THE WEEK IN CHESS 472 24th November 2003 by Mark Crowther

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Mark Crowther

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1) Introduction
2) Kasparov vs Fritz X3D match
3) Mystery consultation match 2
4) German Bundesliga
5) Spanish Team Championships
6) Claude Pècaut Memorial
7) Bali international in Benidorm
8) European Internet Championships
9) 80th-82nd New York Masters
10) Indian Women's National A Championships
11) Montecatini Terme
12) 13th World Championship for Seniors 2003
13) 1st d'Alcúdia Tournament
14) Mendoza Championships
15) Venetian Chess Autumn
16) World Computer Chess Championships
17) Slovenian Teams
18) 1st Panama Chess International
19) Forthcoming Events and Links


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Games section

Kasparov vs Fritz X3D match          1 game
German Bundesliga                   32 games
Spanish Team Championships         118 games
Claude Pècaut Memorial              45 games
European Internet Championships    116 games
80th-82nd New York Masters          12 games
Indian Women's Championships        63 games
Montecatini Terme                    1 game
Mendoza Championships               30 games
Venetian Chess Autumn                1 game
World Computer Championships        24 games
Slovenian Teams                    240 games
683 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to Andy McFarland, David Llada, Lanfranco Bombelli, John Fernandez, Karl Theny, Luis E. Esquivel, Dominique Primel, Andrew Martin, Manuel and Arvind Aaron, Julio Alberto González, Peter Vass, Antonio Rosino, Dusan Rusjan, Igor Nataf, Stewart Reuben, Jan Mazuch, Primoz Kokalj and everyone else who helped with the issue.

Kasparov drew his match against Fritz X3D in New York. This is the third draw in a high profile match following Kramnik's draw against Fritz and Kasparov's draw against Junior. All these matches show that human's can still beat the machines, but will they ever manage to win a match again? The computing power available to these programs will only continue to improve yet in spite of increasing human experience of these matches the players haven't translated that to a full match. Fritz itself is competing in the World Computer Championships and shares the lead with 3/3 in the 11 round event.

Hope you enjoy this issue.


2) Kasparov vs Fritz X3D match

Kasparov took on an X3D version of Fritz in a match in New York 11th-18th November 2003. Kasparov drew with Deep Junior in January. Kasparov is using 3D glasses to see a the 3D Board generated by Fritz.

The final game of the match was drawn after only 27 moves in a sterile position. The match too was drawn 2-2.

Official site: also ChessBase's site

Kasparov, Garry  -  X3D FRITZ        1/2   37  D45  Anti-Meran Variations
X3D FRITZ        -  Kasparov, Garry  1-0   39  C66  Ruy Lopez Berlin
Kasparov, Garry  -  X3D FRITZ        1-0   45  D45  Anti-Meran Variations
X3D FRITZ        -  Kasparov, Garry  1/2   27  D27  QGA

X3D Match New York USA (USA), 11-18 xi 2003
                              1   2   3   4 
X3D FRITZ              ----    =   1   0   =   2.0
Kasparov, Garry  g RUS 2830    =   0   1   =   2.0

3) Mystery consultation match 2

As reported last week the mystery consultation match with two teams of three players held by the NAO Chess Club finished in a draw. The event was sponsored by SMS text messaging. White was a team captained by Igor Nataf (average ELO 2601) Black a team captained by the club sponsor Mme Nahed Ojjeh (average ELO 2681).

There will be a rematch starting Monday 24 November 2004. White will be a team captained by the club sponsor Mme Nahed Ojjeh (average ELO of the players 2681) - the same as in game one. Igor Nataf's team has one change and their rating will rise to an average of ELO 2625

Internet coverage:

4) German Bundesliga

The 3rd and 4th rounds of the German Bundesliga took place over the weekend of 22nd-23rd November 2003. In addition there were two round 7 games. SC Baden-Oos (Anand and Shirov play for them) are the only team with a 100% score. SG Porz have 9 points from 10 after drawing their round 4 match against SF Neukölln, they have played their round 7 match against Katernberg so have played 5 matches.

News: There was live coverage from Baden Baden at: and games from there are available.

Round 3 22nd November 2003 

Venue: Baden Oos (Baden Baden)

SC Baden-Oos                4,5:3,5     TV Tegernsee
GM Viswanathan Anand         ½ : ½      GM Igor Khenkin    
GM Alexei Shirov             ½ : ½      GM Klaus Bischoff  
GM Rustem Dautov             ½ : ½      GM Uwe Boensch     
GM Dr. Robert Huebner        ½ : ½      GM Gerald Hertneck 
GM Michal Krasenkow          ½ : ½      GM Henrik Teske    
GM Philipp Schlosser         ½ : ½      GM Markus Stangl   
   Rainer Buhmann            ½ : ½      IM Stefan Bromberger
GM Ludger Keitlinghaus       1 : 0      IM David Gross

Stuttgarter SF              2,0:6,0     SK König Plauen
GM Eckhard Schmittdiel       ½ : ½      GM Tomasz Markowski 
IM Igor Berezovsky           0 : 1      GM Stefan Kindermann
IM Hedinn Steingrimsson      ½ : ½      GM Lutz Espig       
FM Severin Papa              0 : 1      FM Gunter Sandner   
FM Andreas Reuss             0 : 1      FM Stefan Haskamp   
FM Gerhard Lorscheid         ½ : ½      FM Michael Kuraszkiewicz
FM Thomas Heinatz            ½ : ½      FM Ulrich Dirr
FM Aleksandar Vuckovic       0 : 1      FM Roland Pfretzschner

Venue: St. Ingbert

SV Hofheim                  1,5:6,5     Hamburger SK       
GM Joerg Hickl               0 : 1      GM Lubomir Ftacnik 
IM Gennadi Ginsburg          ½ : ½      GM Suat Atalik     
IM Arno Zude                 0 : 1      IM Jan Gustafsson  
WGM Jovanka Houska           0 : 1      GM Sune Berg Hansen
FM Stephan Buchal            ½ : ½      GM Michael Bezold  
FM Patrick Burkart           0 : 1      IM Emanuel Berg    
FM Oliver Brendel            ½ : ½      IM Oliver Reeh     
FM Dr. Erik Zude             0 : 1      IM Thies Heinemann 

Venue: Koelln (Porz)

SG Porz                     6,5:1,5     SC Kreuzberg       
GM Christopher Lutz          ½ : ½      GM Zoltan Almasi   
GM Loek Van Wely             ½ : ½      GM Liviu-Dieter Nisipeanu
GM Ivan Sokolov              1 : 0      GM Jens-Uwe Maiwald
GM Alexander Graf            1 : 0      GM Raj Tischbierek 
GM Mikhail Gurevich          1 : 0      GM Ralf Lau        
GM Rafael A Vaganian         ½ : ½      GM Sergey Kalinitschew
GM Curt Hansen               1 : 0      IM Drazen Muse    
GM Erik Van den Doel         1 : 0      IM Stefan Loeffler

SF Katernberg               4,5:3,5     SF Neukölln        
GM Andrei Volokitin          ½ : ½      GM Sergei Movsesian
GM Vladimir Chuchelov        1 : 0      GM Dorian Rogozenko
GM Igor V Glek               1 : 0      IM Stephan Berndt  
IM Martin Senff              ½ : ½      IM Rainer Polzin   
IM Sebastian Siebrecht       0 : 1      IM Dr. Martin Borriss 
IM Matthias Thesing          ½ : ½      IM Dirk Poldauf 
   Christian Scholz          ½ : ½      IM Lars Thiede  
IM Georgios Souleidis        ½ : ½      IM Michael Schwarz

Venue: Bremer

Bremer SG                   5,5:2,5     SG Solingen       
GM Konstantin Sakaev         ½ : ½      GM Rustam Kasimdzhanov
GM Etienne Bacrot            1 : 0      GM Artur Jussupow
GM Johann Hjartarson         1 : 0      GM Christian Gabriel
GM Evgenij Agrest            ½ : ½      GM Matthew Sadler   
GM Hannes Stefansson         0 : 1      IM Alexander Naumann
IM Gannadij Fish             ½ : ½      IM Jan Werle        
IM Joris Brenninkmeijer      1 : 0      IM Markus Schaefer  
IM Ewgeni Gisbrecht          1 : 0         Joerg Wegerle    

Werder Bremen               4,0:4,0     SV Wattenscheid     
GM Luke James McShane        ½ : ½      GM Levon Aronian      
GM Zbynek Hracek             0 : 1      GM Leif Erlend Johannessen
GM Vlastimil Babula          ½ : ½      IM Ralf Appel          
GM Yannick Pelletier         1 : 0      IM Dr. Frank Holzke    
GM Lars Schandorff           ½ : ½      IM Dr. Volkmar Dinstuhl
WGM Almira Skripchenko       1 : 0      IM Holger Ellers       
   Sven Joachim              ½ : ½      FM Timo Straeter       
IM Gerlef Meins              0 : 1      FM Jan Lauzeningks  

Round 4 23rd November 2003

Venue: Baden Oos (Baden Baden)

TV Tegernsee                6,0:2,0    Stuttgarter SF
GM Igor Khenkin              1 : 0     GM Eckhard Schmittdiel
GM Klaus Bischoff            1 : 0     IM Igor Berezovsky
GM Uwe Boensch               1 : 0     IM Hedinn Steingrimsson
GM Gerald Hertneck           ½ : ½     FM Severin Papa
GM Henrik Teske              1 : 0     FM Andreas Reuss
GM Markus Stangl             ½ : ½     FM Gerhard Lorscheid
IM Stefan Bromberger         ½ : ½     FM Thomas Heinatz
IM David Gross               ½ : ½     FM Aleksandar Vuckovic

SK König Plauen             0,5:7,5     SC Baden-Oos
GM Tomasz Markowski          0 : 1      GM Viswanathan Anand
GM Stefan Kindermann         ½ : ½      GM Alexei Shirov
GM Lutz Espig                0 : 1      GM Rustem Dautov
FM Gunter Sandner            0 : 1      GM Dr. Robert Huebner
FM Stefan Haskamp            0 : 1      GM Michal Krasenkow
FM Michael Kuraszkiewicz     0 : 1      GM Philipp Schlosser
FM Ulrich Dirr               0 : 1         Rainer Buhmann
FM Roland Pfretzschner       0 : 1      GM Ludger Keitlinghaus

Venue: St. Ingbert

Hamburger SK                8,0:0,0     SCA St. Ingbert  
GM Lubomir Ftacnik           1 : 0      GM Cyril Marcelin
GM Suat Atalik               1 : 0      GM Vladimir Lazarev
IM Jan Gustafsson            1 : 0      IM Emmanuel Bricard
GM Sune Berg Hansen          1 : 0         Chi Minh Nguyen 
GM Michael Bezold            1 : 0         Dennis Drollinger
IM Emanuel Berg              + : -      FM Georg Gross
IM Oliver Reeh               1 : 0         Andreas Bock
IM Thies Heinemann           1 : 0         Hannes Callam

Venue: Koelln (Porz)

SC Kreuzberg                5,0:3,0     SF Katernberg
GM Zoltan Almasi             1 : 0      GM Andrei Volokitin
GM Liviu-Dieter Nisipeanu    1 : 0      GM Vladimir Chuchelov
GM Jens-Uwe Maiwald          1 : 0      GM Igor V Glek 
GM Raj Tischbierek           ½ : ½      IM Martin Senff
GM Ralf Lau                  ½ : ½      IM Sebastian Siebrecht
GM Sergey Kalinitschew       1 : 0      IM Matthias Thesing   
IM Drazen Muse               0 : 1         Christian Scholz   
IM Stefan Loeffler           0 : 1      IM Georgios Souleidis 

SF Neukölln                 4,0:4,0     SG Porz            
GM Sergei Movsesian          ½ : ½      GM Christopher Lutz
GM Dorian Rogozenko          ½ : ½      GM Loek Van Wely   
IM Stephan Berndt            0 : 1      GM Ivan Sokolov    
IM Dr. Martin Borriss        1 : 0      GM Alexander Graf  
IM Dirk Poldauf              ½ : ½      GM Mikhail Gurevich
IM Lars Thiede               1 : 0      GM Rafael A Vaganian
IM Michael Schwarz           ½ : ½      GM Erik Van den Doel
FM Henrik Rudolf             0 : 1      GM Edwin Kengis

Venue: Bremer

SG Solingen                 2,0:6,0     Werder Bremen
GM Rustam Kasimdzhanov       ½ : ½      GM Luke James McShane
GM Artur Jussupow            ½ : ½      GM Zbynek Hracek
GM Christian Gabriel         0 : 1      GM Vlastimil Babula 
GM Matthew Sadler            0 : 1      GM Yannick Pelletier
IM Alexander Naumann         ½ : ½      GM Lars Schandorff  
IM Jan Werle                 0 : 1     WGM Almira Skripchenko
IM Markus Schaefer           ½ : ½         Sven Joachim
   Joerg Wegerle             0 : 1      IM Gerlef Meins

SV Wattenscheid             4,0:4,0     Bremer SG      
GM Levon Aronian             ½ : ½      GM Konstantin Sakaev
GM Leif Erlend Johannessen   ½ : ½      GM Etienne Bacrot  
IM Ralf Appel                1 : 0      GM Konstantin Landa
IM Dr. Frank Holzke          1 : 0      GM Johann Hjartarson
IM Dr. Volkmar Dinstuhl      0 : 1      GM Evgenij Agrest   
IM Holger Ellers             ½ : ½      GM Hannes Stefansson
FM Timo Straeter             0 : 1      IM Joris Brenninkmeijer
FM Thomas Thiel              ½ : ½      IM Ewgeni Gisbrecht   

Round 7 21st November 2003 

Venue: St. Ingbert

SG Porz                     5,0:3,0    SF Katernberg
GM Christopher Lutz          0 : 1     GM Andrei Volokitin
GM Loek Van Wely             ½ : ½     GM Vladimir Chuchelov
GM Ivan Sokolov              1 : 0     GM Igor V Glek
GM Alexander Graf            1 : 0     IM Sebastian Siebrecht
GM Mikhail Gurevich          0 : 1        Christian Scholz
GM Rafael A Vaganian         ½ : ½     IM Georgios Souleidis
GM Curt Hansen               1 : 0     FM Falko Meyer
GM Edwin Kengis              1 : 0        Armin Meyer

Round 4 Standings:
 1. SG Porz              5   27,0   9:1
 2. SC Baden-Oos         4   23,5   8:0
 3. SV Werder Bremen     4   21,0   7:1
 4. Hamburger SK         4   25,0   6:2
 5. Bremer SG            4   18,5   6:2
 6. SF Katernberg        5   17,5   4:6
 7. SC Kreuzberg         4   15,5   4:4
 8. TV Tegernsee         3   14,0   4:2
 9. SF Neukölln          4   14,5   3:5
10. SV Wattenscheid      4   14,0   2:6
11. SG Solingen          4   12,0   2:6
12. SCA St. Ingbert      4   11,0   2:6
13. SK König Plauen      3    7,5   2:4
14. SV Hofheim           4   10,5   1:7
15. Stuttgarter SF       4    8,5   0:8

5) Spanish Team Championships

The finals of the Spanish Team Championships took place in Sanxenxo, Galicia, 17th-22nd November 2003. CA Reverte Albox won the event beating Unio Gracienca D'escacs 2.5-1.5 in the final. Games from 4 of the 6 rounds currently available.

Coverage: and

FINAL 22.11.03 

Bologan         (UGA) (2673) - Rustemov   (ALBOX) (2602) 1-0
Nijboer       (ALBOX) (2577) - Lopez        (UGA) (2425) 1-0
Lacasa          (UGA) (2413) - Comas      (ALBOX) (2502) 1/2
Romero        (ALBOX) (2544) - Rahal        (UGA) (2403) 1-0  

3rd-4th Playoff
C.A. MAGIC                2.5-1.5              C.A. OBERENA 
Khamrakhulov  (MAGIC) (2464) - Conquest (OBERENA) (2545) 0-1
de la Villa (OBERENA) (2477) - Candelario (MAGIC) (2463) 0-1 
Carrasco      (MAGIC) (2370) - Sion     (OBERENA) (2390) 1/2
Navarro     (OBERENA) (2337) - Andrada    (MAGIC) (2296) 0-1 

 1st C.A. REVERTÉ-ALBOX          Ascenso a DH 
 2nd      UNION GRACIENSE ESCACS Ascenso a DH 
 3rd C.A. MAGIC                  Ascenso a DH 
 4th C.A. OBERENA                Permanencia 
 5th C.A. COFIMAN                Permanencia 
 6th C.A. CAYMU                  Permanencia 
 7th C.A. GEVA-CEA ANDORRA       Permanencia 
 8th      GROS XAKE TALDEA  
 9th C.A. CAI-OLIVAR  
11th C.A. SOLVAY  
13th C.A. NEW CHESS  
14th C.E. TROPIC  
15th C.A. MARCOTE  

Best Board Scores 

1st Viorel BOLOGAN MDA 6 6 
2nd Ulf ANDERSSON  SWE 5 6 
3rd Rui DAMASO     POR 5 6 
4th Guillem BACHES ESP 4 4 

6) Claude Pècaut Memorial

The Claude Pècaut Memorial took place in Taormina, Italy 15th-23rd November 2003. Michele Godena won the event with 6.5/9.

Internet coverage:

Claude Pecaut Mem Taormina ITA (ITA), 15-23 xi 2003         cat. VII (2406)
                                             1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Godena, Michele             g ITA 2523  * 0 = 1 1 1 = 1 = 1  6.5  2559 
 2. Movsziszian, Karen          g ARM 2475  1 * = = = = 1 0 = 1  5.5  2478 
 3. Carlsen, Magnus             m NOR 2450  = = * = = = 0 1 1 1  5.5  2481 
 4. Ortega, Lexy                g ITA 2462  0 = = * = = 1 1 1 =  5.5  2479 
 5. Tomescu, Vlad               m ROM 2447  0 = = = * = 1 1 1 =  5.5  2481 
 6. Estremera Panos, Sergio     m ESP 2350  0 = = = = * = = = =  4.0  2369 
 7. Aldrovandi, Costantino      m ITA 2414  = 0 1 0 0 = * = = =  3.5  2325 
 8. Ljubisavljevic, Zivojin Z   m SCG 2316  0 1 0 0 0 = = * = 1  3.5  2336 
 9. Isonzo, Davide              f ITA 2349  = = 0 0 0 = = = * =  3.0  2287 
10. Calzetta, Monica           wm ESP 2274  0 0 0 = = = = 0 = *  2.5  2254 

7) Bali international in Benidorm

Bali international in Benidorm is a nine round swiss taking place 21st to 28th November 2003. Along side is a stars event with 12 players 15 minutes + 10 seconds per player 27th-29th November 2003. Leading players: Viswanathan Anand IND 2774 g Veselin Topalov BUL 2735 g Judith Polgar HUN 2718 g Francisco Vallejo ESP 2662 g Anatoli Karpov RUS 2688 g Teimour Radjabov AZE 2648 g Sergey Karjakin UKR 2527 g.. I will cover the games in full next week.

Internet coverage:

8) European Internet Championships

Emil Sutovsky from Israel won the first European Internet Championships. He beat Etienne Bacrot in the final. The event took place on ChessBase's server.The tournament was organized in partnership with the European Chess Union.

Saturday 8th November saw a final Candidates qualification event to decide 20 qualifiers to compete with 12 seeded players for the title.

The final on Sunday included Michael Adams, Teimour Radjabov, Viorel Bologan, Loek van Wely, John Nunn and Etienne Bacrot. The prize fund was of 6000 Euros with 2400 Euro for first place.

Two players were disqualified from the Candidates Tournament on Saturday who were deemed to have played with the help of computer-assistence. After careful analysis the judgment of the Tournament Directors, who were assisted by Grandmaster Rainer Knaak, was unanimous: clear cheating.

The knock out matches were played with a time-control of 5 minutes per game, with an increment of 1 second per move. The first round (32 players), the second round (16 players) and the quarter-finals consisted of four games each. The semi-finals and the final consisted of six games each. In case of a tie (2:2 or 3:3) a tie-break game was played, with white six minutes and black five minutes, while for black a draw was enough.

Further details:

ch-Europe Internet Blitz INT (INT), 9-9 xi 2003


Bacrot,E 1.5
Sutovsky,E 3.5


Adams,Mi 2.0
Bacrot,E 4.0

Sutovsky,E 3.5
Vlassov,N 1.5


Adams,Mi 2.5
Nunn,J 0.5

Bacrot,E 3.0
Panarin,M 0.0

Kiriakov,P 1.5
Sutovsky,E 2.5

Bischoff,K 0.5
Vlassov,N 2.5

Round 2

Adams,Mi 3.0
Hansen,SuB 2.0

Soloviov,S 1.5
Nunn,J 2.5

Bacrot,E 3.0
Rabiega,R 1.0

Panarin,M 3.0
Timofeev,Ar 0.0

Panzalovic,S 1.5
Kiriakov,P 2.5

Sutovsky,E 2.5
Grebionkin,Vl 0.5

Borg,G 0.5
Bischoff,K 2.5

Radjabov,T 1.5
Vlassov,N 2.5

Round 1

Adams,Mi 2.5
Dovramadjiev,T 0.5

Libiszewski,F 0.0
Hansen,SuB 3.0

Plaskett,J 0.5
Soloviov,S 2.5

Nunn,J 2.5
Popovic,Du 1.5

Bacrot,E 2.5
Belezky,S 0.5

Svetushkin,D 0.5
Rabiega,R 2.5

Van Wely,L 1.5
Panarin,M 2.5

Timofeev,Ar 2.5
Deviatkin,A 0.5

Panzalovic,S 2.5
Bjelajac,M 0.5

Kiriakov,P 2.5
Mikhalevski,V 1.5

Sutovsky,E 3.0
Abergel,T 1.0

Sadvakasov,D 0.5
Grebionkin,Vl 2.5

Bologan,V 2.0
Borg,G 3.0

Bischoff,K 3.0
Bellini,F 2.0

Radjabov,T 2.5
Wirig,A 1.5

Kharlov,A 0.5
Vlassov,N 2.5

9) 80th-82nd New York Masters

Aleks Wojtkiewicz, Julio Becerra and Jay Bonin won the 80th New York Masters on 4th November 2003 with 3.0/4. Leonid Yudasin won the 81st New York Masters on 11th November 2003. Aleks Wojtkiewicz won the 82nd with 3.5/4 on 18th November 2003. News John Fernandez.


80th New York Masters Action USA (USA), 4 xi 2003
                                     1   2   3   4   Total
  1. Wojtkiewicz, Aleks    g USA 2571 = 9 + 5 +10 = 2   3.0  ($195)
  2. Becerra, Julio        g USA 2558 +13 = 6 + 7 = 1   3.0  ($195)
  3. Bonin, Jay            m USA 2339 + 8 =11 = 6 + 4   3.0  ($195)
  4. Kriventsov, Stanislav m USA 2416 =   + 9 +11 - 3   2.5
  5. Almeida, Alfonso      m MEX 2378 =   - 1 +14 +10   2.5
  6. Hoffmann, Asa         f USA 2307 +15 = 2 = 3 = 8   2.5  ($ 33)
  7. Eisen, Lewis          f USA 2238 +16 =10 - 2 +11   2.5  ($ 33)
  8. Chernin, Oliver         USA 2196 - 3 +12 +13 = 6   2.5  ($ 33)
  9. Privman, Boris        f USA 2240 = 1 - 4 =15 +13   2.0
 10. Sarkar, Justin        m USA 2369 +14 = 7 - 1 - 5   1.5
 11. Fierro, Martha       wg ECU 2312 +12 = 3 - 4 - 7   1.5
 12. Ross, Laura          wf USA 2120 -11 - 8 +16 =15   1.5
 13. Bartell, Thomas       f USA 2231 - 2 +15 - 8 - 9   1.0
 14. Gaillard, Edward        USA ---- -10 +16 - 5 ---   1.0
 15. Furdzik, Rafal          USA 2251 - 6 -13 = 9 =12   1.0
 16. Tamarkin, Larry         USA 2192 - 7 -14 -12 ---   0.0


1ST   - $400
2ND   - $135
3RD   - $ 50
U2400 - $ 99

81st New York Masters Action USA (USA), 11 xi 2003
                                     1   2   3   4   Total
  1. Yudasin, Leonid       g ISR 2569 +13 +12 = 2 + 7   3.5  ($300)
  2. Wojtkiewicz, Aleks    g USA 2571 +10 + 8 = 1 = 3   3.0  ($ 65)
  3. Nakamura, Hikaru      g USA 2565 +16 + 6 = 4 = 2   3.0  ($ 65)
  4. Becerra, Julio        g USA 2558 +11 = 5 = 3 + 8   3.0  ($ 65)
  5. Bonin, Jay            m USA 2339 +17 = 4 - 7 +12   2.5  ($ 55)
  6. Sarkar, Justin        m USA 2369 +15 - 3 +10 = 9   2.5  ($ 55)
  7. Ehlvest, Jaan         g EST 2602 - 9 +18 + 5 - 1   2.0
  8. Blatny, Pavel         g CZE 2494 +14 - 2 +13 - 4   2.0
  9. Shahade, Jennifer    wm USA 2342 + 7 -13 =12 = 6   2.0
 10. Fierro, Martha       wg ECU 2312 - 2 +14 - 6 +16   2.0
 11. Bartell, Tom          f USA 2231 - 4 =17 +16 =13   2.0
 12. Burnett, Ron          m USA 2443 +18 - 1 = 9 - 5   1.5
 13. Pruess, David         f USA 2383 - 1 + 9 - 8 =11   1.5
 14. Lenderman, Alex         USA 2342 - 8 -10 +17 =     1.5
 15. Franklin, David         USA ---- - 6 -16 +19 =17   1.5
 16. Privman, Boris        f USA 2240 - 3 +15 -11 -10   1.0
 17. Furdzik, Rafal          USA 2251 - 5 =11 -14 =15   1.0
 18. Caruana, Fabiano      f USA 2137 -12 - 7 =   =     1.0
 19. Hoffman, Paul           USA ---- --- --- -15 ---   0.0


1ST   - $300
2ND   - $140
3RD   - $ 55
U2400 - $110

82nd New York Masters Action USA (USA), 18 xi 2003
                                     1   2   3   4   Total
  1. Wojtkiewicz, Aleks   g USA 2571 + 5 + 4 + 3 = 2   3.5  ($300)
  2. Yudasin, Leonid      g ISR 2569 +11 =10 + 8 = 1   3.0  ($100)
  3. Blatny, Pavel        g CZE 2494 +13 +14 - 1 + 7   3.0  ($100)
  4. Pruess, David        f USA 2383 +15 - 1 +14 + 8   3.0  ($100)
  5. Privman, Boris       f USA 2240 - 1 +15 = 6 +10   2.5
  6. Bonin, Jay           m USA 2339 - 9 +12 = 5 +11   2.5
  7. Stripunsky, Alex     g USA 2530 -14 +13 +10 - 3   2.0
  8. Becerra, Julio       g USA 2558 +12 + 9 - 2 - 4   2.0
  9. Furdzik, Rafal         USA 2251 + 6 - 8 =11 =     2.0
 10. Uribe, Mauricio      f COL 2387 +16 = 2 - 7 - 5   1.5
 11. Fierro, Martha      wg ECU 2312 - 2 +16 = 9 - 6   1.5
 12. Colding, Ernest        USA 2217 - 8 - 6 +17 =13   1.5
 13. Chernin, Oliver        USA 2196 - 3 - 7 +16 =12   1.5
 14. Esserman, Marc         USA 2276 + 7 - 3 - 4 ---   1.0
 15. Caruana, Fabiano     f USA 2137 - 4 - 5 =   =     1.0
 16. Gottehrer, Jonathan    USA ---- -10 -11 -13 +17   1.0
 17. Hoffman, Paul          USA ---- --- --- -12 -16   0.0


1ST   - $300
2ND   - $150
3RD   - $ 50
U2400 - $100

10) Indian Women's National A Championships

The Oilum National Women's A Chess Championships of India 2003 took place in Calicut, India 9th-20th November 2003. Humpy Koneru conceded just two draws to score 16/17. and leads with 12.5/13.

Internet coverage: and Live Coverage :

ch-IND A Women Calicut IND (IND), 9-20 xi 2003
                                             1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 
 1. Koneru, Humpy               g IND 2485  * = 1 = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16.0  2675 
 2. Vijayalakshmi, Subbaraman   m IND 2426  = * 0 1 = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 = 1 1 1 1 14.5  2530 
 3. Mohota, Nisha              wg IND 2299  0 1 * = 1 = = = = = 1 = 1 = = 1 = 1 11.0  2352 
 4. Harika, Dronavalli         wm IND 2353  = 0 = * = = = = = 1 = 1 = 1 = 1 1 1 11.0  2349 
 5. Meenakshi, S               wm IND 2288  0 = 0 = * = 1 = = 0 1 = = 1 1 1 1 = 10.0  2307 
 6. Karavade, Eesha               IND 2211  0 0 = = = * = 0 1 1 = = = 1 1 = 1 1 10.0  2312 
 7. Sachdev, Tania             wm IND 2218  0 0 = = 0 = * = = 1 = = = = 1 1 1 =  9.0  2267 
 8. Ramaswamy, Aarthie         wg IND 2322  0 0 = = = 1 = * 0 0 1 1 = 1 0 = 1 0  8.0  2219 
 9. Krutika, Nadig                IND 2150  0 0 = = = 0 = 1 * 0 1 = 0 0 1 = 1 1  8.0  2229 
10. Swathi, Ghate              wm IND 2309  0 0 = 0 1 0 0 1 1 * 0 1 0 = 1 0 1 1  8.0  2220 
11. Gokhale, Anupama           wm IND 2217  0 0 0 = 0 = = 0 0 1 * 1 = 1 1 = = 1  8.0  2226 
12. Thipsay, Bagyashree Sathe  wm IND 2249  0 0 = 0 = = = 0 = 0 0 * 1 = 1 1 = 1  7.5  2202 
13. Pratibha, Y                wm IND 2231  0 0 0 = = = = = 1 1 = 0 * = = 0 = =  7.0  2181 
14. Koneru, Chandra Hawsa         IND 2139  0 = = 0 0 0 = 0 1 = 0 = = * 0 1 0 1  6.0  2141 
15. Saheli, Nath                  IND 2127  0 0 = = 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 = 1 * 1 = 1  6.0  2142 
16. Meera, Sai                    IND 2160  0 0 0 0 0 = 0 = = 1 = 0 1 0 0 * 1 1  6.0  2140 
17. Sangeetha, M. R               IND 2140  0 0 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = = = 1 = 0 * =  4.0  2049 
18. Rajalakshmi, C.V              IND 2092  0 0 0 0 = 0 = 1 0 0 0 0 = 0 0 0 = *  3.0  1992 

11) Montecatini Terme

The IX Montecatini Terme tournament took place 8th-16th November 2003. Igor Naumkin finished first after starting extremely slowly conceding draws to two unrated players before picking up towards the end of the event. Gawain Jones lost to Milan Mrdja in the postponed round 4 game.

Internet coverage:

IX It Montecatini Terme ITA (ITA), 8-16 xi 2003               cat. I (2269)
                                         1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Naumkin, Igor            g RUS 2401  * = = 1 1 = = 1 1 1 = =  8.0  2431 
 2. Ivanov, Jordan           m BUL 2426  = * = 1 = = 1 1 = = 1 =  7.5  2387 
 3. Tocchioni, Doriano         ITA 2199  = = * 0 1 = = 0 1 1 1 1  7.0  2377 
 4. Jones, Gawain C            ENG 2364  0 0 1 * = 0 1 1 = 1 1 1  7.0  2362 
 5. Piscopo, Pierluigi       f ITA 2321  0 = 0 = * = = 1 = 1 1 1  6.5  2328 
 6. Mrdja, Milan             m CRO 2387  = = = 1 = * 0 1 = = = =  6.0  2293 
 7. Passerotti, Pierluigi    f ITA 2295  = 0 = 0 = 1 * 0 = 1 1 1  6.0  2302 
 8. Marzano, Carlo             ITA 2225  0 0 1 0 0 0 1 * = 1 1 1  5.5  2272 
 9. Aldrovandi, Costantino   m ITA 2414  0 = 0 = = = = = * 0 = =  4.0  2153 
10. Sciortino, Massimo         ITA 2192  0 = 0 0 0 = 0 0 1 * 1 1  4.0  2173 
11. Camerini, Lorenzo          ITA ----  = 0 0 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 * 1  2.5  2082 
12. Squarci, Franco            ITA ----  = = 0 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 0 *  2.0  2031 

12) 13th World Championship for Seniors 2003

13th World Championship for Seniors 2003 takes place in Bad Zwischenahn (Germany) November 16th-29th 2003. 11 rounds Swiss system, 2h /40 moves , than 1h rest prizefund: 12.000 Euro entry-fee 120 Euro The winner get the fide-title of grandmaster.

Futher details: including live coverage of games but I can't see and PGN downloads.

13th World Senior's Championship Bad Zwischenahn (GER) 
Open Section   
  1. Karl Hans            FM GER  5.0 15.00
  2. Chepukaitis Genrikh     RUS  5.0 15.00
  3. Asmundsson Ingvar    FM ISL  5.0 15.00
  4. Sanakoev Grigory        RUS  4.5 14.50
  5. Boehnisch Manfred    FM GER  4.5 14.50
  6. Rahls Peter          FM GER  4.5 14.00
  7. Klovans Janis        GM LAT  4.5 14.00
  8. Shabanov Yuri        IM RUS  4.5 13.50
  9. Arkhangelsky Boris   IM RUS  4.0 14.00
 10. Zhelesny Stanislav   FM RUS  4.0 14.00
 11. Chernikov Oleg       GM RUS  4.0 14.00
 12. Hecht Hans-Joachim   GM GER  4.0 13.50
 13. Ljubarski Jurij         GER  4.0 13.00
 14. Donchenko Anatoly    IM GER  4.0 13.00
 15. Hermann Manfred      IM GER  4.0 13.00
 16. Litvinov Vladimir    IM BLR  4.0 13.00
 17. Katalymov Boris      IM KAZ  4.0 13.00
 18. Fahnenschmidt Gerh.  FM GER  4.0 13.00
 19. Klein Manfred           GER  4.0 13.00
 20. Uhlmann Wolfgang     GM GER  4.0 12.50
 21. Kraidman Yair        GM ISR  4.0 12.50
 22. Lieb Harald          FM GER  4.0 12.50
 23. Baumgartner Heinz    FM GER  4.0 12.00
 24. Sawadkuhi Amir       FM GER  4.0 12.00
 25. Bukal Vladimir       IM CRO  4.0 12.00
 26. Goy Udo                 GER  4.0 12.00
 27. Dornieden Manfred    FM GER  4.0 12.00
 28. Ivanets Vladimir     FM RUS  4.0 11.00
 29. Potthamel Joerg         GER  4.0 10.50
272 players

13) 1st d'Alcúdia Tournament

The 1st d'Alcúdia tournament took place 15th-23rd November 2003. Antonio Gamundi Salamanca won the event with 5.5/9. No games in PGN (a few in a viewer) available.

Internet coverage:

Final Standings:
 1 Gamundi Salamanca, Antonio  ESP 2453  5.5 24.00
 2 Moskalenko, Viktor          UKR 2529  5.0 22.00
 3 Garcia Martinez, Silvino    CUB 2353  5.0 21.50
 4 Pogorelov, Ruslan           UKR 2475  4.5 20.50
 5 Vassallo, Mauricio          ESP 2384  4.5 20.25
 6 Saldaño, Horacio            ARG 2424  4.5 20.00
 7 Fernandez Romero, Ernesto   ESP 2445  4.5 19.50
 8 Baron Rodriguez, Jesus      ESP 2419  4.5 19.50
 9 Mascaro March, Pedro        ESP 2314  3.5 16.75
10 Vidarte Morales, Arturo     PER 2395  3.5 15.00

14) Mendoza Championships

The Final of Mendoza Championships, took place November 7-20 2003, Mendoza, Argentina. The event, organized by the F.M.A. (Federación Mendocina de Ajedrez), was a 6 player double round robin. Takes place at the Club Español, Mendoza City. The current champion, Christian Luconi, and the former-champion Francisco Salguero finished on 8.5/10. Match play-off: November 26. News: Julio Alberto González.


ch-City Mendoza ARG (ARG), 28 x-20 xi 2003
                                   1  2  3  4  5  6 
1 Luconi, Cristian       ARG 2254 ** 1= =1 11 1= 11  8.5  2344
2 Salguero, Francisco    ARG ---- 0= ** 11 11 11 11  8.5  2395
3 Gatti, Juan Manuel     ARG 2046 =0 00 ** 01 =1 11  5.0  2089
4 Elias,Leonardo         ARG ---- 00 00 10 ** 01 11  4.0  2027
5 Needleman, Gaston      ARG 2195 0= 00 =0 10 ** 1=  3.5  1950
6 Cortegoso,Martin       ARG ---- 00 00 00 00 0= **  0.5  1629

15) Venetian Chess Autumn

Antonio Rosino reported in TWIC470: The 2003 edition of the Venetian Chess Autumn tournament was played 30th October - 2nd November 2003. The four tournaments were organized by the oldest of the Venetian Chess Clubs: "Esteban Canal" and "Carlo Salvioli". A total of 160 chessplayers participated. Forty players from seven different countries competed in the Master Tournament: 4 were GMs and 5 IMs. The winner with 5 from 6 was Hungarian GM Attila Groszpeter. The game Groszpeter - Jurkovic from round 5 is now available.

Autumn Venice ITA (ITA), 30 x-2 xi 2003
 1. Groszpeter, Attila     g  HUN 2497  5.0  2619 
 2. Djuric, Stefan         g  SCG 2488  4.5  2526 
 3. Kasparov, Sergey       m  BLR 2482  4.5  2540 
 4. Jurkovic, Ante            CRO 2317  4.5  2446 
 5. Boricsev, Oleg         m  HUN 2342  4.5  2469 
 6. Godena, Michele        g  ITA 2523  4.5  2458 
 7. Jankovic, Alojzije     f  CRO 2383  4.0  2394 
 8. Drazic, Sinisa         g  SCG 2467  4.0  2390 
 9. Laketic, Gojko         m  SCG 2399  4.0  2426 
10. Kiss, Pal              m  HUN 2393  4.0  2379 
40 players

16) World Computer Chess Championships

The 19th World Computer Chess Championship 2003 (WMCCC) takes place in Graz November 22nd - 30th, 2003.

Internet coverage: and reports at:

Round 3 (of 11) standings:
11th WCCC Graz AUT (AUT), 22-13 xi 2003
 1. FRITZ              NED ----  + 9 + 6 + 3 3.0
 2. BRUTUS P I.XII     AUT ----  + 4 +10 + 8 3.0
 3. SHREDDER           GER ----  +11 + 7 - 1 2.0
 4. GREEN LIGHT        GBR ----  - 2 +13 +10 2.0
 5. DEEP JUNIOR        ISR ----  -10 +15 +11 2.0
 6. DEEP SJENG         BEL ----  +16 - 1 +12 2.0
 7. DIEP               NED ----  +14 - 3 = 9 1.5
 8. JONNY 2.51         GER ----  +13 =12 - 2 1.5
 9. FALCON             ISR ----  - 1 +16 = 7 1.5
10. RUY LOPEZ          ESP ----  + 5 - 2 - 4 1.0
11. LIST               GER ----  - 3 +14 - 5 1.0
12. NEXUS              GER ----  =15 = 8 - 6 1.0
13. CHINITO            ESP ----  - 8 - 4 +15 1.0
14. QUARK              GER ----  - 7 -11 +16 1.0
15. PARSOS             GER ----  =12 - 5 -13 0.5
16. HOSSA v1.159       AUT ----  - 6 - 9 -14 0.0

17) Slovenian Teams

The Slovenian Team Chess Championships took place in Celje 17th-23rd November 2003. LSK Metalka Ljubljana (with Beliavsky and Pavasovic) became the new team champions in a dramatic finish with just half point advantage ahead of ZSK Lancom Maribor. Final round 9 games are currently unavailable. My thanks to Primoz Kokalj for the news.

Detailed results and games (pgn) are available at

Final Standings
 1 LSK Metalka Trgovina    16 38.0 16 38.0
 2 ZSK Maribor LANCom      17 37.5 17 37.5
 3 SK Triglav Krsko        13 31.5 13 31.5
 4 SD 3D Vrhnika           10 29.5 10 29.5
 5 SD Radenska-Pomgrad MS  10 28.0 10 28.0
 6 SK Grize                 7 25.5  7 25.5
 7 SK Nova Gorica           7 22.0  7 22.0
 8 SK ZM Branik Maribor     5 22.0  5 22.0
 9 SK Nova KBM Kovinar MB   3 21.0  3 21.0
10 Celjski Sahovski klub    2 15.0  2 15.0

18) 1st Panama Chess International

The 1st Panama Chess International Tournament was a 6 round swiss. 31st October - November 3rd 2003. The tournament was played in the Centro Cultural ChIno Panameño, and was organized by the National Chess Federation (FENAP). Leonardo Valdes and Luis Esquivel finished on 5/6. Games to follow. News: Luis E. Esquivel.

Torneo Centenario Panama - Round 6 Standings
Place Name                         NAT   Rtg   Pts  MBch (PRIZES)
 1-2  Valdes, Leonardo             CRC   2365  5    16.5 (USD 625)
      Esquivel, Luis               PAN   2314  5    13.5 (625)
 3-4  Baules, Jorge                PAN   2275  4.5  15.0 (200)
      Hernandez Basante, Francisco CRC   2268  4.5  12.5 (200)
 5-8  Vittorino, Carlo             COL   2293  4    15.0  (20)
      Jaen, Miguel                 PAN         4    13.5  (20)
      Van der Hans, Carlos         PAN         4     9.5  (20)
      Cesar, Camilo                PAN         4     9.0  (20)
9-11  Leon, Sergio                 PAN         3.5  11.0
      Arosemena, Jorge Luis        PAN   2206  3.5  10.0
      Mathews, Cesar               PAN         3.5   8.5
12-18 Hay, Mario                   PAN         3    14.5
      Moore, William               USA   2157  3    14.0
      Vargas, Rogelio              PAN         3    14.0
      Bonilla, Felix               PAN         3    13.0
      Barria, Raisa                PAN         3    12.0
      Pineda, Jorge                PAN         3    10.0
      Chu, Juan                    PAN         3     9.0
 19   Miranda, Roger               PAN         2.5  14.5
20-24 Sanchez, Jorge               PAN         2    14.0
      Wong, Jaime                  PAN         2    12.0
      Muñoz, Alberto               PAN         2    10.5
      Alvarado, Octavio            PAN         2    10.0
      Madrid, Gilberto             PAN         2     9.0
 25   Gonzalez, Pedro              CRC         1.5   8.0
26-27 Rivera, Benjamin             PAN         1    10.0
      Quintero, Samuel             PAN         1    10.0
 28   Carrillo, Jose               PAN         0.5  10.0

19) Forthcoming Events and Links

British Simul Record Attempt for Charity

Andrew Martin writes: We are planning to break Ulf Andersson's World Record for the most opponents played simultaneously at one sitting (currently 310). We have set up a website which will enable players to enter online and gives details of the event which will take place at Wellington College, Crowthorne, Berkshire on Saturday 21st Feb 2004. The event forms an integral part of the BCF Centenary Celebrations.

Entry is free although players will be asked to try and raise money for charity and sponsorship forms will be issued. All sponsorship proceeds will go to youth charities and activities involving young people.


Chennai International

1st International Open Chess Tournament organised by the Saranya Chess Centre and WIN TV, Chennai (Madras), India from Jan 21 to Feb 1, 2004. Prize fund Rs.500,000 (about $11,000). 13 rounds Swiss. Venue: Hotel President, 25, Dr Radhakrishnan Road, Mylapore, Chennai 600004. Inauguration: Jan 21 at 5 p.m., Closing ceremony Feb 1, 5 p.m. Appearance fee for GMs rated above 2500: Rs.25,000 (about USD 550) but preconfirmation with organiser is a must. Free entry for IMs, IWMs, GMs, WGMs and those rated above 2400+ For others, there is an entry fee based on Elo rating. For details contact: Manuel Aaron at e-mail: or mobile +91-44-31039257 or N.N.Sivagnanam, e-mail: or mobile +91-44-32714005. Further details: at

Austria Teams

The first three rounds of the Austria Team Championships take place in Graz 28th-30th November 2003. All 36 Boards will be broadcasted live. It is expected that more than 20 GMs will play.


Live Coverage:

Praha and Marianske Lazne (CZE)

3 International Chess Tournaments will be held in the Czech Republic.

Open Praha 2004 (16th-23rd January 2004)

Marianske Lazne Open 2004 24th-31st January 2004

2nd round robin master tournament category 3.-4. FIDE Marianske Lazne 2004 24th January - 1st February 2004

Details: Dr. Jan Mazuch, Director of CZECH OPEN & CZECH TOUR -

Links:, and

9th HIT Open

The 9th HIT Open takes place 30th January - 5th February 2004. Further details: tel.: ++386 5 3332174,fax: ++386 5 3025088, e-mail: I couldn't get the website: to work.

GibTelecom Chess Festival Competition

A new competition is taking in The English Times from 6th December to 3rd January. Details of the Winning Move competition are as follows: The GibTelecom Chess Festival is taking place January 26 to February 5, 2004 at the 4 star Caleta Hotel in Gibraltar. They are offering a fabulous prize worth £1000 of a holiday for two for the whole event, including air travel from Gatwick, Luton or Manchester, bed and breakfast accommodation and entry fees to the competition. The winners must hold valid passports and visas, if relevant. All correct entries sent in for the Winning Moves from 6 December up to and including January 3, 2004 will automatically be entered for a chance to win this prize.

The closing date is January 8. The prize is not transferable. The editor's decision is final. Times rules apply.

Further details on the event or Tel 00350 76501

Tapolca Open

"TAPOLCA" Open 9 rounds Swiss system Open chess tournament, Budapest, Hungary, 9th-17th of January 2004 Sponsored by the Tapolca city administration...

Venue: Hungarian Chess Federation, Falk Miksa Str.10. 2nd floor close to the red metro station Kossuth ter

Prizes: brutto, before taxes: 40-25-15-6-4-2x3-2x2.5- 2x2 thousand Ft-s 1 EURO = 256 Ft now.

Entry fees according the FIDE ELO Oct.list - between 2 and 6 thosuand Ft-s.

Organizer: Mr.PAREJ, Jozsef, mobile: +(36)-70-227-30-77

More info e.g. accommodation NAGY, Laszlo, e-mail: Website:

Usually 80-90 players, 3-5 IM-s, 5-8 FM-s, 20-30 % foreigners, 60-70 % FIDE ELO rated.

First Saturday December

FIRST SATURDAY GM-IM-FM closed tournaments for the norms, Budapest, Hungary, 6th-19th of December, info: Nagy Laszlo, e-mail:

Linares 2004

The lineup for Linares 2004 looks like being Gary Kasparov 2830 Vladimir Kramnik 2770 Veselin Topalov Peter Leko 2722 Alexei Shirov 2737 Paco Vallejo 2662 Teimour Radjabov 2650.

Dates are as follows: February 18th (draw of lots) Rd1 Feb. 19th Round 14 (Final) March 5th - Rest days Feb. 24th and March 1st.

German National Team vs. Kramnik

Vladimir Kramnik will play the German National Team in a simultaneous exhibition. The match will take place 29th January 2004 at 4pm at the Centro Dannemann, in Brissago, on the shores of the Lago Maggiore.

The 2nd "Dannemann Chess Classico" will see Kramnik play against: Christopher Lutz, Rustem Dautov, Dr. Robert Hübner and Klaus Bischoff.

Vladimir Kramnik will have 4 hours for his moves on all four boards, while the German Grandmasters will have three hours each.

Germany’s public television network, Westdeutsche Fernsehen (WDR), plans a 60-minute special possibly to be aired on Sunday 1st February 2004.

Further information will be available at from December, this will be the official site for the event.

2nd Annual Lindsborg Open

Dec. 19-23 Kansas 2nd Annual Lindsborg Open. 9SS, 30/90, SD/1.First two rounds accelerated pairing. 3,500 guaranteed prize fund! GM & IMnorms are available!

FIDE rating 1st - $1,200, 2nd - $800, 3rd - $600, 4th 400, 5th 200. U2400: $100 75; U2200: $100 75EF: GMs & IMs free. Membership at KCA is required for Kansas residents.Before 11/29/03: FIDE >2300, $80. FIDE, USCF >2200, $90. FIDE <2200, $100. non-FIDErated, USCF <2200 *, $130. Before 12/1/03: $90, $100, $110, $140, respectively. At site: $100, $110, $120, $150, respectively. * number of players in this section will be limited.

Schedule: Opening Ceremony December 19, 2003 at 11:00am. Rds: 12/19 - 12:00noon & 6:00 pm; 12/20, 21, 22 - 10:00am & 5:00pm; 12/23 9:00am 1/2-pt byes OK at ALL. Limit 3. FIDE, USCF. NS, NC. Ent: INTECS,Inc. (232 N. Main St, Lindsborg, KS 67456) 785-906-0402,

Confirmed GMs include Agrest, Andersson, Atalik, Baburin, Blatny, Kudrin, Sharavdorj, Shulman and Yermolinsky.

Panamerican Team Championship

The Panamerican Team Championships start December 13th in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The winner will qualify for the World Team Championship.


Singapore IM Tournament

The One Chess Week (IM) tournament will take place from 16th-24th of December 2003 in Singapore immediately after the Cairnhill Chess Festival 2003. Players can still contact the organiser Kenny Chern if they wish to play. E-mail:

Attila Schneider Memorial

Statisztika Chess Club from Budapest is organising the Attila Schneider Memorial in Budapest from 1-12 December 2003. They are planning to having 2 groups, GM cat. 7-8, and IM cat 3-4. Their partner is the Hungarian Chess Federation. For more info please contact GM Emil Anka. Email: Tel/fax: 36-1-2212328

Players still needed.

Third Saturday GM

Third Saturday GM tournament in Subotica, Mirka Srajbera Memorial At the moment its a Category 10 event with 10 players average elo 2492. Dates 28.11 - 8.12.2003.

Players; 1 Sedlak Nikola gm 2543, 2 Markus R 2522 im, 3 Parligras M gm 2525 - Rom, 4 Lupulescu C im 2499, 5 Sandulaec V im 2480 Mda, 6 Popovic D 2448 im, 7 Drazic S gm 2467, 8 Colovic A 2412 MKD, 9 Ilincic Z gm, 10 Predojevic B 2462 im Bih 2 players over 2400 (medium) - special offer - 290 euro , 11 days in double room including inscription, tournament hall excellent, money prizes, distance from accomodation. 400m only, in the center of Subotica on the serbian - hungarian border.

2 places available. More info gm Drazic sdrazic@eunet.yu ++381 64 124-9741

10th Lohmar Fast Chess Open

The 10th Lohmarer Schnellschach-Open takes place on November 16th 2003. 11 round Swiss. 15 minutes per player.

Leading players: Rozentalis,Eduardas GM 2633 LIT; Khenkin,Igor GM 2627 GER; Eingorn, Vereslav S GM 2607 UKR; Fridman,Daniel GM 2592 LAT; Burmakin, Vladimir GM 2590 RUS; Landa,Konstantin GM 2587 RUS; Sulskis,Sarunas GM 2586 LIT; Luther,Thomas GM 2580 GER; Atalik,Suat GM 2570 BIH; Bischoff,Klaus GM 2564 GER; Gavrikov,Viktor GM 2560 LTU; Korobov, Anton IM 2558 UKR; Golod,Vitali GM 2544 ISR

Full details:

Swiss Chess Tour 2003

The "Swiss Chess Tour 2003" will finish in Interlaken, one of the most attractive tourist towns in Switzerland.

The 3rd "Casino Open" December 26th-30th 2003. Swiss system, 7 rounds and the games will last a maximum of 5 hours (40 moves for 2 hours and 30 minutes till the end). Prize are: 1.500 SF, 1.200, 900, 700, 500, 400, 300, 250, 200 and 150 SF. The natural prizes till 20th place. Special prizes for best Lady, senior (1943), junior (1983-86), schoolboy (1987) and best local player. Entry fee 130 SF, FMs and juniors 60 SF, at the door 10 SF more, GMs and IMs free. Venue: Hotel "Chalet Oberland" New event - Blitz tournament, Swiss system, 9 double rounds.

Time table for "Chalet Oberland-Open Interlaken": December 26. The last registration 11.00-12.15. Open ceremony and apero reception from 12.15-12.30. Round 1st 14.00-19.00. December 27. Round 2nd 9.30-14.30 Round 3rd 15.30-20.30 December 28.: Round 4th 14.00-19.00. December 29. Round 5th 9.30-14.30. Round 6th 15.30-20.30 December 30. Round 7th 10.00-15.00 Closing ceremonies 15.30.

Special chess rates in Hotel "Charlet Oberland". Main sponsor "RAPP" company.

Players so far: GM Hort (GER), GM Ikonnikov (RUS), GM Djuric (SCG), GM Nemet (SUI), IM Rukavina (CRO) etc.

More information and registration: Robert Spoerri tel. +41+34+424-01-06, fax +41+34+424-01-07 E-mail or Ervin Tellenbach tel. +41+79+311-23-53 or Hotel "Charlet Oberland" tel. +41+33+827-87-87.

Further information:

Hastings Chess Congress

The line-up for the Hastings Premier, the world's longest-running international event is as follows: Alexander Cherniaev, Vladimir Epishin (Russia); Stuart Conquest, Danny Gormally, Mark Hebden (England); Vasilios Kotronias (Cyprus); Abhijit Kunte (India); Kateryna Lahno (Ukraine) who will celebrate her 14th birthday at the Drawing of Lots Ceremony on 27 December 2003 at Horntye Sports Centre; Peter Heine Nielsen (Denmark) and Jonathan Rowson (Scotland). The average rating is 2554 making this much the strongest event in the English chess calendar.

Among those in the Challengers are Joanna Dworakowska, Petr Marusenko, Bartosz and Monika Socko (Poland); Zahar Efimenko, Gennadi Kuzmin (Ukraine); Bogdan Lalic, Peter Wells (England); Steve Mannion, Colin McNab, John Shaw (Scotland). The whole event takes place 28 December to 5 January and there are many other tournaments for weaker players.

Further details: Con Power, telephone 01424 431970 website

Internet site:

Aeroflot Open

The International Chess Open Festival "Aeroflot Open 2004" will be held in Moscow from 16th February (the day of arrival) to 26th February 2004 (the day of departure). The official hotel and tournament venue is the hotel "Rossija".

Further details:

British Rapidplay Chess Championships 2003

British Rapidplay Chess Championships 2003. This years competition takes place 15th-16th November 2003 in the North Bridge Leisure Centre Halifax West Riding of Yorkshire.

Further details when available:

65th Square Website

There is a new Turkish website: I have given an interview to the webmaster Alper Efe Ataman.

Hungarian chess tournaments - Nov-Dec 2003 - Jan-March 2004

1 PAKS GM-IM closed, 100 km South from Budapest, 19th-29th of November, org: IM Videki, his e-mail:

2. "TENKES CUP", 9 rounds Swiss Open, 20th-28th of November, Harkany /250 km West from Budapest/, org: Fulop Csaba, his e-mail, - website:

3. "FIRST SATURDAY", FS-GM-IM closed, Budapest, 6th-19th of December, organisation: Nagy Laszlo, e-mail: Webpage: ICC nickname: MrFirstSaturday ICQ#: 44805877

4. "SZENNAPACK" IM closed tournament, Kaposvar /200 km West from Budapest/, 17th-23rd of December, org: IM Mathe, Gaspar,

5. TAPOLCA Open 9 rounds Swiss, 9th-17th of January, Budapest, org. Parej Jozsef, More info:

6. FIRST SATURDAY GM-IM-FM closed, 7th-19th of February, org.Nagy L.

7. FIRST SATURDAY GM-IM-FM, 6th-18th of March, org. NL.

8. 20th BUDAPEST SPRING FESTIVAL, 9 rounds Swiss Open, 18th-27th of March org.Nagy Laszlo

9. FIRST SATURDAY GM-IM-FM, 3rd-16th of April, org.NL.

10. FIRST SATURDAY GM-IM-FM, 1st-13th of May,

11. ELEKES memorial, Budapest GM-IM closed, 15th-25th of May, organizer: IM Zsinka.

12. FIRST SATURDAY GM-IM-FM 5th-17th of June, Budapest, org.Nagy L.

Computer Chess

CC-Calendar: has the following databases of games from new computer events: - 02nd MPPS, Lodz 2003 (Polish-ch) - 10th France-ch, Massy 2003 - 23rd Dutch Open 2003

Since 1990 there are now 7.127 official computer chess tournament games.

Other computer links:

Replay Zone: At the moment 23rd Dutch Open 2003

Official webpages:

02nd MPPS, Lodz 2003 (Polish-ch)

10th France-ch, Massy 2003

23rd Dutch Open 2003

13th IPCCC, Paderborn (February 11th - 15th, 2004)

Western Canadian Open

The Western Canadian Open takes plce July 9th-18th, 2004. The FIDE rated event is organised by the British Columbia Chess Federation.

Further details:

Australian Championships

The Australian Championships take place 29th December 2003 - 10th January 2004 at the University of Adelaide. Over $10,000 in prizes.


Narender Nath Memorial Chess Tournament

The 3rd Annual Narender Nath Memorial Chess Tournament commemorating a man who died in the World Trade Center on September 11th 2001 is underway. The event raises money for charity.


28th Kings Head Rapidplay

The 28th Kings Head Rapidplay will take place on Saturday 13 March 2004,

6-round Swiss rapidplay (30 minutes), prize fund £650, entry fee £17

Further info:

Lorin D'Costa vs ROW

Top ranking junior UK Under-19 chess player Lorin D'Costa has started a "Rest of World match" at

To join the rest of world game against Lorin simply register and login at The match will be played at the rate of 5 days per move. Players will vote their moves by clicking on the chess board while discussing and formulating strategies and tactics in the Rest of World team forum.

Chess Exhibition in Cleveland Ohio

The Worlds of Chess Champions exhibition contains items including Egyptian chess pieces, commemorative stamps, autographed material, rare books and original manuscripts.

The event is in Cleveland OH. The Cleveland Public Library’s John G. White Chess and Checkers Collection is currently exhibiting an installation titled, Worlds of Chess Champions. This temporary exhibition is located in the third floor exhibition hall of the Main Building, 325 Superior Ave., N.E. The Library exhibition is free and open to the public. Paid parking is available on Rockwell, one block north of Superior Ave.

Worlds of Chess Champions puts chess into context through the lives of chess experts, authors, and champions. This exhibition sets the historical stage of chess champions from the 19th Century to the present. To illustrate the context of chess in the world, the earliest items displayed feature chess pieces from Egypt dating back to 1300 B.C. Other early items on display from the John G. White Chess and Checkers Collection include original manuscripts from the 16th, 17th, and 18th Centuries. Other rare and interesting items include a death mask photograph of an early 19th-century player, commemorative chess stamps, hand-written letters by and about world-famous chess champions, autographed material, and published books by chess champions.

Some of the materials in Worlds of Chess Champions have never before been exhibited. The John G. White Chess and Checkers Collection is the world’s largest and most comprehensive chess collection. The collection contains chess sets and pieces as well as material related to chess. Many stamps commemorating chess champions are in the exhibition. Newspaper and magazine clippings, chess championship programs, score sheets from games, and other rare items will be on display through June 12, 2004.

9th HIT Open

9th HIT Open 2004 takes place in Nova Gorica - Slovenia 30th January 2004 - 5th February 2004. A + B Tournaments, Swiss system, 9 rounds - 90 min + 30 sek/potezo, Zug, Move Prize Fund 8.500 EU Netto

Further info:, ++ 386 5 333 21 74 or, ++ 41 643 388, fax ++ 386 5 302 43 34

Cairnhill Chess Festival 2003

Cairnhill Chess Festival 2003 The Cairnhill Chess Festival 2003 will take place from 6th-21st of December 2003 in Singapore. This year's events include the 21st Cairnhill International Open Chess Championship ‘The Cairnhill’s Cup’ as well as other side events such as Blitz, Rapid and Closed tournaments. Complete details will be announced in due course.

Further details at

Wales Interational

The Wales International 7th-15th January 2004. Further details

The GibTelecom Festival

The GibTelecom Festival takes place 27th January to 5th February 2004. Besides the 10 round Swiss, there are two 5 round events for players under 2000 or unrated. Acceptances to the Masters from: Cramling, Stefanova, Kotronias, Rowson, Sulskis, Kunte, Harikrishna, Houska, Gormally, Hebden, Lalic, Emms, Motwani, McNab, Vuckovic, Davies. Further details

Internet coverage:

Bermuda Open 2004 Cancelled

Nigel Freeman sends news. Hurricane Fabian has caused the cancellation of the Bermuda Open for 2004. The Fairmont Southampton Hotel is closed for repairs until early March and the organisers are unable to find a suitable replacement venue. They hope still to hold an invitational; details, when available, will be posted on the official website

ChessMile Website

Jean-Claude Templeur has built a website for FIDE rated players.

A large part of the news and comments are about french or french-speaking players.

It includes an articel (GMT Principles on a proposal to rate open events.)

II Benidorm International Chess Festival

The II Benidorm International Chess Festival takes place 21st-29th November 2003.

The event will include a part 27th-29th November 2003 with starts including: Viswanathan Anand IND 2774 g Veselin Topalov BUL 2735 g Judith Polgar HUN 2718 g Francisco Vallejo ESP 2699 g Anatoli Karpov RUS 2688 g Teimour Radjabov AZE 2648 g Sergey Karjakin UKR 2527 g etc

Further details:

6th Tanta Open

6th TANTA OPEN 2003 -This year the 6th Tanta festival will be held 7th – 17th DEC . at Tanta City about 90 Km. from Cairo, Egypt. -The event will be a Swiss Sytem – 9 Rounds, two sections: -New Fide Time Control ( 90 Min for all game and 30 Sec. Added for every move) - play starts at 5 p.m. daily from 7 to 16 DEC. , Rest Day 12 DEC., Arrival 6 DEC. , 1st Round 7 DEC. , last Round 16 DEC. , Closing Ceremony 17 DEC. 4 p.m. then departure. A) closed section : (40 players) (5G.M. + 25 I.M.+ 10 egyptian players ,the highest ratings) Prizes in L.E (Egyptian Pounds) 1st till 9th (5000 - 4500 - 3750 - 3000 - 2250 - 1500 - 1500 - 1250 -1250 ( 1US$ ~ 6.5 L.E) B) open section : Open for all players. - Prizes in L.E ( Egyptian Pounds) 1st till 15th (1000 - 900 - 800 - 700 - 600 -500 - 400 - 300 - 300 - 200 - 200 - 200 - 150 - 150 - 150 ) -Prizes are distributed according to Hort system (between the number of players corresponding to number of advertised prizes ) -Players who wants to participate will pay (25)US$ daily for full accommodation in Doubl Bedroom or (30) US$ for single Room 4 Star Hotel – (20) US$ daily for Double Bedroom or (25) US$ for Single Room 3 Star Hotel That included : Free transportation inside Egypt , including from and to Airport; Free Tourist tour; Free entry fee ; Daily Bulletin , and Book of the tournament distributed on Closing Ceremony -Special conditions for limited no. of GMs and IMs. ( Organizers asks for only one invited player from each country) Last day for registering is 30/11/2003. Contact: E-Mail and Hassan Khaled - General Director - Egyptian Chess Federation Phone +20-2-3378987 and Mobile:+20-10-5003063 Egyptian Chess Federation : Phone and Fax : +20-2-2604285

7th email Afro-Asian championship

7th email Afro-Asian championship. The preliminaries of this competition will start on 15.01.2004 , all players from Africa and Asia who wish to participate, should send their application to M. Samraoui email address : before 30.11.2003 . Like the previous editions there is two stages, preliminaries and a final with qualified players. The number of sections will depend upon entries. No entry fees required.

Corus Wijk aan Zee

The Corus Chess Tournament in Wijk aan Zee takes place 9th-25th January 2004. There is yet again a tremendous field for the Category 19 A Group.

Players: Kramnik 2785 2 Anand 2774 3 Leko 2739 4 Shirov 2732 7 Svidler 2723 8 Bareev 2721 9 Adams 2719 10 Akopian 2703 14 Sokolov 2693 20 Morozevich 2679 23 van Wely 2661 31 Zhang Zhong 2658 33 Bologan 2650 42 Timman 2575.

Garry Kasparov was invited but his manager said the event doesn't fit into his schedule.

Further details:

Two Czech Tournaments

1) Friendship chess tournament (11.-19.11.2003, Cartak - Czech Rep.) A - round-robin grandmaster tournament with possible fulfilling IGM and IM norms B - round-robin master tournament with possible fulfilling IM norms C - FIDE open of youth (born 1985 and younger) Other info -

2) OPEN LILIE LITOMYSL 2003 (26.12.2003-1.1.2004, Litomysl - Czech Rep.) 5th christmas chess tournament, FIDE open 9 rounds, rate 2 x 1,5h + 30s/move, prize fund 60.000 CZK (1st prize 20.000 CZK - cca. 650 EUR). Other info -

12th International Raiffeisen Donau Open

12th International Raiffeisen DONAU OPEN 2003 26th-31st December 2003 Place: Aschacher Veranstaltungszentrum Bahnhofstrasse 6 A- 4082 Aschach an der Donau AUSTRIA Turnaments A - FIDE Open open to all B - Turnier Elo under 2000 C - Turnier Elo under 1600 7 rounds - Swiss system - FIDE rated time: 40 moves/2 hours, then 1 hour for the rest Information Günter Mitterhuemer Seebach 19, A-4070 Eferding Tel.: 0 72 72 / 43 98 , Fax 0 72 73 / 63 36 15 E-mail:

Kasparov Chess Academy Schools Tournament

The Kasparov Chess Academy is organising the 3rd Open Russian School Chess Team Championship.The next tournament is planned to begin in the period October - November 2003 with the finals in January of 2004.

All teams broken into Elementary (up to 12), Junior High, (Up to 18) categories. Entitled to participation are chess players who shall not have reached the age of 12 and 18 by January 1st of 2004 - 4 Member Teams / 4 Alternatives, 1 coach - Game / 20 min.+12sec/move Time Control.

Entry is free - Total prize fund about 100.000 roubles.

The Academy provides all the teams (4 chess players and 1 coach), qualified for the finals, with full board and lodging as well as 3000 roubles to refund traveling expenses.

Further details Contact Yuri Zelenkov E-mail, Telephone 007- 095 245-3510.

VII Paks Cup

VII. Paks Cup Hungary, 19-29 Nov 2003 GM Tournament (11 rounds) &IM, FM Tournaments (9-11 rounds, 19-27 Nov 2003) Inscription and Information: Vid‚ki S ndor Paks, Fenyves Str. 13/7. H-7030Tel.: 0036-75-421225 Mobile: 0036-30-4012866 E-mail:

II Benidorm Chess Festival

The II Benidorm Chess Festival takes place 21st-29th November 2003.

Includes an event 27th-29th November with Viswanathan Anand IND 2774 g Veselin Topalov BUL 2735 g Judith Polgar HUN 2718 g Francisco Vallejo ESP 2699 g Anatoli Karpov RUS 2688 g Teimour Radjabov AZE 2648 g Sergey Karjakin UKR 2527 g etc

Further Information:

GM Chess at Somerset House

Your Chance to Play a Grandmaster! Every Saturday throughout September, October and November a Grandmaster will be playing blitz against visitors to the Somerset House Art of Chess Exhibition (extended to November 30th). Participating Grandmasters include John Nunn, Danny King, John Emms, Jonathan Levitt and Chris Ward. The event is free, so come along to the Seamens Hall at Somerset House (a fabulous venue by the river Thames near Aldwych and the Strand) any Saturday afternoon between 2 and 5 PM for this fun opportunity to pit your wits against a leading player.

Further information: Email: Tel: 020 7420 9406

Further details:

Gausdal Troll Masters 2004

Gausdal Troll Masters 2004 take place 26th January - 3rd February 2004. 10 round Swiss in 9 days. 60-70 players are expected including 12-15 GMs or IMs and only 6-8 without a FIDE-ELO.

Further details:

Organiser and contact for events: IA & IO Hans Olav Lahlum (NOR) -

GACC World Inter Varsity Chess Championship

University of Malaya, Malaysia will organize GACC World Inter Varsity Chess Championship in October 2003, it had received support from Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippine, Brunei, China, India, Sri Lanka, Iran, UAE etc in the past 7 years. For detail please visit:

SEA Games Chess Championships 2003

The 22nd SEA Games Chess Championships 2003 takes place 4th-14th December 2003 at the Rex Hotel, Ho Chi Minh City. There will be 2 types of events for men and women. 1 Standard Chess - 90 minutes with increment of 30 seconds per move. 2 Rapid Chess - 25 minutes with increment of 10 seconds per move.

For each type, there will be individual and team events. The men and women shall compete separately.

Further details: E-mail: Website:

New York Masters

Regular competition for players in New York Rated 2200 and above.

Further details: