THE WEEK IN CHESS 47			27/08/95	Mark Crowther

1)  Introduction
2)  PCA Championships.
3)  Intel World Chess Championships.
4)  Jan Timman wins the Donner Memorial Tournament
5)  Hastings Chess Festival
6)  US Open
7)  Gothenburg IM Tournament by Asbjorn Nejman
8)  RICARDI RETAINS THE TITLE - LIX Argentine Championship
9)  Tan Chin Nam Cup Grandmaster Tournament
10) 2nd S.T.Lee Cup Beijing International Open
11) WIC Correspondence Chess-news #1
12) Israeli Juniors by Shay Bushinsky
13) Canadian Championships Ottawa Vojin Vujosevic
14) Cannes Open
15) Zone 1.4 by Martin Pribyl
16) Open Tournaments in Europe by Martin Pribyl.
    Includes Berlin Summer and Czech and Slovakian events.
17) Tournament Calendar by Martin Niermann


Main Section

Donner Memorial Tournament		 24 games
Donner Memorial Tournament Open		 42 games
Correspondence				139 games
Hastings Masters			319 games

Extra section

US Open Games				 20 games
Decin CZE				 30 games
2nd S.T.Lee Cup Beijing China		 11 games
Bratislava Slovakia			  2 games
Canadian National Championships		 44 games
Hlohovec Slovakia			 15 games
Argentinian National Championships	105 games
Argentinian National Ch. Playoff	  4 games
Cannes Open France			330 games

The extra section is available from:

(note this is tilda mdcrowth, some terminals display this as a percent sign
which won't work)

It will also be avaliable from the Pittsburgh ftp site (,
group/chess/NEWS) within a day or so of publication.

1) Introduction

My thanks to Bob Wade, Jon Speelman, Brian Stephenson (and
the organisers of the Hastings Centenary Festival who have done an
amazing job in reversing the trend of lost events this year,
their job is not completed as there will be their usual Christmas
congresses also. They have been superb in providing material for
this issue.), Anjo Anjewierden, Henri Spijkerman,
Rob Bertholee and Herman Grooten, Sam Sloan, Eric Schiller,
Asbjorn Nejman, Roberto Alvarez, Shay Bushinsky, Bertrand
Weegenaar, Heinse van Houten,
Vojin Vujosevic, Jean-Pierre Mercier, Laurent Sallen,
Cannes Echecs, the astonishing Martin Pribyl reporting
on the further adventures of European chess.

Another gigantic issue. I have had to split up the games section
in to two parts in order not to overload mailboxes etc. The extra
section is available via ftp (probably Monday) and www (straight away,
provided the updating of the computer system here is complete)

TWIC 48 will not appear on the 3rd of September. I will be down
at the PCA INTEL Rapidplay event for all days play next week
(Press conference on Wednesday 30th August, play Thursday to
Sunday.) I will report on the event on my return, possibly as
a specially shortened TWIC 48. But my main reason for going is
to enjoy it as a holiday.

Hope you enjoy this issue, I'm looking forward to a rest!


2) PCA Championships.

A PCA Press release gives the following information.

3) Intel World Chess Championships.

Sponsor: INTEL Corporation.
Champion: Garry Kasparov
Challenger: Viswanathan Anand
Venue: World Trade Centre - New York.
       107th Floor Observation Deck.
Opening Ceremony: 10th September
Dates: 11 September - 13th October 1995
Days play: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday.
Start time: 3.00pm games played to completion.
Timerate: 40 moves in 2 hours, 20 in 1,
          the rest in 30 minutes
Played over 20 games.
Champion: Garry Kasparov
Challenger: Viswanathan Anand
Prizemoney: $1.5m
Winner: $1.0m
Loser: $0.5m
Spectators: 1000 per game, players are in
a sound proof glass enclosure. Various
Multimedia presentations of the games are
Journalists can get accreditation by calling
the PCA in the World Trade Centre on:
(1 212 435 4219 please note I am not 100%
on this phone number from the fax)

4) Jan Timman wins the Donner Memorial Tournament

Many thanks to Henri Spijkerman for the games and results from
Amsterdam. He would like to thank Rob Bertholee and Herman Grooten
for all their efforts.

Jan Timman put a miserable year behind him to win the Donner Memorial
in Amsterdam by tiebreak from Julio Granda Zuniga who will count this
amongst his best results. It could have been better for him had he
not lost to Timman in the last round of the event.

Alexander Morozevich showed why he is regarded as one of the most
exciting players in the World by only drawing two games. He impressed
onlookers with his knowledge of the Queens Gambit Chigorin Defence
and alround tactical ability, I look forward to seeing him in London.
He will be disappointed that he lost his final round game against
Piket from an overwhelming position.

Judit Polgar won a short brutle game against Shirov in the last

Round 8 (1995.07.20)

Seirawan, Yasser       - Polgar, Judit           1-0   62  D38  Queen's gambit
Shirov, Alexei         - Huzman, Alexander       1/2   10  B58  Sicilian
Nunn, John D M         - Khalifman, Alexander    1/2   17  B66  Sicilian
Salov, Valery          - Timman, Jan H           1/2   32  E12  Nimzo indian
Piket, Jeroen          - Granda Zuniga, Julio E  1/2   38  D21  Queen's gambit; Exchange
Van Wely, Loek         - Morozevich, Alexander   0-1   39  D20  Queen's gambit; Exchange

Round 9 (1995.07.22)

Granda Zuniga, Julio E - Nunn, John D M          1-0   37  E97  Kings indian; Main line
Timman, Jan H          - Shirov, Alexei          1/2   20  E63  Kings indian
Polgar, Judit          - Van Wely, Loek          1-0   24  B82  Sicilian
Huzman, Alexander      - Piket, Jeroen           1-0   40  D10  Slav defence
Khalifman, Alexander   - Seirawan, Yasser        1-0   38  B19  Caro-Kann
Morozevich, Alexander  - Salov, Valery           0-1   53  B31  Sicilian

Round 10 (1995.07.23)

Granda Zuniga, Julio E - Huzman, Alexander       1/2   42  E32  Nimzo indian
Shirov, Alexei         - Morozevich, Alexander   1/2   59  D20  Queen's gambit; Exchange
Nunn, John D M         - Seirawan, Yasser        1/2   26  B12  Caro-Kann
Salov, Valery          - Polgar, Judit           0-1   40  B20  Sicilian
Piket, Jeroen          - Timman, Jan H           1-0   48  D37  Queen's gambit
Van Wely, Loek         - Khalifman, Alexander    1/2   25  A59  Wolga gambit

Round 11 (1995.07.25)

Timman, Jan H          - Granda Zuniga, Julio E  1-0   48  C10  French
Polgar, Judit          - Shirov, Alexei          1-0   21  B06  Modern defence
Huzman, Alexander      - Nunn, John D M          1/2   18  D78  1.d4 d5 2.c4 g6
Seirawan, Yasser       - Van Wely, Loek          1/2   26  D27  Queen's gambit; Exchange
Khalifman, Alexander   - Salov, Valery           1/2   75  E12  Nimzo indian
Morozevich, Alexander  - Piket, Jeroen           0-1   46  B08  Pirc; Classical

Amsterdam NED (NED), VIII 1995.                           cat. XVI (2627)
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
 1 Granda Zuniga, Julio E  g PER 2605  * 0 0 = 1 1 1 1 1 = = 1  7.5  2762
 2 Timman, Jan H           g NED 2590  1 * = = = = 1 1 1 = 0 1  7.5  2763
 3 Polgar, Judit           g HUN 2635  1 = * = 0 1 = 0 = 1 1 1  7.0  2728
 4 Huzman, Alexander       g UKR 2580  = = = * 0 = = 0 = 1 1 1  6.0  2667
 5 Seirawan, Yasser        g USA 2625  0 = 1 1 * = 0 1 = 0 1 =  6.0  2663
 6 Shirov, Alexei          g ESP 2695  0 = 0 = = * 1 = 0 1 1 1  6.0  2656
 7 Khalifman, Alexander    g RUS 2655  0 0 = = 1 0 * = = = 1 =  5.0  2588
 8 Morozevich, Alexander   g RUS 2630  0 0 1 1 0 = = * 1 0 0 1  5.0  2590
 9 Nunn, John D M          g ENG 2615  0 0 = = = 1 = 0 * = 1 =  5.0  2592
10 Salov, Valery           g RUS 2685  = = 0 0 1 0 = 1 = * 1 0  5.0  2585
11 Piket, Jeroen           g NED 2625  = 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 * =  3.0  2452
12 Van Wely, Loek          g NED 2585  0 0 0 0 = 0 = 0 = 1 = *  3.0  2455

Open Tournament

Amsterdam NED (NED), VI-VIII 1995.
                                        1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11
  1 Hodgson, Julian M          g ENG  + 94 + 45 + 37 +  9 +  2 =  5 = 15 +  7 =  4 + 13 =  8  9.0 /11  2719
  2 Lobron, Eric               g GER  + 69 + 25 +  7 = 15 -  1 -  8 + 39 + 48 + 26 + 22 =  5  8.0 /11  2600
  3 Mikhalevski, Alexander     m ISR  + 76 + 90 -  5 + 16 = 20 = 22 = 13 + 77 + 37 = 11 + 14  8.0 /11  2575
  4 Stefansson, Hannes         g ISL  + 43 = 18 = 36 - 19 + 68 + 38 + 50 + 37 =  1 = 14 + 11  8.0 /11  2546
  5 Van der Wiel, John         g NED  + 96 + 44 +  3 = 10 + 38 =  1 =  7 +  9 = 22 =  8 =  2  8.0 /11  2590
  6 Blees, Albert              m NED  + 29 - 38 + 51 + 68 - 12 + 19 = 48 + 31 - 14 + 18 + 26  7.5 /11  2481
  7 De Boer, Gert-Jan          m NED  + 83 + 88 -  2 + 52 + 28 + 12 =  5 -  1 + 20 -  9 + 22  7.5 /11  2555
  8 Kalinin, Alexander         m RUS  + 78 = 12 - 14 + 51 + 76 +  2 =  9 = 11 + 15 =  5 =  1  7.5 /11  2594
  9 Rytshagov, Mikhail         m EST  + 67 + 32 + 77 -  1 + 49 + 33 =  8 -  5 = 18 +  7 = 13  7.5 /11  2526
 10 Berkovich, Mark A          m ISR  + 82 + 16 + 22 =  5 = 15 - 20 - 26 + 29 + 23 = 12 = 21  7.0 /11  2469
 11 Cifuentes Parada, Roberto  g NED  + 84 + 49 = 38 = 28 = 40 = 50 + 33 =  8 + 32 =  3 -  4  7.0 /11  2456
 12 Komarov, Dimitri           g UKR  + 30 =  8 + 50 = 26 +  6 -  7 = 20 = 23 + 54 = 10 = 16  7.0 /11  2526
 13 Mikhalevski, Victor        m ISR  + 74 = 52 = 19 + 43 - 33 + 28 =  3 + 70 + 21 -  1 =  9  7.0 /11  2446
 14 Nijboer, Friso             g NED  + 58 = 50 +  8 - 38 + 32 = 29 + 40 = 26 +  6 =  4 -  3  7.0 /11  2449
 15 Polgar, Sofia              m HUN  + 80 + 27 + 33 =  2 = 10 + 26 =  1 - 22 -  8 = 40 + 38  7.0 /11  2502
 16 Tulchinski,M                      +110 - 10 +100 -  3 - 17 + 98 + 45 = 50 + 49 + 33 = 12  7.0 /11  2403
 17 Tyomkin, Dimitri             ISR  - 88 + 86 - 35 + 65 + 16 = 70 - 18 = 69 + 83 + 52 + 31  7.0 /11  2120
 18 Van den Doel, Erik           NED  + 99 =  4 - 26 + 72 = 25 + 49 + 17 = 20 =  9 -  6 + 40  7.0 /11  2473
 19 Van der Weide, Karel       f NED  = 46 + 87 = 13 +  4 - 26 -  6 + 42 = 49 = 35 + 47 + 39  7.0 /11  2403
 20 Yakovich, Yuri             g RUS  = 68 + 24 = 34 + 36 =  3 + 10 = 12 = 18 -  7 = 31 + 32  7.0 /11  2428
 21 Bellin, Robert             m ENG  + 79 - 77 + 80 = 41 = 47 = 64 + 30 + 24 - 13 = 32 = 10  6.5 /11  2255
 22 Bosboom, Manuel            m NED  + 95 + 31 - 10 + 59 = 48 =  3 + 36 + 15 =  5 -  2 -  7  6.5 /11  2456
 23 Donk, Merlijn Silvester      NED  =101 = 56 = 42 - 29 + 93 + 58 + 52 = 12 - 10 + 51 = 24  6.5 /11  2280
 24 Hoogendoorn, Joost           NED  = 47 - 20 = 87 = 53 + 81 + 75 + 38 - 21 = 33 + 50 = 23  6.5 /11  2340
 25 Pliester, Leon             m NED  + 86 -  2 + 60 = 76 = 18 = 52 - 31 - 30 + 71 + 68 + 35  6.5 /11  2262
 26 Ree, Hans                  g NED  + 35 = 51 + 18 = 12 + 19 - 15 + 10 = 14 -  2 + 36 -  6  6.5 /11  2469
 27 Van Blitterswijk, Stefan     NED  + 81 - 15 = 56 = 46 = 75 - 35 - 66 + 98 + 82 + 54 + 49  6.5 /11  2400
 28 Wirschell, Taco            f NED  = 63 + 65 + 54 = 11 -  7 - 13 = 55 + 82 = 47 = 41 + 46  6.5 /11  2336
 29 Bodicker, R                  NED  -  6 + 91 = 45 + 23 + 34 = 14 - 37 - 10 + 44 - 38 + 64  6.0 /11  2326
 30 De Boer, Sybolt              NED  - 12 + 97 + 90 - 48 = 45 + 73 - 21 + 25 = 50 = 43 = 36  6.0 /11  2294
 31 De Vreugt, Dennis            NED  + 92 - 22 - 47 + 87 = 46 + 53 + 25 -  6 + 48 = 20 - 17  6.0 /11  2258
 32 Delemarre, Jop               NED  + 57 -  9 = 85 + 61 - 14 + 76 + 51 + 54 - 11 = 21 - 20  6.0 /11  2358
 33 Knoppert, Erik G J         f NED  + 55 + 64 - 15 + 77 + 13 -  9 - 11 = 41 = 24 - 16 + 69  6.0 /11  2454
 34 Mittelman, Gur               ISR  = 56 +101 = 20 = 47 - 29 + 67 - 77 - 35 + 58 + 84 = 41  6.0 /11  2269
 35 Oosterom, Erik               NED  - 26 + 99 + 17 - 40 = 43 + 27 - 70 + 34 = 19 + 37 - 25  6.0 /11  2369
 36 Peek, Marcel               f NED  = 87 + 46 =  4 - 20 + 84 + 42 - 22 = 47 + 77 - 26 = 30  6.0 /11  2321
 37 Riemersma, Liafbern        m NED  + 60 + 73 -  1 - 49 + 69 + 41 + 29 -  4 -  3 - 35 + 72  6.0 /11  2249
 38 Strating, Sybolt           f NED  + 61 +  6 = 11 + 14 -  5 -  4 - 24 = 73 + 76 + 29 - 15  6.0 /11  2462
 39 Van der Wal, Jannes          NED  - 90 = 78 + 95 - 73 + 97 + 65 -  2 = 76 + 85 + 55 - 19  6.0 /11  2303
 40 Vedder, Henk                 NED  = 85 + 63 = 52 + 35 = 11 = 48 - 14 = 43 + 70 = 15 - 18  6.0 /11  2385
 41 Vrenegoor, Taco              NED  = 65 = 85 + 62 = 21 = 54 - 37 + 93 = 33 = 43 = 28 = 34  6.0 /11  2353
 42 Wapner, Jonathan             ISR  = 54 = 48 = 23 = 45 + 59 - 36 - 19 + 90 = 73 + 70 = 43  6.0 /11  2353
 43 Witt,R                            -  4 + 82 + 75 - 13 = 35 + 83 = 47 = 40 = 41 = 30 = 42  6.0 /11  2215
 44 Giddins, Stephen           f ENG  + 71 -  5 - 76 = 97 = 85 - 60 + 65 + 72 - 29 = 66 + 86  5.5 /11  2148
 45 Hartoch, Robert G          m NED  + 98 -  1 = 29 = 42 = 30 = 47 - 16 = 71 = 74 + 65 = 51  5.5 /11  2200
 46 Helvensteijn, Dennis         NED  = 19 - 36 + 78 = 27 = 31 - 51 = 74 + 60 = 69 + 59 - 28  5.5 /11  2211
 47 Kuipers, Eelco               NED  = 24 = 59 + 31 = 34 = 21 = 45 = 43 = 36 = 28 - 19 = 48  5.5 /11  2342
 48 Langeweg, Kick             m NED  = 66 = 42 + 83 + 30 = 22 = 40 =  6 -  2 - 31 = 69 = 47  5.5 /11  2257
 49 Ostojic, Predrag           g YUG  + 97 - 11 + 88 + 37 -  9 - 18 + 60 = 19 - 16 + 73 - 27  5.5 /11  2255
 50 Ravia, Mosi                  ISR  + 62 = 14 - 12 + 85 + 73 = 11 -  4 = 16 = 30 - 24 = 55  5.5 /11  2348
 51 Schouten, Nico               NED  +100 = 26 -  6 -  8 + 72 + 46 - 32 = 66 + 53 - 23 = 45  5.5 /11  2123
 52 Spreeuw, Jaap                NED  + 89 = 13 = 40 -  7 + 56 = 25 - 23 = 55 + 66 - 17 = 53  5.5 /11  2331
 53 Van Delft, Merijn            NED  = 59 = 70 - 68 = 24 + 94 - 31 + 58 = 67 - 51 + 74 = 52  5.5 /11  2218
 54 Van Mil, Johannes          m NED  = 42 + 66 - 28 + 67 = 41 = 77 + 64 - 32 - 12 - 27 + 85  5.5 /11  2194
 55 Vedder, Henk                 NED  - 33 + 94 - 59 +100 - 70 + 68 = 28 = 52 + 64 - 39 = 50  5.5 /11  2253
 56 Verdonk, Roland              NED  = 34 = 23 = 27 = 70 - 52 = 94 = 59 = 74 - 68 + 91 + 76  5.5 /11  2223
 57 Winkels,MPM                       - 32 - 67 = 58 + 79 - 96 - 82 - 97 +110 + 95 + 80 + 84  5.5 /11  2134
 58 Anderton, David W            ENG  - 14 - 93 = 57 + 78 + 90 - 23 - 53 + 95 - 34 + 97 = 65  5.0 /11
 59 Borst, Johan                 NED  = 53 = 47 + 55 - 22 - 42 = 66 = 56 = 87 + 80 - 46 = 75  5.0 /11  2251
 60 De Ruiter, Ton               NED  - 37 + 81 - 25 + 92 - 77 + 44 - 49 - 46 + 87 = 75 = 63  5.0 /11  2106
 61 De Vilder,H                       - 38 = 84 + 66 - 32 - 67 = 79 - 80 +101 + 81 - 64 + 96  5.0 /11  2097
 62 Fink, Petra               wf ENG  - 50 + 96 - 41 - 69 = 92 + 81 = 83 = 80 - 84 + 82 = 68  5.0 /11  2156
 63 Floor,D                           = 28 - 40 = 69 - 84 = 74 - 89 = 81 + 92 + 90 = 76 = 60  5.0 /11  2118
 64 Jolles, Hajo               f NED  + 91 - 33 = 73 = 93 + 71 = 21 - 54 = 85 - 55 + 61 - 29  5.0 /11  2122
 65 Mellegers,JP                      = 41 - 28 +101 - 17 + 82 - 39 - 44 + 86 + 96 - 45 = 58  5.0 /11  2175
 66 Overeem,M                         = 48 - 54 - 61 = 89 +100 = 59 + 27 = 51 - 52 = 44 = 70  5.0 /11  2320
 67 Perez Garcia, Hebert         NED  -  9 + 57 = 93 - 54 + 61 - 34 = 71 = 53 = 75 = 85 = 73  5.0 /11  2021
 68 Piket, Joop J                NED  = 20 = 75 + 53 -  6 -  4 - 55 = 98 + 97 + 56 - 25 = 62  5.0 /11  2200
 69 Sorkin, Igor                 ISR  -  2 = 71 = 63 + 62 - 37 + 88 = 85 = 17 = 46 = 48 - 33  5.0 /11  2260
 70 Sziva, Erika              wm NED  = 75 = 53 = 72 = 56 + 55 = 17 + 35 - 13 - 40 - 42 = 66  5.0 /11  2268
 71 Theulings, Paul-Peter        NED  - 44 = 69 = 84 + 80 - 64 = 96 = 67 = 45 - 25 = 87 + 88  5.0 /11  2235
 72 Van Beek, Lucien             NED  - 73 + 74 = 70 - 18 - 51 = 90 + 94 - 44 + 93 + 83 - 37  5.0 /11  2108
 73 Van der Burght,RJH                + 72 - 37 = 64 + 39 - 50 - 30 + 96 = 38 = 42 - 49 = 67  5.0 /11  2204
 74 Wemmers, Xander              NED  - 13 - 72 + 99 - 75 = 63 + 92 = 46 = 56 = 45 - 53 + 87  5.0 /11  2338
 75 Willemze,J                        = 70 = 68 - 43 + 74 = 27 - 24 - 76 + 88 = 67 = 60 = 59  5.0 /11  2302
 76 Burlage,P                         -  3 + 92 + 44 = 25 -  8 - 32 + 75 = 39 - 38 = 63 - 56  4.5 /11  2126
 77 Den Broeder, Guido           NED  + 93 + 21 -  9 - 33 + 60 = 54 + 34 -  3 - 36 -105 -107  4.5 /11  2304
 78 Greben,K                          -  8 = 39 - 46 - 58 - 79 =101 = 92 =100 +110 = 93 + 95  4.5 /11  2055
 79 Kahn,M                            - 21 - 95 = 89 - 57 + 78 = 61 - 90 - 91 +100 = 98 + 93  4.5 /11  2057
 80 Markus, John Raymond         NED  - 15 + 98 - 21 - 71 + 99 - 93 + 61 = 62 - 59 - 57 +109  4.5 /11  2137
 81 Middelburg, Tom              NED  - 27 - 60 + 86 = 88 - 24 - 62 = 63 + 94 - 61 + 99 = 83  4.5 /11  2190
 82 Monte, Peter                 NED  - 10 - 43 + 91 = 95 - 65 + 57 + 89 - 28 - 27 - 62 + 97  4.5 /11
 83 Nep,R                             -  7 + 89 - 48 = 90 + 95 - 43 = 62 + 93 - 17 - 72 = 81  4.5 /11  1985
 84 Oei, Hway Ik                 NED  - 11 = 61 = 71 + 63 - 36 - 85 = 99 + 89 + 62 - 34 - 57  4.5 /11  2137
 85 Speijer,NB                        = 40 = 41 = 32 - 50 = 44 + 84 = 69 = 64 - 39 = 67 - 54  4.5 /11  2223
 86 Van Duijvenbode,AJC               - 25 - 17 - 81 - 98 +110 + 91 = 95 - 65 + 99 + 96 - 44  4.5 /11  2130
 87 Balje,J                           = 36 - 19 = 24 - 31 = 89 = 95 + 88 = 59 - 60 = 71 - 74  4.0 /11  2190
 88 Chervonenko, Irina           ISR  + 17 -  7 - 49 = 81 = 98 - 69 - 87 - 75 +109 + 90 - 71  4.0 /11  2061
 89 De Haas,P                         - 52 - 83 = 79 = 66 = 87 + 63 - 82 - 84 - 97 = 92 +100  4.0 /11
 90 Weerheijm,H                       + 39 -  3 - 30 = 83 - 58 = 72 + 79 - 42 - 63 - 88 + 98  4.0 /11  2054
 91 De Blecourt,S                     - 64 - 29 - 82 - 96 +101 - 86 +100 + 79 = 98 - 56 -108  3.5 /11  1965
 92 De Boer,HJ                        - 31 - 76 +110 - 60 = 62 - 74 = 78 - 63 = 94 = 89 = 99  3.5 /11  2118
 93 Erwich,FAGM                       - 77 + 58 = 67 = 64 - 23 + 80 - 41 - 83 - 72 = 78 - 79  3.5 /11  2230
 94 Etmans, Maarten D          f NED  -  1 - 55 = 98 +101 - 53 = 56 - 72 - 81 = 92 -100 +110  3.5 /11  2224
 95 Kohlbeck,AJW                      - 22 + 79 - 39 = 82 - 83 = 87 = 86 - 58 - 57 +109 - 78  3.5 /11  1958
 96 Ragaa, Hassan                EGY  -  5 - 62 - 97 + 91 + 57 = 71 - 73 + 99 - 65 - 86 - 61  3.5 /11  2144
 97 Van Engen,HJ                      - 49 - 30 + 96 = 44 - 39 -102 + 57 - 68 + 89 - 58 - 82  3.5 /11  1996
 98 Verholt, Gerard              NED  - 45 - 80 = 94 + 86 = 88 - 16 = 68 - 27 = 91 = 79 - 90  3.5 /11  2055
 99 Van der Lijn, Bas            NED  - 18 - 35 - 74 +110 - 80 +100 = 84 - 96 - 86 - 81 = 92  3.0 /11  1887
100 Pater,E                           - 51 +110 - 16 - 55 - 66 - 99 - 91 = 78 - 79 + 94 - 89  2.5 /11  2077
101 Acosta, Mariano              USA  = 23 - 34 - 65 - 94 - 91 = 78 +110 - 61 -103 -104 -106  2.0 /11

5) Hastings Chess Festival

The Hastings Chess Festival with many interesting events
has run all week. The Masters Tournament is heading
for a tight finish with 3 joint leaders with a couple of
rounds to go.

Hastings Centenary Chess Festival. 19th -29th August 1995

My thanks to Brian Stephenson, Bob Wade and Jon Speelman
for passing the file of games and results on to me.

To celebrate the Centenary of Hastings Chess Congress 1895-1995 a
festival of cheess has been organised from 19th - 29th August.

20th - 27th August Hastings Masters 9 round Swiss Open. First prize
1500 UK pounds and a limited edition Jaques Chess set value 650 UK
pounds and a qualifying place for Hastings Premier and the British
Championships in Nottingham.

To start tomorrow:

28th - 29th August. INTEL Grand Prix Qualifier.

Entry free to GMs and players with a PCA (or in the absence of a PCA
rating, the FIDE rating) of more than 2500.
IMs and players above FIDE 2400 25 UK pounds, FIDE ELO 2300-2395 40 UK
pounds, FIDE ELO 2200-2295 60 UK pounds, below FIDE 2200 75 UK pounds.
These last two sections will be halved for veterans and juniors.

Playing schedule: 6 rounds on August 28th, and 5 rounds on August


1st $1000 + qualification place for INTEL London Grand Prix.
2nd-6th Qualification place for the INTEL Grand Prix
7th-12 $1000
Special prizes for some rating sections and best non-GM.
(exact details on the entry form.)

Hastings Centenary Chess Festival. 19th -29th August 1995

1.  Atalik, Suat 		g TUR 2525  76 10.10.64 M	5.5
2.  Conquest, Stuart 		g ENG 2455  63 01.03.67 M	5.5
3.  Ward, Christopher 		m ENG 2500  32 26.03.68 M	5.5
4.  Arkell, Keith C 		m ENG 2505  32 08.01.61 M	5.0
5.  Bronstein, David I 		g RUS 2445   7 19.02.24 M	5.0
6.  Emms, John M 		m ENG 2485  45 14.03.67 M	5.0
7.  Malaniuk,Vladimir P 	g UKR 2580  59 21.07.57 M	5.0
8.  Nataf, Igor-Alexandre 	  FRA 2370  25 02.05.78 M	5.0
9.  Onischuk, Alexander 	g UKR 2575  45   .  .   M	5.0
10. Parker, Jonathan 		m ENG 2415   8 19.05.76 M	5.0
11. Poldauf, Dirk 		m GER 2415  33 16.09.65 M	5.0
12. Rashkovsky, Nukhim N 	g RUS 2560   9 18.04.46 M	5.0
13. Summerscale, Aaron 		m ENG 2455  31 26.08.69 M	5.0
14. Turner, Matthew 		m ENG 2400   0 11.12.75 M	5.0
15. Adams, Michael 		g ENG 2660  63 17.11.71 M	4.5
16. Bates, Richard		  ENG 2345  21 27.01.79 M	4.5
17. Bisby, Daniel L.		  ENG 2120   2 22.09.78 M	4.5
18. Cooper, Lawrence 		f ENG 2315  19 16.07.70 M	4.5
19. Dunnington, Angus J. 	m ENG 2385  38 09.08.67 M	4.5
20. Ferguson, Mark		  ENG 2360  14 17.02.77 M	4.5
21. Hebden, Mark 		g ENG 2570  42 15.02.58 M	4.5
22. Howell, James C 		m ENG 2525  88 17.05.67 M	4.5
23. Saunders, John C.		  ENG 2240  10 22.02.53 M	4.0
24. Ashby, Ann-Marie		  ENG 2090   0 28.07.74 F	4.0
25. Britton, Richard 		f ENG 2320  24 01.09.57 M	4.0
26. Buckley, Graeme 		f ENG 2355  17 25.12.71 M	4.0
27. Chenaux, P							4.0
28. Dive, Russell John 		f NZL 2315  42 21.05.66 M	4.0
29. Duncan, Christopher R. 	f ENG 2315  21 11.07.70 M	4.0
30. Gunter, David WW		  ENG 2130   2 15.12.65 M	4.0
31. Hunt, Harriet 		m ENG 2385  43 04.02.78 F	4.0
32. Lewis, Andrew P 		f ENG 2335   2 11.10.60 M	4.0
33. Mah, Karl 			f ENG 2200  27 14.12.80 M	4.0
34. McDonald, Neil R 		m ENG 2425  60 21.01.67 M	4.0
35. McEwan, Ken B.		  SCO 2160   0   .  .   M	4.0
36. Menadue, Jeremy F.S.	  ENG 2255   0 12.06.62 M	4.0
37. Radovanovic, Tihomir 	f YUG 2305  13   .  .   M	4.0
38. Wall, Gavin			  ENG 2265   9 05.12.68 M	4.0
39. Williams, Simon		  ENG 2250  22 30.11.79 M	4.0
40. Wilson, Jonathan		  ENG 2245  11 07.12.71 M	4.0
41. Wood, David A		  ENG 2285   6 18.04.69 M	4.0
42. Connell, Blair		  ENG 2270   9 01.09.76 M	3.5
43. Dempsey, A							3.5
44. James, David 		f WLS 2270  18 06.10.51 M	3.5
45. Kumaran, Dharshan 		m ENG 2500   9 07.06.75 M	3.5
46. McKenna, Jason		  ENG 2150   6 29.01.68 M	3.5
47. Steffens, Olaf		  GER 2330   0 20.06.67 M	3.5
48. Taylor, Peter		  ENG 2205   4 06.06.61 M	3.5
49. Bersoult, Francois		  FRA 2160  10 01.09.71 M	3.0
50. Bouchaud, Vincent		  FRA 2180   9   .  .   M	3.0
51. Briggs, Philip J.		  ENG 2280  15 03.02.66 M	3.0
52. Cafferty, Bernard 		f ENG 2260  15 27.06.34 M	3.0
53. Costelllo, C						3.0
54. Shyamol, Dutta		  IND 2110   0   .  .   M	3.0
55. Gormally, D							3.0
56. Jain, Naveen		  IND 2265   0 30.05.80 M	3.0
57. Kennaugh, Charles 		f ENG 2310   0 20.05.53 M	3.0
58. Khan, Kalimullah		  BAN 2235   5   .  .   M	3.0
59. Mayers, Dan E.		  USA 2100   1 20.09.22 M	3.0
60. Mellier, Pierre		  SUI 2210   0 11.09.63 M	3.0
61  Phillips, A							3.0
62. Rice, Christopher		  ENG 2165   5 11.12.59 M	3.0
63. Roberts, Paul		  SCO 2215  30 21.01.74 M	3.0
64. Rutherford, Simon		  AUS 2250   9 30.08.75 M	3.0
65. Sahetchian, Armand		  FRA 2145  15 22.08.65 M	3.0
66. Stebbings, Anthony		  ENG 2280   0 03.09.51 M	3.0
67. Tebb, David			  ENG 2315   9 19.09.61 M	3.0
68. Trifunovic, Aleksandar	  ENG 2230   0 26.03.79 M	3.0
69. Vianin, Pascal		  SUI 2185   6 09.09.65 M	3.0
70. Minet, Steve		  FRA 2170   7 26.01.82 M	2.5
71. Muskath, R							2.5
72. O'Brien, Richard		  IRL 2100   6 08.04.44 M	2.5
73. Pickersgill, Adrian		  ENG 2105   4 18.10.50 M	2.5
74. Ragnarsson, J						2.5
75. Stuart, E. Leslie		  ENG 2080  15 01.04.18 M	2.5
76. Van Zyil Smit, Konrad	  RSA 2100   9 13.04.79 M	2.5
77. Berg, R							2.0
78. Chowdhury, SK						2.0
79. Dekelelaere, F						2.0
80. Macrae, J							2.0
81. Muylle, K							2.0
82. Rich, M							2.0
83. Shah, A							2.0
84. Chakrabarty, K						1.5
85. Hassabis, G							1.5
86. Spanton, Timothy		  ENG 2060   5 12.02.57 M	1.5
87. Tan, D							1.5
88. Parker, G							1
89. Harris, C							0

6) US Open

Many thanks to Eric Schiller, for a further 20 games from the US Open.
(full bulletin awailable from him including annotated games for $25.)

7) Gothenburg IM Tournament by Asbjorn Nejman 

Here are the results from the first four rounds of
SS Manhem's (Manhem's Chess Club) IM-tournament in
Gothenburg, with some corrections.
Today (Friday 13.00) we have played some adjournments:
Liljedahl lost (as planned) against Teske.
Aberg - Moberg ended in a draw (as planned).
Aberg's position against Schwarz was worse than we
originally thought, so he lost.
Hultin may have made a mistake against Bjerring, because
he lost rather quickly.

Round 1
IM Henrik Teske (GER) - IM Michael Schwarz (GER)         1-0
Johan Hultin (SWE) - Anton Aberg (SWE)                  1/2-1/2
Roland Greger (DEN) - Karl Johan Moberg (SWE)           1/2-1/2
IM Kai Bjerring (DEN) - IM Julian Urban (GER)            1-0
Lennart Liljedahl (SWE) - FM Ari Ziegler (SWE)           0-1

Round 2
Karl Johan Moberg (SWE) - Johan Hultin (SWE)              1-0
IM Michael Schwarz (GER) - Roland Greger (DEN)            1-0
IM Kai Bjerring (DEN) - IM Henrik Teske (GER)             0-1
FM Ari Ziegler (SWE) - Anton Aberg (SWE)                1/2-1/2
Lennart Liljedahl (SWE) - IM Julian Urban (GER)           1-0

Round 3
Roland Greger (DEN) - IM Kai Bjerring (DEN)             1/2-1/2
Johan Hultin (SWE) - IM Michael Schwarz (GER)             0-1
IM Julian Urban (GER) - FM Ari Ziegler (SWE)              0-1
Anton Aberg (SWE) - Karl Johan Moberg (SWE)             1/2-1/2
IM Henrik Teske (GER) - Lennart Liljedahl (SWE)           1-0

According to "reliable sources", Aberg - Moberg WILL be drawn and
Teske WILL beat Liljedahl (exchange more without counterplay for

Round 4
IM Michael Schwarz (GER) - Anton Aberg (SWE)              1-0
IM Kai Bjerring (DEN) - Johan Hultin (SWE)                1-0
Lennart Liljedahl (SWE) - Roland Greger (DEN)             1-0
FM Ari Ziegler (SWE) - Karl Johan Moberg (SWE)            0-1
IM Julian Urban (GER) - IM Henrik Teske (GER)           1/2-1/2

Urban and Teske had a hard fight where Teske (to me) looked as if
he was in great trouble but the game ended in a draw after the time

Round 5:

Teske - Ziegler		1/2-1/2
Greger - Urban		  1-0
Hultin - Liljedahl	  1-0
Aberg - Bjerring	1/2-1/2
Moberg - Schwarz	1/2-1/2

Round 6:

Liljedahl - Aberg	  0 - 1
Urban - Hultin		  0 - 1
Teske - Greger		1/2-1/2
Bjerring - Moberg	1/2-1/2
Ziegler - Schwarz	1/2-1/2 (after adjournment)


Teske		4.5
Moberg		4
Schwarz		4
Bjerring	3.5
Ziegler		3.5
Aberg		3
Greger		2.5
Hultin		2.5
Liljedahl	2
Urban		0.5

8) RICARDI RETAINS THE TITLE - LIX Argentine Championship

by Roberto Alvarez

With an historical definition, IM Pablo Ricardi retains the Argentine 's
Championship title, after win the play-off math by 2,5-1,5 against IM
Ariel Sorin. IGM Raul Sanguinetti was the latest player had obtained twice
in a row the championship (1973 and 1974).
Ricardi (33 years), with an ELO rating of 2545 pts is one of the strongest
players in Argentina (he took part in the last 6 Olympic Teams, was Pan-
American Champion in 1987 and won the strong open Konex-Canon 1991).
In the play-off match, Sorin won the 1st game with white, and Ricardi the
own in the second game. So, they must play another 2 games, but at 30 '
finish. Thanks to drawing the first, and be very lucky on the second
(Sorin was +- with 30..Rd6), Pablo Ricardi had obtained the championship.

As you can see at the crosstable, IM Ariel Sorin was the "tournament winner"
with 9,5 points, ahead half point of IM Ricardi. Why he was not the cham-
pion ? Because chilean IGM Ivan Morovic was invited for complete the FIDE
requierements of 3 IGM, so the tournament will give IGM and IM norms.
Without the results of Morovic, the "championship" finished with 2 players
on top, and they must play a playoff match.

The tournament was held on "Hotel Gualok" of Presidencia Roque Saenz Peña
City (an small city of Chaco, one of the northest states of Argentina) and
was directed by I.A Hugo Guzman Haensch.

Go to the complete games !

National Championships , VIII 1995.                                cat. IX (2468)
                                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
 1 Sorin, Ariel             m ARG 2500  * 1 = 1 = 1 = = 1 = = = = = 1  9.5  2598
 2 Ricardi, Pablo           m ARG 2545  0 * = 1 = = 1 = 0 1 = = 1 1 1  9.0  2564
 3 Tempone, Marcelo         m ARG 2435  = = * = = = 0 = 1 = = = 1 1 1  8.5  2550
 4 Fiorito, Fabian          m ARG 2450  0 0 = * 0 = 1 = = = = = 1 1 1  7.5  2497
 5 Hoffman, Alejandro       m ARG 2495  = = = 1 * 0 0 1 = 0 = = 1 1 =  7.5  2494
 6 Morovic Fernandez, Ivan  g CHI 2585  0 = = = 1 * = = = = 1 = 0 = 1  7.5  2488
 7 Spangenberg, Hugo        m ARG 2490  = 0 1 0 1 = * = 1 0 = 0 1 = 1  7.5  2495
 8 Zarnicki, Pablo          g ARG 2570  = = = = 0 = = * 0 1 = 0 1 1 1  7.5  2489
 9 Giaccio, Alfredo         f ARG 2410  0 1 0 = = = 0 1 * = 0 1 = 1 =  7.0  2471
10 Gomez Baillo, Jorge H    m ARG 2420  = 0 = = 1 = 1 0 = * = 1 0 0 1  7.0  2471
11 Panno, Oscar             g ARG 2510  = = = = = 0 = = 1 = * 1 0 = =  7.0  2464
12 Slipak, Sergio           m ARG 2520  = = = = = = 1 1 0 0 0 * = 0 1  6.5  2434
13 Rosito, Jorge            f ARG 2340  = 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 = 1 1 = * = 1  6.0  2426
14 Servat, Roberto          m ARG 2450  = 0 0 0 0 = = 0 0 1 = 1 = * =  5.0  2366
15 Dorin, Mauricio          f ARG 2295  0 0 0 0 = 0 0 0 = 0 = 0 0 = *  2.0  2171

9) Tan Chin Nam Cup Grandmaster Tournament.

My thanks to Bob Wade and Shay Bushinsky for these results from

Beijing China 10th-20 August 1995.
Wang Zili scored his second GM norm. There was
a relatively poor performance from FIDE Women's
World Champion Xie Jun.

1.  Ye, Jiangchuan 	g CHN 2550  30 20.11.60 M	6
2.  Wang, Zili 		m CHN 2525  34 14.06.68 M	6
3.  Alterman, Boris 	g ISR 2595  52 04.05.70 M	5.5
4.  Stangl, Markus 	g GER 2560  12 29.04.69 M	5.5
5.  Boensch, Uwe 	g GER 2560  29 15.10.58 M	5
6.  Li, Wenliang 	m CHN 2425  20 21.04.67 M	5
7.  Xie, Jun (GM) 	g CHN 2540  35 30.10.70 F	3.5
8.  Liang, Jinrong 	m CHN 2450  23 21.05.60 M	3
9.  Wong, Meng-Kong 	m SIN 2430   0 18.09.63 M	3
10. Peng, Xiaomin 	m CHN 2510  31 08.04.73 M	2.5

10) 2nd S.T.Lee Cup Beijing International Open

23 August - 4th September.
Results for rounds 1 and 2.

1.  Alterman, Boris 	g ISR 2595  52 04.05.70 M	+12 +11	2
2.  Wang, Zili 		m CHN 2525  34 14.06.68 M	+22 +16	2
3.  Liang, Jinrong 	m CHN 2450  23 21.05.60 M	+25 +14	2
4.  Wang, Rui		  CHN				+20 +10	2
5.  Boensch, Uwe 	g GER 2560  29 15.10.58 M	=21 +23	1.5
6.  Mariano, Nelson 	m PHI 2510  11 28.06.74 M	=23 +21	1.5
7.  Tong, Yuanming 	m CHN 2485  10 21.04.72 M	=15 +19	1.5
8.  Yu, Shaoteng 	f CHN 2290  13   .  .   M	=19 +17	1
9.  Ye, Jiangchuan 	g CHN 2550  30 20.11.60 M	-14 +25	1
10. Ye, Rongguang 	g CHN 2505  23 03.10.63 M	+24 - 4	1
11. Wang, Yaoyao 	f CHN 2445  22   .  .   M	+26 - 1	1
12. Zhang, Zhong 	m CHN 2430  23   .  .   M	- 1 +26	1
13. Li, Zunian 		m CHN 2400  19 08.01.58 M	=17 =15	1
14. Qi, Jingxuan 	m CHN 2390  19 09.11.47 M	+9  - 3	1
15. Wang, Wenhao	  CHN 2350  19 17.04.72 M	= 7 =13	1
16. Li, Shilong 	f CHN 2345  21   .  .   M	+18 - 2	1
17. Stangl, Markus 	g GER 2560  12 29.04.69 M	=13 - 8	0.5
18. Lin, Weiguo 	m CHN 2460  26 25.07.70 M	-16 =22	0.5
19. Al-Modiahki,Mohamad m QAT 2445  47 01.06.74 M	= 8 - 7	0.5
20. Wu, Shaobin 	m CHN 2430  20 04.02.69 M	- 4 =24	0.5
21. Li, Wenliang 	m CHN 2425  20 21.04.67 M	= 5 - 6	0.5
22. Xia, Yu f CHN	      2325  15   .  .   M	- 2 =18	0.5
23. Yin, Hao 		f CHN 2350  20   .  .   M	= 6 - 5	0.5
24. Zhu, Chunhui 	f CHN 2350  17   .  .   M	-10 =20	0.5
25. Zhang, Weida 	f CHN 2300  13 18.09.49 M	- 3 - 9	0
26. Siepenkoetter,Anita f GER 2130   6   .  .   F	-11 -12	0

11) WIC Correspondence Chess-news #1

by Bertrand Weegenaar/Heinse van Houten

Starting this issue of Week in Chess, I like to bring and keep you
up-to-date to what happens in Correspondence chess.  As editor of
Schaakschakeringen (Dutch monthly CC-magazin), I receive several
CC-magazins from all over the world.  In this column which I hope to
do every month I will bring news, but also a lot of games which can be
found at the end of the article.  Reactions can be send to the editor
who can pass them on to me. Looking forward too that.

A.    New ratinglist

The ICCF-ratinglist has been published recently. After several years
the first place has a new name: the Dutch player Gert Timmerman who
after several great successes (first in the V World Cup (1994). first
in the NBC 25 Jubilee tournament (1994), first in one of the strongest
CC-tournaments: FINJUB 30).  In a next issue of Correspondence News I
will bring an extended chess-portrait on G.Timmerman.

The first ten are:
Name                    Title Country     Elo   Games
1.G.Timmerman           G     NLD         2725  99
2.J.Penrose             G     ENG         2710  70
3.J.Neumann             M     GER         2705  25
4.M.Umanskij            M     RUS         2700  56
5.L.Santos              M     POR         2685  52
6.E.Bang                G     DEN         2675  113
7.G.Popov               G     BLG         2670  30
8.V.Jarkov                    RUS         2665  37
9.M.Joffe               M     SVE         2655  26
  S.Webb                G     ENG         2655  104

A complete list is published together with Fernschach (Germany) or can
be asked for by:

ICCF Rating Commissioner
Sauerlandstrasse 8
D-70794 Filderstadt

B.    M.M.Umanskij: ICCF XIII-World Champion

Although the tournament hasn't finished completely, M.Umanskij from
Russia can't be stopped from taking the first prize by any
opponent. The scores in the tournament:

M.Umanskij (RUS) 13, J.Penrose (ENG) 11, E.Bang (DEN) 9,5 (2 to
finish), V.Palciauskas (USA) 9 (2), A.Pereira (POR),A.Korelov 9 (1),
L.Santos (POR), A.Zilberberg (USA) 9, H.Ziewirth (GER) 7,5 (1),
F.Baumbach (GER) 7 (4), R.Goldenberg (FRA) 6 (1), M.Salm (AUS) 5,5
(2), U.Svenson (SVE), J.Berry (CAN) 5,5 (1), O.Kopylov (RUS) 4 (2),
V.Tomkovich 3 (8), D.Lapienis (LIT) 0,5

From the winner 4 games are presented. Two games are important:
against J.Penrose who held the first place in the ICCF-ratinglist for
years, and against E.Bang, who seldomly loses CC-game.

C.    Vladimir Zagorovsky (1925-1994)

One of the greatest CC-players is undoubtatly V.Zagorovsky from
Rusland. He was the 4th Worldchampion, played 5 times in the Final and
scored 62,5 points out of 87 games. Several days before his death he
finished his last game in the 10th Olympiad, securing Russia the
gold medal.

From several sources brilliant games were selected and can be found at
the end of this article, most are commentated.  For those interested,
a book on the CC-games by Zagorovsky (more then 800) should be
published this year in Sweden. I let you know.

D.    Dutch Correspondence Chess Championships 1993-1995
1. E.Poel         x  =  =  1  1  1  0  1  1  1  =  =  1  1  1     11
2. A.Hotting      =  x  =  =  1  1  0  1  1  1  1  1  1  =  1     11
3. J.Kragten      =  =  x  1  1  =  =  0  1  1  =  1  1  1  =     10
4. A.Stuart       0  =  0  x  1  1  =  =  1  1  1  1  0  0  1     8.5
5. A.Swinkels     0  0  0  0  x  1  1  1  =  1  =  =  1  1  1     8.5
6. Groot     0  0  =  0  0  x  1  =  1  1  1  1  1  =  1     8.5
7. L.Hofland      1  1  =  =  0  0  x  =  0  1  =  1  =  1  =     8
8. Vries     0  0  1  =  0  =  =  x  =  0  1  1  =  1  1     7.5
9. H.Tazelaar     0  0  0  0  =  1  0  =  x  =  1  1  =  =  1     6.5 Jong      0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1  =  x  =  =  1  1  1     5.5
11.H.Molenbroek   =  0  =  0  =  0  =  0  0  =  x  =  =  0  1     4.5
12.J.Markus       =  0  0  0  =  0  0  0  0  =  =  x  =  1  1     4.5 Boer      0  0  0  1  0  0  =  =  =  0  =  =  x  =  0     4
14.M.Plijter      0  =  0  1  0  =  0  0  =  0  1  0  =  x  0     4
15.G.Ludden       0  0  =  0  0  0  =  0  0  0  0  0  1  1  x     3

More them 5 months after the planned finish the 23th edition of NBC's
(for extensive information on NBC see Week in Chess #42)
Correspondence Chess Championships was finished. Several long and
hardfought endgames were played by Kragten to secuire a third
place. The first place was on by Evert Poel (Amstelveen) with a better
SB then Arend Hotting (Hellevoetsluis.)  In Schaakschakeringen No 304,
Februar March 1995, Evert gave an interesting profile of himself
together with several annotated games. All the games of the tournament
are "enclosed" with this edition of Week in Chess.  Some games are
annotated by CC-GM Ger van Perlo , others by CC-IM A.C.van der Tak
special on opening novelties in this tournament. I hope you like the

Evert Poel: "Late in 1974 I started having a harmonious relation with
chess.  During the Hoogoven-tournament in Hotel Kennemerduinen in Wijk
aan Zee mister Mostert pulled me in the NBC. That was it:
correspondence chess. Together with a busy family-and business life,
my spare time could be used for chess. I started with a NBC
From's-theme tournament (which I won after 7 years.) (Still 1.f4 is my
favorite opening with white). After several European H -and M-classes
I qualified in 1985 for the Championship. After a 7th place in K/17
and 6th in K/21 it finally worked in K/23. (..)  Conclusion:
correspondence chess bring the level of play by any amateur player to
a higher level. Because you have to look into all the details. And the
deeper you analyse, the better your games become."  All games on this
tournament can be found in the games section.

12) Israeli Juniors by Shay Bushinsky

TWIC had Sutovsky completing his last GM norm in Norway.
Alex Finkel is now a GM after Biel.

Israel Junior Ch. Cat 9 (after 5 rounds)

1. IM Dubi Zifroni      4.5/5
2. IM Boris Avruch      4
3. Alex Rabinovich      3.5
4. GM Ronen HarZvi      3
   GM Alex Finkel       ?
   IM Alik Vidslaver    ?
   GM Emil Sutovsky     2
   GM Eran Lies         1
      Alik Gershon      ?
      Yaron Hadas       0

13) Canadian Championships Ottawa Vojin Vujosevic

Games were entered into CA by Brad Thompson, also the
TD of the tournament. Gordon Taylor was kind enough to E-mail
it to me.

  Canadian Closed Chess Championship 1995
  Ottawa, Ontario, Canada    August 12-20

Ottawa (CAN), VIII 1995.                           cat. IV (2344)
                                   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
 1 Leveille, Francois  f CAN 2360  * 1 = 0 = = = = 1 1  5.5  2421
 2 Livshits, Ron       f CAN 2350  0 * = 1 = 1 = = 1 =  5.5  2422
 3 Nickoloff, Bryon    m CAN 2405  = = * 1 = = = 1 0 1  5.5  2416
 4 Hergott, Deen       m CAN 2475  1 0 0 * = = 1 0 1 1  5.0  2371
 5 O'Donnell, Tom      m CAN 2360  = = = = * = = = = 1  5.0  2384
 6 Stone, Raymond      f CAN 2340  = 0 = = = * = = 1 =  4.5  2343
 7 Taylor, Gordon      f CAN 2320  = = = 0 = = * 1 = =  4.5  2346
 8 Littke, Adam          CAN 2300  = = 0 1 = = 0 * = =  4.0  2305
 9 Johnstone, Glenn    f CAN 2295  0 0 1 0 = 0 = = * 1  3.5  2268
10 Kiviaho, Bob          CAN 2230  0 = 0 0 0 = = = 0 *  2.0  2136

14) Cannes Open

As reported last week by Laurent Sallen the 7th Martinez Open in
Cannes (French Riviera) took place between the 30th July and 6th August.
Jean-Pierre Mercier sent me a large number of games from this event.
Special thanks to Cannes Echecs for providing the games.


Place    Name   	Title   Elo   Perf   Points
1       Lazarev   	IM    	2410  2670   7,5	/9
2       Cebalo    	GM   	2515  2598   7
3       Lanka     	GM   	2480  2589   7
4       Levacic         	2345  2470   6,5
5       Dunnington 	IM   	2385  2438   6,5
6       Bernard   	FM    	2315  2448   6,5
7       Urday     	GM   	2435  2471   6
8       Rotstein  	GM    	2485  2429   6
9       Anic      	IM    	2410  2457   6
10      Varga     	IM    	2415  2427   6
11      Szabolcsi  	IM   	2475  2391   6
12      Prie      	IM    	2480  2367   6
13      Lupu      	GM    	2490  2433   5,5
14      Ivkov     	GM   	2485  2430   5,5
15      Mrdja      	IM   	2450  2359   5,5
16      Guyot     	FM    	2245  2360   5,5
17      Goldgewicht     	2315  2275   5,5
18      Spielmann       	2270  2235   5,5
19      Karr                  	      2404   5

72 Participants.

15) Zone 1.4 by Martin Pribyl

Odorheiu Secuiesc (Romania) - Zonal Tournament
Zone 1.4

17.03.1995 - 27.03.1995

   Player                  Fed  ELO Tit No  FIDE ID  Birthday Pts
 1 Hracek Zbynek           CZE 2595 IGM  2    300071 09.09.70  6.5
 2 Almasi Zoltan           HUN 2590 IGM  3    702293 29.08.76  6
 3 Varga Zoltan            HUN 2460 IM  18    700509 12.07.70  6
 4 Istratescu Andrei       ROM 2505 IGM 12   1200372 03.12.75  6
 5 Ionescu Constantin      ROM 2535 IM   5   1200089 12.09.58  5.5
 6 Jansa Vlastimil         CZE 2525 IGM  9    300128 27.11.42  5.5
 7 Marin Mihai             ROM 2540 IGM  4   1200020 21.04.65  5
 8 Georgiev Kiril          BUL 2625 IGM  1   2900017 28.11.65  5
 9 Wojtkiewicz Aleksander  POL 2530 IGM  6   1100025 15.01.63  5
10 Mrva Martin             SVK 2400 IM  24  14900092 12.12.71  5
11 Horvath Csaba           HUN 2500 IGM 13    700118 05.06.68  5
12 Groszpeter Attila       HUN 2520 IGM 10    700053 09.06.06  4.5
13 Delchev Aleksander      BUL 2450 IM  19   2900394 15.07.71  4.5
14 Dumitrache Dragos       ROM 2530 IM   8   1200437 07.12.64  4.5
15 Babula Vlastimil        CZE 2530 IM   7    301264 02.10.73  4.5
16 Priehoda Vitezslav      SVK 2400 IM  25  14900122 11.01.60  4
17 Gdanski Jacek           POL 2490 IM  14   1100106 30.11.70  4
18 Horvath Jozsef          HUN 2515 IGM 11    700061 13.08.64  4
19 Ninov Nikolai           BUL 2435 IM  22   2900424 21.05.69  3.5
20 Nevednichy Vladislav    ROM 2485 IGM 15   1205730 03.09.69  3.5
21 Mozny Milos             CZE 2435 IM  21    300454 06.10.54  3.5
22 Markowski Tomasz        POL 2470 IM  16   1105680 30.07.75  3.5
23 Jirovsky Milos          CZE 2425 IM  23    303224 17.03.74  3.5
24 Matlak Marek            POL 2465 IM  17   1100122 21.03.66  3.5
25 Manik Mikulas           SVK 2380 M   26  14900734 26.05.75  3
26 Georgiev Vladimir       BUL 2450 IM  20   2903024 27.08.75  2.5

   Player          No  R1   R2   R3   R4   R5   R6   R7   R8   R9
 1 Hracek Z.        2 15B+  7W+  1B=  3W+  4B= 12W=  5B= 18W= 13W+
 2 Almasi Z.        3 16W+ 10B=  8W+  2B- 14W=  1W= 19B+  4W+ 18B=
 3 Varga Z.        18  5B=  9W+ 10W=  4B-  8W+ 14B+ 13W+  2B=  3W=
 4 Istratescu A.   12 25B= 19W= 20B+ 13W=  6W+  2B=  4B=  5W= 24B+
 5 Ionescu C.       5 18W= 24B+  4W=  6B= 10W+ 13B=  2W= 12B=  9W=
 6 Jansa V.         9 22W= 18B- 24W+ 25B- 15W+ 11B+ 10W+  6B=  5B=
 7 Marin M.         4 17B+ 13W=  5B= 18W+  2W= 10B= 12W=  3B-  6W=
 8 Georgiev K.      1 14W+  8B=  2W= 10B- 25W+  3B=  6W- 22B+  7W=
 9 Wojtkiewicz A.   6 19B= 25W+ 13B=  5W= 12B- 22W=  1B+  9W=  4B=
10 Mrva M.         24 11B+  5W-  9B- 23W+ 19B- 25W+ 14W+  8B+ 12W-
11 Horvath C.      13 26W+  4B=  6W= 12B= 22W+  5W= 18B- 19W+  2B-
12 Groszpeter A.   10 23B+  3W= 18B=  1W+  5B-  4W=  9B-  7W= 19B=
13 Delchev A.      19  6W= 12B= 14W= 22B= 24W+ 17B+  3W- 13B- 10W=
14 Dumitrache D.    8 21B+  1W=  3B- 11W= 18B- 23W+ 22B= 24W- 15W+
15 Babula V.        7 20W+  2B- 22W- 14B- 21B= 15W+ 16W+ 10B=  1B=
16 Priehoda V.     25 12W=  6B- 16W+  9W+  1B- 24B- 11W= 17B= 20W=
17 Gdanski J.      14  1B- 21W+ 19B=  7W+  3B= 18W- 24B- 11W= 16B=
18 Horvath J.      11 24W- 22B= 26W+  8B= 17W=  9W- 25B= 14B= 23W=
19 Ninov N.        22  9B= 11W=  7B+ 19W= 13B-  6B=  8W=  1W- 26B-
20 Nevednichy V.   15  2W- 20B- 21B= 16W+  9B-  7B- 17W+ 26W+  8B-
21 Mozny M.        21  8W- 14B- 15W= 26B=  7W= 16B= 20W= 23B= 17W=
22 Markowski T.    16  3B- 23W= 25B- 15B- 26W+ 21W=  7B- 20B+ 14W=
23 Jirovsky M.     23 10W- 16B= 17W= 24B- 20W+  8B- 26B= 21W= 11B=
24 Matlak M.       17  4W- 26B= 23B= 20W+ 11B= 19W- 15B- 25W= 21B=
25 Manik M.        26 13B- 17W= 11B- 21W= 16B- 20B= 23W= 15B- 22W+
26 Georgiev V.     20  7B- 15W+ 12W- 17B- 23B- 26W= 21B= 16W- 25B=

Zone 1.4 Nadole (Poland) - Zonal Tournament (women)
Zone 1.4 (tables Martin Pribyl.

03.06.1995 - 14.06.1995

Final standings:

    Tit.  Name                     Fed. ELO    Pts.   Birth
 1.  IM   Krupkova, Petra          CZE  2195   6.5   23.04.76
 2.  IM   Bobrowska, Monika        POL  2310   6.5   24.03.78

 3.  GM   Stefanova, Antoaneta     BUL  2365   6.0   19.04.79
 4.  GM   Radu, Elena Luminita     ROM  2330   6.0   22.01.72
 5.  IM   Aleksieva, Silvia        BUL  2255   6.0   04.05.74

 6.  GM   Veroci, Zsuzsa           HUN  2305   5.5   19.02.49

 7.  IM   Peptan, Corina           ROM  2295   5.0   17.03.78
 8.  IM   Repkova, Eva             SVK  2250   5.0   16.01.75

 9.  IM   Holoubkova, Martina      CZE  2230   4.5   26.04.75
10.       Guzkowska, Magdalena     POL  2155   4.5   11.07.75
11.       Ptacnikova, Lenka        CZE  2185   4.5   16.01.76
12.  IM   Olarasu, Gabriela        ROM  2270   4.5   07.11.64

13.       Dworakowska, Joanna      POL  2225   4.0   21.10.78
14.  IM   Vajda, Szidonia          ROM  2205   4.0   20.01.79
15.  GM   Nutu-Gajic, Dana         ROM  2320   4.0   08.06.57
16.  IM   Grabics, Monika          HUN  2315   4.0   31.08.76
17.  IM   Chilingirova, Pavlina    BUL  2245   4.0   22.10.55

18.  IM   Leszner, Liliana         POL  2205   3.5   09.02.65

19.  IM   Lakos, Nikoletta         HUN  2265   3.0   14.12.78
20.       Dojkova, Galina          BUL  2155   3.0   18.04.69

21.       Ciganikova, Andrea       SVK  2115   2.5   09.11.77
22.       Kiss, Fernanda           HUN  2170   2.5   29.10.79

16) Open Tournaments in Europe by Martin Pribyl.

By the end of this week there will finish another Czech & Slovak
Zlin (Czech Republic) - It (cat.9) - 18.08.95 - 26.08.95
Zlin (Czech Republic) - It (cat.4) - 18.08.95 - 26.08.95
Zlin (Czech Republic) - It (open) - 18.08.95 - 26.08.95
Decin (Czech Republic) - It (open) - 18.08.95 - 26.08.95
Plzen (Czech Republic) - It (open) (juniors) - 20.08.95 - 26.08.95
Kosice (Slovakia) - It (open) - 19.08.95 - 27.08.95

Coming tournaments in the CZE & SVK:

Brno (Czech Republic) - It (cat.4) "Trade Fair Festival"
- 23.08.95 - 02.09.95
Brno (Czech Republic) - It (open) "Trade Fair Festival"
- 23.08.95 - 02.09.95
Koprovnica (Slovakia) - It (cat.4) "Banicky kahanec"
- 23.08.95 - 01.09.95
Bojnice (Slovakia) - It (open) "Tesco" (active)
- 02.09.95 - 03.09.95 (directly at the Bojnice Castle!)
Hradec Kralove (Czech Republic) - It (blitz marathon 24 hours)
- 16.09.95 - 17.09.95

As Martin correctly comments there are a lot of events at the moment!!

Martin (Prague/Czech Republic)

Berliner Sommer 1995

Shay Bushinsky reports:

Rechlis finished Berlin with 3/3 in the last rounds beating GMs
Brodsky & Timoshenko. After a long while of absence from the
chess scene,IM Ilan Manor(25) lead Berlin after 5 rounds with
5/5 beating GM Suetin (RUS) who had 4/4. In round 6 Manor
lost to GM Wahls and drew the 7th round. In round 8, Manor
beat GM Haritonov. Anwway, Manor earned a second GM norm...

(Tables Martin Pribyl.)

Final Standings.

  Pl.  Player     Seeding NAT|  1 |  2 |  3 |  4 |  5 |  6 |  7 |  8 |  9 |Score    Buch. BuSum.
  1. DYDYSHKO V.       ( 16) |W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ =|  7.5    50.5  378.50
     Minsk              BLR  |206 | 95 |107 | 49 | 27 | 25 | 18 | 19 |  2 |
  2. WAHLS Matthias    (  9) |S/ =|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ =|  7.5    48.5  377.00
     Hamburg            GER  |286 |280 |114 |137 | 22 | 23 |  5 | 17 |  1 |
  3. RECHLIS Gad       ( 38) |W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ =|S/ =|W/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 1|  7.5    48.0  366.00
     Tel Aviv           ISR  |192 |121 |100 | 60 | 20 | 39 |105 | 47 | 17 |
  4. HECTOR Jonny      ( 26) |W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ =|  7.5    46.5  359.50
     Helsingoer         SWE  |247 | 46 |343 |125 | 58 | 55 | 88 | 64 |  8 |
  5. MANOR Ilan        ( 45) |S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ =|W/ 0|S/ 1|W/ =|  7.0    48.0  369.00
     Tel Aviv           ISR  |243 |111 |230 | 89 | 50 | 47 |  2 | 48 | 14 |
  6. ZAGORSKIS Darius  ( 25) |S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ =|  7.0    47.5  364.50
     Vilnius            LTU  |326 | 99 |153 | 98 | 93 | 54 | 21 | 39 | 11 |
  7. URDAY Henry       ( 68) |W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 0|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ 1|W/ 1|  7.0    47.5  356.50
                        PER  | 86 |212 | 62 | 94 | 29 | 68 | 92 | 65 | 64 |
  8. SOFFER Ram        ( 21) |S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ =|  7.0    47.5  356.00
     Givatayim          ISR  |229 |197 |210 | 57 | 51 |117 | 25 | 24 |  4 |
  9. MALISAUSKAS V.    ( 27) |S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 0|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ =|  7.0    47.0  372.50
     Vilnius            LTU  |289 |139 |104 | 50 |145 | 93 | 46 | 11 | 10 |
 10. NOVIKOV Igor      (  5) |S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ =|W/ =|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ =|  7.0    47.0  358.50
     Kharkov            UKR  |157 |    |137 | 54 | 55 |116 | 67 | 29 |  9 |
 11. SALE Srdjan       ( 64) |W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 1|W/ =|S/ 1|S/ =|W/ =|  7.0    46.5  366.50
     Kuciste            CRO  |285 |201 |284 | 59 | 94 | 19 | 61 |  9 |  6 |
 12. KUPOROSOV Viktor  ( 37) |S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 1|  7.0    46.0  358.00
     Nishni Novgorod    RUS  |283 |185 |112 |153 | 30 | 90 | 17 | 77 | 51 |
 13. AHLANDER Bjorn    ( 94) |W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ =|S/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ =|  7.0    46.0  350.00
     Malmö              SWE  |300 |374 | 28 | 18 |103 |174 | 33 | 32 | 40 |
 14. IONOV Sergey      ( 23) |S/ =|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ =|  7.0    45.5  360.50
     St. Petersburg     RUS  |280 |286 |146 |111 |168 | 51 | 24 | 21 |  5 |
 15. MILOV Leonid      ( 46) |W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 1|  7.0    44.0  354.50
     Dneprpetrovsk      UKR  |246 |113 |167 |162 | 95 | 20 |208 | 57 | 52 |
 16. LOGINOV Valeri    ( 22) |W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 0|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 1|  7.0    42.0  347.50
     Aika               UZB  |221 |161 | 89 |298 |219 | 88 |132 |107 | 53 |
 17. TIMOSHENKO Georgy ( 10) |W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 0|  6.5    51.0  367.50
     Kiew               UKR  |343 |213 | 70 | 27 | 96 | 18 | 12 |  2 |  3 |
 18. NEVEROV Valery    ( 43) |S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ =|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ =|  6.5    50.0  372.00
     Kharkov            UKR  |245 |170 | 69 | 13 | 24 | 17 |  1 |137 | 31 |
 19. KISELEV Sergey    ( 30) |W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|W/ 0|S/ =|  6.5    49.5  375.50
     Moskau             RUS  |239 |142 |101 | 91 | 53 | 11 | 20 |  1 | 25 |
 20. KRUPPA Yuri       (  7) |S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ =|S/ 1|  6.5    49.5  363.50
     Kiew               UKR  |133 |171 | 90 | 63 |  3 | 15 | 19 | 71 | 93 |
 21. BAGATUROV Giorgi  ( 52) |W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ 0|W/ 1|  6.5    49.0  357.50
     Tiflis             GEO  |313 |196 | 74 | 46 | 62 | 26 |  6 | 14 | 95 |
 22. KROGIUS Nikolai   ( 42) |W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 0|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ 1|W/ =|  6.5    48.5  345.00
     Moskau             RUS  |214 |129 | 81 |116 |  2 |109 | 57 | 85 | 26 |
 23. TESKE Henrik      ( 36) |W/ =|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|W/ =|S/ =|  6.5    48.0  359.00
     Suhl               GER  |179 |385 |113 | 97 | 60 |  2 | 89 | 31 | 35 |
 24. KALINICHEV Sergej ( 51) |S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 1|W/ =|S/ =|W/ =|S/ 0|W/ 1|  6.5    47.5  362.50
     Berlin             RUS  |152 |150 |165 |102 | 18 | 48 | 14 |  8 |106 |
 25. NIKOLENKO Oleg    ( 47) |S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ =|W/ =|S/ =|W/ =|  6.5    47.0  375.50
     Moskau             RUS  |216 |278 |205 |143 | 46 |  1 |  8 | 52 | 19 |
 26. GLEIZEROV Evgeny  ( 17) |S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ =|W/ 0|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ =|  6.5    47.0  357.00
     Briansk            RUS  |144 |302 | 80 | 51 | 35 | 21 |112 |163 | 22 |
 27. POLULJAHOV A.     ( 53) |S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ 0|W/ =|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ =|  6.5    46.0  354.00
     Krasnodar          RUS  |307 |122 |175 | 17 |  1 |112 |205 |150 | 37 |
 28. WELLS Peter       ( 13) |S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ =|S/ 1|  6.5    46.0  342.00
     Portsmouth         ENG  |317 |123 | 13 |188 |205 | 38 | 64 | 54 |119 |
 29. BURMAKIN Vladimir ( 35) |S/ =|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ =|W/ 0|S/ 1|  6.5    45.5  366.50
     Murmansk           RUS  |353 |209 |118 |210 |  7 | 46 | 47 | 10 | 90 |
 30. IBRAGIMOV Ildar   (  4) |W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ =|W/ =|S/ =|W/ 1|  6.5    45.5  358.50
     Kistelek           RUS  |269 |135 |154 |141 | 12 | 50 | 49 | 91 | 96 |
 31. GREENFELD Alon    (  6) |W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ =|  6.5    45.5  356.50
     Tel Aviv           ISR  |291 |203 |109 | 53 |217 |100 | 73 | 23 | 18 |
 32. CHERNYSHOV K.     ( 32) |W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ 0|W/ 1|  6.5    45.0  365.00
     Voronesh           RUS  |256 |160 | 97 | 88 |149 |101 | 48 | 13 | 89 |
 33. KLOVANS Janis     ( 44) |W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 0|S/ 1|W/ 0|S/ 1|W/ 1|  6.5    45.0  351.00
     Riga               LAT  |352 |218 |105 | 55 | 48 |121 | 13 |203 |100 |
 34. SHIPOV Sergey     ( 28) |W/ =|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ =|  6.5    45.0  351.00
     Mosk Obl Cherno    RUS  |159 |281 |182 |154 | 49 | 89 | 70 | 53 | 43 |
 35. RABIEGA Robert    ( 50) |W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ =|W/ =|S/ 1|W/ =|  6.5    45.0  348.50
     Berlin             GER  |233 |167 |    |155 | 26 | 56 | 65 |143 | 23 |
 36. BESHUKOV Sergey   ( 34) |W/ =|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ =|W/ 0|S/ 1|W/ 1|  6.5    44.5  348.00
     Belorechensk       RUS  |281 |159 |129 | 83 | 91 |105 | 39 |155 | 88 |
 37. ULIBIN Mikhail    ( 14) |W/ 1|S/ =|W/ =|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ =|S/ 1|W/ =|  6.5    44.5  346.50
     Ekaterinenburg     RUS  |272 |182 |148 |140 |106 | 67 | 91 | 76 | 27 |
 38. PAEHTZ Thomas     ( 48) |W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ =|S/ 1|W/ 1|  6.5    44.5  341.50
     Erfurt             GER  |265 | 81 |126 | 58 |166 | 28 |203 |149 |104 |
 39. LAGUNOV Alexander ( 92) |W/ 1|S/ =|W/ =|S/ 1|W/ 1|W/ =|S/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|  6.5    44.5  340.50
     Berlin             GER  |248 |177 |355 |187 |231 |  3 | 36 |  6 | 92 |
 40. LERNER Konstantin (  1) |S/ 1|W/ =|W/ =|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ 1|W/ =|  6.5    44.0  361.50
     Odessa             UKR  |226 |138 |202 |108 |161 | 97 | 96 | 49 | 13 |
 41. GUTMAN Lev        ( 49) |S/ 1|W/ 0|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ =|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ 1|  6.5    43.0  348.50
     Kassel             GER  |220 |204 |144 |122 | 99 |104 | 69 | 90 |114 |
 42. EINGORN Viacheslav(  2) |W/ =|S/ 1|W/ =|W/ 1|S/ 1|S/ =|W/ =|S/ =|W/ 1|  6.5    42.0  357.00
     Odessa             UKR  |342 |147 |106 |    |146 | 49 | 50 | 96 | 91 |
 43. BRYNELL Stellan   ( 55) |S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 0|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ =|  6.5    41.0  326.00
     Malmö              SWE  |331 |136 |102 |204 |240 |211 |165 |158 | 34 |
 44. ZOLER Dan         ( 78) |W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ =|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|  6.5    40.0  348.00
     Rishon le Zion     ISR  |372 |141 |151 |221 |202 |190 |139 | 92 | 94 |
 45. LUGOVOI Alexei    ( 41) |S/ 1|W/ =|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ =|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 1|  6.5    39.0  336.50
     St. Petersburg     RUS  |354 |292 |138 |169 |150 |279 |225 | 79 | 98 |
 46. THALLINGER Harald (151) |S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 1|W/ =|S/ =|W/ 0|W/ =|S/ =|  6.0    51.0  362.00
     Pinsdorf           AUT  |329 |  4 |163 | 21 | 25 | 29 |  9 | 63 | 72 |
 47. BRODSKY Michail   (  8) |W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ =|S/ 0|W/ =|  6.0    48.5  370.50
     Kharkov            UKR  |164 |149 | 88 |128 | 92 |  5 | 29 |  3 | 50 |
 48. KHARITONOV Andrey ( 11) |S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ =|W/ 0|S/ =|  6.0    48.5  354.00
     Moskau             RUS  |183 |232 | 57 |176 | 33 | 24 | 32 |  5 | 54 |
 49. KACHEISHVILI G.   ( 59) |S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ =|W/ =|S/ =|W/ 0|S/ 1|  6.0    48.5  352.00
     Tbilisi            GEO  |    |124 |204 |  1 | 34 | 42 | 30 | 40 |165 |
 50. SUETIN Alexei     ( 61) |S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 0|W/ =|S/ =|W/ =|S/ =|  6.0    48.5  351.00
     Moskau             RUS  |223 |252 |169 |  9 |  5 | 30 | 42 | 82 | 47 |
 51. ZONTAKH Andrey    ( 56) |W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ =|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 0|  6.0    48.0  346.50
     Kiew               UKR  |271 |257 |219 | 26 |  8 | 14 | 62 |120 | 12 |
 52. BOLOGAN Victor    ( 20) |W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 0|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|W/ =|S/ 0|  6.0    46.5  352.00
     Chisinau           MDA  |151 |166 | 55 |    |132 | 91 | 60 | 25 | 15 |
 53. ROGIC Davor       ( 71) |S/ =|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ 0|  6.0    46.5  351.00
     Slavonski Brod     CRO  |238 |288 |228 | 31 | 19 |138 | 66 | 34 | 16 |
 54. GRETARSSON Helgi  ( 66) |W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ =|  6.0    45.5  351.50
     Reykjavik          ISL  |227 |262 |155 | 10 |218 |  6 |160 | 28 | 48 |
 55. BOGDANOVICH G.    ( 95) |S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ =|W/ 0|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 1|  6.0    45.5  345.50
     Moskau             RUS  |297 |338 | 52 | 33 | 10 |  4 |158 |236 |144 |
 56. BAGIROV Vladimir  ( 19) |S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ =|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ =|W/ =|S/ =|  6.0    45.5  345.50
     Riga               LAT  |290 |145 | 98 | 90 |123 | 35 | 71 |119 | 78 |
 57. GRABLIAUSKAS V.   ( 90) |W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 1|S/ =|W/ 0|S/ 1|  6.0    45.5  345.00
     Vilnius            LTU  |318 |127 | 48 |  8 |    |156 | 22 | 15 |158 |
 58. SCHULZ Karsten    (127) |S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ =|S/ 0|W/ =|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ 1|  6.0    45.5  344.50
     Cottbus            GER  |244 |270 | 93 | 38 |  4 |115 |152 | 66 |163 |
 59. DVOIRYS Semen     (  3) |S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 0|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ =|  6.0    45.0  346.00
     Sheliabinsk        RUS  |251 |208 | 63 | 11 |185 |124 | 98 | 93 | 71 |
 60. DGEBUADZE A.      ( 73) |S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ =|  6.0    45.0  338.00
     Tiflis             GEO  |389 |180 |207 |  3 | 23 |    | 52 |171 | 82 |
 61. KRAKOPS Maris     ( 24) |W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 0|S/ =|W/ =|  6.0    44.5  345.50
     Ikshkile           LAT  |    | 62 | 75 |242 |162 |172 | 11 | 88 | 70 |
 62. GANBOLD Odondoo   (149) |S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 1|  6.0    44.0  356.50
     Berlin             MGL  |322 | 61 |  7 |223 | 21 |291 | 51 |157 |137 |
 63. DANNER Georg      ( 80) |W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ =|  6.0    44.0  346.50
     Hartberg           AUT  |315 |125 | 59 | 20 |127 |278 |175 | 46 | 84 |
 64. LEVIN Felix       ( 40) |W/ 0|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 1|W/ 0|S/ 0|  6.0    44.0  338.50
     Lvov               UKR  |224 |319 |426 |190 |213 |143 | 28 |  4 |  7 |
 65. IVANOV Sergey     ( 15) |S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 0|S/ 1|  6.0    43.5  351.50
     St. Petersberg     RUS  |294 |168 |143 |170 |138 |210 | 35 |  7 | 99 |
 66. DIZDAR Goran      ( 18) |W/ =|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 0|S/ =|W/ 1|  6.0    43.5  335.50
     Zagreb             CRO  |147 |342 |203 |260 | 74 | 73 | 53 | 58 |191 |
 67. MUSE Mladen       ( 63) |S/ =|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ 0|W/ =|S/ 1|  6.0    43.0  350.50
     Berlin             GER  |209 |353 |237 |138 |139 | 37 | 10 | 68 |145 |
 68. MOEHRING Guenther (118) |W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ 0|W/ 1|W/ 0|S/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|  6.0    43.0  344.50
     Berlin             GER  |398 |181 | 92 | 96 |226 |  7 |220 | 67 |151 |
 69. SIEBRECHT S.      (120) |W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 0|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 0|S/ 1|W/ 1|  6.0    43.0  327.00
     Essen              GER  |319 |241 | 18 |142 |113 |187 | 41 |198 |173 |
 70. ORAL Tomas        ( 81) |S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ =|  6.0    42.5  350.00
     Olomouc            CZE  |261 |225 | 17 |211 |278 |204 | 34 |167 | 61 |
 71. GIPSLIS Alvaris   ( 62) |W/ 1|S/ =|W/ =|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ =|W/ =|  6.0    42.5  342.50
     Riga               LAT  |258 |140 |260 |355 |121 |201 | 56 | 20 | 59 |
 72. ROEDER Matthias   ( 54) |W/ 1|S/ =|W/ =|S/ =|W/ =|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ 1|W/ =|  6.0    42.0  350.00
     Aachen             GER  |195 |126 |140 |127 |108 |284 | 95 |201 | 46 |
 73. MOWSZISZIAN Karen ( 65) |S/ =|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ 0|W/ =|S/ 1|  6.0    42.0  337.50
     Hamburg            GER  |288 |238 |211 |124 |175 | 66 | 31 |138 |170 |
 74. PEDERSEN Jan      (117) |S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 0|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 1|  6.0    42.0  330.00
     Ärhus              DEN  |361 |184 | 21 | 79 | 66 |228 |294 |181 |147 |
 75. BOIDMAN Yuri      (475) |W/ 1|W/ =|S/ 0|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|  6.0    42.0  329.50
     Schult             UKR  |263 |118 | 61 |193 |426 |140 |161 |109 |143 |
 76. BORIC Muhamed     ( 69) |S/ 1|W/ =|S/ =|W/ =|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ 1|W/ 0|S/ 1|  6.0    40.5  341.00
     Kiev               BIH  |235 |211 |110 |279 |237 |165 |145 | 37 |138 |
 77. GAGARIN Vasily    ( 76) |W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 0|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|  6.0    40.5  338.50
     Moskau             RUS  |293 |298 |141 |189 |201 | 99 |214 | 12 |166 |
 78. BYKHOVSKY Anatoly ( 74) |W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ =|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ =|  6.0    40.5  335.00
     Moskau             RUS  |348 |207 |206 |151 |247 |125 |183 | 94 | 56 |
 79. KLEY Thomas       (216) |W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|  6.0    40.5  323.00
     Wuppertal          GER  |411 | 97 |358 | 74 |296 |162 |101 | 45 |172 |
 80. PROEHL Holger     (100) |W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 0|S/ =|W/ =|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|  6.0    39.5  338.00
     Wittenberg         GER  |304 |189 | 26 |341 |164 |202 |212 |140 |139 |
 81. DABROWSKA Krystina(167) |S/ 1|W/ =|S/ 0|W/ 0|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ 1|  6.0    39.5  331.00
     Warschau           POL  |373 | 38 | 22 |216 |308 |288 |164 |282 |153 |
 82. CHUCHELOV Vladimir( 12) |W/ 0|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ =|  6.0    39.5  331.00
     Eupen              BEL  |426 |398 |173 |206 |126 |262 |148 | 50 | 60 |
 83. ZHUKOVA Natalia   (101) |S/ =|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 0|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 1|  6.0    39.5  325.00
     Kherson            UKR  |295 |387 |325 | 36 |222 |103 |120 |156 |160 |
 84. YEMELIN Vassily   ( 33) |S/ 1|W/ 0|S/ 1|W/ 0|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ =|  6.0    38.0  337.50
     St. Petersburg     RUS  |215 |102 |294 |278 |289 |169 |279 |146 | 63 |
 85. KOCH Thomas       (112) |W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 0|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 0|W/ 1|  6.0    38.0  332.50
     Aachen             GER  |429 |249 | 94 |    |312 |231 |157 | 22 |140 |
 86. KEIL Uwe          (308) |S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 0|S/ 1|W/ 1|W/ 1|  6.0    36.5  327.00
     Berlin             GER  |  7 |404 |217 |447 |287 |139 |301 |278 |148 |
 87. YAGUPOV Igor      ( 87) |S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ =|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 1|  6.0    36.5  308.00
     Novomos Kovsk      RUS  |250 |361 |229 |251 |215 |320 |286 |180 |150 |
 88. SERGEEV Vladimir  ( 79) |S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ =|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ =|S/ 0|  5.5    49.0  353.50
     Kiev               UKR  |268 |287 | 47 | 32 |102 | 16 |  4 | 61 | 36 |
 89. HERMAN Ulf von    ( 97) |S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|W/ =|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 0|  5.5    48.5  347.50
     Berlin             GER  |255 |222 | 16 |  5 |178 | 34 | 23 |122 | 32 |
 90. PRIBYL Josef      ( 88) |W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 0|  5.5    48.0  354.50
     Prag               CZE  |    |190 | 20 | 56 |141 | 12 |102 | 41 | 29 |
 91. ROGOZENKO Doru    ( 67) |S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ =|W/ =|S/ =|W/ =|S/ 0|  5.5    48.0  352.50
     Chisinau           MDA  |274 |279 |186 | 19 | 36 | 52 | 37 | 30 | 42 |
 92. TREGUBOV Pavel    ( 39) |S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ =|S/ 0|  5.5    48.0  346.00
     Krasnodar          RUS  |254 |188 | 68 |112 | 47 |114 |  7 | 44 | 39 |
 93. EISMONT Oleg      ( 60) |W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 0|  5.5    47.5  365.00
     Omsk               RUS  |306 |108 | 58 |202 |  6 |  9 |142 | 59 | 20 |
 94. RUZELE Darius     ( 31) |S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ =|S/ 0|  5.5    47.0  342.50
     Panevezys          LTU  |240 |217 | 85 |  7 | 11 |153 |137 | 78 | 44 |
 95. KRISTOVIC Marijan (143) |S/ 1|W/ 0|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ 0|  5.5    46.0  340.50
     Berlin             CRO  |366 |  1 |245 |291 | 15 |178 | 72 |117 | 21 |
 96. BERELOVICH A.     ( 57) |S/ 1|W/ =|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ =|S/ 0|  5.5    45.5  339.50
     Kharkov            UKR  |267 |237 |292 | 68 | 17 |230 | 40 | 42 | 30 |
 97. DRANOV Alexander  (103) |S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 0|S/ 1|W/ 0|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ =|  5.5    45.0  335.00
     Blumberg           UKR  |    | 79 | 32 | 23 |301 | 40 |181 |184 |102 |
 98. ZORMAN Vojko      (102) |W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 0|S/ 1|W/ 0|  5.5    45.0  329.00
     Ljubljana          SLO  |194 |187 | 56 |  6 |341 |235 | 59 |177 | 45 |
 99. KRAAI Jesse       (152) |W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ =|W/ =|S/ =|S/ 1|W/ 0|  5.5    44.5  330.50
     Jena               USA  |327 |  6 |285 |299 | 41 | 77 |117 |128 | 65 |
100. INGBRANDT Johan   (109) |S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 0|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 0|  5.5    44.0  341.00
     Norrköping         SWE  |381 |115 |  3 |236 |174 | 31 |    |103 | 33 |
101. IMPRIS Oleg       ( 99) |S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 0|S/ 0|W/ =|S/ 1|  5.5    44.0  333.50
     Berlin             GER  |339 |120 | 19 |186 |115 | 32 | 79 |    |225 |
102. BACHMANN Andreas  (160) |W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 0|S/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|W/ =|  5.5    43.5  342.50
     Berlin             GER  |337 | 84 | 43 | 24 | 88 |300 | 90 |299 | 97 |
103. MUELLER Christian (236) |W/ 1|S/ =|W/ =|W/ 1|S/ =|S/ =|W/ =|S/ 0|w/ +|  5.5    43.5  339.50
     Reimlingen         GER  |461 |148 |172 |171 | 13 | 83 |104 |100 |203*|
104. KUNZE Carlo       (110) |W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 0|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ =|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ 0|  5.5    43.5  335.00
     Chemnitz           GER  |311 |173 |  9 |164 |248 | 41 |103 |174 | 38 |
105. GLIENKE M. Dr.    (111) |S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ 0|W/ =|S/ =|  5.5    43.0  342.50
     Berlin             GER  |282 |321 | 33 |338 |    | 36 |  3 |144 |108 |
106. TROYKE Christian  (113) |S/ =|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ 0|  5.5    43.0  339.00
     Cottbus            GER  |345 |340 | 42 |120 | 37 |207 |144 |159 | 24 |
107. LINGNAU Carsten   ( 89) |S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ =|S/ 1|W/ 0|S/ =|  5.5    43.0  337.00
     Osnabrueck         GER  |378 |236 |  1 |287 |204 |158 |170 | 16 |110 |
108. SAWATZKI Frank    (181) |S/ 1|W/ 0|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|W/ =|  5.5    43.0  324.50
     Göttingen          GER  |405 | 93 |277 | 40 | 72 |261 |119 |169 |105 |
109. DELANDER Adolf    (115) |S/ 1|W/ =|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 0|S/ 1|W/ =|W/ =|  5.5    42.5  333.00
     Berlin             GER  |376 |156 | 31 |229 |263 | 22 |283 | 75 |120 |
110. ULFARSSON M. Oern (194) |W/ 1|S/ =|W/ =|S/ =|W/ 1|W/ 0|S/ 1|S/ =|W/ =|  5.5    42.5  332.00
     Reykjavik          ISL  |346 |128 | 76 |130 |154 |137 |210 |131 |107 |
111. JOSEPHSEN Niels   (170) |W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ =|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ 1|W/ =|  5.5    42.5  330.50
     Frederiksberg      DEN  |440 |  5 |293 | 14 |152 |192 |147 |285 |130 |
112. LELCHUK Zoya      (114) |W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 0|S/ =|W/ 1|  5.5    42.5  329.00
     Heiligenhaus       UKR  |336 |301 | 12 | 92 |384 | 27 | 26 |    |266 |
113. LEHNER Oliver     (165) |S/ 1|W/ =|S/ 0|W/ =|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 1|W/ =|  5.5    42.5  319.00
     Herzogenbach       AUT  |370 | 15 | 23 |    | 69 |296 |331 |194 |116 |
114. KOVALEVSKAYA E.   (108) |W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 0|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 0|  5.5    42.0  342.00
     Rostow             RUS  |358 |224 |  2 |281 |209 | 92 |202 |134 | 41 |
115. KAUSCHMANN Herbert(218) |W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 0|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ =|  5.5    42.0  334.50
     Berlin             GER  |459 |100 |311 |148 |101 | 58 |154 |116 |131 |
116. HEINBUCH Detlef   (105) |S/ =|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 0|S/ 1|W/ 0|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ =|  5.5    42.0  333.00
     Königswinter       GER  |340 |345 |224 | 22 |184 | 10 |241 |115 |113 |
117. KOROTYLEV Alexei  ( 58) |W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ =|S/ 0|W/ 1|  5.5    41.0  345.50
     Moskau             RUS  |264 |356 |162 |201 |142 |  8 | 99 | 95 |212 |
118. KUPPER Patrick    (128) |W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 0|S/ =|W/ =|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ =|W/ 1|  5.5    41.0  334.00
     Zürich             SUI  |324 | 75 | 29 |179 |239 |221 |156 |141 |202 |
119. IORDACHESCU Viorel( 72) |W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 0|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 0|  5.5    40.5  347.00
     Chisinau           MDA  |391 |284 |201 |147 |212 |208 |108 | 56 | 28 |
120. THOREN Per        (214) |W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 1|W/ 0|S/ =|  5.5    40.5  329.00
     Norrköping         SWE  |410 |101 |347 |106 |303 |219 | 83 | 51 |109 |
121. REICHENBACH W.    (159) |S/ 1|W/ 0|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 0|S/ =|W/ =|S/ 1|  5.5    40.5  321.50
     Berlin             GER  |406 |  3 |307 |386 | 71 | 33 |226 |238 |244 |
122. VANDREY Wolfgang  (178) |W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ 0|W/ 1|  5.5    40.5  321.00
     Hamburg            GER  |392 | 27 |401 | 41 |195 |310 |131 | 89 |216 |
123. PACHOW Joerg      (142) |W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 0|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|  5.5    40.5  320.50
     Berlin             GER  |408 | 28 |233 |157 | 56 |214 |272 |187 |249 |
124. BAGINSKAITE Kamile(184) |W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ =|S/ 1|W/ 1|  5.5    40.5  320.50
     Vilnius            LTU  |377 | 49 |250 | 73 |271 | 59 |215 |264 |227 |
125. GUSTAVSSON Cyrill (209) |S/ 1|W/ 0|S/ 1|W/ 0|S/ 1|W/ 0|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ 1|  5.5    40.0  327.00
     Frankfurt/Main     SWE  |441 | 63 |282 |  4 |344 | 78 |244 |288 |205 |
126. KALININ Michael   (173) |S/ 1|W/ =|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ =|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 1|  5.5    40.0  317.00
     Hamburg            GER  |334 | 72 | 38 |288 | 82 |    |159 |352 |256 |
127. BUNZMANN Dimitrij (217) |S/ 1|W/ 0|s/ +|W/ =|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 1|  5.5    39.5  320.00
     Berlin             GER  |420 | 57 |351*| 72 | 63 |328 |146 |255 |208 |
128. DEEV Andrej       ( 75) |S/ 1|W/ =|S/ 1|W/ 0|S/ =|W/ =|S/ 1|W/ 0|S/ 1|  5.5    39.0  337.00
     Moskau             RUS  |310 |110 |    | 47 |279 |225 |222 | 99 |211 |
129. SCHMIDT Jan-Peter (161) |S/ 1|W/ =|S/ 0|W/ =|S/ =|W/ 0|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 1|  5.5    39.0  327.50
     Schöneck           GER  |351 | 22 | 36 |224 |220 |223 |340 |283 |238 |
130. SCHWARZ Michael   ( 85) |S/ 1|W/ =|S/ =|W/ =|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|S/ =|  5.5    39.0  321.00
     Dresden            GER  |320 |228 |156 |110 |158 |289 |184 |252 |111 |
131. PRIBYL Martin     ( 93) |S/ =|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 0|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ =|S/ =|  5.5    39.0  316.50
     Prag               CZE  |387 |295 |234 |207 |254 |186 |122 |110 |115 |
132. MUSE Drazen       (121) |S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ =|S/ 1|  5.5    39.0  314.50
     Berlin             GER  |259 |360 |240 |321 | 52 |338 | 16 |178 |207 |
133. HERMANNSDOERFER F.(247) |W/ 0|S/ 1|W/ 1|W/ 0|S/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 1|  5.5    36.5  321.00
     Weida              GER  | 20 |350 |430 |168 |407 |160 |297 |142 |213 |
134. PETRI Klaus       (356) |S/ 0|W/ 1|S/ =|W/ 0|S/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 1|W/ 0|S/ 1|  5.5    36.5  320.00
     M-Walldorf         GER  |146 |461 |184 |222 |326 |342 |213 |114 |201 |
135. LORSCHEID Gerd    (133) |S/ 1|W/ 0|S/ 1|W/ =|S/ 0|W/ 0|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 1|  5.5    36.0  316.50
     Böblingen          GER  |359 | 30 |283 |301 |235 |220 |248 |289 |222 |
136. GUTH Thomas       (180) |W/ 1|S/ 0|W/ 0|S/ =|W/ 0|S/ 1|W/ 1|S/ 1|W/ 1|  5.5    32.5  295.00
     Berlin             GER  |    | 43 |303 |304 |340 |399 |390 |265 |209 |

48 GMs... 464 players

 * * * * * * * * * * * *  S W I S S   C H E S S  * * * * * * * * * * * *
   Computerunterstützte    Turnierorganisation        Franz-Josef Weber
   Willbecker  Str.  97    40699 E r k r a t h        Tel.:02104/449456
   Anwender:        Berliner  Schachverband           Date  20. 8.1995

Mlada Boleslav (Czech Republic) - SKODA open tournament

06.08.1995 - 14.08.1995

First price was a car SKODA FELICIA (about 15.000 DEM).

Final standings:

    Tit.  Name                     Fed. ELO    Pts. Pgs.    B.H.  aver.
 1.  IM   Votava, Jan              CZE  2440   7.0   38      54    2365
 2.       Goloshchapov, Alexander  UKR  2380   7.0   37.5    51    2371
 3.       Movsesian, Sergey        GEO  2470   7.0   35.5    52    2375

 4.  IM   Stripunsky, Alexander    UKR  2495   6.5   36      51.5  2395
 5.  FM   Feigin, Mikhail          UKR  2460   6.5   35      50.5  2346

 6.       Hellsten, Johan          SWE  2430   6.0   34      53    2389
 7.  GM   Kholmov, Ratmir          RUS  2445   6.0   34      51    2387
 8.       Potapov, Alexander       RUS  2375   6.0   32.5    47.5  2352
 9.  IM   Stocek, Jiri             CZE  2475   6.0   31.5    48.5  2363
10.  IM   Voitsekhovsky, Stanislav RUS  2500   6.0   31      46.5  2324
11.  IM   Buturin, Vladimir        UKR  2430   6.0   31      46    2322
12.  GM   Smejkal, Jan             CZE  2520   6.0   30.5    48    2344
13.       Manik, Mikulas           SVK  2380   6.0   30      45.5  2304
14.       Turov, Maxim             RUS  2375   6.0   29.5    44.5  2289
15.       Carlsson, Daniel         SWE  2125   6.0   27      43.5  2256

16.       Romanov, Oleg            BLR  2345   5.5   30      51.5  2385
17.       Kacirek, Petr            CZE  2250   5.5   27      44.5  2255
18.       Tolstikh, Nikolay        RUS  2405   5.5   27      42    2218
19.  GM   Vaulin, Alexander        RUS  2490   5.5   25      40.5  2230

20.  IM   Tibensky, Robert         SVK  2415   5.0   29.5    44    2235
21.  IM   Freisler, Pavel          CZE  2345   5.0   28      47    2341
22.       Krivoshey, Sergei        UKR  2420   5.0   28      45.5  2271
23.  IM   Jurek, Josef             CZE  2370   5.0   27.5    49.5  2357
24.  IM   Hatanbaatar, Bazar       MGL  2440   5.0   27      45.5  2283
25.       Khoperia, Zaza           GEO  2350   5.0   26      39.5  2219
26.       Pachmann, Ales           CZE  2250   5.0   25      42.5  2259
27.       Jirovsky, Petr           CZE  2255   5.0   25      39    2196
28.       Zavadsky, Peter          SVK  2330   5.0   24.5    40    2181
29.       Suran, Jan               CZE  2215   5.0   23      41    2326

30.       Chloupek, Stanislav      CZE  2305   4.5   25.5    41.5  2294
31.       Moiseenko, Alexander     UKR  2275   4.5   25      42    2221
32.       Hrubant, Ivan            CZE  2250   4.5   24.5    41.5  2159
33.       Frolik, Martin           CZE  2260   4.5   24      39.5  2180
34.  IM   Gross, Stefan            CZE  2350   4.5   23.5    41.5  2214
35.  FM   Praznik, Anton           SLO  2270   4.5   23      36.5  2169
36.       Blahacek, Evzen          CZE  2107n  4.5   22.5    43    2280
37.       Bednar, Jaromir          SVK  2220   4.5   21      39    2195
38.       Bursteinas, Romanas      LTU  2195   4.5   20.5    41    2252
39.       Zahorbensky, Jaroslav    CZE  2033n  4.5   19.5    36.5  2198
40.       Sarakauskas, Gediminas   LTU  2175   4.5   17      40    2125
41.       Pronin, Vladimir         RUS         4.5   13.5    31.5  2111

42.       Duran, Tomas             CZE  2085   4.0   21      41    2264

69 players

Bratislava (Slovakia) - 9th Open "Slovan"

29.04.1995 - 03.05.1995
- open tournament - 9 rounds
- 80 players
- 6 countries: SVK, CZE, UKR, GEO, RUS, BIH
- chief arbiter: IA Viliam Puskailer (Slovakia)
- tournament director: FM Karol Rueckschloss

Final standings:

    Tit.  Name                     Fed. ELO    Pts.
 1.       Movsesian, Sergey        GEO  2435   8.0

 2.       Goloshchapov, Alexander  UKR         7.0
 3.  IM   Zhidkov, Valery          UKR  2315   7.0
 4.  IM   Boric, Muhamed           BIH  2445   7.0

 5.       Pcola, Pavol             SVK  2305   6.5
 6.       Zatonskih, Vitaly        UKR  2330   6.5
 7.       Sobolevsky               UKR         6.5
 8.       Ianov, Viktor            UKR  2360   6.5
 9.       Shemyakin, Alexander     UKR  2240   6.5

10.       Likavsky, Tomas          SVK  2270   6.0
11.  FM   Novak, Ivan              SVK  2315   6.0
12.       Majzlan, Igor            SVK  2175   6.0
13.       Loifenfeld, Jakov        RUS  2370   6.0
14.       Petrik, Stanislav        SVK  2170   6.0

15.       Zatonskih, Ann           UKR  2260   5.5
16.       Kamenets, Anatolij       UKR  2315   5.5
17.       Certek, Pavel            SVK  2285   5.5
18.       Sarana, Oksana           UKR  2215   5.5
19.  FM   Brestak, Jan             SVK  2225   5.5
20.       Fabry, Robert            SVK  2240   5.5
21.       Castiglione, Mario       SVK  2245   5.5

22.       Hacik, Radomir           SVK  2245   5.0
23.       Zozulia, Anna            UKR  2200   5.0
24.       Petrik, Tomas            SVK  2130   5.0
25.       Nemec, Tadeas            SVK  2084n  5.0
26.  FM   Pokorna, Regina          SVK  2140n  5.0
27.       Cimra, Jozef             SVK  2205   5.0
28.       Kebis, Milos             SVK  2190   5.0
29.       Harasta, Vladimir        SVK  2240   5.0
30.       Hudec, Jan               SVK  2135n  5.0

80 players

Olomouc (Czech Republic) - Ch Czech Republic (open) 1995

25.05.1995 - 04.06.1995
- open - 11 rounds
- 32 players
- 3 GM, 10 IM, 2 FM

         Name                           1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11     Pts. Elo ave.
  1.   1 Mokry            7. 2.1959    17B1  10C1   4B=   2C=   7B1   5C=  29B1  11C=  18B1   3C=   8B1    8.5   2407
     CZE Karel           GM   2525F   2345F 2420F 2480F 2525F 2445F 2475F 2145F 2405F 2335F 2480F 2425F
  2.   5 Vokac            6.12.1958    21B1  12C=  16B1   4C1   2B=   1B=   3C=  10C=  11B=  19C1  18B1    8     2410
     CZE Marek           IM   2475F   2285F 2395F 2350F 2480F 2525F 2525F 2480F 2420F 2405F 2310F 2335F
  3.   2 Jansa           27.11.1942    18C1  15B1   9C=   1B=   5C=   3B=  11C0  13B1  17C1  12B1   4C=    7.5   2420
     CZE Vlastimil       GM   2525F   2335F 2360F 2420F 2525F 2475F 2480F 2405F 2395F 2345F 2395F 2480F
  4.   3 Meduna          11. 9.1950    19B=  29C0  21B1  23C1   8B1   2C=   5B=  12C=  10B1   1B=  11C=    7     2380
     CZE Eduard          GM   2480F   2310F 2145F 2285F 2270F 2425F 2525F 2475F 2395F 2420F 2525F 2405F
  5.  11 Oral            24.12.1977    27B0  23C=  25B1  19C1  29B=  17C1   2B1   1B=   5C=  18C=   3B=    7     2345
     CZE Tomas           IM   2405F   2170F 2270F 2215F 2310F 2145F 2345F 2525F 2525F 2475F 2335F 2480F
  6.  13 Konopka         14. 3.1966    29B=  19C1   8B=  12C=   4B=  10C0  16B1   2C0  22B1  14C=  15B1    6.5   2370
     CZE Michal          IM   2395F   2145F 2310F 2425F 2395F 2480F 2420F 2350F 2525F 2285F 2370F 2360F
  7.  10 Zurek           13. 1.1966    26C1   1B0  22C=  24B1  15C=  13B1  18C=   5B=   3C0  17B1  12C=    6.5   2369
     CZE Milan           FM   2420F   2210F 2525F 2285F 2255F 2360F 2395F 2335F 2475F 2480F 2345F 2395F
  8.   4 Stocek          10. 5.1977    20C1  22B1   1C=   5B0  13C=  15B=   7C=  17B0  24C1  29B1   2B=    6.5   2369
     CZE Jiri            IM   2480F   2300F 2285F 2525F 2475F 2395F 2360F 2445F 2345F 2255F 2145F 2525F
  9.  19 Sluka           28. 1.1976     3C=  13B0  30C1  11B0  32C1  22B1   9C1  18B0  15C1   5B0   6C1    6.5   2347
     CZE Radek           M    2310F   2480F 2395F 2125F 2405F 2086N 2285F 2420F 2335F 2360F 2475F 2455F
 10.  12 Votava          29.11.1974    28C1   5B=  24C=  13B=   9C=   7B=  15C1   3B=   6C=   2C0  10B=    6     2400
     CZE Jan             IM   2395F   2165F 2475F 2255F 2395F 2420F 2445F 2360F 2480F 2455F 2525F 2420F
 11.  18 Obsivac          2. 6.1968     2B0  25C=  31B1  14C=  16B1   8C1  10B=  19C1   1C0  11B=   5C0    6     2391
     CZE Josef           M    2335F   2525F 2215F 2285N 2370F 2350F 2425F 2420F 2310F 2525F 2405F 2475F
 12.  17 Ramik            9. 2.1958     1C0  28B1   6B1   8C0  24C1  11B0  21B1   4C1   2B0  10C0  14B=    5.5   2392
     CZE Zdenek          FM   2345F   2525F 2165F 2455F 2425F 2255F 2405F 2285F 2480F 2525F 2420F 2370F
 13.   8 Gross           18.12.1975    24C=  30B1  13C=  17B1   3C0  18B0  14C=  22B1  29C=   6B=   1C0    5.5   2338
     CZE David           M    2425F   2255F 2125F 2395F 2345F 2480F 2335F 2370F 2285F 2145F 2455F 2525F
 14.  14 Gross           28. 8.1949    30C=  24B0  32C1  18B=  22C=   6C=   8B=  15B=   9C=  13B=  17C=    5.5   2317
     CZE Stefan          IM   2370F   2125F 2255F 2086N 2335F 2285F 2455F 2425F 2360F 2420F 2395F 2345F
 15.   9 Polak           24. 4.1974    25B1  27C1   2B=   7C0  12B=  29C0  19B0  26C1  14B=  15C0  30B1    5.5   2297
     CZE Tomas           IM   2420F   2215F 2170F 2525F 2445F 2395F 2145F 2310F 2210F 2370F 2360F 2125F
 16.   6 Biolek          29. 9.1970    22C0  26B1  17C0  27B=  23C1  14B=  24C1  29B=  12B=   8C=  19B0    5.5   2289
     CZE Richard         IM   2455F   2285F 2210F 2345F 2170F 2270F 2370F 2255F 2145F 2395F 2425F 2310F
 17.  16 Freisler         3.10.1963    32C1   7B=   5C0  22B=  18C0  30B1  13C0  24B0  23C1  26B1  31C=    5.5   2288
     CZE Pavel           IM   2350F   2086N 2445F 2475F 2285F 2335F 2125F 2395F 2255F 2270F 2210F 2285N
 18.  31 Civin            3. 1.1976    15C0  20B=  18C0  30B=  28C0  23B=  27B1  25C=  21B1  32C1  16B=    5.5   2242
     CZE Tomas           KM   2285N   2360F 2300F 2335F 2125F 2165F 2270F 2170F 2215F 2285F 2086N 2350F
 19.  28 Fuksik           8. 8.1976    12B0  17C0  26C0  32B0  31B1  25C=  30C0   0 1  27B1  22C1  29C1    5.5   2226
     CZE Jakub           KM   2165F   2395F 2345F 2210F 2086N 2285N 2215F 2125F       2170F 2285F 2145F
 20.  29 Neumann         11. 3.1978    13C=   3B1   7C=  15B=  11C=   9B1   1C0   6C=   8B=   4C0  28B0    5     2414
     CZE Petr            KM   2145F   2395F 2480F 2445F 2360F 2405F 2420F 2525F 2455F 2425F 2480F 2165F
 21.  15 Cech            16. 5.1974    31B1   2C0  27B1  29C=  10B=   4C=  12B0  14C=  19B0   9B1  13C0    5     2356
     CZE Pavel            M   2360F   2285N 2525F 2170F 2145F 2420F 2480F 2395F 2370F 2310F 2420F 2395F
 22.  24 Jirovsky         2. 9.1978     8B=  14C1  12B=  10C0  17B0  21C1   6B0  16C1   4B0  30C=  25B=    5     2351
     CZE Petr            KM   2255F   2425F 2370F 2395F 2420F 2345F 2285F 2455F 2350F 2480F 2125F 2215F
 23.  26 Kalod            8. 8.1978    10B0   6C0  28B1  21C0  20C=  32B=  23C1   9B0  25B1  16C0  22B1    5     2296
     CZE Radek           KM   2210F   2420F 2455F 2165F 2285F 2300F 2086N 2270F 2420F 2215F 2350F 2285F
 24.  30 Simacek         28. 4.1979    14B=   8C0  19B0  31C=  25B=  16C0  28B1  21C=  20B1  24B=   9C0    4.5   2307
     CZE Pavel           KM   2125F   2370F 2425F 2310F 2285N 2215F 2350F 2165F 2285F 2300F 2255F 2420F
 25.  21 Cvek             6. 1.1979     5C0  32B=   3C0  26B1  27C1  24B0  17C0  30B=  31C0  20C=  23B1    4.5   2273
     CZE Robert          M    2285F   2475F 2086N 2480F 2210F 2170F 2255F 2345F 2125F 2285N 2300F 2270F
 26.  32 Vojta           10. 4.1976    16B0  21C=  14B0  28C1  19B0  26C=  25B=  20C0   0 1  31B0  27C1    4.5   2266
     CZE Tomas           KM   2086N   2350F 2285F 2370F 2165F 2310F 2210F 2215F 2300F       2285N 2170F
 27.  25 Suran           20. 3.1977     9C0  18B=  11C0  20B=  30C=  28B=  32C=  31B=  26C0  23B1  24C=    4.5   2260
     CZE Jan             KM   2215F   2420F 2335F 2405F 2300F 2125F 2165F 2086N 2285N 2210F 2270F 2255F
 28.  20 Majer            8. 2.1978     4B0  31C=  23B0  25C=  26B=  27C=  22C0  32B1  30C0  21B=   0 1    4.5   2241
     CZE Jiri            M    2300F   2480F 2285N 2270F 2215F 2210F 2170F 2285F 2086N 2125F 2285F
 29.   7 David           25. 3.1965    23B1  16C=  29B=   9B1   1C0  12C=   4B=   0     0     0     0      4     3723
     CZE Pavel           IM   2445F   2270F 2350F 2145F 2420F 2525F 2395F 2480F
 30.  22 Bazant          17. 3.1957     6B1   4C0  10B=  16C=  14B=  19C0  20B1   8C0  13C0  28B0  26C0    3.5   2353
     CZE Petr            KM   2285F   2455F 2480F 2420F 2350F 2370F 2310F 2300F 2425F 2395F 2165F 2210F
 31.  23 Klima            4.10.1977     7C0  11B=  20C1   3B0   6B0  31C=  26B0  27C1  16B0  25C0  21C0    3     2327
     CZE Lukas           KM   2270F   2445F 2405F 2300F 2480F 2455F 2285N 2210F 2170F 2350F 2215F 2285F
 32.  27 Rehak           20. 4.1976    11C1   9B0  15C0   6C=  21B0  20B=  31C0  23B0  28C0   0 1  32B0    3     2303
     CZE Martin          KM   2170F   2405F 2420F 2360F 2455F 2285F 2300F 2285N 2270F 2165F       2086N

Comments: B - White
          C - Black

Olomouc (Czech Republic) - Komercni banka open

Open tournament during the Czech Championship 1995

por. los jmeno           nar/VT,Elo     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9     body Elo str
  1.   1 Movsesjan        3.11.1978    12B1   9C1   7B=  15C1   3B=   2B0   5C1   4C1   8B1    7     2163
     GEO Sergej          M    2435F   2062N 2071N 2145N 2025N 2260F 2395F 2195F 2240F 2077N
  2.   2 Berezjuk        10. 2.1960    13C0  14B1  16B1   4C1   5B1   1C1   3B=  21C1   7B=    7     2148
     BLR Sergej          IM   2395F   2062N 2027N 2022N 2240F 2195F 2435F 2260F 1950* 2145N
  3.   5 Hladik          16. 8.1958    16B=  10C1  21B1  22B=   2C0   3C1   1B0  15B1  19C1    6     2114
     CZE Josef           KM   2195F   2022N 2067N 1950* 1893N 2395F 2260F 2435F 2025N 1981N
  4.   3 Pastor           4. 5.1974    14B1  13C1  15B=   7C1   1C=   5B0   2C=   8B=   4B=    5.5   2178
     CZE Karel           KM   2260F   2027N 2062N 2025N 2145N 2435F 2195F 2395F 2077N 2240F
  5.  15 Musil           15. 4.1952     4B1   6C1   3C=   1B0   7B1   8C0  11B1   5C0  14B1    5.5   2177
     CZE Vitezslav       1    2025N   2240F 2145F 2260F 2435F 2145N 2077N 2065N 2195F 2027N
  6.   7 Machycek        26.12.1962    18B1  22C1   1C=   3B0  15C0  14B=   9C1  12B1   2C=    5.5   2129
     CZE Lubomir         KM   2145N   1992N 1893N 2435F 2260F 2025N 2027N 2071N 2062N 2395F
  7.   4 Divis            9. 7.1963    15C0  17B1  12C1   2B0  22C1   9B1   8C=   1B0   3C=    5     2135
     CZE Josef           KM   2240F   2025N 2000N 2062N 2395F 1893N 2071N 2077N 2435F 2260F
  8.   8 Karhanek        28. 4.1966    19C=  21B0  11C1  13B=  16C1  15B1   4B=   3C=   1C0    5     2116
     CZE Pavel           KM   2077N   1981N 1950* 2065N 2062N 2022N 2025N 2240F 2260F 2435F
  9.  16 Svancara        24.11.1968     5C=  19B1   2C0   6B=   8B0  12C=  10C=  17B1  21B1    5     2097
     CZE Petr            1    2022N   2195F 1981N 2395F 2145F 2077N 2062N 2067N 2000N 1950*
 10.  14 Graf            20. 2.1970     3C0   2C0  18B1  20B1   6C1   7C=  21B0   9B1  15C0    4.5   2104
     CZE Pavel           1    2027N   2260F 2395F 1992N 1950* 2145F 2145N 1950* 2071N 2025N
 11.  13 Mohapl          26. 1.1960     2B1   3B0   6C=   8C=  21B=  11C0  17B0  20C1  18B1    4.5   2093
     CZE Petr            1    2062N   2395F 2260F 2145F 2077N 1950* 2065N 2000N 1950* 1992N
 12.  12 Zatloukal        9. 5.1969     1C0  20B1   4B0   9C0  17B1  16B=  22C1   7C0  10B1    4.5   2091
     CZE Petr            1    2062N   2435F 1950* 2240F 2071N 2000N 2022N 1893N 2145N 2067N
 13.  21 Zapletal         1. 7.1949    10B=   8C1   5C0  19B=  13C=  22B1  14C1   2B0  16C0    4.5   2080
     CZE Milan           1    1950*   2067N 2077N 2195F 1981N 2062N 1893N 2027N 2395F 2022N
 14.  19 Fiala           26. 6.1949     8B=  16C0  10B1  21C=   9B0   6B=  20C1  11C1   5B0    4.5   2060
     CZE Jiri            1    1981N   2077N 2022N 2067N 1950* 2071N 2145F 1950* 2065N 2195F
 15.   6 Sekanina        15. 1.1966    17C1  15B0  13B=  16C=  14B0  19C=  18B=  10C=  11B=    4     2027
     CZE Jiri            KM   2145F   2000N 2025N 2062N 2022N 2027N 1981N 1992N 2067N 2065N
 16.  11 Smistik         11. 2.1981    22B0  18C=   8B0  10C1  20C1  13B1  15C0  19B0   6C=    4     2021
     CZE Milan           KM   2065N   1893N 1992N 2077N 2067N 1950* 2062N 2025N 1981N 2145F
 17.  22 Korinkova        8. 7.1978    11C1   7B0   9B1   5C=   4B0  21C0  12B0  18C0  20B1    3.5   2074
     CZE Gabriela        W1   1893N   2065N 2145N 2071N 2195F 2240F 1950* 2062N 1992N 1950*
 18.  10 Zavurka         31. 5.1975    21C=   5B0  19C0  11B0  18C1  17C1  16B=   6B=  12C0    3.5   2046
     CZE Roman           1    2067N   1950* 2195F 1981N 2065N 1992N 2000N 2022N 2145F 2062N
 19.   9 Krejci          19.10.1962    20B1   1B0  22C0  12B1  19C1   4C0   7B0  14C0  17C0    3     2081
     CZE Jan             KM   2071N   1950* 2435F 1893N 2062N 1981N 2240F 2145N 2027N 2000N
 20.  17 Fiala            8.11.1959     6B0   4C0  20C0  18B1  12C0  10B0  13C1  16C0   9B1    3     2068
     CZE Vlastimil       1    2000N   2145F 2240F 1950* 1992N 2062N 2067N 2062N 2022N 2071N
 21.  18 Konecny         11. 3.1965     7C0  11B=  14C0  17C0  10B0  20B0   6C=  22B1  13C0    2     2039
     CZE Martin          1    1992N   2145N 2065N 2027N 2000N 2067N 1950* 2145F 1893N 2062N
 22.  20 Zlamal          22.12.1947     9C0  12C0  17B1  14C0  11B0  18C1  19B0  13B0  22C0    2     2017
     CZE Frantisek       1    1950*   2071N 2062N 2000N 2027N 2065N 1992N 1981N 2062N 1893N

Hlohovec (Slovakia) - Slovak Open

05.05.1995 - 13.05.1995
- open tournament - 9 rounds
- 1 GM, 6 IM, 1 WIM, 1 FM
- 48 players (29 players with ELO FIDE)
- 6 countries: SVK, CZE, UKR, GEO, BIH, GER
- prize fund: 80.000 Sk
- average rating of 10 first players: 2405
- chief arbiter: Miroslav Puskas (Slovakia)

Final standings:

    Tit.  Name                     Fed. ELO    Pts.
 1.       Movsesian, Sergey        GEO  2435   7.5

 2.  IM   Votava, Jan              CZE  2395   6.5
 3.       Manik, Mikulas           SVK  2380   6.5
 4.       Ianov, Viktor            UKR  2360   6.5
 5.  IM   Mrva, Martin             SVK  2400   6.5

 6.  IM   Zhidkov, Valery          UKR  2315   6.0
 7.  IM   Priehoda, Vitezslav      SVK  2400   6.0
 8.  GM   Meduna, Eduard           CZE  2480   6.0
 9.  IM   Polak, Tomas             CZE  2420   6.0
10.  IM   Boric, Muhamed           BIH  2445   6.0
11.  FM   Kolesar, Milan           SVK  2255   6.0

12.       Zatonskih, Ann           UKR  2260   5.5
13.       Shemyakin, Alexander     UKR  2240   5.5
14.       Pal, Peter               SVK  2285   5.5

15.       Zatonskih, Vitaly        UKR  2330   5.0
16.       Zozulia, Anna            UKR  2200   5.0
17.       Zavadsky, Peter          SVK  2330   5.0
18.       Bulla, Peter             SVK  2020   5.0
19.       Huba, Martin Sr.         SVK  2130   5.0

20.       Demeter, Peter           SVK  2330   4.5
21.       Veselsky, Jozef          SVK  2225   4.5
22.       Szamos, Alexander        SVK  2100   4.5
23.       Fabik, Tomas             SVK  1982n  4.5
24.       Kovacocy, Pavel          SVK  2270   4.5
25.       Sarana, Oksana           UKR  2215   4.5
26.  IM   Sadilkova, Vera          GER  2200   4.5
27.       Cvicela, Anton           SVK  2040   4.5
28.       Helbich, Jan Jr.         SVK  2055n  4.5
29.       Misovic, Jan             SVK  1839n  4.5
30.       Batka, Ivan              SVK  1943n  4.5

48 players

Blitz tournament:
1. Movsesian, 2. Manik, 3. Ianov, 4. Votava (25 players).

Praha (Czech Republic) - 12th Open

01.07.1995 - 09.07.1995
- open tournament - 9 rounds
- 5 GM, 1 WGM, 12 IM, 1 WIM, 1 FM
- 187 players (81 players with ELO FIDE)
- 16 countries: CZE, SVK, LTU, RUS, GER, UKR, ARM, CRO, ENG, NOR, ITA, NED,
- average rating of 10 first players: 2478.50

Final standings:

    Tit.  Name                     Fed. ELO    Pts.  B.H.    Birth
 1.  IM   Zontakh, Andrey          UKR  2460   7.5   53.5   04.11.70

 2.  IM   Korotylev, Alexey        RUS  2450   7.0   55.5   01.03.77
 3.  IM   Rogic, Davor             CRO  2435   7.0   51.5   27.07.71
 4.  IM   Obodchuk, Andrei         RUS  2430   7.0   51.0   28.09.55
 5.  GM   Vaulin, Alexander        RUS  2490   7.0   45.5   18.03.57

 6.  IM   Keitlinghaus, Ludger     GER  2500   6.5   55.5   24.07.65
 7.  IM   Ruzele, Darius           CZE  2505   6.5   55.0   27.04.68
 8.  GM   Savon, Vladimir          UKR  2415   6.5   52.0   26.09.40
 9.  GM   Meduna, Eduard           CZE  2445   6.5   50.0   11.09.50
10.       Nepomnishay, Mikhail     RUS  2435   6.5   49.5   30.01.49
11.  GM   Pushkov, Nikolai         RUS  2515   6.5   49.5   26.11.46
12.  GM   Levitt, Jonathan         ENG  2420   6.5   49.5   03.06.63
13.  IM   Dmitriev, Igor           RUS  2450   6.5   48.5   22.01.46
14.       Shushpanov, Vladimir     RUS  2375   6.5   48.0   12.08.52
15.       Onoprienko, Vladimir     RUS  2370   6.5   46.0   14.05.42
16.       Kania, Andreas           GER  2235   6.5   41.0   04.07.61
17.       Iljushin, Alexei         RUS  2340   6.5   38.5   29.07.80

18.  IM   Galdunts, Sergey         ARM  2450   6.0   53.0   17.01.65
19.  IM   Zagorskis, Darius        LTU  2520   6.0   53.0   20.11.69
20.       Gelman, Alexander        RUS  2375   6.0   52.5   30.11.76
21.       Seleljo, Daniel          CZE  2232n  6.0   48.5   19.03.65
22.       Ianov, Viktor            UKR  2360   6.0   48.0   04.12.57
23.       Jurkovic, Hrvoje         CRO  2355   6.0   46.0   13.05.73
24.       Inneman, Martin          CZE  2205n  6.0   45.0   21.04.69
25.       Ostrovsky, Alexander     RUS  2370   6.0   45.0   30.12.37
26.       Popovich, Sviatoslav     UKR  2285   6.0   45.0   05.11.67
27.       Hosticka, Frantisek      CZE  2265   6.0   44.5   27.11.52
28.       Pachmann, Ales           CZE  2250   6.0   44.0   08.07.78
29.       Galeev, Shamil           RUS  2275   6.0   44.0   16.03.53
30.       Skatchkov, Pavel         RUS  2250   6.0   42.0   14.09.79
31.       Sheredina, Anna          UKR         6.0   41.0   27.01.76  w

32.  WGM  Grabuzova, Tatiana       RUS  2195   5.5   51.5   09.02.67  w
33.       Rapoport, Igor           RUS  2295   5.5   49.5   01.01.74
34.       Chloupek, Stanislav      CZE  2305   5.5   48.5   13.05.73
35.       Aaberg, Anton            SWE  2275   5.5   48.0   17.01.72
36.  IM   Vologin, Viktor          RUS  2350   5.5   47.0   17.07.57
37.       Sisak, Richard           CZE  2205   5.5   46.5   01.01.68
38.       Gisbrecht, Ewgeni        GER  2240n  5.5   46.0   03.05.73
39.       Bauma, Jiri              CZE  2170n  5.5   46.0   02.12.66
40.       Mikulcik, Ladislav       CZE  2305   5.5   46.0   15.12.61
41.  IM   Tiller, Bjoern           NOR  2390   5.5   46.0   16.01.59
42.       Archangelsky, Mikhail    RUS  2210   5.5   46.0   29.10.48
43.       Jarrah, Kamal            CZE  1996n  5.5   45.0   28.04.69
44.       Khromov, Vladimir        RUS  2200   5.5   45.0   15.08.77
45.       Groh, Jiri               CZE  2140   5.5   44.0   03.10.52
46.       Vorisek, Jaroslav        CZE  2215   5.5   43.0   21.10.77
47.       Tichonov, Jurij          UKR         5.5   42.5   21.11.55
48.       Belaska, Premysl         CZE  2230   5.5   42.5   21.02.74
49.       Vanka, Miloslav          CZE  2260   5.5   42.5   22.10.41
50.       Malivanek, Jiri          CZE  2155   5.5   41.5   16.04.69
51.       Koper, Stefan            CZE  2015   5.5   41.0   25.02.55
52.  WIM  Sadilkova, Vera          GER  2210   5.5   41.0   06.07.65  w
53.       Paulovic, Martin         CZE  2220   5.5   40.5   27.06.77
54.       Lobach, Pavel            RUS  2250   5.5   36.0   12.02.60

55.       Pismeny, Avraam          RUS  2270   5.0   48.5   13.08.37
56.       Spanhel, Petr            CZE  2048n  5.0   47.0   25.03.62
57.       Rumjancev, Nikolaj       RUS         5.0   46.5   07.11.63
58.       Racherbaeumer, Mar       GER  2240   5.0   45.0   22.09.76
59.       Zvara, Petr              CZE  2295   5.0   44.5   17.03.75
60.       Mackova, Eva             CZE  2185   5.0   44.0   18.04.74  w

187 players

Prerov (Czech Republic) - Moravian Championship

01.07.1995 - 07.07.1995
- open tournament - 9 rounds
- 108 players
- 6 IM
- arbiters: IA J. Korinek, M. Kopecky, V. Sisak
- tournament director: Jaroslav Fuksik (Agentura 64 Grygov)
- sponsors: MILO Olomouc a.s., TIBSAS s.r.o. Olomouc, Izolace Prerov,
            Hanacka kyselka s.r.o. Horni Mostenice
- prize fund: 45.000 Kc

Final standings:

    Tit.  Name                     Fed. ELO    Pts.
 1.       Bazant, Petr             CZE  2285   7.0
 2.  IM   Beil, Zdenek             CZE  2315   7.0
 3.  IM   Koutsin, Sergey          UKR  2455   7.0

 4.  IM   Babula, Milan            CZE  2295   6.5
 5.  IM   Lerch, Jan               CZE  2390   6.5
 6.       Chytilek, Roman          CZE  2315   6.5  best player under 20 years
 7.       Walek, Milan             CZE  2315   6.5
 8.       Talla, Vladimir          CZE  2240   6.5
 9.       Cvek, Robert             CZE  2285   6.5  best player under 18 years
10.       Novosak, Jiri            CZE  2160   6.5
11.       Belunek, Vladimir        CZE  2095n  6.5
12.  IM   Velicka, Petr            CZE  2415   6.5

13.       Klima, Lukas             CZE  2235   6.0
14.       Majer, Jiri              CZE  2300   6.0
15.       Fuksik, Jakub            CZE  2185   6.0
16.  IM   Michenka, Jozef          CZE  2375   6.0
17.       Hrivnak, Daniel          CZE  2253n  6.0
18.       Riska, Lubomir           CZE  2085n  6.0
19.       Kutynec                  CZE         6.0
20.       Ptacnik                  CZE         6.0
21.       Karhanek, Pavel          CZE  2115   6.0

22.       Lys, Josef               CZE  2295   5.5
23.  FM   Karlik, Vladimir         CZE  2240   5.5
24.       Kalod, Radek             CZE  2220   5.5
25.       Staszko, Martin          CZE  2205   5.5
26.       Perina                   CZE         5.5
27.       Sikora, Jan              CZE  2130   5.5
28.  IM   Biolek, Richard          CZE  2415   5.5
29.       Kruml, David             CZE  1953n  5.5

108 players, 9 rounds

Prerov (Czech Republic) - Moravian Women Championship

01.07.1995 - 07.07.1995

Final standings:

    Tit.  Name                     Fed. ELO    Pts.
 1.       Ptacnikova, Lenka        CZE  2200   7.5  best player till 20 years
 2.       Cerna, Olga              CZE  2145   7.0
 3.       Muzikantova, Vladimira   CZE  1895n  5.5
 4.       Korinkova, Gabriela      CZE         5.0  best player till 18 years
 5.       Slepankova, Radka        CZE  1949n  5.0
 6.       Kupcova, Klara           CZE  1817n  4.5
 7.  FM   Horakova, Dana           CZE  2120   4.5
 8.       Belunkova, Alena         CZE  1684n  4.0
 9.       Vranova, Jarmila         CZE  1738n  3.5
10.       Klimsova, Renata         CZE  1834n  3.5
11.       Fuksikova, Iva           CZE  1622n  2.5
12.       Adamkova, Martina        CZE  1851n  1.5

open, 9 rounds

Decin (Czech Republic) - Open "For the Primacy of the Town Decin"

18.08.1995 - 26.08.1995
- open tournament - 9 rounds
- 46 players from 7 countries: CZE, SVK, UKR, RUS, MGL, SLO, GER
- 3 GM, 9 IM, 1 WIM, 1 FM

Standings after 6 rounds (23.08.1995):

        Name                       Fed. Tit. ELO  EloN Pts. Prg.  BH  Elo ave.
  1.  7 JIROVSKY        MILOS      CZE  IM   2425    0  5.5  20.5 23  2353
  2.  5 VOTAVA          JAN        CZE  IM   2440    0  5    18.5 22Í 2356
  3.  6 BUTURIN         VLADIMIR   UKR  IM   2430    0  4.5  17   21Í 2361
  4.  3 MEDUNA          EDUARD     CZE  IGM  2445    0  4.5  16.5 22Í 2318
  5.  4 HATANBAATAR     BAZAR      MGL  IM   2440    0  4.5  14.5 20  2303
  6. 11 TOLSTIKH        NIKOLAY    RUS  M    2405    0  4    15   21Í 2303
  7.  2 KHOLMOV         RATMIR     RUS  IGM  2445    0  4    15   20Í 2321
  8. 13 PRIEHODA        VITEZSLAV  SVK  IM   2365    0  4    14   19  2214
  9. 16 JIGJIDSUREN     PUREV      MGL  IM   2295    0  4    13   17Í 2228
 10. 10 ORSAG           MILAN      CZE  IM   2415    0  3.5  15   22  2339
 11.  9 KRIVOSHEY       SERGEI     UKR  M    2420    0  3.5  15   22  2323
 12.  8 KONOPKA         MICHAL     CZE  IM   2420    0  3.5  14.5 22Í 2307
 13. 14 KUCERA          PETR       CZE  FM   2330    0  3.5  13.5 19  2242
 14.  1 PUSHKOV         NIKOLAI    RUS  IGM  2515    0  3.5  13   20  2257
 15. 26 SLEICH          JAN        CZE  KM   2165    0  3.5  12.5 22Í 2362
 16. 46 HAVRANEK        MIROSLAV   CZE  M    2280    0  3.5  10   14Í 2073
 17. 33 JANDA           ZDENEK     CZE  KM      0 2190  3.5   8   15Í 2211
 18. 20 KOS             TONI       SLO  KM   2235    0  3    12.5 21Í 2270
 19. 18 PLETANEK        JAN        CZE  KM   2275    0  3    12   20Í 2242
 20. 19 RIEKE           THEO       GER  KM   2245    0  3    11.5 18  2233
 21. 17 SPESNY          JAN        CZE  KM   2295    0  3    11.5 16Í 2244
 22. 15 KOZAK           MILOS      CZE  M    2300    0  3    11   17Í 2190
 23. 32 MURON           MIROSLAV   CZE  KM      0 2281  3    10.5 18  2226
 24. 29 GRECHANOVSKAYA  ELENA      UKR  WKM  2140    0  3     9.5 19Í 2157
 25. 22 SADILKOVA       VERA       GER  WIM  2210    0  3     9.5 16Í 2161
 26. 30 HAVRLIK         PAVEL      CZE  KM   2135    0  3     8.5 17Í 2180
 27. 37 HORAK           JIRI       CZE  1       0 2027  2.5  10   17Í 2235
 28. 23 HASELHORST      HELMUT     GER  KM   2195    0  2.5   9.5 18Í 2302
 29. 21 RATOLISTKA      JOSEF      CZE  KM   2225    0  2.5   9.5 17  2117
 30. 27 TROJACEK        PAVEL      CZE  KM   2165    0  2.5   9   19Í 2171
 31. 34 NECADA          MARTIN     CZE  KM      0 2181  2.5   8.5 18  2275
 32. 25 SIKORSKY        HORST      GER  KM   2180    0  2.5   8.5 16  2190
 33. 35 KANSKY          PAVEL      CZE  KM      0 2159  2.5   8   16Í 2211
 34. 31 KOSEC           TINA       SLO  WKM  2120    0  2.5   8   14Í 2106
 35. 36 HELBICH         JAN        SVK  KM      0 2130  2.5   7   16  2188
 36. 40 REITINGER       PETR       CZE  1       0 1996  2.5   6   14Í 2085
 37. 43 BERANOVA        VERA       CZE  W1      0 1804  2.5   6   11Í 2086
 38. 41 KAMENIK         MARTIN     CZE  1       0 1985  2.5   5.5 11  2141
 39. 45 JEDLICKA        JAN        CZE  1       0 1993  2     8.5 17  2256
 40. 28 HLAVAC          RUDOLF     CZE  KM   2140    0  2     7   19  2184
 41. 24 CAPEK           IVAN       CZE  KM   2180    0  2     6.5 16Í 2145
 42. 42 BARCHANEK       ANTONIN    CZE  1       0 1916  2     5   13  2136
 43. 44 URBAN           MIROSLAV   CZE  2       0 1758  2     4.5 13Í 2054
 44. 39 DOLEZAL         RADOSLAV   CZE  1       0 2001  1.5   6.5 18  2177
 45. 38 MAJERIK         VLADIMIR   CZE  1       0 2004  1     4.5 17Í 2128
 46. 12 KOZLOV          OLEG       RUS  IM   2390    0  0.5   3    4Í 2087

17) Tournament Calendar by Martin Niermann

Many thanks to all who have sent us some tournament information, but
we still need some help.
If you want to support us, please send infos about tournaments in your
country to
To the organizers of tournaments: It would be much easier for me, if
you could send me in addition to the announcement a short description
in the format below

August 25-           Bratto (ITA), 15th international festival, 5 classes,
      September 1      Magistrale > 1900, 8xCH, 50/150+20/60+..., ELO,
                       total prizes Lit 10.240.000 (1st 1.400.000), entry fee
                       Lit 80.000, free for GM, IM, FM
                       Tel +39 346 31146
                       Fax +39 346 30300
August 26            Zelzate (BEL), 11xCH, G/5, entry fee 250 bef (+100 after
                       15.8.), prizes 100.000 bef
                       Three sections - Open 1st $150, U1800 1st $65, Non-rated/
                       Beginners 1st $40, entry $12 (+$7 after 23.8.), 4 rds
                       details in TWIC 41
                       Tel +?-617 876-7970
August 26            Xania (GRE), Crete (venue: Louis Maleme Hotel)
    - September 3      Big prices (1st place : 500000 dr)
                       Tel +? 0821 56641  mr Kouvatsos
                       Fax +? 0821 45000
August 27-28         Brussels (BEL), 14e TOURNOI INTERNATIONAL DE BLITZ
                       "LES 24 HEURS DE BRUXELLES" / The 24 hours of Brussels,
                       ca 120 games/Amsterdam system, G/5, 400 FB(300FB till
                       20.8.) just 100 participiants!,
                       Tel +?-2-4650715
                        or +?-2-5124843
                        or +?-2-4692495
     September 4       FIDE "CITTA DI FORLI", ELO, 9xCH, 40/120+20/60+...
                       entry 100.000 lit
                       Ferruci Ferrucio c/o UISP Via Miller 30 - 47100 Forli
                       FIDE "CITTA DI FORLI", no ELO, 6xCH, G/60,
                       entry 25.000 lit,
                       Ferruci Ferrucio c/o UISP Via Miller 30 - 47100 Forli
September 2-10       Werfen (AUT), 10. Werfener Schachfestival,
                       prizes ca 100000 OES(open)/20000 OES(under 1900),
                       Gerhard Herndl, Almweg 14, A-5400 Hallein,
                       Tel +43 6245-86620
                        or +43 6245-895124
                       Fax +43 6245-895168
September 4-10       Kecskemet (HUN), Scheveninger-tmts (9x CH)
                       Tel/Fax +36 76481685
September 9-10       Landegem (BEL), 6. NACHT VAN DE KAMELEON, 24 hours blitz
                       for duos, prizes 30000 bef, entry fee 400 bef (incl.
                       breakfast) or 700 bef (incl breakfast and meal),
                       Tel +32(09)3717715
                        or +32(02)2955243
September 9-17       Graz (AUS), 2nd Karl Wagner Memorial, 9xCH, Elo/norms,
                       Entry 700 ATS,IM/junior 350 ATS, GM free,
                       Prizes: 40/30/25/20/15/10/8/6/4/11x1 x 1000 ATS,
                       Tournament hall: Grosser Saal der Arbeiterkammer,
                       Strauchergasse 32,8020 Graz, details in TWIC 47
                       Tel +43 316 830683
                       Fax + 43 316 816271
September 16-26      Kecskemet (HUN), IM-tmts (Kat II-IV), 11-13 rounds
                       Tel/Fax +36 76481685
September 22-24      Coralville, Iowa (USA), 2nd Hawkeye Classic
                       22nd-Quick (G/10) 4 rounds, 1st $80, A-E,Unr each $20
                       23rd-Rated Beginners Open, 5 rounds, Prizes: Trophies
                       23-24-Open (40/100, 15/30), 5 rounds, 1st $275, 2nd $125
                             3rd $100, U2000 $75, U1700 $75, Upset trophy,
                             EF: $30 (+$5 after 15.9.), $20 Jrs. & Sr.,
                             Free to IM's and GM's by 15.9.
                       23-24-Reserve (U1600), (40/90, SD/30), 5 rounds,
                             1st $100, D-E,Unr each $50  EF: $20 (+$5 after
                             15.9.), $20 Jrs. & Sr.
                       many details in TWIC 47
                       See Chess Life for more details or Call or email:
September 24         Lausanne (SUI), Comptoir Suisse, 9x CH (double)
                       entry fee SFR 30, prices about SFR 1500.
                       Tel +41 (21) 692 35 90 Pierre Mellier
September 24
September 30         Brussels (BEL), Int. active chess tournament, 11xCH,
      - October 1      prizes +200.000 bef, G/30, entry fee 500 bef
                       Tel +32 (02) 6333208 Mr Fuerstenberg (NL,D,GB)
                           +32 (02) 3764573 Mr Achen (F) till 19.00
                           +32 (02) 3762574              19.00-21.30
                           +33 20561557 Mr Lemaire (F,GB)
October 1-7          Kecskemet (HUN), Scheveninger-tmts (9x CH)
                       Tel/Fax +36 76481685
October 1-2          Greater Sydney Chess Festival (AUS),
                       Venue: The Huntley Hotel, Parramatta, Australia
                       Contact: Australian Chess Enterprises, PO Box 6301
                                Baulkham Hills, NSW 2153, Australia
                       Tel x61-2-838-1529
                       Fax x61-2-838-1614
October 8,9,15,16    Corsico (ITA), near Milano, 7. Torneo Week End CORSICO
                       SCACCHI, ELO, 6xCH, closed tmt + 3 open tmts,
                       40/120+G/60, entry from free to 35.000lit,
                       Tel +39-2-4585295
                        or +39-2-4564883
                        or +39-2-58106129
October 15,16,22,23  Lucca (ITA), VI. Festival "Citta' di Lucca",ELO, 8xCH,
                       20/60+G/60, entry 50.000 lit
                       Tel +39-583-997652(Luigi Del Dotto)
October 14-15        Boston, MA (USA), Sixth Harvard Cup Human Versus Computer
                       Chess Challenge (participation by invitation only;
                       spectators welcome)
                       Computer Museum
                       tel 617-876-5759; fax 617-491-9570;

October 14-22        Toscolano Maderno (ITA), Lago di Garda, 1st INTERNATIONAL
                       CHESS FESTIVAL, ELO, 9xCH, 5 classes (Magistrale >1900)
                       playing room: Serraglio-Gonzaga Palace, Prize money:
                       Lit 11.000.000, Inscription fee Lit 60.000, Free for IM
                       and GM, detailed info in TWIC 45,
                       Tel +39 365 642249 Massimiliano Tonghini
                           +39 30 390005  Messaggerie Scacchistiche
                       Fax +39 365 541039
                           +39 30  306600
October 15-19        Las Vegas, Nevada, (USA), 1995 U. S. Senior Open, Open to
                       all over 50 years old.  Riviera Hotel and Casino. 5xCH.
                       See Chess Life for detale information
                       tel USA 702-384-7910 Ken Horne
October 17-22        Weilburg (Ger), 9xCH, 40/120+G/30
                       ELO/DWZ calculation
                       prices:DM 2000,1500,1000,800,700,600,500,400,300,200
                       special prices for women: DM 200,100,80
                       special prices for seniors (from 60): DM 200,100,80
                       special prices rating to  1599: DM 150
                                          1600 - 1799: DM 150
                                          1800 - 1999: DM 150
                                          2000 - 2199: DM 150
                       entry fee DM 80, students DM 60, after 01.10. DM +20
                       GM,IM free,limited amount of free accomodation available
                       Info: Hans Kubaszek,Kruppstr.15,D-35781 Weilburg,
                               Germany, Tel:++49-6471-30602
                           Heinz-Juergen Deuster,Wingerstr.18,D-35781 Weilburg,
                               Germany, Tel:++49-6471-39635
November 5,6,12,13   Genova (ITA), QUINTO FESTIVAL LIGURE WEEK-END 1994, 8xCH,
                       20/60+G/60, entry 60.000 lit,
                       Tel +39-10-815995
                        or +39-10-2425678
November 9-12        Leuven (BEL), 7th Leuven Open, 7xCH, 40/120+G/15, no elo,
                       1st prize=30000 BEF, total>=100000 BEF, entry fee
                       1100 BEF,
                       Tel +32-16-623268 (Johan Vanhaverbeke)
                       Tel +32-16-405517 (Boni Vandermeulen)
                       Email : (Stef Renkens)
                       detailed info in TWIC 30
December 18-30       Groningen (NED), Koop Tjuchem Toornoi,
                         I. closed GM tmt, cat XVI, 11xRR, 19.12-30.12.
                        II. open GM tmt, 11xCH, just players > 2200 or
                            female players > 2100, 40/120+20/60+G/30,
                            prize fund dfl 22500 (1st dfl 6000), 19.12-30.12.
                            entry fee dfl160 (GM,IM <2400 dfl 100,GM,IM >2400
                       III. 2 open tournaments (1800-2200, <1800), 9xCH,
                            40/120+20/60+G/30, prizes dfl 5500/4000,
                            (1st dfl 1500/1000), entry fee dfl 110/85
                        IV. mini tournaments (5xCH) for <2300, 20.12-24.12
                            and 26.12-30.12.
                         V. closed rapidtoornoi 22./23. 12.
                       Tel +31-50-222637
                       Fax +31-50-250155
December 26-30       Brugge (BEL), 9xCH, prizes 210.000 bef, entry fee 1.250bef,
                       GM,IM,FM free, many Youth + Senior tournaments,
                       Tel +32 (050)358932 Mr Barzeele
                        or +32 (09)2233811

December 27-29       New York,NY (USA), Pan American Intercollegiate Team Chess
                       Championship, Site: Manhattan Conference Center,
                       Fiterman Hall, 30 West Broadway, prize fund $3000,
                       4 player teams of college/university students of the
                       same school, more details in TWIC 47
                       Tel: 212-580-6920
                       Fax: 212-496-2464
  9. - 17. September      International OPEN GRAZ 1995   (AUSTRIA)
                          2nd Karl Wagner Memorial
                          9 x CH, Elo, Norms are possible
   Prizes: 1st prize 40.000 ATS, 2. 30.000 ATS, 3. 25.000 ATS, 4. 20.000 ATS,
           5. 15.000 ATS, 6. 10.000 ATS, 7. 8.000 ATS, 8. 6.000 ATS,
           9. 4.000 ATS, 10th - 20th prize 1.000 ATS
   Entry fee: 700 ATS, For IMs and juniors under 18 350 ATS, GMs free
           The first 10 players above with a rating above 2500 who anounce
           their entry by 30th August 1995, are provided with
           accomodation and breakfast in doublerooms.
   Entries to: IS Gertrude Wagner
               Brockmanngasse 18, 8010 Graz, Austria
               Tel: +43 316 830683, Fax: + 43 316 816271
   Last entry: 9th September 1995, 11 a.m. in tournament hall
   Tournament hall: Grosser Saal der Arbeiterkammer
                    Strauchergasse 32
                    8020 Graz
Announcing the
                2nd HAWKEYE CLASSIC
                        September 23-24, 1995
            Heartland Inn, 87 2nd Street, Coralville, Iowa, USA
    Rooms Available for $38 and $46 call (319) 351-8132 Mention Chess
IA Grand Prix Qualifier (15 Grand Prix Points)
Open:  Open to all.
Reserve:  Open to rated under 1600.
Time Control:  Open-40/100, 15/30.  Reserve-40/90, SD/30
Prizes Open: (based on 30 players, Top 3 Guaranteed) $275-125-100
   U2000  $75      U1700  $75           Upset Trophy.
   Reserve:  (based on 30) $100 + T     D,E,UNR each $50 + T
Entries Open:  $30 if recd by 9/15; $35 at the site; $20 Jrs & Srs anytime;
   free to IMs and GMs if by 9/15.
   Reserve:  $20 if recd by 9/15; $25 at site; $20 Jrs & Srs anytime.
Both:  Out of state entries $3 off per entry if 3 or more in one carload.
Iowa State Chess Association Membership required.  $10, $6 for juniors.  OSA.
Registration:  8am-9:30am
Rounds:  10am, 2pm, 7pm, 9am, 2pm.

Rated Beginners Open Section (Open to U1200 and Unrated)
                        September 23 ONLY
Time Control:  G/30
Prizes:  Trophy to places 1-5 and trophy to top player under age 16.
Entry:  $10 if postmarked by 9/15; $12 at the site
Registration:  8am-9:30am
Rounds:  10am, 11:30am, 1:30pm, 3pm, 4:15pm.

September 22  ONLY                 Hawkeye Quick
Time Control:  G/10.
Entry:  $10 if postmarked by 9/15; $15 at Site.
Prizes (based on 30 players)  1st  $80  Class A, B, C, D, E, Unr each $20.
Registration: 6:30pm-7:45pm.
Rounds: 8pm-8:30-9-9:30.
USCF Membership required and available at site.
                          Send Advance Entries to:
                                Mark Capron
                           647 Emerald St. #C14
                            Iowa City, IA 52246
                               (319) 337-4141
        The Hawkeye Classic Tournament is in its second year and my goal is
to reach more than 100 entrants.  Last years attendance was 73 (excluding
Quick chess and RBO).  The Quick Chess on Friday night brought in 25
entrants and this year I have added the RBO section.
        The 1994 Open Section was won by Lawrence Chachere from Illinois.
The 1994 Reserve Section was won by Dennis Mai from Iowa.  The 1994 Quick
Section was won by Kevin Burnett from Iowa.  Overall I had 4 states
represented in the tournament.
        For reference purposes, Coralville (an Iowa City suburb) is only 1
hour from the Illinois border and a four hour drive from Chicago. The
Heartland Inn is located just off Interstate 80.
        The site for the tournament is an ideal location.  Not less that 15
restaurants are located within walking distance and the Heartland Inn
provides free parking to all who enter the tournament.  Iowa City and
Coralville have many things for the family to do including a large outlet
mall located only 25 minutes away from the hotel.
        If you have questions please do not hesitate to call or e-mail me.
Name: Pan American Intercollegiate Team Chess Championship
Date: December 27-29, 1995
City, State: New York, NY
Country: USA
Tournament Site: Manhattan Conference Center, Fiterman Hall, 30 West
Broadway (site of the 1995 New York Intel Grand Prix Qualifier)
Description: The Pan-Am is open to college/university students
in degree-granting programs. Players compete on four-person teams;
all team members must attend the same school. A total prize fund of
$3000 is guaranteed. Excellent hotel accomodations have been
arranged for all participants. Contact Dan Edelman below for entry
and hotel information.
History: The Pan-Am celebrates its 50th anniversary this year
and is the most prestigious collegiate chess event in the world.
Teams from North, South, and Central America will compete although
all university teams from around the world are invited.
Tournament Organizer: IM Dan Edelman
Contact: International Sports & Games
         P.O. Box 20131
         NY, NY 10025 USA
Phone: 212-580-6920
Fax: 212-496-2464
(good through September 19; new address to be posted shortly)