THE WEEK IN CHESS 502 June 21st 2004 by Mark Crowther

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Mark Crowther

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1) Introduction
2) FIDE Championship in Tripoli
3) Armenia vs Rest of the World
4) II György Marx Chess Memorial
5) First Saturday GM June
6) 2nd Leonine GM
7) PWPW S.A. Chess Cup
8) Young Stars of the World
9) 106th New York Masters
10) US Women's Championship
11) Alushta Summer GM III
12) CCA/ICC International
13) Chicago Open
14) 2nd Asean IM
15) Flemish Championships
16) Winnipeg Canada
17) Herforder Rapid Chess Open
18) Ponomariov Open Letter
19) Forthcoming Events and Links


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Games section

FIDE Championship in Tripoli   168 games
Armenia vs Rest of the World     6 games
II György Marx Chess Memorial   70 games
First Saturday June             29 games
2nd Leonine GM                  30 games
PWPW S.A. Chess Cup             24 games
Young Stars of the World        18 games
106th New York Masters           4 games
US Women's Championship         10 games
St John's International         16 games
Alushta Summer GM III           55 games
CCA/ICC International           55 games
Chicago Open                    69 games
2nd Asean IM                     9 games
Flemish Championships           42 games
605 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to John Fernandez, Sándor Vidéki, Cecil Rosner, Alex Betaneli, Leonid Galperin, Pawel Suwarski, Haroon Rashid, Ruslan Ponomariov, Sergey Bystrov, Miklos Orsó, Jean Christophe Pirini, Leander Laruelle, Andy McFarland, Ali Nihat Yazici, Axel Fritz and everyone else who helped with the issue.

The start of the FIDE Championship in Tripoli grabs the main headlines. Missing many of the World's best it nevertheless offers the top seeds in particular Vesselin Topalov, Michael Adams, Alexander Grischuk, Vassily Ivanchuk and Nigel Short a real chance to win a World Title something some of them have been seeking for a lot of years. In a blast from the past Gata Kamsky made a very low key return to competitive chess at the New York Masters reportedly after finishing his training as a lawyer. Even if he only plays in his spare time his return is certainly welcome as he was a fantastic talent. Its frightening to think its 8 years since he announced his retirement and 5 since he played his last chess. I don't know where the years have gone.

Hope you enjoy this issue.


2) FIDE Championship in Tripoli

The opening ceremony for the FIDE Championships in Tripoli takes place on 18th June 2004. Round 1 on Saturday 19th. The event is severely weakened with many of the top players refusing to play for various reasons including unhappyness with the contract and the treatment of the Israeli players. The Israeli players are all missing from the event.

There were no real major shocks in round 1. Surprise results, such as they were, included the matches where Leonid Kritz beat Krishnan Sasikiran, Hichem Hamdouchi beat Alexander Motylev, Gadir Guseinov beat Giovanni Vescovi, Peter Acs beat Predrag Nikolic, Ehsan Ghaem Maghami beat Rafael Vaganian, Alex Wojtkiewicz beat Kiril Georgiev, Rafael Leitao beat Zhang Zhong, Suranas Sulskis beat Bartlomiej Macieja, Ashot Anastasian beat Bu Xiangzhi. Young genius Magnus Carlsen was eliminated after a playoff in spite of giving it a good go against Levon Aronian.

There were four players who didn't turn up allowing their opponents through to the second round. Alexander Morozevich (allowing Abobker Elarbi (LBA) through), Vadim Milov (Das Neelotpal (IND)), Johann Hjartarson (Sergey Kudrin (USA)) and Yuri Shulman (USA) (Vladislav Tkachiev (FRA)).

If playoffs are required then firstly there are a pair of rapid games (25 minutes + 10 secs a move), then if needed a pair of blitz games (5 minutes + 10 seconds per move) followed finally by a sudden death game (White has 6 minutes black Black 5 minutes, black has draw odds.).

Some of the rapid games from round 1.3 are currently missing.

Official site:

Round 2 21st-22nd June 2004

 1 Delchev, Aleksander       (BUL)   -   (BUL) Topalov, Veselin       
 2 Elarbi, Abobker           (LBA)   -   (RUS) Smirnov, Pavel         
 3 Asrian, Karen             (ARM)   -   (ENG) Adams, Michael         
 4 Grischuk, Alexander       (RUS)   -   (CYP) Kotronias, Vasilios    
 5 Harikrishna, Pentala      (IND)   -   (UKR) Ivanchuk, Vassily      
 6 Short, Nigel D.           (ENG)   -   (POL) Krasenkow, Michal      
 7 Dominguez, Lenier         (CUB)   -   (RUS) Malakhov, Vladimir     
 8 Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter   (ROM)   -   (NED) Tiviakov, Sergei       
 9 Kharlov, Andrei           (RUS)   -   (NED) Sokolov, Ivan          
10 Dreev, Alexey             (RUS)   -   (ARG) Felgaer, Ruben         
11 Adianto, Utut             (INA)   -   (ARM) Akopian, Vladimir      
12 Ye, Jiangchuan            (CHN)   -   (CHN) Ni, Hua                
13 Anastasian, Ashot         (ARM)   -   (IND) Neelotpal, Das         
14 Azmaiparashvili, Zurab    (GEO)   -   (RUS) Lastin, Alexander      
15 Sadvakasov, Darmen        (KAZ)   -   (FRA) Bacrot, Etienne        
16 Gurevich, Mikhail         (BEL)   -   (CRO) Kozul, Zdenko          
17 Iordachescu, Viorel       (MDA)   -   (RUS) Rublevsky, Sergei      
18 Radjabov, Teimour         (AZE)   -   (DEN) Nielsen, Peter Heine   
19 Nakamura, Hikaru          (USA)   -   (BLR) Aleksandrov, Aleksej   
20 Beliavsky, Alexander G    (SLO)   -   (RUS) Kobalia, Mikhail       
21 Almasi, Zoltan            (HUN)   -   (ESP) Vallejo Pons, Francisco
22 Bologan, Viktor           (MDA)   -   (UKR) Moiseenko, Alexander   
23 Sulskis, Sarunas          (LTU)   -   (RUS) Sakaev, Konstantin     
24 Kritz, Leonid             (GER)   -   (BRA) Leitao, Rafael         
25 Lputian, Smbat G          (ARM)   -   (AZE) Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar 
26 Graf, Alexander           (GER)   -   (FRA) Tkachiev, Vladislav    
27 Wojtkiewicz, Aleksander   (USA)   -   (RUS) Zvjaginsev, Vadim      
28 Kasimdzhanov, Rustam      (UZB)   -   (IRI) Ghaem Maghami, Ehsan   
29 Filippov, Valerij         (RUS)   -   (NED) Van Wely, Loek         
30 Hamdouchi, Hichem         (MAR)   -   (USA) Kudrin, Sergey         
31 Aronian, Levon            (ARM)   -   (AZE) Guseinov, Gadir        
32 Acs, Peter                (HUN)   -   (SVK) Movsesian, Sergei      

Round 1 19th-20th June 2004

 1 Topalov, Veselin          (BUL) * -   (LBA) Abulhul, Tarik             1-0 1-0 
 3 Adams, Michael            (ENG) * -   (LBA) Asabri, Hussien            1-0 1-0 
 4 Solomon, Kenneth          (RSA)   - * (RUS) Grischuk, Alexander        0-1 1/2 
 5 Ivanchuk, Vassily         (UKR) * -   (ALG) Arab, Adlane               1-0 1-0 
 6 Kadhi, Hameed Mansour Ali (YEM)   - * (ENG) Short, Nigel D.            0-1 0-1 
 7 Malakhov, Vladimir        (RUS) * -   (TUR) Haznedaroglu, Kivanc       1-0 1/2 
 8 Dableo, Ronald            (PHI)   - * (ROM) Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter    1/2 0-1 
 9 Sokolov, Ivan             (NED) * -   (ZAM) Simutowe, Amon             1-0 1-0 
10 Tissir, Mohamed           (MAR)   - * (RUS) Dreev, Alexey              0-1 0-1 
11 Akopian, Vladimir         (ARM) * -   (MEX) Gonzalez Garcia, Jose      1-0 1/2 
12 Garcia Palermo, Carlos    (ARG)   - * (CHN) Ye, Jiangchuan             1/2 1/2 Playoff 1/2 0-1
14 Mahjoob, Morteza          (IRI)   - * (GEO) Azmaiparashvili, Zurab     1-0 0-1 Playoff 0-1 0-1
15 Bacrot, Etienne           (FRA) * -   (CAN) Charbonneau, Pascal        1-0 1-0 
16 Johansen, Darryl K.       (AUS)   - * (BEL) Gurevich, Mikhail          1/2 0-1 
17 Rublevsky, Sergei         (RUS) * -   (EGY) Adly, Ahmed                1/2 1/2 Playoff 1-0 1-0
18 Bartel, Mateusz           (POL)   - * (AZE) Radjabov, Teimour          0-1 0-1 
19 Aleksandrov, Aleksej      (BLR) * -   (EGY) El Gindy, Essam            1-0 1/2 
20 Barsov, Alexei            (UZB)   - * (SLO) Beliavsky, Alexander G     1/2 1/2 Playoff 0-1 1/2
21 Vallejo Pons, Francisco   (ESP) * -   (CHI) Vasquez, Rodrigo           1/2 1/2 Playoff 0-1 1-0 1-0 1/2
22 Paragua, Mark             (PHI)   - * (MDA) Bologan, Viktor            1-0 0-1 Playoff 0-1 0-1 
23 Sakaev, Konstantin        (RUS) * -   (GRE) Mastrovasilis, Dimitrios   1/2 1-0 
24 Kritz, Leonid             (GER) * -   (IND) Sasikiran, Krishnan        1-0 1-0 
25 Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar    (AZE) * -   (UKR) Neverov, Valeriy           1/2 1/2 Playoff 1-0 1-0
26 Barua, Dibyendu           (IND)   - * (GER) Graf, Alexander            0-1 0-1 
27 Zvjaginsev, Vadim         (RUS) * -   (BRA) Lima, Darcy                1-0 1-0 
28 Ramirez, Alejandro        (CRC)   - * (UZB) Kasimdzhanov, Rustam       1/2 1/2 Playoff 0-1 1/2
29 Van Wely, Loek            (NED) * -   (USA) Ivanov, Alexander          1/2 1/2 Playoff 1-0 1-0
30 Hamdouchi, Hichem         (MAR) * -   (RUS) Motylev, Alexander         1/2 1-0 
31 Vescovi, Giovanni         (BRA)   - * (AZE) Guseinov, Gadir            1/2 1/2 Playoff 1/2 0-1
32 Acs, Peter                (HUN) * -   (BIH) Nikolic, Predrag           1/2 1/2 Playoff 1-0 1/2
33 Movsesian, Sergei         (SVK) * -   (RUS) Landa, Konstantin          1/2 1/2 Playoff 1-0 1/2
34 Carlsen, Magnus           (NOR)   - * (ARM) Aronian, Levon             1/2 1/2 Playoff 1/2 0-1
36 Campora, Daniel H.        (ARG)   - * (RUS) Filippov, Valerij          1/2 0-1 
37 Vaganian, Rafael A        (ARM)   - * (IRI) Ghaem Maghami, Ehsan       0-1 0-1 
38 Wojtkiewicz, Aleksander   (USA) * -   (MKD) Georgiev, Kiril            1/2 1-0 
40 Gagunashvili, Merab       (GEO)   - * (ARM) Lputian, Smbat G           0-1 0-1 
41 Zhang, Zhong              (CHN)   - * (BRA) Leitao, Rafael             1/2 0-1 
42 Sulskis, Sarunas          (LTU) * -   (POL) Macieja, Bartlomiej        1-0 1/2 
43 Moiseenko, Alexander      (UKR) * -   (RUS) Dolmatov, Sergey           1-0 1/2 
44 Al-Modiahki, Mohamad      (QAT)   - * (HUN) Almasi, Zoltan             0-1 0-1 
45 Kobalia, Mikhail          (RUS) * -   (UKR) Karjakin, Sergey           1/2 1-0 
46 Nakamura, Hikaru          (USA) * -   (RUS) Volkov, Sergey             1/2 1/2 Playoff 1-0 1-0
47 Nielsen, Peter Heine      (DEN) * -   (IND) Ganguly, Surya Shekhar     1-0 1-0 
48 Morovic Fernandez, Ivan   (CHI)   - * (MDA) Iordachescu, Viorel        1/2 0-1 
49 Kozul, Zdenko             (CRO) * -   (VIE) Dao, Thien Hai             1-0 1-0 
50 Kotsur, Pavel             (KAZ)   - * (KAZ) Sadvakasov, Darmen         0-1 0-1 
51 Lastin, Alexander         (RUS) * -   (POL) Kempinski, Robert          1/2 1-0 
52 Anastasian, Ashot         (ARM) * -   (CHN) Bu, Xiangzhi               1-0 1/2 
53 Vladimirov, Evgeny        (KAZ)   - * (CHN) Ni, Hua                    1/2 1/2 Playoff 1/2 1-0 0-1 0-1
54 Adianto, Utut             (INA) * -   (RUS) Alekseev, Evgeny           1/2 1-0 
55 Jobava, Baadur            (GEO)   - * (ARG) Felgaer, Ruben             1-0 0-1 Playoff 1/2 1/2 1-0 0-1 0-1
56 Kharlov, Andrei           (RUS)   - * (GER) Dautov, Rustem             1/2 1/2 Playoff 1-0 1/2
57 Sargissian, Gabriel       (ARM)   - * (NED) Tiviakov, Sergei           1/2 1/2 Playoff 1-0 0-1 1-0 0-1 0-1
58 Inarkiev, Ernesto         (RUS)   - * (CUB) Dominguez, Lenier          1-0 0-1 Playoff 1/2 0-1
59 Krasenkow, Michal         (POL) * -   (BRA) Milos, Gilberto            1/2 1-0 
60 Harikrishna, Pentala      (IND) * -   (CHN) Xu, Jun                    1-0 0-1 Playoff 1/2 1-0
61 Kotronias, Vasilios       (CYP) * -   (GEO) Kacheishvili, Giorgi       0-1 1-0 Playoff 1-0 /12
62 Agrest, Evgenij           (SWE)   - * (ARM) Asrian, Karen              1/2 1/2 Playoff 0-1 1/2
63 Bruzon, Lazaro            (CUB)   - * (RUS) Smirnov, Pavel             1/2 1/2 Playoff 0-1 1/2
64 Galkin, Alexander         (RUS)   - * (BUL) Delchev, Aleksander        1/2 0-1

Round 1 losers  64 x  USD   6,000  USD 384,000
Round 2 losers  32 x  USD  10,000  USD 320,000
Round 3 losers  16 x  USD  15,000  USD 240,000
Round 4 losers   8 x  USD  22,000  USD 176,000
Round 5 losers   4 x  USD  32,000  USD 128,000
Round 6 losers   2 x  USD  45,000  USD  90,000
Runner-up        1 x  USD  70,000  USD  70,000
World Champion   1 x  USD 100,000  USD 100,000
Total:                             USD 1,508,000

3) Armenia vs Rest of the World

The 75th anniversary of the birth of the late Armenian world champion Tigran Petrosian was celebrated with an Armenia v Rest of the World match which took place in Moscow 10th-16th June 2004.

The Rest of the World just managed to hang on to the lead they established in the first three rounds to beat an Armenian representative team 18.5-17.5. Boris Gelfand tried hard to win against Etienne Bacrot and square the match, in the final game to finish. The Rook and Bishop vs Rook ending finally was drawn.

Official site: and

Teams - Armenia: Vladimir Akopian, Smbat Lputian and Rafael Vaganian plus Garry Kasparov whose mother is Armenian, Peter Leko whose wife is Armenian and Boris Gelfand who is most famous pupil to study under Tigran Petrosian. Rest of the World: Viswanathan Anand, Michael Adams, Peter Svidler, Loek Van Wely, Etienne Bacrot and Francisco Vallejo Pons.

Round 1 (June 10, 2004)

                    ROW 3.5 - ARM 2.5

Kasparov, Garry         ARM - ROW Van Wely, Loek          1-0 33 A33 English Symmetrical 
Anand, Viswanathan      ROW - ARM Lputian, Smbat G        1-0 61 C18 French Winawer 
Leko, Peter             ARM - ROW Adams, Michael          1/2 24 C87 Ruy Lopez 
Svidler, Peter          ROW - ARM Gelfand, Boris          1-0 52 B90 Sicilian Najdorf Variation 
Akopian, Vladimir       ARM - ROW Vallejo Pons, Francisco 1/2 32 C65 Ruy Lopez Berlin 
Bacrot, Etienne         ROW - ARM Vaganian, Rafael A      1/2 34 C17 French Winawer 

Round 2 (June 11, 2004) 

                       ROW 4- ARM 2

Vallejo Pons, Francisco ROW - ARM Kasparov, Garry         1/2 34 B97 Sicilian Najdorf 
Vaganian, Rafael A      ARM - ROW Anand, Viswanathan      1/2 19 A32 English Symmetrical 
Adams, Michael          ROW - ARM Akopian, Vladimir       1-0 25 C10 French Rubinstein 
Gelfand, Boris          ARM - ROW Van Wely, Loek          1/2 26 A34 English Symmetrical 
Bacrot, Etienne         ROW - ARM Leko, Peter             1/2 27 E20 Nimzo Indian 
Lputian, Smbat G        ARM - ROW Svidler, Peter          0-1 41 D91 Gruenfeld 5.Bg5 

Round 3 (June 12, 2004) 

                    ROW 3.5 - ARM 2.5

Kasparov, Garry         ARM - ROW Bacrot, Etienne         1/2 66 C88 Ruy Lopez Closed
Svidler, Peter          ROW - ARM Vaganian, Rafael A      1/2 19 C17 French Winawer
Akopian, Vladimir       ARM - ROW Anand, Viswanathan      0-1 45 B48 Sicilian Paulsen
Adams, Michael          ROW - ARM Lputian, Smbat G        1/2 33 C09 French Tarrasch
Gelfand, Boris          ARM - ROW Vallejo Pons, Francisco 0-1 24 E13 Queens Indian 5.Bg5
Van Wely, Loek          ROW - ARM Leko, Peter 0-1 22 E15 Queens Indian

Round 4 (June 13, 2004) 

                    ROW 3.0 - ARM 3.0
Kasparov, Garry         ARM - ROW Adams, Michael          1/2 45 A30 English Symmetrical
Anand, Viswanathan      ROW - ARM Gelfand, Boris          1/2 30 C42 Petroff's Defence
Leko, Peter             ARM - ROW Svidler, Peter          1/2 20 B80 Sicilian Scheveningen
Vallejo Pons, Francisco ROW - ARM Vaganian, Rafael A      1/2 48 C17 French Winawer
Lputian, Smbat G        ARM - ROW Bacrot, Etienne         0-1 54 D15 Slav Defence
Van Wely, Loek          ROW - ARM Akopian, Vladimir       0-1 65 E15 Queens Indian

Round 5 (June 14, 2004) 
                      ROW 2 - ARM 4

Svidler, Peter          ROW - ARM Kasparov, Garry         1/2   58  B31  Sicilian Rossolimo
Leko, Peter             ARM - ROW Anand, Viswanathan      1-0   68  B48  Sicilian Paulsen
Bacrot, Etienne         ROW - ARM Akopian, Vladimir       1/2   20  E21  Nimzo Indian 4.Nf3
Lputian, Smbat G        ARM - ROW Vallejo Pons, Francisco 1-0   76  E14  Queens Indian
Adams, Michael          ROW - ARM Gelfand, Boris          1/2   20  B90  Sicilian Najdorf Variation
Vaganian, Rafael A      ARM - ROW Van Wely, Loek          1/2   44  E10  Blumenfeld Counter Gambit

Round 6 (June 15, 2004) 
                    ROW 2.5 - ARM 3.5

Anand, Viswanathan      ROW - ARM Kasparov, Garry         1/2 26 B33 Sicilian Sveshnikov
Vaganian, Rafael A      ARM - ROW Adams, Michael          1-0 38 D05 Colle System
Vallejo Pons, Francisco ROW - ARM Leko, Peter             1/2 18 E15 Queens Indian
Akopian, Vladimir       ARM - ROW Svidler, Peter          1/2 16 B42 Sicilian Paulsen
Van Wely, Loek          ROW - ARM Lputian, Smbat G        1/2 31 D58 Queens Gambit Tartakover
Gelfand, Boris          ARM - ROW Bacrot, Etienne         1/2 70 D13 Slav Exchange

Final Score Rest of the World 18.5 Armenia  17.5 

Player scores
ARM-ROW Match Moscow RUS (RUS), 10-15 vi 2004
                                            1   2   3   4   5   6 
 1. Leko, Peter              g ARM HUN 2741  = 8 = 5 +12 = 2 + 6 = 7  4.0  2830 
 2. Svidler, Peter           g ROW RUS 2733  +10 +11 = 3 = 1 = 4 = 9  4.0  2830 
 3. Vaganian, Rafael A       g ARM ARM 2639  = 5 = 6 = 2 = 7 =12 + 8  3.5  2762 
 4. Kasparov, Garry          g ARM RUS 2817  +12 = 7 = 5 = 8 = 2 = 6  3.5  2762 
 5. Bacrot, Etienne          g ROW FRA 2675  = 3 = 1 = 4 +11 = 9 =10  3.5  2762 
 6. Anand, Viswanathan       g ROW IND 2774  +11 = 3 + 9 =10 - 1 = 4  3.5  2762 
 7. Vallejo Pons, Francisco  g ROW ESP 2666  = 9 = 4 +10 = 3 -11 = 1  3.0  2705 
 8. Adams, Michael           g ROW ENG 2731  = 1 + 9 =11 = 4 =10 - 3  3.0  2705 
 9. Akopian, Vladimir        g ARM ARM 2689  = 7 - 8 - 6 +12 = 5 = 2  2.5  2648 
10. Gelfand, Boris           g ARM ISR 2714  - 2 =12 - 7 = 6 = 8 = 5  2.0  2580 
11. Lputian, Smbat G         g ARM ARM 2634  - 6 - 2 = 8 - 5 + 7 =12  2.0  2580 
12. Van Wely, Loek           g ROW NED 2651  - 4 =10 - 1 - 9 = 3 =11  1.5  2512 

4) II György Marx Chess Memorial

The II György Marx Chess Memorial took place 5th-15th June 2004 in Paks Hungary. 73 year old Victor Korchnoi won the Category 14 event with 7.5/10 and a 2780 performance. Alongside was in IM event where Viktor Varadi made an IM norm. My thanks to Sandor Vidéki.

The VIII Paks Cup will take place 21st-31st August 2004, GM IM tournaments 12 players, 21-27 August 2004 FM tournament 10 players, Accommodation: 6-18 Euro/night/person, Information: Videki SandorTel:3675421225, 36304012866,

Official site:

Round 5 (June 9, 2004)

Korchnoi, Viktor        -  Portisch, Lajos         1-0   50  E07  Catalan
Last pair of moves missing last week.

Round 10 (June 15, 2004)

Berkes, Ferenc          -  Beliavsky, Alexander G  1/2   28  E32  Nimzo Indian 4.Qc2
Portisch, Lajos         -  Korchnoi, Viktor        1/2   26  D34  Tarrasch Defence, Main Line
Acs, Peter              -  Nevednichy, Vladislav   1/2   39  C41  Philidor's Defence

II Gyorgy Marx Mem Paks HUN (HUN), 5-15 vi 2004   cat. XIV (2587)
                                      1  2  3  4  5  6 
1 Korchnoi, Viktor        g SUI 2579 ** == 10 11 1= 11  7.5  2782
2 Berkes, Ferenc          g HUN 2613 == ** == 1= =1 =1  6.5  2692
3 Beliavsky, Alexander G  g SLO 2667 01 == ** 01 =1 =1  6.0  2643
4 Nevednichy, Vladislav   g ROM 2544 00 0= 10 ** == 1=  4.0  2524
5 Portisch, Lajos         g HUN 2573 0= =0 =0 == ** =0  3.0  2441
6 Acs, Peter              g HUN 2548 00 =0 =0 0= =1 **  3.0  2446

II Gyorgy Marx Mem IM Paks HUN (HUN), 5-15 vi 2004             cat. IV (2328)
                                           1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Szuhanek, Ranko           m ROM 2424  * = = = 1 1 = 1 1 = 1 1  8.5  2530 
 2. Bogdan, Dan               m ROM 2452  = * = 0 1 = 1 1 1 1 = 1  8.0  2491 
 3. Varadi, Viktor              HUN 2395  = = * 1 0 1 = 1 = 1 = 1  7.5  2454 
 4. Sebestyen, Balazs         f HUN 2286  = 1 0 * = 1 0 = = 1 = 1  6.5  2396 
 5. Pap, Gyula                  HUN 2323  0 0 1 = * = 1 0 = 1 1 1  6.5  2393 
 6. Dragomirescu, Angela     wm ROM 2288  0 = 0 0 = * = 1 1 = 1 1  6.0  2367 
 7. Petrienko, Vladimir       m RUS 2425  = 0 = 1 0 = * = 1 0 = 1  5.5  2319 
 8. Krutti, Valer             m HUN 2377  0 0 0 = 1 0 = * 0 1 1 1  5.0  2287 
 9. Konnyu, Janos               HUN 2257  0 0 = = = 0 0 1 * 0 1 1  4.5  2269 
10. Dabo-Peranic, Robert        CRO 2320  = 0 0 0 0 = 1 0 1 * = 0  3.5  2195 
11. Meshcheriakova, Evgenia  wm RUS 2206  0 = = = 0 0 = 0 0 = * 1  3.5  2206 
12. Fodor, Tamas jr           f HUN 2183  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 *  1.0  1958 

5) First Saturday GM June

The First Saturday events took place 5th-17th of June 2004. The main event was a Category 7 event won by Nguyen Ngoc Truongson, second placed Laszlo Gonda made an IM norm. Organised by Laszlo Nagy.

Internet coverage:

FSGM June Budapest HUN (HUN), 5-17 vi 2004               cat. VII (2419)
                                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
 1. Nguyen Ngoc Truongson   m VIE 2431  * 1 = = 1 = 1 1 = 1 =  7.5  2610 
 2. Gonda, Laszlo           f HUN 2397  0 * = = = = = 1 1 1 =  6.0  2493 
 3. Farago, Ivan            g HUN 2507  = = * = = = = = 1 = =  5.5  2446 
 4. Seres, Lajos            g HUN 2497  = = = * = 1 = 0 = = =  5.0  2411 
 5. Fogarasi, Tibor         g HUN 2465  0 = = = * = = = 1 = =  5.0  2414 
 6. Paschall, William M     m USA 2381  = = = 0 = * = 1 0 0 1  4.5  2386 
 7. Almasi, Istvan          m HUN 2449  0 = = = = = * = = = =  4.5  2379 
 8. Karatorossian, David    m ARM 2401  0 0 = 1 = 0 = * = 1 =  4.5  2384 
 9. Nagle, Sean             f USA 2375  = 0 0 = 0 1 = = * = 1  4.5  2387 
10. Muir, Andrew J          m SCO 2335  0 0 = = = 1 = 0 = * 1  4.5  2391 
11. Szieberth, Adam         m HUN 2370  = = = = = 0 = = 0 0 *  3.5  2313 

FSIM June Budapest HUN (HUN), 5-17 vi 2004                    cat. II (2289)
                                            1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
 1. Jakab, Attila               m HUN 2390  * 1 1 = = 1 = 1 1 1 1  8.5  2575 
 2. Boguszlavszkij, Jevgenyij   m HUN 2276  0 * = = = 1 1 = = 0 1  5.5  2326 
 3. Farago, Sandor              m HUN 2314  0 = * = = 0 1 1 = 1 =  5.5  2322 
 4. Werner, Dimo                m GER 2362  = = = * = 1 = = = 0 =  5.0  2282 
 5. Kahn, Evarth                m HUN 2290  = = = = * 1 0 = = = =  5.0  2289 
 6. Caruana, Fabiano            f USA 2140  0 0 1 0 0 * = = 1 1 1  5.0  2304 
 7. Simonsen, Hans Kristian       FAI 2243  = 0 0 = 1 = * = 0 1 =  4.5  2257 
 8. Poulsen, Martin               FAI 2290  0 = 0 = = = = * = 1 =  4.5  2253 
 9. Eperjesi, Laszlo            m HUN 2322  0 = = = = 0 1 = * 0 1  4.5  2250 
10. Martini, Balazs               HUN 2289  0 1 0 1 = 0 0 0 1 * =  4.0  2217 
11. Brustkern, Juergen          f GER 2266  0 0 = = = 0 = = 0 = *  3.0  2142 

6) 2nd Leonine GM

The 2nd Leonine GM took place in Dhaka 18th-28th May 2004. Nguyen Anh Dung won the event with 8.5/11 half a point clear of Abdulla Al-Rakib. First six rounds of games appeared in TWIC498. My thanks to Haroon Rashid.

2nd Leonine GM Dhaka BAN (BAN), 18-28 v 2004           cat. VIII (2431)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Nguyen Anh Dung      g VIE 2535  * = = = 1 1 = 1 = 1 1 1  8.5  2632 
 2. Abdulla, Al-Rakib    m BAN 2422  = * = = = 0 1 1 1 1 1 1  8.0  2606 
 3. Rahman, Ziaur        g BAN 2493  = = * = 1 0 0 1 1 1 = 1  7.0  2527 
 4. Sandipan, Chanda     g IND 2561  = = = * 0 1 = = = 1 1 1  7.0  2520 
 5. Reefat, Bin-Sattar   m BAN 2472  0 = 0 1 * 1 1 0 0 1 1 1  6.5  2491 
 6. Fominyh, Alexander   g RUS 2579  0 1 1 0 0 * = = 1 = 1 1  6.5  2482 
 7. Murshed, Niaz        g BAN 2471  = 0 1 = 0 = * 0 = 1 1 1  6.0  2463 
 8. Ravi, Lanka          m IND 2461  0 0 0 = 1 = 1 * 1 0 = 1  5.5  2427 
 9. Hossain, Enamul      m BAN 2436  = 0 0 = 1 0 = 0 * = 1 =  4.5  2365 
10. Sharma, Dinesh K     m IND 2369  0 0 0 0 0 = 0 1 = * 1 1  4.0  2334 
11. Abdul, Maleq           BAN 2243  0 0 = 0 0 0 0 = 0 0 * =  1.5  2138 
12. Thapa, Krishna         NEP 2126  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 = *  1.0  2075 

7) PWPW S.A. Chess Cup

The International Women’s Tournament PWPW S.A. Chess Cup takes place June 18th-22nd in Warsaw. Venue: Hotel Courtyard by Marriott in Warsaw. The event is organised by the Polish Chess Federation and is sponsored Polska Wytwornia Papierow Wartosciowych S.A. The event is a six player double round robin. The rapid event has a time rate of 25 minutes + 10 seconds per move. The prize fund is equal to 8500 US$ in total and all the 6 participating players will receive financial prizes.

Official site:

PWPW S.A Chess Cup Warsaw POL (POL), 19-21 vi 2004cat. VIII (2431)
                                    1  2  3  4  5  6 
1 Skripchenko, Almira   m FRA 2456 ** == 1. 1. == 1=  5.5  2572
2 Kosteniuk, Alexandra  m RUS 2469 == ** =1 1. =. 01  5.0  2518
3 Socko, Monika         m POL 2408 0. =0 ** 11 10 =.  4.0  2435
4 Dworakowska, Joanna   m POL 2395 0. 0. 00 ** 1= 11  3.5  2388
5 Radziewicz, Iweta     m POL 2444 == =. 01 0= ** 0.  3.0  2337
6 Zielinska, Marta     wg POL 2411 0= 10 =. 00 1. **  3.0  2349

8) Young Stars of the World

The 2nd "Young Stars of the World" (Vani Somova Memorial) takes place 18th-29th June 2004 in Kirishi,

Official sites: (Russian only) (English Table)

Further coverage: (Russian) (English)

II Young Stars of the World Kirishi RUS (RUS), 18-29 vi 2004cat. IV (2346)
                                      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Zhigalko, Sergei      f BLR 2486  * . . 1 1 . . . . . 1 .  3.0       
 2. Nepomniachtchi, Ian   f RUS 2445  . * . . = 1 1 . . . . .  2.5  2662 
 3. Andreikin, Dmitry     m RUS 2418  . . * . . = = . 1 . . .  2.0  2516 
 4. Khairullin, Ildar     f RUS 2481  0 . . * . . . . . 1 . 1  2.0  2378 
 5. Matlakov, Maxim         RUS 2361  0 = . . * . . 1 . . . .  1.5  2393 
 6. Howell, David WL      f ENG 2332  . 0 = . . * . . 1 . . .  1.5  2409 
 7. Kuzubov, Yuriy        m UKR 2475  . 0 = . . . * 1 . . . .  1.5  2370 
 8. Lintchevski, Daniil     RUS 2248  . . . . 0 . 0 * . . 1 .  1.0  2240 
 9. Rodshtein, Maxim        ISR 2366  . . 0 . . 0 . . * 1 . .  1.0  2205 
10. Potapov, Pavel          RUS 2240  . . . 0 . . . . 0 * . 1  1.0  2169 
11. Sjugirov, Sanan       f RUS 2260  0 . . . . . . 0 . . * 1  1.0  2131 
12. Mueller, Reinhold       GER 2035  . . . 0 . . . . . 0 0 *  0.0       

9) 106th New York Masters

Gata Kamsky played his first chess in public since 1999 when he turned up to play in the New York Masters at the famous Marshall Chess Club in New York. 30 year old Kamsky basically retired from chess in 1996 with a brief return for the FIDE Championships Knockout in Las Vegas in 1999. Since then there has been virtually no news although its reported he is now married and has graduated as a lawyer. At the time he was extremely bitter about his treatment by FIDE and the PCA so its nice to see he still has the wish to play. If this prefaces even a limited return to over the board chess Kamsky will certainly come straight in as US number one. His inactive FIDE rating is 2717 far above the current top US player on the list Alexander Onischuk who is rated 2649.

The regular rapid event (mostly weekly) organised by IM Greg Shahade and John Fernandez provides regular chances for keen players of 2200 and above to compete against GMs and IMs in New York. See:

Even though Kamsky was obviously extremely rusty he still tied for first place with five others in the four round swiss rapid event, all the players won $160.

Leonid Yudasin won the 105th New York Masters with a clean 4/4 score on 8th June 2004. The regular rapid event provides regular chances for keen players of 2200 and above to compete against GMs and IMs in New York. News John Fernandez. I gave the 104 games again as I forgot to change the dates and edition number in the games.

106th New York Masters Action USA (USA), 15 vi 2004
                                     1   2   3   4   Total
   1. Kamsky, Gata          g USA 2717 + 7 = 3 = 9 + 6   3.0  ($160)
   2. Yudasin, Leonid       g ISR 2553 +15 +14 = 6 = 3   3.0  ($160)
   3. Scekic, Milos         m SCG 2405 +16 = 1 + 8 = 2   3.0  ($160)
   4. Bercys, Salvijus        USA 2279 +21 - 8 +16 + 9   3.0  ($160)
   5. Maltese, Adam           USA ---- = 8 +11 =10 +12   3.0  ($160)
   6. Blatny, Pavel         g CZE 2451 +22 +12 = 2 - 1   2.5
   7. Privman, Boris        f USA 2268 - 1 +17 +14 = 8   2.5
   8. Krush, Irina          m USA 2465 = 5 + 4 - 3 = 7   2.0
   9. Vovsha, Eli           m ISR 2441 =19 +13 = 1 - 4   2.0
  10. Bonin, Jay            m USA 2341 =13 =19 = 5 =11   2.0
  11. Sarkar, Justin        m USA 2375 =17 - 5 +18 =10   2.0
  12. Bartell, Thomas       f USA 2298 +18 - 6 +15 - 5   2.0
  13. Arnold, Marc            USA 2008 =10 - 9 =17 +20   2.0
  14. Shahade, Jennifer    wm USA 2337 +20 - 2 - 7 =     1.5
  15. Lenderman, Alex       f USA 2327 - 2 +20 -12 =     1.5
  16. Ross, Laura          wf USA 2099 - 3 +21 - 4 =     1.5
  17. Thaler, Michael         USA 2067 =11 - 7 =13 =     1.5
  18. Fischler, Matthew       USA ---- -12 +22 -11 =21   1.5
  19. Appelman, Harris        USA 2188 = 9 =10 --- ---   1.0
  20. Zhao, Parker            USA 1992 -14 -15 +21 -13   1.0
  21. Khrapatin, Fedor        USA ---- - 4 -16 -20 =18   0.5
  22. Furdzik, Rafal          USA 2253 - 6 -18 --- ---   0.0


1ST   - $ 400
2ND   - $ 200
3RD   - $  70
U2400 - $ 130

10) US Women's Championship

The US Women's Championship and a Category VIII International tournament take place at St. John's University in Manhattan. The event is organised by Dr. Frank Brady author of the book Bobby Fischer: Profile of a Prodigy.

Official site:

ch-USA w New York USA (USA), 17-25 vi 2004         cat. IV (2340)
                                         1 2 3 4 5 6 7 
1. Shahade, Jennifer       wm USA 2337  * 1 1 . . 1 =  3.5  2655 
2. Zatonskih, Anna         wg USA 2444  0 * . 1 1 . .  2.0  2491 
3. Abrahamyan, Tatev       wf USA 2236  0 . * 1 0 . 1  2.0  2362 
4. Krush, Irina             m USA 2465  . 0 0 * 1 1 .  2.0  2305 
5. Belakovskaia, Anjelina  wg USA 2297  . 0 1 0 * . .  1.0  2256 
6. Battsetseg, Tsagaan     wm USA 2246  0 . . 0 . * 1  1.0  2259 
7. Goletiani, Rusudan      wg USA 2352  = . 0 . . 0 *  0.5  2000 

St John Uni New York USA (USA), 17-27 vi 2004      cat. VIII (2432)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Yudasin, Leonid      g ISR 2553  * . . . . 1 . . 1 1  3.0       
 2. Cela, Altin          m ALB 2482  . * . = . . . 1 1 .  2.5  2655 
 3. Fedorowicz, John P   g USA 2517  . . * . = . 1 = . .  2.0  2510 
 4. Benjamin, Joel       g USA 2566  . = . * . . 1 . . .  1.5  2621 
 5. Vovsha, Eli          m ISR 2441  . . = . * = . = . .  1.5  2409 
 6. Kurniawan, Bobby     m INA 2371  0 . . . = * = . . =  1.5  2363 
 7. Sarkar, Justin       m USA 2375  . . 0 0 . = * . 1 .  1.5  2336 
 8. Bonin, Jay R         m USA 2341  . 0 = . = . . * 0 .  1.0  2227 
 9. Times, Jerald W        USA 2240  0 0 . . . . 0 1 * .  1.0  2244 
10. Ivkov, Borislav      g SCG 2433  0 . . . . = . . . *  0.5  2269 
[Table derived from the games]

11) Alushta Summer GM III

A 3rd Summer tournament took place in Alushta, Ukraine 5th-15th June 2004. IM Boris Itkis of Romania won the event with 8/10 a point and a half clear of the field and half a point above the GM norm. Information Leonid Galperin.

Further information:

Summer III Alushta UKR (UKR), 5-15 vi 2004              cat. VII (2421)
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
 1. Itkis, Boris           m ROM 2436  * = 1 = 1 1 1 = 1 = 1  8.0  2659 
 2. Belikov, Vladimir      g RUS 2494  = * = = = 1 = 1 = 1 =  6.5  2523 
 3. Kuznetsov, Viktor2     f RUS 2375  0 = * = = 0 = = 1 1 1  5.5  2461 
 4. Abbasov, Farid         m AZE 2435  = = = * = = = = = = =  5.0  2419 
 5. Derjabin, Ilja         m UKR 2391  0 = = = * 1 0 1 0 1 =  5.0  2423 
 6. Babaev, Rashad         m AZE 2413  0 0 1 = 0 * = = 1 = 1  5.0  2421 
 7. Shtyrenkov, Veniamen   g RUS 2449  0 = = = 1 = * = = 0 =  4.5  2381 
 8. Tishin, D              m UKR 2372  = 0 = = 0 = = * = = 1  4.5  2389 
 9. Varavin, Viktor        g RUS 2399  0 = 0 = 1 0 = = * 1 0  4.0  2350 
10. Tolstikh, Nikolay      m RUS 2425  = 0 0 = 0 = 1 = 0 * =  3.5  2310 
11. Rakhimov, Zinnour K    m RUS 2437  0 = 0 = = 0 = 0 1 = *  3.5  2308 

12) CCA/ICC International

Alex Betaneli reports: The 2004 CCA/ICC International took place on June 8th-13th 2004 in Stratton Mountain Vermont. It was organized and co-sponsored by Continental Chess Association and by Internet Chess Club. Thirty four players competed in the 10-round swiss event including seven Grandmasters and six International masters. GMs Alexander Shabalov (USA) and Daniel Fridman (Latvia) collected 7.5 out of 10 splitting first and second prizes, while GM Jaan Ehlvest of Estonia was clear third with 7 points. Young american FMs Joshua Friedel and Matthew Hoekstra had a spectacular event earning IM norms. Longer reports and full crosstable are available on and on

Internet coverage:

CCA/ICC Stratton Mt USA (USA), 8-13 vi 2004
 1. Shabalov, Alexander      g  USA 2624  7½  
 2. Fridman, Daniel2         g  LAT 2594  7½ 
 3. Ehlvest, Jaan            g  EST 2596  7 
 4. Ivanov, Alexander        g  USA 2544  6½ 
 5. Hebert, Jean             m  CAN 2412  6½ 
 6. Browne, Walter S         g  USA 2456  6 
 7. Perelshteyn, Eugene      m  USA 2500  6 
 8. Blatny, Pavel            g  CZE 2451  6 
 9. Ardaman, Miles           f  USA 2307  6 
10. Friedel, Joshua E        f  USA 2398  5½ IM norm
11. Rizzitano, James         m  USA 2395  5½ 
12. Winer, Steven            f  USA 2335  5½ 
13. Hoekstra, Matthew        f  USA 2358  5  IM norm 
14. Voloaca, Mihnea             CAN 2204  5 
15. Privman, Boris           f  USA 2268  5 
16. Pupols, Viktors             USA 2233  5 
17. Betaneli, Aleksandr         USA 2228  5 
18. Figler, Ilye             f  USA 2327  5 
19. Almeida Saenz, Alfonso   m  USA 2378  5 
20. Ross, David              m  CAN 2303  4½ 
21. Lawson, Eric             f  CAN 2276  4½ 
22. Nilsson, Martin             SWE 2215  4½ 
23. Hess, Robert L              USA 2169  4½ 
24. Boekhoff, Andrew            USA ----  4 
25. Reichstein, Boris        f  USA 2211  4 
26. Donaldson, John W        m  USA 2459  4 
27. Castaneda, Nelson        f  USA 2288  3½ 
28. Bakker, Joshua              USA 2114  3½ 
29. Saint-Amand, Paul           CAN 2125  3 
30. Lamastus-Candal, Jean P     PUR 2141  3 
31. Wojtkiewicz, Aleksander  g  USA 2559  3 
32. Rogers, Norman           f  USA 2300  2½ 
33. Kobernat, Alan              USA 2130  2 
34. Rust, Lary F                USA 1982  ½ 

13) Chicago Open

The $100,000 Chicago Open was held May 28th-31st 2004. There were 22 GMs in the field of 773 entries. Jan Ehlvest and Alex Shabalov tied for first with 6-1 scores, with Ehlvest winning the playoff. Chouchanik Airapetian rated only 2066 and qualified not only for the women's place for the US Championship but also the men's (the event was a combined swiss last time).

Further news:

Chicago Open Chicago USA (USA), 28-31 v 2004
 1. Ehlvest, Jaan            g  EST 2596 6  27    29.5 24 
 2. Shabalov, Alexander      g  USA 2624 6  24.5  27.5 22 
 3. Goldin, Alexander        g  USA 2611 5½ 31    35   25 
 4. Wojtkiewicz, Aleksander  g  USA 2559 5½ 27.5  30.5 23 
 5. Akobian, Varuzhan        m  USA 2516 5½ 27.5  30.5 23 
 6. Finegold, Benjamin       m  USA 2533 5½ 26.5  29   23 
 7. Sharavdorj, Dashzeveg    g  MGL 2444 5½ 26.5  29   21 
 8. Mikhalevski, Victor      g  ISR 2550 5½ 25    27.5 21.5
 9. Nakamura, Hikaru         g  USA 2580 5  30.5  33.5 24.5
10. Golod, Vitali            g  ISR 2552 5  28    31   24 
11. Anka, Emil               g  HUN 2422 5  27.5  30   20.5
12. Fishbein, Alexander      g  USA 2500 5  26.5  29.5 22.5
13. Friedel, Joshua E        f  USA 2398 5  25    27   20 
14. Shulman, Yuri            g  USA 2559 5  24.5  24.5 17 
15. Adu, Oladapo             m  NGR 2265 5  22.5  22.5 18 
16. Airapetian, Chouchanik      USA 2092 5  20    23   16 
17. Mitkov, Nikola           g  MKD 2520 4½ 30    33.5 21 
18. Stripunsky, Alexander    g  USA 2553 4½ 26.5  29.5 21 
19. Gurevich, Dmitry         g  USA 2497 4½ 26.5  29.5 21 
20. Smetankin, Stanislav     m  BLR 2466 4½ 26.5  29.5 20.5
21. Becerra Rivero, Julio    g  USA 2547 4½ 26.5  29   19 
22. Pasalic, Mehmed             GER 2360 4½ 26    28   18 
23. Schneider, Dmitry        m  USA 2454 4½ 25.5  29   20 
24. Benen, Samson            f  USA 2303 4½ 25.5  28.5 17 
25. Adamson, Robby           f  USA 2375 4½ 25    27   19.5
26. Blatny, Pavel            g  CZE 2451 4½ 24.5  27.5 20.5
27. Lein, Anatoly            g  USA 2375 4½ 24.5  26   19.5
28. Burgess, Jon L              ENG 2153 4½ 24    26.5 16.5
29. Schneider, Igor          f  USA 2252 4½ 23    24   18 
30. Fernandez, Daniel        f  USA 2317 4½ 21    23.5 17.5
31. Boekhoff, Andrew R          USA ---- 4½ 21    22.5 15 
32. Fridman, Daniel2         g  LAT 2594 4  28.5  32   21 
33. Rensch, Daniel           f  USA 2364 4  27    30   18 
34. Muhammad, Stephen A      f  USA 2378 4  25.5  28   19 
35. Ibragimov, Ildar         g  USA 2556 4  25    25   19.5
36. Cole, John W                USA 2305 4  23.5  24.5 16 
37. Lugo, Blas               f  CUB 2395 4  23    25   16.5
38. Aramil, William J           USA 2173 4  22.5  25   14.5
39. Boor, Carl Brando           USA 2166 4  22    24   14 
40. Duncan, Jason               USA 2107 4  21.5  22.5 14 
41. Kaidanov, Gregory S      g  USA 2621 4  21.5  21.5 18.5
42. Langer, Mikhail             USA 2281 4  20.5  22.5 14 
43. Van Meter, Lester        f  USA 2240 4  20.5  22   13 
44. Vayserberg, Tatia           USA 1905 4  17.5  19.5 10 
110 players

14) 2nd Asean IM

The 2nd ASEAN Masters IM Tournament took place 13th-20th June 2004. Jason Goh Koon-Jong won the event with 6.5/10. Games from the first three rounds only available.

Further details: and

2nd Asean IM Bangkok THA (THA), 13-20 vi 2004    cat. VI (2393)
                                       1  2  3  4  5  6 
1. Goh Koon-Jong, Jason   f SIN 2382  ** =0 10 1= 11 1=  6.5
2. Cain, Celestino          PHI 2310  =1 ** 10 == 1= ==  6.0
3. Aung Aung              m MYA 2524  01 01 ** == == 10  5.0
4. Nay Oo Kyaw Tun        m MYA 2431  0= == == ** == ==  4.5
5. Myo Naing              m MYA 2425  00 0= == == ** 1=  4.0
6. Maninang, Rafaelito    m PHI 2288  0= == 01 == 0= **  4.0

15) Flemish Championships

The Flemish Championships took place in Bilzen 20th-31st May 2004. Mher Hovhanisian won the title with 5/5/7. My thanks to Leander Laruelle for the news.

Further information:

ch-VSF Bilzen BEL (BEL), 20-31 v 2004
                                        1   2   3   4   5   6   7 
 1. Hovhanisian, Mher    m  ARM 2304  +12 + 5 + 9 + 3 = 4 = 2 = 6  5.5  2362 
 2. Claesen, Pieter      m  BEL 2380  - 9 + 8 + 6 = 5 + 3 = 1 + 4  5.0  2301 
 3. Grecuccio,Nicola        BEL ----  + 6 = 4 + 7 - 1 - 2 + 5 +12  4.5  2252 
 4. Barbier, Wim            BEL 2185  +10 = 3 = 5 + 9 = 1 = 6 - 2  4.0  2199 
 5. Van Herck, Marcel       BEL 2216  + 7 - 1 = 4 = 2 + 9 - 3 +11  4.0  2190 
 6. Van de Wynkele,Eric     BEL ----  - 3 +10 - 2 + 8 +11 = 4 = 1  4.0  2196 
 7. Mattheys, Eddy          BEL 1965  - 5 +12 - 3 +10 + 8 =11 -10  3.5  2052 
 8. Van Espen, Eddy         BEL 2154  =11 - 2 +12 - 6 - 7 +10 + 9  3.5  2070 
 9. Lavrenov, Yuli          BEL 2147  + 2 +11 - 1 - 4 - 5 +12 - 8  3.0  2127 
10. Cluyts,Marc             BEL ----  - 4 - 6 +11 - 7 =12 - 8 + 7  2.5  1936 
11. Gijbels,Rudi            BEL ----  = 8 - 9 -10 =12 - 6 = 7 - 5  1.5  1838 
12. Luysmans,Kristof        BEL ----  - 1 - 7 - 8 =11 =10 - 9 - 3  1.0  1772 

16) Winnipeg Canada

Helgi Olafsson, one of Iceland's top chess grandmasters, took first place and the $2,000 prize today in the Icelandic Invasion chess tournament at the University of Winnipeg. The eight-round event had 69 participants from Manitoba, North Dakota, Saskatchewan and Iceland. The tournament was part of a week-long celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Icelandic republic. Iceland's Minister of Industry opened the event. Olafsson had 7 points, followed by four other Icelandic grandmasters: Johann Hjartarson, Jon Arnason, Helgi Gretarsson and Throstur Thorhallsson on 6.5 points. The top Canadian in the tournament was Cecil Rosner, who had 6 points.

It was all part of a festival to celebrate 60 years of the Icelandic Republic and 100 years of home rule for the former Danish colony. Members of the Icelandic national theatre group, along with other cultural ambassadors, were also in Manitoba.

The tournament was held June 18-19 at the University of Winnipeg. The eight-round Swiss was a rapid Game/30 event, with three rounds on Friday night and the remaining five on Saturday.

Further details:

17) Herforder Rapid Chess Open

The Herforder Rapid Chess Open took place from 19th.-20th of June. 76 Participants. Karl-Heinz Podzielny won mit 9/11 before Alexander Kabatianski, Arkadij Rotstein, Carsten Lingnau and Ulf Andersson. Further details:

18) Ponomariov Open Letter

FIDE Deputy President Georgios Makropoulos gave a long interview with Yuri Vasiliev of the "Sport Express" newspaper. You can read it in full in English at: (excerpts appeared at Or the original at:

Ruslan Ponomariov answered the points in detail in a new open letter: Open Letter from Ruslan Ponomariov 16th June 2004

Why FIDE is silent now?

Dear colleagues,

In June, 15 on it has been published interview with Georgios Makropoulos " Why they were silent in Prague? ", given by him to the russian newspaper "Sports - Express" from June, 8. In my opinion, the manner of dialogue and all stylistics of mr. Makropoulos, is characteristic for the majority of chess officials and does not leave doubts of that mr. Makropoulos traditionally counts itself "chief" of all chess players. Naturally, the basic arrows have been directed on his obstinate "subordinates" – top-grandmasters among whom has got once again and me.

Should tell, that I for myself already for a long time have turned page of history with not taken place match Ponomariov –– Kasparov and I do not see sense to live in the past. But as functionaries FIDE constantly come back to the given theme and purposefully impose to the chess public idea that the match has not taken place ostensibly from - for my unwillingness to play with Garry Kimovich. I think necessary to not disregard a retort of mr. Makropoulos and again to remind chronology of negotiations with FIDE.

In April 2003 I received the draft contract for our match with Kasparov in Buenos Aires. Before signing it I gave it to the lawyers for examination. Some of these lawyers were permanently cooperating with different sporting organizations. They came to the unanimous conclusion: the draft contract had several legal defects. The parties did not have equal rights, and one party - FIDE - was given a clear advantage over the other party - the "Players" (i.e. Mr. Kasparov and myself). It was wrong to make both players act as one party of the contract while they could not meet regularly and work out a common position. The lawyers also pointed out that the interest of FIDE officials (and especially their financial interests) were over-protected while the players' rights and ways to protect the "Players"' interests were not outlined clearly enough. On the part of FIDE only the rights were listed, without any mention of the FIDE's obligations to the players. On the part of the "Players" - only their obligations and duties towards FIDE were described, and also the sanctions for failing to perform these obligations. No sanctions for FIDE were previewed in case it breaks the "Players"' rights, there were not even any sanctions if FIDE fails to perform it's own obligation: to organize the match in Buenos Aires on the specific dates. I sent to FIDE twenty one most important (in my opinion) suggestions to change some parts of the contract, and pointed out that three parts are contradicting with the Prague agreements and the rules of the match. I asked to send my comments to Kasparov and to tell me about his position.

The Executive Director of FIDE Mr. Omuku accepted a few least important of my suggestions and objected against most of them saying that FIDE has its traditions and normal practices. At the same time Mr. Omuku told me that the match will not take place in June in Buenos Aires because the president Ilyumzhinov by his authority postponed the match to autumn and divided it between Buenos Aires and Montevideo. Among my suggestions to improve the contract there was a request to impose sanctions on FIDE if it breaks its obligations, and in particular if the match will be cancelled because of it, so Mr. Omuku told me that for postponing our match FIDE will pay Kasparov and me $100,000 each in form of compensation for our related losses. FIDE took an obligation to pay it by August, 15, 2003. I must say that Argentina paid this money to FIDE as a non-refundable security advance payment. FIDE failed to fulfill its obligation. Ilyumzhinov said in several interviews that Argentina did make this payment to FIDE, but it is unknown where this money is now.

In July the president of Ukraine sent his order to hold the match in Yalta to Mr. Ilyumzhinov, and once again I started urging FIDE to adjust the contract in the short time remaining before the match. I suggested that the parties meet and discuss the contract details. FIDE ignored my requests. Again they sent me the draft contract at the last moment, and again Ilyumzhinov's signature was missing from it. The contract can not be considered an official document if it doesn't bear the signature of the FIDE President. The absence of his signature was all the more strange because earlier Mr. Omuku confirmed that Mr. Ilyumzhinov should be the first to sign the contract because it was him who created this document.

To my disappointment I found out that even those of my suggestions and changes that were accepted by FIDE in April, were not included in the new draft contract. I sent my suggestions again, this time I reduced the number of changes because time for corresponding were running short. I demanded that they fulfill the following requirements:

I was patiently waiting that Mr. Kasparov would express a desire to meet with me, or would at least inform me about his opinion about the contract, and about my suggestions. However, Kasparov was silent, and I started strongly asking FIDE to arrange an exchange of information between me and Kasparov. Up to the moment when the match was cancelled by Ilyumzhinov neither him, nor his office nor Kasparov answered my question about what Kasparov thought about the contract, and whether Kasparov even knew of my suggestions. Eventually I found out that Kasparov made a statement that he didn't approve the text of the contract, and that he sent to FIDE five pages of his objections, but later he for some reason withdrew it. Also Kasparov said that because the match in Buenos Aires was postponed, and then the match in Yalta cancelled, he lost $500,000. In this connection I find it strange (to say the least) that Kasparov withdrew his objections, and that later he didn't demand that Ilyumzhinov compensates his losses.

In response to my requests Ilyumzhinov sent me a fax with the request that I should be the first to sign the contract. As for his own signature, he promised to put it on the paper as soon as he can spare a moment in between of his state affairs. On August, 12 I faxed to FIDE a Russian text of the contract with my signature. I left only five of my previously requested changes (all the other changes I didn't include in order to reach compromise). I was sure that my compromising approach would make Ilyumzhinov want to reciprocate, and that he would accept my five changes that in no way affected FIDE's interests. But instead the FIDE Board gave me a new deadline, and an ultimatum: if I don't sign a contract by August, 18 without any reservations, I will be replaced by another participant.

I reduced the number of my proposed changes again to a necessary minimum, I left only two of them, and I was ready to give up on one of those two after personal discussions. I made still more compromises with a sole purpose of saving the match. Because Ukraine fully guaranteed the prize fund of the match and the organizing expenses in the amount of $1.700.000, I gave written guarantees to the Ukrainian Government that I'll be ready to play after my proposed changes are accepted. The Organizing Committee of the match approved both of my changes, and considered them legal, fair and honest. My first proposed change was to remove the incomprehensively written clause giving FIDE an absolutely illegal right "to defer the player's right to play in the match" if he "does not observe the time frame stipulated by the contract" or if "his conduct violates the conditions of the contract". In such cases FIDE can appoint a "reserve" player instead of the one who broke the rules and "to impose the punitive sanctions in full".

It sounds rather vague, doesn't it? What does it mean "to defer the player's right to play in the match" To defer for how long, and when to resume? What "time frame" should a player "observe"? What exactly meant by "the player's conduct violating the conditions of the match"? What is a "reserve" player and what is "imposing punitive sanctions in full"? What are the criteria to determine if "the player's conduct does or doesn't violate the conditions", and most importantly, who are the judges? Who has the right to determine that a player's conduct is bad enough to replace him? There were no answers to these questions in the draft contract. In the history of World Chess Championships there was a case when a match was suddenly terminated by the FIDE President. But while in the past it was done without mentioning the right to do this in the contract, now Mr. Ilyumzhinov decided to "legalize" the FIDE's right to arbitrary rule.

The second controversial point of the contract was adding a twentieth day to the match in the form of a day-off before tie-breaks, in case the winner is not determined after the main twelve games. Indeed, on January 6, 2003 my manager Mr. Silvio Danailov on my behalf suggested that there were only three days off in the match schedule: two during the match, and one before tie-breaks. However, at the time FIDE declined this suggestion. An extra day off in itself was not a problem for me, and I would agree to this suggestion made by Kasparov, but I had one principal objection. In the official rules of the match, worked out by FIDE, there was no mention of the third day off, and the match was supposed to last for nineteen days. Mr. Ilyumzhinov had no right to make changes in the rules single-handedly. But Kasparov, who as early as on December 31, 2002 signed the rules, suddenly decided to add an extra day off after twelve games, and Ilyumzhinov readily obliged him. Thus, he forged the rules that were approved by the FIDE Board on February 22-23, 2003 in Bucharest. I raised my objections because such "freedom" in handling the rules is dangerous in principle. There was one more distinct flaw in the contract that had to be corrected: the early termination of the match was not previewed in case a participant sores 6.5 before all twelve games are played.

I suggested that FIDE, Ilyumzhinov, Kasparov and the members of the Organizing Committee get together, freely exchange opinions and then sign the mutually agreed version of the contract. FIDE declined my offer. But without meeting in person we were not able to settle certain disagreements that concerned the issues beyond contract. Wasn't it a discrimination against me (since I'm not fluent in English) that Fide conducted all correspondence with me in English, and I was demanded in a categorical manner to sign the English version of the contract - whereas FIDE Statutes maintains that Russian is one of FIDE's official languages. Why then to use English in correspondence between the Russian Ilyumzhinov, the Russian Kasparov and me, who's native language is Russian?

According to an old democratic tradition all the participants were asked to name three arbiters, and FIDE had to pick two out of those three: a chief arbiter and a deputy arbiter. I wonder why only English speaking arbiters from Kasparov's list were chosen, and all the Russian speaking arbiters from my list were declined? When the organizing Committee objected against this decision, Ilyumzhinov told me that he accepted my objections and included Zsuzsa Veroci (Hungary) who was number three in my list. Ms. Veroci speaks Russian, although she's not perfectly fluent. But numbers one and two in my list were fluent Russian speakers, one of whom lives in the US, and the other in Byelorussia. FIDE created the position of the third arbiter-assistant for Ms. Veroci. This position was not previewed in the rules, the rights and duties of the third arbiter were not determined. That means FIDE once again broke its own rules while pretending that it satisfied my legitimate request. In fact, I was put in an unequal position with Kasparov.

As far as I know, soon after that there was a phone talk between the FIDE representatives and the Ukrainian government, and the preliminary agreement was reached about accepting my requests. But then the FIDE President cancelled the match in Yalta without giving reasons.

In opinion of Mr. Makropoulos "Should the least possibility to save the match exist, the FIDE President would have had used it.". It would be desirable to ask Mr. Makropoulos: if conditions which I put forward, were such insignificant from point of view FIDE why they have not been accepted? And who purposefully negotiated to failure of a match?

From its part I can recognize one doubtless mistake: until recently I considered, that it is enough to chess player to play a chess and easy to prepare for competitions, not paying attention to mass media. Unfortunately, officials FIDE apply the basic efforts for attack to mass consciousness of ordinary chess players, entering of split between top-grandmasters and other chess players. Thus dishonest methods, so-called "dirty" PR are actively used. Conscious ignoring of interests of conducting chess players of the world and passivity top - grandmasters have led to logic result: the future tournament in Libya can be named somehow, but only not the world championship. You can present yourselves the world championship in football in which would not participate at once teams of Brazil, Italy, France, Spain, England and Germany? And the world championship in hockey without Canada, the USA, Czech Republic, Finland, Sweden and Russia is possible? And here in a chess today - all is possible!

I any more don’t speak about that wild situation when the Jewish chess players have actually superseded from the world championship. Mr. Makropoulos can name in details weight of the objective reasons and consider nonparticipation of Jews in tournament in Libya the "insignificant" moment, but the fact remains the fact: the nation given to the chess world the majority of champions, from - for political, organizational and financial illegibility of officials FIDE today appeared behind a board of struggle for a chess crown. Or all business in in due time to leave from FIDE?

Unfortunately, officials FIDE do not perceive constructive offers, and prefer to live personal insults. I, for example, in essence and have not received the uniform intelligible answer concerning idea of a match - tournament with participation of conducting chess players. The answer one: where all of you were in Prague? So if management FIDE recognizes an absurd situation in which there was a chess world on a way of realization of the Prague agreements, can it is necessary to stop and think what to do further, instead of to struggle with own ambitions?

Ruslan Ponomariov, the World Champion. Kiev, June 16, 2004

19) Forthcoming Events and Links

VIII Paks Cup

The VIII Paks Cup will take place 21st-31st August 2004, GM IM tournaments 12 players, 21-27 August 2004 FM tournament 10 players, 0Accommodation: 6-18 Euro/night/person, Information: Videki SandorTel:3675421225, 36304012866,

IX Cesenatico Open

The IX Open International Chess Tournament takes place in Cesenatico (Italy): 4th-12th September 2004 at Colonia AGIP, Viale Carducci, 181 - Cesenatico (Forli' - Italy). Fax +3954786331 # mobile phone +39335.6615956. Open A 9 rounds Open B 8 rounds site email organiser

Chess Classic Mainz

Chess Classic Mainz will be held in the Rheingoldhalle in Mainz 4th-8th August 2004. The main match this year is an eight game rapid clash between Indian superstar Vishy Anand and one of the most succesfull players of 2004, Alexei Shirov. At the same time, Peter Svidler will try to defend his WNCA Chess 960 world title in an eight games match against Levon Aronian, winner of the Chess960 Open last year. On August 4 Svidler and Shirov will play a Chess 960 and classical chess simul, but several other exhibitions are planned, e.g. the first man against machine Chess960 match with the Dutch chess program The Baron. On August 5 and 6 hundreds of professionals and amateurs meet in the third FiNet-Chess960 Open and on August 7 and 8 the 11the Ordix Open will be held, in which at least 500 players are expected to play. The joint price fund for both Open tournaments is €35.000. News Eric van Reem.

More information can be found on

Biel SuperGM

The Biel Grandmaster Tournament takes place July 19th-29th 2004. The field is extremely impressive with last year's stunning winner Alexander Morozevich being joined by FIDE Champion Ruslan Ponomariov. Along with Bacrot, Sasikiran, McShane and Pelletier the event should be at least Category 17. Ten different competitions will be held during 2004 Festival.

Official site:

Biel Grandmaster Tournament (July 19th-29th 2004)
Ti Name                   NAT  Age  Ap Rat  Ap Rank
GM Alexander Morozevich   RUS   27 yo 2732  nr 7
GM Ruslan Ponomariov      UKR   20 yo 2722, nr 10
GM Etienne Bacrot         FRA   21 yo 2675, nr 27
GM Krishnan Sasikiran     IND   23 yo 2659, nr 39
GM Luke McShane           ENG   20 yo 2656, nr 42
GM Yannick Pelletier      SUI   27 yo 2581

Amsterdam Chess Tournament

The Amsterdam Chess Tournament ACT takes place 17th-25th July 2004. Main event is a 9 round swiss with Ivan Sokolov, Van Wely, Jan Timman etc.

Further details:

Group A 59 Entries so far. Top entries
Sokolov,I                      Oegstgeest             2690  GM 
Wely,LFAM van                  Tilburg                2651  GM 
Nikolic,P                      Bosnie                 2648  GM 
Tregubov,PV                    Rusland                2636  GM 
Krasenkow,M                    Polen                  2609  GM 
Doel,E van den                 Leiden                 2599  GM 
Ganguly,SS                     India                  2582  GM 
Nijboer,F                      Amsterdam              2578  GM 
Timman,JH                      Amsterdam              2576  GM 
Gagunashvili,M                 Georgie                2562  GM 
Sandipan,C                     India                  2561  GM 
Acs,P                          Hongarije              2548  GM 
Pavlovic,M                     Servie & Montenegro    2545  GM 
Smeets,J                       Oegstgeest             2531  IM 
Bagheri,A                      Iran                   2506  GM 

Riga 2004

The 2nd International chess tournament "Riga 2004" takes place 15th– 21st August 2004. For Latvian players it also will be the national championship.

Details: and in Latvian

26th Annual Southern California Open

26th Annual Southern California Open. Burbank, CA, September 3-6, 2004. 6-SS. $20,000 based on 300 players, $10,000 guaranteed. Top section FIDE rated. Further details:

45th US Armed Forces Open

The 2004 (45th annual) US Armed Forces Open (USAFO) Chess Tournament will be held from Saturday October 9 to Monday (Columbus Day) October 11, 2004 at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD. The event is free and open to all active, reserve, guard and cadet/ROTC, and retired military service members. UK players can also compete.

Further details:

The Brain Versus Beauty Clash of the Titans

The United States Chess Federation (USCF) have organised a six-game Brain versus Beauty - Clash of The Titans match between Anatoly Karpov and Susan Polgar.

They will play Rapid, Blitz and Advanced Chess. The event starts on Saturday, September 18, 2004, with a Chess Parade in downtown Lindsborg, Kansas. The match will take place in Bethany College Theater on September 18-19. 2 Rapid games - time control of 20 minutes with 5 seconds delay, 2 Blitz games - time control of 5 minutes with 3 seconds delay and 2 Advanced Chess - time control of 25 minutes with 5 seconds increments. The United States Chess Federation (USCF) has officially sanctioned the match. The Karpov - Polgar match is supported by the State of Kansas and the city of Lindsborg.

Brazil Norm Events

There are 2 IM-norm and 1 GM-norm events in Brazil.

Further details: and

Comunic VI June 15th-21st 2004

g Neuris Delgado 2557    
g Andrés Rodriguez 2556  
  Alejandro Needleman 242
f Daniel Fernandez 2317  
f M. V. Santos 2305      
  Àlvaro Aranha 2287     
f Valery Frenklakh 2280  
m Yaniet Marrero 2271    
  Wagner Madeira 2263    
f Juliano Resende 2261   

Comunic VII June 24th-30th 2004

g Neuris Delgado 2557 
g Andrés Rodriguez 2556 
  Alejandro Needleman  2420 
f Édson Tsuboi 2388 
  C. A. Sega 2323 
f Daniel Fernandez 2317 
f Valery Frenklakh 2280 
m Yaniet Marrero 2271 
f Bolívar Gonzalez 2268 
f André Diamant 2227 

Osasco 2004 Memorial França Garcia July 1st-8th

g Neuris Delgado  2557 
g Andrés Rodríguez 2556 
g Darcy Lima 2542 
m Eugene Perelshteyn 2500 
m Everaldo Matsuura 2473 
m Osvaldo Zambrana 2472 
m Dmitry Schneider 2454 
m Jefferson Pelikian 2407 
f Antonio Carlos Resende 2368 
  Wagner Madeira 2263 

Dortmund Sparkassen Chess-Meeting 2004

The Dortmund Sparkassen Chess-Meeting takes place in the Dortmund Theatre 22nd July - 1st August 2004. The event consists of Preliminary Group Stages followed by a knockout much as it was for the Candidates event in 2002. The Preliminary double round robin sees each player play 6 games. The two winners from each group will advance to the semifinals. The winners will play the final match, the losers will play the match for the 3rd place. Number 3 and number 4 in each preliminary group will play for the places 5 to 8.

Official site: Venue:


Round 1 Thursday July 22nd 14.00

Group 1 Anand vs. Naiditsch; Svidler vs. Rublevsky
Group 2 Kramnik vs. Karjakin; Leko vs. Bologan 

Round 2 Friday   July 23rd 14.00

Group 1 Naiditsch vs. Rublevsky; Anand vs. Svidler  
Group 2 Kramnik vs. Leko;  Karjakin vs. Bologan

Round 3 Saturday July 24th 14.00 

Group 1 Rublevsky vs. Anand; Svidler vs. Naiditsch         
Group 2 Leko vs. Karjakin; Bologan vs. Kramnik 

Round 4 Sunday July 25th 14.00 

Group 1 Naiditsch vs. Anand; Rublevsky vs. Svidler
Group 2 Karjakin vs. Kramnik; Bologan vs. Leko 

Round 5 Monday July 26th 14.00 

Group 1 Naiditsch vs. Svidler; Anand vs. Rublevsky
Group 2 Karjakin vs. Leko; Kramnik vs. Bologan 

Round 6 (and tie break) Tuesday July 27 14.00 

Group 1 Svidler vs. Anand; Rublevsky vs. Naiditsch
Group 2 Bologan vs. Karjakin; Leko vs. Kramnik

Rest Day Wednesday July 28 

Semifinal game 1 Thursday July  29 14.00 
Semifinal game 2 (and tie break) Friday July 30 14.00 

Final game 1 Saturday July  31 14.00  
Final game 2 (and tie break) Sunday August  1 11.30

Politiken Cup 2004

The Politiken Cup takes place 24th of July - 1st of August 2004. There are 10 rounds in 9 days. Luke McShane, Alexander Beliavsky, Magnus Carlsen, Curt Hansen, Peter Heine Nielsen. The elo average of the top ten is 2610+. This year it is played on Hotel Quality in Høje Taastrup, 15 minutes from Copenhagen central station. Speciel Prices availible at the hotel.


68th Costa Rican National Championships

68th Costa Rican National Championships is in two stages. The first stage (18th-31st May 2004) is a 9 round swiss event that will qualify 9 players to the second and final stage (July 2004) that will be a 14 player round robin that will decide the 2004 Costa Rican Champion. In the first stage there are two IM's: IM Alexis Murillo and IM Francisco Hernandez. In the second stage they are already classified: IM Leonardo Valdes, IM Bernal González, IM Sergio Minero, FM William Charpentier and FM Juan Leon Jimenez.

Internet coverage is in

14th Heart of Finland Open

The 14th Heart of Finland Open takes place in Jyväskylä, July 21-25, 2004.

9 rounds Swiss. ELO-rated with the possibility of title norms. Venue: IT-Dynamo, street address Piippukatu 2, Lutakko, Jyväskylä. Timerate 2 hours / 40 moves + 1 hour to finish

Entry fees: GMs/IMs no entry fee (early registration required), FM/U20 50 EUR, ELO-rated players 70 EUR, others 90 EUR.

Prizes: Total prize fund approximately 7000 EUR, lots of rating group prizes.

Further information: Sami Hämäläinen +358 9 791140, mobile +358 40 5123864, email


European Youth Team Championships

European Youth Team Championships and European Youth Rapid and Blitz Chess Championships takes place 9th-21st July 2004 in Belgrad.

Further information:

I Catalonian Circuit Grand Prix

The Catalonia Chess Federation are organising the I Catalonian Circuit Grand Prix. 24 Tournaments are included in this competition. All rules are available at The circuit starts June 6th and finishes September 16th 2004.

91st British Chess Championships

The 91st Smith & Williamson British Championships take place 1st - 14th August in the Spa Complex, Scarborough,Yorkshire. Michael Adams will be competing.


13th Monarch Assurance Open

The 13th Monarch Assurance tournament takes place in the Isle of Man 25th September - 3rd October 2004.

Leading confirmed entries include: Ilya Smirin 2675 Israel Luke McShane 2661 England unless playing for England in Majorca Zhong Zhang 2633 China Vladimir Baklan 2615 Ukraine Vassilios Kotronias 2607 Cyprus Evgeny Agrest 2601 Sweden Kaido Kulaots 2600 Estonia Ian Rogers 2587 Australia Hikaru Nakamura 2580 USA Jon Speelman 2569 England Viktor Korchnoi 2568 Switzerland Ehsan Ghaem Maghami 2558 Iran Hicham Hamdouchi 2544 Morocco Mark Hebden 2544 England Stuart Conquest 2524 England Murray Chandler 2520 England Peter Wells 2507 England

Official site:

Ikaros Chess Festival 2004

The traditional Ikaros Chess Festival takes place 13th-20th July 2004.

Full details:

1st Dato Arthur Tan Malaysia Open

The 1st Dato Arthur Tan Malaysia Open Chess Championship takes place in Kuala Lumpur August 21st-31st 2004.

Further details: specifically

24th Merdeka Team Chess Championship 2004

The 24th Merdeka Team Chess Championship 2004 takes place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 27th-29th August 2004. This is followed by a Rapid Chess Open (Time Control: 25 Minutes + 10 Seconds increment from move 1) takes place 29th-31st August 2004.

Further details: specifically

2nd Riva del Garda International Open

2nd Riva del Garda International Open Chess Tournament takes place 26th-30th December 2004. Open A >1700 - Open B <1800 – Seniores 7 Rounds - 2h x 40 + 1/2h quick play finish Info: tel. +39 0464 576657 - fax:+39 0464 521222

Further details;

Olomouc Chess Summer

7th International Chess Festival Olomouc Chess Summer 2004 takes place in Olomouc (Czech Republic) on 4-12.8. 2004. Round-robin GM and IM tournaments, Open Championship of the Olomouc region (FIDE open), Open Seniors Championship of the Czech Republic, Open Championship of the Olomouc region forYoungsters up to 15 years of age and open tournament in active chess are part of the festival.

Detailed information

Festival Schneider Bohemia

The 10th international chess tournament "Festival Schneider Bohemia - Pilsen 2004", which takes place 14th-22nd August 2004 in the sports hall of Streleck stadion Pilsen-Lobzy (Czech Republic). The main tournament is the OPEN international tournament ( the 1st prize is 20.000 CZK, total prize fund 81.000 CZK - ca 2500 Euro ). Further information:

3rd Open Rabat Championship

3rd Open Rabat Championship 2004 takes place June 25th - July 2nd 2004.

Players such as Hamdouchi and Tissir compete.

Details :

10th Mahaala Open 2004

The 10th Mahaala Open takes place 19th-28th July 2004. The event is open to all and takes place in Mahaala City about 120 km from Cairo.

Organized by Misr Spinning & Weaving Company at Mahaala City. FIDE Rated - Swiss Sytem 9 Rounds Time Control ( 90 Min for all game and 30 Sec. Added for every move).. Prizes as follows : 1st till 10th. 175-150-125-100-75-50-50-50-50-50 US$. Prizes are distributed according to Hort System between the number of players corresponding to number of advertised prizes). Players who wants to participate will pay 175 US$ for all beriod full accommodation and Full Board in Double Bedroom Room 3 Star Hotel . That include : Free transportation inside Egypt , including from and to Airport; Free Tourist tours; Free entry fee . No special conditions .

Also will follow another FIDE rated tournament in Mansoura City ( 40 km from Mahaala ) from 31 July till 9 Augst 2004 , its details will be declared later

Badalona Open

The XXX International Chess Open "Ciutat de Badalona" takes place 2nd-10th August, 2004. Prizes over 6000 euros sponsored by the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Catalan Chess Federation.

Further details:

VI Friendship Tournament in Cartak

The VI Friendship Tournament takes place in Cartak, Czech Republic. 19th-27th June 2004. Events: GM, IM and FIDE Open tournaments.

Contact Richard Biolek

Further info:

Kasparov visit to Brazil

Garry Kasparov visits Campinas August 23rd and Belo Horizonte August 24 2004 to give a lecture "Strategy of the Future".

36th Chess Olympiad

The 36th Chess Olympiad takes place in Calvià (Majorca), 14th-31st October 2004. There is now a website with lots of information on the event. Calvià is hoping to become a huge chess town with regular events for tourists. There will be many events alongside the Olympiad.

Official site:

Petrosian Memorial

A tournament celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the birth of the 9th World Champion Tigran Petrosian will be held in Yerevan (Armenia), November 18-30, 2004.

The programme of the Petrosian Memorial includes two events:

a) Open Tournament - November 18-27, Swiss System, 9 rounds, Prize Fund US$ 35.000

b) European Rapid Chess Championship - November 28-30, Swiss System, 11 rounds, Prize Fund 10.000 Euro

Further information: or by contacting the organisers at

Czech Open 2004

The 15th International Festival of Chess, Bridge and Games and the European Amateurs Championship in Chess takes place in Pardubice, Czech Republic 15th July - 1st August 2004. There are a large number of different events.

More details:

You can read about the Czech Tour 2004/2005 4th International Chess Festivals Series details:

Open de Sants

The VI International Chess Open de Sants, Hostafrancs & La Bordeta Barcelona takes place 28th August - 5th September 2004.


VII Memorial Pedro Salas Caparros

The III Torneo Internacional de Vera or "VII Memorial Pedro Salas Caparros" takes place in Vera, Almería, Spain, 8th-11th July 2004.

RI    Nombre                 Tí Fed  Elo   Edad
 1. Radjabov, Teimour        GM AZE  2670   17 
 2. Vallejo Pons, Francisco  GM ESP  2666   21 
 3. Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar   GM AZE  2657   19 
 4. Korchnoi, Viktor         GM SUI  2579   73 

Official site:

37th Biel International Chess Festival

The 37th Biel International Chess Festival 17th-30th July 2004.

Events include GM tournament (category 17), "Accentus" ladies Grandmaster tournament, with six of the best juniors of the world and other 10 international events.

Newly designed website: in English, German, French and Russian. With special offers.

XXII Andorra Open

The XXII Andorra International Open takes place 3rd-11th July 2004.

Total prizes: Total: 12.000€ including: 1st 2.500,00 € 2nd 2.000,00 € 3rd. 1.250,00 € 4th. 1.000,00 € 5th 800,00 € 6th. 650,00 € 7th. 500,00 € 8th. 360,00 € 9th. 300,00 € 10th. 250,00 € etc

Further details:

Alushta Tournaments

Leonid Galperin the Vice-President of the Chess Federation of the Ukraine sends news of future events in Alushta.

Official site:

1. GM norm events (11-13-15 rounds, circular system, VIII-IX category) 22.05-2.06 5.06-15.06 17.06-27.06 27.08-7.09 10.09-20.09 23.09-3.10

2. IM norm events (11-13 rounds, circular system, II-III category) 22.05-2.06 5.06-15.06 17.06-27.06 27.08-7.09 10.09-20.09 23.09-3.10

3. Festival "Alushta's summer-2004" The tournaments with the GM and IM norm (11-13 rounds, circular system) 05.06 - 15.06 17.06. - 27.07 Rating tournament (11-13 rounds, circular system) 17.06-27.06 Open tournament (under 16 years). First prize - 200 $. (9 rounds, swiss system ) 8.06-16.06 Blitz tournament (9 rounds, swiss system) 28.06 "Rapid chess" (open) (9 rounds, swiss system) 29.06-30.06 Open tournament (main tournament of festival)(9 rounds, swiss system) First prize 1000 $. First prize (woman) 500$. 1.07-10.07

Australian Open Championship update

The Australian Open Chess Championships take place December 28th, 2004 to January 9th, 2005. It will be played at Mount Buller, a tourist destination just a few hours from Melbourne, Australia. The organisers can arrange free transfer from Melbourne to Mt Buller.

Confirmed entries include:

GM Shabalov, Alex          (2636 - USA)                         
GM Ehlvehst, Jaan          (2599 - EST)  
GM Mikhalevski, Victor     (2568 - ISR) 
GM Wojtkiewicz, Aleksander (2564 - USA)
GM Kengis, Edvins          (2555 - LAT)
GM Golod, Vitali           (2544 - ISR)
GM Kosten, Tony            (2507 - FRA)

The organisers are looking for other GM or IM players interested in participating. Contact for details of conditions for players.

Prizes for the tournament are $3500, $2500, $1700, $1100, $900 . down to 8th place. There is a good chance the first prize will be increased to $10,000.

Further details:

Dutch Championships

The Dutch Championships take place June 28th - July 10th 2004.

Further info:

Essent Dutch Championship
Name                Title Qualified 
Loek van Wely       GM    Essent NC 2003
Sergei Tiviakov     GM    Essent NC 2003
Daniel Stellwagen   IM    Essent NC 2003
John van der Wiel   GM    Essent NC 2003
Friso Nijboer       GM    Dutch Open
Ivan Sokolov        GM    wildcard
Erik van den Doel   GM    Semi Finals
Dennis de Vreugt    GM    Semi Finals
Yge Visser          IM    Semi Finals
Manuel Bosboom      IM    Semi Finals

Essent Dutch Championship for Women
Name                Title Qualified
Zhaoqin Peng        WGM   Essent NC
Tea lanchava        WGM   Essent NC 2003
Petra Schuurman      FM   Essent NC 2003
Désiree Hamelink    WIM   Dutch Open
Bianca Muhren             Semi Finals
Arlette van Weersel       Semi Finals

US Championships

The 2004 US Championships will take place November 25th - December 5th at the Hilton Torrey Pines, La Jolla San Diego, California.

Further details of who has qualified so far and which events make-up the 2004 cycle can be found at

Further details:

Olimp Base

One of the huge reference gaps in online chess literature is a list of games and results from the Olympiads. There is a new site which is designed to fill that gap.


Mikhail Golubev Ukraine

Mikhail Golubev chronicled Ukrainian Chess news over a number of years on his Chess-Sector website. He no longer updates the site but there is an archive at: His personal pages are at:

Other websites of Ukrainian news:,, and

Monarch Assurance Isle of Man Congress

The Monarch Assurance Isle of Man Congress takes place 25th September - 3rd October 2004. The open has 9 rounds and the 2 subsidiary events 7, the latter starting on the 27th. A number of very strong grandmasters are likely to compete as in previous years. Total prize fund £16500. The first World Senior Team Championship will take place 5th - 12th October also in the same Ocean Castle Hotel. This is for teams of 4 + one optional reserve. Male players have to be at least 60 on 1 January 2004 and female players at least 50. Further details on both events

Canadian Events

A calendar of Canadian events can be found at the Chess Federation of Canada's web site - - Listed are the major Canadian events for the summer tourist season in order of date, with links that can be pasted into a web browser. Please note the FIDE Zone 2.2 Championships 77th Canadian Closed Ch - August 20-29.

Canadian Schedule 2004:

19th North Sea Cup

North Sea Cup, Esbjerg, Denmark. After 18 round-robins the Esbjerg Chess Union has decided to change the format of their renowned North Sea Cup. The organizers have always felt indebted to the participants of the amateur section who year after year have made the NSC a little chess festival. So now any chess devotee is offered the ( at least theoretical) possibility of facing even a GM - the NSC transforms at least for one year into the Open format.

The 19th North Sea Cup will be played July 3-10 2004, 9 rounds Swiss (two rounds on the 4th), the three top prizes DKK 15.000 - DKK 10.000 - DKK 5.000. The first 4 GMs who sign up will be offered free accommodation. Last entry June 27. Entry fee DKK 200, GM-IM-WGM and WIM for free. More info: Brian Isaksen

Further info:

3rd Condom Chess Open

3rd Condom Chess Open 2004 (south-west of France)

The tournament takes place 10-17 july 2004 9 rounds swiss system 40 moves/2h + 1h KO FIDE homogation total prize : 8000 â?¬ - 1st 1200 â?¬ E-Mail:

Further details:

Zhukova vs "All Sport" and "Chess in Ukraine"

Natalia Zhukova takes on the newspaper "All Sport" and the web-site "Chess in Ukraine". Voting seems to be via E-Mail.

Moves so far: Zhukova vs. "All Sport" and "Chess in Ukraine" 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 d6 6.Bg5 e6 7.Qd2 a6 8.0-0-0 Bd7 9.f3 Be7 10.h4 b5 11.Nxc6 Bxc6 12.Ne2 0-0 13.Nd4 Rc8 14.g4 Bb7 15.Be3 Qc7 16.h5 continues.

Further details:

Pula Open 2004

The Pula Open 2004 takes place 19th-26th June 2004 in Pula, Croatia.

Further details:

Brno Events

The Duras Chess Club in Brno is organising Closed GM and IM events and the Duras international open 3rd-11th July 2004.


TWIC Messageboard

With the Linares tournament about to start it seems a good time to launch a new discussion forum. Vote on your prediction of the winner of Linares. The TWIC message board. You need to register to post and vote. Address:

Czech Tour 2004-2005

4th International Chess Festivals Series

15.-23.5. 2004 4th OPEN ZNOJMO (FIDE open, Open Women Championship of the Czech Republic in active chess ?Znojemska kralovna ? The Znojmo Queen?, tournament for girls up to 14 years of age, active chess tournament)

15.7.-1.8. 2004 15th CZECH OPEN ? Pardubice (5 FIDE opens, one of them with GM and IM norm, Open European Amateurs Championship, Open Championship of the Czech Republic of 4-member team tournament, in active chess, blitz tournament, bughouse and Fischerandom chess, 14 tournaments altogether)

4.-12.8. 2004 7th OLOMOUC CHESS SUMMER (FIDE open, closed GM and IM tournaments, Open Seniors Championship of the Czech Republic, open tournament of youngsters)

18.-26.9. 2004 1st OPEN HIGHLANDS ? Havlickuv Brod (Men Championship of the Czech Republic - semifinals, FIDE open)

23.-30.10. 2004 5th OPEN LIBEREC (FIDE open)

14.-21.1. 2005 4th OPEN PRAHA (2 FIDE opens, one of them with IM norm)

22.-30.1. 2005 4th OPEN MARIANSKE LAZNE (FIDE open and 1-2 closed IM tournaments)

More details e-mail: and http:/

IM Silman vs The Rest of the World

IM Silman vs The Rest of the World hosting a "Rest of the World" match against IM Jeremy Silman. This is a voting game where the "Rest of the World" (ROW) votes for the moves against Silman, and the highest voted move played after five days. Kasparov played a ROW game a few years back. IM Jeremy Silman is the author of the one chess book that everyone raves about, How to ReAssess Your Chess.

The match has inspired the largest ROW team ever at ChessWorld, well over 300 players at last count. IM Silman opened the game with 1. d4 and the voting is underway. You can get in on the game at - head for Play!..World team games after logging in.

The up to date position is also available on the TWIC front page.

Shirov's Website

Alexei Shirov has a webpage which includes an online school project (together with GM Alfonso Romero and IM Javier Sanz both from Spain) and a personal page within. The address is, at the moment everything is in Spanish although the English version should follow soon.

IX Cesenatico International Open

The IX Cesenatico International Chess Open takes place in Cesenatico (Italy) 4th-12th September 2004.Open A 9 rounds. Open B 8 rounds.

Organiser Jean Christophe Pirini email Fax +39547681217 # mobile phone +39335.6615956.

Further details:

Hungarian chess tournaments June-August 2004

1. BALATON OPEN and GM-IM closed about 20th-30th of June, org: IM Rigo, e-mail: /150 km West from Budapest/,

2. FIRST SATURDAY GM-IM-FM, 3rd-16th of July, Org: Nagy Laszlo,

3. Open EGER 9 rounds Swiss, 17th-25th of July /100 km North-East from Budapest/ and GM-IM closed tmt, organizer: Rauch Ferenc, cell phone: +(36)-30-326-3692, e-mail:, other organizer: Vajda, Albert Sr. e-mail: More info: Nagy Laszlo, e-mail:

4. FIRST SATURDAY GM-IM-FM, 7th-19th of August 2004, org: NL.

5. Cat.XI. GM-closed, 10 participants, Budapest, 18th-27th of Aug. Org: PALI, Gabor, e-mail: Mobile: +/36/-20-470-50-37

6. TALENTUM CUP Open 19th-27th of Aug. BALATONZAMARDI /200 km West from Budapest/, organizer: MR VALIS, Janos e-mail:

7. FIRST SATURDAY GM-IM-FM, 4th-16th of September, Org: NL.

65th Square Website

There is a new Turkish website: (note the change of address). I have given an interview to the webmaster Alper Efe Ataman.

33rd International Rapid Chess Tournament Herford

Herford, 19th-20th June 2004 33rd International Rapid Chess Tournament 2004. Grand-Prix of Sparkasse Herford. Qualification tournament for the German Rapid Championships. 11 Rounds. Guaranteed Prize fund: € 1.500. 1st Prize € 500.-, Info: Homepage:

Western Canadian Open

The Western Canadian Open takes place July 9th-18th, 2004. The FIDE rated event is organised by the British Columbia Chess Federation.

Further details:

Narender Nath Memorial Chess Tournament

The 3rd Annual Narender Nath Memorial Chess Tournament commemorating a man who died in the World Trade Center on September 11th 2001 is underway. The event raises money for charity.


New York Masters

Regular competition for players in New York Rated 2200 and above.

Further details: