THE WEEK IN CHESS 429 27th January 2003 by Mark Crowther

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Mark Crowther

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1) Introduction
2) 65th Corus Chess - Wijk aan Zee
3) Kasparov vs. Junior Match
4) Indian Championships
5) Bermuda 2003
6) 4NCL
7) Belgian Team Championships
8) Israeli League Championships
9) Championships Donetsk Region
10) Pragonet - Pardubice
11) 28th d'Aubervilliers Grand Open
12) Third Saturday - Novi Sad
13) Brazilian Open BCX 2003
14) Austrian Teams
15) Forthcoming Events and Links


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Games section

65th Corus Chess - Wijk aan Zee    115 games 
Kasparov vs. Junior Match            1 game
Indian Championships               150 games
Bermuda 2003                        22 games
4NCL                                96 games
Belgian Team Championships          48 games
Championships Donetsk Region        45 games
Third Saturday - Novi Sad           66 games
Brazilian Open BCX 2003             90 games
Austrian Teams                     144 games
777 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to Nigel Freeman, Arthur Brameld, Steve Laios, Mikhail Golubev, Sinisa Drazic and Darko Feletar, Antonio Bento, Harald Grafenhofer, Frank-Juergen Greger, Jonathan Berry, Jovan Petronic, Richard Furness and everyone else who helped with the issue.

Wijk aan Zee concluded this week with at least two players feeling very happy. Viswanathan Anand's smooth taking of first place saw him back to near his very best. Judit Polgar's second place confirms her return to top form which was indicated in the last rating list by her 13th place her highest position since her 10th and 11th places in two lists in 1996. Kramnik's comeback saw him lose rating points on +1 and three games and as expected he seemed rusty. Ponomariov finished with a -1 score and whilst clearly distracted in the early part of the tournament he also played a number of games where openings that landed him with lost or bad positions. Teimour Radjabov had an excellent debut at this level finishing on 50%. Anand, Kramnik, Ponomariov, and Radjabov all go on to play Linares in a month where they will be joined by Kasparov, Leko and Vallejo Pons.

The start of the Kasparov - Deep Junior match was accompanied by big publicity especially in the US media. The match can never be "revenge" for Kasparov over Deep Blue for that computer has been dismantled. However Kasparov certainly does need to win this match for human credibility in the eyes of the general public. Kasparov started with a smashing game one win but we've seen humans take the lead in these matches in convincing style before.

Hope you enjoy this issue.


2) 65th Corus Chess - Wijk aan Zee

The 65th Corus Chess tournament in Wijk aan Zee took place January 10th-26th 2003. Viswanathan Anand took clear first half a point clear of Judit Polgar. Defending champion Evgeny Bareev finished in clear 3rd place. In the B tournament Zhang Zhong finished 11/13 (+10=2-1) and a performance over 2800.

Website reports in Russian at the new site:

Round 9 (January 21, 2003)

Anand, Viswanathan   -  Krasenkow, Michal    1/2   19  C67  Ruy Lopez Berlin
Polgar, Judit        -  Shirov, Alexei       1/2   22  B33  Sicilian Sveshnikov
Van Wely, Loek       -  Ivanchuk, Vassily    1/2   20  D94  Gruenfeld Closed
Grischuk, Alexander  -  Bareev, Evgeny       0-1   38  B12  Caro Kann Advanced
Radjabov, Teimour    -  Kramnik, Vladimir    1/2   19  E15  Queens Indian
Topalov, Veselin     -  Ponomariov, Ruslan   1/2   58  C67  Ruy Lopez Berlin
Timman, Jan H        -  Karpov, Anatoly      1/2   24  C42  Petroff's Defence

Round 10 (January 23, 2003)

Bareev, Evgeny       -  Karpov, Anatoly      1/2   60  E32  Nimzo Indian 4.Qc2
Shirov, Alexei       -  Anand, Viswanathan   0-1   36  B12  Caro Kann Advanced
Grischuk, Alexander  -  Polgar, Judit        0-1   47  B48  Sicilian Paulsen
Ivanchuk, Vassily    -  Timman, Jan H        1-0   21  C71  Ruy Lopez Modern Steinitz
Kramnik, Vladimir    -  Topalov, Veselin     1-0   57  A58  Volga Gambit
Ponomariov, Ruslan   -  Van Wely, Loek       1-0   59  B31  Sicilian Rossolimo
Krasenkow, Michal    -  Radjabov, Teimour    0-1   60  E90  King's Indian Classical

Round 11 (January 24, 2003)

Anand, Viswanathan   -  Grischuk, Alexander  1/2   13  B30  Sicilian Rossolimo
Polgar, Judit        -  Bareev, Evgeny       1/2   29  C11  French Defence
Van Wely, Loek       -  Kramnik, Vladimir    1-0   49  E32  Nimzo Indian 4.Qc2
Radjabov, Teimour    -  Shirov, Alexei       1/2   59  D47  Queens Gambit Meran
Topalov, Veselin     -  Krasenkow, Michal    1-0   58  C67  Ruy Lopez Berlin
Karpov, Anatoly      -  Ivanchuk, Vassily    1/2   39  D76  Gruenfeld 3.g3
Timman, Jan H        -  Ponomariov, Ruslan   0-1   22  D15  Slav Defence

Round 12 (January 25, 2003)

Polgar, Judit        -  Anand, Viswanathan   1/2   30  B19  Caro Kann
Bareev, Evgeny       -  Ivanchuk, Vassily    1-0   34  E34  Nimzo Indian 4.Qc2
Shirov, Alexei       -  Topalov, Veselin     1/2   36  B12  Caro Kann Advanced
Grischuk, Alexander  -  Radjabov, Teimour    1-0   99  C02  French Advance
Kramnik, Vladimir    -  Timman, Jan H        1-0   30  B46  Sicilian Paulsen
Ponomariov, Ruslan   -  Karpov, Anatoly      1-0   76  C42  Petroff's Defence
Krasenkow, Michal    -  Van Wely, Loek       1/2   10  E08  Catalan

Round 13 (January 26, 2003)

Anand, Viswanathan   -  Bareev, Evgeny       1/2   14  C11  French Defence
Van Wely, Loek       -  Shirov, Alexei       0-1   40  D27  QGA
Ivanchuk, Vassily    -  Ponomariov, Ruslan   1-0   29  D28  QGA
Radjabov, Teimour    -  Polgar, Judit        1/2   19  E15  Queens Indian
Topalov, Veselin     -  Grischuk, Alexander  1/2   66  B33  Sicilian Sveshnikov
Karpov, Anatoly      -  Kramnik, Vladimir    1/2   15  E34  Nimzo Indian 4.Qc2
Timman, Jan H        -  Krasenkow, Michal    1/2   70  B50  Sicilian Defence

GMA Wijk aan Zee NED (NED), 11-26 i 2003                  cat. XIX (2701)
                                   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 
 1 Anand, Viswanathan   g IND 2753 * = = 1 = = = = = 1 1 1 = =  8.5  2806
 2 Polgar, Judit        g HUN 2700 = * = = = 1 = = = = 1 = = 1  8.0  2787
 3 Bareev, Evgeny       g RUS 2729 = = * 0 0 1 1 0 1 = = 1 = 1  7.5  2755
 4 Shirov, Alexei       g ESP 2723 0 = 1 * 1 0 = 1 = = = 1 0 =  7.0  2727
 5 Van Wely, Loek       g NED 2668 = = 1 0 * = = 1 = 1 0 0 = 1  7.0  2732
 6 Grischuk, Alexander  g RUS 2712 = 0 0 1 = * = = 1 = = = 1 =  7.0  2728
 7 Ivanchuk, Vassily    g UKR 2699 = = 0 = = = * = = = = 1 = 1  7.0  2729
 8 Kramnik, Vladimir    g RUS 2807 = = 1 0 0 = = * = 1 = 0 1 1  7.0  2721
 9 Radjabov, Teimour    g AZE 2624 = = 0 = = 0 = = * 0 = 1 1 1  6.5  2706
10 Topalov, Veselin     g BUL 2743 0 = = = 0 = = 0 1 * = = 1 1  6.5  2697
11 Karpov, Anatoly      g RUS 2688 0 0 = = 1 = = = = = * 0 1 =  6.0  2672
12 Ponomariov, Ruslan   g UKR 2734 0 = 0 0 1 = 0 1 0 = 1 * = 1  6.0  2668
13 Krasenkow, Michal    g POL 2633 = = = 1 = 0 = 0 0 0 0 = * =  4.5  2595
14 Timman, Jan H        g NED 2594 = 0 0 = 0 = 0 0 0 0 = 0 = *  2.5  2457

Round 9 (January 21, 2003)

Zhang Zhong           -  De Vreugt, Dennis     1-0   33  C68  Ruy Lopez Exchange
Stellwagen, Daniel    -  Cmilyte, Viktorija    0-1   39  B30  Sicilian Rossolimo
Karjakin, Sergey      -  Rogers, Ian           1-0   59  B01  Centre Counter
Van der Wiel, John    -  Hector, Jonny         1/2   47  C45  Scotch Game
Koneru, Humpy         -  Acs, Peter            1-0   40  D11  Slav Defence
Kosteniuk, Alexandra  -  Nijboer, Friso        0-1   38  B33  Sicilian Sveshnikov
Jonkman, Harmen       -  Naiditsch, Arkadij    1-0   37  B22  Sicilian Alapin

Round 10 (January 23, 2003)

Nijboer, Friso        -  Zhang Zhong           0-1   35  C92  Ruy Lopez Chigorin
De Vreugt, Dennis     -  Koneru, Humpy         1-0   39  C11  French Defence
Acs, Peter            -  Jonkman, Harmen       1/2   40  C67  Ruy Lopez Berlin
Van der Wiel, John    -  Karjakin, Sergey      1/2   19  B90  Sicilian Najdorf Variation
Rogers, Ian           -  Stellwagen, Daniel    0-1   34  D44  Anti-Meran Gambit
Hector, Jonny         -  Naiditsch, Arkadij    0-1   40  B97  Sicilian Najdorf
Cmilyte, Viktorija    -  Kosteniuk, Alexandra  1/2   31  D97  Gruenfeld Russian

Round 11 (January 24, 2003)

Zhang Zhong           -  Cmilyte, Viktorija    1-0   43  A04  Dutch System
Stellwagen, Daniel    -  Van der Wiel, John    0-1   32  B45  Sicilian Classical
Naiditsch, Arkadij    -  Acs, Peter            0-1   55  B67  Sicilian Rauzer
Karjakin, Sergey      -  Hector, Jonny         1/2   50  C78  Ruy Lopez Moeller Defence
Koneru, Humpy         -  Nijboer, Friso        1/2   60  A49  King's Indian Defence without c2-c4
Kosteniuk, Alexandra  -  Rogers, Ian           1-0   33  B12  Caro Kann Advanced
Jonkman, Harmen       -  De Vreugt, Dennis     0-1   56  C26  Vienna Game

Round 12 (January 25, 2003)

Nijboer, Friso        -  Jonkman, Harmen       1-0   49  C67  Ruy Lopez Berlin
Karjakin, Sergey      -  Stellwagen, Daniel    1/2   29  C12  French MacCutcheon
De Vreugt, Dennis     -  Naiditsch, Arkadij    0-1   33  B90  Sicilian Najdorf Variation
Van der Wiel, John    -  Kosteniuk, Alexandra  1-0   67  B66  Sicilian Rauzer
Rogers, Ian           -  Zhang Zhong           1-0   41  C15  French Winawer
Hector, Jonny         -  Acs, Peter            0-1   45  B56  Sicilian Defence
Cmilyte, Viktorija    -  Koneru, Humpy         0-1   79  E38  Nimzo Indian 4.Qc2

Round 13 (January 26, 2003)

Zhang Zhong           -  Van der Wiel, John    1-0   61  C69  Ruy Lopez Exchange
Stellwagen, Daniel    -  Hector, Jonny         1-0   34  C78  Ruy Lopez Moeller Defence
Naiditsch, Arkadij    -  Nijboer, Friso        1-0   41  B33  Sicilian Sveshnikov
Acs, Peter            -  De Vreugt, Dennis     1/2   34  C88  Ruy Lopez Closed
Koneru, Humpy         -  Rogers, Ian           1-0   70  E10  Blumenfeld Counter Gambit
Kosteniuk, Alexandra  -  Karjakin, Sergey      1/2   40  B96  Sicilian Najdorf
Jonkman, Harmen       -  Cmilyte, Viktorija    1-0   41  B22  Sicilian Alapin

GMB Wijk aan Zee NED (NED), 14-26 i 2003                     cat. XI (2525)
                                    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 
 1 Zhang Zhong           g CHN 2624 * 1 1 1 = 1 = 1 1 0 1 1 1 1  11.0  2813
 2 Stellwagen, Daniel    f NED 2427 0 * 1 = = = = 0 1 1 1 1 1 0   8.0  2619
 3 Naiditsch, Arkadij    g GER 2585 0 0 * 1 1 1 0 = 1 = 1 1 0 1   8.0  2607
 4 Nijboer, Friso        g NED 2553 0 = 0 * 0 0 1 1 = = 1 1 1 1   7.5  2579
 5 Karjakin, Sergey      m UKR 2547 = = 0 1 * = = = = 1 = = 1 0   7.0  2552
 6 De Vreugt, Dennis     g NED 2504 0 = 0 1 = * = = 1 = 0 0 1 1   6.5  2526
 7 Acs, Peter            g HUN 2623 = = 1 0 = = * 1 0 0 1 0 = =   6.0  2488
 8 Van der Wiel, John    g NED 2509 0 1 = 0 = = 0 * = = = 1 = =   6.0  2497
 9 Koneru, Humpy         g IND 2496 0 0 0 = = 0 1 = * 1 0 = 1 1   6.0  2498
10 Rogers, Ian           g AUS 2569 1 0 = = 0 = 1 = 0 * = 0 = =   5.5  2464
11 Hector, Jonny         g SWE 2570 0 0 0 0 = 1 0 = 1 = * = = 1   5.5  2464
12 Kosteniuk, Alexandra  m RUS 2456 0 0 0 0 = 1 1 0 = 1 = * 0 =   5.0  2443
13 Jonkman, Harmen       g NED 2436 0 0 1 0 0 0 = = 0 = = 1 * 1   5.0  2444
14 Cmilyte, Viktorija    m LTU 2452 0 1 0 0 1 0 = = 0 = 0 = 0 *   4.0  2389

Inv. Tens Wijk aan Zee NED (NED), 17-26 i 2003        cat. VIII (2434)
                                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Lobron, Eric            g GER 2506  * 0 1 = = 1 1 1 1 1  7.0  2645 
 2. Janssen, Ruud           m NED 2470  1 * = 0 = 1 = 1 1 1  6.5  2595 
 3. Bu Xiangzhi             g CHN 2569  0 = * 1 1 = 1 = 1 1  6.5  2584 
 4. Cherniaev, Alexander1   m RUS 2504  = 1 0 * = 1 = 1 = 1  6.0  2550 
 5. Cebalo, Miso            g CRO 2527  = = 0 = * = 1 = 1 1  5.5  2503 
 6. L'Ami, Erwin              NED 2438  0 0 = 0 = * 1 1 1 1  5.0  2476 
 7. Peek, Marcel            f NED 2417  0 = 0 = 0 0 * = = 1  3.0  2310 
 8. Erwich, Marc            f NED 2342  0 0 = 0 = 0 = * = 1  3.0  2318 
 9. Strating, Sybolt        f NED 2325  0 0 0 = 0 0 = = * 0  1.5  2172 
10. Boom, Wim H               NED 2238  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 *  1.0  2104 

3) Kasparov vs. Junior Match

The Kasparov vs. Deep Junior takes place January 26th-February 7th 2003. The schedule is Game 1 Sun Jan 26th, Game 2 Tue Jan 28th, Game 3 Thu Jan 30th, Game 4 Sun Feb 2nd, Game 5 Wed Feb 5th and Game 6 Fri Feb 7th all games start at 3:30pm EST. The event is called the "The FIDE Man Vs Machine World Chess Championship" and is sponsored by FIDE and presented by X3D Technologies Corporation which covered the recent Kasparov - Karpov match. The time control is 40 moves in 2 hours followed by 20 moves in one hour then 30 minutes for the rest of the game. The Prize Fund is $1m with a $500,000 fee for Garry Kasparov, the other half being divided: Winner gets $300,000 to the winner and the loser $200,000, in the case of a tie, $250,000 each.

Kasparov won game one in only 27 moves after getting a winning advantage in the opening and then pressing it in an extremely controlled way.

Official Live coverage:

Kasparov, Garry  -  DEEP JUNIOR      1-0   27  D45  Anti-Meran Variations

FIDE Man-Machine WC New York USA (USA), 26-26 i 2003
                              1   2   3   4   5   6 
Kasparov, Garry  g RUS 2847    1   .   .   .   .   .   1.0      
DEEP JUNIOR            ----    0   .   .   .   .   .   0.0      

4) Indian Championships

The 40th National A Championships of India take place 18th-31st January 2003 in Mumbai, India. The 21 round championships are a category VIII event. (Round 8 and 12 Games are missing, Round 11 Arvind - Harikrishna contains errors)

Official coverage (including live games):

ch-IND Mumbai IND (IND), 18-31 i 2003                                            cat. VIII (2446)
                                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
 1 Sasikiran, Krishnan       g IND 2664 * = = . . 1 1 = . 1 1 = . 1 1 . 1 . 1 1 1  12.0 /14  2731
 2 Harikrishna, P            g IND 2539 = * = . . 1 . = . = = = . 1 1 1 1 1 = . 1  10.5 /14  2629
 3 Kunte, Abhijit            g IND 2507 = = * 1 = = . 1 = 1 = . = 1 . 1 = = = . .  10.0 /15  2583
 4 Barua, Dibyendu           g IND 2541 . . 0 * = . = . 0 . . 1 = 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1   9.5 /14  2553
 5 Ganguly, Surya Shekhar    m IND 2556 . . = = * . = = = . = = 0 0 1 1 . 1 1 1 .   8.5 /14  2513
 6 Venkatesh, M.R              IND 2399 0 0 = . . * . = . 1 = . = 1 1 0 1 = 1 . 1   8.5 /14  2529
 7 Neelotpal, Das            m IND 2406 0 . . = = . * = 1 = = = 1 = . = . = 1 = .   8.0 /14  2504
 8 Sundararajan, Kidambi     m IND 2416 = = 0 . = = = * 1 = = = . . = . 0 . . 1 1   7.5 /14  2481
 9 Ravi, Lanka               m IND 2419 . . = 1 = . 0 0 * . . = = = = 0 . = 1 1 1   7.5 /14  2464
10 Bakre, Tejas              m IND 2464 0 = 0 . . 0 = = . * = 1 . = 0 . 1 1 1 . 1   7.5 /14  2471
11 Thipsay, Praveen M        g IND 2465 0 = = . = = = = . = * = . . = . 1 . 0 1 =   7.0 /14  2445
12 Roy Chowdhury, Saptarshi    IND 2395 = = . 0 = . = = = 0 = * = = . = . = = 1 .   7.0 /15  2440
13 Prakash, G B              m IND 2439 . . = = 1 = 0 . = . . = * = = = 0 = . = =   6.5 /14  2401
14 Satyapragyan, Swayangsu   m IND 2438 0 0 0 1 1 0 = . = = . = = * = . 1 . . 0 =   6.5 /15  2406
15 Ramesh, R.B               m IND 2472 0 0 . 0 0 0 . = = 1 = . = = * 1 . 1 1 0 .   6.5 /15  2410
16 Suvrajit, Saha              IND 2390 . 0 0 0 0 1 = . 1 . . = = . 0 * = = . = =   5.5 /14  2361
17 Arvind, Shastry             IND 2330 0 0 = 0 . 0 . 1 . 0 0 . 1 0 . = * 1 0 . 1   5.0 /14  2357
18 Sriram, Jha               m IND 2448 . 0 = 0 0 = = . = 0 . = = . 0 = 0 * . 1 =   5.0 /15  2313
19 Soman, Satchidanand         IND 2364 0 = = 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 1 = . . 0 . 1 . * = =   4.5 /15  2309
20 Prathamesh, S. Mokal        IND 2366 0 . . 0 0 . = 0 0 . 0 0 = 1 1 = . 0 = * .   4.0 /14  2300
21 Saravanan, V              m IND 2357 0 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 0 0 = . = = . = 0 = = . *   3.0 /14  2221

5) Bermuda 2003

The Bermuda GMA and GMB 2003 tournaments take place 25th January - 5th February 2003. There are two round 1 games postponed until the rest day on Febuary 1st. They are the games Alexander Motylev - Mohamad Al-Modiahki in the GMA event and William Paschall - Daniel Fridman in the GMB. My thanks to Nigel Freeman.

GMA Bermuda BER (BER), 25 i-5 ii 2003                        cat. XV (2601)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1 Vescovi, Giovanni      g BRA 2592 * . . . . . . 1 . 1 . .  2.0 / 2      
 2 Gershon, Alik          g ISR 2571 . * . . . = 1 . . . . .  1.5 / 2  2839
 3 Volokitin, Andrei      g UKR 2565 . . * . . = . . . . . 1  1.5 / 2  2796
 4 Svidler, Peter         g RUS 2693 . . . * . . . = . . . 1  1.5 / 2  2752
 5 Motylev, Alexander     g RUS 2640 . . . . * . . . 1 . . .  1.0 / 1      
 6 Movsesian, Sergei      g SVK 2663 . = = . . * . . . . . .  1.0 / 2  2568
 7 Macieja, Bartlomiej    g POL 2629 . 0 . . . . * . . . 1 .  1.0 / 2  2571
 8 Markowski, Tomasz      g POL 2574 0 . . = . . . * . . . .  0.5 / 2  2449
 9 Christiansen, Larry M  g USA 2562 . . . . 0 . . . * = . .  0.5 / 2  2433
10 Shabalov, Alexander    g USA 2613 0 . . . . . . . = * . .  0.5 / 2  2384
11 Al-Modiahki, Mohamad   g QAT 2571 . . . . . . 0 . . . * .  0.0 / 1      
12 Miton, Kamil           g POL 2544 . . 0 0 . . . . . . . *  0.0 / 2      

GMB Bermuda BER (BER), 25 i-5 ii 2003                          cat. X (2483)
                                      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1 Perelshteyn, Eugene     m USA 2442 * . . . . . . . . . 1 1  2.0 / 2      
 2 Moreno Carnero, Javier  m ESP 2508 . * = . 1 . . . . . . .  1.5 / 2  2694
 3 Schmaltz, Roland        g GER 2529 . = * . . 1 . . . . . .  1.5 / 2  2655
 4 Fridman, Daniel         g LAT 2572 . . . * . . . . . . 1 .  1.0 / 1      
 5 Kallio, Heikki          g FIN 2474 . 0 . . * . 1 . . . . .  1.0 / 2  2491
 6 Dinstuhl, Volkmar       m GER 2416 . . 0 . . * . 1 . . . .  1.0 / 2  2524
 7 Blatny, Pavel           g CZE 2475 . . . . 0 . * . . 1 . .  1.0 / 2  2500
 8 Nakamura, Hikaru        m USA 2520 . . . . . 0 . * . . . 1  1.0 / 2  2426
 9 Paschall, William M     m USA 2444 . . . . . . . . * = . .  0.5 / 1  2527
10 Berg, Emanuel           m SWE 2527 . . . . . . 0 . = * . .  0.5 / 2  2266
11 Mulyar, Michael A       m USA 2446 0 . . 0 . . . . . . * .  0.0 / 2      
12 Seul, Georg             m GER 2437 0 . . . . . . 0 . . . *  0.0 / 2      

The official web site is:

6) 4NCL

There was a 4NCL weekend 18th-19th January 2002. Michael Adams, Nigel Short and Jon Speelman were part of a very strong Wood Green I side. I reported the results and standings last week. My thanks to Arthur Brameld for the games.

Official site:

Round 4 Table 
Team  Won  Drawn  Lost  Points  
WOOD GREEN 1       4  0  0  8  
BETSSON.COM        3  1  0  7  
GUILDFORD-ADC 1    3  0  1  6  
BARBICAN 4NCL 1    3  0  1  6  
WOOD GREEN 2       3  0  1  6  
SLOUGH 1           2  0  2  4  
PERCEPTRON YOUTH   1  1  2  3  
BARBICAN 4NCL 2    1  0  3  2  
THE ADS 1          1  0  3  2  
BRISTOL 1          1  0  3  2  
RICHMOND           1  0  3  2  
S. WALES DRAGONS 1 0  0  4  0  

7) Belgian Team Championships

Steve Laios reports: The 6th round of the Belgian Teams 2002-2003 Division 1 took place January 12th 2003. Games available.

Belgian Teams 2002-2003 Division 1

Round 6 - January 12th 2003      
 1. Leuven 1    - Jean Jaurès 1  5.0 - 3.0
 2. Hoboken 1   - Gent 2         6.5 - 1.5
 3. Temse 1     - Brugge 1       7.0 - 1.0
 4. Eupen 1     - Eynatten 1     1.5 - 6.5
 5. Charleroi 1 - Gent  1        5.0 - 3.0
 6. Liège 1     - Rochade 1      5.0 - 3.0
Total games : 48

Standings after round 6 
    Teams          pts   p.m
 1. Eynatten 1     38.0  6
 2. Liège 1        30.5  6
 3. Temse 1        27.5  4
 4. Rochade 1      26.0  3.5
 5. LV Leuven 1    24.5  3.5
 6. Hoboken 1      24.5  2.5
 7. Charleroi 1    22.0  2
 8. Gent 1         21.5  2
 9. Eupen 1        20.0  1.5
10. Jean Jaurès 1  19.5  2
11. Brugge 1       19.0  2.5
12. Gent 2         15.0  0.5

8) Israeli League Championships

The Israeli League has just started. No games available. Reports at


Early results
Round 1 17th-18th January 2003

Elizur Jer. - Makabi Afek 3.5-2.5 
Hapoel Celkom Kfar Saba - Hapoel Hulon A 4-2 
Beer sheva Club A - Beer Sheva Club B 5.5-0.5 
Hifa Thechion - Hapoel Rishon Le Zion A 4-2 
Asa Tel Aviv - Ironi Tel Aviv 3.5-2.5 
Hapoel Herzelia - Hapoel Ironi Petach Tikva 4.5-1.5 

Round 2 24th-25th January 2003

Kfar Saba - Hapoel Petach-Tikva 3:3
Beer Sheva A - Maccabi Afek 5:1 
Hulon - Beer Sheva B 3:3
Rishon Le Zion - Eroni Tel Aviv 1-5 
Herzlia - Asa Hiafa Technion 4.5-1.5  
Asa Tel Aviv - Elizur Jerusalem 3.5-2.5

9) Championships Donetsk Region

Mikhail Golubev reports that the Championship of the Donetsk Region took place 8th-16th January 2003. Viktor Dmitrenko won the event with 7/9.

Further details:

ch-Donetsk Region Donetsk UKR (UKR), 8-16 i 2003      cat. VII (2425)
                                      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1. Dmitrenko, Viktor     f UKR 2424  * = 1 1 1 1 = = 1 =  7.0  2645 
 2. Lahno, Kateryna      wg UKR 2376  = * = 1 1 = 1 1 0 1  6.5  2596 
 3. Shilin, Denis         m UKR 2400  0 = * = 1 0 0 1 1 1  5.0  2470 
 4. Andreev, Eduard       m UKR 2471  0 0 = * = = 1 1 1 =  5.0  2462 
 5. Ivanov, Oleg V          UKR 2474  0 0 0 = * 1 = = 1 1  4.5  2419 
 6. Kononenko, Tatiana   wg UKR 2373  0 = 1 = 0 * = 0 = 1  4.0  2387 
 7. Matjushin, Gennady    m UKR 2424  = 0 1 0 = = * 0 = 1  4.0  2382 
 8. Berezin, Oleg         m UKR 2446  = 0 0 0 = 1 1 * = =  4.0  2379 
 9. Savchenko, Yuri UKR     UKR 2416  0 1 0 0 0 = = = * 0  2.5  2259 
10. Demkovich, Anatoliy   m UKR 2445  = 0 0 = 0 0 0 = 1 *  2.5  2256 

10) Pragonet - Pardubice

The Pragonet Open in Pardubice 17th-24th 2003. Mario Leskovar won with 7/9. I'll hopefully be able to round up the games next week when they're all available.

Internet site:

Leading (Round 9) Standings:
 1 IM Leskovar Mario  2363 ARG  7,5 36,5 49,5 
 2 IM Vavra Pavel     2380 CZE  7,0 39,0 54,5 
 3 IM Trichkov Vasil  2290 CZE  7,0 37,5 54,0 
 4    Cernousek Lukas 2310 CZE  7,0 36,0 48,0 
 5 GM Meduna Eduard   2462 CZE  7,0 34,0 48,0 
 6    Zvara Petr      2331 CZE  6,5 36,5 56,5 
 7 GM Vokac Marek     2504 CZE  6,5 34,5 52,0 
 8 IM Volodin Viktor  2269 RUS  6,5 33,0 47,5 
 9    Blodig Reinhard 2193 GER  6,5 32,0 48,0 
10    Leskovar Matias 2150 ARG  6,5 31,0 42,5 
11 IM Pribyl Josef    2403 CZE  6,5 27,0 41,0
127 players

11) 28th d'Aubervilliers Grand Open

The 28th d'Aubervilliers Grand Open took place 25th-26th January 2003. The event was a 10 round rapid open although most of the leading players had only to play the last 7 rounds. There were 3 points for a win. Viktor Bologan took first from Vladimir Georgiev both finished on 28 points (9 points for the first day 6 wins and a draw against each other). No games available.


Leading final round 10 standings:
28th d'Aubervilliers Grand Open Janvier 2003 
 1 GM Bologan Viktor     GONF 2630  28 2885   
 2 GM Georgiev Vladimir  MONT 2549  28 2826   
 3 GM Komljenovic Davor  CRO  2431  28 2771   
 4 IM Pelletier Yannick  MULH 2624  27 2737   
 5 GM Kazhgaleyev Murtas CANN 2604  27 2724   
 6 GM Degraeve Jean-Marc CLIC 2542  27 2696   
 7 IM Bagheri Amir       USAM 2431  27 2669   
 8 GM Fressinet Laurent  CAIS 2593  27 2656   
 9 GM Istratescu Andrei  SAUT 2593  27 2632   
10 GM Campora Daniel     ARG  2505  27 2527   
11 GM Tkachiev Vladislav CANN 2642  26 2767   
12 GM David Alberto      DRAN 2548  26 2681   
13 GM Lalic Bogdan       ENG  2614  26 2676   
14 GM Milov Vadim        MULH 2620  25 2651   
15 GM Tregubov Pavel     CLIC 2612  25 2607   
16 GM Djuric Stefan      ANTI 2498  25 2601   
17 GM Burmakin Vladimir  RUS  2575  25 2596   
18 GM Chernin Alexander  HUN  2573  25 2594   
19 GM Bauer Christian    CLIC 2579  25 2590   
20 GM Lupu Mircea-Serg.  FRAI 2460  25 2579   
21 GM Spiridonov Nikola  CAIS 2570  25 2471   
715 players

12) Third Saturday - Novi Sad

The Janaury Third Saturday GM event took place 18th-26th January 2003. Zlatko Ilincic won the GM event with 8.5/11. Norms targets were GM = 8, IM = 5,5 and WGM = 5. My thanks to Sinisa Drazic and Darko Feletar for the news and games.

Norms GM event WGM norm for 16 year old Aleksandra Dimitrijevic in the IM event there were IM norms for the winner Pucovski Miroslav (Yug) and 2nd placed David Guadalpi (Fra) (over 10 rounds).

The next event will take place 22nd-30th March 2003. The GM event will be cat 8 or 9 - 12 players GM Fontaine, GM Drazic, GM Matulovic, IM Feletar, IM Balogh Czsaba , IM Popovic Dusan , IM Pap, Misa will play and there are 5 places available. Hotel with breakfast and entry fee for players over 2400 only 240 euro. There will also be a cat 3 or 4 IM event with 12 players, 6 places available. Contact sdrazic@eunet.yu.

TSGM Jan Novi Sad YUG (YUG), 18-26 i 2003                       cat. IX (2458)
                                            1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1. Ilincic, Zlatko            g YUG 2535  * 1 = 0 = 1 1 1 1 1 = 1  8.5  2661 
 2. Fontaine, Robert           g FRA 2529  0 * = 1 = 0 = = = 1 1 1  6.5  2516 
 3. Pap, Misa                  m YUG 2407  = = * = 1 1 0 = = = = =  6.0  2498 
 4. Feletar, Darko             m CRO 2434  1 0 = * = = = = = = = =  5.5  2459 
 5. Marzolo, Cyril             m FRA 2480  = = 0 = * = = = 1 = = =  5.5  2455 
 6. Balogh, Csaba              m HUN 2448  0 1 0 = = * = = = 1 = =  5.5  2458 
 7. Sedlak, Nikola             m YUG 2506  0 = 1 = = = * = = 0 1 =  5.5  2453 
 8. Drazic, Sinisa             g YUG 2462  0 = = = = = = * = = = 1  5.5  2457 
 9. Savic, Miodrag R           m YUG 2506  0 = = = 0 = = = * = = 1  5.0  2417 
10. Dimitrijevic, Aleksandra  wf YUG 2369  0 0 = = = 0 1 = = * 1 =  5.0  2429 
11. Laketic, Gojko             m YUG 2426  = 0 = = = = 0 = = 0 * =  4.0  2358 
12. Kostic, Vladimir           m YUG 2391  0 0 = = = = = 0 0 = = *  3.5  2330 

13) Brazilian Open BCX 2003

The Brazilian Open BCX 2003 took place January 16th-19th 2003 (99 players: 1GM, 3 MI, 2 MF). Luis Henrique Coelho and Everaldo Matsuura finished on 5.5/6. Games now available. My thanks to Antonio Bento.

Leading Final (Round 6) Standings:
 1-2  Coelho, Luis Henrique P           2392 5.5  23.0
      Matsuura, Everaldo                2438 5.5  23.0
 3-5  Pelikian, Jefferson               2407 5    25.5
      Neubauer, Martin                  2420 5    25.0
      Olivencia, Flavio                 2226 5    22.0
6-13  Lima, Darcy Gustavo Machado Vie   2521 4.5  24.5
      Silva, Carlos Alessandro               4.5  23.0
      Sousa, Adriano Valle de           2247 4.5  22.0
      Lucena, Lincoln da Silva          2200 4.5  22.0
      Felipe, Andre de Souza            2136 4.5  21.0
      Pimentel, William Barreto         2198 4.5  20.5
      Disconzi da Silva, Rodrigo        2389 4.5  19.5
      Lucena, Jose Silvio Bezerra de    2190 4.5  16.5
99 players

14) Austrian Teams

Harald Grafenhofer sends news and games from the Austrian Team Championships first division whose second set of matches took place in Jenbach 23rd-26th January 2003.

Further details:

Round 8 Standings
Rg. Mannschaft              Wtg1  Wtg2  Wtg3 
  1 Tschaturanga            28.5    10     0 
  2 Gleisdorf               27.5    11     1 
  3 Austria Graz            27.5    11     1 
  4 Jenbach                 27.5    10     2 
  5 Die Klagenfurter        25.5    11     1 
  6 Fürstenfeld             25.5    11     0 
  7 Merkur/Frohnleiten      25.5    10     1 
  8 Melk                    23.0     5     0 
  9 Hohenems                22.5     5     0 
 10 Absam                   21.5     8     0 
 11 Mozart Salzburg         17.5     2     0 
 12 Hietzing/Fischer        16.0     2     0 

15) Forthcoming Events and Links

Evgeny Bareev vs. HIARCS 8

Evgeny Bareev plays a match against HIARCS 8 January 28th-31st 2003.

Further details:

3rd Griesheim GM/IM

The 3rd Griesheimer GM-/IM-Tournament takes place 29th January - 6th February 2003 in Griesheim (near Darmstadt, Hessen, Germany). Each event is a nine round robin. GM-Tournament: R. Ruck; E. Agrest; A. Jakubiec; R. Buhmann; M. Prusikhin; M. Grabarczyk; S. Krivoshey; S. Galdunts; L. Kritz; V. Kunin (cat. 11) IM: B. Grabarczyk; Y. Boidman; K. Wornath; J. Jirka; J. Wegerle; H. Gohil; K. Jedryczka; C. Schramm; V. Trichkov; R. Koehler (cat. 4)

Internet coverage:

Auckland International Open

The Howick & Pakuranga Times Auckland International Open takes place January 26 - 31 2003.

Internet coverage:

40th Canadian Open Championship

The 40th Canadian Open Championships take place in Kapuskasing, Ontario, hosts Canada's most important open event, July 12-20, 2003. First prize is $cdn 6,000, and the projected prize fund is $cdn 50,000. TD (Arbiter) of the 10-round event is IA Jonathan Berry. The Organizer is Denis Nadeau: Further details:

Kapuskasing is a remote, wild location. A chess tournament there will be an experience long remembered by players accustomed to big city life.

Cannes Swiss Tournament

The Cannes Swiss Tournament takes place 8th-14th March 2003. 9 rounds with 2 games on 2 days. 10,000 Euro prize fund with a first of 2000, Entry Fee 60 Euro, Juniors 30. 40 moves in 2: 30 minutes for the rest of the game. Contact

1st Chess Festival in Nancy

The 1st Chess Festival took place in Nancy (France) 3rd - 9th March 2003. The IM tournament full, but there are still places for several Elo round robin tournaments (9 rounds) for non-titled players (with FIDE Elo or not).


Stichting Schaak Groningen address change

The Chess Foundation Groningen (Stichting Schaak Groningen - SSG ) has a new e-mail address You can contact Johan Zwanepol the executive director of the SSG at that address or Boerakkerweg 9, NL-9321 EL Peize, The Netherlands tel. +31(50)5032744

First Saturday February 2003

The First Saturday February GM-IM-FM round robin tournaments for the title norms in Budapest take place 1st-13th February 2003. There are vacancies contact the organizer: Nagy Laszlo, e-mail: Phone-Fax: 00-(361)-263-28-59

16th "Ciudad de León"

The 16th "Ciudad de León" chess tournament will take place June 5th-9th 2003 in León, Spain. This year it will be a quadrangular tournament with Ruslan Ponomariov (Elo 2734) Vesselin Topalov, (Elo 2743) Sergey Karjakin, (Elo 2547) and Francisco "Paco" Vallejo Pons (Elo 2629) The venue will be the Edificio de la Junta de Castilla y León". The event will almost certainly be advanced chess.

The official web site will be: and

British Blitz Championships

The British Blitz Championships takes place on 23rd March, 2003, at Brunel University, Uxbridge.

Further details:

Oslo Easter Chess Festival 2003

The Oslo Easter Chess Festival 2003 takes place 12-20 April 2003.

Further details:

Fischer Stories

Bobby Fischer and his mother were investigated by the FBI. Read the story: and a new one Bobby Fischer's Pathetic Endgame by Rene Chun which has appeared in many places:

Huddersfield Chess Congress

The Huddersfield Chess Congress to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the Huddersfield Chess Club (1852-2002) takes place At the Deighton Centre, Huddersfield 28th-30th March 2003. The event is an ‘Elite’ Terence Chapman Group Grand Prix 5 round Swiss. Entries to be returned by 24th March 2003 to Nigel Hepworth. 71, Fixby Road, Fixby, Huddersfield. HD2 2JB. Further details from Nigel Hepworth 07903 548675 Email -

Final Lineup for Linares

David Llada reports that the final line-up for the traditional Linares Supertournament will be Garry Kasparov, Vladimir Kramnik, Viswanathan Anand, Peter Leko, Ruslan Ponomariov, Francisco Vallejo Pons and Teimour Radjabov. The XX "Ciudad de Linares" sees the opening ceremony and drawing of lots on 21st February. Round 1 22nd February 2003. Last round and closing ceremony 9th March 2003. Rest days 26th February and 4th March 2003. The official website will be announced a few days before the event.

World Youth Championships

The World Youth Chess Championships 2003 and the 74th FIDE Congress takes place 24th October - 2nd November 2003 in Halkidiki, Greece.

Internet coverage:

III Savaria Summer

The III Savaria Summer International Chess Open takes place in Szombathely, Hungary 19th-27th July 2003.

The event is a 9 round Swiss system 90 minutes + 30 seconds/move.

Further Information: Korpics Zsolt H-9700 Szombathely, Rohonci 13. +(36)-30/951-0063 and Pergel László H-9700 Szombathely, Tátra 2. +(36)-30/530-4904

Patrick Wolff Chess-Site

Patrick Wolff has launched a pay site at:

Western Pacific Open

April 11-13, Western Pacific Open. 5-SS. Los Angeles Airport Radisson, Los Angeles, CA. $10,000 based on 200 players, $5000 guaranteed. Top section FIDE-rated. Details:

Lina Grumette Memorial Day Classic

May 24-26, Lina Grumette Memorial Day Classic. 6-SS. Los Angeles Airport Radisson, Los Angeles, CA. $12,000 based on 240 players, $7200 guaranteed. Details: .

ZMD Schachfestival Dresden 2003

The ZMD Schachfestival Dresden 2003 takes place 17th-27th July 2002 in the Treff-Hotel Dresden.

Further details:

World Amateur Championships

The World Amateur Championships take place in the Sammy Marks Building, Pretoria, South Africa 2nd - 12th July 2003.

Internet site:

4th Yateley Manor International Fide Open

4th Yateley Manor International Fide Open This 9 round Swiss event, takes place over 2 weekends Friday 24th to Sunday 26th January 2003 and Saturday 1st to Sunday 2nd February 2003 at Yateley Manor School, Reading Road, Yateley, Hampshire, England. 36 miles South West of central London. Free entry for GM, IM, WGM, WIM. Prizes include a free place in the 2003 British Championships (highest placed player not previously qualified). The prize fund and allocation depends on entry. Event is FIDE rated and BCF rated and part of British Chess Federation Grand Prix. Tournament Director: IM Andrew Martin. Contact: Phone : + 44 (0)1753 883300 e-mail:

Hungarian tournaments April-May-June 2003

6 GM and IM tournaments in a row in HUNGARY in April-May-June 2003 /3 months chess trip to Hungary is possible for the GM-IM-norms/ The info: 1. 5th-17th of April, FIRST SATURDAY GM-IM Budapest, org: Nagy Laszlo, e-mail:, website: 2. 19th-29th of April, GM-IM, MINDSZENTKALLA, GM-IM, 200 km West from Budapest, org.IM Istvandi, e-mail:, 3. 3rd-15th of May, FIRST SATURDAY, GM-IM Budapest, org: NL., 4. 17th-27th of May GM-IM Elekes memorial, Budapest, org: IM Zsinka, fax: 00-(361)-327-18-71, 5. 7th-19th of June, FIRST SATURDAY, GM-IM Budapest, org: NL, 6. 20th-30th of June, Balatonlelle /130 km West from Budapest/ GM-IM-OPEN, org: IM Rigo, e-mail:

Gibraltar Chess Congress

The Gibraltar Chess Congress takes place 28th January 6th February 2003. Two 10 round Swisses. Amateur £3000 prize fund open to players under 2000 or unrated. Open £12,000 prize fund. Acceptances so far in attached list. Play takes place at the 4 star Caleta Hotel. Further details about Gibraltar, accommodation and visas: Technical details:

Players accepted so far: Nigel Short England gm 2684 Sergei Tiviakov Netherlands gm 2631 Alexander Lastin Russia gm 2625 Zoltan Gyimesi Hungary gm 2596 Jon Speelman England gm 2583 Hichem Hamdouchi Morocco gm 2582 Simen Agdestein Norway gm 2578 Mladen Palac Croatia gm 2569 Vladimir Kosyrev Russia gm 2562 Vasilios Kotronias Cyprus gm 2561 Alonso Zapata Colombia gm 2556 Julio Becerra Rivero Cuba gm 2552 Oleg Korneev Russia gm 2551 Luke McShane England gm 2546 Bogdan Lalic England gm 2542 Milos Pavlovic Yugoslavia gm 2531 Karen Movsziszian Armenia gm 2530 Vadim Malakhatko Ukraine gm 2515 Darryl Johansen Australia gm 2512 Pia Cramling Sweden gm 2508 Dmitri Reinderman Netherlands gm 2506 Alexander Cherniaev Russia im 2506 Daniel Campora Argentine gm 2505 Boris Chatalbashev Bulgaria gm 2503 Sergei Beshukov Russia gm 2475 James Plaskett England gm 2467 Viesters Miejers Latvia gm 2463 Hans Jonkman Netherlands gm 2456 Tejas Bakre India im 2452 Doru Ionescu Rumania im 2433 Juan Bellon Spain gm 2428 Inna Gaponenko Ukraine im/wg 2411 Colin McNab Scotland gm 2406 Watu Kobese South Africa im 2399 Martha Fierro Ecuador wgm 2384 Nora Medvegy Hungary wgm 2375 Mohamed Tissir Morocco im 2366 Robert Bellin England im 2360 Anna Zozulia Ukraine wgm 2311


Aeroflot Open 2003

The International Chess Open Festival "Aeroflot Open 2003" will be held in Moscow from 10 February (the day of arrival) to 20 February 2003 (the day of departure). The total prize fund is 150000 USD. The Festival consists of 3 tournaments: A: for the chessplayers with Elo > 2400; B: for the chessplayers with Elo 2150-2451; C: for the chessplayers with Elo < 2201 or without rating

The Organizers of the Festival are "Aeroflot-Russian Airlines" and the Association of Chess Federations in cooperation with the Committee on Tourism of the Municipality of Moscow. The official hotel and tournament venue is hotel "Rossija" (near Kremlin).

Official site:

Politiken Cup

The 25th Copenhagen Open Politiken Cup took place 14th-25th of July 2003. The Politiken Cup will be an 11-round open tournament played in one big group - from novices and club players to strong grandmasters The Tournament takes place in the Nørrebrohallen, Bragesgade 5, 2200 København.

Further information and online enrolment at

Praha and Marianske Lazne

Details of the Praha Open 2003 (17.-24.1. 2003) and Marianske Lazne Open 2003 (25.1.-1.2. 2003) and the round robin master tournament category 3-4 FIDE Marianske Lazne 2003 (25.1.-2.2. 2003) are now available at:

VI Málaga International Open

The VI Málaga International Open 2003 takes place 20th-28th February 2003. 7.800 euros in prizes.


1st Pan American Amateur Championships

The 1st Pan American Amateur Championship will be held at the elegant Fairmont Southampton from 27th January to 5th February 2003. It will be nine rounds plus a rest day and will be held alongside two GM Invitational Tournaments (Cat XV and X). The rate of play will be 150 plus 30 seconds per move. It is open to players under 2000 FIDE or no FIDE rating at all. Each Federation in the Americas is allowed to nominate two players who do not have to pay an entry fee, otherwise entry fee is $150 per player. It will be followed by the 20th Bermuda Open from 6th to 9th February.

Rooms are $125 per night plus taxes etc. for one or two people, a third person in a room would be an extra $30 plus taxes. etc To book rooms contact the Fairmont Southampton on 1-800-441-1414 or 1-441-238-8000, mentioning "PanAmerican Amateur Chess".

Details/Info: or Nigel Freeman 441-234-2322, or Carol Jarecki 917-690-8566,

Chesmayne Chess Dictionary 2003

The Chesmayne Chess Dictionary 2003 is out now. Available at:

Seagaard ChessReviews - Book of the Year 2002

Seagaard ChessReviews has now selected the best books that was suggested from our readers. It is now the readers time to make a choice and pick "Seagaard ChessReviews - Book of the Year 2002". Readers can vote from 1/12 until 8/12 2002 and the book with the highest number is the winner. Read more:

Alexandra Kosteniuk vs Sergei Karjakin

There will be a match between Alexandra Kosteniuk vs Sergei Karjakin in Brissago 1st-6th February 2003.

Internet coverage:

1st Samba Cup

The Skanderborg Chess Club is organising a new GM tournament in Denmark. There will be 2 groups, A-group category 15/16, B-group category 9/10, 10 players in each group, round-robin.

Dates of play: October 10th-20th 2003. Venue: Hotel Skanderborghus in Skanderborg, Denmark. See more at the tournament's home page

Players who are interested may contact Tournament Organiser Michael Andersson, e-mail

18th North Sea Cup Esbjerg Denmark

2003 will be the year when the Danish Chess Federation turns 100! The Esbjerg Chess Union and the renowned Danish round-robin the North Sea Cup are scheduled to play a major role in the celebrations. The gm group with 10 players will play July 4-12. After 3 category 14s back to back the organisers are hoping for a category 15 this time. Also a B-group, primarily for young Danish up and coming players, will be on offer at this Danish chess festival. 4 foreign ims will be invited, and the winner of the B-group will be invited to the gm group of the 19th NSC. Interested players should contact Brian Isaksen at


Coulsdon Chess Fellowship

Coulsdon Chess Fellowship (CCF) is intending to host a 9 round IM norm closed tournament between Saturday 15th February and Sunday 23rd February with 1 round to be held each afternoon. Any players (title or non-title) who may wish to be considered for inclusion should email Scott Freeman at


The X Anibal Chess Open takes place in Linares, 28th February - 9th March, 2003 Dates are parallel to the XX "Ciudad de Linares" International Chess Tournament. Swiss system. 10 Rounds. New FIDE time control. Hotel Aníbal - Linares.

Further details from: e-mail: fax: 34 953652204

DEADLINE: Monday, 17th Feb 2003.

Novi Sad GM and IM

There is a tournament in Novi Sad Yugoslavia January 18th-26th 2003. Novi Sad is 76 km from Belgrade or 100 km from the Hungarian border conection by train from Wien 8 hours , from Budapest 5 hours, Belgrade airport, 70 km from Ns, bus connection from all of Europe . Venue: Hotel Park 20 euro double room full board, 25 euro in single. GM tourn. 12 players - FIDE timerate, cat. 9 (4 places at the moment ) IM tourn. cat. 3 or 4 - FIDE timerate, 12 players (5 places at the moment) elo t. , 12 players - 90 min . each. 2 blitz to. during the tournament. inscription fee according organiser , depending on elo, title and which tournament. Organiser GM Drazic Sinisa mail sdrazic@eunet.yu or tel .++381\ 21 \ 450-714 or 58-922 mobil | 64 | 124-9741

Patrick Wolff vs. The World

GM Patrick Wolff will play the Rest of the World starting 31st August. The time limit for the match is 5 days per move. GM Wolff is a two times United States Champion. To play in the match go to and follow the Play menu to ‘Play the expert’ and from there join the world team.

Contact e-mail:

New York Masters

Regular competition for players in New York Rated 2200 and above.

Further details: