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Contact The Week in Chess Mark Crowther E-Mail Tel or fax 01274 882143 [Bradford England] Mobile 07866 484824 Contents 1) Introduction |
Contact the London Chess Center Contact the London Chess Center email: Call 1-561-714-0828 in the USA or Canada Call +44 (0) 207 388 2404 or Fax +44 (0) 207 388 2407 in the UK and ROW Great New Software: Order from: Join Chess Express and receive all the latest chess news straight into your inbox. Simply click here to start receiving chess express Can You Be a Positional Genius? Dunnington £14.99/ $19.95 With a carefully assembled selection of positional chess puzzles designed to test players of all abilities, this book is sure to provide hours of brain-teasing enjoyment. If you do get stuck, you can ask a grandmaster, who will give you the guidance to help you solve the puzzle. The Grunfeld Defence Nigel Davies £14.99/ $19.95 Former World Champion Bobby Fischer and current world number one Garry Kasparov head a long list of Grandmasters who have utilised this opening with success. Nigel Davies, an experienced teacher and talented GM, explains the key ideas and tactics for both White and Black. Endgame Challenge John Nunn Gambit £17.99/$24.95 John Nunn presents 250 challenging positions where your task is to find a cunning way to win or draw. In many cases the odds against success seem overwhelming, yet by using all the tactical resources in the position it is possible to achieve the goal. Scandinavian Curt Hansen £19.95/$29.95 More than 30 games are extensively annotated by the author (there are all in all about 500 annotated games) There are 12 games in the training mode; 316 questions are posed, and answering them you can reach a maximum number of 924 points. Nimzo Indian 4.f3 and Sämisch variation Vadim Milov £17.95 / $27 The variations 4.f3 and the Sämisch, which are presented on this CD, are ideally suited to fight the Nimzo-Indian. They usually give rise to sharp, unbalanced positions with chances for both sides. Milov presents the most important ideas and lines of this opening. Ten introductory texts with links to the most important games explain the basic ideas and variations. Numerous proposals improve today's theory while 68 games annotated by Milov offer additional information and advice. A training database invites you to test your acquired knowledge. How to Play the Nimzo Indian (CD ROM) Reinhold Ripperger £14.99/$19.99 The opening arising after the moves 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 carries the name of Nimzowitsch, who played some wonderful games with it. Includes 21 introductory texts, 300 games many with annotations. The author presents a database with 35 games featuring training questions. as well as two additional databases with more than 47,000 games. The Slav Defence (CD ROM) Dorian Rogozenko £17.95/ $27 The Slav has had a reputation as being one of the most solid replies to 1 d4. Containing 32,000 games and 86 database texts, Rogozenko introduces all of the main variations, explaining and identifying recurring strategy and tactical motifs. How I Became Grandmaster at Age 14 Alexandra Kosteniuk £15.95/$22 At the age of 17, Alexandra Kosteniuk can already boast a very impressive list of chess achievements. She has won two European and Three World Girl's Championship titles, became a GM at the age of 14, and was the recent finalist in the FIDE World Championship for women. 'How I Became Grandmaster...' is the story of Alexandra's rise in the chess world. Encyclopedia of Chess Openings Vol. B - New Edition £24.95/ $36 The fourth expanded edition of the Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings, Volume B, brings additional 128 pages of the brand new material: all Black's responses against 1. e4 except 1 e6 and 1 e5: Sicilian, Caro-Kann, Pirc, Modern, Alekhine, Scandinavian and all other Black's rare opening choices against the bold advance of White's king's pawn. New Books: Order from: |
Games section
Cap d'Agde 5th Chess Festival 56 games Match of 3 Generations 26 games Bundesliga 2002-3 136 games Before the Thunder Storm 34 games World Team vs. Nick de Firmian 1 game 12th World Seniors 30 games 7th Governor's Cup 8 games Belgian Interteams 88 games Austrian Teams Gp B Mitte 108 games 497 games
My thanks to Alexander Baburin, Sinisa Drazic, Steve Laios, Leonid Gofshtein, Thomas Leckner, Laszlo Nagy, Vladimir Dvorkovich, Ilya Manakov, Tom Hendricks, John Donaldson, Gérard Demuydt, Dagobert Kohlmeyer, Harald Grafenhofer, Scott Freeman and everyone else who helped with the issue.
The Olympiad used to be one of my favourite events. All the top players present in a global festival of chess. It still is a fantastic event but one or two things have soured it for me. Firstly not all the top players are there. Its unfortunate and perhaps it is because of budget restraints of some countries but nevertheless its a bit sad. It is nice to see the return of Garry Kasparov to the Olympiad and he's started with 2/2.
Secondly the level of internet coverage is frustrating in the extreme. The same mistakes are made year in year out. The official website was nice until the event started when it was almost overwhelmed by the traffic (perhaps they should have an E-Mail service with updates every half an hour to reduce the traffic). This happens in every top event but its not a lesson that has been learned. Secondly when you did connect there were no games (for the first two rounds) and not even a report of the results until the following morning. Live coverage not working in the early rounds has been a problem in the last few Olympiads. I simply don't understand why there isn't a big staff in the bulletin office reporting the results and typing in the games not covered by electronic boards for the following day. Arbiters are regarded as essential for the Olympiad, a staff for the press room should be regarded as an equal priority. No-one is saying covering an Olympiad is easy, its not, but getting enough staff together to do the job is surely not too much to ask. All that said, now that the live coverage has started I'm looking forward to some great stories and great chess.
Hope you enjoy this issue.
The 35th Chess Olympiad Bled takes place 25th October - 11th November 2002 and the 73rd FIDE Congress, 1st-11th November 2002. The first two rounds have taken place but unfortunately virtually no games have been made available. Games from 3rd round are being broadcast on the internet as I write. After the first couple of rounds but the favourites Russia have got off to a good start with two 3.5-0.5 wins. They play India in round 3. I have round by round results on the front page and will have games when they come through.
Round 2 Men's Standings: 1-3. Cuba, Bulgaria, India 7.5 4-13. Russia, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Croatia, Romania, FYR Macedonia, Greece, Georgia and Kazakhstan 7.0
Official Site
The Cap d'Agde 5th Chess Festival takes place 23rd-30th of October 2002. The CCAS Trophy has players from the five continents (Africa, Asia, America, Oceania and Europe).
Internet coverage: and
The Rapid event had a prelimanary group stage with two groups. Top 4 from each group go through to the next round.
Quarter Finals Day 1 27th October 2002
Bareev, Evgeny g 2737 - Gurevich, Mikhail g 2634 3-1
Vladislav g 2632 - Fressinet, Laurent g 2619 2.5-1.5
Both after
Quarter Finals Day 2 28th October 2002
Karpov, Anatoly g 2688 - Dreev, Alexey g 2673 2-0
Fernandez, Ivan g 2549 - Gelfand, Boris g 2704
Gp A Cap d'Agde FRA (FRA), 24-27 x 2002 cat. XVI (2631) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Bareev, Evgeny g RUS 2737 * 0 = 1 1 1 1 = 5.0 2773 2 Tkachiev, Vladislav g FRA 2632 1 * = = = 1 = = 4.5 2732 3 Karpov, Anatoly g RUS 2688 = = * = = 0 1 1 4.0 2672 4 Morovic Fernandez, Ivan g CHI 2549 0 = = * = = 1 1 4.0 2692 5 Adianto, Utut g INA 2562 0 = = = * = 1 = 3.5 2640 6 Lautier, Joel g FRA 2665 0 0 1 = = * 0 = 2.5 2523 7 Hamdouchi, Hichem g MAR 2593 0 = 0 0 0 1 * 1 2.5 2534 8 Milov, Vadim g SUI 2620 = = 0 0 = = 0 * 2.0 2474 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Gp B Cap d'Agde FRA (FRA), 24-27 x 2002 cat. XVI (2631) -------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Gelfand, Boris g ISR 2704 * = = 1 1 = = 1 5.0 2778 2 Dreev, Alexey g RUS 2673 = * = 0 = 1 1 1 4.5 2726 3 Fressinet, Laurent g FRA 2619 = = * = = = = 1 4.0 2682 4 Gurevich, Mikhail g BEL 2634 0 1 = * = 0 1 1 4.0 2680 5 Onischuk, Alexander g USA 2649 0 = = = * 1 = = 3.5 2628 6 Pelletier, Yannick g SUI 2587 = 0 = 1 0 * 0 1 3.0 2587 7 Nataf, Igor-Alexandre g FRA 2553 = 0 = 0 = 1 * 0 2.5 2539 8 Bologan, Viktor g MDA 2627 0 0 0 0 = 0 1 * 1.5 2401 --------------------------------------------------------------
Alexander Baburin and Jon Speelman have written an open letter on the contentious issue of drugs testing to FIDE. Signatures are being added all the time.
Initial letter published at: Any GM, IM, chess journalist and author is welcome to join the letter - it is not limited to GMs only. If you wish to add your name to the letter you should E-Mail Alexander Baburin at:
Dear Mr President,
We, international chess players, including participants in the forthcoming Olympiad in Bled, are deeply concerned about the FIDE position regarding Drug Testing.
We understand that players participating in the Bled Chess Olympiad will be requested to sign a contract, which will imply a potential fine of up to no less than $100,000, should one test positive, even for a first offence!
The list of banned substances is very long and most teams do not have a medical expert travelling with them. Thus, a player may be forced to sign a complicated contract, without proper understanding of it and so assent to a potentially ruinous fine.
We also note that according to the regulations "Participants (subject to drug testing) means any competitor, trainer, official, medical or para-medical personnel working with or treating competitors ...". This appears to suggest that arbiters, team captains and many of those at the FIDE Congress itself are subject to the same noxious regulations, under which somebody could in theory be fined up to $100,000 for the (perfectly legal) offence of drinking too much coffee, tea and Coca Cola!
These regulations were presumably drawn up to be applied to athletes who can make tens of thousands of dollars by winning a single race. In contrast, the majority of players at the Chess Olympiad are not paid at all and may even have to pay their own way. Even top chess professionals will receive a fee of only a small fraction of the $100,000, mentioned in Chapter II of the FIDE drugs code, as a potential maximum fine.
We understand that FIDE is making great efforts to get into the Olympic Games, but note recent IOC statements, that these are to be slimmed down with some events axed rather than new ones accepted. Presumably this means that acceptance is currently very unlikely?
We understand that as a result of FIDE's affiliation to the IOC, it is obliged to implement a drug code: even though in the case of chess there has never been proof of any substance improving performance.
However, the code, which FIDE has introduced, is based on an IOC document of 1999, while there have been further developments with the IOC endorsing testing by WADA (the World Anti-Doping Agency). WADA is in the process of introducing its own draft standard anti-doping document which is to be ratified early next year. There are enormous differences between the FIDE document and the new WADA draft, which sets out a gradated response to testing positive in the WADA document the maximum penalty for a first offence would be six months suspension no fines are mentioned anywhere.
While we are of course condemn drug-taking in any sport, we note that from past experience there are bound to be competitors who make mistakes. And under the present regulations they could in theory be subjected to almost limitless penalties. Indeed, we note that as a result of worries over these regulations, a number of prominent chess players have even decided not to compete in Bled.
We therefore urge you, Mr President, to suspend drug testing until FIDE has signed up to the new WADA document.
At the very least, we request you to undertake that in the interim in the unfortunate event of a positive test, these potentially ruinous fines will not be levied. And to submit for the approval of the FIDE General Assembly in Bled a new document consonant with the more reasonable WADA draft code.
We also hope that in the future FIDE will undertake more consultation on this and other important matters with professional chess players, for the benefit of chess in general.
GM Alexander Baburin (Ireland)
GM Jonathan Speelman (England)
Additional signatures: GM Harry Schüssler (Sweden)
GM Jonathan
Rowson (Scotland)
IM Mark Heidenfeld (Ireland)
GM Jonathan Tisdall
Paul Hodges, Editor of SmartChess Online (USA)
IM John
Donaldson (USA)
GM Dmitry Gurevich (USA)
GM Friso Nijboer
GM Bartlomiej Macieja (Poland).
GM Igor Khenkin
GM Loek van Wely (Netherlands)
Paul Hoffman (USA, a
journalist who has written on chess for New Yorker and Time Magazine)
Evgeny Gleizerov (Russia)
GM Yuri Shulman (Byelorussia)
GM Nick de
Firmian (USA)
GM Ivan Sokolov (Netherlands)
GM Valeri Beim (Israel)
Hans Jørgen Lassen (Denmark, chess editor of Weekendavisen)
Iossif Dorfman (France)
GM Lev Psakhis (Israel)
IM Richard Forster
IM Richard Palliser (England)
GM Jonathan Levitt
GM Heikki Kallio (Finland)
GM Jonny Hector (Sweden)
Miguel Illescas (Spain)
GM Tiger Hillarp-Persson (Sweden)
GM Dorian
Rogozenko (Romania)
GM John Nunn (England)
IM Craig Pritchett
(Scotland, chess correspondent for The Herald)
GM John Emms (England)
IM Mark Quinn (Ireland)
GM Joel Lautier (France)
WGM Almira Skripchenko
IM Tapani Sammalvuo (Finland)
GM Christian Bauer (France)
GM Nigel Short (England)
GM Lars Schandorff (Denmark)
GM Luke McShane
IM Leonid Kernazhitsky (Ukraine)
IM Jean Luc Chabanon (France)
IM Vasily Gagarin (Russia)
IM Joose Norri (Finland)
IM Jens
Kristiansen (Denmark)
IM Wolfram Schön (Germany)
John Henderson,
chess correspondent (The Scotsman)
IM Mihail Viorel Ghinda (Romania)
Sipke Ernst
GM Mikhail Golubev (Ukraine)
GM Christopher Lutz (Germany)
GM William Lombardy (USA)
GM Boris Gelfand (Israel) IM,
Anthony Saidy (USA)
IM Michael Rahal (England)
GM Larry Evans (USA)
Larry Parr (former editor of Chess Life, USA)
CGM and Chess journalist
Jonathan Berry (USA)
IM Sinisa Joksic (journalist, Yugoslavia)
Mühlhauser (Germany, webmaster of
The Match of 3 Generations took place in Moscow 22nd-23rd October 2002. The match was between teams from Moscow and St. Petersburg. Players included Svilder, Morozevich and Grischuk. The team event finished 15-15 (Both days finished 8.5-6.5 with St Petersburg winning day 1 and Moscow day 2).
Internet site:
Saint-Petersburg Moscow Petr Svidler ½,1 Alexander Morozevich ½,0 Konstantin Sakaev ½,½ Aleksander Grischuk ½,½ Sergey Ivanov ½,½ Vadim Zvjaginsev ½,½ Evgeny Alekseev (16) ½,½ Boris Grachev (16) ½,½ Polina Malysheva (16) 1,1 Valerija Antonenko (16) 0,0 Aleksey Lanin (14) 1,1 Egor Krivoborodov (14) 0,0 Ekaterina Egorova (14) ½,½ Svetlana Vasilkova (14) ½,½ Maxim Matlakov (12) ½,0 Evgeny Perman (12) ½,1 Alexandra Levshakova (12) ½,0 Daria Charochkina (12) ½,1 Alexander Shimanov (10) 0,½ Eduard Babushkin (10) 1,½ Anastasia Bodnaruk (10) 1,1 Varvara Repina (10) 0,0 Ilya Markevich (8) 1,0 Armen Badalian (8) 0,1 Dina Bazhenova (8) 0,0 Daria Pustovoitova (8) 1,1 Vladislav Vladyko (6) 0,0 Dmitry Gordievsky (6) 1,1 Kristina Kolesnikova (6) 1,0 Margarita Ovcharenko (6) 0,1 (ages given brackets)
The Bundesliga season started over the weekend of 19th-20th October 2002. Luebeck started where they have left off the last two seasons with a 2 wins from 2 start and they top the league. All games are available including the 7-1 victory of TV Tegernsee over SK Forchheim which was a round 7 match played early.
Internet coverage: and
1. Bundesliga 2002/2003 19th-20th October 2002 Round 1 - 19.10.2002 SC Baden Oos - Solinger SG 3,5-4,5 Stuttgarter Sfr - SV Wattenscheid 2,5-5,5 Turm Emsdetten - SG Koeln Porz 3,0-5,0 SV Werder Bremen - Godesberger SK 6,0-2,0 SK Forchheim - Luebecker SV 1,5-6,5 TV Tegernsee - Hamburger SK 4,0-4,0 Erfurter SK - SC Kreuzberg 3,5-4,5 SK Koenig Plauen - SFR Neukoelln 5,0-3,0 Round 2 - 20.10.2002 Solinger SG - Stuttgarter Sfr 4,5-3,5 SV Wattenscheid - SC Baden Oos 3,0-5,0 SG Koeln Porz - SV Werder Bremen 5,5-2,5 Godesberger SK - Turm Emsdetten 3,5-4,5 Luebecker SV - TV Tegernsee 5,5-2,5 Hamburger SK - SK Forchheim 6,0-2,0 SC Kreuzberg - SK Koenig Plauen 5,5-2,5 SFR Neukoelln - Erfurter SK 6,0-2,0 Round 1 Venue: Baden Baden SC Baden Oos Solinger SG 3.5-4.5 2 Svidler - Nikolic 1 1/2 3 Krasenkow - Piket 2 1/2 4 Dautov - Jussupow 4 1/2 5 Huebner - Sadler 5 1/2 6 Doettling - Emms 6 1/2 7 Schenk - Naumann 7 1/2 8 Schlosser - Sandipan 8 0:1 9 Schmaltz - Hoffmann 12 1/2 Stuttgarter Sfr - SV Wattenscheid 2.5-5.5 2 Gabriel - Macieja 1 0:1 3 Buhmann - Rustemov 3 0:1 5 Jenni - Johannessen 5 0:1 6 Schmittdiel - Appel 6 1/2 7 Zeller - Handke 7 1/2 8 Duppel - Holzke 9 1:0 9 Bunzmann - Dinstuhl 10 0:1 14 Schmid - Straeter 12 1/2 Venue: Bremen Turm Emsdetten - SG Koeln Porz 3-5 3 Nielsen - Sokolov 4 1/2 4 Tiviakov - Andersson 5 1/2 5 Berelovich - Vaganian 6 1:0 7 Pedersen,N - Gurevich 7 0:1 8 Olsen - Hansen 9 0:1 10 Zumsande - Graf 10 1:0 11 Richter - Van den Doel 11 0:1 14 Pedersen,D - Kengis 12 0:1 SV Werder Bremen - Godesberger SK 6-2 1 Hracek - Breder 1 1:0 2 Babula - Sprenger 2 1/2 3 Schandorff - Langheinrich 3 1/2 5 Pelletier - Seger 4 1:0 6 Gallagher - Jackelen 5 1:0 8 Joachim - Heinbuch 6 1:0 10 Meins - Schmidt 7 1/2 11 Heissler - Upleger 8 1/2 Venue: Forchheim SK Forchheim - Luebecker SV 1.5-6.5 1 Prusikin - Adams 1 0:1 2 Jansa - Fressinet 6 0:1 3 Jirovsky - Speelman 7 1/2 4 Heidrich - Hodgson 8 0:1 5 Bartsch - Nunn 9 0:1 6 Zwanzger - Conquest 11 0:1 7 Niedermaier - Hector 12 1:0 8 Doeres - DeFirmian 13 0:1 TV Tegernsee - Hamburger SK 4-4 1 Khenkin - Ftacnik 2 0:1 2 Sokolov - Kempinski 3 1/2 3 Ribli - Gustafsson 4 1:0 6 Boensch - Berg 5 1:0 7 Teske - Hansen 6 1/2 8 Hertneck - Wahls 7 1/2 9 Stangl - Mueller 8 0:1 10 Kachiani-Ger - Bezold 9 1/2 Venue: Erfurt Erfurter SK - SC Kreuzberg 3.5-4.5 1 Luther - Almasi 1 1/2 2 Haba - Socko 3 0:1 4 Votava - Tischbierek 4 0:1 6 Casper - Lau 5 1/2 7 Paehtz,T - Maiwald 6 1/2 8 Mueller - Kalinitschew 7 1/2 9 Enders - Volke 8 1:0 15 Paehtz,E - Muse 9 1/2 SK Koenig Plauen - SFR Neukoelln 5-3 2 Bischoff - Rogozenko 2 1/2 3 Markowski - Slobodjan 3 1:0 4 Kindermann - Stohl 4 1:0 5 Gdanski - Brynell 5 1:0 6 Espig - Berndt 6 0:1 7 Brendel - Polzin 7 1/2 9 Dirr - Borriss 8 0:1 10 Sandner - Poldauf 9 1:0 Round 2 Venue: Baden-Baden Solinger SG - Stuttgarter Sfr 4.5-3.5 1 Nikolic - Buhmann 3 1/2 2 Piket - Golubev 4 0:1 4 Jussupow - Jenni 5 1/2 5 Sadler - Schmittdiel 6 1:0 6 Emms - Zeller 7 1:0 7 Naumann - Duppel 8 1/2 8 Sandipan - Bunzmann 9 0:1 12 Hoffmann - Schmid 14 1:0 SV Wattenscheid - SC Baden Oos 3-5 1 Macieja - Svidler 2 0:1 3 Rustemov - Krasenkow 3 1/2 5 Johannessen - Dautov 4 0:1 6 Appel - Huebner 5 1/2 7 Handke - Doettling 6 1:0 9 Holzke - Schenk 7 1:0 10 Dinstuhl - Schlosser 8 0:1 12 Straeter - Schmaltz 9 0:1 Venue: Bremen SG Koeln Porz - SV Werder Bremen 5.5-2.5 4 Sokolov - Hracek 1 1/2 5 Andersson - Babula 2 1/2 6 Vaganian - Schandorff 3 1:0 7 Gurevich - Pelletier 5 1:0 9 Hansen - Gallagher 6 1/2 10 Graf - Joachim 8 1:0 11 Van den Doel - Meins 10 1/2 12 Kengis - Heissler 11 1/2 Godesberger SK - Turm Emsdetten 3.5-4.5 1 Breder - Nielsen 3 1/2 2 Sprenger - Tiviakov 4 1/2 3 Langheinrich - Berelovich 5 0:1 4 Seger - Pedersen,N 7 0:1 5 Jackelen - Olsen 8 1:0 6 Heinbuch - Zumsande 10 1/2 7 Schmidt - Richter 11 1/2 8 Upleger - Pedersen,D 14 1/2 Venue: Forchheim Luebecker SV - TV Tegernsee 5.5-2.5 1 Adams - Khenkin 1 1:0 6 Fressinet - Sokolov 2 1:0 7 Speelman - Ribli 3 1/2 8 Hodgson - Boensch 6 1/2 9 Nunn - Teske 7 1/2 11 Conquest - Hertneck 8 1/2 12 Hector - Stangl 9 1/2 13 DeFirmian - Kachiani-Ger 10 1:0 Hamburger SK - SK Forchheim 6-2 2 Ftacnik - Prusikin 1 0:1 3 Kempinski - Jansa 2 1:0 4 Gustafsson - Jirovsky 3 1/2 5 Berg - Heidrich 4 1:0 6 Hansen - Bartsch 5 1:0 7 Wahls - Zwanzger 6 1:0 8 Mueller - Niedermaier 7 1:0 9 Bezold - Doeres 8 1/2 Venue: Erfurt SC Kreuzberg - SK Koenig Plauen 5.5-2.5 1 Almasi - Bischoff 2 1/2 3 Socko - Markowski 3 0:1 4 Tischbierek - Kindermann 4 1:0 5 Lau - Gdanski 5 1:0 6 Maiwald - Espig 6 1:0 7 Kalinitschew - Brendel 7 1/2 8 Volke - Dirr 9 1/2 9 Muse - Sandner 10 1:0 SFR Neukoelln - Erfurter SK 6-2 2 Rogozenko - Luther 1 1/2 3 Slobodjan - Haba 2 1/2 4 Stohl - Votava 4 1/2 5 Brynell - Casper 6 1/2 7 Polzin - Paehtz,T 7 1:0 8 Borriss - Mueller 8 1:0 9 Poldauf - Enders 9 1:0 11 Thiede - Paehtz,E 15 1:0 Round 2 Standings: 1. Lübecker SV 2 12 : 4 4- 0 2. SG Köln Porz 2 10½: 5½ 4- 0 3. SC Kreuzberg 2 10 : 6 4- 0 4. Solinger SG 2 9 : 7 4- 0 5. Hamburger SK 2 10 : 6 3- 1 6. SFR Neukölln 2 9 : 7 2- 2 7. SV Wattenscheid 2 8½: 7½ 2- 2 8. SC Baden Oos 2 8½: 7½ 2- 2 9. SV Werder Bremen 2 8½: 7½ 2- 2 10. Turm Emsdetten 2 7½: 8½ 2- 2 11. SK König Plauen 2 7½: 8½ 2- 2 12. TV Tegernsee 2 6½: 9½ 1- 3 13. Stuttgarter Sfr 2 6 :10 0- 4 14. Erfurter SK 2 5½:10½ 0- 4 15. Godesberger SK 2 5½:10½ 0- 4 16. SK Forchheim 2 3½:12½ 0- 4
The Before the Thunder Storm tournament takes place 20th-30th October 2002 in Tel Aviv Israel. My thanks to Leonid Gofshtein.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before Thunder Storm Tel Aviv ISR (ISR), 20-30 x 2002 cat. II (2279) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Bykhovsky, Avigdor g RUS 2481 * . = 1 . 1 = 1 1 . . . 5.0 2537 2. Tseitlin, Mark D g ISR 2472 . * = = 1 . . . . 1 1 1 5.0 2522 3. Kudischewitsch, David RUS 2384 = = * . . 1 = 1 1 . . . 4.5 2501 4. Chernomordik, Pavel ISR 2305 0 = . * . . . 1 = . 1 = 3.5 2340 5. Kantarji, Pinchas ISR 2304 . 0 . . * = 1 . . . 1 = 3.0 2336 6. Shutzman, Joseph USA 2187 0 . 0 . = * . . = 1 1 . 3.0 2296 7. Drozdov, Alexandre f RUS 2314 = . = . 0 . * . . 0 . 1 2.0 2219 8. Kaplan, Sasha ISR 2152 0 . 0 0 . . . * 1 1 . . 2.0 2241 9. Kharnak, Dmitri ISR 2243 0 . 0 = . = . 0 * 1 . . 2.0 2151 10. Gutzeit, Avraham ISR 2152 . 0 . . . 0 1 0 0 * . 1 2.0 2125 11. Gershkowich, David ISR 2216 . 0 . 0 0 0 . . . . * 1 1.0 2040 12. Caspi, Israel ISR 2135 . 0 . = = . 0 . . 0 0 * 1.0 2020 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tom Hendricks reports: The correspondence Internet game between GM Nick de Firmian and the World Team has ended in a win for the World Team. The game, which began March 11th, ended with GM de Firmians resignation after move 52. The World Team, which consists of players from many different countries around the World, has previously drawn and won a two game match against Chinese IM Yin Hao. The win was published in Tim Harding's 64 Great Chess Games. (Many of the World Team players first came together during the Kasparov vs World game.) GM de Firmian, playing with the white pieces, struggled to keep a basic equality in a Sicilian Defense, Scheveningen variation, and was forced to resign a complicated but lost opposite-colored bishop endgame.
Each side was given a maximum of three days per move and the World Team conducted its strategy discussions and move voting decisions on a moderated board located at:
Anyone interested in joining the World Team (all playing levels accepted) can simply visit the site for more information. GMs and IMs who might be interested in future games with the World Team can send an email expressing their interest to
The 12th World Open Senior Championships are taking place in Naumburg, Germany 21st October - 2nd November 2002. Vladimir Karasev, Jusefs Petkevich, Stanko Kosanski, Wolfgang Unzicker and Boris Khanukov lead with 4.5/5. My thanks to Dagobert Kohlmeyer for the information.
Internet site:
John Donaldson reports: Sergey Kudrin won the 7th Governor's Cup Chess Tournament held October 11-13 in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. The 43-year-old Grandmaster from Morristown, New Jersey, scored 4 1/2 from 5 to take home the first prize of $1200. GMs Alex Wojtkiewicz, Pavel Blatny, Yury Shulman and Marcin Kaminski plus NM Brian Wall tied for second at 4-1, each earning $580. The three section event, organized by David and De Knudsen and directed by Phil Smith, attracted 149 players with another 94 playing in a concurrent scholastic tournament. A few games are now available.
Further details:
John Donaldson reports that the 20th Western States Open took place October 18th-21st at the Sands Regency Hotel and Casino in Reno, Nevada. 380 players competed in the different sections.
1. GM Igor Novikov 5-1 2- 8. GM Ildar Ibragimov, GM Alex Wojtkiewicz, GM Gregory Serper, IM Hikaru Nakamura, IM Enrico Sevillano, IM Melikset Khachiyan, and IM Ricardo DeGuzman 4 ½ - 1 ½ 9-16. GM Sergey Kudrin, GM Alexander Stripunsky, GM Walter Browne, GM Alexander Ivanov, IM Nikolay Andrianov, IM Jesse Kraai, FM Vladimir Strugatsky, and FM Dmitri Zilberstein 4-2
Steve Laios reports that the Belgian Teams 2002-2003 season has started. The competition started October 6th with 12 teams (8 players) and 11 rounds. New team Eynatten got off to a good start.
Results Round 1 : 06.oct.2002 1.KGSRL 1 - KGSRL 2 5.0 - 3.0 2.Heynatten 1 - KBSK 1 6.5 - 1.5 3.Rochade 1 - Jean Jaurès1 5.5 - 2.5 4.Liège 1 - Hoboken 1 5.0 - 3.0 5.Eupen 1 - Leuven 1 3.0 - 5.0 6.Charleroi 1 - Temse 1 2.5 - 5.5 * * missing games Round 2 : 20.oct.2002 1.Leuven 1 - KBSK 1 2.5 - 5.5 2.KGSRL 2 - Eynatten 1 1.0 - 7.0 3.Jean Jaurès 1 - KGSRL 1 4.0 - 4.0 4.Hoboken 1 - Rochade 1 2.5 - 5.5 5.Temse 1 - Liège 1 2.5 - 5.5 6.Eupen 1 - Charleroi 1 4.0 - 4.0 Standings after Round 2 Teams pts m.p 1. Eynatten 1 13.5 2 2. Rochade 1 11.0 2 3. Liège 1 10.5 2 4. Gent 1 (KGSRL1) 9.0 1.5 5. Temse 1 8.0 1 6. Leuven 1 7.5 1 7. Brugge 1 (KBSK) 7.0 1 8. Eupen 1 7.0 0.5 9. Charleroi 1 6.5 0.5 9. Jean Jaurès 1 6.5 0.5 11. Hoboken 1 5.5 0 12. Gent 2 (KGSRL2) 4.0 0
The Austrian Team Championships Group B Mitte section took place in Ansfelden, Klagenfurt and Leoben 11th-13th October 2002. Games available. My thanks to Harald Grafenhofer.
Further information: and
Report by Scott Freeman (slightly edited) The British Chess Federation's match against China was played out in the Grand arena of a "real Tennis" centre at the Middlesex University in Hendon. The Chinese team were strong; certainly favourites for this 2nd challenge match of its type between the 2 nations. Their top 11 boards all came from the top 50 list of Chinese players based on current FIDE ratings.
The BCF team was maybe not as strong as team captain Gerry Walsh had hoped, but still fielded 4 GM's and 3 IM's. Despite this, sitting down for the first round, the Chinese still outrated the home team by an average rating of 170 points. Leaving aside the visitors' board 12 who was unrated, the average rating of the Chinese team was 2512, not so far below the rating of the BCF's strongest player.
Twenty-five minutes each with Fischer timings of 10 seconds per move added was the time control. The BCF immediately needed to put their two substitutes in for the first game as one player was running late and another couldn't make it. Not surprisingly, perhaps, the Chinese opened up a first round lead, with their only defeats coming on boards 10 and 12. The first round score was 8½-3½. Round 2 saw something of recovery by the BCF team, although China were still able to extend their lead. The margin of victory was 7-5, given the visiting team a 15½-8½ lead at the half-way point of the event. The following evening saw a drop to 10 boards. The BCF juggled their board order a little to allow different opponents for the Chinese who maintained the same line up and board order. It was also the evening where the local Chinese community turned out in force to greet Women's World Champion Zhu Chen.
Round 3 also saw a 7½-2½ victory for the Chinese. There was only one defeat for the visitors in round 3 and that came through a great result for Alexander Cherniaev on top board, who beat Xu Jun. The final round saw a 7-3 victory for the Chinese. Final result 30-14 in favour of China.
FM Ni Hua was the only player to win all 4 games. Others were close including WGM Zhu Chen with 3½. The best score on the BCF team was Alexander Cherniaev, who scored 3 out of 4, with 2 wins and 2 draws in his matches.
Games will probably follow next week.
Results Round 1 21st October 2002 1 GM Xu Jun 2654 1-0 2537 GM Mark Hebden 2 GM Zhang Zhong 2639 ½-½ 2537 GM Chris Ward 3 GM Bu Xiangzhi 2601 1-0 2090 J Ezra Lutton 4 FM Ni Hua 2536 1-0 2495 GM Jonathan Mestel 5 IM Li Wenliang 2506 ½-½ 2506 IM Alexander Cherniaev 6 IM Wang Rui 2503 1-0 2412 GM Jonathan Levitt 7 FM Zhang Weida 2481 ½-½ 2395 IM Andrew Ledger 8 GM / WGM Zhu Chen 2505 1-0 2086 E Josiah Lutton 9 WGM Wang Pin 2482 1-0 2346 FM Jonathan Rogers 10 WGM Zhao Xue 2357 0-1 2274 FM Gary Kenworthy 11 IM Lin Ta 2368 1-0 2269 Thirmurugan Thiruchelvam 12 Lin Feng U 0-1 2160 Li Wu Round 2 22nd October 2002 1 GM Xu Jun 2654 ½-½ 2537 GM Mark Hebden 2 GM Zhang Zhong 2639 1-0 2537 GM Chris Ward 3 GM Bu Xiangzhi 2601 ½-½ 2451 IM Brian Kelly 4 FM Ni Hua 2536 1-0 2495 GM Jonathan Mestel 5 IM Li Wenliang 2506 0-1 2506 IM Alexander Cherniaev 6 IM Wang Rui 2503 ½-½ 2412 GM Jonathan Levitt 7 FM Zhang Weida 2481 0-1 2395 IM Andrew Ledger 8 GM / WGM Zhu Chen 2505 1-0 2086 E Josiah Lutton 9 WGM Wang Pin 2482 ½-½ 2346 FM Jonathan Rogers 10 WGM Zhao Xue 2357 0-1 2274 FM Gary Kenworthy 11 IM Lin Ta 2368 1-0 2269 Thirmurugan Thiruchelvam 12 Lin Feng U 0-1 2160 Li Wu Round 3 23rd October 2002 1 GM Xu Jun 2654 0-1 2506 IM Alexander Cherniaev 2 GM Zhang Zhong 2639 ½-½ 2537 GM Mark Hebden 3 GM Bu Xiangzhi 2601 ½-½ 2495 GM Jonathan Mestel 4 FM Ni Hua 2536 1-0 2451 IM Brian Kelly 5 IM Li Wenliang 2506 1-0 2412 GM Jonathan Levitt 6 IM Wang Rui 2503 ½-½ 2395 IM Andrew Ledger 7 FM Zhang Weida 2481 1-0 2346 FM Jonathan Rogers 8 GM / WGM Zhu Chen 2505 1-0 2274 FM Gary Kenworthy 9 WGM Wang Pin 2482 1-0 2269 Thirmurugan Thiruchelvam 10 WGM Zhao Xue 2357 1-0 2160 Li Wu Round 4 24th October 1 GM Xu Jun 2654 ½-½ 2506 IM Alexander Cherniaev 2 GM Zhang Zhong 2639 1-0 2537 GM Mark Hebden 3 GM Bu Xiangzhi 2601 1-0 2495 GM Jonathan Mestel 4 FM Ni Hua 2536 1-0 2451 IM Brian Kelly 5 IM Li Wenliang 2506 ½-½ 2412 GM Jonathan Levitt 6 IM Wang Rui 2503 ½-½ 2395 IM Andrew Ledger 7 FM Zhang Weida 2481 ½-½ 2346 FM Jonathan Rogers 8 GM / WGM Zhu Chen 2505 ½-½ 2274 FM Gary Kenworthy 9 WGM Wang Pin 2482 ½-½ 2269 Thirmurugan Thiruchelvam 10 WGM Zhao Xue 2357 1-0 2160 Li Wu
The Professional World Chess Ranking for players rated 2500 and higher for November 1st 2002 has been released (a little early). Produced by Ken Thomson, New Jersey and calculated by Vladimir Dvorkovich, Moscow.
1.Kasparov,Garry 13.04.1963 RUS 2795 117 2.Kramnik,Vladimir 25.06.1975 RUS 2789 124 3.Topalov,Veselin 15.03.1975 BUL 2712 171 4.Ponomariov,Ruslan 11.10.1983 UKR 2709 154 5.Leko,Peter 08.09.1979 HUN 2696 170 6.Anand,Viswanathan 11.12.1969 IND 2694 162 7.Bareev,Evgeny 21.11.1966 RUS 2685 182 8.Shirov,Alexei 04.07.1972 ESP 2682 149 9.Adams,Michael 17.11.1971 ENG 2675 151 10.Grischuk,Alexander 31.10.1983 RUS 2672 159 11.Ivanchuk,Vassily 18.03.1969 UKR 2655 148 12.Dreev,Alexey 30.01.1969 RUS 2650 136 13.Gelfand,Boris 24.06.1968 ISR 2645 139 14.Svidler,Peter 17.06.1976 RUS 2644 159 15.Khalifman,Alexander 18.01.1966 RUS 2638 142 16.Malakhov,Vladimir 27.11.1980 RUS 2635 185 17.Azmaiparashvili,Zurab 16.03.1960 GEO 2628 154 18.Polgar,Judit 23.07.1976 HUN 2628 182 19.Karpov,Anatoli 23.05.1951 RUS 2624 130 20.Short,Nigel D 01.06.1965 ENG 2622 155 21.Bacrot,Etienne 22.01.1983 FRA 2621 152 22.Zvjaginsev,Vadim 18.08.1976 RUS 2618 147 23.Lautier,Joel 12.04.1973 FRA 2617 124 24.Sutovsky,Emil 19.09.1977 ISR 2614 192 25.Morozevich,Alexander 18.07.1977 RUS 2612 212 26.Sokolov,Ivan 13.06.1968 BIH 2611 146 27.Smirin,Ilia 21.01.1968 ISR 2611 171 28.Kasimdzhanov,Rustam 05.12.1979 UZB 2607 166 29.Radjabov,Teimour 12.03.1987 AZE 2603 142 30.Sakaev,Konstantin 13.04.1974 RUS 2603 150 31.Ye Jiangchuan 20.11.1960 CHN 2603 161 32.Vaganian,Rafael A 15.10.1951 ARM 2602 170 33.Akopian,Vladimir 07.12.1971 ARM 2601 156 34.Movsesian,Sergei 03.11.1978 CZE 2593 165 35.Macieja,Bartlomiej 04.10.1977 POL 2593 180 36.Tkachiev,Vladislav 09.11.1973 FRA 2592 143 37.Graf-Nenashev,Alexander 25.08.1962 GER 2591 165 38.Vallejo Pons,Francisco 21.08.1982 ESP 2590 153 39.Goldin,Alexander 27.02.1965 ISR 2590 176 40.Van Wely,Loek 07.10.1972 NED 2589 188 41.Rublevsky,Sergei 15.10.1974 RUS 2588 154 42.Krasenkow,Mikhail 14.11.1963 POL 2588 177 43.Beliavsky,Alexander G 17.12.1953 SLO 2587 178 44.Eingorn,Vereslav S 23.11.1956 UKR 2585 131 45.Lputian,Smbat G 14.02.1958 ARM 2585 170 46.Onischuk,Alexander 03.09.1975 USA 2585 188 47.Almasi,Zoltan 29.08.1976 HUN 2584 142 48.Piket,Jeroen 27.01.1969 NED 2584 178 49.Tiviakov,Sergei 14.02.1973 RUS 2583 149 50.Motylev,Alexander 17.06.1979 RUS 2583 174
British Rapidplay Chess Championships 2002 take place 30th November-1st December 2002 at the Bradford City Football Stadium, Valley Parade Bradford
Further details:
The 6th Open International Bavarian Masters have begun in Bad Wiessee. With 510 participants (an over 90 title-holders), coming from 26 different countries of the world, the event is one of the greatest open chess tournaments in this year. The highest rated player is the Russian grandmaster Vladimir Malakhov (ELO: 2670). There are 30 other GMs including Alexander Shabalov from USA, won the OIBM in 1999.
You can find current pairings/results/standings/etc. :
The 10th Chigorin Memorial takes place in St. Petersburg October 25th - November 2nd 2002.
Internet coverage:
The Novoshakhtinsk Open takes place 6th-11th January 2003 in the city of Novoshakhtinsk (Rostov region - Russia). 1st stage of the "Cup of Don - 2003.
Official site: and specifically
Coulsdon Chess Fellowship (CCF) is intending to host a 9 round IM norm closed tournament between Saturday 15th February and Sunday 23rd February with 1 round to be held each afternoon. Any players (title or non-title) who may wish to be considered for inclusion should email Scott Freeman at
The X Anibal Chess Open takes place in Linares, 28th February - 10th March, 2003 Dates are parallel to the XX "Ciudad de Linares" International Chess Tournament. Swiss system. 10 Rounds. New FIDE time control. Hotel Aníbal - Linares.
Further details from: e-mail: fax: 34 953652204
DEADLINE: Monday, 17th Feb 2003.
There is a tournament in Novi Sad Yugoslavia January 18th-26th 2003. Novi Sad is 76 km from Belgrade or 100 km from the Hungarian border conection by train from Wien 8 hours , from Budapest 5 hours, Belgrade airport, 70 km from Ns, bus connection from all of Europe . Venue: Hotel Park 20 euro double room full board, 25 euro in single. GM tourn. 12 players - FIDE timerate, cat. 9 (4 places at the moment ) IM tourn. cat. 3 or 4 - FIDE timerate, 12 players (5 places at the moment) elo t. , 12 players - 90 min . each. 2 blitz to. during the tournament. inscription fee according organiser , depending on elo, title and which tournament. Organiser GM Drazic Sinisa mail sdrazic@eunet.yu or tel .++381\ 21 \ 450-714 or 58-922 mobil | 64 | 124-9741
The "Swiss Chess Tour 2002" will finish in Interlaken, one of the most attractive tourist towns in Switzerland.
The 2nd Casino Open December 26th-30th 2002. Swiss system, 7 rounds and the games will last a maximum of 5 hours (40 moves for 2 hours and 30 minutes till the end). Prize are: 1.500 SF, 1.200, 900, 700, 500, 400, 300, 250, 200 and 150 SF. The first time, natural prizes for all participants. Special prizes for best Lady, senior (1942), junior (1982-85), schoolboy (1986) and best local player. Entry fee 130 SF, FMs and juniors 60 SF, at the door 10 SF more, GMs and IMs free. 2nd "Chalet Oberland" Open. Players under 2000. Swiss system, 5 rounds and the games will last a maximum of 5 hours. Prizes: natural, for all participants. Entry fee: 100 SF (juniors 50 SF). At the doors +10 SF. Venue: "Casino" New event - Blitz tournament, Swiss system, 9 double rounds.
Time table for "Casino Open": December 26.: The last registration 11.00-12.15. Open ceremony and apero reception from 12.15-12.30. Round 1st 12.30-17.30. December 27. Round 2nd 9.30-14.30 Round 3rd 15.30-20.30 December 28.: Round 4th 12.30-17.30. December 29. Round 5th 9.30-14.30. Round 6th 15.30-20.30 December 30. Round 7th 9.30-14.30 Closing ceremonies 16.00.
Time table for Chalet Oberland Open: December 26 Round 1st 12.30-17.30; December 27 Round 2nd 9.30-14.30; December 28 Round 3rd 12.30-17.30; December 29 Round 4th 9.30-14.30; December 30 Round 5thh 9.30-14.30. Special chess rates in Hotel Charlet Oberland. Main sponsor RAPP company.
More information and registration: Robert Spoerri tel. +41+34+424-01-06, fax +41+34+424-01-07 E-mail or Ervin Tellenbach tel. +41+79+311-23-53 or Hotel Charlet Oberland tel. +41+33+827-87-87. Further information:
Chess Today is turning 2 years old in Bled! It is the first daily Internet paper on chess, which started 2 years ago during the Istambul Chess Olympiad. Chess Today ( has several GMs and IMs among its contributors and over 500 readers. There is a small subscription fee (44 euro or $44 per year), but for it readers get high-quality materials 365 times a year straight into their inboxes! Chess Today has a free Trial list too - at To celebrate Chess Today's second anniversary, the editors decided to send CT issues to that list for the 10 first days of the Bled Olympiad. Don't miss on this great offer - sign up for Chess Today Free Frial now and follow fine Olympiad coverage!
The 6th Corsica Open takes place 31st October - 4th November 2002. Players include: Anand Vishvanathan IND GMI 2755 ; Shirov Alexei ESP GMI 2699 ; Karkov Anatoly RUS GMI 2688 ; Dreev Alexey RUS GMI 2673 ; Lautier Joël FRA GMI 2665 ; Tkachiev Vladislav FRA GMI 2632 ; Epishin Vladimir RUS GMI 2628 ; Jussupow Artur ALL GMI 2622 ; Milov Vadim SUI GMI 2620 ; Kazhgaleyev Murtas KAZ GMI 2604 ; Tregubov Pavel RUS GMI 2594 ; Hamdouchi Hicham MAR GMI 2593 ; Glek Igor ALL GMI 2576 ; Chernin Alexander HON GMI 2573 ; Greenfeld Alon ISR GMI 2553 ; Riazantsev Alexandre RUS GMI 2543 ; Goloshchapov Aleksander UKR GMI 2536 ; Timoshenko Georgy UKR GMI 2528 ; Zezulkin Jurij BLR GMI 2524 ; Malakhatko Vadim UKR GMI 2515 ; Shneider Aleksandr UKR GMI 2506 ; Gruenfeld Yehuda ISR GMI 2504 ; Marciano David FRA GMI 2502 ; Poluljahov Aleksandr RUS GMI 2501 ; Krivoshey Sergei UKR MI 2498 ; Djuroc Stefan YOU GMI 2490 ; Prié Eric FRA GMI 2489 ; Managadze Nikoloz GEO MI 2482 ; Blatny Pavel TCH GMI 2479....
Internet coverage: Details:
The First Saturday events in November include GM, IM and FM events. They take place in Budapest 2nd-14th November 2002
If you wish to play Contact Nagy, Laszlo E-mail: phone-fax: (361)-263-28-59 mobile: (36)-30-230-1914
GM-tournament, cat.VII-VIII. 10-14 participants:
IM-tournaments, cat.I-II-III 10-14 players in a group.
IM SCHNEIDER,Attila /HUN/, IM EPERJESI,Laszlo /HUN/, IM LENGYEL, Béla /HUN/, IM DUDÁS, János /HUN/, WIM BOGZA, Adina /ROM/, TIMMERMANS, Ivo /NLD/, ALFRED, Nathan /ENG/, FM BRUSTKERN, Jurgen /GER/, HARMON, Clark /USA/, PAPP, Gellert /HUN/, FM FUCAK, Emilio /CRO/, FM ZUFIC, Miroslav /CRO/, ILFELD, Etan /ISR/. DENCSI, Tibor /HUN/. Reserves: IM KAHN, Evarth /HUN/, IM FARAGO, Sandor /HUN/, IM BOGUSZLAVSZKIJ, Jevgenyij /HUN/, IM PEREDY, Ferenc /HUN/.
In addition there are FM events planned also with 10-14 players.
The XV Carlos Torre International Tournament takes place 13th-21st December 2002.
Internet coverage:
The 2002 World Youth Chess Championships will be hosted in the 5-star Creta Maris Hotel in Heraklio, Greece, November 15th-24th 2002. 802 young chessplayers (categories under 18, 16, 14, 12, 10 for boys and girls) from 71 countries have been registered and among them some of the strongest junior chessplayers of the world:
GM Xiangzhi Bu of China (2601, No.99 in the World Rankings), GM Shakriyaz Mamedyarov of Azerbaidzan (2580), GM Pentala Harikrishna of India (2551), WGM Elisabeth Paehtz of Germany (2349), etc.
The event is organized by the Greek Chess Federation and OAA Heraklio Chess Club with the financial support of the General Secretariat of Sports in Greece.
Internet coverage:
The Lohmar Rapid Chess Open takes place on October 27th for the 9th time. Tournament information and an advertisement (german version) for download is available at:
The Gausdal Troll Masters Open GM-tournament will be played in Gausdal in Norway 7th -15th January 2003. 10 rounds modified Swiss 2 hours / 40 moves and 1 hour / rest Homepage: Contact: Hans Olav Lahlum at
The Cap d'Agde 5th Chess Festival takes place 23rd-30th of October 2002.
Events include: CCAS Trophy From the five continents (Africa, Asia, America, Oceania and Europe).
Group A Group B Bareev 2737 Gelfand 2704 Karpov 2688 Dreev 2673 Lautier 2665 Onischuk 2649 Tkachiev 2632 Gurevich 2634 Milov 2620 Bologan 2627 Hamdouchi 2593 Fressinet 2619 Adianto 2562 Pelletier 2587 Morovic 2549 Nataf 2553 Average: 2630,75 2630,75
"Open game Match" Tkachiev - Nataf For the first time in a chess match, two top Grand Masters will play and comment their games "live" for the public. The audience will grasp the ideas and strategy from the champions themselves, seconds before they make their move.
Chess for all 3 Open tournaments according to Elo rating The "Grand-Prix CCAS" (above 2000 Elo rating) The "Tournoi du Cavalier" (between 1700 and 2100 Elo rating) The "Open de l'Avenir" (unrated and players with a rating below 1800 Elo)
3 competitions "social activities" Final of the French championship "inter-comités d'entreprise" (work concils) Final of the "CMCAS" (competition for "Electricity and Gas of France" employees) Super Final between "inter-comités d'entreprise" and "CMCAS"
This 5th Chess meeting "Rencontres Nationales et Internationales d'Echecs" is organised by CCAS (management of social activities for electricity and Gas of France employees) in cooperation with FFE (French Chess Federation) and FSGT (sports and gymnastic Federation of workers).
Contacts: Centre de vacances CCAS, avenue de la Butte 34309 Cap d'Agde Cedex Tél : 04 67 01 39 89 Fax : 04 67 26 45 83
The 2nd Annual Lindsborg Rotary Open Chess Tournament takes place in Bethany College, Lindsborg, Kansas December 17-23 or December 20-23 2002. Anatoly Karpov will be a special guest of the tournament.
GM & IM norms are available; FIDE rating and evaluation guaranteed for 7-day option! GMS Onishuk, Shulman and Novikov are Confirmed! Ulf Andersson MAY PLAY. $3,000 guaranteed prize fund! 3 sections: FIDE: 9SS, 40/2, SD/1 (4-day option, rounds 1-5 G/50). First two rounds accelerated pairing. 1st - $1000, 2nd - $400, 3rd - $200, 4th - 150, 5th - 100 U2400: $100 - 75; U2200: $100 - 75 Open: 9SS, G/120 1st - $150 U2000: $100 - 75 - 50; U1800: $100 - 75 - 50 U1600: $100 - 75 - 50; U1400: $100 - 75 - 50 Scholastic (12/22): G/30. Trophies for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in each HS, MS, ES categories Entering fees: GMs & IMs free. Membership at Kansas Chess Association is required (dues can be paid on site). Before 11/1/02 Before 12/1/02 At site FIDE Section FIDE >2300 $70 $80 $90 FIDE, USCF >2200 $80 $90 $100 FIDE <2200 $90 $100 $110 non-FIDE rated, USCF <2200 * $120 $130 $140 Open Section $50 $55 $60 Scholastic Section $15 $20 $25 Credit cards OK. Online entry at * Number of non-FIDE rated players will be limited in this category
Schedules: FIDE Session: 7-day: 12/17-12/20 1:00 pm; 12/21 & 22 9:00 am & 5:00 pm; 12/23 9:00 am 4-day: 12/20 (G/50) 4:00 pm, 6:30 pm, 9:00 pm; 12/21 9:00 am, 1:00 pm, & 5:00 pm; 12/22 9:00 am & 5:00 pm; 12/23 9:00 am Open Sessions (G/120): 4-day: 12/20 4:00 pm; 12/21 9:00 am, 1:30 pm, 7:00 pm; 12/22 9:00 am, 1:30 pm, 7:00 pm; 12/23 9:00 am, 1:30 pm Scholastic Session (G/30): 12/22 10:00 am, 11:30 pm, 2:30 pm, 4:00 pm, 5:30 pm 1/2-pt byes OK at ALL. Limit 3. Last bye must commit before round 5. Special Event - 12/20 at 8:00 pm GM Igor Novikov will play simul games with 20 people. $20.
Hotel rates: $49 - $80 at Swedish Country Inn (1-800-231-0266), $36 - $56 at Coronado Motel (1-800-747-2793), $65 - $150 at Rosberg House B&B;(1-888-215-5234), $65 - $95 at Smoky Valley B & B (1-800-532-4407), and $60 - $120 at C&W Ranch Bed & Breakfast (785-668-2352). Reserve by 11/15 or rates may increase.
Ent: Lindsborg Chamber of Commerce (for the chess tournament), 104 E. Lincoln, Lindsborg, KS 67456. 1-888-227-2227; For more information please contact Mikhail Korenman at 785-227-3380, ext.8164 or USCF, FIDE. NS, NC.
There will be a Category 9 GM tournament 10 players 1st-10th of November 2002 for those who are looking for GM-norms; Players over 2300 may participate in both! Money prizes in both tournaments. For more info and details apply to: Zvulon Gofhstein or phone number 972-54-696432 972-37329233
XXVI Tenkes Cup (Lajos Ózdi Memorial) takes place in the Hotel "Platán" in Harkány, Hungary November 14-22 2002. There will be 9-round A and B Opens. GMs, IMs, and over 2400 ELO no nominetings cost. More Information Lajos Gyökös: E-mail Fax (36)-72-579-025
The Friendship chess tournament takes place 6th- 15th December 2002 in Cartak (Czech Republic). There will be events including a: round-robin GM tournament, round-robin IM tournament and an open tournament.
Further details:
The 9th French Computer Chess Championships took place in Massy France 8th-9th October 2002 and saw F. Louget's Chess Wizard win out with 9.5/11. Full coverage: and . The page has 6400 computer chess games since 1990.
Evgeny Bareev will play a match against HIARCS 8 January 28th-31st 2003.
Further details:
AJ Goldsby has an internet site including annotated games (latest the game between Bacrot and Lautier) and a training program.
The Pula Chess Club in Croatia are organising an International correspondence chess tournament which will start on October 10th on The tournament is not official and is not registered in any federation. The main idea is to promote chess as a game and chess friendships all over the world.
The 3rd International Czech Mountains Open takes place 17th-24th October 2002 in the town of Bedrichov (in the Jizerske mountains). This tournament is a part of series Czech Tour 2002-3
Further details: and
6th Email Afro-Asian Championship: All players from Africa and Asia are invited to take part to the 6th email Afro-Asian championship which will start in January 2003. Like the previous editions, there are two stages : The preliminaries for all participants and the final for those who will qualify. The number of sections will depend upon the number of entries. The players interested by this competition may send their application to M. Samraoui. Email address is : No entry fees is required but deadline for entries is 20.12.2002. (ICCF's website: ) Announcement: Hirokaz Onoda (ICCF delegate for Japan)
The 14th International Open Tournament of Leuven takes place 8th - 11th November 2002 in the city of Leuven, Belgium. Swiss tournament, 7 rounds, 40 moves/2h + 15' KO. More than 5.500 EUR in prizemoney, including several ratingprizes.
More information:
Frank Quisinsky who writes on computer chess has moved his activities to "Arena by Martin Blume" at: and won't be updating his old page Arena is a graphical user interface compatible to WinBoard protocol I, II by Tim Mann and UCI protocol by Rudolf Huber (SOS) and Stefan Meyer-Kahlen (Shredder). SOS and Shredder are chess programs, UCI and WinBoard are protocols for chess programs.
The 20th Cairnhill International Open Chess Championship will be held from 11th to 15th December 2002 in Singapore. 7 rounds Swiss System. The Championship will be limited to a maximum of 120 entries only. E-mail:
Further details:
GM Patrick Wolff will play the Rest of the World starting 31st August. The time limit for the match is 5 days per move. GM Wolff is a two times United States Champion. To play in the match go to and follow the Play menu to Play the expert and from there join the world team.
John Marountas announces the 1st Computer Chess Handheld Tournament (CCHT) organized by Digital Chess Network (
Dates Weekend : November 2-3 Weekend : November 9-10. Registration Date : Until October 31 Prizes Programmers Winner : Gold Metal + Trophy Runner Up : Sliver Metal Third : Bronze Metal
Registration URL :
Operators The operators of the first three participants will win a FREE website with 10 MBs of available space at the DigiChess Server. Official Website :
The 2nd Winterthur Chess Week takes place in Winterthur (Switzerland) October 11th-20th 2002. The main event is a 9-round Open with a total prize money of CHF 10750 (EUR 7400, USD 7200). Other events include an invitational Young Masters tournament and a Youth Open (7 rounds October 14th-18th), as well as one Rapid and two Blitz tournaments. Further details:
There are tournaments in Benidorm, Spain November 22nd-30th 2002.
Further info: Telephones of general information during the month of August: 965202214 from 19 to 21 h.; 650407091; Sr. Hernández 950 130493 y 607631481,
America's Foundation for Chess (formerly known as the Seattle Chess Foundation) has a new website. The address is:
The 23rd Bethune International Open takes place 26th-30th December 2002 in the Salle Olof Palme, Commercial center La Rotonde, 62400 Bethune, FRANCE. There are 7 rounds over 5 days with a time rate of 40 moves for 2hours followed by one hour KO. Accelerated pairings, possibility of getting a FIDE rating.
This year the open is divided in two tournaments :- tournament A only for players whose ELO rating is above or equals 1600 (> or =1600) - tournament B only for players whose ELO rating is strictly under 1800 (<1800) At least 5500 euros prize (8300 euros given in 2001) 1st prize tournament A : 1500 euros 1st prize tournament B : 250 euros General standing and ELO-category prizes for both tournaments Entry cost : 40 Euros (adults) 20 Euros (youngsters under 20) A Blitz tournament (5 mins for each player) will be organised on Saturday 28th December from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm (free morning) in the tournament room. All the players can take part in it (entry cost 5euros). Prizes : 100 % of the entry. (for information 1 $ (US dollar) = 1.05 Euros)
Website : http://bethunechess.freefr
Contact e-mail:
The 1st Benidorm Internatonal is an open taking place 21st-30th November 2002.
Further details:
The Australian Open Chess Championships is to be held 2nd-10th January 2003. The Championships are jointly organised by The New South Wales Chess Association Inc. and Australian Chess Enterprises on behalf of the Australian Chess Federation Inc.
Further information:
The Curacao (*) 1962-2002 chess tournament is an open tournament that will be held November 16th-28th 2002. The tournament commemorates the 40th Anniversary of the Candidates tournament in 1962. Viktor Korchnoi (a player) and Yuri Averbach (a second) from the original event have already confirmed that they will return after 40 years. The tournament will have 9 rounds and a maximum of 120 players including about 15 titled players. Jan Timman (NL), Bartek Macieja (Pol), Sofia Polgar (Israel/Hungary), Yona Kosashvili (Israel), Anjelina Belakovskaia (USA), Alonso Zapata (Colombia), Johan Alvarez (Venezuela) and Carlos Gallegos (Venezuela) are amongst the players.
More information (including a 1962 and a 2001 picture gallery and general information about Curacao) is available at: There is also a download of the electronic tournament book of the 2001 edition available. Jan Timman was the winner of that tournament.
(*) Curacao is an island in the Caribbean and is part of the Netherlands Antilles.
Hungarian and YUG Chess tournaments in the second half of 2002.
1. 21st of September-2nd of October KECSKEMET, GM closed, org: dr.Erdelyi,
2. 5th-18th of October, FIRST SATURDAY, 2 GM /cat.IX-X !!, cat.VII-VIII/, IM-FM, Budapest,
3. 18th-31st of October, GM-IM tmt THIRD SATURDAY, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, org: Kotevski
4. 2nd-15th of November, FIRST SATURDAY GM-IM-FM, Budapest,
5. 16th-28th of November, GM-IM KECSKEMÉT, org: dr.Erdelyi,
6. 7th-19th of December, GM-IM-FM, FIRST SATURDAY Budapest
The 6th Open International Bavarian Masters Bad Wiessee takes place 26th October to 3rd November 2002. Prize-fund: EUR 21.000. Former champions of Bad Wiessee are A. Khalifman (1997,1998), A. Shabalov (1999), A. Graf (2000) and V. Akopian (2001). Details:
Regular competition for players in New York Rated 2200 and above.
Further details:
The 78th Hastings International Congress will take place 28th December 2002 - 5th January 2003. The official entry form will be published early in August and will appear on the website
Events schedule is as follows: The Premier Tournament will run from 28th December 2002 to 5th January 2003. It will be an all-play-all event for 10 invited players.
The Challengers Tournament will also run from 28th December to 5th January. This will be a Swiss event and will provide opportunities for title norms and for FIDE ratings.
A new event this year will be an opening Weekend Congress running on Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th December 2002. It will probably be in four graded sections and will comprise five games - three on Saturday and two on Sunday. Christmas Tournament will be in its usual format - participants will be divided into graded sections of about 16 players. It will run from Monday 30th December to Friday 3rd January 2003 The final Weekend Congress will run from Friday 3rd to Sunday 5th January 2003 As usual there will be six games and the event will be in four graded sections.
All events will take place at Horntye Park Sports Complex, Bohemia Road, Hastings
Complete details (entry fees, rates of play, grading limits etc) will be announced in due course.
As well as the above events, additional evening events are planned - once again sponsored by the Pig in Paradise. It is hoped that the local community will become more involved.
For information re entries contact: Con Power, Congress Director, 418 Harold Road, Hastings, East Sussex TN35 5HG Tel and fax: 01424 431970 e-mail:
Additional information from Pam Thomas, Press Officer 5 High Wickham,Hastings,East Sussex,TN35 5PB Tel/Fax 01424 445348 e-mail:
Beginning March 11th, 2002 the World Team will begin a new game against GM Nick de Firmian. Having most recently finished the second of two games against Chinese IM Yin Hao (WT 1.5 YH 0.5) the World Team now will play against three-time U.S. champion Nick de Firmian, who will play the white pieces.
The World Team consists of players from around the World, many of whom came together for the first time during the Kasparov vs. World Internet Game held in 1999. The games against Yin Hao attracted players from Brazil, Canada, England, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland and the United States.
Everyone willing to follow the rules of the game is welcome to play in this new game against GM de Firmian. To participate or observe go to the World Team strategy board and official site at
More details about the game (and how to join the World Team) can be found at the Game Info and Rules link at the official site. It should be fun and "A Serious Game Among Friends".
GM James Plaskett will play the Rest of the World starting 1st March on the internet at:
The match will be played at the rate of 5 days per move. Players will vote their moves by clicking on the chess board while discussing and formulating strategies and tactics in the Rest of World team forum. This match is open to all who visit Those wanting to play Plaskett will need to login and follow the Opponents menu to 'Play the Expert'.
There are two new FIDE sites. Chess Daily has individual FIDE rating calculations. Also the FIDE site for the World Championships in Moscow has been launched at:
The Hawaii International Chess Festival has been postponed until 2003. It will have the first World Families Chess Championships. Pro (2000+), Mixed, and Amateur (all players under 2000). Prizes for all sorts of combinations of family members. Information: