THE WEEK IN CHESS 554 20th June 2005 by Mark Crowther

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Mark Crowther

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1) Introduction
2) III Marx György Memorial
3) Bruzon-Timman Match
4) 6th European Individual Chess Championship
5) European Individual Women's Chess Championship
6) St-Peterburg vs Moscow Match
7) First Saturday June
8) Argentine Chess League
9) III Open Bajada de la Virgen
10) 5th Annual Emory Castle Grand Prix
11) XVI Pan American Youth Festival
12) Premier League of Bosnia and Herzegovina
13) 9th Chess Festival Voronezh
14) National Open Las Vegas
15) 19th Pula Open
16) 16th Vermont Resort Open
17) Vladimir Savon 1940-2005
18) ACP Tour Report
19) Forthcoming Events and Links


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Games section

III Marx György Memorial                    24 games
Bruzon-Timman Match                          4 games
6th European Individual Championship        50 games
European Individual Women's Championship   656 games
St-Peterburg vs Moscow Match                76 games
First Saturday June                         51 games
Argentine Chess League                     112 games
5th Annual Emory Castle Grand Prix          11 games
XVI Pan American Youth Festival            151 games
Premier League of Bosnia and Herzegovina   354 games
National Open Las Vegas                    122 games
1635 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to Leonid Galperin, Yannick Pelletier, Chris Bird, Luis Blasco de la Cruz, Kaspars Migla, Andy McFarland, Miklos Orso, Sead Bicevic, Janos Keinráth, Istvan Brindza, Gustavo Albarrán, Petr Pisk, Maurizio Mascheroni, Thomas Henrich, Carsten Hensel, Frank Quisinsky, George Mirijanian, Doug Bake and everyone else who helped with the issue.

74 year old Viktor Korchnoi continues to amaze as he leads the category XV III Marx György Memorial. The standard of his chess for his age must now exceed anyone including players such as Smyslov and Reshevsky who were still active. Tomorrow sees the start of the Michael Adams vs Hydra Match. The backers claim that Hydra now is stronger than Deep Blue was when it defeated Garry Kasparov in 1997. This match should give some kind of indication. Finally the strong European Championship is underway. Vassily Ivanchuk is the ELO favourite for the event. Games from the first two rounds are missing as yet. In round three games are available and it seems to me Nijboer could have claimed a draw instead of resigning against Volkov.

Hope you enjoy this issue.


2) III Marx György Memorial

The III Marx György Memorial takes place 12th-22nd June 2005 in Paks, Hungary. Veteran Viktor Korchnoi leads with 5.5/8 in spite of losing in round 8. He is half a point clear with two rounds to go. There is an open tournament taking place alongside starting 14th June 2005.

Further details:

Round 1 (June 12, 2005)

Sasikiran, Krishnan  -  Korchnoi, Viktor     1/2   51  E32  Nimzo Indian 4.Qc2
Sutovsky, Emil       -  Almasi, Zoltan       1/2   24  C88  Ruy Lopez Closed
Acs, Peter           -  Berkes, Ferenc       1/2   43  E12  Queens Indian Petrosian

Round 2 (June 13, 2005)

Korchnoi, Viktor     -  Acs, Peter           1-0   38  E75  King's Indian Averbakh
Almasi, Zoltan       -  Berkes, Ferenc       1-0   42  B80  Sicilian Scheveningen
Sutovsky, Emil       -  Sasikiran, Krishnan  1-0  100  C95  Ruy Lopez Breyer

Round 3 (June 14, 2005)

Sasikiran, Krishnan  -  Almasi, Zoltan       1/2   30  E32  Nimzo Indian 4.Qc2
Berkes, Ferenc       -  Korchnoi, Viktor     0-1   29  E16  Queens Indian
Acs, Peter           -  Sutovsky, Emil       1/2   58  B33  Sicilian Sveshnikov

Round 4 (June 15, 2005)

Korchnoi, Viktor     -  Sutovsky, Emil       1-0   68  A12  Reti Opening
Berkes, Ferenc       -  Sasikiran, Krishnan  1/2   33  A21  English Opening
Acs, Peter           -  Almasi, Zoltan       0-1   36  E12  Queens Indian Petrosian

Round 5 (June 16, 2005)

Almasi, Zoltan       -  Korchnoi, Viktor     1/2   42  C54  Giuoco Piano
Sasikiran, Krishnan  -  Acs, Peter           1/2   42  E93  King's Indian Classical
Sutovsky, Emil       -  Berkes, Ferenc       1/2   43  B05  Alekhine's Defence

Round 6 (June 18, 2005)

Korchnoi, Viktor     -  Sasikiran, Krishnan  1/2   91  A30  English Symmetrical
Almasi, Zoltan       -  Sutovsky, Emil       1-0   39  B33  Sicilian Sveshnikov
Berkes, Ferenc       -  Acs, Peter           1/2   41  D63  Queens Gambit Main Line with 7.Rc1

Round 7 (June 19, 2005)

Sasikiran, Krishnan  -  Sutovsky, Emil       1/2   21  A16  English Opening
Berkes, Ferenc       -  Almasi, Zoltan       1/2   17  A30  English Symmetrical
Acs, Peter           -  Korchnoi, Viktor     0-1   65  C83  Ruy Lopez Open

Round 8 (June 20, 2005)

Korchnoi, Viktor     -  Berkes, Ferenc       0-1   48  E02  Catalan
Almasi, Zoltan       -  Sasikiran, Krishnan  0-1   40  B67  Sicilian Rauzer
Sutovsky, Emil       -  Acs, Peter           0-1   46  C96  Ruy Lopez

III Marx Gyorgy Paks HUN (HUN), 12-22 vi 2005   cat. XV (2616)
                                   1  2  3  4  5  6 
1 Korchnoi, Viktor     g SUI 2619 ** =. == 10 1. 11  5.5  2748
2 Almasi, Zoltan       g HUN 2628 =. ** =0 1= =1 1.  5.0  2719
3 Sasikiran, Krishnan  g IND 2642 == =1 ** =. 0= =.  4.0  2620
4 Berkes, Ferenc       g HUN 2617 01 0= =. ** =. ==  3.5  2563
5 Sutovsky, Emil       g ISR 2665 0. =0 1= =. ** =0  3.0  2516
6 Acs, Peter           g HUN 2525 00 0. =. == =1 **  3.0  2547

3) Bruzon-Timman Match

A match between Lazaro Bruzon and Jan Timman took place in Curaçao 11th-17th June 2005. Timman won the rapid 3.5-0.5. This was followed by four standard time rate games which Bruzon won 2.5-1.5. Timman won 5-3 over all.

Official site: - live coverage on the ChessBase server:

Rapid Games

11th June 2005
Timman, Jan H   -  Bruzon, Lazaro  1/2   42  B42  Sicilian Paulsen
Bruzon, Lazaro  -  Timman, Jan H   0-1   31  A33  English Symmetrical

12th June 2005
Timman, Jan H   -  Bruzon, Lazaro  1-0   53  B22  Sicilian Alapin
Bruzon, Lazaro  -  Timman, Jan H   0-1   33  D05  Colle System

13th-17th June 2005
Timman, Jan H   -  Bruzon, Lazaro  1/2   19  C42  Petroff's Defence
Bruzon, Lazaro  -  Timman, Jan H   1-0   40  C00  French Defence
Timman, Jan H   -  Bruzon, Lazaro  1/2   41  B46  Sicilian Paulsen
Bruzon, Lazaro  -  Timman, Jan H   1/2   54  C19  French Winawer

Match Curacao AHO (AHO), 11-17 vi 2005
                              1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8 
Timman, Jan H   g NED 2607    =   1   1   1   =   0   =   =   5.0  2764
Bruzon, Lazaro  g CUB 2669    =   0   0   0   =   1   =   =   3.0  2520

4) 6th European Individual Chess Championship

The Warsaw Foundation for Chess Development and Sports Club Polonia Warsaw organise the 6th European Individual Chess Championship which take place June 17th - July 3rd 2005, in Warsaw - Zegrze Poludniowe. Due to computer problems a bulletin of games from the first two rounds is yet to emerge but round 3 seems to be fine.

Official site:

Leading Round 3 Standings:
 1 Milov Vadim             2653     3   
 2 Smirnov Pavel           2624     3   
 3 Dreev Alexey            2705     3   
 4 Mamedyarov Shakhriyar   2646     3   
 5 Naiditsch Arkadij       2626     3   
 6 Krasenkow Michal        2672     3   
 7 Karjakin Sergey         2635     3   
 8 Ivanchuk Vassily        2739     2.5 
 9 Aronian Levon           2693     2.5 
10 Pantsulaia Levan        2496     2.5 
11 Radjabov Teimour        2673     2.5 
12 Babula Vlastimil        2584     2.5 
13 Stefansson Hannes       2573     2.5 
14 Volkov Sergey           2634     2.5 
15 Beliavsky Alexander G   2630     2.5 
16 Najer Evgeniy           2615     2.5 
17 Asrian Karen            2611     2.5 
18 Nisipeanu Liviu-Dieter  2670     2.5 
19 Kozul Zdenko            2591     2.5 
20 Riazantsev Alexander    2608     2.5 
21 Winants Luc             2535     2.5 
22 Balogh Csaba            2531     2.5 
23 Jakovenko Dmitry        2608     2.5 
24 Alekseev Evgeny         2597     2.5 
25 Guseinov Gadir          2573     2.5 
26 Bologan Viktor          2700     2.5 
27 Neverov Valeriy         2566     2.5 
28 Macieja Bartlomiej      2613     2   
29 Popov Valerij           2568     2   
30 Kotronias Vasilios      2578     2   
31 Sargissian Gabriel      2630     2   
32 Tregubov Pavel V        2612     2   
33 Fedorov Alexei          2602     2   
34 Kritz Leonid            2549     2   
35 Pelletier Yannick       2610     2   
36 Eljanov Pavel           2641     2   
37 Inarkiev Ernesto        2612     2   
38 Gagunashvili Merab      2547     2   
39 Hulak Krunoslav         2534     2   
40 Georgiev Kiril          2666     2   
41 Abergel Thal            2456     2   
42 Carlsen Magnus          2548     2   
43 Gritsak Orest           2537     2   
44 Stevic Hrvoje           2514     2   
45 Lupulescu Constantin    2546     2   
46 Cao Sang                2536     2   
47 Lopez Martinez JM       2488     2   
48 Minasian Artashes       2597     2   
49 Huzman Alexander        2577     2   
50 Anastasian Ashot        2574     2   
51 Baramidze David         2542     2   
52 Parligras Mircea        2560     2   
53 Kovacevic Blazimir      2510     2   
54 Malakhov Vladimir       2670     2   
55 Prusikin Michael        2540     2   
56 Rublevsky Sergei        2645     2   
57 Kobalia Mikhail         2644     2   
58 Timofeev Artyom         2622     2   
59 Iordachescu Viorel      2609     2   
60 Van Wely Loek           2687     2   
61 Cheparinov Ivan         2621     2   
62 Efimenko Zahar          2620     2   
63 Roiz Michael            2579     2   
64 Motylev Alexander       2680     2   
65 Fressinet Laurent       2638     2   
66 Azarov Sergei           2572     2   
67 Khismatullin Denis      2572     2   
68 Postny Evgeny           2556     2   
69 Bartel Mateusz          2511     2   
70 Palac Mladen            2574     2   
71 Chuchelov Vladimir      2571     2   
72 Aleksandrov Aleksej     2635     2   
73 Portisch Lajos          2525     2   
74 Mastrovasilis Dimitrios 2562     2   
75 Nataf Igor-Alexandre    2559     2   
76 Siebrecht Sebastian     2438     2   
77 Sakaev Konstantin       2672     2   
78 Markowski Tomasz        2560     2   
79 Sokolov Ivan            2662     2   
80 Lputian Smbat G         2640     2   
81 Nyback Tomi             2551     2   
82 Tiviakov Sergei         2631     2   
83 Kuzubov Yuriy           2558     2   
84 Kharlov Andrei          2628     2   
85 Wojtaszek Radoslaw      2569     2   
86 Jobava Baadur           2637     2   
87 Graf Alexander          2632     2   
88 Movsesian Sergei        2628     2   
89 Izoria Zviad            2602     2   
90 Areshchenko Alexander   2595     2   
91 Shomoev Anton           2540     2   
92 Grigoriants Sergey      2553     2   
93 Potkin Vladimir         2552     2   
94 Ftacnik Lubomir         2540     2   
229 players

5) European Individual Women's Chess Championship

The European Individual Women's Chess Championship takes place in Chisinau, Moldova 10th-25th June 2005. Elena Zaiatz leads with 6.5/8. Incidently the bulletin for the event is excellent.

Official site:

6th ch-EURw Chisinau MDA (MDA), 11-23 vi 2005
                                                 1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12 
  1. Zaiatz, Elena               wg RUS 2398  = 74 +129 + 43 =  4 + 51 + 33 = 11 +  8   .    .    .    .   6.5  2585 
  2. Javakhishvili, Lela         wg GEO 2430  + 91 + 88 = 69 + 39 = 14 + 12 =  3 = 10   .    .    .    .   6.0  2578 
  3. Lahno, Kateryna             m  UKR 2467  +127 + 29 + 78 = 14 + 48 =  6 =  2 =  5   .    .    .    .   6.0  2582 
  4. Grabuzova, Tatiana          wg RUS 2327  +137 +121 = 32 =  1 =  7 + 39 + 33 =  6   .    .    .    .   6.0  2517 
  5. Kachiani-Gersinska, Ketino  m  GER 2418  +134 = 51 + 40 = 52 + 80 + 10 =  8 =  3   .    .    .    .   6.0  2564 
  6. Kosintseva, Nadezhda        m  RUS 2459  + 87 =126 = 58 + 72 + 53 =  3 + 21 =  4   .    .    .    .   6.0  2545 
  7. Vasilevich, Tatjana         m  UKR 2395  =110 +109 + 45 = 51 =  4 = 47 + 42 + 37   .    .    .    .   6.0  2487 
  8. Arakhamia-Grant, Ketevan    m  GEO 2452  = 60 + 38 = 27 + 77 + 75 + 14 =  5 -  1   .    .    .    .   5.5  2481 
  9. Kononenko, Tatiana          wg UKR 2416  = 73 + 60 + 62 = 46 = 69 + 29 = 30 = 27   .    .    .    .   5.5  2450 
 10. Dzagnidze, Nana             m  GEO 2482  +119 - 31 + 54 + 27 + 41 -  5 + 78 =  2   .    .    .    .   5.5  2478 
 11. Khurtsidze, Nino            m  GEO 2418  +124 + 59 = 46 = 69 = 50 + 22 =  1 = 15   .    .    .    .   5.5  2477 
 12. Cmilyte, Viktorija          m  LTU 2459  + 90 + 61 + 50 - 48 + 21 -  2 + 80 = 17   .    .    .    .   5.5  2513 
 13. Matveeva, Svetlana          wg RUS 2423  + 79 + 92 = 80 = 53 = 30 = 50 + 31 = 20   .    .    .    .   5.5  2475 
 14. Mkrtchian, Lilit            m  ARM 2400  +118 +116 + 47 =  3 =  2 -  8 = 40 + 68   .    .    .    .   5.5  2490 
 15. Collas, Silvia              wg FRA 2381  +115 = 42 =123 = 87 = 43 + 64 + 48 = 11   .    .    .    .   5.5  2445 
 16. Shumiakina, Tatiana         wg RUS 2316  +131 +153 = 35 = 17 + 26 = 37 = 28 = 25   .    .    .    .   5.5  2460 
 17. Dembo, Yelena               m  GRE 2402  +135 = 62 + 73 = 16 = 70 = 46 + 54 = 12   .    .    .    .   5.5  2405 
 18. Danielian, Elina            m  ARM 2415  =123 +104 = 72 + 65 = 22 - 30 + 51 + 50   .    .    .    .   5.5  2441 
 19. Gaponenko, Inna             m  UKR 2482  -122 +115 + 95 - 22 + 79 + 70 + 35 = 28   .    .    .    .   5.5  2412 
 20. Peng Zhaoqin                g  NED 2392  -101 +120 -124 +105 + 90 + 65 + 32 = 13   .    .    .    .   5.5  2416 
 21. Lomineishvili, Maia         m  GEO 2396  = 56 +106 + 71 + 31 - 12 +102 -  6 + 62   .    .    .    .   5.5  2451 
 22. Houska, Jovanka             wg ENG 2334  +150 - 70 +118 + 19 = 18 - 11 +110 + 53   .    .    .    .   5.5  2431 
 23. Pogonina, Natalija          wg RUS 2355  +138 = 71 = 36 =100 = 49 =118 + 56 + 57   .    .    .    .   5.5  2417 
 24. Zielinska, Marta            wg POL 2419  -107 +113 +103 - 59 +119 + 61 = 46 + 30   .    .    .    .   5.5  2421 
 25. Slavina, Irina              m  RUS 2415  =106 - 73 +135 +121 + 92 = 69 + 38 = 16   .    .    .    .   5.5  2382 
 26. Korbut, Ekaterina           wg RUS 2399  - 67 +138 +134 + 90 - 16 = 72 + 59 + 46   .    .    .    .   5.5  2411 
 27. Zdebskaja, Natalia          wg UKR 2344  +149 =142 =  8 - 10 +123 + 97 + 47 =  9   .    .    .    .   5.5  2417 
 28. Foisor, Cristina Adela      m  ROM 2406  - 71 +159 +107 +130 = 46 + 59 = 16 = 19   .    .    .    .   5.5  2437 
 29. Purtseladze, Maka              GEO 2311  +147 -  3 =101 + 73 + 87 -  9 +112 + 58   .    .    .    .   5.5  2404 
 30. Demina, Julia               wg RUS 2346  - 76 + 99 + 67 + 84 = 13 + 18 =  9 - 24   .    .    .    .   5.0  2397 
 31. Kostiuk, Tatiana            wm UKR 2313  +132 + 10 = 53 - 21 = 64 + 34 - 13 + 70   .    .    .    .   5.0  2414 
 32. Paehtz, Elisabeth           m  GER 2407  +100 + 65 =  4 = 80 = 47 = 42 - 20 + 77   .    .    .    .   5.0  2401 
 33. Peptan, Corina-Isabela      m  ROM 2435  + 49 - 47 + 79 + 94 + 52 -  1 -  4 + 88   .    .    .    .   5.0  2406 
 34. Socko, Monika               m  POL 2464  + 64 = 40 = 70 =126 = 83 - 31 + 71 + 72   .    .    .    .   5.0  2356 
 35. Klinova, Masha              m  ISR 2391  + 84 +130 = 16 = 70 = 59 = 54 - 19 + 90   .    .    .    .   5.0  2354 
 36. Skripchenko, Almira         m  FRA 2453  + 95 = 72 = 23 - 47 =122 + 84 = 88 + 83   .    .    .    .   5.0  2382 
 37. Radziewicz, Iweta           m  POL 2457  = 38 +143 = 75 + 88 = 78 = 16 + 69 -  7   .    .    .    .   5.0  2379 
 38. Zakurdjaeva, Irina          wg RUS 2260  = 37 -  8 +136 +111 = 61 + 52 - 25 + 80   .    .    .    .   5.0  2458 
 39. Pokorna, Regina             wg SVK 2374  =105 +114 +142 -  2 + 45 -  4 + 74 = 40   .    .    .    .   5.0  2352 
 40. Kochetkova, Julia           wm RUS 2311  +140 = 34 -  5 +145 =100 + 86 = 14 = 39   .    .    .    .   5.0  2424 
 41. Vajda, Szidonia             m  HUN 2391  =109 +110 +122 = 42 - 10 = 51 +102 = 44   .    .    .    .   5.0  2387 
 42. Tsereteli, Tamar            wm GEO 2273  +163 = 15 +111 = 41 = 57 = 32 -  7 + 75   .    .    .    .   5.0  2437 
 43. Hryhorenko, Nataliya        wm UKR 2294  +161 = 57 -  1 +128 = 15 = 75 = 55 + 78   .    .    .    .   5.0  2410 
 44. Molchanova, Tatjana            RUS 2315  +148 - 48 - 84 + 99 = 71 +134 +118 = 41   .    .    .    .   5.0  2351 
 45. Sharevich, Anna             wm BLR 2278  +162 =111 -  7 +143 - 39 +135 = 75 + 69   .    .    .    .   5.0  2334 
 46. Vasilevich, Irina           wm RUS 2347  + 98 + 89 = 11 =  9 = 28 = 17 = 24 - 26   .    .    .    .   4.5  2392 
 47. Velikhanli, Firuza          wg AZE 2303  + 97 + 33 - 14 + 36 = 32 =  7 - 27 = 55   .    .    .    .   4.5  2404 
 48. Kosintseva, Tatiana         m  RUS 2486  + 93 + 44 = 52 + 12 -  3 = 78 - 15 = 61   .    .    .    .   4.5  2408 
 49. Ionescu, Irina              wg ROM 2252  - 33 +112 + 66 = 58 = 23 - 80 = 52 +105   .    .    .    .   4.5  2361 
 50. Stepovaia, Tatiana          wg RUS 2348  +136 +101 - 12 + 56 = 11 = 13 = 57 - 18   .    .    .    .   4.5  2384 
 51. Kursova, Maria              wm RUS 2300  +160 =  5 + 55 =  7 -  1 = 41 - 18 +118   .    .    .    .   4.5  2378 
 52. Bojkovic, Natasa            wg SCG 2371  +113 +107 = 48 =  5 - 33 - 38 = 49 +100   .    .    .    .   4.5  2357 
 53. Hagarova, Zuzana            m  SVK 2386  +128 +103 = 31 = 13 -  6 = 62 + 91 - 22   .    .    .    .   4.5  2357 
 54. Charochkina, Daria             RUS 2183  = 82 + 83 - 10 + 93 +126 = 35 - 17 = 86   .    .    .    .   4.5  2410 
 55. Jackova, Jana               m  CZE 2406  =129 + 74 - 51 - 64 +139 + 87 = 43 = 47   .    .    .    .   4.5  2303 
 56. Srebrnic, Ana               wm SLO 2221  = 21 = 81 + 68 - 50 = 77 +122 - 23 +126   .    .    .    .   4.5  2376 
 57. Sebag, Marie                m  FRA 2417  +145 = 43 =126 =102 = 42 + 83 = 50 - 23   .    .    .    .   4.5  2344 
 58. Chelushkina, Irina          wg SCG 2369  +159 =122 =  6 = 49 = 62 =100 + 73 - 29   .    .    .    .   4.5  2321 
 59. Vozovic, Oksana             wg UKR 2288  +157 - 11 +132 + 24 = 35 - 28 - 26 +110   .    .    .    .   4.5  2327 
 60. Calzetta, Monica            wg ESP 2254  =  8 -  9 + 98 - 81 +136 - 66 +131 +112   .    .    .    .   4.5  2314 
 61. Rohonyan, Katerina          wg UKR 2309  +133 - 12 =139 +106 = 38 - 24 +103 = 48   .    .    .    .   4.5  2340 
 62. Gvetadze, Sopio             wm GEO 2283  +151 = 17 -  9 +142 = 58 = 53 + 82 - 21   .    .    .    .   4.5  2338 
 63. Goreskul, Alyona            wg UKR 2323  -142 = 98 +110 =104 =129 - 74 +109 +115   .    .    .    .   4.5  2243 
 64. Guseva, Marina                 RUS 2264  - 34 =148 +156 + 55 = 31 - 15 = 76 +121   .    .    .    .   4.5  2285 
 65. Mamedjarova, Zeinab         wg AZE 2286  +144 - 32 +117 - 18 +121 - 20 + 89 = 66   .    .    .    .   4.5  2275 
 66. Moser, Eva                  m  AUT 2422  -103 +155 - 49 =125 +101 + 60 = 77 = 65   .    .    .    .   4.5  2265 
 67. Burtasova, Anna             wm RUS 2223  + 26 - 78 - 30 +163 - 72 +147 = 85 +102   .    .    .    .   4.5  2308 
 68. Milliet, Sophie             wg FRA 2319  -117 +149 - 56 +120 =134 +124 +100 - 14   .    .    .    .   4.5  2266 
 69. Petrenko, Svetlana          m  MDA 2348  + 99 + 76 =  2 = 11 =  9 = 25 - 37 - 45   .    .    .    .   4.0  2340 
 70. Muzychuk, Mariya            wf UKR 2059  +108 + 22 = 34 = 35 = 17 - 19 = 72 - 31   .    .    .    .   4.0  2374 
 71. Dolzhikova, Kateryna           UKR 2232  + 28 = 23 - 21 =108 = 44 +116 - 34 = 82   .    .    .    .   4.0  2361 
 72. Ovod, Evgenija              m  RUS 2305  +112 = 36 = 18 -  6 + 67 = 26 = 70 - 34   .    .    .    .   4.0  2316 
 73. Dragomirescu, Angela        wm ROM 2241  =  9 + 25 - 17 - 29 +114 +126 - 58 = 81   .    .    .    .   4.0  2347 
 74. Mamedjarova, Turkan         wm AZE 2221  =  1 - 55 = 85 +141 = 88 + 63 - 39 = 92   .    .    .    .   4.0  2287 
 75. Ciuksyte, Dagne             wg LTU 2356  =114 + 96 = 37 +124 -  8 = 43 = 45 - 42   .    .    .    .   4.0  2275 
 76. Padurariu, Ioana-Smaranda      ROM 2153  + 30 - 69 -102 =116 +106 =108 = 64 = 95   .    .    .    .   4.0  2290 
 77. Bogza, Adina-Maria          wg ROM 2297  = 96 =105 + 89 -  8 = 56 +109 = 66 - 32   .    .    .    .   4.0  2262 
 78. Ushenina, Anna              wg UKR 2350  +120 + 67 -  3 +123 = 37 = 48 - 10 - 43   .    .    .    .   4.0  2352 
 79. Susterman, Anja             wg MDA 2250  - 13 + 97 - 33 +117 - 19 + 99 = 86 = 85   .    .    .    .   4.0  2305 
 80. Zozulia, Anna               m  UKR 2343  +156 +117 = 13 = 32 -  5 + 49 - 12 - 38   .    .    .    .   4.0  2307 
 81. Matnadze, Ana               wg GEO 2376  =125 = 56 =145 + 60 -102 - 91 +104 = 73   .    .    .    .   4.0  2242 
 82. Muzychuk, Anna              wg SLO 2363  = 54 =125 -100 + 89 =104 +107 - 62 = 71   .    .    .    .   4.0  2224 
 83. Melnikova, Yana             wg RUS 2301  =155 - 54 +114 +101 = 34 - 57 + 84 - 36   .    .    .    .   4.0  2269 
 84. Rudolf, Anna                   HUN 2210  - 35 +144 + 44 - 30 + 94 - 36 - 83 +122   .    .    .    .   4.0  2286 
 85. Olarasu, Gabriela           wg ROM 2353  - 89 =136 = 74 +150 =124 =104 = 67 = 79   .    .    .    .   4.0  2207 
 86. Sedina, Elena               m  ITA 2422  =104 -123 +153 =122 + 95 - 40 = 79 = 54   .    .    .    .   4.0  2214 
 87. Chulivska, Vita             wm UKR 2262  -  6 +140 +141 = 15 - 29 - 55 =114 +125   .    .    .    .   4.0  2232 
 88. Nebolsina, Vera             wm RUS 2302  +154 -  2 +105 - 37 = 74 +129 = 36 - 33   .    .    .    .   4.0  2307 
 89. Sarakauskiene, Zivile          LTU 2177  + 85 - 46 - 77 - 82 +146 +119 - 65 +130   .    .    .    .   4.0  2278 
 90. Andriasian, Siranush           ARM 2263  - 12 +133 +154 - 26 - 20 +120 + 97 - 35   .    .    .    .   4.0  2247 
 91. Doluhanova, Evgeniya        wm UKR 2251  -  2 -154 +158 =112 +142 + 81 - 53 = 96   .    .    .    .   4.0  2190 
 92. Malysheva, Polina           wm RUS 2301  +146 - 13 =128 +139 - 25 -110 +129 = 74   .    .    .    .   4.0  2244 
 93. Eidelson, Rakhil            wg BLR 2268  - 48 +131 =143 - 54 =125 =138 =128 +135   .    .    .    .   4.0  2192 
 94. Nill, Jessica               wm GER 2290  -153 +150 +125 - 33 - 84 =115 =135 +128   .    .    .    .   4.0  2196 
 95. Galojan, Lilit              wm ARM 2256  - 36 +158 - 19 +137 - 86 =125 +138 = 76   .    .    .    .   4.0  2260 
 96. Kalinina, Olga                 UKR 2022  = 77 - 75 -106 -113 +156 +159 +107 = 91   .    .    .    .   4.0  2234 
 97. Paulet, Iosefina               ROM 2051  - 47 - 79 +159 +103 +130 - 27 - 90 +124   .    .    .    .   4.0  2264 
 98. Yildiz, Betul Cemre         wm TUR 2156  - 46 = 63 - 60 =144 +152 -103 +158 +134   .    .    .    .   4.0  2167 
 99. Van Weersel, Arlette           NED 2158  - 69 - 30 +161 - 44 +163 - 79 +144 +123   .    .    .    .   4.0  2179 
100. Bensdorp, Marlies           wm NED 2232  - 32 +152 + 82 = 23 = 40 = 58 - 68 - 52   .    .    .    .   3.5  2257 
101. Alexanian, Nelli               RUS 2211  + 20 - 50 = 29 - 83 - 66 -131 +132 +146   .    .    .    .   3.5  2208 
102. Schuurman, Petra            f  NED 2288  -143 +137 + 76 = 57 + 81 - 21 - 41 - 67   .    .    .    .   3.5  2210 
103. Makka, Ioulia               wm GRE 2250  + 66 - 53 - 24 - 97 +143 + 98 - 61 =114   .    .    .    .   3.5  2191 
104. Fakhiridou, Ekaterini       wm GRE 2247  = 86 - 18 +148 = 63 = 82 = 85 - 81 =120   .    .    .    .   3.5  2272 
105. Partac, Elena               wg MDA 2190  = 39 = 77 - 88 - 20 +117 =130 +127 - 49   .    .    .    .   3.5  2241 
106. Mirzoeva, Elmira            wg RUS 2232  = 25 - 21 + 96 - 61 - 76 =142 +147 =108   .    .    .    .   3.5  2182 
107. Laesson, Tuulikki           wm EST 2246  + 24 - 52 - 28 =154 +132 - 82 - 96 +142   .    .    .    .   3.5  2186 
108. Smokina, Karolina           wm MDA 2307  - 70 =156 +109 = 71 -118 = 76 =124 =106   .    .    .    .   3.5  2142 
109. Sirotkina, Nina             wm RUS 2206  = 41 -  7 -108 +133 +111 - 77 - 63 +143   .    .    .    .   3.5  2221 
110. Tsiganova, Monika           wm EST 2211  =  7 - 41 - 63 +156 +149 + 92 - 22 - 59   .    .    .    .   3.5  2244 
111. Repkova, Eva                wg SVK 2392  +139 = 45 - 42 - 38 -109 +144 =123 =113   .    .    .    .   3.5  2154 
112. Minina, Veronika               RUS 2059  - 72 - 49 +115 = 91 +145 +127 - 29 - 60   .    .    .    .   3.5  2217 
113. Khudaverdieva, Afag            AZE 2187  - 52 - 24 =133 + 96 -127 +154 =130 =111   .    .    .    .   3.5  2189 
114. Stiri, Alexandra               GRE 2181  = 75 - 39 - 83 +157 - 73 +133 = 87 =103   .    .    .    .   3.5  2181 
115. Ivanova-Skripova, Tatiana      RUS 2205  - 15 - 19 -112 +158 +137 = 94 +116 - 63   .    .    .    .   3.5  2209 
116. Makropoulou, Marina         wg GRE 2285  +152 - 14 -121 = 76 +128 - 71 -115 +141   .    .    .    .   3.5  2075 
117. Mar, Karmen                 wm SLO 2119  + 68 - 80 - 65 - 79 -105 =153 +154 +145   .    .    .    .   3.5  2162 
118. Koskoska, Gabriela          wm MKD 2230  - 14 +162 - 22 +155 +108 = 23 - 44 - 51   .    .    .    .   3.5  2197 
119. Calotescu, Ana-Cristina     wm ROM 2268  - 10 -132 +157 +147 - 24 - 89 =137 +149   .    .    .    .   3.5  2140 
120. Iodo, Anna                  wf RUS 2176  - 78 - 20 +160 - 68 +153 - 90 +148 =104   .    .    .    .   3.5  2165 
121. Lazo, Xenia                    MDA 2001  +164 -  4 +116 - 25 - 65 =123 +139 - 64   .    .    .    .   3.5  2246 
122. Tarasova, Viktoriya         wm RUS 2268  + 19 = 58 - 41 = 86 = 36 - 56 =125 - 84   .    .    .    .   3.0  2255 
123. Gheorghe, Corina               ROM 2234  = 18 + 86 = 15 - 78 - 27 =121 =111 - 99   .    .    .    .   3.0  2220 
124. Czarnota, Dorota            wm POL 2244  - 11 +146 + 20 - 75 = 85 - 68 =108 - 97   .    .    .    .   3.0  2192 
125. Meshcheriakova, Evgenia     wm RUS 2193  = 81 = 82 - 94 = 66 = 93 = 95 =122 - 87   .    .    .    .   3.0  2226 
126. Voicu, Carmen               wm ROM 2310  +158 =  6 = 57 = 34 - 54 - 73 =134 - 56   .    .    .    .   3.0  2201 
127. Szczepkowska, Karina        wf POL 2264  -  3 -147 +140 =132 +113 -112 -105 =137   .    .    .    .   3.0  2072 
128. Bashkite, Viktoria          wm EST 2205  - 53 +151 = 92 - 43 -116 +140 = 93 - 94   .    .    .    .   3.0  2139 
129. Lematschko, Tatjana         wg SUI 2231  = 55 -  1 =155 +153 = 63 - 88 - 92 =131   .    .    .    .   3.0  2144 
130. Ptacnikova, Lenka           wg ISL 2277  +141 - 35 +147 - 28 - 97 =105 =113 - 89   .    .    .    .   3.0  2078 
131. Seps, Monika                wf SUI 2116  - 16 - 93 =162 -135 +141 +101 - 60 =129   .    .    .    .   3.0  2065 
132. Topel, Zehra                wf TUR 2085  - 31 +119 - 59 =127 -107 =139 -101 +153   .    .    .    .   3.0  2134 
133. Grishina, Alexandra         wf RUS 2065  - 61 - 90 =113 -109 +151 -114 +150 =138   .    .    .    .   3.0  2082 
134. Ionica, Iulia-Ionela        wm ROM 2245  -  5 +160 - 26 +146 = 68 - 44 =126 - 98   .    .    .    .   3.0  2160 
135. Cherednichenko, Svetlana    wm UKR 2230  - 17 =157 - 25 +131 +154 - 45 = 94 - 93   .    .    .    .   3.0  2133 
136. Golubenko, Valentina           EST 2171  - 50 = 85 - 38 +148 - 60 =143 -141 +161   .    .    .    .   3.0  2052 
137. Kuzevanova, Evgenia            RUS 2124  -  4 -102 +151 - 95 -115 +161 =119 =127   .    .    .    .   3.0  2103 
138. Kalinina, Larisa               UKR 2177  - 23 - 26 -146 +161 +155 = 93 - 95 =133   .    .    .    .   3.0  2092 
139. Foisor, Sabina-Francesca       ROM 2210  -111 +163 = 61 - 92 - 55 =132 -121 +158   .    .    .    .   3.0  2109 
140. Andronic, Iulia                MDA 2085  - 40 - 87 -127 =151 +162 -128 =153 +157   .    .    .    .   3.0  2005 
141. Babei, Angelica                MDA 1843  -130 +165 - 87 - 74 -131 +155 +136 -116   .    .    .    .   3.0  2084 
142. Lupik, Marina                  RUS 2123  + 63 = 27 - 39 - 62 - 91 =106 =145 -107   .    .    .    .   2.5  2146 
143. Vartic, Irina                  MDA 1948  +102 - 37 = 93 - 45 -103 =136 =149 -109   .    .    .    .   2.5  2117 
144. Foisor, Mihaela-Veronica       ROM 1930  - 65 - 84 =149 = 98 +150 -111 - 99 =148   .    .    .    .   2.5  2055 
145. Hamelink, Desiree           wm NED 2244  - 57 +161 = 81 - 40 -112 =149 =142 -117   .    .    .    .   2.5  2054 
146. Cinar Corlulu, Nilufer      wm TUR 2037  - 92 -124 +138 -134 - 89 =150 +156 -101   .    .    .    .   2.5  2059 
147. Cicariova, Elena               MDA 2081  - 29 +127 -130 -119 +159 - 67 -106 =152   .    .    .    .   2.5  2067 
148. Coimbra, Margarida          wf POR 2098  - 44 = 64 -104 -136 =157 +163 -120 =144   .    .    .    .   2.5  1990 
149. Butuc, Maria                wf MDA 2147  - 27 - 68 =144 +162 -110 =145 =143 -119   .    .    .    .   2.5  2000 
150. Vasilieva, Maria            wf MDA 2124  - 22 - 94 +152 - 85 -144 =146 -133 +162   .    .    .    .   2.5  1957 
151. Iurascu, Mihaela               MDA 1906  - 62 -128 -137 =140 -133 -162 +165 +155   .    .    .    .   2.5  1943 
152. Vetrila, Sanda                 MDA 1911  -116 -100 -150 +165 - 98 -158 +160 =147   .    .    .    .   2.5  1982 
153. Cherednichenko, Elena          UKR 1969  + 94 - 16 - 86 -129 -120 =117 =140 -132   .    .    .    .   2.0  2022 
154. Bulmaga, Irina                 MDA 2046  - 88 + 91 - 90 =107 -135 -113 -117 =156   .    .    .    .   2.0  2022 
155. Harbuz, Daniela             wf MDA 2040  = 83 - 66 =129 -118 -138 -141 +162 -151   .    .    .    .   2.0  1929 
156. Ankerst, Milka              wm SLO 2124  - 80 =108 - 64 -110 - 96 +157 -146 =154   .    .    .    .   2.0  1954 
157. Bayrak, Asli                wf TUR 1949  - 59 =135 -119 -114 =148 -156 +159 -140   .    .    .    .   2.0  1989 
158. Kucherenko, Olena              UKR 2079  -126 - 95 - 91 -115 +160 +152 - 98 -139   .    .    .    .   2.0  1972 
159. Doibani, Lilia              wf MDA 2185  - 58 - 28 - 97 +160 -147 - 96 -157 +165   .    .    .    .   2.0  1920 
160. Apanaviciute, Kristina         LTU 2028  - 51 -134 -120 -159 -158 +165 -152 +163   .    .    .    .   2.0  1919 
161. Talmazan, Olga                 MDA 2013  - 43 -145 - 99 -138 +165 -137 +163 -136   .    .    .    .   2.0  1953 
162. Baciu, Diana                   MDA 1870  - 45 -118 =131 -149 -140 +151 -155 -150   .    .    .    .   1.5  1864 
163. Antoshkiv,Anastasija           UKR ----  - 42 -139 +165 - 67 - 99 -148 -161 -160   .    .    .    .   1.0  1803 
164. Semenova, Irina             wm RUS 2292  -121   .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .   0.0       
165. BYE                                ----    .  -141 -163 -152 -161 -160 -151 -159   .    .    .    .   0.0       

6) St-Peterburg vs Moscow Match

There was a St.Petersburg vs. Moscow match over 40 boards which took place 14th-15th May 2005 in St. Petersburg. All games apart from under-10 games are available. Moscow edged out both days play for a Moscow 43 - St Petersburg 37 victory.

Boards 1-20 men, Boards 21-24 veterans men Board 25s veterans women Board 26-30 women Board 31 U-10 Board 32 U-12 Board 33 U-14 Board 34 U-16 Board 35 U-18 Board 36 U-10 w Board 37 U-12 w Board 38 U-14 w Board 39 U-16 w Board 40 U-18 w

Further info at: (Moscow Federation) Or (Chigorin Chess Club).

Round 1 (June 14, 2005)

Moscow 21 - St Petersburg 19

Malakhov, Vladimir       MOS - STP  Svidler, Peter           1/2   10  A53  Old Indian Defence
Khalifman, Alexander     STP - MOS  Zvjaginsev, Vadim        1/2   11  D37  QGD 5.Bf4
Kobalia, Mikhail         MOS - STP  Kochyev, Alexander       1-0   60  B40  Sicilian Classical
Lugovoi, Aleksei         STP - MOS  Belov, Vladimir          0-1   49  A35  English Symmetrical
Jakovenko, Dmitry        MOS - STP  Ionov, Sergey            1-0   
Ivanov, Sergey           STP - MOS  Riazantsev, Alexander    1/2   46  E54  Nimzo Indian
Grigoriants, Sergey      MOS - STP  Loginov, Valery A        1-0   36  B92  Sicilian Najdorf with 6.Be2
Solozhenkin, Evgeniy     STP - MOS  Glek, Igor V             1/2   10  D73  Gruenfeld 3.g3
Potkin, Vladimir         MOS - STP  Vitiugov, Nikita         0-1   29  D31  Semi-Slav Defence
Klimov, Sergey           STP - MOS  Vasiukov, Evgeni         1/2   30  C77  Ruy Lopez Anderssen
Kosyrev, Vladimir        MOS - STP  Anisimov, Pavel          1/2   17  E14  Queens Indian
Novik, Maxim             STP - MOS  Ulibin, Mikhail          1/2   11  D14  Slav Exchange
Nikolenko, Oleg          MOS - STP  Sivokho, Sergey          1/2   33  C48  Four Knights Rubinstein
Solovjov, Sergey I       STP - MOS  Kharitonov, Alexandr     1-0   27  B12  Caro Kann Advanced
Deviatkin, Andrei        MOS - STP  Smirnov, Artem           0-1   60  B70  Sicilian Dragon
Matlakov, Maxim          STP - MOS  Grachev, Boris           1-0   45  D47  Queens Gambit Meran
Dragomarezkij, Evgeni    MOS - STP  Yuneev, Alexey           0-1   50  A20  English Opening
Faibisovich, Vadim Z     STP - MOS  Gabrielian, Artur        1/2   
Savchenko, Boris         MOS - STP  Orlov, Vassily           1/2   33  C56  Two Knights Defence
Silivanov, Sergej        STP - MOS  Vulfson, Vladimir        1-0   38  B52  Sicilian Rossolimo


Shabanov, Yuri           MOS - STP  Taimanov, Mark E         1/2   12  B23  Sicilian Closed
Karasev, Vladimir I      STP - MOS  Zaitsev, Igor A          1/2   32  E76  King's Indian Four Pawns
Kremenietsky, Anatoly M  MOS - STP  Ryzhkov, Yury            1/2   43  D35  QGD Exchange
Khavsky, Sergey V        STP - MOS  Bukhtin, Vladimir S      1/2   10  C25  Vienna Game
Popivoda, Radmila        MOS - STP  Mayorova, Lyudmila       1-0   40  B12  Caro Kann Advanced

Sudakova, Irina          STP - MOS  Zaitseva, Ludmila G      1/2   51  C06  French Tarrasch
Grabuzova, Tatiana       MOS - STP  Malysheva, Polina        1-0   45  A01  Larsen Opening
Rakitskaja, Mariya       STP - MOS  Strutinskaya, Galina N   0-1   37  A43  Old Benoni
Vasilkova, Svetlana      MOS - STP  Molchanova, Tatjana      1/2   29  B35  Sicilian Defence
Donets, Valentina        STP - MOS  Dorofeeva, Anna          0-1   49  B19  Caro Kann



Guseinov, Z              MOS - STP  Matyshin, G              1-0


Giri,A                   STP - MOS  Dolbnja,Dmitry           1/2   40  B85  Sicilian Scheveningen


Isagov, Elnur            MOS - STP  Shimanov, Aleksandr      1-0   59  B42  Sicilian Paulsen


Gerasimov, Yuri          STP - MOS  Popov, Ivan RUS          1/2   56  E21  Nimzo Indian 4.Nf3


Krylov, Mikhail RUS      MOS - STP  Lanin, Alexsej           0-1   36  A60  Modern Benoni



Sultanich, O             STP - MOS  Pavlova, AM              0-1  


Kashlinskaya, Alina      MOS - STP  Efremova, Daria          1-0   22  D36  QGD Exchange


Korchagina, Viktoria     STP - MOS  Savina, Anastasia        1/2   43  B45  Sicilian Classical


Charochkina, Daria       MOS - STP  Bodnaruk, Anastasia      0-1   25  B55  Sicilian Rauzer


Lelekova, Olga           STP - MOS  Kirsanova, Ekaterina     1-0   35  B11  Caro Kann Two Knights

Round 2 (June 15, 2005)

St Petersburg 18 Moscow 22

Total Moscow 43 - St Petersburg 37

Svidler, Peter           STP - MOS  Malakhov, Vladimir       1/2   19  B36  Sicilian Maroczy Bind
Zvjaginsev, Vadim        MOS - STP  Khalifman, Alexander     1/2   12  D27  QGA
Sakaev, Konstantin       STP - MOS  Kobalia, Mikhail         1/2   42  D30  Queen's Gambit (without Nc3)
Belov, Vladimir          MOS - STP  Lugovoi, Aleksei         1/2   40  D34  Tarrasch Defence, Main Line
Ionov, Sergey            STP - MOS  Jakovenko, Dmitry        1/2   22  E15  Queens Indian
Riazantsev, Alexander    MOS - STP  Ivanov, Sergey           1/2   22  E15  Queens Indian
Loginov, Valery A        STP - MOS  Grigoriants, Sergey      1-0   39  A11  Reti Opening
Glek, Igor V             MOS - STP  Solozhenkin, Evgeniy     1/2   13  C92  Ruy Lopez Chigorin
Vitiugov, Nikita         STP - MOS  Potkin, Vladimir         1-0   51  C18  French Winawer
Mukhametov, Eldar        MOS - STP  Klimov, Sergey           1/2   10  B22  Sicilian Alapin
Anisimov, Pavel          STP - MOS  Kosyrev, Vladimir        1/2   62  C06  French Tarrasch
Ulibin, Mikhail          MOS - STP  Novik, Maxim             1/2   20  B14  Caro Kann Panov
Sivokho, Sergey          STP - MOS  Nikolenko, Oleg          0-1   34  C13  French Classical
Kharitonov, Alexandr     MOS - STP  Solovjov, Sergey I       1/2   26  D45  Anti-Meran Variations
Smirnov, Artem           STP - MOS  Deviatkin, Andrei        0-1   42  D12  Slav Defence
Grachev, Boris           MOS - STP  Nikolaev, Nikita         1/2   60  E63  King's Indian 6...Nc6
Rusanov, Michail         STP - MOS  Dragomarezkij, Evgeni    1/2   61  D00  Queen's Pawn Game
Gabrielian, Artur        MOS - STP  Petelin, Andrei          1-0    0
Shchukin, Dmitry         STP - MOS  Savchenko, Boris         0-1   59  E90  King's Indian Classical
Vulfson, Vladimir        MOS - STP  Silivanov, Sergej        1/2   42  A55  Old Indian Defence


Cherepkov, Alexander V   STP - MOS  Shabanov, Yuri           1/2   24  D10  Slav Defence
Zaitsev, Igor A          MOS - STP  Karasev, Vladimir I      1-0   39  B43  Sicilian Paulsen
Turikov, Viktor          STP - MOS  Kremenietsky, Anatoly M  1/2   57  B08  Pirc Defence
Bukhtin, Vladimir S      MOS - STP  Altshul, Raffael         1/2   56  B30  Sicilian Rossolimo
Mayorova, Lyudmila       STP - MOS  Popivoda, Radmila        1/2   10  D00  Queen's Pawn Game

Zaitseva, Ludmila G      MOS - STP  Sudakova, Irina          1/2   10  D02  Queen's Pawn Game
Malysheva, Polina        STP - MOS  Grabuzova, Tatiana       1/2   46  C08  French Tarrasch
Strutinskaya, Galina N   MOS - STP  Rakitskaja, Mariya       0-1   40  D38  QGD Ragozin
Molchanova, Tatjana      STP - MOS  Vasilkova, Svetlana      1-0   28  A08  Barcza System
Dorofeeva, Anna          MOS - STP  Donets, Valentina        1/2   58  E61  King's Indian Defence



Matyshin, G              STP - MOS  Guseinov, Z              0-1


Dolbnja,Dmitry           MOS - STP  Smirnov,A                1/2   34  B78  Sicilian Modern Dragon


Shimanov, Aleksandr      STP - MOS  Isagov, Elnur            1-0   30  E91  King's Indian Classical


Popov, Ivan RUS          MOS - STP  Gerasimov, Yuri          1-0   36  C28  Vienna Game


Lanin, Alexsej           STP - MOS  Krylov, Mikhail RUS      1-0   43  B05  Alekhine's Defence



Pavlova, AM              MOS - STP  Sultanich, O             1-0


Efremova, Daria          STP - MOS  Kashlinskaya, Alina      0-1   37  B25  Sicilian Closed


Savina, Anastasia        MOS - STP  Korchagina, Viktoria     1-0   46  E92  King's Indian Classical


Bodnaruk, Anastasia      STP - MOS  Charochkina, Daria       0-1   35  B23  Sicilian Closed


Kirsanova, Ekaterina     MOS - STP  Lelekova, Olga           1/2   56  E63  King's Indian 6...Nc6

St Petersburg vs Moscow St Petersburg RUS (RUS), 14-15 vi 2005
                                         1   2 
 1 Kashlinskaya, Alina        RUS 2093  +84 +84  2.0 /2      
 2 Lanin, Alexsej           f RUS 2407  +85 +85  2.0 /2      
 3 Vitiugov, Nikita           RUS 2482  +86 +86  2.0 /2      
 4 Belov, Vladimir          g RUS 2617  +73 =73  1.5 /2  2750
 5 Dorofeeva, Anna         wm RUS 2289  +66 =66  1.5 /2  2392
 6 Grabuzova, Tatiana      wg RUS 2327  +74 =74  1.5 /2  2494
 7 Jakovenko, Dmitry        g RUS 2608  +68 =68  1.5 /2  2720
 8 Lelekova, Olga             RUS 2141  +71 =71  1.5 /2  2420
 9 Molchanova, Tatjana        RUS 2315  =77 +77  1.5 /2  2486
10 Nikolenko, Oleg          m RUS 2527  =76 +76  1.5 /2  2668
11 Popivoda, Radmila          RUS 2232  +75 =75  1.5 /2  2213
12 Popov, Ivan RUS          m RUS 2464  =67 +67  1.5 /2  2495
13 Savina, Anastasia          RUS 1984  =72 +72  1.5 /2  2167
14 Silivanov, Sergej        f RUS 2368  +78 =78  1.5 /2  2619
15 Solovjov, Sergey I       m RUS 2473  +70 =70  1.5 /2  2708
16 Zaitsev, Igor A          g RUS 2415  =69 +69  1.5 /2  2589
17 Gabrielian, Artur        m RUS 2481  =51 +82  1.5 /2  2620
18 Kobalia, Mikhail         g RUS 2644  +81 =53  1.5 /2  2737
19 Savchenko, Boris         m RUS 2480  =52 +83  1.5 /2  2581
20 Matlakov, Maxim            RUS 2401  +80  .   1.0 /1      
21 Yuneev, Alexey           m RUS 2427  +79  .   1.0 /1      
22 Anisimov, Pavel          m RUS 2476  =31 =31  1.0 /2  2542
23 Bodnaruk, Anastasia     wf RUS 2198  +24 -24  1.0 /2  2183
24 Charochkina, Daria         RUS 2183  -23 +23  1.0 /2  2198
25 Deviatkin, Andrei        m RUS 2510  -38 +38  1.0 /2  2413
26 Glek, Igor V             g GER 2597  =39 =39  1.0 /2  2490
27 Grigoriants, Sergey      g RUS 2553  +32 -32  1.0 /2  2512
28 Isagov, Elnur              RUS 2146  +37 -37  1.0 /2  2259
29 Ivanov, Sergey           g RUS 2572  =36 =36  1.0 /2  2608
30 Khalifman, Alexander     g RUS 2658  =45 =45  1.0 /2  2649
31 Kosyrev, Vladimir        g RUS 2542  =22 =22  1.0 /2  2476
32 Loginov, Valery A        g RUS 2512  -27 +27  1.0 /2  2553
33 Malakhov, Vladimir       g RUS 2670  =42 =42  1.0 /2  2725
34 Novik, Maxim             g RUS 2494  =43 =43  1.0 /2  2536
35 Rakitskaja, Mariya         RUS 2253  -40 +40  1.0 /2  2322
36 Riazantsev, Alexander    g RUS 2608  =29 =29  1.0 /2  2572
37 Shimanov, Aleksandr        RUS 2259  -28 +28  1.0 /2  2146
38 Smirnov, Artem           m RUS 2413  +25 -25  1.0 /2  2510
39 Solozhenkin, Evgeniy     g RUS 2490  =26 =26  1.0 /2  2597
40 Strutinskaya, Galina N  wm RUS 2322  +35 -35  1.0 /2  2253
41 Sudakova, Irina         wg RUS 2387  =44 =44  1.0 /2  2352
42 Svidler, Peter           g RUS 2725  =33 =33  1.0 /2  2670
43 Ulibin, Mikhail          g RUS 2536  =34 =34  1.0 /2  2494
44 Zaitseva, Ludmila G     wg RUS 2352  =41 =41  1.0 /2  2387
45 Zvjaginsev, Vadim        g RUS 2649  =30 =30  1.0 /2  2658
46 Bukhtin, Vladimir S      m RUS 2416  =56 =54  1.0 /2  2308
47 Klimov, Sergey           m RUS 2490  =61 =57  1.0 /2  2485
48 Kremenietsky, Anatoly M  m RUS 2403  =58 =60  1.0 /2  2348
49 Shabanov, Yuri           g RUS 2452  =59 =55  1.0 /2  2397
50 Dolbnja,Dmitry             RUS ----  =62 =63  1.0 /2  2000
51 Faibisovich, Vadim Z     m RUS 2440  =17  .   0.5 /1  2481
52 Orlov, Vassily           m RUS 2430  =19  .   0.5 /1  2480
53 Sakaev, Konstantin       g RUS 2672   .  =18  0.5 /1  2644
54 Altshul, Raffael         f RUS 2277   .  =46  0.5 /1  2416
55 Cherepkov, Alexander V   m RUS 2395   .  =49  0.5 /1  2452
56 Khavsky, Sergey V          RUS 2339  =46  .   0.5 /1  2416
57 Mukhametov, Eldar        m RUS 2475   .  =47  0.5 /1  2490
58 Ryzhkov, Yury              RUS 2339  =48  .   0.5 /1  2403
59 Taimanov, Mark E         g RUS 2399  =49  .   0.5 /1  2452
60 Turikov, Viktor            RUS 2358   .  =48  0.5 /1  2403
61 Vasiukov, Evgeni         g RUS 2495  =47  .   0.5 /1  2490
62 Giri,A                     RUS ----  =50  .   0.5 /1  2000
63 Smirnov,A                  RUS ----   .  =50  0.5 /1  2000
64 Nikolaev, Nikita           RUS 2356   .  =80  0.5 /1  2508
65 Rusanov, Michail           RUS 2436   .  =79  0.5 /1  2481
66 Donets, Valentina       wf RUS 2199  - 5 = 5  0.5 /2  2096
67 Gerasimov, Yuri            RUS 2302  =12 -12  0.5 /2  2271
68 Ionov, Sergey            g RUS 2527  - 7 = 7  0.5 /2  2415
69 Karasev, Vladimir I      m RUS 2396  =16 -16  0.5 /2  2222
70 Kharitonov, Alexandr     m RUS 2515  -15 =15  0.5 /2  2280
71 Kirsanova, Ekaterina    wf RUS 2227  - 8 = 8  0.5 /2  1948
72 Korchagina, Viktoria       RUS 1974  =13 -13  0.5 /2  1791
73 Lugovoi, Aleksei         g RUS 2557  - 4 = 4  0.5 /2  2424
74 Malysheva, Polina       wm RUS 2301  - 6 = 6  0.5 /2  2134
75 Mayorova, Lyudmila         RUS 2020  -11 =11  0.5 /2  2039
76 Sivokho, Sergey          m RUS 2475  =10 -10  0.5 /2  2334
77 Vasilkova, Svetlana     wm RUS 2293  = 9 - 9  0.5 /2  2122
78 Vulfson, Vladimir        m RUS 2426  -14 =14  0.5 /2  2175
79 Dragomarezkij, Evgeni    m RUS 2481  -21 =65  0.5 /2  2238
80 Grachev, Boris           m RUS 2508  -20 =64  0.5 /2  2185
81 Kochyev, Alexander       g RUS 2417  -18  .   0.0 /1      
82 Petelin, Andrei          m RUS 2415   .  -17  0.0 /1      
83 Shchukin, Dmitry         m RUS 2347   .  -19  0.0 /1      
84 Efremova, Daria            RUS 2056  - 1 - 1  0.0 /2      
85 Krylov, Mikhail RUS      m RUS 2417  - 2 - 2  0.0 /2      
86 Potkin, Vladimir         g RUS 2552  - 3 - 3  0.0 /2      

7) First Saturday June

The First Saturday June tournaments took place 4th-16th June 2005. Attila Czebe won the GM event with 6.5/10. Miklos Galyas and Robert Torma finished on 8/12 in the IM section. Tania Sachdev from India made a WGM norm in the GM section.

Official site:

FSGM June Budapest HUN (HUN), 4-16 vi 2005              cat. VII (2406)
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
 1. Czebe, Attila         g HUN 2473  * = = = = = = 1 = 1 1  6.5  2509 
 2. Boros, Denes          m HUN 2402  = * = = = = 1 = = 1 =  6.0  2478 
 3. Jakab, Attila         m HUN 2448  = = * = = = = = = 1 1  6.0  2473 
 4. Farago, Ivan          g HUN 2476  = = = * = = = = = = 1  5.5  2434 
 5. Paschall, William M   m USA 2400  = = = = * = = = = = 1  5.5  2442 
 6. Seres, Lajos          g HUN 2424  = = = = = * = = = = =  5.0  2404 
 7. Hoffmann, Michael1    m GER 2476  = 0 = = = = * = = = 1  5.0  2398 
 8. Sachdev, Tania       wm IND 2343  0 = = = = = = * = = 1  5.0  2412 
 9. Werner, Dimo          m GER 2334  = = = = = = = = * 0 0  4.0  2341 
10. Stupavski, Zdenko     f SCG 2333  0 0 0 = = = = = 1 * =  4.0  2341 
11. Karavade, Eesha      wm IND 2355  0 = 0 0 0 = 0 0 1 = *  2.5  2217 

FSIM June Budapest HUN (HUN), 4-16 vi 2005
                                      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 
 1. Galyas, Miklos       m HUN 2444  * = = = 1 = = = 1 1 = = 1  8.0  2355 
 2. Torma, Robert          HUN 2227  = * = = = = = 1 0 1 1 1 1  8.0  2373 
 3. Laciner, Kerem         TUR 2174  = = * 0 1 1 0 0 = 1 1 1 1  7.5  2347 
 4. Farago, Sandor       m HUN 2262  = = 1 * 0 = = = 0 1 = 1 1  7.0  2302 
 5. Caruana, Fabiano     f USA 2255  0 = 0 1 * 0 1 = 1 0 = 1 1  6.5  2275 
 6. Kahn, Evarth         m HUN 2293  = = 0 = 1 * = = 0 1 1 = 0  6.0  2242 
 7. Lengyel, Bela        m HUN 2302  = = 1 = 0 = * = = = = 0 1  6.0  2242 
 8. Eperjesi, Laszlo     m HUN 2262  = 0 1 = = = = * 0 = = 1 =  6.0  2245 
 9. Paridar, Shadi      wg IRI 2263  0 1 = 1 0 1 = 1 * 0 0 0 =  5.5  2216 
10. Lettieri, Giuseppe     ITA 2246  0 0 0 0 1 0 = = 1 * 1 = 1  5.5  2217 
11. Brustkern, Juergen   f GER 2258  = 0 0 = = 0 = = 1 0 * = =  4.5  2158 
12. Katsuhara, Osamu       JPN 2106  = 0 0 0 0 = 1 0 1 = = * =  4.5  2171 
13. Nazarenus, Olaf        GER 2115  0 0 0 0 0 1 0 = = 0 = = *  3.0  2064 

8) Argentine Chess League

The Argentine Chess League was played with the support of the Argentina’s Soccer Association (AFA Although there were team championships with its name during the past years, this is the first time they give funding for prizes. They gave more than U$S 5,000 and many masters were contracted by the clubs to play this year. The main soccer teams in the country, as Boca Juniors, River Plate and others are participating.

The winning team was Ferrocarril Oeste, a team that currently plays soccer in second division (or first B as it is called in Argentina). Boca Juniors tied with River Plate for second place but Sonneborg Berger favored it. A nice attacking game was won by IM Martin Labollita (Ferrocarril Oeste) against Cuban IM Miguel Andres Mendez (Boca Juniors) in the decisive match of last round. News: Gustavo Albarrán.

Official site:

Magistral AFA  2005
                         1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    
1   Ferrocarril Oeste  **** 01½½ 1½½½ ½1½½ 1½1½ ½0½½ 1011 1111  18.5/28
2   Boca Juniors       10½½ **** ½½½½ ½110 0½1½ 1½½1 ½½½1 0111  17.0/28
3   River Plate        0½½½ ½½½½ **** ½10½ 10½0 1111 1½01 ½111  17.0/28
4   Racing             ½0½½ ½001 ½01½ **** 1½01 10½1 1100 ½1½½  14.5/28
5   San Lorenzo        0½0½ 1½0½ 01½1 0½10 **** ½001 1½11 1½½0  14.0/28
6   Independiente      ½1½½ 0½½0 0000 01½0 ½110 **** 010½ ½½11  12.0/28
7   Velez Sarsfield    0100 ½½½0 0½10 0011 0½00 101½ **** ½111  12.5/28
8   Banfield           0000 1000 ½000 ½0½½ 0½½1 ½½00 ½000 ****   6.5/28

9) III Open Bajada de la Virgen

The III Open Bajada de la Virgen 2005, took place in the Salones of Club Nautico, in Santa Cruz de La Palma 13th-19th June 2005.

Kamil Miton of Poland won the event after defeating Branko Dalmjanovic in a crazy endgame in the final round. Norms: GM Norm Sergei Krivoshey, IM Norm Pontus Carlsson, Roberto Mogranzini and Adalberto Villavicencio. It was the most important tournament in Canary Islands in 10 years with 26 GMs 12 IMs 3 FMs 2 WGMs 1 WFM 44 titled players from 21 Countries , 94 Players , 81 had FIDE Ratings.

Some games are available but not in PGN. Hopefully I will be able to round them up next week.

Official site:

Leading Final Standings: 
  1    MITON, Kamil (6)                     POL   2592      7.0      36.0    42.0  52.5
  2    KOLEV, Atanas (19)                   BUL   2524 2553 6.5      37.0    42.0  53.5
  3    DAMLJANOVIC, Branko (7)              SCG   2588 2583 6.5      36.5    41.0  52.0
  4    FRIDMAN, Daniel (11)                 LAT   2562      6.5      36.5    40.0  50.0
  5    KRIVOSHEY, Sergei (24)               UKR   2493      6.5      36.5    40.0  49.5
  6    SPASOV, Vasil (15)                   BUL   2543      6.5      36.5    39.0  49.5
  7    AVRUKH, Boris (1)                    ISR   2642      6.5      32.5    37.5  48.5
  8    GLEIZEROV, Evgeny (9)                RUS   2572      6.0      33.5    37.0  48.0
  9    AGREST, Evgenij (8)                  SWE   2579      6.0      31.5    38.0  48.5
  10   MORENO CARNERO, Javier (22)          ESP   2500 2495 6.0      31.5    37.5  48.0
  11   PERALTA, Fernando (13)               ARG   2556 2551 6.0      31.5    37.0  47.0
  12   BERG, Emanuel (18)                   SWE   2531      6.0      31.0    38.0  49.0
  13   KOGAN, Artur (5)                     ISR   2592 2578 6.0      30.5    37.0  48.0
  14   VOTAVA, Jan (21)                     CZE   2511      6.0      30.0    35.5  46.0
  15   KHAMRAKULOV, Ibragim (20)            UZB   2514 2507 6.0      30.0    35.5  44.5
  16   STEFANOVA, Antoaneta (23)            BUL   2495      6.0      30.0    34.0  44.5
  17   DELCHEV, Aleksander (2)              BUL   2614      6.0      29.5    37.5  48.5
  18   MIRZOEV, Azer (14)                   AZE   2545      5.5      31.0    36.5  46.5
  19   ULIBIN, Mikhail (17)                 RUS   2536      5.5      30.0    35.0  46.0
  20   FELGAER ZIEGLER, Ruben (4)           ARG   2593 2594 5.5      29.5    36.0  46.5
  21   KOHLWEYER, Bernd (31)                GER   2429      5.5      29.0    35.0  43.0
  22   TISSIR, Mohamed (30)                 MAR   2442      5.5      28.5    38.5  48.5
  23   RODRIGUEZ GUERRERO, Enrique (28)     ESP   2449 2436 5.5      28.5    33.0  42.5
  24   ROEDER, Mathias (35)                 GER   2404      5.5      28.0    35.0  44.0
  25   MIEZIS, Normunds (10)                LAT   2564      5.5      27.5    35.0  45.0
  26   SRIRAM, Jha (29)                     IND   2445      5.5      26.5    34.5  45.0
  27   VILLAVICENCIO, Adalberto (41)        ESP   2333 2321 5.5      26.5    34.5  44.0
  28   VEHI BACH, Victor (33)               ESP   2425 2420 5.5      25.5    32.5  40.5
  29   STRIKOVIC, Aleksa (27)               SCG   2465 2461 5.0      30.5    38.0  47.0
  30   VAN DEN DOEL, Erik (12)              NED   2558      5.0      30.0    37.5  47.5
  31   KURAJICA, Bojan (16)                 BIH   2539      5.0      30.0    37.0  48.0
  32   KHENKIN, Igor (3)                    GER   2610      5.0      29.5    39.5  49.5
  33   JONKMAN, Harmen (32)                 NED   2428      5.0      27.5    40.0  50.5
  34   CARLSSON, Pontus (36)                SWE   2401      5.0      27.0    36.5  46.0
  35   VIJAYALAKSHMI, Subbaraman (34)       IND   2412      5.0      27.0    34.5  43.5
  36   FERNANDEZ GARCIA, Jose Luis (26)     ESP   2468 2450 5.0      26.5    35.0  46.0
  37   MOGRANZINI, Roberto (37)             ITA   2363      5.0      26.0    34.5  43.0
  38   SANZ ALONSO, Francisco Javier (38)   ESP   2361 2365 5.0      26.0    34.0  42.0
  39   DJINGAROVA, Emilia (43)              BUL   2290      5.0      26.0    32.5  41.0
  40   LUJAN, Carolina (40)                 ARG   2336      5.0      25.0    33.0  42.5
       NEBOISA, Illijin (46)                ROM   2244      5.0      25.0    33.0  42.5
  42   HERNANDO RODRIGO, Jose Maria (39)    ESP   2348 2331 5.0      23.0    29.5  37.0
  43   GUTIERREZ OLIVARES, Daniel (66)      ESP   2082 1986 5.0      22.0    31.0  40.5
94 players

10) 5th Annual Emory Castle Grand Prix

The 5th Annual Emory Castle Grand Prix took place June 10th-12th, 2005. Julio Becerra Rivero and Anna Zatonskih finished on 4/5. A small number of games were broadcast on ICC. (

Official site:

5th Emory Castle Atlanta USA (USA), 10-12 vi 2005
 1. Becerra Rivero, Julio   g  USA 2552 4.0 
 2. Zatonskih, Anna         wg USA 2435 4.0 
 3. Shulman, Yuri           g  USA 2550 3.5 
 4. Perdomo, Carlos Andres  m  COL 2351 3.5 
 5. Serper, Grigory         g  USA 2546 3.5 
 6. King, Alexander B          USA ---- 3.5
 7. Whatley, Andrew Wesley  f  USA 2294 3.5
 8. Bereolos, Peter         f  USA 2323 3.0 
 9. Cheng, Xiao                USA 2234 3.0 
10. Gulamali, Kazim            USA ---- 3.0
11. Hyatt,Doug                 USA ---- 3.0 
12. Pohl, Klaus A              USA 2254 3.0
13. Dunne, Alex             f  USA 2222 2.5 
28 players

11) XVI Pan American Youth Festival

The XVI Pan American Youth Festival took place Balneario Camboriu, Santa Catarina, Brazil June 11th-18th 2005. I've sorted the games from the Boys and Girls U18 and Boys U16. Results below. There appears to be an all play all involving some of the participants that followed the event.

Official site: and

Final Round 9 - U10 Open
  1.    1  CORI, JORGE                 9.0  46.0  46.00  45.0  2063  -   +0.00
  2.    8  ARIAS, PABLO                6.0  50.5  30.50  32.5  0000 1386 0   
       22  HEUNG, CHRISTOPHER          6.0  53.5  30.25  31.0  0000 1386 0   
       46  YNOJOSA, FELIX              6.0  52.0  31.25  31.0  0000 1386 0   
       38  SHUMYATSKY, VICTOR          6.0  47.0  30.25  30.5  0000  -   0   
       32  PEREIRA, FABIAN             6.0  45.0  28.00  30.5  0000 2685 0   
       12  CORADO, RAFAEL              6.0  45.0  27.75  29.5  0000  -   0   
        4  ABDALLA, JOSE LUCAS AURELL  6.0  42.0  27.75  28.5  0000  -   0   
47 players

Final Round 9 - U10 Girls

  1.    1  BOHORQUEZ, MARIA ISABEL     7.5  50.0  40.75  39.5  0000  -   0   
  2.    4  CASUSOL, CECILIA            6.5  47.0  34.25  34.0  0000  -   0   
       10  JORQUERA CABELLO, VALENTIN  6.5  47.0  31.75  33.0  0000  -   0   
       17  ROQUE MAIDANA, ANA          6.5  42.5  26.00  31.5  0000  -   0   
  5.   15  RODRIGUES, FERNANDA DOS SA  6.0  37.5  22.00  24.0  0000  -   0   
  6.    9  GIMENEZ, JOHASLYN           5.5  38.5  20.75  26.5  0000  -   0   
       22  VELASQUEZ, LUISANA          5.5  47.5  21.25  26.5  0000  -   0   
  8.   11  KUULME, ISRAELLA MORAES     5.0  44.0  18.50  26.0  0000  -   0    
       23  VERSOSA, KAREN              5.0  40.0  15.75  23.0  0000  -   0   
23 players

Final Round 9 - U12 Open

  1.    1  IERMITO, SEBASTIAN          8.0  43.5  36.00  42.0  2134 2021 -0.15
        2  ROBSON, RAY                 8.0  51.0  44.75  39.5  2021 2199 +0.46
  3.    7  BAMBINO, MARCELO AUGUSTO    7.0  51.5  37.00  36.0  0000 1885 0   
  4.   53  YEE, MICHAEL                6.5  46.0  32.75  31.0  0000  -   0   
       47  TANAKA, CHRISTIAN           6.5  46.5  31.75  28.5  0000 2626 0   
  6.   12  CAMACHO, SEBASTIAN          6.0  44.5  27.00  29.0  0000  -   0   
54 players

Final Round 9 - U12 Girls
  1.   19  MORENO, ELIZABETH           7.5  50.0  41.00  42.5  0000  -   0   
  2.    2  CORI T, DEYSI               7.0  47.5  34.25  36.5  0000  -   0   
  3.    9  DONATTI, SOFIA              6.0  50.0  30.00  31.5  0000  -   0   
        3  CAPELO, PAOLA               6.0  47.5  24.75  28.5  0000  -   0   
       20  PEREIRA, AMANDA MARQUES     6.0  39.5  27.00  26.0  0000  -   0   
  6.    4  CHUMPITAZ, ANN              5.5  45.5  23.00  31.5  0000  -   0    
       18  MORALES FLORES, MONSERRAT   5.5  44.0  22.50  28.0  0000  -   0   
24 players

Final Round 9 - U14 Open

  1.   17  TERRY LUJAN, RENATO         8.5  51.0  47.00  41.5  0000 2461 +2.50
  2.    2  CRUZ, CRISTHIAN             8.0  52.5  45.25  41.0  2106 2440 +1.50
  3.    1  MAYORGA, NICOLAS            7.0  50.0  33.50  34.0  2188 2269 +0.40
  4.    3  MEZA PONCE, JEISON          6.0  50.0  26.50  33.0  2104 1977 -0.50
        5  CALDERON, JONATHAN          6.0  44.0  27.00  29.5  2080 2136 +0.20
       14  JUKEMURA, LEANDRO           6.0  42.0  27.00  27.0  1893 2055 +0.42
       11  CHAVEZ, EDUARDO             6.0  41.0  25.00  26.5  1944 1978 +0.05
       30  DE MOURA, PEDRO CAMARGO     6.0  46.5  28.50  26.0  0000 2025  2025
        4  ARNOLD, MARC T.             6.0  46.0  29.50  25.5  2093 2138 +0.10
52 players

Final Round 9 - U14 Girls

  1.    3  TERAO, JULIANA SAYUMI       7.5  47.5  39.00  37.0  1979 2583 +0.40
  2.   11  DROBRZENSKI, JESSICA        7.0  46.5  32.75  35.5  0000 1302 0   
  3.   16  HAN, INGRID                 6.5  49.5  33.50  37.5  0000 1943 0   
  4.   13  FERNANDEZ, MARIA FLORENCIA  6.0  50.0  31.00  34.5  0000 2130 0   
  5.    4  JURICH, FLORENCIA           5.5  48.0  24.75  28.0  1906 1862 -0.10
        1  ALIAGA FERNANDEZ, INGRID Y  5.5  42.5  29.25  22.0  2130 1906 -0.28
        2  HEREDIA, CARLA              5.5  34.5  18.00  22.0  2027  -   +0.00
25 players

Final Round 9 - U16 Open

  1.    1  BACHMAN, AXEL               8.0  50.5  43.25  40.0  2410 2513 +0.68
  2.    5  CORNEJO, MAX                7.5  54.0  43.00  40.0  2229 2441 +2.10
  3.    4  LEMOS, DAMIAN               7.0  53.5  40.25  37.0  2235 2358 +1.15
  4.    7  ITURRIZAGA, EDUARDO         6.5  52.5  35.75  34.0  2225 2231 +0.08
       14  FLORES RIOS, MAURICIO       6.5  53.0  34.00  33.5  2131 2313 +1.52
  6.    3  VERA INSFRAN, JORGE         6.0  47.5  29.75  31.5  2238 2177 -0.55
       15  VALDES ESCOBAR, ALVARO      6.0  45.5  25.50  31.0  2126 2170 +0.30
        2  LOPEZ, HUMBERTO             6.0  47.5  30.50  30.0  2326 2149 -1.53
  9.   11  PACHECO, GARRI              5.5  53.5  28.75  33.0  2168 2235 +0.63
       57  TORRES, JOSE DANIEL         5.5  44.5  24.25  30.5  0000 2167 +0.50
       12  IBARRA CHAMI, LUIS FERNAND  5.5  46.0  26.25  30.0  2152 2136 -0.10
       10  FERNANDEZ, FERNANDO         5.5  46.0  23.50  28.0  2186 2094 -0.35
        9  CRUZ, JONATHAN              5.5  44.5  23.25  28.0  2200 2003 -1.10
       24  GUSTAVO PIZZOCARO GOMEZ     5.5  44.5  24.00  27.5  1981 2129 +1.06
       20  GOIRIZ YAHARI, DAMIAN       5.5  42.0  23.50  26.0  2034 1996 -0.08
       33  CORTES, MARTIN              5.5  45.5  23.50  25.5  0000 2162  2162
       52  PEREZ, FRANCISCO            5.5  42.5  24.75  24.5  0000 1993  1993
61 players

Final Round 9 - U16 Girls

  1.   37  ZAPATA, TALIA               7.0  51.0  35.50  37.0  0000 1984 0   
  2.   23  KERR, JULIA                 6.5  47.5  32.75  33.5  0000 2185 +1.00
       31  SANCHEZ, CELSA              6.5  46.0  31.25  33.5  0000 2078 +1.00
        8  ANTUNES, PRISCILA LUCAS     6.5  46.5  31.75  31.5  0000 2008 0   
  5.    5  AMED, STEPHANIE             6.0  52.0  33.50  33.0  1984  -   +0.00
       30  SAN MARTIN FREIRE, MACAREN  6.0  44.5  27.75  29.0  0000 1774 0   
  7.    9  BUTTNER, NATALIA            5.5  52.5  31.00  33.0  0000 2160 0   
       17  ECHEVERRI, YESENIA          5.5  47.5  27.50  30.5  0000 1290 0   
       18  FELICIANO, VANESSA          5.5  45.0  24.25  29.5  0000 2106 0   
       25  MEDINA, DIANA               5.5  40.0  20.75  23.5  0000 1804 0   
37 players

Final Round 9 - U18 Open

  1.    1  FIER, ALEXANDR H. T. S. S.  8.0  51.5  45.25  40.5  2462 2613 +1.16
  2.    7  HUNGASKI, ROBERT ANDREW     6.5  49.0  33.00  33.0  2281 2364 +0.79
  3.    6  CHOMA, ERNANI FRANCISCO     6.0  49.5  30.00  33.0  2281 2302 +0.22
        8  GARCIA, JHOEL               6.0  49.0  29.00  32.5  2221 2340 +1.20
        5  DUARTE, LEONARDO            6.0  48.0  29.00  32.0  2298 2343 +0.44
        2  CORDOVA, EMILIO             6.0  49.5  30.50  31.0  2384 2348 -0.44
  7.    4  SCHNEIDER, IGOR             5.5  45.0  26.00  27.5  2322 2202 -0.96
       12  BARRERA MEZA, CARLOS        5.5  42.0  21.50  27.5  2146 2100 -0.38
       14  DE PAIVA, PEDRO HENRIQUE    5.5  44.0  25.50  27.5  2118 2284 +1.40
       11  CORNEJO P, GUILLERMO        5.5  38.5  22.50  26.5  2161 2258 +0.93
       17  RUIZ FIGUEROA, SEBASTIAN    5.5  43.5  23.75  26.0  2082 2037 -0.30
 12.    3  DI BERNARDINO, DIEGO        5.0  46.5  22.00  29.5  2354 2215 -1.52
        9  BUENO, ALFEU JUNIOR VARELA  5.0  44.5  22.50  29.0  2217 2143 -0.71
       18  LIMBERG, ESTACIO VERMELHO   5.0  45.5  20.00  26.0  2071 2133 +0.44
       33  RODRIGUEZ, REINALDO         5.0  39.5  18.00  23.0  0000 2147  2147
       23  BETANCOURT, PEDRO           5.0  39.0  20.00  21.5  0000 1969  1969
35 players

Final Round 9 - U18 Girls

  1.    1  MORALES MENDOZA, LUCIANA    7.5  47.5  38.25  39.5  2152 2243 +0.50
  2.    5  VARGAS, GABRIELA            7.0  46.5  36.25  33.0  1998 2340 +1.30
  3.    3  STEFFEN VILLANUEVA, RENATT  6.0  47.5  28.00  34.0  2050 2078 +0.20
        2  SARQUIS, MARIA BELEN        6.0  50.0  30.50  33.5  2137 2028 -0.60
       18  KANZLER, KARINA DANIELA     6.0  49.0  28.50  32.0  0000 1984  1984
        6  OTAZO, ANNYD                6.0  46.0  27.50  29.0  1942 1913 -0.11
  7.    7  ESPLANA, ESTEFANY           5.5  47.5  25.50  31.5  1913 1710 -0.86
       11  ARAUJO, YESMAR              5.5  42.0  22.75  26.5  0000 1942 0   
  9.   19  KATZ, ALANNA                5.0  41.0  19.50  25.0  0000 1305 0   
       17  GUARIN, LEDIS XIOMARA       5.0  35.0  15.00  19.0  0000 1321 0   
25 players

12) Premier League of Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Premier League of Bosnia and Herzegovina took place in the Hotel Neum, Neum 4th-12th June 2005. This team event was won by Chess Club Bosna, Sarajevo. Women's Team Championship was won by CC Slavija Daling, I.Sarajevo. News: Sead Bicevic.

Official website:

SK BOSNA,Sarajevo Players:
     1. Sokolov, Ivan               GM 2662
     2. Volokitin, Andrei           GM 2679
     3. Movsesian, Sergei           GM 2628
     4. Kozul, Zdenko               GM 2591
     5. Atalik, Suat                GM 2561
     6. Predojevic, Borki           GM 2549
     7. Kurajica, Bojan             GM 2539
     8. Dizdarevic, Emir            GM 2521

Final Standings (Men)
                                     MP   Sco  MPB
  1. SK BOSNA,Sarajevo              18    41  72.0
  2. KRAJISKI SK,Banja Luka         13  31.5  77.0
  3. SK KISELJAK, Kiseljak          13    28  77.0
  4. SK ZELJEZNICAR, Sarajevo       11    28  79.0
  5. HSK NAPREDAK, Prozor-Rama       9  28.5  81.0
  6. SK PANTERI,Bijeljina            9    27  81.0
  7. SK SIROKI BRIJEG,S.Brijeg       7    27  83.0
  8. TSK SLOBODA,Tuzla               6    25  84.0
  9. SK NAPREDAK, Zenica             3  19.5  87.0
 10. SK JEDINSTVO 1954,Brcko         1  14.5  89.0

Final Standings (Women)
                                       MP Sco MPB
  1. SK SLAVIJA-DALING,I.Sarajevo      12  16.5  67.5
  2. SK OBUDOVAC, Obudovac             11    15  69.0
  3. SK DOBOJ,Doboj                     9  13.5  70.5
  4. SK DVOROVI, Dvorovi                9    13  71.0
  5. SK SIROKI BRIJEG, S.Brijeg         5     7  77.0
  6. SK KOZARA, Gradiska                3     7  77.0
  7. SK PREPOROD, Zenica                4   6.5  77.5
  8. SK PO K, Poto ani                  3   5.5  78.5

13) 9th Chess Festival Voronezh

The 9th Chess Festival Voronezh 2005 takes place 10th-21st June 2005.

Official site:

Leading Round 3 Standings:
  1.   20  Chebotarev Oleg            2480  3.0   5.0  3049 +1.05
  2.    1  Amonatov Farrukh           2599  2.5   5.0  2694 +0.31
        3  Burmakin Vladimir          2552  2.5   3.5  2660 +0.34
        4  Shaposhnikov Evgeny        2550  2.5   4.0  2666 +0.37
        5  Vorobiov Evgeny E          2550  2.5   5.5  2681 +0.43
       10  Zakhartsov Viacheslav V.   2518  2.5   4.5  2634 +0.37
       15  Yandemirov Valeri          2503  2.5   3.5  2611 +0.34
       18  Geller Jakov               2496  2.5   4.5  2580 +0.25
       21  Ulko Jaroslav              2478  2.5   2.5  2560 +0.25
       22  Skorchenko Dmitriy         2476  2.5   4.5  2559 +0.25
       23  Petrushin Alexander I      2467  2.5   5.0  2618 +0.49
       25  Sergienko Sergey           2456  2.5   4.0  2602 +0.49
       26  Kurenkov Nikolai           2455  2.5   4.0  2650 +0.67
       27  Chuprov Dvitry             2454  2.5   5.0  2549 +0.31
       34  Kobylkin Evgeny            2418  2.5   5.0  2697 +1.03
       35  Arakelov Ilya              2417  2.5   4.5  2648 +0.82
       38  Golovin Leonid             2403  2.5   4.5  2644 +0.88
       40  Harutyunyan Gevorg         2392  2.5   4.0  2642 +0.91
 19.    6  Brodsky Mikhail            2532  2.0   5.0  2524 -0.04
        7  Chernyshov Konstantin      2531  2.0   3.0  2438 -0.34
       12  Novikov Stanislav          2512  2.0   4.5  2452 -0.22
       16  Alavkin Arseny             2501  2.0   5.5  2464 -0.13
       31  Zaitsev Vladimir           2435  2.0   3.0  2377 -0.22
       33  Zakharov Alexander         2418  2.0   5.5  2519 +0.41
       39  Salinnikov Denis Y         2401  2.0   4.5  2507 +0.41
       43  Tarlev Konstantin          2384  2.0   2.5  2397 +0.05
       53  Smirnov Alexey             2336  2.0   5.5  2643 +1.22
       60  Isakov Andrey              2307  2.0   3.0  2488 +0.74
       68  Okun Leonid                2259  2.0   2.5  2438 +0.74
88 players

14) National Open Las Vegas

Chris Bird reports: The 2005 National Open Chess Tournament was won jointly by GM Dmitry Gurevich, GM Nick De Firmian and GM Dashzeveg Sharavdorj and IM Ben Finegold, all scoring 5/6. Dmitry Gurevich took the much coveted Edmondson Cup and title of National Open Champion after a round robin blitz playoff.

There were also four US Championship qualification spots available and they went to GM Nick De Firmian, IM Eugene Perelshteyn, IM Renier Gonzalez and IM Dmitry Scheider.

A big highlight of this year's event was the Polgar Sisters Triplex simul that took place on the Thursday before the National Open. The Polgar Sisters collectively took on 81 players and finished with a final score of 64 wins, 11 draws and 6 losses. Susan informed me that this was the first time they had performed such an event, and despite the fact they were exhausted after the grueling 4 hours of play, they all thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

In other events that compiled the entire Las Vegas International Chess Festival, GMs Dmitry Gurevich and Zaruzhan Akobian shared the National Open Blitz Championship and GM Aleks Wojtkiewicz won the US G/10 Championship that was held on the following Monday.

Official site:

National Open Las Vegas USA (USA), 10-12 vi 2005
 1. De Firmian, Nick E       g  USA 2549  5.0 
 2. Finegold, Benjamin       m  USA 2522  5.0 
 3. Gurevich, Dmitry         g  USA 2515  5.0 
 4. Sharavdorj, Dashzeveg    g  MGL 2453  5.0 
 5. Ibragimov, Ildar         g  USA 2611  4.5 
 6. Akobian, Varuzhan        g  USA 2556  4.5 
 7. Perelshteyn, Eugene      m  USA 2507  4.5 
 8. Anka, Emil               g  HUN 2447  4.5 
 9. Gonzalez, Renier         m  USA 2483  4.5 
10. Schneider, Dmitry        m  USA 2466  4.5 
11. Kriventsov, Stanislav G  m  USA 2409  4.5 
12. Vigorito, David          m  USA 2360  4.5 
13. Donaldson, John W        m  USA 2407  4.0 
14. Rensch, Daniel           f  USA 2360  4.0 
15. Manukian, Garuch            ARM 2293  4.0 
16. Ginsburg, Mark           m  USA 2354  4.0 
17. Kretchetov, Alexandre    f  RUS 2350  4.0 
18. Lu Xiaosha               wm CHN 2262  4.0 
19. Chase, Christopher       f  USA 2330  4.0 
20. Yanayt, Eugene              USA 2221  4.0 
21. Feinstein, Michael          USA ----  4.0 
22. Small, Greg                 USA 2249  4.0 
23. Burgess, Jon L              ENG 2196  4.0 
24. Sevillano, Enrico        m  USA 2450  3.5 
25. Ivanov, Igor V           m  USA 2407  3.5 
26. Bradford, Joseph M       f  USA 2449  3.5 
27. Zilberstein, Dmitry      f  USA 2379  3.5 
28. Stein, Alex              f  USA 2362  3.5 
29. Falcon Perez, Gustavo       MEX 2206  3.5 
30. Adamson, Robby           f  USA 2344  3.5 
31. Ho, Matthew                 USA 2260  3.5 
32. Santalla, Andres            CUB 2075  3.5 
33. Iwamoto, Takashi            USA 2279  3.5 
34. Wallach, Kenneth            USA 2172  3.5 
35. Kerman, David J             USA 2207  3.5 
36. Strenzwilk, Denis           USA 2104  3.5 
37. Haessel, Dale R             USA 2225  3.5 
38. Martinez, Leonard           USA 2176  3.5 
39. Kurosaki, Takashi           USA 2073  3.5 
40. Maynard, Dewey G            USA ----  3.5 
41. Lucia, Robert F             USA ----  3.5 
42. Grieve, Peter J             USA ----  3.5 
43. Matikozian, Andranik     m  ARM 2515  3.0 
44. Browne, Walter S         g  USA 2446  3.0 
45. De Guzman, Ricardo       m  PHI 2390  3.0 
46. Tate, Emory              f  USA 2335  3.0 
47. Lein, Anatoly            g  USA 2373  3.0 
48. Saidy, Anthony F         m  USA 2329  3.0 
49. Aigner, Michael USA         USA 2257  3.0 
50. Del Pilar, Reynaldo         USA 2306  3.0 
107 players

National Open Blitz Las Vegas USA (USA), 9 vi 2005
 1. Akobian, Varuzhan      g  USA 2556  12.5
 2. Gurevich, Dmitry       g  USA 2515  12.5
 3. Matikozian, Andranik   m  ARM 2515  10.0
 4. Martinez, Leonard         USA 2176   9.0
 5. Tan, Derek J              USA ----   9.0
 6. Falcon Perez, Gustavo     MEX 2206   8.5 
 7. Aigner, Michael USA       USA 2257   8.0
 8. Rensch, Daniel         f  USA 2360   7.5 
 9. La Rota, Fabio         f  COL 2317   7.5 
10. Pashayan, Genrikh         ARM 2138   7.5 
11. Hassabis, Demis           ENG 2249   7.0
29 players

15) 19th Pula Open

The 19th "Pula Open 2005" in Croatia takes place 19th-26th June 2005.

For further information on the event:

Top Entries
 1 Atalik Suat       g  BIH 2561
 2 Predojevic Borki  g  BIH 2549
 3 Kveinys Aloyzas   g  LTU 2539
 4 Dizdarevic Emir   g  BIH 2521
 5 Savic Miodrag R.  g  SCG 2521
 6 Sedlak Nikola     g  SCG 2514
 7 Cebalo Miso       g  CRO 2510
 8 Fercec Nenad      m  CRO 2478
 9 Rogic Davor       m  CRO 2471
10 Jovanovic Zoran   m  CRO 2429
207 players

16) 16th Vermont Resort Open

George Mirijanian reports: The 16th Vermont Resort Open took place 10th-12th June 2005 at Mount Snow, Vermont, USA. GM Alexander Ivanov of Newton, Massachusetts, captured first place with a perfect 5-0 score. Tied for 2nd-3rd place with 3.5-1.5 results were national expert Leonid Tkach, 65, of Amherst, Massachusetts, and Class A contestant Jake Vogel of Connecticut. The tournament drew 59 players in 4 sections and was directed by Steven J. Immitt for the sponsoring Continental Chess Association. Complete crosstables are available at

17) Vladimir Savon 1940-2005

GM Vladimir Savon (1940-2005) has died in Kharkiv, Ukraine. His funeral was on June 1st 2005. No other details available. He won a strong Soviet Championship in 1971.

One source.

18) ACP Tour Report

The ACP have release their tour report on 15th June 2005.

The final month of the ACP Tour is on! Things will hardly change at the very top of the standings, since Vishy Anand seems to have secured his first place. But the race is still open for the 8th place. It is very likely that the upcoming European Individual Championship will bring the decision. Even lower ranked players can make it into the top-8 in case they perform well at one of the remaining tournaments. Will someone follow Viorel Bologan's example? By sharing first place in Sarajevo, the Moldavian top-player managed to jump from 9th to 4th! Looking back at his performances this year, we can only state that this place is well-deserved. An advantage of the ACP Tour compared to the rating system is that it quite objectively reflects the chess players' form over the whole season. Sarajevo's other winner Ivan Sokolov has also gained 320 points to appear on 9th place of the standings.

Here is how the top-10 looks:

Top-10 list on June 15th:
 1.   Anand          1598
 2.   Leko           1196
 3.   Gelfand         916
 4.   Bologan         865
 5.   Kramnik         839
 6.   Morozevich      709
 7.   Bacrot          612
 8.   Amonatov        600

 9.   I.Sokolov       591
10.  Grischuk         567

In others tournaments rated in the ACP Tour last month, most winners were non-ACP members. We would like to congratulate Zviad Izoria for his win at the HB Global Chess Challenge in Minneapolis, as well as Victor Mikhalevsky for his victory in the open in Lake George! At the third tournament held on American soil, the Chicago Open, four people finished first: Vadim Milov, Jaan Ehlvest, Igor Novikov and Petr Kiriakov.

As we mentionned already in our previous report, the organizers of Sofia declined our invitation to be part of the ACP Tour. In view of its very high level, this event has nevertheless been counted with a 0,5-rate. Congratulations to Veselin Topalov for his brilliant performance!

As mentionned earlier, the highlight of the final period will be the European Championship in Zegrze Poludniowe. But we'll obviously keep an eye on all other tournaments going on, such as The World Open in Philadelphia, the open in Voronezh and several rapid events.

Official site:

19) Forthcoming Events and Links

Hydra vs Michael Adams Match

Michael Adams will play a six game match against the Hydra Chess Computer at the Wembley Centre in London, 21st-26th June 2005, for a prize fund of $150,000 (£80,000).

Hydra vs Michael Adams Press Conference 25th May 2005 by James Coleman

The programmers claim Hydra is the strongest chess program in the world and is indeed the "stongest chess entity".Their stated aim is to back this up in a series of matches, extending their advantage over other computer programs and proving it also against humans. Hydra is the current International Computer Chess Champion winning the championship in Paderborn, February 2005. Unlike most strong programs it runs on specialist parallel computing equipment rather than PCs and it claims processing power capable of 200 million moves a second. Since winning in Paderborn they have moved from a 16 to 32-processor version. The new system will run 5 times faster and according to their website will contain "even more sophisticated chess knowledge". "The developers expect to break the 3000 Elo barrier till the end of this year."

The Hydra Project is financed by PAL Computer Systems in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The team that created the program is Dr. Chrilly Donninger (main programmer for Hydra), Dr. Ulf Lorenz is the parallel computing expert, Mohammed Nasir Ali is the Project Manager of Hydra, Christopher Lutz and Talib Mousa are the chess consultants for the program.

The match was launched on May 24th 2005. Michael Adams said "This is an awesome challenge. I have played nearly 2,000 games in international chess tournaments, but I’ve never faced an opponent quite like this. I’m really looking forward to matching wits with the ultimate opponent to prove that nothing can match the power of human creativity."

Hydra’s Chief Technology Officer and Project Manager, Muhammad Nasir Ali said, "We have focussed all our attentions on building the world’s greatest chess computer, a task that has taken four years and millions of dollars. We’re confident even Mr Adams will have trouble landing a blow against our silicon champion."

Hydra has yet to lose a game to human opponents except in a recently played correspondence chess match against correspondence chess GM Arno Nickel. He won 2-0 against the 16 processor version. - Source:

Official site for the program:
Further info on the programmers aims
PR for the match:

Brno 2005

There are GM, IM and Open tournaments in Brno, Czech Republic 30th June - 10th July 2005.

Due to withdrawals there are places in the GM event. E-mail - Phone - Petr Pisk, +420- 731 465 344 if you are interested in this or any of the other events.

Information: Internet -

6th ASEAN Age Group Championships

The 6th ASEAN Age Group Championships for boys and girls under-8, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18 was held in Pattaya, Thailand, from 11th-20th June 2005. ASEAN stands for Association of Southeast Asian Nations. The ASEAN Chess Confederation was founded on 28 May 2000, Vung Tau, Vietnam. Results and games available.

Official site:

First Saturday July

The First Saturday July tournament takes place 2nd-14th of July 2005. If you want to play contact Nagy Laszlo e-mail: Phone-fax: (+36)-1-263-28-59 Websites; and

FSGM IGM CHERNYSHOV, Konstantin (RUS), IGM ILINCIC, Zlatko (SCG), IGM FOGARASI, Tibor (HUN), BINDRICH, Falko (GER), LUDWIG, David Joseph (USA), IM BOROS,Denes (HUN), IM DEARING, Eddie (SCO), FM LORSCHEID, Gerd (GER), IM KRISTJANSSON, Stefan (ISL), IM THORFINSSON, Bragi (ISL), IM MAHJOOB, Morteza (IRI), IM MANCA, Federico (ITA), IM PASCHALL, William (USA). Reserves: FM GONDA, L szl¢ (HUN), IM TURZ , Attila (HUN), IM JAKAB, Attila (HUN),


There are also FM events.

Ticino Chess Festival

The Ticino Chess Festival (Switzerland) took place 17th-19th June 2005. There is a Rapid tournament sponsored by Hotel Ascona 17th-18th June 2005. Blitz-Marathon (5 minutes to finish the game) Cureglia (close to Lugano) sponsored by Raiffeisen Bank and Municipio di Cureglia Sunday 19 June 2005. Couldn't find games or results.

Official site:

US Junior Invitational

The US Junior Invitiational (and also their cadet event) takes place in Mason, Ohio starting June 12th. No details on the internet.

Friendship Tournament in Cartak CZE

The Friendship Tournament in Cartak CZE takes place 18th-26th June 2005. 7th international chess festival A) round-robin grandmaster tournament (10-12 players) B) round-robin master tournament (10-12 players) C) open FIDE (swiss system of 9 round)

Official site:

Peter Leko Official Site

Peter Leko now has a web site.

Liepajas rokade

Liepajas rokade, the biggest chess festival in the Baltics takes place from 11th to 14th of August 2005 in Liepaja Latvia.

English and Latvian


CC-Calendar. Now 8.092 official computer chess tournaments since 1990. 726 games from older official computer chess tournaments up to 1990. Arena Chess GUI Selection: CC-Calendar New are two computer chess tournaments. CIPS (Italy), chess program Delfi won 5th International CSVN tournament (Netherland), chess program Shredder won. AnMon won the 7th French programmers tourney in Massy.

Bratto Open

The 25th International Chess Festival "Conca della Presolana" will takes place in Bratto (Italy), 20-28 August 2005. The Festival includes: Tournament A (players with Elo Fide > 1999), Tournament B, Tournament C and Promotion Tournament (for beginners). Swiss system, 9 rounds. Time control: 100 minutes for 40 moves + 50 minutes; all move played get 30 seconds bonus (Fischer mode). Prizes: in the tournament A: 1st 1500 Euros, 2nd 1000 Euros, 3rd 700 Euros .. ... 16th-20th 200 Euros.


Official Internet coverage:

Jiraskuv Memorial

The Jiraskuv Memorial takes place 6th-13th August 2005 in Rakovnik (Czech Republic - 60 km west from Prague).

Further details:

Hungarian Tournaments July - December 2005

1. 2nd-14th of July FIRST SATURDAY /FS/ GM-IM-FM round robins, 9 -13 games, norm possibilities, in Budapest, Hungarian Chess Federation, Falk Miksa Str.10. 2nd floor. Organisation: Nagy Laszlo, FIDE International Chess Organizer /NL/, E-mail: Website: Other website: Phone-fax: (361)-2632859, cellphone: (36)-30-230-1914 From 12:00 a.m. until midnight - Central European Time - GMT+1 hour

2. 15th -23rd of July, SZOMBATHELY SUMMER Open 9 rounds Swiss, organizer FM Korpics, e-mail:

3. 24th of July - 1st of August, AGRIA Open /EGER, 100 km North-East from Budapest/, organizer: Rauch Ferenc, e-mail:

4. 6th-18th of August, FS GM-IM-FM Budapest org.:NL

5. 21st-31st of August, PAPP BELA memorial GM closed tmt, Torokbalint, 10 km from Budapest, info: Nagy Laszlo,

6 3rd-15th of September FS GM-IM-FM Budapest, org: NL

7. 1st-13th of October, FS GM-IM-FM, Budapest L

8. 5th-17th of November, FS GM-IM-FM Budapest

9. 3rd - 15th of December, FS GM-IM-FM.

15th International Chess Open

15th Trophy Black Sea Seacoast Open in Eforie Nord Romania 20th-30th June 2005.

Open to all (Tournament A) and Open for girls and boys under 16 (Tournaments B, C and D)

CONTACT: Elena Cristian: Mobil: +40 723 30 91 01 Tel fix/fax: +40 21 745 35 88 E -mail: Chief arbiter: Chirila Radu-Catalin: E-mail:

China - France Youth Match

The China-France youth match takes place in Shenzheng, China June 28th - July 6th 2005.

French players: Robert Fontaine g 2539, Maxime Vachier­Lagrave g 2525, Jean­PierreLe Roux m 2466, Natasha Benmesbah 2113. Chinese players: Zhao Jun g 2531, Zhao Xue wg 2478, Zhou Jianchao m 2473, Hou Yifan f 2158

Fire on board Trophy 2005

There will be a match between Alexey Shirov and Viktor Korchnoi for the "Fire on board trophy 2005", 24th-26th June 2005 in Eschweiler Germany.

GM Danny King will the moderator for the internet TV and internet radio transmissions. The event's program includes, simultaneous exibition games involving both Shirov and Kortchnoi, exbition entitled "Chess in Art", private lessons with both grandmasters (internet TV), and, "Highlights from the musical CHESS. The majorty of this event will be viewal live via internet tv. Fantastic prizes are available of the top 50 participants in their predict a move competition (first prize 5.000,00Euros).

Flash Online Game Competition to win a trip to the event.

Official site:

28th Ghent Open

The 28th Ghent Open takes place 16th-20th July 2005.

The summer tournament of the Benelux! 9 round Swiss tournament.


Chess Classic Mainz

The Chess Classic Mainz takes place August 9th-14th 2005.

The field of participants for all top events of the Chess Classic Mainz (August 9 - 14) is complete. Following his twofold victory in the open tournament, Alexander Grischuk (Russia) will challenge Viswanathan Anand (India), serial winner in the Rheingoldhalle, for the world title in rapid chess. In Chess960, World Champion Peter Svidler (Russia) will meet Zoltan Almasi (Ungarn). Four legends of chess will get together to celebrate the 80th birthday of Wolfgang Unzicker. In addition to the Grandmaster from Munich, Anatoly Karpov (Russia), Viktor Korchnoi (Switzerland) and Boris Spassky (France) will play.

Official site:

Torch Real Estate Cup China Chess League

The Torch Real Estate Cup China Chess League first phase took place April 20th-28th 2005 in Jinan. The 2nd phase took place May 8th-14th, 2005 in Wuxi, Jiangsu and the 3rd phase June 20th-25th, 2005 in Xiapu, Zhejiang. This was the first league with 19 teams (male and female players). Games from round 7-13 in Wuxi now available.

Further details:, and

9th Offene Internationale Bayerische Schach Meisterschaft

9th Bayerische International Chess Open, takes place in Bad Wiessee takes place 29th October - 6th November 2005.

Further details:

15th Heart of Finland Open

The 15th Heart of Finland Open takes place in Jyväskylä, July 18th-24th 2005. The tournament will be a 10 round Swiss system. Tournament is ELO-rated and there are possibilities to reach FIDE title norms. Venue: IT-Dynamo, street address Piippukatu 2, Lutakko, Jyväskylä.

Prizes: Total prize fund approximately 7000 EUR, 1st prize 1500 EUR, lots of rating group prizes.

Registration / Info: Sami Hämäläinen +358 9 791140, mobile +358 40 5123864, email

Official website:

IX Open The "Battle Of Senta 1697"

The IX Open The "Battle Of Senta 1697" takes place 15th-22nd July 2005. A and B Groups and also Rapid and Blitz tournaments. Senta is in Serbia and Montenegro.


World Youth Chess Championship

The World Youth Chess Championship 2005 takes place in Belfort, France 18th-29th July 2005.

Official site:

US Championship

The U.S. Chess Championship returns to San Diego from February 22nd - March 5th 2006 and will be held at its new permanent home at NTC Promenade.

The tournament will feature a 64-player field, composed of 19 seeded players (as determined by the October 2005 U.S.C.F Rating List), 43 tournament qualifiers (two of which being online) and 2 wild cards selected by the AF4C. The seeded players include the defending U.S. Champion, Hikaru Nakamura; Women's Champion, Rusudan Goletiani; the 2004 Chess Café.com Grand Prix winner, Aleks Wojtkiewicz; the 2005 U.S. Junior Champion; the 2005 U.S. Senior Champion; 8 top-rated Overall players, and 6 top-rated female players from the rating list. A new, innovative qualifying process will see one spot decided by the player who - while not qualifying directly- accumulates the highest score from playing in as many (or all!) of the qualifying tournaments. After each tournament, the latest placing for this Qualifier Grand Prix will be posted on the dedicated U.S. Championship website.


Obrenovac Open

The Obrenovac Open takes place 22nd-30th November 2005. The event takes place in Belgrade, Serbia-Montenegro. 9 rounds Swiss, Prize found: 5250 EURO. First prize: 1000 EURO Info contact: IO Nagy Laszlo, e-mail:

Lugano International Open

The Lugano International Open takes place 18th-20th November 2005. in the Hotel Meister, Via San Salvatore 11, 6902 Lugano-Paradiso 6 round Swiss Schweizer System 36 moves in 90 Mins + 30 Mins for the rest of the game.

Further details:

Neuhausen Open

The Neuhausen Open took place 26th-29th May 2005.


Euro Chess Tournament and Stork Young Masters

The 2005 Euro Chess Tournament, will be played in Hengelo (Netherlands) August 8th-13th 2005. The Euro Chess Tournament is organised by the Caïssa Foundation and the Royal Dutch Chess Federation.

The Euro Chess Tournament includes the 32nd Dutch Open Youth Championship groups U10, U12, U14, U16 and U20. In the Open we expect in between 600 and 700 players from all over Europe. The Dutch Open is a perfect mix of chess for recreation and top level

The second tournament played in the same week is the Stork Young Masters, a 20 player invitation group which will play 9 rounds Swiss. The topplayers in the group will be 5 GM's, all under 20 years old. We are still looking for some players for the Stork Young Masters. Please contact tournament director Albert Vasse ( if you have candidates to participate.

All information on the tournament is available in English, German, French and Dutch at

Enrollment is also through this website.

2nd Samba Cup

The 2nd Samba Cup will take place 14th to 23rd October 2005 in Skanderborg, Denmark.

A-group will be at least cat. 16. B and C-group will be cats. 8/9 and 3/4 if played. All groups 10 players round-robin. Interested players for any group are welcome to contact organiser Michael Andersson at

Web site is under construction but will be

17th Cannes Summer International Open

The 17th Cannes Summer International Open takes place July 25th-31st 2005.

Rated FFE and FIDE - Participation of GMI - Tournament A for 2100 or more - Tournament B for 2000 or less - Players between 2000 et 2100 can choose their tournament - 9 rounds - Time Control 1 h 40 for 40 moves + 20 min with 30 seconds added by move - Check-in obligatory Monday 25 from 10 h to 14 h - Special prizes for categories

Further details:

Politiken Cup 2005

The Politiken Cup part of the Copenhagen Chess Festival and 27th Copenhagen Open takes place July 16th-24th 2005. Entries include: 1 GM Curt Hansen 2 GM Viktor Korchnoi 3 GM Petr Kiriakov 4 GM Sune Berg Hansen 5 GM Igor Kurnosov 6 GM Nick E. de Firmian 7 GM Murray Chandler 8 IM Davor Palo 9 GM Jonny Hector 10 GM Lars Schandorff 11 GM Arkadi Eremeevich Vul 12 FM Christoph Wisnewski 13 IM Ole Jakobsen


Olomouc Chess Summer

8th International Chess Festival Olomouc Chess Summer 2005 which is part of the 5th International Chess Festivals Series CZECH TOUR 2005/2006. The event takes place in Olomouc (Czech Republic) 3rd-11th August 2005.

Round-robin GM and IM tournaments, FIDE open, seniors tournament, open tournament in active chess and blitz tournament are part of the festival.

Further details:

2nd European Amateur Chess Championship

2nd European Amateurs Championship was transferred to Pardubice (CZE) and will take place on 20.-31.7. 2005 within the frame of CZECH OPEN 2005 festival. The registration deadline without additional charge is prolonged till 30.6. 2005.

Detailed information at:, other information about the festival at

Ikaros Chess Festival

The Ikaros Chess Festival will take place 9th-22nd July 2005. The Festival has been held for the last 27 years on Ikaria island.

This year's events include the traditional open international tournament "Open Aegean Championship" (12th-20th July) as well as plenty of other side events such as Junior, Ladies, Veteran, blitz, rapid and simultaneous exhibition events, blindfold chess, chess lectures and many others.


World Amateur Chess Championship

The World Amateur Chess Championship 2005 takes place in Piestany (Slovakia), July 31st - August 12th 2005. Playing venue - town Piestany is the world known spa. Total prize fund is 5000 EUR All players should register before May 31st 2005.

Further information (regulations, registration form, information about playing venue) at the official web site:

15th European Team Championship

The 15th European Team Championship takes place July 29th-August 8th 2005 in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Official site:

FIDE Trainers Committee

IM Jovan Petronic. Chairman, FIDE Computer & Internet Chess Committee has written about the FIDE Trainers Committee. Link to his article below. In 1998 FIDE formed a powerful Committee comprising of leading chess trainers around the chess globe. Accordingly, it was named the FIDE Trainers Committee, and below, I will try to summarize the immense useful information for the readers, current major chess training activities and appeals of the Committee, etc. The number of certified FIDE Trainers has grown and they are now (in alphabetical order) - none other than: Alburt Lev (USA), Asanov Bolat (Kazahstan), Azmaiparashvili Zurab (Georgia), Boensch Uwe (Germany), Beliavsky Alexandr (Slovenia), Chernin Alexandr (Hungary), Dorfman Iossif (France), Dvoretsky Mark (Russia), Gelfer Israel (Israel), Georgadze Tamaz (Georgia), Gulko Boris (USA), Illescas Miguel (Spain), Kuzmin Alexey (Katar), Khodarkovsky Michael (USA), Leong Ignatius (Singapore), Mikhalcishin Adrian (Slovenia), Marjanovic Slavoljub (Serbia & Montenegro), Mohr Georg (Slovenia), Nikitin Alexandr (Russia), Petrosjan Arshak (Armenia), Polgar Zsuzsa (USA), Postovsky Boris (USA), Psakhis Lev (Israel), Razuvaev Yuri (Russia), Seirawan Yasser (USA), Sosonko Genna (Netherlands), Schmidt Wlodzimerz (Poland), Tukmakov Vladimir (Ukraine), Ubilava Elizbar (Georgia), Vladimirov Evgeny (Kazahstan), Zapata Alonso (Columbia) and Xie Yun (China).

Read the article: and an update:

Biel GM Tournament

The field of the Biel GM Tournament is now known. The event takes place 16th-29th July 2005.

Further info:

Biel Grandmaster Tournament 2005: 

Boris Gelfand         ISR Elo 2713 
Andrei Volokitin      UKR 2679   
Hikaru Nakamura       USA 2657  
Christian Bauer       FRA 2640          
Yannick Pelletier     SUI 2610  
Magnus Carlsen        NOR 2548       
Category 16, Elo 2641

Dortmund 2005

The Dortmund Sparkassen Chess Meeting takes place 8th-17th July 2005 (rest day 13th) in the Civic Theatre Vladimir Kramnik plays in this event which is a 10 player all-play-all.

Participants: Vladimir Kramnik, Peter Leko, Veselin Topalov, Peter Svidler, Michael Adams, Etienne Bacrot, Loek van Wely, Peter Heine Nielsen, Emil Sutovsky, Arkadij Naiditsch.

Pairings: 1. Round: Fri 08.07. Leko - Van Wely Adams - Topalov Naiditsch - Sutovsky Kramnik - Svidler Nielsen - Bacrot 2. Round: Sat 09.07. Van Wely - Bacrot Topalov - Naiditsch Sutovsky - Kramnik Svidler - Nielsen Leko - Adams 3. Round: Sun 10.07. Adams - Van Wely Kramnik - Topalov Nielsen - Sutovsky Bacrot - Svidler Naiditsch - Leko 4. Round: Mon 11.07. Van Wely - Svidler Topalov - Nielsen Sutovsky - Bacrot Leko - Kramnik Adams - Naiditsch 5. Round: Tue 12.07. Naiditsch - Van Wely Bacrot - Topalov Svidler - Sutovsky Nielsen - Leko Kramnik - Adams 6. Round: Thur 14.07. Van Wely - Sutovsky Topalov - Svidler Leko - Bacrot Adams - Nielsen Naiditsch - Kramnik 7. Round: Fri 15.07. Kramnik - Van Wely Sutovsky - Topalov Svidler - Leko Bacrot - Adams Nielsen - Naiditsch 8. Round: Sat 16.07. Van Wely - Topalov Leko - Sutovsky Adams - Svidler Naiditsch - Bacrot Kramnik - Nielsen 9. Round: Sun 17.07. Nielsen - Van Wely Topalov - Leko Sutovsky - Adams Svidler - Naiditsch Bacrot - Kramnik

In addition is the Sparkassen Open which is divided into two classes: Open A (Open ELO Tournament) and Open B (Amateur Open). The venue will be the town hall (Rathaus) of the City of Dortmund at Friedensplatz. Each day play begins at 11 a.m.. The conditions for the Open Tournaments, with information on registration, may be found on the internet under as well as on the official organizers’ homepage

Official site:

4th Condom Open

The 4th Condom open takes place 9th-16th July 2005. (south-west of France) Prizes found 7000 € - 1st :1100 €. Possibilities for GM and IM norm. Economical accommodation (boarding school) / campings / hotels. E-Mail contact:

Further details :

XXIII Open Andorra

The XXIII Andorra Open takes place 9th-17th July 2005.

Official site:

Instructional Tactics

There is an instructional tactical site at: compiled by Ward Farnsworth.

Canadian Open

The Canadian Open takes place July 9th-17th 2005.

GMs Vassily Ivanchuk and Alexei Shirov have confirmed their participation, as well as Alex Shabalov and some Canadian Grandmasters. Shirov will give a lecture during the event.

The official website is:

Queenstown Chess Classic 2006

The Queenstown Chess Classic 2006 takes place on the South Island of New Zealand January 15th-24th 2006 followed by the NZ Rapid and Blitz Championship on Jan 25th & 26th. This event is being sponsored by NZ GM Murray Chandler and promises to be NZ's largest ever Open International event. The total prize fund is in excess of NZD $35,000. It is endorsed by the NZ Chess Federation and will incorporate the NZ Championship. Entries so far include GM's Chandler, Rogers and Hecht.

Further information:

20th North Sea Cup

The 20th North Sea Cup takes place in Esbjerg, Denmark, 2nd-9th July 2005. 9 Swiss Open, time control: 40 moves 2 H + ½ H rest Prize fund: DKK 65000,- = 8800 Euro

The organiser is Jens Nielsen Tel: 0045 75123975 Email: Fax: 0045 75123975 Address: Storegade 66, 6700 Esbjerg Chief Arbiter: IA Lars Lindhard Deputy Arbiter: Aksel Hansen, Kim Schmidt, Karsten Jakobsen

Official site:

Kasparov on his retirement

Kasparov's website: gives a diary entry on the reasons for his retirement:

Correspondence Chess - Romanian Chess Federation - 80 Years

Therer will be a CC tournament "Romanian Chess Federation - 80 Years"? which will be one of the strongest CC events of the year 2005 with 4 ICCF-GMs and 4 ICCF-SIMs among the 13 participants.

Every 2-3 months there will be reports on the tournament wrote by GM Dorian Rogozenko, IM Mihai Ghinda, IM Mircea Pavlov, IM Constantin Lupulescu and FM Marius Ceteras including comments around the games in progress (this is something new in CC).

A promo pdf booklet of the event is available in Romanian chess pages , in the section dedicated to this event The booklet contains the introduction of the players, their best games and a short history of the Romanian correspondence chess. Short link for download the promo booklet (archived pdf file)

The tournament will be played at ICCF webserver ( ) .

II Calvia Chess Festival

The 2nd Calvià Chess Festival offers a varied programme with tournaments for different categories covering all ages. Takes place October 21st-November 5th 2005.

VII Sants Open

The VII Sants Open in Barcelona takes place 27th August - 4th September 2005.

Further details: This tournament is part of the Catalan Grand Prix

Prague Chess Holiday

The XV International Chess Holiday 2005 and VIII Professor Jaroslav Pelikán Memorial takes place in Prague. Three dates: 16th-23rd July 2005, 23rd-30th July 2005 and 30th July - 6th August 2005.

2nd Amsterdam Chess Tournament

The 2nd Amsterdam Chess Tournament takes place 16th-24th July 2005.

Further details:

9th Essent Chess Tournament

The 9th Essent Chess Tournament (Hoogeveen) takes place 21st-29th October 2005.

Last year the event was covered at:

Computer Chess News

There have been recent computer events. See the Computer Chess Calendar at:

Ratings Article

Jean-Claude Templeur on ratings manipulation:

Final of the WCBCSC 2004-2005

Brian Stephenson of the British Chess Problem Society reports. The Final of the WCBCSC 2004-2005 took place at Oakham School on Saturday 19th February. It was a resounding success for solving GM and Ex-World Champion Jonathan Mestel, who came ahead of two other ex-world champions. The event was sponsored by Winton Capital Management:

The full results can be found at my website. Follow this link for the final table: and this for the problems used:

British Chess Problem Society:

Swiss Chess Tour Davos Festival 2005

The "Swiss Chess Tour 2005" will continue in Davos with Chess Festival, the first time, besides "Open Davos", will be separate "Senior Open Davos", "Junior Open Davos" and "Summer-night open".

Davos is one of the most popular tourist places in Europe (summer and winter). Last year when all Europe caught by high tropical temperature at Davos was 20-25 degrees Celsius, always with a cupful of mountain wind. Next year, 2006, Davos will host European Individual Senior Championship.

Main event, the 4th "Sunstar Park Hotel Open", July 30th - August 7th 2005. "Sunstar Park Hotel" (4 stars) will be host festival in the new, comfortable "Congress Center". Swiss system, 9 rounds and the games will last a maximum of 6 hours (40 moves for 2 hours and 60 minutes till the end). Valid for FIDE titles and FIDE rating. Prize are: 1.500 SF, 1.200, 900, 700, 500, 400, 300, 250, 200 and 150 SF. From 11.- 20. places natural prizes. Special prizes for best Lady, best local player. Entry fee 140 SF, FMs and juniors 70 SF, at the door 10 SF more, GMs and IMs free. Time table: Rounds 1 16.00-22.00 July 30th; Round 2/8 14.00-20.00 July 31st- August 6th; Round 9 10.00-16.00 August 7th.

"Senior Open" July 31st - August 6th, senior 1945, 7 rounds and the games last of 5 hours (40 moves 2 hours and 30 minutes till the end). Valid for FIDE titles and FIDE rating. Prize is: 500/400/300/2x200/2x150 SF. Natural prizes for players with 4 points. Entry fee 70 SF, at the door 10 SF more. Time table 9.30 - 14.30 every day.

"Junior Open", born 1985 and younger. Exactly the same like "Senior Open" except, juniors lodging at "Sunstar Park Hotel" don't pay enter-fee. (Hotel pays for them).

"Summer-night Open", 7 rounds, 45 minutes for game; time-table 21.15-22.45 every day; natural prizes for all players with 4 points; enter fee 10 SF.

Venue: "Sunstar Park Hotel" (4 stars). Closing ceremony August 8th, half-hour after the last game. Unbelievable chess-rates. Info: Beochess +41+34+424-01-06 (Robert Spoerri) or

12th Echternach International Open

The 12th Echternach International Open takes place 25th-26th June 2005. Seniors should also note the following dates: 2nd Open (rapid chess) for young seniors (aged 50 and above) 13th-14th August 2005. 5th Open-seniors (aged 60 and above) 15th-21st August 2005.

Further info:

Alushta Diary 2005

Leonid Galperin sends a calendar of planned events in Alushta, Ukraine 2005.

GM Norm events: 6 17.06-27.06. 1.09-11.09 25.09-5.10 7.10-17.10 Rating tournament 5.06 - 13.06 Open tournament (under 16 years) First prize - 200 $ 14.06 - 22.06 Alushta Swiss 9 rounds Blitz tournament 28.06 12.09 Alushta Swiss 9 rounds Open tournament (rapid chess) 29 - 30.06 13-14.09 Alushta Swiss 9 rounds Open tournament First prize 1000 $ First prize (woman) 500$ 2.07-10.07 15.09-23.09 Alushta Swiss 9 rounds Session of school of Gennadi Kuzmin 5.06-14.06 25.09-4.10 Alushta Individual and group studying

Further information: phone +38 (06560)5-05-32 (for Russian speaking) + 38 050 669-26-04 (for English speaking) e-mail:

Harald Malmgren 100 years Correspondence

31st Dec 2004 saw the start of the first Grandmaster tournament on the ICCF Webserver. The tournament is the "Harald Malmgren 100 years". The occasion is to commemorate the 100:d birthday of Harald Malmgren, Tierp in Sweden. Malmgren was runner up after Cecil Purdy in ICCF's first World Championship and earned his GM title in the event. Malmgren passed away in 1957. In his career he was also second in IFSB Championship 1939 and won the Swedish CC Championship in 1942. Malmgren was a true chess enthusiast and issued a book in 1953 "Mina bästa partier" (My best games) with only CC games he had played.

There are 13 participants and you will be able to follow the results on and as soon as about 10 moves are made in every game, SSKK will open a page for "live" games. That is games according to the ICCF CoC regulations for live games. The Category of the event is 10 which means that all norms are available.The tournament has two sponsors, Schackakademin and Svenska Schackbutiken AB.

The players are: IM Jan Bennborn, Sweden, IM Sture Olsson, Sweden, IM Rune Bergquist, Norway, IM Ervin Liebert, Estonia, IM Taisto Koskela, Finland, IM Leif Åhman, Sweden, SIM Jón A Pálsson, Iceland, SIM Josef Mrkvicka, Czech Rep, GM Matthias Rüfenacht; Switzerland, IM Gary S Benson, Australia, SIM John Pugh, England, Phillippe Chopin, France and Mads Smith Hansen, Denmark. The withdrawing ICCF President keeps playing CC and starts this event on his very last day in office.

Tomas Carnstam, Jonas Dahlgren, Robert Ericsson, Sebastian Nilsson and Per Söderberg wedish Correspondence Chess Federation (SSKK) Board members.

38th Biel International Chess Festival

38th Biel International Chess Festival Dates: 16th-29th July 2005 with, in particular: - the Grandmaster tournament (17th-27th July 2005) - the Accentus Ladies Tournament 17th-27th July 2005) - the active chess tournament (16th and 17th July 2005) - the Master Open (18th-29th July 2005, last round in the morning) - the General Open (20th-29th July 2005, last round in the morning) - the Blitz tournament (23th July 2005)

Further details:

Hamarat Challenge Match

The ICCF World Champion Tunc Hamarat (AUT) who has never lost a single game with White, has challenged the "Rest of the World" to a friendly 2-game match. He will have White in both games. The games (one will start with 1.e4 and one with 1.d4) will be played on the ICCF Webserver and started on 10th February 2005 with the rule "10 moves/70 days".

The players on the "Rest of the World" team will vote on each move. The move receiving the most votes will be selected. Should 2 or more moves receive the same number of votes, the "Rest of the World" will be given 2 more voting days to decide between the tied moves. Participation in this event is open to all players who pay an entry fee of 5 EUR or $7.00 US dollars via their National CC Federation or the ICCF Direct Entry (DE) option. All fees collected will be transferred to the ICCF Development Fund. The money will be used primarily for development and system support of the ICCF WebChess Server. It will be possible to join the "Rest of the World" team at any stage of the game.

The games may be seen "live" by all players and other observers at

Each player who voted for the selected move will receive 1 point per move. The player(s) with the most points at the end of the games will receive an ICCF Gold Book. The list of all entrants will be published on the ICCF webpage.

1st ICCF Webchess Open Tournament

The ICCF have announced the 1st WebChess Open Tournament and invites every player worldwide to participate in the event. The event is to be played on the ICCF dedicated Webserver This tournament is open to all correspondence chess players worldwide, also for those without any previous ICCF experience. Multiple entries are allowed. The tournament will be played in three stages - preliminaries, semifinal and final.


Russia vs ROW Correspondence

The Russian Chess Federation is celebrating its 10th anniversary and is using this occasion to challenge the rest of the world to a match over 64 boards with 2 games for each and the start is 15.02 2004. Players include Joop van Oosterom

TWIC Messageboard

You need to register to post and vote. Address: