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Contact The Week in Chess Mark Crowther E-Mail Tel or fax 01274 882143 [Bradford England] Mobile 07866 484824 Contents 1) Introduction |
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Games section
Bled Olympiad Corrections 11 games Bundesliga Rounds 3-4 127 games Last Autumn GM 17 games First Saturday November 35 games 14th Leuven Open 100 games King's Island Open 1 game 291 games
My thanks to Andy McFarland and Ching Kim Lye, Leonid Gofshtein, Laszlo Nagy and Andras Bacsi, Ben Finegold, Jacques Robrecht and everyone else who helped with the issue.
The main stories in this week's issue are further statistics from the Olympiad and the 2nd Bundesliga weekend.
I have not seen a full list of decisions taken at the Olympiad. As I understand it a company run by Garry Kasparov called will be given the opportunity to run the FIDE rating list. Kasparov's return to FIDE was always likely to come with strings and certainly he got a good deal on the playing side but extracting commercial opportunities (for it is certainly not an act of philanthropy) like this shows breathtaking cynicism. It also makes you wonder how much influence Kasparov will have in FIDE. There are plenty of situations where this could become a bad conflict of interest. Another decision I have heard mentioned (but not confirmed) is that the next Olympiad in Spain will be a rapid event. The FIDE leadership love fast time rates, I have no idea why, its almost as if they don't like chess. [Last minute update. According to FIDE Official Casto Abundo the next Olympiad won't be rapidplay but will probably use the 90mins + increment used in this one.]
Hope you enjoy this issue.
As reported last week the 35th Chess Olympiad Bled took place 25th October - 11th November 2002 and the 73rd FIDE Congress, 1st-11th November 2002. The men's title was taken by the favourites Russia. The team of Garry Kasparov, Alexander Khalifman, Alexander Grischuk, Peter Svidler, Alexander Morozevich and Sergei Rublevsky. There are now some other statistics other than the final standings I published last week. There are a small number of corrections in the PGN file my thanks to Andy McFarland and Ching Kim Lye (who corrects one name and gives the Malaysian round 2 games).
Official Site other results and tables: and
There are prizes in the Olympiad for the best percentage performers on each board. I'm not sure of the precise regulations but it looks like a minimum of 9 games were required to win a board prize except for the reserve boards where 7 were needed.
Board Medals Board 1 1 IM Gwaze Robert ZIM 2280 100.0 9.0/9 2 GM David Alberto LUX 2511 84.6 11.0/13 3 GM Al-Modiahki Mohamad QAT 2550 83.3 10.0/12 Board 2 1 Gentilleau Jean-Philippe MCO 2224 77.8 7.0/9 2 GM Seirawan Yasser USA 2629 72.2 6.5/9 3 GM Polgar Judit HUN 2685 70.8 8.5/12 Board 3 1 IM Barus Cerdas IND 2479 85.0 8.5/10 2 GM Khalifman Alexander RUS 2690 77.8 7.0/ 9 3 GM Romero Holmes Alfonso ESP 2524 75.0 7.5/10 Board 4 1 Ayyad Maher BAH 0 80.0 8.0/10 2 FM Soylu Suat TUR 2365 77.8 7.0/9 3 IM Sammalvuo Tapani FIN 2437 72.2 6.5/9 Board 5 1 FM Jasim Saleh USA 2240 92.9 6.5/7 2 Singh Ravishen TRI 0 87.5 7.0/8 3 Elarbi Abobker LIB 0 87.5 7.0/8 Board 6 1 Collins Sam IRE 2372 93.8 7.5/8 2 Byambaa Zulzaga MON 2279 92.9 6.5/7 3 Hailu Wossenyelew ETH 2200 92.9 6.5/7 Women Board 1 1 WGM Hoang Thanh Trang VIE 2420 77.3 8.5/11 2 WGM Vijayalakshmi Subbaraman IND 2394 73.1 9.5/13 3 GM Chiburdanidze Maia GEO 2497 72.7 8.0/11 Board 2 1 WGM Prudnikova Svetlana YUG 2407 73.1 9.5/13 2 WIM Piarnpuu Leili EST 2230 73.1 9.5/13 3 WGM Matveeva Svetlana RUS 2465 72.7 8.0/11 Board 3 1 WGM Socko Monika POL 2354 80.8 10.5/13 2 WIM Mamedjarova Zeinab AZE 2259 76.9 10.0/13 3 WFM Llaneza Vega Patricia ESP 2312 75.0 9.0/12 Board 4 1 WGM Zhao Xue CHN 2367 91.7 11.0/12 2 WGM Kosintseva Tatiana RUS 2427 91.7 11.0/12 3 WFM Mudongo Boikhutso BOT 2038 87.5 7.0/ 8
Winning board prizes when playing for the leading teams is very hard although not impossible. Garry Kasparov narrowly missed out on a bronze board prize on top board on the number of games played (Al-Modiahki had the same percentage but played 3 more games) this included a draw against Gelfand in a non-match against Israel. Kasparov did however top the ELO performance list with a 2933 performance 100 points better than Vladimir Akopian in second place. This in contrast to his prospective match opponent in the reunification next year ,Ruslan Ponomariov. Ponomariov only scored 6/11 for a performance of 2684. This seems to confirm the impression that he has slipped back since his win in the FIDE World Championships and Linares performances at the start of the year. This is not necessarily a big surprise but does mark the end of continuous improvement over the last few years. I still expect him to be world number one at some point in the future but maybe not as fast as might have been thought possible after Linares. It is possible that the death of his trainer recently has been partially responsible for this setback.
Top ELO Preformers 1 GM Kasparov Garry 1 RUS 2838 2933 7.5 9 83.3 2 GM Akopian Vladimir 1 ARM 2689 2827 8.0 11 72.7 3 GM Khalifman Alexander 2 RUS 2690 2797 7.0 9 77.8 4 GM Ye Jiangchuan 1 CHN 2667 2786 8.0 12 66.7 5 IM Gagunashvili Merab 4 GEO 2538 2786 6.5 8 81.3 6 GM Markowski Tomasz 3 POL 2549 2770 8.5 10 85.0 7 GM David Alberto 1 LUX 2511 2755 11.0 13 84.6 8 GM Gelfand Boris 1 ISR 2704 2753 5.0 8 62.5 9 GM Lputian Smbat 1 ARM 2627 2747 7.5 11 68.2 10 GM Korchnoi Viktor 1 SUI 2634 2743 8.5 12 70.8 11 GM Polgar Judit 1 HUN 2685 2741 8.5 12 70.8 12 GM Acs Peter 4 HUN 2591 2725 7.0 9 77.8 13 GM Bologan Viktor 1 MOL 2627 2724 7.0 10 70.0 14 GM Sokolov Ivan 1 NED 2684 2723 8.0 12 66.7 15 GM Nikolic Predrag 1 BIH 2661 2719 7.0 11 63.6 16 GM Adams Michael 1 ENG 2745 2715 8.5 13 65.4 17 GM Bacrot Etienne 1 FRA 2653 2714 8.0 12 66.7 18 GM Grischuk Alexander 1 RUS 2702 2711 7.0 11 63.6 19 GM Georgiev Kiril 1 MKD 2658 2709 7.5 12 62.5 20 GM Azmaiparashvili Zurab 1 GEO 2666 2703 7.0 11 63.6 21 GM Leko Peter 1 HUN 2743 2700 6.0 11 54.5 22 GM Almasi Zoltan 2 HUN 2672 2698 9.0 13 69.2 23 GM Kasimdzhanov Rustam 1 UZB 2653 2696 7.0 11 63.6 24 GM Rozentalis Eduardas 1 LIT 2563 2694 6.5 11 59.1 25 GM Short Nigel 1 ENG 2684 2693 8.5 13 65.4 26 IM Gwaze Robert 1 ZIM 2280 2690 9.0 9 100.0 27 GM Miladinovic Igor 2 GRE 2518 2690 4.5 6 75.0 28 GM Luther Thomas 4 GER 2538 2689 7.0 9 77.8 29 GM Seirawan Yasser 1 USA 2629 2687 6.5 9 72.2 30 GM Romero Holmes Alfonso 2 ESP 2524 2684 7.5 10 75.0 31 GM Ponomariov Ruslan 1 UKR 2743 2684 6.0 11 54.5 32 GM Brynell Stellan 3 SWE 2524 2683 4.0 5 80.0 33 GM Ftacnik Lubomir 2 SVK 2603 2682 9.0 13 69.2 34 GM Moiseenko Alexander 4 UKR 2570 2682 7.0 9 77.8 35 GM Ivanchuk Vassily 1 UKR 2709 2678 9.0 14 64.3 36 GM Svidler Peter 3 RUS 2690 2678 6.0 9 66.7 37 GM Zhang Zhong 2 CHN 2620 2675 9.0 13 69.2 38 GM Zapata Alonso 1 COL 2556 2671 8.5 12 70.8 39 GM Macieja Bartlomiej 1 POL 2615 2667 6.0 11 54.5 40 GM Morozevich Alexander 2 RUS 2707 2663 7.0 11 63.6
News of the politics from the Olympiad has been disappointingly light. Of course FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov was re-elected along with his team. The one piece of news I do have is that Kasparov's company will shortly take over the production of the FIDE rating list. They will have a couple of years to prove they can do it. One of FIDE's ideas for some time has been to extend the rating list to lower and lower rated players to increase their player base and use that to generate income. I have been against that, the international rating list is just that, a list of international players not of local players and I don't want FIDE anywhere near the chess I play. I understand the idea is to offer rating services to all the Federations for their local rating lists and eventually to extend it to other organisations including those that run online playing sites. Kasparov's company has surely only earned this opportunity as a quid pro quo for him returning to FIDE as a player. The decisions made haven't been confirmed in black and white anywhere but I hear that its possible it has been decided the next Olympiad in Spain will be a rapid event.
There will be a four game match between Garry Kasparov and Anatoly Karpov in New York, NY, USA, December 19th-20th 2002. The match will take place in the ABC Studios in Times Square. The Kasparov - Sting event was there a year or so ago. 2 Games 25 mins + 10 secs each day. John Henderson will be on the spot for TWIC. The Kasparov - Deep Junior match in is set to take place in January, probably but not definitely in Jerusalem.
There are only two teams with a 100% score after four rounds of the Bundesliga after Kreuzberg defeated Solinger SG in the 3rd round. Newly promoted SC Baden Oos fielded Viswanathan Anand in the 3rd and 4th rounds. Games from Bremen round 3 are currently unavailable.
ChessBase has the game coverage for the Bundesliga and it is available at: and details about the competition are available at:
Round 3 Venue: Kreuzberg SC Kreuzberg 4½-3½ Solinger SG SFR Neukölln 3½-4½ SV Wattenscheid Venue: Hamburg Hamburger SK 6 - 2 SK König Plauen Lübecker SV 6 - 2 Erfurter SK Venue:Tegernsee TV Tegernsee 3 - 5 SG Köln Porz SC Forchheim 4 - 4 Godesberger SK Venue: Bremen SV Werder Bremen 4½-3½ SC Baden Oos Turm Emsdetten 6½-1½ Stuttgarter Sfr SC Kreuzberg 4½-3½ Solinger SG 1 Almasi ½ : ½ Nikolic 1 2 Nisipeanu 1 : 0 Kasimdzhanov 3 4 Tischbierek 0 : 1 Jussupow 4 5 Lau 1 : 0 Sadler 5 6 Maiwald ½ : ½ Emms 6 7 Kalinitschew ½ : ½ Naumann 7 9 Muse 0 : 1 Hoffmann 12 11 Loeffler 1 : 0 Schaefer 13 SFR Neukölln 3½-4½ SV Wattenscheid 1 Movsesian 0 : 1 Aronian 2 3 Slobodjan 1 : 0 Rustemov 3 4 Stohl ½ : ½ De Vreugt 4 6 Berndt ½ : ½ Appel 6 7 Polzin 0 : 1 Handke 7 8 Borriss 1 : 0 Holzke 9 9 Poldauf 0 : 1 Ellers 11 12 Rudolf ½ : ½ Straeter 12 Hamburger SK 6 - 2 SK König Plauen 1 Dorfman ½ : ½ Bischoff 2 2 Ftacnik ½ : ½ Kindermann 4 3 Kempinski ½ : ½ Espig 6 4 Gustafsson 1 : 0 Brendel 7 7 Wahls 1 : 0 Haskamp 8 8 Mueller 1 : 0 Dirr 9 12 Reeh ½ : ½ Sandner 10 13 Michaelsen 1 : 0 Hilbig 14 Lübecker SV 6 - 2 Erfurter SK 5 Epishin ½ : ½ Haba 2 6 Fressinet ½ : ½ Kuczynski 5 7 Speelman 1 : 0 Casper 6 9 Nunn ½ : ½ Mueller 8 10 Hansen 1 : 0 Enders 9 11 Conquest ½ : ½ Brueggemann 10 12 Hector 1 : 0 Troyke 12 14 Agdestein 1 : 0 Fiedler 13 TV Tegernsee 3 - 5 SG Köln Porz 1 Khenkin ½ : ½ Lutz 1 2 Sokolov ½ : ½ Khalifman 2 3 Ribli ½ : ½ Sokolov 4 6 Boensch 1 : 0 Vaganian 6 7 Teske 0 : 1 Gurevich 7 8 Hertneck ½ : ½ Hansen 9 9 Stangl 0 : 1 Graf 10 10 Kachiani-Ger 0 : 1 Van den Doel 11 SC Forchheim 4 - 4 Godesberger SK 1 Prusikin ½ : ½ Breder 1 2 Jansa ½ : ½ Sprenger 2 3 Jirovsky ½ : ½ Langheinrich 3 4 Heidrich ½ : ½ Seger 4 5 Bartsch 0 : 1 Jackelen 5 6 Zwanzger 1 : 0 Schmidt 7 7 Niedermaier ½ : ½ Upleger 8 10 Bade ½ : ½ Philipowski 9 SV Werder Bremen 4½-3½ SC Baden Oos 1 Hracek 0 : 1 Anand 1 2 Babula ½ : ½ Svidler 2 3 Schandorff 1 : 0 Dautov 4 4 McShane ½ : ½ Huebner 5 5 Pelletier ½ : ½ Doettling 6 6 Gallagher 1 : 0 Schenk 7 8 Joachim ½ : ½ Schmaltz 9 10 Meins ½ : ½ Keitlinghaus 10 Turm Emsdetten 6½-1½ Stuttgarter Sfr 2 Vallejo Pons + : - Gabriel 2 3 Nielsen 1 : 0 Buhmann 3 4 Tiviakov 1 : 0 Golubev 4 5 Berelovich 1 : 0 Jenni 5 7 Pedersen,N ½ : ½ Schmittdiel 6 10 Zumsande ½ : ½ Duppel 8 11 Richter ½ : ½ Heinatz 12 14 Pedersen,D 1 : 0 Migl 13 Round 4 Venue: Kreuzberg Solinger SG 5 - 3 SFR Neukölln SV Wattenscheid 4 - 4 SC Kreuzberg Venue: Hamburg SK König Plauen 1 - 7 Lübecker SV Erfurter SK 2½-5½ Hamburger SK Venue:Tegernsee SG Köln Porz 6½-1½ SC Forchheim Godesberger SK 4 - 4 TV Tegernsee Venue: Bremen SC Baden Oos 4½-3½ Turm Emsdetten Stuttgarter Sfr 1½-6½ SV Werder Bremen Solinger SG 5 - 3 SFR Neukölln 1 Nikolic ½ : ½ Movsesian 1 3 Kasimdzhanov 1 : 0 Slobodjan 3 4 Jussupow ½ : ½ Stohl 4 5 Sadler 1 : 0 Berndt 6 6 Emms ½ : ½ Polzin 7 7 Naumann 1 : 0 Borriss 8 12 Hoffmann ½ : ½ Thiede 11 14 Schneider 0 : 1 Rudolf 12 SV Wattenscheid 4 - 4 SC Kreuzberg 2 Aronian 1 : 0 Almasi 1 3 Rustemov ½ : ½ Nisipeanu 2 4 De Vreugt 0 : 1 Tischbierek 4 6 Appel 1 : 0 Lau 5 7 Handke ½ : ½ Maiwald 6 9 Holzke ½ : ½ Kalinitschew 7 11 Ellers 0 : 1 Muse 9 12 Straeter ½ : ½ Loeffler 11 SK König Plauen 1 - 7 Lübecker SV 2 Bischoff ½ : ½ Epishin 5 4 Kindermann 0 : 1 Fressinet 6 6 Espig 0 : 1 Speelman 7 7 Brendel 0 : 1 Nunn 9 8 Haskamp ½ : ½ Hansen 10 9 Dirr 0 : 1 Conquest 11 10 Sandner 0 : 1 Hector 12 14 Hilbig 0 : 1 Agdestein 14 Erfurter SK 2½-5½ Hamburger SK 2 Haba 0 : 1 Dorfman 1 5 Kuczynski ½ : ½ Ftacnik 2 6 Casper ½ : ½ Kempinski 3 8 Mueller ½ : ½ Gustafsson 4 9 Enders 0 : 1 Wahls 7 10 Brueggemann 0 : 1 Mueller 8 12 Troyke ½ : ½ Heinemann 11 13 Fiedler ½ : ½ Michaelsen 13 SG Köln Porz 6½-1½ SC Forchheim 1 Lutz ½ : ½ Prusikin 1 2 Khalifman 1 : 0 Jansa 2 4 Sokolov 1 : 0 Jirovsky 3 6 Vaganian 1 : 0 Heidrich 4 7 Gurevich 1 : 0 Bartsch 5 9 Hansen 0 : 1 Zwanzger 6 10 Graf 1 : 0 Niedermaier 7 11 Van den Doel 1 : 0 Bade 10 Godesberger SK 4 - 4 TV Tegernsee 1 Breder ½ : ½ Khenkin 1 2 Sprenger ½ : ½ Sokolov 2 3 Langheinrich ½ : ½ Ribli 3 4 Seger ½ : ½ Boensch 6 5 Jackelen 1 : 0 Teske 7 7 Schmidt 0 : 1 Hertneck 8 8 Upleger 0 : 1 Stangl 9 9 Philipowski 1 : 0 Kachiani-Ger 10 SC Baden Oos 4½-3½ Turm Emsdetten 1 Anand ½ : ½ Vallejo Pons 2 2 Svidler ½ : ½ Nielsen 3 4 Dautov ½ : ½ Tiviakov 4 5 Huebner ½ : ½ Berelovich 5 6 Doettling ½ : ½ Pedersen,N 7 7 Schenk ½ : ½ Zumsande 10 9 Schmaltz ½ : ½ Richter 11 10 Keitlinghaus 1 : 0 Pedersen,D 14 Stuttgarter Sfr 1½-6½ SV Werder Bremen 2 Gabriel - : + Hracek 1 3 Buhmann ½ : ½ Babula 2 4 Golubev 0 : 1 Schandorff 3 5 Jenni ½ : ½ McShane 4 6 Schmittdiel 0 : 1 Pelletier 5 8 Duppel 0 : 1 Gallagher 6 12 Heinatz ½ : ½ Joachim 8 13 Migl 0 : 1 Meins 10 Table 1. Lübecker SV 4 25 : 7 8- 0 2. SG Köln Porz 4 22 :10 8- 0 3. Hamburger SK 4 21½:10½ 7- 1 4. SC Kreuzberg 4 18½:13½ 7- 1 5. SV Werder Bremen 4 19½:12½ 6- 2 6. Solinger SG 4 17½:14½ 6- 2 7. SV Wattenscheid 4 17 :15 5- 3 8. Turm Emsdetten 4 17½:14½ 4- 4 9. SC Baden Oos 4 16½:15½ 4- 4 10. SFR Neukölln 4 15½:16½ 2- 6 11. TV Tegernsee 4 13½:18½ 2- 6 12. Godesberger SK 4 13½:18½ 2- 6 13. SK König Plauen 4 10½:21½ 2- 6 14. SC Forchheim 4 9 :23 1- 7 15. Erfurter SK 4 10 :22 0- 8 16. Stuttgarter Sfr 4 9 :23 0- 8
The Last Autumn GM tournament takes place 1st-12th November 2002. My thanks to Leonid Gofshtein.
Internet coverage at:
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Last Autumn GM Tel Aviv ISR (ISR), 1-12 xi 2002 cat. VIII (2429) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Erenburg, Sergey m ISR 2494 * = 1 1 1 1 = = = 1 7.0 2641 2. Tyomkin, Dimitri g ISR 2492 = * 0 = 1 = = 1 = = 5.0 2464 3. Gerzhoy, Leonid ISR 2389 0 1 * = 0 1 1 = = = 5.0 2476 4. Roiz, Michael m ISR 2512 0 = = * = = 1 = = 1 5.0 2462 5. Kundin, Alexander f ISR 2429 0 0 1 = * 1 0 = = 1 4.5 2428 6. Gofshtein, Zeev-Alon g ISR 2519 0 = 0 = 0 * 1 1 = 1 4.5 2418 7. Kaganskiy, Gleb RUS 2315 = = 0 0 1 0 * = 1 = 4.0 2398 8. Kudischewitsch, David RUS 2384 = 0 = = = 0 = * = 1 4.0 2390 9. Bykhovsky, Avigdor g RUS 2481 = = = = = = 0 = * 0 3.5 2342 10. Deutsch, Eyal ISR 2272 0 = = 0 0 0 = 0 1 * 2.5 2280 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
The First Saturday events in November included GM, IM and FM events. They took place in Budapest 2nd-14th November 2002. My thanks to Laszlo Nagy and Andras Bacsi for the news.
Internet coverage:
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSGM Nov Budapest HUN (HUN), 2-14 xi 2002 cat. VIII (2430) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Balogh, Csaba m HUN 2432 * 1 = = = = = 1 1 1 1 = 8.0 2604 2. Chernyshov, Konstantin g RUS 2549 0 * = = 1 = = 1 1 1 1 1 8.0 2594 3. Fogarasi, Tibor m HUN 2466 = = * = 0 1 = = 1 1 = 1 7.0 2528 4. Todorovic, Goran M g YUG 2467 = = = * 0 1 1 1 0 = 1 = 6.5 2491 5. Horvath, Peter1 m HUN 2482 = 0 1 1 * = 0 = = 0 1 1 6.0 2461 6. Szeberenyi, Adam m HUN 2367 = = 0 0 = * = 1 1 = = 1 6.0 2471 7. Horvath, Csaba g HUN 2506 = = = 0 1 = * = = = = = 5.5 2422 8. Pilgaard, Kim m DEN 2432 0 0 = 0 = 0 = * 1 1 1 = 5.0 2393 9. Szieberth, Adam m HUN 2371 0 0 0 1 = 0 = 0 * 1 1 1 5.0 2399 10. Jakab, Attila m HUN 2367 0 0 0 = 1 = = 0 0 * 0 1 3.5 2302 11. Kahn, Evarth m HUN 2355 0 0 = 0 0 = = 0 0 1 * = 3.0 2261 12. Slaby, Jerzy POL 2364 = 0 0 = 0 0 = = 0 0 = * 2.5 2224 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSIM Nov Budapest HUN (HUN), 2-14 xi 2002 cat. I (2268) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Zufic, Miroslav f CRO 2321 * = = = 1 1 = 1 1 = 1 1 1 9.5 2494 2. Farago, Sandor m HUN 2299 = * 1 0 1 = 1 1 = 1 0 1 1 8.5 2423 3. Papp, Gellert HUN 2275 = 0 * = 0 = 1 = 1 = 1 1 1 7.5 2362 4. Ilfeld, Etan ISR 2176 = 1 = * = = = = = 1 0 0 1 6.5 2305 5. Brustkern, Juergen f GER 2288 0 0 1 = * 0 0 1 = 1 1 = 1 6.5 2295 6. Dencsi, Tibor HUN 2209 0 = = = 1 * 1 0 = 1 0 = = 6.0 2273 7. Bogza, Adina wm ROM 2270 = 0 0 = 1 0 * 1 0 = 1 1 = 6.0 2268 8. Alfred, Nathan ENG 2251 0 0 = = 0 1 0 * 1 = 1 1 = 6.0 2269 9. Lengyel, Bela m HUN 2338 0 = 0 = = = 1 0 * = = = 1 5.5 2233 10. Fucak, Emilijo f CRO 2322 = 0 = 0 0 0 = = = * 1 = = 4.5 2176 11. Schneider, Attila m HUN 2337 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 = 0 * = 0 4.0 2137 12. Timmermans, Ivo NED 2180 0 0 0 1 = = 0 0 = = = * = 4.0 2150 13. Harmon, Clark USA 2223 0 0 0 0 0 = = = 0 = 1 = * 3.5 2114 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jacques Robrecht reports: The Open of Leuven took place in Leuven, Belgium November 8th - 11th 2002. With 156 participants (5 IGM, 9 IM) it was again a great success.
After 7 rounds, 6 players tied on the first place with 6.0/7 each. IGM Alexei Barsov took away 't Fonske (symbol of the city of Leuven) thanks to better tiebreak points.
Standings, games and coverage: ------------------------------------------------------------ 14th Open of Leuven (BEL) ------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Alexei Barsov IGM 2525 UZB 6.0 34.0 2661 2 Vladimir Epichine IGM 2628 RUS 6.0 32.5 2578 3 Yochanan Afek IM 2344 ISR 6.0 32.0 23.0 27.0 2517 4 Giorgi Bagaturov IGM 2429 GEO 6.0 32.0 23.0 26.5 2610 5 Martin Senff IM 2456 GER 6.0 31.5 2536 6 Andrei Nestor Cioara IM 2399 ROM 6.0 28.5 2480 7 Ruben Akhayan 2248 BEL 5.5 30.5 22.0 2318 8 Erik Knoppert FM 2322 NED 5.5 30.5 21.0 2371 9 Amir Bagheri IM 2438 IRI 5.5 30.0 21.5 2417 10 Serge Vanderwaeren FM 2267 BEL 5.5 30.0 21.0 2307 11 Hans Renette ** 2133 BEL 5.5 29.0 2245 ... (156 participants)
Ben Finegold reports: The 2002 King's Island Open located just North of Cincinnati Ohio took place Nov 15-17. The tournament was well attended with over 390 entries this year.
The Open section, with 50 players, was dominated by GM Maurice Ashley, who beat GMs Ildar Ibragimov and Alexander Goldin on his way to 4.5 out of 5, clear first and a $2580 first prize. Tying for 2nd with 4-1 were GMs Alex Stripunsky, Alex Wojtkiewicz, Dmitry Gurevich, Ibragimov, and IM Ben Finegold, who took home $516 each.
Finishing out of the money with 3.5 points were GMs Alexander Shabalov, Igor Novikov, and Pavel Blatny. GM Alex Goldin only managed a modest 3-2 score.
The Curacao 1962-2002 chess tournament is being held November 16th-28th 2002. The tournament commemorates the 40th Anniversary of the Candidates tournament in 1962. Viktor Korchnoi (a player) and Yuri Averbach (a second) from the original event have already confirmed that they will return after 40 years. The tournament will have 9 rounds and a maximum of 120 players including about 15 titled players. Jan Timman (NL), Bartek Macieja (Pol), Sofia Polgar (Israel/Hungary), Yona Kosashvili (Israel), Anjelina Belakovskaia (USA), Alonso Zapata (Colombia), Johan Alvarez (Venezuela) and Carlos Gallegos (Venezuela) are amongst the players.
More information (including a 1962 and a 2001 picture gallery and general information about Curacao) is available at: There is also a download of the electronic tournament book of the 2001 edition available. Jan Timman was the winner of that tournament.
The 2002 World Youth Chess Championships take place in Heraklio, Greece, November 15th-24th 2002. 802 young chessplayers (categories under 18, 16, 14, 12, 10 for boys and girls) from 71 countries have been registered and among them some of the strongest junior chessplayers of the world.
Internet coverage:
The 2003 US Chess Championships will take place in Seattle starting on January 9th 2003. The event is organised by the Americas Foundation for Chess (AF4C). 58 of the US's Best Chess Players Compete for $255,000, the event incorporates the women's title event. The venue is the Seattle Center Northwest Rooms.
There will be several other events of interest to the general public, including live championship commentary, a Childrens Simul; Martin Luther King Jr. Day Open-Chess Tournament for children, and the awards ceremony of the U.S. Chess Championships.
For further information:
The Swiss Chess Tour starts in Basle in the New Year. The 5th Hilton Open features Viktor Korchnoi, Vlastimil Hort, Yannick Pelletier and Ivan Nemet. They will play each other, one game on classic time control and the other in rapid. Timetable of the 5th Hilton Open: 31.12.2002. Blitz open; 14.00-17.00; registration 13.00; 9 rounds, 5 minutes. 1.1.2003. Fujitcu Siemens Juniors Open; 10.00-16.00; 7 rounds, 15 minutes. 1.-5.1.2003. Hilton Open; 7 rounds, 6 hours (40 moves-120 minutes, 60 minutes till the end.) 1.-5.1.2003. Baloise Open; 7 rounds, 4 hours (30 moves-90 minutes, 30 minutes till the and.) 1.-5.1.2003. Senior Open; same as Baloise Open. 1.-4.1.2003. ITAG Tele-Rapid; with Korchnoi, Hort, Pelletier, Nemet; 15 minutes per game. 2.-5.1.2003. ITAG Masters (Korchnoi, Hort, Pelletier, Nemet); classic time control, 6 hours. 5.1.2003. Fujitsu Siemens VIP&PC Challenge (+ 5 best juniors); 10.00-14.00 5.1.2003. Closing ceremony
Prizes: Hilton Open: 2000/1500/1200/800/600/500/2x400/2x300/2x200 Fr. Entry fee: 130 Fr. (FM & Juniors) GM & IM free. At the door 10 Fr. Baloise Open: 500/400/2x300/2x200/4x150 Fr. Entry fee: 110 Fr. (Juniors 50 Fr.) At the door 10. Senior Open: 400/300/200 Fr. + natural prizes Entry fee: 60 Fr. At the door 10 Fr. Junior Open: Natural prizes. Entry fee: 5 Fr. At the door 10 Fr. Blitz Open: 300/200/150/2x100/2x50 Fr. Entry fee: 20 Fr. (Junior 5 Fr.) Venue Hotel Hilton Basle.
More information and registration: Robert Spoerri tel. +41+34+424-01-06, fax +41+34+424-01-07 E-mail Further information:
Bobby Fischer and his mother were investigated by the FBI. Read the story:
The Amplico Aig Life Rapid tournament takes place in Warsaw (Poland) as part of the 21st Stanislaw Gawlikowski Memorial. The tournament will take place December 21st-22nd 2002 in the Palace of Culture in Warsaw. The prize fund is 15.000 USD. Among the participants will be Vassily Ivanchuk.
Further details:
Contact for entry: Marek Bartel (Tournament Director) or Maria Macieja (Deputy Tournament Director)
The Gibraltar Chess Congress takes place 28th January 6th February 2003. Two 10 round Swisses. Amateur £3000 prize fund open to players under 2000 or unrated. Open £12,000 prize fund. Acceptances so far in attached list. Play takes place at the 4 star Caleta Hotel. Further details about Gibraltar, accommodation and visas: Technical details:
Details of the Praha Open 2003 (17.-24.1. 2003) and Marianske Lazne Open 2003 (25.1.-1.2. 2003) and the round robin master tournament category 3-4 FIDE Marianske Lazne 2003 (25.1.-2.2. 2003) are now available at:
5th International Tournament in Tel Aviv IM Round Robin in Tel Aviv, December 24- January 7; Category 1-4 (average rating-2251-2350); 12 players round robin system; Beginning of rounds 17:30pm, Thursday 31st-16:00, Thursday January 2nd-day off,Fridays: 12:00pm; Saturdays- day off;
6th International Tournament in Tel Aviv GM Round Robin in Tel Aviv, January 10 - January 23; Category 7-9 (average rating:2401-2475); 12 players round robin system; Beginning of rounds 17:30pm, Friday 10th (round 1)-13:00pm, Friday 17th and Saturdays- day off;
Contact Gofshtein Zvulon (Leonid) if you wish to play, e-mail: tel. numbers international: (972) 54 696432, (972) 3 7329233; tel. numbers local: 054 696432, 03 7329233;
The XV Carlos Torre International Tournament takes place 13th-21st December 2002. Players: GM Evgueny Pigousov, Rusia, 2622 GM Vadim Milov, Suiza, 2620 GM Valerij Filippov, Rusia, 2615 GM Lazaro Bruzón, Cuba, 2613 GM Lenier Domínguez, Cuba, 2608 GM Jaan Ehlvest, Estonia, 2600 GM Boris Gulko, USA, 2594 GM Alex Moiseenko, Ucrania, 2570 GM Alex Wojtkiewicz,Polonia, 2567 GM Larry Christiansen, USA, 2566 GM Alonzo Zapata, Colombia, 2556 GM Gilberto Hernández, México, 2546 GM Reinaldo Vera,Cuba, 2544 GM Lalic Bogdan, Inglaterra, 2542 GM Antoaneta Stefanova, Bulgaria, 2541 GM Stuart Conquest, Inglaterra, 2537 GM Arthur Kogan, Israel,2529 GM Nikola Mitkov, Macedonia, 2529 GM Jesús Nogueiras, Cuba 2528 GM Karen Movsisyan, Armenia, 2528 GM Walter Arencibia, Cuba, 2521 GM Zenon Franco, Paraguay, 2510 GM Vladimir Giorgev,Bulgaria, 2501 GM Evgueny Janev, Bulgaria, 2498 GM Azer Mirzoev, Azerbaijan, 2494 GM Andrés Rodríguez Vila, Uruguay,2493 GM Dimitry Tyomkin, Israel, 2492 GM Stefan Djuric, Yugoslavia, 2490 GM Ruslan Pogorelov, Ucrania, 2488 MI Johan Hellster, Suecia, 2481 GM Gildardo García, Colombia, 2480 GM Juan García Palermo, Argentina , 2467 MI Yuri González Vidal, Cuba, 2456 MF Yunieski Quezada Pérez, Cuba, 2438 MI Omar Almeida Quintana, Cuba,2437 MI Roberto Martin del Campo, México, 2421 GM Peter Szekely, Hungría, 2417 MI José González García, México, 2416 GM Silvino García, Cuba, 2382 MI Maikel Góngora, Cuba, 2377 MI Julian Estrada, México, 2345 MF Joaquín Díaz Díaz, Cuba, 2334 MI Peric Slavisa, Yugoslavia, 2268 WIM Tania Hernández, Cuba, 2250 MI Carlos Laravet Despaigne, Cuba
Internet coverage:
The Cup ShRGEK takes place 13th-18th January 2003 in the city of Shakhti (Rostov region, Russia).
Further information:
2003 will be the year when the Danish Chess Federation turns 100! The Esbjerg Chess Union and the renowned Danish round-robin the North Sea Cup are scheduled to play a major role in the celebrations. The gm group with 10 players will play July 4-12. After 3 category 14s back to back the organisers are hoping for a category 15 this time. Also a B-group, primarily for young Danish up and coming players, will be on offer at this Danish chess festival. 4 foreign ims will be invited, and the winner of the B-group will be invited to the gm group of the 19th NSC. Interested players should contact Brian Isaksen at
The 78th Hastings International Chess Congress will take place at the Horntye Park Sport Complex from Saturday 28th December 2002 to Sunday 5th January 2003 inclusive. The event is once again sponsored by Hastings Borough Council with additional support from several local businesses.
The Premier Tournament is a 9-round all-play-all event for ten invited players. This years line-up includes WGM Alexandra Kosteniuk (RUS), 12 year old GM Sergey Karjakin (UKR), Alexei Barsov (Uzbekistan), Pentala Harikrishna (India), Krishnan Sasikiran (India), Keith Arkell, Glenn Flear, Luke McShane, Vitaly Tsheskovsky.
The Challengers Open Tournament which attracts players from home and overseas includes Grandmasters Vladislav Borovikov (UKR), Beshukov (Rus) Milos Pavlovic (YUG) Former Yugoslav Champion, and International Masters Alexander Cherniaev(Rus) and Ed Formanek (USA)
This year a new event has been introduced, the Golden Jubilee Weekend Tournament 28th and 29th December with sections for all levels of player including Beginners. The New Year Tournament for the more casual player will take place from Monday 30th December to Friday 3 January
The 20th Hastings Weekend Congress will take place from Friday 3 Jan to Sunday 5 January with sections from Experts to Novice.
The 32nd Rilton Cup takes place 27th December 2002 - 5th January 2003 in Stockholm, Sweden. 9 Round Swiss.
Full details:
British Rapidplay Chess Championships 2002 take place 30th November-1st December 2002 at the Bradford City Football Stadium, Valley Parade Bradford
Further details:
The 20th Cairnhill International Open Chess Championship will be held from 11th to 15th December 2002 in Singapore. 7 rounds Swiss System. The Championship will be limited to a maximum of 120 entries only.
Hotel accommodation from 10th to 15th Dec 02 for limited no of GMs and IMs (only one invited player from each country). Registering will be based on a first-come-first-serve-basis.
Further details at E-mail: Kenny Chern
The Novoshakhtinsk Open takes place 6th-11th January 2003 in the city of Novoshakhtinsk (Rostov region - Russia). 1st stage of the "Cup of Don - 2003.
Official site: and specifically
Coulsdon Chess Fellowship (CCF) is intending to host a 9 round IM norm closed tournament between Saturday 15th February and Sunday 23rd February with 1 round to be held each afternoon. Any players (title or non-title) who may wish to be considered for inclusion should email Scott Freeman at
The X Anibal Chess Open takes place in Linares, 28th February - 10th March, 2003 Dates are parallel to the XX "Ciudad de Linares" International Chess Tournament. Swiss system. 10 Rounds. New FIDE time control. Hotel Aníbal - Linares.
Further details from: e-mail: fax: 34 953652204
DEADLINE: Monday, 17th Feb 2003.
There is a tournament in Novi Sad Yugoslavia January 18th-26th 2003. Novi Sad is 76 km from Belgrade or 100 km from the Hungarian border conection by train from Wien 8 hours , from Budapest 5 hours, Belgrade airport, 70 km from Ns, bus connection from all of Europe . Venue: Hotel Park 20 euro double room full board, 25 euro in single. GM tourn. 12 players - FIDE timerate, cat. 9 (4 places at the moment ) IM tourn. cat. 3 or 4 - FIDE timerate, 12 players (5 places at the moment) elo t. , 12 players - 90 min . each. 2 blitz to. during the tournament. inscription fee according organiser , depending on elo, title and which tournament. Organiser GM Drazic Sinisa mail sdrazic@eunet.yu or tel .++381\ 21 \ 450-714 or 58-922 mobil | 64 | 124-9741
The "Swiss Chess Tour 2002" will finish in Interlaken, one of the most attractive tourist towns in Switzerland.
The 2nd Casino Open December 26th-30th 2002. Swiss system, 7 rounds and the games will last a maximum of 5 hours (40 moves for 2 hours and 30 minutes till the end). Prize are: 1.500 SF, 1.200, 900, 700, 500, 400, 300, 250, 200 and 150 SF. The first time, natural prizes for all participants. Special prizes for best Lady, senior (1942), junior (1982-85), schoolboy (1986) and best local player. Entry fee 130 SF, FMs and juniors 60 SF, at the door 10 SF more, GMs and IMs free. 2nd "Chalet Oberland" Open. Players under 2000. Swiss system, 5 rounds and the games will last a maximum of 5 hours. Prizes: natural, for all participants. Entry fee: 100 SF (juniors 50 SF). At the doors +10 SF. Venue: "Casino" New event - Blitz tournament, Swiss system, 9 double rounds.
Time table for "Casino Open": December 26.: The last registration 11.00-12.15. Open ceremony and apero reception from 12.15-12.30. Round 1st 12.30-17.30. December 27. Round 2nd 9.30-14.30 Round 3rd 15.30-20.30 December 28.: Round 4th 12.30-17.30. December 29. Round 5th 9.30-14.30. Round 6th 15.30-20.30 December 30. Round 7th 9.30-14.30 Closing ceremonies 16.00.
Time table for Chalet Oberland Open: December 26 Round 1st 12.30-17.30; December 27 Round 2nd 9.30-14.30; December 28 Round 3rd 12.30-17.30; December 29 Round 4th 9.30-14.30; December 30 Round 5thh 9.30-14.30. Special chess rates in Hotel Charlet Oberland. Main sponsor RAPP company.
More information and registration: Robert Spoerri tel. +41+34+424-01-06, fax +41+34+424-01-07 E-mail or Ervin Tellenbach tel. +41+79+311-23-53 or Hotel Charlet Oberland tel. +41+33+827-87-87. Further information:
The Gausdal Troll Masters Open GM-tournament will be played in Gausdal in Norway 7th -15th January 2003. 10 rounds modified Swiss 2 hours / 40 moves and 1 hour / rest Homepage: Contact: Hans Olav Lahlum at
The 2nd Annual Lindsborg Rotary Open Chess Tournament takes place in Bethany College, Lindsborg, Kansas December 17-23 or December 20-23 2002. Anatoly Karpov will be a special guest of the tournament.
GM & IM norms are available; FIDE rating and evaluation guaranteed for 7-day option! GMS Onishuk, Shulman and Novikov are Confirmed! Ulf Andersson MAY PLAY. $3,000 guaranteed prize fund! 3 sections: FIDE: 9SS, 40/2, SD/1 (4-day option, rounds 1-5 G/50). First two rounds accelerated pairing. 1st - $1000, 2nd - $400, 3rd - $200, 4th - 150, 5th - 100 U2400: $100 - 75; U2200: $100 - 75 Open: 9SS, G/120 1st - $150 U2000: $100 - 75 - 50; U1800: $100 - 75 - 50 U1600: $100 - 75 - 50; U1400: $100 - 75 - 50 Scholastic (12/22): G/30. Trophies for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in each HS, MS, ES categories Entering fees: GMs & IMs free. Membership at Kansas Chess Association is required (dues can be paid on site). Before 11/1/02 Before 12/1/02 At site FIDE Section FIDE >2300 $70 $80 $90 FIDE, USCF >2200 $80 $90 $100 FIDE <2200 $90 $100 $110 non-FIDE rated, USCF <2200 * $120 $130 $140 Open Section $50 $55 $60 Scholastic Section $15 $20 $25 Credit cards OK. Online entry at * Number of non-FIDE rated players will be limited in this category
Schedules: FIDE Session: 7-day: 12/17-12/20 1:00 pm; 12/21 & 22 9:00 am & 5:00 pm; 12/23 9:00 am 4-day: 12/20 (G/50) 4:00 pm, 6:30 pm, 9:00 pm; 12/21 9:00 am, 1:00 pm, & 5:00 pm; 12/22 9:00 am & 5:00 pm; 12/23 9:00 am Open Sessions (G/120): 4-day: 12/20 4:00 pm; 12/21 9:00 am, 1:30 pm, 7:00 pm; 12/22 9:00 am, 1:30 pm, 7:00 pm; 12/23 9:00 am, 1:30 pm Scholastic Session (G/30): 12/22 10:00 am, 11:30 pm, 2:30 pm, 4:00 pm, 5:30 pm 1/2-pt byes OK at ALL. Limit 3. Last bye must commit before round 5. Special Event - 12/20 at 8:00 pm GM Igor Novikov will play simul games with 20 people. $20.
Hotel rates: $49 - $80 at Swedish Country Inn (1-800-231-0266), $36 - $56 at Coronado Motel (1-800-747-2793), $65 - $150 at Rosberg House B&B;(1-888-215-5234), $65 - $95 at Smoky Valley B & B (1-800-532-4407), and $60 - $120 at C&W Ranch Bed & Breakfast (785-668-2352). Reserve by 11/15 or rates may increase.
Ent: Lindsborg Chamber of Commerce (for the chess tournament), 104 E. Lincoln, Lindsborg, KS 67456. 1-888-227-2227; For more information please contact Mikhail Korenman at 785-227-3380, ext.8164 or USCF, FIDE. NS, NC.
XXVI Tenkes Cup (Lajos Ózdi Memorial) takes place in the Hotel "Platán" in Harkány, Hungary November 14-22 2002. There will be 9-round A and B Opens. GMs, IMs, and over 2400 ELO no nominetings cost. More Information Lajos Gyökös: E-mail Fax (36)-72-579-025
The Friendship chess tournament takes place 6th- 15th December 2002 in Cartak (Czech Republic). There will be events including a: round-robin GM tournament, round-robin IM tournament and an open tournament.
Further details:
Evgeny Bareev will play a match against HIARCS 8 January 28th-31st 2003.
Further details:
6th Email Afro-Asian Championship: All players from Africa and Asia are invited to take part to the 6th email Afro-Asian championship which will start in January 2003. Like the previous editions, there are two stages : The preliminaries for all participants and the final for those who will qualify. The number of sections will depend upon the number of entries. The players interested by this competition may send their application to M. Samraoui. Email address is : No entry fees is required but deadline for entries is 20.12.2002. (ICCF's website: ) Announcement: Hirokaz Onoda (ICCF delegate for Japan)
GM Patrick Wolff will play the Rest of the World starting 31st August. The time limit for the match is 5 days per move. GM Wolff is a two times United States Champion. To play in the match go to and follow the Play menu to Play the expert and from there join the world team.
There are tournaments in Benidorm, Spain November 22nd-30th 2002.
Further info: Telephones of general information during the month of August: 965202214 from 19 to 21 h.; 650407091; Sr. Hernández 950 130493 y 607631481,
The 23rd Bethune International Open takes place 26th-30th December 2002 in the Salle Olof Palme, Commercial center La Rotonde, 62400 Bethune, FRANCE. There are 7 rounds over 5 days with a time rate of 40 moves for 2hours followed by one hour KO. Accelerated pairings, possibility of getting a FIDE rating.
This year the open is divided in two tournaments :- tournament A only for players whose ELO rating is above or equals 1600 (> or =1600) - tournament B only for players whose ELO rating is strictly under 1800 (<1800) At least 5500 euros prize (8300 euros given in 2001) 1st prize tournament A : 1500 euros 1st prize tournament B : 250 euros General standing and ELO-category prizes for both tournaments Entry cost : 40 Euros (adults) 20 Euros (youngsters under 20) A Blitz tournament (5 mins for each player) will be organised on Saturday 28th December from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm (free morning) in the tournament room. All the players can take part in it (entry cost 5euros). Prizes : 100 % of the entry. (for information 1 $ (US dollar) = 1.05 Euros)
Website : http://bethunechess.freefr
Contact e-mail:
The 1st Benidorm Internatonal is an open taking place 21st-30th November 2002.
Further details:
The Australian Open Chess Championships is to be held 2nd-10th January 2003. The Championships are jointly organised by The New South Wales Chess Association Inc. and Australian Chess Enterprises on behalf of the Australian Chess Federation Inc.
Further information:
Regular competition for players in New York Rated 2200 and above.
Further details:
The Hawaii International Chess Festival has been postponed until 2003. It will have the first World Families Chess Championships. Pro (2000+), Mixed, and Amateur (all players under 2000). Prizes for all sorts of combinations of family members. Information: