THE WEEK IN CHESS 46			20/08/95	Mark Crowther

1) Introduction
2) Amsterdam Donner Memorial
3) Altensteig Germany.
4) Gausdal Summer Festival by Jon Tisdall
5) US Open Concord California (Report and info by Sam Sloan and Eric Schiller)
6) International Tournaments in Hungary
7) International Open In New Caledonia by Tim Reilly
8) Cannes Open By Laurent Sallen
9) 3rd Southern Counties Chess Union International Tournament
10) Games Section

Altensteig Rounds 11 and 12			 12 games
Donner Memorial					 42 games
Donner Memorial Open				 71 games
SCCU Open					  3 games
Cannes Open					  5 games
Gausdal International				116 games
Peer Gynt International				 68 games

Extra section

US Open Games					 99 games
Debrecen Hungary				 44 games
NAP Bungalo - Hajduszoboszlo HUN		 55 games
It. IM - Hajduboszormeny HUN			 55 games
Knockout Hajduboszormeny HUN			 52 games
Open A - Hajduboszormeny HUN			142 games

The extra section is available from:

(note this is tilda mdcrowth, some terminals display this as a percent sign
which won't work)

It will also be avaliable from the Pittsburgh ftp site (,
group/chess/NEWS) within a day or so of publication.

1) Introduction

My thanks to Otto Borik, Henri Spijkerman, Bob Wade, Sam Sloan,
Eric Schiller, Jon Tisdall, Einar Gausel, Szabo Zsolt, Tim Reilly,
Laurent Sallen, David Sedgwick and Les Blackstock for their
help in preparing this issue.

Another deadline, another issue. An exciting tournament in
Amsterdam is being contested with Jan Timman and Granda Zuniga
sharing the lead ahead of a first class field after 7 rounds.

Also there is the round off of the Altensteig tournament, coverage
of the US Open and large opens from Hungary and Gausdal.

Hope you enjoy this issue


2) Amsterdam Donner Memorial

Many thanks to Henri Spijkerman for the games and results from

Round 1

Granda Zuniga, Julio E - Morozevich, Alexander   1-0   47  D07  Chigorin
Shirov, Alexei         - Khalifman, Alexander    1-0   40  C00  French
Huzman, Alexander      - Timman, Jan H           1/2   45  E32  Nimzo indian
Salov, Valery          - Seirawan, Yasser        1-0   37  E01  Nimzo indian
Van Wely, Loek         - Nunn, John D M          1/2   19  E97  Kings indian; Main line
Piket, Jeroen          - Polgar, Judit           0-1   52  E70  Kings indian

Round 2

Polgar, Judit          - Granda Zuniga, Julio E  1-0   31  B83  Sicilian
Seirawan, Yasser       - Shirov, Alexei          1/2   32  A57  Wolga gambit
Morozevich, Alexander  - Huzman, Alexander       1-0   46  C45  Scottish
Nunn, John D M         - Timman, Jan H           0-1   37  C39  Kings gambit
Khalifman, Alexander   - Piket, Jeroen           1-0   40  D44  QGD; Botwinnik
Van Wely, Loek         - Salov, Valery           1-0   38  D11  Slav defence

Round 3

Granda Zuniga, Julio E - Khalifman, Alexander    1-0   63  A39  English; 1.c4 c5
Timman, Jan H          - Morozevich, Alexander   1-0   68  E33  Nimzo indian
Shirov, Alexei         - Van Wely, Loek          1-0   56  B84  Sicilian
Huzman, Alexander      - Polgar, Judit           1/2   32  E62  Kings indian
Salov, Valery          - Nunn, John D M          1/2   42  A45  Queen's pawn
Piket, Jeroen          - Seirawan, Yasser        0-1   38  D35  Queen's gambit

Round 4

Polgar, Judit          - Timman, Jan H           1/2   46  C18  French; Winawer
Seirawan, Yasser       - Granda Zuniga, Julio E  0-1   49  E11  Bogo indian
Nunn, John D M         - Morozevich, Alexander   0-1   41  C62  Ruy Lopez
Salov, Valery          - Shirov, Alexei          0-1   33  A21  English; 1.c4 e5
Khalifman, Alexander   - Huzman, Alexander       1/2   17  D43  Queen's gambit
Van Wely, Loek         - Piket, Jeroen           1/2   32  E11  Bogo indian

Round 5

Granda Zuniga, Julio E - Van Wely, Loek          1-0   29  E67  Kings indian
Timman, Jan H          - Khalifman, Alexander    1-0   30  A39  English; 1.c4 c5
Shirov, Alexei         - Nunn, John D M          0-1   35  E98  Kings indian; Main line
Huzman, Alexander      - Seirawan, Yasser        0-1   36  C10  French
Morozevich, Alexander  - Polgar, Judit           1-0   29  B30  Sicilian
Piket, Jeroen          - Salov, Valery           0-1   41  E13  Nimzo indian

Round 6

Shirov, Alexei         - Piket, Jeroen           1-0   36  D52  QGD; Cambridge Springs
Seirawan, Yasser       - Timman, Jan H           1/2   43  D56  Queen's gambit
Nunn, John D M         - Polgar, Judit           1/2   32  B80  Sicilian
Salov, Valery          - Granda Zuniga, Julio E  1/2   45  E32  Nimzo indian
Khalifman, Alexander   - Morozevich, Alexander   1/2   50  D07  Chigorin
Van Wely, Loek         - Huzman, Alexander       0-1   49  D43  Queen's gambit

Round 7

Granda Zuniga, Julio E - Shirov, Alexei          1-0   41  D70  1.d4 d5 2.c4 g6
Timman, Jan H          - Van Wely, Loek          1-0   52  A05  Reti (1.Nf3)
Polgar, Judit          - Khalifman, Alexander    1/2   24  B04  Alekhine defence
Huzman, Alexander      - Salov, Valery           1-0   38  E15  Nimzo indian
Morozevich, Alexander  - Seirawan, Yasser        0-1   61  B10  Caro-Kann
Piket, Jeroen          - Nunn, John D M          0-1   40  E97  Kings indian; Main line

Donner Memorial Tournament Amsterdam NED  1995.            cat. XVI (2635)
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
 1 Granda Zuniga, Julio E  g PER 2620  * . 1 0 1 . 1 . = 1 1 .  5.5  2868
 2 Timman, Jan H           g NED 2635  . * . = = = 1 1 . 1 1 .  5.5  2839
 3 Shirov, Alexei          g LAT 2710  0 . * . = . . 0 1 1 1 1  4.5  2737
 4 Polgar, Judit           g HUN 2630  1 = . * . = 0 = . = . 1  4.0  2676
 5 Seirawan, Yasser        g USA 2600  0 = = . * 1 1 . 0 . . 1  4.0  2699
 6 Huzman, Alexander       g UKR 2590  . = . = 0 * 0 . 1 = 1 .  3.5  2627
 7 Morozevich, Alexander   g RUS 2605  0 0 . 1 0 1 * 1 . = . .  3.5  2620
 8 Nunn, John D M          g ENG 2630  . 0 1 = . . 0 * = . = 1  3.5  2648
 9 Salov, Valery           g RUS 2715  = . 0 . 1 0 . = * . 0 1  3.0  2577
10 Khalifman, Alexander    g RUS 2635  0 0 0 = . = = . . * . 1  2.5  2535
11 Van Wely, Loek          g NED 2575  0 0 0 . . 0 . = 1 . * =  2.0  2494
12 Piket, Jeroen           g NED 2670  . . 0 0 0 . . 0 0 0 = *  0.5  2220

Dutch Open Championship

There is an Open Tournament along side the main all-play-all.
After 7 rounds this is being lead by Hodgson half a point clear
of the field.

Standings after round 7:

6     Hodgson

5.5   Van der Wiel, Polgar, Rytshagov, De Boer

5     Yakovich, Cifuentes, Stefansson, Nijboer, Bosboom, Ree,
Riemersma, Kalinin, Van den Doel

4.5   Lobron, Komarov, Mikhalevski, Van Mil, Blees, Bellin,
Mikhalevski, Langeweg, Donk, Delemarre, Sziva, Den Broeder, De
Vreugt, Hoogendoorn

4     Knoppert, Berkovich, Vedder, Ostojic, Peek, Ravia, Witt,
Van der Weide, Vrenegoor, Tulchinski, Bodicker, Kuipers

3.5   Tyomkin, Pliester, Mittelman, Wirschell, Strating, Van der
Wal, Spreeuw, Jolles, Schouten, Sorkin, De Boer, Oosterom,
Burlage, Vedder, Monte, Speijer, Overeem, Van Delft, Van der

3     Giddins, Hartoch, Borst, Perez Garcia, Wemmers, Markus,
Wapner, Nep, De Ruiter, Van Beek, Verdonk, Theulings, Balje,
Fink, Helvensteijn, Weerheijm, Erwich

2.5   Van Blitterswijk, Piket, Ragaa, Oei, Anderton, Van
Duijvenbode, Verholt, Van Engen, Willemze, Van der Lijn, De
Haas, Mellegers, Kohlbeck

2     Etmans, Kahn, Chervonenko, Acosta, Floor, De Vilder,
Middelburg, De Boer, De Blecourt

1.5   Greben, Winkels

1     Pater

3) Altensteig Germany.

My thanks to Otto Borik (editor of Schach Magazin 64)

Round 10

Hracek, Zbynek         - Hickl, Joerg            1-0   47  B08  Pirc; Classical
Dautov, Rustem         - Wojtkiewicz, Alexander  1/2   18  E16  Nimzo indian
Gabriel, Christian     - Georgiev, Kiril         0-1   20  A29  English; 1.c4 e5
Luther, Thomas         - Slobodjan, Roman        1/2   21  C82  Ruy Lopez
Vogt, Lothar           - Zueger, Beat            1/2   67  A00  Irregular
Grosar, Aljosa         - Bischoff, Klaus         1/2   17  B22  Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3)

Round 11

Georgiev, Kiril        - Hracek, Zbynek          1/2   88  E32  Nimzo indian
Wojtkiewicz, Alexander - Vogt, Lothar            1/2   56  E68  Kings indian
Hickl, Joerg           - Dautov, Rustem          1/2   21  A00  Irregular
Bischoff, Klaus        - Luther, Thomas          1/2   35  A77  Modern Benoni
Zueger, Beat           - Grosar, Aljosa          1/2   15  E18  Nimzo indian
Slobodjan, Roman       - Gabriel, Christian      0-1   64  B52  Sicilian

Altensteig GER (GER), VIII 1995.                          cat. XII (2542)
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
 1 Hracek, Zbynek          g CZE 2635  * = = = 1 = = 1 1 1 1 1  8.5  2744
 2 Georgiev, Kiril         g BUL 2605  = * 0 = 1 = 1 1 = = 1 1  7.5  2669
 3 Dautov, Rustem          g GER 2620  = 1 * = = = = = 1 = = =  6.5  2600
 4 Wojtkiewicz, Alexander  g POL 2570  = = = * = = = 1 = = 1 =  6.5  2604
 5 Hickl, Joerg            g GER 2570  0 0 = = * = = = 1 1 = 1  6.0  2575
 6 Bischoff, Klaus         g GER 2550  = = = = = * = = = = = =  5.5  2541
 7 Gabriel, Christian      m GER 2475  = 0 = = = = * = = = = 1  5.5  2548
 8 Luther, Thomas          g GER 2550  0 0 = 0 = = = * 1 1 = =  5.0  2505
 9 Vogt, Lothar            g GER 2475  0 = 0 = 0 = = 0 * = = 1  4.0  2446
10 Zueger, Beat            m SUI 2470  0 = = = 0 = = 0 = * = =  4.0  2446
11 Grosar, Aljosa          m SLO 2485  0 0 = 0 = = = = = = * 0  3.5  2414
12 Slobodjan, Roman        m GER 2500  0 0 = = 0 = 0 = 0 = 1 *  3.5  2412

4) Gausdal Summer Festival by Jon Tisdall

Peer Gynt International

1 	IM Thorhallsson, Th (ISD) 					7	/9
2= 	IM Sutovsky,E (ISR) IM Sulskis,S (LIT) GM Nielsen, PH (DAN) 	6.5
5= 	GM Emms,J(ENG)  GM Rausis,I (LAT) IM Zilberman,Y (ISR) 		6
	GM Petursson,M (ISD)
9= 	E. Gausel, R. Djurhuus, P. Lyrberg, O. Dannevig			5.5
	H. Westerinen, F. Elsness, H. Steingrimsson
	56 participants.

Gausdal International

1 	Kotronias, V (GRC) 						7.5	/9,
2= 	Petursson, Jansa,V (CZR), Gausel, Sutovsky 			6.5
6= 	Rausis, McNab, Djurhuus, Sulskis, Zilberman 			6
	72 participants.

And - thanks to Einar Gausel who keyed in the bulletin during the events.

A few facts from the latest events in the never-ending series of
events from Gausdal's scenic High Mountain Hotel.

First: The Peer Gynt International. This event is traditionally the
weaker of the two, and more hectic with two double-round days. This
event also introduced sudden death to Gausdal, with the "Swedish" time
control of 40/2 followed by all in one (hour). The runaway winner was
Icelandic IM Throstur Thorhallsson, who earned his third and final GM
norm, a welcome success for this easy-going gent who has suffered a
recent bout of bad form. In fact his form has been so bad, that
reaching the 2500 mark to clinch the title will take at least a little
while, since according to his reckoning, he left event one at about
2450. Norwegian high point was Frode Elsness' first IM norm. He has
shown fairly steady progress lately and is certainly our best prospect
for early promotion to that title. The biggest event was arguably the
elevation of teenage star Emil Sutovsky to GM-hood. He earned his
third and final norm, at the expense of our Rune Djurhuus, who was
seeking the clinching title norm of his own.

The Gausdal International (40/2, 20/1, G30) was flooded with unrated
players which greatly complicated title norms and led to a
schizophrenic event, with the early leaders playing a strong
tournament among themselves at the top, while fairly random things
happenedlower down. Emil Sutovsky had an embarrassing start but
finished like a rocket to take a share of second place and the "grand
prix" for the best score in the combined festival. Einar Gausel, who
is expected to receive the GM title at the next FIDE congress, missed
a fourth and decisive norm by half a point. Vlastimil Jansa drew with
him in round nine to end EG's hopes, and remarkably this was Jansa's
only draw over two tournaments here. Vasilios Kotronias came and did
his job. His fantastic spurt of five wins, including Jansa, Petursson
and Djurhuus, catapulted him to about 2615, a big step towards his
ambition of earning a spot in the top half of the FIDE
interzonal. Shabtai of Israel earned his second IM norm. Several
Norwegian juniors made excellent results and should enter the FIDE
list with impressive figures. The most noteworthy result was notched
up by unknown Terje Johansen (Norwegian Elo about 1850), who drew with
Kotronias, beat Westerinen and IM Fyllingen en route to a performance
about 500 points above his national rating.

5) US Open Concord California

The US Open was won by Alex Yermolinsky with
10.5/12 (there were different schedules and
byes available accounting for some rounds/ re-entries etc.
I include Sam Sloan's report on the event below.
I may return to the event next week as there is much
interesting material at Eric Schiller's www site:
The games come from there. The full bulletin is also
available from him at $25 (I think) including some annotated games.
(the selection of 99 games comes from his www site also.

1 Yermolinsky, Alex.......  2606 2623 10.5 /12
2 Burnett, Ronald Wa......  2431 2444 9.5
3 Gliksman, David r/e.....  2409 2448 9.5
4 Shipman, Walter J.......  2380 2440 9.5
5 Perelshteyn, Eugen......  2229 2296 9.5
6 Hjorth, Gregory.........  2502 2508 9
7 Remlinger, Larry A......  2482 2488 9
8 Cartagena, Omar.........  2455 2463 9
9 Curdo, John A...........  2407 2408 9
10 Kelson, Richard......... 2399 2412 9
11 Margulis, Isaak......... 2307 2344 9
12 Denker, Arnold She...... 2300 2358 9
13 Kaufman, Lawrence....... 2518 2518 8.5
14 Perelshteyn, Mikha...... 2501 2499 8.5
15 Del Pilar, Reynaldo F... 2500 2482 8.5
16 Seferjan, Narek......... 2405 2421 8.5
17 Wolski, Thomas.......... 2363 2362 8.5
18 Schuyler, James......... 2346 2348 8.5
19 Levit, Roman............ 2339 2342 8.5
20 Anderson, Selby K....... 2316 2320 8.5
21 Koepcke, Richard W...... 2310 2323 8.5
22 Weeramantry, Sunil...... 2302 2338 8.5
23 Shahade, Gregory........ 2298 2273 8.5
24 Poehlmann, Roger........ 2282 2293 8.5
25 Say, Frank J............ 2270 2305 8.5
26 Jacobi, Steven P........ 2264 2288 8.5
27 Gelman, Charles L....... 2241 2257 8.5
28 Terrie, Henry L......... 2200 2214 8.5
29 Zapata, Rodolfo Be...... 2086 2171 8.5
30 Fedorov, Vladislov...... 2542 2521 8
31 Davis, Loal W........... 2352 2359 8
32 Schorr, Leon............ 2333 2321 8
33 Kramer, George Mor...... 2310 2312 8
34 Schutt, Raymond W....... 2290 2287 8
35 Kichinski, Robert....... 2287 2261 8
36 Mac Farland, James...... 2266 2291 8
37 Jones, C. Bill.......... 2237 2249 8
38 Calton, Bill J.......... 2217 2178 8
39 Burtman, Sharon El...... 2211 2217 8
40 Wang, Arthur D.......... 2206 2219 8
41 Johnson, Ben............ 2200 2199 8
42 Grey, Peter G........... 2160 2165 8
43 Ahmed, Jahangir......... 2156 2155 8
44 Neff, Elliott........... 2154 2202 8
45 Satterlee, Ray Doy...... 2092 2163 8
46 Karagueuzian, Dikr...... 2075 2160 8
47 Wolff, Charles H........ 2056 2138 8
48 Amirkiaee, Vahid........ 1900 2010 8
49 Whitaker, Robert D...... 1900 1986 8
50 Shahade, Jennifer....... 1719 1830 8
541 entries including re-entries


					By Sam Sloan

CONCORD, CALIFORNIA - AUGUST 19 - Grandmaster Alex Yermolinsky has won the
1995 U.S. Open Chess Championship, which concluded in the wee hours of this
morning. Yermolinsky took the title with a convincing last round win over
International Master Larry Kaufman of Florida.

Yermolinsky's final score was 10.5 - 1.5. Tied for second with 9.5 - 2.5 were
Ronald Burnett, David Gliksman, International Master Walter Shipman and
Eugene Perelshteyn. They were followed by Gregory Hjorth, Larry Remlinger,
Omar Cartagena, John Curdo, Richard Kelson, Isaak Margulis, and Grandmaster
Arnold Denker with 9-3.

Following them with 8.5 - 3.5 were Lawrence Kaufman, Mikha Perelshteyn,
Reynaldo Del Pilar, Narek Seferjan, Thomas Wolski, James Schuyler, Roman
Levit, Selby Anderson, Richard Koepcke, Sunil Weeramantry, Gregory Shahade,
Roger Poehlmann, Frank Say, Steven Jacobi, Charles Gelman, Henry Terrie and
Rodolfo Zapata.

The leading player with 8-4 was Vladislov Federov of Petersberg, Russia.
Federov tied with 20 other players.

The final round top board results were Yermolinsky defeated Kaufman,
Remlinger drew Shipman, Cartagena drew Kelson, Eugene Perelshteyn defeated
Federov, Seferjan lost to Burnett, Say lost to Gliksman, Kramer lost to
Hjorth, Curdo defeated C. Bill Jones, Mikha Perelshteyn drew Koepcke, Loal
Davis lost to Margulis, Zapata defeated Shaknazarov and Reynaldo Del Pilar
defeated Sharon Burtman.

The top story of this event and the thing for which this tournament will be
remembered concerned none of the above. Rather, it concerned two girls in
their mid-teens who terrorized their older male opponents throughout this
tournament. They became known as the "Two Jennie's".

The oldest of the two, Jennie Frenklakh, aged 15, of Monterey, California,
swept through the first five rounds of the tournament with a score of 5-0,
while at the same time the established grandmasters and masters all lost or
gave up draws to lesser rated opponents. During her sweep, Jennie Frenklakh
defeated three masters in a row, Richard Keopcke (2310), Frank Say (2270) and
James Schuyler (2346). At the end of five rounds, Jennie was in the lead of
the tournament, tied with only Omar Cartagena, who himself had arrived in the
country from the Philippines only one week earlier and was also unknown.

In round six, Jennie drew an uneventful game against Cartagena. However, in
round seven, just after all of Jennie's games up to that point were first
published in the tournament bulletins, Senior Master Gliksman came well
prepared for Jennie's London System and quickly ground her down, thereby
ending Jennie's amazing streak. After that, Jennie faded back into the pack,
lost three more games to masters, and finished with a score of 7.5-5.5.

Just as Jennie was fading, the "Other Jennie", namely Jennifer Shahade, aged
14, of Philadelphia, rose to prominence. Jennifer Shahade had been overlooked
during the early part of the tournament, and with good reason, because she
lost three out of her first four games, including a loss to a player rated
only 1298. However, after that, Jennifer Shahade never lost another game. She
scored six wins and two draws in her last eight games, to finish the
tournament with 8-4. She won the Class B prize of $1400. In her last six
rounds, Jennifer Shahade drew Rolando Andal (2034), defeated Jack Shaw
(1992), defeated Minoru Kambegawa (2043), drew Oscar Shapiro (2111), defeated
Ariel Mazzarelli (2102) and defeated Mike Morris (2165). Her wins against
Mazzarelli and Morris were especially impressive and were published in the
tournament bulletins. It was clear that Jennifer was a vastly improved player
by the end of the tournament.

The early lead of Jennie Frenklakh provided a wonderful opportunity to gain
favorable publicity for chess. This opportunity was almost completely blown,
however, due to the inaction and inattention of the tournament organizers.
Here we had Jennie, this strikingly beautiful, blue-eyed, fifteen-year-old
girl, defeating established masters right and left and playing on the top
board of the U.S. Open Chess Championship, with Natasha, the teddy bear,
clutched snugly under her arm, while she played her games. What could be a
better news media event and photo opportunity than that? However, the local
news media at first paid no attention to this, probably because they did not
know about it. Fortunately, Eric Schiller, the bulletin's editor-in-chief,
partially saved the day by sending a press release to the local newspapers.
Later the same day, Bill Goichberg, the tournament director, received a call
from a reporter from the San Francisco Examiner, asking about Jennie. When
later asked the name of the reporter, Goichberg replied that he had not
bothered to write it down. Fortunately, the newspapers persisted and the next
day a reporter and a photographer from the San Francisco Examiner came to the
tournament. On the day after that, an article, with a full color photograph
of Jennie and her teddy bear, appeared on the front page of the San Francisco
Examiner. Soon, television stations were calling and asking to interview
Jennie. However, by that time, the story was stale, as Jennie had lost three
games in a row in the meantime.

One feature of this tournament which is likely to create controversy for
years to come concerns Bill Goichberg's program to increase attendance by
allowing players to compete under special conditions. In this U.S. Open
Championship, players could play their first six games in the morning, or in
the evening, or they could take the "busy man's schedule" and not play the
first six rounds at all, but instead be assigned points based upon their
probable result according to their rating.

In addition, a player dissatisfied with his result, after losing a few early
round games for example, could "re-enter" by paying an additional fee of $60
and be given a few free half points for the rounds he or she missed.

Several players realized the potential of this and immediately re-entered at
the time of first entering the tournament, so that they played in both the
morning and the evening tournament for the first six rounds. After the sixth
round, when the two tournaments were merged, they were allowed to take only
their best score in the two tournaments, and the remaining six games in the
other tournament were discarded.

Among the players who entered the tournament twice in this manner were David
Gliksman, Filipp Frankel and Ed Frumkin. Among these, the most successful was
David Gliksman, rated 2409. Gliksman suffered an upset defeat at the hands of
Clarence Lehman in round 2 of the evening division of the tournament.
However, this setback cost him nothing, as he finished the first six rounds
of the morning tournament with a score of 5.5 - .5, the half point coming
from a half point round one bye. In round seven, Gliksman moved into a tie
for first place in the tournament by defeating Jennie Frenklakh. In round
eight, Gliksman was knocked out of first by a loss to Grandmaster Alex
Yermolinsky. After that, Gliksman lost no more games and finished the
tournament tied for second place, all of which would have been unlikely had
his second round loss to Clarence Lehman counted!

In round seven, the players who took the "busy man's special" first entered
the tournament. Late entries under the "busy man's schedule" included
International Master Lawrence Kaufman (2518), and masters Gregory Hjorth
(2502), Mikha Perelshteyn (2501), Larry Remlinger (2482) and Ronald Burnett
(2431). They were all given starting scores of 4-2. They all won their first
three games, with the exception of Burnett, who drew in his second game with
Matthew Gross. Within a few rounds, all five of these players were on the top
boards of the tournament. Among these five players, three of them finished in
the top seven in the tournament. One who did not do so was Larry Kaufman,
because he lost in his last round game to Yermolinsky. Meanwhile, the younger
Perelshteyn, Eugene, was only given 3.5 points out of the first six in the
busy man's schedule, because of his lower rating of only 2229, but then he
won all six of the games he actually played in the tournament, defeating
Federov, rated 2542, in the final round, to tie for second place with 9.5 -

Yermolinsky himself also did not play the full twelve rounds. He could not
play in the first two rounds, because he was competing in another event in
Canada, so he was given a free one and a half points for the first two
rounds, (although this was not contemplated in the official rules) and showed
up for the third round. Yermolinsky then won eight games and drew two games
to win the tournament. His draws were against Federov and Shipman.

The only player in the top five who actually played all twelve rounds of the
tournament was 66-year-old Walter Shipman. Many view Shipman's feat as
remarkable. I do not agree. International Master Shipman has always been just
slightly below the top level of American grandmasters. He has always been
strong enough to defeat any player in the United States, but has never been
quite strong enough to become a top grandmaster himself. For example, in the
famous five-minute tournament won by Bobby Fischer at the Manhattan Chess
Club in 1971, the only player to get a draw against Fischer was Walter
Shipman, whereas Grandmaster Roberts Byrne and all of the other players in
that tournament lost both of their games to Fischer.

Probably the player with the most games published in the tournament bulletins
was expert Ed Frumkin of New York. Frumkin, a career government bureaucrat,
has an exceptionally clear and easy to read handwriting, and he invariably
hands in an error free scoresheet, as a result of which the bulletin editors
were always anxious to publish his games. Furthermore, as Frumkin played in
both the morning and the evening sessions of the first six rounds, he played
in a total of 16 games in this tournament. Most of these games were
published. Amazingly, at the end, Frumkin complained that his best game of
all, against John R. Black in round five, had been overlooked and asked that
that game be published, and indeed it was, on the final page of the final

However, Frumkin's devastating loss in round three to Laura Kao (1824), a
student of the University of California at Berkeley, somehow did not make it
into the bulletins. Is it possible that Frumkin failed to hand in this one
scoresheet? It was found out that Laura herself never hands in her
scoresheets (an egregious and reprehensible violation of the tournament
rules). After persistent interrogation about this over several days, Laura
finally gave up the scoresheet of her win over Frumkin. This scoresheet
turned out to be riddled with errors and barely legible (as so many of the
scoresheets in this tournament were, especially those handed in by the
Russian players) but Laura's game was reconstructed as best could be done by
the bulletin staff and was published in the bulletins.

Among the other discoveries of this tournament was a completely unknown
player named Reynaldo Del Pilar, who entered the tournament with no rating at
all, only to win his first four games and achieve an early tie for first
place. Later, Del Pilar complained bitterly when he was posted with a
provisional 2500 rating, assigned by Goichberg. Del Pilar said that this was
unfair, as he was only rated 2200 in the Philippines. He had failed to
mention this 2200 rating in the Philippines when he entered the tournament as
an unrated player, however.

The final printout of the tournament gave Reynaldo Del Pilar a performance
rating of 2482.

Lastly, we must mention the momentous feat of Vahid Amerkiaee of Iran. After
entering the tournament as a 1294 rated player, Vahid got off to a slow
start. However, in the later rounds of the tournament, Vahid caught fire. In
the last five rounds, Vahid Amerkiaee defeated Kristan Lawson (2195), drew
James Manella (2000) and defeated Rea B. Hayes (2000), Michael Klein (2120)
and Jonathan Goldfarb (2165), to finish with a score of 8-4. Vahid's victory
over Michael Klein, which was published in the tournament bulletins, was an
especially fine and sparkling win, especially for a 1294 rated player. This
goes to show that with hard work and due diligence, even a low rated player
can reach the top.

There were many exciting and well played games in the tournament. However,
three stand out. One was an exceptionally brilliant victory by Walter Shipman
over former Soviet Master Eugene Levin. The others were victories by the two
Jennies. Here are those three games:

[Event "US Open"]
[Site "Concord, California USA"]
[Date "1995.08.09"]
[Round "4"]
[White "Levin, Eugene"]
[Black "Shipman, Walter"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "C39"]

1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Nf3 g5 4. h4 g4 5. Ne5 d6 6. Nxg4 Be7 7. Bc4
Bxh4+ 8. Nf2 Qg5 9. Qf3 Nc6 10. O-O Ne5 11. Qb3 f3 12. Bxf7+ Ke7 13. g4
Qf4 14. Kh1 Qg3 15. Rg1 Qxf2 16. d4 Nxg4 17. Bf4 Qh2+ 18. Bxh2 Nf2# 0-1

[Event "US Open"]
[Site "Concord, California USA"]
[Date "1995.08.10"]
[Round "5"]
[White "Schuyler, James"]
[Black "Frenklakh, Jennie"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "B10"]

1. e4 c6 2. d3 d5 3. Nd2 dxe4 4. dxe4 Qc7 5. Ngf3 Bg4 6. c3 Nf6 7. h3
Bh5 8. e5 Nd5 9. c4 Nf4 10. g3 Ne6 11. Qc2 Nd7 12. Qc3 Nec5 13. b4 Na4
14. Qb3 Bxf3 15. Nxf3 Nxe5 16. Ng5 h6 17. Ne4 Nb6 18. f4 Ned7 19. a4 Nf6
20. Nxf6+ gxf6 21. a5 Nd7 22. Bb2 Rg8 23. a6 Rb8 24. c5 bxa6 25. Bc4 e6
26. Qe3 Bxc5 27. bxc5 Rxb2 28. Bxe6 fxe6 29. Qxe6+ Kf8 30. O-O-O Qb8 0-1

[Event "US Open"]
[Site "Concord, California USA"]
[Date "1995.08.17"]
[Round "11"]
[White "Shahade, Jennifer"]
[Black "Mazzarelli, Ariel"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B22/19"]

1. e4 c5 2. c3 Nf6 3. e5 Nd5 4. d4 cxd4 5. Nf3 Nc6 6. cxd4 e6 7. Bd3 d6 8. a3
Nde7 9. Nc3 Ng6 10. Qe2 dxe5 11. dxe5 Ncxe5 12. Bb5+ Nd7 13. h4 a6 14. Ba4
Be7 15. h5 Nh4 16. Nxh4 Bxh4 17. Qe4 Be7 18. Bf4 O-O 19.O-O-O Bg5 20. Bxg5
Qxg5+ 21. f4 Qe7 22. Nd5 Qc5+ 23. Bc2 g6 24. hxg6 hxg6 25. f5 1-0

6) International Tournaments in Hungary

Tables, games and information from Szabo Zsolt.

Debrecen (Hungary)
Organizer: Zsolt Szabo
           H-4027 Debrecen
           Furedi U. 46 I/6

        Ranking Of Round 9 Of Flexo Print '94 Kupa, Debrecen, June 7-16

No.  Pno.  Name                       Score Wp    Sb     Ps    Rat.  Tpr  W-We
  1.    4  Laszlo Janos                7.5  49.0  39.25  38.0  2250 2491 +1.28
  2.    5  Menyhart Tibor              7.0  50.0  37.00  38.0  2225 2365 +1.12
  3.    3  Mester Gyula                6.5  52.5  35.25  36.5  2270 2243 -0.20
        1  Felegyhazi Laszlo           6.5  52.0  35.75  35.0  2350 2326 -0.15
  5.    6  Egri Laszlo                 6.0  46.0  27.75  31.5  2180 2034 -0.49
        7  Hegedus Gyorgy              6.0  50.0  31.00  31.0  0000 2111  2111
       13  Sipos Csaba                 6.0  44.0  25.50  29.0  0000 2148  0
  8.    2  Mate Laszlo                 5.5  52.5  29.25  33.0  2345 2183 -1.10
       20  Gulyas Jozsef               5.5  39.0  21.50  25.5  0000  -   0
       32  Melegh Tamas                5.5  36.5  20.50  23.5  0000  -   0
       41  Miko Valer Bela             5.5  41.5  28.75  20.0  1830  -   +0.00
 12.    8  Kanyadi Zoltan              5.0  46.5  22.00  29.0  2045 1571 -0.48
       11  Hegyes Istvan               5.0  49.0  25.50  28.5  0000 2133 0
       12  Nemes Zoltan                5.0  47.0  23.50  27.5  0000 1588 0
       14  Daroczy Sandor              5.0  41.0  18.75  27.5  0000 2040 0
       18  Szabo Gergely               5.0  43.5  19.50  26.0  0000 1503 0
       23  Kovacs Istvan               5.0  42.0  18.75  23.5  0000 1548 0
       28  Barczi Jozsef               5.0  33.5  15.25  19.5  0000 1368 0
 19.   15  Kelemen Imre                4.5  45.5  19.50  27.5  0000 1769 0
       19  Vekony Andrea               4.5  40.0  17.25  23.5  0000 1261 0
       21  Hegedus Sandor              4.5  34.0  14.00  17.5  0000 1673 0
 22.   39  Ungvari Zoltan              4.0  41.0  15.25  22.5  0000 1548 0
       10  Timar Jozsef                4.0  37.5  14.25  21.5  0000 1673 0
       40  Zambo Tamas                 4.0  41.0  14.50  21.0  0000  -   0
        9  Bekesi Ferenc               4.0  37.5  15.75  20.5  0000 1668 0
       16  Micskei Sandor              4.0  39.5  16.00  20.0  0000  -   0
       22  Kiss Antal                  4.0  33.0  12.50  18.0  0000 1668 0
       25  Nagy Csaba                  4.0  40.5  12.50  18.0  0000 1351 0
       35  Nagy Karoly                 4.0  37.5  15.50  17.5  0000  -   0
       31  Kulcsar Tibor               4.0  36.5  19.25  13.0  0000  -   0
 31.   26  Horvath Karoly              3.5  40.5  13.25  21.0  0000 1503 0
       17  Balogh Tibor                3.5  40.0  11.75  20.5  0000 1328 0
       33  Meszaros Karoly             3.5  34.5   6.75  14.5  0000  -   0
 34.   36  Nagy Lorinc                 3.0  38.0   9.00  17.0  0000 1368 0
       37  Nagy Zoltan                 3.0  34.0   9.50  16.5  0000  -   0
       29  Gyure Bence                 3.0  29.0   6.50  11.5  0000  -   0
       38  Palanki Zoltan              3.0  33.0   4.75  11.0  0000 1153 0
 38.   27  Balint Peter                2.0  39.5  14.00  12.5  0000  -   0
       24  Nagy Attila                 2.0  32.5   3.25   8.5  0000 1573 0
       34  Molnar Ferenc               2.0  32.5   2.25   8.0  0000 1153 0
 41.   30  Kelemen Sandor              1.5  28.0   1.25   5.0  0000  -   0

I. Nap-Bungalo Cup Hajduszoboszlo (Hungary), 1995. July 1-9

Organizer: Zsolt Szabo
           H-4027 Debrecen, Furedi U. 46 I/6

Ranking Of Round 9 Of I. Nap-Bungalo Vandorkupa
No.  Pno.  Name                       Score Wp    Sb     Ps    Rat.  Tpr  W-We
  1.    1  Krutti Valer                7.5  50.0  41.25  41.5  2415 2483 +0.48
  2.    4  Forgacs Jozsef              6.5  50.5  33.50  34.5  2300 2326 +0.20
        3  Felegyhazi Laszlo           6.5  51.0  33.75  34.0  2350 2316 -0.25
        2  Almasi Istvan               6.5  49.0  33.25  33.0  2375 2374 +0.00
  5.    5  Mester Gyula                6.0  47.5  30.75  30.5  2270 2323 +0.28
  6.    7  Meszaros Gyula              5.5  50.0  27.50  30.0  2220 2184 -0.25
        8  Kovacs Laszlo               5.5  48.5  25.50  27.0  0000 1703 0
       22  Lacziko Geza                5.5  42.0  24.25  25.0  0000 1543 0
  9.    6  Menyhart Tibor              5.0  48.5  24.00  28.5  2225 2127 -0.48
       13  Schnitchen Laszlo           5.0  43.0  20.75  25.5  0000 1965 0
       12  Daroczy Sandor              5.0  41.0  18.75  25.0  0000 1588 0
 12.    9  Saller Imre                 4.5  48.5  19.75  26.0  0000 1967  1967
       10  Pal Ferenc                  4.5  48.0  21.50  26.0  0000 2218  2218
       11  Timar Jozsef                4.5  33.5  10.00  21.5  0000 1608 0
       14  Vekony Andrea               4.5  37.5  15.25  19.5  0000 1543 0
       18  Bugyenszky Laszlo           4.5  32.0   9.50  19.0  0000 1623 0
       17  Nagy Csaba                  4.5  36.5  14.00  18.5  0000 1673 0
 18.   20  Drecea Virgil               4.0  40.0  16.00  20.5  0000 1548 0
       15  Daroczy Bela                4.0  40.5  14.25  20.0  0000 1738 0
       24  Nagy Zoltan                 4.0  38.5  16.25  19.5  0000  -   0
       27  Varga Janos                 4.0  34.5  11.50  17.0  0000  -   0
       28  Varga Sandor                4.0  32.5  12.75  17.0  0000  -   0
 23.   23  Meszaros Karoly             3.5  30.5   7.00  18.5  0000  -   0
       16  Nagy Attila                 3.5  33.5   9.00  14.5  0000 1698 0
 25.   19  Domonkos Bela               3.0  32.5   5.75  15.0  0000 1593 0
       21  Griger Zoltan               3.0  30.5   5.75  13.0  0000 1543 0
 27.   26  Toth Sandor                 1.5  32.0   1.50  10.0  0000  -   0
 28.   25  Szarvas Daniel              0.0  32.0   0.00   0.0  0000  -   0

 Hajduboszormeny Cup

 Hajduboszormeny (Hungary), 1995. July 18-29
 Organizer: Zsolt Szabo, H-4027 Debrecen, Furedi U. 46 I/6

                   Hajduboszormeny 1995 (Im-Group)

                                          1 1
   Players Names        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1  Points  Sb_I

 1 Kiss Pal             * = = = = 1 = 1 1 1 1   7.5   32.00
 2 Estrada Julian       = * = 1 = = = 1 1 = 1   7.0   31.25
 3 Borsavolgyi Tamas    = = * = = = 1 1 = 1 1   7.0   30.25
 4 Okhotnik Vladimir    = 0 = * = 1 1 1 1 1 0   6.5   30.50
 5 Kotan Ladislav       = = = = * = = 0 = 1 1   5.5   25.00
 6 Emodi Gyula          0 = = 0 = * = = 1 1 1   5.5   21.50
 7 Ballai Zsolt         = = 0 0 = = * = 1 = 1   5.0   20.50
 8 Lengyel Francisc     0 0 0 0 1 = = * = 0 1   3.5   13.50
 9 Emodi Barnabas       0 0 = 0 = 0 0 = * 1 1   3.5   12.00
10 Gal Jozsef           0 = 0 0 0 0 = 1 0 * 1   3.0   10.50
11 Kakuk Sandor         0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 *   1.0    6.50

1.    Meszaros Andras 		Im 2355 Hun
2.    Krutti Valer 		   2355	Hun
3-4.  Felegyhazi Laszlo 	Fm 2360 Hun
      Mester Gyula 		Fm 2340 Hun

Ranking Of Round 9 Of Hajduboszormeny Kupa Group-A

No.  Pno.  Name                       Score Wp    Sb     Ps    Rat.  Tpr  W-We
  1.    9  Barva Attila                7.5  62.0  44.00  39.0  2230 2624 +2.44
  2.    8  Medvegy Nora                7.0  63.0  39.25  39.0  2265 2437 +0.88
        4  Mester Gyula                7.0  57.5  31.25  38.5  2340 2349 +0.02
  4.   11  Savtchour Fedor             6.5  59.5  37.75  36.0  2210 2316 +0.58
       16  Juhasz Laszlo               6.5  58.0  36.75  34.5  2160 2407 +1.65
  6.    1  Felegyhazi Laszlo           6.0  52.0  21.75  37.5  2360 2171 -1.06
       10  Zila Laszlo                 6.0  58.5  34.50  36.0  2215 2263 +0.28
       19  Dani Peter                  6.0  56.5  34.50  33.0  0000 2194  2194
       35  Hagymasi Janos              6.0  50.0  26.50  29.0  0000 2037 0
       26  Nagy Helga                  6.0  52.0  31.00  26.0  2090 2312 +0.89
 11.   33  Toth Andras                 5.5  56.5  31.50  36.5  2205 2246 +0.30
       14  Tegzes Laszlo               5.5  51.5  25.25  33.5  2180 2241 +0.40
       13  Varga Laszlo                5.5  52.5  28.50  32.0  2185 2080 -0.41
       15  Egri Laszlo                 5.5  56.5  32.00  32.0  2170 2107 -0.38
       25  Molnar Balazs               5.5  55.0  31.25  32.0  0000 2267 +0.50
 16.    7  Kadas Gabor                 5.0  51.0  22.00  33.0  2275 2100 -1.20
        5  Molnar Bela                 5.0  52.5  23.00  32.5  2340 2072 -1.46
       12  Gemesi Andras               5.0  53.0  29.25  32.5  2195 2077 -0.30
       20  Kis Bela                    5.0  53.5  27.25  30.5  2120 1576 -0.64
       24  Mathe Gyula                 5.0  51.5  25.25  30.5  0000 1988  1988
       31  Szabo Gergely               5.0  51.5  24.75  28.5  0000 2092  2092
 22.    6  Tamasi Albert               4.5  51.0  22.50  28.0  2280 1506 -1.26
       22  Kovacs Laszlo               4.5  48.0  19.00  26.0  0000 2055 0
       17  Monus Zoltan                4.5  47.0  21.00  26.0  2065  -   +0.00
       21  Kovacs Jozsef               4.5  50.0  23.75  25.0  0000 1980 0
       32  Trajber Csaba Dr.           4.5  48.5  22.00  25.0  0000 1518 0
 27.   39  Tancsa Robert               4.0  47.5  19.75  25.0  0000 1953  1953
       23  Makai Imre                  4.0  44.0  17.75  23.5  0000 1441 0
       42  Forgacs Antal               4.0  44.5  17.00  23.0  0000 1508 0
       34  Vajda Andras                4.0  47.5  19.75  20.0  0000 1413 0
       30  Saller Imre                 4.0  43.0  17.50  17.5  0000 1953 0
       37  Boros Laszlo                4.0  40.5  16.50  17.0  0000  -   0
 33.   38  Orban Zoltan                3.5  50.0  17.75  23.0  0000 1471 0
       36  Bekesi Janos                3.5  44.0  14.50  22.5  0000 1978 0
       18  Szeberenyi Adam             3.5  45.0  14.00  20.0  2050 1483 -0.70
       28  Pal Ferenc                  3.5  38.0  12.75  18.5  0000 2050 0
       40  Pozsonyi Istvan             3.5  42.0  14.50  16.0  0000 1373 0
 38.   29  Puskas Gabriella            2.5  40.0   9.50  13.0  0000 1603 0
 39.   41  Baranyai Antal              2.0  40.0   8.00  13.5  0000  -   0
 40.   27  Naszadi Ferenc              1.5  35.5   4.75  10.5  0000 1381 0

7) International Open In New Caledonia by Tim Reilly

The First International Open in Noumea (New Caledonia) saw the following leading

Leading Scores:

5.5/7 Gm Rogers, Im Johansen, Im Jamieson (All Aus), Gm Solozhenkin (Rus)

8) Cannes Open By Laurent Sallen

The 7th Martinez Open in Cannes (French Riviera) took place between
the 30th July and 6th August. The organiser was Damir Levacic and
he did his usual excellent job. There were two opens:

		-open A for fide players
                -open B for the others

Levacic (French but originally from Croatia) and earlier in the year organised
an open for peace with players from Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia etc called
for a thought for all the civil people who are suffering due to the breakup
of Yugoslavia and this was applauded by all the players.


Place    Name   	Title   Elo   Perf   Points
1       Lazarev   	IM    	2410  2670   7,5	/9
2       Cebalo    	GM   	2515  2598   7
3       Lanka     	GM   	2480  2589   7
4       Levacic         	2345  2470   6,5
5       Dunnington 	IM   	2385  2438   6,5
6       Bernard   	FM    	2315  2448   6,5
7       Urday     	GM   	2435  2471   6
8       Rotstein  	GM    	2485  2429   6
9       Anic      	IM    	2410  2457   6
10      Varga     	IM    	2415  2427   6
11      Szabolcsi  	IM   	2475  2391   6
12      Prie      	IM    	2480  2367   6
13      Lupu      	GM    	2490  2433   5,5
14      Ivkov     	GM   	2485  2430   5,5
15      Mrdja      	IM   	2450  2359   5,5
16      Guyot     	FM    	2245  2360   5,5
17      Goldgewicht     	2315  2275   5,5
18      Spielmann       	2270  2235   5,5
19      Karr                  	      2404   5

72 Participants.

Levacic who finished 4th= scored his first IM norm and he is the son of
the organiser. Bernard needed to win against Lanka in the last round
with the Black pieces for an IM norm but only drew. Karr a French
player with no FIDE rating was the revalation of the tournament,
scoring an IM result in the first 7 rounds before losing in the
last two rounds.

Open B Was Won By Bokias , 2nd Vasilescu, 3th Teychene.

9) 3rd Southern Counties Chess Union International Tournament

Russell Dive scored an IM norm at this International Tournament
held in Golders Green London from Monday 14th - Saturday 19th
August 1995. My thanks to David Sedgwick, Les Blackstock and
Bob Wade for help in covering this event.

Dive, Russell John 	f NZL 2315  42 21.05.66 M	7

Condie, Mark L 		m SCO 2450   0 12.02.65 M	6
Martin, Benjamin 	f NZL 2360  14   .  .   M	6
McMahon, Daire		  IRL 2240   0 31.12.63 M	6
Wilson, Jonathan	  ENG 2245  11 07.12.71 M	6
Sands, David		  ENG 2235   2 10.06.70 M	6

Gufeld, Eduard 		g GEO 2440   8 19.03.36 M	5.5
Britton, Richard 	f ENG 2320  24 01.09.57 M	5.5
Stanton, William	  ENG 2085   0 03.08.29 M	5.5
Moloney, Nicholas	  ENG 2035   5 07.11.77 M	5.5

Turner, Matthew 	m ENG 2400   0 11.12.75 M	5
Lund, D Brett		  ENG 2280   5 30.01.62 M	5
Georghiou, Paul I.	  ENG 2220   0 02.06.69 M	5
McShane, Luke J. 	f ENG 2170  15 07.01.84 M	5
Parker, Robert		  ENG 2085   0 16.09.57 M	5
Zymberi, A		  ALB				5
Harris, C		  ENG				5

Richardson, John R	  ENG 2295  10 20.01.64 M	4.5
Wood, David A		  ENG 2285   6 18.04.69 M	4.5
Whiteley, Andrew J 	m ENG 2375  48 09.06.47 M	4.5
Maduekwe, Chiedu	  NGR 2265   1   .  .   M	4.5
Donovan, Nigel		  ENG 2160  10 02.04.61 M	4.5
Heasman, Richard	  ENG 2140   0 12.06.53 M	4.5
Costello, Colin		  ENG 2115   6 24.12.54 M	4.5
Van Zyil Smit, Konrad	  RSA 2100   9 13.04.79 M	4.5
Obiamiwe, Paul		  NGR 2065   0 08.02.66 M	4.5
Mashayekh, M		  				4.5
Ali, M			  ENG				4.5
Dunn, Andrew		  ENG 2230   2 26.03.67 M	4.5
Chowdhuri, A		  IND				4.5
Chakraborty, K		  IND				4.5

Briggs, Philip J.	  ENG 2280  15 03.02.66 M	4
Macdonald-Ross, Stephen	  ENG 2055   0   .  .   M	4
Tuddenham, D		  ENG				4
Kane, R			  ENG				4
Young, M		  ENG				4
Szabo, Peter		  HUN 2155   0 14.11.48 M	4
Hassabis, George	  ENG 				4

Shyamol, Dutta		  IND 2110   0   .  .   M	3.5
Devenney, R		  IRL				3.5
Shah, A			  IND				3.5

Kumar, H		  IND				3

Jones, C		  ENG				2.5
Cheshire, P		  ENG				2.5

Singh, R		  IND				2

Kumar, N		  IND				1.5
Hassabis, Demis  	  ENG 2240   0 27.07.76 M	1.5 /4