tarrasch
Ellenbroek, Ton              - Legemaat, Gert                0-1   40  A69  Modern Benoni
Zagema, Wieb                 - Van der Burght, Remco         0-1   51  C22  1.e4 e5

Enschede (NED) ch-NED sf, XI 1995.
                                              1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9
 1 Hendriks, Willy                 NED 2395  =21 +32 =17 +12 + 6 + 4 +16 +13 = 2  7.5  2585
 2 Bosch, Jeroen                 m NED 2425  =28 + 5 =16 = 3 +10 = 8 +15 + 6 = 1  6.5  2548
 3 Douven, Rudy C                m NED 2410  +26 +13 - 6 = 2 - 4 +28 +18 +19 + 5  6.5  2588
 4 Hoogendoorn, Joost              NED ----  -16 =23 +28 +11 + 3 - 1 =14 +10 +13  6.0  2487
 5 Lemmers, Oscar                f NED 2355  =19 - 2 =26 +24 +21 +12 + 6 + 7 - 3  6.0  2443
 6 Riemersma, Liafbern           m NED 2415  +27 +18 + 3 + 7 - 1 +14 - 5 - 2 +11  6.0  2468
 7 Ernst, Sipke                    NED ----  +12 +10 =15 - 6 =13 +22 + 9 - 5 = 8  5.5  2454
 8 Hoeksema, Erik                m NED 2410  +20 -15 + 9 +21 =16 = 2 -13 +14 = 7  5.5  2432
 9 Van Mil, Johannes             m NED 2435  =32 =19 - 8 =26 +31 +17 - 7 +15 +22  5.5  2509
10 Bosboom, Manuel               m NED 2450  +23 - 7 +24 -16 - 2 +26 +22 - 4 +19  5.0  2499
11 Delemarre, Jop                  NED 2320  -18 +29 =22 - 4 =26 +27 +12 +16 - 6  5.0  2416
12 Hommeles, Theo                  NED 2275  - 7 +20 +31 - 1 +27 - 5 -11 +29 +21  5.0  2388
13 Wuts, Frank                     NED 2335  +24 - 3 =23 +20 = 7 +19 + 8 - 1 - 4  5.0  2426
14 Knoppert, Erik G J            f NED 2400  +30 =22 =21 +17 =15 - 6 = 4 - 8 =16  4.5  2334
15 Kroeze, Frank M               f NED 2395  +25 + 8 = 7 =19 =14 =16 - 2 - 9 =18  4.5  2334
16 Langeweg, Kick                m NED 2375  + 4 =17 = 2 +10 = 8 =15 - 1 -11 =14  4.5  2350
17 Van de Oudeweetering, Arthur  f NED 2350  +29 =16 = 1 -14 =18 - 9 +20 -22 +24  4.5  2308
18 Van der Weide, Karel          f NED 2325  +11 - 6 -19 +30 =17 +23 - 3 =21 =15  4.5  2331
19 Borst, Johan                    NED 2320  = 5 = 9 +18 =15 =22 -13 +23 - 3 -10  4.0  2328
20 Legemaat, Gert                  NED ----  - 8 -12 +25 -13 +24 =21 -17 =27 +30  4.0  2224
21 Strating, Sybolt              f NED 2310  = 1 +28 =14 - 8 - 5 =20 +29 =18 -12  4.0  2286
22 Van Voorthuijsen, PW          f NED 2300  +31 =14 =11 =27 =19 - 7 -10 +17 - 9  4.0  2378
23 Hartoch, Robert G             m NED 2340  -10 = 4 =13 =31 +30 -18 -19 =25 =27  3.5  2226
24 Klip, Hans                    f NED 2340  -13 +30 -10 - 5 -20 +32 =27 +28 -17  3.5  2212
25 Valens, Vincent                 NED ----  -15 -31 -20 =29 -28 =30 +32 =23 +26  3.5  2185
26 Van Doeland, Julius H         f NED 2290  - 3 =27 = 5 = 9 =11 -10 =28 +31 -25  3.5  2326
27 Van der Poel, Henk            f NED 2355  - 6 =26 +32 =22 -12 -11 =24 =20 =23  3.5  2167
28 Oei, Hway Ik                    NED 2235  = 2 -21 - 4 =32 +25 - 3 =26 -24 =29  3.0  2142
29 Perez Garcia, Hebert            NED 2240  -17 -11 -30 =25 +32 +31 -21 -12 =28  3.0  2056
30 Ellenbroek, Ton                 NED 2120  -14 -24 +29 -18 -23 =25 -31 +32 -20  2.5  2067
31 Zagema, Wieb                  f NED 2395  -22 +25 -12 =23 - 9 -29 +30 -26 -32  2.5  2055
32 Van der Burght, Remco           NED ----  = 9 - 1 -27 =28 -29 -24 -25 -30 +31  2.0  2121

13) Michael Niermann's Chess Tournament Calendar

Many thanks to all who have sent us some tournament informations,
but we still need some help. If you want to support us, please send
infos about tournaments in your country to Comments are also welcome (e.g. wrong
links in the calendar).

To the organizers of tournaments: It would be much easier for me, if you could
send me in addition to the announcement a short description in the format
below. If you give an email, ftp, telnet or WWW address, it would also be nice
to include a link in HTML format, if you are able to do so.

November 24-26       Kilkenny,Ireland
                       "Kilkenny Masters" 6 round weekender,
                       All moves 1 3/4 hours
                       3 Sections Masters,Major,Junior
                       (Part of the Leigh Grand Prix Circuit)
                       G.M./I.M. Free Entry
                       Entry fee £20-Masters,£15 Major
                       1st prize £500!!
                       Tel Irl 056 22221 Jack Lowry

November 25-26       Dawson Creek, BC (CAN), Golden Harvest Open, 4xCH,
                       45/120+30/1, entry fee $20, prizes: all entry fees,
                       more details at the CFC homepage,
                       Tel +?-(604) 782-5637 Jim Kanester

November 25-26       Calgary, AB (CAN), Southern Alberta Open, Alberta Closed
                       Qualifier, 5xCH, 40/110+15/30, entry fee $20/$15 Jr,
                       more details at the CFC homepage,
                       Tel +?-282-0419 Paul Usselman

November 26          Ridgetown, ON (CAN), Ridgetown November One Day, 3xCH,
                       G/60, entry fee $35(+$5 at site), prizes $100,$75,$35,
                       more details at the CFC homepage,
                       Tel +?-(519) 674-0315  H.J.Atkinson


December 1-11        Mondariz Balneario (ESP), International Chess Festival
                       "ACEIMAR", Site: International School CEMAR, round robin,
                       IM norms possible, full board 5000 pts, entry fee 15000
                       pts, more details below,
                       Tel: +34-86-873431 FM Sergio Estremera
                            +34-48-150049 IA Antonio Juano
                       Fax: +34-86-662430
                       Email: (Subject: CEMAR Tournament)

December 7-10        Milano (ITA), Torneo Internazionale 'Edoardo Crespi',
                       7xCH, 40/120+G/60, no ELO, entry fee Lit 70.000 (free
                       for ELO(FIDE)>2250, under 16: Lit 50.000), 4 classes,
                       prizes (master's class): 12/8/5/3/2/0.99 x Lit 100.000,
                       3 youth prizes
                       Tel +39-2-8692171 (15-18)
                        or +39-2-4585295 (evening)
                        or +39-2-4237404 (evening)

December 9           Thunder Bay, ON (CAN), Country Seed Planters' Active,
                       Qualifier to NWO Closed, 5xCH, entry fee $20,
                       sections Open, U1400,
                       more details at the CFC homepage,
                       Tel +?-(807)622-6773 John Rutherford

December 9           Kamloops, BC (CAN), Dec. Kamloops Open Tornado, 4xCH,
                       30/65+G/30, entry fee $15,
                       more details at the CFC homepage,
                       Tel +?-(604) 376-8776 G. Hara

December 9-10        Worldwide (Conducted Online by the Internet Chess Club),
                       Internet World Student Chess Championship, 3 rounds each
                       day, G/30, 12-2-4 p.m. EST (5-7-9 p.m. GMT),
                       Prizes: $500 first + Internet World Champion Trophy,
                       Thousands of dollars of gifts and other prizes awarded,
                       Entry Fee: US $20, deadline December 1, 1995,
                       details below,
                       Tel: 1-212-580-6920 for entry form;
                            1-412-362-6334 for more info
                       Telnet to: CHESS.LM.COM
                       Email: for entry form;
                     for tournament rules and details

December 16-17       Edmonton, AB (CAN), 5xCH, 40/110+15/30,
                       entry fee $20/$15 Jr,
                       more details at the CFC homepage,
                       Tel +?-481-6474 Ford Wong

December 17          Ridgetown, ON (CAN), Ridgetown December One Day, 3xCH,
                       G/60, entry fee $35(+$5 at site), prizes $100,$75,$35,
                       more details at the CFC homepage,
                       Tel +?-(519) 674-0315  H.J.Atkinson

December 18-30       Groningen (NED), Koop Tjuchem Toornoi,
                         I. closed GM tmt, cat XVI, 11xRR, 19.12-30.12.
                        II. open GM tmt, 11xCH, just players > 2200 or
                            female players > 2100, 40/120+20/60+G/30,
                            prize fund dfl 22500 (1st dfl 6000), 19.12-30.12.
                            entry fee dfl160 (GM,IM <2400 dfl 100,GM,IM >2400
                       III. 2 open tournaments (1800-2200, <1800), 9xCH,
                            40/120+20/60+G/30, prizes dfl 5500/4000,
                            (1st dfl 1500/1000), entry fee dfl 110/85
                        IV. mini tournaments (5xCH) for <2300, 20.12-24.12
                            and 26.12-30.12.
                         V. closed rapidtoornoi 22./23. 12.
                       Tel +31-50-222637
                       Fax +31-50-250155

December 26-29       New York,NY (USA), Pan American Intercollegiate Team Chess
                       Championship, Site: Manhattan Conference Center,
                       Fiterman Hall, 30 West Broadway, prize fund $3000,
                       4 player teams of college/university students of the
                       same school, more details below (wrong dates in
                       TWIC47 !),
                       Tel: 212-580-6920
                       Fax: 212-496-2464
                       Pan-Am Web Homepage:

December 26-30       Brugge (BEL), 9xCH, prizes 210.000 bef, entry fee 1.250bef,
                       GM,IM,FM free, many Youth + Senior tournaments,
                       Tel +32 (050)358932 Mr Barzeele
                        or +32 (09)2233811

December 26-30       Toronto, ON (CAN), Santa Claus Open, 6xCH, 40/120+G/60,
                       entry fee $60, $20 late fee after Dec. 21,  $20 discount
                       for Jrs,Srs,Women and over 2400, prizes $5000,
                       more details at the CFC homepage,
                       Tel +?-(416) 467-9715 Mark S. Dutton

December 26-         Strasbourg (FRA), 6th Strasbourg International Open,
          January 2    site: Salle de sport, 10 Rue de Palerme,67084 Strasbourg,
                       9xCH, 40/120+20/60+G/30, entry fee: 350ff (175ff under
                       20, GM/IM free), Prizes: 75% of the entry fees,
                       many details below
                       Tel: +33-88 69 12 96

December 27-31       Unna (GER), 9xCH, no ELO, 40/120+G/60, entry fee 50 DM
                       (youth players 30 DM, after Dec 15 +20DM), no conditions
                       for GM, no smoking
                       Tel +49-2303-50505

December 29-30       Kamloops, BC (CAN), 1995 BC Amateur Chp. Open, 5xCH,
                        40/90+G/60, entry fee $35,
                       more details at the CFC homepage,
                       Tel +?-(604) 376-8776 G. Hara


January 3-13         Mondariz Balneario (ESP), International Chess Festival
                       "ACEIMAR", Site: International School CEMAR, round robin,
                       IM norms possible, full board 5000 pts, entry fee 15000
                       pts, more details below,
                       Tel: +34-86-873431 FM Sergio Estremera
                            +34-48-150049 IA Antonio Juano
                       Fax: +34-86-662430
                       Email: (Subject: CEMAR Tournament)

January 6            Thunder Bay, ON (CAN), Kamloops Grand Prix, 5xCH,
                       entry fee $5,
                       more details at the CFC homepage,
                       Tel +?-(807)622-6773 John Rutherford

January 10 -         Toronto, ON (CAN), 3rd Parliament CC Chp., 40/120+G/60,
      February 14      entry fee $25,
                       more details at the CFC homepage,
                       Tel +?-762-8581 Ignac Vucko

January 12-21        Oberstdorf (GER), 22. Alpenpokal, 9xCH, 40/120+G/30,
                       no ELO, no money prizes, but worthful prizes for all
                       players, just in connection with a hotel booking and half
                       Tel +49-6898/62022 ChessOrg
                       Fax +49-6898/62858

January 13           Thunder Bay, ON (CAN), Nor'Wester Active Open, 5xCH,
                       entry fee $5,
                        more details at the CFC homepage,
                      Tel +?-(807)622-6773 John Rutherford

January 13-14        Ottawa, ON (CAN), RA Winter Open, 5xCH, 30/80+G/60,
                       entry fee $50,
                       more details at the CFC homepage,
                       info: Terry Fleming, 2 Qualicum St., Nepean, ON, K2H 7G8

January 14           Ridgetown, ON (CAN), Ridgetown January One Day, 3xCH,
                       G/60, entry fee $35(+$5 at site), prizes $100,$75,$35,
                       more details at the CFC homepage,
                       Tel +?-(519) 674-0315  H.J.Atkinson

January 20-28        Geneva (SUI), 12th Geneva Open
                       9xCH, 40/120+20/60+G/30, Entry fee CHF 120 (GM IM free)
                       Masters tourneament (>2000)
                         Prizes CHF 5000, 4000, 3000, 2000, 6x1000, 5x500,
                         5x250, 5x150
                       General tournament (<2000)
                         Prizes CHF 1500, 1000, 750, 500, 3x250, 4x150, 4x100
                       Tel +41-22-3292816 (Federation Genevoise d'Echecs)
                       Fax +41-22-3292809
                       E-mail :

January 27           Kamloops, BC (CAN), Jan. Kamloops Open Tornado, 4xCH,
                       30/65+G/30, entry fee $15,
                       more details at the CFC homepage,
                      Tel +?-(604) 376-8776 G. Hara

January 27           Thunder Bay, ON (CAN), Mr. Submarine's Active Open, 5xCH,
                       entry fee $5,
                       more details at the CFC homepage,
                       Tel +?-(807)622-6773 John Rutherford


February 1-11        Mondariz Balneario (ESP), International Chess Festival
                       "ACEIMAR", Site: International School CEMAR, round robin,
                       IM norms possible, full board 5000 pts, entry fee 15000
                       pts, more details below,
                       Tel: +34-86-873431 FM Sergio Estremera
                            +34-48-150049 IA Antonio Juano
                       Fax: +34-86-662430
                       Email: (Subject: CEMAR Tournament)

February 3           Thunder Bay, ON (CAN), TACO TIME Active Open, 5xCH,
                       entry fee $5,
                       more details at the CFC homepage,
                       Tel +?-(807)622-6773 John Rutherford

February 17          Thunder Bay, ON (CAN), McDonald's Active Open, 5xCH,
                       entry fee $5,
                       more details at the CFC homepage,
                       Tel +?-(807)622-6773 John Rutherford

February 17          Kamloops, BC (CAN), Feb. Kamloops Open Tornado, 4xCH,
                       30/65+G/30, entry fee $15,
                       more details at the CFC homepage,
                       Tel +?-(604) 376-8776 G. Hara

February 24          Thunder Bay, ON (CAN), Black Knight Open, 5xCH,
                       entry fee $5,
                       more details at the CFC homepage,
                       Tel +?-(807)622-6773 John Rutherford


March 3-13           Mondariz Balneario (ESP), International Chess Festival
                       "ACEIMAR", Site: International School CEMAR, round robin,
                       IM norms possible, full board 5000 pts, entry fee 15000
                       pts, more details below,
                       Tel: +34-86-873431 FM Sergio Estremera
                            +34-48-150049 IA Antonio Juano
                       Fax: +34-86-662430
                       Email: (Subject: CEMAR Tournament)

March 8-16           Bad Wörishofen (GER), 12. International Chess Festival,
                       9xCH, 40/120+G/60, ELO/norms, also seniors and women
                       tournaments (same conditions), entry fee 130DM,
                       prizes: open: 40/35/30/20/15/10/8/7/5/3/2 x 100DM,
                         9 rating prizes (guaranteed with 200 players),
                         women: 10/8/6/4/3/2 x100DM
                       Tel +49-6898/62022 ChessOrg
                       Fax +49-6898/62858


April 4 - 14         Mondariz Balneario (ESP), International Chess Festival
                       "ACEIMAR", Site: International School CEMAR, round robin,
                       IM norms possible, full board 5000 pts, entry fee 15000
                       pts, more details below,
                       Tel: +34-86-873431 FM Sergio Estremera
                            +34-48-150049 IA Antonio Juano
                       Fax: +34-86-662430
                       Email: (Subject: CEMAR Tournament)

April 5-6            Kamloops, BC (CAN), Easter Open, 5xCH, 40/90+G/60,
                       entry fee $35,
                       more details at the CFC homepage,
                       Tel +?-(604) 376-8776 G. Hara


July 2-3             Kamloops, BC (CAN), 1996 BC Interior Chp. Open, 5xCH,
                       40/90+G/60, entry fee $40,
                       more details at the CFC homepage,
                       Tel +?-(604) 376-8776 G. Hara


Name: International Chess Festival "ACEIMAR"
Date: December 1 - 11, 1995
City, State: Mondariz Balneario (Pontevedra)
Country: Spain
Tournament Site: International School CEMAR
Description: Round Robin Tournaments for International Master Norms
             1st: November 4 - 12, 1995
             2nd: December 1 - 11, 1995
             3rd: January 3 - 13, 1996
             4th: February 1 - 11, 1996
             5th: March 3 - 13, 1996
             6th: April 4 - 14, 1996
             Full board: 5000 pts.
             Entry fee: 15000 pts.
Tournament Organizers: FM Sergio Estremera
                       IA Antonio Juano
Phone: 34-86-873431
Fax:   34-86-662430
Email: (Subject: CEMAR Tournament)


An individual (not team) event * Six rounds, G/30, December 9-10, 1995
             Conducted Online by the Internet Chess Club (ICC)
          Produced and Sponsored by International Sports & Games

        First Prize: $500, free hotel if you play in the Pan-Am this
              December, plus Internet World Champion Trophy!

        Additional Prizes: Top four each win $200 worth of chess software
              Plus free entry to the Pan-Am for you and your team!
     SPECIAL BONUS: All participants receive 2 months free ICC membership!

Who Can Play: Open to all students worldwide. Participants must be able
to telnet and should try out the ICC before the competition. Neither ICC
nor national chess federation membership is required.

Entry Fee: US $20 per person, payable to International Sports & Games, P.O.
Box 20131, NY, NY 10025 USA. Entries must be received by December 1, 1995.
For an official flier and entry form, send email to
Include your postal address and the name of your school.

Schedule: Three rounds each day, at 12 noon, 2 p.m., and 4 p.m. Eastern
Standard Time (9 a.m., 11 am, and 1 p.m. Pacific Standard Time;
5 p.m., 7 p.m., and 9 p.m. Greenwich Mean Time). Time limit: G/30
(30 minutes per side per game).

For Complete Tournament Details and Rules: Telnet to CHESS.LM.COM, send
email to, call 1-412-362-6334, or visit on the World Wide Web.


Name: Pan American Intercollegiate Team Chess Championship

Date: December 26-29, 1995

City, State: New York, NY

Country: USA

Tournament Site: Manhattan Conference Center, Fiterman Hall, 30 West
Broadway (site of the 1995 New York Intel Grand Prix Qualifier)

Description: The Pan-Am is open to college/university students
in degree-granting programs. Players compete on four-person teams;
all team members must attend the same school. A total prize fund of
$3000 is guaranteed. Excellent hotel accomodations have been
arranged for all participants. Contact Dan Edelman below for entry
and hotel information.

History: The Pan-Am celebrates its 50th anniversary this year
and is the most prestigious collegiate chess event in the world.
Teams from North, South, and Central America will compete although
all university teams from around the world are invited.

Tournament Organizer: IM Dan Edelman

Contact: International Sports & Games
         P.O. Box 20131
         NY, NY 10025 USA

Phone: 212-580-6920

Fax: 212-496-2464


Pan-Am Web Homepage:


Cercle des Echecs de Strasbourg

6th Strasbourg International Open

Dates: 26 December 1995 to 2 January 1996

Place:  Salle de sport Paul Collomp Cite U. Paul Appel
        10 Rue de Palerme, 67084 Strasbourg
Time: 9 rounds swiss, 40 moves in 2h then 20 moves in 1 hour then 1/2 hour KO

Inscription: Contact M. Alles Pierre 38 rue Louis Pasteur, 67117 ITTENHEIM. Tel:
88 69 12 96
or between 9 and 11 O'clock on the 26th December at the tournament venue.
Additional details and a list of hotels in strasbourg also available from the
above address.

Cost:   under 20 on 1.12.95     175 French francs
        others                  350 French francs
        GMI and MI free.

Prizes: 75% of inscription fees redistributed as prizes.

Info via Email:

Last updated on Nov 20, 1995