THE WEEK IN CHESS 436 17th March 2003 by Mark Crowther

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Mark Crowther

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1) Introduction
2) 12th Amber Tournament
3) 6th United Insurance Tournament
4) Russian Junior Championships
5) Victor Ciocaltea Memorial
6) Finnish Team Championships
7) Mediteranian Flower Women's GM Tournament
8) 121st Varsity Match
9) Windesheim Open Weekender - Zwolle
10) First Saturday - March
11) 4NCL
12) Polish Women's Championships
13) 11th Fajr Open
14) 36th Belgrade Women's GM
15) Budapest Spring Festival
16) IV Internet Chess Tournament Ciudad de Dos Hermanas
17) Portsmouth Chess Congress
18) Latvian Championships 2003
19) Friends of Hastings International Chess Congress
20) Dortmunder Sparkassen Chess-Meeting 2003
21) 16th "Ciudad de León"
22) Ponomariov in Andorra
23) Linares
24) Maurice Ashley on draws
25) Forthcoming Events and Links


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Games section

12th Amber Tournament             36 games
6th United Insurance              49 games
Russian Junior Championships     304 games
Victor Ciocaltea Memorial         91 games
Spring Festival Games            165 games
Finnish Team Championships       360 games
Mediteranian Flower WGM           45 games
121st Varsity Match                8 games
Windesheim Open Weekender         32 games
First Saturday - March           128 games
4NCL                              96 games
Polish Women's Championships      66 games
11th Fajr Open                    96 games
36th Belgrade Women's GM          20 games
Portsmouth Chess Congress         75 games
Latvian Championships 2003         1 game
Ponomariov in Andorra              6 games
1570 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to Arthur F Brameld, Henri Spijkerman, Hassan Khaled, Kaspars Migla, Michael Rahal, Radu-Catalin Chirila, Juergen Brustkern, Laszlo Nagy, Henri Koskinen, Eirik Gullaksen, Hans Olav Lahlum, Duif Calvin, Jovan Petronic, John Saunders, David Llada, Hadi Karimi, Przemek Jahr, Zenon Franco, Haroon or Rashid, Aard Daanen, Maurice Ashley, Pat McEvoy and everyone else who helped with the issue.

The Amber Blindfold and Rapidplay tournament, the traditional follow up to the Linares tournament is underway and Peter Leko and Vladimir Kramnik have continued where they left off. Leko leads the combined standings by half a point from Kramnik after 3 rounds. Kramnik himself leads the blindfold event with 3/3.

Hope you enjoy this issue.


2) 12th Amber Tournament

The 12th Amber Blindfold and Rapid tournament takes place 15th-27th March 2003 (rest days 19th and 24th March play takes place 13:30-20:00 each day). The event is sponsored by J.J. van Oosterom and will take place in the Vista Palace Hôtel in Roquebrune Cap-Martin Monaco. Prizes worth $193,250 are at stake.


Blindfold Standings

Round 1 (March 15, 2003)

Leko, Peter            -  Bareev, Evgeny         1-0   34  C11  French Defence
Gelfand, Boris         -  Anand, Viswanathan     1/2   36  E15  Queens Indian
Van Wely, Loek         -  Morozevich, Alexander  1-0   52  D15  Slav Defence
Topalov, Veselin       -  Shirov, Alexei         1-0   63  B32  Sicilian Labourdonnais
Almasi, Zoltan         -  Kramnik, Vladimir      0-1   68  B35  Sicilian Defence
Ljubojevic, Ljubomir   -  Ivanchuk, Vassily      0-1   47  D27  QGA

Round 2 (March 16, 2003)

Kramnik, Vladimir      -  Topalov, Veselin       1-0   39  B82  Sicilian Scheveningen
Ivanchuk, Vassily      -  Morozevich, Alexander  1-0   43  C42  Petroff's Defence
Anand, Viswanathan     -  Van Wely, Loek         1-0   39  B30  Sicilian Rossolimo
Bareev, Evgeny         -  Almasi, Zoltan         1-0   47  E32  Nimzo Indian 4.Qc2
Ljubojevic, Ljubomir   -  Gelfand, Boris         1/2   57  D18  Slav Defence
Shirov, Alexei         -  Leko, Peter            0-1   37  B30  Sicilian Rossolimo

Round 3 (March 17, 2003)

Kramnik, Vladimir      -  Shirov, Alexei         1-0   19  C11  French Defence
Gelfand, Boris         -  Ivanchuk, Vassily      1-0   29  A31  English Symmetrical
Van Wely, Loek         -  Ljubojevic, Ljubomir   1-0   56  E15  Queens Indian
Topalov, Veselin       -  Bareev, Evgeny         1-0   48  C11  French Defence
Morozevich, Alexander  -  Anand, Viswanathan     1-0   35  B13  Caro Kann Exchange
Almasi, Zoltan         -  Leko, Peter            1/2   70  E15  Queens Indian

Amber Blindfold Monte Carlo MNC (MNC), 15-27 iii 2003   cat. XIX (2707)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1 Kramnik, Vladimir      g RUS 2807 * . . . . 1 . . . 1 . 1  3.0      
 2 Leko, Peter            g HUN 2736 . * . . . . . . 1 = . 1  2.5  2982
 3 Gelfand, Boris         g ISR 2700 . . * 1 . . = . . . = .  2.0  2799
 4 Ivanchuk, Vassily      g UKR 2699 . . 0 * . . . 1 . . 1 .  2.0  2774
 5 Van Wely, Loek         g NED 2668 . . . . * . 0 1 . . 1 .  2.0  2792
 6 Topalov, Veselin       g BUL 2743 0 . . . . * . . 1 . . 1  2.0  2878
 7 Anand, Viswanathan     g IND 2753 . . = . 1 . * 0 . . . .  1.5  2682
 8 Morozevich, Alexander  g RUS 2678 . . . 0 0 . 1 * . . . .  1.0  2581
 9 Bareev, Evgeny         g RUS 2729 . 0 . . . 0 . . * 1 . .  1.0  2593
10 Almasi, Zoltan         g HUN 2676 0 = . . . . . . 0 * . .  0.5  2484
11 Ljubojevic, Ljubomir   g YUG 2570 . . = 0 0 . . . . . * .  0.5  2416
12 Shirov, Alexei         g ESP 2723 0 0 . . . 0 . . . . . *  0.0      

Rapid Standings

Round 1 (March 15, 2003)

Bareev, Evgeny         -  Leko, Peter            1/2   79  E32  Nimzo Indian 4.Qc2
Anand, Viswanathan     -  Gelfand, Boris         1/2   59  B90  Sicilian Najdorf Variation
Morozevich, Alexander  -  Van Wely, Loek         1-0   54  B33  Sicilian Sveshnikov
Ivanchuk, Vassily      -  Ljubojevic, Ljubomir   1/2   99  B48  Sicilian Paulsen
Shirov, Alexei         -  Topalov, Veselin       1/2   47  B17  Caro Kann
Kramnik, Vladimir      -  Almasi, Zoltan         0-1   58  C97  Ruy Lopez

Round 2 (March 16, 2003)

Leko, Peter            -  Shirov, Alexei         1-0   43  C11  French Defence
Morozevich, Alexander  -  Ivanchuk, Vassily      1-0   44  B46  Sicilian Paulsen
Gelfand, Boris         -  Ljubojevic, Ljubomir   1-0   45  D37  QGD 5.Bf4
Almasi, Zoltan         -  Bareev, Evgeny         0-1   39  C11  French Defence
Van Wely, Loek         -  Anand, Viswanathan     1/2   72  E15  Queens Indian
Topalov, Veselin       -  Kramnik, Vladimir      1/2   45  E20  Nimzo Indian

Round 3 (March 17, 2003)

Bareev, Evgeny         -  Topalov, Veselin       1-0   40  D11  Slav Defence
Anand, Viswanathan     -  Morozevich, Alexander  1-0   69  C42  Petroff's Defence
Leko, Peter            -  Almasi, Zoltan         1/2   38  C97  Ruy Lopez
Ivanchuk, Vassily      -  Gelfand, Boris         1-0   58  B80  Sicilian Scheveningen
Ljubojevic, Ljubomir   -  Van Wely, Loek         1/2   32  A29  English Four Knights
Shirov, Alexei         -  Kramnik, Vladimir      1/2   38  B54  Sicilian Rauzer

Amber Rapid Monte Carlo MNC (MNC), 15-27 iii 2003       cat. XIX (2707)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1 Bareev, Evgeny         g RUS 2729 * . = . . . 1 . . 1 . .  2.5  2991
 2 Anand, Viswanathan     g IND 2753 . * . 1 = . . = . . . .  2.0  2807
 3 Leko, Peter            g HUN 2736 = . * . . . = . . . 1 .  2.0  2834
 4 Morozevich, Alexander  g RUS 2678 . 0 . * . 1 . 1 . . . .  2.0  2831
 5 Gelfand, Boris         g ISR 2700 . = . . * 0 . . 1 . . .  1.5  2674
 6 Ivanchuk, Vassily      g UKR 2699 . . . 0 1 * . . = . . .  1.5  2649
 7 Almasi, Zoltan         g HUN 2676 0 . = . . . * . . . . 1  1.5  2757
 8 Van Wely, Loek         g NED 2668 . = . 0 . . . * = . . .  1.0  2542
 9 Ljubojevic, Ljubomir   g YUG 2570 . . . . 0 = . = * . . .  1.0  2564
10 Topalov, Veselin       g BUL 2743 0 . . . . . . . . * = =  1.0  2628
11 Shirov, Alexei         g ESP 2723 . . 0 . . . . . . = * =  1.0  2637
12 Kramnik, Vladimir      g RUS 2807 . . . . . . 0 . . = = *  1.0  2589

Combined Standings

Amber Rapid Monte Carlo MNC (MNC), 15-27 iii 2003                   cat. XIX (2707)
                                      1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 
 1 Leko, Peter            g HUN 2736 ** .. .. .. 1= .. .. .. .. == .. 11  4.5  2902
 2 Kramnik, Vladimir      g RUS 2807 .. ** .. .. .. .. .. 1= .. 10 .. 1=  4.0  2839
 3 Anand, Viswanathan     g IND 2753 .. .. ** == .. .. 01 .. 1= .. .. ..  3.5  2739
 4 Gelfand, Boris         g ISR 2700 .. .. == ** .. 10 .. .. .. .. =1 ..  3.5  2731
 5 Bareev, Evgeny         g RUS 2729 0= .. .. .. ** .. .. 01 .. 11 .. ..  3.5  2775
 6 Ivanchuk, Vassily      g UKR 2699 .. .. .. 01 .. ** 10 .. .. .. 1= ..  3.5  2706
 7 Morozevich, Alexander  g RUS 2678 .. .. 10 .. .. 01 ** .. 01 .. .. ..  3.0  2706
 8 Topalov, Veselin       g BUL 2743 .. 0= .. .. 10 .. .. ** .. .. .. 1=  3.0  2753
 9 Van Wely, Loek         g NED 2668 .. .. 0= .. .. .. 10 .. ** .. 1= ..  3.0  2667
10 Almasi, Zoltan         g HUN 2676 == 01 .. .. 00 .. .. .. .. ** .. ..  2.0  2632
11 Ljubojevic, Ljubomir   g YUG 2570 .. .. .. =0 .. 0= .. .. 0= .. ** ..  1.5  2496
12 Shirov, Alexei         g ESP 2723 00 0= .. .. .. .. .. 0= .. .. .. **  1.0  2489

3) 6th United Insurance Tournament

The 6th United Insurance & United Leasing GM Chess Tournament-2003 takes place in Dhaka Bangladesh 8th-20th March 2003. After 10 rounds Marat Dzhumaev leads on 8 points. My thanks to Haroon or Rashid.

Internet coverage:

6th United Insurance Dhaka BAN (BAN), 8-20 iii 2003            cat. IX (2466)
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 
 1 Dzhumaev, Marat          g UZB 2507 * . = = 1 = . = 1 1 1 . 1 1  8.0  2678
 2 Tiviakov, Sergei         g NED 2635 . * = = . 1 . = 1 0 1 1 1 1  7.5  2622
 3 Goloshchapov, Alexander  g UKR 2523 = = * . = 1 = . 1 = = 1 . =  6.5  2582
 4 Barsov, Alexei           g UZB 2525 = = . * = 1 = 1 . = 1 . = =  6.5  2563
 5 Rahman, Ziaur            g BAN 2542 0 . = = * = 1 1 = 1 . 1 = .  6.5  2574
 6 Murshed, Niaz            g BAN 2435 = 0 0 0 = * = = 1 . . 1 1 .  5.0  2498
 7 Vakhidov, Tahir          m UZB 2546 . . = = 0 = * = = = 0 1 = .  4.5  2418
 8 Hossain, Enamul          m BAN 2451 = = . 0 0 = = * 0 . . 1 1 =  4.5  2438
 9 Magem Badals, Jordi      g ESP 2493 0 0 0 . = 0 = 1 * = 1 . . 1  4.5  2439
10 Neelotpal, Das           m IND 2406 0 1 = = 0 . = . = * 0 0 . 1  4.0  2420
11 Abdulla, Al-Rakib        m BAN 2405 0 0 = 0 . . 1 . 0 1 * 0 0 1  3.5  2359
12 Reefat, Bin-Sattar       m BAN 2451 . 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 . 1 1 * 1 =  3.5  2345
13 Ahmed, Sk. Nasir         f BAN 2309 0 0 . = = 0 = 0 . . 1 0 * =  3.0  2330
14 Rahman, Taibur           f BAN 2300 0 0 = = . . . = 0 0 0 = = *  2.5  2277

4) Russian Junior Championships

The Russian Junior Championships for Boys and Girls under 20 took place in Essentuki 2nd-13th March 2003. Viltaly Bachin won the men's event on tie-break from Alexander Evdokimov both scored 7.5/11. Ekaterina Korbut took first from Natalija Pogonina both finished on 8.5/11. All games from the boys (open) event and the first 9 rounds from the women's are available.

Internet coverage: and

Jch-RUS b20 Essentuki RUS (RUS), 2-13 iii 2003
 1. Bachin, Vitaly          m  RUS 2443  7.5  2543 
 2. Evdokimov, Alexander A     RUS 2391  7.5  2454 
 3. Kurnosov, Igor          m  RUS 2477  7.0  2539 
 4. Garakov,Mikhail            RUS ----  7.0  2505 
 5. Farakhov, Rafail        f  RUS 2392  6.5  2469 
 6. Savchenko, Boris        f  RUS 2431  6.5  2477 
 7. Iljin, Artem            f  RUS 2462  6.5  2482 
 8. Kryakvin, Dmitry        f  RUS 2423  6.5  2490 
 9. Anisimov, Pavel            RUS 2448  6.5  2439 
10. Maletin, Pavel          f  RUS 2374  6.5  2465 
11. Grachev, Boris          m  RUS 2483  6.0  2462 
12. Prizant, Jaroslav       m  RUS 2483  6.0  2451 
13. Yudin, Sergei           f  RUS 2406  6.0  2420 
14. Dudukin, Ilya           f  RUS 2333  6.0  2455 
15. Tomashevsky, Evgeny     m  RUS 2444  6.0  2418 
16. Panarin, Michail           RUS 2437  6.0  2429 
17. Gazarian, Aram          g  RUS 2532  5.5  2375 
18. Pustov, Pavel              RUS 2353  5.5  2349 
19. Doukhine, Iokhan           RUS 2357  5.5  2355 
20. Eraschenkov, Denis         RUS 2400  5.5  2393 
21. Kosintseva, Tatiana     wg RUS 2457  5.5  2374 
22. Kosintseva, Nadezhda    wg RUS 2417  5.0  2355 
23. Danin, Alexandre        f  RUS 2335  5.0  2375 
24. Aleshin, Oleg              RUS 2370  5.0  2321 
25. Markarov, Arsen            RUS 2319  5.0  2343 
26. Janturin, Artur         m  RUS 2411  5.0  2302 
27. Rodchenkov, Vitaly         RUS 2417  5.0  2330 
28. Panchenko, Dmitry          RUS 2351  4.5  2295 
29. Ayupov, Damir              RUS 2330  4.5  2250 
30. Torbin, Kirill          f  RUS 2387  4.5  2314 
31. Rjabzev, Konstantin        RUS 2315  4.0  2301 
32. Belenov, Dmitry N          RUS 2303  3.5  2205 
33. Skorchenko, Dmitriy     m  RUS 2436  2.5  2427 
34. Kornilov, Ivan             RUS 2371  2.0  2077 

Jch-RUS g20 Essentuki RUS (RUS), 2-11 iii 2003
 1. Korbut, Ekaterina         wg RUS 2312  8.5  67.5
 2. Pogonina, Natalija        wm RUS 2376  8.5  64.0
 3. Ubiennykh, Ekaterina      wf RUS 2248  7.0  66.5
 4. Rybenko, Kseniya          wm RUS 2287  7.0  66.5
 5. Gunina, Valentina         wf RUS 2213  6.5  62.5
 6. Novikova, Anna               RUS 2221  6.0  72.5
 7. Dushenok, Anna               RUS 2193  6.0  71.0
 8. Malysheva, Polina            RUS 2137  6.0  66.5
 9. Komiagina, Maria             RUS 2214  6.0  61.5
10. Berdychevaskaya, Natasha  wf RUS 2231  6.0  55.5
11. Meshcheriakova, Evgenia   wf RUS 2320  6.0  52.0
12. Kucherova, Lija           wm RUS 2231  6.0  50.5
13. Bronnikova, Elizaveta        RUS 2238  5.5  67.5
14. Kolganova, Natalia           RUS 2169  5.5  63.0
15. Ivkina, Olga                 RUS 2249  5.5  62.5
16. Bannikova, Anastasia         RUS 2146  5.5  61.5
17. Kovanova, Baira              RUS 2215  5.5  60.5
18. Khusnutdinova, Luiza      wm RUS 2294  5.5  58.0
19. Tomilova, Elena              RUS 2210  5.0  67.0
20. Sazanova, Julia           wf RUS 2184  5.0  59.5
21. Zakharova, Alexandra         RUS 2107  5.0  52.0
22. Zainullina, Nataliya      wf RUS 2176  4.5  51.0
23. Dotdaeva, A                  RUS 2093  4.0  50.5
24. Dultseva, Svetlana           RUS 2172  3.5  54.0
25. Kariakina, Marina            RUS 2171  2.5  52.0
26. Olhovaja, Elena              RUS 2214  1.0  57.5

5) Victor Ciocaltea Memorial

The Victor Ciocaltea Memorial took place 4th-16th March 2003. This was a Category IX, average rating 2453, 14 player event organised by the RAT & Central Club Chess. In addition there were Spring Festival GM and WGM events. The last two rounds of the men's GM event will follow. Information: Radu-Catalin Chirila.

Victor Ciocaltea Mem Bucharest ROM (ROM), 4-13 iii 2003            cat. IX (2453)
                                          1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 
 1. Iordachescu, Viorel       g MDA 2550  * 1 = 1 = 1 = = 1 1 1 1 1 1 11.0  2741 
 2. Czebe, Attila             m HUN 2466  0 * = 1 1 = 1 1 = 1 0 1 1 1  9.5  2626 
 3. Vajda, Levente            g ROM 2576  = = * = 1 = 1 = = = 1 0 = 1  8.0  2530 
 4. Murariu, Andrei           m ROM 2361  0 0 = * 0 1 = = 1 1 1 1 = 1  8.0  2546 
 5. Firman, Nazar             m UKR 2496  = 0 0 1 * = 0 = 1 1 = 1 1 =  7.5  2506 
 6. Vajda, Albert             m ROM 2427  0 = = 0 = * 1 = 1 = = 0 1 1  7.0  2483 
 7. Grigore, George           g ROM 2482  = 0 0 = 1 0 * = = = 1 = 1 1  7.0  2479 
 8. Ionescu, Constantin       g ROM 2473  = 0 = = = = = * = = = = = =  6.0  2422 
 9. Grigore, Nicolae Petre    m ROM 2391  0 = = 0 0 0 = = * = = 1 1 1  6.0  2428 
10. Lemmers, Oscar            m NED 2444  0 0 = 0 0 = = = = * 1 1 = =  5.5  2396 
11. Manolache, Marius         m ROM 2430  0 1 0 0 = = 0 = = 0 * 0 1 0  4.0  2313 
12. Furtuna, Alexei             MDA 2415  0 0 1 0 0 1 = = 0 0 1 * 0 0  4.0  2314 
13. Burnoiu, Nicolae-Costel   m ROM 2414  0 0 = = 0 0 0 = 0 = 0 1 * 1  4.0  2314 
14. Ionescu, Mihai            m ROM 2414  0 0 0 0 = 0 0 = 0 = 1 1 0 *  3.5  2280 

Spring Festival GM Bucharest ROM (ROM), 4-13 iii 2003              cat. VIII (2429)
                                           1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 
 1. Svetushkin, Dmitry         g MDA 2542  * 1 = 0 1 0 1 1 1 . 1 = = 1 1  9.5  2593 
 2. Lupulescu, Constantin        ROM 2496  0 * = = = . = . = 1 1 = 1 1 1  8.0  2548 
 3. Badea, Bela                g ROM 2495  = = * = . = = = 1 1 = = 1 = =  8.0  2510 
 4. Parligras, Mircea          g ROM 2497  1 = = * 0 = = . 1 = . 1 = = 1  7.5  2521 
 5. Vasiesiu, Dan              m ROM 2435  0 = . 1 * 1 . 0 = = 0 1 = 1 1  7.0  2478 
 6. Ardelean, George Catalin   m ROM 2450  1 . = = 0 * = = 0 . = = 1 1 =  6.5  2448 
 7. Moldovan, Daniel           m ROM 2447  0 = = = . = * = 1 = 1 . = = =  6.5  2453 
 8. Mateuta, Gabriel           m ROM 2402  0 . = . 1 = = * 0 = = = 1 = 1  6.5  2448 
 9. Bets, Anatolij             m MDA 2357  0 = 0 0 = 1 0 1 * = = . 1 . =  5.5  2416 
10. Itkis, Boris               m ROM 2452  . 0 0 = = . = = = * = = = 1 =  5.5  2386 
11. Musat, Adrian              f ROM 2410  0 0 = . 1 = 0 = = = * = = = .  5.0  2370 
12. Nanu, Ciprian              m ROM 2456  = = = 0 0 = . = . = = * 0 = 1  5.0  2373 
13. Radovanovic, Dusan           YUG 2326  = 0 0 = = 0 = 0 0 = = 1 * . .  4.0  2328 
14. Gordin, Artiom               MDA 2275  0 0 = = 0 0 = = . 0 = = . * 1  4.0  2330 
15. Soltanici, Ruslan          m MDA 2389  0 0 = 0 0 = = 0 = = . 0 . 0 *  2.5  2212 

Spring Festival WGM Bucharest ROM (ROM), 4-13 iii 2003
                                          1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Motoc, Alina            wf ROM 2326  * 1 = = = 1 = 0 1 1 1 1  8.0  2410 
 2. Dragomirescu, Angela    wm ROM 2306  0 * = = 1 1 = 1 1 1 = 1  8.0  2412 
 3. Ionescu-Brandis, Irina  wg ROM 2356  = = * = 1 0 = = = 1 = 1  6.5  2298 
 4. Bogza, Adina            wm ROM 2295  = = = * = 1 1 = 0 0 1 =  6.0  2274 
 5. Ciobanu, Camelia        wf ROM 2204  = 0 0 = * 1 0 1 1 1 0 1  6.0  2283 
 6. Moshina, Cristina       wm MDA 2193  0 0 1 0 0 * 1 = 1 = = 1  5.5  2248 
 7. Marin, Luiza            wm ROM 2205  = = = 0 1 0 * 1 0 = = =  5.0  2210 
 8. Ionica, Iulia           wm ROM 2200  1 0 = = 0 = 0 * 0 1 1 =  5.0  2211 
 9. Sasu-Ducsoara, Andreea  wm ROM 2234  0 0 = 1 0 0 1 1 * 0 = =  4.5  2179 
10. Smokina, Karolina       wm MDA 2271  0 0 0 1 0 = = 0 1 * = 1  4.5  2175 
11. Partac, Elena           wm MDA 2198  0 = = 0 1 = = 0 = = * 0  4.0  2145 
12. Osman, Mihai               FRA 2133  0 0 0 = 0 0 = = = 0 1 *  3.0  2078 

6) Finnish Team Championships

The Finnish Team Championships took place September 21st 2002 - March 16th 2003. The team title went to Jyväskylä for the first time. Defending champion Joensuu was second and Gaia from Helsinki third. My thanks to Henri Koskinen.

Complete results + all games:

Final results 
1. JYS, Jyväskylä    15   
2. JoeSK, Joensuu    12  (+9)
3. Gaia, Helsinki    12  (+6)
4. Taraus, Tampere   12  (+5)
5. EtVaS, Vantaa     11   
6. HSK, Helsinki      9    
7. TuTS, Turku        8   
8. MatSK, Espoo       6   
9. SalSK, Salo        3   
10.KarhTS, Karhula    2    

Best individual results:
Natri Antero, Taraus         7,0/8  reserve
Salo Heikki, EtVaS           7,5/9  5th board
GM Solozhenkin Evgeniy, JYS  7,0/9  1st board
FM Tolonen Leo, JYS          7,0/9  4th board
Hämäläinen Sami, JYS         7,0/9  8th board
GM Westerinen Heikki, Gaia   6,0/8  4th board  
FM Hentunen Asko, MatSK      6,0/8  6th board
FM Nevanlinna Risto, JYS     6,5/9  5th board
Parkkinen Jyrki, HSK         6,5/9  7th board

7) Mediteranian Flower Women's GM Tournament

The Mediteranian Flower Women's GM Tournament took place in Rijeka 7th-16th March 2003. Eva Repkova won the event with 7.5/9.

Internet coverage:

Mediteranian Flower WGM Rejika CRO (CRO), 7-16 iii 2003
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Repkova, Eva         wg SVK 2361  * = = = 1 1 1 1 1 1  7.5  2484 
 2. Vajda, Szidonia      wg HUN 2382  = * = = 1 1 = 1 1 1  7.0  2428 
 3. Grabics, Monika      wm HUN 2340  = = * 1 0 1 = 1 = 1  6.0  2338 
 4. Medic, Mirjana       wg CRO 2308  = = 0 * = = 1 0 1 1  5.0  2260 
 5. Sargac, Damir           CRO 2211  0 0 1 = * = = 1 = 1  5.0  2270 
 6. Jelica, Mara         wm CRO 2230  0 0 0 = = * 1 1 1 1  5.0  2268 
 7. Pahor, Andrea           CRO 2034  0 = = 0 = 0 * = = 1  3.5  2167 
 8. Franciskovic, Borka     CRO 1991  0 0 0 1 0 0 = * 1 1  3.5  2172 
 9. Kaps, Darja          wm SLO 2246  0 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 * =  2.0  2003 
10. Trtanj, Tina         wm CRO 2158  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = *  0.5  1789 

8) 121st Varsity Match

The 121st Varsity Match between Oxford University and Cambridge University was held at the RAC Club on 15 March 2003. Cambridge University won by 6½-1½. Match sponsors were Barry Martin and Henry Mutkin. Match arbiters were Bob Wade and David Pritchard. My thanks to John Saunders for the news.

Full Report:

Oxford                                    1½-6½ Cambridge 
1b Richard Palliser (Worcester)   2455  m  ½-½  Eddie Dearing   (Peterhouse)   2367 m 
2w Merim Bilalic    (Wadham)      2297  f  ½-½  Harriet Hunt    (St John's)    2389 m 
3b Andrew Bigg      (Jesus)       2292  c  0-1  James Vigus     (Clare)        2311 f 
4w Kemal Ozeren     (Balliol)     ----     0-1  Joe Conlon      (Christ's)     2215 
5b Erik Tonning     (Lincoln)     2213     0-1  David Hodge     (Trinity)      2165 
6w Harvey Meyer     (Lincoln)     2228     0-1  David Garner    (Peterhouse)   2168 
7b Melanie Buckley  (St. Hilda's) 2145 wf  ½-½  Andreas Domnick (St John's)    2185 
8w Daniel Gunlycke  (Merton)      ----     0-1  Petros Wallden  (St John's)    ---- 

9) Windesheim Open Weekender - Zwolle

The Windesheim Open Weekender took place March 7th-9th 2003 reports Henri Spijkerman.

The twelfth edition of the weekender in Zwolle, the Netherlands, was won by Swiss grandmaster Vadim Milov. He scored five points from six rounds, sharing first prize with fellow GMs Igor Miladinovic, Vladimir Georgiev and Daniel Fridman. On ground of his superior WP tie-break score Milov was declared winner of the tournament.

Milov already led the field with a convincing 4/4. After a sound draw against Fridman in the fifth round Miladinovic became joint leader. In the last round a quick draw between Milov and Miladinovic allowed Georgiev and Fridman to catch them.

Leading Final (Round 6) Standings:
No Name                 Elo  TPR    Score WP    SB  
1. Milov, V.            2644 2619    5.0  24.5  19.50
   Georgiev, V.         2549 2475    5.0  22.5  18.25
   Miladinovic,         2526 2552    5.0  22.0  17.00
   Fridman, D.          2569 2549    5.0  21.5  16.75
5. Mikhalchisshin, A.   2552 2386    4.5  22.5  15.00
   Plomp, M.            2105 2263    4.5  20.0  14.00
   Meyers, V.           2496 2376    4.5  19.5  12.75
8. Gaponenko, I.        2411 2300    4.0  21.5  11.50
   Shchekatchev, A.     2572 2295    4.0  21.0  11.50
   Berg, B. van den     2116 2170    4.0  19.5  12.50
   Leimand, P.          2092 2181    4.0  19.0  10.75
   Pietrow, A.          2089 2174    4.0  18.5  11.00
   Bitalzadeh, A.       2006 2163    4.0  17.0  10.50
53 players

10) First Saturday - March

There were one GM and two IM groups in the First Saturday March tournament. My thanks to Juergen Brustkern and Miklos Orso for the games.

Daily news:

FSGM March Budapest HUN (HUN), 1-13 iii 2003             cat. VII (2424)
                                      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Horvath, Peter1      m HUN 2458  * 1 = = = = 1 1 0 0 = 1  6.5  2485 
 2. Hoang Thanh Trang    m VIE 2445  0 * = = = = = 1 1 1 1 0  6.5  2486 
 3. Flumbort, Andras     m HUN 2443  = = * = = = = = 1 = = 1  6.5  2487 
 4. Szeberenyi, Adam     m HUN 2392  = = = * = = = = 1 = = =  6.0  2462 
 5. Horvath, Csaba       g HUN 2506  = = = = * = = = = = 1 =  6.0  2452 
 6. Farago, Ivan         g HUN 2483  = = = = = * = = = = = 1  6.0  2454 
 7. Balogh, Csaba        m HUN 2448  0 = = = = = * = = = = 1  5.5  2421 
 8. Todorovic, Goran M   g YUG 2457  0 0 = = = = = * = 1 1 =  5.5  2420 
 9. Andreikin, Dmitry    f RUS 2342  1 0 0 0 = = = = * 1 = =  5.0  2395 
10. Kustar, Sandor       m HUN 2384  1 0 = = = = = 0 0 * 0 1  4.5  2362 
11. Dembo, Yelena       wg HUN 2397  = 0 = = 0 = = 0 = 1 * =  4.5  2361 
12. Brustkern, Juergen   f GER 2331  0 1 0 = = 0 0 = = 0 = *  3.5  2299 

FSIMA March Budapest HUN (HUN), 1-13 iii 2003            cat. III (2310)
                                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
 1. Boros, Denes             HUN 2289  * = 1 = 1 0 = = 0 1 1  6.0  2384 
 2. Alfred, Nathan           ENG 2250  = * 1 = 0 1 0 = 1 = 1  6.0  2387 
 3. Papp, Gellert            HUN 2368  0 0 * = 1 = 1 1 1 0 1  6.0  2376 
 4. Korpics, Zsolt         f HUN 2332  = = = * = = 1 0 = 1 =  5.5  2343 
 5. Gara, Anita           wg HUN 2327  0 1 0 = * = 0 = 1 1 1  5.5  2344 
 6. Haznedaroglu, Kivanc   f TUR 2283  1 0 = = = * 1 = 0 1 0  5.0  2312 
 7. Banusz, Tamas            HUN 2255  = 1 0 0 1 0 * 1 1 0 =  5.0  2315 
 8. Jakab, Attila          m HUN 2358  = = 0 1 = = 0 * 1 = =  5.0  2305 
 9. Dovzik, Juri           m UKR 2400  1 0 0 = 0 1 0 0 * 1 =  4.0  2228 
10. Habibi, Ali            m GER 2276  0 = 1 0 0 0 1 = 0 * =  3.5  2203 
11. Eperjesi, Laszlo       m HUN 2271  0 0 0 = 0 1 = = = = *  3.5  2203 

FSIMB March Budapest HUN (HUN), 1-13 iii 2003          cat. I (2273)
                                    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
 1. Kovacs, Gabor1        HUN 2186  * 1 1 = = 1 = 1 1 1 1  8.5  2577 
 2. Zhidkov, Valery S   m UKR 2372  0 * = = 1 = 1 = = 1 1  6.5  2373 
 3. Kaposztas, Miklos   m HUN 2268  0 = * 1 = 1 = = = 1 =  6.0  2345 
 4. Berczes, David        HUN 2261  = = 0 * 1 1 1 = 0 1 0  5.5  2310 
 5. Gonda, Laszlo       f HUN 2317  = 0 = 0 * 0 1 0 1 1 1  5.0  2268 
 6. Schneider, Attila   m HUN 2302  0 = 0 0 1 * 0 = 1 1 1  5.0  2270 
 7. Farago, Sandor      m HUN 2334  = 0 = 0 0 1 * 1 = 0 1  4.5  2230 
 8. Harmon, Clark         USA 2198  0 = = = 1 = 0 * 0 = 1  4.5  2244 
 9. Lamprecht, Mark       GER 2263  0 = = 1 0 0 = 1 * = 0  4.0  2202 
10. Dencsi, Tibor         HUN 2225  0 0 0 0 0 0 1 = = * 1  3.0  2128 
11. Yeke, Serkan          TUR 2277  0 0 = 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 *  2.5  2079 

11) 4NCL

As reported last week rounds 5 and 6 of the 4NCL were played over the weekend of 8th-9th March 2003. My thanks to Arthur Brameld for the games which are available this week.

Internet coverage:

12) Polish Women's Championships

The Polish Women's Championships took place in Sroda Wlkp 26th February - 9th March 2003. Marta Zielinska won by a 2.5 point margin scoring 9/11 undefeated.

My thanks to Przemek Jahr for the information.

57th ch-POL w Sroda Wlkp POL (POL), 26 ii-9 iii 2003        cat. I (2266)
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Zielinska, Marta     wg POL 2430  * = 1 1 1 = 1 1 1 = = 1  9.0  2513 
 2. Dworakowska, Joanna   m POL 2404  = * 1 = 0 1 = = = 0 1 1  6.5  2318 
 3. Kadziolka, Beata     wm POL 2228  0 0 * = 1 = = = 1 = 1 1  6.5  2334 
 4. Radziewicz, Iweta     m POL 2433  0 = = * 0 1 1 0 1 1 = 0  5.5  2251 
 5. Socko, Monika         m POL 2381  0 1 0 1 * 1 = 0 0 1 = =  5.5  2256 
 6. Krupa, Monika        wm POL 2248  = 0 = 0 0 * = 1 = = 1 1  5.5  2268 
 7. Zawadzka, Jolanta       POL 2335  0 = = 0 = = * = = = 1 1  5.5  2260 
 8. Nowak, Dominika         POL 2098  0 = = 1 1 0 = * = 1 0 0  5.0  2245 
 9. Pokojska, Daria         POL 2084  0 = 0 0 1 = = = * 1 = =  5.0  2247 
10. Worek, Joanna        wf POL 2236  = 1 = 0 0 = = 0 0 * 1 =  4.5  2204 
11. Matras, Agnieszka    wm POL 2229  = 0 0 = = 0 0 1 = 0 * 1  4.0  2167 
12. Kupczyk, Edyta          POL 2091  0 0 0 1 = 0 0 1 = = 0 *  3.5  2149 

13) 11th Fajr Open

The 11th International Fajr Chess Open tournament took place in Tehran, Iran 27th February - March 5th 2003. P Mohajerin of Iran won the event with 8/9.

My thanks to Hadi Karimi webmaster of which is in Farsi on chess in Iran and other countries along with educational materials but will soon have an English section also.

11th Fajr Open Tehran IRI (IRI), 27 ii-5 iii 2003
 1. Mohajerin P.          8   47     IRI   2317E  --
 2. Nasri A.              7½  51     IRI   2206E  --
 3. Ghorbani Mohsen       7½  46½    IRI   2316E  IM
 4. Babujian Levon        7   48½    ARM   -----  --
 5. Petrosian Tigran L    7   44½    ARM   2419E  --
 5. Ardeshi Mehrdad       7   44½    IRI   2330E  --
 5. Roghani Arash         7   44½    IRI   2316E  --
 5. Shaarbaf M.           7   44½    IRI   2252E  --
 9. Noroozi Omid          7   41½    IRI   2127E  --
10. Bakhtiari K.          6½  45     IRI   2312E  --
11. Khaghani Mehdi        6½  44½    IRI   2226E  --
12. Niknaddaf Ali         6½  38     IRI   2255E  --
13. Guliyev Sarkhan       6½  36½    AZE   2226E  --
142 players

14) 36th Belgrade Women's GM

The 36th Belgrade Women's GM tournament took place 5th-13th March 2003. Svetlana Prudnikova won the event with 6.5/9.

Internet coverage:

36th Ladies GM Belgrade YUG (YUG), 5-13 iii 2003        cat. II (2279)
                                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Prudnikova, Svetlana  wg YUG 2426  * = 1 = 1 0 = 1 1 1  6.5  2429 
 2. Benderac, Ana         wm YUG 2286  = * = = = 1 1 = = 1  6.0  2403 
 3. Chelushkina, Irina    wg YUG 2366  0 = * 1 1 0 = 1 = 1  5.5  2349 
 4. Petrenko, Svetlana    wg MDA 2348  = = 0 * = 1 = = 1 1  5.5  2351 
 5. Blimke, Dalia         wm POL 2231  0 = 0 = * = 1 = 1 1  5.0  2327 
 6. Jicman, Ligia         wm ROM 2256  1 0 1 0 = * 0 = = =  4.0  2238 
 7. Olarasu, Gabriela     wg ROM 2293  = 0 = = 0 1 * = 0 1  4.0  2234 
 8. Kalevic, Sanja        wg YUG 2291  0 = 0 = = = = * = 1  4.0  2235 
 9. Savic, Marijana       wf YUG 2159  0 = = 0 0 = 1 = * 0  3.0  2167 
10. Drljevic, Ljilja      wf YUG 2137  0 0 0 0 0 = 0 0 1 *  1.5  2022 

15) Budapest Spring Festival

Laszlo Nagy reports that the Budapest Spring Festival has started.

Round 3 Standings:
  1. Jakab Attila                3.0   4.5  
     Varadi Viktor               3.0   4.5  
  3. Galyas Miklos               2.5   6.0  
     Chereches Marius            2.5   6.0  
     Habibi Ali                  2.5   6.0  
     Puschmann Laszlo            2.5   5.5  
     Wolter Michael              2.5   5.0  
     Martini Balazs              2.5   5.0  
     Bognar Csaba                2.5   5.0  
     Varga Csaba                 2.5   5.0  
     Dobos Jozsef                2.5   4.5  
     Csapo Zoltan                2.5   4.5  
     Francsics Endre             2.5   4.0  
     GOCZO MELINDA               2.5   4.0  
     TOTH LILI                   2.5   4.0  
87 players

16) IV Internet Chess Tournament Ciudad de Dos Hermanas

The IV Internet Chess Tournament Ciudad de Dos Hermanas takes place on the Internet Chess Club (ICC), 14th-22nd March, 2003.

IM Michael Rahal (EDAMI, Barcelona) reports:

For the fourth year running Internet Chess Club ( holds the fourth annual Internet Chess Tournament "Ciudad de Dos Hermanas" (Spain). This event has consolidated itself as the most important Internet tournament in the world, both in the number and strength of the participants.

As last year the playing system is as follows: 12 9-round Swiss qualifiers using the Fischer System playing rate: 8 minutes + 2 seconds. Qualifiers are held twice a day (from March 14th to 19th). March 20th is a rest day, and the finals are held on March 21-22. The 12 qualifier winners plus the 20 best scores qualify to the 32 KO final. Registration for the last six qualifiers is still open. Complete standings, game files and other interesting information can be found at the Dos Hermanas web site

Classification qualifiers 1-6 
Section 14A, Friday March 14, 1pm EST (336 players, 9 rounds)
1. "Minotauro", IM Alexis Cabrera, COL, 8.0 (opponents 60.0 averaging 2781) 
2. "Reinalbo", IM Roi Reinaldo, ESP, 8.0 (opponents 55.0 averaging 2796) 
3. "Volkov", GM Sergey Volkov, RUS, 8.0 (opponents 52.5 averaging 2657) 
4. "ZARNICKI", GM Pablo Zarnicki, ARG, 7.5 (opponents 50.5 averaging 2842) 
5. "SirKahn", IM Evarth Kahn, HUN, 7.5 (opponents 45.5 averaging 2507) 

Section 14B, Friday March 14, 8pm EST (221 players, 9 rounds)

1. "Crest", GM Sergey Shipov, RUS, 8.0 (opponents 54.0 averaging 2611) 
2. "SirKahn", IM Evarth Kahn, HUN, 7.5 (opponents 52.5 averaging 2699) 
3. "Dinamit", IM Gabrielyan Artur, URS, 7.5 (opponents 50.5 averaging 2536) 
4. "sengir", IM Vinay Bhat, USA, 7.5 (opponents 49.5 averaging 2480) 
5. "sombra", IM Diogo Fernando, PRT, 7.5 (opponents 49.5 averaging 2435) 
6. "krechet", FM Alexandre Kretchetov, RUS, 7.5 (oppponents 46.0 averaging 2487) 

Section 15A, Saturday March 15, 1pm EST (300 players, 9 rounds)
1. "Porter", GM Potkin Vladimir, RUS, 8.5 (opponents 54.0 averaging 2643) 
2. "BaloghCs", IM Balogh Csaba, HUN, 8.0 (opponents 49.0 averaging 2367) 
3. "crazyboy26", GM Christian Bauer, FRA, 7.5 (opponents 54.0 averaging 2636) 
4. "H-Morgan", IM Meelis Kanep, EST, 7.5 (opponents 52.0 averaging 2460) 

Section 15B, Saturday March 15, 8pm EST (201 players, 9 rounds)

1. "BMW", IM Yu Shaoteng, CHN, 8.5 (opponents 51.0 averaging 2640) 
2. "Ildar", GM Ildar Ibragimov, USA, 8.0 (opponents 57.0 averaging 2556) 
3. "Aedes", IM Guillermo Soppe, ARG, 7.5 (opponents 55.0 averaging 2652) 
4. "ftorodent", IM Andrei Rychagov, RUS, 7.5 (opponents 53.0 averaging 2549) 
5. "ninguno", IM Renier Gonzalez, USA, 7.5 (opponents 52.5 averaging 2465) 

Section 16A, Sunday March 16, 1pm EST (344 players, 9 rounds)
1. "M-Kobalija", GM Mikhail Kobalia, RUS, 8.5 (opponents 51.0 averaging 2662)
2. "Andrei21", IM Andrei Sokolov, LVA, 8.0 (opponents 51.0 averaging 2515)
3. "ikica", GM Ivan Ivanisevic, YUG, 7.5 (opponents 54.0 averaging 2535)
4. "Vovchik", FM Vladimir Grebionkin, RUS, 7.5 (opponents 52.5 averaging 2507)
5. "Visam", GM Victor Mikhalevski, ISR, 7.5 (opponents 52.0 averaging 2530)
6. "miha50", IM Mikhail Umansky, DEU, 7.5 (opponents 51.5 averaging 2405)
7. "agnel", GM Pawel Jaracz, POL, 7.5 (opponents 50.5 averaging 2514)

Section 16B, Sunday March 16, 8pm EST (223 players, 9 rounds)

1. "ZARNICKI", GM Pablo Zarnicki, ARG, 8.5 (opponents 53.5, averaging 2658)
2. "J-Becerra", GM Julio Becerra, CUB, 7.5 (opponents 51.5, averaging 2562)
3. "Vovchik", FM Vladimir Grebionkin, RUS, 7.5 (opponents 50.5, averaging 2370)
4. "VASTA-Eduardo", FM Eduardo Vasta, ARG, 7.5 (opponents 49.5, averaging 2397)
5. "RuznaMamuna", GM Dragan Solak, YUG, 7.5 (opponents 46.5, averaging 2492)

17) Portsmouth Chess Congress

The Portsmouth Chess Congress which is part of the BCF 2003 Grand Prix) took place at Portsmouth Grammar School, 21st-23rd February 2003

After last year’s disappointing retreat in numbers, it was positively exhilarating to experience this year’s resurgence. When late entries and non-appearances had all settled down, the final tally was 197 paying customers, a most gratifying improvement from last year’s 164, and our best turnout for quite some years.

A particular relief was that the Premier returned to more normal numbers. Last year, an additional £500 prize had been added to the top of the Premier prize fund to secure “elite” status on the Grand Prix circuit. Unfortunately, only 14 entries had been received, where we had been used to having a couple of dozen. I was therefore nervous for this year. In fact, this proved to be our strongest Premier ever, with 1 Grandmaster, 8 International Masters and 2 Fide Masters. The winner, Alexander Cherniaev from Russia, was very impressive throughout, allowing his coolness to slip only at the start of the last round when he was unhappy about the colour assigned to him. I was concerned he might become distracted by this detail and blunder, but I also expected an early draw whatever colour he had, and this duly arrived after 20 moves. Grandmaster Peter Wells, last year’s winner, had his chance with the white pieces against Cherniaev in Round 5, but could make no headway.

Report by Pat McEvoy, Event Director. Thanks to Arthur Brameld for the games.

  1st    A Cherniaev, IM  (Russia)        5.0/6 500.00
= 2nd    P K Wells,  IGM  (Portsmouth)    4.5   200.00
         A C Hunt,    IM  (Brighton)      4.5   200.00
         D Gormally,  IM  (London)        4.5   200.00
= 5th    S T Buckley,     (Bath)          4.0    30.00
         J Lappage,       (Kidlington)    4.0    30.00
= U-210  D J Ledger,  FM  (London)        3.0    20.00
         P Kemp,          (Crawley)       3.0    20.00
         K Coates,        (Yateley)       3.0    20.00
U-185    M Singleton,     (Guildford)     3.0    30.00

Other scores :-  
    S K Williams, IM      3.5
    C S Crouch,   IM      3.5
    R Gwaze,      IM      3.5
    N E Povah,    IM      3.5
    R M Webb,     FM      3
    J T Sherwin,  IM      2.5

18) Latvian Championships 2003

Kaspars Migla reports that the Latvian Championships 2003 took place in Riga 5th-13th March 2003. Evgeny Sveshnikov has moved there and won the championships for the first time. Only one game available.

Internet coverage:

Latvian Men's Championships Final Standings:
 1. Sveshnikov Evgeny       2549  6.5 47.5
 2. Berzins Rolands         2450  6.5 47.0
 3. Luckans Arnolds         2424  6.0 49.5
 4. Krivonosovs Olegs       2431  6.0 48.5
 5. Grasis Janis            0000  5.5 46.0
 6. Starostits Ilmars       2400  5.5 44.5
 7. Smorodinskis Igors      2293  5.5 40.0
 8. Neiksans Arturs         2436  5.0 46.5
 9. Saulespurens Valdis     2370  5.0 46.5
10. Illarionovs Dmitrijs    2214  5.0 43.0
11. Putka Verners           2282  5.0 42.0
12. Skuja Aivars            2197  5.0 41.0
13. Stasans Aivars          2241  5.0 37.0
14. Cehlovs Aleksandrs      2310  5.0 36.5
15. Lavendelis Egons        2132  4.5 45.5
16. Daskevics Vadims        2293  4.5 40.5
17. Tronenkovs Valdis       2201  4.5 39.5
18. Katisonoks Nikolajs     2274  4.0 42.5
19. Daudzvardis Janis       2154  4.0 36.5
20. Volodins Igors          2095  4.0 35.0
21. Raudive Aivars          2302  3.5 39.0
22. Berzins Ivars           2236  3.5 38.0
23. Nikolajevs Deniss       2323  3.5 36.5
24. Kaupe Gints             0000  3.5 29.0
25. Daskevics Vitalijs      0000  3.0 33.0
26. Batakovs Olegs          2177  2.5 38.0
27. Graudins Ilmars         0000  2.5 34.0
28. Kalnins Kristaps        2163  2.0 34.5

Latvian Women's Championships
Laura Rogule       6,5
Tatjana Voronova   6
Tatjana Titareva   6 
Marina Smirnova    4
Renate Praude      3
Linda Krumina      3
Madara Orlovska    2,5
Sarma Sedleniece   2,5 
Vija Zalcmane      2,5

19) Friends of Hastings International Chess Congress

A new fundraising scheme has been launched by Hastings International Ches s Congress. Hastings Borough Council has generously agreed to continue its support of this important historic event but funding for 2003/04 has been cut from £32,740 last year, to £21,000 with a promise of a further £5,000 if £5,000 match funding can be secured by the Congress. Details available at:

20) Dortmunder Sparkassen Chess-Meeting 2003

The final lineup for the Sparkassen Chess-Meeting 2003 has been announced.

The six players are Classical World Chess Champion Vladimir Kramnik, his challenger Peter Leko, Viswanathan Anand, the winner of Wijk aan Zee, Arkadi Naiditsch, Germany’s big hope, Viorel (Viktor) Bologan from Moldavia who qualified via the Aeroflot open and Teimour Radjabov from Azerbaijan who recently competed at the Linares tournament.

The double round robin event takes place at the Dortmund Theatre 31st July - 10th August 2003.

The Sparkassen Open will take place at the Town Hall of Dortmund, Friedensplatz, 1st - 10th August 2003. For more information and registration please contact Schachfreunde Brackel. Phone: 0049-231/2009265 or 0049-231/2000560.

21) 16th "Ciudad de León"

Topalov and Ponomariov were in Madrid on March 10th to promote the announcement of the Leon rapid tournament in June sponsored by the Spanish sports newspaper Marca.

The 16th "Ciudad de León" chess tournament will take place June 5th-9th 2003 in León, Spain. This year it will be a quadrangular knockout rapid tournament (not advanced chess ie no computers as in recent years) with Ruslan Ponomariov (Elo 2734) Vesselin Topalov, (Elo 2743) Sergey Karjakin, (Elo 2547) and Francisco "Paco" Vallejo Pons (Elo 2629) The venue will be the Edificio de la Junta de Castilla y León".

2 semi-finals of 4 games - 20 minutes + 10 seconds per move. Schedule: Friday June 6th : First Semi final: Topalov - Karjakin Saturday June 7th Second Semi final : Ponomariov - Vallejo Sunday June 8th: Final.

The official web sites will be: and

22) Ponomariov in Andorra

Ruslan Ponomariov visited Andorra 10th-12th March 2003. The Andorra Chess Federation of sponsored by (Andbanc) has already invited Topalov in 1999, Judit Polgar in 2000 and Alexei Shirov in 2001 and Paco Vallejo in 2002. On Wednesday 12th March Ponomariov won an exhibition blitz match with Andorran Number 1 Oscar de la Riva 5-1.

Internet coverage:

23) Linares

As reported last week the final chapter of the Linares tournament was the prize-giving. The tournament marked the end of a four year, 10 tournament winning streak for Kasparov (Wijk aan Zee 1999 - Linares 2002). Kasparov lost his temper at the award of the beauty prize to Radjabov for his win against Kasparov, a game lost due to a big blunder by Kasparov. I have some more details compared to the report I presented last week.

The award was a difficult one to make. There were 20 journalists who voted and the lack of a clearly great game meant that the game Kasparov vs. Radjabov from round 2 won with only 6 votes. Leontxo Garcia justified his choice of the game by saying "beauty is a subjective concept for me and Nxe5 (Radjabov's piece sacrifice) was really a beautiful move and it is beautiful to see a 15 year old boy play with such imagination". Both players were called to the stage and a clearly angry Kasparov took the microphone and complained ""It is not correct to award a prize to a game where a piece was blundered. I take it as a public insult and a humiliation."

At the end there was supposed to be group photos but Kasparov wanted to leave. Kasparov was still complaining about the verdict and asked Ian Rogers who he voted for. When he answered the Radjabov game he launched into a further tirade. "You (and journalists like you) are responsible for the bad state of the chess world. Rogers, what is your Elo? You must hate chess. Don't you understand what a best game is? Quality. Where is the quality in a piece blunder? By voting for this game you show that you would vote for any game where Kasparov loses. Any game would be better than this for the prize." This went on for about ten minutes in a similar vein.

Interestingly Kasparov at the conclusion of the actual game deliberately lost on time and left the board without shaking hands with Radjabov. This could be seen on Spanish TV on the days following the game.

You can read Kasparov's comments on the game at the suspended site:

24) Maurice Ashley on draws

GM Maurice Ashley comments on the long discussed issue of early draws.

Read the article at:

25) Forthcoming Events and Links

Duif Calvin's suggestions for tournament details

Duif Calvin has come up with a list for chess promoters of information that is useful for chess fans to know when they're announcing their events. You can read it at:

1st Cergy-Pontoise International Rapid Open

The 1st Cergy-Pontoise International Rapid Open Tournament will be held 22-23 March 2003 at Cergy (north of Paris). 10 rounds (3 on Saturday and 7 on Sunday). 30 minutes per player with handicap according to category. Free for IMs and IGMs. Special Exhibition Game by GMs Nataf and Fressinet. First prize € 2300 if 700 players registered. For more information, go to the websites: and

Brno 2003

The Brno 2003 tournaments take place 28 June - 6th July 2003 in the Club VA, Sumavska 4, Brno. Various open and closed events.

Further Information:

Gausdal Classics

Gausdal Classics is played at Gausdal Høifjellshotell in Norway 3rd - 11th April 2003. The tournament has 3 closed groups, each with 12 players. There will be one GM-group, one IM-group and one ELO-group. With 11 rounds there will be great norm chances in the two highest groups. There are still a couple of places left for players rated above 2200 in the GM- and IM-group. The players will have to pay a packet price including participation in the tournament as well as room and meals at the playing hotel. Contact: IA Hans Olav Lahlum at as soon as possible.


6th Tanta Open 2003

The Tanta Open has been postponed but will take place in the future.

Belfort International Open

The 9th International Grand Prix in Belfort takes place 12th-17th April 2003.Frutehr details contact

SIS-MH Masters

Viswanathan Anand will play in the SIS-MH Masters, Denmark, April 4th-6th 2003. Danish television will cover the SIS-MH Masters in Middelfart on the Danish island of Funen April 5th-6th. Viswanathan Anand will be challenged by the GMs Peter Heine Nielsen and Curt Hansen of Denmark together with GM Jonny Hector, Sweden in a double round robin event with rapid games. The winner will receive a beautiful trophy donated by the town of Middelfart whose mayor, Steen Dahlberg, will present it himself on the evening of Sunday April 6. The event will be played during the hours 13.00 - 19.00 on both days. Arbiter will be IA Martin Noer.

In a VIP simultaneous display Friday April 4 Anand will meet with celebrities from the Danish society, headed by former foreign minister Niels Helveg Petersen who is a chess player of considerable strength; the internationally famous violin virtuosa Kim Sjøgren, the political commentator Peter Lautrup Larsen, at the same time a master of chess, etc. The Danish television station DR2 will make a program of 30 minutes from the three days to be included in a program with chess as the theme on April 14. The event is organized by the Union in Support of Danish Chess to celebrate that it has now existed for 40 years. At the same time the Danish Chess Union celebrates its 100th anniversary and is one of the main sponsors of the event.

Live coverage of the games and further information at:

Coulsdon Easter Chess Congress

The Coulsdon Easter Chess Congress takes place Friday 18th - Saturday 19th April 2003

Details and entry form can be found at: Click on the Long Play Congress Link for details.

Saint-Petersburg vs. Paris

Distance chess match Saint-Petersburg vs. Paris May 28 2003, at the day of celebration of the 300 years anniversary of Saint-Petersburg, will take place the first in the history match in distance chess between Saint-Petersburg team and French club "NAO chess club".

1st 'Stroer' Trophy

The 1st 'Stroer' Trophy Grand-Masters Lady's Cup takes place 8th-15th March 2003.

Players: WGM Zhao Xue CHN (2428) ; WGM Christina Foisor FRA (2403) ; WGM Marie Sebag FRA (2403) ; WGM Maria Leconte FRA (2322) ; WIM Monica Calzetta ESP (2290) ; WIM Emilia Djingarova BUL (2267) ; WIM Sophie Milliet FRA (2231) ; WIM Christine Flear FRA (2213) ; WIM Anne Muller FRA (2176) et Mélanie Vérot FRA (2044)

Internet coverage:

12th Amber Blindfold and Rapid

The 12th Amber Blindfold and Rapid tournament will take place 15th-27th March 2002 (rest days 19th and 24th March play takes place 13:30-20:00 each day). The event is sponsored by J.J. van Oosterom and will take place in the Vista Palace Hôtel in Roquebrune Cap-Martin Monaco. Prizes worth $193,250 are at stake.

Players: Zoltan Almasi, Viswanathan Anand, Evgeny Bareev, Boris Gelfand, Vassily Ivanchuk, Vladimir Kramnik, Peter Leko, Ljubomir Ljubojevic, Alexander Morozevich, Alexei Shirov, Veselin Topalov and Loek Van Wely.


IV Internet Chess Tournament "Ciudad de Dos Hermanas"

IM Michael Rahal (EDAMI) reports that the Dos Hermanas City Council and the Municipal Foundation for Sport of Dos Hermanas in conjunction with ICC ( and EDAMI ( are holding their fourth Internet Chess tournament between the 14th and the 22nd of March 2003. The event will take place on ICC and has cash prizes totalling 4.850 Euros (1st: 1.500 euros, 16th 100 euros) as well as other special prizes. There will be 12 Swiss System qualifiers (two per day) with the winner of each event progressing to the final. Last years field included 56 GM and 97 IM over 1.460 participants from 93 countries (GM Alexander Rustemov took first place). If you wish to take part there are further details, rules and entry forms available at:

European Club Cup

The chess champions league in Crete The European Club Cup Men & Women takes place in the CRETA STAR HOTEL 27th September-5th October 2003.

More than 400 chess players, the best in the world, will come to Crete in order to claim the Champions League Title of Men and the Women. 7 round Swiss there will be teams of 6 for the men and the right to use two substitutes, and the teams of women will use 4 players.

Internet site:

John Knudsen vs. The World

Senior International Master-Elect John Knudsen is playing a "Rest of World" match on the internet at He is one of the worlds leading promoters of correspondence chess, setting up the domain in 1996 which now hosts many of the major cc sites. There is a spectator URL set up for this game at the following link:- The match will be played at the rate of 5 days per move. Players will vote their moves by clicking on the chess board while discussing and formulating strategies and tactics in the Rest of World team forum. This match is open to all who visit Those wanting to play Knudsen will need to login and follow the Opponents menu to 'Play SIM Knudsen'. have a continuing match against Patrick Wolff which has reached move 27.

Wolff,P - Rest of World 17.02.2003 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 Bc5 6.c3 b5 7.Bb3 d6 8.a4 Bg4 9.h3 Bh5 10.d3 0-0 11.Bg5 Na5 12.Ba2 b4 13.g4 Bg6 14.Nbd2 h6 15.Bh4 bxc3 16.bxc3 Qe7 17.Re1 Rab8 18.d4 Ba7 19.Qe2 Rb6 20.Bg3 Nd7 21.Nc4 Nxc4 22.Qxc4 c5 23.dxe5 Nxe5 24.Nxe5 dxe5 25.Rad1 Kh7 26.Qe2 f6 27.Bc4 Continues

37th Ballarat Begonia Tournament

The 37th Ballarat Begonia Tournament will be held in Australia 8th-10th March 2003. 7 Round Swiss.

Website Ballarat Chess Club and Tournament

Commonwealth Chess Championships

The Commonwealth Chess Championships for Men & Women And Boys & Girls (incorporating an International Open Chess Tournament) takes place 19th-28th April 2003 in the Hotel Tulip Star, Mumbai, India.


FIDE World Amateur Chess Championships

The 2003 FIDE World Amateur Chess Championships take place in Tswane (used to be called Pretoria), South Africa from 2nd-13th July 2003. More information, online entry form, etc. can be found on the tournament website:

Czech Open 2003

The 14th International Festival of Chess, Bridge and Games takes place 10th-27th July 2003 Pardubice, Czech Republic. Many events.

More detailed information at the following address: AVE-KONTAKT, Sukova 1556, 530 02 Pardubice, CZECH REPUBLIC, tel./fax +420 – 466 535 200 e-mail: ,

VIII Cesenatico International Open

The VIII Cesenatico (Italy) International Open takes place 31st August - 7th September 2003. The venue is the Palazzo Veronese Viale Carducci, 7 - Cesenatico (Forlì ­ Italy). Phone and fax +390547673096 # Mobile phone +39335.6615956. Further details: Organiser Jean Christophe Pirini email

SEA Games Chess Championships 2003

The 22nd SEA Games Chess Championships 2003 takes place 4th-14th December 2003 at the Rex Hotel, Ho Chi Minh City. There will be 2 types of events for men and women. 1 Standard Chess - 90 minutes with increment of 30 seconds per move. 2 Rapid Chess - 25 minutes with increment of 10 seconds per move.

For each type, there will be individual and team events. The men and women shall compete separately.

Further details: E-mail: Website:

Campomanes Sentenced to Jail

Former FIDE President Florencio Campomanes was sentenced to one year and 10 months imprisonment for "failure to render account on the disbursement" of the Philippine Sports Commission’s (PSC’s) funds for the June 6-25, 1992 World Chess Olympiad amounting to P12.8 million. It seems highly unlikely that Campomanes will be jailed. The case is another example of Campomanes cavalier attitude to money which saw him preside over FIDE to the point where it ran out of money. At the recent FIDE Congress he was angry to be questioned over his continued high expenses.

Story: Campomanes responds:

17th Pula Open

17th International Open Chess Tournament "Pula Open 2003" 1st-7th June 2003 in Pula, Croatia.

Further details:

12th Aurec Rapid Tournaments

The 12th Aurec Rapid Tournaments in Aurec (France) - 1st and 2nd March 2003. 2 rapid tournaments - 7 rounds/20 minutes Total prizes : Euros 7000 More info : Olivier Deville, +33 4 77 35 41 21 -

Internet coverage:


The chess community - journalists, publishers, organisers, arbiters and grandmasters who write on chess - have for over 30 years been determining the best chess-player and the Top Ten of the past year. The idea was first introduced and supported by spaniard Jorje Puch and International Association of Chess Press (AIPE). After a 7-years break the popular contest was revived by the Russian magazine "64" - Chess Review (published and edited by A.Roshal, the Chairman of FIDE CHIPS Commission).

64 invites that you offer your version of Top Ten for 2002. The one, whose prognosis turns out to be the most exact, will be honoured the title of "Prophet-2002". All the results will be published by "64" and will be available on the Internet. Websites: and where you can read about the results-2002 of challengers and vote. Also you can vote by e-mail:, or by fax (095) 291 8717. Please help 64 to keep the tradition alive! Vote yourself, encourage your friends, publish the information on their web-site, in your magazine, etc. Also you can ask your reader’s opinion. Happy New Year!

"64" - Chess Rewiew, Russia, Moskow

4th Millennium Chess Festival

The fourth Millennium Chess Festival will again take place in Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA. GMs and IMs receive special comps. Last year there were 219 players overall, and it is becoming well known. The event includes a special "GM Exhibition/Dinner Match" between two GMs playing from different rooms and explaining their thoughts for the audience.

Details: 4th Annual Millennium Chess Festival March 28-30, 2003 Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA Prize Fund: $15,500 FIDE rated Info: Ernie Schlich, Website:

7th Voronezh International

The 7th Voronezh International Chess Festival takes place June 10th - 21st, 2003.

Events: 1.Rapid tournament, 2.Blitz tournament, 3.Master Open 4. FIDE Open 5. Amateur Open (for unrated players).

Place of the festival: Voronezh Chess Club, Engels str.34, ph.007-0732-551777, 007-0732-550531.

Tournament director: Alexander Raetsky, e-mail:

Further details:

New Correspondence Chess Server

A new commercial Correspondence Chess Server started in January. Members with full membership will have to pay 120 Euro/year. For that money the members get these additional serves: - free ticket to the annual CFC championship (3 rounds, 42 games, prize fund 80.000 Euro, 1st prize 30.000 Euro) - free ticket to a CFC class tournament (single round, 6 or 12 games / prizes 130/75 200/125/75 Euro) - free ticktet to the CFC OTB open (9 rounds Swiss, start September 2003 in Germany, prize fund 18.000 Euro, 1st prize 7.500 Euro) - free PDF copy of Chess Mail by Tim Harding - 10% gross discount on all items bought at - etc. There are single entries possible for our Class tournaments (7 or 13 players) starting with an entry fee of 10 Euro.


40th Canadian Open Championship

The 40th Canadian Open Championships take place in Kapuskasing, Ontario, hosts Canada's most important open event, July 12-20, 2003. First prize is $cdn 6,000, and the projected prize fund is $cdn 50,000. TD (Arbiter) of the 10-round event is IA Jonathan Berry. The Organizer is Denis Nadeau: Further details:

Kapuskasing is a remote, wild location. A chess tournament there will be an experience long remembered by players accustomed to big city life.

Cannes Swiss Tournament

The Cannes Swiss Tournament takes place 8th-14th March 2003. 9 rounds with 2 games on 2 days. 10,000 Euro prize fund with a first of 2000, Entry Fee 60 Euro, Juniors 30. 40 moves in 2: 30 minutes for the rest of the game. Contact

1st Chess Festival in Nancy

The 1st Chess Festival took place in Nancy (France) 3rd - 9th March 2003. The IM tournament full, but there are still places for several Elo round robin tournaments (9 rounds) for non-titled players (with FIDE Elo or not).


Stichting Schaak Groningen address change

The Chess Foundation Groningen (Stichting Schaak Groningen - SSG ) has a new e-mail address You can contact Johan Zwanepol the executive director of the SSG at that address or Boerakkerweg 9, NL-9321 EL Peize, The Netherlands tel. +31(50)5032744

16th "Ciudad de León"

The 16th "Ciudad de León" chess tournament will take place June 5th-9th 2003 in León, Spain. This year it will be a quadrangular tournament with Ruslan Ponomariov (Elo 2734) Vesselin Topalov, (Elo 2743) Sergey Karjakin, (Elo 2547) and Francisco "Paco" Vallejo Pons (Elo 2629) The venue will be the Edificio de la Junta de Castilla y León". The event will almost certainly be advanced chess.

The official web site will be: and

British Blitz Championships

The British Blitz Championships takes place on 23rd March, 2003, at Brunel University, Uxbridge.

Further details:

Oslo Easter Chess Festival 2003

The Oslo Easter Chess Festival 2003 takes place 12-20 April 2003.

Further details:

Fischer Stories

Bobby Fischer and his mother were investigated by the FBI. Read the story: and a new one Bobby Fischer's Pathetic Endgame by Rene Chun which has appeared in many places:

Huddersfield Chess Congress

The Huddersfield Chess Congress to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the Huddersfield Chess Club (1852-2002) takes place At the Deighton Centre, Huddersfield 28th-30th March 2003. The event is an ‘Elite’ Terence Chapman Group Grand Prix 5 round Swiss. Entries to be returned by 24th March 2003 to Nigel Hepworth. 71, Fixby Road, Fixby, Huddersfield. HD2 2JB. Further details from Nigel Hepworth 07903 548675 Email -

World Youth Championships

The World Youth Chess Championships 2003 and the 74th FIDE Congress takes place 24th October - 2nd November 2003 in Halkidiki, Greece.

Internet coverage:

III Savaria Summer

The III Savaria Summer International Chess Open takes place in Szombathely, Hungary 19th-27th July 2003.

The event is a 9 round Swiss system 90 minutes + 30 seconds/move.

Further Information: Korpics Zsolt H-9700 Szombathely, Rohonci 13. +(36)-30/951-0063 and Pergel László H-9700 Szombathely, Tátra 2. +(36)-30/530-4904

Patrick Wolff Chess-Site

Patrick Wolff has launched a pay site at:

Western Pacific Open

April 11-13 2003, Western Pacific Open. 5-SS. Los Angeles Airport Radisson, Los Angeles, CA. $10,000 based on 200 players, $5000 guaranteed. Top section FIDE-rated. Details:

Lina Grumette Memorial Day Classic

May 24-26 2003, Lina Grumette Memorial Day Classic. 6-SS. Los Angeles Airport Radisson, Los Angeles, CA. $12,000 based on 240 players, $7200 guaranteed. Details: .

ZMD Schachfestival Dresden 2003

The ZMD Schachfestival Dresden 2003 takes place 17th-27th July 2002 in the Treff-Hotel Dresden.

Further details:

World Amateur Championships

The World Amateur Championships take place in the Sammy Marks Building, Pretoria, South Africa 2nd - 12th July 2003.

Internet site:

Hungarian tournaments April-May-June 2003

6 GM and IM tournaments in a row in HUNGARY in April-May-June 2003 /3 months chess trip to Hungary is possible for the GM-IM-norms/ The info: 1. 5th-17th of April, FIRST SATURDAY GM-IM Budapest, org: Nagy Laszlo, e-mail:, website: 2. 19th-29th of April, GM-IM, MINDSZENTKALLA, GM-IM, 200 km West from Budapest, org.IM Istvandi, e-mail:, 3. 3rd-15th of May, FIRST SATURDAY, GM-IM Budapest, org: NL., 4. 17th-27th of May GM-IM Elekes memorial, Budapest, org: IM Zsinka, fax: 00-(361)-327-18-71, 5. 7th-19th of June, FIRST SATURDAY, GM-IM Budapest, org: NL, 6. 20th-30th of June, Balatonlelle /130 km West from Budapest/ GM-IM-OPEN, org: IM Rigo, e-mail:

Politiken Cup

The 25th Copenhagen Open Politiken Cup takes place 14th-25th of July 2003. The Politiken Cup will be an 11-round open tournament played in one big group - from novices and club players to strong grandmasters The Tournament takes place in the Nørrebrohallen, Bragesgade 5, 2200 København.

Further information and online enrolment at

Chesmayne Chess Dictionary 2003

The Chesmayne Chess Dictionary 2003 is out now. Available at:

Seagaard ChessReviews - Book of the Year 2002

Seagaard ChessReviews has now selected the best books that was suggested from our readers. It is now the readers time to make a choice and pick "Seagaard ChessReviews - Book of the Year 2002". Readers can vote from 1/12 until 8/12 2002 and the book with the highest number is the winner. Read more:

1st Samba Cup

The Skanderborg Chess Club is organising a new GM tournament in Denmark. There will be 2 groups, A-group category 15/16, B-group category 9/10, 10 players in each group, round-robin.

Dates of play: October 10th-20th 2003. Venue: Hotel Skanderborghus in Skanderborg, Denmark. See more at the tournament's home page

Players who are interested may contact Tournament Organiser Michael Andersson, e-mail

18th North Sea Cup Esbjerg Denmark

2003 will be the year when the Danish Chess Federation turns 100! The Esbjerg Chess Union and the renowned Danish round-robin the North Sea Cup are scheduled to play a major role in the celebrations. The gm group with 10 players will play July 4-12. After 3 category 14s back to back the organisers are hoping for a category 15 this time. Also a B-group, primarily for young Danish up and coming players, will be on offer at this Danish chess festival. 4 foreign ims will be invited, and the winner of the B-group will be invited to the gm group of the 19th NSC. Interested players should contact Brian Isaksen at


New York Masters

Regular competition for players in New York Rated 2200 and above.

Further details: