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Games section
XXXIV Bosna Tournament 15 games 5th European Championship 209 games FIDE Women's Championship 80 games 57th Russian Championship Qualifiers 247 games Guildford-ADC win the 4NCL 96 games 103rd New York Masters 4 games 29th Elekes Memorial 132 games Alushta Tournament 56 games Alushta Teams 168 games Alushta Women 242 games I Quadrangular Andbanc 36 games Victorian Masters 45 games 7th United Insurance International 175 games Guillermo Garcia Memorial 54 games Hostan Open Znojmo 106 games French Team Cup 16 games Capablanca Memorial 27 games Trofeo CBA 2004 6 games Norwegian Teams 120 games 22nd Liechtenstein Open 249 games 2093 games
My thanks to Thomas Henrich, Jakub Fuksik, Tibor Fogarasi, Martin Mrva, Haroon Rashid, John Fernandez, Ching Kim Lye, Hassan Khaled, Jan Mazuch, Zenón Franco Ocampos, Leonid Galperin, Andy McFarland, Korpics Zsolt, Arthur Brameld, Joel Lautier, Jose Vilela, Sergei Soloviov, Michael Krumbholz, Aard Daanen, Oscar de la Riva and everyone else who helped with the issue.
Alexei Shirov duly shut out the opposition with a win and two draws in the final three rounds of the Sarajevo tournament to secure his best performance for a number of years. Vassily Ivanchuk might have started the 5th European Championships with a shock loss but class told in the end and he came through to win the event after a tie-break match with Predrag Nikolic.
This is issue 499 and next week will be the 500th. In September I will have done 10 years. I'm amazed.
Hope you enjoy this issue.
The XXXIV Bosna 2004 tournament took place in Sarajevo 18th-27th May 2004. Alexei Shirov completed a fine victory with 7.5/9 a point and a half clear of the field.
Internet coverage:
Round 7 (May 25, 2004) Movsesian, Sergei - Shirov, Alexei 1/2 39 C45 Scotch Game Bologan, Viktor - Atalik, Suat 1-0 52 C95 Ruy Lopez Breyer Short, Nigel D - Sokolov, Ivan 1/2 47 C51 Evans Gambit Predojevic, Borki - Dizdarevic, Emir 1/2 9 B13 Caro Kann Exchange Kurajica, Bojan - Kozul, Zdenko 1/2 50 B31 Sicilian Rossolimo Round 8 (May 26, 2004) Shirov, Alexei - Predojevic, Borki 1-0 44 B31 Sicilian Rossolimo Sokolov, Ivan - Kurajica, Bojan 1-0 50 E39 Nimzo Indian 4.Qc2 Bologan, Viktor - Movsesian, Sergei 1/2 27 B51 Sicilian Rossolimo Dizdarevic, Emir - Short, Nigel D 1/2 27 D55 Queens Gambit Old Lasker Variation Atalik, Suat - Kozul, Zdenko 0-1 45 E70 King's Indian Fianchetto Round 9 (May 27, 2004) Movsesian, Sergei - Atalik, Suat 1/2 16 B80 Sicilian Scheveningen Kozul, Zdenko - Sokolov, Ivan 1/2 40 D10 Slav Defence Short, Nigel D - Shirov, Alexei 1/2 35 B33 Sicilian Sveshnikov Predojevic, Borki - Bologan, Viktor 1/2 34 B46 Sicilian Paulsen Kurajica, Bojan - Dizdarevic, Emir 1/2 13 C10 French Rubinstein ------------------------------------------------------------------ Bosnia GM Sarajevo BIH (BIH), 18-27 v 2004 cat. XV (2616) ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Shirov, Alexei g ESP 2713 * = = 1 1 1 = 1 1 1 7.5 2878 2. Movsesian, Sergei g SVK 2647 = * = = = = 1 1 = 1 6.0 2737 3. Sokolov, Ivan g NED 2690 = = * 1 = = = = = 1 5.5 2687 4. Bologan, Viktor g MDA 2665 0 = 0 * = 1 1 = 1 1 5.5 2690 5. Kozul, Zdenko g CRO 2627 0 = = = * = = 1 1 = 5.0 2657 6. Dizdarevic, Emir g BIH 2520 0 = = 0 = * = = 1 = 4.0 2583 7. Short, Nigel D g ENG 2712 = 0 = 0 = = * = = = 3.5 2525 8. Predojevic, Borki m BIH 2490 0 0 = = 0 = = * = = 3.0 2504 9. Atalik, Suat g BIH 2554 0 = = 0 0 0 = = * = 2.5 2456 10. Kurajica, Bojan g BIH 2540 0 0 0 0 = = = = = * 2.5 2458 ------------------------------------------------------------------
The 5th European Individual Chess Championship takes place in Antalya Kemer-Beldibi 14th-31st May 2004. David Navara leads with 6.5/8 in the 13 round event. Vassily Ivanchuk is back in contention after a shock round 1 loss.
Further information:
Official Final Standings after Playoffs Rk Ti Name P Euros 1 GM Ivanchuk Vassily 9 8.000 2 GM Nikolic Predrag 9 5.000 3 GM Aronian Levon 8½ 4.000 4 GM Istratescu Andrei 8½ 3.000 5 GM Miroshnichenko Evgenij 8½ 2.700 6 GM Navara David 8½ 2.500 7 GM Gurevich Mikhail 8½ 2.200 8 GM Kempinski Robert 8 1.111 9 GM Krasenkow Michal 8 1.111 10 GM Agrest Evgenij 8 1.111 11 GM Milov Vadim 8 1.111 12 GM Asrian Karen 8 1.111 13 GM Sargissian Gabriel 8 1.111 14 GM Macieja Bartlomiej 8 1.111 15 GM Gashimov Vugar 8 1.111 16 GM Naiditsch Arkadij 8 1.111 17 GM Mamedyarov Shakhriyar 7½ 325 18 GM Radjabov Teimour 7½ 325 19 GM Guseinov Gadir 7½ 225 -100 for ECU 20 GM Andersson Ulf 7½ 325 21 GM Parligras Mircea 7½ 325 22 GM Stefansson Hannes 7½ 325 23 GM Iljushin Alexei 7½ 325 24 GM Stocek Jiri 7½ 325 72 players ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th IECC Antalya TUR (TUR), 15-29 v 2004 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Ivanchuk, Vassily g UKR 2716 -29 +50 +36 +16 = 3 =37 + 7 +25 = 2 = 4 =12 + 6 = 5 9.0 2707 2. Nikolic, Predrag g BIH 2648 +58 =20 =27 =39 -25 +34 +35 +37 = 1 = 8 + 9 = 7 + 3 9.0 2698 3. Navara, David g CZE 2602 +42 +33 +38 +28 = 1 -18 + 8 +26 = 9 = 6 = 7 = 5 - 2 8.5 2708 4. Istratescu, Andrei g ROM 2587 -46 +57 =30 =41 +21 +32 =17 +10 +18 = 1 - 6 +13 = 7 8.5 2669 5. Gurevich, Mikhail g BEL 2672 =36 +51 +24 =13 = 9 =26 =37 = 8 +27 =21 +15 = 3 = 1 8.5 2681 6. Aronian, Levon g GER 2645 =51 +64 +22 =19 + 7 =25 =18 =17 +28 = 3 + 4 - 1 =14 8.5 2690 7. Miroshnichenko, Evgenij g UKR 2599 =52 +60 +32 =18 - 6 +33 - 1 +38 +39 + 9 = 3 = 2 = 4 8.5 2665 8. Kempinski, Robert g POL 2586 +50 =23 =29 +20 =17 +24 - 3 = 5 +11 = 2 =21 =12 =15 8.0 2654 9. Krasenkow, Michal g POL 2609 +44 =25 +23 =10 = 5 =19 +22 +18 = 3 - 7 - 2 =17 +27 8.0 2680 10. Milov, Vadim g SUI 2680 +30 +16 =13 = 9 -26 =39 +48 - 4 =20 =19 +32 =27 +21 8.0 2649 11. Sargissian, Gabriel g ARM 2614 +49 -38 =34 +30 =39 +16 =19 =27 - 8 +20 =17 +23 =12 8.0 2635 12. Asrian, Karen g ARM 2605 =35 +52 -25 +34 =33 =20 +30 =19 =16 +36 = 1 = 8 =11 8.0 2615 13. Agrest, Evgenij g SWE 2601 +62 +48 =10 = 5 -18 =36 =21 =20 +24 =23 +16 - 4 +25 8.0 2643 14. Macieja, Bartlomiej g POL 2633 +56 =32 =20 =38 -22 -30 +43 =41 +34 +39 +25 =21 = 6 8.0 2606 15. Naiditsch, Arkadij g GER 2571 -74 +54 +58 =46 =40 =35 =20 +32 =17 +18 - 5 +28 = 8 8.0 2595 16. Gashimov, Vugar g AZE 2565 +65 -10 +62 - 1 +41 -11 +56 +48 =12 =17 -13 +38 +26 8.0 2629 17. Radjabov, Teimour g AZE 2670 +41 +39 =19 =25 = 8 =27 = 4 = 6 =15 =16 =11 = 9 =22 7.5 2629 18. Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar g AZE 2657 +59 =22 +31 = 7 +13 + 3 = 6 - 9 - 4 -15 +48 =25 =19 7.5 2629 19. Andersson, Ulf g SWE 2570 +53 +74 =17 = 6 =28 = 9 =11 =12 =25 =10 =23 =26 =18 7.5 2618 20. Guseinov, Gadir g AZE 2548 +70 = 2 =14 - 8 +59 =12 =15 =13 =10 -11 +45 =29 +34 7.5 2595 21. Parligras, Mircea g ROM 2549 +67 -28 +49 =40 - 4 +47 =13 +42 +26 = 5 = 8 =14 -10 7.5 2596 22. Stefansson, Hannes g ISL 2567 +54 =18 - 6 +56 +14 =28 - 9 -24 +41 =48 =29 +36 =17 7.5 2598 23. Iljushin, Alexei g RUS 2529 +63 = 8 - 9 =35 =47 =42 =46 +30 +37 =13 =19 -11 +39 7.5 2534 24. Stocek, Jiri g CZE 2543 +68 +40 - 5 =27 +46 - 8 =39 +22 -13 =26 -36 +47 +35 7.5 2561 25. Nyback, Tomi g FIN 2545 +71 = 9 +12 =17 + 2 = 6 =26 - 1 =19 +28 -14 =18 -13 7.0 2627 26. Anastasian, Ashot g ARM 2587 =64 =36 +44 +29 +10 = 5 =25 - 3 -21 =24 +35 =19 -16 7.0 2555 27. Izoria, Zviad g GEO 2573 +61 =29 = 2 =24 +31 =17 =28 =11 - 5 =32 +43 =10 - 9 7.0 2594 28. Jobava, Baadur g GEO 2616 +47 +21 +37 - 3 =19 =22 =27 +36 - 6 -25 +31 -15 =33 7.0 2581 29. Radulski, Julian m BUL 2497 + 1 =27 = 8 -26 -35 =46 +67 =59 =42 +52 =22 =20 =32 7.0 2511 30. Mastrovasilis, Athanasios m GRE 2488 -10 +53 = 4 -11 +64 +14 -12 -23 +57 =42 -38 +50 +36 7.0 2514 31. Cheparinov, Ivan m BUL 2555 =60 +35 -18 +42 -27 =56 =59 +46 -36 +38 -28 =41 +58 7.0 2491 32. Chatalbashev, Boris g BUL 2543 +69 =14 - 7 =47 +44 - 4 +45 -15 +59 =27 -10 +57 =29 7.0 2514 33. Smeets, Jan m NED 2531 +72 - 3 +55 =37 =12 - 7 +53 -39 =35 =45 =57 +43 =28 7.0 2461 34. Nedev, Trajce g MKD 2489 . +61 =11 -12 +62 - 2 +64 =35 -14 =47 +49 +42 -20 6.5 2499 35. Grunberg, Mihai-Lucian m ROM 2401 =12 -31 +65 =23 +29 =15 - 2 =34 =33 +37 -26 +48 -24 6.5 2533 36. Akesson, Ralf g SWE 2476 = 5 =26 - 1 +54 +67 =13 +40 -28 +31 -12 +24 -22 -30 6.5 2543 37. Minasian, Artashes g ARM 2585 +57 +46 -28 =33 +38 = 1 = 5 - 2 -23 -35 =42 +45 =41 6.5 2503 38. Halkias, Stelios g GRE 2541 +55 +11 - 3 =14 -37 =45 +57 - 7 +44 -31 +30 -16 =48 6.5 2496 39. Hulak, Krunoslav g CRO 2550 +66 -17 +74 = 2 =11 =10 =24 +33 - 7 -14 =41 +56 -23 6.5 2525 40. Markowski, Tomasz g POL 2605 +43 -24 +59 =21 =15 -48 -36 -44 =53 =50 =46 +64 +57 6.5 2427 41. Pashikian, Arman ARM 2466 -17 =65 +73 = 4 -16 =62 +61 =14 -22 +44 =39 =31 =37 6.5 2474 42. Erdogdu, Mert m TUR 2369 - 3 =72 +70 -31 +55 =23 +44 -21 =29 =30 =37 -34 +56 6.5 2432 43. Haznedaroglu, Kivanc m TUR 2395 -40 -73 -54 +70 +71 =67 -14 +68 +46 +58 -27 -33 +51 6.5 2372 44. Kristjansson, Stefan m ISL 2404 - 9 +68 -26 +71 -32 +74 -42 +40 -38 -41 =61 +54 +55 6.5 2393 45. Soylu, Suat f TUR 2397 . -55 +66 =53 +72 =38 -32 =51 +67 =33 -20 -37 +61 6.0 2379 46. Iotov, Valentin BUL 2342 + 4 -37 +48 =15 -24 =29 =23 -31 -43 =63 =40 +59 =47 6.0 2459 47. Neubauer, Martin m AUT 2418 -28 =71 +60 =32 =23 -21 =62 +53 -48 =34 +59 -24 =46 6.0 2410 48. Petrosian, Tigran L m ARM 2539 +73 -13 -46 +57 +58 +40 -10 -16 +47 =22 -18 -35 =38 6.0 2453 49. Mazi, Leon m SLO 2417 -11 +69 -21 =55 =53 -57 +50 =54 -52 +67 -34 =63 +62 6.0 2295 50. Bakalarz, Mieczyslaw f LUX 2333 - 8 - 1 -67 +69 -74 +63 -49 =60 +68 =40 +62 -30 +66 6.0 2323 51. Klinova, Masha m ISR 2436 = 6 - 5 =71 -67 =52 +68 =54 =45 =61 -57 +53 =55 -43 5.5 2285 52. Atakisi, Umut m TUR 2344 = 7 -12 -72 +65 =51 -59 =58 +70 +49 -29 -56 =66 =53 5.5 2328 53. Bayram, Yakup f TUR 2292 -19 -30 +63 =45 =49 +58 -33 -47 =40 =64 -51 +69 =52 5.5 2347 54. Erturan, Yakup TUR 2273 -22 -15 +43 -36 =63 +72 =51 =49 =58 -62 +65 -44 =64 5.5 2315 55. Aleskerov, Faik AZE 2167 -38 +45 -33 =49 -42 -61 +71 =65 +62 =56 =58 =51 -44 5.5 2335 56. Jonkman, Harmen g NED 2421 -14 =70 +64 -22 +61 =31 -16 -57 +65 =55 +52 -39 -42 5.5 2343 57. Yilmaz, Turhan m TUR 2311 -37 - 4 +69 -48 +73 +49 -38 +56 -30 +51 =33 -32 -40 5.5 2405 58. Van der Stricht, Geert m BEL 2450 - 2 +66 -15 +72 -48 -53 =52 +62 =54 -43 =55 +61 -31 5.5 2311 59. Drabke, Lorenz m GER 2453 -18 +67 -40 +74 -20 +52 =31 =29 -32 =61 -47 -46 +68 5.5 2364 60. Erdogan, Hakan f TUR 2252 =31 - 7 -47 -61 -70 +73 -68 =50 -69 +72 =71 +67 +63 5.5 2218 61. Karadeniz, Emre f TUR 2310 -27 -34 =68 +60 -56 +55 -41 +63 =51 =59 =44 -58 -45 5.0 2279 62. Thorfinnsson, Bjorn f ISL 2345 -13 +63 -16 +73 -34 =41 =47 -58 -55 +54 -50 +65 -49 5.0 2270 63. Ersahin, Bulent TUR 2070 -23 -62 -53 +66 =54 -50 +69 -61 +70 =46 =64 =49 -60 5.0 2228 64. Mamedjarova, Zeinab wg AZE 2343 =26 - 6 -56 +68 -30 +70 -34 -67 +71 =53 =63 -40 =54 5.0 2277 65. Esen, Baris TUR 2262 -16 =41 -35 -52 -68 +66 +74 =55 -56 +69 -54 -62 +72 5.0 2217 66. Idrizaj, Abedin GER 2249 -39 -58 -45 -63 -69 -65 +73 +72 +74 =71 +67 =52 -50 5.0 2185 67. Yeke, Serkan TUR 2238 -21 -59 +50 +51 -36 =43 -29 +64 -45 -49 -66 -60 +74 4.5 2277 68. Demirel, Tolga TUR 2183 -24 -44 =61 -64 +65 -51 +60 -43 -50 =70 =72 +73 -59 4.5 2212 69. Mamedjarova, Turkan wm AZE 2191 -32 -49 -57 -50 +66 =71 -63 =73 +60 -65 +74 -53 =70 4.5 2163 70. Makoli, Perparim SCG 2228 -20 =56 -42 -43 +60 -64 +72 -52 -63 =68 -73 =71 =69 4.0 2133 71. Bente, Bjoern GER 2219 -25 =47 =51 -44 -43 =69 -55 +74 -64 =66 =60 =70 -73 4.0 2166 72. Yildiz, Betul Cemre wf TUR 2108 -33 =42 +52 -58 -45 -54 -70 -66 +73 -60 =68 +74 -65 4.0 2159 73. Goksel, Doga Cihan TUR 2130 -48 +43 -41 -62 -57 -60 -66 =69 -72 -74 +70 -68 +71 3.5 2111 74. Kose, Serkan TUR 2244 +15 -19 -39 -59 +50 -44 -65 -71 -66 +73 -69 -72 -67 3.0 2118 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The FIDE Women's Championship take place in Elista Kalmykia, 21 May - 8 June 2004. The top seed Humpy Koneru ahead of Alisa Galliamova and Maia Chiburdanidze.
Official site:
Round 5 31st May - 1st June 2004 Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina - Koneru, Humpy 1-0 Stefanova, Antoaneta - Chiburdanidze, Maia 1/2 Round 4 29th-30th May 2004 Koneru, Humpy * - Xu, Yuhua 1-0 1-0 Stefanova, Antoaneta * - Dzagnidze, Nana 1-0 0-1 Playoff 1/2 1-0 Chiburdanidze, Maia * - Cmilyte, Viktorija 1-0 0-1 Playoff 0-1 1-0 1-0 1/2 Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina * - Kachiani-G., Ketino 0-1 1-0 Playoff 1-0 1/2 Round 3 26th-27th May 2004 Kosintseva, Tatiana - * Koneru, Humpy 0-1 1-0 Playoff 0-1 0-1 Lomineishvili, Maia - * Dzagnidze, Nana 0-1 0-1 Jackova, Jana - * Chiburdanidze, Maia 0-1 1/2 Bojkovic, Natasa - * Kachiani-G., Ketino 0-1 1/2 Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina * - Lahno, Kateryna 1-0 0-1 Playoff 1/2 1-0 Cramling, Pia - * Cmilyte, Viktorija 1/2 1/2 Playoff 1/2 1/2 0-1 0-1 Zhukova, Natalia - * Stefanova, Antoaneta 1/2 1/2 Playoff 0-1 1-0 0-1 0-1 Paehtz, Elisabeth - * Xu, Yuhua 1/2 0-1 Round 2 24th-25th May 2004 Koneru, Humpy * - Peng, Zhaoqin 1-0 1/2 Lomineishvili, Maia * - Galliamova, Alisa 1-0 1-0 Chiburdanidze, Maia * - Sebag, Marie 1-0 1-0 Bojkovic, Natasa * - Matveeva, Svetlana 1/2 1/2 Playoff 1/2 1-0 Lahno, Kateryna * - Polovnikova, Ekaterina 1-0 0-1 Playoff 1/2 1/2 1-0 Mkrtchian, Lilit - * Cramling, Pia 1/2 0-1 Stefanova, Antoaneta * - Vasilevich, Tatjana 1/2 1/2 Playoff 1/2 1/2 1/2 1-0 Paehtz, Elisabeth * - Zhao, Xue 1/2 1/2 Playoff 1/2 1-0 Xu, Yuhua * - Danielian, Elina 1-0 1/2 Kosintseva, Nadezhda - * Zhukova, Natalia 0-1 1-0 Playoff 1/2 1/2 1/2 0-1 Kosteniuk, Alexandra - * Cmilyte, Viktorija 0-1 1/2 Alexandrova, Olga - * Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina 1/2 0-1 Krush, Irina - * Kachiani-G., Ketino 1/2 0-1 Peptan, Corina-Isabela - * Jackova, Jana 0-1 1/2 Dzagnidze, Nana * - Radziewicz, Iweta 1-0 1/2 Hoang, Thanh Trang - * Kosintseva, Tatiana 1/2 0-1
There were qualifiers for the 57th Russian Chess Championship took place 20th-31st May in St-Petersburg and Tomsk. Prize fund - $50,000. Its reported that the top three finshers in each event with play in a super final possibly in Moscow in September (possibly later in the year) with Garry Kasparov, Vladimir Kramnik, Anatoly Karpov, Peter Svidler, Evgeny Bareev, Alexander Grischuk and Alexander Morozevich with a prize fund $300,000. The organizer of the tournament was the Chess Federation of St. Petersburg and its new president Alexey Ustaev, who is at the same time President of Viking Bank. Viking Bank was the main sponsor. Alexei Dreev won the St Petersburg event ahead of Vitaly Tseshkovsky and Vladimir Epishin. The Tomsk standings were obtained from the games so are not confirmed. Alexander Motylev finished with 6.5/9 half a point clear of Artyom Timofeev, Ernesto Inarkiev, Alexey Korotylev, Dmitry Jakovenko and Pavel Smirnov.
Coverage: and
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57th ch-RUS Qualifier St Petersburg RUS (RUS), 21-30 v 2004 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Dreev, Alexey g RUS 2689 +10 +25 + 2 +16 = 3 = 4 = 6 = 7 = 5 6.5 2766 2. Epishin, Vladimir g RUS 2610 +22 +12 - 1 + 5 = 4 = 3 = 8 +13 = 6 6.0 2717 3. Tseshkovsky, Vitaly g RUS 2564 +34 = 7 +20 + 8 = 1 = 2 = 4 = 5 = 9 6.0 2700 4. Khalifman, Alexander g RUS 2668 =11 = 5 +22 +17 = 2 = 1 = 3 = 6 = 7 5.5 2675 5. Ivanov, Sergey g RUS 2546 = 6 = 4 +21 - 2 =24 +18 +16 = 3 = 1 5.5 2692 6. Zvjaginsev, Vadim g RUS 2654 = 5 =11 +30 =13 =12 +20 = 1 = 4 = 2 5.5 2649 7. Najer, Evgeniy g RUS 2606 +27 = 3 -16 =18 +19 =14 +11 = 1 = 4 5.5 2648 8. Sakaev, Konstantin g RUS 2665 = 9 =18 +10 - 3 +23 =15 = 2 =14 +21 5.5 2634 9. Popov, Valerij g RUS 2547 = 8 =13 =23 -12 +30 =11 +26 +17 = 3 5.5 2626 10. Riazantsev, Alexander g RUS 2556 - 1 +34 - 8 =30 +27 =23 +31 =15 +16 5.5 2623 11. Landa, Konstantin g RUS 2550 = 4 = 6 +15 =14 =16 = 9 - 7 =20 +26 5.0 2612 12. Romanov, Evgeny f RUS 2392 +24 - 2 =25 + 9 = 6 =16 =15 =21 =14 5.0 2617 13. Tregubov, Pavel V g RUS 2636 =18 = 9 =19 = 6 +26 =21 =14 - 2 +24 5.0 2588 14. Andreikin, Dmitry m RUS 2418 =23 +32 =17 =11 =20 = 7 =13 = 8 =12 5.0 2619 15. Yakovich, Yuri g RUS 2596 =30 =26 -11 +29 +25 = 8 =12 =10 =17 5.0 2577 16. Volkov, Sergey1 g RUS 2629 +29 =20 + 7 - 1 =11 =12 - 5 +19 -10 4.5 2553 17. Alekseev, Evgeny g RUS 2616 =19 +31 =14 - 4 =18 +28 =21 - 9 =15 4.5 2520 18. Belov, Vladimir g RUS 2543 =13 = 8 =32 = 7 =17 - 5 =27 =23 +30 4.5 2580 19. Ionov, Sergey g RUS 2538 =17 =23 =13 =25 - 7 +32 =20 -16 +31 4.5 2581 20. Shaposhnikov, Evgeny g RUS 2559 +33 =16 - 3 +24 =14 - 6 =19 =11 =22 4.5 2493 21. Yevseev, Denis g RUS 2580 =26 =30 - 5 +34 +22 =13 =17 =12 - 8 4.5 2509 22. Nikolenko, Oleg m RUS 2520 - 2 +33 - 4 +31 -21 =24 =23 +27 =20 4.5 2503 23. Dolmatov, Sergey g RUS 2573 =14 =19 = 9 =26 - 8 =10 =22 =18 =25 4.0 2490 24. Burmakin, Vladimir g RUS 2571 -12 +27 =26 -20 = 5 =22 +28 =25 -13 4.0 2458 25. Kuzmin, Alexey g RUS 2567 +28 - 1 =12 =19 -15 -31 +29 =24 =23 4.0 2478 26. Nepomniachtchi, Ian f RUS 2445 =21 =15 =24 =23 -13 +29 - 9 +33 -11 4.0 2467 27. Loginov, Valery A g RUS 2516 - 7 -24 +28 =32 -10 +34 =18 -22 +33 4.0 2402 28. Danin, Alexandre f RUS 2332 -25 =29 -27 +33 +32 -17 -24 =31 +34 4.0 2418 29. Kurnosov, Igor g RUS 2543 -16 =28 =31 -15 +33 -26 -25 +34 +32 4.0 2391 30. Dobrov, Vladimir m RUS 2477 =15 =21 - 6 =10 - 9 -33 +34 +32 -18 3.5 2404 31. Solovjov, Sergey I m RUS 2458 =32 -17 =29 -22 +34 +25 -10 =28 -19 3.5 2426 32. Gleizerov, Evgeny g RUS 2592 =31 -14 =18 =27 -28 -19 +33 -30 -29 2.5 2259 33. Shapovalenko,Maksim RUS ---- -20 -22 -34 -28 -29 +30 -32 -26 -27 1.0 2124 34. Silivanov, Sergej f RUS 2291 - 3 -10 +33 -21 -31 -27 -30 -29 -28 1.0 2096 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57th ch-RUS Qualifier Tomsk RUS (RUS), 23-31 v 2004 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Motylev, Alexander g RUS 2649 + 4 =24 =23 = 5 +20 + 3 = 2 = 9 + 7 6.5 2743 2. Timofeev, Artyom g RUS 2591 +35 + 9 + 5 = 3 =10 = 7 = 1 = 4 = 6 6.0 2702 3. Inarkiev, Ernesto g RUS 2595 =31 +28 +25 = 2 + 9 - 1 = 7 + 5 = 4 6.0 2682 4. Korotylev, Alexey g RUS 2565 - 1 +22 +34 + 6 =13 +14 = 5 = 2 = 3 6.0 2692 5. Jakovenko, Dmitry g RUS 2582 +29 +33 - 2 = 1 +16 +10 = 4 - 3 + 9 6.0 2684 6. Smirnov, Pavel g RUS 2601 +32 =23 =24 - 4 =12 +19 +27 +13 = 2 6.0 2676 7. Rustemov, Alexander g RUS 2593 =28 =34 =11 +30 +23 = 2 = 3 + 8 - 1 5.5 2624 8. Bocharov, Dmitry g RUS 2567 =13 =15 +33 -10 +24 = 9 +20 - 7 +21 5.5 2657 9. Khismatullin, Denis RUS 2537 +16 - 2 +17 +25 - 3 = 8 +10 = 1 - 5 5.0 2646 10. Filippov, Valerij g RUS 2639 =26 =30 +15 + 8 = 2 - 5 - 9 +32 =14 5.0 2603 11. Kosyrev, Vladimir g RUS 2529 =18 =21 = 7 =12 =33 =20 +22 =14 =16 5.0 2601 12. Sorokin, Maxim g RUS 2583 -33 +29 =27 =11 = 6 +23 =13 =16 =17 5.0 2593 13. Rublevsky, Sergei g RUS 2671 = 8 +26 =14 =23 = 4 =15 =12 - 6 +32 5.0 2610 14. Kharlov, Andrei g RUS 2593 +27 =25 =13 =24 +19 - 4 =15 =11 =10 5.0 2597 15. Belozerov, Andrei g RUS 2552 =17 = 8 -10 +35 +21 =13 =14 =18 =20 5.0 2635 16. Dvoirys, Semen I g RUS 2612 - 9 =35 +28 +18 - 5 =22 +24 =12 =11 5.0 2566 17. Kobalia, Mikhail g RUS 2630 =15 =20 - 9 -19 =28 +34 +31 +27 =12 5.0 2539 18. Galkin, Alexander g RUS 2602 =11 =31 =30 -16 =25 +28 =21 =15 =19 4.5 2530 19. Gajsin, Evgenij RUS 2404 -23 +32 =20 +17 -14 - 6 =25 +31 =18 4.5 2572 20. Shariyazdanov, Andrey g RUS 2575 =34 =17 =19 +31 - 1 =11 - 8 +30 =15 4.5 2530 21. Lastin, Alexander g RUS 2622 =30 =11 =31 =27 -15 +33 =18 +23 - 8 4.5 2531 22. Maletin, Pavel f RUS 2423 -24 - 4 =29 +36 +30 =16 -11 =25 +33 4.5 2501 23. Ulibin, Mikhail g RUS 2579 +19 = 6 = 1 =13 - 7 -12 +29 -21 =26 4.0 2525 24. Kornev, Alexei RUS 2582 +22 = 1 = 6 =14 - 8 =27 -16 =26 =29 4.0 2503 25. Kiriakov, Petr g RUS 2568 +36 =14 - 3 - 9 =18 =29 =19 =22 =27 4.0 2436 26. Sherbakov, Ruslan g RUS 2564 =10 -13 =35 -33 =31 =30 +34 =24 =23 4.0 2487 27. Khairullin, Ildar f RUS 2481 -14 +36 =12 =21 +32 =24 - 6 -17 =25 4.0 2506 28. Yagupov, Igor g RUS 2441 = 7 - 3 -16 =29 =17 -18 +36 =33 +35 4.0 2465 29. Yudin, Sergei f RUS 2425 - 5 -12 =22 =28 +35 =25 -23 +36 =24 4.0 2451 30. Vorobiov, Evgeny E g RUS 2552 =21 =10 =18 - 7 -22 =26 +35 -20 =34 3.5 2459 31. Yandemirov, Valeri g RUS 2494 = 3 =18 =21 -20 =26 =32 -17 -19 +36 3.5 2448 32. Iskusnyh, Sergei g RUS 2507 - 6 -19 +36 +34 -27 =31 +33 -10 -13 3.5 2405 33. Novikov, Maxim m RUS 2426 +12 - 5 - 8 +26 =11 -21 -32 =28 -22 3.0 2410 34. Frolov, Denis m RUS 2401 =20 = 7 - 4 -32 =36 -17 -26 =35 =30 2.5 2353 35. Loskutov, Oleg m RUS 2433 - 2 =16 =26 -15 -29 +36 -30 =34 -28 2.5 2322 36. Nazarov, Nikolay RUS 2256 -25 -27 -32 -22 =34 -35 -28 -29 -31 0.5 2019 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The final two rounds of the British 4NCL over the weekend of 22nd-23rd May 2004. Guildford-ADC 1 won the Division 1 title in an exciting last round match against Wood Green 1. My thanks to Arthur Brameld for the games throughout the season.
Internet coverage:
Division 1 Round 10 22nd May 2004 SLOUGH 1 2326 4 - 4 GUILDFORD-ADC 1 2502 1 w Shaw, John 2444 ½ - ½ Kosten, Anthony C 2507 2 b McNab, Colin A 2422 0 - 1 Cherniaev, Alexander 2480 3 w Houska, Jovanka (F) 2390 0 - 1 Rowson, Jonathan 2547 4 b Howell, David W L 2332 0 - 1 King, Daniel J 2497 5 w Dearing, Eddie 2378 1 - 0 Conquest, Stuart C 2524 6 b Devereaux, Maxim 2325 1 - 0 Flear, Glenn C 2489 7 w Smith, Andrew P 2202 ½ - ½ Gormally, Daniel W 2471 8 b Purton, Ben J 2114 1 - 0 default BARBICAN 4NCL 1 2374 2½-5½ BETSSON.COM 2349 1 w Parker, Jonathan 2541 ½ - ½ Ledger, Andrew J 2443 2 b Kelly, Brian 2499 0 - 1 Williams, Simon K 2411 3 w Collins, Sam 2392 1 - 0 Pert, Richard G 2424 4 b Collinson, Adam 2391 0 - 1 Hunt, Adam C 2411 5 w Knott, Simon 2361 0 - 1 Duncan, Christopher R 2324 6 b Ferguson, Mark 2381 0 - 1 Ansell, Simon 2371 7 w D'Costa, Lorin A R 2359 1 - 0 Ledger, David J 2289 8 b Bhatia,Kanwal K (F) 2065 0 - 1 Tidman, Sophie (F) 2118 WOOD GREEN 1 2540 6½-1½ BARBICAN 4NCL 2 2313 1 w Adams, Michael 2731 1 - 0 Woodward, Timothy D M 2343 2 b McShane, Luke 2656 1 - 0 Rogers, Jonathan W 2338 3 w Speelman, Jonathan S 2569 ½ - ½ Cox, John J 2321 4 b Lalic, Bogdan 2535 ½ - ½ Shikerov, Stefan 2328 5 w Emms, John M 2508 1 - 0 Taylor, Martin R 2332 6 b Ward, Christopher 2500 ½ - ½ Taylor, Peter 2270 7 w Martin, Andrew D 2429 1 - 0 Mack, Andrew 2262 8 b Hunt, Harriet (F) 2392 1 - 0 default WOOD GREEN 2 2391 7 - 1 WARWICKS. SELECT 2192 1 w Littlewood, Paul E 2390 1 - 0 Dighton, Simon 2247 2 b Sowray, Peter J 2360 1 - 0 Mason, Don 2280 3 w Levitt, Jonathan P 2425 1 - 0 Thomas, Nicholas 2263 4 b Arakhamia-Grant,K(F) 2423 1 - 0 James, Russell A 2209 5 w Rechel, Bernd 2420 1 - 0 Wu, Li 2197 6 b Tiller, Bjorn 2395 0 - 1 Pitcher, John 2185 7 w Tan, Desmond 2332 1 - 0 Baruch, Andrew J D 2106 8 b McDonald, Neil 2380 1 - 0 Chevannes, Sabrina (F) 2052 MICRO MARK. NWE 1 2282 3½-4½ NUMERICA 3CS 1 2279 1 w Hanley, Craig A 2330 ½ - ½ Davies, Nigel R 2512 2 b Crouch, Colin S 2375 ½ - ½ Arkell, Keith C 2507 3 w Quillan, Gary 2308 1 - 0 Juanoobi, Ali 2264 4 b van der Linden,Lukas 2275 0 - 1 Bentley, John L 2218 5 w Littlewood, John E 2307 ½ - ½ James, Dale R 2200 6 b Hughes, Howard R 2212 0 - 1 Ashton, Adam G 2249 7 w Richards,Heather (F) 2211 0 - 1 Shaw, David A 2165 8 b Tebb, David J 2240 1 - 0 Kosteniuk, Oxana (F) 2113 THE ADS 1 2329 5½-2½ RICHMOND 2360 1 w Rogers, Ian 2582 1 - 0 Webb, Laurence E 2337 2 b Chandler, Murray G 2520 1 - 0 Wall, Gavin 2413 3 w Hennigan, Michael T 2444 1 - 0 Van de Griendt, Jan W 2373 4 b Richardson, John R 2293 1 - 0 Cech, Pavel 2395 5 w Lyell, Mark 2254 0 - 1 Quinn, Mark 2400 6 b Snape, Ian 2245 0 - 1 Bates, Richard A 2376 7 w Wheeler, Darren P 2243 ½ - ½ Franklin, Michael J 2224 8 b Wilman, Carey A (F) 2049 1 - 0 default Division 1 Round 11 23rd May 2004 NUMERICA 3CS 1 2287 4 - 4 BETSSON.COM 2335 1 w Davies, Nigel R 2512 1 - 0 Williams, Simon K 2411 2 b Arkell, Keith C 2507 ½ - ½ Hunt, Adam C 2411 3 w Juanoobi, Ali 2264 ½ - ½ Ledger, Andrew J 2443 4 b Clarke, Stuart W 2310 0 - 1 Pert, Richard G 2424 5 w Bentley, John L 2218 0 - 1 Ansell, Simon 2371 6 b Ashton, Adam G 2249 ½ - ½ Ledger, David J 2289 7 w Walton, Alan J 2126 1 - 0 Ledger, Stephen C 2211 8 b Kosteniuk, Oxana (F) 2113 ½ - ½ Tidman, Sophie (F) 2118 BARBICAN 4NCL 1 2359 3½-4½ MICRO MARK. NWE 1 2279 1 w Parker, Jonathan 2541 ½ - ½ Hanley, Craig A 2330 2 b Kelly, Brian 2499 ½ - ½ Crouch, Colin S 2375 3 w Webster, Andrew 2417 0 - 1 Quillan, Gary 2308 4 b Knott, Simon 2361 ½ - ½ Kennaugh, Charles W 2290 5 w Woodward, Timothy DM 2343 ½ - ½ Littlewood, John E 2307 6 b Shikerov, Stefan 2328 0 - 1 Tebb, David J 2240 7 w Dishman, Stephen 2317 1 - 0 Richards, Heather (F) 2211 8 b Bhatia, Kanwal K (F) 2065 ½ - ½ Hulmes, David I 2170 RICHMOND 2360 2½-5½ WOOD GREEN 2 2392 1 w Quinn, Mark 2400 0 - 1 Littlewood, Paul E 2390 2 b Wall, Gavin 2413 1 - 0 Sowray, Peter J 2360 3 w Van de Griendt,Jan W 2373 0 - 1 Levitt, Jonathan P 2425 4 b Cech, Pavel 2395 0 - 1 Arakhamia-Grant, K (F) 2423 5 w Webb, Laurence E 2337 ½ - ½ Martin, Andrew D 2429 6 b Bates, Richard A 2376 ½ - ½ Tiller, Bjorn 2395 7 w Franklin, Michael J 2224 ½ - ½ Tan, Desmond 2332 8 b default 0 - 1 McDonald, Neil 2380 GUILDFORD-ADC 1 2507 4½-3½ WOOD GREEN 1 2584 1 w Sutovsky, Emil * 2661 1 - 0 Morozevich, Alexander 2732 2 b Rowson, Jonathan 2547 ½ - ½ Adams, Michael 2731 3 w Cherniaev, Alexander 2480 ½ - ½ McShane, Luke 2656 4 b Gallagher, Joseph G 2531 ½ - ½ Emms, John M 2508 5 w Plaskett, James 2483 ½ - ½ Lalic, Bogdan 2535 6 b King, Daniel J 2497 1 - 0 Baburin, Alexander 2548 7 w Conquest, Stuart C 2524 0 - 1 Speelman, Jonathan S 2569 8 b Collas, Silvia (F) 2331 ½ - ½ Hunt, Harriet (F) 2392 WARWICKS. SELECT 2120 1½-6½ SLOUGH 1 2259 1 w Thomas, Nicholas 2263 0 - 1 Shaw, John 2444 2 b Mason, Don 2280 0 - 1 McNab, Colin A 2422 3 w Wu, Li 2197 ½ - ½ Dearing, Eddie 2378 4 b Fishburne, Stewart K 2048 0 - 1 Howell, David W L 2332 5 w Baruch, Andrew J D 2106 ½ - ½ Houska, Jovanka (F) 2390 6 b Hunt, Malcolm A 1992 0 - 1 Devereaux, Maxim 2325 7 w Cooper, David M 1952 ½ - ½ Purton, Ben J 2114 8 b default 0 - 1 Johnson, Nigel A 1664 BARBICAN 4NCL 2 2359 4 - 4 THE ADS 1 2335 1 w Collins, Sam 2392 0 - 1 Rogers, Ian 2582 2 b Collinson, Adam 2391 0 - 1 Chandler, Murray G 2520 3 w D'Costa, Lorin A R 2359 ½ - ½ Mestel, A Jonathan 2496 4 b Ferguson, Mark 2381 1 - 0 Richardson, John R 2293 5 w Cox, John J 2321 ½ - ½ Lyell, Mark 2254 6 b Taylor, Martin R 2332 1 - 0 Snape, Ian 2245 7 w Rogers, Jonathan W 2338 1 - 0 Wheeler, Darren P 2243 8 b default 0 - 1 Wilman, Carey A (F) 2049 Division 1 tables Team Won Drawn Lost Points GUILDFORD-ADC 1 9 1 1 19 WOOD GREEN 1 8 2 1 18 BETSSON.COM 7 3 1 17 WOOD GREEN 2 6 1 4 13 BARBICAN 4NCL 1 4 3 4 11 NUMERICA 3CS 1 3 5 3 11 MICRO MARK. NWE 1 5 1 5 11 THE ADS 1 4 3 4 11 RICHMOND 3 1 7 7 BARBICAN 4NCL 2 2 3 6 7 SLOUGH 1 1 5 5 6 * WARWICKS. SELECT 0 0 11 0
Jaan Ehlvest won the 103rd New York Masters with a 3.5/4 score on 25th May 2004. The regular rapid event provides regular chances for keen players of 2200 and above to compete against GMs and IMs in New York. News John Fernandez.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- 103rd New York Masters Action USA (USA), 25 v 2004 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Total -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Ehlvest, Jaan g EST 2596 +14 + 7 = 2 + 4 3.5 ($350) 2. Wojtkiewicz, Aleks g USA 2559 +11 +18 = 1 = 5 3.0 ($ 65) 3. Becerra, Julio g USA 2547 -15 +17 +14 + 7 3.0 ($ 65) 4. Stripunsky, Alex g USA 2553 +16 +15 + 6 - 1 3.0 ($ 65) 5. Lapshun, Yury m USA 2447 +19 = 6 + 8 = 2 3.0 ($ 65) 6. Onischuk, Alex g USA 2652 +13 = 5 - 4 + 9 2.5 7. Bonin, Jay m USA 2341 +20 - 1 +15 - 3 2.0 8. Benen, Samson f USA 2303 = +12 - 5 =10 2.0 ($ 22) 9. Maier, Christian f GER 2362 -12 +11 +18 - 6 2.0 ($ 22) 10. Privman, Boris f USA 2268 -18 =16 +12 = 8 2.0 ($ 22) 11. Lenderman, Alex f USA 2327 - 2 - 9 +20 +19 2.0 ($ 22) 12. Lowinger, Daniel USA ---- + 9 - 8 -10 + 2.0 ($ 22) 13. Lunna, Todd USA 2249 - 6 =19 =17 =15 1.5 14. Caruana, Fabiano f USA 2140 - 1 +20 - 3 = 1.5 15. Cadman, Chuck USA 2272 + 3 - 4 - 7 =13 1.5 16. Salman, Joel f USA 2227 - 4 =10 =19 =17 1.5 17. Rosenberg, Evan USA 2163 = - 3 =13 =16 1.5 18. Zhao, Parker USA 1992 +10 - 2 - 9 = 1.5 19. Hess, Robert USA 2169 - 5 =13 =16 -11 1.0 20. Zenyuk, Iryna USA 2168 - 7 -14 -11 = 0.5 PRIZES 1ST - $ 350 2ND - $ 160 3RD - $ 100 U2400 - $ 110
The Elekes Memorial GM and IM tournament took place 15th-25th May 2004 in Budapest. It is the longest running anually organized GM tournament in Hungary. IM Gyula Izsak won the GM event with 8.5/11. FM Herbert Benda the IM event. My thanks to GM Tibor Fogarasi for the news.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29th Elekes Mem GM Budapest HUN (HUN), 15-25 v 2004 cat. VII (2406) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Izsak, Gyula m HUN 2456 * = = = 1 1 = 1 = 1 1 1 8.5 2612 2. Medvegy, Zoltan g HUN 2455 = * = = = = = 1 = = 0 1 6.0 2437 3. Galyas, Miklos m HUN 2441 = = * = = = = = = = = 1 6.0 2438 4. Roussel-Roozmon, Thomas f CAN 2454 = = = * 0 = = 1 0 = 1 1 6.0 2437 5. Medvegy, Nora wg HUN 2367 0 = = 1 * 0 = 1 1 = = 0 5.5 2409 6. Danner, Georg m AUT 2393 0 = = = 1 * 1 0 = = = = 5.5 2406 7. Fogarasi, Tibor g HUN 2465 = = = = = 0 * 0 1 = = 1 5.5 2400 8. Cernousek, Lukas CZE 2369 0 0 = 0 0 1 1 * 1 = = 1 5.5 2409 9. Paschall, William M m USA 2381 = = = 1 0 = 0 0 * = = 1 5.0 2371 10. Anka, Emil g HUN 2422 0 = = = = = = = = * = = 5.0 2368 11. Nagle, Sean f USA 2375 0 1 = 0 = = = = = = * 0 4.5 2343 12. Poulsen, Martin FAI 2290 0 0 0 0 1 = 0 0 0 = 1 * 3.0 2241 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29th Elekes Mem IM Budapest HUN (HUN), 15-25 v 2004 cat. II (2295) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Benda, Herbert f AUT 2283 * = 1 = 1 1 = = = 1 1 = 8.0 2470 2. Petran, Pal m HUN 2386 = * 1 = 0 = 1 = = 1 1 1 7.5 2419 3. Werner, Dimo m GER 2362 0 0 * = = = 1 1 1 1 1 1 7.5 2421 4. Boros, Denes f HUN 2408 = = = * 0 = 0 1 1 = 1 1 6.5 2349 5. Simonsen, Hans Kristian FAI 2243 0 1 = 1 * = 0 = = = = 1 6.0 2335 6. Orso, Miklos m HUN 2350 0 = = = = * 1 = 1 = = = 6.0 2325 7. Wendt, Jan-Dietrich GER 2304 = 0 0 1 1 0 * 1 = 0 = 1 5.5 2294 8. Klimm, Wolf-Dietrich GER 2278 = = 0 0 = = 0 * 1 1 = = 5.0 2260 9. Berube, Richard f CAN 2193 = = 0 0 = 0 = 0 * = = 1 4.0 2202 10. Lorincz, Istvan f HUN 2337 0 0 0 = = = 1 0 = * = = 4.0 2189 11. Bulthaupt, Freerk GER 2210 0 0 0 0 = = = = = = * 0 3.0 2127 12. Harmon, Clark USA 2184 = 0 0 0 0 = 0 = 0 = 1 * 3.0 2129 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Alushta International Chess Title Tournament took place 13th-22nd May 2004. Moussa Taleb and Igor Svirjov finished on 10.5/14 in the double round robin event. Alongside was the Ukrainian Team Championships which took place 15th-20th May. Also the Ukrainian Women's Championships whose results I gave last week. My thanks to Leonid Galperin.
Internet coverage:
Summer I Alushta UKR (UKR), 13-22 v 2004 cat. VIII (2442) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Taleb, Moussa m UAE 2456 ** 1= == == == 11 11 11 10.5 2633 2 Svirjov, Igor m EST 2450 0= ** == 1= 11 11 11 1= 10.5 2634 3 Rausis, Igors g BAN 2484 == == ** == == == =1 1= 8.0 2486 4 Shtyrenkov, Veniamen g RUS 2449 == 0= == ** 01 == == 10 6.5 2412 5 Kalygin, Sergey V g RUS 2436 == 00 == 10 ** == == =1 6.5 2414 6 Pavlov, Maxim m UKR 2451 00 00 == == == ** == == 5.0 2339 7 Kulicov, Oleg m RUS 2422 00 00 =0 == == == ** 1= 5.0 2343 8 Derjabin, Ilja m UKR 2391 00 0= 0= 01 =0 == 0= ** 4.0 2291 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ukrainian Team Championships 1 "Law Academy" Kharkiv 11 (30½) 2 "Donbass" Lugansk 11 (29½) 3 "Universitet" Lviv 11 (28½) 4 "Momots Chess Club" Kramatorsk 11 (27½) 5 "Bavaria" Kharkiv region 6 (19½) 6 "Universitet" Simferopol 4 (19) 7 "Avangard" Kyiv 2 ( 7) 8 "Peshka" Lozova 0 ( 5)
Oscar de la Riva sends news of the "I Quadrangular Andbanc" organised by the Andorra Chess Federation with teams from Andorra, Luxemburg, Catalonia and Euskadi.
I Quadrangular Andbanc - 29th-30th May 2004 1 2 3 4 Tot Clas. 1 CATALUNYA XXX 4.5 3.5 4.0 12.0 1st 2 LUXEMBURG 1.5 XXX 2.0 2.0 5.5 4th 3 EUSKADI 2.5 4.0 XXX 2.5 9.0 3rd 4 ANDORRA 2.0 4.0 3.5 XXX 9.5 2nd RESULTATS INDIVIDUALS: Ronda 1 CATALUNYA 4 - 2 ANDORRA 1 Romero, A 2531 0 - 1 De la Riva, O 2556 2 Narciso, M 2505 0 - 1 Oms, J 2503 3 Magem, J 2504 1 - 0 Simonet, M 2297 4 Granados, M 2396 1 - 0 Garcia, R 2244 5 Fluvià, Jordi 2326 1 - 0 Monell, D 2233 6 Alsina, D 2242 1 - 0 Ribera, J 2140 LUXEMBURG 2 - 4 EUSKADI 1 Brittner, S 2258 1 - 0 Gallego, F 2377 2 Wagener, C 2213 0 - 1 González, S 2351 3 Mossong, H 2179 0 - 1 Argandoña, I 2346 4 Daubenfeld, G 2151 0 - 1 Muñoz, I 2251 5 Jeitz, C 2140 0 - 1 Fernández, G 2228 6 Schartz, A 2120 1 - 0 Olaizola, L 2212 Ronda 2 ANDORRA 3½- 2½ EUSKADI 1 De la Riva, O 2556 ½ - ½ Gallego, F 2377 2 Oms, J 2503 0 - 1 González, S 2351 3 Simonet, M 2297 1 - 0 Argandoña, I 2346 4 Gallego, R 2267 ½ - ½ Muñoz, I 2251 5 Garcia, R 2244 ½ - ½ Fernández, G 2228 6 Monell, D 2233 1 - 0 Olaizola, L 2212 CATALUNYA 4½ - 1½ LUXEMBURG 1 Romero, A 2531 ½ - ½ Brittner, S 2258 2 Narciso, M 2505 ½ - ½ Wagener, C 2213 3 Magem, J 2504 1 - 0 Mossong, H 2179 4 Granados, M 2396 1 - 0 Daubenfeld, G 2151 5 Fluvià, Jordi 2326 1 - 0 Jeitz, C 2140 6 Alsina, D 2242 ½ - ½ Schartz, A 2120 Ronda 3 LUXEMBURG 4 - 2 ANDORRA 1 Brittner, S 2258 0 - 1 De la Riva, O 2556 2 Wagener, C 2213 ½ - ½ Oms, J 2503 3 Mossong, H 2179 0 - 1 Simonet, M 2297 4 Daubenfeld, G 2151 1 - 0 Garcia, R 2244 5 Jeitz, C 2140 0 - 1 Monell, D 2233 6 Schartz, A 2120 ½ - ½ Ribera, J 2140 EUSKADI 2 - 4 CATALUNYA 1 Gallego, F 2377 ½ - ½ Romero, A 2531 2 González, S 2351 0 - 1 Narciso, M 2505 3 Argandoña, I 2346 1 - 0 Magem, J 2504 4 Muñoz, I 2251 1 - 0 Granados, M 2396 5 Fernández, G 2228 0 - 1 Fluvià, Jordi 2326 6 Olaizola, L 2212 0 - 1 Alsina, D 2242
The Victorian Masters took place 23rd April - 1st May 2004. Stephen Solomon won the event with 7.5/9. My thanks to Ching Kim Lye for sending the news.
Further coverage:
--------------------------------------------------------------------- Masters Victoria AUS (AUS), 23 iv-1 v 2004 cat. III (2303) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Solomon, Stephen J m AUS 2404 * = 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 7.5 2564 2. Canfell, Gregory f AUS 2329 = * = 1 1 0 0 1 = 1 5.5 2379 3. Froehlich, Peter m GER 2397 0 = * = = 1 = = 1 1 5.5 2372 4. Lukey, Stephen G f NZL 2281 1 0 = * 0 1 = 1 0 1 5.0 2347 5. West, Guy m AUS 2362 0 0 = 1 * 1 = = = 1 5.0 2338 6. Lim Yee-Weng f MAS 2319 0 1 0 0 0 * 1 1 1 1 5.0 2343 7. Wang, Puchen NZL 2246 0 1 = = = 0 * 0 = 1 4.0 2265 8. Levi, Eddy f AUS 2290 0 0 = 0 = 0 1 * 1 = 3.5 2223 9. Tindall, Brett f AUS 2286 0 = 0 1 = 0 = 0 * = 3.0 2179 10. Krstic, Slobodan AUS AUS 2111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = = * 1.0 1972 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
The 7th United Insurance International Masters Chess Tournament was 11 round Swiss which took place in Dhaka 6th-15th May 2004. Ziaur Rahman won the event with 9.5/11 a point and a half clear of Al-Rakib Abdulla. The games required a bit of work to match the table and the fear is always that I may have introduced some additional errors to get things to match. My thanks to Haroon Rashid for the results and games.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th United Insurance Dhaka BAN (BAN), 7-15 v 2004 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Rahman, Ziaur g BAN 2493 +20 + 6 +16 + 9 = 2 + 4 + 3 + 8 +11 = 7 = 5 9.5 2663 2. Abdulla, Al-Rakib m BAN 2422 +29 + 3 = 8 +11 = 1 + 9 +16 = 6 = 4 = 5 = 7 8.0 2533 3. Ahmed, Sk. Nasir f BAN 2297 +30 - 2 +18 -14 +17 + 7 - 1 +12 +10 + 9 = 4 7.5 2455 4. Hossain, Enamul m BAN 2436 +25 +10 - 9 + 8 + 6 - 1 =14 = 5 = 2 +22 = 3 7.0 2439 5. Singh, Gurpreetpal IND 2352 -17 +22 +13 -10 =18 +25 +24 = 4 + 6 = 2 = 1 7.0 2405 6. Suvrajit, Saha IND 2301 +27 - 1 +19 + 7 - 4 +14 +10 = 2 - 5 = 8 +16 7.0 2454 7. Sharma, Dinesh K m IND 2369 -18 +32 +25 - 6 +11 - 3 +22 + 9 +13 = 1 = 2 7.0 2390 8. Roktim, Bandyopadhyay m IND 2359 +22 +17 = 2 - 4 =10 +12 = 9 - 1 +19 = 6 =14 6.5 2395 9. Saptarshi, Roy IND 2356 +31 +24 + 4 - 1 +12 - 2 = 8 - 7 +15 - 3 +10 6.5 2383 10. Visweswaran, K IND 2299 +23 - 4 +24 + 5 = 8 =16 - 6 +18 - 3 +11 - 9 6.0 2343 11. Abu Sufian, Sakil f BAN 2325 +28 +26 =12 - 2 - 7 +15 =13 +14 - 1 -10 +17 6.0 2307 12. Dutta, Sayantan IND 2316 =21 +15 =11 +20 - 9 - 8 +25 - 3 =16 +19 =13 6.0 2317 13. Islam, Kh. Aminul f BAN 2292 =32 +21 - 5 =15 =24 +18 =11 +16 - 7 =14 =12 6.0 2289 14. Das, Arghyadip IND 2350 -24 +31 +29 + 3 =16 - 6 = 4 -11 +20 =13 = 8 6.0 2338 15. Thapa, Krishna NEP 2126 = -12 +32 =13 =20 -11 +26 =25 - 9 +18 +22 6.0 2236 16. Lodhi, Mahmood m PAK 2406 +19 +18 - 1 +17 =14 =10 - 2 -13 =12 +27 - 6 5.5 2299 17. Hossain, Monir BAN 2186 + 5 - 8 +21 -16 - 3 =26 -18 +29 +25 +20 -11 5.5 2261 18. Hasan, Mehdi BAN 2243 + 7 -16 - 3 +19 = 5 -13 +17 -10 =27 -15 +28 5.0 2227 19. Abdul, Maleq BAN 2243 -16 +23 - 6 -18 +31 +21 =20 +24 - 8 -12 =26 5.0 2193 20. Hossain, Pollab Sawkat H BAN 2275 - 1 +28 +26 -12 =15 -24 =19 +21 -14 -17 +32 5.0 2159 21. Monir, Arman BAN 2163 =12 -13 -17 +23 =30 -19 +28 -20 -26 +32 +24 5.0 2126 22. Chatterjee, Devraz BAN 2229 - 8 - 5 +27 -25 +29 +30 - 7 +23 +24 - 4 -15 5.0 2207 23. Ali, Md. Imran BAN 2126 -10 -19 =31 -21 +32 =29 +30 -22 =28 =26 + 5.0 2105 24. Haque, Rezaul f BAN 2181 +14 - 9 -10 +28 =13 +20 - 5 -19 -22 +31 -21 4.5 2202 25. Uddin, Saif BAN 2254 - 4 +27 - 7 +22 +26 - 5 -12 =15 -17 -28 +33 4.5 2143 26. Sankalp, Modwal IND 1953 +33 -11 -20 +29 -25 =17 -15 -27 +21 =23 =19 4.5 2125 27. Mohammad, Javed BAN 2149 - 6 -25 -22 -30 =28 +31 +32 +26 =18 -16 . 4.0 2108 28. Hamid, Rani wm BAN 2179 -11 -20 =30 -24 =27 +32 -21 =31 =23 +25 -18 4.0 2076 29. Gosh, Chanchal Kumar BAN 2246 - 2 +30 -14 -26 -22 =23 + -17 . . . 2.5 2027 30. Sultana, Zakia2 wf BAN 2081 - 3 -29 =28 +27 =21 -22 -23 =32 -31 . . 2.5 2006 31. Islam, Aminul Polash BAN 2205 - 9 -14 =23 =32 -19 -27 . =28 +30 -24 . 2.5 2014 32. Grower, Sahaj IND 1957 =13 - 7 -15 =31 -23 -28 -27 =30 + -21 -20 2.5 1967 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The XII Torneo "Guillermo Garcia" In Memoriam takes place in the Hotel Santa Clara Libre, Villa Clara 20th May - 3rd June 2004.
Internet coverage:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XII Guillermo Garcia Prem I Santa Clara CUB (CUB), 20 v-3 vi 2004cat. VIII (2442) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Bruzon, Lazaro g CUB 2602 * . . . 1 1 . . . 1 . 1 4.0 2. Borges Mateos, Juan m CUB 2426 . * . . = = . 1 = 1 . . 3.5 2567 3. Arencibia, Walter g CUB 2505 . . * 1 0 . . = 1 = . . 3.0 2482 4. Lafuente, Pablo m ARG 2433 . . 0 * 1 1 . 0 = = . . 3.0 2432 5. Leon Hoyos, Manuel f MEX 2286 0 = 1 0 * . = . . . 1 . 3.0 2468 6. Zambrana, Oswaldo m BOL 2472 0 = . 0 . * = . . . 1 1 3.0 2451 7. Almeida, Omar m CUB 2426 . . . . = = * . . . = 1 2.5 2489 8. Quezada, Yuniesky m CUB 2478 . 0 = 1 . . . * = = . . 2.5 2443 9. Flores, Diego m ARG 2448 . = 0 = . . . = * . . . 1.5 2373 10. Rodriguez Guerrero, Enrique m ESP 2407 0 0 = = . . . = . * . . 1.5 2339 11. Hernandez, Roman g CUB 2420 . . . . 0 0 = . . . * = 1.0 2202 12. Otero, Diasmany m CUB 2399 0 . . . . 0 0 . . . = * 0.5 2158 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XII Guillermo Garcia Prem II Santa Clara CUB (CUB), 20 v-3 vi 2004 cat. VIII (2449) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. De la Paz, Frank m CUB 2449 * = 1 . 1 . = . 1 . . . 1 5.0 2726 2. Zugic, Igor m CAN 2478 = * . . . 1 . . = 1 0 1 . 4.0 2568 3. Lopez Martinez, Josep Manuel m ESP 2440 0 . * . . 1 . = . = 1 = . 3.5 2505 4. Soppe, Guillermo m ARG 2421 . . . * = . = = . = . . 1 3.0 2529 5. Delgado, Neuris g CUB 2557 0 . . = * = 1 = . = . . . 3.0 2457 6. Abreu, Aryam m CUB 2459 . 0 0 . = * . . 1 . . = 1 3.0 2441 7. Nogueiras, Jesus g CUB 2482 = . . = 0 . * 1 . = . . . 2.5 2471 8. Gonzalez, Yuri m CUB 2481 . . = = = . 0 * . . . . 1 2.5 2442 9. Labollita, Martin m ARG 2452 0 = . . . 0 . . * . 1 1 . 2.5 2447 10. Perez, Rodney m CUB 2451 . 0 = = = . = . . * . . = 2.5 2391 11. Vera, Reynaldo g CUB 2444 . 1 0 . . . . . 0 . * . 1 2.0 2421 12. Arancibia, Eduardo CHI 2408 . 0 = . . = . . 0 . . * . 1.0 2264 13. Esquivel, Luis PAN 2314 0 . . 0 . 0 . 0 . = 0 . * 0.5 2049 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Hostan Open Znojmo took place 15th-23rd May 2004. Marek Vokac won with 7.5/9.
Further coverage:
------------------------------------------------------ Hostan Open Znojmo CZE (CZE), 15-23 v 2004 ------------------------------------------------------ 1. Vokac, Marek g CZE 2462 7½ 39 51 2273 2. Heinzel, Olaf f GER 2358 6½ 34½ 54 2256 3. Jasny, Stanislav f CZE 2249 6½ 33½ 52½ 2237 4. Zawadzka, Jolanta wm POL 2236 6½ 32½ 48 2171 5. Blazkova, Petra wm CZE 2226 6½ 32 49 2166 6. Jedlicka, Ales CZE 2323 6½ 31½ 47½ 2224 7. Vymazal, Bronislav CZE 2103 6½ 29 43½ 2093 8. Meins, Gerlef m GER 2456 6 34½ 51½ 2284 9. Trichkov, Vasil m CZE 2325 6 31½ 46½ 2171 10. Karhanek, Pavel CZE 2208 6 31 42 2134 11. Karlik, Vladimir f CZE 2315 6 30½ 49 2176 12. Stross, Frantisek CZE 2244 6 30 47½ 2154 71 players
The Quarter and Semi-Finals of the French Cup took place over the weekend of the 22nd-23rd May 2004. Sadly the most important game Kramnik vs Malakhov appears to be incomplete. The Final takes place on June 19th 2004.
Further details: and
1/4 Final 22nd May 2004 NAO vs LYON OLYMPIQUE 3.5-1.5 J.LAUTIER 2680 vs C.VERNAY 2125 1-0 L.FRESSINET 2638 vs Y.BENITAH 2126 1-0 I.NATAF 2535 vs J.DUBREUIL 2201 1/2 E.BACROT 2675 vs S.RAVOT 2250 1-0 1/2 Final 23rd May 2004 NAO vs MONACO 2.5-1.5 V.KRAMNIK 2764 - V.MALAKHOV 2695 1-0 E.BACROT 2675 - I.DORFMAN 2602 1/2 J.LAUTIER 2680 - Z.ALMASI 2631 1/2 L.FRESSINET 2638 - G.MIRALLES 2456 1/2 1/2 Final 23rd May ECHIQUIER NICOIS CLICHY 2-2 (Clichy won on board 2 and so go through) 1. Nenad Sulava Alberto David 1/2-1/2 2. Benjamin Bujisho Christian Bauer 0-1 3. Anatoly Vaisser Manuel Apicella 1/2-1/2 4. Marc Leski Jean-Marc Degraeve 1-0
The Capablanca Memorial took place 5th-19th May in Havana. There were four main events including a Category 13 elite tournament which was won by Lenier Dominguez. Final round games now available. My thanks to Jose Vilela.
Internet coverage:
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capablanca Mem Elite Havana CUB (CUB), 6-19 v 2004 cat. XIII (2552) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Dominguez, Lenier g CUB 2612 * 0 = 1 1 1 1 1 1 = 1 1 9.0 2808 2. Bruzon, Lazaro g CUB 2602 1 * = 1 = 1 = = = 1 1 1 8.5 2758 3. Delgado, Neuris g CUB 2557 = = * = = = = 1 = 1 = = 6.5 2616 4. Felgaer, Ruben g ARG 2592 0 0 = * 1 1 = = 1 0 1 1 6.5 2613 5. Arencibia, Walter g CUB 2505 0 = = 0 * = = = 1 1 1 1 6.5 2621 6. Ikonnikov, Vyacheslav g RUS 2556 0 0 = 0 = * 1 1 = 1 1 0 5.5 2552 7. Morovic Fernandez, Ivan g CHI 2583 0 = = = = 0 * 0 1 0 1 1 5.0 2513 8. Gonzalez, Yuri m CUB 2481 0 = 0 = = 0 1 * 0 1 = = 4.5 2493 9. Luther, Thomas g GER 2577 0 = = 0 0 = 0 1 * 1 = = 4.5 2485 10. Ramirez, Alejandro g CRC 2542 = 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 * = 1 4.0 2451 11. Quezada, Yuniesky m CUB 2478 0 0 = 0 0 0 0 = = = * 1 3.0 2384 12. Maiwald, Jens-Uwe g GER 2543 0 0 = 0 0 1 0 = = 0 0 * 2.5 2342 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capablanca Mem Premier I Havana CUB (CUB), 6-19 v 2004 cat. VIII (2428) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Slobodjan, Roman g GER 2516 * = = = = = 0 1 = = 1 1 = 1 8.0 2508 2. Garcia Martinez, Silvino g CUB 2355 = * = = 0 = 1 1 = = 1 = = = 7.5 2490 3. Gonzalez Garcia, Jose m MEX 2443 = = * = = = = 0 = 1 1 1 = 0 7.0 2455 4. Vera, Reynaldo g CUB 2444 = = = * = = 1 = = 1 0 = = = 7.0 2455 5. Bluvshtein, Mark m CAN 2463 = 1 = = * = = = 0 = = 0 1 1 7.0 2454 6. Perez, Rodney m CUB 2451 = = = = = * = = 1 = 0 = = 1 7.0 2455 7. Lopez Martinez, Josep Manuel m ESP 2440 1 0 = 0 = = * = 1 = 1 = 0 = 6.5 2426 8. Prasca, Raphael m VEN 2362 0 0 1 = = = = * = = = 1 1 0 6.5 2432 9. Otero, Diasmany m CUB 2399 = = = = 1 0 0 = * = 0 1 = 1 6.5 2430 10. Hernandez, Holden m CUB 2426 = = 0 0 = = = = = * 1 0 1 1 6.5 2428 11. Lafuente, Pablo m ARG 2433 0 0 0 1 = 1 0 = 1 0 * 1 1 = 6.5 2427 12. Gongora, Maikel m CUB 2422 0 = 0 = 1 = = 0 0 1 0 * = 1 5.5 2371 13. Perez, Luis Manuel m CUB 2438 = = = = 0 = 1 0 = 0 0 = * = 5.0 2340 14. Gomez, Felix m CUB 2398 0 = 1 = 0 0 = 1 0 0 = 0 = * 4.5 2320 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capablanca Mem Premier II Havana CUB (CUB), 6-19 v 2004 cat. VIII (2439) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Nogueiras, Jesus g CUB 2482 * = = = = = 1 1 1 1 1 = 1 1 10.0 2646 2. Borges Mateos, Juan m CUB 2426 = * 0 = 1 = = = 1 0 1 1 1 = 8.0 2526 3. Zambrana, Oswaldo m BOL 2472 = 1 * 0 0 = = = = = 1 1 1 1 8.0 2523 4. Almeida, Omar m CUB 2426 = = 1 * = 1 = 0 0 1 = = = = 7.0 2468 5. Rohl, Juan m VEN 2388 = 0 1 = * 1 0 = = = = = = = 6.5 2442 6. De la Paz, Frank m CUB 2449 = = = 0 0 * = 0 = 1 1 = = 1 6.5 2438 7. Pecorelli Garcia, Humberto m CUB 2420 0 = = = 1 = * 1 0 = = = = = 6.5 2440 8. Rodriguez Guerrero, Enrique m ESP 2407 0 = = 1 = 1 0 * 1 = 0 0 = = 6.0 2412 9. Zugic, Igor m CAN 2478 0 0 = 1 = = 1 0 * 1 = 0 = = 6.0 2406 10. Borriss, Martin m GER 2441 0 1 = 0 = 0 = = 0 * 0 1 1 1 6.0 2409 11. Kallio, Heikki g FIN 2484 0 0 0 = = 0 = 1 = 1 * = = 1 6.0 2406 12. Abreu, Aryam m CUB 2459 = 0 0 = = = = 1 1 0 = * 0 = 5.5 2380 13. Perea, Osmany f CUB 2392 0 0 0 = = = = = = 0 = 1 * = 5.0 2355 14. Hernandez, Roman g CUB 2420 0 = 0 = = 0 = = = 0 0 = = * 4.0 2299 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capablanca Mem Mixto Havana CUB (CUB), 6-19 v 2004 cat. I (2270) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Pina, Sulennis wg CUB 2317 * 1 = = = = = = 1 1 1 = 1 8.5 2424 2. Frois, Antonio m POR 2340 0 * = = 1 = 0 = 1 = 1 1 1 7.5 2359 3. Pazos Gambarrotti, Plinio m ECU 2353 = = * 1 = = = = 0 0 1 1 1 7.0 2320 4. Arribas, Maritza wg CUB 2327 = = 0 * = 0 = 1 = 1 1 = 1 7.0 2322 5. Mascaro March, Pedro f ESP 2309 = 0 = = * 1 = 0 = = 1 1 1 7.0 2324 6. Ramon, Vivian wg CUB 2206 = = = 1 0 * = 0 1 = 0 1 1 6.5 2304 7. Santa Torres, Juan m PUR 2241 = 1 = = = = * 0 1 = = = 0 6.0 2272 8. Marrero, Yaniet wm CUB 2271 = = = 0 1 1 1 * 0 0 = = = 6.0 2270 9. Groffen, Hans NED 2207 0 0 1 = = 0 0 1 * 1 1 = 0 5.5 2246 10. Ordaz Valdes, Lisandra wf CUB 2199 0 = 1 0 = = = 1 0 * 0 = 0 4.5 2189 11. Lucena, Lincoln BRA 2180 0 0 0 0 0 1 = = 0 1 * 1 = 4.5 2190 12. Esquivel, Luis PAN 2314 = 0 0 = 0 0 = = = = 0 * 1 4.0 2141 13. Hernandez, Tania wm CUB 2251 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 = 1 1 = 0 * 4.0 2147 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Trofeo CBA took place in Milan 14th-24th May 2004. Sinisa Drazic won with 8/11.
Official coverage:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trofeo CBA Milan ITA (ITA), 14-24 v 2004 cat. I (2266) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Drazic, Sinisa g SCG 2476 * = = 1 = 1 = = = 1 1 1 8.0 2422 2. Lanzani, Mario m ITA 2360 = * = 1 = = = = 1 1 = 1 7.5 2390 3. Castaldo, Folco f ITA 2329 = = * 1 1 = = = = = = = 6.5 2325 4. Rombaldoni, Denis ITA 2158 0 0 0 * = = 1 = 1 1 1 1 6.5 2341 5. Valenti, Giuseppe f ITA 2292 = = 0 = * = 0 1 1 = 1 0 5.5 2263 6. Astengo, Corrado ITA 2129 0 = = = = * = 1 = 0 = 1 5.5 2278 7. Qendro, Llambi f ALB 2366 = = = 0 1 = * = 0 = = = 5.0 2221 8. Dragojlovic, Andjelko m SCG 2340 = = = = 0 0 = * = = = 1 5.0 2223 9. Bertazzo, Giorgio SUI 2141 = 0 = 0 0 = 1 = * = = = 4.5 2212 10. Van Hoolandt, Patrick f MNC 2237 0 0 = 0 = 1 = = = * 0 1 4.5 2203 11. Mariano, Elia ITA 2198 0 = = 0 0 = = = = 1 * 0 4.0 2170 12. Ricci, Marco ITA 2169 0 0 = 0 1 0 = 0 = 0 1 * 3.5 2142 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
The 2nd Leonine GM took place in Dhaka 18th-28th May 2004. Nguyen Anh Dung led with 8/10 a point clear of Abdullah Al Rakib. Final results next week.
The 3rd ACP Blitz Tournament will take place on Details: Sponsored by ChinaCom and ChessBase, the prize fund will amount to US $6,200 with US $1,800 to the winner. 5 preliminary tournaments take place May 31st to June 3rd, and a final event on June 5th.
The Mitropa Cup team tournament takes place in Zemplinska Sirava (Slovakia) 29th May 6th June 2004. There are 10 European teams (Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland).
The strongest team has Hungary (GM Zoltan Varga 2564, GM Adam Horvath 2517, IM Csaba Balogh 2468, IM Gergely Antal 2495, IM Viktor Erdos 2473). Another top players are GM Vlastimil Babula (CZE 2584), GM Adrian Mikhalschishin (SLO 2527).
Official site:
The Norwegian Teams took place in May 19th-23rd 2004. Games are available but I couldn't find a final table.
Internet coverage:
The 22nd Liechtenstein Open took place 14th-22nd May in the Gemeindesaal in Triesen.
Official site:
Leading Final Round 9 Standings: ---------------------------------------------------- 22nd LIE-Open Triesen LIE (LIE), 14-22 v 2004 ---------------------------------------------------- 1. Porper, Eduard m ISR 2447 7.0 2599 2. Kritz, Leonid g GER 2534 7.0 2569 3. Malakhatko, Vadim g UKR 2540 7.0 2585 4. Rotstein, Arkadij g GER 2517 7.0 2486 5. Pribyl, Josef m CZE 2384 6.5 2497 6. Berescu, Alin m ROM 2400 6.5 2437 7. Van der Weide, Karel m NED 2460 6.5 2474 8. Sarakauskas, Gediminas m LTU 2430 6.5 2426 9. Kveinys, Aloyzas g LTU 2550 6.5 2457 10. Kohlweyer, Bernd m GER 2406 6.5 2373 11. Bosiocic, Marin CRO 2285 6.0 2374 12. Papa, Severin f SUI 2405 6.0 2417 13. Mannion, Stephen R m SCO 2328 6.0 2346 14. Baramidze, David m GER 2461 6.0 2402 15. Saric, Ivan CRO 2177 6.0 2363 16. Ferrari, Josef AUT 2242 6.0 2401 17. Muir, Andrew J m SCO 2335 6.0 2318 18. Dittmar, Peter f GER 2353 6.0 2330 19. Habibi, Ali m GER 2282 6.0 2310 20. Mijatovic, Vladimir CRO 2129 6.0 2225 21. Vucic, Mladen m USA 2413 6.0 2297 121 players
The ACP have released an open letter addresses to FIDE about the arrangments for the World Championships in Libya. The FIDE site ( claims that Boris Gulko has withdrawn from the championship (Gulko made it clear in his open letter than he thought his participation in Libya impossible).
Dear Mr President,
The next FIDE World Chess Championship (WCC), to be held in Tripoli (Libya), between the 18th of June and the 13th of July 2004, is due to start soon and yet, many pressing questions remain unanswered.
To begin with, although the deadline for reserve players to submit their undertakings has elapsed on the 5th of May 2004, no announcement has been made by FIDE regarding the final list of participants. Three weeks after the deadline and less than a month prior to the event, you will appreciate that such an announcement is long overdue.
Secondly, the qualified players holding an Israeli passport, some of them representing a different country than Israel, are clearly concerned that they will not be allowed to enter Libya and will, as a result, simply be excluded from the World Championship.
Despite assurances from the FIDE Secretariat that visas will be granted to all participants, several facts have recently cast serious doubts on this claim.
1) On the 6th of May 2004, Associated Press have quoted Mr Mohammed Gadhafi, the President of the Libyan Olympic Committee, who also heads the Organizing Committee of the FIDE WCC, as denying that Israeli participants would be allowed inside Libya. The wording of the statement was very strong and left no doubt as to its meaning: the Israeli players are not welcome in Libya.
2) Upon inquiry at the Libyan embassy in Paris, it has been confirmed that a person applying for an entry visa to Libya should not have an Israeli visa or a trace of passage on Israeli territory in his or her passport, let alone have an Israeli passport. This necessarily implies that visas would be granted in exceptional conditions for the sole purpose of the FIDE World Championship, however, at this point in time, Libyan consular authorities do not seem to be aware of such exceptional measures.
3) For unclear reasons, the participants of the WCC will not be able to obtain their visas at any of the Libyan embassies in various parts of the world, but only upon arrival at the Tripoli airport. This effectively compels the Israeli participants to travel to an Arab country without possessing a visa, a most unpleasant condition given the tense geopolitical situation in the Middle East.
4) The Israeli Chess Federation has been informed by FIDE that only Israeli participants would be granted a Libyan visa, whereas accompanying persons holding the same passport, such as trainers or close relatives, will be denied entrance to Libya. This fact alone contradicts all rules of fair and equal treatment to all participants of a major sports event, it is certainly in breach with FIDEs Code of Ethics.
As the President of FIDE, an international sports federation affiliated to the IOC, it is your duty to ensure that qualified competitors from all origins are given equal access to the World Chess Championship. In view of the abovementioned difficulties, the choice of staging the most important event on the FIDE calendar in Libya is a poor one. Despite numerous open letters and press releases emanating from several national federations (namely those from the United States, Russia and Israel) and WCC participants themselves (namely the American player Boris Gulko), FIDE has consistently refused to consider reinstating Malta as a secondary venue.
In the present circumstances, the Association of Chess Professionals (ACP) demands that FIDE provide written evidence from the Libyan authorities, unambiguously stating that Israeli players will be granted a visa upon their arrival in Tripoli. In view of the problems that have arisen since the publication of the official invitation from the Libyan Olympic Committee, general formulas whereby the Libyan government will pleasantly provide entry visas to all qualified participants is no longer explicit enough. Unless that document is produced shortly, it is very unlikely that Israeli players will agree on a hazardous journey to Libya and therefore, they will be forced to renounce their participation in the WCC. At present, the assumption prevails in the chess world that this is precisely the way FIDE hopes this embarrassing problem will be settled. Such an outcome, however, would greatly tarnish the reputation of FIDE among other sports federations and would effectively render FIDEs acclaimed motto Gens Una Sumus totally meaningless.
It is our sincere hope that you, Mr President, will use your power to remedy this situation and will not allow the exclusion of the Israeli players from the World Chess Championship. Sincerely,
Joel Lautier President of the ACP Paris, 26th of May 2004]
There is a fabulous celebration planned in Moscow in early June to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the birth of the late Armenian world champion Tigran Petrosian. The 'Armenia v Rest of the World' match will take place in Moscow and it is planned to be a six-player team tournament where each player faces all the members of the opposing team.
The Armenian team will consist of three Armenians; Vladimir Akopian, Smbat Lputian and Rafael Vaganian and three players with Armenian connections; Garry Kasparov whose mother is Armenian, Peter Leko whose wife is Armenian and Boris Gelfand who is most famous pupil to study under Tigran Petrosian. The rest of the World team has yet to be confirmed but is likely to be Vishy Anand, Michael Adams Peter Svidler, Loek Van Wely, Etienne Bacrot, and Paco Vallejo. The event should run from 10th-16th June 2004. News Malcolm Pein.
The Dortmund Sparkassen Chess-Meeting takes place in the Dortmund Theatre 22nd July - 1st August 2004. The event consists of Preliminary Group Stages followed by a knockout much as it was for the Candidates event in 2002. The Preliminary double round robin sees each player play 6 games. The two winners from each group will advance to the semifinals. The winners will play the final match, the losers will play the match for the 3rd place. Number 3 and number 4 in each preliminary group will play for the places 5 to 8.
Official site: Venue:
Schedule Round 1 Thursday July 22nd 14.00 Group 1 Anand vs. Naiditsch; Svidler vs. Rublevsky Group 2 Kramnik vs. Karjakin; Leko vs. Bologan Round 2 Friday July 23rd 14.00 Group 1 Naiditsch vs. Rublevsky; Anand vs. Svidler Group 2 Kramnik vs. Leko; Karjakin vs. Bologan Round 3 Saturday July 24th 14.00 Group 1 Rublevsky vs. Anand; Svidler vs. Naiditsch Group 2 Leko vs. Karjakin; Bologan vs. Kramnik Round 4 Sunday July 25th 14.00 Group 1 Naiditsch vs. Anand; Rublevsky vs. Svidler Group 2 Karjakin vs. Kramnik; Bologan vs. Leko Round 5 Monday July 26th 14.00 Group 1 Naiditsch vs. Svidler; Anand vs. Rublevsky Group 2 Karjakin vs. Leko; Kramnik vs. Bologan Round 6 (and tie break) Tuesday July 27 14.00 Group 1 Svidler vs. Anand; Rublevsky vs. Naiditsch Group 2 Bologan vs. Karjakin; Leko vs. Kramnik Rest Day Wednesday July 28 Semifinal game 1 Thursday July 29 14.00 Semifinal game 2 (and tie break) Friday July 30 14.00 Final game 1 Saturday July 31 14.00 Final game 2 (and tie break) Sunday August 1 11.30
The 17th Ciudad de Leon 2004 will again be a knockout event taking place June 3rd-7th 2004 in Leon, Spain.
Players: Alexei Shirov (Spain), Peter Svidler (Russia), Teimour Radjabov (Azerbajan) and Francisco Vallejo (Spain).
Official site: and
The Lina Grumette Memorial Day Classic 2004. Glendale, CA, May 29-31, 2004. 6-SS. $20,000 based on 300 players, $10,000 guaranteed. Top section FIDE rated.
Further details:
The Politiken Cup takes place 24th of July - 1st of August 2004. There are 10 rounds in 9 days. Luke McShane, Alexander Beliavsky, Magnus Carlsen, Curt Hansen, Peter Heine Nielsen. The elo average of the top ten is 2610+. This year it is played on Hotel Quality in Høje Taastrup, 15 minutes from Copenhagen central station. Speciel Prices availible at the hotel.
68th Costa Rican National Championships is in two stages. The first stage (18th-31st May 2004) is a 9 round swiss event that will qualify 9 players to the second and final stage (July 2004) that will be a 14 player round robin that will decide the 2004 Costa Rican Champion. In the first stage there are two IM's: IM Alexis Murillo and IM Francisco Hernandez. In the second stage they are already classified: IM Leonardo Valdes, IM Bernal González, IM Sergio Minero, FM William Charpentier and FM Juan Leon Jimenez.
Internet coverage is in
The 14th Heart of Finland Open takes place in Jyväskylä, July 21-25, 2004.
9 rounds Swiss. ELO-rated with the possibility of title norms. Venue: IT-Dynamo, street address Piippukatu 2, Lutakko, Jyväskylä. Timerate 2 hours / 40 moves + 1 hour to finish
Entry fees: GMs/IMs no entry fee (early registration required), FM/U20 50 EUR, ELO-rated players 70 EUR, others 90 EUR.
Prizes: Total prize fund approximately 7000 EUR, lots of rating group prizes.
Further information: Sami Hämäläinen +358 9 791140, mobile +358 40 5123864, email
The next First Saturday tournament will take place 5th-17th June 2004. There are vacancies for those who wish to play in the GM and IM events. Contact Laszlo Nagy e-mail:
Further details:
Potential Players FSGM June IGM SERES, Lajos (HUN, 2497), IGM FOGARASI, Tibor (HUN, 2465), IGM FARAGÓ, Ivan (HUN, 2507), IM PASCHALL, William (USA, 2381), FM NAGLE, Sean (USA, 2375), IM NEUBAUER, Martin (AUT, 2418), IM ALMÁSI, István (HUN, 2449), IM KADHI, Hameed Mansour Ali (YEM, 2379), IM MUIR, Andrew (SCO, 2335), IM SZIEBERTH, Ádám (HUN, 2370), IM NGUYEN, Ngoc Truongson (VIE, 2431), IM KARATOROSSIAN, David (ARM, 2401) Potential players FSIM June IM EPERJESI, László (HUN, 2322), IM WERNER, Dimo (GER, 2362), IM FARAGÓ, Sándor (HUN, 2314), IM TURZÓ, Attila (HUN, 2349), FM CARUANA, Fabiano (USA, 2140), FM BRUSTKERN, Juergen (GER, 2266), FM BÉRCZES, Dávid (HUN, 2293), FM BÉRCZES, Csaba (HUN, 2340), SISATTO, Olli (FIN, 2159), SIMONSEN, Hans Kristian (FAI, 2243), POULSEN, Martin (FAI, 2290), IM MOZES, Ervin (ROM, 2328), PORAT, Ido (ISR, 2261).
European Youth Team Championships and European Youth Rapid and Blitz Chess Championships takes place 9th-21st July 2004 in Belgrad.
Further information:
The Catalonia Chess Federation are organising the I Catalonian Circuit Grand Prix. 24 Tournaments are included in this competition. All rules are available at The circuit starts June 6th and finishes September 16th 2004.
The 27th Syre Memorial takes place 20th-23rd May in Issy Les Moulineaux (near Paris). 6 rounds.
Internet coverage and
The International Womens Tournament PWPW S.A. Chess Cup takes place June 18th-22nd in Warsaw. Venue: Hotel Courtyard by Marriott in Warsaw. The event is organised by the Polish Chess Federation and is sponsored Polska Wytwornia Papierow Wartosciowych S.A. The event is a six player double round robin. The rapid event has a time rate of 25 minutes + 10 seconds per move. All games will be played in the afternoon and transmitted on-line., website to be announced.
The prize fund is equal to 8500 US$ in total and all the 6 participating players will receive financial prizes.
1. Stefanowa, Antoaneta g BUL 2490 2. Kosteniuk, Alexandra m RUS 2469 3. Radziewicz, Iweta m POL 2444 4. Zielinska, Marta wg POL 2411 5. Socko, Monika m POL 2408 6. Dworakowska, Joanna m POL 2395
The 91st Smith & Williamson British Championships take place 1st - 14th August in the Spa Complex, Scarborough,Yorkshire. Michael Adams will be competing.
The 13th Monarch Assurance tournament takes place in the Isle of Man 25th September - 3rd October 2004.
Leading confirmed entries include: Ilya Smirin 2675 Israel Luke McShane 2661 England unless playing for England in Majorca Zhong Zhang 2633 China Vladimir Baklan 2615 Ukraine Vassilios Kotronias 2607 Cyprus Evgeny Agrest 2601 Sweden Kaido Kulaots 2600 Estonia Ian Rogers 2587 Australia Hikaru Nakamura 2580 USA Jon Speelman 2569 England Viktor Korchnoi 2568 Switzerland Ehsan Ghaem Maghami 2558 Iran Hicham Hamdouchi 2544 Morocco Mark Hebden 2544 England Stuart Conquest 2524 England Murray Chandler 2520 England Peter Wells 2507 England
Official site:
The traditional Ikaros Chess Festival takes place 13th-20th July 2004.
Full details:
The 1st Dato Arthur Tan Malaysia Open Chess Championship takes place in Kuala Lumpur August 21st-31st 2004.
Further details: specifically
The 24th Merdeka Team Chess Championship 2004 takes place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 27th-29th August 2004. This is followed by a Rapid Chess Open (Time Control: 25 Minutes + 10 Seconds increment from move 1) takes place 29th-31st August 2004.
Further details: specifically
2nd Riva del Garda International Open Chess Tournament takes place 26th-30th December 2004. Open A >1700 - Open B <1800 Seniores 7 Rounds - 2h x 40 + 1/2h quick play finish Info: tel. +39 0464 576657 - fax:+39 0464 521222
Further details;
7th International Chess Festival Olomouc Chess Summer 2004 takes place in Olomouc (Czech Republic) on 4-12.8. 2004. Round-robin GM and IM tournaments, Open Championship of the Olomouc region (FIDE open), Open Seniors Championship of the Czech Republic, Open Championship of the Olomouc region forYoungsters up to 15 years of age and open tournament in active chess are part of the festival.
Detailed information
The 10th international chess tournament "Festival Schneider Bohemia - Pilsen 2004", which takes place 14th-22nd August 2004 in the sports hall of Streleck stadion Pilsen-Lobzy (Czech Republic). The main tournament is the OPEN international tournament ( the 1st prize is 20.000 CZK, total prize fund 81.000 CZK - ca 2500 Euro ). Further information:
3rd Open Rabat Championship 2004 takes place June 25th - July 2nd 2004.
Players such as Hamdouchi and Tissir compete.
Details :
The 10th Mahaala Open takes place 19th-28th July 2004. The event is open to all and takes place in Mahaala City about 120 km from Cairo.
Organized by Misr Spinning & Weaving Company at Mahaala City. FIDE Rated - Swiss Sytem 9 Rounds Time Control ( 90 Min for all game and 30 Sec. Added for every move).. Prizes as follows : 1st till 10th. 175-150-125-100-75-50-50-50-50-50 US$. Prizes are distributed according to Hort System between the number of players corresponding to number of advertised prizes). Players who wants to participate will pay 175 US$ for all beriod full accommodation and Full Board in Double Bedroom Room 3 Star Hotel . That include : Free transportation inside Egypt , including from and to Airport; Free Tourist tours; Free entry fee . No special conditions .
Also will follow another FIDE rated tournament in Mansoura City ( 40 km from Mahaala ) from 31 July till 9 Augst 2004 , its details will be declared later
The XXX International Chess Open "Ciutat de Badalona" takes place 2nd-10th August, 2004. Prizes over 6000 euros sponsored by the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Catalan Chess Federation.
Further details:
The VI Friendship Tournament takes place in Cartak, Czech Republic. 19th-27th June 2004. Events: GM, IM and FIDE Open tournaments.
Contact Richard Biolek
Further info:
6 Icelandic grandmasters have confirmed they will play in Winnipeg, Canada, to play in a unique event. It's all part of a festival to celebrate 60 years of the Icelandic Republic and 100 years of home rule for the former Danish colony. Members of the Icelandic national theatre group, along with other cultural ambassadors, also plan to be in Manitoba for the celebrations.
The tournament will be held June 18-19 at the University of Winnipeg. The eight-round Swiss will be organized as a Game/30 event, with three rounds on Friday night and the remaining five on Saturday.
The GMs are: Johann Hjartarson, Margeir Petursson, Helgi Olafsson, Jon L. Arnason, Helgi Ass Gretarsson and Throstur Thorhallsson. Chess legend and former FIDE president Fridrik Olafsson is also considering attending.
Entry fee is $40 for adults and $20 for juniors and seniors. No CFC required, as it is unrated. You can enter June 18 from 6-6:30 p.m. at the U of W, with the first round beginning at 7 p.m. Or get a $5 reduction by entering in advance and mailing $35 ($15 for junior/senior) to tournament director Waldemar Schulz, 198 Donwood Drive, Winnipeg, R2G 0W1.
Garry Kasparov visits Campinas August 23rd and Belo Horizonte August 24 2004 to give a lecture "Strategy of the Future".
The 36th Chess Olympiad takes place in Calvià (Majorca), 14th-31st October 2004. There is now a website with lots of information on the event. Calvià is hoping to become a huge chess town with regular events for tourists. There will be many events alongside the Olympiad.
Official site:
A tournament celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the birth of the 9th World Champion Tigran Petrosian will be held in Yerevan (Armenia), November 18-30, 2004.
The programme of the Petrosian Memorial includes two events:
a) Open Tournament - November 18-27, Swiss System, 9 rounds, Prize Fund US$ 35.000
b) European Rapid Chess Championship - November 28-30, Swiss System, 11 rounds, Prize Fund 10.000 Euro
Further information: or by contacting the organisers at
The 2004 Arthur Dake Memorial IM will be held June 5th-13th at US Fiberglass, Inc. offices at 117 NE 5th Street, Suite D,McMinnville, OR 97128, USA.
It will be a 10 player round robin and a FIDE rated CAT II to CAT IV event. For more info contact please Clark Harmon or GM Emil Anka
The 15th International Festival of Chess, Bridge and Games and the European Amateurs Championship in Chess takes place in Pardubice, Czech Republic 15th July - 1st August 2004. There are a large number of different events.
More details:
You can read about the Czech Tour 2004/2005 4th International Chess Festivals Series details:
The VI International Chess Open de Sants, Hostafrancs & La Bordeta Barcelona takes place 28th August - 5th September 2004.
The III Torneo Internacional de Vera or "VII Memorial Pedro Salas Caparros" takes place in Vera, Almería, Spain, 8th-11th July 2004.
Players ----------------------------------------------- RI Nombre Tí Fed Elo Edad ----------------------------------------------- 1. Radjabov, Teimour GM AZE 2670 17 2. Vallejo Pons, Francisco GM ESP 2666 21 3. Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar GM AZE 2657 19 4. Korchnoi, Viktor GM SUI 2579 73 -----------------------------------------------
Official site:
The 37th Biel International Chess Festival 17th-30th July 2004.
Events include GM tournament (category 17), "Accentus" ladies Grandmaster tournament, with six of the best juniors of the world and other 10 international events.
Newly designed website: in English, German, French and Russian. With special offers.
The XXII Andorra International Open takes place 3rd-11th July 2004.
Total prizes: Total: 12.000 including: 1st 2.500,00 2nd 2.000,00 3rd. 1.250,00 4th. 1.000,00 5th 800,00 6th. 650,00 7th. 500,00 8th. 360,00 9th. 300,00 10th. 250,00 etc
Further details:
Leonid Galperin the Vice-President of the Chess Federation of the Ukraine sends news of future events in Alushta.
Official site:
1. GM norm events (11-13-15 rounds, circular system, VIII-IX category) 22.05-2.06 5.06-15.06 17.06-27.06 27.08-7.09 10.09-20.09 23.09-3.10
2. IM norm events (11-13 rounds, circular system, II-III category) 22.05-2.06 5.06-15.06 17.06-27.06 27.08-7.09 10.09-20.09 23.09-3.10
3. Festival "Alushta's summer-2004" The tournaments with the GM and IM norm (11-13 rounds, circular system) 05.06 - 15.06 17.06. - 27.07 Rating tournament (11-13 rounds, circular system) 17.06-27.06 Open tournament (under 16 years). First prize - 200 $. (9 rounds, swiss system ) 8.06-16.06 Blitz tournament (9 rounds, swiss system) 28.06 "Rapid chess" (open) (9 rounds, swiss system) 29.06-30.06 Open tournament (main tournament of festival)(9 rounds, swiss system) First prize 1000 $. First prize (woman) 500$. 1.07-10.07
The Australian Open Chess Championships take place December 28th, 2004 to January 9th, 2005. It will be played at Mount Buller, a tourist destination just a few hours from Melbourne, Australia. The organisers can arrange free transfer from Melbourne to Mt Buller.
Confirmed entries include:
GM Shabalov, Alex (2636 - USA) GM Ehlvehst, Jaan (2599 - EST) GM Mikhalevski, Victor (2568 - ISR) GM Wojtkiewicz, Aleksander (2564 - USA) GM Kengis, Edvins (2555 - LAT) GM Golod, Vitali (2544 - ISR) GM Kosten, Tony (2507 - FRA)
The organisers are looking for other GM or IM players interested in participating. Contact for details of conditions for players.
Prizes for the tournament are $3500, $2500, $1700, $1100, $900 . down to 8th place. There is a good chance the first prize will be increased to $10,000.
Further details:
II. Marx György Memorial Paks, Hungary 5-15 June 2004 with Portisch, Korchnoi, Beliavsky, Ács, Berkes GM Tournament (10 rounds, 6 invited players) & 5-15 June IM group, 5-11 June FM group, 12-15 June Open Tournaments
VIII. Paks Cup 21-31 August 2004 GM-IM Tournaments 23-29 August 2004 FM Tournament
Further information: Videki Sandor Tel: 0036-75421225, 304012866 email:
The Dutch Championships take place June 28th - July 10th 2004.
Further info:
Essent Dutch Championship Name Title Qualified Loek van Wely GM Essent NC 2003 Sergei Tiviakov GM Essent NC 2003 Daniel Stellwagen IM Essent NC 2003 John van der Wiel GM Essent NC 2003 Friso Nijboer GM Dutch Open Ivan Sokolov GM wildcard Erik van den Doel GM Semi Finals Dennis de Vreugt GM Semi Finals Yge Visser IM Semi Finals Manuel Bosboom IM Semi Finals Essent Dutch Championship for Women Name Title Qualified Zhaoqin Peng WGM Essent NC Tea lanchava WGM Essent NC 2003 Petra Schuurman FM Essent NC 2003 Désiree Hamelink WIM Dutch Open Bianca Muhren Semi Finals Arlette van Weersel Semi Finals
The 2004 US Championships will take place November 25th - December 5th at the Hilton Torrey Pines, La Jolla San Diego, California.
Further details of who has qualified so far and which events make-up the 2004 cycle can be found at
Further details:
The 8th Voronezh International Chess Festival takes place June 10th-21st 2004.
Internet coverage:
One of the huge reference gaps in online chess literature is a list of games and results from the Olympiads. There is a new site which is designed to fill that gap.
Mikhail Golubev chronicled Ukrainian Chess news over a number of years on his Chess-Sector website. He no longer updates the site but there is an archive at: His personal pages are at:
Other websites of Ukrainian news:,, and
The Monarch Assurance Isle of Man Congress takes place 25th September - 3rd October 2004. The open has 9 rounds and the 2 subsidiary events 7, the latter starting on the 27th. A number of very strong grandmasters are likely to compete as in previous years. Total prize fund £16500. The first World Senior Team Championship will take place 5th - 12th October also in the same Ocean Castle Hotel. This is for teams of 4 + one optional reserve. Male players have to be at least 60 on 1 January 2004 and female players at least 50. Further details on both events
A calendar of Canadian events can be found at the Chess Federation of Canada's web site - - Listed are the major Canadian events for the summer tourist season in order of date, with links that can be pasted into a web browser. Please note the FIDE Zone 2.2 Championships 77th Canadian Closed Ch - August 20-29.
Canadian Schedule 2004:
North Sea Cup, Esbjerg, Denmark. After 18 round-robins the Esbjerg Chess Union has decided to change the format of their renowned North Sea Cup. The organizers have always felt indebted to the participants of the amateur section who year after year have made the NSC a little chess festival. So now any chess devotee is offered the ( at least theoretical) possibility of facing even a GM - the NSC transforms at least for one year into the Open format.
The 19th North Sea Cup will be played July 3-10 2004, 9 rounds Swiss (two rounds on the 4th), the three top prizes DKK 15.000 - DKK 10.000 - DKK 5.000. The first 4 GMs who sign up will be offered free accommodation. Last entry June 27. Entry fee DKK 200, GM-IM-WGM and WIM for free. More info: Brian Isaksen
Further info:
3rd Condom Chess Open 2004 (south-west of France)
The tournament takes place 10-17 july 2004 9 rounds swiss system 40 moves/2h + 1h KO FIDE homogation total prize : 8000 â?¬ - 1st 1200 â?¬ E-Mail:
Further details:
Natalia Zhukova takes on the newspaper "All Sport" and the web-site "Chess in Ukraine". Voting seems to be via E-Mail.
Moves so far: Zhukova vs. "All Sport" and "Chess in Ukraine" 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 d6 6.Bg5 e6 7.Qd2 a6 8.0-0-0 Bd7 9.f3 Be7 10.h4 b5 11.Nxc6 Bxc6 12.Ne2 0-0 13.Nd4 Rc8 14.g4 Bb7 15.Be3 Qc7 16.h5 continues.
Further details:
The Pula Open 2004 takes place 19th-26th June 2004 in Pula, Croatia.
Further details:
The Duras Chess Club in Brno is organising Closed GM and IM events and the Duras international open 3rd-11th July 2004.
With the Linares tournament about to start it seems a good time to launch a new discussion forum. Vote on your prediction of the winner of Linares. The TWIC message board. You need to register to post and vote. Address:
4th International Chess Festivals Series
15.-23.5. 2004 4th OPEN ZNOJMO (FIDE open, Open Women Championship of the Czech Republic in active chess ?Znojemska kralovna ? The Znojmo Queen?, tournament for girls up to 14 years of age, active chess tournament)
15.7.-1.8. 2004 15th CZECH OPEN ? Pardubice (5 FIDE opens, one of them with GM and IM norm, Open European Amateurs Championship, Open Championship of the Czech Republic of 4-member team tournament, in active chess, blitz tournament, bughouse and Fischerandom chess, 14 tournaments altogether)
4.-12.8. 2004 7th OLOMOUC CHESS SUMMER (FIDE open, closed GM and IM tournaments, Open Seniors Championship of the Czech Republic, open tournament of youngsters)
18.-26.9. 2004 1st OPEN HIGHLANDS ? Havlickuv Brod (Men Championship of the Czech Republic - semifinals, FIDE open)
23.-30.10. 2004 5th OPEN LIBEREC (FIDE open)
14.-21.1. 2005 4th OPEN PRAHA (2 FIDE opens, one of them with IM norm)
22.-30.1. 2005 4th OPEN MARIANSKE LAZNE (FIDE open and 1-2 closed IM tournaments)
More details e-mail: and http:/
IM Silman vs The Rest of the World hosting a "Rest of the World" match against IM Jeremy Silman. This is a voting game where the "Rest of the World" (ROW) votes for the moves against Silman, and the highest voted move played after five days. Kasparov played a ROW game a few years back. IM Jeremy Silman is the author of the one chess book that everyone raves about, How to ReAssess Your Chess.
The match has inspired the largest ROW team ever at ChessWorld, well over 300 players at last count. IM Silman opened the game with 1. d4 and the voting is underway. You can get in on the game at - head for Play!..World team games after logging in.
The up to date position is also available on the TWIC front page.
Alexei Shirov has a webpage which includes an online school project (together with GM Alfonso Romero and IM Javier Sanz both from Spain) and a personal page within. The address is, at the moment everything is in Spanish although the English version should follow soon.
The IX Cesenatico International Chess Open takes place in Cesenatico (Italy) 4th-12th September 2004.Open A 9 rounds. Open B 8 rounds.
Organiser Jean Christophe Pirini email Fax +39547681217 # mobile phone +39335.6615956.
Further details:
1. FIRST SATURDAY GM-IM-FM, 1st-13th of May,
2. ELEKES memorial, Budapest GM-IM round robin, 15th-25th of May, organizer: IM Zsinka, Laszlo, +(36)-20-9219197 e-mail: or:
3. FIRST SATURDAY GM-IM-FM, 5th-17th of June, Budapest, org.Nagy L.
4. BALATON OPEN and GM-IM closed about 20th-30th of June, org: IM Rigo, e-mail: /150 km West from Budapest/,
5. FIRST SATURDAY GM-IM-FM, 3rd-16th of July, Org: Nagy Laszlo,
6. Open EGER 9 rounds Swiss, 17th-25th of July /100 km North-East from Budapest/ and GM-IM closed tmt, organizer: Rauch Ferenc, cell phone: +(36)-30-326-3692, e-mail:, other organizer: Vajda, Albert Sr. e-mail: More info: Nagy Laszlo, e-mail:
7. FIRST SATURDAY GM-IM-FM, 7th-19th of August 2004, org: NL.
8. Cat.XI. GM-closed, 10 participants, Budapest, 18th-27th of Aug. Org: PALI, Gabor, e-mail: Mobile: +/36/-20-470-50-37
9. TALENTUM CUP Open 19th-27th of Aug. BALATONZAMARDI /200 km West from Budapest/, organizer: MR VALIS, Janos e-mail:
10. FIRST SATURDAY GM-IM-FM, 4th-16th of September, Org: NL.
There is a new Turkish website: (note the change of address). I have given an interview to the webmaster Alper Efe Ataman.
Herford, 19th-20th June 2004 33rd International Rapid Chess Tournament 2004. Grand-Prix of Sparkasse Herford. Qualification tournament for the German Rapid Championships. 11 Rounds. Guaranteed Prize fund: 1.500. 1st Prize 500.-, Info: Homepage:
The Western Canadian Open takes place July 9th-18th, 2004. The FIDE rated event is organised by the British Columbia Chess Federation.
Further details:
The 3rd Annual Narender Nath Memorial Chess Tournament commemorating a man who died in the World Trade Center on September 11th 2001 is underway. The event raises money for charity.
The Worlds of Chess Champions exhibition contains items including Egyptian chess pieces, commemorative stamps, autographed material, rare books and original manuscripts.
The event is in Cleveland OH. The Cleveland Public Librarys John G. White Chess and Checkers Collection is currently exhibiting an installation titled, Worlds of Chess Champions. This temporary exhibition is located in the third floor exhibition hall of the Main Building, 325 Superior Ave., N.E. The Library exhibition is free and open to the public. Paid parking is available on Rockwell, one block north of Superior Ave.
Worlds of Chess Champions puts chess into context through the lives of chess experts, authors, and champions. This exhibition sets the historical stage of chess champions from the 19th Century to the present. To illustrate the context of chess in the world, the earliest items displayed feature chess pieces from Egypt dating back to 1300 B.C. Other early items on display from the John G. White Chess and Checkers Collection include original manuscripts from the 16th, 17th, and 18th Centuries. Other rare and interesting items include a death mask photograph of an early 19th-century player, commemorative chess stamps, hand-written letters by and about world-famous chess champions, autographed material, and published books by chess champions.
Some of the materials in Worlds of Chess Champions have never before been exhibited. The John G. White Chess and Checkers Collection is the worlds largest and most comprehensive chess collection. The collection contains chess sets and pieces as well as material related to chess. Many stamps commemorating chess champions are in the exhibition. Newspaper and magazine clippings, chess championship programs, score sheets from games, and other rare items will be on display through June 12, 2004.
Regular competition for players in New York Rated 2200 and above.
Further details: