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Games section
Biel SuperGM 18 games Dortmund Sparkassen Chess-Meeting 2004 20 games Tai Yuan GM Tournament 30 games Amsterdam Chess Tournament 326 games Specsavers Opticians Young Masters 220 games 12th Lippstadt GM Tournament 9 games 56th Championship of Montenegro 60 games 15th Ljubljana Open 226 games Republica Argentina Chess Festival 11 games Southern California Invitational Championship 28 games Swedish Championship 35 games Costa Rica National Championship 23 games 110th New York Masters 4 games 2nd North Urals Cup 15 games Ikaros Chess Festival 2004 23 games Belgian Championship 81 games US Junior Championship 45 games Nis Open Championship 75 games 3rd Dubai Junior Open 276 games 1525 games
My thanks to Jens Scheel, John Hillery, Frank Berry, Goran Tomic, Miroslav Rakovic, Valery Maes, Richard Palliser, Jan Juul Nielsen, Maurizio Mascheroni, Jan Mazuch, Jacob Pallesen, Jacob Aagaard Madsen, Yvette Nagel Seirawan, Cora van der Zanden, Jovan Petronic, Wybe Koopmans, Franz Jittenmeier, Simón Hernández, Roberto Alvarez, Sami Hämäläinen, Alexander Saint, Christopher Mallon, Rüdiger Zwanzig, Olivier, Frank Quisinsky, John Fernandez, Manmohan Das, Stewart Reuben, Vladimir Kukaevand everyone else who helped with the issue.
A hugely busy week with the start of the summer chess festivals plus some really nice events. The Dortmund and Biel GM tournaments are heading towards the business end. Nigel Short completed another victory his long and successful career in winning the category 16 Sanjin Hotel Cup in Taiyuan, China.
Hope you enjoy this issue.
The Biel Grandmaster Tournament takes place July 19th-29th 2004. The field is extremely impressive with last year's stunning winner Alexander Morozevich being joined by FIDE Champion Ruslan Ponomariov. Along with Bacrot, Sasikiran, McShane and Pelletier the event is Category 18. Ten different competitions will be held during 2004 Festival.
Official site:
Round 2 (July 20, 2004) Morozevich, Alexander - Bacrot, Etienne 1-0 31 C77 Ruy Lopez Anderssen Ponomariov, Ruslan - Sasikiran, Krishnan 1-0 62 C95 Ruy Lopez Breyer McShane, Luke J - Pelletier, Yannick 0-1 30 B85 Sicilian Scheveningen Round 3 (July 21, 2004) Sasikiran, Krishnan - Morozevich, Alexander 1/2 49 D18 Slav Defence Pelletier, Yannick - Ponomariov, Ruslan 1/2 40 C78 Ruy Lopez Moeller Defence Bacrot, Etienne - McShane, Luke J 1-0 28 D85 Gruenfeld Defence Round 4 (July 22, 2004) Sasikiran, Krishnan - McShane, Luke J 1-0 80 D03 Queen's Pawn Game Ponomariov, Ruslan - Morozevich, Alexander 1/2 87 A21 English Opening Pelletier, Yannick - Bacrot, Etienne 1/2 48 C92 Ruy Lopez Chigorin Round 5 (July 23, 2004) Morozevich, Alexander - Pelletier, Yannick 1/2 24 C10 French Rubinstein Bacrot, Etienne - Sasikiran, Krishnan 1/2 27 C67 Ruy Lopez Berlin McShane, Luke J - Ponomariov, Ruslan 1-0 43 B54 Sicilian Rauzer It Biel SUI (SUI), 19-29 vii 2004 cat. XVIII (2681) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Sasikiran, Krishnan g IND 2666 ** =. 0. 1. =. 1. 5.0 2834 2 Morozevich, Alexander g RUS 2743 =. ** =. =. 1. 1. 5.0 2828 3 Ponomariov, Ruslan g UKR 2722 1. =. ** =. =. 0. 3.5 2677 4 Pelletier, Yannick g SUI 2597 0. =. =. ** =. 1. 3.0 2635 5 Bacrot, Etienne g FRA 2712 =. 0. =. =. ** 1. 2.5 2588 6 McShane, Luke J g ENG 2643 0. 0. 1. 0. 0. ** 2.0 2524 ----------------------------------------------------------------
The Dortmund Sparkassen Chess-Meeting 2004 takes place in the Dortmund Theatre from 22nd July - 1st August 2004. This year the event is a mini all-play-all followed by a knockout.
The organisers are trying an experiment of charging for live coverage and have warned rebroadcasters that they will attempt to protect their live broadcasts through the courts if necessary. It remains to be seen if the law backs them up. This has never been checked in court before. Although at one time the view was live coverage was protected this view seemed to change around the time of the Kasparov - Kramnik match and a general view then was that you couldn't stop rebroadcasts. Commentators are the German Grandmasters Dr.Helmut Pfleger and Klaus Bischoff. Day-Ticket: 1 Euro per day Tournament-Ticket: 8 Euro for all 10 rounds.
Official site: with information on registration.
Round 1 (July 22, 2004) Anand, Viswanathan - Naiditsch, Arkadij 1/2 25 C88 Ruy Lopez Closed Svidler, Peter - Rublevsky, Sergei 1/2 25 B42 Sicilian Paulsen Round 2 (July 23, 2004) Anand, Viswanathan - Svidler, Peter 1-0 53 B90 Sicilian Najdorf Variation Naiditsch, Arkadij - Rublevsky, Sergei 1/2 39 B42 Sicilian Paulsen Round 3 (July 24, 2004) Svidler, Peter - Naiditsch, Arkadij 1-0 39 C88 Ruy Lopez Closed Rublevsky, Sergei - Anand, Viswanathan 1/2 22 C45 Scotch Game Round 4 (July 25, 2004) Rublevsky, Sergei - Svidler, Peter 1/2 36 C45 Scotch Game Naiditsch, Arkadij - Anand, Viswanathan 1/2 45 B30 Sicilian Rossolimo Round 5 (July 26, 2004) Anand, Viswanathan - Rublevsky, Sergei 1-0 35 B43 Sicilian Paulsen Naiditsch, Arkadij - Svidler, Peter 0-1 39 B42 Sicilian Paulsen GpA Dortmund GER (GER), 22-27 vii 2004cat. XVIII (2692) ------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 ------------------------------------------------------- 1 Anand, Viswanathan g IND 2782 ** 1. =1 == 3.5 2798 2 Svidler, Peter g RUS 2727 0. ** == 11 3.0 2732 3 Rublevsky, Sergei g RUS 2686 =0 == ** =. 2.0 2646 4 Naiditsch, Arkadij g GER 2574 == 00 =. ** 1.5 2591 ------------------------------------------------------- Round 1 (July 22, 2004) Kramnik, Vladimir - Karjakin, Sergey 1/2 30 C78 Ruy Lopez Moeller Defence Leko, Peter - Bologan, Viktor 1/2 49 C99 Ruy Lopez Chigorin Round 2 (July 23, 2004) Kramnik, Vladimir - Leko, Peter 1/2 30 E15 Queens Indian Karjakin, Sergey - Bologan, Viktor 1/2 68 C42 Petroff's Defence Round 3 (July 24, 2004) Leko, Peter - Karjakin, Sergey 1/2 30 C78 Ruy Lopez Moeller Defence Bologan, Viktor - Kramnik, Vladimir 1/2 45 E15 Queens Indian Round 4 (July 25, 2004) Karjakin, Sergey - Kramnik, Vladimir 1/2 86 B90 Sicilian Najdorf Variation Bologan, Viktor - Leko, Peter 1/2 25 D79 Gruenfeld 3.g3 Round 5 (July 26, 2004) Kramnik, Vladimir - Bologan, Viktor 1/2 25 D53 Queens Gambit Karjakin, Sergey - Leko, Peter 1/2 38 B33 Sicilian Sveshnikov GpB Dortmund GER (GER), 22-27 vii 2004cat. XVIII (2691) ------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 ------------------------------------------------------ 1 Kramnik, Vladimir g RUS 2770 ** =. == == 2.5 2649 2 Leko, Peter g HUN 2741 =. ** == == 2.5 2655 3 Karjakin, Sergey g UKR 2591 == == ** =. 2.5 2737 4 Bologan, Viktor g MDA 2663 == == =. ** 2.5 2722 ------------------------------------------------------
The Tai Yuan GM tournament took place in China 17th-26th July 2004.Prizes $20,000. Time control 90 minutes for 40 moves, plus 15 minutes for the remaining moves with 30 seconds increment from move 1. Play started 2pm local time (GMT+8) except the last round which is at 10am. Nigel Short won the event by a clear point from Ni Hua. Lputian, Smbat G - Ni Hua (6) probably incomplete.
Official site (Chinese):
----------------------------------------------------------------- Sanjin Hotel Cup Taiyuan CHN (CHN), 17-26 vii 2004cat. XVI (2634) ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Short, Nigel D g ENG 2684 * = = = = = 1 1 1 1 6.5 2794 2. Ni Hua g CHN 2583 = * = 1 = = 1 = = = 5.5 2719 3. Lautier, Joel g FRA 2666 = = * = 1 = = = = = 5.0 2673 4. Dreev, Alexey g RUS 2690 = 0 = * 1 = 0 1 = 1 5.0 2671 5. Bu Xiangzhi g CHN 2620 = = 0 0 * = = 1 = 1 4.5 2635 6. Xie Jun g CHN 2564 = = = = = * = 0 0 1 4.0 2599 7. Lputian, Smbat G g ARM 2634 0 0 = 1 = = * = = = 4.0 2591 8. Ye Jiangchuan g CHN 2681 0 = = 0 0 1 = * 1 = 4.0 2586 9. Zhang Zhong g CHN 2603 0 = = = = 1 = 0 * 0 3.5 2557 10. Xu Jun g CHN 2617 0 = = 0 0 0 = = 1 * 3.0 2511 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Round 4 (July 20, 2004) Short, Nigel D - Bu Xiangzhi 1/2 34 B76 Sicilian Modern Dragon Xie Jun - Ni Hua 1/2 25 B30 Sicilian Rossolimo Lputian, Smbat G - Dreev, Alexey 1-0 40 D46 Semi-Slav Defence Ye Jiangchuan - Lautier, Joel 1/2 24 C42 Petroff's Defence Xu Jun - Zhang Zhong 1-0 27 E12 Queens Indian Petrosian Round 5 (July 22, 2004) Ni Hua - Short, Nigel D 1/2 16 C45 Scotch Game Lautier, Joel - Xie Jun 1/2 21 C96 Ruy Lopez Dreev, Alexey - Xu Jun 1-0 39 D27 QGA Bu Xiangzhi - Lputian, Smbat G 1/2 11 D36 QGD Exchange Zhang Zhong - Ye Jiangchuan 0-1 51 B43 Sicilian Paulsen Round 6 (July 23, 2004) Short, Nigel D - Lautier, Joel 1/2 33 B33 Sicilian Sveshnikov Dreev, Alexey - Bu Xiangzhi 1-0 60 D94 Gruenfeld Closed Xie Jun - Zhang Zhong 0-1 55 C67 Ruy Lopez Berlin Lputian, Smbat G - Ni Hua 0-1 59 D10 Slav Defence Xu Jun - Ye Jiangchuan 1/2 43 E97 King's Indian Classical Round 7 (July 24, 2004) Ni Hua - Dreev, Alexey 1-0 64 B12 Caro Kann Advanced Lautier, Joel - Lputian, Smbat G 1/2 27 E07 Catalan Bu Xiangzhi - Xu Jun 1-0 47 A07 Barcza System Ye Jiangchuan - Xie Jun 1-0 56 E81 King's Indian Saemisch Zhang Zhong - Short, Nigel D 0-1 31 C69 Ruy Lopez Exchange Round 8 (July 25, 2004) Short, Nigel D - Ye Jiangchuan 1-0 27 B85 Sicilian Scheveningen Dreev, Alexey - Lautier, Joel 1/2 30 E34 Nimzo Indian 4.Qc2 Bu Xiangzhi - Ni Hua 1/2 31 D15 Slav Defence Lputian, Smbat G - Zhang Zhong 1/2 50 D38 QGD Ragozin Xu Jun - Xie Jun 0-1 34 E97 King's Indian Classical Round 9 (July 26, 2004) Ni Hua - Xu Jun 1/2 23 B92 Sicilian Najdorf with 6.Be2 Lautier, Joel - Bu Xiangzhi 1-0 40 A29 English Four Knights Xie Jun - Short, Nigel D 1/2 17 C08 French Tarrasch Ye Jiangchuan - Lputian, Smbat G 1/2 27 C09 French Tarrasch Zhang Zhong - Dreev, Alexey 1/2 64 A07 Barcza System
The 11th World Chess Champion Robert James Fischer has been detained in Japan where he has lived for a number of years. 61 year old Fischer was stopped at Tokyo's Narita International Airport on Tuesday 13th July, he was trying to leave Japan for the Philippines. Officials were reported to be preparing to deport Fischer to the United States. Not a great deal has happened in the nearly two weeks since and Fischer is still detained. I would imagine there will be developments of some sort this week.
The Icelandic Chess Federation sent an appeal to President Bush which was given to the US ambassador in Reykjavik last Friday. It asked for all charges from 1992 to be dropped against Fischer. Read it at:
Search Google for news update:
The Amsterdam Chess Tournament ACT took place 17th-25th July 2004. The main event aws a 9 round swiss with Ivan Sokolov, Van Wely, Jan Timman etc. The winner was Friso Nijboer with 7/9. My thanks to Yvette Nagel Seirawan and
Further details:
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACT Open Amsterdam NED (NED), 17-25 vii 2004 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Nijboer, Friso g NED 2568 +67 +35 +29 =17 + 6 + 8 = 4 = 2 = 9 7.0 2752 2. Van Wely, Loek g NED 2680 +34 +27 =10 = 9 +16 +14 = 3 = 1 = 5 6.5 2675 3. Timman, Jan H g NED 2596 =40 +54 =45 +37 +26 + 5 = 2 = 4 = 6 6.5 2642 4. Tregubov, Pavel V g RUS 2628 +69 =30 +42 =16 +29 +13 = 1 = 3 = 8 6.5 2661 5. Lobron, Eric g GER 2493 +57 =18 +47 +20 =14 - 3 +23 +17 = 2 6.5 2628 6. Krasenkow, Michal g POL 2632 +51 +21 =11 +58 - 1 =19 +43 +15 = 3 6.5 2652 7. Sokolov, Ivan g NED 2679 +55 =45 =26 +44 =10 =43 = 8 +25 +12 6.5 2583 8. Nikolic, Predrag g BIH 2671 +77 =42 +46 +11 +17 - 1 = 7 +27 = 4 6.5 2672 9. Ganguly, Surya Shekhar g IND 2574 +76 +52 =43 = 2 -19 +60 +21 +11 = 1 6.5 2626 10. L'Ami, Erwin m NED 2486 +90 +36 = 2 =13 = 7 -12 +47 +49 +16 6.5 2611 11. Kuzmin, Alexey g RUS 2567 +23 +33 = 6 - 8 +44 =28 +24 - 9 +38 6.0 2558 12. Spoelman, Wouter NED 2277 -50 +53 +64 =21 +45 +10 =19 +14 - 7 6.0 2588 13. Chuchelov, Vladimir g BEL 2574 =31 +68 +28 =10 +63 - 4 -27 +52 +30 6.0 2502 14. Gagunashvili, Merab g GEO 2580 +61 +59 =58 +43 = 5 - 2 +42 -12 +27 6.0 2563 15. Mchedlishvili, Mikheil g GEO 2518 =62 =40 +61 =25 =41 +79 +28 - 6 +33 6.0 2468 16. Acs, Peter g HUN 2545 +48 =44 +18 = 4 - 2 =25 +61 +19 -10 5.5 2499 17. Sandipan, Chanda g IND 2555 +65 +64 +19 = 1 - 8 =27 +52 - 5 =18 5.5 2521 18. Van Beek, Lucien NED 2321 +56 = 5 -16 =81 =72 +22 =33 +42 =17 5.5 2476 19. Al Sayed, Mohamad N m QAT 2443 +78 +91 -17 +31 + 9 = 6 =12 -16 =23 5.5 2478 20. Van den Doel, Erik g NED 2586 +39 =28 +30 - 5 =46 =29 -49 +77 +44 5.5 2457 21. Wiersma, Eelke m NED 2421 +73 - 6 +39 =12 =24 +69 - 9 =37 +49 5.5 2439 22. Pavlovic, Milos g SCG 2545 =32 +62 -44 =34 =25 -18 +57 +48 +41 5.5 2363 23. Koster, Ramon NED 2279 -11 +72 +52 =45 =42 +30 - 5 +59 =19 5.5 2498 24. Doggers, Peter NED 2246 -26 +87 =60 +36 =21 +59 -11 =35 +58 5.5 2469 25. Willemze, Thomas NED 2283 . +92 +35 =15 =22 =16 +29 - 7 =28 5.0 2554 26. Solleveld, Maarten m NED 2486 +24 =47 = 7 +77 - 3 =34 =38 =44 =37 5.0 2430 27. Martens, Martin m NED 2430 +85 - 2 =40 +55 +47 =17 +13 - 8 -14 5.0 2512 28. Blees, Albert m NED 2400 +71 =20 -13 +40 +58 =11 -15 =41 =25 5.0 2463 29. Bezemer, Arno f NED 2375 +53 +50 - 1 +48 - 4 =20 -25 =40 +61 5.0 2452 30. Dambacher, Martijn NED 2405 +66 = 4 -20 =57 +77 -23 +34 +62 -13 5.0 2422 31. Witt, Rob f NED 2287 =13 =37 +59 -19 -52 =71 +72 =36 +64 5.0 2408 32. Tan, Matthew NED 2264 =22 -46 -68 -74 +67 +75 +55 =34 +77 5.0 2349 33. Moor, Olivier f SUI 2389 +72 -11 -48 +53 =65 +70 =18 +58 -15 5.0 2391 34. Vonthron, Horst f GER 2313 - 2 =93 +82 =22 +35 =26 -30 =32 +59 5.0 2444 35. Pliester, Leon m NED 2389 +41 - 1 -25 +71 -34 +82 +69 =24 =39 5.0 2342 36. Wintzer, Joachim f GER 2341 +83 -10 =57 -24 +89 =51 =39 =31 +62 5.0 2301 37. De Jong, Migchiel f NED 2319 =68 =31 +91 - 3 +81 -42 +63 =21 =26 5.0 2376 38. Siebrecht, Sebastian m GER 2340 =93 =70 -41 +86 =48 +72 =26 +43 -11 5.0 2361 39. Bitalzadeh, Ali NED 2291 -20 +71 -21 +93 -59 +81 =36 +45 =35 5.0 2399 40. Hartoch, Rob m NED 2300 = 3 =15 =27 -28 =74 =66 +56 =29 =42 4.5 2371 41. Van der Elburg, Freddie NED 2223 -35 +67 +38 =49 =15 -58 +50 =28 -22 4.5 2431 42. Willemze, Jeroen NED 2422 +82 = 8 - 4 +51 =23 +37 -14 -18 =40 4.5 2404 43. Michiels, Bart m BEL 2450 +84 +60 = 9 -14 +49 = 7 - 6 -38 =47 4.5 2450 44. Van de Oudeweetering, Arthur m NED 2369 +89 =16 +22 - 7 -11 +55 =58 =26 -20 4.5 2493 45. Bosboom, Manuel m NED 2425 +80 = 7 = 3 =23 -12 -47 +66 -39 +71 4.5 2347 46. Peek, Marcel m NED 2406 =70 +32 - 8 =69 =20 -61 =73 +65 =48 4.5 2348 47. Buckley, Simon T ENG 2314 +87 =26 - 5 +50 -27 +45 -10 =61 =43 4.5 2407 48. Van Wissen, Michiel NED 2278 -16 +89 +33 -29 =38 =54 +60 -22 =46 4.5 2385 49. D'Costa, Lorin f ENG 2354 +86 -58 +70 =41 -43 +65 +20 -10 -21 4.5 2377 50. Smeets, Jan m NED 2545 +12 -29 =51 -47 =70 +80 -41 =76 +73 4.5 2275 51. Lahaye, Rick NED 2306 - 6 +73 =50 -42 +84 =36 -59 +78 =52 4.5 2383 52. Van Delft, Merijn f NED 2389 +92 - 9 -23 +75 +31 +63 -17 -13 =51 4.5 2358 53. Bakker, Sven NED 2213 -29 -12 +78 -33 +85 =57 =64 =54 +69 4.5 2309 54. Afek, Yochanan m ISR 2325 +74 - 3 -63 =89 +83 =48 -62 =53 +75 4.5 2240 55. Nezad, Husein Aziz m QAT 2312 - 7 =80 +86 -27 +76 -44 -32 +72 +70 4.5 2324 56. Van Gool, Henk NED 2180 -18 -57 +73 =84 -69 +90 -40 +82 +76 4.5 2269 57. Slingerland, Fred NED 2252 - 5 +56 =36 =30 -60 =53 -22 +74 =63 4.0 2280 58. Stellwagen, Daniel m NED 2509 +88 +49 =14 - 6 -28 +41 =44 -33 -24 4.0 2341 59. Bertholee, Rob f NED 2398 +75 -14 -31 +68 +39 -24 +51 -23 -34 4.0 2256 60. Ris, Robert NED 2336 +63 -43 =24 =80 +57 - 9 -48 =73 =66 4.0 2257 61. Duijker, Rick NED 2288 -14 +66 -15 =83 +68 +46 -16 =47 -29 4.0 2305 62. Gazic, Josip GER 2248 =15 -22 -81 =66 +92 +74 +54 -30 -36 4.0 2289 63. Markus, John Raymond NED 2201 -60 +84 +54 +79 -13 -52 -37 =69 =57 4.0 2298 64. Houska, Jovanka wg ENG 2375 +81 -17 -12 -72 =75 +89 =53 +80 -31 4.0 2228 65. Vogel, Jaap f NED 2282 -17 =81 =75 +91 =33 -49 =68 -46 +80 4.0 2262 66. Gavin Roche, Enrique ESP 2227 -30 -61 =90 =62 +93 =40 -45 +87 =60 4.0 2236 67. Van Kooten, Luuk f NED 2284 - 1 -41 -71 =82 -32 +93 =92 +86 +81 4.0 2220 68. Al-Tamimi, Hamad QAT 2169 =37 -13 +32 -59 -61 +84 =65 -70 =78 3.5 2235 69. Spaan, Tigran f NED 2305 - 4 =82 +74 =46 +56 -21 -35 =63 -53 3.5 2238 70. Swinkels, Robin NED 2228 =46 =38 -49 +87 =50 -33 -77 +68 -55 3.5 2240 71. Ahlers, Ben NED 2226 -28 -39 +67 -35 +87 =31 -78 +84 -45 3.5 2211 72. Ramondino, Renzo ITA 2221 -33 -23 +88 +64 =18 -38 -31 -55 +89 3.5 2229 73. Monteban, Martijn NED 2234 -21 -51 -56 +78 +91 =77 =46 =60 -50 3.5 2246 74. Leuw, Micha f NED 2193 -54 =94 -69 +32 =40 -62 =82 -57 +90 3.5 2162 75. Schoorl, Rob NED 2225 -59 =76 =65 -52 =64 -32 +90 +88 -54 3.5 2235 76. Van den Berg, Ad NED 2286 - 9 =75 -80 +90 -55 =83 +81 =50 -56 3.5 2202 77. Strating, Sybolt f NED 2307 - 8 +85 +93 -26 -30 =73 +70 -20 -32 3.5 2289 78. Happel, Hendrik A f NED 2243 -19 -79 -53 -73 +94 +86 +71 -51 =68 3.5 2156 79. Steinbacher, Matthias f GER 2326 -91 +78 +83 -63 +80 -15 . . . 3.0 2233 80. Bensdorp, Marlies NED 2238 -45 =55 +76 =60 -79 -50 +83 -64 -65 3.0 2195 81. Hamelink, Desiree wm NED 2219 -64 =65 +62 =18 -37 -39 -76 +92 -67 3.0 2166 82. Blanchard, Jack NED 2236 -42 =69 -34 =67 +86 -35 =74 -56 =87 3.0 2136 83. Royakkers,Guido ---- -36 +90 -79 =61 -54 =76 -80 =85 =84 3.0 2157 84. Wunnink, Michael NED 2245 -43 -63 +92 =56 -51 -68 +89 -71 =83 3.0 2093 85. Visser, Henk-Jan NED 2243 -27 -77 -89 +88 -53 =91 -87 =83 +92 3.0 2087 86. Widmer, Simon SUI 2209 -49 +88 -55 -38 -82 -78 +91 -67 +93 3.0 2146 87. Burg, Twan NED 2062 -47 -24 +94 -70 -71 =92 +85 -66 =82 3.0 2090 88. Van Veen, Oscar f NED 2269 -58 -86 -72 -85 -90 +94 +93 -75 +91 3.0 2103 89. Krasenkova, Ilena wm RUS 2210 -44 -48 +85 =54 -36 -64 -84 +93 -72 2.5 2123 90. Dogge, Marc NED 2248 -10 -83 =66 -76 +88 -56 -75 =91 -74 2.0 2009 91. Bark, Eric NED 2198 +79 -19 -37 -65 -73 =85 -86 =90 -88 2.0 2065 92. Van Gelder, Bart NED 2221 -52 -25 -84 +94 -62 =87 =67 -81 -85 2.0 1999 93. Oei, Hway Ik NED 2207 =38 =34 -77 -39 -66 -67 -88 -89 -86 1.0 1921 94. BYE ---- . =74 -87 -92 -78 -88 . . . 0.5 1831 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Politiken Cup takes place 24th of July - 1st of August 2004. There are 10 rounds in 9 days. This year it is played on Hotel Quality in Høje Taastrup, 15 minutes from Copenhagen central station. Full coverage on the official site. I will round all the games up next week.
Leading Round 3 Standings: 1 GM Eduardas Rozentalis 3 5½ 2844 2 IM Tapani Sammalvuo 3 5½ 2812 3 GM Normunds Miezis 3 5½ 2806 4 GM Peter Heine Nielsen 3 5 2870 5 GM Alexander Beliavsky 3 5 2853 6 IM Kjetil Aleksander Lie 3 5 2775 7 GM Jonny Hector 3 5 2753 8 GM Magnus Carlsen 3 5 2692 9 Allan Holst 3 5 2682 10 FM Øystein Dannevig 3 5 2634 11 GM Alexei Fedorov 3 4½ 2795 12 Jon Ludvig Hammer 3 4½ 2676 13 GM Nick de Firmian 3 4 2860 14 GM Curt Hansen 3 4 2731 15 Trond Romsdal 3 4 2525 16 IM Karsten Rasmussen 3 3½ 2782 17 Daniel Schlecht 3 3 2834 18 GM Leif Erland Johannessen 2½ 6 2421 19 IM Bengt Lindberg 2½ 6 2372 20 Carl Fredrik Ekeberg 2½ 5½ 2467 21 GM Darmen Sadvakasov 2½ 5½ 2445 22 Alex Vuilleumier 2½ 5½ 2428 23 Christian Bleis 2½ 5½ 2410 24 GM Lars Bo Hansen 2½ 5½ 2405 25 GM Arkadi Eremeevich Vul 2½ 5½ 2397 26 Håkan Greiff 2½ 5 2378 27 GM Sune Berg Hansen 2½ 5 2343 28 FM Richard Bjerke 2½ 5 2303 29 Rikard Backelin 2½ 4½ 2301 30 IM Ole Jakobsen 2½ 4½ 2271 31 Pål Røyset 2½ 4½ 2218 32 IM Jens Ove Fries Nielsen 2½ 4 2379 33 IM Pavel Cech 2½ 4 2345 34 IM Eirik Gullaksen 2½ 4 2341 35 FM Thorbjørn Bromann 2½ 4 2307 36 FM Niclas Hjelm 2½ 4 2281 37 Harald BoB 2½ 4 2175 38 Ulrich Rohrmueller 2½ 4 2115 39 FM Per Andreasen 2½ 3½ 2229 40 Pelle Bank 2½ 3 2126 41 Gunnar Pedersen 2½ 2½ 2086 244 players
The Specsavers Opticians Young Masters took place at Millfield School, Somerset, 19th-25th July 2004. This year's event contains a weekend tournament for young talents to gain some very useful competition, but the main section is a 45-player swiss which will give many young English players key international experience. 1. FM Craig Hanley (2356, ENG) 7.5/10 2=. IM Gergely Antal (2478, HUN) & FM Stanislav Jasny (CZE, 2311) 7/10 4=. CM Gawain Jones (2453, ENG), WGM Jana Jackova (2403, CZE), IM Gabor Pinter (2356, HUN) & Rafe Martyn (2322, ENG) 6.5/10 Best Untitled: Jones, Jackova & Martyn 6.5/10 Best 2151-2300: Thomas Rendle (2258, ENG) & Michael White (2154, ENG) 6/10 Best 2000-2150: Peter Roberson (2111, ENG) & William Bennet (2084, ENG) 5.5/10 Best Unrated: Balvinder Grewal (ENG) 6/10 News: Richard Palliser
Official site:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Specsavers YM Millfield School ENG (ENG), 19-25 vii 2004 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Hanley, Craig f ENG 2356 +18 =12 +26 +16 = 3 +10 + 4 = 2 =14 + 8 8.0 2488 2. Antal, Gergely m HUN 2478 +10 - 4 +31 -25 +27 +26 + 3 = 1 + 5 = 6 7.0 2387 3. Jasny, Stanislav f CZE 2311 +41 = 5 +32 + 4 = 1 +12 - 2 = 6 = 7 +13 7.0 2454 4. Jackova, Jana wg CZE 2403 +11 + 2 + 7 - 3 +14 = 5 - 1 +12 =13 = 9 6.5 2439 5. Jones, Gawain C ENG 2453 +15 = 3 =20 +17 +18 = 4 =12 = 7 - 2 +14 6.5 2394 6. Martyn, Rafe ENG 2322 =26 +21 -16 =22 +30 =18 +11 = 3 +17 = 2 6.5 2247 7. Pinter, Gabor m HUN 2356 =20 +27 - 4 +35 =15 =13 +21 = 5 = 3 +12 6.5 2333 8. Grewal,Balvinder ENG ---- -21 =11 =39 +28 =20 = 9 +26 +25 +10 - 1 6.0 2237 9. Dvorak, Tomas f CZE 2328 +25 -20 =35 +23 -13 = 8 +34 =15 +22 = 4 6.0 2191 10. Rendle, Thomas ENG 2258 - 2 +22 =28 +38 +16 - 1 +24 =13 - 8 +20 6.0 2201 11. White, Michael ENG 2154 - 4 = 8 +40 =27 +31 =23 - 6 =19 +25 +22 6.0 2168 12. Palliser, Richard m ENG 2411 +13 = 1 +23 =14 +25 - 3 = 5 - 4 +21 - 7 5.5 2302 13. McPhillips, Karl IRL 2172 -12 +36 =22 +20 + 9 = 7 =14 =10 = 4 - 3 5.5 2282 14. Bigg, Andrew J ENG 2275 =17 +28 +38 =12 - 4 +25 =13 =22 = 1 - 5 5.5 2249 15. Rees, Ioan WLS 2210 - 5 +30 =27 +32 = 7 =22 =16 = 9 =20 =17 5.5 2165 16. Bennet, William ENG 2084 =33 +34 + 6 - 1 -10 +29 =15 -21 +35 =18 5.5 2182 17. Roberson, Peter T ENG 2111 =14 =33 +36 - 5 =29 =34 +31 +23 - 6 =15 5.5 2178 18. Holusova, Tana wf CZE 2153 - 1 +44 +30 +21 - 5 = 6 -22 +24 =23 =16 5.5 2160 19. Edgell,Ben ENG ---- . -35 +34 =36 -23 +44 +41 =11 =26 =27 5.0 2099 20. Eggleston, David ENG 2140 = 7 + 9 = 5 -13 = 8 -24 +29 . +37 -10 5.0 2174 21. Purton, Ben ENG 2106 + 8 - 6 +33 -18 =24 +28 - 7 +16 -12 =30 5.0 2123 22. Seymour, Timothy P ENG 1978 +39 -10 =13 = 6 +32 =15 +18 =14 - 9 -11 5.0 2186 23. Eggleston, Thomas ENG 2096 =24 +37 -12 - 9 +19 =11 +38 -17 =18 =29 5.0 2118 24. Hall, David E ENG 1967 =23 =31 -25 +39 =21 +20 -10 -18 +41 =26 5.0 2118 25. Lutton, J.Ezra ENG 2134 - 9 +43 +24 + 2 -12 -14 +30 - 8 -11 +37 5.0 2149 26. Bareham, David ENG 2115 = 6 +42 - 1 =29 +33 - 2 - 8 +36 =19 =24 5.0 2102 27. Hillman, Jamie ENG 1968 +43 - 7 =15 =11 - 2 =37 =32 =28 +39 =19 5.0 2125 28. Hanley, James L ENG 2062 +44 -14 =10 - 8 +40 -21 =36 =27 =37 +34 5.0 2060 29. Fry,Charlie ENG ---- =31 -32 +41 =26 =17 -16 -20 +44 +42 =23 5.0 2062 30. Hegarty, Sarah ENG 1880 +45 -15 -18 +44 - 6 +33 -25 =34 +31 =21 5.0 2099 31. Hart, David P.O ENG 2065 =29 =24 - 2 +37 -11 +38 -17 =33 -30 +36 4.5 2028 32. Deva, Sagar ENG 1993 =37 +29 - 3 -15 -22 =40 =27 +43 =34 =33 4.5 2010 33. Russell,Chris ENG ---- =16 =17 -21 +42 -26 -30 =40 =31 +44 =32 4.5 1990 34. Khandelwal,Ankush ---- =38 -16 -19 +41 +35 =17 - 9 =30 =32 -28 4.0 1997 35. Lutton, E Josiah ENG 2062 -36 +19 = 9 - 7 -34 +39 -37 +42 -16 =41 4.0 2006 36. Makepeace,Philip ENG ---- +35 -13 -17 =19 -38 +43 =28 -26 +40 -31 4.0 1992 37. Cooper,Gavyn ENG ---- =32 -23 =42 -31 +44 =27 +35 . =28 -25 4.0 1970 38. Pym, Thomas W ENG 2059 =34 +40 -14 -10 +36 -31 -23 -39 +43 =42 4.0 1988 39. David,Murray ---- -22 =41 = 8 -24 =42 -35 +44 +38 -27 =43 4.0 1933 40. Lakhani,Kishan ---- =42 -38 -11 +43 -28 =32 =33 =41 -36 +44 4.0 1956 41. Fowler, Simon ENG 2115 - 3 =39 -29 -34 +43 +42 -19 =40 -24 =35 3.5 1914 42. Barraclough, Stephanie ENG 1906 =40 -26 =37 -33 =39 -41 =43 -35 -29 =38 2.5 1842 43. Snowden,James ENG ---- -27 -25 -44 -40 -41 -36 =42 -32 -38 =39 1.0 1651 44. Barraclough, David ENG ---- -28 -18 +43 -30 -37 -19 -39 -29 -33 -40 1.0 1643 45. BYE ---- -30 . . . . . . . . . 0.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The LSV-Turm Lippstadt Chess Club is hosting the 12th Lippstadt Cat. X. GM Tournament 23rd July - 1st August 2004.
Internet coverage:
Round 2 Standings: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 12th GM Lippstadt GER (GER), 24 vii-1 viii 2004 cat. X (2488) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Baramidze, David m GER 2487 * . . . . . . 1 1 . 2.0 2. Maiwald, Jens-Uwe g GER 2524 . * . . . . . = . 1 1.5 2630 3. Jakubowski, Krzysztof f POL 2508 . . * = . . = . . . 1.0 2548 4. Romanishin, Oleg M g UKR 2541 . . = * = . . . . . 1.0 2495 5. Schenk, Andreas m GER 2483 . . . = * = . . . . 1.0 2460 6. Brenke, Andreas GER 2379 . . . . = * . . . = 1.0 2423 7. Greenfeld, Alon g ISR 2555 . . = . . . * . = . 1.0 2520 8. Koneru, Humpy g IND 2511 0 = . . . . . * . . 0.5 2312 9. Buhmann, Rainer GER 2532 0 . . . . . = . * . 0.5 2328 10. Wehmeier, Stefan m GER 2364 . 0 . . . = . . . * 0.5 2258 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
The 56th Championship of Montenegro takes place 16th-26th July 2004. News Goran Tomic.
Internet coverage:
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ch-Montenegro Bijelo Polje SCG (SCG), 16-26 vii 2004 cat. V (2372) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Kosic, Dragan g SCG 2519 * . = = = = = = 1 1 1 1 7.0 2498 2. Djukic, Nikola SCG 2450 . * 0 0 = 1 1 = 1 1 1 1 7.0 2498 3. Rmus, Anto SCG 2310 = 1 * = 0 1 = 1 . = 1 = 6.5 2490 4. Kalezic, Blazo m SCG 2446 = 1 = * 0 = . = 1 1 1 = 6.5 2481 5. Ivanovic, Bozidar g SCG 2445 = = 1 1 * = = = 0 1 = . 6.0 2446 6. Blagojevic, Dragisa m SCG 2536 = 0 0 = = * = 1 1 . 1 1 6.0 2434 7. Kontic, Djordjije m SCG 2303 = 0 = . = = * = = = 1 1 5.5 2407 8. Cvorovic, Marto SCG 2207 = = 0 = = 0 = * = = . = 4.0 2320 9. Djukanovic, Sreten f SCG 2347 0 0 . 0 1 0 = = * = = 1 4.0 2308 10. Rabrenovic, Milinko f SCG 2300 0 0 = 0 0 . = = = * = 1 3.5 2252 11. Krivokapic, Marko SCG 2329 0 0 0 0 = 0 0 . = = * 1 2.5 2199 12. Bujisic, Vlastimir f SCG 2269 0 0 = = . 0 0 = 0 0 0 * 1.5 2078 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
The 15th Ljubljana Open took place 10th-16th July 2004. Mladen Palac won the even ahead of Janez Barle, Ivan Ivanisevic, Bojan Kurajica, Robert Zelcic and Zdenko Kozul on tie-break who all finished on 7/9.
Internet coverage:
----------------------------------------------------- 15th Open Ljubjana SLO (SLO), 10-16 vii 2004 ----------------------------------------------------- 1. Palac, Mladen g CRO 2549 7,0 43.0 1 2. Barle, Janez m SLO 2385 7,0 43.0 2 3. Ivanisevic, Ivan g SCG 2544 7,0 42.0 3 4. Kurajica, Bojan g BIH 2540 7,0 41.5 4-5 5. Zelcic, Robert g CRO 2521 7,0 41.5 4-5 6. Kozul, Zdenko g CRO 2630 7,0 38.0 6 7. Kovacevic, Aleksandar g SCG 2551 6.5 45.0 7 8. Kovacevic, Blazimir m CRO 2478 6.5 42.5 8 9. Janovsky, Sergey g RUS 2492 6.5 41.5 9 10. Sax, Gyula g HUN 2535 6.5 41.0 10 11. Tratar, Marko m SLO 2449 6.5 41.0 11 12. Pavasovic, Dusko g SLO 2592 6.5 40.5 12 13. Dizdarevic, Emir g BIH 2520 6.5 40.0 13 14. Fercec, Nenad m CRO 2474 6,0 42.0 14 15. Ftacnik, Lubomir g SVK 2549 6,0 39.5 15 16. Nepomniachtchi, Ian f RUS 2476 6,0 39.0 16 17. Gostisa, Leon m SLO 2428 6,0 39.0 17 18. Sebenik, Matej m SLO 2426 6,0 38.0 18 19. Podkriznik, Gregor f SLO 2364 6,0 37.5 19 20. Jelen, Igor m SLO 2348 6,0 37.5 20 21. Navinsek, Tomaz SLO 2344 6,0 37.0 21 22. Bratovic, Blaz f SLO 2332 6,0 37.0 22 23. Soln, Primoz m SLO 2364 6,0 36.5 23 24. Miletic, Dean SLO 2080 6,0 35.5 24 25. Gombac, Jan f SLO 2250 6,0 35.0 25 26. Gruskovnjak, Tomislav f SLO 2315 6,0 34.5 26 27. Stajner, Samo SLO 2102 6,0 32.5 27 28. Jovanic, Ognjen m CRO 2440 5.5 41.5 28 29. Nikolov, Sasho m BUL 2419 5.5 40.0 29 30. Jakovljevic, Vlado f SCG 2426 5.5 40.0 30 145 players
The Republica Argentina Chess Festival 2004 took place 9th-20th July, 2004 in the medical center "Círculo Médico de Vicente Lopez" (CMSalud), Florida, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Shredder 8 won the event with better Sonnen-Berger tie-break from Salvador Alonso. News Roberto Alvarez.
Official site:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VII Magistral Vicente Lopez AR (ARG), 9-20 vii 2004 cat. VI (2394) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. SHREDDER 8 ---- * 1 = = 1 0 = 1 1 1 = = 7.5 2563 2. Alonso, Salvador m ARG 2444 0 * = = = 1 = 1 1 1 1 = 7.5 2522 3. Panno, Oscar g ARG 2474 = = * = = 1 = = 1 1 = = 7.0 2489 4. Slipak, Sergio g ARG 2502 = = = * = = 1 = = 1 = = 6.5 2449 5. Valerga, Diego m ARG 2498 0 = = = * = 1 = 1 = = 1 6.5 2449 6. Rodriguez, Andres g URU 2567 1 0 0 = = * 0 1 1 1 = 1 6.5 2443 7. Zambrana, Oswaldo m BOL 2472 = = = 0 0 1 * = 0 1 1 1 6.0 2423 8. Szmetan, Ricardo f BAR 2250 0 0 = = = 0 = * = 0 = 1 4.0 2305 9. Cubas, Jose Fernando m PAR 2384 0 0 0 = 0 0 1 = * = 1 = 4.0 2293 10. Fusco, Leonardo ARG 2296 0 0 0 0 = 0 0 1 = * 1 1 4.0 2301 11. Roselli Mailhe, Bernardo m URU 2420 = 0 = = = = 0 = 0 0 * = 3.5 2258 12. Rosito, Jorge m ARG 2424 = = = = 0 0 0 0 = 0 = * 3.0 2216 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
John Hillery reports: IM Kong Liangdeng scored 6-1 to take first place in the 2004 Southern California Invitational Championship, which ended July 25 in Los Angeles. Second with 5.5 was IM Jack Peters, the only player to defeat Deng. IM Tim Taylor finished third with 4-3.
Further details:
---------------------------------------------------------------- ch-SCCF State Los Angeles USA (USA), 10-25 vii 2004 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Deng Kong Liang m USA 2431 * 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 6.0 2527 2. Peters, John A m USA 2424 1 * 1 = 1 0 1 1 5.5 2449 3. Taylor, Timothy m USA 2280 0 0 * 1 = = 1 1 4.0 2289 4. Van Buskirk, Charles f USA 2311 0 = 0 * = = 1 1 3.5 2235 5. Casella, Michael f USA 2277 0 0 = = * 1 0 1 3.0 2190 6. Miller, Ike S USA 2139 0 1 = = 0 * = 0 2.5 2158 7. Bruno, Ronald USA ---- 0 0 0 0 1 = * = 2.0 2121 8. West, Vanessa A USA 2097 0 0 0 0 0 1 = * 1.5 2036 ----------------------------------------------------------------
The Swedish Championship took place in Gothenburg July 10th-23rd 2004. Evgenij Agrest took the title on tie-break from Emanuel Berg both of whom finished on 9.5/13. Berg made his final GM norm and should have the title ratified at the Olympiad in Mallorca.
Official site:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ch-SWE Gothenburg SWE (SWE), 10-23 vii 2004 cat. VIII (2444) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Agrest, Evgenij g SWE 2602 * 1 0 = = = = 1 1 1 = 1 1 1 9.5 2607 2. Berg, Emanuel m SWE 2510 0 * = = = = 1 = 1 1 1 1 1 1 9.5 2614 3. Brynell, Stellan g SWE 2459 1 = * 0 1 1 0 = = = = 1 = 1 8.0 2530 4. Hillarp Persson, Tiger g SWE 2529 = = 1 * 0 1 1 = 0 = = 1 = = 7.5 2494 5. Ong, Kezli SWE 2202 = = 0 1 * = = 0 1 = 1 = = 1 7.5 2520 6. Ernst, Thomas g SWE 2456 = = 0 0 = * = 0 1 1 1 1 1 = 7.5 2500 7. Svensson, Bengt m SWE 2377 = 0 1 0 = = * 1 = 0 = = 1 = 6.5 2449 8. Hermansson, Emil m SWE 2428 0 = = = 1 1 0 * 0 = 1 = 0 = 6.0 2416 9. Akesson, Ralf g SWE 2485 0 0 = 1 0 0 = 1 * = = 0 1 1 6.0 2412 10. Barkhagen, Jonas m SWE 2477 0 0 = = = 0 1 = = * 0 = = 1 5.5 2384 11. Wedberg, Tom g SWE 2533 = 0 = = 0 0 = 0 = 1 * 0 1 = 5.0 2350 12. Olsson, Anders m SWE 2426 0 0 0 0 = 0 = = 1 = 1 * = = 5.0 2358 13. Couso, Luis f SWE 2377 0 0 = = = 0 0 1 0 = 0 = * = 4.0 2308 14. Akesson, Joel SWE 2360 0 0 0 = 0 = = = 0 0 = = = * 3.5 2275 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The 68th edition of the Costa Rican National Championship took place 5th-22nd July 2004. IM Sergio Minero won the title with 11/13. Games from the final two rounds missing. My thanks to Diego Redondo.
Complete schedule, games and information in
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ch-CRC San Jose CRC (CRC), 5-22 vii 2004 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Minero Pineda, Sergio m CRC 2429 * 1 = = = 1 1 1 = 1 1 1 1 1 11.0 2524 2. Gonzalez, Bernal m CRC 2420 0 * 0 = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 = 1 1 10.0 2439 3. Arias Santana, Mauricio f CRC 2207 = 1 * 0 = = = = = 1 1 1 1 1 9.0 2386 4. Valdes, Leonardo m CRC 2370 = = 1 * 0 = = = = 1 1 1 1 1 9.0 2373 5. Murillo, Alexis m CRC 2352 = 0 = 1 * = = = 1 = 1 1 1 1 9.0 2375 6. Hernandez Basante, Francisco m CRC 2244 0 0 = = = * 1 1 1 1 = 1 = 1 8.5 2352 7. Charpentier, William f CRC 2223 0 0 = = = 0 * = 1 = 1 1 = 1 7.0 2273 8. Granados, Carlos CRC 2241 0 0 = = = 0 = * = = 1 1 1 1 7.0 2271 9. Jimenez, Juan Leon f CRC 2176 = 0 = = 0 0 0 = * = 1 = 1 = 5.5 2190 10. Rodriguez, Adrian CRC 2178 0 0 0 0 = 0 = = = * 0 1 = 1 4.5 2137 11. Ugalde, Ronald CRC 2165 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 0 0 1 * 1 1 0 3.5 2073 12. Carvajal, Jonathan CRC 2087 0 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 0 * 1 1 3.0 2043 13. Leandro, Johnny CRC 2133 0 0 0 0 0 = = 0 0 = 0 0 * 1 2.5 1999 14. Trejos, Enrique CRC 2170 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 1 0 0 * 1.5 1912 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Aleks Wojtkiewicz finished on 3.5/4 to take first place in the 110th New York Masters on 20th July 2004. Gata Kamsky finished level with Eli Vovsha in second place on 3/4, Vovsha defeated Kamsky in round 2.
The regular rapid event (mostly weekly) organised by IM Greg Shahade and John Fernandez provides regular chances for keen players of 2200 and above to compete against GMs and IMs in New York. See:
------------------------------------------------------------------- 110th New York Masters Action USA (USA), 20 vii 2004 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Total ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Wojtkiewicz, Aleks g USA 2551 + 7 +12 + 3 = 4 3.5 ($300) 2. Kamsky, Gata g USA 2717 +11 - 3 + 6 + 8 3.0 ($ 70) 3. Vovsha, Eli m ISR 2436 + 9 + 2 - 1 + 5 3.0 ($ 70) 4. Yudasin, Leonid g ISR 2556 = +13 = 5 = 1 2.5 5. Stripunsky, Alex g ISR 2553 + 8 = 6 = 4 - 3 2.0 6. Bonin, Jay m USA 2342 +15 = 5 - 2 = 7 2.0 7. Vujatovic, Rajko ENG 2222 - 1 = 9 +12 = 6 2.0 ($ 27) 8. Norowitz, Yaacov USA ---- - 5 +10 +11 - 2 2.0 ($ 27) 9. Ross, Laura wf USA 2099 - 3 = 7 +13 =10 2.0 ($ 27) 10. Miton, Kamil g POL 2597 -12 - 8 +15 = 9 1.5 11. Privman, Boris f USA 2275 - 2 +15 - 8 =13 1.5 12. Furdzik, Rafal USA 2261 +10 - 1 - 7 = 1.5 13. Zhao, Parker USA 1944 = - 4 - 9 =11 1.0 14. Zakinov, Leonid USA ---- --- --- --- +15 1.0 15. Pressman, Leif USA ---- - 6 -11 -10 -14 0.0 PRIZES 1ST - $ 300 2ND - $ 100 3RD - $ 40 U2400 - $ 81
2nd North Urals Cup women's SuperGM event takes place 24th July - 1st August 2004 in Krasnoturinsk, Russia.
Official site:
------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd North Urals Cup Krasnoturinsk RUS (RUS), 24 vii-1 viii 2004 cat. IX (2460) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Skripchenko, Almira m FRA 2453 * . . . 1 = . . . 1 2.5 2711 2. Stefanova, Antoaneta g BUL 2527 . * = . . . 1 = . . 2.0 2603 3. Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina wg RUS 2470 . = * = . . . . . 1 2.0 2565 4. Krush, Irina m USA 2459 . . = * . = . . . 1 2.0 2553 5. Chiburdanidze, Maia g GEO 2498 0 . . . * . . 1 1 . 2.0 2572 6. Matveeva, Svetlana wg RUS 2482 = . . = . * . . = . 1.5 2441 7. Galliamova, Alisa m RUS 2490 . 0 . . . . * = 1 . 1.5 2471 8. Zhukova, Natalia wg UKR 2475 . = . . 0 . = * . . 1.0 2380 9. Polovnikova, Ekaterina wg RUS 2413 . . . . 0 = 0 . * . 0.5 2217 10. Kursova, Maria wm RUS 2334 0 . 0 0 . . . . . * 0.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
The traditional Ikaros Chess Festival took place 13th-20th July 2004. Dmitry Svetushkin won with 8/9.
Full details:
---------------------------------------------------- Aegean Open Agios Kirykos GRE (GRE), 13-20 vii 2004 ---------------------------------------------------- 1. Svetushkin, Dmitry g MDA 2546 8 56 2. Parligras, Mircea g ROM 2564 7½ 51½ 3. Hellsten, Johan m SWE 2557 7½ 51½ 4. Zagrebelny, Sergey g UZB 2499 7 54 5. Dochev, Dimitar m BUL 2353 6½ 53 6. Nikolaou, Georgios GRE 2244 6½ 52½ 7. Frhat, Ali f EGY 2310 6½ 50½ 8. Stiri, Alexandra GRE 2186 6½ 49 9. Lymar, Irina wg UKR 2350 6½ 48½ 10. Sigalas, Frangiskos GRE 2277 6½ 47 11. Festas, Georgios GRE 2167 6½ 46 12. Shavtvaladze, Nikoloz GEO 2439 6 54½ 13. Zakarian, David ARM 2328 6 53 14. Kokolias, Konstantinos GRE 2200 6 49½ 15. Topalidis, Konstantinos GRE 2140 6 47 16. Valden, Petros GRE 2192 6 47 17. Gogolis, Alexandros GRE 2275 6 44 18. Galaras, Anestis GRE 2037 6 41 128 players
The Belgian Championship took place in Westerlo 3rd-11th July 2004. 17 year old Bart Michiels is the new champion.
Internet coverage:
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ch-BEL Westerlo BEL (BEL), 3-11 vii 2004 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Michiels, Bart m BEL 2450 +17 = 6 + 4 = 3 + 2 - 5 +10 = 8 +11 6.5 2531 2. Dgebuadze, Alexandre g BEL 2552 = 7 +14 = 9 +10 - 1 + 6 = 4 + 3 + 5 6.5 2524 3. Hovhanisian, Mher m ARM 2294 +15 = 9 + 7 = 1 + 6 - 4 + 5 - 2 = 8 5.5 2494 4. Abolianin, Arthur m BEL 2414 = 8 +16 - 1 +14 = 5 + 3 = 2 = 6 = 9 5.5 2453 5. Cekro, Ekrem m BEL 2434 =16 +13 - 6 +12 = 4 + 1 - 3 +10 - 2 5.0 2428 6. Claesen, Pieter m BEL 2392 +18 = 1 + 5 + 9 - 3 - 2 +14 = 4 - 7 5.0 2417 7. Dutreeuw, Marc m BEL 2344 = 2 =11 - 3 =17 =13 +16 = 9 =15 + 6 5.0 2417 8. Mohandesi, Shahin m IRI 2312 = 4 -17 +13 =16 +12 -10 =11 = 1 = 3 4.5 2344 9. Van der Stricht, Geert m BEL 2422 +12 = 3 = 2 - 6 =16 -14 = 7 +18 = 4 4.5 2346 10. Cools, Gorik f BEL 2309 -14 +15 +17 - 2 +11 + 8 - 1 - 5 =13 4.5 2365 11. Marechal, Andy f BEL 2236 =13 = 7 -16 +15 -10 +18 = 8 +14 - 1 4.5 2334 12. Sadkowsky, Daniel f BEL 2329 - 9 +18 =14 - 5 - 8 =15 +16 =13 +17 4.5 2344 13. Saiboulatov, Danial f BEL 2390 =11 - 5 - 8 +18 = 7 =17 =15 =12 =10 4.0 2291 14. Schuermans, Robert BEL 2166 +10 - 2 =12 - 4 +18 + 9 - 6 -11 -15 3.5 2292 15. Van Beers, Eddy m BEL 2406 - 3 -10 =18 -11 =17 =12 =13 = 7 +14 3.5 2220 16. Hautot, Stephane f BEL 2336 = 5 - 4 +11 = 8 = 9 - 7 -12 =17 -18 3.0 2222 17. Laurent, Bruno f BEL 2344 - 1 + 8 -10 = 7 =15 =13 -18 =16 -12 3.0 2227 18. Meessen, Rudolf f BEL 2293 - 6 -12 =15 -13 -14 -11 +17 - 9 +16 2.5 2169 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Quebec Open Championship takes place 17th-25th July 2004. Viktor Korchnoi won the event with 7.5/9. No games available.
Internet site:
Leading Final Round 9 Standings: 1 Viktor Korchnoi 2579 7.5 2 Gildardo Garcia 2461 7.0 3 Jean Hebert 2415 6.5 4 Alex Barsov 2507 6.5 5 Alexandre Lesiege 2497 6.5 6 Ronald Burnett 2430 6.0 7 Steve Bolduc 2145 6.0 8 Yuri Lapshun 2444 6.0 9 Nelson Castaneda 2288 6.0 10 Goran Mikanovic 2344 6.0 11 Mihnea Voloaca 2206 6.0 12 Thomas Roussel-Roozmon 2456 5.5 13 Sylvain Barbeau 2481 5.5 14 Roland Chabot 2278 5.5 15 Eric Lawson 2365 5.5 16 Roger Patterson 2236 5.5 17 Dmitri Feoktistov 2239 5.5 67 players
The XIII Castellar del Vallès Open took place 14th-20th July 2004. The seven round Swiss was won by Oleg Korneev. Games not available in PGN but only in a viewer.
Official coverage:
Final Round 9 Standings: 1 Korneev, Oleg Rusi 2587 6.5 46.0 2 Peralta, Fernando ARG 2541 6.5 43.5 3 Borges Mateos, Juan CUB 2456 6.5 43.0 4 Alonso Moyano, Jonathan CAT 2269 6 41.0 5 Magem Badals, Jordi CAT 2504 5.5 43.0 6 Comas Fabrego, Lluis CAT 2490 5.5 41.5 7 Jerez Perez, Alfonso CAT 2416 5.5 41.0 8 Grigore, George Gabriel ROM 2507 5.5 41.0 9 De la Paz, Frank CUB 2458 5 42.0 10 Moskalenko, Victor UKR 2544 5 40.5 11 Hernando Rodrigo, Julio CAT 2362 5 39.0 12 Granados Gomez, Manel CAT 2426 5 38.5 13 Vidarte Morales, Arturo CAT 2367 5 37.0 14 Barrientos Chararriada, Sergio COL 2399 4.5 44.0 15 Pablo Mari, Alexandre CAT 2404 4.5 36.5 16 Sanpera Bonet, Joan Carles CAT 2184 4.5 35.5 17 Gonzalez Rodriguez, Jorge COL 2348 4.5 35.5 18 Kononenko, Tatiana UKR 2361 4.5 32.5 19 Gomez Jurado, Albert CAT 2275 4 37.5 20 Simon Prados, Emili CAT 2282 4 36.0 21 Vehi Bach, Victor CAT 2379 4 35.0 22 Rios Parra, Alejandro COL 2308 4 34.5 23 Ferron Garcia, Carlos CAT 2314 3.5 39.5 24 Asensio Liñan, Teodoro CAT 2272 3.5 30.5 25 Panelo Muñoz, Marcelo CAT 2410 3 38.5 26 Mela, Benjamin CAT 2366 3 29.5 27 Sanahuja Palomo, Alex CAT 2054 2 35.5 28 Ridameya Tatche, Josep CAT 2169 1.5 34.5 29 De la Riva Aguado, Jordi CAT 2252 0.5 11.0 30 Avila Jimenez, Xavier CAT 2246 0 5.0
FM Lev Milman scored 6.5/9 and finished alone in first place in the 2004 USA Junior Open (U-21) held July 20-25 in Lindsborg, Kansas. 2003 Junior Open champ Salvijus Bercys of New York finished clear 2nd with 6 pts Mikhail Korenman organized the 10-RR that was held concurrently with the USA Cadet Invitational (U-16) which was won outright with 7.5/9 by Dan Ludwig of Orlando, FL, followed closely by Matt Ho and FM Igor Schneider each with 6.5 points. The winner of the Cadet won a college scholarship and the winner of the Junior gets seeded in the USA Championship. Frank Berry of Oklahoma directed the event.
------------------------------------------------------------------ JunCh-USA Lindsborg USA (USA), 20-25 vii 2004 cat. VI (2381) ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Milman, Lev f USA 2428 * = 1 1 = 1 1 = 0 1 6.5 2541 2. Bercys, Salvijus USA 2279 = * = 1 = 0 = 1 1 1 6.0 2517 3. Lopez, Bruci f USA 2400 0 = * 1 0 1 1 0 = 1 5.0 2421 4. Friedel, Joshua E f USA 2433 0 0 0 * 1 0 1 1 1 1 5.0 2417 5. Hoekstra, Matthew f USA 2358 = = 1 0 * = 0 = 1 = 4.5 2383 6. Rensch, Daniel f USA 2384 0 1 0 1 = * = 0 = = 4.0 2337 7. Schneider, Dmitry m USA 2454 0 = 0 0 1 = * 1 1 0 4.0 2329 8. Benen, Samson f USA 2323 = 0 1 0 = 1 0 * = 0 3.5 2307 9. Fernandez, Daniel f USA 2317 1 0 = 0 0 = 0 = * 1 3.5 2307 10. Bhat, Vinay S m USA 2431 0 0 0 0 = = 1 1 0 * 3.0 2250 ------------------------------------------------------------------
The Nis Open Championship took place May 28th - June 6th in Nis (Serbia and Montenegro). There were 65 players. After 9 rounds the winner of the tournament was IM Miljkovic Miroslav. News: Miroslav Rakovic
-------------------------------------------------------- Open Nis SCG (SCG), 28 v-5 vii 2004 -------------------------------------------------------- 1. Miljkovic, Miroslav m SCG 2390 7.5 40.0 2. Kostic, Nebojsa m SCG 2349 7 40.0 3. Pavlovic, Dragoljub SCG 2238 6.5 35.5 4. Ilic, Slobodan SCG 2214 6.5 35.0 5. Kostic, Misa SCG 2179 6 40.5 6. Miljkovic, Mihajlo SCG 2267 6 39.0 7. Kraguljac, Pero SCG 2178 6 39.0 8. Djordjevic, Nebojsa SCG 2267 6 37.5 9. Biljanic, Ljubomir SCG 2261 6 35.0 10. Kostic, Maja wm SCG 2151 6 34.5 11. Keca, Dragomir SCG 2206 6 33.0 12. Maksimovic, Branimir m SCG 2408 5.5 39.5 13. Radoja, Djordje SCG 2226 5.5 38.5 14. Zivkovic, Marko SCG 2098 5.5 37.5 15. Djokic, Vladan SCG 2161 5.5 36.5 16. Grkovic, Vladan SCG 2146 5.5 35.5 17. Raicevic, Ivica m SCG 2319 5.5 35.0 18. Markovic, Marko SCG 2210 5.5 34.5 19. Zafirovski, Mite f SCG 2307 5.5 34.0 20. Marjanovic, Zvezdan SCG 2083 5.5 32.5 65 players
The 3rd Dubai Junior Open took place 11th-19th July 2004 in the Dubai Chess Club. 128 players from 14 countries participated in the event, in three categories under 10,12,14 with $10,000 cash prizes and money and a trophy for each category. The event was played for the Sheikh Maktoum Bin Hamdan Al Maktoum Cup and was won by Toufighi Homayoon of Iran. Sai Srinivas of India was the runner up. Both players scored 7.5 points but Toufighi won the title with a better tie-break. Toufighi won the championship cup and $1700 prize money and Srinivas also got $1700. Agayev Nidjat, Arjun Vishnuvardhan, Dinger Florian and Gurbanzade Erkin came third, fourth, fifth and sixth respectively. My thanks to Mehrdad Pahlevanzadeh. Games now available.
Leading Final Standings ------------------------------------------------- 3rd Juniors Dubai UAE (UAE), 11-19 vii 2004 ------------------------------------------------- 1. Toufighi, Homayoon IRI 2131 7.5 2. Sai, Srinivas IND 2238 7.5 3. Safarli, Eltaj f AZE 2321 7.0 4. Salehian,Sina IRI ---- 7.0 5. Agayev, Nidjat AZE 2210 7.0 6. Arjun, Vishnuvardhan IND 2135 7.0 7. Dinger, Florian GER 2091 7.0 8. Gurbanzade,Erkin AZE ---- 7.0 9. Manoj,Gauri IND ---- 6.5 10. Kouhestani M,Shahin IRI ---- 6.5 11. Khademi, Mohammad Miran IRI 2070 6.5 12. Behmardi Kalantari,Rosta IRI ---- 6.5 13. Nitin, S IND 2065 6.5 14. Srinath, N IND 2024 6.5 15. Madanasri, Gundala IND 1967 6.0 16. Madhukiran, G IND 2002 6.0 17. Salehian,Shayan IRI ---- 6.0 18. Nuhic,Amir BIH ---- 6.0 19. Abdollahzadeh,Arash IRI ---- 6.0 20. Saeed, Ishaq f UAE 2082 6.0 21. Bajarani,Ulvi AZE ---- 6.0 22. Mehdi,Hossini Pour IRI ---- 6.0 23. Hamad, Abdul Razzaq UAE 2040 6.0 128 players
The ZDM Chess Festival Dresden took place 15th-21st July 2004. Sergey Erenburg scored a perfect 9/9 score to win the event. No games available as far as I could see although there clearly was live coverage of some of the event.
Internet coverage:
Final Round 9 Standings: 1 Erenburg, Sergey g ISR 2533 9.0 57.0 39.75 2 Slobodjan, Roman g GER 2522 8.0 60.5 51.50 3 Markowski, Tomasz g POL 2558 7.5 54.0 36.50 4 Glek, Igor V. g GER 2578 7.5 53.5 36.25 5 Gershon, Alik g ISR 2518 7.5 53.0 46.00 6 Luther, Thomas g GER 2533 7.0 55.5 45.50 7 Fontaine, Robert g FRA 2517 7.0 55.5 42.00 8 Teske, Henrik g GER 2542 7.0 55.0 41.00 9 Seifert, Volker f GER 2323 7.0 51.5 32.00 10 Lobzhanidze, Davit m GEO 2472 7.0 51.0 39.75 11 Koerholz, Ludger m GER 2288 7.0 46.5 37.75 12 Uhlmann, Wolfgang g GER 2413 6.5 59.0 25.75 13 Chernikov, Oleg L g RUS 2412 6.5 55.5 35.00 14 Sawatzki, Frank f GER 2371 6.5 53.5 32.50 15 Voigt, Roland f GER 2371 6.5 53.0 29.00 16 Graf, Alexander g GER 2661 6.5 52.0 36.25 17 Buchenau, Frank f GER 2340 6.5 51.0 32.00 18 Holzhaeuer, Mathias f GER 2372 6.5 50.0 34.25 19 Bauer, Claus GER 2194 6.5 49.5 35.75 20 Struk, Jerzy POL 2229 6.5 49.0 32.25 21 Thinius, Marco f GER 2395 6.5 48.5 36.50 22 Degtiarev, Evgeny GER 2272 6.5 48.5 35.75 23 Wegerle, Joerg f GER 2338 6.5 48.0 32.75 24 Lenderman, Alex f USA 2298 6.5 48.0 30.75 25 Weidel, Albrecht GER 2206 6.5 47.5 31.25 26 Wronn, Bernd GER 2237 6.5 45.0 32.00 27 Pattard, Thomas GER 2175 6.5 43.5 27.25 28 Niklasch, Oliver f GER 2353 6.5 42.5 30.25 140 players
The 9th Balaguer Open in Spain took place 14th-22nd July 2004. Ramon Mateo won the event. No games available.
Coverage: (all the info is in a popup)
Final Round 9 Standings: 1 Mateo . Ramon IM DOM 7.5 47.5 2 Delchev . Aleksander GM BUL 7.0 49.5 3 Suba . Mihai GM ROM 7.0 48.5 4 Mirzoev . Azer GM AZE 7.0 46.5 5 Van Riemsdijk . Herman C. IM BRA 7.0 46.5 6 Movsziszian . Karen GM ARM 6.5 50.5 7 Gonzalez Vidal Yuri IM CUB 6.5 47.5 8 Braga . Fernando IM ITA 6.5 46.0 9 Ranola . Ives PHI 6.5 45.5 10 Foisor . Cristina WIM ROM 6.5 44.0 11 Gonzales . Jayson IM PHI 6.5 44.0 12 Bruzon . Lazaro GM CUB 6.0 51.0 13 Burmakin . Vladimir GM RUS 6.0 50.5 14 Panchenko . Alexander IM UKR 6.0 48.5 15 Hernandez . Roman GM CUB 6.0 48.0 16 Bancod . Ronald IM PHI 6.0 48.0 17 Velicha . Petr IM CZE 6.0 47.5 18 Kovacevic . Slobodan IM SCG 6.0 47.5 19 Vassallo . Mauricio IM ARG 6.0 47.5 20 Kasparov . Sergey IM BLR 6.0 46.5 21 Kohlweyer . Bernd IM GER 6.0 46.5 22 Cosma . Ioan IM ROM 6.0 46.5 23 Trigo Conde Isaac TAM 6.0 46.5 24 Vilela . Jose Luis IM CUB 6.0 46.5 25 Baches Garcia Guillem IM ESP 6.0 45.5 26 Foisor . Ovidiu IM ROM 6.0 45.5 27 Almeida . Omar IM CUB 6.0 44.0 28 Minzer . Claudio IM ARG 6.0 42.5 29 Roeder . Mathias IM GER 6.0 42.0 30 Pons Carreras David ESP 6.0 40.5 31 Bruned-I . Yvalin ESP 6.0 40.0 32 Ramon-I Perez Jose Luis ESP 6.0 40.0 33 Bruned Segura Mario ESP 6.0 38.5 34 Gallardo Retortillo Enrique ESP 6.0 37.5
The 14th Heart of Finland Open took place in Jyväskylä, July 21-25, 2004. 5 players reached 7/9: IM Tarvo Seeman EST GM Tomi Nybäck FIN GM Aleksey Lugovoi RUS IM Meelis Kanep EST IM Joose Norri FIN. Tarvo Seeman achieved his second grandmaster norm. 152 players competed. Games available later. News: Sami Hämäläinen.
Leading Final Round 9 Standings: 1. Seeman Tarvo IM EST 7.0 54.50 40.75 2. Nybäck Tomi GM FIN 7.0 53.00 39.25 3. Lugovoi Aleksey GM RUS 7.0 52.50 39.50 4. Kanep Meelis IM EST 7.0 50.50 37.50 5. Norri Joose IM FIN 7.0 50.50 37.00 6. Kulaots Kaido GM EST 6.5 55.00 38.50 7. Nyysti Sampsa IM FIN 6.5 53.50 36.75 8. Lehtinen Heikki FM FIN 6.5 51.00 36.25 9. Hokkanen Petri FIN 6.5 49.00 34.50 10. Karttunen Mika IM FIN 6.5 47.50 31.75 11. Olde Hendrik EST 6.5 46.50 32.25 12. Topi-Hulmi Teemu FIN 6.5 46.50 31.75 13. Andersson Fredrik SWE 6.5 46.00 32.00 14. Flumbort Andras IM HUN 6.0 53.50 33.00 15. Mäki-Uuro Miikka FM FIN 6.0 52.50 33.25 16. Kekki Petri FM FIN 6.0 50.00 32.00 17. Rytshagov Mihail GM EST 6.0 49.00 29.75 18. Kauppila Osmo FIN 6.0 48.00 30.00 19. Manninen Marko IM FIN 6.0 47.50 31.00 20. Kochyev Alexander GM RUS 6.0 44.50 29.00 21. Hynninen Juha FIN 6.0 43.50 27.50 22. Koskinen Henri FM FIN 6.0 42.50 26.50 23. Mertanen Janne FIN 6.0 41.50 27.50 24. Soppela Jouni FIN 6.0 39.00 24.00 152 players
The Paul Keres Chess Festival took place in Tallinn July 14th-20th 2004. Kaido Külaots and Artjom Smirnov finished on 8/9. No games available.
Internet coverage:
Final Round 9 Standings: 1 Külaots, Kaido EST 2593 8 42.5 2 Smirnov, Artjom RUS 2407 8 40.5 3 Nybäck, Tomi FIN 2562 6.5 43.0 4 Sepp, Olav EST 2458 6.5 42.0 5 Nouro, Mikael FIN 2350 6.5 40.5 6 Klovans, Janis LAT 2456 6.5 40.0 7 Kanep, Meelis EST 2472 6.5 38.0 8 Seeman, Tarvo EST 2403 6.5 36.5 9 Rõtshagov, Mihhail EST 2462 6 39.0 10 Firstov, Juri EST 2257 6 37.0 11 Kiik, Kalle EST 2436 6 36.5 12 Dashkevitch, Vadims LAT 2326 6 35.0 13 Vovk, Ilja EST 2119 6 33.5 14 Hennigan, Michael ENG 2431 5.5 38.5 15 Karjakin, Sergei EST 2174 5.5 38.5 16 Ochtman, Henk NED 2165 5.5 37.0 17 Volodin, Aleksander EST 2145 5.5 37.0 18 Ozolinsh, Aris LAT 2288 5.5 34.0 19 Kunitsõn, Nikolai EST 5.5 34.0 20 Shlõkov, Vitali EST 2195 5.5 32.5 21 Jezov, Roman EST 5.5 31.5 78 players
The 17th Kiel Open takes place 24th-30th July 2004
Internet coverage:
The 15th International Festival of Chess, Bridge and Games and the European Amateurs Championship in Chess takes place in Pardubice, Czech Republic 15th July - 1st August 2004. There are a large number of different events including the European Amateurs Championship.
More details:
The Korinthos International Open takes place 22nd-29th July 2004 in Korinthos, Greece. Live games, hopefully I'll be able to round the games up at the end of the event.
Official site:
Leading Round 5 Standings: 1. Jeremic Veljko 2503 5.0 16.5 16.50 15.0 2884 +0.75 2. Svetushkin Dmitry 2546 4.5 16.0 13.75 14.5 2576 +0.10 Dobrov Vladimir 2495 4.5 17.5 15.25 14.5 2507 +0.05 4. Volkov Sergey 2625 4.0 19.0 14.00 14.0 2517 -0.45 Vysochin Spartak 2599 4.0 16.5 12.50 13.5 2509 -0.40 Baklan Vladimir 2595 4.0 17.5 13.50 13.5 2516 -0.35 Lupulescu Constantin 2555 4.0 16.5 12.50 13.5 2461 -0.40 Timoshenko Georgy 2536 4.0 15.0 11.00 13.5 2494 -0.20 Shneider Aleksandr 2532 4.0 16.0 12.00 13.5 2464 -0.30 Banikas Hristos 2519 4.0 15.5 11.50 13.5 2466 -0.25 Mastrovasilis Athanasios 2488 4.0 14.5 10.50 13.5 2327 -0.60 Gelashvili Tamaz 2573 4.0 16.0 12.00 13.0 2460 -0.45 Mastrovasilis Dimitrios 2568 4.0 17.5 13.50 13.0 2460 -0.45 Shavtvaladze Nikoloz 2439 4.0 17.0 13.00 13.0 2421 -0.10 Parligras Mircea 2564 4.0 17.5 12.50 13.0 2431 -0.50 Perunovic Milos 2555 4.0 15.5 11.00 13.0 2413 -0.55 Belov Vladimir 2532 4.0 17.0 13.00 13.0 2411 -0.50 Zagrebelny Sergey 2499 4.0 14.5 10.00 13.0 2351 -0.55 Kotronias Vasilios 2608 4.0 16.0 12.00 12.5 2458 -0.55 Nikolaidis Ioannis 2515 4.0 14.5 11.00 12.5 2345 -0.60 Kapnisis Spyridon 2429 4.0 15.5 11.50 12.5 2395 -0.15 Aroshidze Levah 2401 4.0 16.0 12.25 12.5 2347 -0.25 Obodchuk Andrei 2447 4.0 14.0 10.75 12.0 2209 -0.75 Skembris Spyridon 2434 4.0 16.0 10.25 12.0 2293 -0.52 Milanovic Danilo 2428 4.0 14.0 10.00 12.0 2296 -0.50 Dembo Yelena 2423 4.0 15.0 11.00 12.0 2296 -0.50 Ziogas Paris 2124 4.0 12.0 8.00 11.0 2074 -0.20
World Youth Chess Championships for age categories U10 to U18 takes place November 3rd-14th 2004 in Heraklio, Crete, Greece. The venue which is the same as for the WYCC of 2002, is the Creta Maris Conference Hotel
The 2nd Misr Closed 2004 is a Round Robin event taking place 16th-25th August in Egypt (Six Corner Hotel-Ismailia City 100 k.m from Cairo). 11 Rounds 12 Players (6 invited GMs 6 EGY players with average Rating about 2450) average for all 12 2468 at least New Fide Time Control ( 90 Min for all game and 30 Sec. added for every move) , play starts at 6 p.m. daily from 16-25 August, Arrival 15 August , Rest Day 20 August, There will be 2 days ,which play will have 2 Rounds be also at Morning at 10 a.m , departure 26 August. Prizes as follows : 1st till 6th. 700-500-400-300-200-100 US$. Prizes are distributed according to Hort System (between the number of players corresponding to number of advertised prizes).
Invited GMs will be provided with accommodation in a Single Room 4 Star Hotel 15th-26th August 2004 , and 500 US$ as compensation for Air-Tickets 3 players needed between 2470-2530 (I will be in Czech Open from 22 July-1 August ) Our email is and Hassan Khaled General Director Egyptian Chess Federation
Phone +20-2-3378987 and Mobile:+20-10-5003063; Egyptian Chess Federation : Phone and Fax : +20-2-2604285
The Australian Open Chess Championships take place December 28th, 2004 to January 9th, 2005. It will be played at Mount Buller, a tourist destination just a few hours from Melbourne, Australia.
There are $18,500AU in prizes with a top prize of $4500. The organisers are looking for any players interested in participating in this event.
Contact George Howard on for details or queries.
Website: will have full details of the event shortly.
The 8th Hogeschool Zeeland Tournament in Vlissingen, takes place August 7th-14th 2004. 9 rounds Swiss, FIDE-rated. Already over 200 entries (250 is our maximum). Among the participants the FIDE World Champion Rustam Kasimdzhanov (UZB, 2640), who won the event in 2003. Top seed will be Krishnan Sasikiran (IND, 2666). The other GM's who have confirmed are Viorel Iordachescu (MDA, 2633), Sergey Tiviakov (NED, 2601), Merab Gagunashvili (GEO, 2580), Vyacheslav Ikonnikov (RUS, 2543), Mikheil Mchedlishvili (GEO, 2518), Lars Schandorff (DEN, 2496) and Harmen Jonkman (NED, 2425). Until now already 26 titleholders have registered.
Further details:
Frank Quisinsky has updated his computer chess calendar. There are 7.773 official computer chess event games since 1990.
Events include: 07th Australasian NCC-ch 2004, RedHill, Canberra FICS 20.07.04, Warp (former LambChop) 12th WCCC , Ramat-Gan 04.07.04 - 12.07.04, Junior 04th Campionato Italiano P. Scacchistici, Roma 26.06.04 - 27.06.04, Delfi 06th French programmers tournament, Massy 20.06.04, Chess Wizard 04th MASPV , Budapest 28.05.04 - 30.05.04, Merlin
IV International Governador Mario Covas (July 31 - August 8, 2004) Santos, Brasil
The 24th International Chess Festival "Conca della Presolana" will takes place in Bratto (Italy), 20-28 August 2004. The Festival includes: Tournament A (players with Elo Fide > 1999), Tournament B, Tournament C and Promotion Tournament (for beginners). Swiss system, 9 rounds. Time control: 100 minutes for 40 moves + 50 minutes; all move played get 30 seconds bonus (Fischer mode). Prizes: in the tournament A: 1st 1500 Euros, 2nd 1000 Euros, 3rd 700 Euros .. ... 16th-20th 200 Euros. Info:
Official Internet coverage:
The Collado Villalba Open takes place 23rd-31st August 2004.
Further details:
The Open Highlands Chess Festival takes place 18th-26th September 2004 in Havlickuv Brod (the Czech Republic).The festival is part of the 4th CZECH TOUR 2004/2005 Series.
Further details:
The 30th edition of the Open Dutch Youth Chess Championships, the Stork tournament, will be played in the Townhall of Hengelo, the Netherlands 9th-14th August 2004,
Over 500 young chess players from all over Europe will participate in one of the finest youth chess tournaments you can imagine. To get an impression of the tournament, you can visit the website of last years edition at
Participants so far
Contact or Albert Vasse
The 10th Mahaala Open takes place 19th-28th July 2004. The event is open to all and takes place in Mahaala City about 120 km from Cairo.
Organized by Misr Spinning & Weaving Company at Mahaala City. FIDE Rated - Swiss Sytem 9 Rounds Time Control ( 90 Min for all game and 30 Sec. Added for every move).. Prizes as follows : 1st till 10th. 175-150-125-100-75-50-50-50-50-50 US$. Prizes are distributed according to Hort System between the number of players corresponding to number of advertised prizes). Players who wants to participate will pay 175 US$ for all beriod full accommodation and Full Board in Double Bedroom Room 3 Star Hotel . That include : Free transportation inside Egypt , including from and to Airport; Free Tourist tours; Free entry fee . No special conditions .
Also will follow another FIDE rated tournament in Mansoura City ( 40 km from Mahaala ) from 31 July till 9 Augst 2004 , its details will be declared later
The biggest chess tournament in Baltic states "Liepâjas Rokâde 2004", takes place July 29th August 1st 2004. Sadly its always a struggle to get games.
Players GM A.Khalifman, A.Shabalov, L. van Wely, D.Fridman, J. Ehlvest, E.Kengis, A.Kveinys, H. Stefansson.
Details: In English:
Chess Classic Mainz will be held in the Rheingoldhalle in Mainz 4th-8th August 2004. The main match this year is an eight game rapid clash between Indian superstar Vishy Anand and one of the most succesfull players of 2004, Alexei Shirov. At the same time, Peter Svidler will try to defend his WNCA Chess 960 world title in an eight games match against Levon Aronian, winner of the Chess960 Open last year. On August 4 Svidler and Shirov will play a Chess 960 and classical chess simul, but several other exhibitions are planned, e.g. the first man against machine Chess960 match with the Dutch chess program The Baron. On August 5 and 6 hundreds of professionals and amateurs meet in the third FiNet-Chess960 Open (Ruslan Ponomariov will be playing) and on August 7 and 8 the 11the Ordix Open will be held, in which at least 500 players are expected to play. The joint price fund for both Open tournaments is 35.000. News Eric van Reem.
More information can be found on
The 8th Open Bavarian Chess Champianship take place 30th October - 7th November 2004 in Bad Wiessee, Germany.
Full details:
The "Swiss Chess Tour 2004" will continue in Davos, one of the most popular turist place in Europe, with the 2nd "Sunstar Park Hotel Open", July 31st - August 8th 2003. "Sunstar Park Hotel" will be host, for the third time. Swiss system, 9 rounds and the games will last a maximum of 6 hours (40 moves for 2 hours and 60 minutes till the end). Valid for FIDE titles and FIDE rating. Prize are: 1.500 SF, 1.200, 900, 700, 500, 400, 300, 250, 200 and 150 SF. From 11.- 20. places natural prizes. Special prizes for best Lady, senior (1944), junior(1984-87), schoolboy (1988) and best local player. Entry fee 130 SF, FMs and juniors 60 SF, at the door 10 SF more, GMs and IMs free. Venue: "Sunstar Park Hotel". Time table: Rounds 1 16.00-22.00 July 31st; Round 2/8 14.00-20.00 August 1st-7th; Round 9 10.00-16.00 August 8th . Closing ceremony August 8th, half-hour after the last game. Unbelievable chess-rates. Info: Beochess +41+34+424-01-06 (Robert Spoerri) or
The 2005 European Union Championship whic his part of the programme of events celebrating Cork City's status as European Capital of Culture for 2005. The event takes place 21st March - 3rd April 2005 in the Ballroom Suite Gresham Metropole Hotel MacCurtain Street Cork Ireland. Prize Fund - 7,750 Euros. A FIDE rated ten round Swiss Open for players registered with FIDE as a player in the European Union or a citizen of a European Union member state 1st prize 2,000 Euros plus numerous place prizes and other awards including a British Championship Qualifying Place.
In addition the 13th Annual Cork Congress takes place 1st-3rd April 2005 with a Prize Fund 5,000 Euros an ICU rated six round Swiss with three rated sections. 1st prize 750 Euros plus numerous place prizes and other awards
Full details, special offers to a limited number of IMs and GMs and entry forms are available from Michael Burniston Tournament Director Ladybird House Glengarriff County Cork Ireland. phone 00 353 27 63113 e mail
The VII. Banc Post & Ciuc Premium International Chess Tournament takes place in Miercurea Ciuc (Romania), 21-29 August 2004. Event for IM, wIGM, wIM-norms and ELO (11 games).
Entry fee (ELO/EUR): A : Elo 2150-2200 = 120, 2201-2250 = 100, 2251-2300 = 80, 2301-2350 = 60, above 2351 = 40 B : nonrated = 100, below 2051 = 80, 2051-2100 = 60, 2101-2150 = 50, 2151-2200 = 40, above 2201 = 30 C : nonrated = 60, below 1900 = 50, 1901-2000 = 40, 2001-2050 = 30, 2051-2100 = 20, above 2101 = 10 Prizes A,B,C : Total Fund 500 EUR + extra prize
Organizer : IM Sandor BIRO, C.P. 68, R-530300 Miercurea Ciuc-1, Romania, E-mail : Tel+Fax : (+40)-266-316712, Mobil : (+40)-740-021866
The 2004 (45th annual) US Armed Forces Open (USAFO) Chess Tournament will be held from Saturday October 9 to Monday (Columbus Day) October 11, 2004 at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD. The event is free and open to all active, reserve, guard and cadet/ROTC, and retired military service members. This year the event has been opened up to any player who is from a NATO country who has an Active Duty, Reserve, or Retired status.
Further details:
Los Angeles Open. Los Angeles, CA, September 24-26, 2004. 5-SS. $10,000 based on 200 players, $6,000 guaranteed. Top section FIDE rated.
Further details:
The VIII Paks Cup will take place 21st-31st August 2004, GM IM tournaments 12 players, 21-27 August 2004 FM tournament 10 players, 0Accommodation: 6-18 Euro/night/person, Information: Videki SandorTel:3675421225, 36304012866,
The IX Open International Chess Tournament takes place in Cesenatico (Italy): 4th-12th September 2004 at Colonia AGIP, Viale Carducci, 181 - Cesenatico (Forli' - Italy). Fax +3954786331 # mobile phone +39335.6615956. Open A 9 rounds Open B 8 rounds site email organiser
The 2nd International chess tournament "Riga 2004" takes place 15th 21st August 2004. For Latvian players it also will be the national championship.
Details: and in Latvian
26th Annual Southern California Open. Burbank, CA, September 3-6, 2004. 6-SS. $20,000 based on 300 players, $10,000 guaranteed. Top section FIDE rated. Further details:
The United States Chess Federation (USCF) have organised a six-game Brain versus Beauty - Clash of The Titans match between Anatoly Karpov and Susan Polgar.
They will play Rapid, Blitz and Advanced Chess. The event starts on Saturday, September 18, 2004, with a Chess Parade in downtown Lindsborg, Kansas. The match will take place in Bethany College Theater on September 18-19. 2 Rapid games - time control of 20 minutes with 5 seconds delay, 2 Blitz games - time control of 5 minutes with 3 seconds delay and 2 Advanced Chess - time control of 25 minutes with 5 seconds increments. The United States Chess Federation (USCF) has officially sanctioned the match. The Karpov - Polgar match is supported by the State of Kansas and the city of Lindsborg.
The Catalonia Chess Federation are organising the I Catalonian Circuit Grand Prix. 24 Tournaments are included in this competition. All rules are available at The circuit starts June 6th and finishes September 16th 2004.
The 91st Smith & Williamson British Championships take place 1st - 14th August in the Spa Complex, Scarborough,Yorkshire. Michael Adams will be competing. Includes the first World Major Championship restricted to players rated under 2350.
The 13th Monarch Assurance tournament takes place in the Isle of Man 25th September - 3rd October 2004.
Leading confirmed entries include: Ilya Smirin 2675 Israel Luke McShane 2661 England unless playing for England in Majorca Zhong Zhang 2633 China Vladimir Baklan 2615 Ukraine Vassilios Kotronias 2607 Cyprus Evgeny Agrest 2601 Sweden Kaido Kulaots 2600 Estonia Ian Rogers 2587 Australia Hikaru Nakamura 2580 USA Jon Speelman 2569 England Viktor Korchnoi 2568 Switzerland Ehsan Ghaem Maghami 2558 Iran Hicham Hamdouchi 2544 Morocco Mark Hebden 2544 England Stuart Conquest 2524 England Murray Chandler 2520 England Peter Wells 2507 England
Official site:
The 1st Dato Arthur Tan Malaysia Open Chess Championship takes place in Kuala Lumpur August 21st-31st 2004.
Further details: specifically
The 24th Merdeka Team Chess Championship 2004 takes place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 27th-29th August 2004. This is followed by a Rapid Chess Open (Time Control: 25 Minutes + 10 Seconds increment from move 1) takes place 29th-31st August 2004.
Further details: specifically
2nd Riva del Garda International Open Chess Tournament takes place 26th-30th December 2004. Open A >1700 - Open B <1800 Seniores 7 Rounds - 2h x 40 + 1/2h quick play finish Info: tel. +39 0464 576657 - fax:+39 0464 521222
Further details;
7th International Chess Festival Olomouc Chess Summer 2004 takes place in Olomouc (Czech Republic) on 4-12.8. 2004. Round-robin GM and IM tournaments, Open Championship of the Olomouc region (FIDE open), Open Seniors Championship of the Czech Republic, Open Championship of the Olomouc region forYoungsters up to 15 years of age and open tournament in active chess are part of the festival.
Detailed information
The 10th international chess tournament "Festival Schneider Bohemia - Pilsen 2004", which takes place 14th-22nd August 2004 in the sports hall of Streleck stadion Pilsen-Lobzy (Czech Republic). The main tournament is the OPEN international tournament ( the 1st prize is 20.000 CZK, total prize fund 81.000 CZK - ca 2500 Euro ). Further information:
The XXX International Chess Open "Ciutat de Badalona" takes place 2nd-10th August, 2004. Prizes over 6000 euros sponsored by the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Catalan Chess Federation.
Further details:
Garry Kasparov visits Campinas August 23rd and Belo Horizonte August 24 2004 to give a lecture "Strategy of the Future".
The 36th Chess Olympiad takes place in Calvià (Majorca), 14th-31st October 2004. There is now a website with lots of information on the event. Calvià is hoping to become a huge chess town with regular events for tourists. There will be many events alongside the Olympiad.
Official site:
A tournament celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the birth of the 9th World Champion Tigran Petrosian will be held in Yerevan (Armenia), November 18-30, 2004.
The programme of the Petrosian Memorial includes two events:
a) Open Tournament - November 18-27, Swiss System, 9 rounds, Prize Fund US$ 35.000
b) European Rapid Chess Championship - November 28-30, Swiss System, 11 rounds, Prize Fund 10.000 Euro
Further information: or by contacting the organisers at
The VI International Chess Open de Sants, Hostafrancs & La Bordeta Barcelona takes place 28th August - 5th September 2004.
Leonid Galperin the Vice-President of the Chess Federation of the Ukraine sends news of future events in Alushta.
Official site:
1. GM norm events (11-13-15 rounds, circular system, VIII-IX category) 22.05-2.06 5.06-15.06 17.06-27.06 27.08-7.09 10.09-20.09 23.09-3.10
2. IM norm events (11-13 rounds, circular system, II-III category) 22.05-2.06 5.06-15.06 17.06-27.06 27.08-7.09 10.09-20.09 23.09-3.10
3. Festival "Alushta's summer-2004" The tournaments with the GM and IM norm (11-13 rounds, circular system) 05.06 - 15.06 17.06. - 27.07 Rating tournament (11-13 rounds, circular system) 17.06-27.06 Open tournament (under 16 years). First prize - 200 $. (9 rounds, swiss system ) 8.06-16.06 Blitz tournament (9 rounds, swiss system) 28.06 "Rapid chess" (open) (9 rounds, swiss system) 29.06-30.06 Open tournament (main tournament of festival)(9 rounds, swiss system) First prize 1000 $. First prize (woman) 500$. 1.07-10.07
The 2004 US Championships will take place November 25th - December 5th at the Hilton Torrey Pines, La Jolla San Diego, California.
Further details of who has qualified so far and which events make-up the 2004 cycle can be found at
Further details:
One of the huge reference gaps in online chess literature is a list of games and results from the Olympiads. There is a new site which is designed to fill that gap.
Mikhail Golubev chronicled Ukrainian Chess news over a number of years on his Chess-Sector website. He no longer updates the site but there is an archive at: His personal pages are at:
Other websites of Ukrainian news:,, and
The Monarch Assurance Isle of Man Congress takes place 25th September - 3rd October 2004. The open has 9 rounds and the 2 subsidiary events 7, the latter starting on the 27th. A number of very strong grandmasters are likely to compete as in previous years. Total prize fund £16500. The first World Senior Team Championship will take place 5th - 12th October also in the same Ocean Castle Hotel. This is for teams of 4 + one optional reserve. Male players have to be at least 60 on 1 January 2004 and female players at least 50. Further details on both events
A calendar of Canadian events can be found at the Chess Federation of Canada's web site - - Listed are the major Canadian events for the summer tourist season in order of date, with links that can be pasted into a web browser. Please note the FIDE Zone 2.2 Championships 77th Canadian Closed Ch - August 20-29.
Canadian Schedule 2004:
Natalia Zhukova takes on the newspaper "All Sport" and the web-site "Chess in Ukraine". Voting seems to be via E-Mail.
Moves so far: Zhukova vs. "All Sport" and "Chess in Ukraine" 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 d6 6.Bg5 e6 7.Qd2 a6 8.0-0-0 Bd7 9.f3 Be7 10.h4 b5 11.Nxc6 Bxc6 12.Ne2 0-0 13.Nd4 Rc8 14.g4 Bb7 15.Be3 Qc7 16.h5 continues.
Further details:
With the Linares tournament about to start it seems a good time to launch a new discussion forum. Vote on your prediction of the winner of Linares. The TWIC message board. You need to register to post and vote. Address:
4th International Chess Festivals Series
15.-23.5. 2004 4th OPEN ZNOJMO (FIDE open, Open Women Championship of the Czech Republic in active chess ?Znojemska kralovna ? The Znojmo Queen?, tournament for girls up to 14 years of age, active chess tournament)
15.7.-1.8. 2004 15th CZECH OPEN ? Pardubice (5 FIDE opens, one of them with GM and IM norm, Open European Amateurs Championship, Open Championship of the Czech Republic of 4-member team tournament, in active chess, blitz tournament, bughouse and Fischerandom chess, 14 tournaments altogether)
4.-12.8. 2004 7th OLOMOUC CHESS SUMMER (FIDE open, closed GM and IM tournaments, Open Seniors Championship of the Czech Republic, open tournament of youngsters)
18.-26.9. 2004 1st OPEN HIGHLANDS ? Havlickuv Brod (Men Championship of the Czech Republic - semifinals, FIDE open)
23.-30.10. 2004 5th OPEN LIBEREC (FIDE open)
14.-21.1. 2005 4th OPEN PRAHA (2 FIDE opens, one of them with IM norm)
22.-30.1. 2005 4th OPEN MARIANSKE LAZNE (FIDE open and 1-2 closed IM tournaments)
More details e-mail: and http:/
IM Silman vs The Rest of the World hosting a "Rest of the World" match against IM Jeremy Silman. This is a voting game where the "Rest of the World" (ROW) votes for the moves against Silman, and the highest voted move played after five days. Kasparov played a ROW game a few years back. IM Jeremy Silman is the author of the one chess book that everyone raves about, How to ReAssess Your Chess.
The match has inspired the largest ROW team ever at ChessWorld, well over 300 players at last count. IM Silman opened the game with 1. d4 and the voting is underway. You can get in on the game at - head for Play!..World team games after logging in.
The up to date position is also available on the TWIC front page.
Alexei Shirov has a webpage which includes an online school project (together with GM Alfonso Romero and IM Javier Sanz both from Spain) and a personal page within. The address is, at the moment everything is in Spanish although the English version should follow soon.
The IX Cesenatico International Chess Open takes place in Cesenatico (Italy) 4th-12th September 2004.Open A 9 rounds. Open B 8 rounds.
Organiser Jean Christophe Pirini email Fax +39547681217 # mobile phone +39335.6615956.
Further details:
1. Open EGER 9 rounds Swiss, 17th-25th of July /100 km North-East from Budapest/ and GM-IM closed tmt, organizer: Rauch Ferenc, cell phone: +(36)-30-326-3692, e-mail:, other organizer: Vajda, Albert Sr. e-mail: More info: Nagy Laszlo, e-mail:
2. FIRST SATURDAY GM-IM-FM, 7th-19th of August 2004, org: NL.
3. Cat.XI. GM-closed, 10 participants, Budapest, 18th-27th of Aug. Org: PALI, Gabor, e-mail: Mobile: +/36/-20-470-50-37
4. TALENTUM CUP Open 19th-27th of Aug. BALATONZAMARDI /200 km West from Budapest/, organizer: MR VALIS, Janos e-mail:
5. FIRST SATURDAY GM-IM-FM, 4th-16th of September, Org: NL.
There is a new Turkish website: (note the change of address). I have given an interview to the webmaster Alper Efe Ataman.
The 3rd Annual Narender Nath Memorial Chess Tournament commemorating a man who died in the World Trade Center on September 11th 2001 is underway. The event raises money for charity.
Regular competition for players in New York Rated 2200 and above.
Further details: