THE WEEK IN CHESS 542 28th March 2005 by Mark Crowther

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Mark Crowther

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1) Introduction
2) 14th Amber Blindfold and Rapid Chess Tournament
3) II Copa ENTEL - Santiago
4) Karpov vs Istratescu Match
5) Fischer arrives in Iceland
6) Bundesliga
7) Mtel Masters
8) 2005 European Union Championship
9) Cogas Match
10) Foxwoods Open
11) Faroe Islands Championship
12) Simon Webb 1949-2005
13) 78th Championship of Saint-Petersburg
14) 43rd Doeberl Cup
15) Danish Chess Championship
16) 21st Budapest Spring Festival
17) San Sebastian Open
18) Privolzhsky Championship
19) Givataim Tournament
20) 3rd Hotel Petra IM
21) Open Norwegian Championship
22) Spring Open Belgrade
23) La Roda Open
24) Caissa Kecskemét
25) TWIC Theory
26) Forthcoming Events and Links


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Games section

14th Amber Tournament                   60 games
II Copa ENTEL - Santiago                78 games
Karpov vs Istratescu Match               6 games
Bundesliga                             128 games
2005 European Union Championship       169 games
Cogas Match                              4 games
Faroe Islands Championship              90 games
78th Saint-Petersburg Championship      42 games
43rd Doeberl Cup                        71 games
Danish Chess Championship               28 games
21st Budapest Spring Festival           81 games
Privolzhsky Championship               207 games
Givataim Tournament                     30 games
3rd Hotel Petra IM                      66 games
Open Norwegian Championship            287 games
Spring Open Belgrade                    74 games
1421 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to Bognar Csaba, Thomas Henrich, Jan Willem Brinks, Luiz Roberto Da Costa Jr, Pascal Jacobs, Eirik T. Gullaksen, Paul Dunn, Leon Gofshtein, Laszlo Nagy, Mogens Nielsen, Vladica Andrejic, Gérard Demuydt, Brian Isaksen, Alexey Mazurok, Mark Watkins, Jorge Egger, Ching Kim Lye, Michael Atkins, Einar S. Einarsson, Vladica Andrejic and everyone else who helped with the issue.

Viswanathan Anand couldn't really continue his 7/7 start to the Amber tournament but he still leads in the rapid and blindfold sections and so obviously also the combined standings also. Anand is the top rated invitee to the MTel Masters in Sofia in May. Viswanathan Anand (India), Veselin Topalov (Bulgaria), Vladimir Kramnik (Russia), Ruslan Ponomariov (Ukraine), Michael Adams (England) and Judit Polgar (Hungary) are the players. "Kaissa Chess Management" (the agency of Silvio Danailov, manager of Veselin Topalov) organise what should be a very enjoyable new event. Bobby Fischer made it to Iceland on Thursday last week. I'm glad he's out of jail but don't expect a happy ending in the long term to his chaotic life.

Hope you enjoy this issue.


2) 14th Amber Blindfold and Rapid Chess Tournament

The 14th Amber Blindfold and Rapid Chess Tournament takes place at the Monte Carlo Grand Hôtel in Monaco, 19th-31st March 2005 (rest days March 23rd and 28th 2005). Mr. J.J. van Oosterom is the exclusive sponsor of this event which is organised by the Association Max Euwe. The total prize fund is Euros 193,250. Every day, the grandmasters will play one rapid game and one blindfold game of about one hour each. The games start at 13:30hrs and end at approximately 20:00hrs.

Official site:


Round 4 (March 22, 2005)

Anand, Viswanathan       -  Kramnik, Vladimir        1-0   52  C42  Petroff's Defence
Vallejo Pons, Francisco  -  Shirov, Alexei           0-1   26  D10  Slav Defence
Morozevich, Alexander    -  Bareev, Evgeny           1-0   49  B10  Caro Kann
Svidler, Peter           -  Van Wely, Loek           0-1   29  B30  Sicilian Rossolimo
Leko, Peter              -  Gelfand, Boris           1/2   28  B90  Sicilian Najdorf Variation
Topalov, Veselin         -  Ivanchuk, Vassily        1/2   28  D45  Anti-Meran Variations

Round 5 (March 24, 2005)

Kramnik, Vladimir        -  Vallejo Pons, Francisco  0-1   26  B32  Sicilian Labourdonnais
Ivanchuk, Vassily        -  Anand, Viswanathan       1/2   25  C45  Scotch Game
Gelfand, Boris           -  Morozevich, Alexander    1/2   64  D17  Slav Defence
Shirov, Alexei           -  Topalov, Veselin         1/2   33  C67  Ruy Lopez Berlin
Van Wely, Loek           -  Leko, Peter              1/2   48  A30  English Symmetrical
Bareev, Evgeny           -  Svidler, Peter           0-1   33  A29  English Four Knights

Round 6 (March 25, 2005)

Anand, Viswanathan       -  Morozevich, Alexander    1/2   38  C11  French Defence
Vallejo Pons, Francisco  -  Svidler, Peter           1-0   53  D80  Gruenfeld 4.Bg5
Kramnik, Vladimir        -  Bareev, Evgeny           1-0   38  C10  French Rubinstein
Ivanchuk, Vassily        -  Gelfand, Boris           1/2   20  D19  Slav Defence
Shirov, Alexei           -  Van Wely, Loek           1-0   58  B31  Sicilian Rossolimo
Topalov, Veselin         -  Leko, Peter              1-0   36  E15  Queens Indian

Round 7 (March 26, 2005)

Morozevich, Alexander    -  Topalov, Veselin         0-1   77  C42  Petroff's Defence
Svidler, Peter           -  Shirov, Alexei           1/2   51  B30  Sicilian Rossolimo
Leko, Peter              -  Kramnik, Vladimir        1/2   37  C96  Ruy Lopez
Gelfand, Boris           -  Vallejo Pons, Francisco  1/2   69  A63  Benoni
Van Wely, Loek           -  Ivanchuk, Vassily        1-0   28  A05  Various
Bareev, Evgeny           -  Anand, Viswanathan       1/2   26  E32  Nimzo Indian 4.Qc2

Round 8 (March 27, 2005)

Anand, Viswanathan       -  Leko, Peter              1/2   20  C88  Ruy Lopez Closed
Vallejo Pons, Francisco  -  Van Wely, Loek           1-0   54  B33  Sicilian Sveshnikov
Kramnik, Vladimir        -  Morozevich, Alexander    0-1   41  B09  Pirc Defence
Ivanchuk, Vassily        -  Svidler, Peter           1/2   71  B40  Sicilian Classical
Shirov, Alexei           -  Gelfand, Boris           1/2   23  C42  Petroff's Defence
Topalov, Veselin         -  Bareev, Evgeny           1/2   65  D45  Anti-Meran Variations

Amber Blindfold Monte Carlo MNC (MNC), 19-31 iii 2005      cat. XX (2726)
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1 Anand, Viswanathan       g IND 2786 * 1 = . 1 = = . 1 1 . =  6.0  2920
 2 Vallejo Pons, Francisco  g ESP 2686 0 * . 1 1 0 . = 0 1 1 .  4.5  2771
 3 Morozevich, Alexander    g RUS 2741 = . * = 1 . 0 = . 0 1 1  4.5  2776
 4 Svidler, Peter           g RUS 2735 . 0 = * . = 1 1 = . 0 1  4.5  2753
 5 Kramnik, Vladimir        g RUS 2754 0 0 0 . * 1 = . 1 1 . 1  4.5  2774
 6 Ivanchuk, Vassily        g UKR 2711 = 1 . = 0 * . = 1 = 0 .  4.0  2725
 7 Leko, Peter              g HUN 2749 = . 1 0 = . * = . 0 = 1  4.0  2732
 8 Gelfand, Boris           g ISR 2696 . = = 0 . = = * = . 1 =  4.0  2715
 9 Shirov, Alexei           g ESP 2713 0 1 . = 0 0 . = * = 1 .  3.5  2682
10 Topalov, Veselin         g BUL 2757 0 0 1 . 0 = 1 . = * . =  3.5  2688
11 Van Wely, Loek           g NED 2679 . 0 0 1 . 1 = 0 0 . * =  3.0  2630
12 Bareev, Evgeny           g RUS 2709 = . 0 0 0 . 0 = . = = *  2.0  2544


Round 4 (March 22, 2005)

Ivanchuk, Vassily        -  Topalov, Veselin         1-0   55  E00  Catalan
Shirov, Alexei           -  Vallejo Pons, Francisco  1-0   36  B30  Sicilian Rossolimo
Kramnik, Vladimir        -  Anand, Viswanathan       1/2   24  C67  Ruy Lopez Berlin
Bareev, Evgeny           -  Morozevich, Alexander    0-1   38  A40  Unusual Replies to 1.d4
Gelfand, Boris           -  Leko, Peter              1/2   27  E12  Queens Indian Petrosian
Van Wely, Loek           -  Svidler, Peter           0-1   35  A28  English Four Knights

Round 5 (March 24, 2005)

Anand, Viswanathan       -  Ivanchuk, Vassily        1-0   55  C11  French Defence
Morozevich, Alexander    -  Gelfand, Boris           0-1   87  E06  Catalan
Leko, Peter              -  Van Wely, Loek           1/2   71  B31  Sicilian Rossolimo
Svidler, Peter           -  Bareev, Evgeny           1/2   38  C10  French Rubinstein
Topalov, Veselin         -  Shirov, Alexei           1-0   58  D15  Slav Defence
Vallejo Pons, Francisco  -  Kramnik, Vladimir        1/2   38  C48  Four Knights Rubinstein

Round 6 (March 25, 2005)

Morozevich, Alexander    -  Anand, Viswanathan       1/2   28  C65  Ruy Lopez Berlin
Leko, Peter              -  Topalov, Veselin         1-0   61  C78  Ruy Lopez Moeller Defence
Svidler, Peter           -  Vallejo Pons, Francisco  1/2  128  B50  Sicilian Defence
Bareev, Evgeny           -  Kramnik, Vladimir        1/2   36  E04  Catalan
Gelfand, Boris           -  Ivanchuk, Vassily        1/2   57  E12  Queens Indian Petrosian
Van Wely, Loek           -  Shirov, Alexei           0-1   43  D44  Anti-Meran Gambit

Round 7 (March 26, 2005)

Anand, Viswanathan       -  Bareev, Evgeny           0-1   64  B19  Caro Kann
Ivanchuk, Vassily        -  Van Wely, Loek           1-0   48  B90  Sicilian Najdorf Variation
Shirov, Alexei           -  Svidler, Peter           1/2   32  B42  Sicilian Paulsen
Kramnik, Vladimir        -  Leko, Peter              1/2   72  B33  Sicilian Sveshnikov
Topalov, Veselin         -  Morozevich, Alexander    0-1   38  D08  Albin Counter Gambit
Vallejo Pons, Francisco  -  Gelfand, Boris           1/2   26  A09  Reti Opening

Round 8 (March 27, 2005)

Morozevich, Alexander    -  Kramnik, Vladimir        0-1   55  B31  Sicilian Rossolimo
Leko, Peter              -  Anand, Viswanathan       0-1   51  C42  Petroff's Defence
Svidler, Peter           -  Ivanchuk, Vassily        0-1   37  B42  Sicilian Paulsen
Bareev, Evgeny           -  Topalov, Veselin         0-1   49  E34  Nimzo Indian 4.Qc2
Gelfand, Boris           -  Shirov, Alexei           0-1   43  D45  Anti-Meran Variations
Van Wely, Loek           -  Vallejo Pons, Francisco  1-0   90  A46  Queen's Pawn Opening

Amber Rapid Monte Carlo MNC (MNC), 19-31 iii 2005          cat. XX (2726)
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1 Anand, Viswanathan       g IND 2786 * 1 = 1 1 = . 0 . 1 1 .  6.0  2920
 2 Ivanchuk, Vassily        g UKR 2711 0 * . . = 1 1 . = 1 = 1  5.5  2866
 3 Morozevich, Alexander    g RUS 2741 = . * = . 0 1 1 0 1 . =  4.5  2776
 4 Leko, Peter              g HUN 2749 0 . = * . = = 1 = 1 . =  4.5  2775
 5 Shirov, Alexei           g ESP 2713 0 = . . * = = . 1 0 1 1  4.5  2768
 6 Kramnik, Vladimir        g RUS 2754 = 0 1 = = * . = . = = .  4.0  2731
 7 Svidler, Peter           g RUS 2735 . 0 0 = = . * = 1 . = 1  4.0  2710
 8 Bareev, Evgeny           g RUS 2709 1 . 0 0 . = = * = 0 . 1  3.5  2694
 9 Gelfand, Boris           g ISR 2696 . = 1 = 0 . 0 = * . = =  3.5  2672
10 Topalov, Veselin         g BUL 2757 0 0 0 0 1 = . 1 . * = .  3.0  2644
11 Vallejo Pons, Francisco  g ESP 2686 0 = . . 0 = = . = = * 0  2.5  2587
12 Van Wely, Loek           g NED 2679 . 0 = = 0 . 0 0 = . 1 *  2.5  2576


Amber Combined Monte Carlo MNC (MNC), 19-31 iii 2005                    cat. XX (2726)
                                        1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 
 1 Anand, Viswanathan       g IND 2786 ** =1 == 1= =1 .. 11 .. 11 11 =0 ..  12.0  2920
 2 Ivanchuk, Vassily        g UKR 2711 =0 ** .. 01 .. =1 1= == 1= =1 .. 01   9.5  2790
 3 Morozevich, Alexander    g RUS 2741 == .. ** 10 0= =1 .. =0 .. 01 11 1=   9.0  2776
 4 Kramnik, Vladimir        g RUS 2754 0= 10 01 ** == .. 1= .. 0= 1= 1= ..   8.5  2752
 5 Leko, Peter              g HUN 2749 =0 .. 1= == ** 0= .. == .. 01 11 ==   8.5  2753
 6 Svidler, Peter           g RUS 2735 .. =0 =0 .. 1= ** == 11 0= .. 1= 01   8.5  2731
 7 Shirov, Alexei           g ESP 2713 00 0= .. 0= .. == ** =1 11 =0 .. 11   8.0  2725
 8 Gelfand, Boris           g ISR 2696 .. == =1 .. == 00 =0 ** == .. == 1=   7.5  2694
 9 Vallejo Pons, Francisco  g ESP 2686 00 0= .. 1= .. 1= 00 == ** 1= .. 10   7.0  2685
10 Topalov, Veselin         g BUL 2757 00 =0 10 0= 10 .. =1 .. 0= ** =1 ..   6.5  2666
11 Bareev, Evgeny           g RUS 2709 =1 .. 00 0= 00 0= .. == .. =0 ** =1   5.5  2620
12 Van Wely, Loek           g NED 2679 .. 10 0= .. == 10 00 0= 01 .. =0 **   5.5  2600

3) II Copa ENTEL - Santiago

The II Copa ENTEL took place in Santiago, Chile 15th-22nd March 2005. The event is Cat. VIII (one unrated wildcard player). Johan Hellsten won the event with 10/12. I give all the games again as there is a correction to the name Michel, Christian to Michel Yunis, Christian.

Official site: with live coverage including video.

II Copa ENTEL Santiago CHI (CHI), 15-22 iii 2005                   cat. IX (2459)
                                            1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 
 1. Hellsten, Johan             g SWE 2554  * = 0 1 1 = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1  10.0  2723 
 2. Leitao, Rafael              g BRA 2580  = * 1 = 1 0 = = 1 = 1 1 1  8.5  2606 
 3. Felgaer, Ruben              g ARG 2588  1 0 * 1 = 0 = 1 1 1 1 = 1  8.5  2605 
 4. Vasquez, Rodrigo            g CHI 2561  0 = 0 * = 1 = 1 1 = 1 1 1  8.0  2575 
 5. Granda Zuniga, Julio E      g PER 2599  0 0 = = * = 1 = 1 1 1 1 1  8.0  2571 
 6. Ricardi, Pablo              g ARG 2547  = 1 1 0 = * 1 = 1 0 = 1 =  7.5  2546 
 7. Rojas, Luis                 m CHI 2379  0 = = = 0 0 * 1 1 1 = 1 1  7.0  2522 
 8. Rodriguez, Andres           g URU 2536  0 = 0 0 = = 0 * 0 1 1 1 1  5.5  2423 
 9. Lopez Silva, Hugo             CHI 2386  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 * 1 1 1 1  5.0  2407 
10. Michel Yunis, Christian D   m CHI 2341  0 = 0 = 0 1 0 0 0 * = 0 =  3.0  2275 
11. Barbosa,Manuel                CHI ----  0 0 0 0 0 = = 0 0 = * = 1  3.0  2303 
12. Zambrana, Oswaldo           m BOL 2472  0 0 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 = * 1  3.0  2264 
13. Llorens, Marcelo            f CHI 2418  0 0 0 0 0 = 0 0 0 = 0 0 *  1.0  2060 

4) Karpov vs Istratescu Match

Anatoly Karpov and Andrei Istratescu played a match in Bucharest 20th-26th March 2005. There were 4 classical games on 20th, 21st, 22nd, 24th March 2005, Karpov winning 2.5-1.5. 4 rapid chess games on 25th and 26th March saw Karpov win 3.5-0.5. Karpov won overall 6-2.

Official site:

Standard Timerate
Istratescu, Andrei  -  Karpov, Anatoly     1/2   34  D57  Queens Gambit Lasker's Defence
Karpov, Anatoly     -  Istratescu, Andrei  1-0   49  E15  Queens Indian
Istratescu, Andrei  -  Karpov, Anatoly     1-0   74  C42  Petroff's Defence
Karpov, Anatoly     -  Istratescu, Andrei  1-0   64  E15  Queens Indian

Istratescu, Andrei  -  Karpov, Anatoly     0-1   37  C29  Vienna Game
Karpov, Anatoly     -  Istratescu, Andrei  1-0   40  A40  Unusual Replies to 1.d4
Istratescu, Andrei  -  Karpov, Anatoly     0-1   28  B12  Caro Kann Advanced
Karpov, Anatoly     -  Istratescu, Andrei  1/2   54  E90  King's Indian Classical

Match Bucharest ROM (ROM), 20-26 iii 2005
                                  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8 
Karpov, Anatoly    g  RUS 2674    =   1   0   1   1   1   1   =   6.0  2810
Istratescu, Andrei g  ROM 2617    =   0   1   0   0   0   0   =   2.0  2481

5) Fischer arrives in Iceland

Bobby Fischer arrived in Iceland late on Thursday night. This ended an episode in his life that started on Tuesday 13th July 2004, when he was arrested at Tokyo's Narita International Airport on Tuesday 13th July 2004. Fischer was detained for a total of 253 days in a Japanese jail as he resisted deportation to the US. Fischer won the "Match of the Century" against Boris Spassky in Iceland in 1972, This was a major event in Icelandic history and their Parliament decided on Friday 18th March to grant Fischer a passport and this was ratified on Monday 21st March 2005.

Fischer was released on Thursday morning by the Japanese as he had a valid passport. He arrived late Thursday or early Friday in Reykjavic.

On Friday he launched an attack on all a sundry. He also confirmed he will never play chess again saying the game is "utterly corrupt ... and has been for many years." He is "finished" with chess and stated delusionally "I don't play the old chess. But obviously if I did, I would be the best."

Just some reports this week.

The Guardian - 28th March 2005 Bobby and me by Stephen Moss -,10488,1446855,00.html
The Guardian - 24th March 2005 -,1280,-4892083,00.html
Fischer "finished with 'utterly corrupt' world of chess" - 24th March 2005 -
CBS News - Fischer arrives in Iceland 24th March 2005 -
Fischer Flies Home - CBS News - March 24th 2005 -
Reueters Fischer is out - March 24th 2005 -
Channel News Asia: Fischer en route to Iceland- March 24th 2005 -
Japan Today - US Demand Fischer Deportation to them. March 23rd 2005 -

General background: The closest thing there is to an official Fischer website: including the radio interviews which require a strong stomach to hear, but if you're a fan they should soon put you right.
Bobby Fischer's Pathetic Endgame, a summary of his recent life:

Search Fischer on Google and Google News

6) Bundesliga

The 12th and 13th rounds of the Bundesliga took plcae on March 12th-13th 2004. SG Porz lost the lead to Baden Baden after being beaten in round 12 to Werder Bremen. The two teams meet in the final round.

Official site:

Table 2004-5 Round 13 Standings
 1. OSC Baden-Baden    13  72,5  24:2
 2. SG Porz            13  70,5  24:2
 3. SV Werder Bremen   13  65,5  24:2
 4. TV Tegernsee       13  64,5  21:5
 5. Mülheim Nord       13  55,0  15:11
 6. SF Katernberg      13  54,5  15:11
 7. Hamburger SK       13  55,5  14:12
 8. SC Kreuzberg       13  59,0  13:13
 9. SC Eppingen        13  47,5  12:14 
10. SV Wattenscheid    13  50,0  11:15
11. SF Neukölln        13  46,0  10:16
12. SG Solingen        13  48,5   9:17
13. SV Hofheim         13  41,5   8:18
14. Erfurter SK	       13  43,5   6:20
15. Preetzer TSV       13  29,5   1:25
16. Stuttgarter SF     13  28,5   1:25

Round 12 12th March 2005

Venue: Stuttgart

Stuttgarter SG              -    Hamburger SK              1,0 - 7,0
Oral, Tomas                 -    Gustafsson, Jan           0,0 - 1,0
Sedlak, Nikola              -    Ftacnik, Lubomir          0,5 - 0,5
Schmittdiel,Eckhard         -    Hansen, Sune Berg         0,0 - 1,0
Reuss, Andreas              -    Bezold, Michael           0,0 - 1,0
Vujic, Branimir             -    Reeh, Oliver              0,0 - 1,0
Vuckovic,Aleksandar         -    Heinemann, Thies          0,5 - 0,5
Lorscheid, Gerhard          -    Langrock, Hannes          0,0 - 1,0
Heinatz, Thomas             -    Sebastian, Dirk           0,0 - 1,0

TV Tegernsee                -    Preetzer TSV              7,5 - 0,5
Khenkin, Igor               -    Pedersen, Steffen         0,5 - 0,5
Ribli, Zoltan               -    Fries Nielsen, Jens Ove   1,0 - 0,0
Bischoff, Klaus             -    Wisnewski, Christoph      1,0 - 0,0
Boensch, Uwe                -    Junge, Kai                  + - -
Kindermann, Stefan          -    Willsch, Matthias         1,0 - 0,0
Hertneck, Gerald            -    Marxen, Peter Dr.         1,0 - 0,0
Bromberger, Stefan          -    Reinecker, Kai            1,0 - 0,0
Gross, David                -    Richert, Thomas           1,0 - 0,0

Venue: Katernberg

SF Katernberg               -    SC Eppingen               5,0 - 3,0
Volokitin, Andrei           -    Gyimesi, Zoltan           1,0 - 0,0
Chuchelov, Vladimir         -    Medvegy, Zoltan           1,0 - 0,0
Kritz, Leonid               -    Mann, Christian           0,0 - 1,0
Moreno Carnero,Javier       -    Schulze, Ulrich           1,0 - 0,0
L'Ami, Erwin                -    Balzar, Andreas Dr.       0,0 - 1,0
Senff, Martin               -    Koch, Wolfgang Max        1,0 - 0,0
Scholz, Christian           -    Eisenbeiser, Amadeus      1,0 - 0,0
Siebrecht, Sebastian        -    Rau, Hannes               0,0 - 1,0

SV Mülheim Nord             -    OSC Baden-Baden           2,0 - 6,0
Landa, Konstantin           -    Svidler, Peter            0,0 - 1,0
Fridman, Daniel             -    Movsesian, Sergei         1,0 - 0,0
Schebler, Gerhard           -    Krasenkow, Michal         0,0 - 1,0
Lytchak, Alexander          -    Dautov, Rustem            0,0 - 1,0
Hausrath, Daniel            -    Jobava, Baadur            0,5 - 0,5
Wegener, Olaf               -    Schlosser, Philipp        0,0 - 1,0
Sielecki, Christof          -    Buhmann, Rainer           0,0 - 1,0
Kaid, Almar                 -    Doettling, Fabian         0,5 - 0,5

Venue: Hofheim

SV Hofheim                  -    Erfurter SK               4,5 - 3,5
Savchenko, Stanislav        -    Votava, Jan               0,5 - 0,5
Hickl, Joerg                -    Kuczynski, Robert         1,0 - 0,0
Ginsburg, Gennadi           -    Machelett, Heiko          0,0 - 1,0
Krivoshey, Sergei           -    Casper, Thomas            1,0 - 0,0
Rechel, Bernd               -    Brueggemann, Joachim      1,0 - 0,0
Zude, Erik Dr.              -    Mueller, Matthias         1,0 - 0,0
Buchal, Stephan             -    Voekler, Bernd            0,0 - 1,0
Brendel, Oliver             -    Enders, Peter             0,0 - 1,0

SG Porz                     -    SV Werder Bremen          2,0 - 6,0
Lutz, Christopher           -    McShane, Luke James       0,0 - 1,0
Van Wely, Loek              -    Hracek, Zbynek            0,0 - 1,0
Sokolov, Ivan               -    Efimenko, Zahar           0,5 - 0,5
Vaganian, Rafael A          -    Babula, Vlastimil         0,5 - 0,5
Beliavsky, Alexander G      -    Nyback, Tomi              0,0 - 1,0
Graf, Alexander             -    Fish, Gennadij            0,0 - 1,0
Gurevich, Mikhail           -    Schandorff, Lars          0,5 - 0,5
Hansen, Curt                -    Knaak, Rainer             0,5 - 0,5

Venue: Neukoelln

SF Neukölln                 -    SV Wattenscheid           5,0 - 3,0
Carlsen, Magnus             -    Nielsen, Peter-Heine      0,0 - 1,0
Nataf, Igor-Alexandre       -    Rustemov, Alexander       1,0 - 0,0
Polzin, Rainer              -    Handke, Florian           1,0 - 0,0
Borriss, Martin Dr.         -    Appel, Ralf               0,0 - 1,0
Berndt, Stephan             -    Holzke, Frank Dr.         1,0 - 0,0
Thiede, Lars                -    Dinstuhl, Volkmar         0,5 - 0,5
Schwarz, Michael            -    Ellers, Holger            0,5 - 0,5
Rudolf, Henrik              -    Straeter, Timo            1,0 - 0,0

SC Kreuzberg                -    SG Aljechin Solingen      2,5 - 5,5
Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter     -    Nikolic, Predrag          0,5 - 0,5
Almasi, Zoltan              -    Stellwagen, Daniel        0,5 - 0,5
Aronian, Levon              -    Gabriel, Christian        0,5 - 0,5
Maiwald, Jens-Uwe           -    Naumann, Alexander        0,5 - 0,5
Kalinitschew, Sergey        -    Smeets, Jan               0,0 - 1,0
Volke, Karsten              -    Hoffmann, Michael         0,5 - 0,5
Tischbierek, Raj            -    Werle, Jan                0,0 - 1,0
Lau, Ralf                   -    Ernst, Sipke              0,0 - 1,0

Round 13 13th March 2005

Venue: Stuttgart

Hamburger SK                -    TV Tegernsee              4,0 - 4,0
Gustafsson, Jan             -    Khenkin, Igor             0,0 - 1,0
Ftacnik, Lubomir            -    Ribli, Zoltan             1,0 - 0,0
Hansen, Sune Berg           -    Bischoff, Klaus           0,0 - 1,0
Bezold, Michael             -    Boensch, Uwe              0,5 - 0,5
Reeh, Oliver                -    Kindermann, Stefan        0,5 - 0,5
Heinemann, Thies            -    Hertneck, Gerald          0,5 - 0,5
Langrock, Hannes            -    Bromberger, Stefan        0,5 - 0,5
Sebastian, Dirk             -    Gross, David              1,0 - 0,0

Preetzer TSV                -    Stuttgarter SG            4,0 - 4,0
Rasmussen, Karsten          -    Oral, Tomas                -  - +
Pedersen, Steffen           -    Sedlak, Nikola            0,5 - 0,5
Fries Nielsen, Jens Ove     -    Schmittdiel, Eckhard      0,0 - 1,0
Wisnewski, Christoph        -    Berezovsky, Igor          1,0 - 0,0
Willsch, Matthias           -    Reuss, Andreas            1,0 - 0,0
Marxen, Peter Dr.           -    Vujic, Branimir           0,5 - 0,5
Reinecker, Kai              -    Vuckovic, Aleksandar      1,0 - 0,0
Richert, Thomas             -    Heinatz, Thomas           0,0 - 1,0

Venue: Katernberg

SC Eppingen                 -    SV Mülheim Nord           2,0 - 6,0
Gyimesi, Zoltan             -    Landa, Konstantin         0,0 - 1,0
Medvegy, Zoltan             -    Fridman, Daniel           0,5 - 0,5
Schulze, Ulrich             -    Schebler, Gerhard         0,0 - 1,0
Balzar, Andreas Dr.         -    Lytchak, Alexander        0,5 - 0,5
Koch, Wolfgang Max          -    Hausrath, Daniel          0,0 - 1,0
Eisenbeiser, Amadeus        -    Wegener, Olaf             0,0 - 1,0
Dekan, Hans                 -    Sielecki, Christof        0,5 - 0,5
Rau, Hannes                 -    Kaid, Almar               0,5 - 0,5

OSC Baden-Baden             -    SF Katernberg             6,5 - 1,5
Svidler, Peter              -    Volokitin, Andrei         1,0 - 0,0
Movsesian, Sergei           -    Chuchelov, Vladimir       0,0 - 1,0
Krasenkow, Michal           -    Kritz, Leonid             0,5 - 0,5
Dautov, Rustem              -    Moreno Carnero, Javier    1,0 - 0,0
Jobava, Baadur              -    L'Ami, Erwin              1,0 - 0,0
Schlosser, Philipp          -    Senff, Martin             1,0 - 0,0
Buhmann, Rainer             -    Scholz, Christian         1,0 - 0,0
Doettling, Fabian           -    Siebrecht, Sebastian      1,0 - 0,0

Venue: Hofheim

Erfurter SK                 -    SG Porz                   1,0 - 7,0
Votava, Jan                 -    Lutz, Christopher         0,0 - 1,0
Kuczynski, Robert           -    Van Wely, Loek            0,0 - 1,0
Machelett, Heiko            -    Sokolov, Ivan             0,0 - 1,0
Casper, Thomas              -    Vaganian, Rafael A        0,5 - 0,5
Brueggemann, Joachim        -    Beliavsky, Alexander G    0,0 - 1,0
Mueller, Matthias           -    Graf, Alexander           0,5 - 0,5
Voekler, Bernd              -    Gurevich, Mikhail         0,0 - 1,0
Enders, Peter               -    Hansen, Curt              0,0 - 1,0

SV Werder Bremen            -    SV Hofheim                4,5 - 3,5
McShane, Luke James         -    Savchenko, Stanislav      1,0 - 0,0
Hracek, Zbynek              -    Ginsburg, Gennadi         1,0 - 0,0
Efimenko, Zahar             -    Krivoshey, Sergei         0,5 - 0,5
Babula, Vlastimil           -    Zude, Arno                0,5 - 0,5
Nyback, Tomi                -    Rechel, Bernd             1,0 - 0,0
Schandorff, Lars            -    Zude, Erik Dr.            0,5 - 0,5
Knaak, Rainer               -    Burkart, Patrick          0,0 - 1,0
Skripchenko-Lautier, Almira -    Haubt, Georg              0,0 - 1,0

Venue: Neukoelln

SV Wattenscheid             -    SC Kreuzberg              4,5 - 3,5
Nielsen, Peter-Heine        -    Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter   1,0 - 0,0
Rustemov, Alexander         -    Almasi, Zoltan            0,5 - 0,5
Handke, Florian             -    Aronian, Levon            0,0 - 1,0
Appel, Ralf                 -    Maiwald, Jens-Uwe         1,0 - 0,0
Holzke, Frank Dr.           -    Kalinitschew, Sergey      1,0 - 0,0
Dinstuhl, Volkmar           -    Volke, Karsten            0,5 - 0,5
Ellers, Holger              -    Tischbierek, Raj          0,0 - 1,0
Straeter, Timo              -    Lau, Ralf                 0,5 - 0,5

SG Aljechin  Solingen       -    SF Neukölln               4,0 - 4,0
Nikolic, Predrag            -    Carlsen, Magnus           0,5 - 0,5
Stellwagen, Daniel          -    Nataf, Igor-Alexandre     0,5 - 0,5
Gabriel, Christian          -    Polzin, Rainer            0,0 - 1,0
Naumann, Alexander          -    Borriss, Martin Dr.       1,0 - 0,0
Smeets, Jan                 -    Berndt, Stephan           0,0 - 1,0
Hoffmann, Michael           -    Thiede, Lars              0,5 - 0,5
Werle, Jan                  -    Poldauf, Dirk             1,0 - 0,0
Ernst, Sipke                -    Schwarz, Michael          0,5 - 0,5

7) Mtel Masters

"Mobiltel" and "Kaissa Chess Management" (the agency of Silvio Danailov, manager of Veselin Topalov) have organised a tournament May 11th-22nd, 2005 in Sofia, Bulgaria. The event is a part of the celebration of the tenth anniversary of the biggest Bulgarian mobile operator(

Players: Viswanathan Anand (India), Veselin Topalov (Bulgaria), Vladimir Kramnik (Russia), Ruslan Ponomariov (Ukraine), Michael Adams (England) and Judit Polgar (Hungary).

The Category 20 event will be a double round robin with a 7 hour time control. There will be a winner of the event as there will be a playoff in the case of a tie.

One unusual rule is that draw by mutual agreement between the players is forbidden. The players won't be allowed to offer a draw or speak to their opponent. The player can claim the draw only via Arbiter in 3 cases: A) Perpetual check B) Triple repetition C) A theoretically drawn position. Only the Arbiter can confirm the result of the game. The Arbiters will be advised by Zurab Azmaiparashvili on this. Arbiters: Chief Arbiter: Joaquin Espejo (Spain),Deputy arbiters: Boris Postovski (USA),Panaqiotis Nikolopoulos (Greece).

The venue is the five-star luxury Grand Hotel Sofia ( and there will be an opening ceremony there. During the rest day Grand Master Veselin Topalov will give a simul to chess fans at the garden in front of the National Theatre.

Official site:

8) 2005 European Union Championship

The 2005 European Union Championship which is part of the programme of events celebrating Cork City's status as European Capital of Culture for 2005. The event takes place 21st March - 3rd April 2005 in the Ballroom Suite Gresham Metropole Hotel MacCurtain Street Cork Ireland. Prize Fund - 7,750 Euros. A FIDE rated ten round Swiss Open for players registered with FIDE as a player in the European Union or a citizen of a European Union member state 1st prize 2,000 Euros plus numerous place prizes and other awards including a British Championship Qualifying Place. In addition the 13th Annual Cork Congress takes place 1st-3rd April 2005 with a Prize Fund 5,000 Euros an ICU rated six round Swiss with three rated sections. 1st prize 750 Euros plus numerous place prizes and other awards

After 6 of 9 rounds Zoltan Gyimesi leads with 5.5/6.


Round 6 (of 9) Standings:
ch-EU Cork IRL (IRL), 22-31 iii 2005
  1. Gyimesi, Zoltan             g  HUN 2602  5.5      19.5
  2. Socko, Bartosz              g  POL 2591  5        20.0
  3. Cicak, Slavko               g  SWE 2552  5        20.0
  4. Bartel, Mateusz             m  POL 2482  5        20.0
  5. Bischoff, Klaus             g  GER 2555  5        18.5
  6. Benjamin, Joel              g  USA 2554  4.5      21.5
  7. Kotronias, Vasilios         g  GRE 2585  4.5      20.0
  8. Miezis, Normunds            g  LAT 2547  4.5      20.0
  9. Cmilyte, Viktorija          m  LTU 2468  4.5      20.0
 10. Berzinsh, Roland            m  LAT 2454  4.5      19.0
 11. Sarakauskas, Gediminas      m  LTU 2449  4.5      19.0
 12. Quinn, Mark                 m  IRL 2395  4.5      19.0
 13. Ledger, Andrew              m  ENG 2450  4.5      18.0
 14. Kallio, Heikki              g  FIN 2469  4        22.0
 15. Jones, Gawain C             m  ENG 2453  4        19.5
 16. Hebden, Mark                g  ENG 2521  4        19.0
 17. D'Costa, Lorin              f  ENG 2356  4        19.0
 18. Hitzler, Philip                GER 2178  4        19.0
 19. Ziatdinov, Raset            m  USA 2441  4        18.5
 20. Medvegy, Zoltan             g  HUN 2467  4        18.0
 21. Janz, Frerik                   GER 2376  4        17.5
 22. Brandenburg, Daan              NED 2343  4        17.5
 23. Markos, Jan                 m  SVK 2454  4        17.0
 24. Palliser, Richard           m  ENG 2402  4        17.0
 25. Roos, Michael               m  GER 2365  4        17.0
 26. Arakhamia-Grant, Ketevan    m  GEO 2454  4        16.5
 27. Paramos Dominguez, Roberto  m  ESP 2391  4        16.5
 28. Wall, Gavin                 m  IRL 2368  4        16.0
 29. Molander, Riku              f  FIN 2353  4        16.0
 30. Medvegy, Nora               wg HUN 2388  4        15.5
 31. Lauterbach, Ingrid          wm ENG 2182  4        12.0
115 players

9) Cogas Match

The Cogas Energy Chess-matches were Jan Timman against Daniel Stellwagen and Frank Kroeze against Wouter Spoelman which were held in the Dutch city of Almelo this weekend. They took place March 25th-26th 2005. Jan Timman defeated Daniel Stellwagen 2.5-1.5 by winning the second rapid game. Kroeze defeated 14 year old Spoelman 3-1. Daniel Fridman won the open on tie-break from Eric van den Doel. Games from the Timman match only available.

Official site:

Stellwagen, Daniel  -  Timman, Jan H       1/2   25  B82  Sicilian Scheveningen
Timman, Jan H       -  Stellwagen, Daniel  1-0   36  B13  Caro Kann Exchange
Stellwagen, Daniel  -  Timman, Jan H       1/2   50  C87  Ruy Lopez
Timman, Jan H       -  Stellwagen, Daniel  1/2   27  C06  French Tarrasch

Cogas Match Almelo NED (NED), 25-26 iii 2005
                                  1   2   3   4 
Timman, Jan H      g  NED 2607    =   1   =   =   2.5  2619
Stellwagen, Daniel g  NED 2524    =   0   =   =   1.5  2520

10) Foxwoods Open

The Foxwoods Open took place March 23rd-27th 2005. It is one of the five US Tournaments with a prize fund of $100,000, it is held at the World's largest casino on the Mashantucket Pequot Reservation in Connecticut. Hikaru Nakamura won clearly with 7.5/9. Games to follow next week.

Website: - current details:

Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
 1   GM Hikaru Nakamura        2752  7.5  $8031
 2   GM Ildar Ibragimov        2701  7    $3212
 3   GM Alexander Ivanov       2610  7    $3212
 4   GM Alek Wojtkiewicz       2651  6.5  $446.23
 5   GM Ilya Smirin            2812  6.5  $446.23
 6   GM Julio Becerra          2622  6.5  $446.23
 7   GM Jaan Ehlvest           2697  6.5  $446.23
 8   GM Vladimir Georgiev      2542  6.5  $446.23
 9   GM Evgeniy Najer          2678  6.5  $446.23
10   GM Alexander Stripunsky   2663  6.5  $446.23
11   GM Yury Shulman           2600  6.5  $446.23
12   GM Varuzhan Akobian       2641  6.5  $446.23
13   GM Nikola Mitkov          2600  6
14   IM Igor Foygel            2490  6
15   IM Ronald Burnett         2444  6    $803
16   IM Dean J Ippolito        2443  6    $803
17   GM Rodrigo Vasquez        2642  6
18   FM Alex Lenderman         2436  6    $803
19   FM Marcel Martinez        2469  6
20   GM Alexander Shabalov     2640  5.5
21   FM Joshua E Friedel       2477  5.5
22   FM Lev Milman             2474  5.5
23   IM Eugene Perelshteyn     2576  5.5
24   FM Zhe Quan               2403  5.5
25   GM Alonso Zapata          2596  5.5
26   FM Boris Privman          2308  5.5
27   IM Danny Kopec            2383  5.5
28   FM Stephen A Muhammad     2398  5
29   FM Igor Schneider         2323  5
30   GM Anatoly Lein           2416  5
31  WGM Rusuda Goletiani       2368  5
32   IM Mikhail Zlotnikov      2358  5
33   IM Joseph H Fang          2351  5
34   FM Ilye Figler            2249  5    $602.25
35   FM Miles F Ardaman        2376  5
36   IM Slavisa Peric          2323  5
37   FM Andrew Karklins        2310  5
38      Raja Panjwani          2242  5    $602.25
39      Daniel Pomerleano      2193  5    $602.25
40   FM Tegshsuren Enkhbat     2453  5
41   GM Sergey Kudrin          2646  5
42   IM William Paschall       2396  5
43   IM David E Vigorito       2377  5
44      Corey B Acor           2208  5    $602.25
45      Salvijus Bercys        2453  5
46      Mackenzie Molner       2325  5
47   IM Mladen Vucic           2436  4.5
48      Shiyam Thavandiran     2275  4.5
49   IM James A Rizzitano      2407  4.5
50      Jake Kleiman           2286  4.5
51   IM Milos Scekic           2497  4.5
52      David M Vest           2133  4.5
53      Jack Stolerman         2280  4.5
54      Alex Cherniack         2274  4.5
55   GM Alexander Goldin       2683  4.5
56      Chikwere G Onyekwere   2358  4.5
57   GM Gildardo Garcia        2523  4.5
58      David Harris           2085  4.5
59   IM Justin Sarkar          2368  4.5
60      Charles R Riordan      2272  4.5
61      Iryna Zenyuk           2068  4.5
62      Alexander Betaneli     2280  4.5
63      Peter Yeh              2103  4.5
64   GM Arthur B Bisguier      2241  4.5
65      Christopher Williams   2049  4.5
121 players

11) Faroe Islands Championship

The Championship of the Faroe Islands took place 18th-26th March 2005. There was a play off about the title between Carl Eli Nolsoe Samuelsen and Martin Poulsen. The rapid games were played at the time rate of 25'+10 sec/move. Next two games at 5 mins + 5 secs/move and finally a "sudden death" game with white 6 mins and black 5 mins. All these games were played and Carl Eli Nolsoe Samuelsen became champion winning 3-2 in the play-off match against Martin Poulsen. News: Mogens Nielsen.

Further details:

ch-FAI Oyrarbakka FAI (ch-FAI), 18-26 iii 2005
                                               1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 
 1. Samuelsen, Carl Eli Nolsoe     FAI 2238  = 7 + 8 = 5 = 4 = 3 + 6 = 2 + 9 +12  6.5  2341 
 2. Poulsen, Martin                FAI 2285  +11 = 5 = 6 = 3 = 4 +10 = 1 +12 + 9  6.5  2333 
 3. Simonsen, Hans Kristian        FAI 2317  +15 +12 + 9 = 2 = 1 = 5 = 8 = 4 = 6  6.0  2291 
 4. Ziska, Helgi Dam               FAI 2129  = 6 =16 +15 = 1 = 2 = 9 + 5 = 3 +13  6.0  2307 
 5. Simonsen, Olavur               FAI 2254  +14 = 2 = 1 =12 + 9 = 3 - 4 +16 = 8  5.5  2232 
 6. Berg, Olaf                     FAI 2194  = 4 = 7 = 2 =14 +16 - 1 +19 + 8 = 3  5.5  2188 
 7. Hansen,Pol Martin              FAI ----  = 1 = 6 =12 =16 -13 +15 - 9 +19 +20  5.0  2130 
 8. Hansen, Herluf                 FAI 2032  +10 - 1 +18 - 9 =12 +14 = 3 - 6 = 5  4.5  2152 
 9. Nolsoe, Eydun                  FAI 2217  +19 +18 - 3 + 8 - 5 = 4 + 7 - 1 - 2  4.5  2136 
10. Thorsteinsson,Sjurdur          FAI ----  - 8 +11 =16 +13 =14 - 2 -12 +20 =17  4.5  2055 
11. Johannesen, Eydalvur           FAI 2003  - 2 -10 =17 +20 =15 =19 =14 =18 +16  4.5  2014 
12. Nielsen, Torkil                FAI 2153  +17 - 3 = 7 = 5 = 8 =13 +10 - 2 - 1  4.0  2097 
13. Nolsoe, Rani                   FAI 2141  -18 =14 +19 -10 + 7 =12 =16 =15 - 4  4.0  1984 
14. Baldursson,Rani                FAI ----  - 5 =13 +20 = 6 =10 - 8 =11 =17 =18  4.0  2013 
15. Andreasen, Jakup A.R           FAI 1993  - 3 +20 - 4 =17 =11 - 7 +18 =13 =19  4.0  2006 
16. Olsen,Wille                    FAI ----  =20 = 4 =10 = 7 - 6 +17 =13 - 5 -11  3.5  1986 
17. Joensen,Helgi                  FAI ----  -12 =19 =11 =15 =18 -16 =20 =14 =10  3.5  1920 
18. Joensen,John                   FAI ----  +13 - 9 - 8 =19 =17 =20 -15 =11 =14  3.5  1946 
19. Andreasen, Andreas             FAI 1974  - 9 =17 -13 =18 +20 =11 - 6 - 7 =15  3.0  1922 
20. Augustinussen, Bernhard        FAI 1881  =16 -15 -14 -11 -19 =18 =17 -10 - 7  1.5  1723 

ch-FAI Rapid Playoff Oyrarbakka FAI (ch-FAI), 27 iii 2005
 1. Samuelsen, Carl Eli Nolsoe     FAI 2238  0  1  0  1  1   3.0
 2. Poulsen, Martin                FAI 2285  1  0  1  0  0   2.0

12) Simon Webb 1949-2005

Simon Webb 1949-2005. IM and Correspondence GM Simon Webb has died at the age of 55. He had lived in Sweden for many years. He was most famous for his book "Chess for Tigers" which informed a generation of chess players. It appears that he was murdered by his son.

Further details and tributes: Guardian - March 23th 2005 -,3604,1443803,00.html

13) 78th Championship of Saint-Petersburg

The 78th Championship of Saint-Petersburg took place 17th-27th March 2005 in the Mikhail Chigorin Chess Club. Valery Loginov won the event with 8/11.

Official site:

78th ch-City St Petersburg RUS (RUS), 17-27 iii 2005      cat. X (2486)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Loginov, Valery A    g RUS 2507  * = = 1 0 = 1 1 1 1 1 =  8.0  2659 
 2. Popov, Valerij       g RUS 2588  = * 1 = = = 1 = = = = 1  7.0  2578 
 3. Vitiugov, Nikita       RUS 2478  = 0 * 0 1 = 1 1 0 1 = 1  6.5  2551 
 4. Yevseev, Denis       g RUS 2550  0 = 1 * = = = 1 0 = 1 1  6.5  2545 
 5. Lugovoi, Aleksei     g RUS 2552  1 = 0 = * = 0 1 = = = 1  6.0  2515 
 6. Yemelin, Vasily      g RUS 2555  = = = = = * = = = = = 1  6.0  2515 
 7. Solovjov, Sergey I   m RUS 2456  0 0 0 = 1 = * = 1 = = 1  5.5  2488 
 8. Klimov, Sergey       m RUS 2509  0 = 0 0 0 = = * 1 1 1 1  5.5  2483 
 9. Ionov, Sergey        g RUS 2527  0 = 1 1 = = 0 0 * 1 = 0  5.0  2446 
10. Ivanov, Sergey       g RUS 2574  0 = 0 = = = = 0 0 * 1 1  4.5  2412 
11. Gerasimov, Yuri        RUS 2242  0 = = 0 = = = 0 = 0 * 0  3.0  2333 
12. Astashov, Gleb         RUS 2293  = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 *  2.5  2292 

14) 43rd Doeberl Cup

The 43rd Doeberl Cup was played in Canberra over the Easter weekend (25th -28th March). There were a total of 206 entries in the three tournaments. Most of the top players in Australia were there and the Premier event was jointly won by GM Ian Rogers and IM Aleks Wohl with Ian taking the trophy on a countback.

Official site:

43rd Doeberl Cup Canberra AUS (AUS), 25-28 iii 2005
 1. Rogers, Ian             g  AUS 2594  6.0   +4.2
 2. Wohl, Aleksandar H      m  AUS 2378  6.0   +17.4
 3. Bjelobrk, Igor             NZL 2377  5.5   +9.5
 4. Smerdon, David          m  AUS 2429  5.0   +11.4
 5. Solomon, Stephen J      m  AUS 2426  5.0   +22.4
 6. Canfell, Gregory        f  AUS 2361  5.0   +10.3
 7. Reilly, Tim             f  AUS 2302  5.0   -3.3
 8. Lane, Gary W            m  AUS 2439  4.5   -10.6
 9. Rej, Tomek                 AUS 2248  4.5   +14.1
10. West, Guy               m  AUS 2350  4.5   -14.7
11. Rujevic, Mirko          m  AUS 2260  4.5   -8.6
12. Lazarus,Benjamin           AUS ----  4.5   +72.6
13. Xie, George Wendi       f  AUS 2359  4.5   -13.9
14. Charles, Gareth            AUS 2178  4.5   +6.8
15. Oliver, Gareth             AUS 2000  4.5   +40.9
16. Hacche, David              AUS 2187  4.5   -0.2
17. Steadman, Michael          NZL 2222  4.5   -9.5
18. Humphrey, Jonathan         AUS 2150  4.5   -4.6
19. Johansen, Darryl K      g  AUS 2471  4.0   -37.8
20. Wallis, Christopher        AUS 2051  4.0   +45.8
21. Suttor, Vincent            AUS 2044  4.0   +38.1
22. Curtis, John AUS        f  AUS 2305  4.0   -46.9
23. Sonter, Matthew            AUS 2206  4.0   +14.3
24. Zvedeniouk, Ilya           AUS 2168  4.0   +26.4
25. Viner, Phillip             AUS 2144  4.0   -14.7
26. Jackson,Ralph              AUS ----  4.0   +19.4
27. Stojic, Dusan              AUS 2036  4.0   +0.0
28. Phan-Koshnitsky, Ngan   wm AUS 2183  4.0   -28.8
29. Yu, Ronald                 AUS 2225  4.0   -19.1
67 players

15) Danish Chess Championship

The Danish Chess Championship took place March 20th-28th 2005. The event was a knockout. Sune Berg Hansen defeated Curt Hansen 2.5-1.5 after a playoff. News: Thomas Heine Bech.

Official site:

 1 Curt Hansen               DEN  2633
 2 Sune Berg Hansen          DEN  2553
 3 Davor Palo                DEN  2541
 4 Lars Schandorff           DEN  2497
 5 Jacob Aagaard             DEN  2449
 6 Nicolai V. Pedersen       DEN  2460
 7 Karsten Rasmussen         DEN  2462
 8 Tomas Hutters             DEN  2445
 9 Henrik El-Kher            DEN  2421
10 Steffen Pedersen          DEN  2408
11 Jens Ove Fries Nielsen    DEN  2388
12 Rasmus Skytte             DEN  2392
13 Simon Bekker-Jensen       DEN  2379
14 Christian Kyndel Pedersen DEN  2396
15 Per Næsby Andreasen       DEN  2326
16 Kasper Damm               DEN  2242

ch-DEN KO Koege DEN 2005

Final 26th-28th March 2005

Hansen,SuB 2.5
Hansen,Cu  1.5

Semifinal 24th-25th March 2005

Schandorff,L     1.0
Hansen,SuB       3.0

Pedersen,NV      0.5
Hansen,Cu        1.5

Quarterfinal 22nd-23rd March 2005

Rasmussen,K      0.5
Schandorff,L     1.5

Hansen,SuB       2.0
Hutters,T        0.0

Palo,D           0.5
Pedersen,NV      1.5

Hansen,Cu        1.5
Aagaard,J        0.5

Round 1 20th-21st March 2005

Rasmussen,K      2.0
Andreasen,P      0.0

Pedersen,Ch      0.5
Schandorff,L     1.5

Hansen,SuB       1.5
El Kher,H        0.5

Hutters,T        2.0
Damm,K           0.0

Skytte,R         0.5
Palo,D           1.5

Pedersen,NV      2.0
Fries Nielsen,JO 0.0

Pedersen,Stef    1.5
Hansen,Cu        2.5

Bekker Jensen,S  0.5
Aagaard,J        1.5

16) 21st Budapest Spring Festival

The 21st Budapest Spring Festival was a 9 rounds Swiss Open which took place 18th-26th March 2005. Nguyen Ngoc Truongson won the event with 8/9 and is a 15 year old Vietnamese who lives in Budapest and should get the IGM title from the next FIDE congress. News: Laszlo Nagy.

Final Round 9 Standings:
Spring Festival Budapest HUN (HUN), 18-27 iii 2005
 1. Nguyen Ngoc Truongson  m  VIE 2520   8.0  51.5  45.00  42.0  2596 +0.53
 2. Nemeth, Miklos         f  HUN 2333   6.5  52.0  35.00  36.5  2392 +0.65
 3. Zhang Jilin            wm CHN 2321   6.5  52.0  34.50  36.5  2403 +0.92
 4. Lengyel, Bela          m  HUN 2313   6.5  50.5  33.25  35.0  2368 +0.65
 5. Kun, Gabor                HUN 2336   6.5  49.0  34.25  34.5  2371 +0.38
 6. Prohaszka, Peter          HUN 2194   6.5  48.5  32.25  34.0  2352 +1.91
 7. Hujbert, Florian          HUN 2111   6.5  48.0  33.75  33.0  2454 +3.60
 8. To, Nhat Minh             HUN 2077   6.5  42.0  27.50  30.0  2268 +1.84
 9. Nagy, Bence            f  HUN 2349   6.0  51.0  33.25  32.5  2319 -0.39
10. Kerek, Csaba              HUN 2300   6.0  47.5  29.25  29.5  2224 -0.74
11. Korpics, Zsolt         f  HUN 2349   6.0  47.0  30.50  31.5  2264 -0.93
12. Bonn,Udo                      ----   6.0  45.5  29.75  30.5  2299 +1.50
13. Kende, Gyorgy             HUN 2206   6.0  45.0  27.75  28.5  2256 +0.60
14. Marodi, Matyas            HUN 2168   6.0  42.5  25.00  30.0  2249 +0.96
15. Adzic, Slobodan        f  HUN 2141   6.0  37.5  24.00  24.0  2245 +0.82
16. Kahn, Evarth           m  HUN 2293   5.5  51.0  27.25  34.0  2295 +0.01
17. Hoang Tri                 HUN 2044   5.5  50.5  29.75  29.0  2303 +3.07
18. Martini, Balazs           HUN 2333   5.5  48.5  27.50  31.0  2216 -1.25
19. Hilmer, Frank             GER 2216   5.5  48.0  26.50  31.0  2246 +0.37
20. Wolter, Michael           GER 2193   5.5  45.0  25.75  28.0  2188 -0.12
21. Ignacz, Maria             HUN 2187   5.5  45.0  25.25  30.0  2213 +0.34
22. Bruhn, Boris              GER 2200   5.5  43.5  26.00  26.0  2162 -0.44
23. Vargyas, Zoltan           HUN 2163   5.5  42.5  22.75  28.5  2172 +0.10
24. Koczo, Kristof            HUN 2159   5.5  41.5  22.00  29.5  2144 -0.14
25. Metaxasz, Vaszilisz       HUN 2109 	 5.5  37.0  20.75  22.0  2163 +0.40
85 players

17) San Sebastian Open

The San Sebastian Open took place 19th-26th March 2005. Kevin Spraggett took first place on 7.5/9. No games available.

Official site:

 1 Spraggett Kevin                 GM 2589 CAN   7½   40½
 2 Dobrev Nanko                    IM 2399 BUL   7    37½
 3 Pogorelov Ruslan                GM 2472 UKR   7    36½
 4 Prie Eric                       GM 2439 FRA   6½    37
 5 Neelotpal Das                   IM 2468 IND   6½   36½
 6 Flear Glenn C                   GM 2462 ENG   6½   36½
 7 Marholev Dimitar                IM 2381 BUL   6½    35
 8 Paunovic Dragan                 IM 2518 SCG   6½    35
 9 Peralta Fernando                GM 2538 ARG   6½    35
10 Cifuentes Parada Roberto        GM 2521 ESP   6½    34
11 Andres Gonzalez Alberto         IM 2430 ESP   6½    32
12 Martin Alvarez Inigo               2049 ESP   6½    29
13 Gomez Esteban Juan Mario        GM 2474 ESP   6     35
14 Guerra Bastida Diego            FM 2390 ESP   6     33
15 Alonso Salvador                 IM 2459 ARG   6     33
16 Acosta Garcia Alfonso Carlos       2256 ESP   6     33
17 Jakobsen Ole                    IM 2387 DEN   6    32½
18 Argandona Rivero Inigo          FM 2359 ESP   6    32½
19 Vehi Bach Victor M              IM 2423 ESP   6     32
20 Gonzalez De La Torre Sant       FM 2384 ESP   6    30½
21 Manso Marquez Felix                2091 ESP   6     30
22 Pomes Marcet Juan               IM 2374 ESP   5½   31½
23 Van Hoolandt Patrick            FM 2238 MNC   5½   30½
24 Moriuchi Toshiyuki                 2301 JPN   5½    30
25 Serras Uria Antonio                2220 ESP   5½    29
26 Angulo Martinez Jon                2117 ESP   5½    28
27 Mascarell Canet Redo               2122 ESP   5½   27½
28 Huesmann Thomas                 FM 2315 BEL   5½   27½
29 Torres Patrice                     2068 FRA   5½    27
30 Hargues Franck                     2079 FRA   5½    27
31 Gattegno Laurent                   2061 FRA   5½   26½
32 Alcaide Luque Aitor                2058 ESP   5½    25
113 players

18) Privolzhsky Championship

The Championship of Privolzhsky region took place in Ishevsk 16th-24th March 2005. Denis Khismatullin won the event with 7/9. My thanks to Thomas Henrich.

Official site:

ch-Privolzhsky Region Ishevsk RUS (RUS), 16-24 iii 2005
 1. Khismatullin, Denis       g  RUS 2548  7.0  50.5  38.50  37.5  2689 +1.51
 2. Grebionkin, Vladimir      m  RUS 2421  6.5  48.0  33.50  31.0  2566 +1.73
 3. Yandemirov, Valeri        g  RUS 2481  6.5  47.0  33.75  33.0  2566 +1.01
 4. Bezgodov, Alexei          g  RUS 2558  6.0  50.0  31.00  31.0  2553 -0.12
 5. Iljushin, Alexei          g  RUS 2530  6.0  49.5  31.50  31.5  2562 +0.33
 6. Tunik, Gennady            g  RUS 2477  6.0  48.0  30.50  31.0  2520 +0.51
 7. Kalegin, Evgenij          m  RUS 2468  6.0  46.5  29.00  32.5  2539 +0.78
 8. Voitsekhovsky, Stanislav  g  RUS 2511  6.0  46.0  29.50  31.0  2532 +0.24
 9. Alavkin, Arseny           m  RUS 2476  6.0  44.0  28.25  31.0  2528 +0.60
10. Filipenko, Alexander V    m  RUS 2388  6.0  41.5  26.50  25.0  2413 +0.23
11. Askarov, Marat               RUS 2434  5.5  49.0  27.75  30.5  2475 +0.55
12. Frolyanov, Dmitry         m  RUS 2502  5.5  45.0  25.50  27.5  2460 -0.53
13. Dudukin, Ilya             f  RUS 2413  5.5  45.0  23.50  28.5  2451 +0.46
14. Geller, Jakov             m  RUS 2483  5.5  44.0  24.25  29.5  2425 -0.71
15. Skatchkov, Pavel          m  RUS 2483  5.0  46.5  23.50  29.5  2442 -0.58
16. Iliushkin, Evgen             RUS 2312  5.0  46.5  23.25  26.0  2424 +1.40
17. Kuporosov, Viktor         m  RUS 2472  5.0  45.5  23.50  29.0  2462 -0.13
18. Smirnov, Alexey              RUS 2335  5.0  43.5  20.50  24.0  2344 +0.06
19. Darmin, Dmitry            f  RUS 2295  5.0  43.5  22.75  25.0  2395 +1.12
20. Nesterov, Alexander          RUS 2392  5.0  40.0  20.50  23.0  2352 -0.49
21. Konnov, Oleg                 RUS 2325  5.0  39.5  18.50  21.5  2289 -0.36
22. Trifonov, Pavel              RUS 2193  5.0  35.5  17.50  19.0  2309 +1.12
23. Nozdrin, Alexander V         RUS 2185  4.5  47.5  20.75  25.5  2400 +2.43
24. Fedoseev, Vladimir        f  RUS 2334  4.5  41.5  18.25  25.0  2284 -0.58
25. Derbenev, Andrey             RUS 2313  4.5  40.5  16.50  22.5  2272 -0.50
26. Rodchenkov, Vitaly           RUS 2196  4.5  40.0  16.50  21.0  2300 +1.10
27. Fayzrakhmanov, Robert G      RUS 2283  4.5  32.5  12.75  18.0  2263 -0.27
28. Tsarukian, Elis              RUS 2287  4.0  46.5  18.50  23.5  2351 +0.85
29. Gubajdullin, Alexei       f  RUS 2342  4.0  45.0  18.50  26.0  2350 +0.04
30. Rodchenkov, Sergey D         RUS 2355  4.0  43.0  16.75  23.0  2303 -0.59
31. Yuminov, Maxim               RUS 2209  4.0  40.0  13.50  20.0  2262 +0.52
32. Vikharev,K                   RUS ----  4.0  40.0  15.00  18.5  2231  2231
33. Ozolin, Maxim             f  RUS 2411  4.0  39.0  14.50  20.5  2263 -1.76
34. Pushin, Vladimir             RUS 2256  4.0  39.0  14.00  21.0  2299 +0.58
35. Vasenev, Sergey           f  RUS 2364  4.0  38.0  15.50  21.0  2226 -1.67
36. Baemov, Ilnur                RUS 2240  4.0  36.5  14.00  16.0  2231 -0.08
37. Poletaev, Vitaly             RUS 2139  4.0  31.0  12.25  14.5  2131 -0.09
38. Belenov, Dmitry N         f  RUS 2364  3.5  40.5  12.75  22.0  2229 -1.72
39. Verdnikov, Vladimir          RUS 2220  3.5  36.0  10.50  18.5  2154 -0.65
40. Bykov, Andrei             f  RUS 2313  3.5  34.0   9.50  15.5  2117 -2.44
41. Bronnikov, Konstantin        RUS 2142  3.5  32.5   9.25  13.5  2080 -0.42
42. Dubov, Danil                 RUS 2139  3.5  29.5   9.25  12.5  2095 -0.44
43. Senikov,A                    RUS ----  3.0  36.5  13.50  13.0  1995  1995
44. Malin, Denis                 RUS 2053  3.0  31.5   8.00  12.0  1997 -0.39
45. Shibanov,V                   RUS ----  3.0  30.5  11.75  13.0  2082  2082
46. Uraev, Ivan                  RUS 2152  2.5  37.5   9.75  15.0  2130 -0.29
47. Tretiakov, AY                RUS ----  2.5  30.5   8.00  10.0  1996  1996
48. Gataullin, Artur             RUS 2137  2.5  30.0   4.75  10.0  1834 -1.72
49. Stepulev, Andrey             RUS 2119  1.5  32.0   5.00   8.5  1898 -1.05
50. Karimov,ES                   RUS ----  0.0  29.5   6.25   0.0  1615 0    

19) Givataim Tournament

There is a GM tournament in Givataim, Israel 20th-30th March 2005. The event is called the Ettinger Tournament in Memory of the parents of Givataim Israel. News: Leonid (Zvulon) Gofshtein.

Further details:

Ettinger It Givataim ISR (ISR), 20-30 iii 2005         cat. VI (2389)
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Lerner, Konstantin Z   g UKR 2523  * = = . 1 1 0 . = .  3.5  2423 
 2. Bykhovsky, Avigdor     g RUS 2451  = * = . . = = = 1 .  3.5  2448 
 3. Kaganskiy, Gleb        f RUS 2297  = = * = . = . = . 1  3.5  2470 
 4. Tyomkin, Dimitri       g CAN 2512  . . = * = = . = = 1  3.5  2393 
 5. Gerzhoy, Leonid        m ISR 2381  0 . . = * = . = 1 1  3.5  2453 
 6. Deutsch, Eyal          f ISR 2341  0 = = = = * 1 . . .  3.0  2424 
 7. Haimovich, Tal         f ISR 2382  1 = . . . 0 * 1 0 =  3.0  2386 
 8. Khmelniker, Ilya         ISR 2458  . = = = = . 0 * . 1  3.0  2370 
 9. Kaplan, Sasha          f ISR 2346  = 0 . = 0 . 1 . * 1  3.0  2407 
10. Volman, Horacio          ISR 2197  . . 0 0 0 . = 0 0 *  0.5  1995 

20) 3rd Hotel Petra IM

3rd Hotel Petra IM took place in Rome 14th-21st March 2005. Igor Miladinovic won the event with 8.5/11.

Official site:

3rd Chiuso Hotel Petra Rome ITA (ITA), 14-21 iii 2005       cat. V (2374)
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Miladinovic, Igor     g GRE 2611  * = 0 = 1 = 1 1 1 1 1 1  8.5  2563 
 2. Lazic, Miroljub       g SCG 2517  = * = = = = = 1 1 1 1 1  8.0  2536 
 3. Djuric, Stefan        g SCG 2470  1 = * = = = 0 1 1 = 1 1  7.5  2498 
 4. Piscopo, Pierluigi    f ITA 2344  = = = * = = = = 0 1 1 1  6.5  2441 
 5. Vocaturo, Daniele       ITA 2276  0 = = = * = 1 = 1 = = 1  6.5  2447 
 6. Kaps, Darja          wm SLO 2287  = = = = = * 1 0 = 0 1 =  5.5  2381 
 7. Mrdja, Milan          m CRO 2395  0 = 1 = 0 0 * = 1 1 0 =  5.0  2336 
 8. Corvi, Marco          f ITA 2302  0 0 0 = = 1 = * 1 = 1 0  5.0  2344 
 9. Vuelban, Virgilio       PHI 2328  0 0 0 1 0 = 0 0 * = 1 1  4.0  2276 
10. Di Caro, Calogero     f ITA 2397  0 0 = 0 = 1 0 = = * 0 =  3.5  2238 
11. Martorelli, Antonio   m ITA 2273  0 0 0 0 = 0 1 0 0 1 * 1  3.5  2250 
12. Fayard, Alain           FRA 2288  0 0 0 0 0 = = 1 0 = 0 *  2.5  2170 

21) Open Norwegian Championship

The Open Norwegian Championships were played in Oslo 19th-27th March 2005. GM Aloyzas Kveinys (LTU) won the open A-group ahead of GM Stellan Brynell (SWE), both with 7 points out of 9. The B-group for players rated below 2000 was won by Pål Kristian Levang (NOR) with 7.5 points. There was a total of 127 participants. News: Eirik T. Gullaksen.

Official site:

Norwegian Open Oslo NOR (NOR), 19-27 iii 2005
 1. Kveinys, Aloyzas           g  LTU 2518  7.0  40.5  52.5   37.0  2573 
 2. Brynell, Stellan           g  SWE 2464  7.0  36.5  48.0   33.5  2510 
 3. Kengis, Edvins             g  LAT 2538  6.5  39.0  49.5   35.0  2486 
 4. Senff, Martin              m  GER 2430  6.5  35.5  47.0   33.0  2436 
 5. Gladyszev, Oleg            m  RUS 2451  6.5  35.0  43.0   31.5  2409 
 6. Gullaksen, Eirik           m  NOR 2383  6.0  39.0  48.5   32.5  2422 
 7. Hanley, Craig              f  ENG 2397  6.0  37.0  48.0   33.5  2407 
 8. Hansen, Torbjorn Ringdal   f  NOR 2328  6.0  35.0  46.0   30.5  2371 
 9. Johannessen, Svein         m  NOR 2291  6.0  35.0  44.0   29.5  2343 
10. Van der Weide, Karel       m  NED 2490  5.5  43.0  54.0   35.0  2447 
11. Hammer, Jon Ludvig            NOR 2273  5.5  38.5  49.0   31.5  2383 
12. Byklum, Bjornar               NOR 2224  5.5  38.5  48.5   31.0  2398 
13. Nordahl, Helge             f  NOR 2402  5.5  36.0  47.5   30.5  2320 
14. Bae, Torstein              f  NOR 2277  5.5  36.0  46.0   29.0  2286 
15. Sopur, Lech                   POL 2396  5.5  35.0  44.5   29.5  2276 
16. Hole, Oystein              f  NOR 2343  5.5  33.5  44.5   28.0  2264 
17. Breivik, Lars                 NOR 2221  5.5  33.5  43.5   26.5  2221 
18. Becker, Martin                GER 2251  5.5  33.0  42.5   24.5  2255 
19. Adnoy, Hallvard V             NOR 2222  5.0  38.5  49.0   28.0  2324 
20. Hagesaether, Ellen            NOR 2177  5.0  34.0  42.5   25.5  2203 
21. Berntsen, Sheila Barth     wm NOR 2160  5.0  33.0  43.0   25.5  2219 
22. Ferkingstad, Sjur             NOR 2230  5.0  33.0  43.0   24.0  2179 
23. Ofstad, Per                   NOR 2202  5.0  33.0  42.5   24.5  2172 
24. Bentsen, Oyvind               NOR 2185  5.0  32.5  42.0   24.5  2148 
25. Gvein, Kenneth                NOR 2137  5.0  32.5  41.5   24.5  2151 
26. Bjerke, Silje                 NOR 2120  5.0  32.5  41.0   23.5  2199 
27. Andersen, Alf R               NOR 2188  5.0  32.0  40.0   24.5  2206 
28. Trygstad, Kristian         f  NOR 2307  5.0  31.0  39.5   25.5  2163 
64 players

22) Spring Open Belgrade

The Spring Open 2005 takes place March 25th to April 3rd 2005 in Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro. News: Vladica Andrejic.

Internet Coverage: (Belgrade Chess Association) (SCG Chess Federation)

No  Name                    Feder Rtg  Title Born      
1.  Nestorovic, Dejan       SCG   2402 im              
2.  Nestorovic, Nikola      SCG   2328                 
3.  Skare, Goran            SCG   2314 fm              
4.  Todic, Zoran            SCG   2314 fm              
5.  Pucarevic, Milenko      SCG   2289 fm              
6.  Stankovic, Branislav    SCG   2274 .               
7.  Stamenkovic, Aleksandar SCG   2272                 
8.  Pavlovic, Dragoljub     SCG   2261                 
9.  Dimitrijevic, Srdjan    SCG   2260                 
10. Cetkovic, Bozidar       SCG   2255 fm              
11. Mihajlovic, Miodrag     SCG   2247 fm              
12. Jovicic, Radoslav       SCG   2246                 
13. Carnic, Dejan           SCG   2245                 
14. Tasic, Zoran            SCG   2245                 
15. Paulic, Branko          SCG   2233 fm              
16. Krstic, Relja           SCG   2231                 
17. Brujic, Bozidar         SCG   2221 fm              
18. Simic, Zeljko           SCG   2200                 
19. Milicevic, Predrag      SCG   2197                 
20. Bozovic, Vladimir       SCG   2186                 
21. Maksimovic, Miroslav    SCG   2185                 
22. Starcevic, Goran        SCG   2182 fm              
23. Petrovic, Petar         SCG   2181 fm              
24. Djurdjevic, Petar       SCG   2179 fm              
25. Vujacic, Igor           SCG   2172        

23) La Roda Open

The La Roda Open in Spain takes place 23rd-27th March 2005. I will round up the games next week.

Official site:

Final Standings:
1. Korneev, Oleg                     RUS 2602 g  7.5
2. Delchev, Alexander                BUL 2597 g  7.0
3. Spasov, Vasil                     BUL 2543 g  7.0
4. Strikovic, Aleksa                 SCG 2458 g  7.0
5. Ubilava, Elizbar                  GEO 2513 g  7.0
6. Janev, Evgeni                     BUL 2441 g  7.0  

24) Caissa Kecskemét

The Caissa Kecskemét IM tournament took place 20th-28th March 2005. Attila Jakab won the event with 7.5/9. Games may follow. News: Bognar Csaba.

Caissa IM March 20-28-03-2005
 1  IM Jakab, Attila          2439 HUN 7,5 30,25
 2  FM Groetz, Harald         2299 AUT 7   25,00
 3  IM Sutorikhin, Vladimir   2364 RUS 6,5 23,50
 4  FM Kragelj, Igor          2243 SLO 5   17,75
 5  IM Zakharchenko, Arnold   2292 UKR 5   16,00
 6  FM Brustkern, Juergen     2251 GER 4,5 17,25
 7     Keresztes, Richard     2222 HUN 4   11,75
 8     Csvila, Gabor          2100 HUN 3    9,50
 9     Amberger, Dieter       2100 AUT 2    6,00
10  FM Donko, Matyas          2037 HUN 0,5  1,00

25) TWIC Theory

TWIC Theory is a new electronic magazine with high quality articles delivered in ChessBase, PGN or PDF format. A 3 month subscription costs $15. 5th subscription article: "Slav 4.e3 Bg4" by GM Eric Prie.

To subscribe click here: or at (Directly:

E-Mail for comments and contact:

Prospective Articles:
Mar 29  Slav 4.e3 Bg4                                  GM Eric Prie
Apr 5   King’s Gambit 3. ...g5                         IM Bernd Rechsel
Apr 12  Bogo-Indian 4.Bd2                              GM Bogdan Lalic
Apr 19  Grunfeld                                       GM Glenn Flear
Apr 26  Sicilian O’Kelly Variation                     IM Andrew Martin
May 3   Caro-Kann Advance Variation with 4.Be3, 5.Nd2  WGM Elena Dembo
May 10  Sicilian Sveshnikov                            GM Larry Christiansen
May 17  Alekhine Defence, 4.Nf3                        IM Igor Khmelnitsky
May 24  Benko Gambit                                   IM Andrew Martin

26) Forthcoming Events and Links

XIII Dos Hermanas International

The XIII Dos Hermanas International takes place April 1st-9th 2005.

The Official site for the event will be (only info on the internet event is there now)

Participantes Torneo A
1. Illescas, Miguel       ESP 2633 g
2. Karjakin, Sergey       UCR 2599 g
3. Rustemov, Alexander    RUS 2598 g
4. Radjabov, Teimour      AZE 2667 g
5. Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar AZE 2657 g
6. Korneev, Oleg          RUS 2602 g
7. Azmaiparashvili, Zurab GEO 2662 g
8. Dreev, Alexey          RUS 2704 g
9. Felgaer, Rubén         ARG 2588 g
10.Dominguez, Lenier      CUB 2661 g
Media elo: 2637
Categoría: 16

Participantes Torneo B
1. Franco Zenón      PAR 2519 g
2. Garcia  Agustín   ESP 2390 m
3. Teran Ismael      ESP 2422 m
4. Rodriguez Enrique ESP 2430 m
5. Perez Manuel      ESP 2483 m
6. Matamoros Carlos  ECU 2522 g
7. Campora Daniel    ARG 2529 g
8. Cifuentes Roberto ESP 2521 g
9. Fernandez Ernesto ESP 2469 m
10.Cheparinov Iván   BUL 2572 g
Media elo: 2486
Categoría: 10

Participantes Torneo C
1 Gutierrez, Juan M.   ESP 2110
2 Hidalgo, Pablo       ESP 2156
3 Razmyslov, Alexander UKR 2307 f
4 Kononenko, Tatiana   UKR 2374 wg
5 Komljenovic, Davor   CRO 2496 g
6 Ivanov, Jordan       BUL 2354 g
7 Barrero, Carlos      ESP 2292
8 Fernandez, José Luis ESP 2462 g
9 Garrido, Jesús       ESP 2288 f
10Escobar, Daniel      ESP 2344 f
Media elo: 2318
Categoría: 3

20th North Sea Cup

The 20th North Sea Cup takes place in Esbjerg, Denmark, 2nd-9th July 2005. 9 Swiss Open, time control: 40 moves 2 H + ½ H rest Prize fund: DKK 65000,- = 8800 Euro

The organiser is Jens Nielsen Tel: 0045 75123975 Email: Fax: 0045 75123975 Address: Storegade 66, 6700 Esbjerg Chief Arbiter: IA Lars Lindhard Deputy Arbiter: Aksel Hansen, Kim Schmidt, Karsten Jakobsen

Official site:

7th Dubai Open Chess Champonship

The 7th Dubai Open Chess Champonship (Sheikh Rashid Bin Hamdan Al Maktoum Cup) takes place 3rd-13th April 2005.

Official site:

2nd Coventry Chess International

The 2nd Coventry Chess International takes place March 24th-28th 2005. Easter weekend. Details next week.

Further details:

2nd European Amateur Chess Championship

2nd European Amateur Chess Championship will be held in Herceg Novi (Montenegro, Serbia and Montenegro) from May 25th to June 3rd, 2005. Tournament is open to all players representing ECU Chess Federations, and whose on the FIDE rating list of April 1st, 2005 will have rating 2200 and lower, like as player whose don’t have FIDE rating. Total prizes fund of the Championship will be 10.000 EUR The official site of the event is

GM Tournament Kiev-2005

The GM tournament scheduled for May will now take place in September due to its clash with the Eurovision Song contest.

Round-robin system, 16 participants. Participants rated 2400 and above preferably IMs and MFs are invited to take part in the tournament. Entrance fees: 2400 - 2449 - 200$ 2450 - 2499 - 150$ 2500 - 100$ IGMs will be given a guarantee. Cost of accommodation - 150$ and above.

Contact organiser us: 0445750409 Eshenko, Vadim (for Russian speaking), 0445559205 Marusenko, Petr (for English speaking), e-mail &

Official site (Russian):

1st Queens' Challenge

The first Queen's Challenge will took place 9th-10th March in Besançon. This event was organised by Thise Chess Club in a partnership with Europe Echecs.

Wednesday 9th March 2005 - 17h00 Semi-finals Thursday 10th March 2005 - 14h00 Final

Players; Women: Almira Skripchenko, Zawadzka Jolanta. Men: Robert Fontaine Alexeï Chernuschevich.

Live coverage at the official site: more specifically

Kasparov on his retirement

Kasparov's website: gives a diary entry on the reasons for his retirement:

Leko Adams Rapid Match

There will be a rapid match between Peter Leko and Michael Adams in Miskolc, in Hungary. The Main Patron of the Match will be the Mayor of the City Of Miskolc Sandor Kali. The match will take place 1st-5th June 2005, 31st arriving, 1st evening the Opening Ceremony and drawing of lots, 2-5 playing days, two games per day 25 minutes + 5 seconds per move.

About the city:, or about the County Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen

News: Zsuzsa Veroci.

Friendship Tournament in Cartak CZE

The Friendship Tournament in Cartak CZE takes place 18th-26th June 2005. 7th international chess festival A) round-robin grandmaster tournament (10-12 players) B) round-robin master tournament (10-12 players) C) open FIDE (swiss system of 9 round) Contact: Richard Biolek, phone: (+420)581209407, e-mail:,

Official site:

Znojmo Open 2005

Znojmo Open 2005, the 5th International Chess Festival part of CZECH TOUR 2005/2006 Series 14th-22nd May 2005, Znojmo, Czech Republic.

Further details:

2nd European Amateur Chess Championship

2nd European Amateur Chess Championship will be held in Herceg Novi (Montenegro, Serbia and Montenegro) from May 25th to June 3rd, 2005. Tournament is open to all players representing ECU Chess Federations, and whose on the FIDE rating list of April 1st, 2005 has a rating of 2200 and lower, such as player those who don’t have a FIDE rating. Total prizes fund of the Championship will be 10.000 EUR The official site of the event is

Correspondence Chess - Romanian Chess Federation - 80 Years

Therer will be a CC tournament "Romanian Chess Federation - 80 Years"? which will be one of the strongest CC events of the year 2005 with 4 ICCF-GMs and 4 ICCF-SIMs among the 13 participants.

Every 2-3 months there will be reports on the tournament wrote by GM Dorian Rogozenko, IM Mihai Ghinda, IM Mircea Pavlov, IM Constantin Lupulescu and FM Marius Ceteras including comments around the games in progress (this is something new in CC).

A promo pdf booklet of the event is available in Romanian chess pages , in the section dedicated to this event The booklet contains the introduction of the players, their best games and a short history of the Romanian correspondence chess. Short link for download the promo booklet (archived pdf file)

The tournament will be played at ICCF webserver ( ) .

Las Vegas International Chess Festival

The Las Vegas International Chess Festival comprises of the following events:

June 9th, Polgar Sisters Tandem Simul! For the first time in over 10 years the Polgar sisters, Susan, Judit and Sofia will give a tandem simul.

June 9th, National Open Blitz Championship 7 double rounds, seeded Swiss format tournament.

June 10th, Breakfast with the Polgar Sisters

June 10th-12th, National Open Tournament $55,000 guaranteed prize fund! First place, $5000. 6 round, seeded Swiss format. 8 different sections. US Championship Qualifier.

June 13th, US Game/10 Championship $5,000 guaranteed prize fund. 7 round, seeded Swiss format.

June 13th-18th, US Senior Championship Open to US residents/citizens born before 6/13/1955. 6 round, seeded Swiss format, one round a day and this is also a US Championship Qualifier.

June 13th-18th, US "Under 50" Championship Open to US residents/citizens born on or after 6/13/1955. 6 round, seeded Swiss format, one round a day.

You can find out more information about all the above events, along with online entry at

Azura Chess Open

The Azura Chess Open takes place in Bruxelles 23rd-24th April 2005. Players include Ivan Sokolov, Vladimir Epishin, Ulf Andersson, Daniel Fridman, Vladimir Baklan, Konstantin Landa etc.

Official site: Further details:

II Calvia Chess Festival

The 2nd Calvià Chess Festival offers a varied programme with tournaments for different categories covering all ages. Takes place October 21st-November 5th 2005.

VII Sants Open

The VII Sants Open in Barcelona takes place 27th August - 4th September 2005.

Further details: This tournament is part of the Catalan Grand Prix

Heroes of Chernobyl Memorial

On April, 26th, 1986 there was an explosion at nuclear station in Chernobyl.

International Chess Tournament Memorial Heroes of Chernobyl is devoted to memory of this tragedy.

International Chess GM Tournament Memorial Heroes of Chernobyl takes place Óity a Slavutich (Kiev region, Ukraine) 12st-26th April 2005. Round-robin system, 14 participants.

Official site (Russian):

Prague Chess Holiday

The XV International Chess Holiday 2005 and VIII Professor Jaroslav Pelikán Memorial takes place in Prague. Three dates: 16th-23rd July 2005, 23rd-30th July 2005 and 30th July - 6th August 2005.

2nd Skelmersdale Rapidplay

The 2nd Skelmersdale Rapidplay takes place Sunday 15th May 2005. 6 round Swiss.

Further details: The organiser of the event is John Reid (tel) 01257 462822

2nd Amsterdam Chess Tournament

The 2nd Amsterdam Chess Tournament takes place 16th-24th July 2005.

Further details:

9th Essent Chess Tournament

The 9th Essent Chess Tournament (Hoogeveen) takes place 21st-29th October 2005.

Last year the event was covered at:

Computer Chess News

There have been recent computer events. See the Computer Chess Calendar at:

Turin Chess Olympiad

The Turin Chess Olympiad takes place May 20th-June 4th 2006. March 5th is the official opening of the internet site for the Olympiad

It was launched by GM Alexandra Kosteniuk. There was a press conference in the afternoon at 4 pm, GM Alexandra Kosteniuk played a simul exhibition against 24 VIP opponents (politics, journalists, managers and so on). It is possible to look at the 4 games of the simul directly.

Ratings Article

Jean-Claude Templeur on ratings manipulation:

Final of the WCBCSC 2004-2005

Brian Stephenson of the British Chess Problem Society reports. The Final of the WCBCSC 2004-2005 took place at Oakham School on Saturday 19th February. It was a resounding success for solving GM and Ex-World Champion Jonathan Mestel, who came ahead of two other ex-world champions. The event was sponsored by Winton Capital Management:

The full results can be found at my website. Follow this link for the final table: and this for the problems used:

British Chess Problem Society:

Swiss Chess Tour Davos Festival 2005

The "Swiss Chess Tour 2005" will continue in Davos with Chess Festival, the first time, besides "Open Davos", will be separate "Senior Open Davos", "Junior Open Davos" and "Summer-night open".

Davos is one of the most popular tourist places in Europe (summer and winter). Last year when all Europe caught by high tropical temperature at Davos was 20-25 degrees Celsius, always with a cupful of mountain wind. Next year, 2006, Davos will host European Individual Senior Championship.

Main event, the 4th "Sunstar Park Hotel Open", July 30th - August 7th 2005. "Sunstar Park Hotel" (4 stars) will be host festival in the new, comfortable "Congress Center". Swiss system, 9 rounds and the games will last a maximum of 6 hours (40 moves for 2 hours and 60 minutes till the end). Valid for FIDE titles and FIDE rating. Prize are: 1.500 SF, 1.200, 900, 700, 500, 400, 300, 250, 200 and 150 SF. From 11.- 20. places natural prizes. Special prizes for best Lady, best local player. Entry fee 140 SF, FMs and juniors 70 SF, at the door 10 SF more, GMs and IMs free. Time table: Rounds 1 16.00-22.00 July 30th; Round 2/8 14.00-20.00 July 31st- August 6th; Round 9 10.00-16.00 August 7th.

"Senior Open" July 31st - August 6th, senior 1945, 7 rounds and the games last of 5 hours (40 moves 2 hours and 30 minutes till the end). Valid for FIDE titles and FIDE rating. Prize is: 500/400/300/2x200/2x150 SF. Natural prizes for players with 4 points. Entry fee 70 SF, at the door 10 SF more. Time table 9.30 - 14.30 every day.

"Junior Open", born 1985 and younger. Exactly the same like "Senior Open" except, juniors lodging at "Sunstar Park Hotel" don't pay enter-fee. (Hotel pays for them).

"Summer-night Open", 7 rounds, 45 minutes for game; time-table 21.15-22.45 every day; natural prizes for all players with 4 points; enter fee 10 SF.

Venue: "Sunstar Park Hotel" (4 stars). Closing ceremony August 8th, half-hour after the last game. Unbelievable chess-rates. Info: Beochess +41+34+424-01-06 (Robert Spoerri) or

9th Chess Festival Voronezh

The 9th Chess Festival Voronezh 2005 takes place 10th-21st June 2005.

Official site:

18th Ciudad de Leon

The 18th edition of the Ciudad de Leon chess tournament will be held in Leon, Spain June 9th-13th 2005. Players: Viswanathan Anand, Rustam Khasimdanov, Alexei Shirov and Magnus Carlsen. As usual, there will be 2 semi finals (June 10th and 11th) and a final (June 12th) and the venue will be the "Edificio de la Junta de Castilla y León" building. The sponsors are: the Ayuntamiento de León, the Junta de Castilla y León, the Diputación de León, the Universidad de León, Cajaduero and Alsa

The official web will be and/or

10th Stuttgart International Championship

The 10th Stuttgart International Championship takes place in Germany 5th-8th May 2005. Further details; Thomas Clemens e-mail:

Further information:

Brno 2005

There are GM, IM and Open tournaments in Brno, Czech Republic 30th June - 10th July 2005.

Information: Internet - E-mail - Phone - Petr Pisk, +420- 731 465 344

Lenk Chess Festival

The "Swiss Chess Tour 2005" will continue in Lenk with the 17th "Kreuz-Open" March 24th-28th 2005. The host will be Hotel Kreuz, "Grande" Open, Swiss system, 7 rounds and the games will last a maximum of 5 hours (40 moves for 2 hours and 30 minutes till the end). Prize are: 1.500 SF, 1.200, 900, 700, 500, 400, 300, 250, 200 and 150 SF. From 11.- 20. places natural prizes. Special prizes for best Lady, senior (1945), junior(1985-88), schoolboy (1989) and best local player. Entry fee 130 SF, FMs and juniors 60 SF, at the door 10 SF more, GMs and IMs free. Venue: Hotel "Kreuz".

Time table: Round 1st 18.00-23.00 March 24,; Rounds 2/3 09.30-14.30 and 15.30-20.30 March 25,; Round 4 13.30-18.30 March 26,; Rounds 5/6 09.30-14.30 and 15.30-20.30 March 27,; Round 7 10.00-15.00 March 28. Closing ceremony March 28 at 16.00.

List of players till January 27th ? GMs: Andrei Sokolov (FRA), Joseph Gallagher (SUI), Adam Horvath (HUN), Lothar Vogt (GER), Florin Gheorghiu (ROM); WGM Elvira Berend (LUX), WIM Nellya Vidonyak (GER); IMs: Alexander Raetsky (RUS), Roman Vidonyak (GER), Sandor Videki (HUN), Fred Berend (LUX) etc.

Info: Beochess +41+34+424-01-06 (Robert Spoerri) or or site for more details.

FIDE Trainers Committee

IM Jovan Petronic. Chairman, FIDE Computer & Internet Chess Committee has written about the FIDE Trainers Committee. Link to his article below. In 1998 FIDE formed a powerful Committee comprising of leading chess trainers around the chess globe. Accordingly, it was named the FIDE Trainers Committee, and below, I will try to summarize the immense useful information for the readers, current major chess training activities and appeals of the Committee, etc. The number of certified FIDE Trainers has grown and they are now (in alphabetical order) - none other than: Alburt Lev (USA), Asanov Bolat (Kazahstan), Azmaiparashvili Zurab (Georgia), Boensch Uwe (Germany), Beliavsky Alexandr (Slovenia), Chernin Alexandr (Hungary), Dorfman Iossif (France), Dvoretsky Mark (Russia), Gelfer Israel (Israel), Georgadze Tamaz (Georgia), Gulko Boris (USA), Illescas Miguel (Spain), Kuzmin Alexey (Katar), Khodarkovsky Michael (USA), Leong Ignatius (Singapore), Mikhalcishin Adrian (Slovenia), Marjanovic Slavoljub (Serbia & Montenegro), Mohr Georg (Slovenia), Nikitin Alexandr (Russia), Petrosjan Arshak (Armenia), Polgar Zsuzsa (USA), Postovsky Boris (USA), Psakhis Lev (Israel), Razuvaev Yuri (Russia), Seirawan Yasser (USA), Sosonko Genna (Netherlands), Schmidt Wlodzimerz (Poland), Tukmakov Vladimir (Ukraine), Ubilava Elizbar (Georgia), Vladimirov Evgeny (Kazahstan), Zapata Alonso (Columbia) and Xie Yun (China).

Read the article:

19th Pula Open

The 19th "Pula Open 2005" in Croatia takes place 19th-26th June 2005.

For further information on the event: Contact Denis Vretenar by e-mail:

International Chess Festival Varna

The Varna (Bulgaria) International Chess Festival takes place 10th-17th April 2005. Contact: Boris Hristov Tel’052 64 28 77, fax: 052 574 940; GSM: 088 60 25 403 e-mail:

Further details:

European Individual Women's Chess Championship

The European Individual Women's Chess Championship takes place in Chisinau, Moldova 10th-25th June 2005. Organisers Chess Federation of Moldova Sciusev Street, 111 2004, Chisinau Tel.: 00373-22-565451 Fax.: 00373-22-565451 or 210707 E-Mail:

Details on

Official site for the event:

Azura Chess Open

The Azura Chess Open International Rapid Chess Tournament also Belgian Rapid Chess Championship 2005 Brussels Rapid Chess Championship 2005 takes place Saturday-Sunday 23rd-24th April 2005 (11 rounds ~ 25 minutes games) Tournament for players with more than 2000 elo.

Playing venue: Palais du Midi rue van der Weyden 3 1000 Brussels Entry fee : IGM and IM free Others 25 euro Junior 15 euro

Registration: Registration only by e-mail. No registration at the venue. Send payment to 210-0937331-72 with your name and elo rating as message


HB Global Chess Challenge

The HB Foundation has posted $500,000 prize fund for the HB Global Chess Challenge, a Maurice Ashley-led event expects to bring more than 4,000 participants to Minneapolis, Minnesota.

The event takes place May 18th-22nd 2005 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. First place in the Open section has a cash prize of $50,000, and that overall more than 50 others will receive cash prizes. Many other side events. There is an extension to the discount period for signing up for the event.

Official sites: and

16th Pobeskydi Tournament

The 16th Pobeskydi Chess Tournament takes place 24th-28th March 2005 in Frydek-Mistek, Czech Republic. There will be at least two tournaments. Round-robin with possibility to achieve IM and WGM norm and FIDE Open.

For futher details:

7th United Insurance GM Rescheduled due to Tsunami

The 7th United Insurance & United Leasing Grandmasters Chess Tournament has been rescheduled (due to the Tsunami) and now takes place 4th-14th April 2005 in the Conference-Room of the National Sports Council 62/3 Purana Paltan Dhaka-1000. Organised by the Bangladesh Chess Federation. 11 round Swiss System with around 40. Total Prize Money US $5000.00 Accommodation & Food : Free for all GM’s & IM’s, only accommodation 2350+ Appearance Money : GM 2500+ US $ 500.00. Contact: Syed Shujauddin Ahmed, General Secretary Bangladesh Chess Federation, 2nd Floor, 62/3 Purana Paltan, Dhaka-1000, Fax + Phone: 88 (02) 7169336 , E-mail:

12th Echternach International Open

The 12th Echternach International Open takes place 25th-26th June 2005. Seniors should also note the following dates: 2nd Open (rapid chess) for young seniors (aged 50 and above) 13th-14th August 2005. 5th Open-seniors (aged 60 and above) 15th-21st August 2005.

Further info:

Novi Sad Open A

The Novi Sad Open A (semi-closed for IMs and GMs) takes place 19th-26th March 2005.

Further info: or more specifically

 1  gm Lalic Bogdan         ENG     
 2  gm Kosanovic Goran      SCG     
 3  gm Drazic Sinisa        SCG     
 4  gm Fontaine Robert      FRA     
 5  gm Lazic Miroljub 	     SCG
 6  gm Savic M .R.          SCG     
 7  im Colovic A.           MAC     
 8     Franchini Gabriele   ITA     
 9     Barilaro Luca        ITA     
10  im Pilgaard Kim         DEN     
11     Lundin Jan           SWE     
12  fm Kokeza Mirko         SCG     
13  fm Guadalpi D.          FRA     
14  fm Stupavski Z.         SCG     
15  im Popovic D.           SCG     
16  fm Juergen Brustkern    GER     
17  im Pap Misa             SCG     
18  im Marzolo Cyril        FRA     
19     Craig Young          ENG     
20  im Tratar M.            SLO     
21  im Sebenik  M.          SLO     
22  fm Dumpor A             BIH     
23  gm Kovacevic A.         SCG     
24  im Laketic Gojko        SCG     
25  im Kostic Vlada         SCG     
7 places left

Alushta Diary 2005

Leonid Galperin sends a calendar of planned events in Alushta, Ukraine 2005.

GM Norm events: 12.05 - 22.05 24.05 - 4.06 17.06-27.06. 1.09-11.09 25.09-5.10 7.10-17.10 IM Norm events 12.05 - 22.05 24.05 -4.06 17.06-27.06. 1.09-11.09 25.09-5.10 7.10-17.10 Rating tournament 5.06 - 13.06 Open tournament (under 16 years) First prize - 200 $ 14.06 - 22.06 Alushta Swiss 9 rounds Blitz tournament 28.06 12.09 Alushta Swiss 9 rounds Open tournament (rapid chess) 29 - 30.06 13-14.09 Alushta Swiss 9 rounds Open tournament First prize 1000 $ First prize (woman) 500$ 2.07-10.07 15.09-23.09 Alushta Swiss 9 rounds Session of school of Gennadi Kuzmin 5.06-14.06 25.09-4.10 Alushta Individual and group studying

Further information: phone +38 (06560)5-05-32 (for Russian speaking) + 38 050 669-26-04 (for English speaking) e-mail:

5th Chess Grand Prix of Bordeaux

The 5th Chess Grand Prix of Bordeaux takes place 28th April - 1st May 2005. In addition the 2nd Chess Grand Prix in d'Aix en Provence takes place in December 2005.


Harald Malmgren 100 years Correspondence

31st Dec 2004 saw the start of the first Grandmaster tournament on the ICCF Webserver. The tournament is the "Harald Malmgren 100 years". The occasion is to commemorate the 100:d birthday of Harald Malmgren, Tierp in Sweden. Malmgren was runner up after Cecil Purdy in ICCF's first World Championship and earned his GM title in the event. Malmgren passed away in 1957. In his career he was also second in IFSB Championship 1939 and won the Swedish CC Championship in 1942. Malmgren was a true chess enthusiast and issued a book in 1953 "Mina bästa partier" (My best games) with only CC games he had played.

There are 13 participants and you will be able to follow the results on and as soon as about 10 moves are made in every game, SSKK will open a page for "live" games. That is games according to the ICCF CoC regulations for live games. The Category of the event is 10 which means that all norms are available.The tournament has two sponsors, Schackakademin and Svenska Schackbutiken AB.

The players are: IM Jan Bennborn, Sweden, IM Sture Olsson, Sweden, IM Rune Bergquist, Norway, IM Ervin Liebert, Estonia, IM Taisto Koskela, Finland, IM Leif Åhman, Sweden, SIM Jón A Pálsson, Iceland, SIM Josef Mrkvicka, Czech Rep, GM Matthias Rüfenacht; Switzerland, IM Gary S Benson, Australia, SIM John Pugh, England, Phillippe Chopin, France and Mads Smith Hansen, Denmark. The withdrawing ICCF President keeps playing CC and starts this event on his very last day in office.

Tomas Carnstam, Jonas Dahlgren, Robert Ericsson, Sebastian Nilsson and Per Söderberg wedish Correspondence Chess Federation (SSKK) Board members.

Games Festival Chalkidiki Greece

The Games Festival is is organised for the first time in Greece and takes place from 21st-29th of April 2005 at the Porto - Carras Grand Resort, in Chalkidiki in Greece.

Tennis, chess, golf, biliards, bridge, famous athletes, world champions will be present in Porto Carras. The festival includes a series of tournaments, competitions, seminars and exhibitions in sports and the most popular entertaining games.

The chess events are the 2nd International Open Chess Tournament "Porto Carras 2005" and the 1st World School Chess Championship. More specifically, the Open Tournament will be held 22nd-28th April 2005 at the Porto Carras Grand Rresort with open participation, 9 rounds swiss system and time control 90 minutes plus 30 seconds increment per move, according to the official announcement of the Greek Chess Club "A.M.O. Galaxias". Total prizes: 6.500 EURO. For more information visit or contact &

The 1st World School Championship for school chess champions in categories Under 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16, will be held 21st-29th April 2005 at the Porto Carras Grand Resort. Organizers of this great event are the World Chess Federation (FIDE), the International School Chess Union, the Greek Chess Federation, the Chess Club "Galaxias" of Thessaloniki and the Hotel Complex of "Porto Carras Grand Resort".

38th Biel International Chess Festival

38th Biel International Chess Festival Dates: 16th-29th July 2005 with, in particular: - the Grandmaster tournament (17th-27th July 2005) - the Accentus Ladies Tournament 17th-27th July 2005) - the active chess tournament (16th and 17th July 2005) - the Master Open (18th-29th July 2005, last round in the morning) - the General Open (20th-29th July 2005, last round in the morning) - the Blitz tournament (23th July 2005)

Further details:

Events in India in 2005

5th Asian Individual Championship

The 5th Asian Individual Chess Championship 2005 takes place in Cochin, Total Prize Fund : US$33000. The event has been postponed until 21st-31st March 2005 due to the recent Tsunami disaster. Organiser : P.T. Ummer Koya , ; Website:

Commonwealth Championships

The Commonwealth Chess Championships for Men, Women, Boys & Girls incorporating An International Open Chess Tournament TOtal Prize Fund: US$12000 ARRIVAL : 27/02/2005 CLOSING : 09/03/2005 Organiser : Rajastan State Chess Association Contact : ; Website:

Chhattisgarh Chief Minister's International Open

Chhattisgarh Chief Minister's International Open Chess Tournament, Raipur Total Prize Fund : Us$12000 Arrival : 10/03/2005 Closing : 20/03/2005 Organiser : Hotel Babylon, Vip Road, Raipur, India. Contact : ; Website : Website:

Hamarat Challenge Match

The ICCF World Champion Tunc Hamarat (AUT) who has never lost a single game with White, has challenged the "Rest of the World" to a friendly 2-game match. He will have White in both games. The games (one will start with 1.e4 and one with 1.d4) will be played on the ICCF Webserver and started on 10th February 2005 with the rule "10 moves/70 days".

The players on the "Rest of the World" team will vote on each move. The move receiving the most votes will be selected. Should 2 or more moves receive the same number of votes, the "Rest of the World" will be given 2 more voting days to decide between the tied moves. Participation in this event is open to all players who pay an entry fee of 5 EUR or $7.00 US dollars via their National CC Federation or the ICCF Direct Entry (DE) option. All fees collected will be transferred to the ICCF Development Fund. The money will be used primarily for development and system support of the ICCF WebChess Server. It will be possible to join the "Rest of the World" team at any stage of the game.

The games may be seen "live" by all players and other observers at

Each player who voted for the selected move will receive 1 point per move. The player(s) with the most points at the end of the games will receive an ICCF Gold Book. The list of all entrants will be published on the ICCF webpage.

Hungarian chess tournaments March 2005 - August 2005

1. 5th-18th of March 2005, FS GM-IM-FM closed, Budapest, Org. : NL,

2. 18th- 26th of March, "SPRING FESTIVAL" 9 rounds Swiss Open, Budapest, Org.: NL

3. 2nd-15th of April , FS GM-IM-FM closed, Budapest, Org: NL:

4. 7th-19th of May, FS GM-IM-FM closed, Budapest, org.: NL

5. 20th-28th of May, ZALAKAROS Open, 9 rounds Swiss, (250 km West from Budapest), org: IM Horvath, Tamas, phone: +(36)-20-9777003

7. 21st-31st of May, ELEKES Memorial, GM-IM closed, Budapest, org.IM Zsinka, phone: +(36)-20-921-91-97

7. 4th-16th of June, FS GM-IM-FM, Budapest, Org: NL

8. 18th-26th of June, BALATONLELLE Open + GM-IM closed, 120 km West from Budapest, organizer: IM Rigo, e-mail:

9. 2nd-14th of July, FS GM-IM-FM Budapest, org. NL.

10. 23rd- 31st of July, Agria Open /EGER, 100 km North-East from Budapest/, organizer: Rauch Ferenc, e-mail:

11. 6th-18th of August, FS GM-IM-FM Budapest org.:NL

1st ICCF Webchess Open Tournament

The ICCF have announced the 1st WebChess Open Tournament and invites every player worldwide to participate in the event. The event is to be played on the ICCF dedicated Webserver This tournament is open to all correspondence chess players worldwide, also for those without any previous ICCF experience. Multiple entries are allowed. The tournament will be played in three stages - preliminaries, semifinal and final.


Russia vs ROW Correspondence

The Russian Chess Federation is celebrating its 10th anniversary and is using this occasion to challenge the rest of the world to a match over 64 boards with 2 games for each and the start is 15.02 2004. Players include Joop van Oosterom

TWIC Messageboard

With the Linares tournament about to start it seems a good time to launch a new discussion forum. Vote on your prediction of the winner of Linares. The TWIC message board. You need to register to post and vote. Address: