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Games section
Classical World Chess Championship 1 game 36th Chess Olympiad 3066 games Essent tournament in Hoogeveen 368 games 122nd New York Masters 4 games 5th Weekend Novara Open 50 games ProMoPro Open 275 games 3763 games
My thanks to Stefano Ticozzi, G. Kleint, Bretislav Modr, Jonathan Berry, Kenny Chern, Michael Rahal, Albert Vasse, David Gavin, Carlos Penin, David Llada, Allan Beardsworth, Dirk Jan ten Geuzendam and everyone else who helped with the issue.
The exciting conclusion to the Classical World Championship match in Brissago left Vladimir Kramnik still as champion after a final round win against Peter Leko tied the match at 7-7. I hope that Kramnik's aggressive play to try and equalise the match in its final stages will be seen much more often in his tournament play, I think it is the best way for him to make the best of his abilities but perhaps his personality still prefers safer play.
This match was a big step towards the establishment of a single champion but there are still many complications on the way. The match saw the emergence of the ACP as a factor in the mixture that already involves FIDE and Garry Kasparov. Kasparov was scatheing in a recent interview about the ACP saying they had achieved nothing and that their only purpose was to stop him getting a match against Kramnik. The ACP certainly does have a lot to prove and will have to start delivering some tangible things soon but he is very harsh about such a young organisation. The key question for them is how they attack the problem of too many professional players chasing too little money an equation that their membership structure doesn't seem ideally suited to addressing.
Kasparov is certainly the most famous and bankable star in chess and his 20 year domination of the game should certainly count for something. Perhaps a match between Kramnik and Kasparov could be a launching pad to a new era in chess, at least financially, but it needs to happen fast, I don't think it right that the next opportunity to qualify for a world title match for the rest of the players should be 4 years down the road (more like two which would mean a tight timetable and a genuine will to get it done). Chess needs to make plans to move on from the Kasparov era. This is not to say I want him out of the way (which Kasparov stated many of the players do in the most recent New in Chess ) but more that it is inevitable he will decline in strength in the next few years a process that more than likely has already started. I think Kasparov has a number of big performances left in him but the age of his absolute domination is already over (even though he still stands at number one in the rating list this hasn't really been about his recent performances) and that this is simply the nature of sport. Kasparov will play with Kramnik in the Russian Championship in December, both would find it politically and professionally advantageous to win this event but there are a number of other players who might have a say.
Whatever happens chess needs to quickly find a stable world championship structure with qualifiers and other strong events with a structure so that professionals can make a living.
Time and time again I've complained about Olympiad coverage. The use of, and over reliance on, electronic boards to cover the entire event for the last few Olympiad has led to inadequate numbers of people compiling the final bulletin and just huge numbers of errors in the games. The permanent record of the games of recent Olympiads are extremely flawed. Well this time I can say the coverage is exactly how it should be. I always advocated a limited number of live games followed by a correct bulletin the following day and this is exactly how it is this time. A++ marks to all involved and this has to be the standard for future Olympiads.
Hope you enjoy this issue.
The Classical World Chess Championship took place at the Centro Dannemann in Brissago, Switzerland September 25th - October 18th, 2004. A total of 14 games were played under classical time controls. Vladimir Kramnik defended the title he won from Garry Kasparov in 2000 against Hungarian GM Peter Leko, who qualified at the Dortmund Candidates in 2002.
The final game of the match proved to be an historic occasion. Vladimir Kramnik was one down with one to play and needed a win to retain his title. He chose an extremely sharp variation to counter Leko's Caro-Kann and came up with a TN as early as move 6. Leko had a very difficult psychological problem in that he only needed a draw but he also needed to play actively enough. This mixture of emotions meant that Leko discarded 14. ...d4 which was probably objectively the best. He ended up in an extremely unpleasant ending and was probably losing by move 25 and Kramnik was extremely accurate in prosecuting his advantage.
At the closing ceremony Kramnik praised his opponent saying that right now he was a more difficult opponent than Garry Kasparov and that in fact the whole match had been more difficult for him than when he won in 2000. He expected a hard fight but he in particular praised Leko's astonishing defensive abilities. He said that he had required some luck to finally tie the match. Leko said he was disappointed but had learned much and at 25 he expects to challenge again.
Leko later gave a series of press interviews to the media. He of course was disappointed to come so close to winning the match. He pointed out he lost the first and last games of the match. The first game he probably tried to play to the crowd too much and he drew the lesson that you should play for yourself and the match strategy and the final game was very difficult psychologically with Kramnik having to hope for a win he had a clearer objective than Leko. He nevertheless believe he had given his maximum throughout the match.
Leko said that Kramnik was incredibly well prepared in the opening throughout the match. He thanked his seconds who he said worked "day and night". Nevertheless he thought that no-one even comes close to Kramnik in terms of preparation, its like a factory and so strong. It was impossible to get out of his preparation. He said he wasn't ready to play the Sveshnikov against Kramnik as he was likely to run into at least a months preparation. He however claimed that Kramnik was the only player in the World against whom he would have opening problems. Their strategy was not to fight him in the openings. He was determined to make himself mentally and physically fit.
He thought that game 11 was a turning point. He didn't understand he had the initiative in the match and should play on at that moment instead of giving a short draw.
Leko is confident that at 25 and having learned so much from the match that he will be back to try again. Kramnik also thought this at the closing ceremony. Both players admitted to be very tired and ready for a rest for some time. "I am very motivated but I need my rest" said Leko. He added that he had absolutely no physical problems during the match. Right now he feels disappointed and empty but that over the whole match 7-7 was the correct score although the champions advantage he understood and accepted but said it wasn't exactly fair.
The result of the match and the fact it was completed changes a lot of things. Kramnik has defended his title against a legitimate challenger and the match itself, especially the final few games I think shows that the most competitive chess is played only in the highest pressure situations. However there is still much to be settled. The ACP under the presidency of Joel Lautier were brought into the organisation of the match. At a press conference prior to the final game Lautier made it clear that they regard themselves now as the sanctioning body for the classical world championship. The question of FIDE and the Kasparov vs Kasimdzhanov match hangs in the air.
At this press conference Joel Lautier thanked the sponsor and especially praised the wonderful way the match had been organised. He stressed that it was most important that it had allowed the classical tradition to continue. He said that it had set new standards for events of this type to meet and it was important to show by example how things should be done. [Read also the ACP General Assembly Report by Jonathan Berry]
As for the ACP's priorities they had three major things they needed to achieve.
1) classical time control not the FIDE time control but added there was also a place for rapid events.
2) He wants to do something about short draws making it a rule that the players should not be able to offer a draw before move 40 (although 3 move repetitions would of course still be a draw as in game 11). He says you can't blame the players at the moment but you should just take the option away.
3) On the proposed reunification he stressed his belief that this is not a qualifier but that the winner is the world champion. He said Prague already recognised this but that he saw FIDE as causing problems for any agreement. He didn't think they were ready to accept the ACP as an equal partner and if they didn't he implied agreement for a match with the winner of Kasparov vs Kasimdzhanov would be problematic. The important thing was for a cycle to produce the next challenger and that there were many questions to be answered if FIDE were to be involved but if not the ACP would continue independently.
Dirk Jan ten Geuzendam, the editor of New in Chess said the next issue 2004/7 contained a long interview with Garry Kasparov. He mentioned that Kramnik believes Lautier is a big friend of Kramnik's (Lautier was a second for Kramnik in the 2000 match in London) and also alluded to the following quotes from the article:
"What is the purpose of this organisation apart from shielding Kramnik from a match against me? It seems to me that this is the only purpose of their existence."
"Id like to have my chance to play, but with every day, every month I am losing my determination. I have to move on my life and these guys are not hiding their agenda, they want me to go."
Lautier denied this saying that a perfect ACP event would have Kasparov participating. "He should play more and will be invited".
When asked if he was out for revenge against Kasparov, Lautier slightly avoided the question by saying he was one of the few GMs with a plus score against him so there was no need for revenge.
I was at the match from the penultimate Saturday onwards and thought it without doubt the best organised match I've been to. Hans Leusen the President of Dannemann Brazil and the main representative of the company described the event as being a success for them "beyond our expectation" with the media (newspapers, magazine, tv and radio) throughout the world covering the event. He said they have had 1,5 million visitors to their webpage. He felt they had projected through the organisation their belief in quality. He added that they will commit themselves to chess but that they need to analyse the match in order to determine their future policy. I for one would look forward to returning to Brissago some time.
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Leko, Peter - Kramnik, Vladimir 0-1 65 C42 Petroff's Defence Kramnik, Vladimir - Leko, Peter 1/2 18 C88 Ruy Lopez Closed Leko, Peter - Kramnik, Vladimir 1/2 23 C42 Petroff's Defence Kramnik, Vladimir - Leko, Peter 1/2 43 C88 Ruy Lopez Closed Leko, Peter - Kramnik, Vladimir 1-0 69 D37 QGD 5.Bf4 Kramnik, Vladimir - Leko, Peter 1/2 20 C88 Ruy Lopez Closed Leko, Peter - Kramnik, Vladimir 1/2 21 D16 Slav Lasker/Smyslov Kramnik, Vladimir - Leko, Peter 0-1 32 C89 Ruy Lopez Marshall Leko, Peter - Kramnik, Vladimir 1/2 16 E15 Queens Indian Kramnik, Vladimir - Leko, Peter 1/2 35 C78 Ruy Lopez Moeller Defence Leko, Peter - Kramnik, Vladimir 1/2 17 E15 Queens Indian Kramnik, Vladimir - Leko, Peter 1/2 34 B19 Caro Kann Leko, Peter - Kramnik, Vladimir 1/2 65 A73 Benoni Kramnik, Vladimir - Leko, Peter 1-0 41 B12 Caro Kann Advanced WCh Brissago SUI (SUI), 25 ix-18 x 2004 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Leko, Peter g HUN 2741 0 = = = 1 = = 1 = = = = = 0 7.0 2770 Kramnik, Vladimir g RUS 2770 1 = = = 0 = = 0 = = = = = 1 7.0 2741 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
The 36th Chess Olympiad takes place in Calvià (Majorca), 14th-31st October 2004. After nine rounds it looks like Ukraine will be the champions dethroning the Russians for the first time in 26 years. The internet coverage has just been fantastic, the best by far since 1994, the first Olympiad covered by TWIC.
I've made some minor changes to the first couple of rounds and give those games again, please delete last week's version.
Official site:
36th Chess Olympiad 2004 Men's section -------------------------------------- Rank table after round 9 ------------------------ Rg. Snr Team Anz + = - Wtg1 Wtg2 1 2 Ukraine 9 7 2 0 27.0 197.5 2 1 Russia 9 7 0 2 24.5 198.5 3 10 United States 9 6 1 2 24.0 183.0 4 4 Armenia 9 5 2 2 23.0 199.5 5 3 Israel 9 5 2 2 23.0 198.5 6 5 India 9 7 0 2 22.5 197.0 7 20 Bulgaria 9 7 0 2 22.5 195.0 8 14 Azerbaijan 9 6 0 3 22.5 188.0 9 18 Cuba 9 6 1 2 22.5 185.5 10 12 France 9 7 1 1 22.5 182.0 11 29 Switzerland 9 5 2 2 22.5 180.0 12 23 Slovenia 9 7 1 1 22.5 177.0 13 9 Poland 9 5 2 2 22.0 185.0 14 22 Moldova 9 6 1 2 22.0 183.0 15 11 Georgia 9 6 1 2 21.5 191.0 16 21 Czech Rep 9 5 3 1 21.5 188.0 17 16 China 9 6 1 2 21.5 187.5 18 13 Germany 9 4 2 3 21.5 185.0 19 30 Uzbekistan 9 6 0 3 21.5 184.0 20 15 Hungary 9 6 2 1 21.5 176.5 21 37 BIH 9 5 1 3 21.5 176.5 22 7 Spain A 9 6 1 2 21.0 189.5 23 26 SCG 9 4 2 3 21.0 182.5 24 36 Latvia 9 4 3 2 21.0 179.0 25 24 Greece 9 4 1 4 21.0 176.5 26 25 Sweden 9 6 1 2 21.0 173.0 27 32 Slovakia 9 3 2 4 20.5 188.5 28 43 Canada 9 5 0 4 20.5 179.0 29 33 Estonia 9 5 1 3 20.5 177.0 30 40 Philippines 9 5 0 4 20.5 174.5 31 17 Belarus 9 4 2 3 20.5 173.0 32 38 Macedonia 9 5 1 3 20.5 169.0 33 69 Turkey 9 4 2 3 20.5 166.0 34 8 Netherlands 9 5 0 4 20.0 185.0 35 6 England 9 5 1 3 20.0 183.0 36 48 Kazakhstan 9 6 0 3 20.0 180.0 37 19 Romania 9 3 4 2 20.0 174.5 38 28 Croatia 9 4 2 3 20.0 173.0 39 45 Australia 9 5 1 3 20.0 172.5 40 39 Vietnam 9 5 1 3 20.0 169.5 41 31 Norway 9 4 1 4 20.0 169.5 42 42 Iceland 9 3 4 2 20.0 168.5 43 34 Argentina 9 5 2 2 19.5 175.0 44 27 Denmark 9 5 0 4 19.5 174.5 45 35 Lithuania 9 4 2 3 19.5 172.0 46 50 Italy 9 5 1 3 19.5 169.5 47 57 Singapore 9 4 0 5 19.5 167.0 48 82 Paraguay 9 5 1 3 19.5 156.0 49 44 Spain B 9 5 1 3 19.0 181.5 50 65 Indonesia 9 4 1 4 19.0 174.0 51 52 Iran 9 4 0 5 19.0 172.5 52 56 Belgium 9 3 3 3 19.0 171.5 53 76 Kyrgystan 9 5 0 4 19.0 166.0 54 49 Brazil 9 4 1 4 19.0 165.5 55 51 Mexico 9 5 0 4 19.0 165.0 56 41 Scotland 9 4 1 4 18.5 181.0 57 46 Chile 9 3 3 3 18.5 170.0 58 47 Bangladesh 9 5 0 4 18.5 167.5 59 64 Costa Rica 9 5 1 3 18.5 164.5 60 72 Venezuela 9 3 3 3 18.5 163.5 61 67 Mongolia 9 5 0 4 18.5 163.0 62 66 South Africa 9 4 1 4 18.5 162.5 63 74 IPCA 9 3 2 4 18.5 162.0 64 68 Uruguay 9 4 0 5 18.5 160.0 65 78 Spain C 9 5 0 4 18.5 155.0 66 61 Peru 8 3 2 3 18.5 145.0 67 75 Morocco 8 4 1 3 18.5 137.0 68 54 Ireland 9 4 0 5 18.0 170.0 69 81 New Zealand 9 4 2 3 18.0 152.0 70 84 Pakistan 9 5 0 4 18.0 151.5 71 85 Wales 9 3 1 5 18.0 149.5 72 53 Finland 9 3 1 5 17.5 170.0 73 58 Ecuador 9 3 1 5 17.5 157.0 74 73 Dominican Rep 9 4 0 5 17.5 156.0 75 55 Austria 9 3 1 5 17.5 156.0 76 86 Nicaragua 9 4 2 3 17.5 155.5 77 62 Albania 9 4 1 4 17.5 155.5 78 87 Faroe Islands 9 3 1 5 17.5 153.5 79 71 IBCA 9 5 0 4 17.5 147.0 80 70 Tunisia 9 3 1 5 17.0 166.0 81 59 Colombia 9 3 0 6 17.0 165.5 82 60 Portugal 9 2 1 6 17.0 159.5 83 96 Puerto Rico 9 3 3 3 17.0 138.5 84 63 Andorra 9 3 2 4 16.5 168.5 85 83 Tajikistan 9 2 2 5 16.5 168.5 86 79 Bolivia 9 3 1 5 16.5 162.5 87 89 Iraq 9 3 2 4 16.5 160.0 88 80 Luxembourg 9 4 0 5 16.5 160.0 89 93 Angola 9 3 1 5 16.5 157.5 90 92 Guatemala 9 3 1 5 16.5 148.5 91 95 Honduras 9 3 0 6 16.5 143.5 92 120 Panama 9 3 2 4 16.5 138.0 93 94 Malaysia 9 4 1 4 16.0 154.0 94 109 Hongkong 9 4 0 5 16.0 144.0 95 90 Thailand 9 4 0 5 16.0 140.5 96 100 Sri Lanka 9 4 0 5 15.5 156.5 97 88 Barbados 9 2 2 5 15.5 153.0 98 110 TRI 9 3 1 5 15.5 141.5 99 77 Lebanon 9 3 1 5 15.0 155.0 100 91 Libya 9 4 0 5 15.0 146.5 101 99 Surinam 9 3 2 4 15.0 131.5 102 104 Nepal 7 2 3 2 15.0 98.0 103 117 Palestine 9 2 2 5 14.5 154.5 104 98 Cyprus 9 2 1 6 14.5 150.5 105 112 Japan 9 2 2 5 14.5 143.5 106 111 Monaco 9 3 2 4 14.5 142.5 107 97 Mauritius 9 2 4 3 14.5 136.5 108 106 Jersey 9 3 0 6 14.5 132.0 109 103 Jamaica 9 1 2 6 14.0 144.5 110 101 Uganda 9 4 0 5 14.0 143.5 111 115 Liechtenstein 9 2 1 6 14.0 140.5 112 105 Botswana 9 2 2 5 13.5 148.0 113 107 Malta 9 3 1 5 13.5 142.0 114 102 Namibia 9 2 2 5 13.5 133.5 115 122 PNG 9 2 2 5 13.0 131.5 116 118 Fiji 9 3 1 5 13.0 108.5 117 108 Nigeria 7 4 0 3 13.0 100.5 118 123 Afghanistan 7 2 3 2 13.0 81.0 119 119 Kenya 9 2 2 5 12.5 138.0 120 121 IVB 9 2 1 6 12.5 134.0 121 116 Neth.Antilles 9 1 1 7 12.5 131.0 122 114 San Marino 9 3 1 5 12.5 129.0 123 124 Aruba 9 3 0 6 12.5 125.0 124 113 Macao 9 2 2 5 11.5 118.0 125 125 Bermuda 9 0 3 6 11.5 109.0 126 126 Guernsey 9 1 3 5 11.5 104.0 127 127 Rwanda 9 1 2 6 11.0 108.0 128 129 US Virgin Is 9 0 4 5 10.5 102.0 129 128 Seychelles 9 0 2 7 8.0 105.5 ------------------------------------------ 36th Chess Olympiad 2004 Women's section ---------------------------------------- Rank table after round 9 ------------------------ Rg. Snr Team Anz + = - Wtg1 Wtg2 1 1 China 9 9 0 0 23.5 140.0 2 2 Russia 9 5 3 1 17.5 146.5 3 3 USA 9 6 2 1 17.5 145.5 4 6 India 9 6 3 0 17.5 143.5 5 13 Hungary 9 6 2 1 17.5 139.0 6 26 Latvia 9 5 2 2 17.0 140.0 7 24 Sweden 9 4 4 1 17.0 138.5 8 7 Poland 9 4 3 2 16.5 151.5 9 5 Ukraine 9 4 3 2 16.5 146.0 10 4 Georgia 9 6 1 2 16.5 140.5 11 20 Lithuania 9 6 1 2 16.5 139.5 12 14 Armenia 9 5 2 2 16.5 131.0 13 27 England 9 4 2 3 16.0 145.5 14 8 France 9 5 1 3 16.0 142.5 15 12 Slovakia 9 5 2 2 16.0 135.5 16 9 Bulgaria 9 4 2 3 16.0 134.0 17 23 Cuba 9 7 0 2 16.0 133.0 18 25 Moldova 9 5 2 2 16.0 132.0 19 11 SCG 9 4 2 3 16.0 131.5 20 16 Germany 9 5 1 3 15.5 141.5 21 15 Netherlands 9 4 2 3 15.5 137.0 22 33 Israel 9 5 1 3 15.5 134.0 23 41 Iran 9 3 3 3 15.5 133.0 24 10 Romania 9 4 3 2 15.5 128.0 25 28 Slovenia 9 4 1 4 15.0 137.5 26 18 Kazakhstan 9 4 0 5 15.0 133.0 27 29 Belarus 9 5 1 3 15.0 131.0 28 21 Czech Rep. 9 4 2 3 15.0 131.0 29 31 Mongolia 9 5 1 3 15.0 127.5 30 39 Ecuador 9 5 2 2 15.0 120.5 31 19 Azerbaijan 9 5 1 3 14.5 130.5 32 42 Spain B 9 5 0 4 14.5 126.5 33 55 Colombia 9 3 2 4 14.5 122.5 34 17 Greece 9 2 3 4 14.0 131.0 35 30 Argentina 9 3 1 5 14.0 130.0 36 56 Malaysia 9 5 0 4 14.0 127.5 37 35 Australia 9 5 0 4 14.0 127.5 38 32 Switzerland 9 3 2 4 14.0 126.5 39 34 Croatia 9 3 3 3 14.0 123.5 40 44 Iceland 9 4 1 4 14.0 119.5 41 47 Finland 9 3 2 4 14.0 118.5 42 36 Spain A 9 4 2 3 14.0 118.0 43 71 SouthAfrica 9 4 2 3 14.0 115.0 44 48 Peru 8 4 1 3 14.0 110.0 45 43 Norway 9 4 1 4 13.5 123.0 46 59 Brazil 9 3 2 4 13.5 113.0 47 62 Luxembourg 9 3 4 2 13.0 124.0 48 50 Denmark 9 2 4 3 13.0 124.0 49 65 Philippines 9 4 3 2 13.0 123.5 50 46 BIH 9 3 2 4 13.0 119.5 51 37 Uzbekistan 9 3 2 4 13.0 118.5 52 38 Estonia 9 4 1 4 13.0 117.0 53 72 Indonesia 9 4 1 4 13.0 116.0 54 57 Turkey 9 3 1 5 12.5 119.0 55 40 Italy 9 3 3 3 12.5 117.5 56 61 Macedonia 9 4 1 4 12.5 117.5 57 45 Venezuela 9 3 1 5 12.5 117.0 58 77 Guatemala 9 4 2 3 12.5 111.0 59 60 Dominican R 9 4 2 3 12.5 103.5 60 22 Vietnam 9 3 1 5 12.0 135.0 61 51 Portugal 9 4 2 3 12.0 119.5 62 49 Mexico 9 2 3 4 12.0 114.0 63 52 Canada 9 3 2 4 12.0 111.5 64 74 Bolivia 9 3 1 5 12.0 103.5 65 53 Austria 9 3 0 6 11.5 121.5 66 75 Kyrgystan 9 2 2 5 11.5 115.5 67 63 Wales 9 2 3 4 11.5 113.5 68 64 Lebanon 9 3 0 6 11.5 112.5 69 76 Albania 9 3 3 3 11.5 108.0 70 70 IBCA 9 3 1 5 11.5 106.5 71 66 New Zealand 9 3 0 6 11.5 105.5 72 58 IPCA 9 2 1 6 11.0 114.0 73 54 Bangladesh 9 2 2 5 11.0 112.5 74 81 Sri Lanka 9 2 2 5 11.0 110.0 75 69 Puerto Rico 9 3 1 5 11.0 107.0 76 67 Ireland 9 2 3 4 11.0 103.0 77 68 Botswana 9 3 2 4 11.0 98.0 78 85 Tajikistan 9 3 1 5 10.5 108.5 79 73 Costa Rica 9 1 2 6 10.0 90.5 80 79 Iraq 9 1 1 7 9.0 105.5 81 78 Japan 9 2 2 5 9.0 83.0 82 86 TRI 9 2 2 5 9.0 82.0 83 80 Libya 9 1 2 6 9.0 81.0 84 82 Fiji 9 3 1 5 9.0 78.0 85 83 Honduras 9 2 2 5 8.5 77.5 86 84 Kenya 9 1 1 7 6.5 80.5 87 87 US Virgin I 9 1 1 7 6.0 78.5 ----------------------------------------- 36th Chess Olympiad 2004 Men's section -------------------------------------- Board-prices sorted according %,games,average rating ---------------------------------------------------- Rank table after round 9 ------------------------ Boards 1-4 must play minimum 60%, 5 and 6 50% Board 1 Top 50 Rk. Name Rtg Team % Games RtgAvg Pts. Rp 1 GM Ermenkov 2454 Palestine 87.5 8 2305 7.0 2641 Evgenij 2 GM Dominguez 2645 Cuba 85.7 7 2565 6.0 2874 Lenier 3 GM Beliavsky 2660 Slovenia 85.7 7 2538 6.0 2847 Alexander G 4 GM Adams Michael 2740 England 83.3 9 2564 7.5 2837 5 GM Matamoros 2513 Ecuador 78.6 7 2294 5.5 2552 Franco Carlos S 6 GM Ivanchuk 2705 Ukraine 77.8 9 2643 7.0 2863 Vassily 7 GM Rodriguez 2533 Uruguay 77.8 9 2423 7.0 2643 Andres 8 GM Anand 2781 India 71.4 7 2674 5.0 2832 Viswanathan 9 GM Granda Zuniga 2605 Peru 71.4 7 2321 5.0 2479 Julio E 10 IM Michelakis 2438 South 71.4 7 2313 5.0 2471 George Africa 11 Asefi 2064 Afghanistan 71.4 7 1991 5.0 2206 Zahiruddin 12 IM De La Riva 2528 Andorra 68.8 8 2465 5.5 2606 Aguado Oscar 13 Mosquera 2394 Colombia 68.8 8 2459 5.5 2600 Miguel 14 GM Wu Shaobin 2504 Singapore 68.8 8 2399 5.5 2565 15 IM Megaranto 2439 Indonesia 66.7 9 2479 6.0 2604 Susanto 16 GM Ghaem Maghami 2558 Iran 66.7 9 2425 6.0 2572 Ehsan 17 GM Ramirez 2519 Costa Rica 66.7 9 2343 6.0 2490 Alejandro 18 GM Macieja 2613 Poland 64.3 7 2602 4.5 2704 Bartlomiej 19 GM Graf Alexander 2646 Germany 64.3 7 2576 4.5 2678 20 GM Rogers Ian 2593 Australia 64.3 7 2453 4.5 2555 21 GM Morozevich 2758 Russia 62.5 8 2666 5.0 2761 Alexander 22 GM Onischuk 2653 United 62.5 8 2616 5.0 2711 Alexander States 23 GM Radjabov 2663 Azerbaijan 62.5 8 2596 5.0 2691 Teimour 24 GM Dao Thien Hai 2601 Vietnam 62.5 8 2495 5.0 2590 25 GM Del Rio 2491 Spain C 62.5 8 2371 5.0 2466 Angelis Salvador G 26 GM Kotronias 2599 Greece 61.1 9 2533 5.5 2613 Vasilios 27 FM Van Tilbury 2309 British 61.1 9 1986 5.5 2132 Craig Virgin Islands 28 GM Gelfand Boris 2693 Israel 58.3 6 2671 3.5 2728 29 GM Navara David 2620 Czech 58.3 6 2572 3.5 2629 Republic 30 GM San Segundo 2516 Spain B 58.3 6 2543 3.5 2600 Carrillo Pablo 31 Bibby Simon 2229 Japan 58.3 6 2205 3.5 2295 32 GM Movsesian 2629 Slovakia 57.1 7 2641 4.0 2691 Sergei 33 GM Shirov Alexei 2726 Spain A 57.1 7 2631 4.0 2681 34 GM Aleksandrov 2659 Belarus 57.1 7 2608 4.0 2658 Aleksej 35 GM Stefansson 2549 Iceland 57.1 7 2529 4.0 2579 Hannes 36 GM Kozul Zdenko 2640 Croatia 57.1 7 2524 4.0 2574 37 IM Berend Fred 2378 Luxembourg 57.1 7 2292 4.0 2370 38 GM Georgiev Kiril 2625 Bulgaria 56.3 8 2622 4.5 2665 39 GM Mitkov Nikola 2539 Macedonia 56.3 8 2513 4.5 2556 40 GM Morovic Ivan 2564 Chile 56.3 8 2493 4.5 2536 41 GM Rahman Ziaur 2535 Bangladesh 56.3 8 2478 4.5 2521 42 GM Baburin 2527 Ireland 56.3 8 2390 4.5 2458 Alexander 43 Matthews Shane 2251 Jamaica 56.3 8 2266 4.5 2309 44 IM Krylov Sergey 2407 IBCA 56.3 8 2251 4.5 2319 45 GM Dervishi Erald 2502 Albania 55.6 9 2315 5.0 2380 46 FM Mok Tze-Meng 2336 Malaysia 55.6 9 2274 5.0 2339 47 GM Van Wely Loek 2681 Netherlands 50.0 9 2631 4.5 2631 48 IM Khamdamov 2150 Tajikistan 50.0 9 2447 4.5 2447 Suhrob 49 IM Zambrana 2473 Bolivia 50.0 9 2436 4.5 2436 Osvaldo 50 FM Mikheev 2352 IPCA 50.0 9 2384 4.5 2406 Stanislav Board 2 Top 50 Rk. Name Rtg Team % Games RtgAvg Pts. Rp 1 IM Tissir Mohamed 2394 Morocco 78.6 7 2285 5.5 2515 2 GM Vallejo Pons 2678 Spain A 75.0 8 2601 6.0 2794 Francisco 3 GM Nguyen Anh 2567 Vietnam 75.0 8 2465 6.0 2658 Dung 4 IM Davila Carlos 2339 Nicaragua 72.2 9 2211 6.5 2400 5 GM Bruzon Lazaro 2637 Cuba 71.4 7 2537 5.0 2695 6 GM Tyomkin 2505 Canada 71.4 7 2450 5.0 2608 Dimitri 7 GM Lima Darcy 2533 Brazil 71.4 7 2378 5.0 2536 8 Allor Chukwuka 0 Nigeria 71.4 7 2106 5.0 2292 9 IM Kelly Brian 2494 Ireland 68.8 8 2405 5.5 2546 10 IM Prasca Raphael 2396 Venezuela 68.8 8 2401 5.5 2542 11 IM Kobese Watu 2408 South 68.8 8 2377 5.5 2518 Africa 12 GM Hatanbaatar 2427 Mongolia 68.8 8 2334 5.5 2475 Bazar 13 GM Atalik Suat 2541 Bosnia 66.7 9 2514 6.0 2639 Herzegovina 14 GM Campora Daniel 2549 Argentina 66.7 6 2387 4.0 2545 H 15 GM Aronian Levon 2675 Armenia 64.3 7 2632 4.5 2734 16 Gonzalez 2524 Mexico 64.3 7 2570 4.5 2672 Zamora Juan Carlo 17 GM Krasenkow 2676 Poland 64.3 7 2548 4.5 2650 Michal 18 GM Pelletier 2589 Switzerland 64.3 7 2533 4.5 2635 Yannick 19 GM Nedev Trajce 2528 Macedonia 64.3 7 2527 4.5 2629 20 GM Nevednichy 2552 Romania 62.5 8 2538 5.0 2633 Vladislav 21 GM Berkes Ferenc 2630 Hungary 62.5 8 2475 5.0 2570 22 IM Erdogdu Mert 2393 Turkey 62.5 8 2394 5.0 2489 23 Bachmann Axel 2282 Paraguay 62.5 8 2350 5.0 2445 24 FM Mueller 2213 Namibia 62.5 8 2199 5.0 2319 Leonhard 25 GM Vasquez 2546 Chile 61.1 9 2449 5.5 2529 Rodrigo 26 GM Ponomariov 2710 Ukraine 58.3 6 2617 3.5 2674 Ruslan 27 GM Shabalov 2608 United 58.3 6 2588 3.5 2645 Alexander States 28 GM Hracek Zbynek 2595 Czech 58.3 6 2516 3.5 2573 Republic 29 GM Sulskis 2555 Lithuania 58.3 6 2465 3.5 2522 Sarunas 30 IM Oms Pallise 2508 Andorra 57.1 7 2400 4.0 2450 Josep 31 Simonsen Hans 2293 Faroe 57.1 7 2312 4.0 2362 Kristian Islands 32 FM Mascaro March 2323 Spain C 57.1 7 2308 4.0 2387 Pedro 33 GM Delchev 2601 Bulgaria 56.3 8 2623 4.5 2666 Aleksander 34 GM Sutovsky Emil 2697 Israel 56.3 8 2623 4.5 2666 35 GM Sasikiran 2668 India 56.3 8 2607 4.5 2650 Krishnan 36 GM Papaioannou 2577 Greece 56.3 8 2497 4.5 2540 Ioannis 37 IM Mahjoob 2455 Iran 56.3 8 2414 4.5 2457 Morteza 38 IM Berlinsky 2347 IBCA 56.3 8 2166 4.5 2234 Vladimir 39 GM Ftacnik 2533 Slovakia 55.6 9 2545 5.0 2588 Lubomir 40 IM Ibraev Nurlan 2476 Kazakhstan 55.6 9 2485 5.0 2528 41 IM Cueto Jhonny 2306 Bolivia 55.6 9 2396 5.0 2439 42 Dekker Marvin 2133 Neth. 55.6 9 2210 5.0 2253 Antilles 43 Hook William 2108 British 55.6 9 2054 5.0 2141 Virgin Islands 44 Moussa 2188 Palestine 50.0 9 2282 4.5 2282 Alaa-Eddine 45 IM Roselli Mailhe 2405 Uruguay 50.0 8 2385 4.0 2385 Bernardo 46 FM Weeramantry 2231 Sri Lanka 50.0 8 2363 4.0 2363 Sunil 47 Medina 2213 Honduras 50.0 8 2292 4.0 2292 Colindres Javier 48 Kamau Kanegeni 0 Kenya 50.0 8 2238 4.0 2238 Matthew 49 FM Lim Yee-Weng 2346 Malaysia 50.0 8 2226 4.0 2251 50 GM Mamedyarov 2660 Azerbaijan 50.0 7 2555 3.5 2555 Shakhriyar Board 3 Top 20 Rk. Name Rtg Team % Games RtgAvg Pts. Rp 1 GM Miezis 2524 Latvia 83.3 6 2443 5.0 2716 Normunds 2 GM Vaganian 2640 Armenia 78.6 7 2628 5.5 2858 Rafael A 3 GM Volokitin 2652 Ukraine 78.6 7 2612 5.5 2842 Andrei 4 IM Neubauer 2440 Austria 75.0 8 2382 6.0 2575 Martin 5 GM Gyimesi Zoltan 2613 Hungary 75.0 6 2450 4.5 2643 6 GM Tu Hoang Thong 2499 Vietnam 75.0 6 2383 4.5 2576 7 IM Gonzalez 2447 Mexico 71.4 7 2371 5.0 2557 Garcia Jose 8 Sebbar Ali 2116 Morocco 71.4 7 2343 5.0 2501 9 GM Xu Jun 2589 China 68.8 8 2503 5.5 2644 10 IM Paragua Mark 2534 Philippines 68.8 8 2490 5.5 2631 11 IM Yilmaz Turhan 2361 Turkey 68.8 8 2365 5.5 2506 12 Jones Richard 2297 Wales 68.8 8 2295 5.5 2436 S 13 Sirias Danilo 2285 Nicaragua 68.8 8 2189 5.5 2330 14 GM Solak Dragan 2563 Serbia 66.7 9 2517 6.0 2642 Montenegro 15 Theocharides 2115 Cyprus 66.7 9 2303 6.0 2428 Constantinos 16 GM Kempinski 2608 Poland 66.7 6 2572 4.0 2697 Robert 17 GM Goldin 2620 United 66.7 6 2529 4.0 2654 Alexander States 18 IM Manik Mikulas 2510 Slovakia 66.7 6 2439 4.0 2564 19 GM Grischuk 2704 Russia 64.3 7 2589 4.5 2691 Alexander 20 IM Cheparinov 2576 Bulgaria 64.3 7 2558 4.5 2660 Ivan Board 4 Top 10 Rk. Name Rtg Team % Games RtgAvg Pts. Rp 1 GM Jobava Baadur 2614 Georgia 91.7 6 2481 5.5 2882 2 GM Guseinov Gadir 2552 Azerbaijan 85.7 7 2472 6.0 2781 3 GM Dreev Alexey 2698 Russia 83.3 6 2560 5.0 2833 4 GM Kaidanov 2611 United 83.3 6 2487 5.0 2760 Gregory S States 5 IM D"Amore Carlo 2448 Italy 83.3 6 2329 5.0 2602 6 FM Pinheiro Jose 2310 Portugal 78.6 7 2292 5.5 2550 7 Corke Anya 2041 Hongkong 77.8 9 2168 7.0 2410 8 IM Predojevic 2509 Bosnia 75.0 8 2460 6.0 2653 Borki Herzegovina 9 FM Corbin Philip 2242 Barbados 75.0 8 2124 6.0 2367 10 IM Mirza Shahzad 2279 Pakistan 75.0 8 2101 6.0 2319 Board 5 Top 10 Rk. Name Rtg Team % Games RtgAvg Pts. Rp 1 IM Sakalauskas 2464 Lithuania 91.7 6 2337 5.5 2738 Vaidas 2 GM Degraeve 2551 France 85.7 7 2459 6.0 2768 Jean-Marc 3 IM Meijers 2465 Latvia 85.7 7 2417 6.0 2726 Viesturs 4 GM Gareev Timur 2525 Uzbekistan 81.3 8 2443 6.5 2694 5 GM Chatalbashev 2554 Bulgaria 80.0 5 2451 4.0 2691 Boris 6 GM Kritz Leonid 2543 Germany 80.0 5 2436 4.0 2676 7 IM Sepp Olav 2455 Estonia 80.0 5 2342 4.0 2582 8 Asabri Hussien 2286 Libya 80.0 5 1995 4.0 2275 9 FM Wang Yue 2536 China 75.0 8 2455 6.0 2648 10 Turpanov Milan 2307 Kyrgystan 75.0 8 2304 6.0 2497 Board 6 Top 10 Rk. Name Rtg Team % Games RtgAvg Pts. Rp 1 FM Chahrani 2273 Libya 90.0 5 1877 4.5 2323 Ibrahim 2 FM Jalal Adil Ali 2270 Iraq 80.0 5 2029 4.0 2349 3 GM Zvjaginsev 2650 Russia 78.6 7 2513 5.5 2743 Vadim 4 IM Mortensen 2465 Denmark 78.6 7 2365 5.5 2595 Erling 5 GM Kosic Dragan 2519 Serbia 75.0 6 2498 4.5 2691 Montenegro 6 GM Fontaine 2531 France 75.0 6 2431 4.5 2624 Robert 7 IM Filippov Anton 2475 Uzbekistan 75.0 6 2370 4.5 2563 8 FM Molander Riku 2328 Finland 75.0 6 2179 4.5 2406 9 Bermudez Adams 2138 Puerto Rico 75.0 6 1872 4.5 2165 William 10 GM Acs Peter 2521 Hungary 71.4 7 2412 5.0 2570 ------------------------------------------------------------------
The Essent tournament in Hoogeveen took place 17th-23rd October 2004. Ivan Sokolov won the event with 4.5/6 a point and a half clear of Nigel Short. Mikhail Gurevich and Zhang Pengxiang finished on 7/9.
Official site:
Round 2 (October 18, 2004) Sokolov, Ivan - Carlsen, Magnus 1-0 51 D37 QGD 5.Bf4 Short, Nigel D - Stellwagen, Daniel 1-0 38 B47 Sicilian Paulsen Round 3 (October 19, 2004) Stellwagen, Daniel - Sokolov, Ivan 0-1 39 C96 Ruy Lopez Carlsen, Magnus - Short, Nigel D 1-0 54 D37 QGD 5.Bf4 Round 4 (October 21, 2004) Short, Nigel D - Sokolov, Ivan 1-0 67 C91 Ruy Lopez Carlsen, Magnus - Stellwagen, Daniel 0-1 45 B19 Caro Kann Round 5 (October 22, 2004) Sokolov, Ivan - Stellwagen, Daniel 1-0 40 E70 King's Indian Fianchetto Short, Nigel D - Carlsen, Magnus 1/2 41 B25 Sicilian Closed Round 6 (October 23, 2004) Stellwagen, Daniel - Short, Nigel D 1/2 47 C95 Ruy Lopez Breyer Carlsen, Magnus - Sokolov, Ivan 1/2 36 D17 Slav Defence Essent Crown Hoogeveen NED (NED), 17-23 x 2004cat. XV (2611) ------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 ------------------------------------------------------- 1 Sokolov, Ivan g NED 2663 ** 10 11 1= 4.5 2786 2 Short, Nigel D g ENG 2687 01 ** 1= 0= 3.0 2585 3 Stellwagen, Daniel m NED 2512 00 0= ** 11 2.5 2586 4 Carlsen, Magnus g NOR 2581 0= 1= 00 ** 2.0 2495 ------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Essent Open Hoogeveen NED (NED), 15-23 x 2004 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Gurevich, Mikhail g BEL 2644 +25 +26 +16 = 2 =13 +11 + 3 = 6 = 4 7.0 2695 2. Zhang Pengxiang g CHN 2519 +47 +33 +21 = 1 +14 = 3 = 4 + 8 = 5 7.0 2694 3. Khenkin, Igor g GER 2587 +56 +24 + 7 +22 + 5 = 2 - 1 =13 = 9 6.5 2640 4. Romanishin, Oleg M g UKR 2543 +32 -21 +61 =35 +27 + 7 = 2 +15 = 1 6.5 2542 5. Goloshchapov, Alexander g UKR 2566 +31 +38 =17 +20 - 3 +26 = 8 +18 = 2 6.5 2586 6. Erenburg, Sergey g ISR 2537 +44 =43 =41 =26 +51 =20 +16 = 1 +13 6.5 2536 7. Spoelman, Wouter NED 2357 +78 +49 - 3 =52 +41 - 4 +40 +22 +14 6.5 2532 8. L'Ami, Erwin m NED 2516 +48 =20 +46 =51 +23 =13 = 5 - 2 +25 6.0 2504 9. De Vreugt, Dennis g NED 2466 -52 -63 +74 +55 +33 =21 +19 +10 = 3 6.0 2418 10. Porat, Shi m ISR 2421 +60 =61 -20 +45 =25 +35 +11 - 9 +26 6.0 2446 11. Li Shilong g CHN 2526 -36 +72 +44 +24 +21 - 1 -10 +42 +23 6.0 2488 12. Van der Wiel, John g NED 2493 +66 =51 =35 =25 +56 =22 =20 =26 +24 6.0 2452 13. Smeets, Jan g NED 2515 =40 +19 +43 +17 = 1 = 8 =22 = 3 - 6 5.5 2534 14. Brodsky, Michail g UKR 2533 =34 +45 =37 +71 - 2 =24 +21 +20 - 7 5.5 2414 15. Loeffler, Stefan m GER 2432 +72 =41 =52 -21 +32 +43 +29 - 4 =17 5.5 2406 16. Jonkman, Harmen g NED 2417 +63 +36 - 1 =38 =52 +47 - 6 +43 =18 5.5 2445 17. Hoeksema, Erik m NED 2391 +58 +70 = 5 -13 +60 -18 =24 +27 =15 5.5 2442 18. Ernst, Sipke m NED 2521 -51 =60 +75 =34 +71 +17 +23 - 5 =16 5.5 2412 19. Clemens, Adrian NED 2277 =22 -13 -60 +76 +68 +70 - 9 +64 +42 5.5 2392 20. Van Wissen, Michiel NED 2297 +65 = 8 +10 - 5 +37 = 6 =12 -14 =30 5.0 2483 21. Erwich, Marc f NED 2336 +59 + 4 - 2 +15 -11 = 9 -14 +54 =22 5.0 2474 22. Baklan, Vladimir g UKR 2591 =19 +40 +42 - 3 +38 =12 =13 - 7 =21 5.0 2436 23. Grooten, Herman m NED 2391 =75 =55 +47 +33 - 8 +52 -18 +35 -11 5.0 2384 24. Grimm, Sascha f GER 2342 +76 - 3 +55 -11 +36 =14 =17 +39 -12 5.0 2441 25. Porat, David ISR 2280 - 1 +78 +65 =12 =10 +39 -42 +29 - 8 5.0 2439 26. Okkes, Menno f NED 2353 +69 - 1 +63 = 6 +70 - 5 +54 =12 -10 5.0 2415 27. Pel, Bonno f NED 2312 -49 +68 =54 +40 - 4 =44 +52 -17 +50 5.0 2276 28. De Jong, Migchiel f NED 2316 =67 =53 -70 =68 +58 =60 =51 =34 +52 5.0 2246 29. Siebrecht, Sebastian m GER 2366 -70 +69 +66 =56 =54 +51 -15 -25 +36 5.0 2287 30. Blees, Albert m NED 2408 =53 +67 -51 -60 +75 =56 =34 +41 =20 5.0 2279 31. O'Cinneide, Mel IRL 2268 - 5 -64 +69 -53 +67 -62 +59 +60 +58 5.0 2249 32. Wempe, Joost NED 2263 - 4 =59 =62 +78 -15 =61 =58 +67 +53 5.0 2279 33. Pruijssers, Roeland NED 2295 +79 - 2 +64 -23 - 9 +72 =53 =45 +51 5.0 2322 34. Vogel, Jaap f NED 2256 =14 =39 =57 =18 =42 =38 =30 =28 =43 4.5 2405 35. Afek, Yochanan m ISR 2322 =62 +74 =12 = 4 =39 -10 +47 -23 =40 4.5 2331 36. Ruijgrok, Dennis NED 2255 +11 -16 -39 +62 -24 +50 =38 +57 -29 4.5 2328 37. Van de Oudeweetering, Arthur m NED 2383 +68 =52 =14 =41 -20 =54 =44 =40 =47 4.5 2269 38. Lahaye, Rick NED 2330 +64 - 5 +53 =16 -22 =34 =36 =51 =48 4.5 2325 39. Delemarre, Jop m NED 2449 =45 =34 +36 =70 =35 -25 +56 -24 =44 4.5 2264 40. Van Leent, Dmitri NED 2244 =13 -22 +67 -27 +64 +46 - 7 =37 =35 4.5 2341 41. Bitalzadeh, Ali NED 2289 +77 =15 = 6 =37 - 7 =53 +62 -30 =45 4.5 2303 42. Klinova, Masha m ISR 2400 =55 +75 -22 =61 =34 +45 +25 -11 -19 4.5 2307 43. Ris, Robert NED 2300 +73 = 6 -13 =46 +61 -15 +60 -16 =34 4.5 2337 44. Porat, Ido ISR 2260 - 6 +73 -11 =64 +65 =27 =37 =53 =39 4.5 2308 45. Hamelink, Desiree wm NED 2227 =39 -14 +59 -10 +77 -42 +63 =33 =41 4.5 2310 46. Brady, Stephen f IRL 2342 =54 +62 - 8 =43 -47 -40 =49 +68 +64 4.5 2222 47. Michielsen, Joost NED 2249 - 2 +79 -23 +49 +46 -16 -35 +61 =37 4.5 2309 48. Giddins, Stephen f ENG 2248 - 8 -65 -78 =67 +74 +69 =61 +62 =38 4.5 2200 49. Galje, Hans NED 2115 +27 - 7 -71 -47 =78 =75 =46 +76 +63 4.5 2253 50. Kleijn, Christov NED ---- +80 . -56 =63 =72 -36 +75 +70 -27 4.0 2206 51. Van Beek, Alexander NED 2255 +18 =12 +30 = 8 - 6 -29 =28 =38 -33 4.0 2377 52. Swinkels, Robin NED 2231 + 9 =37 =15 = 7 =16 -23 -27 +71 -28 4.0 2331 53. Bensdorp, Marlies wm NED 2214 =30 =28 -38 +31 =57 =41 =33 =44 -32 4.0 2270 54. Hendriks, Richard NED 2140 =46 =71 =27 +57 =29 =37 -26 -21 =56 4.0 2296 55. Hulshof, Peter NED 2209 =42 =23 -24 - 9 =69 =59 +65 =56 =57 4.0 2254 56. Van Kooten, Luuk f NED 2272 - 3 +76 +50 =29 -12 =30 -39 =55 =54 4.0 2267 57. Hendriks, Willy m NED 2396 -61 +58 =34 -54 =53 =66 +70 -36 =55 4.0 2164 58. Van Weersel, Arlette NED 2184 -17 -57 =76 +74 -28 +77 =32 +66 -31 4.0 2193 59. Cako, Laszlo NED 2137 -21 =32 -45 -75 +73 =55 -31 +78 +71 4.0 2187 60. Boersma, Jan NED 2221 -10 =18 +19 +30 -17 =28 -43 -31 =62 3.5 2256 61. Van Eijk, Sander NED 2203 +57 =10 - 4 =42 -43 =32 =48 -47 =65 3.5 2245 62. Hensbergen, Willem NED 2126 =35 -46 =32 -36 +76 +31 -41 -48 =60 3.5 2180 63. Markus, John Raymond NED 2219 -16 + 9 -26 =50 =66 =71 -45 +77 -49 3.5 2159 64. Potze, Rudolf NED 2129 -38 +31 -33 =44 -40 +68 +72 -19 -46 3.5 2188 65. Knol, Geon NED 2110 -20 +48 -25 =66 -44 =78 -55 +72 =61 3.5 2155 66. Struk, Jerzy POL 2237 -12 +77 -29 =65 =63 =57 =71 -58 =67 3.5 2168 67. Van der Veen, Jan NED 2122 =28 -30 -40 =48 -31 +79 +78 -32 =66 3.5 2168 68. Van Geffen, Ben NED 2181 -37 -27 +79 =28 -19 -64 +69 -46 +75 3.5 2165 69. Groenewold, Jan Joris NED 2159 -26 -29 -31 +73 =55 -48 -68 +79 +77 3.5 2128 70. Vroombout, Enrico NED 2169 +29 -17 +28 =39 -26 -19 -57 -50 =73 3.0 2170 71. Doggers, Peter NED 2292 =74 =54 +49 -14 -18 =63 =66 -52 -59 3.0 2119 72. Ahlers, Ben NED 2223 -15 -11 +73 =77 =50 -33 -64 -65 +80 3.0 2059 73. Westerkamp, Bert NED 2115 -43 -44 -72 -69 -59 +80 +74 =75 =70 3.0 2043 74. Wilson, Alexandra SUI 2070 =71 -35 - 9 -58 -48 =76 -73 +80 +78 3.0 2089 75. Dogge, Marc NED 2202 =23 -42 -18 +59 -30 =49 -50 =73 -68 2.5 2086 76. Van Lommel, Patrick NED 2139 -24 -56 =58 -19 -62 =74 +80 -49 =79 2.5 1997 77. Nagel, Yvette wf NED 2051 -41 -66 +80 =72 -45 -58 +79 -63 -69 2.5 2014 78. Rooda, Kai NED 2165 - 7 -25 +48 -32 =49 =65 -67 -59 -74 2.0 1969 79. Hemminga, Fokko NED 2089 -33 -47 -68 +80 . -67 -77 -69 =76 1.5 1898 80. BYE ---- -50 . -77 -79 . -73 -76 -74 -72 0.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Russian Championship takes place November 14th - December 1st 2004 in the hotel Russia. The all-play-all event sees Kasparov, Kramnik, Karpov, Morozevich, Grischuk, Svidler, Bareev, Dreev, Khalifman, Tseshkovsky, Motylev, Epishin, Timofeev and Korotylev compete. The event is the strongest championship since 1988. News:
Leonid Yudasin took first place with 3.5/4 half a point clear of Gata Kamsky in the 122nd New York Masters on 19th October 2004
The regular rapid event (mostly weekly) organised by IM Greg Shahade and John Fernandez provides regular chances for keen players of 2200 and above to compete against GMs and IMs in New York. See:
----------------------------------------------------------------- 122nd New York Masters Action USA (USA), 19 x 2004 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Total ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Yudasin, Leonid g ISR 2547 + 7 + 8 + 3 = 2 3.5 ($400) 2. Kamsky, Gata g USA 2717 = 5 + 9 + 4 = 1 3.0 ($150) 3. Bonin, Jay m USA 2342 + 9 = 4 - 1 + 6 2.5 ($ 50) 4. Lenderman, Alex f USA 2298 + 6 = 3 - 2 + 8 2.5 ($ 50) 5. Caruana, Fabiano f USA 2196 = 2 + 7 - = 2.0 6. Aravena, Peter USA 2250 - 4 +11 + 8 - 3 2.0 7. Privman, Boris f USA 2302 - 1 - 5 = 9 +11 1.5 8. Vujatovic, Rajko ENG 2222 +11 - 1 - 6 - 4 1.0 9. Furdzik, Rafal USA 2247 - 3 - 2 = 7 = 1.0 10. Magarshak, Gregory USA ---- --- --- +11 --- 1.0 11. Uminer, Moshe USA ---- - 8 - 6 -10 - 7 0.0 PRIZES 1ST - $ 400 2ND - $ 150 U2400 - $ 100
The fifth weekend tournament took place in Novara 22-24th October 2004. 20 players in the main tournament, with 1 IM and 3 FM. The Italian FM Andrea Drei took clear first on 4,5/5. Second place for FM Alessio De Santis (ITA), third FM Sergejs Gromovs (ITA) and fourth IM Andjelko Dragojlovic (SCG). 69 players took place to the 3 tournaments of the event. News: Stefano Ticozzi.
Internet coverage at:
---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th Weekend Open Novara ITA (ITA), 22-24 x 2004 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Drei, Andrea f ITA 2247 +10 + 3 + 4 = 2 + 6 4.5 2591 2. De Santis, Alessio f ITA 2268 +20 = 5 + 9 = 1 + 8 4.0 2398 3. Gromovs, Sergejs f ITA 2324 +15 - 1 +12 +14 = 4 3.5 2340 4. Dragojlovic, Andjelko m SCG 2298 +19 +16 - 1 +13 = 3 3.5 2285 5. Borin, Fabio ITA 2203 + 7 = 2 =13 = 8 =11 3.0 2231 6. Pace, Pierdario ITA 2130 =13 = 8 +11 +16 - 1 3.0 2222 7. Bonade, Massimo ITA 2093 - 5 +20 - 8 +18 +14 3.0 2221 8. Raineri, Valerio ITA 2182 =17 = 6 + 7 = 5 - 2 2.5 2155 9. Dallaglio, Giovanni ITA 2051 +12 =11 - 2 -10 +13 2.5 2153 10. Perissinotto, Claudio ITA 2105 - 1 +15 -14 + 9 =12 2.5 2142 11. Ranieri, Fabrizio ITA 2213 =18 = 9 - 6 +17 = 5 2.5 2114 12. Provera, Emanuele ITA 2138 - 9 +17 - 3 +20 =10 2.5 2134 13. Aglietti, Graziano ITA 2043 = 6 +18 = 5 - 4 - 9 2.0 2085 14. Aceto, Lorenzo ITA 2150 -16 +19 +10 - 3 - 7 2.0 2045 15. Sgnaolin, Davide ITA 2125 - 3 -10 =20 =19 +16 2.0 2048 16. Dassisti, Alberto ITA 2067 +14 - 4 =17 - 6 -15 1.5 2008 17. Stefanetti, Marco ITA 2083 = 8 -12 =16 -11 =19 1.5 1971 18. Giannetta, Paolo ITA 2104 =11 -13 =19 - 7 =20 1.5 1942 19. Ceccarini,Marco ITA ---- - 4 -14 =18 =15 =17 1.5 2003 20. Fattorelli, Luciano ITA 2107 - 2 - 7 =15 -12 =18 1.0 1905 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
The 2004 (45th annual) US Armed Forces Open (USAFO) Chess Tournament took place Saturday October 9 to Monday (Columbus Day) October 11, 2004 at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD.
The 2004 USAFO was won by ayoung cadet, David Jacobs, from the USMA at West Point! This is the first time the overall championship has ever been won by a cadet. He scored 4.5 and tied with the top international player SGT Ahmad Ismail from Malaysia. The top team honors was won by the US Air Force. The USMAwon the Commander-in-Chief Trophy and carted off the four-foot trophy. The US Navy won the consultation match and their games will be published on the USAFO web page ( A USCG cadet, Greg Vera, took the Best Performance Prize for an amazing increase of over 150 rating points while making it into the next class. He also won the HP donated prize, an HP IPAQ pocket computer. The mix of players ran from four full cadet teams who represent the future of theUS ArmedForces to the soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, reservists, and guardsmen who are the theUS ArmedForces of today to the retirees who represent the past.
The ProMoPro Open took place in Prague 11th-18th September 2004. Ivan Hausner won the event with 7/9 on tie-break from Petr Virostko and Petr Benes.
----------------------------------------------------- ProMoPro Open Prague CZE (CZE), 11-19 ix 2004 ----------------------------------------------------- 1. Hausner, Ivan m CZE 2419 7 54 42 2. Virostko, Petr CZE 2290 7 51 39 3. Benes, Petr CZE 2140 7 47 36½ 4. Petrik, Tomas SVK 2457 6½ 52 41½ 5. Cernousek, Lukas CZE 2378 6½ 50½ 39 6. Vedral, Oldrich CZE 2280 6½ 41½ 32½ 7. Londyn, Radek CZE 2278 6 50 40 8. Prachar, Josef CZE 2008 6 46 35½ 9. Pokorny, Petr CZE 2292 6 40½ 32 10. Horinek,Karel CZE ---- 6 37½ 30½ 11. Stehno, Pavel CZE 2344 5½ 53 42 12. Stross, Frantisek CZE 2220 5½ 51½ 40 13. Matras, Ondrej CZE 2230 5½ 49 38½ 14. Srba, Milan CZE 2137 5½ 47 37 15. Nepustil, Frantis CZE 1979 5½ 43½ 33½ 16. Sodoma, Jan CZE 2203 5½ 40 31½ 17. Mejzlik, Ondrej CZE 2025 5 45 37 18. Stepanek,Svatopluk CZE ---- 5 44 34 19. Forman, Miroslav CZE 2023 5 43 33½ 20. Svoboda, Vaclav2 CZE 2042 5 43 32½ 21. Rmoutil, Martin CZE 2007 5 42½ 35 22. Simecek, Bohumil CZE 2113 5 42½ 32½ 23. Hoskovec,Josef CZE ---- 5 41½ 32½ 24. Slovak, Pavel CZE 2103 5 41 31 25. Szirmai, Emil CZE 2084 5 40½ 32 26. Kout, Zdenek CZE 2139 5 40 33 27. Novotny, Michal1 CZE 2197 5 40 31 28. Mejzlik, Vojtech CZE 2097 4½ 48 38 29. Kastner, Kamil CZE 2080 4½ 46½ 36½ 30. Kubikova, Alena wf CZE 2067 4½ 46½ 36½ 31. Listopad, Martin CZE ---- 4½ 42 32 32. Petrak, Robert CZE 2143 4½ 39 29½ 33. Novak, Vaclav CZE 2109 4½ 37½ 29½ 34. Voglova, Eva CZE 1988 4½ 37½ 29 35. Slechta,Karel CZE ---- 4½ 36 27 36. Krivanek,Vladimir CZE ---- 4½ 35 27 64 players
The 4th Rhode International Open takes place 23rd-31st October 2004 in Sautron (near Nantes). 9 rounds - time rate Fischer 40 moves/1h40 + 30sec/move + 40min + 30sec/move Accelerated Swiss paring A total amount of 13 600 Euros for the prizes, including 2 200 Euros for the winner. Special conditions for I.M and I.G.M
Internet coverage:
Leading players 1 FEDORCHUK Sergey g 2557 UKR 2 KOSTEN Anthony C. g 2519 FRA 3 GOULIEV Namig m 2509 AZE 4 SULYPA Alexandre g 2484 UKR 5 BOJKOV Dejan m 2475 BUL 6 TRATAR Marko m 2473 SLO 7 MAZE Sebastien m 2464 FRA 8 MAIOROV Nikita m 2452 BLR 177 players
The 14th World Seniors take place in Halle, Germany 24th October - 5th November 2004.
Official site:
The Rilton Cup takes place 27th December 2004 5th January 2005. 22,000 in Euros worth of prizes.
Official site:
The Cairnhill Chess Festival 2004 take place 4th-12th of December 2004 in Singapore. This year's events include the 22nd Cairnhill International Open Chess Championship The Cairnhills Cup as well as other side events such as Blitz and Rapidplay tournaments.
The Drammen Chess Festival took place 27th December 2004 - 5th January 2005. Participants include: GM Alexei Shirov ESP 2726 GM Aleksander Khalifman RUS 2669 GM Peter Heine Nielsen DEN 2663 GM Viktor Kortchnoi SUI 2601 GM Simen Agdestein NOR 2589 GM Magnus Carlsen NOR 2581 GM Leif E. Johannessen NOR 2519 GM Antoaneta Stefanova BUL 2523.
Czech Chess Christmas 2004 Litomysl (CZE) 26.12.2004-2.1.2005 6th christmas chess FIDE tournament, swiss system of 9 round, rate of game 2 x 1,5h + 30s/move, prize fund 75.000 CZK (1st prize 20.000 CZK = 640 EUR), special conditions for IM, WGM and GM, New Years Eve programme. Contact: Agentura 64, Jaroslav Fuksik, 783 73 Grygov 337, tel. +420 585 393 327, fax: +420 585 222 977, mobil: +420 608 364 664, e-mail:, web:
The Liberec International Chess Festival takes place as part of the 4th Czech Tour 2004/2005. The event takes place 23rd-30th October 10 2004 in Liberec (Czech Republic).
Further news:
The Staunton Society Website is up and running. It features varied material on Staunton, the Staunton Society, the Memorial tournaments, and links to other Staunton related sites.
The 29th Kings Head Rapidplay will take place on Saturday 12 March 2005, 6-round Swiss rapidplay (30 minutes), prize fund £650, entry fee £17 > The Porchester Hall Porchester Road Bayswater London W2
Contact: Colin Mackenzie 9 Allan Way Acton London W3 0PW 020 8992 1949
Further details:
Miroslav ("Miro") Radojcic who died in 2000 was one of Yugoslavia's most renowned political journalists for their paper Politika. During the 1960s he worked out of the UN in New York as Politika's foreign correspondent to the US, and later in the 1970s he was assigned the same post for London. But he was also a popular figure in the chess arena, both as a player (he was a Yugoslav National Master) and writer on chess, including a long- running column in the American magazine Chess Review titled,
Bruce Monson is writing a book with Yugoslav author Dimitry Bjelica on a book commemorating Radojcic's life and hopes that people who knew Miro will read about this effort on TWIC and contact him with information they may have about him, particularly unusual or funny stories, witty quotes, or other interesting anecdotes.
All those who have something to offer will receive mention in the credits, and those who have substantive material to offer (e.g., extended or multiple narrative accounts, scans of photos and other Radojcic-related memorabilia, etc.) will receive a free copy of the book.
The ICCF have announced the 1st WebChess Open Tournament and invites every player worldwide to participate in the event. The event is to be played on the ICCF dedicated Webserver This tournament is open to all correspondence chess players worldwide, also for those without any previous ICCF experience. Multiple entries are allowed. The tournament will be played in three stages - preliminaries, semifinal and final.
Duif Calvin especially known for being the webmaster of the USCF website for many years writes about chess and disabled life.
2004 The Cairnhill Chess Festival 2004 will take place from 4th-12th of December 2004 in Singapore. This year's events include the 22nd Cairnhill International Open Chess Championship The Cairnhills Cup as well as other side events such as Blitz and Rapidplay tournaments. Complete details and official website will be announced in due course. E-mail:
The 4th AMPLICO AIG LIFE Rapid Tournament takes place in Warsaw (Poland) played during the 23rd Memorial of Stanislaw Gawlikowski. The tournament is a part of the ACP Tour and will take place on Saturday, December 18th, 2003 and Sunday, December 19th, 2004 in the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw. The prize fund is 15.000 USD. There is a lot of special prizes (for best women, seniors, juniors in different age, players in many rating groups). Among participants we expect many super stars, led by Vassily Ivanchuk.
Further details: or an e-mail to the Tournament Director: Maria Macieja or
The Alekhine Chess Club in Calcutta organises an international open 7th-18th November 2004. The event is recognised by FIDE, the Indian Government and the All India Chess Federation. The club has organised over 25 international events including the Goodricke International Open Chess Tournament.
The event is an 11 Round Swiss. Total Prize Fund: $12,500, Total Players: around 60, no. of GMs: around 2 dozen, no. of IMs: around 2 dozen. GM (2500+), WGM (2350+), IM (2400+), Rated players with FIDE rating 2450+ :
For details contact: Mr. Soumen Majumder, FAX: 00913322832746, e-mail: and
Club website:
The traditional Autumn Chess Open takes place in Venice October 29th - 1st November 2004, organized together by "Esteban Canal" Chess Club and by "Carlo Salvioli" Chess Club.
Master tournament: 6 rounds (minimum 2000 Fide rating); 100 minutes for 40 moves plus 30 second every move; after 40 moves 15 minutes more plus 30 seconds every move.
Further details:
The HB Foundation has posted $500,000 prize fund for the HB Global Chess Challenge, a Maurice Ashley-led event expects to bring more than 4,000 participants to Minneapolis, Minnesota.
The event takes place May 18th-22nd 2005 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. First place in the Open section has a cash prize of $50,000, and that overall more than 50 others will receive cash prizes. Many other side events.
Official sites: and
The Hastings Chess Congress takes place 28th December 2004 to 9 January 2005 and has a new format. The Hastings Premier and Challengers are combined into one knockout tournament. Let us imagine 120 players enter for the event which finishes 6th January. Then 60 players go forward from the first round, with 4 lucky losers. These 64 players play a second round of knockout. The 56 losers play in the Challengers Swiss. The 64 players continue in one game knockouts until there are 8 players left. These 8 play in the Premier of 2 game knockouts. All players knocked out will be contracted to play in the Swiss Challengers, except for the losing finalists.
Players when knocked out will carry forward their score in the standard play games. Of course White would have been a big advantage. Thus White will have 65 minutes and Black 95 in which to make all their moves, with the addition of one minute per move cumulatively from the first. Where games are drawn, ties will be resolved first by blitz games, failing that an Armageddon play-off. Players will be able to gain title results from either event. The event will be part of the Association of Chess Professionals GP.
The weekend tournament takes place 7-9 January.
Full details from Con Power Players seeking conditions should contact _Stewartreuben@aol.com_
Official site:
The 8th International Open Bayerische Schach Meisterschaft takes place in Bad Wiessee in Tegernsee 30th October - 7th November 2004.
Official site:
The British Rapidplay Chess Championships take place 13th-14th November 2004 at the North Bridge Leisure Centre, Halifax.
Official site:
The Singapore Chess Federation and Asean Chess Academy organise the Singapore International Chess Convention 11th-17th December 2004. The events include: 1) Asian Youth Championships 2) Singapore Masters and Challengers International Open 3) Seminar for Coaches 4) Arbiters Training Seminar.
Official site:
Chessclub Desperado Leuven organises its 16th Open International Tournament of Leuven, Belgium. It will take place from Thursday November 11th until Sunday November 14th 2004. The Open Tournament consists out of 7 rounds, Swiss pairing system, 2hours/40moves + 15' QPF. Prizemoney adds up to more than EUR 5.000, including several large ratingprizes! Further info:
The Bundesliga Germany's national chess league starts on 13th November 2004.
Official site:
The IX Open International Chess Tournament took place in Cesenatico (Italy): 4th-12th September 2004. Hopefully results and games will become available.
Official site:
The "Swiss Chess Tour 2004" will finish in Interlaken, one of the most attractive tourist towns in Switzerland. The 4th "Casino Open" December 26th-30th 2004. Swiss system, 7 rounds and the games will last a maximum of 5 hours (40 moves for 2 hours and 30 minutes till the end). Prize are: 1.500 SF, 1.200, 900, 700, 500, 400, 300, 250, 200 and 150 SF. The natural prizes till 20th place. Special prizes for best Lady, senior (1944), junior (1984-87), schoolboy (1988) and best local player. Entry fee 130 SF, FMs and juniors 60 SF, at the door 10 SF more, GMs and IMs free. Venue: Hotel "Chalet Oberland" New event - Blitz tournament, Swiss system, 9 double rounds. Time table for "Chalet Oberland-Open Interlaken": December 26. The last registration 11.00-12.15. Open ceremony and apero reception from 12.15-12.30. Round 1st 14.00-19.00. December 27. Round 2nd 9.30-14.30 Round 3rd 15.30-20.30 December 28.: Round 4th 14.00-19.00. December 29. Round 5th 9.30-14.30. Round 6th 15.30-20.30 December 30. Round 7th 10.00-15.00 Closing ceremonies 15.30. Special chess rates in Hotel "Charlet Oberland". Main sponsor "RAPP" company. More information and registration: Robert Spoerri tel. +41+34+424-01-06, fax +41+34+424-01-07 E-mail or Ervin Tellenbach tel. +41+79+311-23-53 or Hotel "Charlet Oberland" tel. +41+33+827-87-87.
Further information:
The Swiss Chess Tour starts in Basle in the New Year (1.-8.1.2005.). New event is European ITAG Masters & Rapid Championship will be 1-2.1.2005. 11 Round, 30 minutes each, guarantee prizes. Prizes: 2500/2000/1500/1000/800/700/600/500/ 2x400/2x300/4x250/4x200 CHF; Special prizes: 400/300/200 CHF for Ladys, seniors (1945), juniors (1985 and younger), amateur under 2200 (FIDE or national), under 1800. Enter fee 30.00 CHF Hilton Open (2-8.1.2005.) 7 Rounds, 6 hours (2 hours for 40 moves + 60 minutes for complete the game. Prizes: 2000/1500/1200/800/600/500/2x400/2x300/5x200 CHF. Special prizes 200 CHF for best Lady, Senior (1945), junior (1985-88), schoolboy (1989). Enter fee: 130 CHF (FM and juniors 60 CHF) GM & IM free. At the door 10 CHF. Basle amateur (2-8.1.2005.) 7 Rounds, 4 hours (90 minutes 30 moves + 30 minutes to complete the game). Players under 1900 rating (FIDE or national). Enter fee: 10 CHF (juniors 50 CHF). At the door 10 CHF. Prizes: 500/400/2x300/2x200/4x150 CHF. Basle juniors (2.1.2005.) 7 Rounds, 15 minutes for the game. Juniors 1985 and younger. Enter fee 5 CHF. Natural prizes for all players. NSV Senior Open (1-4.1.2005.) 7 Rounds, 4 hours (90 minutes for 30 moves + 30 minutes for complete the game) Seniors 1945. Prizes: 400/300/200 CHF + natural prizes. Enter fee: 60 CHF. At the door 10 CHF. ITAG - Tele-Rapid (3-5.1.2005.) European Rapid Champion, Andrei Sokolov, last year winner and two others. 15 minutes for the game. All games will be on TV Tele-Basel in live. BaZ Lighting Chess (8.1.2005. from 19.00 to 22.00) 9 Rounds, 5 minutes. Enter fee: 20 CHF (juniors 5 CHF). Prizes 300/200/150/2x100/2x50 CHF natural prizes for everybody 50% and more points. ITAG Simultan (9.1.2005.) with European Rapid Champion 2005
More information and registration: Robert Spoerri tel. +41+34+424-01-06, fax +41+34+424-01-07 E-mail Further information:
1. 2nd-15th of October FIRST SATURDAY /FS/ GM-IM-FM round robins, 9-13 games, norm possibilities, in Budapest, Hungarian Chess Federation, Falk Miksa Str.10. 2nd floor.
Organisation: Nagy Laszlo /NL/, e-mail: Website: Other website:
Phone-fax: (361)-2632859, cellphone: (36)-30-230-1914 /From 12:00 a.m. until midnight - Central European Time - GMT+1 hour/
2. 16th-26th of October, "Papp Béla memorial" GM closed, Törökbálint, /15 km from Budapest/, info: NL
3. 6th-18th of November, FS GM-IM-FM closed, Budapest, Org: NL
4. 25th of Nov.-3rd of Dec., Harkány Open Swiss, /250 West from Budapest/, Org: Fulop Csaba, e-mail:
5. 4th-17th of December, FS GM-IM-FM, Budapest, org: NL
6. 7th-15th of January 2005, "TAPOLCA" Open, 9 rounds Swiss, Budapest, organizer: Paréj József, home, calling from abroad: +(36-87-321-950
7. 5th-18th of February 2005, FS GM-IM-FM closed, Budapest, Org.NL.
8. 5th-18th of March 2005, FS GM-IM-FM closed, Budapest, Org. : NL,
9. 18th- 26th of March, "SPRING FESTIVAL" 9 rounds Swiss Open, Budapest, Org.: NL
10. 2nd-15th of April , FS GM-IM-FM closed, Budapest, Org: NL:
Kramnik's official website has become active: in time for his World Championship match in September / October. Garry Kasparov also has a newish website in part promoting his book My Great Predecessors at:
The 3rd Parsvnath International Open Chess Tournament takes place in New Delhi, 2nd-11th January 2005. Prizes : Total Cash Prizes: Rs.600,000/-
Further details:
The Jersey International Chess Festival takes place 13th-19th February 2005 inclusive. 7 rounds, three sections; OPEN (FIDE rated), MAJOR Under 160 / 1880 ELO and MINOR Under 130 / 1640 ELO. There is a total of £7,000 in prizes and is part of the British Chess Federation Grand Prix.
The Russian Chess Federation is celebrating its 10th anniversary and is using this occasion to challenge the rest of the world to a match over 64 boards with 2 games for each and the start is 15.02 2004. Players include Joop van Oosterom
World Youth Chess Championships for age categories U10 to U18 takes place November 3rd-14th 2004 in Heraklio, Crete, Greece. The venue which is the same as for the WYCC of 2002, is the Creta Maris Conference Hotel
The Australian Open Chess Championships take place December 28th, 2004 to January 9th, 2005. It will be played at Mount Buller, a tourist destination just a few hours from Melbourne, Australia.
There are $18,500AU in prizes with a top prize of $4500. The organisers are looking for any players interested in participating in this event.
Contact George Howard on for details or queries.
Website: will have full details of the event shortly.
Frank Quisinsky has updated his computer chess calendar. There are 7.773 official computer chess event games since 1990.
Events include: 07th Australasian NCC-ch 2004, RedHill, Canberra FICS 20.07.04, Warp (former LambChop) 12th WCCC , Ramat-Gan 04.07.04 - 12.07.04, Junior 04th Campionato Italiano P. Scacchistici, Roma 26.06.04 - 27.06.04, Delfi 06th French programmers tournament, Massy 20.06.04, Chess Wizard 04th MASPV , Budapest 28.05.04 - 30.05.04, Merlin
The 8th Open Bavarian Chess Champianship take place 30th October - 7th November 2004 in Bad Wiessee, Germany.
Full details:
The 2005 European Union Championship whic his part of the programme of events celebrating Cork City's status as European Capital of Culture for 2005. The event takes place 21st March - 3rd April 2005 in the Ballroom Suite Gresham Metropole Hotel MacCurtain Street Cork Ireland. Prize Fund - 7,750 Euros. A FIDE rated ten round Swiss Open for players registered with FIDE as a player in the European Union or a citizen of a European Union member state 1st prize 2,000 Euros plus numerous place prizes and other awards including a British Championship Qualifying Place.
In addition the 13th Annual Cork Congress takes place 1st-3rd April 2005 with a Prize Fund 5,000 Euros an ICU rated six round Swiss with three rated sections. 1st prize 750 Euros plus numerous place prizes and other awards
Full details, special offers to a limited number of IMs and GMs and entry forms are available from Michael Burniston Tournament Director Ladybird House Glengarriff County Cork Ireland. phone 00 353 27 63113 e mail
2nd Riva del Garda International Open Chess Tournament takes place 26th-30th December 2004. Open A >1700 - Open B <1800 Seniores 7 Rounds - 2h x 40 + 1/2h quick play finish Info: tel. +39 0464 576657 - fax:+39 0464 521222
Further details;
7th International Chess Festival Olomouc Chess Summer 2004 takes place in Olomouc (Czech Republic) on 4-12.8. 2004. Round-robin GM and IM tournaments, Open Championship of the Olomouc region (FIDE open), Open Seniors Championship of the Czech Republic, Open Championship of the Olomouc region forYoungsters up to 15 years of age and open tournament in active chess are part of the festival.
Detailed information
A tournament celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the birth of the 9th World Champion Tigran Petrosian will be held in Yerevan (Armenia), November 18-30, 2004.
The programme of the Petrosian Memorial includes two events:
a) Open Tournament - November 18-27, Swiss System, 9 rounds, Prize Fund US$ 35.000
b) European Rapid Chess Championship - November 28-30, Swiss System, 11 rounds, Prize Fund 10.000 Euro
Further information: or by contacting the organisers at
The 2004 US Championships will take place November 25th - December 5th at the Hilton Torrey Pines, La Jolla San Diego, California.
Further details of who has qualified so far and which events make-up the 2004 cycle can be found at
Further details:
One of the huge reference gaps in online chess literature is a list of games and results from the Olympiads. There is a new site which is designed to fill that gap.
Mikhail Golubev chronicled Ukrainian Chess news over a number of years on his Chess-Sector website. He no longer updates the site but there is an archive at: His personal pages are at:
Other websites of Ukrainian news:,, and
With the Linares tournament about to start it seems a good time to launch a new discussion forum. Vote on your prediction of the winner of Linares. The TWIC message board. You need to register to post and vote. Address:
4th International Chess Festivals Series
18-26.9. 2004 1st OPEN HIGHLANDS ? Havlickuv Brod (Men Championship of the Czech Republic - semifinals, FIDE open)
23-30.10. 2004 5th OPEN LIBEREC (FIDE open)
14-21.1. 2005 4th OPEN PRAHA (2 FIDE opens, one of them with IM norm)
22-30.1. 2005 4th OPEN MARIANSKE LAZNE (FIDE open and 1-2 closed IM tournaments)
More details e-mail: and http:/
Regular competition for players in New York Rated 2200 and above.
Further details: