THE WEEK IN CHESS 44 06/08/95 ------------------------------------------------- 1) Introduction 2) 28th Chess Festival Biel 1995 by Toni Riedner 3) Altensteig by Otto Borik 4) VB Accountants International Open Chess Tournament in Leeuwarden 5) SLIPAK UNBEATEN - International Open "Miguel Najdorf" 6) Open Tournaments in Ceske Martin Pribyl 7) British Chess Championships. Swansea. 8) Junior Match, Queensland AUS - Florida USA 9) Marathon- Blitz-Tourney held in Dresden, Germany on July 29-30. 10) ICCF (International Correspondence Chess Federation) by Christoph Pfrommer 11) Norresundby Bank Skak Cup by Under Uret /Flemming Jensen. GAMES SECTION ------------- SKA Tournament Biel 56 games Missing from VI Najdorf 2 games USA vs AUS Telechess 7 games British Championships 4 game Altensteig 24 games Norresundby Bank DEN 45 games Leeuwarden 34 games Ceske Budejovice CZE 46 games Najdorf Open 170 games 1) Introduction --------------- My thanks to Toni Riedner, Henri Spijkerman, Roberto Alvarez, Martin Pribyl Eric Holdsworth, Ian Murray, Martin Borriss, Christoph Pfrommer Under Uret /Flemming Jensen and Otto Borik. A long hot Summer of chess and for your editor who managed to leave half the introduction section at home. Anyway here is the news to go with the games. Enjoy Mark 2) 28th Chess Festival Biel 1995 by Toni Riedner =============================================== This is the last posting from the Chess Festival Biel. I'd like to thank the following people who helped to get the data and games: - Lucio Phoitos Barvas (ChessBase Data Switzerland) - Peter Burri - Michel Georg - Olivier Breisacher Alexey Dreev is the winner of the CB-GM-Tournament with 9/13. Second is Shirov (8.0), third Adianto and Gelfand (7.5). Igor Glek wins the Master open (8.5/11) in front of Sergey Smagin, Yuri Razuvaev, Vladimir Tukmakov and Boris Avrukh (all 8.0). Team Europe clearly wins the twelve-round match against the Swiss/French team by 91.5 : 52.5. The Swiss/French team played a cat. 6 tournament. Nobody got an IM-norm (7.5 points). Best players: Team Europe: H. Dobosz 10.0 (HUN) A. Suetin 9.5 (RUS) I. Marinkovic 9.0 (YUG) Team SUI/FRA E. Bacrot 6.5 (FRA) M. Raeber, N. Giertz, M. Hochstrasser, M. Pytel 6.0 (all SUI) Round 1 (1995.07.21) Adianto, Utut - De Firmian, Nick 0-1 37 E32 Nimzo indian Gelfand, Boris - Dreev, Alexey 1/2 23 D47 QGD Zvjaginsev, Vadim - Timman, Jan H 1/2 33 E13 Nimzo indian Gavrikov, Viktor - Kindermann, Stefan 1/2 16 A86 Dutch defence Campora, Daniel H - Tkachiev, Vladislav 1/2 43 C45 Scottish Hodgson, Julian M - Shirov, Alexei 1/2 19 D02 Queen's pawn Brunner, Lucas - Milov, Vadim 1/2 28 E62 KID Round 2 (1995.07.22) Dreev, Alexey - Shirov, Alexei 1-0 35 E81 KID; Saemisch Gelfand, Boris - Zvjaginsev, Vadim 1-0 28 E34 Nimzo indian Tkachiev, Vladislav - Adianto, Utut 1/2 13 B10 Caro-Kann De Firmian, Nick - Brunner, Lucas 1-0 35 B19 Caro-Kann Kindermann, Stefan - Campora, Daniel H 1-0 37 C41 Philidor defence Milov, Vadim - Hodgson, Julian M 1/2 26 D10 Slav defence Timman, Jan H - Gavrikov, Viktor 1/2 26 A30 English; 1.c4 c5 Round 3 (1995.07.23) Shirov, Alexei - Milov, Vadim 1/2 21 E94 KID; Classical Adianto, Utut - Kindermann, Stefan 1-0 39 A87 Dutch defence Zvjaginsev, Vadim - Dreev, Alexey 1/2 21 D10 Slav defence Gavrikov, Viktor - Gelfand, Boris 0-1 32 E63 KID Campora, Daniel H - Timman, Jan H 1-0 58 B80 Sicilian Hodgson, Julian M - De Firmian, Nick 1/2 32 A36 English; 1.c4 c5 Brunner, Lucas - Tkachiev, Vladislav 1/2 24 E66 KID Round 4 (1995.07.24) Dreev, Alexey - Milov, Vadim 1-0 31 A70 Modern Benoni Gelfand, Boris - Campora, Daniel H 1/2 57 C55 Two knights Tkachiev, Vladislav - Hodgson, Julian M 1-0 25 B01 Scandinavian Zvjaginsev, Vadim - Gavrikov, Viktor 1-0 47 A81 Dutch defence De Firmian, Nick - Shirov, Alexei 0-1 40 B89 Sicilian Kindermann, Stefan - Brunner, Lucas 1-0 35 B12 Caro-Kann Timman, Jan H - Adianto, Utut 0-1 34 E41 Nimzo indian Round 5 (1995.07.25) Shirov, Alexei - Tkachiev, Vladislav 1/2 30 E99 KID; Main line Adianto, Utut - Gelfand, Boris 1-0 83 E63 KID Milov, Vadim - De Firmian, Nick 1-0 40 E43 Nimzo indian Gavrikov, Viktor - Dreev, Alexey 1/2 55 B13 Caro-Kann Campora, Daniel H - Zvjaginsev, Vadim 1/2 32 B80 Sicilian Hodgson, Julian M - Kindermann, Stefan 1-0 42 A34 English; 1.c4 c5 Brunner, Lucas - Timman, Jan H 0-1 29 D32 QGD Round 6 (1995.07.26) Dreev, Alexey - De Firmian, Nick 1-0 27 A70 Modern Benoni Gelfand, Boris - Brunner, Lucas 1-0 46 B12 Caro-Kann Tkachiev, Vladislav - Milov, Vadim 1/2 14 B21 Sicilian; English attack Zvjaginsev, Vadim - Adianto, Utut 1/2 36 D25 QGD; Exchange Kindermann, Stefan - Shirov, Alexei 1/2 42 B06 Modern defence Gavrikov, Viktor - Campora, Daniel H 1/2 46 D36 QGD Timman, Jan H - Hodgson, Julian M 1/2 30 B07 Pirc Round 7 (1995.07.27) Shirov, Alexei - Timman, Jan H 1-0 28 C51 Evans gambit Adianto, Utut - Gavrikov, Viktor 1/2 14 E15 Nimzo indian De Firmian, Nick - Tkachiev, Vladislav 1/2 23 C78 Ruy Lopez Milov, Vadim - Kindermann, Stefan 1-0 38 A80 Dutch defence Campora, Daniel H - Dreev, Alexey 0-1 31 C02 French; Advance Hodgson, Julian M - Gelfand, Boris 1/2 33 A11 English; 1.c4 Brunner, Lucas - Zvjaginsev, Vadim 1/2 34 D35 QGD Round 8 (1995.07.28) Dreev, Alexey - Tkachiev, Vladislav 1/2 19 E81 KID; Saemisch Gelfand, Boris - Shirov, Alexei 1/2 27 D47 QGD Zvjaginsev, Vadim - Hodgson, Julian M 1-0 49 D10 Slav defence Kindermann, Stefan - De Firmian, Nick 1/2 43 B93 Sicilian; Najdorf Gavrikov, Viktor - Brunner, Lucas 1-0 97 D20 QGD; Exchange Campora, Daniel H - Adianto, Utut 1/2 33 B18 Caro-Kann Timman, Jan H - Milov, Vadim 1/2 36 B47 Sicilian Round 9 (1995.07.29) Shirov, Alexei - Zvjaginsev, Vadim 1-0 27 B47 Sicilian Adianto, Utut - Dreev, Alexey 1/2 62 D47 QGD Tkachiev, Vladislav - Kindermann, Stefan 1/2 18 C05 French; Tarrasch De Firmian, Nick - Timman, Jan H 1/2 23 C80 Ruy Lopez Milov, Vadim - Gelfand, Boris 1/2 17 A45 Queen's pawn Hodgson, Julian M - Gavrikov, Viktor 1/2 39 A11 English; 1.c4 Brunner, Lucas - Campora, Daniel H 1/2 60 C10 French Round 10 (1995.07.30) Dreev, Alexey - Kindermann, Stefan 1/2 28 A87 Dutch defence Adianto, Utut - Brunner, Lucas 1-0 41 E20 Nimzo indian Gelfand, Boris - De Firmian, Nick 1/2 61 E43 Nimzo indian Zvjaginsev, Vadim - Milov, Vadim 1-0 54 E92 KID; Classical Gavrikov, Viktor - Shirov, Alexei 1/2 25 A59 Wolga gambit Campora, Daniel H - Hodgson, Julian M 1/2 28 B70 Sicilian; Dragon Timman, Jan H - Tkachiev, Vladislav 1/2 38 C78 Ruy Lopez Round 11 (1995.07.31) Shirov, Alexei - Campora, Daniel H 1/2 12 C50 Giuoco piano Tkachiev, Vladislav - Gelfand, Boris 1/2 20 B97 Sicilian; Najdorf De Firmian, Nick - Zvjaginsev, Vadim 1/2 21 B47 Sicilian Kindermann, Stefan - Timman, Jan H 1-0 24 C78 Ruy Lopez Milov, Vadim - Gavrikov, Viktor 1/2 50 E58 Nimzo indian Hodgson, Julian M - Adianto, Utut 1-0 42 B12 Caro-Kann Brunner, Lucas - Dreev, Alexey 1/2 13 B13 Caro-Kann Round 12 Dreev, Alexey - Timman, Jan H 1/2 11 D31 QGD Adianto, Utut - Shirov, Alexei 1/2 27 A65 Modern Benoni Gelfand, Boris - Kindermann, Stefan 1/2 18 A10 English; 1.c4 Zvjaginsev, Vadim - Tkachiev, Vladislav 1/2 24 E91 KID; Classical Gavrikov, Viktor - De Firmian, Nick 1/2 21 A70 Modern Benoni Campora, Daniel H - Milov, Vadim 1/2 58 B42 Sicilian Brunner, Lucas - Hodgson, Julian M 1-0 39 A25 English; 1.c4 e5 Round 13 Shirov, Alexei - Brunner, Lucas 1-0 45 B12 Caro-Kann Tkachiev, Vladislav - Gavrikov, Viktor 1/2 25 B52 Sicilian De Firmian, Nick - Campora, Daniel H 1-0 36 C41 Philidor defence Kindermann, Stefan - Zvjaginsev, Vadim 1/2 12 B47 Sicilian Milov, Vadim - Adianto, Utut 1/2 18 D27 QGD; Exchange Hodgson, Julian M - Dreev, Alexey 0-1 73 D12 Slav defence Timman, Jan H - Gelfand, Boris 1/2 69 A38 English; 1.c4 c5 Biel (SUI), VII 1995. cat. XV (2604) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Dreev, Alexey g RUS 2670 * 1 = = = = 1 = 1 = 1 1 = = 9.0 2739 2 Shirov, Alexei g ESP 2695 0 * = = = 1 1 = = = = = 1 1 8.0 2683 3 Adianto, Utut g INA 2590 = = * 1 = = 0 1 = = = 0 1 1 7.5 2661 4 Gelfand, Boris g BLR 2685 = = 0 * = 1 = = = 1 = = = 1 7.5 2654 5 Tkachiev, Vladislav g KAZ 2605 = = = = * = = = = = = 1 = = 7.0 2632 6 Zvjaginsev, Vadim g RUS 2600 = 0 = 0 = * = = 1 1 = 1 = = 7.0 2632 7 De Firmian, Nick g USA 2605 0 0 1 = = = * = 0 = 1 = = 1 6.5 2603 8 Kindermann, Stefan g GER 2565 = = 0 = = = = * 0 = 1 0 1 1 6.5 2606 9 Milov, Vadim g ISR 2570 0 = = = = 0 1 1 * = = = = = 6.5 2606 10 Gavrikov, Viktor g SUI 2605 = = = 0 = 0 = = = * = = = 1 6.0 2574 11 Campora, Daniel H g ARG 2550 0 = = = = = 0 0 = = * = 1 = 5.5 2550 12 Hodgson, Julian M g ENG 2590 0 = 1 = 0 0 = 1 = = = * = 0 5.5 2547 13 Timman, Jan H g NED 2590 = 0 0 = = = = 0 = = 0 = * 1 5.0 2517 14 Brunner, Lucas g SUI 2530 = 0 0 0 = = 0 0 = 0 = 1 0 * 3.5 2434 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CB-Master-Tournament ----------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Team Europe 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Illijn,N i ROM 2320 0 = = = = 0 1 = = = 1 1 6.5 2 Zichichi,A i ITA 2315 1 1 = 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 7.5 3 Donev,I i BUL 2385 = 1 0 = 0 1 0 = 1 = 1 = 6.5 4 Marinkovic i YUG 2465 1 1 1 = = 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 9.0 5 Ambrosz,J i CZE 2400 1 = 0 = 1 = = = 1 1 = = 7.5 6 Dobosz,H i POL 2420 1 = 1 = 1 1 1 = 1 1 = 1 10.0 7 Sinkovics,P i HUN 2415 = = = 1 = 0 1 0 1 1 1 = 7.5 8 Jurek,J i CZE 2370 1 = = = 1 = 1 = 1 1 = = 8.5 9 Alexandria,N wg GEO 2350 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 = 1 0 5.5 10 Veroeci,Z wg HUN 2315 = 0 = = = 0 = = = = 1 = 5.5 11 Suetin,A g RUS 2445 = 1 1 = = = 1 = 1 1 1 1 9.5 12 Vigh,B i HUN 2355 1 0 1 = 1 = = 1 1 1 = 0 8.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Team Switzerland/France 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Wyss,T SUI 2255 1 0 = 0 0 0 = 0 0 = = 0 3.0 2 Raeber,M SUI 2115 = 0 0 0 = = = = 1 1 0 1 5.5 3 Giertz,N SUI 2360 = = 1 0 1 0 = = 1 = 0 0 5.5 4 Bacrot,E f FRA 2395 = 1 = = = = 0 = 1 = = = 6.5 5 Pytel,M SUI 2235 = 1 1 = 0 0 = 0 1 = = 0 5.5 6 Kaenel.H f SUI 2395 1 0 0 0 = 0 1 = 0 1 = = 5.0 7 Moor,R SUI 2150 0 0 1 0 = 0 0 0 1 = 0 = 3.5 8 Masserey,Y f SUI 2350 = 0 = 0 = = 1 = 0 = = 0 4.5 9 Nueesch,G SUI 2000 = 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 0 3.0 10 Moor,O SUI 2205 = 0 = 0 0 0 0 0 = = 0 0 2.0 11 Bex,P SUI 2175 0 1 0 0 = = 0 = 0 0 0 = 3.0 12 Hochstrasser,M SUI 2255 0 0 = 1 = 0 = = 1 = 0 1 5.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Team Europe : 91.5 Team SUI/FRA : 52.5 MASTER OPEN Final Standings after 11 rounds ------------------------------- 1. GLEK IGOR GM GER-ESSEN 8.5 78.0 806.50 W+ 84 B+ 74 W+ 24 B= 52 W+ 12 B= 2 W+ 6 B+ 23 W= 3 W= 5 B= 4 2. SMAGIN SERGEJ GM RUB- 8.0 80.0 786.50 W+ 82 B+ 48 W= 25 B+ 28 W+ 27 W= 1 B+ 13 W= 10 B= 11 W= 3 B= 5 3. RAZUVAEV YURI GM RUB-MOSKAU 8.0 79.0 803.50 W+ 79 B+ 39 W= 8 B+ 14 W+ 52 B= 6 W= 23 W+ 16 B= 1 B= 2 W= 12 4. TUKMAKOV VLADIMIR GM UKR-ODESSA 8.0 76.0 776.50 W+111 B= 29 W+ 34 B+ 25 W= 6 B= 51 W= 12 B= 14 W+ 50 B+ 24 W= 1 5. AVRUKH BORIS IM ISR-BEER-SHEVA 8.0 72.5 759.00 B=164 W+107 B+ 42 W= 11 W= 49 B= 37 W+ 45 B+ 13 W+ 14 B= 1 W= 2 6. KUZMIN ALEXEI IM RUB-MOSKAU 7.5 77.5 759.00 B+118 W+ 32 B+ 67 W+ 44 B= 4 W= 3 B- 1 W= 15 B= 16 W+ 56 B= 13 7. PORTISCH LAJOS GM HUN-BUDAPEST 7.5 75.5 766.00 W+ 78 B+ 81 W= 17 B+ 20 W= 38 W= 10 B= 49 W+ 28 B= 8 B= 12 W= 18 8. PSAKHIS LEV GM ISR-RISHON-LE-ZION 7.5 75.5 750.00 B+110 W+ 94 B= 3 W= 13 B= 44 W+ 47 B= 40 W+ 19 W= 7 B= 15 W= 17 9. VAISSER ANATOLI GM FRA-LE KREMLIN 7.5 74.0 774.00 W+ 85 B+ 62 W= 37 B+103 W= 23 B= 11 W= 24 B= 12 W+ 26 W= 10 B= 19 10. GOLUBEV MIKHAIL IM UKR-ODESSA 7.5 74.0 770.50 B=108 W+ 92 W= 59 B+ 56 W+ 17 B= 7 W+ 38 B= 2 W= 24 B= 9 W= 15 11. ROMANISHIN OLEG GM UKR-LVIV 7.5 73.5 756.00 W+125 B+120 W= 38 B= 5 W+ 48 W= 9 B= 28 W+ 49 W= 2 B= 18 B= 21 12. FINKEL ALEX IM ISR-BEER-SHEVA 7.5 72.5 741.50 B+144 W+165 B+ 46 W= 27 B- 1 W+ 57 B= 4 W= 9 B+ 41 W= 7 B= 3 13. SUBA MIHAIL GM ESP-PALMA DE MALLO 7.5 71.5 758.50 B= 92 W+ 77 W+132 B= 8 W+102 B+ 29 W- 2 W- 5 B+ 54 B+ 23 W= 6 14. BOLOGAN VICTOR GM MDA-KISHINEV 7.5 71.5 731.50 W+146 B+ 90 B= 55 W- 3 B+ 77 W+ 65 B= 15 W= 4 B- 5 W+ 43 B+ 47 15. CHERNIN ALEXANDER GM HUN-BUDAPEST 7.5 71.0 764.00 W+ 96 B= 59 W= 49 B+105 W+ 41 B= 38 W= 14 B= 6 W+ 74 W= 8 B= 10 16. IBRAGIMOV ILDAR GM RUB-KAZAN 7.5 71.0 738.00 B=130 W+108 B+ 19 W= 57 B= 21 W+104 W+ 51 B- 3 W= 6 B= 20 W+ 45 17. SOKOLOV ANDREI GM FRA-BELFORT 7.5 69.5 744.50 B+126 W+ 75 B= 7 W= 55 B- 10 W= 64 B= 42 W+ 80 B+ 58 W+ 28 B= 8 18. EISMONT OLEG IM RUB-OMSK 7.5 69.0 737.50 B=115 W+ 89 W- 23 B= 26 W+113 B+103 W+ 52 B= 39 W+ 32 W= 11 B= 7 19. STURUA ZURAB GM GEO- 7.5 68.5 717.50 W+169 B= 34 W- 16 B+ 91 W+ 79 B= 27 W+ 87 B- 8 W+ 37 B+ 25 W= 9 20. TSEITLIN MARK IM ISR-BEER SHEVA 7.5 66.0 733.50 B+152 W= 43 B+ 47 W- 7 B= 53 W- 54 B+122 W+ 83 B+ 49 W= 16 W+ 39 21. KLOVANS JANIS IM LAT-RIGA 7.5 65.5 724.00 W=104 B+170 W+ 26 B= 37 W= 16 B= 45 W= 74 B= 32 W+102 B+ 51 W= 11 22. GIPSLIS AIVARS GM LAT-RIGA 7.5 64.5 711.00 B-141 W+139 B= 75 W= 31 B+ 72 W= 53 B+ 33 B- 50 W+ 52 W+ 40 B+ 41 23. KAMINSKI MARCIN IM POL-LUTUTOW 7.0 75.0 758.50 B+116 W= 47 B+ 18 W+ 60 B= 9 W+ 46 B= 3 W- 1 B= 56 W- 13 B+ 53 24. GOFSHTEIN LEONID GM ISR-TEL AVIV 7.0 74.5 761.50 B+ 61 W+106 B- 1 W= 76 B+ 58 W+ 35 B= 9 W+ 40 B= 10 W- 4 B= 30 25. MIEZIS NORMUNDS IM LAT-OLAINE 7.0 71.5 741.00 B+ 68 W+ 40 B= 2 W- 4 B- 57 W+108 B+ 76 W= 35 B+ 63 W- 19 B+ 54 26. LANDA KONSTANTIN IM RUB-OMSK 7.0 71.5 709.50 B+ 66 W= 63 B- 21 W= 18 B+116 W+ 80 B= 30 W+ 64 B- 9 W+ 42 B= 35 27. CVITAN OGNJEN GM SUI-BASEL 7.0 71.0 734.00 W+124 B+ 36 W+102 B= 12 B- 2 W= 19 B= 43 W= 54 B= 31 W= 53 B+ 61 28. WAHLS MATTHIAS GM GER-HAMBURG 7.0 70.5 739.00 B+128 W= 42 B+ 63 W- 2 B+119 W+ 55 W= 11 B- 7 W+ 48 B- 17 W+ 62 29. TELLJOHANN SVEN GER-LENGERICH 7.0 68.5 713.00 B+160 W= 4 B= 76 W+ 95 B+ 32 W- 13 B= 54 W= 30 B= 61 W= 33 B+ 63 30. LALIC BOGDAN GM CRO-PEACEHAVEN 7.0 68.0 731.50 B=121 W+130 B= 33 W= 53 B= 60 W+ 63 W= 26 B= 29 W= 39 B+ 38 W= 24 31. ROEDER MATTHIAS IM GER-AACHEN 7.0 67.5 723.00 W- 56 B+113 W=104 B= 22 W+ 90 B+ 48 W= 37 B= 38 W= 27 B= 64 W+ 58 32. RIZOUK RYAD ALG-ALGER 7.0 66.0 694.50 W+129 B- 6 W+133 B+138 W- 29 B= 50 B+ 95 W= 21 B- 18 W+ 68 B+ 56 33. GRUENFELD YEHUDA GM ISR- 7.0 65.0 703.50 W+133 B=109 W= 30 B+112 W= 37 B- 49 W- 22 B+ 70 W+119 B= 29 W+ 51 34. LANGEWEG KICK IM NED-NEDERHORST 7.0 64.5 672.50 B+131 W= 19 B- 4 W+153 B- 40 W= 97 B+ 68 W= 87 B= 82 W+ 72 W+ 64 35. KELECEVIC NEDEYKO IM SUI-WINTERTHUR 7.0 63.5 709.50 W+161 B=103 W+ 91 B- 38 W+109 B- 24 W+ 93 B= 25 W= 65 B+ 50 W= 26 36. HAUB THORSTEN-M. FM GER-SIEGEN 7.0 52.0 644.50 B+143 W- 27 B=152 W-122 W=121 B+169 W=105 B+ 92 W= 78 B+119 W+ 59 37. MILES ANTHONY GM ENG-BIRMINGHAM 6.5 74.5 736.50 B+ 71 W+ 54 B= 9 W= 21 B= 33 W= 5 B= 31 W= 43 B- 19 W= 60 B+ 76 38. MARKOWSKI TOMASZ IM POL-GLOGOW 6.5 72.5 735.00 B+137 W+ 93 B= 11 W+ 35 B= 7 W= 15 B- 10 W= 31 B= 43 W- 30 B+ 86 39. YAGUPOV IGOR IM RUB-WOVONOSKOVSK 6.5 70.5 721.50 B+156 W- 3 B+ 88 W+ 43 B= 55 W- 40 B+ 65 W= 18 B= 30 W+ 44 B- 20 40. KULAOTS KAIDO IM EST-PAERNU 6.5 70.0 715.50 W+148 B- 25 W= 73 B+ 82 W+ 34 B+ 39 W= 8 B- 24 W= 45 B- 22 W+ 75 41. LIARDET FABRICE SUI-AVANCHET 6.5 68.5 700.50 B- 60 W+149 B+ 86 W+ 54 B- 15 W+ 61 B= 46 W+ 44 W- 12 B+ 87 W- 22 42. MATAMOROS CARLOS IM ESP-SEVILLA 6.5 67.5 690.50 W+100 B= 28 W- 5 B- 84 W+146 B+ 71 W= 17 B= 59 W+ 88 B- 26 W+ 85 43. KONOPKA MICHAL IM CZE-PRAG 6.5 67.0 739.50 W+138 B= 20 W= 50 B- 39 W+112 B+105 W= 27 B= 37 W= 38 B- 14 W+ 74 44. ARBAKOV VALENTIN GM RUB-MOSKAU 6.5 66.0 713.00 W+117 B+141 W+ 64 B- 6 W= 8 B= 52 W= 85 B- 41 W+ 69 B- 39 W+ 78 45. CIRIC DRAGOLJUB GM YUG-BEOGRAD 6.5 66.0 704.00 B=119 W= 58 B= 94 W+141 B+122 W= 21 B- 5 W+ 77 B= 40 W+ 46 B- 16 46. KOGAN ARTHUR IM ISR-BAT YAM 6.5 65.5 708.50 W+135 B+ 80 W- 12 B+ 85 W+ 50 B- 23 W= 41 B- 74 W+ 95 B- 45 W+ 87 47. WIRTHENSOHN HEINZ IM SUI-SARMENSTORF 6.5 64.0 713.50 W+154 B= 23 W- 20 B+114 W+ 84 B- 8 W=137 B= 78 W+ 75 B+ 74 W- 14 48. BANCOD RONALD FM PHI-MANILA 6.5 64.0 695.00 B+163 W- 2 B+111 W+ 64 B- 11 W- 31 B+110 W+120 B- 28 W= 76 B+ 90 49. NEVEDNICHY VLADISLAV GM ROM-BUCAREST 6.0 72.5 726.00 B= 77 W+115 B= 15 W+ 66 B= 5 W+ 33 W= 7 B- 11 W- 20 B- 58 W+114 50. SHAKED TAL IM USA-TUCSON 6.0 71.0 702.50 B=107 W+ 98 B= 43 W+ 67 B- 46 W= 32 B+ 55 W+ 22 B- 4 W- 35 B= 70 51. RAETSKY ALEXANDER IM RUB-VORONEZH 6.0 70.0 731.00 W+ 70 B+ 65 W- 52 B+ 78 W+ 74 W= 4 B- 16 B=102 W+ 62 W- 21 B- 33 52. PELLETIER YANNICK FM SUI-BIEL 6.0 70.0 719.00 B+139 W+ 86 B+ 51 W= 1 B- 3 W= 44 B- 18 W= 66 B- 22 W= 83 B+109 53. ORATOVSKY MICHAEL IM ISR-BNEI-BRAK 6.0 69.0 702.50 W+ 73 B- 64 W+125 B= 30 W= 20 B= 22 W-102 B+ 89 W+ 67 B= 27 W- 23 54. AL-MODIAHKI MOHAMAD IM QAT-DOHA QUATAR 6.0 68.5 712.00 W+145 B- 37 W+ 70 B- 41 W+138 B+ 20 W= 29 B= 27 W- 13 B+ 93 W- 25 55. GHEORGHIU FLORIN GM ROM-BUCAREST 6.0 68.5 708.00 W+105 B+ 95 W= 14 B= 17 W= 39 B- 28 W- 50 B= 93 W+ 71 B= 65 W= 69 56. GILLES RAPHAEL SUI-BERN 6.0 68.0 724.00 B+ 31 W= 60 B= 57 W- 10 B= 97 W+119 B+123 W+ 85 W= 23 B- 6 W- 32 57. PAVASOVIC DUSKO IM SLO-LJUBLIJANA 6.0 68.0 708.50 W= 69 B+101 W= 56 B= 16 W+ 25 B- 12 W= 58 B- 62 W+109 B= 78 W= 65 58. VESCOVI GIOVANNI IM BRA-SAO PAULO 6.0 67.0 706.50 B- 86 B= 45 W+115 B+ 73 W- 24 W+ 88 B= 57 B+107 W- 17 W+ 49 B- 31 59. MARIC ALISA IM YUG-BEOGRAD 6.0 67.0 691.50 B+127 W= 15 B= 10 W= 68 B= 76 W= 93 B= 75 W= 42 B+ 85 W= 61 B- 36 60. BABURIN ALEXANDER IM IRL-DUBLIN 6.0 65.5 709.50 W+ 41 B= 56 W+109 B- 23 W= 30 B- 85 W- 62 B+111 W+114 B= 37 W= 67 61. DREI ANDREA ITA-RAVENNA 6.0 65.0 692.00 W- 24 B+148 W= 62 B+120 W= 81 B- 41 W+100 B+ 69 W= 29 B= 59 W- 27 62. ALTERMAN VLADIMIR IM ISR-BEER-SHEVA 6.0 64.5 709.50 B+153 W- 9 B= 61 W= 63 B= 88 W= 83 B+ 60 W+ 57 B- 51 W+ 82 B- 28 63. NEMET IVAN GM SUI-BASEL 6.0 62.5 680.50 W+150 B= 26 W- 28 B= 62 W+ 78 B- 30 W+165 B+137 W- 25 B+102 W- 29 64. PENG ZHAOQIN FGM YUG-BEOGRAD 6.0 62.5 678.00 W+166 W+ 53 B- 44 B- 48 W+169 B= 17 W+ 81 B- 26 W+104 W= 31 B- 34 65. KURZ EUGEN GER-KONSTANZ 6.0 62.0 693.50 B+147 W- 51 B=153 W+ 75 B+ 94 B- 14 W- 39 W+123 B= 35 W= 55 B= 57 66. HENRICHS THOMAS GER-RECKLINGHAUSEN 6.0 60.5 685.50 W- 26 B+154 W+ 90 B- 49 W+ 70 B- 74 W+116 B= 52 B- 87 W= 77 B+110 67. GALLAGHER JOSEPH GM SUI-NEUCHATEL 6.0 59.5 689.00 W+112 B+134 W- 6 B- 50 W-105 B=125 W+ 91 B+103 B- 53 W+124 B= 60 68. SERMIER GUILLAUME FRA-BREVANS 6.0 59.0 660.50 W- 25 B+136 W+141 B= 59 W-104 B= 79 W- 34 B+142 W+137 B- 32 W+115 69. VOIGT ULRICH GER-BOEHLEN 6.0 58.5 670.00 B= 57 W- 83 B+159 W- 77 B+132 W+ 86 B+106 W- 61 B- 44 W+120 B= 55 70. SOLN PRIMOZ SLO-BREZOVICA 6.0 58.0 672.50 B- 51 W+158 B- 54 W+106 B- 66 W=121 B+133 W- 33 W+129 B+104 W= 50 71. ZOLLBRECHT JOSEF FM GER-MARKT INDERSDO 6.0 58.0 669.50 W- 37 B-138 W+124 B=121 W+ 73 W- 42 B= 99 W+108 B- 55 B+128 W+102 72. SAKHATOVA ELVIRA FGM KAZ-ALMATY 6.0 57.0 634.50 W+151 B-102 W+142 B- 74 W- 22 B=134 W=124 B+100 W+125 B- 34 W+107 73. CHEKHLOV ALEXANDER LAT-RIGA 6.0 55.0 635.00 B- 53 W+143 B= 40 W- 58 B- 71 B=154 W- 98 W+149 B+155 W+108 B+106 74. TOTH BELA IM SUI-BASEL 5.5 68.5 695.50 B+159 W- 1 B+144 W+ 72 B- 51 W+ 66 B= 21 W+ 46 B- 15 W- 47 B- 43 75. SALE SRDJAN IM CRO-KUCISTE 5.5 66.5 687.00 W+113 B- 17 W= 22 B- 65 W+ 89 B+ 96 W= 59 B=104 B- 47 W+ 94 B- 40 76. JARACZ PAWEL POL-JELENIA GORA 5.5 64.5 696.00 B= 98 W+157 W= 29 B= 24 W= 59 B=102 W- 25 B=114 W+101 B= 48 W- 37 77. TOUZANE OLIVIER IM FRA- 5.5 63.5 680.50 W= 49 B- 13 W+135 B+ 69 W- 14 B=107 W+125 B- 45 W- 93 B= 66 B+123 78. SUTTER OLIVER FM SUI-BERN 5.5 63.0 658.00 B- 7 B+117 W+114 W- 51 B- 63 W+170 B+ 86 W= 47 B= 36 W= 57 B- 44 79. BHEND EDWIN IM SUI-BASEL 5.5 62.0 657.00 B- 3 B=145 W+129 W+ 83 B- 19 W= 68 B-120 W+ 99 B= 90 B= 88 W= 93 80. CLADOURAS PANAGIOTIS IM GER-BERLIN 5.5 61.5 656.00 W+136 W- 46 B+128 B= 81 W=103 B- 26 W+118 B- 17 W=107 B= 97 W= 91 81. KRAYS ALEXANDER ISR-RAMAT GAN 5.5 61.0 665.00 B+123 W- 7 B+110 W= 80 B= 61 W= 95 B- 64 W= 97 B= 83 W- 90 B+124 82. ZACH ANDREAS GER-MUENCHEN 5.5 61.0 661.00 B- 2 W=159 B+108 W- 40 W+ 91 B- 87 W+140 B+129 W= 34 B- 62 W= 97 83. ZAK URIEL FM ISR-TEL AVIV 5.5 61.0 660.50 W=101 B+ 69 W-103 B- 79 W+161 B= 62 W+ 84 B- 20 W= 81 B= 52 W=100 84. RIZOUK AIMEN FM ALG-ALGER 5.5 61.0 656.00 B- 1 W=127 B+130 W+ 42 B- 47 W=122 B- 83 W= 98 B=121 B+116 W=101 85. BLIUMBERG VLADISLAV UKR-ODESSA 5.5 60.0 662.00 B- 9 W+156 B+165 W- 46 B+160 W+ 60 B= 44 B- 56 W- 59 W+ 95 B- 42 86. BOZINOVIC BOGDAN CRO-ZAGREB 5.5 59.0 670.50 W+ 58 B- 52 W- 41 W+127 B=123 B- 69 W- 78 B+116 W+138 B+135 W- 38 87. DI FONZO VALERIO ITA-MILANO 5.5 59.0 645.00 B-106 W=126 B+157 B+170 W=107 W+ 82 B- 19 B= 34 W+ 66 W- 41 B- 46 88. WEINDL ALFRED FM GER-KONSTANZ 5.5 58.0 656.50 W-132 B+161 W- 39 B+110 W= 62 B- 58 W+134 B+105 B- 42 W= 79 B= 96 89. MARIC MIRJANA FGM YUG-BEOGRAD 5.5 58.0 654.00 W= 91 B- 18 B= 99 W=144 B- 75 W+141 B+ 94 W- 53 W=103 B=105 W+135 90. KAMBER BRUNO FM SUI-OLTEN 5.5 58.0 646.50 B+158 W- 14 B- 66 W+143 B- 31 W-120 W+162 B+118 W= 79 B+ 81 W- 48 91. VEHI VICTOR IM ESP-BARCELONA 5.5 58.0 642.50 B= 89 W+164 B- 35 W- 19 B- 82 W+139 B- 67 B+146 W+105 W=106 B= 80 92. DAUDZVARDIS JANIS LAT-EGLAINE 5.5 58.0 637.00 W= 13 B- 10 B=137 W-116 B=124 W+161 B+121 W- 36 B=117 W+127 B= 98 93. WALLACE JOHN-PAUL AUB- 5.5 57.0 675.50 W+162 B- 38 W+166 B-102 W+145 B= 59 B- 35 W= 55 B+ 77 W- 54 B= 79 94. CHERNIAEV ALEXANDER IM RUB-ARKHANGELSK 5.5 57.0 652.50 W+140 B- 8 W= 45 B+134 W- 65 B-109 W- 89 B+130 W+153 B- 75 W+126 95. VAN LAATUM GOZEWYN FM NED-DORDRECHT 5.5 57.0 650.50 W+168 W- 55 B+123 B- 29 W+142 B= 81 W- 32 W+127 B- 46 B- 85 W+120 96. VUKSANOVIC SANJA FIM YUG-BEGALOICA 5.5 54.0 623.50 B- 15 W-123 B=156 W+139 B+144 W- 75 W-111 B=134 W+118 B+112 W= 88 97. HUG WERNER IM SUI-EMBRACH 5.5 53.0 626.00 W=170 B=104 W=134 B=169 W= 56 B= 34 W=103 B= 81 B=106 W= 80 B= 82 98. JACOT LAURENT SUI-VEVEY 5.5 53.0 620.00 W= 76 B- 50 W=145 B-142 W-162 W+147 B+ 73 B= 84 W=112 B+125 W= 92 99. REMLING CHRISTIAN GER-OSNABRUECK 5.5 52.5 630.00 W-103 B=162 W= 89 B=111 W=115 B=113 W= 71 B- 79 W=126 B+153 W+119 100. VON ALLMEN ALAIN SUI-ZUERICH 5.5 52.5 616.50 B- 42 W-110 B+158 W-123 B+149 W+160 B- 61 W- 72 B+143 W+122 B= 83 101. AMBROSINI NICOLA SUI-LODRINO 5.5 52.0 631.00 B= 83 W- 57 B-155 W+147 B=126 W-106 B+145 W+152 B- 76 W+111 B= 84 102. GUTMAN LEV GM GER-KASSEL 5.0 67.5 704.50 B+122 W+ 72 B- 27 W+ 93 B- 13 W= 76 B+ 53 W= 51 B- 21 W- 63 B- 71 103. LUTZ CHRISTOPHER GM GER-KOELN 5.0 65.5 662.50 B+ 99 W= 35 B+ 83 W- 9 B= 80 W- 18 B= 97 W- 67 B= 89 W=117 B=113 104. WOLTER KAI GER-MUENSTER 5.0 64.5 671.50 B= 21 W= 97 B= 31 W+152 B+ 68 B- 16 W=109 W= 75 B- 64 W- 70 B=117 105. KUMMEROW HEIKO GER-RECKLINGHAUSEN 5.0 62.5 655.00 B- 55 W+147 B+106 W- 15 B+ 67 W- 43 B= 36 W- 88 B- 91 W= 89 W+138 106. GAVRILOV ALEKSEJ IM RUB-MOSKAU 5.0 61.5 637.50 W+ 87 B- 24 W-105 B- 70 W+117 B+101 W- 69 B+128 W= 97 B= 91 W- 73 107. DITZLER JUERG SUI-BASEL 5.0 61.0 672.50 W= 50 B- 5 B=127 W+131 B= 87 W= 77 B+126 W- 58 B= 80 W=110 B- 72 108. BECKHUIS GERNOD GER-MUENSTER 5.0 60.5 648.50 W= 10 B- 16 W- 82 B+135 W+154 B- 25 W=128 B- 71 W+134 B- 73 W+140 109. GURIELI NINO FGM GEO-TBLISI 5.0 58.5 659.50 B+149 W= 33 B- 60 W+155 B- 35 W+ 94 B=104 W-119 B- 57 B+140 W- 52 110. BELOTELOV DMITRIY RUB-MOSKAU 5.0 58.0 637.50 W- 8 B+100 W- 81 W- 88 B+143 B+162 W- 48 W=117 B+133 B=107 W- 66 111. DIETZEL JAN GER-MUENSTER 5.0 57.0 639.50 B- 4 B+140 W- 48 W= 99 B+152 W-137 B+ 96 W- 60 B=127 B-101 W+142 112. DIRR ULRICH GER-MUENCHEN 5.0 57.0 623.00 B- 67 W+131 B+121 W- 33 B- 43 B=114 W-129 W+144 B= 98 W- 96 B+143 113. SCHMIDT BERNHARD GER-ORTENBERG 5.0 56.5 639.00 B- 75 W- 31 B+118 W+128 B- 18 W= 99 B-127 B-140 W+154 B+130 W=103 114. BELAKOVSKAYA ANJELIN FGM USA-NEW YORK 5.0 56.0 666.50 B=157 W+119 B- 78 W- 47 B=120 W=112 B+131 W= 76 B- 60 W+121 B- 49 115. KLUSS KAI GER-GROSSRINDERFEL 5.0 55.5 636.00 W= 18 B- 49 B- 58 W+156 B= 99 W-116 B-117 W+162 W+142 B+137 B- 68 116. MIKAVICA MIRKO SUI-SCHAFFHAUSEN 5.0 55.0 634.50 W- 23 B-166 W+136 B+ 92 W- 26 B+115 B- 66 W- 86 B+160 W- 84 B+152 117. TERREAUX GILLES FM SUI-SION 5.0 54.0 641.00 B- 44 W- 78 W-140 B+129 B-106 W+164 W+115 B=110 W= 92 B=103 W=104 118. HAIST WOLFGANG FM GER-RHEINFELDEN 5.0 53.0 605.00 W- 6 B-142 W-113 B+150 W+148 B+145 B- 80 W- 90 B- 96 W+147 B+137 119. SCHUSTER BIRGIT GER-BONN 4.5 60.5 638.00 W= 45 B-114 W+162 B+132 W- 28 B- 56 W+146 B+109 B- 33 W- 36 B- 99 120. BOLICO EXFELICOS PHI-PASIGCITY 4.5 60.0 650.50 B+155 W- 11 B=122 W- 61 W=114 B+ 90 W+ 79 B- 48 W=135 B- 69 B- 95 121. SBARRA MARCO ITA-SPOTORNO 4.5 59.5 624.50 W= 30 B=132 W-112 W= 71 B= 36 B= 70 W- 92 B+154 W= 84 B-114 W=128 122. HORN PASCAL FM SUI-MEYRIN 4.5 58.5 628.00 W-102 B+151 W=120 B+ 36 W- 45 B= 84 W- 20 B=124 W=140 B-100 W=129 123. HART CLIFFORD USA-SANTA CRUZ 4.5 57.0 634.00 W- 81 B+ 96 W- 95 B+100 W= 86 B+140 W- 56 B- 65 W-124 B+157 W- 77 124. SCHNEPP GUNNAR AUT-FELLBACH 4.5 56.5 628.00 B- 27 W-152 B- 71 B+151 W= 92 W+144 B= 72 W=122 B+123 B- 67 W- 81 125. BALENOVIC ZVONIMIR FM CRO-SISAK 4.5 55.5 636.50 B- 11 W+160 B- 53 W=137 B+155 W= 67 B- 77 W+143 B- 72 W- 98 B=131 126. KAHLERT THOMAS GER-KIEL 4.5 55.5 607.50 W- 17 B= 87 W=146 B=140 W=101 B+142 W-107 B-135 B= 99 W+133 B- 94 127. KVAMME JOHN NOR-FLOROE 4.5 55.0 617.50 W- 59 B= 84 W=107 B- 86 B=131 W+163 W+113 B- 95 W=111 B- 92 W=136 128. HAUKE CHRISTIAN GER-KARLSRUHE 4.5 53.0 633.00 W- 28 B+150 W- 80 B-113 B=141 W+153 B=108 W-106 B+152 W- 71 B=121 129. MUELLER DIETER GER-KOELN 4.5 53.0 612.00 B- 32 W=137 B- 79 W-117 B+167 W+155 B+112 W- 82 B- 70 W=131 B=122 130. STORM ROLAND FM GER-HAMBURG 4.5 52.5 607.50 W= 16 B- 30 W- 84 B=133 B=163 W-131 B+161 W- 94 B+158 W-113 W+154 131. WELLENDORF JENS GER-BERLIN 4.5 52.5 601.50 W- 34 B-112 W+151 B-107 W=127 B+130 W-114 B-138 W+132 B=129 W=125 132. MIRA HELENE FFM AUT-BREGENZ 4.5 52.0 611.50 B+ 88 W=121 B- 13 W-119 W- 69 B-146 B+139 W-133 B-131 W+158 B+155 133. WOLF ANDRE GER-PORTA WESTFALI 4.5 51.5 601.00 B- 33 W+163 B- 32 W=130 B-137 B+166 W- 70 B+132 W-110 B-126 W+157 134. ZORMAN VOJKO SLO-LJUBLJANA 4.5 51.0 573.00 B+167 W- 67 B= 97 W- 94 B=170 W= 72 B- 88 W= 96 B-108 W=139 B+153 135. BOSSERT CHRISTIAN GER-ELCHESHEIM 4.5 49.5 610.00 B- 46 W=167 B- 77 W-108 B+158 W=152 B+160 W+126 B=120 W- 86 B- 89 136. JAGSTAIDT PATRICK SUI-CAROUGE 4.5 45.0 558.00 B- 80 W- 68 B-116 W=158 B-139 W+168 B-144 W=159 B+149 W+160 B=127 137. SIMANJUNTAK SEBASTIA INA-JAKARTA 4.0 59.0 641.50 W- 38 B=129 W= 92 B=125 W+133 B+111 B= 47 W- 63 B- 68 W-115 W-118 138. PLATONOV ARTHOYK KAZ-ALMATY 4.0 54.5 619.50 B- 43 W+ 71 B+149 W- 32 B- 54 B-165 W=154 W+131 B- 86 W=152 B-105 139. SCHULZE HUBERTUS GER-MUENCHEN 4.0 53.5 580.00 W- 52 B- 22 W=148 B- 96 W+136 B- 91 W-132 B+151 W=145 B=134 W=156 140. LLOPIS MANUEL ESP-BARCELONA 4.0 53.0 629.50 B- 94 W-111 B+117 W=126 B+153 W-123 B- 82 W+113 B=122 W-109 B-108 141. HANKS JOHN AUB-HEIDELBERG 4.0 53.0 601.50 W+ 22 W- 44 B- 68 B- 45 W=128 B- 89 W+166 B-153 W-157 B+162 W=150 142. RADDATZ MICHAEL GER-HAMBURG 4.0 52.5 569.00 B-165 W+118 B- 72 W+ 98 B- 95 W-126 B+149 W- 68 B-115 W+163 B-111 143. KAWACIUKOVA ZUZANA CZE-PRAG 4.0 52.0 560.50 W- 36 B- 73 W+150 B- 90 W-110 B+148 W+169 B-125 W-100 B+156 W-112 144. CURIEN NICOLAS SUI-WABERN 4.0 51.5 584.00 W- 12 B+168 W- 74 B= 89 W- 96 B-124 W+136 B-112 W=156 B=150 W=148 145. KALBERMATTER HUGO SUI-TURTMANN 4.0 51.0 579.50 B- 54 W= 79 B= 98 W+165 B- 93 W-118 W-101 B=157 B=139 W=155 B=146 146. KOELLER OLIVER GER-BAUNATAL 4.0 50.0 595.00 B- 14 W-153 B=126 W+167 B- 42 W+132 B-119 W- 91 B=163 B=148 W=145 147. SOLMAYER LUKA SLO-LJUBLJANA 4.0 47.0 560.00 W- 65 B-105 W=154 B-101 W=157 B- 98 W=151 W=164 B+162 B-118 W+161 148. HORBER JEAN-MARC SUI-ZOLLIKOFEN 4.0 46.0 567.50 B- 40 W- 61 B=139 W=159 B-118 W-143 B+167 W-155 B+164 W=146 B=144 149. VAN VAALEN REMCO NED-DORDRECHT 4.0 44.0 512.00 W-109 B- 41 W-138 B+168 W-100 B+159 W-142 B- 73 W-136 + FF B+163 150. GUID MATEJ SLO- 4.0 42.0 540.00 B- 63 W-128 B-143 W-118 B=168 W+167 B=155 W-160 B+159 W=144 B=141 151. FEGEBANK FRITZ GER-BARGTEHEIDE 4.0 40.5 517.00 B- 72 W-122 B-131 W-124 B=156 W=158 B=147 W-139 + FF B=161 W+160 152. FIERRO MARTHA FFM ECU-GUAYAQUIL 3.5 56.0 607.50 W- 20 B+124 W= 36 B-104 W-111 B=135 W+157 B-101 W-128 B=138 W-116 153. CARUSO DANIELE ITA-MILANO 3.5 54.0 604.00 W- 62 B+146 W= 65 B- 34 W-140 B-128 B+163 W+141 B- 94 W- 99 W-134 154. LIPECKI ALEXANDER SUI-BADEN 3.5 51.5 601.50 B- 47 W- 66 B=147 W+157 B-108 W= 73 B=138 W-121 B-113 W+166 B-130 155. VALET RICHARD GER-PAULINENKNE 3.5 48.5 561.50 W-120 B=169 W+101 B-109 W-125 B-129 W=150 B+148 W- 73 B=145 W-132 156. KHEMOUDI FAYCAL ALG-ALGER HYDRA 3.5 48.0 575.50 W- 39 B- 85 W= 96 B-115 W=151 B-157 B=164 W+161 B=144 W-143 B=139 157. PETEK PAVEL SLO-LJUBLJANA 3.5 47.5 594.50 W=114 B- 76 W- 87 B-154 B=147 W+156 B-152 W=145 B+141 W-123 B-133 158. HEINIS VINCENT FRA-PARIS 3.5 47.5 533.00 W- 90 B- 70 W-100 B=136 W-135 B=151 W=159 B+166 W-130 B-132 W+167 159. ASTENGO CORRADO ITA-MILANO 3.5 45.5 534.00 W- 74 B= 82 W- 69 B=148 W-165 W-149 B=158 B=136 W-150 W=164 B+166 160. USATCHEV SERGEI RUB-OMSK 3.0 49.0 549.00 W- 29 B-125 W+168 B+166 W- 85 B-100 W-135 B+150 W-116 B-136 B-151 161. LADA IRENEUSZ POL-JELENIA GORA 3.0 47.5 551.50 B- 35 W- 88 B=163 W+164 B- 83 B- 92 W-130 B-156 W+168 W=151 B-147 162. TEMI WALTER ITA-BAVENO 3.0 47.5 538.00 B- 93 W= 99 B-119 W=163 B+ 98 W-110 B- 90 B-115 W-147 W-141 + FF 163. WAYLLANY JANOS SUI-HINTERKAPPELEN 3.0 43.5 555.00 W- 48 B-133 W=161 B=162 W=130 B-127 W-153 B+168 W=146 B-142 W-149 164. SPECK HANS SUI-LUZERN 3.0 43.0 535.50 W= 5 B- 91 W-169 B-161 W=166 B-117 W=156 B=147 W-148 B=159 B=168 165. VUCIC MLADEN IM USA-NEW YORK 3.0 34.5 398.50 W+142 B- 12 W- 85 B-145 B+159 W+138 B- 63 166. AMIDZIC OGNJEN SUI-GRENCHEN 2.5 44.0 551.00 B- 64 W+116 B- 93 W-160 B=164 W-133 B-141 W-158 W+167 B-154 W-159 167. BALSHAN OVED ISR-HERZLIYA 2.5 35.5 450.50 W-134 B=135 W-170 B-146 W-129 B-150 W-148 + FF B-166 W+168 B-158 168. FLEISCHMANN ALBERT SUI-ZUERICH 2.0 36.5 458.00 B- 95 W-144 B-160 W-149 W=150 B-136 + FF W-163 B-161 B-167 W=164 169. BORNER DANIEL SUI-RUETI 2.0 36.5 379.50 B- 19 W=155 B+164 W= 97 B- 64 W- 36 B-143 170. SCHROEDER WILFRIED GER-BOCHUM 2.0 31.0 327.00 B= 97 W- 21 B+167 W- 87 W=134 B- 78 171. USACHYI MARK FM UKR-KIEW 0.0 0.0 0.00 B-172 172. MEIJERS VIESTURS IM LAT-RIGA 0.0 0.0 0.00 W-171 3)Altensteig International Tournament by Otto Borik ------------------------------------------------- Altensteig is a little town in the south-west of Germany and the site of a grandmaster tournament (category 12) from August 2nd till August 13th. After round 2 GM Alexander Wojtkiewicz is in the sole lead with 2 points. Round 1 (1995.08.02) Dautov, Rustem - Hracek, Zbynek 1/2 24 E15 Nimzo indian Georgiev, Kiril - Slobodjan, Roman 1-0 40 B07 Pirc Gabriel, Christian - Bischoff, Klaus 1/2 15 A40 Queen's pawn Luther, Thomas - Zueger, Beat 1-0 26 C11 French; Classical Grosar, Aljosa - Wojtkiewicz, Alexander 0-1 40 B54 Sicilian Vogt, Lothar - Hickl, Joerg 0-1 36 B06 Modern defence Round 2 (1995.08.03) Hracek, Zbynek - Slobodjan, Roman 1-0 80 C83 Ruy Lopez Wojtkiewicz, Alexander - Luther, Thomas 1-0 25 D30 Queen's gambit Dautov, Rustem - Vogt, Lothar 1-0 35 E94 KID; Classical Hickl, Joerg - Grosar, Aljosa 1/2 81 A07 Reti (1.Nf3) Bischoff, Klaus - Georgiev, Kiril 1/2 57 E81 KID; Saemisch Zueger, Beat - Gabriel, Christian 1/2 35 A24 English; 1.c4 e5 Round 3 (1995.08.04) Georgiev, Kiril - Zueger, Beat 1/2 127 C11 French; Classical Gabriel, Christian - Wojtkiewicz, Alexander 1/2 49 D19 Slav defence Luther, Thomas - Hickl, Joerg 1/2 38 B06 Modern defence Grosar, Aljosa - Dautov, Rustem 1/2 26 B13 Caro-Kann Slobodjan, Roman - Bischoff, Klaus 1/2 34 B42 Sicilian Vogt, Lothar - Hracek, Zbynek 0-1 36 B22 Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3) Round 4 (1995.08.06) Hracek, Zbynek - Bischoff, Klaus 1/2 13 B42 Sicilian Wojtkiewicz, Alexander - Georgiev, Kiril 1/2 12 A30 English; 1.c4 c5 Dautov, Rustem - Luther, Thomas 1/2 50 D38 Queen's gambit Hickl, Joerg - Gabriel, Christian 1/2 55 A07 Reti (1.Nf3) Zueger, Beat - Slobodjan, Roman 1/2 61 D45 Queen's gambit Vogt, Lothar - Grosar, Aljosa 1/2 120 B22 Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3) Altensteig GER (GER), VIII 1995. cat. XII (2542) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Hracek, Zbynek g CZE 2635 * . = . . = . . . . 1 1 3.0 2729 2 Wojtkiewicz, Alexander g POL 2570 . * . = . . = 1 1 . . . 3.0 2721 3 Dautov, Rustem g GER 2620 = . * . . . . = = . . 1 2.5 2631 4 Georgiev, Kiril g BUL 2605 . = . * . = . . . = 1 . 2.5 2617 5 Hickl, Joerg g GER 2570 . . . . * . = = = . . 1 2.5 2591 6 Bischoff, Klaus g GER 2550 = . . = . * = . . . = . 2.0 2553 7 Gabriel, Christian m GER 2475 . = . . = = * . . = . . 2.0 2540 8 Luther, Thomas g GER 2550 . 0 = . = . . * . 1 . . 2.0 2557 9 Grosar, Aljosa m SLO 2485 . 0 = . = . . . * . . = 1.5 2471 10 Zueger, Beat m SUI 2470 . . . = . . = 0 . * = . 1.5 2445 11 Slobodjan, Roman m GER 2500 0 . . 0 . = . . . = * . 1.0 2372 12 Vogt, Lothar g GER 2475 0 . 0 . 0 . . . = . . * 0.5 2255 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) VB Accountants International Open Chess Tournament in Leeuwarden ---------------------------------------------------------------- My thanks to Henri Spijkerman for the games and results. He thanks the organisers of the event in turn for the games. Round 1: Zagema, W - Nunn, J 0-1 Lobron, E - Mittelman, G 1-0 Visser, Y - Dvoirys, S 0-1 Khuzman, A - Los, S 0-1 Donk, M - Komarov, D 0-1 Hjartarson, J - Jonkman, H 1-0 Grooten, H - Yakovich, Y 1/2 Kharlov, A - Kohler, A 1-0 Bartels, H - Kharitonov, A 0-1 Chuchelov, V - Van der Weide, K 0-1 Hania, J - Ulibin, M 0-1 Van der Wiel, J - Tondivar, B 1-0 Scetinin, A - Gleizerov, E 1/2 Horvath, S - Lorscheid, G 1-0 Van den Doel, E - Cifuentes, R 1-0 Stefansson, H - Van der Wal, J 1-0 Horvath, J - Wiersma, E 1-0 De Vreugt, D - Chernyshov, K 1/2 De Boer, S - Brenninkmeijer, J 1/2 Kuijf, M - De Jong, M 0-1 Geurink, J - Mikhalevsky, V 1/2 Nijboer, F - Valenta, V 1/2 Steckner, J - Liss, E 1/2 Reinderman, D - Archangelsky, M 1-0 Lanchava, T - Bosboom, M 0-1 Vydeslaver, A - Hoeksema, E 1-0 Delanoy, A - Gretarsson, HA 0-1 Ligterink, G - Ellenbroek, T 1-0 Borek, J - Riemersma, L 0-1 Oral, T - Schuurman, P 1-0 Baranovsky, A - Mikhalevsky, A 0-1 Houtman, J - Bobotkov, V 1-0 Ernst, S - Lingnau, C 0-1 Knoppert, E - Mulder, C 1/2 Van Delft, M - Peelen, P 1/2 Jonker, M - Etmans, MD 1/2 Round 2: Nunn, J - Vydeslaver, A 1-0 Bosboom, M - Lobron, E 0-1 Dvoirys, S - Ligterink, G 1/2 Komarov, D - Oral, T 1-0 Gretarsson, HA - Hjartarson, J 1-0 Riemersma, L - Kharlov, A 0-1 Kharitonov, A - Houtman, J 1-0 Ulibin, M - Van den Doel, E 1-0 Mikhalevsky, A - Van der Wiel, J 1-0 Lingnau, C - Horvath, C 1/2 Los, S - Stefansson, H 0-1 Van der Weide, K - Horvath, J 1/2 De Jong, M - Reinderman, D 1/2 Yakovich, Y - Scetinin, A 1-0 Gleizerov, E - Jonker, M 1-0 Chernyshov, K - De Boer, S 1/2 Brenninkmeijer, J - De Vreugt, D 1-0 Mikhalevsky, V - Steckner, J 1-0 Etmans, MD - Nijboer, F 0-1 Liss, E - Van Delft, M 1-0 Valenta, V - Knoppert, E 0-1 Peelen, P - Geurink, J 0-1 Mulder, C - Grooten, H 0-1 Tondivar, B - Khuzman, A 1/2 Lorscheid, G - Chuchelov, V 1/2 Cifuentes, R - Lanchava, T 1-0 Van der Wal, J - Kuijf, M 0-1 Hoeksema, E - Delanoy, A 1-0 Wiersma, E - Zagema, W 1-0 Mittelman, G - Borek, J 1-0 Archangelsky, M - Visser, Y 0-1 Ellenbroek, T - Donk, M 1/2 Jonkman, H - Baranovsky, A 0-1 Kohler, A - Ernst, S 0-1 Schuurman, P - Bartels, H 0-1 Bobotkov, V - Hania, J 1/2 Standings after Round 2: 2 Nunn, Lobron, Komarov, Kharlov, Kharitonov, Ulibin, Stefansson, Gretarsson, Mikhalevsky A 1,5 Dvoirys, Yakovich, Gleizerov, Horvath C, Horvath J, Brenninkmeijer, Mikhalevsky V, Nijboer, Liss, Reinderman, Ligterink, Lingnau, Knoppert, Grooten, Van der Weide, De Jong, Geurink 1 Hjartarson, Van der Wiel, Cifuentes, Chernyshov, Kuijf, Bosboom, Vydeslaver, Riemersma, Hoeksema, Oral, Houtman, Mittelman, Visser, Los, Bartels, Van den Doel, Wiersma, De Boer, Baranovsky, Ernst 0,5 Khuzman, Chuchelov, Peelen, Donk, Hania, Tondivar, Scetinin, Lorscheid, Jonker, De Vreugt, Etmans, Valenta, Steckner, Ellenbroek, Bobotkov, Mulder, Van Delft 0 Zagema, Jonkman, Kohler, Van der Wal, Archangelsky, Lanchava, Delanoy, Borek, Schuurman 4) SLIPAK UNBEATEN - International Open "Miguel Najdorf" ----------------------------------------------------- by Roberto Alvarez From July 9 to 16 , in Buenos Aires (ARGENTINA) there was held a strong "open tournament", in honour of Grand Master Miguel Najdorf. The present edition was a great success: 198 chessplayers from Argentina, Peru,Uruguay,Cuba y Brasil, counting 18 International Masters and 21 FIDE Masters. After 9 rounds, swiss system, 2 hours "finish", favorite IM Sergio Slipak (ELO 2520) finished on top, unbeaten, ahead of FM Alfredo Giaccio by half a point and a strong/young rapid chess player, Gustavo German. Like the past edition, the tournament was arbitered by IA Adrian Roldan. Go to the final standings and enjoy the games ! FINAL STANDINGS (after 9 rounds) Cuadro del torneo (por orden de clasificación) Puntos Bucholz Bucholz 1. SLIPAK Sergio IM 8.0 50.5 43.00 W+ 85 B+ 87 W= 11 B+ 49 W+ 16 B+ 4 W+ 10 W+ 8 B= 2 2. GIACCIO Alfredo FM 7.5 50.5 42.50 B+159 W+ 73 B+ 42 W+ 48 W- 4 B+ 15 W+ 13 B+ 10 W= 1 3. GERMAN Gustavo 7.5 49.0 42.00 W+119 B+ 29 W+ 19 B- 5 W= 17 B+ 41 W+ 40 B+ 46 W+ 9 4. SERVAT Roberto IM 7.0 51.5 43.50 B+145 W+ 58 B+ 47 W+ 36 B+ 2 W- 1 B= 14 W= 5 B+ 27 5. ROSITO Jorge FM 7.0 48.5 41.00 W+ 93 B+146 W+ 65 W+ 3 B= 8 B- 10 W+ 38 B= 4 W+ 34 6. LLANOS Guillermo IM 7.0 47.5 41.00 W+100 B- 26 W+ 83 B+113 W+ 19 B= 18 W+ 15 B+ 24 W= 12 7. MOREDA Lucas MENOR DE 2050 SNG 7.0 41.5 35.00 B+130 W- 35 B+111 + FF W- 9 B+ 72 W+ 67 B+ 49 W+ 46 8. GOMEZ BAILLO Jorge IM 6.5 51.0 43.00 B+ 88 W+ 54 B+ 33 W+ 40 W= 5 B+ 24 W= 9 B- 1 W= 11 9. RODRIGUEZ Andres IM 6.5 49.5 42.00 B+190 W+ 27 B- 40 W+ 73 B+ 7 W+ 30 B= 8 W+ 22 B- 3 10. GERMAN Pablo 6.5 49.0 41.00 B+111 W+ 96 B= 38 W+116 B+ 11 W+ 5 B- 1 W- 2 B+ 48 11. AMURA Claudia MIF 6.5 47.5 39.50 + FF W+ 55 B= 1 B+ 84 W- 10 W+ 92 B+ 37 W= 14 B= 8 12. SOPPE Guillermo IM 6.5 47.0 40.00 B+110 W= 28 B+ 68 W= 31 B= 27 W= 42 B+ 45 W+ 30 B= 6 13. GARBARINO Rodolfo IM 6.5 46.5 39.00 B+105 W+ 45 B- 48 W+ 44 B+ 58 W+ 47 B- 2 W= 27 B+ 42 14. PAGLILLA Carlos IM 6.5 46.0 39.00 B+106 W= 44 B+112 W= 43 B+ 31 W+126 W= 4 B= 11 W= 20 15. MAHIA Gustavo FM 6.5 45.0 37.50 B+138 W= 91 B+147 W+ 37 B+ 35 W- 2 B- 6 W+ 43 B+ 41 16. MORENO Javier 6.5 45.0 37.00 B+ 95 W+ 75 B+186 W= 35 B- 1 W= 45 B+ 54 W= 42 B+ 64 17. FILGUEIRA Hernan 6.5 44.5 37.00 B+132 W+ 86 B= 23 W= 39 B= 3 W+123 B- 22 W+ 44 B+ 36 18. ROMAN Facundo 6.5 42.5 35.50 B+129 W- 65 B+105 W+ 55 B+121 W= 6 B= 39 W= 36 B+ 37 19. JUAREZ Alberto FM MENOR DE 2200 SNG 6.5 42.0 34.50 B+165 W+172 B- 3 W+ 53 B- 6 W+160 B= 57 W+ 68 B+ 50 20. REIDES Marcelo FM 6.5 41.0 34.50 B+166 W+126 B- 35 W+ 90 B- 43 W+ 75 B+ 71 W+ 65 B= 14 21. JEREZ ARAOZ Gerardo MENOR DE 2200 SNG 6.5 39.0 33.00 + FF W- 22 B+127 W+172 B- 36 W+121 B= 47 W+ 57 B+ 40 22. LANGIER Daniel IM 6.0 48.5 42.00 W+122 B+ 21 W= 41 B+ 26 W= 28 B= 38 W+ 17 B- 9 W= 25 23. TEMPONE Marcelo IM 6.0 45.0 38.50 W+115 B+ 52 W= 17 B+ 32 W- 24 B= 70 W- 25 B+ 72 W+ 82 24. BURGOS Carlos FM 6.0 44.5 37.50 W+182 B+ 71 W= 84 B+123 B+ 23 W- 8 B+ 43 W- 6 B= 26 25. PEREIRA ARCIJA Diego 6.0 43.0 37.00 B+177 W= 37 B= 44 W-119 B+ 53 W+ 80 B+ 23 W= 50 B= 22 26. MUŃOZ PANTOJA Miguel 6.0 43.0 36.00 B+135 W+ 6 B= 39 W- 22 B- 60 + FF W+123 B+ 66 W= 24 27. KANEFSCK Gustavo FM 6.0 43.0 36.00 W+168 B- 9 W+ 94 B+184 W= 12 B+120 W+ 66 B= 13 W- 4 28. ALONSO Salvador 6.0 42.5 36.00 W+125 B= 12 W+ 92 B+120 B= 22 W= 36 W- 46 B= 38 W+ 80 29. LORENZINI Martin MENOR DE 2200 SNG 6.0 42.5 35.00 B+102 W- 3 B+134 W+ 86 B= 39 W- 37 B+116 W= 35 B+ 81 30. SCHWEBER Samuel IM 6.0 42.0 35.50 W+108 B- 84 W+100 B+ 71 W+144 B- 9 W+ 59 B- 12 W+ 69 31. CHURIN Leonardo MENOR DE 2200 SNG 6.0 41.0 34.50 W+139 B=120 W+ 74 B= 12 W- 14 B- 65 W+142 B+ 67 B+ 78 32. BIAGGI Eduardo FM 6.0 39.0 33.00 = FF W+187 B+ 76 W- 23 B+ 68 W+ 35 B= 36 W- 37 B+ 71 33. SCHUSTER Carlos FM 6.0 38.5 32.00 W+ 99 B+ 67 W- 8 B-144 W- 85 B+127 W+ 93 B+112 W+ 65 34. RODRIGUEZ Jorge FM 6.0 38.0 31.00 B- 69 B+137 W-122 W+132 B+159 W+ 91 B+126 W+ 39 B- 5 35. VALERGA Diego IM 5.5 49.0 42.00 W+137 B+ 7 W+ 20 B= 16 W- 15 B- 32 W+ 81 B= 29 W= 59 36. CASAFUS Ruben FM 5.5 48.0 41.00 W+ 94 B+ 70 W+144 B- 4 W+ 21 B= 28 W= 32 B= 18 W- 17 37. FIORITO Fabian IM 5.5 47.0 40.50 W+109 B= 25 W+ 89 B- 15 W+ 74 B+ 29 W- 11 B+ 32 W- 18 38. MARTINEZ Marcos MENOR DE 2200 SNG 5.5 47.0 40.00 W+ 81 B+ 51 W= 10 B= 66 B+ 48 W= 22 B- 5 W= 28 B= 39 39. GARCIA Raimundo IM 5.5 46.5 40.00 W+124 B+ 59 W= 26 B= 17 W= 29 B+ 95 W= 18 B- 34 W= 38 40. PERALTA Fernando MENOR DE 2200 SNG 5.5 46.5 39.00 W+173 B+ 72 W+ 9 B- 8 W= 41 W+ 84 B- 3 B+ 89 W- 21 41. DE LAS HERAS Juan C MENOR DE 2200 SNG 5.5 46.0 38.50 B+121 W+ 56 B= 22 W= 50 B= 40 W- 3 B+157 W+ 47 W- 15 42. IGLESIAS Jorge MENOR DE 2050 SNG 5.5 46.0 38.50 W+103 B+184 W- 2 B= 65 W+ 98 B= 12 W+ 70 B= 16 W- 13 43. FULGENZI Ernesto FM 5.5 44.5 38.00 B=187 W+ 97 W+ 98 B= 14 W+ 20 B= 46 W- 24 B- 15 W+106 44. FUCEK Claudio FM MENOR DE 2200 SNG 5.5 44.5 38.00 W+104 B= 14 W= 25 B- 13 W+115 B= 62 W+110 B- 17 W+ 97 45. IBAR Marcelo MENOR DE 2200 SNG 5.5 44.0 37.50 W+191 B- 13 W+ 93 B+ 85 W= 66 B= 16 W- 12 B+ 79 W= 49 46. DOLEZAL Cristian MENOR DE 2200 SNG 5.5 44.0 36.50 B- 86 W+175 B+145 W+ 96 B+ 54 W= 43 B+ 28 W- 3 B- 7 47. FERNANDEZ Mauro MENOR DE 2050 SNG 5.5 43.5 36.50 W+101 B+ 80 W- 4 B+146 W+119 B- 13 W= 21 B- 41 W+ 88 48. JUSTO Damian FM MENOR DE 2200 SNG 5.5 42.5 35.00 W+149 B+128 W+ 13 B- 2 W- 38 B=146 W+144 B+ 60 W- 10 49. ANDRES Miguel IM 5.5 42.5 34.50 B= 97 W+153 B+152 W- 1 B=112 W+ 90 B+ 73 W- 7 B= 45 50. CELIS Gustavo MENOR DE 2200 SNG 5.5 42.0 35.50 W+176 B= 89 W+133 B= 41 W= 70 B= 81 W+ 52 B= 25 W- 19 51. GERMAN Sergio MENOR DE 2200 SNG 5.5 40.5 35.00 B+118 W- 38 B+ 61 W+ 75 B-126 W= 55 B= 84 W+ 91 B= 54 52. BUSTOS Cristian MENOR DE 2200 SNG 5.5 40.5 34.50 B+ 79 W- 23 B- 53 W+192 B+134 W+112 B- 50 W+ 92 B= 63 53. VELAZCO Emilio MENOR DE 2050 SNG 5.5 40.5 34.00 W- 66 B+196 W+ 52 B- 19 W- 25 B+135 W+131 W+124 B= 56 54. VILLARREAL Hector MENOR DE 2200 SNG 5.5 40.0 33.50 W+148 B- 8 W+160 B+122 W- 46 B+ 85 W- 16 B+121 W= 51 55. RIVERO Jose Luis MENOR DE 2200 SNG 5.5 40.0 33.50 W+174 B- 11 W+155 B- 18 W+ 94 B= 51 W=106 B= 87 W+ 99 56. APARICIO Anibal FM 5.5 39.5 34.00 W+160 B- 41 W+ 88 B- 70 W- 67 B+117 W+ 94 B+ 74 W= 53 5) Open Tournaments in Ceske Martin Pribyl ----------------------------------------------------- Ceske Budejovice (Czech Republic), 28.07.-05.08.1995 - 4th BESI open 16 countries (CZE, SVK, RUS, UKR, GER, POL, CRO, SLO, BLR, ENG, LTU, LAT, AUT, ITA, RSA, MGL) 206 players Open A - 128 players, 4 GMs, 1 WGM, 24 IMs, 1 WIM, 7 FMs, 2 WFMs. Open B - 35 players Open C - 43 players Tomorrow starts open in Mlada Boleslav (CZE). The first price will be a car SKODA FELICIA (about 15.000 DEM). Ranking after round 9 of IV.FIDE open Ceske Budejovice A No. PNo. Name Score WP SB PS rat. TPR W-We ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 18 Haba Petr 7.5 50.5 43.25 36.0 2410 2604 +2.01 2. 27 Potapov Alexander 7.0 51.5 38.25 38.0 2375 2611 +2.68 7 Feigin Mikhail 7.0 51.0 37.00 36.5 2460 2549 +0.88 10 Meister Yakov 7.0 49.0 37.75 35.0 2450 2567 +1.24 5. 21 Tolstikh Nikolay 6.5 48.0 33.50 35.0 2405 2544 +1.64 4 Voitsekhovski Stanislav 6.5 49.0 32.75 34.5 2500 2513 +0.20 1 Kuzmin Gennadi 6.5 50.5 34.00 34.0 2525 2524 +0.02 5 Stripunsky Alexander 6.5 45.5 31.25 32.5 2495 2494 +0.02 37 Zolnierowicz Krzysztof 6.5 51.0 34.50 32.5 2340 2565 +2.46 10. 26 Goloshchapov Alexander 6.0 51.0 30.75 34.0 2380 2451 +0.78 17 Savon Vladimir 6.0 48.0 30.50 33.5 2415 2464 +0.60 29 Priehoda Vitezslav 6.0 44.5 27.75 32.0 2365 2483 +1.24 50 Zvara Petr 6.0 48.5 30.25 31.5 2295 2491 +1.91 13 Lechtynsky Jiri 6.0 45.5 30.75 31.5 2435 2429 -0.12 28 Turov Maxim 6.0 46.0 28.25 31.5 2375 2427 +0.60 62 Talla Vladimir 6.0 45.5 29.75 30.5 2240 2523 +2.26 2 Tunik Gennady 6.0 44.0 28.75 30.5 2515 2419 -1.00 6 Vokac Marek 6.0 45.0 28.00 29.0 2475 2459 -0.18 15 Rogic Davor 6.0 38.0 24.75 28.0 2435 2341 -1.00 49 Spesny Jan 6.0 37.5 24.75 27.0 2295 2504 +2.16 21. 30 Jaworski Miroslaw 5.5 49.0 27.75 32.0 2360 2435 +0.91 22 Chernikov Oleg 5.5 48.0 26.25 31.0 2390 2349 -0.46 23 Dobrovolsky Ladislav 5.5 47.0 25.25 31.0 2390 2348 -0.46 19 Pribyl Josef 5.5 45.0 26.00 30.5 2405 2393 -0.17 31 Cech Pavel 5.5 45.5 23.25 30.0 2360 2362 +0.02 11 Meduna Eduard 5.5 43.0 25.00 29.5 2445 2394 -0.62 25 Prandstetter Eduard 5.5 45.0 23.50 29.5 2380 2372 -0.08 33 Jurkovic Hrvoje 5.5 44.0 25.00 28.5 2355 2476 +1.26 40 Jurka Miroslav 5.5 46.5 26.25 28.5 2335 2357 +0.21 128 Semerij Jurij 5.5 42.5 24.00 28.0 0000 2404 +1.00 3 Keitlinghaus Ludger 5.5 44.5 26.00 27.5 2500 2356 -1.42 32 Poloch Petr 5.5 41.0 24.00 27.0 2355 2322 -0.36 9 Hausner Ivan 5.5 42.5 24.75 27.0 2455 2351 -1.16 53 Bakalarz Mieczyslaw 5.5 41.5 22.00 26.0 2265 2377 +0.90 12 Hatanbaatar Bazar 5.5 43.5 25.75 25.5 2440 2389 -0.50 73 Serdt Simon 5.5 47.0 26.75 25.0 2205 2411 +2.26 127 Semenenko Alexander 5.5 38.0 22.50 23.0 0000 2323 +1.00 38. 14 Matlak Marek 5.0 48.5 25.00 30.0 2435 2358 -0.94 43 Zhidkov Valery 5.0 49.5 24.75 29.0 2325 2445 +1.28 77 Tupy Martin 5.0 50.0 27.00 29.0 2195 2430 +2.75 20 Tratar Marko 5.0 46.5 22.25 29.0 2405 2344 -0.76 34 Bielczyk Jacek 5.0 47.0 20.75 28.5 2345 2396 +0.56 38 Blehm Pawel 5.0 50.0 24.75 28.0 2340 2328 -0.16 8 Faibisovich Vadim 5.0 48.5 25.50 27.5 2455 2336 -1.18 57 Simic Dragan 5.0 41.5 21.50 26.5 2255 2353 +0.91 41 Mudrák Josef 5.0 43.5 24.50 26.0 2335 2320 -0.10 35 Romanov Oleg 5.0 44.0 22.25 26.0 2345 2259 -0.96 42 Rehorek Martin 5.0 39.5 17.75 25.5 2335 2316 -0.10 81 Sarakauskas Gediminas 5.0 40.5 20.00 25.0 2175 2342 +1.76 103 Korostenski Frantisek 5.0 41.0 21.25 24.0 2190 2351 +0.50 68 Kalod Radek 5.0 40.0 19.50 23.0 2220 2268 +0.34 63 Dubinka Inna 5.0 39.5 17.00 23.0 2235 2213 -0.15 55 Soukal Rudolf 5.0 37.0 18.50 23.0 2265 2353 +0.46 78 Marsalek Zdenek 5.0 40.5 19.50 22.0 2190 2293 +0.76 102 Vyskocil Neklan 5.0 40.0 20.00 19.5 2205 2280 +0.50 56. 36 Heyken Enno 4.5 48.0 23.50 28.0 2340 2328 -0.18 16 Cherevatenko Roman 4.5 47.5 21.00 27.5 2420 2223 -2.18 52 Moiseenko Alexander 4.5 47.0 21.50 26.0 2275 2328 +0.54 65 Belaska Premysl 4.5 47.5 21.75 25.5 2230 2269 +0.34 24 Pribyl Martin 4.5 44.0 21.00 25.5 2390 2193 -2.18 61 Salakhova Gulnar 4.5 40.5 17.00 25.5 2240 2255 +0.12 64 Kos Tony 4.5 46.5 18.75 25.5 2235 2165 -0.48 59 Karlik Vladimir 4.5 38.0 14.50 25.5 2240 2258 +0.14 45 Chloupek Stanislav 4.5 45.0 20.50 24.5 2305 2300 -0.06 58 Furman Boris 4.5 38.0 15.25 22.0 2245 2191 -0.50 44 Franzen Josef 4.5 42.0 19.25 21.5 2320 2219 -0.98 82 Schettler Juergen 4.5 37.0 14.25 21.0 2165 2106 -0.30 79 Melich Jindrich 4.5 37.5 15.50 20.0 2190 1778 -0.54 89 Kubikova Hana 4.5 37.5 16.50 20.0 2145 2238 +0.83 113 Shiber Julia 4.5 39.0 20.00 19.5 2000 2211 2211 105 Nidl Petr 4.5 36.0 14.50 19.0 2113 2205 2205 74 Kaderabek Jiri 4.5 38.0 16.50 19.0 2200 2126 -0.36 76 Saljova Sylvie 4.5 35.5 16.00 18.0 2195 2305 +0.60 101 Hladik Lumir 4.5 32.0 13.00 17.0 2055 2145 +0.75 75. 56 Jirovsky Petr 4.0 44.5 16.75 25.0 2255 2246 -0.09 39 Gaspariants Vladimir 4.0 40.0 15.50 23.0 2340 2320 -0.14 104 Vacek Antonin 4.0 43.0 16.50 22.5 2123 2251 2251 51 Grilc Simon 4.0 39.5 16.00 22.0 2285 2055 -1.80 46 Hrabe Petr 4.0 41.5 16.50 21.5 2305 2199 -0.75 48 Rapoport Igor 4.0 37.0 14.25 21.0 2295 2210 -0.72 70 Suran Jan 4.0 41.0 16.50 21.0 2215 2276 +0.46 86 Neuman Petr 4.0 38.0 14.00 21.0 2155 2166 +0.04 107 Miskovsky Pavel 4.0 41.0 17.25 20.5 2092 2231 2231 84 Jacek Martin 4.0 38.0 13.25 19.5 2155 2170 +0.10 126 Kreuzer Klaus 4.0 39.0 15.25 19.5 0000 2132 2132 120 Loffler Josef 4.0 38.0 15.00 18.5 1931 2160 2160 110 Adamek Petr 4.0 37.5 14.75 18.5 2036 2174 2174 88 Kalousek Vladimir 4.0 33.5 9.25 18.5 2150 2027 -0.80 60 Lacina Adolf 4.0 35.0 12.00 18.5 2240 2020 -1.35 66 Borkovec Milan 4.0 39.5 14.00 18.0 2230 2197 -0.36 67 Ratolistka Josef 4.0 38.5 16.25 18.0 2225 2146 -0.79 85 Koukolik Alexander 4.0 33.5 11.00 16.0 2155 2129 -0.18 72 Doring Robert 4.0 34.0 12.25 15.0 2205 2203 +0.00 94. 125 Brabec Milan 3.5 44.0 17.75 22.0 0000 2215 2215 54 Hosticka Frantisek 3.5 41.0 12.75 21.5 2265 2043 -1.74 47 Jigjidsuren Purev 3.5 41.5 14.50 21.0 2295 2040 -2.21 108 Sykora Ondrej 3.5 40.0 14.75 20.0 2091 2183 2183 94 Stehlik Jiri 3.5 39.5 11.50 16.5 2130 2130 -0.03 100 Churova Ivana 3.5 38.5 14.00 16.5 2060 2151 +1.07 111 Pavlanin Zdenek 3.5 34.0 9.25 16.5 2025 2092 2092 69 Paulovic Martin 3.5 34.5 10.75 16.0 2220 2243 +0.09 90 Hitzgerova Gabriela 3.5 34.5 9.25 16.0 2145 1883 -1.30 75 Ptacnikova Lenka 3.5 36.0 10.75 15.5 2200 2052 -1.00 91 Groh Jiri 3.5 32.0 9.00 15.5 2140 1604 -1.24 92 Adamek Zdenek 3.5 33.5 10.50 15.0 2135 1647 -1.00 93 Havrlik Pavel 3.5 34.5 9.25 14.5 2135 2034 -0.81 114 Durik Lubos 3.5 30.5 9.75 13.0 1994 2015 2015 87 Pokrupa Marek 3.5 36.0 10.00 13.0 2155 2263 +0.30 71 Bellin Jana 3.5 29.5 8.25 11.0 2210 1591 -0.84 110. 112 Dubansky Bohuslav 3.0 39.0 13.00 18.0 2012 2096 2096 109 Smistik Milan 3.0 36.5 10.50 16.5 2065 2083 2083 96 Djurkovic Maks 3.0 38.0 8.50 16.0 2105 1953 -1.03 83 Chmelik Jiri 3.0 37.5 10.25 15.5 2155 2142 -0.04 97 Kalikova Jana 3.0 31.5 8.50 13.0 2100 1951 -0.98 98 Bakalarz Grazyna 3.0 35.0 8.00 11.5 2095 1985 -0.68 119 Nosek Frantisek 3.0 28.5 6.00 11.5 1956 1902 1902 116 Kukacka Martin 3.0 31.0 7.00 10.5 1979 1864 1864 118 Slajs Vlastimil 3.0 31.5 4.75 8.0 1966 1491 1491 119. 80 Reinhard Markus 2.5 35.5 8.50 13.5 2180 1943 -1.02 106 Rajnys Vladimir 2.5 34.0 6.50 13.0 2096 1989 1989 121 Durik Peter 2.5 31.0 7.25 11.0 1927 1907 1907 117 Srba Milan 2.5 28.5 5.00 8.0 1976 1768 1768 123. 124 Jina Lubos 2.0 28.0 5.00 11.0 1773 1889 1889 122 Barchanek Antonin 2.0 28.5 3.00 8.5 1916 1747 1747 125. 123 Straka Zdenek 1.5 27.0 1.25 7.5 1850 1501 0 126. 115 Navratil Robert 0.5 27.0 6.75 3.5 1985 1864 1864 127. 95 Karhanek Pavel 0.0 27.5 6.25 0.0 2115 1651 -0.46 99 Chernikova Svetlana 0.0 40.5 20.25 0.0 2090 - +0.00 Ranking after round 9 of IV.FIDE open Ceske Budejovice B No. PNo. Name Score WP SB PS rat. TPR W-We ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 3 Raudive Aivars 7.5 50.5 40.25 38.5 2308 2797 0 2. 1 Rochko Ilja 7.0 47.5 35.50 34.0 2145 - +0.00 3. 7 Dusek Martin 6.5 51.0 34.25 35.5 1980 2326 0 4 Fateev Anatolij 6.5 51.0 36.75 32.5 2150 2133 0 5. 2 Pohorsky Pavel 6.0 50.0 29.75 35.0 2120 - +0.00 12 Rada Michal 6.0 49.5 28.75 33.0 1924 1940 0 7. 9 Mazur David 5.5 40.5 21.00 29.0 1965 1443 0 13 Nepustil Frantisek 5.5 39.0 21.25 25.5 1917 - 0 9. 23 Lachmair Erwin 5.0 50.0 23.50 29.0 1735 1468 0 6 Sadowski Jan 5.0 44.0 21.50 26.0 2000 1456 0 10 Kukla Petr 5.0 41.0 20.00 25.0 1945 - 0 11 Brom Jiri 5.0 41.0 18.75 24.5 1933 1443 0 33 Hercik Josef 5.0 43.0 22.25 23.5 0000 - 0 16 Krbusik Marian 5.0 39.0 20.50 22.5 1899 - 0 24 Lammer Pilip 5.0 40.0 18.50 21.0 1684 - 0 21 Niederwieser Peter 5.0 37.0 14.50 21.0 1780 - 0 34 Sarakauskas Kestutis 5.0 33.5 14.50 20.5 0000 - 0 18. 8 Bohuslav Jan 4.5 42.5 18.25 23.5 1965 1468 0 15 Milanesi Bruno 4.5 39.0 17.25 21.5 1903 - 0 20. 5 Stojkovic Andreja 4.0 48.0 19.50 28.0 2050 1443 0 18 Cerna Jana 4.0 45.0 17.00 25.0 1826 2145 0 17 Wiekhorst Frank 4.0 44.5 20.75 25.0 1849 - 0 19 Dobrik Jan 4.0 36.5 11.50 21.0 1809 1443 0 35 Vojtisek Jaroslav 4.0 35.5 8.75 16.0 0000 - 0 25 Sonntagbauer Manfred 4.0 33.5 11.50 16.0 1680 - 0 26. 26 Freh Walter 3.5 36.0 7.75 16.5 1594 - 0 22 Marhan Jan 3.5 30.0 7.00 14.5 1766 - 0 27 Itzenthaler Jurgen 3.5 32.5 8.00 13.0 1582 - 0 29. 32 Ehlich Vladislav 3.0 38.0 10.25 18.0 0000 1468 0 29 Strassmair Christian 3.0 34.5 9.00 15.5 1411 - 0 31. 30 Itzenthaler Johann 2.5 34.0 4.50 12.5 1410 - 0 31 Aschauer Rudolf 2.5 30.0 5.50 11.0 1289 - 0 33. 28 Wittenberger Stephan 2.0 29.5 2.75 11.0 1558 - 0 34. 14 Chorvat Marian 0.0 40.5 20.25 0.0 1903 - 0 20 Rawicki Jacek 0.0 40.5 20.25 0.0 1800 - 0 Ranking after round 9 of IV.FIDE open Ceské Budęjovice C No. PNo. Name Score WP SB PS rat. TPR W-We ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 2 Swicarz Maciej 7.0 47.0 35.00 35.0 1963 - 0 2. 6 Szewczyk Michal 6.5 50.0 34.75 37.5 1850 - 0 1 John Jiri 6.5 46.5 32.00 33.0 1971 - 0 26 Beter Arnost 6.5 41.5 28.00 29.5 0000 - 0 5. 5 Paulovic Milan 6.0 45.0 27.00 33.0 1909 - 0 3 Feierfeil Jiri 6.0 48.0 29.50 33.0 1919 - 0 9 Balaz Rene 6.0 46.0 29.75 31.0 1803 - 0 10 Ignaszewski Rafal 6.0 44.5 27.75 30.0 1800 - 0 9. 41 Sperger Michal 5.5 50.0 26.75 33.5 0000 - 0 7 Pekarek Petr 5.5 41.0 21.75 30.0 1826 - 0 4 Stulik Jiri 5.5 43.0 26.75 25.5 1912 - 0 33 Hradecky Roman 5.5 38.0 22.75 23.5 0000 - 0 13. 21 Hovorka Pavel 5.0 49.5 25.00 29.0 1629 - 0 14 Endler Boris 5.0 45.5 21.50 27.0 1777 - 0 11 Muszak Tomasz 5.0 41.0 22.25 23.5 1800 - 0 39 Sedivy Karel 5.0 37.5 19.00 22.5 0000 - 0 31 Halaj Milan 5.0 40.5 19.50 22.5 0000 - 0 18. 37 Nepomucky Ondrej 4.5 47.0 21.25 28.0 0000 - 0 12 Najbar Jerzy 4.5 43.0 18.75 25.5 1800 - 0 18 Kolousek Pavel 4.5 43.5 20.00 24.0 1694 - 0 19 Soutner Jaroslav 4.5 42.5 19.50 24.0 1677 - 0 22 Olejnicek Jiri 4.5 43.0 22.00 24.0 1611 - 0 13 Rawicki Jacek 4.5 42.0 17.75 23.5 1800 - 0 34 Janowiak Karel 4.5 39.5 17.25 23.0 0000 - 0 27 Bohuslav Pavel 4.5 37.5 16.50 20.0 0000 - 0 40 Soldat Jaromir 4.5 38.0 14.25 20.0 0000 - 0 24 Nemcova Olga 4.5 33.5 13.00 17.5 1489 - 0 28. 16 Kottnauerova Libuse 4.0 42.5 15.00 24.0 1749 - 0 17 Carty Patrik 4.0 45.5 18.50 23.5 1707 - 0 28 Burian Kvetoslav 4.0 36.5 12.50 17.5 0000 - 0 31. 42 Tlapa Vaclav 3.5 41.0 12.50 19.0 0000 - 0 25 Baloun Tomas 3.5 37.0 13.75 18.5 0000 - 0 20 Mezera Lukas 3.5 39.0 11.00 17.5 1636 - 0 8 Chval Petr 3.5 36.0 9.75 16.5 1818 - 0 43 Uhlig Marcus 3.5 32.0 10.75 12.0 0000 - 0 36. 38 Poul Stanislav 3.0 35.5 11.00 17.0 0000 - 0 35 Kukacka Ladislav 3.0 35.5 11.25 14.0 0000 - 0 30 Dvorak Tomas 3.0 31.0 6.50 10.0 0000 - 0 39. 23 Szmaj Michal 2.5 30.5 5.75 10.0 1600 - 0 29 Dvorak David 2.5 28.5 5.50 5.0 0000 - 0 41. 36 Mezerova Katerina 2.0 33.0 3.50 11.5 0000 - 0 32 Heyda Jan 2.0 33.5 6.00 9.5 0000 - 0 43. 15 Chorvatova Elena 0.0 40.5 20.25 0.0 1775 - 0 6) British Chess Championships. Swansea. --------------------------------------- (by Eric Holdsworth with additional round 5 information from myself.) ROUND 3 -------- Early leaders in the British Championships taking place in the Swansea Leisure Centre, Wales during something of a heatwave which nearly all of Britain is 'enjoying' are: 3/3 Matthew Sadler Geoff Lawton Aaron Summerscale 2.5/3 Jonathan Parker Keith Arkell Mark Hebden and James Howell will also be on 2.5 if they are able to convert their slight advantages in the round 3 games to the full point in each case. The lead after Round4 in the British Champs seems unlikely to have changed as far as 2 of the 3 players are concerned. Round 3 leaders Geoff Lawton 3/3 and Matthew Sadler 3/3 met, so there was no way it could remain altogether the same. Lawton got into time trouble and at the move 40 time control it seemed very likely that Sadler would win. The other leader on 3/3 was Aaron Summerscale and he played the Championship 2nd. seed Mark Hebden 2.5/3. A peculiar opening called the Clarendon Court (over here in Britain anyway) was used: ROUND 4 ------- So I.M Summerscale moves on to 4/4, where we expect G.M Sadler to join him. Leaders: 4/4 Summerscale 3.5 3+1unf Sadler, Lawton 3 Arkell, Howell, Hunt, Turner, Hennigan, Ward Harriet Hunt, Britain's leading female though still a junior, has made a great start. Undeterred by her loss to Sadler in Round 2 she has won all her other games. Yesterday she played Britain's prodigy Luke McShane (at 11 the youngest player ever to qualify for the British Championship) and demolished him in 30 moves. Harriet seems very likely to win the British Ladies title. Matthew Turner on 3/4 is another rising star from British junior chess, and it will be interesting to see if he can stay in contention when he starts meeting the likes of Sadler, Summerscale, Hebden and Arkell. Joint leaders GM Matthew Sadler 4/4 and IM Aaron Summerscale 4/4 met in round 5 and played a hard-fought draw in a complicated game that suddenly calrified into an equal position at move 27. Pre-tournament 2nd favourite GM Mark Hebden 2.5/4 lost further ground when Richard Bates beat him. Britain's juniors are certainly making their presence felt this year in no uncertain way! However 17 y.o Harriet Hunt 3/4 saw her progress to the Ladies title take a setback when she lost to IM Chris Ward. This was another tough game and very even until Harriet missed an endgame tactic. 3rd favourite GM Keith Arkell continued his quiet progress up the leader board as he dismantled early joint leader IM Geoff Lawton. The shell-shocked Lawton finally resigned 5 pawns down! Round 5 Results --------------- Sadler 1/2 Summerscale Howell 0-1 Turner Arkell 1-0 Lawton Ward 1-0 Hunt Parker 1-0 Hennigan Bates 1-0 Hebden S Williams 1-0 Condie Levitt 1-0 Yeo J Cobb 1-0 Furguson Coleman 0-1 Kelly A Ledger 1-0 Mah C Cobb 1-0 Cooper McShane 1/2 Thompson Jackson 0-1 Mason Hayes 1/2 Dineley Van Zyl Smit 1/2 S Ledger Vigus 0-1 Rudd Barnes 1-0 McFarland Byway 1/2 Buckley Menadue 0-1 N Pert Sheldon 1/2 Martin L Williams 1/2 Nelson Hague 1-0 Binks Ryan 1/2 Cooksey Gaughan 1/2 Fish Robinson 1/2 McDonnell etc ... Leaders/5 ---------- 4.5 Summerscale, Sadler 4 Arkell, Chris Ward, Turner, Parker 3.5 Bates, Williams, Levitt, J Cobb, Kelly 3.0 Howell, Lawton, Hunt, Hennigan, A Ledger C Cobb, Mason, Rudd. 7) Junior Match, Queensland AUS - Florida USA ========================================== by Ian Murray An interstate telechess match with a difference - the two states were Queensland, Australia, and Florida, USA. Juggling time zones, play started at 5.30pm US EST July 29 (7.30am Aus EST July 30) at Patch Reef Park Community Center, Boca Raton, Florida, and Bond University, Gold Coast, Queensland. Distant matches have been around since the first telegraph lines, but the glitch has always been delays in transmission of moves. Computer networking in recent years has been taken the next logical step further, with the development in Queenland of chess clocks linked to the network - stopping one clock instantly displays the move on the opponent's screen and starts his clock. Games can now be played in real time. Fate intervened this time - the eight clocks sent to Florida disappeared in the maws of the US Postal Service, and the match had to be played by telephone link. Despite a couple of human errors in transmission, the match ran well thanks to the organisational skills of Kerry Corker, Queensland Junior Chess League, and Don Schultz, Florida Chess Association. The result was a convincing 6.5-1.5 win to Queensland. The Teams --------- AGE NATIONAL RATING QUEENSLAND Charles Pizzato 14 1886 David Smerdon 10 1513 Nathan Pearce 14 1406 Ernest Cheung 15 1313 Adam Chevor 11 1405 Alex Cohn 15 1156 Shiloh Norris 12 1088 Connie Constantinou 15 1016 FLORIDA A.J.Steigman 10 1914 Michael Bern 15 1747 Jimmy Thiele 16 1706 Ashley Falcon 12 1620 Gilberto Luna 15 1466 Thomas Avery 9 1446 Sashi Luna 14 1324 Eric Leightman 12 1119 Board Results ------------- 1 Pizzato - Steigman 1-0 2 Bern - Smerdon 0-1 3 Pearce - Thiele 1-0 4 Falcon - Cheung 0-1 5 Chevor - G.Luna 1/2-1/2 6 Avery Cohn 0-1 7 Norris - S.Luna 0-1 8 Leightman - Constantinou 0-1 The games follow. The wayward clocks have now arrived, and the planned return match and girls match will be played by network. Other associations/federations interested in a similar junior match are invited to contact ChessLinq in Queensland through Ian Murray 8) Marathon- Blitz-Tourney held in Dresden, Germany on July 29-30. -------------------------------------------------------------- by Martin Borriss( From July 29th 12 a.m. to July 30 12 a.m. the 10th Marathon-Blitz- Tournament was held in Dresden with 303 players participating. There were 8 legs of 13 games each, making a total of 104 games for every participant. Many strong players have been here in the past, including the Polgar sisters in the late 80s. This years event was no different, many of the strongest german blitz players took part, e.g. last year's winner GM Klaus Bischoff. The first half of the 24 hour event consisted of 4 preliminary rounds, where the stronger players scored a high percentage. For instance, tournament director (!) FM Johannes Hiebel, a local blitz hero started off with more than 40 wins in a row. As expected, GM Valentin Arbakov, GM Klaus Bischoff, IM Robert Rabiega, IM Karl-Heinz Podzielny and GM Philipp Schlosser scored also well. Rounds 5-8 were the final and decisive rounds where all leaders met in the "A" final. Players which were placed 15th to 28th played in the "B"-Final etc. down to the "V"-Final! After every 13 game-mini-round robin, the total standings were recalculated and the new consistency of the "A", "B" etc. groups was determined accordingly. Therefore, one could easily promote to a higher final by scoring well. On the opposite, it was also easy to drop back if you weren't that successful. Bets were made whether Klaus Bischoff (perhaps the strongest german blitz player) could defend his title against the well-known "chess machine" Valentin Arbakov. As it turned out, Arbakov proved to be unstoppable this time, winning the event with 91 points from 104 games! Final standings at the top (after 104 games): 1. GM V.Arbakov 2500 91 2. GM K.Bischoff 2550 88.5 3. IM R.Rabiega 2470 87.5 4. IM K.H.Podzielny 2460 82 5. GM Ph.Schlosser 2500 78 6. IM H.Teske 2500 7. IM A.Panchenko 2490 76.5 8. IM S.Kalinichev 2470 73 9. FM K.Schulz 2340 10.IM Ch.Gabriel 2470 72 11. S.Apel 2340 12.FM Ch.Troyke 2345 13. A.Hausschild 2230 14.FM J.Weidemann 2350 71.5 15.IM M.Borriss 2410 16.FM J.Lenz 2285 17. S.Chloupek 2200 71 18. D.Klemm 2190 19. R.Schuettig 2205 70.5 20.FM J.Hiebel 2305 21.IM R.Stern 2435 70 22.IM H.Dobosz 2420 23. M.Kuraszkiewicz 2290 69 24. D.Seyb 2290 25. K.Franz 2175 26.wI K.Bagainskaite 2240 27.FM S.Rausch 2290 68.5 28. M.Schoewel 2305 29.FM J.Pachow 2295 30. G.Spiess 2360 67.5 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Martin Borriss 9) ICCF (International Correspondence Chess Federation) by Christoph Pfrommer --------------------------------------------------------------------------- World Championship XIII, Final ------------------------------ (In memoriam Hans-Werner von Massow) Standings: (Name, Country, ICCF-rating at 1.7.1995, points, unfinished games) M.M.Umansky RUS 2700 13 J.Penrose ENG 2710 11 E.Bang DEN 2675 9.5 (2) V.Palciauscas USA 2550 9 (2) A.Pereira POR 2520 9 (1) A.P.Korelov RUS 2595 9 (1) L.M.C.Santos POR 2685 9 A.Zilberberg USA 2590 9 H.Ziewitz GER 2515 7.5 (1) F.Baumbach GER 2540 7 (4) R.Goldenberg FRA 2565 6 (1) M.C.Salm AUS 2525 5.5 (2) U.Svenson SVE 2615 5.5 (1) J.Berry CAN 2545 5.5 (1) I.A.Kopylov RUS 2555 4 (2) V.V.Tomkovich RUS 2525 3 (8) D.P.Lapienis LIT 2530 0.5 123 games finished. (13 unfinished.) (Standings from: FERNSCHACH INTERNATIONAL July/August 1995) ---- "ICCF has a new World Champion! In Final XIII (played in memorial of Hans-Werner von Massow) MIKHAIL M. UMANSKY from Pyatigorsk, Russia, just finished his last two games obtaining a final score of 13/16, a result noby can overtake any more. Congratulations to ICCF's 13th World Champion! Mr. Umansky had to battle not only his opponents, but also bad postal connections; he did both with great creativity. His last games were finished with the help of an e-mail link, a transmission medium that might have even more of a future on corr. chess than fax!" (Tournament Director R.Wikman, FIN, in FERNSCHACH INTERNATIONAL 6/1995) === World Championship XIV, Final ----------------------------- Final XIV started at 10.04.1994. There are 8 GM and 7 IM playing. The 15 participants are: O. Ekebjaerg DEN L. Kristol ISL G. K. Sanakoev RUS J. Franzen SLK F. Baumbach GER S. Webb ENG J. Cordovil POR M. Lecroq FRA V.-M. Anton GER P. Buj ARG P. Boll NLD J. S. Morgado ARG W. Stern GER T. Oim EST T. Hamarat OST 9 games (of 105) are reported to be finished by now (August 95). The list of participants is from: FERNSCHACH INTERNATIONAL, June 94. International Correspondence Chess Federation -- ICCF RATINGLIST of the ICCF (01.07.1995-30.6.1996) --------------------------------------------- TOP 15: 1. Timmerman, Gert Jan NLD 2725 99 2. Penrose, Dr.J. ENG 2710 70 3. Neumann, Joachim GER 2705 25 4. Umanskij, Michail M. RUS 2700 56 5. Santos, Luis M.C.P. POR 2685 52 6. Bang, Erik B.H. DEN 2675 113 7. Popov, Dr. Georgi A. BLG 2670 30 8. Jarkov, Vladimor V. RUS 2665 37 9. Joffe, Manne SVE 2655 26 9 Webb, Simon ENG 2655 104 11. Oosterom, J.J. van NLD 2650 90 11. Haessler, Reiner GER 2650 27 11. Kujala, Auvo FIN 2650 39 14. Barasj, Dmitrij F. RUS 2645 50 14. Geet, Dr. Dick D. van NLD 2645 39 --- A few non-official comments by myself: M.M. Umanskij, No. 4 of this list, is the new ICCF World Champion! Joop van Oosterom, No. 11 of the corr. World, is well known for his organizing and sponsoring tournament events (over the board) like i.e. the annual matches between the world best ladies and the best veterans. (You may remember the recently finished "Polka"-match in Prag.) He qualified for the World Championship XIV Final, started April 1994, but withdrew due to a severe illness. The last number in each line seems to indicate the number of rated games for the player, thus, some ratings may be regarded as better fixed than others. -- Christoph Pfrommer Technical University Darmstadt Internet: 10) Norresundby Bank Skak Cup by Under Uret /Flemming Jensen. ------------------------------------------------------- 45 games from the danish GM-group at Norresundby Bank Skak Cup 1995, in PGN-format.The tournament was cat. 8 and had a winner, well known here in Denmark. Norresundby Bank (DEN), VII 1995. cat. VIII (2434) ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Maksimenko, Andrei g UKR 2550 * 1 = 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 7.5 2694 2 Krasenkov, Mikhail g RUS 2590 0 * 1 1 = 0 1 1 1 1 6.5 2582 3 Kovalev, Andrei g BLR 2505 = 0 * = = 1 = 1 1 1 6.0 2551 4 Pedersen, Steffen m DEN 2405 1 0 = * = 0 = 1 1 1 5.5 2517 5 Barkhagen, Jonas m SWE 2405 0 = = = * = = = 1 1 5.0 2480 6 Lyrberg, Patrik m SWE 2400 0 1 0 1 = * 0 1 = 1 5.0 2480 7 Berg, Klaus m DEN 2420 0 0 = = = 1 * 0 1 1 4.5 2435 8 Kristiansen, Jens m DEN 2455 0 0 0 0 = 0 1 * 1 1 3.5 2351 9 Jakobsen, Lars Veno DEN 2310 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 0 * = 1.0 2096 10 Sorensen, Bent DEN 2300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = * 0.5 2004 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Antwerp Lost Boys Tournament ----------------------------- Round 4 Korchnoi 1/2 Novikov Khenkin 0-1 Ivan Sokolov Akesson 1-0 Wells Christiansen 1-0 Jan Van Mechelen Johan Quist 0-1 Mikhail Gurevich Paul Van der Sterren 0-1 Formanek Luc Winants 1-0 Johan Borst Marcel Beulen 0-1 Claesen Loek Van Wely 1-0 Gershon Henris 1/2 Johan Van Mil Unfortunately I missed the results from the earlier rounds. ROUND 4 STANDINGS ------------------ 1-2 Sokolov,Akesson.............. 4 3-9 Korchnoi,Novikov,Formanek,Christiansen,Gurevich,Winants, 3.5 Claesen 10-20 incl. Jolles,v.Wely,v.d.Mortel, v.d.Vorm..................... 3 Top Round 5 Results ------------------- Ivan Sokolov 1/2 Akesson Claessen 0-1 Korchnoi Novikov 1-0 Christiansen Gurevich 1-0 Winants Formanek 1/2 Khenkin (ISR) Hajo Jolles 0-1 Van Wely Lugovoi 1/2 Abolianin Teun Van de Vorm 1/2 Vandewaeren Pitam 0-1 Jan Van der Mortel Jop Delemarre 1/2 Paul Van der Sterren